Safety Science: Sanna Nenonen

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Safety Science 49 (2011) 1394–1403

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Fatal workplace accidents in outsourced operations in the manufacturing industry

Sanna Nenonen ⇑
Center for Safety Management and Engineering, Department of Industrial Management, Tampere University of Technology, P.O. Box 541, FI-33101 Tampere, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Several studies have indicated that outsourcing increases the risk of accidents and presented some expla-
Received 5 July 2010 nations for this phenomenon. For example, higher accident proneness of external employees has been
Received in revised form 5 January 2011 presented, but the common causes of accidents have not been reviewed in depth. This paper provides
Accepted 15 June 2011
information about typical accidents, the contributing factors, and preventive measures of fatal occupa-
Available online 8 July 2011
tional accidents that occurred in outsourced manufacturing tasks. This paper also compares whether
these factors differ from accidents that occurred when tasks were performed in-house in the manufactur-
ing industry. The focus is on operations executed in the factory area for or by an organization operating in
Manufacturing industry
the manufacturing business. The accident analysis is based on information gathered from accident
Fatal accidents reports for fatal workplace accidents that occurred in Finland during 1999–2008. At outsourced opera-
Shared workplace tions in manufacturing, accidents occur most commonly when installations or work preparations are
Accident statistics being performed. According to the reports, dangerous work practices and insufficient hazard identifica-
tion most frequently contributed to accidents. In order to prevent typical accidents, e.g., occupational
instructional and guidance, hazard identification, work practices, supervision, and task planning should
be improved. Statistical differences between outsourced and in-house operations were also found, mainly
within the contributing factors. Therefore, the safety of outsourced manufacturing operations should be
considered in detail in order to prevent accidents and ensure occupational safety also when operated
with other performers.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction per million work hours) was about 20, and about 43 if calculated
from all reported accidents. According to the accident frequency,
1.1. Workplace accidents in the manufacturing industry the manufacturing industry was the third most risky branch after
construction and private households with employed persons. The
The manufacturing industry is one of the most dangerous number of accidents in the manufacturing industry was the same
branches in light of the frequency of occupational accidents. In as the previous year, but the frequency decreased a little as the
2007, the number of accidents causing more than 3 days’ absence number of work hours increased (FAII, 2009a).
at manufacturing companies in EU-15 countries and Norway totaled The most common working processes at the time of accidents at
about 942,000. In the same year, 667 fatal accidents were recorded Finnish manufacturing workplaces in 2007 were production,
in the manufacturing industry (Eurostat, 2009c). According to Euro- manufacturing, processing (56% of the accidents). The most com-
stat (2009a), about 4.5% of the workers employed in manufacturing mon modes of injuries were contact with sharp, pointed, rough,
businesses faced accident(s) at work in a 12-month period. These coarse material agents (23% of the accidents) and the most common
figures rank manufacturing second in the accident statistics right injuries resulting from the accidents were wounds and superficial
after construction (see Eurostat, 2009a). injuries (47% of the accidents) (FAII, 2009a).
In Finland during 2007, about 30,000 accidents occurred at
manufacturing workplaces, of which slightly more than 14,000
caused a minimum of 4 days’ absence. Six of the accidents were 1.2. Outsourcing in the manufacturing industry
fatal. Thus, about every fourth workplace accident involved
employees performing manufacturing operations. During the same Increased competition, globalization, and a rapidly changing
year, in Finnish manufacturing workplaces, the accident frequency operational environment have turned outsourcing into an ordinary
of accidents causing at least 4 days’ absence (workplace accidents part of companies’ operations and management. Especially manu-
facturing companies favor outsourcing to an increasing extent (see
Eurostat, 2009b). According to the outsourcing trends, Finnish com-
⇑ Tel.: +358 40 849 0356; fax: +358 3 3115 2671. panies are some of the most eager outsourcers in Europe (Ekström,
E-mail address: 2007; Eurostat, 2009b; Rikama, 2008). Of the Finnish companies

0925-7535/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Nenonen / Safety Science 49 (2011) 1394–1403 1395

