Flares From Plasmoids and Current Sheets Around SGR A
Flares From Plasmoids and Current Sheets Around SGR A
Flares From Plasmoids and Current Sheets Around SGR A
Department of Physics, University of Patras, Rio 26504, Greece
Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, Academy of Athens, Athens 11527, Greece
Department of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University Campus Zografos, GR 15784, Athens, Greece
Institute of Accelerating Systems & Applications, University Campus Zografos, GR 15784, Athens, Greece
Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Universität Würzburg, Emil-Fischer-Strasse 31, 97074 Würzburg,Germany
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Max-von-Laue-Str.1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hügel 69,D-53121 Bonn, Germany
Context. The supermassive black hole Sgr A* at the center of our galaxy produces repeating near-infrared flares that are observed
by ground and space based instruments. This activity has been simulated in the past with Magnetically Arrested Disk (MAD) models
which include stable jet formations. The present study uses a different approach in that it considers a Standard and Normal Evolution
(SANE) multi-loop model that lacks a stable jet structure.
Aims. The main objective of this research is to identify regions that contain current sheets and high magnetic turbulence, and to
subsequently generate a 2.2 µm light curve generated from non-thermal particles. These aims require the identification of areas which
contain current sheets and high magnetic turbulence, and the averaging of the magnetization in the regions surrounding these areas.
Subsequently, Particle-in-Cell (PIC) fitting formulas are applied to determine the non-thermal particle distribution and to obtain the
sought after light curve. Additionally, we investigate the properties of the flares, in particular, their evolution during flare events, and
the similarity of flare characteristics between the generated and observed light curves.
Methods. 2D GRMHD simulation data from a SANE multi-loop model is employed, and thermal radiation is introduced to generate
a 230 GHz light curve. Physical variables are calibrated to align with the 230 GHz observations. Current sheets are identified by
analyzing toroidal currents, magnetization, plasma β, density, and dimensionless temperatures. The evolution of current sheets during
flare events is studied, and higher-energy non-thermal light curves are calculated, focusing on the 2.2 µm near-infrared range.
Results. We obtain promising 2.2 µm lightcurves whose flare duration and spectral index behavior align well with observations. Our
findings support the association of flares with particle acceleration and nonthermal emission in current sheet plasmoid chains and in
the boundary of the disk inside the funnel above and below the central black hole.
Key words. black hole physics – GRMHD - Sgr A* - current sheets - magnetic reconnection - NIR flares
1. Introduction that are formed in the innermost region of the black hole and
produce synchrotron radiation (Dodds-Eden et al. 2009; Boehle
In the center of the Milky Way at a distance of D ≃ 8.3 kpc et al. 2016; Ponti et al. 2017; Chatterjee et al. 2021; Scepi et al.
lies Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), a 4.2 × 106 M⊙ supermassive black 2022).
hole (hereafter SMBH; GRAVITY Collaboration et al. 2022).
The accretion disk around it is optically thin, with collisionless Analytical models have been applied to study the trajectory
high-temperature low-density plasma. Its bolometric luminosity of the hot spots in the resulting lightcurve and showed the im-
is in the sub-Eddington range of L ∼ 1036 erg s−1 (Genzel et al. portance of the effect of gravitational lensing (GRAVITY Col-
2010). The emission from Sgr A* is systematically monitored laboration & Loeb 2005; Younsi & Wu 2015; Bauböck et al.
over a very wide range of frequencies, allowing us to investigate 2020; Ball et al. 2021). As shown by Matsumoto et al. (2020),
the dynamics of the disk in the vicinity of a SMBH. assuming that its motion is in the equatorial plane, the GRAV-
Observations from the GRAVITY Collaboration have shown ITY hot spot follows a circular path at super-Keplerian velocity.
a hot spot rotating around Sgr A* with a period of ∼ 60 min- However, an outflowing conical sub-Keplerian orbit can fit these
utes at a distance of a few gravitational radii (hereafter rg ) from observations equally well (Antonopoulou & Nathanail 2024).
