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Uranium exploration data and

techniques applied to the
preparation of radioelement maps
Proceedings of a Technical Committee meeting
held in Vienna, 13-17 May 1996


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November 1997

The earth's natural environment is determined by the underlying geology and its
derivatives, modified by the local biosphere and climatic conditions. Reliable baseline
information provides a better understanding of the diversified environment and can help
monitoring the environment.
The treatment of exploration data is a discipline which is improving rapidly with the
emerging geographic integrated system and satellite imagery. Progress made in the radiometric
survey and geochemistry of radionuclides, allowing measurement of minute amounts of
material and their integration with other data, provides a better understanding and knowledge
of the natural distribution and background of various elements in different geological
formations. It is now possible to understand different environmental situations and locate
anomalous areas that are due to a natural phenomenon or are produced by human activities.
For many years the IAEA has been involved hi the treatment of exploration data and their
multiple applications related to mineral commodities, environmental assessment, siting of NPPs
or agricultural application.
With the implementation of stricter environmental regulations imposed on the mining
industry after the Chernobyl accident it became evident that geochemical and geophysical
surveys carried out for the purpose of resource exploitation were multidisciplinary in nature
and could be used in other disciplines, particularly hi the monitoring of the environment. It is
with this appreciation and the recognition that techniques and methods are progressing very fast
that the IAEA convened a second Technical Committee meeting with the purpose of bringing
together experts in uranium exploration, geophysics and geochemistry to discuss and exchange
information on the treatment of exploration data, their use and relevance for other disciplines
and the techniques used to collect these data as well as the multiple use of the data.
The Technical Committee Meeting to Review the Advantage and Pitfalls of Using
Uranium Exploration Data and Techniques as well as Other Methods for the Preparation of
Radioelement and Radon Maps for Baseline Information in Environmental Studies and
Monitoring was held in Vienna from 13 to 17 May 1996 and was attended by 62 participants
from 30 countries representing government organizations, universities and private industry.
The 47 papers provided information on the distribution of radioelements, airborne and ground
radiometric surveys, radon mapping and artificial isotopes released into the environment.
The IAEA is grateful to those participants who contributed papers and took part in the
discussion. Special thanks are extended to F. Barthel (Germany), A.G. Darnley (Canada) and
G. Akerblom (Sweden) who chaired the sessions.
The IAEA staff member responsible for the organization and implementation of the
meeting was J.-P. Nicolet of the Division of Nuclear Power and the Fuel Cycle.

In preparing this publication for press, staff of the IAEA have made up the pages from the
original manuscripts as submitted by the authors. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect
those of the IAEA, the governments of the nominating Member States or the nominating
Throughout the text names of Member States are retained as they were when the text was
The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any judgement by
the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities
and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.
The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as
registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed
as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.
The authors are responsible for having obtained the necessary permission for the IAEA to
reproduce, translate or use material from sources already protected by copyrights.

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Uranium exploration data and global geochemical baselines: The need for co-ordinated action ... 9
A G Darnley
Terrestrial radiation — A project for central and eastern Europe (Abstract) ....... . . . . . . . 17
M Matolin, G Sidens
The Mama Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
E. Suarez Mahou, J.A Fernandez Amigot
Construction of radioelement and dose rate baseline maps by combining ground and
airborne radiometnc data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
L Rybach, F Medici, G.F. Schwarz
Background radiation m a p o f Thailand . . . . . ... 45
P Angsuwathana, P. Chotikanatis
Terrestrial gamma dose rate maps, their compilation and verification —
radiometnc map of the Czech Republic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
M Matolin
Compilation, back-calibration and standardization of aerodiometnc surveys
from Namibia, southern Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
A Duffy, D.G Eberle, R.L Gr.asty, D G Hutchins, WE.S Urquhart
Airborne gamma ray spectrometry in certain areas of the Islamic Republic of Iran
and its results — correlation to the other usages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 67
Gh. Soleimam, F.Sh Yegam
Correlation between natural gamma activity and the geological means in the
province of Salamanca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
E Suarez Mahou, J.A Fernandez Amigot
Natural background radiation in Jordan ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 91
MN Daoud
Radiometnc maps of Israel — Partial contribution to the understanding of
potential radon emanations . ......... . .... .. .. . 119
D. Vulkan, H Shirav
Distribution of natural (U, Th and K) and artificial (Cs-137) radioelements in the
flood plain deposits of northern Hungary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
L Odor, I Horvdth, H Ftigedi, J Renner
Spatial distnbution of 40K, 228Ra, 226Ra, 238U and 137Cs m surface soil layer
observed at small areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
D. Bansic, S. Lulic, E. Prohic, M. Culinovic
Radioecological mapping of the territory of Belarus on the base information of radiation
momtonng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
M G Guermentchuck, O.M Zhukova, E.D Shagalova, 11 Matveenko
Mapping of post-Chemobyl environmental pollution in Poland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
R. Strzelecki, S. Wolkowicz, P. Lewandowski
Use and results of the aenal gamma mapping system dunng the international exercise
R.E.S.U.M.E. 95 (Rapid environmental surveying using mobile equipment) in Finland .. 173
Ch Bourgeois, J. Bresson, R. Chastel, Th Chiffot,
L Guillot, J.-C Kruajitch, C. Bergey
Quantitative Cs-137 distributions from airborne gamma ray data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 181
G Oberlercher, W. Seiberl
Field Ge gamma spectrometry for on site measurements of some
parameters charactenzing radon-222 exhalation rates from soils and covers . . . . . . ... 193
P Zettwoog, I Kobal, J.F Pineau
Application of sensitive and supersensitive radon detectors for radon flux density and
radon concentration in environmental momtonng . . .. . . . . . . . . 223
W Zahorowski, S Whittlestone
Mapping of groundwater radon potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
G. Akerblom, J Lmdgren
The role of house surveys in geological radon potential mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
K Ball
Airborne and truck-borne "radiation footprints" of areas producing,
storing, using or being exposed to nuclear materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
B Pavlik, F. Bottos, P.J. Cuneen, P. Jurza, V. Hoeschl
Environmental monitoring system based on airborne gamma ray spectrometry
developed at Geomstitut Beograd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
M Milojevic, V. Stnanberger
Airborne gamma ray spectrometry — an efficient method for finding and mapping
pollution with radioactive elements from uranium extraction and ore mining . . . . . . . . . . . 299
L.M. Kerbelov, R. Rangelov
Airborne gamma anomalies m the Elbe Valley near Komgstem, Germany —
origin and variation with time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
G Ruhrman, B Schemeling, M. Schauer, R. Gatzweiler
The distribution of radionuchdes in the upper soil horizons in Lower Saxony,
Saxony and Thunngia, Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
F Barthel, V. Thoste, K.H Borsdorf
Use of isotopic signature of radionuchdes released from uranium mines and mills to
discriminate low levels of environmental impact against natural background levels . . . . . . 337
P Zettwoog, N. Lemaitre, S Bernhard, Y. Vauzelle
The dispersion of radon in the Straz-Hamr area in the Czech Republic as an
effect of uranium mining and related a c t i v i t i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
R. Smetana, J. Novdk
New approach to airborne monitoring of radioactive pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
V. Hoschl, P. Jurza, B Pavlik
Estimate of the radiological state of the "Eleshmtza" uranium deposit, Bulgaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
/ Bojkov, T. Tzenov
The use of uranium exploitation techniques in the selection of a candidate site for
Cs-137 radioactive waste from the Goiania accident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
S. Saad
Environmental implications of the laboratory gamma ray spectrometnc measurements
made on the black sand beach deposit of the Abu Khashaba
radioactive prospect, Rosetta, Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
A.M. Elsirafe, H.A. Hussein, R.A. Elsayed, A.M. Sabri
Spectrometnc aerial survey as a new tool for geological survey and mining prospecting . . . . . . . 403
R Cambon
Definition of prospective terrains for industrial polymmeralic placers in the Mississippi
embayment region by use of uranium exploration data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
A E Grosz, W.J Greenwood, P.O. Schruben, J.N. Grossman
Advantages of integration of uranium exploration data in GIS and
models as tools for decision support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
MCL Tusveld
Some practical aspects of computer processing of uranium exploration data for
environmental purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
V Strumberger, M. Milojevic, A Strumberger
Uranium concentration in building materials used in the central region of Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
R H Higgy, M.S El-Thahawy, A Ghods
Preliminary use of uranium exploration data m environmental studies in Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
N Kanstmeos

List ofParticipants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 7

The meeting was attended by 62 participants from 30 countries, representing

government organizations, universities and private industry. A total of 47 papers were given
by 29 country representatives. The wide spectrum of subjects has demonstrated the present
knowledge on the behaviour of radioelements of natural and artificial origin.
The papers provided information on general aspects of the distribution of radioelements
as well as on specific topics. It was pointed out that sustainable development of the world's
growing population can only be achieved with a sustainable environment. There is a growing
need of a healthy environment where people can live, which provides them with food and
appropriate space for housing. The growing need for energy must be satisfied cheaply and
with a minimum impact on the environment. The concentration of natural radioelements in our
environment is generally hi limits below hazard to public health. Careful monitoring is,
however, necessary once the radioelements are released by industrial activities. As
demonstrated hi various examples artificial radioisotopes may have a serious impact on the
environment if they are released by accidents at nuclear facilities. Various papers have
demonstrated the role of geoscientific research how to manage problems once such accidents
happen. Still a number of problems remain to be investigated but geoscientists should inform
the public on the results of their research hi order to provide a better understanding.
The meeting also showed examples of pitfalls from which one can learn and on which
future research can be guided. There is a need for standardization of methods for the
determination of background radiation in the various geological environments.
The presentations can be grouped into three major categories:

— radiometric data (airborne and ground total count and spectrometric surveys)
— radon mapping
— artificial isotopes.

Radiometric data can be used for various purposes regardless of how they were
generated, e.g. by airborne radiometry and spectrometry or by ground methods. They can be
used to produce maps of the natural background of radioelement concentration, e.g. on a
worldwide basis as geochemical maps and atlases. They are applied for planning purposes or
as baseline information for new mining projects (e.g. environmental impact studies). In various
cases they have been proved useful for monitoring programmes. Such maps are applied to
detect pollution caused by past and recent uranium mining and for the correlation with the
natural (geological) background. In various countries airborne and ground mapping of
radioelements are used for dose rate maps.
The recompilation of old airborne data by means of modern techniques has proved to be
an effective method and for the conservation of otherwise useless data. Examples given at the
meeting have shown the necessity of improvement. Airborne and ground gamma spectrometric
data can also be applied for the detection of non-radioactive element concentration such as
placer deposits. They certainly would be useful on other types of deposits too if appropriate
techniques are applied. This method of data interpretation may be applied for resource
management on a general scale. Gamma spectrometry can be used for determination of
radioelement concentrations in building materials.
It was demonstrated that uranium exploration data in combination with the Geographic
Information System (GIS) are applicable hi remediation programmes for uranium mines.
Isotopic fingerprints from mines and mills can help to understand the behaviour of
radioelements once they are released to the environment.
Radon mapping and its aspect for the ecology has been another subject of great interest.
Presentations given on the correlation of Rn concentration with the geology have shown how
much is understood about this specific problem, demonstrated by examples of Rn
measurements in soil gas and groundwater. Examples were given for Rn pollution due to
uranium mining. However, non-uranium mines may also release considerable Rn emanation
to the environment. The relevance of careful measurement and data interpretation was one of
the important issue in most of the presentations. Rn mapping is applied for the investigation
of the concentration of natural radioelements, however, Rn maps are available only in a small
number of countries.
Artificial isotopes released to the environment can be measured with various techniques
as demonstrated in examples from various countries. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear
power station in 1986 showed how far artificial isotopes can be transported through the
atmosphere. The isotope Cs-137 is still present in measurable concentrations hi areas affected
after the accident. In many European countries maps on the distribution of Cs-137 have been
prepared. Immediately after the accident various techniques have been tested on how to detect
the fallout e.g. by airborne and ground investigations. Advantages, problems and pitfalls on
the methods to measure Cs-137 and Cs-134 in various substances have been discussed as well
as the need of calibration.
As the meeting has shown, various surveys to collect data on the distribution of natural
and artificial radioelements have been made hi many countries. Some, if not most of the data
of surveys in the past are still in a form that are not suitable for using them as baseline maps
and for other purposes. At present techniques are available to transform old data and prepare
appropriate maps to match modern requirements. Effort to preserve old survey data would
include (1) to locate the availability of the data and what techniques are required to improve
their quality, (2) to preserve the data hi a form that information can be retrieved, and (3) to
reprocess the data with modem techniques. It was recommended that national organizations
be encouraged to ensure data conservation and obtain funds for their appropriate reprocessing.
Such a programme could be used for a better understanding of the Earth's environment in view
of the increasing needs of the world's growing population for sustainable development.

Geological Survey of Canada,
Ottawa, Ontario,

Public concern about environmental problems continues. The consequences of an expanding population,
increasing industrialization, and greater demands for food production, raise serious questions about the ability of the
earth's natural life-support systems to sustain present trends. In order to assess the magnitude of potential problems
it is necessary to have comprehensive information. The absence of quantitative geochemical data to map the surface
composition of the earth is one of the major information gaps in present day environmental (and earth) science. An
IAEA Technical Committee meeting held in November 1993 reviewed the uses of uranium exploration data for
environmental purposes. Most attention was focussed on data involving radiation measurements. Uranium exploration
programmes conducted since 1970 in many countries collected a considerable amount of geochemical survey data,
providing information about the distribution of non-radioactive elements in the natural environment. Canada is one
of several countries where such data provided the foundation for national geochemical mapping; other countries could
benefit from similar actions. Increasing importance is being attached by governments to the need to enact effective
environmental legislation concerning "safe levels" of many chemical substances. Such legislation requires geochemical
variations in the natural environment. It is becoming necessary to make quantitative comparisons of element
abundances across national boundaries, and from continent to continent. In 1995 the IAEA, with other organizations,
supported UNESCO to publish a report concerned with the establishment of a Global Geochemical Reference
Network. This is designed to provide a framework to connect all types of geochemical survey, to move towards
international compatibility of data. The report contains recommendations relating to the standardization of field and
laboratory methods; the use of the most sensitive analytical techniques; and standardization of data management.
Ground and airborne gamma ray spectrometry, and nuclear laboratory techniques are all discussed. Following the
publication of the report, the International Union of Geological Sciences has now established a Working Group on
Continental Geochemical Baselines, to coordinate implementation of the recommendations in the UNESCO report.
National atomic energy organizations are invited to participate. The need for multi-agency co-operation and the
support ot the IAEA is discussed.


This paper is written as a follow-up to two papers [1,2] presented in November 1993 at the
previous meeting in this series concerned with uranium exploration data and the environment. In the
intervening 30 months the world's environmental problems have continued to accumulate. Population
growth, widely accepted as the major underlying cause of many of the problems, has not been
checked, and relatively little progress has been made to mitigate the consequences.

At the previous meeting it was pointed out [1] that in order to react intelligently to global
environmental problems it is necessary to possess comprehensive data concerning present conditions.
It was pointed out that geochemical baseline data are (or should be) a major component of such a
dataset and that uranium exploration data and related exploration methods are a vital subcomponent.
For the reasons indicated, the need to acquire baseline data is increasing, not diminishing, and all
possible sources and methods must be examined. Uranium exploration data constitute one of the
largest existing reservoirs of information as far as the natural geochemical environment is concerned.
The only reason not to use these data is if their quality is unsatisfactory. Factors affecting data quality

Co-leader, International Union of Geological Sciences, Working Group on Continental Geochemical
include considerations such as the use of proper calibration procedures, standardization of
measurements, adequate sensitivity, low detection limits, etc. It may be possible, by some additional
work, such as selective re-analysis of retained samples, or back-calibration (see [3]), to remedy
known deficiencies and avoid the necessity of repeating earlier large-area surveys. The scientific and
technical literature relating to uranium exploration methods and related data, much of it generated as
a result of the activities of the IAEA, is voluminous, and steps should be taken to ensure it is
carefully reviewed before commencing new work.

There are both economic and environmental reasons why baseline information grows in
importance with each successive year. For example, many governments are introducing legislation
affecting society's use and disposal of many types of materials. Regulations are being established
defining "safe-levels" of many substances, including naturally-occurring elements and metal-bearing
compounds. Unless these decisions are based on adequate information concerning the variability of
the natural environment, there could be excessive and unnecessary "clean-up" costs totaling billions
of dollars, which, directly or indirectly, will be a cost to society as a whole. Hence the importance
of comprehensive and reliable baseline information.

In recent years "sustainable development" has been identified as an international political and
economic objective. It is open to question whether sustainable development will be possible if the
human population continues to grow. Even with unlimited and pollution-free energy supplies, there
would seem to be practical limits to the ability to provide a steady improvement in economic and
social conditions for an expanding population. Unless the present natural environment can be sustained
the long-term future for mankind must be regarded as potentially precarious, and efforts to pursue
economic development without paying attention to potential detrimental effects upon the environment
are a recipe for disaster. To the extent that sustainable development is achievable, it should not be
pursued in the absence of an adequate database to describe and monitor current conditions.

The President of the International Union of Geological Sciences recently summarised the
environmental problems facing mankind [4]. Essentially they are as follows. Time is not on the side
of mankind. (Since the previous Technical Committee meeting in this series, world population has
increased by about 250 000 000, equal to the population of the USA; world population is increasing
at the rate of 10 000 per hour). Largely as a result of increasing population pressure, the quality of
the soil, fresh water, forest cover, and biological diversity of the Earth's land surface
(140 000 000 km2) is deteriorating. The 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in
Rio de Janeiro recognised the scale of the problems. Unfortunately, so far, the reactions of most
governments can only be described as modest. Regrettably few public authorities are yet willing to
assign priority to the need for an adequate data base about environmental or other similar matters.
Good decisions on any subject cannot be taken in the absence of relevant information. Systematic data
collection is a basic prerequisite for achieving a sustainable environment. Nuclear research institutions
and nuclear scientists can play a key role in gathering the necessary data.


The 1993 meeting reviewed the uses of uranium exploration data for environmental purposes.
Most attention was focussed on data involving radiation measurements, as shown by the following
list of principal topics:

standardization of old gamma ray data, from car-borne and airborne surveys;
calibration of gamma ray measuring systems;
use of gamma ray spectrometry to map natural background variations and accidental emissions
of radioactivity;
use of uranium survey data for the assessment of radon hazards;
the use of gamma ray survey data to provide reference levels to correlate other multielement
geochemical surveys.

The 1993 meeting devoted relatively little attention to the considerable amount of conventional
(e.g. drainage sediment and soil) geochemical survey data acquired in the course of many uranium
exploration programs. Many national and industry-sponsored uranium exploration programs, and also
some sponsored by the IAEA, deliberately collected data about non-radioactive elements (a) to assist
in overall interpretation and (b) because of the small incremental cost of obtaining data about other
commodities. As a result much useful information about the distribution of non-radioactive elements
in the periodic table was obtained and in a number of countries (e.g. Canada, Germany, USA), the
foundation was laid for national geochemical mapping programs. For a bibliography, see [5]. In
nearly every case the initial motivation was for economic mineral resource purposes, but subsequently
the datasets obtained have provided a base for environmental mapping.

It was pointed out in 1993 that the division of environmental concerns into those pertaining
to the radioactive as distinct from non-radioactive elements is arbitrary and undesirable from several
points of view. It is particularly unfortunate because there is no international organization comparable
to the IAEA with a mandate to gather data concerning the distribution of non-radioactive elements
in the natural environment. The radioactive elements, both natural and man-made, are part of a single
geochemical continuum and subject to the same chemical and physical processes as non-radioactive
elements. For many reasons their spatial distribution should be studied and recorded as part of a
common database. Not only are the non-radioactive elements essential constituents of the natural
environment (associated in many cases with their own specific hazards), their distribution has a
bearing on problems relating to radioactive elements, particularly in nuclear accident situations (e.g.
uptake of Cs, I, by ruminants).

Since 1993, very little new uranium exploration data has been gathered. Compared with the
period extending from 1970 into the 1980s, data acquisition in most countries has been negligible.
The author is aware of some compilations of large blocks of existing airborne survey data, for
example in Namibia, and plans to make similar compilations elsewhere. As a result of the almost
universal reduction in funding for scientific research there has been little new research on topics
relating to calibration, gamma ray mapping, and radon. Undoubtedly the knowledge that there is
already an extensive literature in this field has contributed to the reluctance to undertake new work.
There have been some interesting advances in the UK in the use of multi-parameter map displays to
indicate radon hazard, reported elsewhere in this meeting.


The International Geochemical Mapping (IGM) project, sponsored by the International Union
of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and UNESCO, was described at the 1993 meeting by Darnley [1]. The
reasons underlying the project were described. This project was started in 1987 to look into the
possibility of preparing a global geochemical map. The project was a logical extension of IAEA-
sponsored activities focussed upon nuclear raw materials. From the outset the IGM project was
designed to gather data about the surface distribution patterns of all elements in the periodic table,
not merely those which are radioactive. The IAEA was an active participant in the project, collecting
data and organizing meetings and preparing reports containing the latest information pertinent to
mapping both natural and anthropogenic radioelements.

The results of the IGM project were published in 1995 by UNESCO on behalf of IUGS, the
Royal Society of London, the IAEA and other organizations ("A global geochemical database for
environmental and resource management", [5]). Following a review of the existing state of
geochemical mapping worldwide, this report contains recommendations concerned with the
establishment of a Global Geochemical Reference Network. There are many components to the
work, involving the collection and preparation of standard reference materials from a variety of
representative natural sample media; standardization of analytical methods, with emphasis on ultra-low
detection limits combined with stringent quality control; and standardized comprehensive data
management. The geochemical reference network is intended to ensure international compatibility of

data between all the principal types of geochemical survey, for both environmental and resource
purposes. It will allow quantitative comparisons of element abundances to be made across continents,
and from region to region. Analytical methods are recommended according to their suitability for the
particular element and media concerned.

The report had a favourable reception upon publication and within 3 months of its release all
copies in UNESCO's stock in Paris had been distributed. The IAEA was responsible for sending out
copies to national nuclear institutions. In response to continuing demand the report is now being


The following requirements summarise the essential prerequisites of a global geochemical

database suitable for environmental baseline purposes:

commonly available representative sample media, including surface water, collected in a

standardized manner;
continuity of data across different types of landscape;
adequate quantities of the designated sample media for future reference and research
analytical data for all elements of environmental or economic significance;
the lowest possible detection limits for all elements;
determination of the total amount of each element present, and
tight quality control at every stage of the process.

Chapter 7 in the UNESCO report is devoted exclusively to radioelement mapping. Several

sections of the extensive appendices relate to nuclear analytical techniques. Special attention is given
to gamma ray spectrometry because of its suitability for identifying and quantifying radioactive
elements, either by in situ measurements at fixed sites, or from a moving vehicle or aircraft. The
radioelements are unique in that it is possible to obtain continuous profiles of their abundance across
any type of terrain, using airborne gamma-ray spectrometry (AGRS). With properly calibrated
systems, quantitative correlation of airborne and ground data can be assured within definable limits.

It was pointed out in [2], that as a consequence of different methods and lack of
standardization, neighbouring blocks of conventional geochemical data in many parts of the world
exhibit pattern and level discrepancies. In the absence of any confirmatory evidence it may not be
possible to judge whether these discrepancies are real or apparent. Thorium and potassium surface
abundance profiles, derived from widely spaced gamma ray transects, can provide an independent
reference level against which discontinuities in other datasets can be assessed. These transects can
contribute to more reliable and comprehensive baseline data for all elements, and simultaneously
provide data about the natural radiation environment.


The project steering committee which prepared the UNESCO report realised that it was not
sufficient merely to make scientific and technical recommendations. Given the importance attached
to the subject it was considered necessary to comment on the practical aspects of implementing and
managing the work. Most of the required steps were outlined in [1], and they are given in full in the
UNESCO report [5]. Following from its publication, there have been several encouraging
developments. The International Union of Geological Sciences approved in 1995 the formation of a
new coordinating committee (Working Group on Continental Geochemical Baselines), reporting
directly to the Board of IUGS, with responsibility to take whatever steps seem appropriate to begin
implementation of the recommendations in the UNESCO report. Discussions are currently taking

place with a number of organizations with a view to securing funding to cover basic operational and
administrative expenses.

Work is already in hand to initiate the establishment of global geochemical baselines in four
regions of the world. These are China, Brazil, Europe, and Russia. The Australian Geological Survey
Organization is currently carrying out an aerogeophysical survey of the entire country and this
includes gamma-ray spectrometry, which constitutes a component of the Continental Geochemical
Baselines project.

Floodplain sampling of large (1000 to 6000 km2) drainage basins is recommended in the
UNESCO report for preliminary reconnaissance purposes in regions where access is difficult.
Floodplain sampling has been carried out over all of China. In Brazil floodplain sampling has been
carried out over an area of 625 000 km2 in NE Brazil.

In Europe, the Forum of European Geological Surveys (FOREGS), representing 29 countries,

has published a Geochemistry Task Group Report [6], recommending the preparation of a
geochemical database for Europe, based on the sampling of both large and small (< 100 km2) drainage
basins, as set out in the UNESCO document. Plans are now being prepared for field work to
commence in some countries in 1996/97.

Responding to proposals from Greece and the Czech Republic, encouraged by the concepts
of the International Geochemical Mapping project, the European Union has financed and published
[7] an inventory of "Regional gamma-ray data in central and eastern Europe", relating to nine
countries. A series of recommendations have been made involving back-calibration and recompilation
of gamma-ray data for the whole region and ultimately the compilation of a gamma-ray dose map for
the whole of Europe. Preparation of radioelement maps for the whole of Europe would be a logical
continuation of this work in the near future.


The Global Geochemical Baselines project is a multi-disciplinary task. Implementation of the

project requires the support and participation of leading scientific institutions with active field and
laboratory programs. Although the project has made a beginning, because of very limited financial
resources (essentially restricted to what individual countries are willing to commit) there is a serious
risk that different countries will make their own limited selection of the recommended methods
because this is all they can afford. This may represent an advance on the disparity of methods used
in the recent past, but it will fall far short of the aims of the project. Thus some countries may not
have access to recommended analytical methods and some countries may not have access to mobile
gamma ray spectrometry equipment.

For the project to succeed it is essential that there should be worldwide coordination of the
following activities:

overall strategy and planning;

sample collection procedures and sample management;
gamma radiation surveys;
analytical procedures;
data management;
training and quality control;
public dissemination of scientific information.

This degree of coordination cannot take place in the absence of a technically qualified
secretariat with an adequate budget.

Regional cooperation is also essential. The tasks which have been identified for coordination
at the international level should also be coordinated regionally amongst groups of countries with
common borders, as is taking place in Europe through the Forum of European Geological Surveys,
in conjunction with the European Union. With regard to less developed parts of the world, expertise,
if it is not already available, must be built up in regional centres.

The usefulness of the data obtained depends in the first instance upon the reliability of the
field work, both sample collection and field measurements. If these components of the work are not
performed according to the specifications, the defects cannot be remedied and subsequent analytical
work would be misleading. For this and other logistical reasons field sampling must be undertaken
by trained personnel thoroughly familiar with the region in which work is being undertaken. In order
to standardize the work to the greatest degree possible, training sessions should be provided for all
local personnel, even those with experience.

In many countries the national atomic energy organizations often possess the best trained
analytical staff and the best equipped laboratories. In some countries these organizations possess an
extensive earth science database relating to radioactive minerals. It would benefit the countries
concerned, and facilitate the establishment of a comprehensive global geochemical database if these
national atomic energy organizations were willing to contribute their expertise to the Continental
Geochemical Baselines project, e,g., by providing field gamma ray spectrometry equipment and, if
necessary, personnel. As explained in the UNESCO report and in [2], gamma ray spectrometry
measurements, taken in conjunction with conventional geochemical sampling, provide a method not
only of monitoring the natural radiation background but also of monitoring the consistency of other
non-radioactive element datasets. It should be noted that national nuclear laboratories may be the only
establishment in a country to possess analytical techniques (e.g. neutron activation analysis, ICP-MS)
capable of achieving the low detection levels required for the acquisition of baseline data for some
of the non-radioactive elements. High quality datasets are an essential starting point for all types of
environmental monitoring and the geochemistry of the earth's surface poses a multitude of questions
and opportunities for further research.

It was pointed out in 1993 that the IAEA is one of the few, if not the only international
Agency with experience in the coordination of the type of activities outlined above. The IAEA has
established an enviable reputation with respect to technical assistance for both regional and national
organizations, which, as indicated, is essential for the acquisition of global geochemical baselines.

It is important to emphasize that the IAEA has already provided a variety of support to the
geochemical baselines project, including:

over a 20+ year period, the infrastructure for the buildup of a worldwide database on the
distribution of uranium;
over a 30+ year period, the development of nuclear and related techniques which are now
widely used for (non- radioactive element) geochemical analysis;
technical assistance (provision of equipment and training) for the collection of radiometric and
multielement data, some of which is now incorporated in the existing (limited) global
geochemical database.
text for inclusion in the UNESCO report, and a contribution to the cost of its publication.

The project could not have progressed as far as it has without this mostly indirect, low-key,
support. For the project to go forward, to establish continental geochemical baselines as a datum for
sustainable environment, more active support is now required. The Director General of IAEA, in his
recent address to the 50th General Assembly of the UN, has affirmed the Agency's intention of
assisting developing countries to achieve sustainable development. The IAEA currently has formal
involvement in projects relating to food production, water resources, and human health. Geochemical
baseline data pertain to each of these concerns. Given the Agency's participation in the evolutionary
stage of the "baselines" project, it is to be hoped that the IAEA will see fit to make a formal

commitment to continuing support through the implementation stage of this project, within the limits
of the IAEA mandate.


Whereas nuclear energy and nuclear power are treated with suspicion by many members of
the public, the use of nuclear data and techniques to mitigate environmental problems is not
contentious. Uranium exploration data, nuclear techniques, and a spectrum of related specializations
are essential components of global environmental data and the IAEA can provide an essential clearing-
house for their utilization. In doing so it cannot fail to create goodwill in the community at large. The
existing geochemical database needs to be expanded as a matter of some urgency, using the latest field
and analytical techniques, to provide reliable quantitative baselines to ensure that the natural
environment is not irreparably damaged by human activities.