operating in the manufacturing industry and employing more than duration of visits at the work site (Salminen, 1995), tendency of sub-
10 employees, almost two thirds outsourced some of their opera- contractors to perform high-risk tasks (Blank et al., 1995; Kochan et
tions during 2000–2006 (Ali-Yrkkö, 2007). In Finnish industry, al., 1994), deficiencies in external performers’ safety training and
outsourcing has been most common among companies operating experience (Kochan et al., 1994), insufficiencies in subcontractors’
in the manufacture of metals, the chemical industry, and the forest hazard identification (Salminen, 1995) and safety awareness (Hon
industry. In these lines of business, more than 80% of the companies et al., 2010), blurred responsibilities (Clarke, 2003), economic pres-
have outsourced some of their operations. On the contrary, food sures (Quinlan and Mayhew, 2000) and poor disorganization of work
industry companies have used external providers the most seldom processes (Quinlan and Mayhew, 2000).
(fewer than every second one of the companies). Almost every stud- Even though the effect of outsourcing on accident rates has
ied Finnish manufacturing company that has subcontracted work to been noticed, comprehensive and detailed research relating to
other performers has operated with domestic companies, but every the accidents has been extremely concise. Blank et al. (1995) has
sixth company has also contracted operations abroad (Ali-Yrkkö, studied the nature of injuries and type of accidents that occurred
2007). Larger Finnish manufacturing companies (at least 100 between 1986 and 1990 in the mining industry in Sweden. Accord-
employees) have contracted internationally to an even larger extent ing to that study, contractor employees seem to suffer from more
(Eurostat, 2009b). The share of outsourced operations has been pre- frequent and more severe injuries than mining companies’ own
dicted to increase at the end of the first decade of 2000 (Ekström, employees. Similar results were reported by Salminen (1995),
2007). who compared accidents that involved the main contractors and
Finnish companies commonly outsource services supporting subcontractors operating in Finnish construction during 1988
primary business, but the execution of core services is also sifted and 1989. The most recent study related to the subject has studied
to service providers (see Ali-Yrkkö, 2007; Eurostat, 2009b). Accord- how the fact that workplace is shared has influenced in general and
ing to the study conducted by Ali-Yrkkö (2007), Finnish manufac- in construction occupational accidents occurred between 1999 and
turing companies with more than 10 employees have most 2004 in Finland (see Rantanen et al., 2007b). More research on the
commonly outsourced service operations (e.g., financial manage- subject, especially on what kind of factors contribute to accidents,
ment, property maintenance, machine maintenance and guarding). is needed in order to promote occupational safety and health at
About every second company operating in the manufacturing shared manufacturing workplaces.
industry has outsourced current operations since the beginning
of the 2000s. Every third manufacturing company has outsourced
1.4. Objectives of the article
manufacturing operations and slightly lesser R&D operations.
Service operations have been acquired almost solely from Finnish
This paper presents the results of a study conducted regarding
providers, but about a tenth of R&D operations and manufacturing
fatal occupational accidents in outsourced services in the Finnish
is outsourced outside Finland (Ali-Yrkkö, 2007). Compared with
manufacturing industry. The aims of the paper are to
other European countries, the international outsourcing statistics
of Finnish large companies are somehow average from the view-
(1) study during which work tasks as well as what kind of fatal
point of operation types and the frequency of their externalization
accidents occur when employees perform outsourced
(Eurostat, 2009b).
According to Nordic outsourcing research, the most common
(2) determine the factors that contribute to the fatal workplace
reasons for outsourcing among Nordic companies are focusing on
accidents in outsourced operations,
core operations and obtaining special knowhow. In addition, fluctu-
(3) review what kind of factors are recommended as preventive
ation in personnel demand, reduction of costs, and a means to
measures in the case of fatal accidents that occur in outsour-
change the fixed costs to variable ones were mentioned as common
ced operations, and
reasons (Ekström, 2007). The main motives for outsourcing abroad
(4) find out if contributing and corrective factors differ from
are, in addition to cost efficiency and special skills, improvement of
those related to accidents that occurred within in-house
competitiveness and access to new markets (Rikama, 2008) as well
as groups’ strategic decision and competitors/clients example
(Eurostat, 2009b). All these factors correspond with those reported
The focus in this study is on operations carried out for a customer
in several international studies to explain why companies out-
operating in the manufacturing industry. The operations reviewed
source their operations (see Hätönen and Eriksson, 2009).
include maintenance and repair, property maintenance, installa-
tions, cleaning, and loading/unloading in a factory area.
1.3. Research on effects of outsourcing on workplace accidents

In several circumstances, outsourcing has been indicated to 2. Materials and methods

increase the possibility of accidents and even the number of work-
place injuries (e.g., Blank et al., 1995; Kochan et al., 1994; Mayhew 2.1. Accident reports
et al., 1997; Quinlan, 1999; Rousseau and Libuser, 1997; Salminen,
1995). However, the magnitude of the influence is difficult to assess The data used in this study has been gathered from investigation
due to limitations in accident statistic data (Hämäläinen, 2010). reports of fatal workplace accidents that occurred in Finland. The
Nevertheless, studies indicate that the hazardousness of multi- Federation of Accident Insurance Institutions (FAII) and labor orga-
employer worksites is derived not just from one operator’s actions nizations coordinate the compilation of the reports that are drawn
but also from the other party’s performance. Although most victims up after fatal accidents occur in Finnish workplaces or in corre-
of shared workplace accidents worked for an external employer, sponding conditions involving employees or entrepreneurs insured
accidents were usually attributable to actions by both the customers according to the Employment Accidents Insurance Act. Reports are
and the providers (Rantanen et al., 2007a). Several reasons for the not compiled in cases where an accident has occurred in external or
subcontracted employees’ higher accident rate have been reported. commuting traffic or the death was caused by an occupational dis-
Higher accident rates have been explained to be a consequence of, ease. Reports are used to inform the workplaces where the fatalities
e.g., subcontractors’ unfamiliarity with the working conditions and occurred. Reports are also publicly available in Finnish via FAII’s
practices at the worksite (Clarke, 2003), external employees’ short web pages (FAII, 2009b).
1396 S. Nenonen / Safety Science 49 (2011) 1394–1403

