Instalaciones de Señalización y Comunicaciones - English
Instalaciones de Señalización y Comunicaciones - English
Instalaciones de Señalización y Comunicaciones - English
1. Introduction ............................................... ................... one 23. CTCs and CRCs .................................................. ........................ 17
• Modification of the software and expansion of the hardware of the Madrid Chamartín station
High-Speed electronic interlock, installed in the Chamartín AV technical building (Hiedra
Street), with its corresponding local control videographic system, to adapt to the new track
configuration and field elements of the Chamartín AV-head south station, for each of the
project execution phases.
• Installation of field elements for the new roads and modification of the same for the affected
roads during the different phases of
• Expansion and modification of the cable networks for the security installations to provide
service to the field equipment installed on the new roads and on the affected roads. These
networks will be of the standardized multi-conductor or quad type, according to the
characteristics of the different equipment to be installed, and with a reduction factor, since
the line will be electrified in alternating current with the 2x25kV system.
• Modification of the legal recorder of the interlocking (JRU). UIC gauge tracks, and modification of the software and expansion of the hardware to adapt
to the new configuration of tracks and field elements, for each of the execution phases.
• Modification of the interlocking maintenance aid system
• Modification and adaptation of the blocking relations with the collateral stations, including the
• Elimination of wiring and field elements that remain outside
modification in the cantonation:
of service due to the modifications of routes carried out.
ÿ Hortaleza to Madrid Chamartin LC Security installations for the Chamartín Conventional Line station
ÿ Hortaleza to O'Donnell
• Modification of the software and hardware of the electronic interlocking of the Conventional
Line at the Madrid Chamartín station with its corresponding local control videographic ÿ Hortaleza to Fuencarral
system, to adapt to the new configuration of tracks and field elements for the Line.
ÿ Hortaleza to Barajas
Conventional of the station, for each of the phases of execution. ÿ Hortaleza (Manoteras) to Madrid Chamartín AV
• Modification of the existing field elements for the affected roads during the different phases of • Modification of the field elements associated with the different phases
execution, according to the new configuration of the roads: execution including:
ÿ Modification and/or installation of audio frequency track circuits for detecting trains on
ÿ Audiofrequency track circuits. conventional and UIC gauge tracks.
• Modification of the software and hardware of the electronic interlocking of the Hortaleza • Elimination of wiring and field elements that remain outside
station with its corresponding local control videographic system, to adapt to the new of service due to the modifications of routes carried out.
configuration of the conventional gauge track yard and mixed gauge tracks, for each of the
construction phases. execution. 2.1.2. electronic interlocks
The modification and extension of the existing electronic interlocking of Chamartín AV at the
• Installation of a new Object Controller dependent on the Hortaleza interlock, located in the hardware and software level is projected in accordance with the new UIC track configuration of the
Manoteras technical building station. Modification is also planned
(Fuente de La Mora) for the control and reception of information from the
of the existing interlocking of Chamartín LC to adapt to the conventional gauge The electronic interlocking system must comply with the following characteristics
track configuration of the station. during the different work phases and at the end of the same, with which they
already had before the start of the works:
Likewise, the modification and expansion of the Hortaleza interlocking at the
hardware and software level is planned in accordance with the new configuration • At the security level, it must respond to a "fail safe" design, ensuring that
of conventional, UIC and mixed gauge tracks. any failure in its operation is detected and it acts in such a way as to
guarantee that there are no unsafe states. This is achieved by applying
The control and command of the field elements and devices, the establishment the techniques accepted for this purpose for electronic systems:
of the routes and the maneuvers of the trains that are in the internal area of the redundancy in the process hardware (at least 2 out of 2), diversity-based
Chamartín station are carried out and ensured by the existing electronic techniques with software redundancy, redundant information by duplicating
interlockings of Chamartín AV and Chamartín LC, one for UIC gauge tracks and the data representation, or as is more common, with a combination of
another for conventional gauge tracks. several of them.
Likewise, the control and command of the field elements and devices, the
establishment of the routes and the maneuvers of the trains that are in the • At the level of availability, an MTBF index greater than 1 year is required.
internal area of the Hortaleza station are carried out and ensured by the existing This availability is achieved with all the systems validated by the Railway
electronic interlocking of Hortaleza . Infrastructure Manager.
• The functional and technical requirements and the architecture that the
For the design of the new installation of electronic interlocks and the extensions interlocks to be installed must comply with are those that appear in the
and/or modifications of the existing interlocks, the characteristics that they have standards NAS 800 (Operation and safety of electrical interlocks), NAS
for being part of the family of last generation electronic interlocks, based on 806 (Operation and safety of automatic locks), NAS 813 (Differimeters
microprocessors, are taken advantage of. The modular level development is and proximities), NTC 020.95 (Braking distances), among others
maintained, and the modules related to each of the basic functions that the
interlock must perform in the new track configuration are expanded by the
necessary number. • In all its aspects, the interlocks will especially follow the
of the corresponding station. standards UNE-EN 50126-1 “Specification and Demonstration of
Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) for Railway
This modular configuration allows the equipment to be adapted to the specific Applications” Part 1: Basic requirements and generic processes, UNE-EN
size of each interlock, as well as to the requirements of each installation. 50128 “Railway Applications. Software for Railway Control and Protection
Likewise, by adding the necessary elements and without affecting the basic and Systems” and UNE-EN 50129 “Railway Applications.
fundamental hardware, it allows direct interconnection with other systems used Electronic Systems of Control and Protection of the Railway related to
in conventional interlocks (relay contacts, switches, etc.), as well as remote Safety”.
controls and blocking systems.
The Chamartín AV and LC interlockings also provide the necessary information
In each of the modules considered as work units, will be included to the respective ERTMS/ETCS systems to carry out the control and protection
as part of the cables, plugs and interfaces necessary for interconnection with functions of the trains that circulate in the respective areas of the station (UIC
the rest of the modules, which constitute the interlocking and blocking system. and conventional) for the different situations. of the work, as well as for the
definitive configuration at the end of the same and its relationship with the rest
of its respective line. In the case of High Speed interlocking, it is connected to
The designed system will be completed with the location rack units the ERTMS/ETCS Level 1 and Level 2 systems for AV. For conventional
modules and cable entry/distribution racks that are considered necessary for interlocking, it is connected to the Level 1 and Level 2 systems (in the testing
adaptation to the station's new track configuration. phase). The LC and AV levels are independent.
