Original Contributions: The Softening Factor C of Commercial Titanium Alloy Wires
Original Contributions: The Softening Factor C of Commercial Titanium Alloy Wires
Original Contributions: The Softening Factor C of Commercial Titanium Alloy Wires
International Journal of
Original Contributions
A.F. Jankowski et al.: The softening factor cb of commercial titanium alloy wires
was considered that the wire begins to yield at the propor- structure and the appearance of precipitate phases. Each sam-
tional limit – to permit full measurement of plasticity dur- ple was viewed along the axial and radial directions, as
ing work hardening. Once the non-linear behavior began, shown in Fig. 2. The pure Ti wire has an elongated grain
the measure of plastic strain to failure was recorded. structure in the Fig. 2a axial view, and a refined grain struc-
ture in the Fig. 2d orthogonal, radial view. Particles are pres-
4. Experimental results and analysis ent that could be attributed [25 – 27] to a Ti-hydride and/or
impurity-stabilized b-phase. A primary a-phase structure is
The microstructure and composition of each wire material seen in Fig. 2b and e Ti-6Al-4V and Fig. 2c and f Ti-6Al-
were examined using X-ray diffraction and electron micro- 7Nb samples as was found in prior studies [28, 29]. An esti-
scopies. Tensile testing was used to determine the value mate is made for the grain size hg of the matrix without the
for the softening factor cb. Comparison of cb with the acti- shape factor since the true shape geometry of the grains is un-
vation volume for plastic deformation was made along with known. The radial images were measured to provide mean
its variation with the strain-rate. linear-intercept hg values of: 1.1 ± 0.1 lm for the elongated
structure of pure Ti; 3.1 ± 0.3 lm for the equiaxed structure
of Ti-6Al-4V; and 1.9 ± 0.2 lm for the slightly elongated
4.1 Structure and Composition
structure of Ti–6Al–7Nb. Microstructures similar to the
SEM micrographs were obtained in the LEI imaging mode cold-drawn condition observed in Fig. 2b and e are found
using a working distance of 8 mm, and a 5 keV incident elec- [25, 26] in forged samples. Surface relief is evident with a
tron beam. The LEI mode enhanced definition of the grain second particulate phase at, or near, the grain boundaries.
Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of the Ti, Ti-6Al-4V, and Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy wires as imaged in the LEI mode along the (a–c) axial, and (d–f)
radial sections, respectively.
Table 1. Weight % analysis of the Ti-alloy wires from EDS and WDS analysis.
For example, b-precipitates are seen [30] at grain boundaries ing along the axial direction is evident in the XRD scan of
in a primary (90 %) a-phase matrix for Ti-6Al-4V heated to Fig. 3. Additional reflections in Fig. 1 for the pure Ti wire
550 8C, held at temperature, and then slow cooled. Similar match those reported [32, 33] for the a-phase, where the
images with a more-refined grain structure are seen in peak positions are computed using lattice parameters
images of the Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy wire, Fig. 2c and f. a = 0.2952 nm and c = 0.4681 nm. The XRD scan from the
Composition analysis of the matrix and particulate phases, radial direction has a (10.0) texture, complementary to the
as seen in Fig. 2e and f was first conducted using EDS analy- (00.2) texturing found for the axial scan.