The accident reports have been compiled based on investiga- industry operations at an industrial site. The production area,
tions conducted by a group of experts. The group consists of repre- factory, workshop; maintenance area, repair workshop; area used
sentatives from the FAII and from labor, officials’, and employers’ principally for storage, loading, unloading, and other similar types
organizations in the line of the business in question. In addition, of work environments are considered industrial sites (ESAW codes
participants from research institutes and insurance companies 010–019). Of these relevant cases, 34 (41%) occurred when
may be used. The aim of the investigations is to determine what employees were performing outsourced operations. The cases
happened, why an accident occurred, and how similar accidents selected were from the following lines of businesses: manufactur-
could be prevented. The people responsible for the accident are ing industry (SIC code D), transport, storage and communication
not investigated (FAII, 2009b). (I), construction (F), real estate, renting and business activities
The accident reports are about five pages long verbal descrip- (K), electricity, gas and water supply (E), wholesale and retail trade
tions but they also include a chain-of-events graph based on the (G), and other community, social, and personal service activities
Finnish accident investigation model (see Saari et al., 2001) and pic- (O). Detailed information on the cases selected is presented in
tures and drawings clarifying the accident. In addition, the reports Table 1.
include background information on the injured party, employer and The data was analyzed using the statistical program SPSS 15.0.
accident scene. The reports also contain the accident classification Descriptive statistics were calculated to summarize the basic fea-
information based on the ESAW-classification. The classifications tures of the data. To identify dependencies between variables,
indicate the victim’s age, workstation, occupation, working process, the data was subjected to statistical tests (Fisher’s exact test and
physical activity, deviation, mode of injury, branch of the injured Mann–Whitney U-test).
party’s employer and company size.
The investigation system has been in place since 1985 in the
case of employees and since 1998 in the case of entrepreneurs. 3. Results
By the end of July 2008, 811 accidents had been investigated, in
which 786 employees and 39 entrepreneurs died (FAII, 2009b). 3.1. Background information

2.2. Data in focus and analyzing methods During 1999–2008, 34 fatal workplace accidents occurred at
outsourced operations and 49 at in-house operations in the Finnish
The focus in this study is on fatal occupational accidents involv- manufacturing industry. The annual number of accidents varied
ing employees during the 10-year time period 1999–2008. Acci- between 1 and 6 in the case of outsourced operations and between
dent reports used to gather the data have been obtained from 3 and 10 for in-house operations. One accident that occurred at
the FAII’s accident database. The accident reports were selected outsourced operations claimed three victims, but other cases
as a data source because unlike other accident statistics they in- involved one victim. The share of the fatal workplace accidents that
clude reliable information on whether the victim was employed occurred at outsourced operations compared with all fatal
by the customer or the service provider company and whether accidents in Finnish manufacturing is illustrated in Fig. 1.
the accident occurred at the customer’s site or somewhere else. Victims performing outsourced operations were on average
Furthermore, the accident reports include corrective actions rec- 43.2 years old (18–69 years). The age did not differ statistically sig-
ommended by the accident investigation group aimed at prevent- nificantly between outsourced operations even though the average
ing similar accidents. age of victims in the case of in-house operations was slightly high-
The data presented in this paper were compiled as a part of a er, 47.2 years (23–62 years). The majority (about one third) of the
research project at Tampere University of Technology by reviewing victims belonged to the age group of 45–54 years in both operation
all the accident reports from the period under review. Accidents, types. Compared with in-house operations in the group of outsour-
that occurred when employees performed industrial operations ced tasks, the share of victims was greater among the under
for the manufacturing industry at the industrial site, were selected. 25-year-olds and smaller among the ages 55–64.
From the selected reports, the following information was gathered: The most common occupations of the victims in the case of
outsourced operations were truck driver (21% of the victims),
– type of the operation (in-house or outsourced), machine driver (15%), electrician (12%), and machine repairer (9%).
– operation-related factors (working process and physical Other occupations were cleaner, plate maker, machine operator,
activity), mechanic, forklift driver, welder, insulation worker, carpenter, engi-
– accident factors (deviation and mode of injury), neering worker, and engineer. Victims were in general experienced
– factors contributing to the accidents, in the work tasks they were performing at the time of the accident.
– recommended corrective actions, Of the external employees, 73% had at least 5 years’ experience or
– background information (e.g., service providers’ branches, com- were described as experienced in the accident reports. Less than
pany size and age, profession and experience of the victim). every tenth external victim had at most only 1 year of experience.
Victims performing in-house operations were competent as well,
Information on the type of operation, factors contributing to the because almost 90% were considered experienced and only 3% had
accidents, recommended corrective actions and experience of the only a little experience. The differences between outsourced and
victim were obtained from the accident descriptions. Data on the in-house operations were not statistically significant.
other variables were available as ESAW-codes. However, some of Half of the provider companies for whom the victims worked
the accident reports did not contain information on all of these employed at least 50 employees. However, the proportion of smal-
factors. ler companies employing nine employees at most was also remark-
During the period under review, 274 fatal workplace accidents able (40%). In-house operations were commonly performed for
occurred involving employees at Finnish workplaces. Summaries large companies, because three of four companies were large (at
were available for all of these (representing information about least 50 employees), and only one tenth employed at most nine
operation type, operation-related factors, accident factors, and employees. The differences in the size of the victim’s employer
some background information) and full-length reports for 262 acci- company between outsourced and in-house operations were
dents. Of these accidents, 83 (30%) corresponded to the target statistically significant (p = 0.003). The victims of accidents that
group: employees who died while performing manufacturing occurred when employees were performing outsourced operations
S. Nenonen / Safety Science 49 (2011) 1394–1403 1397

Table 1
Information related to the cases selected for the study.