The interlocks will maintain the ability to be remotely controlled from • Modularity, which allows easy expansion, both functional and
remote stations, to which it transmits the necessary information for the representation geographic.
of elements and devices. In case of disconnection of the respective CTC, it is the
• Connections between geographically separated modules through redundant serial
interlocking, through the local command or local operation post (PLO), in charge of
interfaces (physical redundancy through fiber or cable and logic).
establishing the routes.
The existing lock type for each of the scopes will not be affected • Operation in local mode, through the local operation post (PLO), that is, its own
for the actions of this project and therefore it will maintain at all times of the works and local control, or remotely controlled centrally, being able to carry out remote
at the end of the same the existing conditions of security and operation for the control control from various control and supervision systems, and of different operational
of trains between the interlockings of the lines, being in all cases Automatic Blocks level, although not simultaneously.
(Block Lateral Signaling for High-Speed lines and Banalized Automatic Blocks for
Conventional Network lines).
• Maintenance assistance system that facilitates the diagnosis and location of
breakdowns and maintenance, both locally where the ENCE is located, and
Communication is serial, between interlocks and interlock - RBC, or IP with track from the maintenance centers. It will also be possible to access from the CTC.
detection equipment, etc. For the exchange of non-vital information, interfaces adapted
to international standards are used that allow connection with commercial equipment, • Easy adaptability to future technological advances that favor the
that is, systems that use standardized and approved connections, both in hardware system profitability.
and software. The standard approval will be accepted according to CEI, CCITT, IEEE
• For the exchange of non-vital information, interfaces adapted to international
as long as there is no application for standardized European use.
standards will be used that allow connection with commercial equipment, that
is, systems that use standardized and approved connections, both in hardware
In all cases, the interconnections between the interlock and the other systems and and software. The standard approval will be accepted according to CEI, CCITT,
equipment are made through redundant serial channels due to availability requirements. IEEE as long as there is no application for standardized European use.
This will be the case even in the event that the equipment is of different technologies.
• Serial or LAN (local access network) communication with other ENCEs from
different manufacturers, and with other systems: RBC, track detection Interlock technology
equipment, etc. Parallel communication will be allowed with relay interlocks.
The technology of the existing interlocks is electronic, limiting the use of relays to Parallel communication with other electronic ENCEs from different manufacturers
those cases in which it is necessary for the command and control of specific elements. will be valued negatively.
The extensions and modifications to be made in the interlocks will be carried out Configuration and architecture of the interlocks
maintaining the same technology. The generic denomination that will be used for the
electronic interlocking will be
The configuration that will be maintained for the interlocks will be the existing one and
with the specific characteristics of the technological dependency of each manufacturer.
However, regardless of the manufacturer, the architecture of the interlocks consists of:
The extensions and modifications of the electronic interlocks must be designed in such
a way that the following criteria for the latest technology interlocks accepted and
approved by ADIF are maintained: • An ENCE Process Vital Module that processes all the interlock logic; and in the
Chamartín AV and LC ENCEs, also including the logic related to the ERTMS-1
• Highest level of security. LIS 4.
and ERTMS-2 train protection systems connected to each interlock, respectively.
• High availability through the use of redundant architectures.
• Vital Objects Controllers, located in the proximity of the field elements to be required to adapt the software to the new hardware, including the necessary validation,
controlled (signals, track circuits, axle counters, drives, wheel sensors) at no cost to ADIF.
composed of vital input/output cards.
The methodology used in the life cycle of the software and the proposed system must
be developed based on the UNE-EN 50128 and UNE-EN 50129 standards. For the
The ENCE processing module is the interlock's central processing and communications interlocks developed before the appearance of these standards, evidence will be
module. Receives data inputs from object controllers, non-vital processing modules, provided regarding the degree of compliance with what is specified therein.
PLO, CRC, ERTMS System, detector management system, as well as other ENCE
interlocks. It is in charge of internally processing and storing this data according to the
logic of the application, generating and transferring the data corresponding to the The security software of the system should preferably be developed in such a way that
installation to the aforementioned subsystems and others such as the maintenance it is constituted by a fixed program that is validated only once, and by a set of data that
support system (SAM) or the legal registrar. particularizes the program for the specific application. This reduces the validation work
required and makes software maintenance easier.
From the ENCE point of view, this module is the main one in the system and the only The data generation process during the application is considered part of the security
one programmable by the user. It includes the system software, communications and software and must be in accordance with the provisions of UNE-EN 50128.
specific application for each interlock. It has a redundant configuration, type 2 of 3 or
hot standby.
The software will be structured in such a way that the following levels are clearly
The vital objects controller is the device in charge of commanding and receiving the differentiated:
information of the objects in the field, for which it has a set of vital input/output cards. • System software, including the operating system, control interfaces and
communications, startup routines, synchronization between computers, etc.
The inputs coming from the field equipment will be collected by the object controllers,
which will send them to their processing unit. This will execute the necessary logic and • Software corresponding to the Exploitation of ADIF, which includes the
send the corresponding outputs to the same object controllers, these being the last own regulations and signaling rules.
ones in charge of sending them to the field. • Application software for each specific installation (data from
Existing software is structured in such a way that modifications and For the modification and extension of the interlocking, the defined work phases and the
Extensions of both the software or expansion or evolution of the hardware do not imply final configuration of the Chamartín Alta Velocidad tracks have been taken into account.
a complete test and validation of the ENCE, but only of the part of the application data
that is modified and/or extended, ensuring in each case the non-regression of errors.
At the engineering and software level, it will be necessary to modify, according to the
Therefore, the ENCE adapts profitably to present and future changes in line operation
• The logic of the electronic interlock itself, including the modifications related to the
and technology. If, due to the evolution of technology during the useful life of the ENCE,
serial interface with the ERTMS system.
it is necessary to migrate to a different hardware platform, the supplier will carry out all
the work • Modification of the Local Operation Post.
For the modification of the interlocking, the defined work phases and the final configuration of the • Order FOM 2015/2016 Official Catalog of Traffic Signs
Chamartín Conventional Line tracks have been taken into account.
• Royal Decree 664/2015 Railway Traffic Regulations (RCF).
• The logic of the electronic interlock itself, including the modifications related to the serial interface
• ET 03.365.010.2 “LED bulb adapter for high signal and pilot signal”.
with the ERTMS system.
1st Edition. June 2017.
• The modification of the Videographic System of the local command. • ET 03.365.005.2. “Signal transformers”.
For the modification of the interlocking, the defined work phases and the final configuration of the
In addition, alphanumeric speed indicator screens will be provided for signals with green-yellow indication
Hortaleza tracks have been taken into account.
