FOD Intro
FOD Intro
FOD Intro
ISSN: 2278-0181
CONFCALL - 2019 Conference Proceedings
K. Ajithkumar V. Vimalpraksh
Dept.of Aero Dept.of Aero
Apollo Engineering College. Apollo Engineering College.
Abstract:- Foreign object damage (FOD) is a common risk for FOD cases happened. Apart from that, this paper is aimed
aviation industry that causes potential damage for an aircraft to classify FOD based on their specification, understand the
,external FOD hazards include bird strikes , sand stormes ,ash consequences of FOD to the aircraft and identify the cost
clouds on the runway .Internal FOD Hazards creates an contributed by FOD. Throughout the completion of this
interference with flight safety by means of sort out electrical
connections, improper control cables etc,since long time ago
research, several methods had been used to gather reliable
and it has contributed to many terrible incidents .The cost of information and data. Most information was obtained
FOD obstrucles every year is very high, which is around RM through research from reliable sources such as internet,
1.2 billion. Therefore, FOD has to be eliminated without technical report, books, articles and journals. Moreover,
creating an impact on performance and it should proper Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and ATSB
technique and strategy has to be taken by the designated websites were really useful in searching for information,
organizations including airlines to further eliminate the FOD especially for FOD occurrences and the FOD Prevention
occurrences. It is not easy to control FOD due to some Program. Beside these sources, the National Aerospace
circumstances and complications such as inappropriate FOD Prevention (NAFPI) Conference was also very
working behaviour, poor working environment, insufficient
damage tolerances and technology and also disorganized
helpful in providing the most current and updated
housekeeping system. The main purpose of this research is to information, which also included opinions from many
discuss and explain further about FOD and its techniques to types of aviation organizations. Furthermore, another
prevent FOD. FOD is a universal concern in aviation industry method that had been used in this research was analyzing
and it is one of the reasons that contribute to aircraft failure the conducted surveys by authorised agencies, airline
and unwanted damages such as fatalities and casualities. operators and aviation companies.
Throughout this research, many information related to FOD
problems and and its catastrophic failures,their impact on
aviation industry are gathered and discussed.
Foreign object damage (FOD) is a big problem
in aviation maintenance industry that reduces the level of
safety for an aircraft. In fact, it can only be controlled and
minimized properly by using the right and precise control
method. Basically, FOD is known as foreign object (FO)
that can cause severity and destruction to the aircraft such
as engine failure and loss of human life. Nowadays, there
are many cases of FOD that happened due to some reasons FIG 1.1:. CONSEQUENCES OF REPORTED FOD OCCURRENCES
and this situation leads to a survey on aviation safety in the
aviation industry. The result has indicated that FOD is the
most potential ground base cause that contributes to
FOD includes debris, substances or articles that have
catastrophic aviation failure. Basically, this research will
the potential to cause damage to any vehicle or system. In
focus on FOD sources and also its prevention method at
other words, FOD can be defined as anything that is around or
airports and maintenance areas where the most common
inside the aircraft and flight line operations that does not 2.3. FOD ITEMS LOCATION
belong there. FOD varies in sizes and it has the capability to Many types of FOD items with variety of sizes
create hazard to equipment or personnel. Another definition of were found and 55% of them were located at aircraft stand area
FOD is the damage on aircraft, helicopters, launch vehicles, or parking area where the aircraft normally parked at the
engines or other aviation equipment. which takes place when a airport.
foreign object smashes the engine, flight controls, airframe and
the other operating systems. Based on Federal Aviation
Authority (FAA), FOD is principally known as a hazard
element that can severely harm the airport, personnel and
equipment. In fact, the most serious case of FOD had involved
personnel injuries or death and in most cases, it usually
occurred during aircraft close-proximity taxing when the
personnel was exposed to adverse effects of high velocity jet
blast. The harsh blast forced FOD through the airport and often
caused injuries to personnel who were working around that
area. the impact of soft body damage can result from flexible
objects such as birds, ice slabs and plastics. For instance, it can FIG 2.3.1:SOURCES OF FOD ENGINE DAMAGE
usually be seen by a large radius curvature of deformation to
the turbine blade fan. Meanwhile, hard body impact damage
occurs with uneven appearances. For example, tear to airfoil’s
leading and trailing edges at the turbine blade section as a
result of impact by rigid parts like metal parts, concrete and
aircraft engines. In fact, in some severe cases, replacement of a structure. Penetration of FOD on the pressurisation area can
new engine is necessary.Internal damages can give more cause rapid depressurization .The main purpose of cabin
significant effects since it often cannot be seen by the normal pressurisation is to maintain a safe and comfortable
eyesight. The impact of FOD on gas turbine engine blade can environment for crew and passengers in the aircraft, which is
be divided based on the severity of the damage asMinor – no flying at low outside atmospheric pressure. Depressurisation of
more than blade blending is required ,Moderate – replacement the aircraft is very dangerous to everybody inside the aircraft
of blade on single stage is required ,Severe – replacement of and put the crew and passengers at risk of hypoxia, altitude
blade on more than on stage is required,Very severe – blade sickness, barotrauma and decompression sickness.