the black hole (GRAVITY Collaboration et al. 2018). Sgr A*
is known to exhibit variability in the near infrared which mani- Lately, the theoretical astrophysics community has increas-
fests itself in the form of several flares over a single day (Ghez ingly turned to numerical simulations, specifically to gen-
et al. 2005a; Do et al. 2019). For the first time, GRAVITY ob- eral relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations (hereafter
servations revealed that a flare in Sgr A* coincided with a hot GRMHD), in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of
spot moving around the central black hole. Several investiga- the dynamics involved in accreting black holes. Observations of
tions suggest that flares originate in highly magnetized structures flares and moving hot spots further emphasizes the significance
of considering both magnetic fields and fluid dynamics within
up1098378@upatras.gr the extreme gravitational environment near a black hole (Dexter
anathanail@academyofathens.gr et al. 2020; Porth et al. 2021; Chatterjee et al. 2021; Čemeljić
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Dimitropoulos et al. A&A proofs: manuscript no. sgrA_flares_AA Sgr A* flares
et al. 2022; Scepi et al. 2022; Mellah et al. 2023; Lin & Yuan 2. Numerical setup
The numerical methods employed for the GRMHD simulation
in this study closely mirror those used in previous research
(Nathanail et al. 2020). We initialize the simulation with mag-
Numerical investigations explore the formation of current netic field configurations designed to generate multiple current
sheets in the vicinity of a black hole and the subsequent produc- sheets as the accretion system evolves. The formation of cur-
tion of plasmoids and plasmoid chains (Nathanail et al. 2020; rent sheets occurs in the vicinity of the black hole, and their
Nathanail et al. 2022; Ripperda et al. 2022). Current sheets are subsequent reconnection gives rise to the development of mul-
responsible for particle acceleration and the generation of vari- tiple plasmoids and plasmoid chains. In order to assess the ra-
able non-thermal radiation. These models need to be supported diation characteristics of the current sheets formed and the sub-
by numerical studies of turbulence and magnetic reconnection in sequent generation of plasmoids, we employ a radiation proxy
collisionless plasmas that self-consistently capture the dynami- model. This model enables the calculation of both thermal and
cal interplay between particles and fields on the kinetic plasma non-thermal radiation at 230 GHz and 2.2 µm, respectively.
scales. Such investigation can be performed with Particle-in-Cell
(PIC) simulations (Drake et al. 2012; Guo et al. 2014; 2015;
Sironi & Spitkovsky 2014; Shay et al. 2014; Dahlin et al. 2014; 2.1. GRMHD simulation
Li et al. 2015; 2023; Petropoulou & Sironi 2018; Werner et al.
The accretion disk surrounding a black hole can be conceptual-
2018; Ball et al. 2018; Comisso & Sironi 2019). In particular,
ized as a hydrodynamic system in the context of curved space-
these investigations help us study the acceleration processes in
time, where the magnetic field significantly influences its dy-
detail by tracking individual particles, but also characterize the
namics. A GRMHD code integrates these physical properties
properties of the particle distribution function, e.g. shape of dis-
into a unified numerical simulation and allows a robust evolu-
tribution (power law, log-parabolic), fraction of energy carried
tion in time where the accretion and accumulation of magnetic
by non-thermal particles, maximum particle energy and others
flux produce energetic phenomena. We employ the BHAC code
(e.g., Werner et al. 2018; Ball et al. 2018; Petropoulou et al.
(Porth et al. 2017) which solves the ideal MHD equations in gen-
2019; Zhang et al. 2023). Some of the particle properties, like
eral relativity, namely
the slope of the power-law distribution, can be related, through
empirical expressions, to the local plasma properties, such as ∇µ (ρuµ ) = 0 (1)
magnetization σ B B2 /ρ ( where B is the magnetic field strength
and ρ is the density) and plasma β B 2P/B2 (where P is the pres-
sure). These prescriptions can then be combined with GRMHD ∇µ T µν = 0 (2)
simulations to anticipate the generation of non-thermal, high-
energy electron distributions with properties depending on the
local physical conditions (Chatterjee et al. 2021; Scepi et al.