(V/A) that require it. The supply of these screens will be carried out in accordance with the technical
At the hardware level, the cabin will be updated according to the final configuration of elements, as well specification ET 03.365.006 "Supply of alphanumeric signals" with the number of indications determined
by the definitive exploitation program, however, in the study all the alphanumeric screens have been
as the Gateway with the CTC.
budgeted with 2 indications.
At the engineering and software level, the following will be modified:
• The modification of the Videographic System of the local command. In all the newly installed signals, provision has been made for the ground equipment of the Digital
Automatic Signal and Braking Announcement System (Digital ASFA) and the ERTMS system. The
• Modification of the Diagnostic System.
description of these actions is included in the section on Train Protection Systems of this annex.
• Updating the documentation of the mentioned systems
The aspects, indications and orders of the signals will be in accordance with the Technical and track circuits
Operational Prescriptions for Circulation and Safety corresponding to the line.
As a system for the safe detection of train presence and release of the track, on UIC and
conventional gauge tracks, the installation of audio-frequency track circuits without mechanical
Existing signals, on tracks that are modified, will be dismantled for later reuse according to the new separation joints is planned, in accordance with standard ET.03.365.311.4 from ADIF.
configuration of tracks and devices.
The rest of the signs will be newly installed.
To facilitate maintenance tasks once the actions of this study have been completed, as well as
2.1.4. needle drives during the execution phases of the works, the audio-frequency track circuits must be made
compatible with those currently installed:
New needle drives are projected in the new diversions that are the subject of this study, and the
disassembly of the drives in the
• At Chamartín AV: track circuits for high-speed FTG technology from the manufacturer
diversions that are dropped.
Siemens. The necessary track circuits for the new tracks, diversions and crossings will be
For the movement of the points, electric or electro-hydraulic drives standardized by ADIF will be installed, in accordance with the defined execution phases.
• In Chamartín LC: FS3000 technology audio-frequency track circuits from the manufacturer
It will be necessary to install a terminal box at the foot of each new track device, including the mast
Siemens (former Dimetronic). The track circuits of the tracks that remain out of service will
and concrete base, where the corresponding motor cable will be connected.
be dismantled and the adjacent track circuits with the tracks that are no longer connected
to the tracks that remain out of service will be modified, in accordance with the defined
In the project phase, the location, wiring and connection plans of the installed drives will be drawn execution phases.
up. The connection will be made in accordance with the diagrams indicated above. The wires will
be identified for their terminal in the box located next to the drive. • In Hortaleza: FS3000 technology audio-frequency track circuits from the manufacturer
Siemens (former Dimetronic). The necessary track circuits for the new tracks and diversions
and rectified tracks will be installed.
After connecting the drives, a functional no-load test will be carried out to verify their correct
Likewise, the track circuits of the tracks that are out of service, rectified tracks and gauge
operation. This operation can be carried out by simulating the drive power supply from the closest
change tracks will be dismantled. All this, in accordance with the defined execution phases.
point that has voltage.
The new track configuration, as well as the installation of new turnouts and the change of location
2.1.5. Train detection systems
of some of them, will cause a change in the nomenclature of the track circuits. This nomenclature
The train detection systems installed in the area of action of this study are: is associated with that of the aforementioned devices and will appear reflected in the plans in the
project phase.
The basic operating principle will be based on a signal transmitter that is axle counters
connected to the rails to feed the section of track in question, and on one or
more receivers that receive said signal when the section is free. When a train The installation of axle counters is projected as a train detection system on the
mixed gauge tracks of the Hortaleza station.
enters the section, its axles short-circuit the rails and some or all of the receivers
stop receiving the signal, which translates into an indication of an occupied track
The electronic axle counter system is used to supervise the presence of a
complete train, guaranteeing that a track circuit, route or operating block is free
The range of the audio-frequency track circuits depends in turn on the ballast or occupied.
resistance, considering for the design 3ÿ x km, always lower than the existing
It is made up of an internal equipment or axle counter evaluator (central
processing unit) and external equipment or axle detection points.
Separate cables will be used for transmitters and receivers, and these cables
The complete system of axle counters is continuously supervised, so that
will be independent for each of the channels.
possible disturbances or faults, including the misalignment or disassembly of
The track circuits will be immune to the disturbances produced by the traction the detector heads that integrates each axle detection point, always cause the
current of the electrification systems. cancellation of "free".
They will be equally immune to the disturbances produced by the rolling stock All the elements of the electronic axle counter system to be installed will be
(converters, motors, etc.), as well as to those produced by the trains with eddy approved by ADIF, in accordance with the technical specification ET 03.365.310.6
on “Electronic train detection systems based on axle counters”.
current braking systems, and in general to any system installed in the vicinity of
the line. : Public GSM/UMTS and GSM R, electrical substations, etc.
As a security and reliability system, said system will comply with the UNE-EN
The technology of the audio-frequency track circuits to be used will allow a 50128 “Software for Railway Protection and Control Systems”, UNE-EN 50129
separation between adjacent sections of track through the use of electrical “Electronic Systems related to Security” and UNE-EN 50126 “RAMS Reliability
separation joints. Mechanical separation joints will not be allowed except in for Applications Railway”.
exceptional cases or in the foreseen cases of diversions: two mechanical joints
for the joining rails, and also, in the case of leaks between general tracks, two
other mechanical separation joints between the 2 semi-exhausts, approximately 2.1.6. Provisional molehill protection measures
in the center of the joint between them.
As there are no physical buffers at the end of the works, it is planned to install
For diversions and crossings, all the necessary interconnections between rails the following equipment in them to guarantee the safety of circulation:
with copper or aluminum cable will be included, in order to guarantee the correct
operation of the track circuits and the electrical continuity of the rails, suitably • Installation of a fixed square sign on the axis of the road (indication of
sizing the conductors used. stop).
• Installation of a derailer chock at a distance that accommodates traffic and
No other components will be installed on the track other than the connection at least that of sliding.
cables and the tuning boxes to the rails, as well as the traction current balancing
loops or elements within the electrical joint itself. • Installation of an ASFA beacon indicating a stop, which will be the end of
the ERTMS movement authority and the insurmountable limit for any
There will be no active electronic elements on the track or in the electrical other technical mode of partial ERTMS supervision.
separation joints.