[1] DARNLEY, A.G., "Uranium exploration data, international geochemical mapping and the
environment", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques hi environmental
studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, lAEA.Vienna (1995) 9-23.
[2] DARNLEY, A.G., "The relevance of airborne and ground gamma ray spectrometry to global
geochemical baselines", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in
environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 47-58.
[3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Application of uranium exploration data
and techniques hi environmental studies, Proceedings of a Technical Committee meeting held
in Vienna, 9-12 November 1993, IAEA-TECDOC-827, Vienna (1995) 352pp.
[4] FYFE, W.S., The role of Earth sciences in society, UNESCO Nature & Resources, v. 30,
nos. 3 & 4 (1995) 4-7.
geochemical database for environmental and resource management: recommendations for
international geochemical mapping, Earth Science Report 19, UNESCO Publishing, Paris
(1995) 122pp.
European Geological Surveys (FOREGS) Geochemistry Task Group Interim Report, August
1995, Technical Report WP/95/14R, Applied Geochemistry Series, British Geological Survey,
Nottingham (1995) 60pp.
[7] SIDERIS, G.N., MATOLIN, M., Study of regional gamma-ray data hi Central and Eastern
Europe, Final Report, DG XII/B European Union, Brussels (1994) 22pp.

left BLANK


Faculty of Science,
Charles University,
Prague, Czech Republic

Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration,
Athens Greece
Data on natural radiation are applicable in environmental studies, protection of population against ionizing
radiation, raw materials exploration and regional geochemical investigations. Terrestrial radiation, causing substantial
component of the natural radiation environment, is variable with the geological setting and space. Radiometric maps
indicate the radiation level and distribution. Under the support of the European Union, a project of compilation of
a terrestrial gamma dose rate map of Central and Eastern Europe has been initiated. Ten countries participate in the
project: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and
Greece. Three stages of research activities have been planned. A project Study of Regional Gamma-ray Data in
Central and Eastern Europe", realized in 1993-1994, provided information on the available regional radiation data
in participating countries. The study has shown the range of coverage of individual countries by the radicmetric
geophysical investigations 10-100% and the variability of applied instruments, their calibration, methods of
measurement, data processing and reporting. Despite this fact, radiation data acquired in long time systematic
geophysical investigations are of high value. A project Onification of Gamma-ray Data in Central and Eastern
Europe " has been submitted in 1996. Unification of gamma dose rate data in a region of a continental scale is planned
for two years and implies the application of the gamma-ray spectrometry, selection of a reliable calibration facility,
calibration of portable and airborne gatnma-ray spectrometers, intercomparison measurement of all participating
countries, selection and back calibration of national terrestrial radiation reference sites, verification and completion
of gamma-ray data in border areas, airborne gamma-ray spectrometry tie linos, and levelling of national terrestrial
gamma dose rate data to standard established level. The third stage of the activity implies complementary
measurements in uncovered areas of some countries and compilation of standardized terrestrial gamma dose rate maps
of separate countries and of the Central and Eastern European region. It is expected, that realization of the project
of a continental extent will introduce new scientific problems, which solution will enrich the professional experience
and will contribute to the development of monitoring of the radiation environment.

left BLANK


Madrid, Spain

The MARNA Project is developed within the framework of an agreement established between the Spanish
Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) and ENUSA. It consists of two phases, of which the first one has already been
concluded successfully in December 1995. The final objective of the first phase of the project was the elaboration of
the Natural Gamma Radiation Map of Spain on a scale of 1:1 000 000. For the preparation of this map radiometric
data were generated during the thirty years the old National Uranium Exploration and Investigation Plan (PNEIU),
mainly through airborne, car-borne and by foot surveys and those generated within the MARNA Project. Previously,
four pilot maps on the scale of 1:50 000 had been prepared for four radiometric zones of special interest. The total
surface of these four zones add up to about 2500 km2 and 10 000 radiometric data which were used in the elaboration
of the maps. Further were prepared on the scale of 1:200 000: the radiometric Atlas of the Autonomous Communities
of Extremadura and Castilla-Leon which covers an area of 130 000 km2. The radiometric data extracted plus the
generated applicable to such a surface add up to 120 000. This large data base has permitted to verify important
quality controls in the technologies of data extraction and the elaboration of maps on various scales. The goal of the
second phase, initiated in January 1996, is to complete the National Radiometric Atlas on the scale of 1:200 000 of
a similar quality as the one obtained in Extremadura and Castilla-Leon and also to improve the Map 1:1 000 000.
In this paper, the characteristics and more relevant results of the MARNA Project at the end of its first phase are


This report follows on from the one drawn up by the same authors in November 1993 and
which was titled "The Use of Uranium Airborne Survey Data in the Preparation of a Radiometric
Map of Spain", published by IAEA-TECDOC-827, pages 109-125 [13].

In December 1991 the Nuclear Safety Council of Spain (CSN) and the URANIUM
NATIONAL ENTERPRISE S.A. (ENUSA), signed an agreement for carrying out the MARNA
Project with the target of produce the following maps:

A natural radiation pilot map and a dosimetric map, on a 1:50 000 scale, of four particularly
interesting areas of Spain.

A natural radiation pilot map and a pilot dosimetric map on a 1:200 000 scale of two Spanish
regions in which sufficient data are available prior to carrying out the Project.

A natural radiation map and a dosimetric map of Spain on a 1:1 000 000 scale.

The first stage of the MARNA Project was ended in December 1995.

The mesh radiometric cover of one kilometre of Spanish territory, generated by the former
PNEIU, is approximately as shown in Fig. 1.
The Project in general was carried out in accordance with the forecast chronogram, and the
pre-established objectives were achieved [13].

Resto Peninsula

FIG. 1. Map of Spain with air-borne survey (PNEIU)

A notable feature of the first stage of the Project was the extent of university collaboration
since, in addition to staff from ENUSA and CSN, eleven lecturers and several scholarship holders
from various universities and departments, mainly Geology, Physics, Computer Science and
Surveying, took part. Ongoing validation work on techniques and methodology has been carried out,
and this is expected to be continued throughout the second stage of the MARNA Project.


Bearing in mind the size of the Spanish airborne radiometric cover (around 275 000 km2), as
well as the varying nature of the apparatus used, the first problem was how to solve the relationship
between airborne radiometry (cps) and ground radiometry (juR/h). Once this problem had been
satisfactorily solved the feasibility of the project was ensured.

The ways to solve this problem were as shown in the outline below:

Airborne radiometry -* eU, eTh and eK -» Coefficients -

Airborne radiometry, total counts (cps) -* Coefficients -» /xR/h
Airborne radiometry, total counts (cps) -» point-to-point empirical correlation
Airborne radiometry, total counts (cps) -> radiometric plateaus-to-air empirical correlation

After various studies had been performed the empirical procedure was chosen with very good
results being achieved both as regards point-to-point correlations and by way of the study of
radiometric plateaus.

Finally, the latter procedure was chosen for operational reasons, among others.

Complementary to this technology, the following were also developed [13]:

Correlations in the air between different kinds of flights:

Hunting Flights — Geodata Flights
Hunting Flights — JEN Flights
JEN Flights — Geodata Flights
Measurements systems:
• Gauging control
• Statistical fluctuation correction
• Correlation between apparatus
Data-extraction systems in the different airborne surveys:
• Statistical control
• Graphic control of data extraction
• Data-processing control
Computing systems
• Map production systems
• Base grid


The organization of the existing data bank is summarized in Fig. 2. In accordance with data-
extraction technologies, and with what is laid down in the CSN-ENUSA agreement, data extraction
in the Extremadura and Castilla-Le6n regions reached about 525 per 1:50 000 sheet, the equivalent
of one piece of data per square kilometre. (A 1:50 000 surveying sheet is understood as being a
surface area determined by 20' by 10' meridians and parallels). This meant extracting around 40 000
pieces of data for the Extremadura region Fig. 4 and around 80 000 pieces of data for the Castilla-
Leon region Fig. 1. File organization was carried out in DB3P on the basis of one file per 1:50 000


At the same time as the above operations were being performed a new data bank was being
generated through car-borne and foot surveys Fig. 3.

The car-borne surveys were performed by the University of Salamanca (Dpt. of Geology) and
the basic aims of these were to:
validate the data-capturing system in accordance with the available equipment
fill in the radiometric blanks in the Castilla-Leon region
carry out a radiometric control of certain geological formations.

Although continuous recording was carried out during the car-borne surveys (Mount Sopris
apparatus), the following precautions were taken among others:

They were performed along roads which had not been filled in by allochtonous materials.
In addition to the Mount Sopris a switched-on scintillometer was always carried in the car.


• Without radiometncs data
JEN 77
A JEN 200
A Geodata 80 JEN 200 JEN 77
... . Hunting 78
i--J Geodata 80
Geodata 82
Geodata 81
Hunting 78
Hunting 79
D Geodata 80 JEN 200
O Hunting 78 Hunting 79
Hunting 78 JEN 200
lata 80 Hunting 78
X Geodata 80 Geodata 81

F/G. 2. Inventory radiometric map of Spain (PNEIU)

C« , £95 CBS

Car-borne 1983
A Car-borne 1994
Foot-prospection 1995
Radiometry asociated
with Geology
402: H 1:50.000

F/G. 3. Inventory radiometlic map of Spain (MARNA Project)
I—* 13,00

FIG. 4. Radiometric map of Extremadura.

Stops were made on a kilometre basis in order to check the radiometry of outcrops and/or
soils. Measurements were taken at these points, in accordance with the system established,
by means of two correlated items of apparatus and in

The accumulated experience will be described in another publication which is currently being
drawn up. The surveys carried out on foot had a threefold aim-

to extend the number of plateaus studied in Extremadura for the purpose of gauging, in other
provinces, the earth-air correlations established for Extremadura.
Radiometric data capturing in geologically pre-selected areas.
Filling-in of radiometric blanks in areas where few or no radiometric studies had been made.

This data bank meant performing a radiometric control of 150 additional plateaus, as well as
a geological control of 1700 outcrops and/or soils, and it provided radiometric extrapolation in some
areas where it had not yet been possible to perform the necessary radiometric filling-in.


1:50 000 Scale [13]:

The four pilot maps that were made affected the 1:50 000 sheets:

623. Malpartida de Plasencia (overlapping area of Geodata and Hunting flights).

525. Ciudad Rodrigo; 475. Lumbrales; 476. Villavieja de Yeltes.

The later three are located in Salamanca province where Spam's major uranium mines and
radioactive anomalies are to be found.

Approximately 2500 pieces of data were extracted from each sheet. The study of the data
from sheet 623 made it possible to establish the methodology and technology for the air-air
correlations between different types of flights, which was then successfully applied in other parts of
Spain. The study of the other three sheets made it possible to determine:

the data-extraction quality in the base grid [13],

an exceptional quality as regards the reconstruction of 1:50 000 maps with one piece of data
per 0.5 km2.
A good reconstruction of the 1:50 000 sheets for extracting one piece of data per km2
(graphic control). Colour tests were likewise performed for the reconstruction of vectorial
maps and bitmaps.

1:200 000 Scale:

On a 1:200 000 scale the data were extracted with a density of 1/1 km2 in the Extremadura
and Castilla-Leon regions Figs. 1 and 4. For the Extremadura region Fig. 4 we have chosen
1:200 000 Sheet no. H-51 (Caceres) in order to observe how maps drawn up on this scale had
evolved, on the basis of the various radiometric resolutions. In Fig. 5 the geological macroformations
of Sheet no. H-51 may be seen (a surface area equivalent to 4 x 4 1:50 000 sheets, in other words
about 8500 km2). Fig. 6 shows Sheet no. H-51 with resolutions of 1/1; 1/4; 1/9; 1/25 and 1/100 km2.
The images are sufficiently expressive.

On a 1/1 resolution all the macroformations represented radiometrically can be clearly

observed, and even the spread of the Alcantara reservoir may be seen over tens of kilometres. This
radiometric low (lineal anomaly) soon becomes blurred as the map's resolution diminishes where,
with a resolution of one piece of data per 100 km2, only the batholithic forms of Cabeza de Araya
may be seen while granitic stocks and other formations are lost. Likewise in this resolution an
accurate value over water (coloured blue) becomes an apparently uncertain large radioactive
depression. This series of figures shows us that, in order to achieve a good representation on a
1:200 000 scale, resolutions of between 1/1 and 1/9 pieces of data per km2 must be used, at least in
a geological context similar to the one we are involved in.


This map is governed by the following conditions:

Previously acquired experience

The terms of the CSN-ENUSA agreement
The base grid pre-established by the CSN
The isocurves


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4/*T"\4 * * * * *
1 ) 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4N.X4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
j(t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 +
4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4

If 4 4 4 4-V11
'4 4 4 4 4V
4 4 4 4 4 4 " .4 4 f 4 4
. 4 4 4 4 4 1
hv» * *




FIG. 5. H.51 Caceres. Simplified geologic map

On a 1:1 000 000 scale for a pixels representation it is advisable to have as great a resolution
as possible. Such a density is inoperative as far as representing the isocurves map of Spain is
concerned, since there would be so many isocurves for the required intervals of 1 /zR/h that to
actually represent it would be an impossible task.

As regards representations with isocurves (interval of 4 to 20 /^R/h), we saw in the 1:200 000
maps that good representations were obtained even with 1 piece of data per 9 km2. A resolution on
a 1:1 000 000 scale homothetic to the above would in principle have 1 piece of data per 45 km2.
When using a resolution of 1 piece of data/35 km2, Fig. 8, we must be within a good range of
representation on a 1:1 000 000 scale.

Fig. 7 shows a geological scheme of Spain. The main features of which are easily seen in the
National Natural Radiation Map with a resolution of 1/35, Fig. 8. These features rapidly become
blurred with smaller resolutions.

Fig. 9 and Table I show the radiometric histogram of Spain. For this histogram, the most
relevant parameters are the following: Sample size, average, median and standard deviation.


Sample size 16 744

Average 8.702 828
Median 7.755 145
Standard deviation__________________3.968 093__________________


Reducing all the units to UTMs was done by means of two programs, one of which was
produced by ENUSA in order to turn cms into UTMs. The other program is the same as that used
by the Technological and Geomining Institute of Spain and the Polytechnic University of Extremadura
for converting geographic units into UTMs and for changing time zones. This unit conversion has
made it possible to homologate the MARNA Project coordinates with those of other bodies for the
purpose of superposing information layers.

8. QUALITY OF THE 1:1 000 000 MAP

Areas with a resolution of 1 piece of data per km2:

These correspond to Extremadura (40 000 km2) and Castilla-Leon, Figs. 1 and 4
(90 000 km2). For these two regions 900 radiometric maps of different types have been
interpreted and/or computerized.

The data corresponding to the base grid (7 per 5 km2) of the 1:1 000 000 map Fig. 8, as well
as for other tests, have been extracted from this data bank.

Areas with a basic resolution close to 1 piece of data per 35 km2:

These correspond to the 145 000 km2 taken up by the areas outside the Extremadura and
Castilla-Leon regions and which have airborne radiometric cover, Fig. 1. The degree of
computerization expected to be achieved by 1996 is equivalent to 1 piece of data per km2.

MOJA 51 1200000 CACERES

Resolution 1 (arfometiic datum/1 Km2

Resolution 1 ladKxnettic dalunV4 Km2

Resolution 1 radxxnetric datunV9 Km2

Resolution 1 tadiometitc oa!unV25 Km2

Resolution 1 radtomelric da!unV100 Km2

FIG. 6 H 51 Caceres. Radiometnc map with different resolutions


Falla del Guadajqumr

H Vlacizo Hercinico
H| \rco herciiuco
i i '' Arco carbonifero
ZJ Paleozoieo
- - - - Inlrusiones graniticas

FIG. 7. Peninsular geological scheme.


FIG. 8. Radiometric map of Spain




§ 1200



0 -

10 IS 20 25 30

F/G. 9. Radiometric histogram of Spain

Rest of peninsular Spain Fig. 1:

The degree of resolution is variable, being around 1 piece of data per 20 km2 in the central
areas, 1 piece of data per 500/1000 km2 in Galicia and the Basque Country and Andalucia and
geological cover in the rest of the northern fringe.


From a technical standpoint, all the initial uncertainties displayed by the MARNA Project
have been satisfactorily solved within confidence limits quantified and laid down by the CSN. These
technologies have likewise been validated by various universities.
Abundant additional documentation regarding car-borne surveys has been located in relation
to Galicia. The experience gathered during the 1993 and 1994 surveys, Fig. 3, will be applied to this

The technology devised for the earth-air correlations will be used to interpret former
radiometric flights carried out by private firms in the Ebro valley. The checking and, if pertinent,
modification of earth-air correlations, both as regards the type of flight and geology, and even
topography, may be regarded as being an ongoing activity.
Predictive experiments regarding the radiometric map of Galicia will be performed using the
experience gained in geology/radiometry correspondences and this, furthermore, will soon be the
subject of a new publication.


In view of the good results achieved during the first stage of the MARNA Project, the CSN
and ENUSA have signed a new agreement to extend the Natural Radiation Atlas for the Extremadura
and Castilla-Leon Regions on the scale 1:200 000 to the rest of Spain. Initially, this project will cover
95 000 km2 and will subsequently be extended to the whole of Spain.


The quality of the technology and methodology used in the MARNA Project have allowed
it to be successfully completed according to what was foreseen in the CSN-ENUSA agreement. The
creation of a specific file and the volume of data will, in the immediate future, make it possible to
generate a large number of multidisciplinary publications, chiefly through universities and bodies
interested in the subject.


[I] AKERBLOM, G., "The use of airborne radiometric and exploration surveys data and
techniques in radon risk mapping in Sweden", Application of uranium exploration data and
techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 159.
[2] DARNLEY, A.G., "The relevance of airborne and ground gamma ray spectrometry to global
geochemical baselines", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in
environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 47.
[3] Atlas of Natural Radiation Levels in the European Communities. Phase n. Final Report —
Nov. 1988. CEC Contract Nr 85, 420.
[4] BAEZA, A., et al., Estudio comparado de dos metodos para la evaluation de los niveles de
tasas de dosis ambientales en la provincia de Caceres (Relacion Interna) Mayo 1994.
[5] BROWN, et. al.; Radon en Espana, Forum Atomico Espanol, Madrid (1992).
[6] GRASTY, R. L., "Environmental monitoring by airborne gamma ray spectrometry, -
experience at the Geological Survey of Canada",Application of uranium exploration data and
techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 93.
[7] GREEN, B.M.R., Atlas of natural radiation levels in the European Community Pilot Study,
Report to the CEC, Oct. 1986.
[8] LOWDER, W., External terrestrial and cosmic radiation, Proceeding of the Fifth
International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment, Salzburg (1991).
[9] MORO, M a .C., PEREZ DEL VILLAR, L., Estudio de la distribution de K, U, y Th en el
batolito de Cabeza de Araya mediante prospeccion aereo-radiometrica, Implicaciones
petrogeneticas y metalogeneticas, Libro Jubilar de Figuerola L.D. Omega, Madrid (1988).
[10] SCHWARZ, G. F., RYBACH, L., KINGELE, E.E., "Data processing and mapping in
airborne radioactivity surveys", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in
environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 61.
[II] SUAREZ MAHOU, E., CERRAJERO H., J., CREGO, A., Relacion Interna JEN, Prospec-
cion aerea sistematica de la zona de Badajoz, Madrid (1967).

Radiation Natural y Dosimetrico de Espana) XIX Reunion Anual SNE, Caceres (Oct. 1993)
[13] SUAREZ MAHOU, E., FERNANDEZ AMIGOT, J. A., "Use of uranium airborne survey
data in the preparation of radiometric map of Spain", Application of uranium exploration data
and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 109.
[14] SUAREZ MAHOU, E., FERNANDEZ AMIGOT, J. A., The Radiometrics Map of Spain
(MARNA PROJECT), IX Congreso internacional de Mineria y Metalurgia, Leon (1994)
[15] TORRES, L. M., GRASTY, R. L., "The natural radioactivity map of Portugal", Application
of uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827,
IAEA, Vienna (1995) 127.


Institute of Geophysics,
Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate,


For emergency situations like nuclear accidents, lost isotopic sources, debris of reactor-powered satellites
etc. well-documented baseline information is indispensable. Maps of cosmic, terrestrial natural and artificial radiation
can be constructed by assembling different datasets such as ground and airborne gamma spectrometry, direct dose
rate measurements, and soil/rock samples. The in situ measurements were calibrated using the soil samples taken
at/around the field measurement sites, the airborne measurements by a combination of in situ, and soil/rock sample
data. The radioelement concentrations (Bq/kg) were in turn converted to dose-rate (nSv/h). First, the cosmic radiation
map was constructed from a digital terrain model, averaging topographic heights within cells of 2 km x 2 km size.
For the terrestrial radiation a total of 1615 ground data points were available, in addition to the airborne data. The
artificial radiation map (Chernobyl and earlier fallout) has the smallest data base (184 data points from airborne and
ground measurements). The dose rate map was constructed by summing up the above-mentioned contributions. It
relies on a data base which corresponds to a density of about 1 point per 25 km2. The cosmic radiation map shows
elevated dose rates in the high parts of the Swiss Alps. The cosmic dose rate ranges from 40 to 190 nSv/h, depending
on altitude. The terrestrial dose rate maps show general agreement with lithology: elevated dose rates (100 to
200 nSv/h) characterize the Central Massifs of the Alps where crystalline rocks give a maximum of 370 nSv/h,
whereas the sedimentary northern Alpine Foreland (Jura, Molasse basin) shows consistently lower dose rates
(40-100 nSv/h). The artificial radiation map has its maximum value in the southern part of Switzerland (90 nSv/h).
The map of total dose rate exhibits values from 55 to 570 nSv/h. These values are considerably higher than reported
in the Radiation Atlas ("Natural Sources of Ionising Radiation in Europe") published by the Commission of the
European Communities. The most frequent radiation range in Switzerland is 85-115 nSv/h (total dose rate outdoors).


Radioactivity is part of our physical environment. The largest contribution to the radiation
field is of natural origin: it is due to cosmic rays, the natural radioactivity of the ground and the
radioactive decay products of radon in the air. Artificial radioactivity is emitted by nuclear power
plants, industrial plants and research facilities. These emissions are very small in normal operation,
although large amounts of radioactivity can be released to the environment through accidents.

Maps of terrestrial gamma radiation, when converted to dose rate distribution, are
indispensable for various purposes: they provide basic information for the effects of low doses and
a well documented reference base for accident and emergency situations (release from nuclear power
plants, lost radioactive sources, debris from fission-powered satellites). Furthermore, they can aid
geological mapping and/or prospecting for raw materials (e.g. by locating potassium alteration).
Gamma radiation maps are especially needed on the scale of whole countries. We summarize here
the methodology followed to establish a set of ground gamma radiation maps for Switzerland [1].


No single nationwide dataset of radioactivity in Switzerland was available with sufficient areal
density. Therefore four different datasets have been combined for map generation (Fig. 1):

Airborne gamma-ray spectrometric measurements: About 10% of Switzerland has been

surveyed by helicopters. The selected regions are mainly located in the Swiss Alps.

In situ gamma-ray spectrometric measurements: At 166 sites high precision in-situ gamma
spectrometric measurements have been carried out with a portable germanium detector.

Dose rate measurements: Together with the in situ measurements a dose rate determination
with a Reuter-Stokes ionization chamber was carried out at every site. In addition, 282 sites
of an earlier survey were also included. Finally, data collected with Geiger-Mueller counters
during emergency preparedness training (389 sites) were added to the data set.

Laboratory measurements on surface rock and soil samples: Over the last 30 years many
surface rock and soil samples have been examined with both sodium iodide and germanium
detectors, mainly for geochemical and geothermal studies (612 samples).

The aim of this project was to compile and combine these datasets to create a radiometric map
of Switzerland. In a somewhat similar effort, the usefulness of combining airborne gamma
spectrometric survey data with radiogeological ground data in estimating gamma-ray dose rates was
demonstrated in California [2].

2.1. Airborne gamma-ray spectrometric measurements

The Swiss Geophysical Commission (SGPK) performed the mapping of selected regions with
elevated natural radioactivity within the framework of the Swiss National Geophysical Survey [3].
Attention was principally given to the crystalline rocks of the Central Massif of the Swiss Alps
because of their relatively high natural radioactivity. Selected areas with typical lithology (Mesozoic
limestones, Tertiary Molasse sediments and Quaternary deposits) have also been surveyed. The area
covered by this survey is about 3000 km2. In addition, an area of about 50 km2 surrounding each of
the four nuclear power plants (Beznau, Goesgen, Leibstadt and Muehleberg) and the Swiss nuclear
research facility (Paul Scherrer Institute) have been surveyed annually for the past four years
(financed by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (HSK)). The measurements aim to monitor
the dose-rate distribution and to provide a documented reference base [4].

The measuring system consists of a helicopter-borne gamma-ray spectrometer with data

control and storage and flight positioning instrumentation. The spectrometer covers the gamma-ray
energy range of 40 keV to 3000 keV with 256 channels. An additional channel is used for the
registration of high energy cosmic radiation. The detector used for the survey consists of a package
of four 4" x 4" x 16" prismatic, thallium-doped, sodium iodide crystals (total volume 16.8 L). A
PC-based data acquisition system synchronizes and controls the measurements. The spectrometer data
are collected every second together with radar altitude, time, barometric pressure, outside air
temperature and aircraft attitude angles. Positioning is done with the satellite navigation system GPS

Processing covers the common calibration and reduction procedures (cosmic and background
correction, spectral stripping, altitude correction) extended with an additional topographical correction
to account for the effects of the rugged topography in the Swiss Alps. The data processing procedures
adopted in this project, in particular for reducing the effects of topography on airborne gamma-ray
spectrometry measurements, are described in [3] and [6].

2.2. In situ gamma-ray spectrometric measurements

The in situ gamma spectrometric data were collected by the Branch for Radioactivity
Surveillance of the Federal Office of Public Health (SUeR). A total of 166 points are monitored for
environmental radioactivity, particularly in the neighbourhood of nuclear installations and factories
handling, processing or producing radioactive material ([7] and [8]).

The measuring instrument consists of a portable germanium detector system with

4096 channels. In addition to the in situ measurement, which lasts for about two hours, soil samples
were collected from different depths for subsequent laboratory analysis.

2.3. Dose rate measurements

At the time of the in situ spectrometric measurements, a dose rate measurement with a Reuter-
Stokes ionization chamber (RSS 111) was taken at every location. Many more measurements were
made subsequently (especially inside houses) to give a more detailed map [9].

Data from 282 sites reported from an older survey with a 25 L, air-filled ionisation chamber
instrument were also included [10]. Recent emergency preparedness exercises of the Swiss National
Emergency Operation Centre (NAZ) with Geiger-Mueller (GM) counters contributed 389 additional
points. The instrument used was the Automess 6150 AD2, calibrated to measure the total dose rate,
and the measuring time was one hour [11].

2.4. Laboratory measurements

Since the late 1960s, 612 surface rock and soil samples have been analysed for the natural
radioelements, potassium, uranium and thorium, with a laboratory sodium iodide system at the
Geophysics Institute, ETH. The aim of these measurements was mainly to determine heat production
([12], [13] and [14]). Since 1990 these measurements have been performed with a modern high purity
germanium system from Intergamma (efficiency 26%) with 4096 channels.


When combining these datasets, it is essential to account for the fact that they have been
acquired with different methods. In particular,, the representative volumes are different. An airborne
measurement represents the topmost 50 cm in an area of about 300 m x 300 m. An in situ or dose
rate measurement represents a much smaller area of 10 m x 10 m. The smallest volume is
represented by the sample measurements which are normally carried out on 0.5 kg of material.

The in situ measurements were calibrated using the soil samples taken with every set of
measurements. Experience showed that five to ten samples per site were enough for the calibration.
Since the artificial isotopes are not distributed homogeneously in the soil a depth profile is taken to
determine their distribution. The error of an in situ gamma spectrometric measurement can be
estimated at about ± 2 0 % for each isotope.

The airborne data were calibrated using a combination of in situ measurements and rock
sample data. Since the airborne measurements cover a much larger sample area, an average of four
in situ measurements and 50 rock samples in different lithological units were used for the calibration.
Table I lists the calibration factors obtained.

The ground activities in Becquerels per kilogram have been converted to dose rates in
nanoSieverts per hour using the following conversion factors (in nSv/h per Bq/kg): 0.05 for "°K, 0.51

for214Bi, 0.71 for "Tl and 0.17 for 137Cs [8]. Other isotopes (I34Cs, ^Co, 7Be, etc...) occur only in
traces and were neglected for this application. In the uranium and thorium decay chains, equilibrium
up to the isotopes ^Ra, ^Ac, respectively, was assumed.



I37 40v 21*n; 208T1

Isotope Cs IV Dl 11

cps in window 0.500 0.090 0.268 0.418

per Bq/kg


The radiation at a point is composed of three components:

Cosmic background: The intensity of the radiation due to cosmic rays depends mainly on the
thickness of the atmosphere above the measurement location, and therefore mainly on altitude
above sea level. Neglecting the effects of air pressure, the cosmic background can be
considered constant in time.

Natural terrestrial radiation: Terrestrial radiation is mostly produced by the decay of the four
natural radio isotopes ^U, 238U, ^Th and 40K.

Artificial terrestrial radiation: Sometimes contributions of long-lived decay and activation

products from nuclear weapon tests and/or nuclear facilities (mainly 137Cs) add to the natural
contributions. The artificial radiation at the surface varies with time due to decay and
downward migration of caesium.

The cosmic contribution of the radiation was calculated from a digital terrain model averaging
topographic heights within a cell size of 2 km x 2 km using the relation:

Dcosmic [nSv/h] = 37.0 • exp ( 0.38 • altitude [km] ) [8]

which yields a map of the cosmic background in Switzerland (Fig. 2).

The map of the natural terrestrial radiation assembles the airborne gamma-ray spectrometry,
in situ gamma-ray spectrometry and rock/soil sample data. In addition to the airborne data, a total
of 1615 ground data points were available for the map production.

The variations in the natural dose rate (terrestrial and cosmic) due, for example, to radon
washout, soil humidity, snow cover and sun activity are around 25%, and were neglected for this
work. The artificial part of the radiation poses a specific problem. Since this contribution is not
constant in time, the value depends on the time of the measurements.

In particular, data recorded in 1986 are strongly influenced by the fallout from Chernobyl.
The map of the artificial radiation was therefore produced only using data from in situ and airborne
spectrometric measurements taken after 1987, which yielded 167 data points. Laboratory
measurements on rock samples could not be used for the map of artificial radiation, since they are
usually taken from an unweathered (covered) part of a rock, and are therefore devoid of any artificial
radioactive isotopes. This map (Fig. 4) has the smallest data base.

* Dose rate KKL PSi /^* ff*^'-v>

a In situ
A Laboratory
Airborne ,^7X,~-u
* ' *


* ** * „ ** * ** *. *
* ** * ** * * * n*
* * * " *
A * +*

*. *
. .'
* rf^**» A

p * AA* * *•


F/G. 7. Distribution of the input data. Hatched areas have been surveyed by airborne gamma ray
spectrometry. Swiss nuclear facilities: KKB = nuclear powerplant Beznau, KKG - nuclear
powerplant Gssgen, KKL = nuclear powerplant Leibstadt, KKM = nuclear powerplant Miihleberg,
PSI = Paul Scherrer Institute.

