Course Material 5 - Account For Revenue and Other Receipts
Course Material 5 - Account For Revenue and Other Receipts
Course Material 5 - Account For Revenue and Other Receipts
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Accounting for Revenue and Other Receipts • NU LAGUNA
Accounting for
Revenue and Other
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Accounting for Revenue and Other Receipts • NU LAGUNA
Hello Class! Let us talk about Accounting for Revenue and Other Receipts.
Section 44 of Book VI of the 1987 Administrative Code provides for the accrual of revenue collected by the
National Government to the unappropriated surplus of the general fund such that “unless otherwise
specifically provided by law, all income accruing to the departments, offices and agencies, by virtue of the
provisions of existing laws, orders and regulations shall be deposited in the National Treasury or in the duly
Accounting standards, policies, guidelines and procedures for revenue and other receipts are in accordance
with PPSAS 9, Revenue from Exchange Transactions, and PPSAS 23, Revenue from Non-exchange
All revenues accruing to the National Government Agencies shall be governed by the following principles:
Revenues accruing to an entity by virtue of the provisions of existing law, orders and regulation shall be
deposited/remitted in the National Treasury or in any duly authorized government depository and shall
All moneys and property officially received by a public officer in any capacity or upon any occasion must
Amounts received in trust and from business-type activities of government may be separately recorded
and disbursed in accordance with such rules and regulations as may be determined by a Permanent
Committee composed of the Secretary of Finance as Chairman, and the Secretary of Budget and
Receipts shall be recorded as revenue of Special, Fiduciary or Trust Funds or Funds other than the GF,
only when authorized by law as implemented by rules and regulations issued by the Permanent
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No payment of any nature shall be received by a Collecting Officer (CO) without immediately issuing an
official receipt (OR) in acknowledgement thereof. Receipt may be in the form of postage, internal
revenue or documentary stamps and the like, officially numbered receipts, subject to proper custody,
Where mechanical devices (e.g. electronic official receipt) are used to acknowledge cash receipts, the
COA may approve, upon receipt, exemption from the use of accountable forms.
At no instance shall temporary receipts be issued to acknowledge the receipt of public funds.
Pre-numbered ORs shall be issued in strict numerical sequence. All copies of each receipt shall be exact
An officer charged with the collection of revenue or the receiving of moneys payable to the government
shall accept payment for taxes, dues or other indebtedness to the government in the form of checks
issued in payment of government obligations, upon endorsement and identification of the payee or
endorsee. Checks drawn in favor of the government in payment of such indebtedness shall likewise be
accepted by the officer concerned. At no instance should money in the hands of the CO be utilized for
Under such rules and regulations as the COA and the Department of Finance (DOF) may prescribe, the
Treasurer of the Philippines and all AGDB shall acknowledge receipt of all funds received by them, the
acknowledgement bearing the date of actual remittance or deposit and indicating from whom and on
• According the PPSAS 9, Revenue from Exchange Transactions; and PPSAS 23, Revenue from Non-
Exchange Transactions, the following accounting standards shall apply for revenue and receipts of
government entities:
• Revenue includes only the gross inflows of economic benefits or service potential received and
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• Receipts/collections shall refer to all cash actually received from all sources during a given accounting
• Fines shall include economic benefits or service potential received or receivable by a public sector
agency, as determined by a court or other law enforcement body, as a consequence of the breach of
laws or regulations. Fines and penalties, either on tax revenue or other specific income account, shall
• Gifts and donations shall consist of voluntary transfers of assets including cash or other monetary
assets, goods in-kind and service in-kind that one agency makes to another, normally free from
• Transfers are inflow of future economic benefits or service potential from non-exchange transactions,
• All revenue (income) accruing to the departments, and agencies by virtue of the provisions of existing
laws, orders and regulations shall be deposited in the National Treasury (NT) or in the duly authorized
• It shall accrue to the General Fund (GT) of the government provided that amounts received in trust and
from business-type activities of government may be separately recorded and disbursed in accordance
with such rules and regulations as may be determined by the Permanent Committee consisting of the
Secretary of Finance as Chairman, and the Secretary of Budget and the Chairman of COA as members.
At this point, let us talk about Special, Fiduciary and Trust Fund.
Receipts shall be recorded as revenue of Special, Fiduciary or Trust Funds (TF) or Funds other than the General
Fund, only when authorized by law and following such rules and regulations as may be issued by the
Permanent Committee.
• Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits or service potential during the reporting period when
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those inflows result in an increase in net assets/ equity, other than increases relating to contributions
from owners.
Exchange Transaction – transactions in which one entity receives assets or services, or has
Non-Exchange Transaction – transactions in which an entity either receives value from another
entity without directly giving approximately equal value in exchange or gives value to another
Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits or service potential during the reporting period when those
inflows result in an increase in net assets/ equity, other than increases relating to contributions from owners.
Exchange Transaction – transactions in which one entity receives assets or services, or has
Non-Exchange Transaction – transactions in which an entity either receives value from another
entity without directly giving approximately equal value in exchange or gives value to another
Revenue shall be recognized when it is probable that future economic benefits or service potential will flow to
• Sale of Goods
Revenue from sale of goods shall be recognized when all the following conditions have been satisfied
The entity has transferred to the purchaser the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the
The entity retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated
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It is probable that the economic benefits or service potential associated with the transaction will
The costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably
• Supply of Services
Revenue from supply of services shall be recognized on a straight line basis over the specified
period of the services unless an alternative method better represents the stage of completion of
referred to as the Percentage of Completion method. Under this method, revenue is recognized
When the result of the transaction involving the rendering of services can be estimated reliably,
revenue associated with the transaction shall be recognized by reference to the stage of
completion of the transaction at the reporting date. The outcome of a transaction can be
It is probable that the economic benefits or service potential associated with the
The stage of completion of the transaction at the reporting date can be measured reliably
The cost incurred for the transaction and the costs to complete the transaction can be
measured reliably
When the result of the transaction involving rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably,
revenue should be recognized only to the extent of the expenses recognized that are
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Revenue arising from the use by others of entity assets yielding interest, royalties and dividends
or similar distributions shall be recognized when it is probable that the economic benefits or
service potential associated with the transaction will flow to the entity
o It shall be recognized on a time proportion basis that takes into account the
difference between the initial carrying amount of a debt security and its amount at
o It shall be recognized as they are earned in accordance with the substance of the
relevant agreement.
payment is established.
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• When goods or services are exchanges or swapped for goods or services which are
of a similar nature and value, the exchange is not regarded as a transaction which
generates revenue.
• When goods are sold or services are rendered in exchange for dissimilar goods or
• Revenue is measured at the fair value of the goods or services received, adjusted by
• When goods are sold or services are rendered in exchange of dissimilar goods or
• The revenue is measured at the fair value of the goods or services received,
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• When the fair value of the goods or services received cannot be measured reliably,
the revenue is measured at the fair value of the goods given up, adjusted by the
Now, let us talk about Impairment Losses and Allowances for Impairment Losses.
already included in revenue, the uncollectible amount, or the amount in respect of which
recovery has ceased to be probable. Entities shall evaluate the collectability of accounts
• The accounting policies adopted for the recognition of revenue, including the
• The amount of each significant category of revenue recognized during the period,
Rendering of services
Sale of goods
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Accounting for Revenue and Other Receipts • NU LAGUNA
Now, let us talk about Recognition and Measurement of Revenue from Non-Exchange
According to PPSAS 23, Revenue from NGAs from Non-exchange transactions are
derived mostly from taxes, gifts, goods in kind and fines and penalties.
Voluntary transfers of assets, including cash or other monetary assets, goods in-
• Services in-kind
• Fines
or regulations.
Most NGAs derive revenues from transactions where they receive resources and
Tax revenue
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Tax revenue
Service income
Business income
Trust liabilities
Deferred credits
Unearned revenue
What are the basis for the recognition of Revenue from Non-Exchange Transaction?
• Asset and the corresponding revenue or liability that arises from non-
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measurable and legally collectible
revenue immediately
when it gains control of that resource and satisfy the recognition criteria.
• Taxes do not include fines or other penalties imposed for breaches of the law.
• Categories of taxes:
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Accounting for Revenue and Other Receipts • NU LAGUNA
Goods and services tax is the purchase or sale of taxable good and
customs boundary
asset, it shall reduce the carrying amount of the liability recognized and
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Accounting for Revenue and Other Receipts • NU LAGUNA
Reck , Jacqueline & Wilson, Earl. (2015). Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit
Entities (Irwin Accounting)
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