2022; Aimar et al. 2023; Lin et al. 2023; Mellah et al. 2023). ∇µ ∗F µν = 0 (3)
The way to connect GRMHD simulations and PIC results is µν ∗ µν
where T and F are the energy momentum tensor and
the following: after the plasma accretion process has reached the dual of the Faraday tensor, respectively. Here, we de-
an inflow equilibrium (Dexter et al. 2020), the thermal radia- note with ρ the rest-mass density and with uµ the fluid four-
tion is attributed to the hot electrons with a parameterized tem- velocity. Some important characteristics of the code are the
perature derived from the simulation ion temperature (Mości- following: it implements second-order high-resolution shock-
brodzka et al. 2016). In order to include non-thermal electrons capturing finite-volume methods and adaptive mesh-refinement
to radiate, formulas from PIC simulations are employed. Non- (AMR) wherever needed. It also implements constrained-
thermal electron distributions are assumed in each cell depend- transport (Del Zanna et al. 2007) to guarantee a divergence-free
ing on magnetization (for σ < 5) and plasma β (Davelaar et al. magnetic field (Olivares et al. 2019).
2019; Fromm et al. 2022; Cruz-Osorio et al. 2022). This study Furthermore, the model is axisymmetric (2D), and the co-
proposes a novel approach for incorporating non-thermal parti- ordinates of the initial torus-like plasma distribution are spher-
cles into simulation results. Specifically, current sheets are first ical (r × θ × ϕ). We used a logarithmic radial grid and the do-
identified (see also Vos et al. 2024), followed by characterizing main extends out to 2500 rg . The resolution of the model is
their environment in terms of averaged quantities of magnetiza- 4096 × 2048 × 1 cells. The torus at the initial equilibrium state
tion σ and plasma β. Finally, non-thermal particles are sourced has constant specific angular momentum l = 4.28 (Fishbone &
from the plasma within the current sheet. In this paper, we utilize Moncrief 1976). The inner radius was set to rin = 6 rg and the
the 2D GRMHD simulations of Nathanail et al. (2020) to inves- pressure maximum radius to rmax = 12 rg . All quantities are cal-
tigate the ability of the current sheet and plasmoids to produce culated in geometrized units (G = c = 1) in which the gravita-
the observed non-thermal flaring activity of Sgr A*. A radia- tional radius is equal to rg = M. We considered a Kerr black hole
tion model is applied to produce lightcurves at 230 GHz (ther- with dimensionless spin a = J/M 2 = 0.93, where J and M are
mal radiation from the disk) and 2.2 µm (non-thermal radiation the angular momentum and mass of the black hole respectively.
from current sheets; see also Scepi et al. 2022). The structure of The radius of the event horizon is rh = 1.341 rg , and there are 29
the paper is as follows: Section 2 describes the methodology of grid cells inside the horizon.
our investigation divided in three subsections in which we intro- The initial conditions for the magnetic field inside the
duce the GRMHD simulation setup (2.1), the modeling of the torus consists of several loops of interchangeable clockwise-
radiation (2.2), and the method with which we determine cur- anticlockwise orientation between neighboring loops (see
rent sheets and their environment from the GRMHD simulation Fig. 1). In order to generate a magnetic field topology as de-
(2.3). In Section 3 we present our results for the thermal (3.1) scribed above we used a vector potential Aϕ :
and non-thermal radiation (3.2). Finally, in Section 4 we present
our conclusions and discuss prospects for future work. Aϕ ∝ A × B , (4)
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Dimitropoulos et al. Dimitropoulos et al.: Sgr A* flares Sgr A* flares
Fig. 2. Upper panel (from left to right): magnetic field Bz component, toroidal current and density. Lower panel (from left to right): magnetization,
plasma β and dimensionless temperature Θ p . By setting limits in these parameters, we define the red regions in Fig. 3.