2.2. Train protection systems The Hortaleza station is equipped with the ASFA system as a train protection system, on
which action will have to be taken so that the final situation is consistent with the new
2.2.1. Introduction track configuration. Likewise, it will be necessary to install fixed level transition Eurobalises.
The Madrid-Valladolid line, and therefore the high-speed part of the Chamartín station on
which the present study acts, was conceived as an interoperable line integrated into the
trans-European High-Speed network and, as such, must follow the guidelines of the
Directives and Technical Specifications of Interoperability. For this reason, the European 2.2.2. Overview of the proceedings
standard ERTMS/ETCS (European Railways Traffic Management System/European In Chamartin AV
Train Control System) was chosen as the train protection system.
• Extension of the existing Train Protection System for UIC gauge tracks according to
the European ERTMS/ETCS standard, with the following architecture, for each of
To carry out the actions framed in this study, the interoperability criteria are maintained the execution phases:
and therefore all the characteristics of the train protection systems currently installed and
in service for the High Speed train at Chamartín station will be extended, ÿ ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 as the main operating system.
ÿ Field equipment.
The end result will be a coherent and homogeneous train protection system for the entire
High Speed area of the station, taking into account the final layout of the tracks. The train ÿ Cabin interior equipment: RBC, CLC (LEU Centralizer).
protection systems that will be expanded and modified for the new high-speed track ÿ The new RBC (replacing the current one) will have the following
configuration are as follows: equipment:
- ERTMS Local Post (PLE)
The conventional gauge tracks at Chamartín station are also equipped with several train ÿ Interfaces and components to connect with the system of
protection systems in service or in the installation phase, on which action will have to be signaling (electronic interlock, CTC, CRC, etc).
taken so that the final situation is consistent with the new configuration of conventional
gauge tracks. . In this case, the systems on which it will be necessary to act will be the ÿ Legal Registrar in the RBC.
following: ÿ Local maintenance assistance system (local SAM-ERTMS).
• ASFA • Adequacy of the essential subsystems, which will need to be expanded or adapted
• ERTMS/ETCS Level 1. to include the necessary field equipment in the new track configuration, for the
following phases of execution:
• ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 (in testing phase).
ÿ Level 2 fixed equipment.
ÿ Level 1 fixed equipment. • Adaptation of the essential subsystems, which will need to be expanded or adapted to
include the necessary field equipment in the new track configuration:
ÿ PCE (Central Post of ERTMS/ETCS).
ÿ ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 (currently in the testing phase, once put into service
it will become the main operating system)
• In particular:
• Adaptation of the essential subsystems, which will need to be adapted to adapt to the new
ÿ Requirements Specification
from (ERA/ functional ERTMS/ETCS
configuration of conventional gauge tracks:
ERTMS/003204: Functional Requirements Specification –FRS-, version
ÿ Level 1 and 2 fixed equipment. 5.0).
ÿ PCE (Central Post of ERTMS/ETCS). ÿ System Requirements Specification (SRS) v2.3.0 d (UNISIG SUBSET-026
version 2.3.0, together with ERA SUBSET-108: Interoperability-related
ÿ Interfaces and components to connect with the system of
consolidation on TSI Annex A Documents, version 1.2.0).
• Expansion of the existing Train Protection System, with the following architecture, for each ÿ Document: Baseline Compatibility Assesment Final Report
of the execution phases: (EUG_UNISIG_BCA, version 1.0.0).
• "Functional Requirements and Engineering Rules ERTMS Level 1 and Level 2" of
ÿ ASFA system as operating system.
ADIF, version 2.4.6 or the latest version.
Page 11
ÿ TFM021046-DF-4-Part 1-V23: National Functionality of the System The static Level 1 LTVs will have a length that in no case will be greater than the
ERTMS. Embarked Team. canton between absolute signals. This length will be divided in two for the static
LTV of lesser value when the canton is greater than 6 km.
ÿ TFM021046-DF-4-Part 2-V20: National Functionality of the System
ERTMS. Infrastructure.
The imposition of an ERTMS Level 2 speed limitation will automatically generate
ÿ TFM021046-DF-4-Annex 1-V15: Technical description of the specific packages and variables an equivalent Level 1 LTV, with no additional action required from the ECP
of the ERTMS/ETCS National Functions. operator. In other words, the way in which an LTV is managed by the ERTMS/
ETCS Level 1 and Level 2 systems will be transparent to the operator.
• As a security and reliability system, said system must guarantee a SIL 4
security integrity level, in accordance with the criteria defined in the
CENELEC standards UNE-EN 50126, UNE-EN 50129 and UNE-EN 50128. Preferably, the speed profiles will be transmitted via the switchable Eurobalises.
If safety equipment developed prior to these standards is used, it must be The track conditions, track conditions (generic requirements, neutral zones, tunnel,
justified that an equivalent level of safety is obtained. viaduct, hatch closure, large metal masses) will be transmitted to the on-board
team at Level 1 through the fixed or relocation Eurobalises and at Level 2 through
the RBC. .
In Level 1 of ERTMS/ETCS, movement authorizations (MA) will be sent to the train
through commutable Eurobalises in a timely manner, as well as the establishment/ In addition, both the fixed and switchable Eurobalises will be used for train location
cancellation of Temporary Speed Limitations (LTV). The information transmitted by functions and to calibrate its odometry system.
the switchable Eurobalises will be consistent with that sent by the RBC in order to
guarantee the transition between levels.
The movement authorization will be divided into sections. For each section of an
MA, the following information must be defined: length of the section (the MA will be
set as the sum of all the sections) and in the event that a timer must be associated
for said section, the value of said timer and the point the train must reach before
the associated timer expires. The timing of the sections will correspond to the
interlocking dimeter associated with the dissolution of the routes that occupy said LEU
same; the authorization will be renewed when passing through the infill points of the advanced • Interface control equipment (PCI-ERTMS), to communicate the PCE with the different local
signal and the main signal. ERTMS equipment, as well as with the RBCs, leaving the Unified Network of Signaling
and Detectors to which they are connected isolated.
Level transitions will always be programmed at the borders (entrances and exits) of adjacent paths
equipped with different levels of ERTMS/ETCS.
The recovery transitions will preferably be programmed in all the input signals of each dependency Modifications of the ERTMS / ETCS Level 1 High Speed
and in the blocking signals.
For the different phases of work, the fixed and switchable Level 1 beacons will be moved or
The basic equipment of the ERTMS/ETCS Level 1 system consists of: installed according to the configuration of tracks and devices. Fixed relocation beacons will also
be installed in the parking lots that do not have them to allow the relocation of the train and the
• Fixed and switchable Eurobalises.
precision of the train stop.
• LEU.
The ERTMS/ETCS Level 1 system will receive information from the ENCEs regarding the New LEU centralizers (CLCs) and the LEUs corresponding to the new beacons will be installed.
routes and to the field elements for its correct operation.