Dose rate [nSv/h]


FIG 2, Cosmic dose rate map (in nSv/h) of Switzerland Mm. value: 40 nSv/h, Max. value
191 nSv/h, Average value- 64 nSv/h, Std. deviation 22 nSv/h

FIG. 3. Natural terrestrial dose rate map (in nSv/h) of Switzerland Mm. value. 6 nSv/h; Max. value-
368 nSv/h; Average value: 68 nSv/h; Std. deviation 35 nSv/h.

FIG. 4. Artificial dose rate map (in nSv/h) of Switzerland Min. value: 1 nSv/h; Max value-
91 nSv/h; Average value: 11 nSv/h; Std deviation 14 nSv/h.
The total dose rate map of Switzerland was calculated by summing the previously described
maps (cosmic, natural terrestrial and artificial dose rate).

For the interpolation of the maps, a simple inverse distance method with a search radius of
12 km and cell size of 2 km x 2 km was chosen. In areas with airborne data coverage the search
radius was decreased to 2 km to give better spatial resolution.

Because of the generally large statistical errors in radiometric data, the sharp changes in
radioactive field intensities and the inhomogeneous data point distribution the classical isoline
representation was abandoned and the pixel representation was used (for details see [3] and [15]). The
values on the maps are given in a 25-grade linear color scale (blue -*• cyan -» green -» yellow -» red:
increasing values). The color ranges are given on the respective figures, along with the maximum,
minimum, and mean value with standard deviation.


By assembling different ground radiation datasets and after appropriately converting the
measured values, a dose rate map of Switzerland could be constructed. It relies on a data base which
corresponds to a density of about 1 point per 25 km2.

The map of the cosmic radiation (Fig. 2) shows elevated dose rates in the high parts of the
Swiss Alps. The cosmic dose rate ranges from 40 to 190 nSv/h, according to the altitude.

The terrestrial natural dose rate map presented in Fig. 3 shows general agreement with
lithology: elevated dose rates (100 to 200 nSv/h) characterize the Central Massifs of the Alps where
crystalline rocks give a maximum dose rate of 370 nSv/h, whereas the sedimentary northern Alpine
Foreland (Jura, Molasse Basin) shows consistently lower dose rates (40-100 nSv/h). The ground
radiation can show short-term changes. After rainfall, the short-lived daughter products of
atmospheric radon are deposited on the ground; they can increase the dose rate for about a day by
several tens of nSv/h.

The artificial radiation map (Fig. 4) has its maximum value in the southern part of
Switzerland (90 nSv/h). In this region it rained soon after the Chernobyl accident, so the airborne
aerosols with radioactive isotopes were washed out and deposited.

And finally the map of the total dose rate of Switzerland is presented (Fig. 5), which
corresponds roughly to the sum of the above three maps (with additional data points from the dose
rate measurements). The values range from 55 to 570 nSv/h. The dose rate frequency distribution
derived from the total dose rate map by counting the pixels in each interval is shown in the histogram
of Fig. 6. The predominance of the dose rate range 85-115 nSv/h is evident.

These values are considerably higher that reported in the Radiation Atlas ("Natural Sources
of Ionising Radiation in Europe") published by the European Communities (60-70 nSv/h).

In summary, by properly treating the non-uniform data base available, a consistent ground
radiation map of Switzerland has been established. The results indicate the dose rate varies over about
one order of magnitude and the most frequent radiation level is hi the range 85-115 nSv/h (total dose
rate outdoors).


This mapping study was performed within the project framework of the Swiss Federal Nuclear
Safety Inspectorate. We thank Dr. S. Pretre and W. Jeschki (Wiirenlingen) for continuous support
and valuable discussions. Contribution no. 913, Institute of Geophysics ETH Zurich.

° ..........370..........230 290

Dose rate [nSv/hj


FIG. 5 Total dose rate map (in nSv/h) of Switzerland Min value: 55 nSv/h; Max value. 569 nSv/h,
Average value. 147 nSv/h, Std deviation 59 nSv/h
Number of pixels




Cumulative frequency (%)


[I] RYBACH, L., SCHWARZ, G.F., Ground gamma radiation maps: processing of airborne,
laboratory and in situ spectrometry data, FIRST BREAK 13 (1995) 97-104.
[2] WOLLENBERG, H. A., REVZAN, K.L. and SMITH, A.R., Application of airborne gamma
spectrometric survey data to estimating terrestrial gamma-ray dose rates: An example in
California, Health Physics 66 (1994) 10-16.
[3] SCHWARZ, G.F., KLINGELE, E.K., RYBACH, L., Airborne radiometric mapping in
Switzerland. Beitrage zur Geologic der Schweiz, Geophysik Nr.25. Schweizerische
Geophysikalische Kommission, Institut fur Geophysik der ETHZ, Zurich (1992).
[4] SCHWARZ, G.F., KLINGELE, E.K., RYBACH, L., Aeroradiometrische Messungen in der
Umgebung der schweizerischen Kernanlagen, Berichte zuhanden der Hauptabteilung fur die
Sicherheit der Kernanlagen (HSK), Interne HSK-Berichte, Hauptabteilung fur die Sicherheit
der Kernanlagen, Villigen, Switzerland (1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992).
and calibration of an airborne radiometric measuring system", Application of Uranium
Exploration Data and Techniques in Environmental Studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA,
Vienna (1995) 25-34.
[6] SCHWARZ, G.F., RYBACH, L., KLINGELE, E.K., How to handle rugged topography in
airborne gamma-ray spectrometry, First Break 10 (1992b) 11-17.
P., FERRERI, G., GOBET, M., GURTNER A., RIBODRY, L., Mesures in situ — mesures
aeroradiometrie dans le voisinage du PSI, Interner SUeR-Bericht, Bundesamt fur
Gesundheitswesen, Sektion zur Uberwachung der Radioaktivitat, Fribourg, Switzerland
[8] MURITH, C., GURTNER A.,. "Mesures in situ et irradiation externe", Environmental
Radioactivity and Radiation Exposure in Switzerland, Annual Reports 1990, 1991, 1992 and
1992, BAG-Bericht. Bundesamt fur Gesundheitswesen, Abteilung Strahlenschutz, Bern,
Switzerland (1990, 1991 and 1992).
[9] JOHNER, H.U., VOELKLE, H.R., "Die naturliche terrestrische und kosmische Strahlung
im Hausinnern", Environmental Radioactivity and Radiation Exposure in Switzerland, Annual
Report 1993, Bundesamt fur Gesundheitswesen, Abteilung Strahlenschutz, Bern, Switzerland
[10] HALM, E., HERBST, W., MASTROCOLA, A., Messung des natiirlichen Strahlenpegels in
der Schweiz, Bulletin des Eidg. Gesundheitsamtes, Beil. B Nr. 6 (1962) 133-167.
[II] RAUBER, D., Ubung NARACH der Nationalen Alarmzentrale (NAZ), Allgemeine
Schweizer Militar-Zeitschrift (Verlag Huber & Co, Frauenfeld) 11 (1993) 498-500.
[12] SCHAERLI, U., Geothermische Detailkartierung (1:100 000) in der zentralen Nordschweiz
mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung petropysikalischer Parameter, Dissertation ETH Nr.8941,
Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich (1989).
[13] RYBACH, L., LABHART, T.P., Regelmassigkeiten der Radioaktivitatsverteilung in
granitischen Gesteinskorpern (Beispiele aus den Schweizer Alpen), Schweizerische
Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 53 (1973) 379-385.
[14] LABHART, T.P., RYBACH, L., Abundance and distribution of uranium and thorium in the
syenite of Piz Giuv (Aar-Massif, Switzerland), Chemical Geology 7 (1971) 237-251.
[15] SCHWARZ, G.F., RYBACH, L., KLINGELE, E.E., "Data processing and mapping in
airborne radioactivity systems", Application of Uranium Exploration Data and Techniques
in Environmental Studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 61-70.


Department of Mineral Resources,
Ministry of Industry,
Bangkok, Thailand


The radioelement concentration in the natural environment as well as the radiation exposure to man in day-to-
day life is now the most interesting topic. The natural radiation is frequently referred as a standard for comparing
additional sources of man-made radiation such as atomic weapon fallout, nuclear power generation, radioactive waste
disposal, etc. The Department of Mineral Resources commenced a five-year project of nationwide airborne
geophysical survey by awarding to Kenting Earth Sciences International Limited hi 1984. The original purpose of
survey was to support mineral exploration and geological mapping. Subsequently, the data quantity has been proved
to be suitable for natural radiation information. In 1993 the Department of Mineral Resources, with the assistance
of IAEA, published a Background Radiation Map of Thailand at the scale of 1:1 000 000 from the existing airborne
radiometric digital data. The production of Background Radiation Map of Thailand is the result of data compilation
and correction procedure developed over the Canadian Shield. This end product will be used as a base map in
environmental application not only for Thailand but also Southeast Asia region.


In the last few years there has been increasing public concern regarding the natural radiation
environment. The natural radiation we received is due almost to gamma radiation and cosmic
radiation. The natural radiation is therefore frequently referred as a standard for comparing addition
sources of man-made radiation such as atomic weapon fallout, nuclear power generation, radioactive
waste disposal. In order to evaluate the significance amount of these additional man-made radiation,
the levels of natural background radiation must be known.

Since a nearly entire part of the Kingdom of Thailand has been covered by airborne gamma
ray measurement. The main outputs from the survey are maps and profiles of total count, potassium,
equivalent uranium, equivalent thorium and either uranium to thorium or thorium to potassium ratio.

It was recommended by IAEA technical officer that the radiometric digital data should be
further processed to produce background radiation map. With the assistance of IAEA, the project
THA/3/004 was approved in 1993. However, the limitation of software and computer facilities at that
time, the productions of background radiation map and ternary radioactivity map of Thailand as part
of this project were contracted to Urquhart Dvorak Limit of Canada.


In 1984, the Department of Mineral Resources of Thailand commenced a five-year project

of nationwide airborne geophysical survey. The contract was awarded to Kenting Earth Sciences
International Limited (KESIL), a Canadian company, with the support of the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA) and the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC).

The objective of the survey was to establish a completely systematic geophysical database for
both the government and the private sector in mineral resources exploration and investment. Three
different types of surveys were designed:

1) Aeromagnetic Survey was flown by fixed wing aircraft using high resolution magnetometer
in survey area A at various altitudes ranging from 305 m (1000 ft) to 2286 m (7500 ft) with

line spacing 1 km in north-south direction covering an area approximately 440 000 km2 (86%
of the country).

2) Airborne Radiometric Surveys were flown using high sensitivity gamma-ray spectrometer
system with a sodium iodine detector of 50 litres, magnetometer and VLF-EM in survey areas
B and C at 122 m (400 ft) mean terrain clearance with line spacing of 1,2,5 km in east-west
direction (Fig. 1). The difference between survey areas B and C was the type of aircraft being
used, survey area B was flown by twin-engine fixed wing aircraft over low relief terrain while
survey area C was flown by helicopter over rugged terrain covering an area approximately
430 000 km2 (35 and 50% respectively).

3) Airborne Electromagnetic Survey was flown by helicopter using EM and magnetometer in

follow-up survey at 60 m mean terrain clearance with line spacing 400 m in the direction
perpendicular to the geological trend covering area approximately 18 000 km2 (3.5%).


The processing methods were designed for airborne radiometric survey data by Data Plotting
Services International Limited in co-operation with the GSC.

The energy windows used to monitor gamma rays are tabulated in Table I.


Element______________Isotope Used___________Energy Window (Mev)_____

Potassium "°K 1.36-1.56
Uranium Bi 1.66-1.86
Total count 0.40-2.82

Calibration of airborne and ground spectrometers was necessary to obtain accurate ground
concentration from the survey. To deal with the problems of calibration, large radioactive calibration
pads were constructed, under the guidance of R.L. Grasty, at U-Tapao Airport, Rayong province,
eastern Thailand and airborne test range was established at Lam Takhong reservoir, 200 km northeast
of Bangkok.

Data collected by airborne gamma ray spectrometry have been processed and presented as five
different maps: potassium (K), equivalent uranium (eU), equivalent thorium (eTh) concentrations,
uranium to thorium (eU/eTh) or thorium to potassium (eTh/K) ratio and total count.

In order to relate the airborne count rate from the three windows to radioelement
concentrations of the ground, the data processing are necessary. These are :

1) removal of background radiation;

2) spectral stripping procedure;
3) altitude correction ; and
4) conversion of the corrected count rate data to ground concentration.

ad 1) Removal of Background Radiation

There are three sources of background radiation; the radioactivity of the aircraft and it
equipment, cosmic radiation, and radioactivity in the air arising from daughter products of
radon gas in the uranium decay series. The technique used to remove the effect of these three
sources of background radioactivity has been traditionally applied by measuring total
radioactivity contribution over water. In the areas where no water is available, high level
background is accepted for background observation. An alternate method of determining
background is a test line measurement.

Since cosmic background is well controlled and the aircraft background is small and constant,
background errors are due to improper estimates of the radon component. Variation caused
by radon emanating from the ground in the north of Thailand is strong therefore de-
corrugation filtering is approved.

ad 2) Spectral Stripping Procedure

Due to the characteristic of the airborne gamma ray spectrum measured by sodium iodine
detectors, gamma rays originating from one particular radioelement may be detected in any
of the three windows. To correct for this interference, a spectral stripping procedure must be
carry out. This is achieved by determining the gamma ray spectra of the respective
radioactive concrete calibration pads. The stripping procedure used to derive the corrected
counts in each window that originate from the respective radioelement has been described by
Grasty [2].

ad 3) Altitude Correction

In the range of altitudes normally encountered in airborne survey operations the stripped and
background-corrected count rate in each window is found to be related to the aircraft altitude
by a simple exponential expression of the form :

N = Ae""

where attenuation coefficient (A) and attenuation rate (JJL) are determined experimentally over
the calibration range [1]. This exponential curve is used to correct the count rates in each
window for deviations from the planned survey altitude.

ad 4) Conversion of corrected count rate data to ground concentration

After the window count rates are normalized to a standard condition of measurement, they
are simply converted to equivalent ground concentrations by application of the sensitivities
of the airborne gamma ray spectrometer. The sensitivity factors are determined over
calibration range of known radioelement concentration as shown in Table II.


Element Normal Sensitivity

Total count 174 cps/ur
Potassium 100 cps/%
Uranium 10.9 cps/ppm
Thorium 6.8 cps/ppm


In 1989, KESIL delivered radiometric maps, stacked profiles and digital data on tapes. Map
products include radioactivity colour pixel map of Thailand at the scale of 1:1 000 000 and
radiometric contour maps at the scale of 1:250 000. These maps are presented as total
count,potassium (K), equivalent uranium (eU), equivalent thorium (eTh) and either uranium to
thorium or thorium to potassium ratio.

The airborne radiometric digital data of 301 162 line km stored on nine-track tapes were
transferred to backup tapes using Computer Centre facility within the Department. The productions
of Background Radiation Map and Ternary Radioactivity Map of Thailand were assigned to IAEA
selected sub-contract, Urquhart Dvorak Limited of Canada in 1993.

All the data were compiled and reprocessed to produce Background Radiation Map of
Thailand at the scale of 1:1 000 000 and presented in exposure rate unit of micro roentgens per hour
(uR/h) (Fig. 2).

The relationship between radioelement concentration and exposure has been calculated by
Beck et al and Lovborg and Kirkegaad. Grasty et al [3] derived the contribution of potassium,
uranium and thorium to the exposure from those experiments and assigned the value as shown in
Table HI.



Exposure Rate (uR/h)

Assigned Value
1% K 1.505
1 ppm U 0.625
IppmTh 0.310
E = 1.505 K + 0.625 eU + 0.310 ETH


Ground level exposure rates can be determined by airborne gamma ray spectrometry. A total
of 301 162 line km of airborne radiometric data were compiled and reprocessed to produce
Background Radiation Map of Thailand. This map shows a very good correlation with geological
features. In situ gamma ray measurement confirms that the areas of high radioactivity are generally
related to granitic rocks. The lowest radioactive areas are found to be associated with sandstone.

The Background Radiation Map of Thailand will be a particularly effective tool for
environmental study in the country. Furthermore, it is expected that this map will also contribute to
the production of Natural Radioactivity Map of the World.


The writers wish to acknowledge Mr. Pricha Attavipach, the Director General of the
Department of Mineral Resources for permission to publish this paper. More specifically to Mr. Suvit
Sampattavanija, the Director of Economic Geology Division for his encouragement and advice. The

technical and financial assistance of the IAEA through the project THA/3/004 with the support of
Mr. Mohamad Tauchid are gratefully acknowledged.



Flight altllude : 400 feet mean terrain clearance

Traverje Intervali •
blocks B-1. C-i. C-4. C-5 Ikm ( E - W )
block.* 8-4. C-2 2km. ( E - W )
blocki B-2. B-3. C-3 5km. (E-W)

100 104' 106

Fig. 1. Map of Thailand showing airborne radiometric survey areas B and C.

98 100° 104" 106

20 -20

Ito -16

12 - -12

8- 8

100 104 106

Fig 2 Background Radiation Map of Thailand at 1 1 000 000 (reduced to fit page )


[1] DARNLEY, A.G., BRISTOW, Q., AND DONHOFFER, D.K., "Airborne gamma-ray
spectrometer experiments over the Canadian Shield", Nuclear Techniques and Mineral
Resources (Proc. Conf. Buenos Aires, 1968), IAEA, Vienna (1969) 163-186.
[2] GRASTY, R. L., A calibration procedure for an airborne gamma-ray spectrometer: Geological
survey of Canada, Paper 76-16 (1976) 1-9.
background radiation in Canada: Geological Survey of Canada, Bull. 360 (1984) 39 p.
[4] GRASTY, R.L., TAUCHID, M. AND TORRES, L.M. de M., "Standardization of old
gamma ray survey data", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in
environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 35-46.
Airborne Geophysical Survey, Surveys B and C, for the Department of Mineral Resources,
Ministry of Industry, Kingdom of Thailand, Ottawa (1989).

left BLANK


Faculty of Science,
Charles University,
Prague, Czech Republic


Maps of terrestrial gamma dose rate, usually expressed in nGy.h"1, specify the natural radiation
environment. Technique of measurement, data processing and compilation of radiomerric maps contribute to resultant
data deviations. Substantial influence on results may have technical parameters of used instruments, calibration
facilities and method of instrument calibration, geometry, density and the mode of field radiometric measurement,
data processing, data levelling and their graphical presentation. If maps are used for the assessment of the natural
radiation environment, reliability of reported gamma dose rate values must be acceptable and should be checked.
Radiometric map of the Czech Republic 1:500 000, published in 1995, expressed in gamma dose rate, is based on
regional and detailed airborne total count (1957-1959) and gamma ray spectrometry (from 1976 onward)
measurement, completed by ground investigations. Back calibration was applied to convert the data to dose rate and
to level the map. Regional terrestrial radiation in the Czech Republic, formed by magmatic, sedimentary and
metamorphic rocks, is in the range 6-245 nGy.h"1, with the mean 65.6 ± 19.0 nGy.h"1. Preliminary verification of
data reported in the radiometric map, carried out by ground gamma ray spectrometry regional traverses, showed a
good map data levelling, while the mean deviation ± 13.8 nGy.h"1 illustrates expected differences at individual sites
and geological setting.


Terrestrial radiation, causing substantial component of the natural radiation environment,

varies with the geological setting at the earth surface. Potassium, uranium and thorium are
fundamental sources of radioactivity of rocks. Radiometric maps of terrestrial gamma dose rate are
used in geological investigations, exploration of radioactive raw materials, environmental studies,
delimitations of regions of radon risk, estimation of absorbed radiation dose from terrestrial radiation
and they provide a base, against which man made radiation can be determined. A series of
radiometric maps has been published [1].


Terrestrial gamma dose rate can be well determined at particular stations by means of
pressurized ionization chambers. Standard geophysical equipment, its regional survey application and
methods of data processing may yield deviations from local dose rate values. There are several factors
influencing resultant radiometric data.

The field of gamma radiation, with natural abrupt changes, due to uneven distribution of
natural radionuclides in rocks, is by routine technique determined as spatial average value, in
dependence on the method of measurement.

Gamma total count instruments and their response to terrestrial gamma radiation are
fundamentally sensitive to type and size of used detectors and equipment energy discrimination
threshold. Small size Nal(Tl) scintillation detectors and low (30-100 keV) energy discrimination
thresholds are mostly used. Response of these instruments to gamma radiation of K, U and Th in
rocks need not to be proportional to the dose rate. The deviations depending on equipment parameters
and on the ratios of K, U, Th in rocks, can be up to 20% relatively [2]. The range of deviations can

be estimated by equipment uranium equivalents of potassium and thorium with respect to ideal values
2.3 ppm U/l % K and 0.44 ppm U/l ppm Th [2, 3]. Range of deviations has been calculated and
analyzed [4]. Calibration of total count instruments by means of a ^Ra point source generally results
in an overestimation of reported dose rates. Calibration over small size calibration pads, that do not
generate adequate air downward backscattered radiation, does not correspond to radiation of natural
infinite plane source.

Gamma ray spectrometers, determining concentrations of K, U, Th in rocks, that can be

converted to gamma dose rate [2], are used in airborne and ground measurements. Calibration
facilities and calibration procedures are essential for the correctness of field results. Intercomparison
measurement of calibration pads in various countries showed the differencies and inaccuracy in their
reported concentrations of radionuclides [5]. Further, correction for the geometry of small size
calibration pads can be critical. Inconvinient material for their construction may result in gradual
internal geochemical changes, pad decomposition, radon escape and instability in radiation. Instability
of equipment function, causing gamma energy spectrum shift, contributes to instrument output data
errors. Sensitivity of airborne gamma ray spectrometers play an important role in depression of
radioactivity fluctuations and statistical data processing. Large volume Nal(Tl) scintillation detectors
are preferable for regional airborne gamma ray spectrometry, though semiconductor detectors has
been also tested [6].

Geometry of gamma ray detection and width range play an important role for compilation of
regional terrestrial radiation maps. Flight height and line spacing of airborne measurement determine
the percentage of area covered. Climatic changes, affecting the variation of air density and air radon
concentration may result in inconsistency of data measured in various periods. Attenuation of gamma
rays by biomass, soil moisture and water planes is essential namely for the airborne measurement,
and may contribute to deviations of tens of percent relatively [7].

Unlike to simple processing of ground gamma ray measurent, the airborne data processing,
implying steps of data filtering, background correction, air radon correction, stripping, altitude
correction and conversion to element concentration, depends on series of introduced constants [8].

Compilation of radiometric maps may imply digitalization, gridding, filtering, interpolation

of digital data and their graphical presentation, realized by contour lines or pixels [9].

Though the theory of radiometric measurement, field procedures and data processing has been
intensively studied and developed in in the last 30 years, the nature of observed physical field and a
series of input and correction constants may affect resultant values of dose rate reported in radiometric


Airborne and ground radiometric measurement were applied for uranium exploration and
radiometric mapping in the Czech Republic in past decades. Regional 1:200000 (flight lines
separation 2000 m, flight height 100 m, period 1957-1959) and detailed 1:25 000 (flight lines
separation 250 m, flight height 80 m, period 1960-1971) airborne gamma total count measurement
covered the whole area of the country. Airborne equipment was calibrated by means of a U6Ra point
source and the maps of contour lines were expressed in exposure rate (jiR/h). Detailed 1:25 000
airborne gamma ray spectrometry (from 1976 onward) with digital, spectrum stabilized airborne
spectrometers DiGRS 3001 of 14800 cm3 Nal(Tl) volume and GR 800D of 33 600 cm3 Nal (Tl)
volume at flight height 80 m covered 50% of the country. The instruments were calibrated by
calibration standards and at airborne natural calibration strips. Maps of total count and K, U, Th
concentrations and their ratios were compiled. Car-borne, ground, logging and laboratory radiometric
measurements were used too.


Original total count airborne maps, checked and completed by airborne gamma ray
spectrometry, were back calibrated hi order to level the data and to convert them into gamma dose
rate. A ground portable gamma ray spectrometer GS-256 was calibrated at calibration facilities
Bratkovice (Czech Republic) and Langenlebarn (Austria) and verified by intercomparison
measurement (in Berlin 1992) with a Geological Survey of Canada gamma ray spectrometer GR-256,
calibrated in Canada. 122 regional traverses 1-5 km long, evenly distributed in the area of the Czech
Republic, situated in low, medium and highly radioactive rocks, were measured and results were
expressed in gamma dose rate (nGy.h"1). Regression analysis between these data and data of airborne
measurement, converted into dose rate (1 /tR/h = 8.69 nGy.h'1), determined multiplication correction
constant 0.85 for data of the original airborne map. Correction constant reflects the inconsistency in
geometrical conditions and gamma energy spectra of mRa airborne total count equipment calibration,
and the field measurement. Coefficient of correlation 0.933 showed acceptable agreement of airborne
and ground data sets used in regression.


Original airborne exposure rate maps of contours, on the scale 1:200 000, has been converted
to vector form by digitizing and expressed by 871652 data in a regular grid 300 x 300 m over the
territory. Digital data were convened into dose rate and the multiplication correction constant 0.85
was applied. The new terrestrial gamma dose rate map, on the scale 1:500 000, was compiled by
computer processing with the step of contours 10 nGy.h"1. The map has been published in 1995 [10].
Regional radioactivity of rocks of the Czech Republic, formed by magmatic, sedimentary and
metamorphic rocks, is in the range 6-245 nGy.h"', with the mean 65.6 ±19.0 nGy.h"1 (Fig. 1).


A series of factors, which have been described in the paragraph 2, affect resultant data of
radiometric maps. In 1995, reported data in published radiometric map of the Czech Republic were
preliminary checked by comparison with ground gamma ray specrometry measurement of 81 regional
traverses 1-5 km long, situated in the whole area of the Czech Republic. Ground gamma ray
measurement was carried out with calibrated spectrometer GS-256 at 761 sectors of 200 m length in
dynamic mode. Results were expressed in dose rate, averaged for each traverse, and compared to
dose rate values of the map 1:500 000, read with the step of 5 nGy.h"1. The average difference of
compared data sets 2.1 nGy.h"1 shows a good procedure of regional dose rate data levelling, while the
mean deviation ±13.8 nGy.h"1 illustrates expected differences at individual sites and geological
setting. Coefficient of correlation of compared data sets (N = 81) is 0.942.

Analysis of dose rate data verification must take into consideration the limited width range
of ground measurement, which is compared with integrated data of airborne measurement and map
data interpolation, resulting in filtered regional average values. Magnitude of determined mean
deviation, and its statistical significance, is a measure of accuracy, with which the radiometric map
can be used for the assessment of the radiation environment.

» t r *}>M '»'« $1 fOCK*

0 tf M JO <5 50 40 70 ID »C 100 125 146 »«& ltd «fl S?«nO»h

F/G 1 Map of terrestrial gamma dose rate of the Czech Republic


[1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Application of uranium exploration data

and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, Vienna (1995).
[2] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, The Use of Gamma Ray Data to Define
the Natural Radiation Environment, IAEA-TECDOC-566, Vienna (1990).
[3] LOVBORG, L., The Calibration of Portable and Airborne Gamma Ray Spectrometers —
Theory, Problems and Facilities, Riso-M-2456, Riso (1984).
[4] MATOLIN, M., DEDACEK, K., The Causes of Differences in the Maps of Total Gamma
Ray Activity of Rocks, Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Geologica, 4, Prague (1974) 371-383
[5] LOVBORG, L., Monitoring of Pads in Various Countries for the Calibration of Portable and
Airborne Gamma Ray Spectrometers, Riso-N-02-82, Riso (1982) 35 p.
[6] SANDERSON, D.C.W., ALLYSON, J.D., TYLER, A.N., "Environmental Applications of
Airborne Gamma Ray Spectrometry", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques
in environmental studies", IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 71-91.
[7] RUBIN, R.M., LEGGET, D., WELLS, M., Effects of Overburden, Biomass and
Atmospheric Inversions on Energy and Angular Distribution of Gamma Rays from U, K, Th
and Airborne Radon Sources, Radiation Res. Associates, Report-GJBX-141 81, Fort Worth
(1980) 259 p.
Technical Reports Series No. 323, IAEA, Vienna (1991).
[9] SCHWARZ, G.F., RYBACH, L., KLINGELE, E.E., "Data processing and mapping in
airborne radioactivity surveys", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in
environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 61-70.
[10] MANOVA, M., MATOLIN, M., Radiometric map of the Czech Republic 1:500 000, Czech
Geological Survey, Prague (1995) 19 p.




High-Sense Geophysics Ltd,
Toronto, Canada


During 1992 and 1993 select portions of existing government airborne radiometric data covering almost
91 000 km2 of central Namibia were compiled into a master digital data set. This compilation involved the interactive,
semi-automated digital recovery of approximately 42 000 line kilometres of original analogue chart traces. A further
49 000 line kilometres of digital data were also reprocessed. Available data represented ten different surveys collected
over 12 years with a variety of spectrometers, spectral windows and survey parameters. Preliminary digital grids of
each radioelement were compiled, verified and used to select representative sites for ground measurements within each
survey block. Results obtained from the ground program were used to back-calibrate the airborne data, standardize
the various surveys and convert airborne measurements into equivalent ground concentrations of uranium, thorium
and potassium. The quality and consistency of final map products conclusively demonstrates that existing analogue
radiometric data, in various states of preservation, can be successfully recovered, combined with modern digital data,
and utilized to assist exploration, mapping and environmental studies.


Airborne geophysical data have been collected over much of Namibia since 1968. Although
these government sponsored regional surveys were generally of good quality, data collected prior to
1977 were not in a digital format. Furthermore, in the case of radiometric data, existing map products
were neither consistent in form (ranging from simple redball anomaly selections and stacked profiles
to contour presentations) nor particularly suited for mineral exploration, geological interpretation or
environmental applications. The different map presentations also hindered geophysical and geological
correlation between survey blocks.

In an attempt to overcome this problem, the Geological Survey of Namibia (GSN), in

conjunction with the Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR, Germany), selected
an area of central Namibia (Fig. 1) from which all available airborne radiometric data would be
recovered, standardised and compiled into a master digital data set. This digital data would then be
used to produce maps of a) exposure rate, b) ground concentrations of potassium, uranium and
thorium, c) elemental ratios and d) ternary images. A contract for radiometric data recovery,
compilation, back-calibration and map plotting was awarded to UDL (Urquhart Dvorak Limited,
Canada) in conjunction with DMT (Gesellschaft fur Forschung und Pruning mbH, Germany). The
project was funded by the German Government in a technical cooperation agreement with the
Government of Namibia, and jointly supervised by BGR and GSN geophysicists.


The selected area consists of four (4) 1:250000 scale map sheets — namely 2014
Fransfontien, 2016 Otjiwarongo, 2114 Omaruru and 2116 Okahandja. Covering almost 91 000 km2
of west central Namibia, the area includes varied physiographic regions (coastal plain (Namib desert),
escarpment and highlands), typical geological environments and a representative sampling of the
different types of radiometric data.