where U B = B2 /(8π) is the energy density of the magnetic field. where Aϵ = 1 − 1/(4.2σ 0.55
+ 1), Bϵ = 0.64σ , and Cϵ =
One needs also to determine the non-thermal electron distribu- −68σ0.13 . On the other hand Eq. (19) approximates the slope p
tion n(γ) = Kγ−p , so K is the electron number density multiplied (for Eq. (19) it holds that p = k − 1) with respect to the same
by the efficiency ϵ of the radiation mechanism, and p is the slope parameters based on Meringolo et al. (2023).
of the distribution. k1
In the case of non-thermal radiation the integration of Eq. (7) k = k0 + √ + k2 σ−6/10 tanh (k3 βσ1/3 ) , (19)
is performed along the radial direction. In the funnel region (see
e.g. colored region in Fig. 3) , this is like integrating along rays where k0 = 2.8, k1 = 0.2, k2 = 1.6, and k3 = 2.25. The efficiency
perpendicularRto the equatorial plane. The optical depth in this of particle acceleration in turbulent plasmas is equal to
rmax √
case is τν = r aν,nth ds where ds = grr dr. aν,nth is the di- e1
mensionless absorptivity which for the non-thermal process is ϵ = e0 + √ + e2 σ0.1 tanh[e3 βσ0.1 ] , (20)
defined as
√ 2 where e0 = 1, e1 = −0.23, e2 = 0.5 and e3 = −10.18.
πe K p+2 p+4
In the upcoming section 2.3, we will elaborate on how we
aν,nth = ν 2 ν− 2 fa (p) (14)
8me c L determine current sheets and their associated parameters, such
as magnetization and plasma β in their vicinity. The reason we
(Ghisellini 2013; Pandya et al. 2016), where the function fa (p) are interested in the latter is because dissipative current sheets
is a product of Γ functions, approximated by are fed with plasma from their environment. These conditions
determine the strength of the non- ideal electric fields that accel-
p+1 1.8 erate particles and the rate of energy dissipation. All empirical
fa (p) ∼ 3 2 + , (15)
p0.7 40 relations that describe properties of the accelerated particle pop-
ulations refer to the σ and plasma β parameters in the upstream
also in this case, the total luminosity for non-thermal radiation at regions of the current sheets. Once these areas of interest are
each grid point is calculated as follows: First, we determine the identified, these formulas can then be applied to determine the
emissivity at the point (r0 , θ0 ). Next, we compute the absorption slope of the distribution of accelerated electrons within the cur-
term at all grid points (r, θ) where r0 ≤ r ≤ rmax and θ = θ0 . The rent sheets or turbulent regions at the disk boundary.
sum of absorption coefficients (aν,nth ) at these points provides us
with the value of the optical depth τν at (r0 , θ0 ).
2.3. Determination of current sheets and their environment
A GRMHD simulation does not have the necessary micro-
physics to follow the acceleration of particles and extract the PIC simulations that investigate current sheets start with a spe-
electron distribution function or the efficiency for microscopic cific magnetization, a specific plasma β and an initial current
processes occurring within the plasma. In order to incorporate layer in the middle. As the magnetic field evolves magnetic re-
how energy is transferred from the magnetic field to the plasma, connection events take place, magnetic energy is dissipated, and
we used two different post-processing formulas from results of particles are accelerated from the thermal pool to higher ener-
PIC simulations. The first approach is from a local investigation gies. Eqs. (17) and (19) are fitting models of the results of such
of idealized current sheets (Ball et al. 2018). The second one PIC simulations which can give us the slope of the spectrum of
is from an investigation of microphysical properties of special- the non-thermal electrons as functions of GRMHD quantities. It
relativistic turbulence (Meringolo et al. 2023). The first approach is important to emphasize that the parameter values that must be
was applied to the current sheets in the funnel region above the used in these formulas are roughly those set as initial conditions
disk boundary, and the second one in the vicinity of the disk in a PIC simulation. As it turns out, these values are maintained
boundary. The results of such local investigations give us the during the calculation only in the environment surrounding the
opportunity to approximate the properties of the accelerated par- current sheets.