replacement is required plus repair of additional damage
incurred to the other engine areas 2.4.4 FUEL EFFICIENCY
FOD ingestion has a tendency to drop engine's operating
efficiency. This often happens when the blades are blended,
which causes a slight increase in fuel consumption,When FOD
has caused damage to the aircraft, the aircraft is normally
parked at the designated area to let the maintenance personnel
to inspect, and repair it if necessary. The aircraft will only
return to service after the damage has been repaired. If major
repair has to be conducted, the aircraft will be grounded for a
long time and this causes flight cancellation. The cost of
aircraft delay and cancellation fees are significantly high,
hence gives big impact to airport and airline operators.
FOD prevention is a method or technique to
prevent FOD and promote safety in aviation world. The main
purpose of FOD prevention is to reduce FOD occurrences
around the airport and maintenance areas. Nowadays, most
airports and airline operators have realized the importance of
FOD prevention. The most important factor that contributes to
the success of this method is the ongoing support and
commitment from the top organisation leadership
management. Without this, the effectiveness of FOD
prevention cannot be achieved and it will continually suffer
with lack of credibility.A successful FOD prevention can be
achieved by having procedures and implementation of Safety
Management System (SMS).This system is highly beneficial
because it gives major contribution for the organisation to
establish decisions, attitudes, techniques of operation regarding
safety culture and other related issues.Through good safety
FIG ENGINE BLADE DAMAGE DUE TO AN INGESTION OF A culture, all duties and procedures about FOD prevention can be
SMALL BIRD clearly defined and well understood. After all, designated
personnel should have good personalattitudes and know their
2.4.2.TYRE DAMAGE responsibilities regarding FOD hazards and how to eliminate
The damage on the aircraft tyre usually happens due it.
to the penetration of FOD into the aircraft tyre. In worst cases,
it can cause tyre burst that leads to many unwanted 2.4.6.FOD PREVENTION AND AWARNESS
circumstances and even loss of life. Moreover, FOD can cause FOD prevention program is a guideline for an
the tyre treads of the nose or the main landing gear to detach. organization to eliminate and reduce any consequences of
If this happen during take-off and landing, the detachment of FOD. Normally the program is based on certain standards and
the tyre treads will cause the aircraft sections such guidelines that are issued by the aviation authorities such as
as fuselage, wings, engine intake and compressor. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and
detachment of the tyre treads starts with a penetration and FAA. The researches that have been done clearly show that
normally happens in take-offs and landings. most organizations in aviation industry are practicing the same
procedure of FOD prevention program such as in several
2.4.3.AIRFRAME DAMAGE aviation companies and agencies including Bell Textron
In some cases, FOD may penetrate through the Helicopter, NationalAerospace FOD Prevention Inc. (NAFPI),
windshield and cause injury to the pilots. Around 13% of Research andTechnology Organization (RTO) and FAA. In
incidents caused by bird strike involved fatal injuries from order to achieve the ultimate goal of this program, there are
damages to the windshield. In order to avoid this problem from three considerations to be applied: FOD designation / sensitive
happening, aircraft manufacturers have to ensure the strength area, awareness and FOD airside activities preventive
and durability of the windshield by making improvement in its
exemples d'accident sous l'Effet du F O D sur les aubes et composants des turboréacteurs
Volume 7, Issue 11 Published by, 3
Special Issue - 2019 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
CONFCALL - 2019 Conference Proceedings
measure.FOD designation area is essential to prevent FOD. debris can be totally eliminated and this indirectly reduces the
This area should be designed based on maintenance activities risk of having FOD at airport area.
that have been done and risks associated with FOD. However,
there are many consequences and a high probability of FOD is 4.CONCLUSION
not controlled or found in this area. The most effective way to eliminate FOD is by developing
FOD awareness among the people who are involved in
aviation industry. Due to dangers of FOD, the aviation
authority, organization or company has taken appropriate
action to minimize this problem by having FOD prevention
program and also applying other prevention methods. The
prevention program includes all techniques to eliminate FOD
or everything that is prone to FOD. It is indeed one of the most
effective measures to eliminate FOD in today’s aviation world.
The success of this program starts at the top level of an
organization itself and it gets more comprehensive when there
is a continuous solid support from the subordinates. Everybody
in the organization must always be sensitive to the impact of
FOD and needs to put an extra effort to eliminate this
particular problem. After all, the most critical goal of the FOD
prevention program is to promote unlimited safety level in
aviation world. This is just to make sure that FOD will not
FIG SENSITIVE AREAS BY THE COMBINATION OF become predominant and create catastrophic failures to the
aircraft, as well as everyone who is flying on it.
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