12'E 16'E 18*E 20*E 22'E



12«£ 14"E

F/G, 1. Project location — Namibia.

This radiometric data resource comprises ten different surveys flown between 1968 and 1980;
approximately 42 000 line kilometres of analogue chart records and about 49 000 line kilometres of
digital data. Flight line orientation and mean terrain clearance vary, but line spacing remains constant
at 1000 m (Fig. 2). Although each survey recorded four radiometric data channels, the contractor,
survey equipment, detector crystal volume, energy windows, sensitivities and calibration procedures
varied from year to year and survey to survey (see Table I for a summary). In addition to these
known variations, it became apparent that parameters were occasionally changed during the course
of a single survey (e.g. survey aircraft, equipment, location of calibration sources, correction
coefficients, etc.). Unfortunately, in some cases (particularly the older surveys) only incomplete
records of survey procedures were available.


Original analogue chart records (approximately 46% of the total line kilometres) were
digitized with a proprietary interactive trace recovery procedure (RE-TRACE) developed by UDL.
This interactive, semi-automated system scans and vectorizes each pen trace, capturing a perfect
digital reproduction of both high and low frequency components, thereby ensuring profile fidelity for

i'j: 1 w'•" . tl
^T. I -
J^r-V'.i™^'' ^**~ ';-v£ £
. —-. | _. -..£—• f&i^jv'rf sw JS ft
»*fi«:. -?-:*^ VJC?-iKaa fe-^ g

' '.*£-v^ ***;»!**»«•• » ¥5 '•• •- -.

jt^f ^; ^.ivfc^ii^
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^£?**K.ir S
< r: .-•.
iS3*Saa«f:'J5t^' v^-^sw^
irtf^. -VvA*S
5^K^fe\^ *'. ^j'^ ?^^^ i!


F/G. 2. Typical flight path coverage.

all radiometric channels plus the altimeter information. Analogue data recovery formed the main
thrust of this project. Raw digital data was recovered from the original survey tapes, reformatted and
written to databases. The degree of early data manipulation (stripping, etc.) done by the initial
contractor varied from survey to survey for both analogue and digital data sets.

Processing commenced once the recovery stage was complete, and can be divided into two
main parts, an initial data verification phase followed by a second, intensive processing phase. Initial
data verification consisted of preparing rough maps that were used to check completeness of the
recovered databases for each survey area. Radiometric anomaly positions were compared with known
locations of river valleys and granitic bodies. These rough maps were also used to identify data
errors, adjust for failings in the original surveys and to determine back-calibration sites.

Back-calibration of radiometric data is based on the comparison of airborne counts rates with
ground concentrations measured beneath the flight path by a calibrated portable gamma-ray


Survey Year Digital/ Line Line Flight Crystal

Number Flown Analogue Direction Spacing Height Volume
(a or d) (metres) (metres) (litres)

51 1968 a NW/SE 1000 ?? ??

52 1971 a NW/SE 1000 150 ??
54 1973 a NW/SE 1000 150 ??
55 1973 a * N/S 1000 150 ??
56 1974 a N/S + E/W 1000 125 11.12
57 1975 a N/S + E/W 1000 100 16.68
S10 1977 a* E/W 1000 100 16.68
S13 1979 d E/W 1000 100 16.68
CDM80 1980 d N/S 1000 100 16.68
S15 1980/81 d N/S + E/W 1000 100 16.68

?? No Documentation Available
* Digital data collected for area S10 was not available

spectrometer [2]. Aircraft sensitivity factors calculated by this technique can be used to correlate
survey results obtained from radiometric systems with different detector crystal volumes and, to a
lesser extent, energy windows.

Systematic ground radiometric measurements in Namibia were made at 20 calibration sites

within each of the ten airborne survey areas. Preferred ground calibration sites were situated at the
intersection of flight lines and roads, in areas of uniformly elevated radiometric signatures and
subdued topography. By choosing calibration sites located at the same features used by the survey
aircrews for navigation (fiducial markers recorded on flight records) good data correlation was
assured. Each site was evaluated with respect to potential cultural disturbance or physiographic
influences prior to taking ground concentration readings. Four measurements were made at every
calibration site; two on either side of the road and typically 25 m apart. A laptop computer was used
to store the full digital site spectrum measured by the portable spectrometer. Preliminary databases
for each survey area (generated during the data verification stage) were available on the same
computer, allowing each days ground data to be processed, evaluated and compared with the airborne
results while the field crew was still in the area.

Navigation in the field was via published 1:50 000 scale topographic maps, assisted by
satellite GPS (Global Positioning System). GPS readings were used to verify location at each
calibration site, and provided positioning control in areas of featureless terrain (e.g. Namib desert).
A typical series of ground calibration sites are shown in Fig. 3.

Airborne count rates at the different calibration sites showed variations in radioactivity.
Airborne and ground measurements were therefore compared separately at each site to derive
potassium, uranium and thorium sensitivities. Sensitivity errors were computed from the calculated
statistical error, based on the mean value of the airborne count rates and the four ground



FIG. 3. Ground calibration sites with corresponding flight path (survey area S10).

measurements. The total count channel was calibrated by comparing the airborne measurements with
the calculated exposure rate derived from the ground concentrations of potassium, uranium and
thorium using the following standard relationships [1]:

1 percent K = 1.505 uR/h, 1 ppm eU - 0.625 uR/h, 1 ppm eTh = 0.31 uR/h

Table II provides an example of the preliminary total count sensitivities for survey S10. The
final sensitivity was calculated from the individual sensitivities, taking into consideration errors
associated with calibrations at each measurement location. Fig. 4 graphically compares the exposure
rates (uR/h) at each of the calibration sites. During the final intensive stage of data processing,
individual surveys were fine-levelled using a variation of microlevelling adapted for radiometrics.
Each survey was processed independently following standard radiometric correction procedures
consisting of background determination and removal. Compton stripping (where required — some
analogues were already stripped) and altimeter correction. All surveys were continued to a common
flight height of 150 m above terrain. Optimal radiometric filters were applied to reduce noise effects.
Intermediate grids of each survey area were prepared throughout the process, and checked for internal
consistency with an imaging program.

Airborne sensitivities were recalculated for each survey area, and applied to generate equal
area ground concentration grids for each component. Individual survey areas were merged together
on central meridians of 15 and 17° at a 500 m grid cell size. Decorrugated [3] of the data was used
as a guide, with any discrepancies between the pre and post decorrugation mitigated by the earlier
application of fine levelling.


The back calibration and re-processing of the radiometric data facilitated merging of the
individual survey data to provide a master digital grid, for each of the components (potassium,


Site # Calculated Airborne Sensitivity

Exposure Total (cps/uR/hr)
Rate(uR/hr) Count(cps)

2 11.6 +/-0.8 301 +/-24 26.0 +/-2.7

3 17.9 + 7-2.9 258 + /- 30 14.4 + 7-2.9
4 18.3 + 7-0.7 536 + /- 33 29.3 +7-2.1
5 18.6 + 7-0.7 574 + 7-35 30.9 +7-2.2

• • •
16 17.8 +/- 1.2 566 + / - 4 4 31.8 +7-3.3

FIG. 4. Comparison of airborne and ground exposure rates (survey area SIO).

uranium, thorium and exposure rate). This data was plotted as 1:250 000 scale colour contour and
ternary maps, providing a valuable, hitherto unavailable, radiometric map series to compliment
aeromagnetic maps and aid in geological interpretation.

Some residual effects from errors and imperfections inherent in the original data can be seen
in the final products. Nevertheless, the resultant radiometric maps enable correlation between surveys,
and across the selected area. Results from this project have demonstrated that analogue and digital
radiometric data collected from a series of surveys flown over a long tune span and at different
specifications can be successfully and economically recovered, back calibrated and re-processed,
providing valuable map products to assist mineral exploration, geological mapping and environmental


background radiation in Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 360 (1984) 39 p.
[2] GRASTY, R.L., WHITTON, R.M. AND DUFFY, A., Back Calibration and reprocessing
an airborne gamma-ray survey, Malaysia, Paper presented at Society of Exploration
Geophysicists, 62nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 25-29. Abstract published in
Technical Program (1992) 550-551.
[3] URQUHART, W.E.S, Decorrugation of enhanced magnetic field maps, Paper presented at
Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 55th Annual Meeting, Anaheim, October 25-29,
Abstract published in Technical Program (1988).

!«f t BLANK

Atomic Energy Organization,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran


Airborne survey can be utilized as a multipurpose data in different fields such as exploration, health physics,
environmental studies and so on. The well known advantages of airborne survey include rapidity, more extent of
surveyed area, the possibility of application in unaccessible regions where no other methods can be utilized. More
than one third of Iran territory i.e. about 600 000 km2 has been surveyed by magnetic and spectral gamma ray
airborne. This survey is one of the largest and most highly specified survey of its type ever attempted. Extremely
large quantities of data were generated during the survey which can be used as a baseline information.


A large part of Iran has been surveyed by airborne radiometric and magnetic techniques
focusing on uranium exploration during the years 1976-78, by three companies; Austirex, Prakla
Seismos" General de Geophysics (CGG), in different areas as shown in Fig. 1 and Table I.
Exploratory areas mostly cover eastern and northwestern parts of Iran, which exceed 600 000 km2
including 960 000 km flight lines. This survey is one of the largest and most highly specialized
surveys of its type ever attempted. The selection of promising areas which might be favorable for
uranium occurrence was based on geological information and mineralization trends.

The advantages of geophysical airborne survey include different aspects such as; economy,
largeness of area, time saving, monitoring unaccessible areas, etc. Only airborne survey can record
such an extremely huge data in a vast region during an acceptable time, considering economical
problems. This method is able to get a comprehensive potential view on the country in the first phase,
then determining interested zones for further detailed works in the next phase. In other words fairly
constant and lower counts (radioactivity) may indicate absence of radioactive mineral enrichments,
and such areas can be eliminated from further surveys, then such a procedure can save time and


2.1. Flight Data

The airborne survey has been carried out at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 km line spacing and mean terrain
clearance of 120 m. Flight lines were in direction N40W in the eastern part, N40E in the central part
and N/S in the northwestern part of IRAN according to the geological trends. Also some flights were
made along tie lines in the spacing ten times more than flight spacing, i.e. 5, 10 or 20 km
perpendicular to the flight lines. Sample interval was 1 sec. while the maximum aircraft speed was
70 m/sec.

2.2. Data Acquisition Equipment

Magnetometer System: Varian V85 proton precession magnetometer for auto tune in fields
varying from 25 000 to 100 000 nT with 1 nT sensitivity. Gamma ray Spectrometer: Using 50 lit.
Nal (Tl) crystal as a main crystal detector with a 256 channels spectrometer in four windows TC, K,
U, Th ranging 0.32-2.9 Mev (TC), 1.36-1.56 Mev (K), 1.66-1.76 Mev (U), 2.42-2.90 Mev (Th).

TURKEY- - - - ...

FIG. 1. Airborne surveyed areas.


Flight area code Flight line (km) Surveyed area

Austirex 1.2 310000 290000
Prakla 3.5 450000 216300
CGG 4 150000 148500


3.1. Calibration

The spectrometer system was to be calibrated over especial test pads constructed at Tehran
airport consisting five pads; uranium, thorium, potassium, mixed and background as static calibration,
and along test ranges extending 10 km long and 1 km width as dynamic calibration.

3.2. Data Acquisition

Geophysical data was recorded digitally on the magnetic tapes in addition to analogue chart.

3.3. Flight Path Recovery

The geophysical values are assigned to the recovered points of flight tracks.

3.4. Data Processing

Using prepherial hardware (digitizer.plotter,...) and Geopak software, plotted maps, after
doing some correction, gridding, contouring are produced.

3.5. Interpretation

interpretation of geophysical data is essentially is an iterative process, with ground truth as

it becomes known fed back into the interpretation loop, and new models generated to allow for the
latest knowledge. The steps attempted at this stage consist of:

3.5.1. Image Processing

An alternative approach to the analysis of geophysical data is to present it in image rather than
graphical format. Geophysical data is transformed, or scaled, from physical units to a number
between 0 and 256, and either a grey scale or colour value is assigned to the transformed value.
RTICAD software operates on grid files so as to produce pseudo-coloured image to show various
physical potentials like magnetic field intensity and radioactivity for the following geophysical
parameters: total count, U, Th, K, Mag, filtered mag, colour composite of U,Th,K and ratios;

3.5.2. Quantitative Interpretation

The discovery of uranium resources, emphasis in the interpretation has been placed on the
radiometric data, so in these maps by defining the background level and anomaly amplitude, it is
possible to reject the values less than anomaly limit, then anomalies are recognizable.

3.5.3. Data Compilation

Compiling complementary data from different aspects could be lead to a comprehensive idea
on the interested area, therefore contour maps, pseudo coloured maps, geology map, stacked profiles
and remote sensing data were compiled together.
3.5.4. Qualitative Interpretation

The last stage of interpretation for finding out the results, is carried out considering the

migration of uranium;
ratios maps; sometimes uranium deposits produce identifiable ratio anomalies without
producing simple uranium channel anomalies;
results of field checking, mineralization, alteration and so on;
recognizing of pseudo-anomalies arising from leaching, facies changes and concentration of
radon gas.


Data is presented as a raw processed and interpreted one in form of

digital on the magnetic tapes,

analogue strip chart records of all survey flights, test lines and calibrations,
stacked profiles at 1 250 000 scale of the following geophysical parameters, total count(c/s),
K(c/s), U(c/s), Th(c/s),Bi-214(air), u/Th ratio, U/K ratio, Th/K ratio, total magnetic field
and radar altitude (Fig 2),
contour maps at scales of 1 50 000 and 1 250 000 of the following geophysical parameters,
total count (Ur)1, uranium equivalent(ppm), thorium equivalent(ppm), potassium(percent) and
the three isotope ratios U/Th, U/K, Th/K (Fig 3),
pseudo coloured maps at scales 1 100 000 and 1 250 000 of the above mentioned parameters
Fig 4 shows radioactive potential in area flown by Austirex, i e z40 eastern part of Iran As
it is observed, in scales about 1 50 000 the background radiation level varies from one area
to the other one, but in general view it is about 8 Ur The maximum value is about 20 Ur
Fig 5 shows magnetic field intensity in the same area Sometimes there is a correlation
between magnetic complexes and uranium channel response, and it will be more observable
in scales about 1 100 000 Some information on geological structures, lineaments, faults,
basement, could be found out from magnetic map and the filtered one
interpreted maps for interested areas, showing uranium anomalies classification and geological


In spite of numerous advantages of geophysical airborne survey which are impossible to be

obtained by the other methods, there are some insufficiencies as follows

high topographic regions,

covered areas,
straight sampling

Sometimes, presence of a facies among the other ones having different gamma radiation,
leaching of radioactive mineral, concentration of radon gas in traps may lead to pseudo anomaly


As it is mentioned the well known advantages of airborne survey include rapidity, more extent
of surveyed area, relative simplicity of use and in some cases, the possibility of application in
unaccessible regions where no other methods can be utilized

Such an extremely large information can be applied in different ways as a multi-purpose data
bank in addition to uranium exploration, for instance

mineral exploration,
corresponding and correcting geology maps,
identifying high radiation areas for various purposes, (exploration, health physics,
environmental studies, ),
registering the background of radiation as a reference for each area and comparing it in the
future for probable nuclear events, (natural and man-made) and variation of radioactive

Ur Universal radiation 1 Ur = 1 ppm eU = 0 6 R/h

- r

-.: j


-<^--~—^^,——Aj •


3 T 'I /^V.VV^~-V'^

! > I ! I I I ! I ! I I I ' I i i i

FIG. 2. Stacked profiles.

F/G. J. Total radioelement concentration contour map (ur).


8 . 985@@
8 . 68000

8 . 14500
7 ,8880©
7 . 6 05 00
7 . 3 ,2500

5 * 88508
3 . 93508

F/G. 4. Total count image.

6i. 4000

FIG 5 Magnetic field intensity image


[1] UWAH,E.J., Analyses and Interpretation of Air-borne Gamma-ray Survey Data for
Radioactive Mineral Recovery, Nucl. Geophys, Vol 7, No.l (1993) 97-107.
[2] LEONHARDT, J.W., IAEA-SM-229/235 (1991).
[3] AUSTIREX INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, Final Geophysical Report, Iran project (1985).
[4] ASHTIANI,A., Spectral and Magnetic Airborne Survey and its Results for Mining in Iran
[5] AEOI, Technical Specification of Airborne Survey (1997).

left BLANK


Madrid, Spain


The purpose of this work is to analyse on a surface of 15 000 km2 some of the existing correlations between
activity and geology. Approximately 90% of the studied zone has been covered by radiometric airborne surveys with
a grid of 1 km using multichannel spectrometers for the uranium, thorium and potassium discrimination. The total
gamma accounts records have been translated to micro Rontgen/hour at the soil level, using the air-land correlations
obtained by empirical procedures. Numerous field works have been carried out for the acquisition of data, as well
as for the elaboration of maps into a geological mean known. Within this context some of the historical cases that have
served as guides for the elaboration of maps are also analysed on various scales.


Radioactivity in nature is basically emitted by the elements uranium, thorium and potassium.
Within the potassium series the only radioactive isotope is K-40 which usually exists in a proportion
of 0,019%. 90% of the K-40 emission is beta radiation and approximately 10% corresponds to
gamma radiation with an energy of 1.460 kiloelectron Volts (keV).

Uranium gamma radiation in nature is basically emitted by Bi-214, which is the uranium
family gamma radiation emitter. The radioactive energies of this element are 609, 1120 and 1761
keV. Thallium-208, belongs to the thorium-232 decay series. Several gamma energies in the interval
300-3000 KeV. The most important among them at 583 and 2620 keV.

The foregoing means that, as regards an approximate conversion to percentages for the
purpose of gamma radioactivity emissions, for an average-type granite containing 4% of K20, 4 ppm
of U and 13 ppm of Th, the radioactive balance takes place as follows: 23 % of the gamma rays would
come from the K-40, 25% from the U and 51,5% from the Th.

The natural radioactivity of different rocks and their average geochemical uranium content
is variable according to their origin and composition. Roughly we have the following contents in ppm:

Igneous rocks with a high silica content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 ppm

Igneous rocks with an average silica content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 ppm
Igneous rocks with a low silica content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ppm
Sedimentary rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ppm
Sea water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.002 ppm
Underground water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0002 ppm
Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1 ppm

As far as natural gamma radioactivity is concerned, if we take as coefficient 1 that

corresponding to a siliceous sandstone, it will vary from the form given below for the rocks taken
into consideration: alluvium 0,8; siliceous sandstone 1; detrital rocks 1, 1-2; metamorphic series
1,8-2; gneisses 2-3; calc-alkaline granites; alkaline granites >4.5.

These coefficients are merely an indication of radiometric variability. The measurements were
taken with a duly gauged SPP-2 scintillometer (cps) and with an ES-3 (^R/h) (Table I). The average
uranium content of surface rocks varies between 1 and 2 ppm. Far more abundant is thorium which
can reach proportions 3 and 4 times higher than those of uranium. Both thorium and uranium are in
a tetravalent state, but whereas the U+4 ion in an oxidizing atmosphere becomes hexavalent thorium
does not change its valency. In oxidizing conditions hexavalent uranium forms the uranium ion
(UO2 ++ ) which may give rise to a number of minerals.

Thus it can be seen that uranium and thorium go their separate ways quite soon (in geological
terms), and this will inevitably condition the form of the deposits and the geochemical content of the
rocks in these elements.

Thorium, due to its being highly resistant to meteorization, will be located exclusively in its
original rocks or mechanical concentrations of its minerals during transport, whereas uranium will
partly follow its cycle leached by water until it encounters deposit conditions, and another part may
remain in its original rocks.

The problem raised by speculation as to the average contents (ppm) of radioactive elements
in rocks is clear, as are some of the reasonings which have led us to an empirical system of earth-air
radiometric correlations.


The province of Salamanca covers a surface area of around 15 000 km2 of which
approximately 40% is taken up by Hercynian granitic outcrops, 20% by Palaeozoic metasediments,
20% by Tertiary sediments and 10% by Plioquarternary sediments (Figs. 1, 2 and 3).




(nR/h) (MR/h) (MR/hXm,)
GRANITIC >20 15 >17.5 >0.01
GNEIS >20 13 >16.5 >10.7
SANDS 11 I6 8.5 +13.3
SANDSTONES 14 6 10 +37.0
CLAY 11 7 9 -1.1
RANAS 9 6 7.5 +17.2
PHILITES 15 11 13 -2.3
SLATES >15 11 >13 >-10.3
CUARCITICS >14 7 >10.5 >10.5
GRAUWACKAS 15 11 13 -5.4
ARCOSICS 14 6 10 83.6


FIG. 1. Radiometric map of Spain. Province of Salamanca.

2.1. Granites

The granites in the northern zone (Fig. 2, nos. 3, 5 and 7) are from several generations and
generally vary between granodiorites and quartzomonzonites as well as showing a small proportion
of syenite outcrops, microgranites and phyllonian retinues typical of these intrusive rocks. As a
general radiometric characteristic it may be said that they have high average potassium, thorium and
uranium contents. With such geochemical features these granites have extremely high radioactive
background, often showing radioactive veins with uranium minerals and also transmit strong
radioactive gradients to the residual Palaeozoic rocks (Fig. 2 nos. 4, 6 and 8) which overlay or have
lateral contact with them and which have undergone contact metamorphism during the granites'
emplacement stage. Residual Quaternary (Fig. 2, nos. 9, 11 and 12) or Tertiary (Fig. 2, no. 13)
terrains may also overlay on these granites.

The granites in the southern zone (Fig. 2, nos. 14, 16 and 17) cover a smaller surface area
than those in the northern zone and show some local uraniferous anomalies close to the Portuguese
border (Fig 2 no. 14)

2.2. Palaeozoic

The Palaeozoic metasediments of the northern zone contain the same materials subsequently
mentioned for the southern part. However, these materials have undergone a heavy additional contact

metamorphism which has transformed the lithologic units over great extensions, and we thus find
andalusitic and cordieritic cornubianites, micacites, quartzites and two-mica gneisses. Over these
formations are to be found many radioactive anomalies, and the most important Spanish uranium
mines (Fe, D, Alameda, Caridad, etc. mines).

The Palaeozoic of the southern block (Fig. 2, no. 15) is more massive and is basically made
up of predominantly clay and quartz phyllites, although these may be sericitic, graphitic, etc.,
graywackes, the odd conglomerate and Ordovician quartzites. There also exist some local contact
metamorphisms generated by the emplacement of the granites in this zone (Fig. 2, nos. 14 and 16),
but with little radioactive influence and extension.



p :J Terciarios y/o cuaternarios

I ~ -! Granites hercinicos
|——} Materiales paleozoicos metamorfizados

FIG. 2. Partial geological scheme of the Province of Samanaca.

Hoja36 1 200000


Uranium mine

FIG. 3. Radiometric map of the Province of Salamanca. Resolution: 1 Radiometric datum/1 km2.

2.3. Tertiary sediments

These form a basin running in a NE-SW direction and which is about 150 km long and 15-20
km wide (Fig. 2, nos. 1 and 2). Topographically speaking, this basin descends from Salamanca in
a south-westerly direction as far as Ciudad Rodrigo and reaches into part of Portugal. Both the basin
itself and the area to the north are peneplains, whereas the topography to the south is abrupt due to
the uplift of the tectonic horst forming the Sierra de Gata. The basin has been filled in by the
neighbouring materials and therefore shows ranges of sedimentation and lateral facies evolutions that
vary between arkosic types, clay types and high-energy sediments. From a radiometric standpoint the
materials show a diminished uranium content due to the leaching undergone by this element during
the erosion, transport and sedimentation stages of the parent rocks, as well as showing thorium losses
from the clay phyllites and clays except in the south-western area (Fig. 2, no. 2) where the granitic
lem extension and the proximity of the uranium deposits has raised its radiometric backgrounds.

In the northern part of Sheet H-36 (Vitigudino) (Fig. 2, no. 10) we can see the great
morphological irregularity caused by the Almendra dam over the River Tormes. This reservoir is at
its widest just upstream from the dam (over 50 km2) and stretches out more narrowly over tens of

2.4. Quaternary

Finally, to the north of the Almendra reservoir (Sheet H-36, Fig. 2, nos. 11 and 12) one can
see two clay, detrital quaternary tracts, known as ranas, with surface areas of 40 and 60 sq km.
These sediments, which show little evolution, chiefly consist of large quartzite stones, poorly
classified quartz sands, silt and clays with a low radioactive component.



Ever since the MARNA Project began, ENUSA has been checking and tabulating the
radiometries of most of the geological formations in Spain in ^iR/h. Over 1 700 points have been
catalogued and these are currently at an advanced stage of classification and study. As far as the
limologic units of Salamanca province are concerned, their behaviour with regard to those in the rest
of Spain is shown in Tables I and II.

As can be seen, the percentages of the differences between average radiometries remain within
very acceptable limits. In some cases one can see the regional influence of the uraniferous
metallogenetic province (maximum values of the arkoses on the south-west edge of the Ciudad
Rodrigo basin, gneisses and slates), whilst the constants are quite well maintained in the Ordovician
quartzite despite the frequent variation of its thorium content.



(nR/h) (MR/h) (nR/h) (m:) DATA

GRANITIC 27 10.2 17.5 11.32 48

GNEIS 19.4 11.4 14.9 8.49 6
SANDS 14.4 3.8 7.5 4.42 139
SANDSTONES 18 3 7.3 10.29 88
CLAY 21 3.7 9.1 10.99 153
RANAS 17.4 1.9 6.4 6.38 115
PHILITES 14 12.6 13.3 0.33 3
SLATES 19.4 7.6 14.5 10.49 30
CUARCITICS 13.3 5.6 9.5 4.99 30
GRAUWACKAS 14 13.3 13.7 0.12 2
_ ,
ARCOSICS 5.4 5.4 5.4 0 1


4.1. Analysis of the surface unit-geology factor in its relationship with the extraction and
drawing-up of data

A radiometric study may be approached with multidisciplinary aims. In our case we shall
focus on geology although the bases to be used are, in our opinion, common for this type of study.
Anyone, when faced with a radiometric study, will ask questions such as the following: What
radiometric support (surface) must be chosen in order to represent the area to be worked on? What
is the accuracy of its radiometry? Can we quantify the radiometric appraisal of the area under study?
If we can answer these questions we shall be able to programme and delimit the system for extracting
data or taking samples.

The problem will have been reduced to defining the financial optimization of the project for
an acceptable quantification of its parameters. The problem becomes simpler if, for each support unit
(surface), we are able to determine the number of samples (radiometries) in order to obtain a
radiometric knowledge with an acceptable predetermined error. In geology the surface to be studied
may be very variable, depending on the objectives.

We may go from a radiometric macro representation of a country's geology with a surface

area of, for example, 500 000 km2 such as that of Spain to locating uranium deposits of a
predetermined size, for example 2 km2, and even giving a radiometric description of a sublayer or
geological structural projection such as a fault with lineal characteristics and a thickness between
decimetric and metric.

Thus it can be seen that geological variability may be very great, depending on the aims of
the area under study. In Spain, for example, a horizontal Pontian limestone may appear as a single
outcrop over tens and even hundreds of sq km, whereas in some metamorphosed Palaeozoic sediments
petrographic and radiometric variations may occur several times in only a few metres.

4.2. Practical case of the Mama Project

a) Direct problem: We have a series of radiometric data (maps) generated by surveys (airborne)
and we want to have a radiometric knowledge, with a predetermined accuracy, of each
surface unit chosen as a radiometric support. What must be the minimum data-extraction

b) Opposite problem: We have no radiometric data for the area to be studied. What must be the
minimum data-capturing mesh in order to achieve a predetermined accuracy?

Statistically speaking the two cases are practically identical and are reduced to the analysis
of a series of samples over a surface. Within the context of this publication we give the summary of
the study carried out for a 35 sq km base grid (support) over Spanish territory. For another specific
problem the error resolution will be done by means of a simple variance composition.

In the MARNA Project a base grid was defined as a being a quadrilateral with sides
approximately proportional to those of a 1:50 000 sheet and a surface equivalent to 1/16 of such a
sheet (the 1:50000 sheet is equivalent to a quadrilateral of 20 by 10 minutes of geographic
coordinates and the base grid represents a surface area of almost 35 km2).

The Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) dictated that the radiometry of each base grid should be
known with an error of less than 1 pRJh for data extracted from airborne survey maps. Eleven base
grids representative of the radiometric variability of two flight campaigns (Hunting and Geodata) were
chosen, and 10 data-extraction meshes were made over each grid.

The criteria chosen in the data-extraction meshes were as follows:
Mesh LI Four points corresponding to the vertices of the grids.
Mesh L2 Four points corresponding to the centres of the grid's sides.
Mesh L3 Four points corresponding to the centres of the four quadrilaterals resulting
from dividing a grid into four subgrids.
Mesh L4 Is a mesh with 12 points per grid corresponding to the middle points of the
C Centring of a mesh.

The basic characteristics of surface representativeness are given in Table III, while the
statistical data for one of the base grid are given in Table IV.


Grid Enclosed Surface N" of points N° of data N° of points

Area which per Based per sheet per Km 2
Km2 represent Grid 1:50.000

L, 33.0 33 4 25 0.11
L,+C 33.0 33 5 41 0.15

L: 16.5 33 4 40 0.11

L,+C 16.5 33 5 56 0.15

I^+L^+C 33.0 33 9 81 0.26

L3 8.25 33 4 64 0.11
L,+C 8.25 33 5 80 0.15
L,+L,+L,+C 33.0 33 13 145 0.37

L, 33.0 33 12 144 0.34

I^-t-Lj+Lj+Lj+C 33.0 33 25 289 0.71 !


Flight Base Grid N"of Points Average Siandar Sn-1 Variation Freedom Confidence
Grid Points per Km 1 dcsviatinn rate grade limit

GEO-80 16 I,-l 4 11.11 2380 739.13 365.02 36.3 3 709.32

L-l (C) 5 0.15 2224 739.12 926.37 37.2 4 565.43

1. -2 4 (1.11 2230 604.73 698.28 31.3 3 572.59

L-2 (C) 5 (1.15 2104 596.71 667.14 31.7 4 489.3

L1/L2 9 0.26 2226.67 682.67 724.09 32.5 8 337.91

L-3 4 (Ml 2022.5 426.05 491.96 24.3 3 403.41

I.-3 (C) 5 0.15 1938 416.86 466.07 24 4 341.83

1.1/1,2/1,3 13 0.37 2163.85 622.4 647.81 29.9 12 244.35

l,-4 ,2 0.34 20X0 572.01 597.45 29.7 11 234.56

I,I..L4(C> 25 0.71 2123.6 600.21 612.58 28.8 24 161.72

Much could be written on the analysis of the above table, the way of representing the results
and the evolution thereof. If we take as a basic criterion the fact that any measurement of the grid
must be known with a confidence limit of less than 1 /iR/h, mesh L1+L2+L3+L4+C, that is the
25-point mesh, is the first one to fulfil this condition hi all the circumstances being studied, even in
grid no. 16 of Geodata-80 flight which has a variation coefficient of 28.8, since for an average of
2,123.6 cps, 1/iR/h means about 234 cps which is a much higher figure than the confidence limit of
161.72 cps.