sis. The characteristic X-ray peaks up to 10 keV were col- The addition of alloying elements as Al, V, and Nb to the
lected as emitted from the matrix and particle phases. The a-phase of Ti can produce multiple phases and slightly
X-ray peaks of interest used in the analysis were the change [25, 34 – 37] the lattice parameters of the a-phase
1.49 keV Al-Ka1, 2.17 keV Nb-La1, 4.51 keV Ti-Ka1, and to a = 0.292–0.293 nm and c = 0.466–0.472 nm. The possi-
4.95 keV V-Ka1. The weight percent values are listed in Ta- ble increase in c and slight decrease in a for the a-phase Ti
ble 1 as computed using corrected intensities of the charac- alloy wires will tend to shift the (00.2) peak to a lower 2h
teristic X-rays. A measured precision of ±0.5 wt.% occurs position, and increase the 2h position of the (20.1) peak,
for this EDS analysis. It is seen that the Al content is slightly both of which are seen in Fig. 3 when comparing the alloy
less in the matrix than the nominal value for the Ti-6Al-4V to pure Ti scans. In addition, the presence of a face-cen-
wire. In general, X-ray composition maps of the Ti-6Al-4V tered-cubic (fcc) Ti(Al) c-phase is reported [38 – 41] for na-
and Ti-6Al-7Nb second phase particulates indicate a diffuse nocrystals and severely plastically-deformed, ball-milled
enhancement of V and Nb, respectively, that may be evi- powders. The position of the c-phase (111) and (200) re-
dence for b-segregation [26]. In addition, the presence of flections in Fig. 3 are computed using a lattice parameter
characteristic 0.62 keV L111l, 0.71 keV L111ab, 0.72 keV a = 0.409 nm [38, 40], whereas a 0.440 nm value gives a
L11ab, 6.40 keV Ka, and 7.06 keV Kb1 peaks for Fe are found (111) reflection at a 2h position of 44.28. Alternatively, the
in the EDS spectra from isolated particles. These EDS wt.% 44.28 peak position can be fitted to a common Ti-hydride
composition values listed in Table 1 are consistent with prior phase. The peak positions for a body-centered-cubic (bcc)
WDS microprobe measurements [31] of a- and b-phases in a b-phase in the Ti-6Al-4V [37] and Ti-6Al-7Nb [34] alloy
(grade 5) Ti-6Al-4V alloy, where the matrix was found to be wires are shown in Fig. 3 as they would appear using a lat-
6.7 wt.%Al-1.4 wt.%V and the particles were 2.9 wt.%Al- tice parameter a = 0.329 nm. No distinct b-phase peaks are
15.4 wt.%V-1.3 wt.%Fe. The present WDS measurements observed in the XRD scans of Fig. 3, except possibly a very
of composition are taken from matrix areas of polished (but diffuse (110) reflection.
not etched) wire cross-sections – where 5 are from the radial,
and 10 are from the axial sections of each sample. A statisti-
cal difference was not found between the composition values 4.2 Mechanical properties
of the radial and axial sections. A precision of ±0.04 wt.% A single wire tensile test contains regions that include: an
was measured for the WDS analysis. The WDS composition initial nonlinear, pre-loading range where the wrapped ends
values listed in Table 1 appear equivalent to the nominal val- of the wire are brought under tension to remove slack; a lin-
ues of each wire material. In addition, WDS measurements ear loading range of Hookean elastic behavior; and a plastic
of the pure Ti wire reveal an average impurity composition deformation range where yielding and strain hardening oc-
of 0.09 wt.%Al-0.30 wt.%V-0.02 wt.%Nb-0.05 wt.%Fe. cur until failure. The logarithmic variation of change in
The Ti wire is a polycrystalline, hexagonal close-packed yield strength ry with increasing strain rate is used to deter-
(hcp) structure, i. e. the a-phase. Basal plane (00.2) textur- mine the coefficient m for strain-rate sensitivity through the
5. Discussion
wire material strain-rate sensitivity factor m activation volume t* (nm3) softening factor cb
as measured using EDS and listed in Table 1 where the IV, until saturation of that particular system, as e. g.,
composition values are similar to those reported for microp- (10.0), occurs. Further twinning continues in stage V as de-
robe measurements of Ti-6Al-4V alloys [31]. formation shifts to a new system as, e. g., (11.0). Although
The wire is a commercial product that has inherent struc- the commercial wires for this study do not show the exten-
tural and composition variations which leads to an inherent sive plasticity reported for grade-1 pure Ti [43], these three
scatter in the range of tensile behavior for each type of stages are observed as seen in Fig. 6. The appearance of
material as seen in the data plots of Fig. 7 and 8. Specifically, multiple stages of work hardening is readily seen as well
the Ti-6Al-4V yield strength ranges from 710 – 830 MPa, for pure Ti in the stress–strain results of tensile tests at var-
and the Ti-6Al-7Nb wires have yield strengths of 850 – ious strain rates [42]. The tensile behavior of the Ti and
1 070 MPa. Tensile test results for the Ti-6Al-7Nb wires are Ti-6-4 wires is consistent with this reported behavior
consistent with an equiaxed a-phase microstructure [29] that wherein Stage III of the K–M behavior is associated with
has a concurrent strength of 910 – 980 MPa. The plasticity of the trapping of dislocations. In addition, the presence of
the hot-drawn pure Ti and Ti-6Al-4V wires exceeds 10 %, stages III and IV is reported [44] in a K–M plot for the work
whereas the cold drawn Ti-6Al-7Nb wires is less than 4 %. hardening behavior of Mg–Li alloys under tension. The
The limited ductility of the Ti-6Al-7Nb wires is consistent strain to failure of 6–16 % is not extensive but is similar to
with its cold-drawn processing versus the greater plasticity the commercial wires tested in the present study.