ticles that will eventually radiate through the local plasma char- So, in order to use eqs. (17) and (19) it is necessary to con-
acteristics. Let us first define the non-thermal acceleration ef- strain the current sheet and its surrounding environment. First,
ficiency ϵ as the fraction of the kinetic energy carried by the it is useful to distinguish the regions where current sheets form
non-thermal particles to the kinetic energy of the total electron from the polarity reversal of the magnetic fields (Fig. 2, reversal
population, of Bz ). We utilize five variables to determine the current sheets,
R∞ which are as follows: toroidal current Jϕ := (∇ × B)ϕ , density ρ,
γ pc
(γ − 1)[ dNdγ − f MB (γ, Θe )]dγ
magnetization σ, plasma β and dimensionless temperature Θ p
ϵ= R inf , (16) (normalized to mc2 which is equal with P/ρ). The remaining
(γ − 1) dN
dγ dγ plots in Fig. 2 provide limits for each parameter that defines the
exact region where a current sheet occurs. As we see in Fig. 2, a
where γ pc denotes the peak of the spectrum and f MB is a rela- current sheet is characterized by high values of toroidal current,
tivistic Maxwellian fitting function. high values of density, low values of magnetization, high val-
According to Ball et al. (2018), Eq. (17) gives us the slope of ues of plasma β and high values of dimensionless temperature.
the spectrum with respect to the magnetization σ and plasma β. Thus, we set the following limits for each parameter: |Jϕ | > 10−4 ,
a density floor (cutoff) at ρcut = 2 × 10−5 , a magnetization ceil-
p = A p + B p tanh (C p β) (17) ing cutoff at σcut = 10, a plasma β floor at βcut = 10−3 and
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Dimitropoulos et al. A&A proofs: manuscript no. sgrA_flares_AA Sgr A* flares
Fig. 4. Cumulative 230 GHz flux from all angles θ for radii less than or
equal to r.
Fig. 7. Lightcurve at 2.2µm. Our model can produce one very bright
flare around 7 mJy and another three that pass the threshold of 1.5 mJy.
Pcgs = c2 S Pgeometric (25) Fig. 8. Histogram comparison between our model and observations
from Do et al. (2019).
Through an iterative procedure applied in various snapshots of
the GRMHD calculation, the model limited the radiation flux in
a range around 4 Jy and finally produced the value of the scaling a downward trend, suggesting that if we keep running the same
parameter S . After calculating the parameter S we can calcu- simulation for further time, the flare variability will eventually
late the radiation flux at all snapshots and finally produce the stabilize at lower levels. Fig. 6 is a histogram of M3 that provides
lightcurve at 230 GHz. The upper panel of Fig. 5 presents the a broader view derived from observing Sgr A*, the historical
lightcurve at 230 GHz (red line). Noticeably, the radiation flux data is represented in gray (see Wielgus et al. 2022). The other
remains almost constant throughout the calculation period. The distributions are derived from the simulation results for different
higher flux values observed in the beginning of the light curve time windows. It is important to keep in mind that the yellow
gradually decrease towards the end of the evolution. line distribution represents the last part of the M3 curve inside
To investigate the variability of the lightcurve we define the the time interval t ∈ [746, 1143] min. This closely aligns with
moving average radiation flux over a 3-hour period (m3 , black the observations and shows that a new calculation of the same
line in Fig. 5) and the standard deviation over the same dura- model for longer times will probably yield the desired variabil-
tion (s3 , grey area in Fig. 5). The lower panel of Fig. 5 shows ity in the lightcurve.
the spread of M3 where M3 = s3 /m3 . M3 is a measure of the
variability of the lightcurve and can be compared with historical
observations from Sgr A* (Fig. 6). 3.2. Results at 2.2 µm (NIR flares)
Sgr A* lightcurve shifts and changes over time due to a 3.2.1. Lightcurve and statistics
combination of stellar winds and turbulence on various scales.
