Budget Circular No 2023 1 Dated November 10 2023
Budget Circular No 2023 1 Dated November 10 2023
Budget Circular No 2023 1 Dated November 10 2023
« K V B A. S K r
1.0 Background
1.1 Administrative Order (AO) No. 135, s. 2005^ authorizes the grant of the
CNA Incentive to government employees and directs the Department of
Budget and Management (DBM) to issue the necessary policy and
procedural guidelines for its implementation.
1.2 Item (4)(h)(ii)(aa) of the Congress Joint Resolution (JR) No. 4, s. 2009^
institutionalizes the grant of the CNA Incentive as a form of reward to
motivate employee efforts toward higher productivity, to wit:
' Authorizing die Grant of Collective Negotiation Agi’cement (CNA) Incentive to Employees in Government Agencies
Joint Resolution Authorizing the President of the Philippines to Modify the Compensation and Position Classification System of Civilian
Personnel and the Base Pay Schedule of Military and Unifonned Personnel in the Government, and for Other Puiposes
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1.3 Section 81 of the Genera! Provisions (GPs) under the FY 2023 General
Appropriations Act (GAA) provides the rules in the grant of the CNA
Incentive, to wit:
1.4 Section 3 of AO No. 25^ dated December 21, 2011 mandates that the
harmonized Results-Based Performance Monitoring System shall be
used as a basis for determining entitlement to performance-based
allowances, incentives, or compensation of government personnel,
including the CNA Incentive.
2.0 Purpose
This Circular is issued to provide the policy and procedural guidelines on the
grant of the CNA Incentive for FY 2023, pursuant to the laws and executive
issuances stated in Item 1.0 hereof.
3.0 Coverage
’ Creating an Inter-Agency Task Force on the Hannonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting
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enjoying fiscal autonomy, SUCs, GOCCs, LWDs, and LGUs, whether or not
covered by Republic Act (RA) No. 6758'’ dated August 21, 1989:
An Act Prescribing a Revised Compensation and Position Classification in the Government and for Other Purposes
’ Agency Fee from Non-Meinbers of the Accredited/Recognized Collective Negotiation Agent
Registration of Collective Negotiation Agreements (CNAs) with the Civil Service Commission
’ An Act to Promote Financial Viability and Fiscal Discipline in Government-Owned or--Controlled Corporations and to Strengthen the Role
of ths Stale in its Governance and Management to Make Them More Responsive to the Needs of Public Interest and for Other Puiposes
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outcomes/performance indicators under their respective
FY 2023 budget approved by Congress, or the approved
FY 2023 Corporate Operating Budget (COB), whichever is
4.2.1 The rate of the CNA Incentive shall not be pre-determined in the
CNA since it is subject to compliance with the conditions in Item
4.1 hereof and the availability of the allowable allotments.
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4.2.3 In all cases, the CNA Incentive shall not exceed F30,000 per
qualified employee.
4.3-3 Items under Personnel Services, all other MOOE, and/or Capital
Outlay shall not be used to increase allowable MOOE items as
fund source for the FY 2023 CNA Incentive.
4.3.4 ForGOCCs
The CNA Incentive shall be sourced solely from the total MOOE
level under their respective DBM-approved COBs for FY 2023,
provided that the following conditions are complied with:
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operating income in the approved COB for the same period.
For GOCCs/GFIs, which by the nature of their functions
consistently incur losses, the current year’s operating loss
should have been minimized or reduced compared to or at
most equal to that of the prior year’s level;
4.3.5 ForLWDs
4.4.3 The CNA Incentive for the year shall be granted only during the
validity of appropriations from which the available MOOE
allotments shall be sourced.
" An Act Requiring Government-Owned or -Controlled Corporations to Declare Dividends under Certain Conditions to the National
Government, and for Other Puiposes
384 SCRA 548
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4.4.4 The amount paid as CNA Incentive shall be recorded in the
agency books under the account code “Collective Negotiation
Agreement Incentive-Civilian,” “Other Benefits,” and “Collective
Negotiation Agreement incentive” for NGAs, LCDs, GOCCs, and
LWDs, respectively.
5.1.1 The total amount of allowable MOOE allotments in Item 4.3 hereof
which has become available as a result of cost-cutting and
systems improvement measures identified in the CNAs and
supplements thereto, and which was the result of the joint efforts
of management and employees;
5.1.3 As provided under Section 81(d) of the GPs under the FY 2023
GAA, the payment of the CNA Incentive shall be subject to the
approval by the Agency head and made only during the validity of
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5.2 In large departments wherein employees’ organizations in the regional
offices have been accredited by the CSC as the negotiating agent/s, the
Department Secretary or his duly authorized representative should
provide internal guidelines to ensure uniformity and equity in the
negotiation process, monitorthe progress of simultaneous negotiations,
and ensure compliance with the provisions of this Circular.
5.3 For LGUs, the savings in the identified MOOE expense items shall be
determined through the Registry of Appropriations, Allotments and
Obligations and Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations,
Disbursements and Balances.
Each NGA and SUC shall submit online to the DBM’s Budget and Management
Bureau or Regional Office concerned not later than January 31, 2024, the
annual report on the grant of the CNA Incentive by following the template in
Annex “A.”
In this regard, the NGAs and SUCs shall encode the required
details/information, as well as upload the scanned copy of the report using the
following link https://forms.dbm.gov.ph/index.php/submit-cna-report .
Agency heads and accountable officers shall be responsible for the proper
implementation of the provisions of this Circular in their respective offices. They
shall be held administratively, civilly, and/or criminally liable, as the case may
be, for any payment of the CNA Incentive not in accordance with the provisions
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of this Circular, without prejudice to refund by the employees concerned of any
unauthorized or excess payment thereof.
All existing circulars or issuances on the grant of the CNA Incentive, which are
inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
9.0 Effectivity
This Circular shall take effect immediately after publication in the Official
Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
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Report on the Payment of the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) Incentive for FY
Fund Sources:
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