Adaptive Physical Education

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Accommodations in

Adapted Physical
Education (APE)
Content of the Report

What is a Least
01 How is APE Restrictive and Restrictive
delivered? Classrooms?

How can regular physical

03 education activities be adapted
to include students with
Adaptive Physical Education (APE)
● Is an individualized program of instruction
created for students with disabilities that
enables success in physical education.

● As mandated by the federal law, Public Law

94-142 or the Education for All Handicapped
Children Act (1975), wherein it ensures that
students with disabilities shall receive an
appropriate education.
● Adapted physical education should be
available to students with disabilities who are
eligible for special education.

● The related services are mandated if

needed, to ensure that the students with
Individual Education Programs (IEP) receive
the intended benefits of their special
education programs
General Physical Education Setting
- A type of service wherein students receive adaptive
physical education services indirectly through

- The APE teacher consults with the general physical

education teacher to give specific curricular
General Physical Education Setting

In the general physical education setting

● The general physical education teacher provides

● The student participates successfully in the general
physical education setting.
● The student understands basic rules and concepts.
● The student follows instructional transitions
General Physical Education Setting

- There are cases wherein the general physical

education teacher are the ones making the

- Modifications and interventions that are attempted for a

particular student, and the student's response, should be
documented for a specified time before a referral is
made for the APE teachers.
APE Collaborative Settings

- The APE teachers collaboratively works with the

General PE teachers to assists the students so that
they can participate in the general physical
education settings.

- Collaborative consultation results in a program that is

coordinated with all the services and educational
programs and activities in which the student is involved
APE Collaborative Setting

Consultation may include:

● providing staff inservice,

● communicating with staff and parents, providing
● modifications and adaptations of the program,
● instructional strategies, facilities, and equipment.
Direct APE Instruction provided to a
student(s) by an APE Teacher

- Some students may have difficulty functioning within the

general physical education environment, and they may
benefit from receiving adapted physical education
instruction in a different educational setting.

- Although this occurs rarely, the needs of some students

with disabilities are best met in separate adapted
physical education classes,
How do we modify General
Physical Education to be
- Adapted physical education can happen in classes
ranging from regular physical education (for
mainstreamed students, for example) to self-contained

- Individualized PE can be provided in a group setting.

Instruction, skills and activities should be geared to each
student's unique abilities to the greatest extent possible.
Universal Design for Learning

In universal design, instruction is designed from the

start with all learners in mind, there by
communicating that all students, as well as their
unique abilities and characteristics, are valued, and
establishing from the very beginning opportunities
for all to learn
- Cognitively, recognition networks process what is learned
through all of the senses – hearing, seeing, feeling,

- Strategic networks are activated for how it is learned,

planned, performed and expressed. The multiple ways
that students can express what they know, get engaged,
stay interested, motivated, challenged and excited
contribute to development in the affective domain.
- Psychomotor domain, the primary realm of learning for
physical education, involves planning skills, tasks and
applications for physical and perceptual motor learning.

- When instructional design is approached with the

abilities of all learners in mind, opportunities abound for
all to learn and succeed.
Differentiated Instruction

- Learners often have a unique set of attributes that

must be taken into account when teaching. In order
for all students to succeed to the greatest extent that
they can, teachers must accommodate many levels
of functioning and learning within each group of
students they teach.
- A skilled educator keeps in mind the learner's
abilities and makes changes to instruction on an
individual – or differentiated – basis. Instruction
should be focused on the abilities of each student,
making modifications only as needed.
Thank You!
Prepared by: Micca Marzado SNED2
Mee,J. Et al. (2010) Guidelines for Adapted Physical
Education. Connecticut State Department of Education.

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