SOP-02for Breakdown Maintenance
SOP-02for Breakdown Maintenance
SOP-02for Breakdown Maintenance
Issue No.01 Rev No.00
Issue date: 1st Revision Date: 1st SOP Doc No.: ORL/EM/SOP/01
Januaru'2016 Januaru'2016
Department: Electrical Activity: Break Down
Maintenance Maintenance
Input :
1. Breakdown Maintenance
1. The Breakdown slip is received by the Charge Hand/Electrical
2. Shift Sr. Foreman/Supervisor/ Charge Hand visits the reported place and identify
the actual problem in the machine.
3. Shift Sr. Foreman/Supervisor assigns the jobs to Shift Charge Hand/Electrician
with information about the job.
4. Shift Charge Hand/Electrician prior to starting any job, displays the board,
“Machine under Breakdown Maintenance” on the operating panel and switches’
“OFF” the power of the machine.
5. Shift Charge Hand/Electrician properly cleans the working area.
6. Appropriate tools for carrying out the maintenance activities are taken by the Shift
Charge Hand/Electrician.
7. Sr. Foreman/Asst. Foreman/Supervisor based on the requirements identifies
appropriate spares and consumables and gets the same issued from the store by
filling up the Store issue voucher.
8. As per the requirement machine manuals are issued by the Sr. Foreman /
Supervisor from the Library.
9. As per the requirement machine electrical drawings are taken by the Sr.
Foreman/Supervisor from the electrical department.
10. For this, appropriate work instruction as given in the annexure to this SOP are
used for carrying out maintenance activities such as Dismantling of Equipment,
(Annexure 1), Assembly of Equipment (Annexure 2).
11. Supervisor ensures that the charge hand/electrician and other personnel involved
in this activity wears required PPEs (Gloves, Helmet, Shoes, and Mouth Mask,
12. After break down job completion, the machine is trialed with machine’s (M/C)
13. If the machine is running properly, remove the Board “Machine under Breakdown
Maintenance” from the operating panel.
14. Collect all used items (such as used cloth, removed damage spare parts) from the
working area and dispose in the proper identified areas.
15. The waste generated from the maintenance activities is managed as per OCP on
waste management/ Hazardous waste management.
16. The signature of respective department’s HOD/supervisor is obtained after break
down job completion for closing breakdown slip.
17. Details in the log book and respective equipment’s history cards are recorded by
Sr. Foreman/Supervisor.
18. Breakdown slip is properly pinned-up for further record in the Pin Stand.
Prepared by(HOD) Approved By (Head-Opn) Issued by(M R-QMS)
Annexure 1
Work Instruction for Dismantling of Equipment
Annexure 2
Work Instruction for Assembly of Equipment