In addition, the Level 1 operation equipment is complemented by the following equipment (common Likewise, the common equipment of Level 1 and Level 2 of
for ERTMS Level 1 and Level 2): ERTMS:
• ERTMS Central Post (PCE), to supervise the different functions that make up levels 1 and 2 • ERTMS Central Post (PCE).
of ERTMS from a centralized point.
• Legal registration team for the PCE (JRU-PCE).
• Legal registration team for the PCE (JRU-PCE), to record the information (both generated
• PCE Maintenance Support System (SAM-CE).
and received by the PCE itself), incidents or recorded breakdowns related to the PCE and
its communications. • Central maintenance and diagnosis server (CM)
• ERTMS Local Operation Post (PLE), allows the operator to manage The necessary modifications will be made to the ERTMS Level 1 system associated with the
of the ERTMS system. Chamartín interlocking as a result of the new track configuration, including the modification of the
interface cabinet between the system
• Local Maintenance Assistance System (SAM-ERTMS local), to supervise the operation of
ERTMS Level 1 and electronic interlocking, since both are of different technology.
the ERTMS equipment locally.
Page 13
2.2.4. ERTMS / ETCS Level 2 system To secure rail-train radio communications, the key management system based on the
UNISIG SUBSET 038 specification will be used. This management system uses
The ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 functionality shall meet the ERTMS/ETCS system cryptographic keys to guarantee the non-disruption of the security information exchanged
requirements specifications, indicated above. through GSM-R between track equipment (RBC) and trains (EVC).
The ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 system will be based on the information provided by the
interlocking to detect the presence of trains on the track sections, using the GSM-R For the management of these keys, the existence of Key Management Centers (KMC)
mobile radio network to exchange messages between the RBCs and the on-board is necessary, which contribute to achieving the necessary security for the protection of
equipment. . The Eurobalises will be used mainly as reference points for the position of ERTMS data against malicious attacks.
the train, allowing the calibration of its odometry system. In addition, they will also be
used for the specific cases provided for in the specifications, such as level transitions or Level transitions will always be programmed at the borders (entrances and exits) of
handovers between RBCs. adjacent paths equipped with different levels of ERTMS/ETCS.
The recovery transitions will preferably be programmed in all the input signals of each
dependency and in the blocking signals.
More specifically, the groups of relocation eurobalises will be located 250 meters before
the associated virtual signal, in order to correct the odometry error before the Level 2 Level 2 Temporary Speed Limitations will be associated with road sections, and to fully
stop points. In addition, the installation will be complemented with groups of eurobalises define them, the start chainage, end chainage, road and speed value associated with
of relocation in such a way that there is no greater distance than 1,500 meters between the LTV must be specified. The introduction of LTV will be adjustable to a zone with an
two groups. adjustment step of 10 m and at a speed between 0 and (Vmax-5) km/h, in steps of 5 km/
The data exchanged between the RBC and the trains under its supervision relating to
movement authorizations, position and speed of each train, incidents and, in general, all As stated above, the imposition of an ERTMS Level 2 LTV
information relevant to circulation, will be transmitted in real time to the ERTMS Central will automatically generate an equivalent Tier 1 LTV, with no additional action required
Post (PCE) through communication channels with the RBCs. from the PCE operator.
All information will be centralized in the RBCs. The RBC will determine the location of
the train based on the relative position sent by it, the occupation of the track sections
and the assigned route. RBC
It will be possible to enter commands and requests to the RBC, as well as view the
relevant information, through the ERTMS Local Operation Posts (local access) or the
PCE (remote access).
Each RBC will have the legal registration functionality (JRU-RBC) that allows all relevant ETCS
The RBCs will dialogue with each other to allow smooth traffic control regarding the
passage of trains from an area controlled by one RBC to another controlled by another. track circuit end
This process must be transparent to the train and the transfer will not cause any
reduction in performance. System ERTMS /ETCS Level 2
• Radio Blocking Centers (RBC). Modifications of the ERTMS / ETCS Level 2 High Speed
• Fixed Eurobalises for relocation (also used in Level 1). The increase in traffic of UIC gauge trains at the Chamartín station that will occur with the
• Legal Registrar of the RBC (JRU-RBC). connection of the southern end with the UIC tunnel.
• Key Management System (KMC). The current project has been designed for the previous configuration, for which a new RBC
associated with the Chamartín interlocking will be installed in the Hiedra building or in the new
In addition, the Level 2 operation equipment is complemented by the following equipment (common
building, replacing the current one, with sufficient capacity for the full operation of the station of
to ERTMS Level 1 and Level 2), indicated above:
• ERTMS Central Post (PCE), to supervise the different functions that make up levels 1 and 2 For the present study, the modification engineering of the planning and programming of the
of ERTMS from a centralized point. specific software for the design of the logic and programming of the current RBC and the
installation of a new RBC has been foreseen.
• Legal registration team for the PCE (JRU-PCE), to record the information (both generated
and received by the PCE itself, incidents or recorded breakdowns related to the PCE and ERTMS/ETCS Level 1 Eurobalise location rules
its communications.
The location of the Eurobalises must be in accordance with SUBSET-040: Dimensioning and
• PCE Maintenance Support System (SAM-CE), to store the
Engineering rules, version 2.3.0.
data relevant to the maintenance of the PCE.
• Central maintenance and diagnosis server (CM), which will provide the information that Regarding the criteria for the distribution of Eurobalises in the field and their association with
facilitates and speeds up troubleshooting and maintenance tasks. This system will also signals, the ADIF document "Functional Requirements and Engineering Rules ERTMS Level 1
allow the reconstruction of events. and Level 2" must be taken into account.
The composition and location of the ERTMS Level 1 information points is detailed below.
• ERTMS Local Operation Post (PLE), allows the operator to manage
of the ERTMS system.
• Each exit sign on general roads or bypass roads will be equipped with
• Local Maintenance Assistance System (SAM-ERTMS local), to supervise the operation of with:
the ERTMS equipment locally.
ÿ 1 fixed Eurobalise and 1 switchable Eurobalise at the foot of the signal (in
• ERTMS Manager (GR), to manage both the introduction and the the case of Chamartín, the second switchable balise is not used, according
cancellation of both static and dynamic LTVs. to the current design of the Madrid-Valladolid HSL line).
• Interface control equipment (PCI-ERTMS), to communicate the PCE with the different local
ERTMS equipment, as well as with the RBCs, leaving the Unified Network of Signaling
and Detectors to which they are connected isolated.
The ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 system will receive information from the ENCEs regarding routes and
field elements for its correct operation. This system is independent of the side light signals.
Page 15
ÿ 1 switchable Eurobalise and 1 fixed Eurobalise in the previous group (infill). 2.2.5. ASFA system
Within the scope of this study, the Automatic Signal Announcement and Braking system (ASFA) is
installed on the track as the following operating systems:
At Chamartín AV: as a third level of operation, an additional backup system for the line's main
rail traffic control and management system (ERTMS).
At Chamartín LC: as a backup system or as the main operating system for trains that are not
equipped with ERTMS on-board systems.
In Hortaleza: as the main operating system.
Group from Eurobalises prior to exit signal
It is planned to install the ASFA Digital system as an operating system to replace the conventional
In the exit signals on tracks with a commercial stop, the group of infill Eurobalises will be located so ASFA system.
that it is beyond the stop point of the longest commercial train (400 m) parked, as long as this point
is located at a distance from the signal greater than 50 m. In the event that this distance is less than Therefore, the ASFA Digital beacon installation is projected with the following hypotheses:
50 m, the group of infill Eurobalises will be located beyond the commercial stop point of the short
train (200 m). In any case, the minimum distance between the group of infill Eurobalises and the
signal, both on high-speed and conventional lines, will be 50 m.
The digital interface is not included, since, at the time of writing this document, it is not
It will be projected with the analog anti-disturbance interface, since it is an interface that
For the rest of the exit signals, the group of infill Eurobalises will be located in accordance with the requires power supply from the cabin, therefore having a configuration similar to the possible
document "Functional Requirements and Engineering Rules ERTMS Level 1 and Level 2" of ADIF, digital interface to be developed. In any case, the latest ASFA interface accredited by ADIF
where distances between 100 m and 500 m appear. will be installed.
The definition of the necessary technical and functional requirements of the ASFA Digital system
(ASFADV) will comply with the specifications in the Technical Specification ET 03.365.003.7 “ASFA
Digital Vía”. 2nd Edition. June 2017, as well as the Engineering Rules for the placement of ASFA
Beacons on the Adif track (ADIF-PE-205-
002-002, specific procedure for the "installation of ASFA-DIGITAL VÍA (ASFADV) beacons" of
The ASFA system (Announcement of Signals and Automatic Braking) is a control It will be projected with Digital ASFA beacons and, considering that, at the time of
system that sends information corresponding to the aspect of the signal at each carrying out this study, the Digital ASFA interface is not developed, the analog ASFA
moment to the train (receiver). anti-disturbance interface will be included as it is considered the most similar to what
is estimated to be the interface digital.
The system embedded in the vehicle transmits this information to the driver who must Layout of ASFA Beacons
recognize the acoustic information emitted by the vehicle and act accordingly. In the
event of no action, the ASFA system automatically applies the emergency brake to The following figures show the arrangement of the different beacons
stop the train. ASFA, depending on the type of associated light signal:
The ASFA system will be compatible with the electrification of the section and with Absolute signal
the disturbances generated by the currents and traction return and the regenerative d= 500m
The indications of Annex No. 4 of the circulation manual, chapter No. 9 of the Adif
Traffic Safety Directorate, regarding significant speed transitions, will also be followed.
The installation of the beacon of the ASFA Digital system has been projected in all
the new signals except reversal and manoeuvre, taking into account the following
Advanced Signal
d= 300m
All entry, advance and blocking signals will have, in addition to the signal E4
beacon, a previous beacon, located about 300 meters before the signal.
Likewise, a beacon will be provided prior to all exit signs approximately 100
meters away.
ASFA beacons associated with significant speed reductions will be installed in Asfa pre beacon
accordance with that indicated in the ET DICT-E-SI-ENC-03 "Supply and Exit sign
d= 100m
installation of signs and fixed information screens", in the event that their need d= 5.10
is determined. E4
The necessary analog ASFA interfaces with protection against electromagnetic
disturbances will be installed, since the Digital ASFA interfaces are not defined
at the time of writing this document.
Asfa pre beacon Asfa foot beacon
23. CTC and CRC operators etc These programs are only applied to the CTC centralized traffic control
system. This system receives the information from the interlocks and records it,
The control of high-speed circulation traffic is based on the model implemented in and also records that generated by itself: the commands issued by the TEGs and
ADIF, which consists of two real-time CRCs: one located on the line, and the other by CTC applications with command emission automatisms.
centralized in Atocha Delicias. Both Real Time CRCs have the capacity to control
the entire line, likewise, they are permanently active, offering the same level of
operability and control over the line, so that one Real Time CRC is not a backup of The treatment of the information is not security, but it is reliable and is normally
the other. used for the analysis of incidents in the Exploitation, for example, to check a train
Subsequently, it is the operational needs that advise that the operations be carried improperly passing a red signal (train number, time, etc. .), and it is also used for
out from one CRC, from the other or from both in a coordinated manner; For this, the analysis of incidents related to the maintenance of the installations (losses of
the DaVinci platform and the different CRC remote controls include this mode of verification, fusion of signals, etc.). This application will be eminently graphic, both
operation in their functionality and equipment. of the elements that are reproduced and of new objects that
are considered of interest. The operating data of the CTC reconstruction system
In any case, the remote control of the high-speed line interlocks, regardless of the will be taken from the replica relational database connected to the corporate
CTC that performs it, is carried out in such a way that there is always consistency network. The CTC and the interlocks must record the events with the stamp of the
in the information of the interlocks. date and time they occur.
On the other hand, traffic control of conventional gauge circulations at Chamartín In this study, the necessary software modifications are contemplated to adapt to
station and Hortaleza station is carried out at the CTC of the conventional gauge the new track configuration of the Chamartín station in the different pieces of
line, located at Chamartín station itself (Command Post building). . equipment that make up the CTC system, both for the
High Speed installations as well as for the Conventional Gauge installations and
the new track configuration of the Hortaleza station. Therefore, they will be carried
For these lines, the CTC will have the basic functionalities related to railway traffic out:
control, synoptic and videographic representation at the multi-system operation
stations, and in the general rear projection system, train labeling, train monitoring, • Modification of the High Speed CTC software, in the Atocha CRC and line
remote control of line interlocks, alarm and incident management. CRC, including the databases, orders and indications and graphics, to
enable remote control of the new Chamartín configuration within the Madrid
– Valladolid HSL line .
In the case of the high-speed CTC, the representation in the general representation • Modification of the Chamartín Conventional Line CTC software, including the
panel (videowall) will be done through the CRC's own systems.
databases, orders and indications and graphics, to enable remote control of
the new configuration of the Chamartín LC and Hortaleza stations.