This macro conclusion shows us that "an extraction method with 25 or more points per grid
with a regular mesh will almost always (and possibly always) fulfil the basic criterion". On account
of the foregoing the decision was taken to perform the data extraction of the Hunting and Geodata
flights by means of a bicentimetric mesh (one point per square kilometre of 1:50 000 Sheet or 35 per
base grid).

Afterwards, the quality of the extractions was finally ascertained by means of a simple
program in case it might be necessary to close the extraction meshes in some cases. This circumstance
did not arise.

4.3. Analysis of the resolution of radiometric maps

Using the aforementioned characteristics the radiometric map of Salamanca province was
drawn up with the same resolution as the national map (1 piece of data per 35 kmj), Fig. 4. The same
map with a resolution of 1/100 km2 may be seen in Fig 5.


Uranium mine

FIG. 4. Radiometric map of the Province of Salamanca. Resolution: 1 Radiometric datum/35 km2.

Hoja 36 1 200000


Uranium mine

FIG 5 Radwmetric map of the Province of Salamanca Resolution 1 Radiometnc datum/100 km2

If both maps are compared with the geological scheme in Fig 2 it can be seen that, in the
first case, the geological macroformatlons (entities of over 100 km2) are quite well drawn, whereas
in the second case only the limits of these macroformatlons can de seen approximately (Ciudad
Rodngo basin, northern zone of Lumbrales and southern zone, Sierra de Gata)

Fig 6, shows the sheet no H-36 (Vitigudmo) 1 200 000 , with resolutions of 1/4, 1/9, and
1/25, (one 1 200 000 sheet is made up of 4 x 4 1 50 000 sheets)

From a comparative analysis with the geological sketch in Fig 2 it is deduced that

With a 1/1 resolution the position of the uranium mines (Fe and Retortillo mines), the
Almendra reservoir and its extension over a great distance, minor (quaternary north of the
reservoir) and major geological formations, clear edges between radiometncally well
characterized geological formations, and even the influence of the metamorphic gradient over
the residual Palaeozoic of the northern part of the Ciudad Rodngo basin are perfectly in

With a 1/4 resolution the tail of the reservoir disappears and the Retortillo mine has not been

With a 1/9 resolution the foregoing details can still be seen, albeit more faintly

Resolution : 1 radiometric datum/4 Km2

Resolution : 1 radiometric datum/9 Km2

Resolution : 1 radiometric datum/25 Km2

of the H. 36 Vitigudino 1: 200 000 with different resolutions.

FIG 6. Radiometic map
With resolutions of 1/25 and 1/35 the radiometnc contacts become fainter and fainter
Anomalies of less than 25-35 km2 might not be captured and if they are they offer a
sharpening of kilometric forms


With regard to data extraction

The problem with the data-extraction mesh in our MARNA Project is similar to that of the
calculation of the optimum sampling

Each surface factor must be studied statistically and the number of data increased until an
acceptable confidence limit is reached in all cases Should any of the samples fail to fulfil the
error limit, the mesh on its surface will be closed until the confidence limit can be brought
down to within acceptable or admissible margins, otherwise the item of data will be dispensed

With regard to the drawmg-up of maps

On a 1 200 000 scale

From the experience gained in drawing up maps on 130 000 km2 of Spanish territory, it is
inferred that for resolutions included between 1/1 and 1/9 km2 very acceptable resolutions are
obtained, versus geology and orography [15], [16], [17]

On a 1 1 000 000 scale

A resolution of 1/35 km2 is very acceptable, and a resolution of 1 100 km2 deforms important
geological and geographic irregularities

With regard to the geology/radiometry correlation

Very good with the resolution 1/1 km2 (mines detected)

With regard to the quantitative determination of contaminations

Once the preoperational radiometnc map has been drawn up, an eventual contamination may
be quantified by means of similar comparative methods

The extension and variability in intensity of the contamination will govern the size of the


[1] ALLYSON J L , TYLER, A N , "Rapid quantification and mapping of radiometnc data for
anthropogenic and technologically enhanced natural nuchdes' , Application of uranium
exploration data and techniques in environmental studies IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA,
Vienna (1995) 197
[2] ANDJELOV, M , TOMSIC, J , PECNK, M , "Natural background radioactivities and
geochemical map of Slovenia", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in
environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 217
[3] BAEZA, A., et al., Estudio comparado de dos metodos para la evaluation de los niveles de
tasas de dosis ambientales en la provincia de Caceres (Relacion Interna) (Mayo 1994).
[4] BALL, T.K., CAMERON, D.G., COLMAN, T.B., ROBERTS, P.D., "The use of uranium
exploration data for mapping radon potential in the U.K. — advantages and pitfalls"
Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-
TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 139.
[5] BARNET, I., "The role of airborne gamma spectrometric data in the radon programme of
the Czech Republic", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in
environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 151.
[6] COX, J.R., "Radiation detection of buried shielded sources in vehicles loaded with scrap
steel", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies,
IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 315.
J.S., "Uranium resources assessment and exploration data for geological radon potential
assessment in the United States, Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in
environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 135.
[8] MELLANDER, H., "The role of mobile gamma spectrometry in the Swedish emergency
response programme for nuclear accidents — experience and future plans", Application of
uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827,
IAEA Vienna (1995) 187.
[9] MORO, Ma .C., PEREZ DEL VILLAR, L., Estudio de la distribution de K, U, y Th en el
batolito de Cabeza de Araya mediante prospeccion aereo-radiometrica, Implicaciones
petrogeneticas y metalogeneticas. Libro Jubilar de Figuerola L.D, Omega, Madrid (1988).
[10] MULT ALA, J., "Airborne Gamma-ray measurements in radioactive cloud — Experience at
the Geological Survey of Finland", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques
in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 103.
"Quantitative modelling of radon potential in Florida and the use of aeroradiometric data",
Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-
TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 181.
[12] SANDERSON, D.C.W., ALLYSON, J.D., TYLER, A.N., SCOTT, E.M., "Environmental
application of airborne gamma spectrometry", Application of uranium exploration data and
techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 71.
contribution of applied geophysics for the estimation of the radioelement contamination of the
environment", Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental
studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 281.
[14] SUAREZ MAHOU, E., CERRAJERO H.J., CREGO, A., Relacion Interna JEN, Prospeccion
aerea sistematica de la zona de Badajoz, Madrid (1967).
Radiation Natural y Dosimetrico de Espana) XIX Reunion Anual SNE, Caceres (Oct. 1993)
[16] SUAREZ MAHOU, E., FERNANDEZ AMIGOT, J.A., "Use of uranium airborne survey
data in the preparation of radiometric map of Spain, Application of uranium exploration data
and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 109.
[17] SUAREZ MAHOU, E., FERNANDEZ AMIGOT, J.A., The Radiometrics Map of Spain
(MARNA PROJECT), IX Congreso internacional de Mineria y Metalurgia, Leon (1994).
[18] TORRES, L.M., GRASTY, R.L., "The natural radioactivity map of Portugal", Application
of uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827,
IAEA, Vienna (1995) 127.
[19] VULKAN, U., SHIRAV, M., SHILONI, Y., "Radon levels of rock formations in Israel"
Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-
TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 197.


National Resources Authority,
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,
Amman, Jordan


An Airborne Gamma Ray survey has been accomplished for Jordan since 1979. A complete report has been
submitted to the Natural Resources Authority along with field and processed data "digital and analogue". Natural
radioelements concentration is not provided with this report. From the corrected count rate data for each natural
radioelement, Concentrations and exposure rates at the ground level were calculated. Contoured maps, showing the
exposure rates and the dose rates were created. Both maps reflect the surface geology of Jordan, where the Phosphate
areas are very well delineated by high-level contours. In southeastern Jordan the Ordovician sandstone, which contain
high percentage of Th (around 2000 ppm in some places) and a moderate percentage of U (about 300 ppm), also show
high gamma radiation exposures compared with the surrounding areas. Comparing the values of the exposure rates
given in GtR/h) to those obtained from other countries such as United States, Canada, Germany, etc. Jordan shows
higher background radiation which reach two folds and even more than those in these countries. More detailed studies
should be performed in order to evaluate the radiological risk limits on people who are living in areas of high
radiation such that the area of the phosphatic belt which covers a vast area of Jordan high Plateau.


The natural environment is the major source of radiation exposure to man. This natural
radiation could be used as a standard for comparing additional sources of man made radiation such
as those produced by medical sources of X rays, atomic weapons, fallout, nuclear power generators
and radioactive waste disposal. To asses the significance of these additional sources of man-made
radiation, the levels of natural background radiation and it's variation must be known. Radiation
exposure is considered as internal when it is taken by breathing or swallowing such as "°K or ^Rn
and it is considered as external when it is received by the surface of the body such as cosmic rays and
natural radioactive elements principally "°K and uranium and thorium decay series occurring in the
ground, in building materials and in the air.

The external radiation can vary considerably according to many things such as the geological
environment, the elevation above the sea level, the temperature, humidity, moisture, type of living
and accommodation, etc.

The natural radionuclides decay through emission of alpha particles, beta particles and gamma
radiation. Alpha particles are very heavy and cannot travel more than few centimeters through the air.
Beta particles which are much lighter can travel about one metre in the air. While gamma rays which
have almost no mass can travel several hundred metres through the air. Cosmic rays which are very
energetic can travel long distances from stars and penetrate the whole earth's atmosphere down to the
ground surface. While lungs and respiratory tract are the most affected organs to alpha and beta
particles which are present in the air, except that the human body is exclusively exposed to gamma
and cosmic radiation.

This report deals with the effects of gamma radiation, emitted only by the natural
radioelements of potassium and uranium and thorium and their decaying series, on the whole body
and is not concerned with alpha and beta particles which affect only specific parts of the body.
Different kinds of techniques were used to evaluate the natural background radiation in different parts
of the world; these techniques have involved the use of ionization chambers, portable and airborne
scintellometers, laboratory analysis of the radioactive elements in soil samples, etc. None of these
above methods was capable to carry out a representative sampling on a country wide basis because

of the variation of the ground radioactivity from place to place and because of the limited number of
measurements that could be taken.

Because of the large areas that could be covered and the huge amounts of data that could be
collected, airborne survey is considered as unchallenged method in the point of view representation.
Very considerable improvements were achieved since the first airborne radiometric surveys until
recent airborne gamma ray spectrometer surveys. Improvements did not involve only the equipment,
where powerful computers control the whole parameters of the flight with very sophisticated
equipment on board, but the procedure as well which includes the construction of large radioactive
concrete calibration pads and the establishment of airborne calibration range such that of Breckenridge
strip near Ottawa in Canada. Now it is possible to estimate the concentration of the natural
radioelements at the ground level with high accuracy.


It is important to know the distribution of the natural radioelements in nature in order to know
which rock type is responsible of the most contribution of gamma radiation to the environment. This
will lead us to have a certain knowledge about the abundance of these radioelements in nature.

2.1. Abundance in crustal rocks

Table I indicates the concentration of the three radioelement in common rock types. All three
elements are oxyphile and have relatively large ionic radii, these two factors play a role in the crystal
chemistry. Within igneous rocks, the abundance of the three radioelements increases with increasing
silica content. The difference in geochemical behaviour becomes apparent under strongly oxidizing
conditions which may exist beyond the stage of pegmatite formation, or under supergene conditions.
Uranium and Thorium behave in a similar way when uranium exists in a quadrivalent state which is
the characteristic of uranium, and form several isomorphous mineral series, but uranium behaves
differently in the hexavalent state. Both elements may occur as accessory minerals in granitoid rocks
or be concentrated in pegmatite.


[Adapted from Clark et al. (1966)]
Rock type K% U (ppm) TH (ppm) Th/U
average average range average range average range
crustal average 2.1 3 12 4
mafic igneous 0.5 1 0.2-3 3 0.5-10 3 3-5
intermediate 1-2.5 2.3 0.5-7 9 2-20 4 2-6
acid igneous 4 4.5 2-23 28 5-20 4 2-10
arenaceous 1.4 1 0.5-2 3 2-6 3
argillaceous 2.7 4 1-13 16 2-47 4 1-12
limestone 0.3 2 1-10 2 1
black shales 2.7 8 3-250 16 2 wide
laterites low 10 3-40 50 8-132 5 wide
metamorphics depend on rock type

2.2. Uranium Geochemistry

The relative concentration of uranium compared to both thorium and potassium is an

important factor in the recognition of possible uranium deposits using gamma ray survey In the
hexavalent state, uranium is ready to form the soluble uranyl ion (UO2"1"1") and become very mobile
This permits the segregation and, under favourable conditions, the concentration of the uranium.
More commonly, uranium moves in solution as the uranyl complex with carbonate, sulphate and
chloride ions. Under reducing conditions, the uranyl is precipitated as primary complex oxide
compounds by organic matter or insoluble hydroxides of iron or manganese .Under oxidizing
conditions, secondary uranium minerals are precipitated by evaporation of uranium bearing solutions,
and with copper, calcium, potassium or other metals may form as phosphates, arsenates, vanadates
or silicates. Black shales and marine phosphates are commonly enriched in uranium and may contain
in excess of 100 ppm. Gamma ray measurements of uranium abundance usually depend upon the
gamma emission of its daughter product, 214Bi, which is the ninth decay product in the series. Radon
and radium are very important in geochemistry exploration because of their mobility. Radium is only
mobile in sulphate free, neutral or acid solutions and is ready to be precipitated by gypsum,
anhydryte, barite, hydroxides of iron, manganese and aluminium. Radon on the other hand is an inert
gas with a short half-life time but is easily dissolved in water and can escape to the atmosphere
through permeable rocks, the displacement of uranium, radon or radium from the mother radioactive
source will cause disequilibrium, leading to erroneous gamma ray estimations of the uranium
concentration in the source, and may create confusing secondary exploration targets in the vicinity.

2.3. Thorium Geochemistry

There is similarity of geochemical behaviour for both uranium and thorium under hypogene
conditions. Thorium is not susceptible to leaching under most supergene conditions, and its principal
mode of occurrence is in the refractory heavy minerals, which under supergene conditions may
become concentrated as residual resistate in laterite cappings, or inplacers deposits, In primary
igneous rocks some carbonatites are strongly enriched in thorium, which is indicative of the presence
of other rare earth's.

2.4. Potassium Geochemistry

The geochemistry of potassium is well known and may need to add this comment. Certain
types of uranium mineralization are accompanied by sodium metasomatism mineralization. Under
these conditions sodium initially replaces potassium in rock forming minerals and further exaggerates
the U/K ratio which always increases where there significant uranium mineralization.


3.1. Survey planning

The survey, which covered the entire Kingdom of Jordan, was divided into three zones as
illustrated in Fig. 1. All lines were flown in an east northeast/west southwest direction as indicated
on the flight path map Fig. 2. Survey lines were planned to terminate 8 kilometers from the
international borders. Area A is only a magnetic survey area which covers the Wadi al Araba-Jordan
Rift and the highlands east of the rift, including the outcropping basement rocks of the southern
mountainous desert. The flight altitude was kept constant for each traverse within area A varying
between 1500 and 2000 metres above sea level, depending on the maximum height of the topography
beneath the flight line.ENE traverses were spaced at 1 km intervals with NNW control lines flown
at 20 km spacing. Control lines were also flown along the western and southern perimeters of the

FIG. 1. Location map of the survey area

FIG. 2. Flight path map

area. Area B, as depicted in Fig. 1 is a magnetic and gamma radiation survey area.A survey altitude
of 120 metres terrain clearance was maintained except over a small section in the north-west corner
where rugged topographic features necessitated flight altitudes of 800 to 1050 metres above sea level
in order to ensure safe aircraft operations. ENE traverses were spaced at 1 km intervals with NNW
control lines at 10 km interval in the northern section of the area and 20 km intervals in the southern

portion. Three NS traverses were flown along the western boundary of the survey area, from the
southern end of the Dead Sea to the northern survey limit in order to ensure complete survey

Area C, a magnetic and gamma radiation survey area, covered the largest portion of the
Kingdom of Jordan as shown in Fig. 1. A survey altitude of 120 meters terrain clearance was
maintained for the entire area. ENE traverses were spaced at 2 km intervals with NNW control lines
flown at 20 km spacing and 2 perimeter control lines were flown across the northern boundary. The
bases of the survey operation were Amman for the northern portion of the survey and Aqaba for the
southern portion. The survey aircraft was a twin-engine Douglas DC-3 with registration C-FITH.

The equipment on board the aircraft used for the purpose of the survey are described as list-1.

List 1: Airborne Survey Equipment

Airborne Magnetometer-Geometric Model G803 proton precession magnetometer with sensor

mounted in a tail stinger. The magnetometer resolution was 0.5 games with a sampling
interval of 1.0 second.

Crystal Detectors- 8 Harshaw polycin 10.2 x 10.2 x 40.6 cm Sodium Iodide (Thallium
activated) crystal. Total crystal volume of 33567 cubic centimeters.
Geoterrex MAD ACS digital data acquisition computer system. Basic components are an
Interdata Model6/16 minicomputer, a crystal clock, a Nuclear Data Model 560 analogue/
digital converter and custom designed operating system.

Digi Data Model 1600, 9 track, 800 BPI magnetic tape transport.

Gulton Model TR-888, 8 channel analogue chart recorder (4 cm/channel).

Moseley Model 7100B, 2 channel analogue chart recorder (25.4 cm width).

Geocam Model 75-SF, 35 mm frame, tracking camera.

Sperry Radar Altimeter, Model RT-220.

Geoterrex custom magnetometer compensation unit.

Bendix DRA-12C Doppler navigation system.

3.2. Data Acquisition

Doppler navigation was employed in addition to visual navigation through the use of
topographic map flight strips. Visual navigation alone have been impractical as a large portion of the
survey area was desert area devoid of identifiable features.

The recording of all of the airborne survey parameters was controlled by a command signal
from the MAD ACS unit. MAD ACS is the name of a Geoterrex designed software controlled system
build around a 16-bit minicomputer. This unit controlled and synchronized the recording of all the
parameters through a crystal clock. The spectrometer system recorded the radiometric counts in 256
channels for energies in the range 0.0 to 3.0 Mev.

Also recorded were four channels of summed "window" data for the energy ranges as
indicated in Table II.


Window Photo Peak Energy Range (Mev)

Thorium Thallium 208 2.42-2.82
Uranium Bismuth 214 1.66-1.86
Potassium Potassium 40 1.36-1.56
Total Count____________—_______________________0.8-2.82_______

The spectrometer magnetometer, radar altimeter and barometric altimeter data were recorded
in both analogue and digital formats with no corrections applied. On the 8 channel analogue recorder,
each channel is 4 cm and the chart speed was 6.0 cm/minute. A sample of an 8 channel analogue
record is contained in Fig. 3. The parameters recorded and their full scale deflections, arranged in
order of chart top to chart bottom, are described as list 2

List 2. Survey parameters and their full scale deflections

Integer Fiducials every 10 samples (10 seconds)

Barometric Altimeter 1000 feet deflection (305 metres)
Radar Altimeter 1000 feet deflection
Magnetics(coarse scale) 2000 gamma deflection
Magnetics (fine scale ) 200 gamma deflection
Total Counts 2000 counts/second deflection
Potassium 500 counts/second deflection
Uranium 200 counts/second deflection
Thorium 200 counts/second deflection

The Doppler measurements, recorded in digital format only, were the instrument output
before processing through the Doppler navigational computer. Hence they were not subject to any
changes made by the pilot in his instrument settings. The two parameters recorded digitally were the
distance traveled and the track direction, in each one second measuring interval.

3.3 Survey Procedures

3.3.1. Geophysical Equipment Tests

The following tests of the geophysical survey instruments were made: Prior to departure for
Jordan the radiometric instruments had been calibrated on the radiometric test pads and over the range
near Ottawa, Canada. The results are included with Phoenix report. After arrival in Jordan, on the
ground and before each survey flight, a radiometric balance check and adjustment was performed
under control of the MADACS operating system.

3.5.2. Flight Tests

Prior to the commencement of flying the actual survey portion of a flight and just after, a
series of short tests were performed for the purpose of monitoring the equipment stability and for
calibration. A common test line, which was selected for repeatability of navigation and geophysical
responses was flown with all survey equipment in operation. While based in Amman, the test line was
over a railroad line just south of Amman ending just before the new airport under construction. While

115 Fiducial*

F/G. 3. Sample of eight channel analogue record (not fit to scale).

based at Aqaba airport the test line was flown over the gulf of Aqaba. Backgrounds are best
determined by flying over a large body of water at survey altitude but in the north this was
impossible. General checks for the proper functioning of all inputs to the MADACS
system(barometric altimeter, radar altimeter, tracking camera, Doppler, radiometric sensors) were
made before commencement of surveying.

The MADACS system, under control of the operator, was capable of providing on-line
multichannel display of accumulated natural Potassium and Thorium photopeaks.

3.3.3. Post flight Procedures

Upon completion of a flight, the 35 mm tracking was developed. The actual flight path was
proved by identifying points from the film on the topographic map flight strips. Flight log and
analogue records were checked to ensure the satisfactory data had been obtained. The radiometric
source tests and test line results were analyzed to check the stability of the spectrometer system. All
original survey data, analogue or digital, have been delivered to Natural Resources Authority.

3.4. Aeroradiometric Data Reduction and Compilation

In order to relate the airborne count rates of the three windows to radioelement concentrations
of the ground four distinct steps are necessary: the removal of background radiation; the spectral
stripping procedure; altitude correction; with temperature and pressure correction; and the conversion
of the corrected count rate data to ground concentration.

3.4.1. Removal of Background Radiation

Three sources of background radiation exit in any airborne radioactivity measurements:

the radioactivity of the aircraft and its equipment; cosmic radiation; and the radioactivity in the air
arising from daughter products of radon gas in the uranium decay series. To remove the effect of
these three sources, it will be enough to take measurements over a large body of water .unfortunately
large bodies of water are not available except the Dead Sea and Aqaba Gulf.

When the survey was based in Aqaba, the background calibrations were made at survey
altitude over the gulf of Aqaba. While the survey based in Amman, the aircraft flew at high altitude.
The backgrounds, which were subtracted from the survey data, were determined linearly interpolating
on a time basis from the pre-flight to the post-flight background levels.

3.4.2. Stripping Procedure (Compton Stripping Factors)

Due to the characteristics of the airborne gamma ray spectrum measured by sodium iodide
detectors, gamma rays emitted from one particular radioelement may be detected in the other two
windows. To correct for this interference, a spectral stripping procedure must be carried out. This
is achieved by calibrating the aircraft and equipment over a set of large radioactive concrete pads
which were constructed at Uplands Airport in Ottawa, Canada. The calibration pad measurements
were carried out on August 31, 1979 Mean total system count rates observed in the Total Count,
Potassium, Uranium and Thorium are summarized in Table III. These mean values were used for the
calculation of the stripping constants.

The Compton stripping coefficients are (a, /3, 7, a, b and g) and error analyses of these
values were computed using the mean window count rates previously described. Calculations of the
above coefficients were performed after the Tammenmaa program utilizing a weighted fit to all six
stripping ratios, the matrix used in the calculation is having the following form.

K3 a b Bl

a K2 g B2

0 7 Kl B3

Where K represents the test pad sensitivities;

/3 represents the window background estimates;
1, 2, 3 represent Potassium, Uranium and Thorium windows respectively.

The compton stripping coefficients extracted from running this programme are:

a (Th into U) = 0.36648

ft (Th into K) = 0.44650
7 (U into K) = 0.76596
a (U into Th) = 0.01742
b(KintoTh) = 0.01110
g (K into U) = 0.01398


Test pad Total Count Potassium Uranium Thorium Recording

number (cps) (cps) (cps) (cps) Tune (sec)
1 1782.8 443.8 95.8 85.9 610
2 2784.3 619.6 118.9 119.7 641
3 2974.7 598.9 165.3 221.1 611
4 3753.9 657.9 208.6 339.6 631
5 3242.0 667.3 248.5 122.3 609

3.4.3 Altitude Correction

One of the factors that affects the number of gamma rays detected per second in each window
(N) is the altitude of the aircraft above the ground. It is found experimentally that the stripped and
background-corrected count rate in each window is to be related to the aircraft altitude (H) by a
simple exponential expression of the form:

N = A e (-"H) (1)

where A and /* are constants.

Fig. 4 shows the stripped and background-corrected potassium count rate vatiation with
aircraft altitude over the GSC airborne gamma ray spectrometer calibration range at Breckenridge
30 km west of Ottawa, flown by Douglas DC-3 on August 31, 1979. The exponential curve given
by the above equation is also shown. This curve is used to correct the count rates in each window for
deviations from the planned survey altitude. The detailed description of the algorithm used in the
reduction of the Jordanian radiometric data is shown in Annex No. 1. It takes into consideration the
previous corrections.

T3 0) CO
O 4-
I io
O O 01

a> E a
E .25

> O
J 0.

FIG. 4. Potassium count rate variation with aircraft altitude.

From the measured ground radioelement concentration of the calibration range the sensitivity
of the airborne gamma ray spectrometer in terms of counts per unit time per unit concentration of
potassium, uranium and thorium may determined at the nominal survey altitude, thus allowing the
ground concentration to be evaluated over unknown area. As the twin-engined Douglas DC-3 aircraft
flew over the GSC airborne calibration range at different altitudes on August 31, 1979 which has a
known concentration, it was possible to establish a relationship between the stripped background-
corrected count rates and the concentrations of the natural radioelements at the ground level.

In an attempt to establish a relationship between the field measurements and laboratory

analyses; 70 soil samples were collected at seven sites along the 10 km length of the strip [Grasty,
1975]. These samples were then sealed in metal cans, stored 4 weeks to allow the gamma ray activity
of 214Bi to reach equilibrium, and analysed in the laboratory by gamma ray spectroscopy for
potassium, uranium and thorium. These results are presented in Table IV, together with the results
of a detailed ground gamma ray spectrometer survey carried out with a portable spectrometer
calibrated on the radioactive concrete calibration pads at Uplands Airport in Ottawa [Charbonneau
and Darnley, 1970] concrete calibration pads at Uplands Airport in Ottawa [Charbonneau and
Darnley, 1970].



Type of Number of Potassium (%) Uranium1 (ppm) Thorium1 (ppm)

measurement analyses
Laboratory 70 2.03+0.04 0.92±0.09 7.70±0.28
(sealed can
Field 27 1.8±0.1 0.5±0.1 8.0±0.4
Assigned value 2.03±0.04 0.5±0.04 7.70±0.28

Assuming radioactive equilibrium

Field and laboratory measurements show good agreement for potassium and thorium Contrary
to the uranium laboratory assays which are considerably higher than the field measurements. These
results could be explained by a loss of ^Rn from the surface soil of the calibration strip and a
corresponding decrease in the 214Bi activity. In the case of laboratory assays the radon and associated
Bi activity is allowed to build up and reach equilibrium because the cans are sealed and the radon
gas cannot escape. Exposure rate above the ground, due to gamma rays emitted by the uranium series,
is better estimated by field gamma ray spectrometer measurements rather than laboratory assays on
sealed samples which can indicate an artificially high gamma ray activity. The equivalent uranium
concentration of the test strip was therefore assigned the field value of 0.5 ±0.1 ppm. Thorium and
potassium laboratory were considered more reliable than the field measurements because of the
greater number of samples analysed (see Table IV). Based on the potassium, uranium and thorium
count rates recorded over the strip and the calibration pads, the sensitivities of the 8 Harshaw polycin
10.2 x 10.2 x 40.6 cm Sodium Iodide (Thallium activated) crystal were evaluated by Phoenix and
values are given in Table V including other two detectors from GSC for comparison of the
sensitivities of the two GSC detectors with the Harshaw detector supplied by Phoenix


System Potassium per K% Uranium (ppm) Thorium (ppm)

12 (22.9 x 10.2 cm) 78.9±4.2 19.1±4.8 6.1±0.4
Cylindrical detector
12(12.2x10.2x40.6) 90.9±1.8 16.2±0.9 7.0±0.1
Prismatic detector
8 (10.2 x 10.2 x 40.6) 66.5±? 1.1 ±1 4.8±?
Prismatic detector


All people are exposed to gamma radiation resulting from radioactivity, and it should be
recognized that the biological long-term effects of such an exposure are unknown and may be
detrimental. Units of radioactivity can be confusing. This confusion originating from the fact that an
ionizing field of radiation cannot be defined uniquely, such as the case of almost all fields of science,
since it can consist of radiation with a complete range of energies and angular distributions. One way
of comparing radiation fields is by means of an ionization chamber which measures the quantity of
electrical charge released in a gas through absorption of the radiation. This type of measurement is
most useful for the health physicist since it may be related to the physical damage that will occur in
living cells. The radiation intensity at a given place is termed its "Exposure" (E) and is measured by
its ability to produce ionization at that place; the unit of exposure is the roentgen. One roentgen is
defined as the quantity of X or gamma radiation that produces one electrostatic unit of charge of
either sign in 1 ml of air at standard temperature and pressure. The unit of "absorbed energy" or
"dose" is the energy imparted by ionizing radiation to 1 gram of any material at the particular point
of interest. The unit of absorbed dose is the "rad" (Radiation Absorbed Dose) which is deposition
of an energy of 100 ergs per gram In expressing the absorbed dose, the particular absorbing material
under consideration must always be given. Environmental radiation measurements are normally
presented as absorbed doe rates in air or as exposure rates. The relation between the air absorbed dose
rate (Da) and exposure rate is given by:

Da = aE (2)

where a has the value 0.869 rad/R

O'Brien (1978) has calculated the conversion factors between exposure and absorbed dose for
various organs and tissues of the body. The relationship between exposure and whole-body dose (d)
measured in rad, is given by:

D = 0.6E (3)

Different types of radiation cause different effects in biological tissues. For this reason, in
comparing the effects of radiation on living systems, a derived unit, the roentgen equivalent man, or
rem is used. One rem is the dose from any radiation that produces effects in man equivalent to one
rad of X rays. The dose in reins is the product of the dose in rad and a factor which depends on the
Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) of the radiation considered. This unit of dose is commonly
called dose-equivalent (D.E.).Therefore

D.E. (rems) = RBE x rad (4)

X rays and gamma rays, which are the principal concern in this report, have an RBE value = 1
In recent years quantities used in radiation protection have more commonly been expressed in System
International units; these SI units are the Gray (GY) and the Sievert (Sv). The Gray is the unit of
absorbed dose corresponding to the rad and is the energy imparted by ionizing radiation to material
corresponding to one joule/kg. The relation between the gray and the radis:

IGy = 100 rad = 1 Joule/kg (5)

The Sievert is the SI unit for dose-equivalent corresponding to the rem,the relation is given
1 Sv = 100 rem (6)



It is extremely difficult to evaluate the radiation exposure 1 m above the ground for
radioelements of known concentration because the energy distribution of the gamma ray flux of each
of the three radioelements must be calculated and there are several hundred gamma ray energies
involved by this flux, each with different attenuation coefficients and with multiple scattering
occurring both in the ground and air This difficulty has been overcome with the advent of high speed
computers and the energy and angular distribution of both the direct and scattered gamma ray
components can now be determined. Beck and de Planque (1968) carried out these calculations at the
Environmental Measurements Laboratory in New York for the purpose of evaluating the exposure
rate from natural gamma radiation and fallout from nuclear weapons tests Independently, Kirkegaard
(1972) and Lovborg and Kirkegaard (1975) have carried out similar calculations to aid in the
interpretation of gamma ray survey for exploration and arrived at similar solutions. Both calculations
solve the Boltzman transport equation for two semi-infinite homogeneous media, one being the ground
with a uniform distribution of gamma ray emitters, and the other being the air.

