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6 IJBSM April 2021 Maneesha Et Al-4

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Maneesha et al.

, 2021

2.5. Mangal: Khair (Cutch tree) Heavy bleeding and other menstrual problems are also treated
Mangal governs marrow, neck and anal region. Khair is a by this grass. It is used as an appetizer, antipyretic agent and
deciduous tree grown in dry regions as a fire break. The gum used in treating fever, cough and cold. It can be used in as
of this tree is used to adulterant. Black dye extracted from an antiinflammatory, antiemetic, antidiabetic, diuretic and
leaves and reddish-brown dye from stem is used as natural bloodpurifying agent (Rai et al., 2010)
colouring agents. The heartwood is used in furniture making. 2.9. Ketu: Darbha (Halfa grass)
It is used to treat painful throat and cough, skin irritations,
asthma, bronchitis, colic diarrhea, dysentery and boils (Sunil Ketu is the shadow body associated with the descending
et al., 2019). It has astringent property and is used for proper (or south)  lunar node. Ketu governs feet, belly and claws.
digestion. Kattha used in paan, is prepared by boiling and Darbha grass is the plant assigned for ketu graha. Darbha
processing the heartwood of khair tree. Kattha cures mouth is a strong tonic. It has astringent, antipyretic and antiviral
ulcers, boils and skin eruption when applied on the affected activities. The antioxidant content of darbha grass is high. It
area. Bark decoction of khair mixed with milk relieves cold and has antihypertensive activity, insecticidal properties and used
cough. The mixture of khair powder and cinnamon powder in various systems of treatment (Murthy and Mahajan, 2016).
helps to cure diarrhea. Rashi is the sign similar to zodiac in western system. There
2.6. Bruhaspati/Guru: Peepal (Sacred fig) are 12 rashis like 12 months of a year. According to vedic
Guru is related to thighs, liver, kidney and pancreas. Peepal tree astrology, people born under a particular rashi will be having
is associated with this graha. Peepal has great mythological, some common features related to the respective rashi.
religious and medicinal importance. It has anticonvulsant, anti The plant species associated with the rashi are high in anti-
diabetic and anti inflammatory properties (Singh et al., 2011). oxidants and release more oxygen.
It has also showed wound healing antibacterial properties. It Rashi vatika plants provide good physical and mental health
is beneficial in treatment of respiratory and gastric disorders. (Mishra, 2018). The details of the rashi vatika plants are given
Ground young root tip with milk is remedy for ameobiasis
in Table 2.
and dysentery. Bark decoction is remedy for whopping cough
and asthma. Intake of powdered tender leaves with milk is 3. Importance of Rashi Vatika Plants
administered for abdominal pain. Bark decoction or bark juice
used as mouthwash can strengthen gums and reduce tooth 3.1. Mesh: Raktachandan (Red sandalwood)
ache. Fresh twigs of peepal tree can be used as toothbrush. Mesh meaning ‘goat’ and the rashi is portrayed by the face
Topical application of tender root paste can cure skin disease. and horns of a goat. It signifies leadership and strength.
Latex is applied topically to get rid of ringworms. The laxative Raktachandan is a medium sized tree commonly found in
nature of fruits helps to get relief from constipation. tropical countries. It is commonly used to cure skin problems.
2.7. Shani: Shami (Spunge tree) It can cure head ache and ensure sound sleep. Raktachandan
has antioxidative, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-
Teeth, muscles, legs and knee are governed by Shani. Shami
inflammatory and hepatoprotective nature (Bulle et al., 2016).
is the associated tree of Shani graha. It is an evergreen tree
with conical spines found in dry arid regions of India. Shami 3.2. Vrishabh: Sapta parni (Devil’s tree)
is a medium sized leguminous multipurpose tree with various The vrishabh rashi is depicted by the face and horns of a bull.
medicinal uses (Pareek et al., 2015). The stem bark is used to It shows power and aggressiveness. The tree associated with
treat rheumatism, common cold and piles. The flowers are this rashi is devil’s tree. It is an evergreen tree with fragrant
used on skin diseases as a blood purifier and as a coolant. flowers. Its leaves and bark have medicinal properties. It
Apart from its medicinal benefits; this tree is a part of rituals has anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-
in Hindu religion and is an excellent source of fuel and timber. depressant anti-anxiety and hepato-protective properties
Bark decoction is useful in sore throat, mouth ulcer and tooth (Pankti et al., 2012). The tonic made from this tree is used
ache. Tender leaves infusion can cure diarrhoea and dysentery as a febrifuge, anti-choleric and astringent. It is used to treat
very fast. Seeds have antidiabetic principles and pod is used fever, malaria, and troubles in digestion, tumours, ulcers and
to cure urio- geneital issues. Leaves also possess insecticidal asthma. Leaf juice is applied as eardrop to relieve ear ache.
properties. It can cure bowel complaints, catarrhal dyspepsia, diarrhoea,
2.8. Rahu: Durva (Bermuda grass) dysentery and skin disorders.
Rahu is the shadow body associated with the ascending (or 3.3. Mithun: Panas (Jack fruit)
north) lunar node. It is associated with lungs, breathing, neck Mithun rashi is symbolised by a pair of a boy and a girl. The
and legs. Durva is the representative plant of rahu. It is a people born in this rashi are talkative and have dual nature.
common weed found all over the country. This medicinal grass Jack fruit tree is known as poor man’s food. The fruit and
is cardio protective, hepato protective and anti-depressant. seeds are used for human consumption or animal feed, the
It is rich in antioxidants. It is a well-known antidiabetic agent. bark is used as timber or firewood and leaves are used to

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