Economic activity of the employer (SIC No. of cases included (% of fatal accidents Operations of the cases included
code) within the business)
Manufacturing (D) 67 (88%) Manufacturing, cargo handling, maintenance and repair, adjustment,
installation, inspection and transfer
Transport, storage and communication (I) 9 (20%) Loading and unloading
Construction (F) 2 (2%) Cleaning and electrical installation
Real estate, renting, and business 2 (2%) Cleaning machine and repair
activities (K)
Electricity, gas, and water supply (E) 1 (20%) Maintenance
Wholesale and retail trade (G) 1 (8%) Maintenance
Other community, social, and personal 1 (13%) Cleaning
service activities (O)

12 70 % to the accidents that occurred at outsourced manufacturing opera-

tions. In almost every third report, this factor was recorded as a

Proportion of accidents
Number of accidents

10 60 %
deviation. Other deviations that frequently took place during a per-
50 %
8 formance of outsourced tasks were slipping, stumbling, falling, or
40 % falling of persons (24% of cases) and shock, fright, violence, aggres-
30 % sion, threat, or presence (18%). In the case of in-house operations,
4 the most common factor was different, the loss of control of a ma-
20 %
chine, handheld tool, object, or animal. This was marked as a devi-
2 10 % ation in every fourth report discussing accidents that occurred
0 0% when employees performed in-house manufacturing operations.
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 However, the difference was not statistically significant. Detailed
Number, Outsourced operations Number, In-house operations
information on the deviation data is presented in Appendix.
Proportion, outsourced Linear (Proportion, outsourced)

Fig. 1. Fatal workplace accidents at manufacturing operations in Finland during 3.2.4. Mode of injury
1999–2008. Almost every second accident report that discussed accidents
that occurred at outsourced manufacturing operations mentioned
injuries being caused due to trapping or crushing. In addition, hor-
were mainly from service providers (81% of the cases). One acci-
izontal or vertical impact with or against a stationary object; struck
dent claimed victims from both types. Most of the accidents were
by or collision with object in motion and contact with electrical
caused by the victim’s own actions. Another person contributed to
voltage, temperature, or hazardous substances were mentioned
the accident only in 6% of accidents within outsourced tasks and in
in the context of several accidents within outsourced operations.
2% in the case of in-house operations. The difference was not sta-
The different modes of injuries were almost as common in the case
tistically significant.
of in-house as outsourced operations, so statistical significances
were not found. Comprehensive information on the percentages
3.2. Working process, specific physical activity, deviation, and mode of of modes of injuries in outsourced and in-house operations is pre-
injury sented in Appendix.

3.2.1. Working process 3.3. Contributing factors

The most common working processes executed at the time of
accidents that occurred at outsourced manufacturing operations The most common factors contributing to fatal workplace acci-
were installations and preparations (27% of the cases), mainte- dents in outsourced operations in manufacturing related to dan-
nance and repairs (18%), and cleaning tasks (15%). The working gerous work practices (e.g., working in a danger zone or utilizing
processes performed differed notably between outsourced and work methods involving a considerable possibility of errors), insuf-
in-house operations even though statistical significances were ficient hazard identification (e.g., default on risk assessment or
found only in the cases of production (p = 0.044) and monitoring underrating the significance of identified hazards), human error
(p = 0.019) that were more common in-house tasks. Detailed infor- (e.g., miscalculation in the workings of machinery or defective
mation on the percentages and examples of the working processes assembly) and deficiencies in instruction and guidance (e.g., intro-
performed is presented in Appendix. duction to work tasks or worksite neglected or carried out defec-
tively). The first two factors were mentioned as contributors
3.2.2. Specific physical activity more than in every second accident report discussing accidents
The majority of the victims among the outsourced operations that occurred when employees performed outsourced operations.
were moving at the site while the accident occurred (41% of the The latter two had an influence on every third shared workplace
cases). Other common activities were working with hand-held tools accident. Other common factors contributing to the accidents were
(16%) and handling objects (16%). Some slight differences in per- inadequate supervision (e.g., supervision at the worksite was
centages between outsourced and in-house operations can be ignored or supervision of compliance with instructions was inade-
found, but those were not statistically significant. The particular quate), defective communication (e.g., risks of work tasks, changes
percentages related to victims’ activity are displayed in Appendix. in work performance, simultaneous work tasks or employees on
site were not known to all parties involved), insufficient safety de-
3.2.3. Deviation vices (e.g., safety devices were not provided or they were removed
Breakage, bursting, splitting, fall, or collapse of the material or switched off), and inappropriate warning signs (e.g., warning
agent was most commonly mentioned as a deviation contributing signs on machinery were defective or ambiguous or danger zones
1398 S. Nenonen / Safety Science 49 (2011) 1394–1403