Table VI shows the contribution from potassium, uranium and thorium to the exposure rate
1 m above the ground. The agreement between the results of Beck et al. (1972) and Lovborg and
Kirkegaard (1974) is a good indication that the energy distribution of the gamma ray flux can be
derived reliably.


Exposure Rate
Beck et al. 1972 Lovborg, Kirkegaard Assigned value
K% 1.49 1.52 1.505
1 ppm U 0.62 0.63 0.625
1 pmTh 0.31 0.31 0.31
Assuming radioactive equilibrium

In order to verify the validity of the content of the above Table, Reuter Stokes carried out
measurements at four sites along the airborne gamma ray spectrometer calibration range utilizing
ionization chamber. Radiation measurements were also taken by a boat on the Ottawa River nearby,
to estimate the combined background radiation exposure due to cosmic radiation, airborne
radioactivity, and any small component of instrument background. Soil moisture measurements were
taken at each site because of the dependence of the gamma ray exposure rate on the moisture content
of the soil. Utilizing the assigned radioelement concentration of the Breckenridge of airborne
calibration range, the average exposure rate along the test strip due solely to potassium, uranium and
thorium was calculated to be 5.7±0.12 /*R/h. This calculated value, however, will vary with the
moisture content of the soil. Th reduced exposure rate (E) over soil with W per cent soil moisture
by dry weight compared to the value Eo over dry soil, can be considered to be the result of a
decrease in radioactive concentration and is given by

100 + 1.11 W

The factor 1.11 arises because water has 1 . 1 1 times as many electrons per gram as most rock
material and therefore is more effective in attenuating gamma radiation by Compton scattering, which
is the predominant attenuation process above about 0.4 Mev.


Jordan is situated on the northwest flank of the Nubo-Arabian shield, along the eastern flank
of the Dead Sea Rift, and on the southern shore of the ancient Tethys Ocean (Fig. 5). The oldest
known rocks of Jordan outcrop in its southwestern corner. Since Pre-Cambrian times this granitic
shield has remained predominantly a land surface, ringed around by seas which received the erosion
product from the land. The shield has pulsated up and down in epeirogenic movement. Minor down
beats permitted small ingressions of the sea; the rare major descents resulted in marine transgressions
reaching far into the heart of the continent.
The age of these oldest rocks is imprecisely known, they are classified as Proterozoic, they
include metamorphosed to unmetamorphosed mafic to felsic igneous rocks and associated sedimentary
to metasedimentary assemblages. These are unconformably overlain by Late Precambrian
metasedimentary rocks which are intruded by granitic bodies of varying sizes. Unmetamorphosed
Cambrian to Silurian sedimentary rocks unconformably overlie the Precambrian. These rocks are
predominantly marine but continental sediment occur within the Cambrian, Lower Ordovician and
Upper Silurian sequence which dips gently north and northeastward beneath the Mesozoic and
Cenozoic sequences. The Paleozoic section consists mostly of clastic, probably derived from the
southeast and east. Some relatively thin carbonates occur to the northwest in the Cambrian section


/ /— *-.vu^ •-*••
/L*• '• ••'••<—
• • • —-—==— '.•f' Nubo- Arabian Shield
29° _U /•. . .•••••v——— p—- Stable Shelf
f •••••\
' | Transition to unstable shelf
/.•:-:-:-:-:-:^—— :
——J Unstable shelf in the northwest

r T . » • • • *\ .«•*•• Approximate east and southeast

oorder of marine facies
:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:•:— <j - -^ Direction of marine ingression Borde'-
of marine facies bevond mapped area
35e 36s 37° 39'

FIG 5 Regional tectonic setting of survey area (after Bender, 1975)

not far above the base of the sequence, probably representing an abortive attempt to establish a
carbonate bank in the early Paleozoic. Younger Paleozoic (Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian)
sequences are not known in Jordan.

The post-Paleozoic unconformity bevels the entire section from the exposed Silurian down
to the Precambrian. The oldest rocks found above the unconformity are Lower to Middle Triassic
rocks representing the first vestige in Jordan of the Mesozoic marine transgression of the Tethys
Ocean from the north. Uppermost Triassic rocks are not existing everywhere, and the overlying
Jurassic is separated partly from the Triassic by an unconformity, but the sequence are dominated by
marine carbonates and elastics. Lower Cretaceous rocks overlie Triassic to the south and the former
overlie the Paleozoic and Precambrian further south suggesting extensive uplifting and erosion
following the earlier initial marine transgression from the north and northwest during the Triassic and
Jurassic. Following the beveling of the pre-Cretaceous rocks, a clean quartz sandstone marked the
continental facies of Cretaceous transgression in the southwest, delineating the shoreline over a broad
area. Other lithologies occur along the base of the unit farther north and it grades into a coarse brown
sandstone to the southeast. Lithologic similarities and the lack of other evidences make it difficult to
recognize the unconformity in several places. The widespread deposits of the Upper Cretaceous
including a variety of marls, limestones, dolostones and dolomotic limestones are representing the
most extensive and dominating northwest to southeast transgression of the Tethys Ocean to date.
Carbonate deposition continued until well into the Oligocene. However, widespread deposition of
elastics with some calcareous occurred in central, eastern and southern Jordan until the Cenomanian.
The widespread phosphate-bearing sediments of economic importance in central and southern Jordan
were deposited in a Campanian-Maestrichian transgression overlap the lower parts of the Upper
Cretaceous. Sediments consist of fossiliferous phosphatic limestone and silicified material (both
limestone and phosphate), are considerably less silicified than the unit below. Despite its fossiliferous
nature there is disagreement about the exact age of this unit. Some place it in the Maestrichian,while
others feel it should be classed as Campanian. Field correlation indicate it is a time-transgressive unit
in either case, becoming younger toward the southeast. Some of southeasternmost phosphorite deposits
are found in the Paleocene.

Transgressions in the northwest to southeast directions were repeated several times during the
Mesozoic as the Tethys Ocean inundated the region and then retreated. The uppermost Cretaceous-
lowermost Tertiary thins toward the southeast and becomes a sandier littoral facies. Local thickenings
are found in basins having a north to northwest elongation.

Volcanic activity occurred in the western part of Jordan between middle Jurassic and early
Cretaceous time. Other mafic to felsic dykes and sills are found in the Wadi Araba region cutting
Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, but they could be much younger (Bender, 1974, p. 105).

Deposition of limy sediments continued in uninterrupted way from the Cretaceous into the
Tertiary. Coarse lenticular-unsorted conglomerates(lower Syntectonic Conglomerates) begin to appear
in the section overlying Upper Cretaceous or Tertiary units in the eastern Wadi Araba area. They are
in an unconformable relationship in some areas and fossil evidence from several localities indicates
their ages may range from Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene. They are significant that they indicate
uplift and probably tectonic activity nearby. A similar conglomerate (Upper Syntectonic
Conglomerate) overlies unconformably the lower conglomerate or the older Cretaceous or Tertiary
units, always in Wadi Araba region. The age of these upper conglomerates is uncertain and could
range from Miocene to Middle Pleistocene (Bender, 1974, p. 92). Their tectonic significance is the
same as that of the lower conglomerates. Both sets of deposits probably are related to initial
subsidence and block faulting along the Dead Sea Rift Considerable thickness of marine sediments
were deposited throughout the Tertiary in Jordan. However, in some areas uplifting above sea level
occurred and brackish water, lacustrine and fluviatile deposits were laid down. Also, as part of the
Dead Sea Rift opened, over 3.5 km of evaporates were deposited, probably during the late Miocene
to early Pleistocene (Bender, 1974 , p. 90-91).

Deposits of quaternary age in Jordan reflect continuous uplifting and retreating of the marine
environment More lacustrine and fluviatile occur in this interval than in older sequences
Considerable thicknesses of conglomerates were deposited in and near the Rift during this time
Extensive mafic volcanic and shallow intrusive activity occurred in Jordan and the remainder of the
Arabian Peninsula during the Quaternary While there are four principal modes of occurrence of
Quaternary mafic rocks, their locus is Dead Sea Rift They occur as localized flows and plugs, some
tuffs, and as plateau flood of basalts The latter make up an extensive basalt plateau that crosses
northeast Jordan from Syria and continues well into Saudi Arabia

Basalts which may be directly associated with the Rift are chemically primitive and appear
to reflect rapid propagation of fractures into the mantle, then rapid extrusion [Barben et al , 1979]


7.1. Uranium

The best occurrence of uranium minerals is that of the phosphorite unit which covers a large
part of the Jordan plateau and parts of the highlands as shown on the location map (Fig 6) The
phosphorite section reaches 70 metres in thickness in some locations It contains disseminated uranium
minerals, from which the following have been identified

Meta-Autumte CaCUOj) 2 (PO4) 2 8H2O

Metatuyamumte C&(\JO^ 2 (V04) 2 3-5H2O
Uranophane Ca(UO2)2(SiO3) 2 (OH) 2 5H2O

Uranium minerals are distributed vertically through the whole phosphorite section But their
concentration varies with depth and hthology, although generally the highest concentrations are in the
uppermost phosphate beds

Hundreds of samples have been analysed on the basis of gamma ray of logging and
scintillometnc measurements and a relationship between gamma radiation and uranium oxide has been
established accordingly, as indicated m (Fig 7) The zoning in the uranium content is also correlated
with hthology

The phosphorite section of Fig 8 represents most of the upper-Cretaceous (Campaman-

Maestnchtian) in east Jordan This cross-section is divided to the following zones according to their

1 The moderate radioactive zone 1 (M R Z I) It consists of marl that overlies the phosphate,
sometimes it is completely eroded, its age is estimated as Daman-Paleocene Its U3O8 in
average is 95 ppm

2 The strong radioactive zone (S R Z ) It is the upper minable phosphate series and contains
a thin marl band on its top Its U3O8 in average is about 204 ppm

3 The moderate radioactive zone II (M R Z II) It consists of the lower part of the upper U3O8
ab-The very low radioactive zone (V L R Z ) It consists of oyster beds that phosphate series
and the intercalated marl Its U3O8 is about 90 ppm

4 The very low radioactive zone (V L R Z ) It consist of oyster that have been reworked and
is known as the coquina beds of variable thickness about 24 metres Its have out 90 ppm

5 The lower phosphate series (M R Z III) which underlies the coquina beds Its U3O8 is about
100 ppm

50 100Km.
i , , , , i

Location Area of Uranium Occurrences in Phosphate and Phosphatic Strata

Location of Radium Concentrations in Fault Zone Associated

with Hot Mineral Springs and Basaltic Eruptions

New Phophate Discoveris

Area of Thorium Occurrence

Area of Potassium Occurence

FIG. 6. Natural Radioelements Occurrence in Jordan



0.186 (mr./hr.) Maximum Recorded Value



/ .

X 8

10 /

o A



"0 I 50 1 100 150! 200 250 300
A v e r a g e s iCoquina! Phosphate I 5. R. Z.
U PPM 1 —— 2 °————————————*'
u,u0e r.r.r"i. U30E C o n————————'—————————
tent (ppm.)

FIG. 7. Uranium equivalents in El-Hasa phosphorite unit (from Abu Ajamieh 1974).


mr/hr (pp m.J
-0 —— s^^ S*^
f^- M. R. Z. I
^_, ___„ 95
(0 - 20 m. )
14 y-^--* ^^^
.——• y——' -——
-10 Y E L L O W , BROWN t CREAMY <—' -~- r^- r~
MARL ^ ^ ^ —
0.04- O.lg S. R.Z.
nA ^ £\
'""'n ( »m )

2 M A R L O C C A S . PHOSPHATIC —. ^- ^^ — 0.01 - 0-02 .60

-20 ——
M. R. Z. II
4 UPPER PHOSPHATE SERlES(Ore) wwaa 0.01 - 0 . 0 8 115
s-^ s~- ( 5-12 m 1
0.0-0.04 60
-30—— ^

C 0 C
0 C 0 C
C 0 C V. L. R. Z.
-40 24
0 C 0 0 00 -0.01
(17- 30m.!
0 0 0 0
-50 -
4 LOWER PHOSPHATE SERIES ac3nc3 0 DOS - 0.07 100
A A A A M. R. Z. H
1 1
1 ] 1
As. A. ^\ /\
-70 Wnt or Tn K 1 o XZ. 57 \Z

I •—> | MARL








F/G. S. Average cross section o/ subsurface geological and radiometric analyses data in the area
between Suwaqa and Jurf Addarawish (from Abu Ajamieh 1974).

6. The lower cherry series: which consists of an alternation of chert, limestone and marl or thin
low grade phosphate. Its U3O8 is about 50 ppm.This zone is the top of the regional acquifer.

7.2. Thorium

Thorium is typically present in crustal materials in concentrations of between 3 to 4 ppm.

However, Phosphate mineral is poor in thorium concentrations as the case of Jordan Phosphate.
Thorium is present in Jordan within the Paleozoic section in southeastern Jordan. It occurs within the
fine-grained marine sandstone and shale unit of Llanvirn age in the Ordovician. It is found associated
with uranium and zircon mineral in a metamicts state. Its concentration reaches sometimes 2000 ppm.

7.3. Potassium

Potassium has a simple form of radioactive decay, only 40K of several natural isotopes of
potassium is radioactive. It has a relative isotopic abundance of only 0.018%.

The average concentration of potassium in crustal rocks ranges from 0.1 to 5 % Jordan is rich
in this element. The concentration of this element reaches about 7.5% in the Dead Sea salty water.
It is present as KC1 mineral. Potassium also exist in southern Jordan, it is found with associated with
orthoclase feldspar (K feldspar).


Digital Archive Tape

Tape density 9 Track, 1600 BPI
Physical Blocksize 17600 bytes (fixed)
Logical record length 176 bytes

Content of a single logical record — Format (2218)

1. Identifier = flight x 10 exp6 + line 11. IGRF value (gamma x 100)

x 10 exp2 + part 12. Raw total count (cps)
2. Fiducial 13. Raw potassium (cps)
3 Time (seconds x 10 past midnight) 14. Raw uranium (cps)
4. Residual magnetics (gamma x 100) 15. Raw thorium (cps)
5. X (UTM) 16. Final total count (cps)
6. Y (UTM) 17. Final potassium (cps)
7. Radar altimeter (metres) 18. Final uranium (cps)
8. Barometric altimeter (gamma x 100) 19. Final thorium (cps)
9. Raw magnetics (gamma x 100) 20. uranium/thorium
10. Compensation value (gamma x 100) 21. uranium/potassium
22. thor ium/potas s ium


The whole field data (raw and processed) are available at Natural Resources Authority
archives. The processed data are as described in Table VII, they are recorded on residual archive

tapes which contain the counts/second and the ratios for K, U, and Th. The tapes were down loaded
to the Unix system and then the wanted columns (coordinates and corrected counts/second for K, U,
and Th) are extracted from other data by using an appropriate program.

The data were checked to find any possible error in coordinates or values using the Geosoft
software, some points were rejected because of wrong coordinates and many of data were rejected
because of negative counts/second values.

Assumed that the data is now free of errors the counts per second were divided by 7.7, 4.8
and 66.5 which represent the sensitivity of the Harshaw crystal for U, Th and K respectively (see
Table V). The results obtained by these divisions are the concentrations at the ground level expressed
in ppm for uranium and thorium and in percentage for potassium.

In order to find the exposure rate expressed in p R/h; the ground concentrations for K, U and
Th are multiplied by the factors 1.505, 0.625 and 0.31 respectively as indicated in Table VI. The
values obtained were added together and the total exposure rate due to the natural radioelements is
thus obtained.

In order to find the dose rate expressed in fiSv/h, the exposure rate is divided by 100 and
multiplied by 0.6 as indicated by equation (3).


The values of exposure rate and dose rate were gridded with grid cell size equal 500 m using
the Geosoft software. Values were smoothed using two passes of Manning filter in order to get rid
of noisy values which due to bad topography or difficulty in maintaining the same aircraft altitude or
due to equipment noise or other sources of errors. The exposure rate reached a value as high as
46 fjiBJh in El-Hasa area where there are Phosphate mines and dose rate equivalent to 0.276 /iSv/h,
these values are corresponding to 380 mR/y and 2.3 mSv/y, see exposure rate and dose rate map for


In spite of that the map represent the contribution of the three natural radioelements all
together but it reflects the surface geology of Jordan where the phosphate deposition is very well
delineated by the high radiation contours in the central part of Jordan. Jordan phosphate contain about
200 ppm of uranium with practically no thorium and very low content of potassium and covers almost
the whole the eastern high plateau of Jordan. In eastern Jordan parallel to Saudi Arabia borders, the
exposure radiation map does not show good indication of the phosphorite occurrence in this region
because the phosphate has low uranium content in this region. In northern Jordan, the phosphate
deposition is very well indicated by the radiation exposure map, while in the far north east of Jordan
the exposure map is less indicative of phosphate occurrence in this region, this because the recent
sedimentation covers the phosphorite units and prevent gamma radiation from escaping into the space
and therefore less detection by airborne radiometric survey, also the exposure rate map Fig. 9 shows
medium two high radiation areas, one at the eastern coast of the Dead Sea, this because of Main and
Zara hot springs which is caused by radon emanation carried by underground circulating waters
through different rock types.

The other one in southern Jordan between Quweira and Mudawwara villages at Dubeidib area.
This area proved the existence of high concentration of thorium in the Ordovician sandstones which
reach about 2000 ppm in some locations associated with a medium to high concentrations of uranium
(100 to 500) ppm in a metamicts state.

Comparing Fig 9 with Fig 6, good match is noticed between the two maps, which means high
concentration in one of the three radioelements leads to the contribution of high radiation exposure
to the environment of results


Jordan shows high radiation exposure in its central part of Jordan where the phosphate
deposition occur Most of Jordan phosphates are covered by recent sedimentations, such as oil shale
and chalky marl depositions of Upper Cretaceous age their thicknesses reach about 15 to 20 metres
in some locations The detected radiation by airborne survey are only those which outcropping in
some places or uncovered by phosphate mining The level of radiations already high despite the fact
that the survey lines were separated of 2 km from each other which might lead not passing over the
Phosphate Mines or missing many of open casts of Phosphate Mines in the phosphate mining area and
also without taking into considerations the effect of radiation caused by cosmic rays or caused by
internal radiation as discussed early in this report Off the total of 343 894 measurements were taken
by airborne survey, there are about 500 readings exceeding 20 ^iR/h and about 13 300 measurements
exceeding the value 10 and there are several readings as much high as 45 fiRfh, all these readings are
found in the vicinity or around the Phosphate Mines

Comparing these results to those obtained in some other countries such as the United States,
Germany, Poland, Italy, etc (see Fig 10, the exposure rate in Jordan is higher than those of other


Airborne radiometnc survey proved to be a very good tool in estimating the ground level
exposure rate easily and with an accepted accuracy especially after the creation of very voluminous
sodium iodide crystals and the establishment of the calibration concrete pads and with the continuous
improvements of signal to noise electronic devices The airborne radiometnc survey is very
representative to the area under studying because of the enormous amount of data that cover a wide
area As it is shown previously Jordan has high background radiation This high background radiation
is related to the effect that a vast areas of Jordan high plateau are covered by phosphate deposition
which has about 150 ppm in average of uranium The maximum value of uranium concentration
registered in phosphates unit according to Abu Ajamieh (1974) was 275 ppm Recently in the areas
surrounding the Phosphate belt, new investigations proved the existence of high uranium concentration
of about 1000 ppm in the recent sedimentations of chalky marl type that overlie the phosphorous and
oil shale layers, according to the exposure rate map shows an average exposure rate value of about
20 /iR/h in Phosphate belt and the surrounding areas, this corresponds to a dose equivalent of about
0 12 /iSv/h or about 1 mSv/y This value does not consider the area of open mines after uncovering
the overlying sedimentations where the thickness of these overlying layers have a thickness of about
30 metres in some locations Now if we imagine that the whole phosphate belt is outcropping as the
case of open cast mines, simple calculations lead us to the conclusion that an extending superficial
of Phosphate area with a concentration in uranium of 150 PPM of uranium will contribute an
exposure rate to the environment, and according to the table no (6), of about 97 piR/h neglecting the
contributions coming from other radioelements which will be very low because Jordan Phosphate has
low concentrations in thorium and potassium The 97 /zR/h corresponds to a dose rate of about
5 mSv/y This figure without doubt is detrimental to human being If we return back to the figure
20 /xR/h, this figure is neglecting any other contributions coming from cosmic rays which is expected
to be high because of dry weather in Jordan which permits to the cosmic rays to penetrate the
atmospheric cover with less attenuation, or because of the inhalation of the radon gas during breathing
(especially the dry climate help radon gas to be emanated and collided to the dust particulates which
are abundant in dry countries) or taking any kind of radioactive elements contained with food or
water Comparing the value of 20 ^iR/h to those obtained from other countries such that the United

FIG. 9. Radiation exposure rate map of Jordan. Scale 1.2 500 000. MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND
MINERAL RESOURCES, Nuclear Energy Directorate, Natural Radiation Exposure Rate Map, Jordan,
Radiation Unit- pR/h, Contour Interval 1 fiR/h.

States, Germany, Italy, Canada, etc. (see Fig. 10). Jordan shows higher radiations than all other

This study illustrated the following to be recommended:

More detailed studies should be presumed in Jordan so as to determine the radiation exposure
rates originating from the external and internal resources.



FIG 10 Outdoor exposure rates for some countries

The radiations from every individual natural radioelement should be calculated separately in
order to make better estimation to the radiations originated from the uranium which is the
primary responsible of high background radiation in Jordan and more care should be paid to
the ratios between the three different radloelements because these ratios are good control of
the reliability of the data

Radiological risks studies should be made on those people who are residing in the Phosphate
belt which extends over a vast area in Jordan and detailed studies should be done on those
people who are working in Phosphate Mines


I am particularly grateful to thank the Director of the Nuclear Energy Director of the Ministry
of Energy and Mineral Resources of Jordan for his fruitful suggestions and help I am also grateful
to thank the following for their great help Geophysicist Abdulrahman Abu El-Adas, Geophysicist
Ham Akrabawi, Geophysics Eng Wajdi El-Tamimi


ABDULKADER M. ABED, Geology of Jordan (1982).

BENDER, F. et al., "Geology of Jordan" Berlin, Gebriider Borntraeger (translated by M. K. Khdeir,

D.H. Parker, and U. Wilkening), (1969).

BURDON, D.J., Handbook Of the Geology Of Jordan (1959).

GRASTY, R.L., CARSON, C.M., CHARBONNEAU, B.W., HOLMAN, P.B., Natural Background
Radiation in Canada, Bulletin 360 (1980).

INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Construction and Use of Calibration Facilities

for Radiometric Field Equipment, Technical Report Series No. 309, Vienna (1989).

INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Gamma Ray Surveys in Uranium Exploration,

Technical Reports Series No. 186, Vienna (1979).

MOHAMMAD ABU AJAMIEH, Uranium Reserves in Jordan (1974).

PHOENIX CORPORATION, A comprehensive Airborne Magnetic/Radiation Survey of the

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (1980).


Algorithm of Calculations

A) Normalize all recorded radiometric channel data

to 1 second sampling interval.

TC0= TCr x I/ LT
K,,- K, X 1/Lr
U0 = Ur X II LT
IX = Th, X I/ Lr

Lq- - recorded live time in milliseconds

Subscript "r" refers to raw recorded data
Subscript "n" refers to normalized data

B) Reduce terrain clearance to the effective value at zero Celsius degree

AH2 = H x 273/(T+273) - H,,

AH1 = H x 293/(T+273) - H,

where AH1 = departure from planned survey height, Hj, corrected to 20 Celsius degrees for
correcting of U/Th stripping ratio,
AH2 = departure from planned survey height, Hp corrected to 20 celsius degrees for attenuation
H = terrain clearance in feet or meters
T = ambient temperature in celsius degrees
Hp = planned survey height.

C) Correction for Background


Kb= K,- Bk
Ub= UB- Bu
Thb= IX- B,,

BTC, Bk, Bu, B^ -background values for TC,K,U,Th

Subscript "b" refers to backgroun corrected data
Subscript "n" refers to normalized data

The background value at any time is linearly interpolated between known background
corrected segments.

D) Altitude correction of stripping coefficients

Geoterrex practice has been to correct one stripping coefficient, ALPHA(a), for latitude
following the technique outlined by Grasty.

ALPHAH = ALPHA +0.0373 + 0.000076 X AH1

ALPHA - Th into U stripping ratio at ground level
ALPHAH - Height corrected ALPHA
0.0373 and 0.000076 -constants theoretically determined by the Geological Survey of Canada.

E) Spectral Stripping

Us = (Ub - ALPHAH x Thb)/(l -a x ALPHAH)

Ths = (Thb - a x Ub)/(l -a x ALPHAH)
Ks = Kb -7 x Us -0 x Th,

Subscript "b" refers to background corrected data

Subscript "s" refers to stripped data
a = U into Th backstripping ratio
/3 = Th into K stripping ratio
7 = U into K stripping ratio

F) Altitude Correction of the Data

TCa= TC5 x e°"TC x AH2)

x e (oKxAH2)
U.= Us x e(uu x AH2)
x e°'11>XAH2)

where fiTC, jiK,^U,//Th are total count, Potassium, Uranium and Thorium attenuation coefficients
Subscript "s" refers to stripped data.
Subscript "a" refers to attenuated data.

The data submitted by Phoenix Corporation To Natural Resources Authority were not reduced
to indicate %K, ppm U and ppm Th, but were compiled in counts per second(cps) response. The
ratios of U/Th, U/K and Th/K were computed.

left BLANK


Soreq Nuclear Research Centre,
Geological Survey of Israel,

An airborne radiometric survey over parts of Israel was carried out in 1981. The system was comprised from
10 Nal 4" x 4" x 16" detectors, arranged in 4,4 and 2 sensors, with total volume of 1560 inch3, and one 4" x 4"
x 16" uplooking Nal detector. All the data, including 2 full spectra (0-3 MeV), air temperature and pressure, time
and altitude, were recorded by GAM-2001 (Scintrex) on tapes. Ground projections of the flight lines were obtained
by video recording using Panasonic wide angle camera and VTR. Synchronized fiducial markings were generated at
Isec'1 frequency at both the radiometric data and video tapes. Flight nominal height was 400 feet, line distances were
1 km and line tie every 20 km. Data analysis took place using the eTJ, eTh and K region of interest, the data was
corrected for cosmic radiation, Rn in the air, background and altitude, stripped and the terrestrial concentration of
eU, eTh and K were calculated [1]. The radiometric concentrations were smoothed using 1/4; 1/2; 1/4 3 points
moving average and every point was checked for statistical acceptance, he radiometric data was calculated on a grid
using the minimum curvature method with SURFER for Windows (version 6) and presented on the maps using the
0, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95 and 100 percentiles. Statistical radiometric signature of all exposed rock formations was
accomplished using a GIS system. It was found that the Mount Scopus Group (of Senonian origin) is the main source
for high uranium — phosphoritic rocks of this group contain up to 150 ppm U. Comparing the eU radiometric map
with a map of potential radon emanation from rock units [2], reveals a fair correlation — high radon emanations
usually follow the distribution of the Mount Scopus Group in Israel. The correlation between the two maps is excellent
over arid terrain where soil cover is missing, whereas over semi-arid — humid areas (western and northern Israel),
where soil and cultivation covers are developed, the eU levels over Mount Scopus Group's outcrops are much lower
due to absorption of the radiation, and do not depict the full radon potential. Detailed mapping of radon hazards
usually exhibit poor correlation between airborne eU data and direct pore radon measurements, even in arid terrain.
This phenomenon is attributed to the fact that a radon "source rock" (e.g. phosphorite) could be covered with a few
up to some tenths of meters of uranium-barren rock. About 0.5 meter cover is enough to absorb all radiation, causing
very low airborne eU readings, while the radon free way in this rock is about 10 meters, yielding high pore radon
levels when directly measured.


An airborne radiometric survey over parts of Israel was carried out in 1981. The system was
comprised of 10 Nal(Tl) 4" x 4" x 16" detectors (4ir), arranged in 4, 4 and 2 sensors, with total
volume of 40 liters, and one 4" x 4" x 16" uplooking Nal(Tl) detector with 4 liters volume (2?r).
All the data, including 2 full spectra (0-3 MeV), air temperature and pressure, tune and altitude, were
recorded by GAM-2001 (Scintrex) on tapes. Ground projections of the flight lines were obtained by
video recording using Panasonic wide angel camera and VTR. Synchronized fiducial marks were
generated at 1 sec"1 frequency at both the radiometric data and video tapes. The flight was carried out
using a Piper Navajo Chieptain on nominal height of 400 feet. Line spacing was 1 km and line tie
was done every 20 km.

Calibration of the airborne system was done using calibration pads, specially built near the
Soreq Nuclear Research Center. Background and cosmic rays contribution was calibrated by high
altitude flights over the Mediterranean sea. Details of the calibration and fluctuation analysis for the
airborne system can be found in Aviv and Vulkan [1].

Data analysis took place using the eU, eTh and K region of interest. Table I shows the
windows for the Region of Interest in keV.