Longer changes come from variations in the stellar winds, espe- In Fig. 3 we carefully marked the specific areas where non-
cially near the S stars. Shorter changes happen because of tur- thermal radiation processes occur. These dynamic areas reside
bulence closer to the center. The spread of M3 in Fig. 5 exhibits within the funnel region and in the limit of the disk. There is
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Dimitropoulos et al. A&A proofs: manuscript no. sgrA_flares_AA Sgr A* flares
Fig. 10. Radiation flux around 2.2 µm. Specific to the frequencies 6.66
(M- band), 7.95 (L-band), 13.8 (K-band) and 18.1 (H-band) GHz for
Flare A (stars) and Flare B (circles). The fitting (black and orange) lines
correspond to power-laws where the exponential gives us the spectral
index of the spectrum, in our case a = −0.44 for Flare A and a = −0.46
for Flare B.
Flare A Flare B
Flux (mJy) Flux (mJy)
2.2µm 7 3.2 Fig. 11. Spectral index vs Flux for the two flares (Flare A upper plot
1KeV 1 × 10−5 2.6 × 10−6 and Flare B bottom plot). The dots correspond to the snapshots that are
10KeV 3.7 × 10−6 9.2 × 10−7 marked also in Fig. 9: cyan color corresponds to pre-flare states, green
color represents the dim-state, red color represents the bright state of
each flare. The orange lines are a fitting power-law curve which can be
compared with observations
For this calculation we used two snapshots at times t = 136 min
and t = 920 min, one for each flare at the peak of the bright state.
We thus extract the spectrum of our model for this flare state the phenomena originated. Therefore, we plotted the parameters
(Fig. 10). The fitting curves in Fig. 10 can give us the spectral in- ρ, σ and plasma β, which play crucial roles in determining the
dex (which defined as the exponent of a power law like F ∝ νa ) current sheet (Fig. 12). The plots refer to the three states of the
for each flare. The two values that we obtained (a = −0.46 and second flare we investigated, specifically the snapshots at times
a = −0.44) are within the observed range (Ghez et al. 2005b,a; t = 886 min (pre-flare), t = 900 min (dim-state), t = 910 min
Bremer et al. 2011). (bright-state). The corresponding points of these snapshots can
Assuming that the particles can emit at higher energies via be seen in the light curve of Fig. 9.
the mechanism of magnetic reconnection, and using the spec- The plot of the density (ρ) (top row in Fig. 12) shows a clear
trum shown in Fig. 10, we extrapolated the radiation flux for X- structure in the upper funnel region that appears as the flare tran-
rays at 1 keV and 10 keV. The results are presented in Table 1. sitions from one state to the next. This structure is also character-
As shown, the flux of particles in the case of Flare A at 1 keV ized by low magnetization and high plasma β. According to the
reaches levels comparable to those observed (Eckart et al. 2012). definition given above, it constitutes a clear current sheet which,
In all other cases, the flux is at least an order of magnitude lower. in the bright-state, is surrounded by regions with high values of
magnetization (σ) (middle row in Fig. 12) and low plasma β
During a flare, both the flux and the spectral index simultane- (bottom row in Fig. 12). These are ideal conditions for radiat-
ously increase. We categorize the points into three groups, distin- ing non-thermal radiation. This current sheet in the bright state
guished by the colors used to represent them. Fig. 11 shows the can be characterized as a plasmoid chain, similar to those seen in
evolution of the spectral index as the flares transition from the localized PIC simulations (Ball et al. 2018; Sironi & Spitkovsky
pre-flare state to the dim-state and finally to the bright-state. The 2014; Petropoulou & Sironi 2018).
fitting power law curve (orange line) approximates how the spec- It is important to emphasize that this increase in magnetiza-
tral index evolves as the flare transitions from one state to the tion σ and decrease in plasma β in the bright state of the flares
next, which is comparable to observations (Bremer et al. 2011). (conditions ideal for the activation of flares) are also found at the
The same colors were used to distinguish the points in Fig. 9. boundaries of the disk. These are possible regions for flare gen-
eration through high magnetic turbulence in the plasma, as men-
3.2.3. Flare states compared with GRMHD simulation tioned in subsection 2.2. Fig. 12 clearly shows that the creation
of the current sheet inside the funnel region is a phenomenon
As a final property of the flares we wanted to see how these peaks perfectly connected to the organization of the magnetic field and
in the lightcurve relate to the GRMHD calculation from which results in the creation of conditions (magnetization and plasma
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Dimitropoulos et al. A&A proofs: manuscript no. sgrA_flares_AA Sgr A* flares
Fig. 12. Top row: density of the second bright flare (t ∈ [886, 963] min) for its three states: pre-flare, dim-state, birght-state at snapshots t = 886 min,
t = 900 min and t = 910 min respectively. Middle row: magnetization (σ) at the same snapshots. Bottom row: plasma β at the same snapshots. All
panels refer to Flare B.