were not marked). These factors were listed as accident contribu- sufficient supervision (e.g., supervision of compliance with safe
tors in every fourth outsource-related accident report. Several work practices, interference with faults, ensuring possibility to
other factors were also mentioned in the accident reports studied. perform tasks safely), task planning (e.g., planning of proper execu-
When the contributing factors related to accidents that oc- tion order of work phases, working in fault situations, and execu-
curred in outsourced operations were compared to those that took tion of simultaneous, short-term and short notice work tasks),
place in-house, several statistically significant differences were consideration of safety issues in machine design (e.g., by taking
found. Inappropriate warning signs (p = 0.003) and inadequate into account safety aspects, different work tasks, and operation
flow of information (p = 0.012) were mentioned more commonly conditions), compliance with rules and instructions (e.g., to follow
in the accidents reports discussing outsourced operations than in work orders, utilize given safety devices, and operate according to
reports related to in-house operations. On the other hand, machine safety regulations), sufficient safety devices (e.g., flash barriers,
malfunction was considered contributing to accidents more rarely backup beepers, and safety rails that are installed and utilized
in the outsourced cases than in the in-house ones (p = 0.018). In appropriately), appropriate warning signs (e.g., excavations’ seal-
addition, differences that can be considered as indicative emerged ing-off line markings, valves’ setting markings, and switchboards’
within insufficient hazard identification, instruction, and guidance voltage signs), and written work instructions (e.g., for work tasks
and safety devices. From these, safety device insufficiencies were performed rarely, requiring notable recalling and performed by
more common among the accidents that occurred in in-house inexperienced employee). These factors were mentioned at least
operations. Two other factors were mentioned more commonly in every third report but even in every two of the three reports
in the reports that considered outsourced operations. The list of relating to outsourced tasks. In addition, several other actions were
the contributing factors mentioned at least in every tenth report recommended as preventive measures among outsourced opera-
discussing outsourced operations, their frequency, and the differ- tions in the Finnish manufacturing industry. Factors that are men-
ences from in-house operations are illustrated in Fig. 2. tioned at least in every tenth outsourced-related report are
presented in Fig. 3.
3.4. Recommended corrective actions The recommended corrective actions were more or less the
same in the reports discussing outsourced and in-house opera-
The reports discussing accidents that occurred during the exe- tions. Differences were found merely in the case of two factors,
cution of outsourced operations in the manufacturing industry rec- and additionally, these differences can be considered only indica-
ommended several actions to prevent similar accidents. Most tive. Indicative differences emerged in the case of occupational
commonly, reports brought out the importance of proper occupa- instruction and guidance and task planning. Both measures were
tional instruction and guidance (e.g., introduction to safe work mentioned more frequently in the reports reviewing accidents that
methods, performance in abnormal situations and proper use of occurred at outsourced operations than in the reports of in-house
tools and safety devices given to all employees regardless of the operations.
employer) as well as sufficient hazard identification (e.g., system-
atic identification of hazards and execution of corrective actions re- 4. Discussion
lated to established work practices, abnormal situations and
different work phases). Occupational instruction and guidance 4.1. Evaluation of the data
were mentioned as a recommended corrective action on more than
80% of the reports related to outsourced tasks. In the case of hazard The data used in this study consists of 83 accident cases; about
identification, the proportion was only 10% smaller. The next com- 40% of these cases occurred at outsourced operations. The size of
mon recommended preventive factors were the utilization of safe the data is only moderate, but even so, it covers all fatal workplace
work practices (e.g., execution of work phases in correct order, ver- accidents that occurred during the period under review involving
ifying that the installation is dead and avoidance of danger zones), Finnish employees working in the manufacturing industry.

Dangerous work practice

Insufficient hazard identification *
Human error
Deficiencies in instruction and guidance *
Inadequate supervision
Inadequate flow of information
Insufficient safety devices *
Inappropriate warning signs ***
Ignorance of rules and instructions
Insufficient task planning *
Machine malfunction **
Working while machine is running
Inappropriate education or experience operations (n=33)

Inappropriate working plane or passage In-house operations

Deficiencies in personal protective equipment
0% 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 %
Significance: *** p < 0.010, ** 0.010 ≤ p <0.050, * 0.050 ≤ p < 0.100

Fig. 2. The most common contributing factors related to fatal workplace accidents in the Finnish manufacturing industry presented in the accident reports during 1999–
S. Nenonen / Safety Science 49 (2011) 1394–1403 1399

Occupational instruction and guidance *

Hazard identification
Safe work practices
Task planning *

Machine design
Compliance with rules and instructions
Safety devices
Appropriate warning signs
Written work instructions
Communication strengthening
Determination of responsibilities
Sufficient education or experience
Machinery inspections and maintenance
Appropriate working plane and passage
Development of working environment operations (n=33)
Adequacy of personal protective equipment In-house operations
Appropriate tools and machines (n=48)

0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 %
Significance: *** p < 0.010, ** 0.010 ≤ p <0.050, * 0.050 ≤ p < 0.100

Fig. 3. The most commonly recommended corrective actions for preventing fatal occupational accidents in the manufacturing industry presented in the accident reports
during 1999–2008.