Name of region Isotope Photopeak Energy interval Energy width
Energy (MeV) (KeV) (keV)
Total count (4-Tr) 398- 2984 2586
K <4x) ^ 1.461 1357- 1569 211
U (4x) Bi 1.764 1661 - 1860 199
Th (4x) ^Tl 2.615 2410- 2820 410
Total count (2ir) 1661 - 2984 1323
U (2x) Bi 1.764 1661- 1860 199
Th (2x) **Tl 2.615 2410- 2820 410

The data was corrected in this order:

1. Background and cosmic radiation subtraction.

2. Radon in the air subtraction.
3. Stripping of the mutual contribution the elements.
4. Altitude correction, taking into account the air temperature and pressure.
5. Terrestrial concentration of eU, eTh and K calculation [1].
6. Statistical test for "acceptance/not acceptance" detection level, based on net count being
higher than 1.5 the square root of the background (raw counts — net counts).

The radiometric concentrations were smoothed using 1/4; 1/2; 1/4 3 points moving average,
to exclude irregularity of data points. The radiometric data was calculated on a grid using the
minimum curvature method with SURFER for Windows (version 6) and presented on the maps using
the 0, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, and 100 percentiles [3].


The outcropping rock sequence in Israel is built mainly of sedimentary rocks, ranging from
Paleozoic sandstones up to recent soils. Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks can be found
only in the southern part, at the vicinity of the Gulf of Eilat. Young basalts are covering quite large
areas in the northern part of Israel. The prominent rock formations that cover over 70% of the area
belong to three groups:

Judea Group: The Judea Group is built of Cenomanian carbonate rocks — limestones, dolomites,
chalks and marls — usually without any clastic components. As a result of magmatic
activity during the Cenomanian, some tuffs and basalts can be found in the Mount
Carmel area.

Mount Scopus
Group: The Senonian-Paleocene Mount Scopus Group is characterized by a wide
transgression of a nutrient-rich sea which deposited chalks with a high content of
phosphate. Under shallow conditions, a sequence of alternating chalks and cherts was

deposited, in many places including economic phosphorite layers. The Mount Scopus
Group is divided into three formations (described from bottom to top):

Menuha Formation — massive chalk, usually covered by a calice crust;

Mishash Formation — alternating chalks, cherts and phosphorites. The Mishash
Formation attains its maximal thickness in synclinal basins in
the northern Negev, where the economic phosphorite layers
are most developed and utilized for the fertilizers industry.
The P2O5 content in these layers is usually 24-35%;
Ghareb Formation - chalk, marly chalk and marl; a metamorphosed analogue of
this formation is the Hatrurim Fm.

Group: Comprised of a thick sequence of chalks, limestones and marls of Eocene time, with
chert lenses in some places.

Since the Mount Scopus Group contains high content of phosphate with appreciable amounts
of uranium (90-150 ppm [4]), this group's outcrop was a target for a more detailed study concerning
radon emanations.


As part of the on-going effort of producing baseline data maps for Israel, a map of potential
radon emanation from rock units was accomplished by the Soreq Nuclear Research Center and the
Geological Survey of Israel. The map (on a 1:500 000 scale) is based on direct measurements of
radon within the rock/soil pore space, coupled with the known local stratigraphy and sub-surface
geology [2].

A modified alpha-track detection system was implemented for direct measurements of radon
in soil/rock pore gas, as described in [5 and 6]. The instrumental assemblage is installed in a PVC
pipe which makes it easy and convenient to insert the system in shallow ( — 50 cm) drillholes. The
measurements were conducted in 70 sites, representing all outcropping rock formations in Israel. In
each site, 15 to 35 films were buried, usually on a 20 x 20 m grid, for up to 28 days (according to
the expected radon level). After removal, the foils were electrochemically etched and track densities
measured. Calibration of the track density versus absolute activity was accomplished by a special
designed calibration cell with a known radon source.

Nearly all stratigraphic units which were studied exhibit low average radon levels
(3,000-8000 Bq/m3). On the other hand, the Mount Scopus Group yielded high average radon levels
(10 000 -140 000 Bq/m3), with the Mishash Formation showing very high levels (up to
300 000 Bq/m3) due to its high phosphorite content.

The outcropping rock units were divided into three categories and accordingly mapped:

Category III — high radon

average -^Rn concentrations higher than 50 000 Bq/m3. This category includes the Mishash
Formation in the Judea Desert and southern Israel, where phosphate-rich layers are mostly
developed. It was observed that a chalky overburden of up to 20 m above a phosphorite layer
yields radon concentrations which fall into this category. Hence, the relevant areas were
mapped accordingly.

Category II — moderate radon

average radon concentrations between 10 000 to 50 000 Bq/m3 are attributed to the Mount
Scopus Group in central and northern Israel, Menuha and Ghareb Formations in southern

Israel. Areas in which a thin layer of alluvial material or soil cover rocks of the Mount
Scopus Group were classified into this category.

Category I — low radon

average radon concentrations lower than 10 000 Bq/m3. This category includes all other rock
units and alluvial soils.

The area along the Dead Sea Rift was separately mapped due to high radon emanations from
sediments [7] and water sources in the area [8], and the presence of alluvial fans of large wadis
(ephemeral streams) which drain outcrops of phosphate-rich Mount Scopus Group rocks.


Statistical radiometric signature of all exposed rock formations was accomplished using the
data gathered during the radiometric survey and the GIS system of the Geological Survey of Israel,
in which all exposed rock units are coded. It was found that the Mount Scopus Group is the main
source for high uranium — the average eU levels ranges between 5-10 ppm for this group, while for
other rock units the range is 1.3-4 ppm (Fig. 1). Based on these data, a "cut-off" value of 4 ppm
was used for a comparison between the radiometric and radon maps.

Comparing parts of the eU radiometric map with that of potential radon emanation from rock
units (both on a regional scale of 1:500 000), reveals a fair correlation. The radiometric map in Fig.
2 represents data above 4 ppm eU which usually follow the distribution of the Mount Scopus Group
in Israel, depicting the outline of the radon map which is based on the known geology of the region.
The correlation between the two maps is high over arid terrain where soil cover is missing, whereas
over semi arid — humid areas (western and northern Israel), where soil and cultivation covers are
developed, the eU levels over Mount Scopus Group's outcrops are much lower due to absorption of
the radiation, and do not depict the full radon potential.







Alluvium Basses Eocene Gharab Hatmrim mishash menuha Cenomanian

FIG. 1. Box plots indicating eU concentrations in main rock formations in Israel. The horizontal
spread of each box represents 50% of the data, between the 25th and 75th percentiles; the vertical line
in each box is the median. Horizontal lines extending from the boxes are bound at the 1st and 99"1
percentiles. Dots are extremes.


category Bq/m3
I < 10,000
n [ijiotooo-5o,ooo
TIT Hi > 50,000
Arava and Jordan Valley: (1) locally
,——j high radon emanations and high
I__I radon levels in some water sources
(2) Alluvial fans along the Arava.
draining high-phospnonte outcrops.

FIG. 2. Comparison between eU radiometric map (A) and a radon map (B) over part of the Negev
Desert, Israel. The original scale is 1:500 000.

Detailed mapping of radon hazards usually exhibit poor correlation between airborne eU data
and direct pore radon measurements, even in arid terrain. This phenomenon is attributed to the fact
that a radon "source rock" (e.g. phosphorite) could be covered with a few up to some tenths of
meters of uranium-barren rock. About 0.5 meter cover is enough to absorb all radiation, causing very
low airborne eU readings, while the radon free way in this rock is about 10 meters, yielding high
pore radon levels when directly measured. The example displayed in Fig. 3 is taken from the vicinity
of the town of Arad, northern Negev Desert. A detailed radon mapping for this area was carried out
by Vulkan and others [9], based on numerous radon measurements and geological mapping in a
1:20 000 scale (Fig. 3A). The eU radiometric map for the same area (Fig. 3B), can only partly be
correlated with the radon map, due, as mentioned, to local geological considerations (overburden
above an uranium source) and the resolution between rock units which can not be achieved in a
radiometric survey, compared with a very detailed geological map.

eU (ppm)

>1000pCi/l 250-1000 pCi/l <250 pCi/l


FIG. 3 Comparison between a detailed radon mapping in the vicinity of Arad, northern Negev
Desert, Israel (A), and a radiometric map of the same area (B). The covered area is 8 x 9 km and
the original mapping scale is 1:20 000.


[1] AVTV, R., VULKAN, U., Airborne gamma ray survey over Israel: the methodology of the
calibration of the airborne system. SNRC Rep. ZD/58/82 (1983).
[2] SHIRAV (SCHWARTZ,) M., VULKAN, U., ROSENSAFT, M., Map of Radon Emanation
from Rock Units in Israel (1:500 000) (1993).
[3] VULKAN, U., SHIRAV, M., AVIV, R., BAER, G., ITAMAR, A., LOUIS, S., Airborne
radiometric map of Israel — eU concentrations, SNRC Rep. ZD/182/95 (1995).
[4] NATHAN, Y., SHILONI, Y., RODED, R., GAL, I., DEUTCH, Y., The geochemistry of
the northern and central Negev phosphorites, Geol. Survey of Israel Bull. No. 73 (1979) 41p.
[5] STRULL, A., EVEN, O., ASSAEL, Y., ZAFRIR, H., New application of radon
measurement by alpha-track technique over barren country rocks. Tran. Nuclear Soc. Israel
Ann. Meeting 1986 (1986) pp 134-138
[6] VULKAN, U., STEINITZ, G., STRULL, A., ZAFRIR, H., Long distance (+ 100 m)
transport of radon in syenitic rocks at Makhtesh Ramon, Israel. Nucl. Geophys. 6:261-211
[7] STEINITZ, G., VULKAN, U., LANG, B., GILAT, A., ZAFRIR, H., Radon emanation
along border faults of the rift in the Dead Sea area. Israel J. of Earth Sci. 41:9-22 (1992).
[8] MAZOR, E., Radon and radium content of some Israeli water sources and a hypothesis on
underground reservoirs of brines, oils and gases in the Rift Valley, Geochim. Cosmochem.
Acta 26:765-786 (1962).
[9] VULKAN, U., SHILONI, Y., GILAT, A., ZAFRIR, H., Radon levels in rocks in the
vicinity of Arad — principles and mapping. Geol. Surv. of Israel Rep. No. GSI/36/91 (1991)
33 p (in Hebrew)



Geological Institute of Hungary,
Hungarian Geological Survey
Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute of Hungary
Budapest, Hungary

Low density geochemical survey has been conducted in Hungary based on the flood-plain sediments of large
catchment basins in order to establish regional baseline values for 30 elements including environmentally important
ones like As, Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cr. The geochemical background and the present state of the environment are
characterised respectively by the use of the lower (50-60 cm) and upper (0-10 cm) samples of the flood-plain profiles.
In addition to the determination of minor elements by ICP and AAS methods natural and artificial radioelements have
also been determined in the laboratory in the samples coming from northern Hungary. Highly reliable background
values of U, Th and K have also been established due to the use of naturally averaged fine-grained sediments. The
individual values and the spatial distribution of radioelement Cs-137 can be used for monitoring purposes. These
laboratory measurements have been made in a low-background lead shield using a high purity germanium
semiconductor detector. A car-borne radioactive gamma spectra measuring system has also been established for
monitoring in field circumstances.


The Hungarian Geological Survey and the Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute of Hungary
are working jointly on a large number of scientific programs. One of these is the National
Geochemical Mapping project managed by the scientists of the Geochemical Department of the
Hungarian Geological Survey and the Radiometric Department of the Geophysical Institute.

Geochemical surveys covering the whole country have not been conducted before in Hungary.
The first low-density geochemical survey was carried out following the proposals and
recommendations of both the IGCP International Geochemical Mapping project and the Western
European Geological Surveys (WEGS). The aims of the project were to establish abundance data and
background values and to determine the regional distribution patterns of elements for follow-up
environmental studies. So it was reasonable to use the samples of this nation-wide survey to determine
the natural and artificial radioelement contents of flood-plain deposits. The radioelement content has
so far been determined only for the northern part of Hungary.


Flood-plain and overbank deposits of large to medium sized drainage basins have been
suggested as sampling media for low to reconnaissance scale geochemical surveys [1, 2, 3 and 4].
Regarding the geographic situation of Hungary, it is clear that in lowland areas individual catchment
basins can not be delineated so the whole country can not be covered by this survey (Fig. 1). In
regions with well- developed drainage systems the average size of sampled catchment basins, or
"cells", is 400 km2. 196 drainage basins have altogether been sampled. Two samples were collected
at each sampling site not far from the active channel: one from 0-10 cm and another one from
50-60 cm depths. The composition of the latter is presumably close to that of the weathering products
of pre-industrial times. The material of the upper 10 cm of the profile is expected to reflect the effects
of human activity.

FIG. 1. Element associations in the flood-plain sediments of Hungary. 1) Ca-Mg-Sr- LOI, 2) Co -
Cr - Ni - Fe, 3) Ag - As - Au - Cd - Cu - Hg - Pb - Zn, 4) catchment basins, 5) sources outside
The samples were analysed by ICP and AAS techniques in two laboratories using different
dissolution techniques (nitric acid leaching and aqua regia treatment). The samples collected in the
north-eastern part of Hungary were submitted to radiometric analysis. (49 catchment basins were
altogether represented by 22 individual and 67 subsamples). This have been achieved on a
CANBERRA measuring system equipped with a liquid nitrogen cooled high purity Ge semiconductor
detector. The energy resolution of it is 2,0 keV (measured on the 1330 keV line of Co-60). The
detector is placed in a low background chamber. From 300 g to 1000 g of samples have been
weighted in a special vessel which is covering the detector completely. While the radioactivity of the
samples is very low, the characteristic measuring time was 60 000-80 OOOs.

The calibration and the calculation were carried out by means of 10 samples with well-known
U, Th and K contents. In the case of U and Th the equivalent concentrations have been calculated.
In case of Cs-137 the intensity values in nGy/h have been determined and mapped. We use SAMPO-
90, the well known gamma spectrum analysis program for the quantitative evaluation of the above
mentioned components.


Medians were used to estimate expected values and anomalies were separated from
background by the use of the frequency distributions and boxplot diagrams of the elements. Values
of the geochemical background and the threshold have been determined for 25 elements in the low-
density nation-wide survey [5] Table I shows the main parameters for some of the elements
determined in the upper layer of flood-plain sediments.

(Leached amounts in ppm)

Element Median Max. value

As 7.2 230
Cd <0.5 12.8
Co 8.9 17.8
Cr 19.7 473
Cu 19.2 400
Hg 0.08 1.11
K(%) 1.78 5.48
Ni 21.2 58
Pb 16.9 286
Zn 63.3 2160

Medians and max. values for some of the elements determined in the upper (0-10 cm) level
of flood-plain sediments in Hungary (leached amounts in ppm)

The following elements have been analysed by radiometric method: eU, eTh, K and Cs-137.
Geochemical parameters are given in Table II.

(Sampling interval: u = upper level, 0-10 cm, 1 = lower level, 50-60 cm)

Element____________________Median_____________Max, value______
eU (ppm) (u) L65 4~9
eTh (ppm) (u) 14.7 20.4
K(%)(u) 1.39 1.97
Cs-137 (nGy/h) (u) (u) 4.26
Cs-137 (nGy/h) (1) (1)________________________________L82__________

Medians and max. values for the natural and artificial radioelements in the flood-plain
sediments of Northern Hungary. (Sampling interval: u = upper level, 0-10 cm, 1 = lower level, 50-
60 cm).

For comparison previously established U and Th values are given in Table III for this part
of Hungary, based on air-borne gamma spectrometric measurements [6].



Formations U Th
Paleozoic 4.1 9.9
Mezozoic 4.5 12.0
Cenozoic 3.9 10.2

U and Th mean values for the different formations of northern Hungary [5].


4.1. Distribution of minor elements and element associations

Based on the results of factor analysis the following element associations could be
distinguished in the country-wide survey (Fig. 1.).

(a) Co-Cr-Fe-Ni — showing the effect of accumulation and leaching processes.

(b) Ca-Mg-Sr-LOI — this group contains the characteristic components of carbonate minerals.
The anomalies of this association outline a large area in the middle of the country reflecting
the presence of calcareous soils.
(c) Ag-As-Au-Cd-Hg-Pb-(Cu-Zn) — these are the characteristic elements of low to medium
temperature hydrothermal ore processes. Most of the extreme values are found in the flood-
plain deposits of the rivers entering from Transylvania. The effect of mining and ore
processing can be clearly seen in the deeper horizons of these profiles too. The samples
collected from the flood-plains of the rivers Zagyva, Sajo and Hernad (Northern Hungary)
contain both the traces of ore material coming from Slovakia and the pollution products of
heavy industry in the region.

4.2. The distribution of radioelements

The distribution of radioelements is shown on Figs 2, 3 and 4. The main aim of these maps
is to give geochemical baseline information for regional studies. The flood-plain sediments as

FIG. 2. Distribution of eU (ppm) in the flood-plain sediments of Hungary. (Sampling interval: 0- 10
cm). 1) <1.4, 2) 1.4-2.0, 3) >2.0, 4) catchment basins.

FIG. 3. Distribution of eTh (ppm) in the flood-plain sediments of Hungary. (Sampling interval: 0-
10 cm). 1) <13.6, 2) 13.6-16.9, 3) > 16.9, 4) catchment basins.

FIG. 4. Distribution of K (%) in the flood-plain sediments of Hungary. (Sampling interval: 0-
10cm), 1) <1.25, 2) 1.25-1.55, 3) >1.55, 4) catchment basins.

sampling media are highly reliable because of the mixing and averaging of the surface formations by
natural processes. As a consequence radioelement can also be used in regional environmental studies
and monitoring.

The well recognizable feature in the distribution of U, Th and K is the presence of

comparatively high values in areas covered by andesitic, rhyolitic volcanites. There are only few
anomalous values considering the frequency distribution of these elements.

Cs-137 ranges and nation-wide distributions are given on Fig. 5, representing the impact of
the Cheraobyl accident as early as in 1987. Intensity values measured in 1995 in the river and stream
sediments on the flood-plains are shown on Fig. 6. In the majority of cases Cs-137 could not be
detected or was of very low intensity in the deeper part (50-60 cm) of the sediment profile (Fig. 7).
The details of the vertical distribution of Cs-137 were not so far investigated.


In addition to the laboratory analysis a car mounted radioactive gamma spectra measuring
system was established in the Geophysical Institute. It is also suitable for the measurement of the
natural (U-Ra, Th, K-40) and artificial (e.g. Cs-137 of Cheraobyl) gamma spectra in field

The measuring car is a four-wheel-driven air-conditioned van. The basis of the measuring
system is a portable, liquid nitrogen cooled, high purity germanium semiconductor detector. By the
help of the built-in professional computer system, there is the possibility of the prompt analysis and
report of the locally obtained spectra. This is independent of the electric network. In case of nuclear
accidents this system can also work as a monitoring unit.

F/G. 5. Cs -137. Estimated intensity values (nGy/h) - 1987-88. 1) 0- 40, 2) 40-80, 3) 80-170.

FIG. 6. Distribution ofCs-137 (nGy/h) in the flood-plain sediments of Hungary. (Sampling interval:
0-10 cm). 1) <1.0, 2) 1.0-1.78, 3) >1.78, 4) catchment basins.

Fig. 7. Distribution of Cs-137 (nGy/h) in the flood-plain sediments of Hungary. (Sampling interval:
50-60 cm). 1) <0.7, 2) 0.7-1.5, 3) >1.5, 4) catchment basins.


The prime factor in low density surveys determining the geochemical pattern in Hungary is
the surface predominance of young (Pleistocene or Miocene) clastic sediments over the older
formations and basement rocks. The geochemical method used has the advantage to give regional
surface background data outlining at the same time the areas of possible contamination. It also has
the disadvantage of not being contrasty enough to differentiate geologically dissimilar areas.

At certain regions, the rate of sedimentation was fairly fast: the environmental effects of ore
mining in Transylvania and in southern Slovakia as well as those of the heavy industry in northern
Hungary can be observed even in the lower (50-60 cm) samples.

For the radioelements investigated highly reliable abundance data can be obtained for the
surface environment. This approach gives no definite contrast in the distribution of the radioelements,
only areas covered by the andesitic rocks can be outlined.

Catchment basins with anomalous values of e.g. Pb, Zn, As and Cd have been delineated but
potentially dangerous concentration of radioelements have not so far been found in the investigated


This publication is partly sponsored by the U.S.-Hungarian Science and Technology Joint
Fund in co-operation with the U. S. Geological Survey and the Hungarian Geological Survey under
Project: J. F. No. 415.


[1] DARNLEY, A.G., International geochemical mapping: a new global project, Journal of
Geochemical Exploration (1990) 39, 1-3.
[2] XIE XUEJING, Some problems, strategical and tactical, in international geochemical
mapping, Journal of Geochemical Exploration (1990) 39, 15-33.
[3] DEMETRIADES, A., OTTESEN, R.T., LOCUTURA, J. (eds.), Geochemical Mapping of
Western Europe towards the Year 2000, Pilot Project Report, NGU Report (1990) 90-105,
9 pages and 10 appendices.
(CHINA), with contributions by Garett, R.G. and Hall, G.E.M. (Canada), A Global
Geochemical Database for Environmental and Resource Management, Recommendations for
International Geochemical Mapping, Final Report of IGCP Project 259, UNESCO Publishing
(1995) Earth Sciences 19.
[5] ODOR, L., HORVATH, I., FUGEDI, U., Low-density geochemical survey of Hungary.
Environmental Geochemical Baseline Mapping in Europe, Abstracts (1996) May 21-24,1996
Spisska Nova Ves, Slovakia.
[6] WEBER, B., Az ur£n es torium eloszlasa az Eszaki Kozephegyseg foldtani kepzodmenyeiben
legi gamma-spektrometriai meresek alapjan, The distribution of U and Th in the geological
formations of northern Hungary on the basis of air-borne gamma spectrometric
measurements, Foldtani Kozlony, (1975) 105/3., 309-319 (in Hungarian).





Ruder Boskovic Institute
Faculty of Natural Sciences,
University of Zagreb
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Zagreb, Croatia


The main goal of this study is to give a more detailed insight into spatial radionuclide distribution in soils.
It had been necessary in order to plan the future soil sampling procedure that would assure the representative soil
samples for brother areas that are usually covered by in situ gamma-spectrometry measurements or aerial gamma-ray
spectrometry. The spatial distributions of natural radionuclides and 137Cs activity in surface soil layer were studied
in five regular grids, consisting of 9 points each. The distances between sampled points were 30 cm (A grid), 2.45
m (B grid), 19.5 m (C grid), 156 m (D grid) and 312 m (E grid), respectively. Soil samples were dominantly taken
at agricultural ploughed fields from areas of ca. 315 cm2 (circle of a. 20 cm diameter), from surface up to 15 cm
depth. The fraction of air-dried material that passed through a 0.5 mm sieve was reduced by quartering and dried at
105 °C to the constant weight. The activities of *)K, ^Ra, 226Ra, 238U and 137Cs were determined by the gamma-
spectrometry method. The highest variations of "°K activities are found in the E grid: 312-573 Bq/kg, the lowest are
in the B grid: 318-338 Bq/kg. "°K activities are found in ranges of 310-408 Bq/kg in 9 samples taken in the A grid,
in an area of less than 0.65 m2. Very high variations in 228Ra activities are found in the E grid: 22-32 Bq/kg, while
the lowest are in the A and B grid (22-24 Bq/kg). A very similar range of 226Ra and ^U activities are found in all
observed grids; the lowest are in the A, B, and C grid (23-24 or 25 Bq/kg for 226Ra, 22-24 or 25 Bq/kg for 238U,
respectively); the highest are in the D and E grid (21 or 22-31 Bq/kg for 226Ra, 23-30 Bq/kg for 238U, respectively).
Cs activities are found in a range of 17-37 Bq/kg in the E grid, a very high range was observed in the B grid
(18-31 Bq/kg) and the lowest range (20-22 Bq/kg) in the A grid. It seems that variations of potassium concentration
could be very high in areas of less than one square metre. The Average of *°K activity in 38 taken samples was 368
Bq/kg: 359 in the A, 327 in the B, 340 in the C, 412 in the D and 414 Bq/kg in the E grid. Distribution of other
observed natural radionuclides is relatively homogenous in areas which covered approximately 1500 m2. The
representative soil sample must cover the broader area to provide data that could be compared with data collected by
aerial gamma-spectrometry. The average sample on each locality must be prepared from several point samples. It
seems that the central point and four points, each at approximately 50-100 m N, S, E, and W from the central point,
could be enough.


The UNESCO International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) Project 259 —

International Geochemical Mapping (IGM) was launched to address the problem of distribution of
chemical elements, including radioactive ones, in the earth's surface materials. Airborne gamma
survey has been applied and recommended for radiometric mapping of most national territories.
Current researches are mostly based on aerial gamma-ray spectrometry measurements and data
conversion into radionuclide concentration in soil. In the context of IGM project, the main function
of ground gamma-ray spectrometry measurements is to provide a link between data gathered by
conventional geochemical sampling and related airborne gamma-ray profiles. Many useful details
about aerial gamma-ray spectrometry measurements have been published [1, 2], and regional
geochemical maps of some primordial radionuclides are presented elsewhere.

Radiation from soil is the most important contributor to the external terrestrial radiation
because bedrock is covered with soil in most areas of the world. It is a well-known fact that the

absorbed gamma dose rate in air is a function of radionuclide concentration in the first metre of the
soil profile. Most recent conversion factors for the recalculation of dose rate in the air into potassium,
uranium and thorium concentrations in the soil [3] assume the radiochemical equilibrium between
radionuclides in ^Th decay series as well as in ^U decay series, and a homogeneous radionuclide
concentration in the first metre of soil. Although all ^Th decay products are often in radiochemical
equilibrium with ^Th, a8U decay products are not in equilibrium with their precursors now and then.
In the first few centimetres of carbonate derived soil the disequilibrium between ^'U and mRa can
be very high [4]. ^Ra is precursor of the noble gas ^Rn and its decay products, among which aerial
gamma-ray spectrometry determination of 214Bi is the base for ^U assessment in the ground.
Recalculation of 238U decay series dose rate into ^U concentration could be incorrect because the
recalculated value presents ^6Ra activity [5].

Conventional geochemical sampling of the first 15 cm of A soil horizon or upper regolith,

below Ol and Of horizons, if present, and laboratory gamma-ray spectrometry could provide the data
for potassium, thorium, radium and uranium geochemical map construction. Models and databases
for estimating the distribution of radioactivity in soil and associated external gamma doses above the
soil surface have been presented in literature [5-9]. Identical sampling grid and determination of all
elements in the single sample provide correct conditions for correlation of various elements
reciprocally. Possible errors in ground component of natural background dose rate assessment, caused
by radiochemical disequilibrium occurring in primordial radionuclides decay series or subseries are
insignificant. Correlations between different non-radioactive and radioactive elements are also possible
as the maps of radioactive elements could be constructed under same conditions. Unfortunately, the
methods have not yet been used routinely in environmental dose rate assessment.

There are two main problems in correlation of data collected by aerial gamma-ray surveys
or ground gamma spectrometry and data obtained by laboratory gamma spectrometry of samples
collected during conventional geochemical sampling. First problem is very high difference in sampling
scales, while second problem arises from significant differences in soil compartments from which
information (signal) originated. The main goal of this study is to give more detailed insight into
spatial radionuclide distribution in soils at relatively small areas in order to plan the future soil
sampling procedure. Such a procedure must assure the soil sample of the same or similar soil types,
naturally, that is representative for area usually covered by aerial gamma-ray surveys or ground
gamma spectrometry.


2.1. Sampling procedure

Soil was sampled by channel sampling the upper 15 cm of soil profile from area of
cca 315 cm2 (circle of 20 cm in diameter). The fraction of air-dried material that passed through a
0.5-mm sieve was reduced by quartering and dried at 105°C to the constant weight. The sampled soil
types were luvisol on loess and luvisol on sand of agriculture areas that had been ploughed on a
regular basis for more than a century.

Eight outer samples and the central sample were taken in the middle of the square in each of
following regular grids: 0.3 x 0.3 m — A; 2.45 x 2.45 m — B; 19.5 x 19.5 m — C; 156 x
156 — D and 312 x 312 m —E grid with the randomly selected position of the central point of A
grid. That central point is central point of B and C grid also. Randomly selected outer point of C grid
was taken as a one of outer point of D grid. Similarly, randomly selected one of outer corner point
of D was taken as a central point of E grid. In total, 38 soil samples were taken and analysed by
gamma ray spectrometry method.

2.2. Gamma ray spectrometry

Dried soil samples were placed in the counting vessels of known geometry, sealed and stored
at least for 4 weeks to allow ingrowth period of gaseous ^Rn. At the end of the ingrowth period, the
samples were counted on a HPGe detector joined to 4096 channel analyser. The detector system was
calibrated using standards supplied by Amersham International, while precision and accuracy were
checked by parallel measurement of IAEA-306 and IAEA-314 standards. Spectra were recorded
80 000 seconds. Recorded spectra were processed on PC using GENIE PC software. Activities of ^
were calculated from the 1460.75 keV-peak, I37Cs from 661 .6 keV-peak, mRa (as a mean value) from
609.3 keV-peak of its 214Bi progeny and 352 keV-peak of its 214Pb progeny, ^Ra from 911.1 keV-
peak of its ^Ac progeny and ^U from 186 keV-peak (after subtraction of the overlapping ^Ra
peak). Activities of ^U were calculated from B5U activity assuming the 235U/238U activity ratio of
0.04603 [10].


Differences in radionuclides activity observed among central and other sampled points in
grids, for A to E grid are given in Table I to V respectively. Measured values, together with
accompanying counting errors, are shown for central points of grids as well as mean values of
differences for "°K, ^Ra, ^Ra, B8U and 137Cs. Mean of all measured values are shown as well as
the means of two groups each consisting of 5 samples taken in cross scheme. First group
comprehends central point and 4 nearest points (N, S, E and W) at distance of respective grid unit;
second group comprehends central point and 4 the furthest points (NE, SE, SW and NW) at distance
of respective grid unit diagonally.