For the conventional CTC, the representation is made in the general panel (video
wall) of the CTC. • Carrying out the functional and technical tests of the equipment, based on
previously established test protocols, including all the necessary adjustments.
For both CTC (conventional and high speed) the system has a train traffic
reconstruction tool or “Moviola”, which reproduces, thanks to the events recorded
• Commissioning of modifications.
with the date and time stamp, the sequences of rail traffic , showing in deferred
time and sequentially in a videographic system, the occupation of sections of track
by trains, the position of turnouts, established or canceled routes, improper
overshooting of red signals, commands issued by
2.4.1. Chamartin AV
• and another three-phase 400V from the public network. Chamartín AV-South Head
The technical building will have, in its general electrical panel, two busbars, one for powering
critical consumption (signalling, communications, 750V line, civil protection, point and domestic
The power supply for the security installation equipment for High Speed of Cabecera Sur is
carried out from the Chamartín AV technical building (Calle Hiedra), which has sufficient installed motors), and another for powering non-critical consumption ( air conditioning). Each of these
busbars can be fed both from the catenary (with independent filters and stabilizers for each
power and room for expansion for the new field and cabin elements of the Chamartín AV-head
busbar) and from the public network.
south station, as a result of the new configuration, for each of the project execution phases.
Therefore, its modification is not necessary.
The main supply will be from the catenary and the secondary from the public network.
• Modification of the wiring of the distribution network in 750 V for From the general power busbar to the critical consumption, the building's own signaling and
feed the new field elements. communication equipment will be supplied (including the consumption of remote energy control,
access control and the fire-fighting panel) through a single-phase UPS, the equipment installed in
• Connection of the new field elements to the existing power supply.
via 2 single-phase UPSs whose output voltage is increased to 750 Vac by means of 4 230/750 V
single-phase transformers, the needle drive motors through UPSs with 400 V three-phase output,
domestic consumption (without UPS), and the table of telecommunications consumption Chamartín AV-North Head (detectors, fixed telecommunications and video surveillance, without UPS).
Currently, the power supply for the security installations for High-Speed North Header is carried
out from the Chamartín Command Post building, from its general electrical panel the three-phase
busbar originates from a double connection of the public network 3*400 V of 400 kVA of power,
coming from two energy rings from the transformation center of the public company to ensure the From the general power busbar to non-critical consumption, the building's air conditioning
availability of the service. equipment will be powered without UPS.
Track consumption will be fed from the 750 V lines that run through both tracks. From the
technical building there will be four (4) 750 V lines fed from the four 230/750 single-phase step-up
An 80 kVA UPS is available to power the facilities and a 30 kVA UPS is available to power the transformers.
three-phase needles. V installed in the Building Connections and Panels room. Each of these transformers will feed the
following sections:
The space needs for the installations associated with the new track configuration of Chamartín
• Transformer 1.1. It feeds in the direction of "decreasing PK" the consumption of the road in
AV-Cabecera Norte necessitates the construction of a new technical building, ET Chamartín AV-
the west.
Cabecera Norte.
• Transformer 1.2. Feeds consumption in the "increasing PK" direction
Therefore, the following actions will be necessary:
odd way.
Power supply to signaling and telecommunications equipment at Headend • Transformer 2.1. Feeds the consumptions in the "decreasing PK" direction
North, will be carried out from the Chamartín AV-Cabecera Norte technical building, through the east side road.
following supply sources:
• Transformer 2.2. Feeds consumption in the "increasing PK" direction For the power supply of the Manoteras facilities, the double redundant 15 kV ring powered by the
of even way company will be used, and available through a 15,000/230 V reduction center.
Transformers 1.1 and 1.2 will be powered by the same single-phase UPS and transformers 2.1 and
2.2 will be powered by the same single-phase UPS. The redundant 15 kV ring and the 2,200 V line are existing and have sufficient power to supply the
signaling and communications facilities planned in Hortaleza and Manoteras.
The 750 V lines feed the track consumers through the track cabinets where the voltage is reduced
by means of a 750/230 V reduction transformer. The actions to be carried out are:
In general, the track cabinets supply the track consumptions, and the same cabinet can supply • Installation in Manoteras of a modular Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), to guarantee a
several nearby consumers. continuous supply to the interlocking, which will comply with the technical specification of
ADIF 03.365.940.0.
The cables of this 750 V distribution network will be two-pole, aluminum, shielded and armored,
type REF3Z1-K or RZ1F3Z1-K, with a maximum section of (2x)240 mm2 2.5. cable networks
. The maximum voltage drop adopted in the 750 V circuits is 7% to leave a
reserve margin of the cable. In the different phases, the main and secondary connection cables with field elements that are
affected by the modification of the channel network will be out of service. The replacement of these
The wiring of the 750 V distribution network will be modified, in addition to the new configuration of cables is projected before concluding the phase, so that the equipment can be providing service in
tracks to give continuity to the existing distribution network. For this, new cables will be laid, with the the following phase, as well as the laying of new wiring to allow the exploitation of the field elements
same section and characteristics as the existing ones, joining the new ones with the existing ones, corresponding to the new roads that are entering in service. The detail of the actions in the cable
network for each phase will be reflected, in the project phase, in the different cable distribution plans
once the affected area ends.
of each of the phases.
2.4.2. Chamartin LC
Regarding the energy supply for the Chamartín LC facilities, the current situation will be maintained
As a general rule, the existing structure and typology of networks in service is maintained, both in
during all the actions and the final situation. The equipment that feeds the conventional gauge
high-speed networks and in existing conventional cable networks, which will be expanded or
installations is not affected, since the consumption needs decrease due to the loss of service of the
modified using multi-conductor and quad cables, according to the characteristics of each element
associated field and cabin elements.
and in accordance with the technical specification of ADIF 03.365.052.4 "Multiconductor cables,
pairs and quads for Signaling and Telecommunications Installations".
The main cables laid between the technical buildings to connection boxes, and those secondary
For the energy supply of the Hortaleza facilities, two currently existing energy systems will be used:
ones, laid between connection boxes and field elements, which due to their length are susceptible
to electromagnetic disturbances produced by the 25 kV line electrification system 50 Hz, have been
• As main system: 2,200 V line, which is usually used in conventional gauge installations, and provided with a reduction factor of 0.3. This circumstance, of secondary cables with a reduction
available through a 2,200/230 V reduction center. factor, only occurs in those that feed the previous beacons of the ASFA system.
