CPCS 2021-012 Grant of Quarters Priviliges
CPCS 2021-012 Grant of Quarters Priviliges
CPCS 2021-012 Grant of Quarters Priviliges
@fficc o[ thc lJrcsrbrnt of
tso 90012015
3/F, BDO Tovers Paseo, 8741 Paseo De Roxas, lvlakati City, Philippnes CERTIFIED
D fiomiog
Section 5 of the said E.O. provides that "[t]he existing compensation granted by
GOCCs to its officers and employees shall be standardized in accordance with
the CPCS approved under this Order."
Under Section Vll of the CPCS as attached to E.O. No. 150, officers and
employees of GOCCs may be entitled to certain indirect compensation, including
quarters privileges, based on the prescribed rates, guidelines and regulations to
be promulgated by the GCG based on applicable compensation laws and
issuances for National Government Agencies.
2. Govemee. - This Circular shall apply to the officers and employees, whether
regular, contractual or casual in nature, of GOCCs and their subsidiaries
under Republic Act (R.A.) No. 10149.1
3. Excuustoxs. - The following are excluded from the coverage of this Circular:
3.1. Officers and employees of GOCCs with approved abolition or deactivation
3.2. lndividuals hired by GOCCs without employer-employee relationships and/or
those whose compensation is not sourced from Persona! Services
appropriations/budgets of their respective GOCCs, as follows:
(a) Members of the Governing Board;
(b) Consultants and experts hired to perform specific activities or services
with expected outputs;
(c) Laborers hired through job contracts (pakyaw) and those paid on
piecework basis;
(d) Student laborers and apprentices; and
(e) lndividuals and groups of people whose services are engaged through
job orders, contracts of service, or others similarly situated.
3.3. Those who are covered by R.A. No. 7305 or the Magna Cafta of Public
Health Workers; and
3.4. Those who are expressly provided free quarters under existing laws, rules
and regulations.
4.1 The quarters privilege is a benefit for GOCC officers and employees
assigned or transferred to a place other than that of their domicile and do
not own houses or rooms therein, by virtue of agency policies on reshuffling
or rotation. This is in the form of providing free quarters3 to employees.
4.2. Officers with positions under the following career bands and job grades may
be entitled to quarters privilege:
M-JG12to16 B
4.3. GOCCs may provide free quarters within their office premises to the covered
officers in 4.2.
4.4.1. The rental conhact shall be entered into by and between the GOCC
concerned and the owner of the dwelling unit. The rental payment
shall be paid to the latter and not commuted in favor of the officers
4.4.2. Theabove rates shall be inclusive of the amount for telephone, water,
and electricity bills.
3Free use of govemment-owned or leased place of lodging (fully fumished) which may include telephone, water,
and electricity for basic needs.
CPCS CtncuuqR No.2021-0121 3 oF 3
5. Furoruo Sounces. - The funding for the payment of the quarters privileges shall
Oe cnarged by GOCCs to their respective approved corporate operating budgets
(COBs)- However, it shall be prohibited to source the payment of the said grant
from the following:
(a) Loans; and
(b) Sale of the GOCC's asset(s) for the sole purpose of paying the quarters
privileges; and
(c) Other schemes analogous to the foregoing.
Furthermore, the GOCCs shall not increase their service fees for the purpose of
augmenting any deficiencies in the amounts prescribed herein, and neither shall
thJ grant of quarters privileges adversely affect the implementation of
programs/projects, as well as the attainment of performance targets.
l. Repeauxo Cueuse. - All other GCG orders, circulars, issuances, and decisions,
Circular are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Olglta[y signed by
Carl6 G. Ooming@z
I 10:38:23 108'00'