However, due to the small number of data, all possible differences assumed that the results obtained by studying fatal accidents can
in variables between accidents that occurred at outsourced and at be also widened to the non-fatal accident context. In light of a
in-house operations may not have come up with the statistical study discussing fatal and severe non-fatal accidents in mainte-
tests used. By reviewing the presented results, it is still possible nance, the accident types and accident sources of severe and fatal
to get a clear picture of the nature of the fatal accidents. Another accidents are quite similar. The clearest difference between these
noteworthy issue is that the accident reports used as a source of two accident categories is that the machines and devices are
the data are mainly qualitative descriptions of the accident cases emphasized as an accident source in the case of severe non-fatal
that occurred in the Finnish manufacturing industry. The opera- accidents. Otherwise, the accident information is relatively uni-
tion-related factors and accident factors, which are working pro- form regardless of the severity of the accident (see Lind, 2008).
cess, physical activity, deviation and mode of injury, as well as By taking into account the facts that maintenance tasks are one
the victim’s profession and a branch and the size of the victim’s of the most commonly outsourced industrial operations and that
employer company, are presented in the reports according to the the types and sources of maintenance accidents presented in Lind’s
ESAW codes. All other information included in the data has been (2008) paper correspond with those obtained in this study, it is
gathered from the description and categorized by the researchers likely that the results of this article can be applied to the whole
performing the study. In order to ensure appropriate data collec- range of manufacturing operations and prevention of accidents in
tion, only those factors mentioned unambiguously in the descrip- varying severity. In addition to the focus on fatal accidents, this pa-
tions are endorsed to the data. No further interpretations are per discusses only those accidents that occurred in the Finnish
made in order to avoid misunderstandings and to ensure uniform manufacturing industry. However, the results can be applied to
processing of the accident reports. Third, the accident reports other industrialized countries due to similarities in outsourcing
compiled about fatal workplace accidents are made based on an characteristics (see Eurostat, 2009b; Hätönen and Eriksson, 2009)
accident investigation carried out by a case-specific group of and resulting safety management problems (see Nenonen, 2010).
experts. The differences in the investigator groups and the investi- When compared with European statistics, the accident factors re-
gation processes may cause variation in the aspects presented in ported in this paper describe typical accidents that occur in the
the accident reports. From the scientific point of view, variation manufacturing industry rather well (see European Commission,
in the reports makes the gathering of comprehensive and congru- 2009), although some variation exists between different countries.
ent information from all the accident reports at least burdensome Due to similar safety management problems encountered in multi-
and complicated but in some cases even impossible. However, employer worksites in different countries, the contributing factors
relatively quality data was obtained with an extensively careful to accidents and the recommended corrective actions in particular
dissection of the reports. reported in this paper are relevant to the safety of every multi-em-
The focus in this paper has been only on fatal workplace acci- ployer worksite in the manufacturing industry.
dents, because such data about non-fatal occupational accidents
that occurred in Finland that includes information about the 4.2. Review of the results
employer status is not available. Thus, the most comprehensive
occupational accident database does not include information that 4.2.1. Accident trend
can be used to define whether the work task performed at the time Compared with all fatal accidents in the manufacturing industry,
of the accident was outsourced or not. However, it could be the proportion of accidents that occurred at outsourced operations
1400 S. Nenonen / Safety Science 49 (2011) 1394–1403