New wiring networks will be created that allow the laying of all the cables according (3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 quad cables, and 4, 7, 9, 12, 19, 27, 37 and 48 conductor
to the execution of the new canalizations and execution phases. In any case, in cables). Likewise, independent cables are used to group the different types of
each of the phases, it will be necessary to lay provisional cables to temporarily services, separating between signaling cables (differentiating signals and motors),
service the existing elements that are affected by the execution. axle counters and track circuits.
Among the civil works actions for the security and communications installations for
• Quad cables are used, as main and secondary cables, for the following field
this study, the necessary execution is included for:
elements: side light signals, digital ASFA beacon power supply, axle
counters and track circuits. The diameter of the conductors will generally • Expand the network of pipes towards the new elements, either by means of
be 1.4 mm. concreted pipes under tracks, on the platform, by means of a channel or
trench. They will allow access to the new field elements of the security
• Multiconductor cables with a 1.5 mm2 section are used as main and secondary
installations installed both in the ballast area and the slab track in the
cables for point motors and secondary cables for ASFA beacons. However,
platform area, as well as all those complementary elements of the security
it is also possible to use quad cables for these services.
installations (terminal boxes, accesses to gauge for beacons, etc…).
These actions will be carried out in accordance with the distribution of actions
2.7. Edification
scheduled in phases.
The space needs for the installations associated with the new Chamartín AV-Cabecera Norte track
The design of the channel network has been carried out according to the recommendations configuration cannot be installed in the current Chamartín AV interlocking, located on the ground
contained in the ADIF NAP 3-0-0.0 standard "Platform Railway Installations", particularly in section floor of the Chamartín Command Post building, and requires the construction of a new technical
3 "Cable channels and crossings under the tracks", as well as the standard "Underground cable building.
laying systems", NAS 310 of ADIF. Generically, the auxiliary civil works necessary for the laying of
the different types of cables will be:
Said newly constructed technical building will house the new interlocking of Chamartín
AV-Cabecera Norte, it will be located in a place that is as central as possible with
• Plastic gutters
respect to the elements to be commanded and supervised.
They will be used to lay the secondary cables from the connection boxes to the different
The proposed place to build the new technical building is the space between the future tracks 13
equipment of the security and communications installations located in the vicinity of the
and 14, near the current area of the Gauge Changer.
• Concrete pipes The building for the new interlocking to be projected will be built in the first performance of the
works to be carried out.
The concreted pipes will be used for laying primary and secondary cables for the different
signaling and communication systems to be installed. They will be made as stated in the For information purposes, the area estimated to be necessary to house all the equipment to be
aforementioned ADIF standard, NAS 310. As indicated in modifier No. 1 of the installed will be no less than 410 m².
aforementioned standard, they will be made in double-layer corrugated pipe or with rigid
However, the size of the building to be built and its final location will be established in the
PVC pipe.
construction project.
• Provision of false antistatic and non-slip flooring (except in the meeting room).
They will be installed sandwiched between two consecutive sections of concreted batteries).
canalization, as well as at points of bifurcation or change of direction of the canalizations • Furniture: tables, chairs and shelves. • Installation
and in transitions of cable laying systems. of air conditioning and ventilation.
• Sanitation facility.
• Installation of plumbing. iii. In the event that it is necessary for the fiber optic remnant cable to cross the area associated
• Electrical installation and lighting. with the works of the provisional situation or of the platform, carry out the corresponding
• Installation of earth network and lightning rod system. crossing of the track.
• Installation of fire protection.
IV. Execution of the laying of the remnant cable with monotube in the trench along a route in
• Alarm concentrator post
which it is ensured that it will not be affected by any of the works, or by the new actions
The technical building will be projected in accordance with the provisions of the Technical Building associated with the provisional situations. And ending with a coke at the end in the defined
The new Manoteras object controller for the control and reception of information on the UIC gauge
tracks between Chamartín and Hortaleza requires the adaptation of the spaces assigned for v. In synchronization with track assembly, and the cuts requested for the work to be carried out
signaling and communications in the Manoteras technical building (Fuente de La Mora). to put the provisional situation into service, cutting of the cable currently in service and
immediate execution of the splices of the scrap cable at each of the ends defined by the
manholes splice This action will be carried out in coordination with the Operators in order
The technical rooms will be adapted specifically for their purpose through the following actions: to minimize the impact, initially it will be staged at night.
According to the different phases of work, and to the extent that the cables are affected by them, The splicing and segregation manholes where the changes between the fireproof cables and the
all the fiber optic cables must be replaced from Chamartín to the first splice or segregation manhole non-fireproof cables are currently located will also be replaced. Straight splices for the cables and
that is after the affected zone. The procedure would be as follows: the necessary segregations will be made in these manholes.
All new cables must be spliced with current cables at the first splicing or segregation pit beyond the
i. Establish the points at which to make the splices, in both affected area.
extremes of the provisional situation.
The segregation cables must be connected in the cabinets of the corresponding rooms or booths
ii. Carry out the installation of splice manholes at the points in order to continue the current services when the current cables are removed.
2.8.2. Fixed communications system You must take into account that the cards and interfaces to be installed must be
compatible with existing equipment.
The Fixed Telecommunications System provides communications support and services for
line operation, management, maintenance and administration. It is made up of the set of The same actions will be carried out if there are more sites with communications needs.
systems that support the communication services demanded by various users external to
the system (signalling, GSM-R, detectors, etc.),
(increasing PK)
• Supply, installation, laying, execution and optical testing of junction boxes, segregation BTS 1A 1+310 Right
Operator booths (BTO) dependent on the aforementioned locations are also affected. The
• Execution of the auxiliary civil works necessary for the execution of the fiber optic
new locations shown in the figures are proposed:
segregations that will support all the communications equipment (opening and
covering of the gutter, manholes, pipes, gutters, road crossings, etc.)
• The new equipment must be integrated into the existing manager, and any problem
that may arise between the different versions of equipment (new or existing) and
managers available throughout the network must be resolved by the successful
bidder at no additional cost to Adif. Adif affected.
• All the design work, configurations and tests necessary for the interconnection of the
new installations with the existing networks. I know
• 1A The equipment, at the decision of the Works Management, may be reused from the current
locations, or new equipment.
The new sites will be integrated into the current GSM-R network.
In the Hortaleza branch there is deployment of the Tren Tierra radio communication
system, which offers voice communication between the stations and command posts with
the trains.
No conditions have been detected with the fixed posts installed within the scope of this
• 1B
For the new locations in terms of civil works actions, they will be:
• Civil works for the slab of the booth and tower/mast foundation