found for hot-drawn pure Ti and Ti-6Al-4V wires. Modeling efforts have evolved to further evaluate the strain
The strain rate sensitivity coefficients m computed using hardening rate effects in plastically deformed metal alloys be-
Eq. (11) for the Ti-alloy wires are low, as seen in Fig. 6, at yond the basic K–M formulation. Extension of the K–M mod-
less than 0.015 for all samples over a strain rate range el to include the dependence of solute concentration on cross
of 10–5-to-10–1 s–1. This behavior is typical for pure Ti and slip is considered in the hardening behavior of the Fe–Al alloy
Ti-6-4 with m values of 0 – 0.03 that can be computed [42] system under tension [45]. The interplay, i. e. coupling, be-
across each stage of work hardening. Activation volumes tween the edge and screw dislocation density at cell walls
t* of 26–29 (b3) dislocations are determined using Eq. (12) and within the cells, respectively, is used in modeling efforts
from a Cahn–Nabarro analysis [24] for the onset of plasti- to evaluate the dynamics of plasticity beyond stage III [42,
city in Ti-6Al-4V and pure Ti, respectively. However, the 46 – 48]. Edge dislocations climb in the cell walls whereas
t*-value is indeterminate for the Ti-6Al-7Nb data using screw dislocations undergo cross-slip within the cell interiors
Eq. (12) since q(ry) * 0. Despite this shortcoming, the mod- where the interplay between these two attributes is assumed
ified Morris, Jr. model [19] proves useful to evaluate the to occur under the same total strain rate. Efforts to develop
scale of microstructure responsible for plastic deformation. strain-hardening models for Ti–Al alloy behavior using K–M
The softening factor cb is computed using Eq. (10) as a func- plots [18] again evidence a sequence of deformation modes
tion of the yield strength ry, ultimate strength ru, and plastic similar to this study for Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy wires, wherein an
strain ep. A constant value for cb is revealed with respect to a initial rapid work hardening is observed. Whereas an extended
variation in strain rate for each wire material in the Fig. 9 range of plasticity beyond initial yielding is reported for the
data plots. The softening factor cb-values of 14, 19, and 135 hot deformation of Ti–Al alloys that have a complex micro-
are computed for Ti-6Al-4V, pure Ti, and Ti-6Al-7Nb, re- structure with multiple phases which undergo recrystallization
spectively. Although the SEM images of Fig. 2 show similar [18], this scale of behavior is not seen in Fig. 5 for the room-
microstructures, the lower cb value is consistent with a temperature testing of the hot-drawn, single-phase Ti-alloy
greater amount of work hardening and plasticity for wires of this study. The current model [19] is not intended to
Ti-6Al-4V. Conversely, rapid work hardening behavior is simulate the details of strain hardening wherein the evolution
observed for the Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy leading to its larger cb of deformation modes with applied stress evidence changing
value. This later result would indicate a greater t* value as mechanisms of dislocation-based deformation. The derivation
well, that would be consistent with a near zero value in the presented is intended to provide a scale for the microstructure
computation of m for Ti-6Al-7Nb, as shown in Fig. 7. in the coefficient cb that underlies the deformation behavior
The microstructure for the drawn wire would be consis- from yielding to the ultimate strength as evaluated at the plas-
tent with elongated grains, wherein cell interiors would tic instability using the Considère criterion. Whereas cb can be
have low dislocation density and the grain boundaries uniquely determined, a traditional approach to evaluate an ac-
would have high dislocation density. To assess deformation tivation volume for deformation proves problematic for the
mechanisms that are operative during plasticity, a K–M deformation behavior for the untreated, commercial Ti alloy
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of grade-1 pure Ti under tension [43]. For tensile deforma- assess the work hardening behavior, and is capable of provid-
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DOI:10.1080/114686996.2017.1361305 # Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
ISSN 1862-5282
(Received July 2, 2018; accepted May 24, 2019)