seems to have risen during the period of review. However, the num- notice or at a work site that is not familiar to the performer (Lind
ber of accidents in outsourced operations remained at about the and Nenonen, 2008). In addition, providers’ poor commitment in
same level during the same time span. Thus, the number of acci- managing safety at customers’ site (see Holmes et al., 1999), lim-
dents that occurred when employees performed in-house an oper- ited resources available for safety management (see Lin and Mills,
ation has notably decreased. The most probable reason for the 2001), and long supply chains with confusing relations (see Loo-
upward trend of the accident proportion within outsourced opera- semoore et al., 2003) may cause insufficiencies in the factors con-
tions is the expansion of outsourcing during the past decade. Unfor- tributing to the accidents.
tunately, no specific data about the extent of the use of external The contributing factors of the accidents that took place when
service providers was available. Thus, within this study, it cannot employees performed in-house operations differing from those
be found whether the increase of the accident proportion among that occurred in outsourced operations were insufficient safety de-
outsourced manufacturing operations and the steady level in acci- vices and machine malfunction. These two factors seem to relate
dent numbers differing from the development within the in-house closely to each other. In-house operations include more machine
tasks can be explained totally by the increased outsourcing num- failure removals made by machinists than outsourced tasks. Re-
bers or whether the growth originates partially from the develop- moval of machine malfunction, especially if the failures are recur-
ment of poorer safety that in the group of in-house operations. rent, may lead to bypassing or out-taking of safety devices in order
to quicken the execution of the tasks.
4.2.2. Working processes
Even though the differences in working processes between out- 4.2.4. Recommended corrective actions
sourced and in-house operations were statistically significant only The only significant differences in the recommended corrective
in the case of production and monitoring, the differences in the actions between outsourced and in-house operations were found
proportion of setting up, maintenance, and cleaning were also in occupational instruction and guidance and task planning. This
remarkable. Production and monitoring were more common in- may partially be a consequence of the way the accident reports
house processes and the latter more frequent among outsourced are compiled. Many reports recommend along with the case-spe-
operations. This reflects the companies’ current tendency to focus cific corrective actions more universally applicable measures.
on their core operations and outsource the operations supporting These universal actions may not relate just directly to the identi-
core functions. The differences in the executed working processes fied primary contributing factors but are measures that affect more
between outsourced and in-house operations may have some kind generally safety performance and prevention of accidents. Because
of influence on other variables reviewed. For example, it is clear of this reporting style, several corrective actions are mentioned in
that some of the differences between outsourced and in-house every report, and thus, some of the recommendations presented in
operations in the proportions of the specific physical activity, devi- the reports may be somewhat similar.
ation, and mode of injury can be explained by the different work-
ing processes. Thus, it is also probable that working processes may
4.2.5. Exploiting the results of this study
have an effect on the factors contributing the accidents. However,
According to the results presented in this paper, even though
most of the contributing factors relate to the organizational and
most of the contributing factors between outsourced and in-house
human factors that are not very task specific. Therefore, it could
manufacturing operations are similar, several differences in the
be assumed that the working process’s influence is not that signif-
frequency of the contributing factors exist. From these results
icant from the perspective of the utilization of the results. How-
can be drawn a conclusion that mainly similar measures to manage
ever, the assumptions and the magnitude of the possible
safety in outsourced operations can be utilized than in in-house
influence cannot be checked due to the limited number of data.
ones. However, when employees operate at another company’s
site, the focus in safety management and accident prevention
4.2.3. Contributing factors
should be directed at the contributing factors most common to
In the case of accidents that occurred at outsourced operations,
the outsourced operations. Also noteworthy is the transition from
inappropriate warning signs, insufficient hazard identification,
the execution of manufacturing operations in-house to acquiring
deficiencies in instruction and guidance, inadequate flow of infor-
these operations from external companies. This also shifts the haz-
mation, and insufficient task planning were emphasized as con-
ards and possible accidents to the service-providing companies.
tributing factors more commonly than at in-house operations. An
However, the responsibility of managing the safety cannot be off-
explanation for this is that ensuring the adequacy of these issues
loaded merely to providers but should be done with the coopera-
is considered difficult when working at work sites operated by
tion of all performers operating on the site in order to ensure the
other performers (Nenonen, 2009). The complexity of managing
safety of the employees of the service-providing companies and
the factors in question may relate to the problems in the service
other employees operating at the shared workplace.
providers’ own safety management but as well as to unworkable
arrangements and cooperation between partners. According to
the literature, e.g., weaknesses in external companies’ hazard 5. Conclusions
awareness may spring from hazard identifications external compa-
nies made unsystematically (see Trethewy et al., 2003) or equally This article discussed fatal workplace accidents that occurred in
from host companies’ poor communications of hazard identifica- the Finnish manufacturing industry during 1999–2008. The pur-
tion results (see Mynttinen, 2006). From the viewpoint of instruc- pose of this review was to identify what kinds of accidents occur
tion and guidance, insufficiencies may result because host when employees performed outsourced manufacturing operations
companies have not considered that external employees are not and study the factors contributing to these accidents. In addition,
as aware of and experienced with common practices and proce- the purpose was to compare accidents that occurred at outsourced
dures as the host’s own employees (see Clarke, 2003). On the other operations with those that took place at in-house operations. The
hand, the flow of information may be inadequate, e.g., due to un- study was carried out by analyzing accident reports made based
clear procedures causing breaks in the information flow or work- on accident investigations executed by a group of experts.
ers’ obliviousness about what information should be shared with According to the analysis of the accident reports of the Finnish
partners (see Kuitunen et al., 1999). Furthermore, problems in task manufacturing workplaces, every year several accidents claim the
planning may arise because the task should be executed at short lives of the employees working for the service providers or the
S. Nenonen / Safety Science 49 (2011) 1394–1403 1401

main companies. About 40% of these accidents occur when ing the fatal accidents at outsourced operations in the manufactur-
employees perform outsourced operations. The largest share of ing industry. Results of the analysis presented in the paper can be
the fatal workplace accidents involves middle-aged employees used among others in risk assessment, accident prevention, and
who are experienced in the tasks they are performing at the time orientation of safety measures at shared workplaces in the manu-
of the accident. facturing industry. The results gathered during the analysis
The most common working processes in the case of fatal acci- presented in this paper are also examined in a research project
dents that occurred at outsourced operations were installations executed at the Department of Industrial Management at the
and preparations as well as maintenance and repairs. The most Tampere University of Technology. During the project, an
common specific physical activity, deviation and mode of injury operational model of safety management for service providers
were movement, breakage, and impact against a stationary ob- operating in the manufacturing industry was developed. With
ject, respectively. When outsourced operations were compared the support of the practical information and tools of the model,
with in-house tasks, some differences in the shares among the industrial providers can enhance safety when operating with cus-
studied variables were found. However, these differences were tomer companies.
statistically significant only in the case of a couple working
The most common factors and deficiencies that were mentioned Acknowledgements
in the accident reports as contributing to the accidents that oc-
curred at outsourced operations were dangerous work practice, The author acknowledges the financial support received from
insufficient hazard identification, human error, and deficiencies the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish Maintenance
in instruction and guidance. These contributing factors differed be- Society Promaint and the group of Finnish industrial companies
tween outsourced and in-house operations in several cases. How- for the execution of the research project ‘Safety Management of
ever, the recommended corrective actions in the reports were Industrial Services.’ In addition, the writer would like to sincerely
very similar. thank Mr. Jouni Kivistö-Rahnasto, Prof., Ms. Noora Hintikka, M.Sc.
The analysis discussed in this paper has yielded previously (Eng.), and Marileena Koskela, M.Sc. (Eng., Econ.), for valuable com-
quite shortly reviewed information related to the factors influenc- ments on previous drafts of the article.