Fig. 13. Radiation flux at 2.2 microns (in mJy), slope p and efficiency 4. Conclusions
ϵ in each grid point of the GRMHD simulation are shown in the left,
middle and right panels, respectively. The plots illustrate the bright state We analyzed data from the GRMHD simulation of Nathanail
of Flare B. et al. (2020), specifically focusing on model D, which is charac-
terized as a SANE multi-loop model. Unlike MAD simulations,
this model describes the accretion disk of a black hole without
the production of a stable jet.
By applying a thermal radiation model to this particular sim-
ulation enabled us to reproduce the lightcurve at 230 GHz, from
which we were able to calibrate the simulation variables. En-
couragingly, the model’s variability demonstrated good agree-
ment with observations, prompting us to conduct larger simula-
tions with extended time evolution.
In order to calculate the non-thermal radiation from the
simulation, we introduced a novel method that identifies cur-
rent sheets and places with high magnetic turbulence. This
identification based on the magnetic field polarity reversals, is
done by constraining primarily the current density together with
the micro-physical plasma parameters, like magnetization and
Fig. 14. Same plots as Fig. 13 but for the bright state of Flare A. plasma β. After the identification is done, all quantities are av-
eraged in the local environment. The constraints we placed on
the parameters provided clear spatial boundaries within which to
apply the model that calculates the non-thermal radiation. This
association not only advances our comprehension of the funda-
mental processes at play, but also provides a crucial framework
for future investigations in similar contexts.
The results for the lightcurve at 2.2 µm are very encouraging
as they produce not only small flares up to 2 mJy but also a
couple of brighter ones that reach 7 mJy. The duration of such
flares is also consistent with observations. Further analysis of
the flare spectral index demonstrated the success of the model
in reproducing the observations. It is interesting that during the
evolution of the flare the spectrum follows a power law similar to
those given by the observations with spectral index a = −0.44.
In summary, we emphasize once again that a very important
Fig. 15. Density (left panel), magnetization σ (middle panel) and
plasma β (right panel) for Flare A in the bright state. result of this work is the identification of the source of flaring
non-thermal radiation in GRMHD simulations. We have clearly
shown that such flares most probably originate in current sheets
β) which will activate non-thermal particles in the current sheet and their associated plasmoid chains in the funnel area, as well
itself and along the disk boundary. as in the disk boundary due to magnetic turbulence.
Indeed, in accordance with the above, the areas that radiate
are the current sheet and the disk boundary as shown in Fig. 13. Acknowledgements
Fig. 13 illustrates the radiation flux (in mJy), the slope p and
the efficiency ϵ at time t = 910 min (bright state of Flare B that ID is supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and In-
we investigate). The visible boxes in each plot correspond to the novation (HFRI) under the 4th Call for HFRI PhD Fellowships
identification of current sheets and their environment as shown (Fellowship Number: 9239). Support comes from the ERC Ad-
in Fig. 3. Within each box, all plasma quantities are averaged in vanced Grant “JETSET: Launching, propagation and emission
order to characterize this specific reconnection region. However, of relativistic jets from binary mergers and across mass scales”
only the plasma within the current sheet layer - determined by (Grant No. 884631). This work was supported by computational
the constraints and limits discussed in Section 2.3 - is considered time granted from the National Infrastructures for Research and
Article number, page 11 of 12
Dimitropoulos et al. A&A proofs: manuscript no. sgrA_flares_AA Sgr A* flares
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