Appendix A

Accident-related variable proportions of fatal workplace accidents at outsourced and in-house operations in the manufacturing industry
in Finland during 1999–2008.

Variable (ESAW-code) Examples of variables presented in the accident Outsourced In-house Sig.
reports operations operations
(%) (%)
Working process (n = 33) (n = 49)
Production, manufacturing, processing (11) Working in a production line, manufacturing of 3 18 –**
products, and removal of a process malfunction
Storing (12) Load of a cargo and transfer of supplies at a store 6 6
Remodeling, repairing, extending, building Repair of a valve 3 0
maintenance (24)
Setting up, preparation, installation, mounting, Unloading of a cargo, installation of lights, and 27 20
disassembling, dismantling (51) assembly of scaffolding
Maintenance, repair, tuning, adjustment (52) Repair of a loader, fault correction of process 18 6
equipment, and survey of electrical connections
Cleaning working areas, machines (53) Cleaning of a production area, a pipeline, and a 15 4
Waste management, disposal, waste treatment Discharging of a silo, loading of a garbage truck, and 6 2
of all kinds (54) transferring waste to a waste container
Monitoring, inspection of manufacturing Oil level survey, inspection of a production line 0 16 –**
procedures, working areas, means of operation, and visit to a production area
transport, equipment (55)
Other auxiliary activity (59) Adjustment of a crane cable and removal of a pipe 6 12
Movement (61) Moving between work sites and the transfer of a 12 12
Other working processes (99) Lifting of a container and inspection of a process 3 2

Specific physical activity (n = 32) (n = 46)

Operating machine (10) Usage of a band saw, a baking chamber, and a 9 9
grinding machine
Working with hand-held tools (20) Usage of a pressure washer, a torque wrench, and a 16 15
vacuum cleaner

(continued on next page)

1402 S. Nenonen / Safety Science 49 (2011) 1394–1403

Appendix A (continued)
Variable (ESAW-code) Examples of variables presented in the accident Outsourced In-house Sig.
reports operations operations
(%) (%)
Driving/being on board a means of transport or Usage of a wheel loader, weight transfer by a bridge 9 13
handling equipment (30) crane, and moving in a factory area by bicycle
Handling of objects (40) Unfastening of a valve’s packing and opening a door 16 7
Carrying by hand (50) Pulling a bulkhead and moving a box on a 3 7
production line
Movement (60) Walking on a deck and climbing to a platform 41 33
Presence (70) Presence near machinery, at a dock, and in a factory 6 17

Deviation (n = 33) (n = 49)

Deviation due to electrical problems, explosion, Inflammation of turpentine, electric arc from an 12 12
fire (10) element, and explosion of a reactor
Deviation by overflow, overturn, leak, flow, Escape of hot alkaline cooking alcohol and release of 6 4
vaporization, emission (20) tire pressure
Breakage, bursting, splitting, fell, collapse of Falling of a rolling door, sliding of a container cover, 30 20
material agent (30) and catapulting of a grindstone piece
Loss of control of machine, means of transport Unexpected work movement of a machine, sudden 6 24
or handling equipment, handheld tool, spin of a superconductor rod, and sudden
object, animal (40) movement of a truck
Slipping, stumbling and falling, fall of persons Falling of person through an uncovered opening 27 16
(50) and slipping in icy woodchips field
Body movement without any physical stress Hand being caught by a conveyor 0 4
Shock, fright, violence, aggression, threat, Working or moving in a danger zone 18 18
presence (80)

Contact – mode of injury (n = 34) (n = 49)

Contact with electrical voltage, temperature, Exposure to an electric arc, high temperatures due 12 14
hazardous substances (10) to a fire, and hot alkaline cooking alcohol
Drowned, buried, enveloped (20) Being buried in ash 3 0
Horizontal or vertical impact with or against a Getting struck in an asphalt field or on the floor 24 18
stationary object (30)
Struck by object in motion, collision with (40) Getting stuck by a tipping truck side, a falling 12 16
rolling door, a forklift, and a flying grindstone piece
Contact with sharp, pointed, rough, coarse Contact with high-pressure water 3 0
material agent (50)
Trapped, crushed etc. (60) Getting crushed between a truck cabin door, in a 44 51
waste press, and under a wheel loader
Other contacts (99) Getting struck on an ash hopper 3 0

0.050 6 p < 0.100.
0.010 6 p < 0.050.
p < 0.010.

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