As expected, the highest variation of "°K activities are found in E grid: 312-573 Bq/kg, but
variation in potassium concentration found in 9 samples of A grid at area of half square metre only,
is unexpected. Near to all of considered means (of 9 or 5 points each) of """K activities in B and C


228 226 B7
POINT <°K Ra Ra ^U Cs
1 1.1 -0.9 0.2 0.9 -1.7
2 9.0 -0.9 0.2 0.5 -1.2
3 -6.9 -1.2 0.4 1.6 -1.1
8 84.3 0.5 2.3 2.5 -2.7
4 -14.3 -0.8 0.5 0.9 -1.1
7 66.8 0.1 1.7 2.1 -2.1
6 56.4 0.0 1.1 1.3 -1.4
5 37.4 -0.4 0.7 0.7 0.1
Od) 324.0 ±14.5 23.2 ±1.4 23.2 ±0.8 22.7 ±3.0 22.3 ±0.4
MEAN^ 26.0±72.1(3) -0.4 ±1.2 0.8 ± 1.5 1.2 ±1.6 -1.2 ±1.8
* 350.0 ±72.1 22.8 ±1.2 24.0 ±1.5 23.9 ±1.6 21.1 ± 1.8
** 351.1 ±83.1 23.0 ±1.2 24.0 ±1.9 23.7 ±1.9 21.0 ±1.9
*** 343.7 ±63.0 22.7 ±1.1 23.8 ± 1.3 23.8 ± 1.6 21.3 ±2.0
measured value ± counting error; mean value of differences; mean value ± standard
deviation of 2<r; *mean of all samples in grid; **mean of central point and 4 points at d = 30
cm in cross scheme; ***mean of central point and 4 points at d = 42 cm in cross scheme

40K 22»Ra 226Ra 238u ,37^
9 -5.4 -0.2 0.3 0.6 -2.4
10 9.9 0.4 -0.1 -0.6 -2.7
11 12.4 -0.8 -0.4 1.1 -1.2
16 -5.9 -1.3 -0.2 -0.2 -4.8
12 -1.2 -0.2 0.1 0.8 0.7
15 7.1 0.0 0.3 1.5 3.9
14 -3.1 -0.5 -0.2 1.3 5.0
13 13.9 -0.2 0.2 0.6 8.9
0 (D 324.0 ±14.5 23.211.4 23.2 ±0.8 22.7 ± 3.0 22.3 ±0.4
(2) (3>
MEAN 3.1±15.6 -0.3 ±1.0 0.0 ±0.5 0.6 ±1.4 0.8 ± 8.7
* 327.1 ±15.6 22.9 ±1.0 23.2 ±0.5 23.3 ± 1.4 23.1 ±8.7
** 323.9 ±12.0 22.9 ±1.3 23.1 ±0.3 23.0 ±1.5 21.9 ±7.4
*** 329.6 ±16.4 23.0 ±0.7 23.3 ±0.6 23.5 ±1.1 24.1 ±4.6
(1 (2) (3)
Yneasured value ± counting error; mean value of differences; mean value ± standard
deviation of 2a; *mean of all samples in grid; **mean of central point and 4 points at d =
2.45 m in cross scheme; ***mean of central point and 4 points at d = 3.5 m in cross scheme


40 228 226 137
17 44.2 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.3
18 29.3 -2.4 0.1 0.9 5.6
19 24.7 0.0 0.2 0.7 -1.7
24 40.8 0.8 -0.5 -0.3 -2.4
20 -12.0 -1.4 0.3 1.4 -0.1
23 46.5 0.4 -0.5 0.2 -3.6
22 24.0 -1.2 -0.4 0.6 -2.9
21 28.6 -2.6 -0.5 1.5 -1.8
Od) 324.0 ±14.5 23.2 ±1.4 23.2 ±0.8 22.7 ± 3.0 22.3 ±0.4
MEAN (2)
25. 1 ± 39.4(3) -0.7 ±2.5 -0. 1 ± 0.7 0.6 ± 1 .2 -0.7 ± 5.5
* 349.1 ±39.4 22.5 ±2.5 23.1 ±0.7 23.3 ± 1.2 21.6 ±5.5
** 340.4 ±43.5 22.4 ±2.5 23.1 ±0.7 23.2 ±1.4 22.3 ±6.7
*** 352.8 ±37.4 22.8 ±2.5 23.1 ±0.7 23.3 ± 1.2 20.9 ± 3.2
measured value ± counting error; (2)mean value of differences; (3)mean value ± standard
deviation of 2a; *mean of all samples in grid; **mean of central point and 4 points at d =
19.5 m in cross scheme; ***mean of central point and 4 points at d = 27.6 m in cross scheme


40 228 137
POINT K Ra ^Ra ^U Cs
26 -92.4 0.0 -7.2 -3.9 0.3
19 -112.6 -1.8 -6.3 -5.9 0.3
27 -87.0 1.0 -3.1 -2.0 -1.1
32 -60.6 -0.2 -1.8 -2.6 -3.7
28 -147.0 -0.9 -8.8 -6.8 0.8
31 -37.9 2.3 -5.1 -4.1 0.1
30 25.1 3.6 -1.8 -0.6 8.2
29 67.7 6.9 1.4 0.3 1.3
25(1) 461.3 ±15.3 25.0 ±1.4 29.7 ±0.9 29.3 ± 3.2 20.3 ± 0.4
MEAN(2) -49.4 ± 139.2(3)
1.2 ±5.4 -3.6 ±6.9 -2.8 ±5.1 0.7 ±6.3
41 1.9 ±139.2 26.2 ±5.4 26.1 ±6.9 26.5 ±5.1 21.0 ±6.3
** 402.3 ±145.5 25.1 ±4.1 26.0 ±7.3 26.2 ±6.1 21.4 ±8.7
*** 431.4 ±132.9 27.0 ±5.8 26.9 ±7.1 27.4 ±4.2 20.4 ±0.7
(1) (2) (3)
measured value ± counting error, raean value of differences; mean value ± standard
deviation of 2a; *mean of all samples in grid; **mean of central point and 4 points at d =
156 m in cross scheme; ***mean of central point and 4 points at d = 220 m in cross scheme



40K 228Ra 226Ra 238u 137^

33 204.3 6.8 8.4 3.3 6.3
34 5.7 0.8 5.6 2.7 4.2
35 -56.9 -2.8 0.6 -2.4 -0.6
37 25.9 -0.3 5.0 1.8 -3.5
27 5.4 1.0 4.1 1.9 -1.4
36 6.6 1.4 4.2 1.6 16.3
31 54.5 2.3 2.1 -0.2 -0.2
29 160.1 6.9 8.6 4.2 1.0
26(1) 368.9 ±14.8 25.0 ±1.4 22.5 ±0.8 25.4 ±3.0 20.6 ±0.4
MEAN<2) 45.1±167.4 (3)
1.8 ±6.4 4.3 ±6.1 1.4 ±4.0 2.5 ±11.9
* 414.0 ±167.4 26.8 ±6.4 26.8 ±6.1 26.8 ±4.0 23.1 ± 11.9
** 387.2 ± 45.0 25.8 ± 2.0 25.9 ± 4.6 26.6 ± 2.5 20.4 ± 5.6
*** 431.7 ±225.7 27.5 ± 8.6 26.9 ±8.2 26.7 ± 5.3 25.2 ±14.1
(I) (2) <3)
measured value ± counting error; mean value of differences; mean value ± standard
deviation of 2a; *mean of all samples in grid; **mean of central point and 4 points at d =
312 m in cross scheme; ***mean of central point and 4 points at d = 442 m in cross scheme

grids shows less aberration from A grid central point value, than mean value of A grid itself shows.
In case of potassium, it seems that composite of few different samples taken at points inside circle
with more than 20 metres radius could be more representative for the centre of half square metre area
(area of central sample) than the same composite taken at points inside circle with less than half metre
radius. Similarly differences in 137Cs activity among central point and outer points are found in circles
with 3.5 m an 220 m radius respectively. It seems that for "^K and 137Cs activity assessment in central
point, composite sample acquiring in circle of some 150 metres radius could be the more important
factor than sampling point position.

Relatively high range of ^Ra activities was found in E grid: 22-32 Bq/kg, and D grid:
23-32 Bq/kg. Activity of ^Ra in all of samples taken in A, B and C grid is the same practically.
Activity that was higher for more than single counting error was found in one case only. Nearly
identical spatial activity distribution show ^Ra and ^U. It seems than, in case of same or similar
soil types, differences of uranium activities that are higher than corresponding double counting error
could be rarely found in circle up to some 200 m radius. In the case of thorium, that radius is
probably about 100-150 metres, and about hundred metres or less in case of ^Ra. Maps of *°K,
^Ra, ^Ra, a8U and l37Cs spatial activities distribution (Figs 1-5) are generated, by inverse distance
Kriging method — quadrant data search, on the basis of data collected in D and E grid.

The signal recorded by gamma ray spectrometer, elevated above ground at 100 metres height,
are spatially averaged over more than 1.5 x 105 m2, whereas conventional geochemical core soil
samples represent perhaps few hundred cm2. Signal recorded by ground gamma spectrometry when
detector is elevated at 1 metre height are spatially averaged over more than thousand m2. In fact, the
differences of sampling scales could be of some 6-7 or 3-4 orders of magnitude. As shown previously,
the very first insight into "°K, ^Ra, ^Ra,a8U and 137Cs spatial activities distribution in soil at
relatively small areas indicates that composite soil sample acquiring in cross scheme could be
satisfactorily for activity assessment in central cross point up to distance of some 150 metres from
cross centre. In that case, it seems that differences of sampling scales, which exist between
conventional geochemical soil sampling and aerial gamma-ray surveys or ground gamma
spectrometry, could be far less significant.

The second problem in correlation of data collected by aerial gamma-ray surveys or by

ground gamma spectrometry and data obtained by laboratory gamma spectrometry of samples
collected during conventional geochemical sampling arises from fact that conventional geochemical
sampling provides homogeneous sample of the first 15 cm of soil profile. In the same time, the
contribution of the first centimetre of soil profile in signal recorded by detector that is elevated at 100
metres height could be more than 12% (Fig. 6). If detector is elevated at 1 metre height, signals
recorded from the first centimetre and from 15-100 cm soil depth compartment are equal (about 4%
of total signal recorded) at distance of approximately 3.5 metres from point under detector (Fig. 7).
If ground surface is plain, signal contribution from the first centimetre of soil profile could be even
half of total signal received by detector elevated at 1 metre height. Contribution of signals from
different soil compartments in total signal received by detector elevated at 1 m height above plain
ground surface are shown in Fig. 8 in dependence on soil layer thickness as a function of distance
from the point under detector. It is obviously that the first few centimetres of soil profile contribution
in signal recorded by detector at 1 metre height is exceptionally high. In cases when ground surface
is covered with vegetation, the first few centimetres of soil profile contribution in signal recorded by
detector at 1 metre height is probably even unacceptably high.

Narrowing of the area wherefrom recorded signal originated is relatively easily achievable
by lateral detector shielding. The information (signal) that originated from a first few centimetres of
soil could be reduced significantly by lateral detector shielding in case of low elevated detector.
Cumulative gamma doses distribution which are received by at 1 metre elevated shielded detector
(shield reduce the received information at 5 metres radius circle) is shown in Fig. 9. Figure 10
present percentage contribution of signals from different soil compartments in total signal received

Gaus-Kriger projection

BELICA 5144.60

measured: 5144.50
324.0 Bq/kg 500
(mean values)
A grid: 350.0 5144.40

B grid: 327.1 450

C grid: 349.1
D grid: 411.9
E grid: 414.0y
M 1 : 5000 ^
Laboratory for nuclear
chemistry and radioecology
1996 -5144.00

5618.10 5618.20 5618.30 5618.40 5618.50 5618.60 5618.70

FIG. 1. *°K spatial distribution in D and E grid (°K activity in Bq/kg).

Gaus-Kriger projection
BELICA 5144 60

measured: £14450
23.2 Bq/kg 30
(mean values)
A grid: 22.8 -514440

B grid: 22.9 28

C grid: 22.5 37 2$ 27
£144 30
D grid: 26.2
V E grid: 26.8 j
M 1 : 5000
Laboratory for nuclear
chemistry and radioecology
1996 6144 00

561810 561820 5618.30 561840 5618.50 561860 561870

FIG. 2 Ra spatial distribution in D and E grid f28Ra activity in Bq/kg).
Gaus-Kriger projection

BELICA 514460

measured: 144 50
23.2 Bq/kg
(mean values)
A grid: 24.0 28

B grid: 23.2
C grid: 23.1 0
•""""-iy-**^/ %^''V "X»-^
D grid: 26.1 ;-,

7X \A$&J,

•" xOif %
y- /"iJ- v

-• v>5 ^r 5^/«x^-TS\'

VE grid: 26.8 J

M 1 : 5000
Laboratory for nuclear
chemistry and radloecology
1996 144.00

5618.10 5618.20 5618.30 5618.40 5618.50 5618.60 561870

FIG. 3. Ra spatial distribution in D and E grid (*26Ra activity in Bq/kg).
Gaus-Kriger projection

BELICA 5144 60

measured: 5144 50

22.7 Bq/kg
(mean values) 28

A grid: 23.9 5144 40

B grid: 23.3
C grid: 23.3 26
D grid: 26.5
VE grid; 26.8 y
( M 1 : 5000 ^ 24

Laboratory Tor nuclear
chemistry and radioecology
1996 614400

5618 10 5618.20 5618.30 5618.40 5618.50 5618 60 5618.

FIG 4. U spatial distribution in D and E grid ("SU activity in Bq/kg).
Gaus-Kriger projection
'•*• '
BELICA 5144.60
measured: 5144.50
22.3 Bq/kg
(mean values) 31
A grid: 21.1 5144.40

B grid: 23.1 28
C grid: 21.6
D grid: 21.0 25

VE grid; 23.1 j
5144.20 22
M 1 : 5000 ^
Laboratory for nuclear
chemistry and radioecology
1996 5144.00

5618.10 5618.20 5618.30 5618.40 5618.50 5618.60 5618.70

FIG. 5. '"Cs spatial distribution in D and E grid (I37Cs activity in Bq/kg).


Received cumulative gamma doses

DETECTOR at 100 m height

0-1 cm (%)




soil depth (cm)

10 100 1000
Distance from point under detector (m)

Fig.6. Cumulative gamma doses received by detector elevated in air at 100 meters height above plain ground surface in
dependence on distance from point under detector
Received cumulative gamma doses
DETECTOR at 1 m height

0-1 cm (%)




soil depth (cm)

0.1 1 10 100 1000
Distance from point under detector (m)

Fig.7. Cumulative gamma doses received by detector elevated in air at 1 meter height above plain ground surface in
dependence on distance from point under detector
Percentage (%)
o p
O L,. O ho p
<j\ C*>

H V1 • ^ i? "•*
I — *•
i CJi
I ro
*2o +
o 3 3 3
o 3
Received cumulative gamma doses

0-1 cm (%)




soil depth (cm)

1 2 3 4
Distance from point under detector (m)

Fig.9. Cumulative gamma doses received by shielded detector (shield reduce the received signal at 5 meters radius circle)
elevated in air at 1 meter height above plain ground surface in dependence on distance from point under detector
OQ Q" *"0
3 <-<: -I
§a. «2".2-a Percentage (%)

CT £• 3
«. fD
3 n cr
3; 1
J^ rj^
^^ Q f^
ft> *"* r^-

*« ^ I'
CL «' o

O & a
o 3
s 8
2- 2. §•
_ 00 on
ea 3 CT

S 3
o «
w> ^a 3o*
ju -i 3

§ S S
S, a ^
S:3 8
» Si 3

3- g

5' 3 o
T* 1 O

Q. 00 3
« sr 55 o O

as i^g-

« 3
p »—•
by shielded detector elevated at 1 m height (shield reduce the received information at 5 metres radius
circle) in dependence on soil layer thickness as a function of distance from the point under shielded
detector. For detectors elevated at 100 metres height, that reduction is not significant as long as radius
of circle under detector, reduced by detector shielding, overcomes some 300 metres, but it seems that
reduction of that circle at some 150-200 metres radius could be reasonable when the ground surface
is vegetation covered.

'"'K and 137Cs spatial activities distribution in soil observed at areas overlapped by A and B
grid indicates that lateral shielded and at one metre elevated detectors are able to provide very quality
information about potassium and caesium concentrations in soil. It seems that ground spectrometry
measurements with lateral shielding of detectors (when shields reduce the received information at less
than 5 metres radius circle) are able to provide information of better quality than conventional
geochemical sampling assures. Conventional geochemical sampling has a preference in cases of ^Ra
and ^Ra, but both methods are probably at an alike quality level. Due to possible radiochemical
disequilibrium between ^Ra and m\J recalculation of any, in air measured gamma dose rate that
conies from uranium decay chain — in fact from ^Ra decay products mainly, into uranium
concentration in soil is questionable.

Aerial gamma-ray spectrometry with high sensitivity spectrometers applied, provides the
means to conducting large scale surveys describing the major spatial variation in radioactivity
distribution on relatively large scale area. On the other hand, laboratory gamma spectrometry of
samples collected by conventional geochemical sampling method provides quality data for uranium
and thorium (less quality for potassium) concentrations on small scale area. It seems that composite
sample acquiring could be recommended for future soil sampling procedure. Average soil sample on
each locality could be prepared from five point samples taken in cross scheme inside some 50-150
metres radius circle.


Spatial distribution of *K, ^Ra, ^Ra, B8U and 137Cs activities was studied at relatively small
areas in order to plan the future soil sampling procedure that would assure the soil samples
representative for broader area that are usually covered by in situ gamma-spectrometry measurements
or aerial gamma-ray spectrometry.

The very first insight into 40K, ^"Ra, ^Ra, ml] and 137Cs spatial activities distribution in soil
at relatively small areas indicates that composite soil sample acquiring in cross scheme could be
satisfactorily for caesium, potassium, uranium and, probably thorium, activity assessment in central
cross point up to distance of some 150 metres from cross centre. For radium activity assessment in
central cross point, the distance from cross centre could be about hundred metres or less. In case of
composite soil sample acquiring in cross scheme, it seems that differences of sampling scales which
exist between conventional geochemical soil sampling and aerial gamma-ray surveys or ground gamma
spectrometry, could be far less significant.

Thorium, radium, uranium and caesium spatial activities distribution in soil samples, that were
taken by conventional geochemical sampling method from less than square metre area, shows that any
of analysed samples could represent ^Ra, ^Ra, ^HJ and 137Cs activities at that area. Very high
variation of potassium concentrations, found in 9 samples taken at the same area, indicates that even
each sample taken in suggested cross scheme needs to be sampled as one composite from one or few
metres radius circle.

Additionally, unacceptably high contribution of gamma dose that originated from a first few
centimetres of surface soil layer, occurring during field gamma-spectrometric measurements, could
be reduced significantly by narrowing of the area wherefrom recorded signal originated (by lateral

detector shielding). In situ gamma-spectrometric measurements could be performed, similarly as
composite soil sample acquiring, in the identical cross scheme or randomly selected (with the same
central point) one.


[1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, The use of gamma ray data to define
the natural radiation environment, IAEA-TECDOC-566, Vienna (1990).
[2] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Application of uranium exploration data
and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, Vienna (1995).
[3] UNSCEAR, Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation, United Nations Scientific Committee
on the Effects of Atomic Radiation 1993 Report to the General Assembly, with Scientific
Annexes, United Nations, New York (1993).
[4] GREEMAN, D. J., ROSE, A. V., JESTER, W. A., Form and behaviour of radium,
uranium, and thorium in central Pennsylvania soils derived from dolomite, Geophysical Res.
Lett. 17^(1990) 833-836.
[5] BARISiC, D., Dose Rate Conversion Factors, Soil Thickness and their Influence on Natural
Background Dose Rate in Air Above Carbonate Terrains, J. Environ. Radioactivity, 31 1
(1996) 51-70.
[6] BECK, H.L., DE PLANQUE, G., The radiation field in air due to distributed gamma-ray
sources in the ground, Health and Safety Laboratory, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission,
HASL-195, New York (1968).
[7] DICKSON, H.W., KERR, G.D., Dose rates from plane sources of gamma rays, Health Phys.
29 (1975) 131-136.
[8] BECK, H.L., Exposure rate conversion factors for radionuclides deposited on the ground,
Environmental Measurements Laboratory, U. S. Department of Energy, EML-308, New
York (1980).
[9] KOCHER, D.C., SJOREEN, A.L., Dose-rate conversion factors for external exposure to
photon emitters in soil. Health Phys. 48 (1985) 193-205.
[10] MURRAY, A.S., AITKEN, M.J., Analysis of low-level natural radioactivity in small mineral
samples for use in thermoluminescence dating, using high-resolution gamma spectrometry,
Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 39 2 (1988) 145-158.



State Committee for Hydrometereology,
Minsk, Belarus


The accident at the Cheraobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) is the largest technogenic accident of our time.
The global consequences of this accident for the whole mankind will be of a larger significance with the course of
time. An important problem which arose during the period following the accident was the evaluation of radioactive
contamination of the territory of Belarus and the creation a specific monitoring system. Although the radioactive
contamination caused by the Chernobyl accident affected the whole world, Belarus was subjected to the most intensive
radioactive contamination. Around 23 % (46 450 km2) of the territory of Belarus was subjected to more than
37 kBq/m2 contamination by caesium-137. There are 27 cities and more than 3600 populated districts with a total
population of 2.2 millions which were contaminated. The preparation of maps of the distribution of iodine-131
according to the situation on 10 May 1986, and ruthenium-106 and cerium-144 for 30 May 1986 has been carried
out. Every three years, based on the results of the complex examination, maps of caesium-137, strontium-90 and
plutonium isotopes in the soil are issued. Because of the non-uniformity of the radioactive contamination, 350
thousands of personal plots of land are examined, and radiation passports issued to their owners. This measure was
taken for reasons of protection as well as an effort to reduce the dose loads, thus increasing the safety of the residents
of the contaminated territories.


In Belarus, radiation monitoring includes measurements in: atmospheric air, soil and surface
water. At present, for the entire territory of Belarus, a broad network of the regular observation
points are in operation. These are: 55 stations for power measurement of exposition gamma-emanation
dose; 25 control points of radioactive pollution from the atmosphere; 6 control points of radio-dopi's
content in the air; 181 reference sites for the study of radiation situation dynamics; 18 landscapes and
geochemical grounds for the study of radionuclides migration in the soil; 5 control sites in the big
rivers of Belarus for the radionuclides content of the surface waters.

All environment radioactive contamination data were stored in an automated database and
processed using the geo-information system RECASS. It is used to estimate and forecast the situation
and deduce the living conditions of a given area. The most complicated situation was observed during
the first period after die Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) accident, due to the great quantity of
the deposited short-lived radionuclides and the radionuclides with half-lives of up to 1 year. It was
suggested that the methodical approaches in evaluating the contamination of the territory of the
Republic with these radionuclides should be done through the preparation of the reconstruction maps.
The work on remediation of irradiation doses received by the population during the first few days
after the accident needs to be continued for the planning and realization of preventive and medical



As a result of air movements to the north-western, northern and north-eastern directions

during the initial period after the accident, a significant increase of the exposition dose rate was
registered practically in the whole territory of Belarus. The levels of radioactive contamination by

short-lived iodine-131 in many regions of the Republic were so high, that the resulting irradiation of
millions of people was considered as period of "iodine impact" (Fig. 1).

In April-May 1986, the highest levels of iodine-131 fall-out were registered in the nearest
10-30 km zone in the Bragin, Khoiniki, Narovlya areas of the Gomel region, where the content of
iodine-131 in the soil reached 37 000 kBq/m2 and in some cases even more. The exposition dose rates
of the gamma-radiation were 25-100 mR/h. In the Chechersk, Kormyany, Buda-Koshelev, Dobrush
areas, the levels of contamination reached 18 500 kBq/m2. In the south-western regions, that is in the
areas of Elsk, Lelchitsy, Zhitkovichi, Petricov of the Gomel region, and Pinsk, Luninets, Stolin areas
of the Brest region, were significantly contaminated. High levels of contamination were also registered
in the north of the Gomel and the Mogilev areas. For example, in a number of places of the Vetka
area of the Gomel region, the content of iodine-131 in the soil was more than 20 000 kBq/m2. In the
Mogilev region, the highest contamination by iodine-131 was registered in the populated areas of the
Cherikov and Krasnoaolye areas, where the level reached 5550-11 100 kBq/m2.

The high level of contamination by iodine-131 has resulted in large doses of irradiation, first
of all, on thyroid gland, that gave rise in the future to a significant increase of its pathology. As of
January 1995, the number of thyroid cancer cases in adolescents was 379. For comparison, only 4
cases were registered in January 1986. However, as noted earlier, the contamination registered in the
initial period after the accident was not only by iodine-131 but also by such shot-lived radionuclides
as molybdenum, technetium, lanthanum, barium, radioactive noble gases (xenon, krypton). This has
caused high doses of irradiation in the population, which should be taken into account in evaluating
values of received doses by the population, living in contaminated territories, those evacuated from
the evacuation zone and personnel who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the

The reconstruction of the distribution of iodine-131 according to the situation on 10 May

1986, ruthenium-106 and cerium-144 on 30 May 1986 has been carried out. At the initial stage of
the accident, the main contribution to the contamination of the natural environment and the formation
of dose loads on the population were the long-lived radionuclides caesium-137 (30 years), strontium-
90 (29 years), plutonium-238 (88 years) plutonium-239 (24000 years), plutonium-240 (6537 years),
plutonium-241 (14,4 year), caesium-134 (2 years), and the short-lived iodine-131 (8 days), lanthanum-
140 (40 hours), neptunium-239 (2 days), barium-140 (13 days), molybdenum-99 (66 hours).
Strontium-89 (50 days) including the number of radionuclides with the periods of half-lives up to 1
year (cerium-144: 284 days, ruthenium-106: 368 days ).

The work on remediation of irradiation doses, received by the population in the first days
after the accident needs to be continued for planning and realization preventive and medical measures.
Radioactive releases outside the area of Unit-4 have resulted in significant contamination of distant
districts, populated areas and water bodies. Increase of radioactivity as a result of the Chernobyl NPP
accident has been registered at a distance of ten thousands of kilometers from the place of the



Data on environment Cs-137, Sr-90 and Pu-238, -239, -240 contamination are stored in an
automated database and are processed using the gee-information system RECASS. This information
is used to estimate and make forecasts of the situation and the expected living conditions (Figs. 2-5).
In Belarus 46 450 km2 of the territory were contaminated with Cs-137, where the content in the soil
was equal to more than 37 kBq/m2. Twenty seven cities and more than 3600 populated areas with a
total population of 2.2 millions, which is more than 1/5 of the population of Belarus, were affected.
As a result of the Chernobyl NPP accident, the Gomel, Mogilev and Brest regions appeared to be the
most contaminated.

Z2"30' no COCTOHHHIO Ha 10 Maa 1986 rofla 33T ff
54- V

FIG. 1. Radioactivity contamination of 1-131 in the soil of Belarus (10 May, 1988).
Levels of Cs-137

FIG. 2. Radioactivity contamination of Cs-137 in the soil of Belarus (1 January, 1995).


Levels Sr-90 (kBq/m 2 )

-5,55-18,5 -18,5-111 - Ill and mo

FIG. 3. Radioactivity contamination of Sr-90 in the soil of the Gomel and Mogilev Regions of
Belarus (1 January, 1995).

There are cases, within the same populated area, where clean (uncontaminated) sites are found
in the neighbourhood of highly contaminated places. The populated area Kolyban of the Bragin area
of the Gomel region can be taken as an example, where the value of contamination by caesium-137
is in the range of 170 to 2400 kBq/m2. The maximum level of caesium-137 in the soil of the
populated areas of the nearest zone to the Bragin area was 2600 kBq/m2, and in the distant zone, of
some 250 km away, for instance, in the populated area Chudyany of the Chericov area in the Mogilev

region, levels of 51000 kBq/m2 were registered. In the Brest region, in the south-eastern part, in 6
regions the content of caesium-137 in the soil range from 37 to 185 kBq/m2, and the maximum levels
reach 400 kBq/m2. In the Minsk, Grodno areas and 4 populated areas of the Vitebsk region, the
content of caesium-137 in the soil amounts to 37 kBq/m2. In the other territories of Belarus, the levels
of contamination of the soil by caesium-137 are higher in comparison to the values registered before
the accident. Only in the north-western regions of the Vitebsk region they are comparable to the
global fall-out levels.


Levels Pu^-238,239,240 (kBq/m

0,37 - 3,7 - 3,7 H 6onee

FIG. 4. Radioactivity contamination ofPu-238, 239, 240 in the soil of Belarus (1 January, 1995).

23-30' 3T V

51' Of i- o-
33- V

M 1:1 000 000 (c) UPKM

n/IOTHOCTt 3arpH3HCHHSl UC3H6M-137
Density of Cs-137 pollution of the territory (kBq/sq.m)
37-185 185-555 555-1480 over 1480

FIG. 5. Map of radiation projection of the area of the Republic of Belarus for 2016. Concentration
vo of Cs-137 detected in the territory (kBq/m2).
The contamination of the territory of the Republic with Sr-90 has a more local character. The
levels of contamination of the soil with Sr-90 of more than 6.5 kBq/m2 are found over an area of
21 100 km2, i.e. 10% of the total area of the Republic. The maximum levels of Sr-90 in the soil in
the populated areas of the nearest zone are found within the 30-km zones of the Chernobyl NPP, in
the Khojniki area of the Gomel region, with 1800 kBq/m2. The highest contents of Sr-90 in the soil
of a distant zone (250 km away), were registered in the Cherikov area of the Mogilev region, were
they amounted to 29 kBq/m2. In the northern part of the Gomel region, Vetka area, amounts of
137 kBq/m2 were registered.

The contamination of the soil by the plutonium isotopes amounting to more than 0.37 kBq/m2
covers an area of nearly 4000 km2, about 2% of the area of the Republic. These territories are
predominantly located in the Gomel region and the Chechersk area of the Mogilev region.
Contamination of the soil by plutonium isotopes of 0.37 up to 3.7 kBq/m2 reached the highest levels
in the Bragin, Narovlya, Khoiniki, Rechitsy and Dobrush, Loev areas of the Gomel region.The
contents of plutonium in the soil of 3.7 kBq/m2 is characteristic for 30-km zones of the Chernobyl
NPP. The highest levels of plutonium isotopes in the soil were registered in the Massany populated
area of Khoiniki area with values of more than 111 kBq/m2.



The European Commission and Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation took part in the
preparation of the Atlas on caesium contamination of Europe after the Chernobyl NPP accident. The
main purpose of the Atlas is:

to present information on the spatial distribution of deposited Cs-137;

to indicate how the levels of Cs-137 contamination after the Chernobyl NPP accident have
increased compared to global deposition;
to identify relatively "clean" territories the contamination of which is mainly related to global
to present information on radioactivity contamination in Europe to scientist in different fields;
to allow the estimation impact of accident.

A geographic information system (GIS), ARC/INFO, has been used for the preparation of the
Atlas on caesium contamination in Europe. The analysis of Cs-137 data was the main problem. Our
position related to the analysis of Cs-137 data, using ARC/INFO, should include the re-evaluation

maximum values, quantity,

initial range of isolines,
number of points with absolute values of less than min-isolines.

The analysis of the absolute values should be carried allowing for the data on the global
contamination around the points, which are dubious. The map of distribution of the contamination
should be constructed, using various methods in case of different parameters. On the basis of the
expert evaluation, the best method of interpolation of mapping should then be chosen. A GIS system
will allow the evaluation of the distribution of the radioactive contamination in the territory of Europe
and construct the isolines of the contamination by various methods. The following methods of
interpolation are used:

IDW (methods of inverse radii),

TIN (methods of Delane triangulation),
Kriging (methods of Kriging).


In connection with the presentation noted above it is necessary to emphasize the increased role
of radiation control and monitoring of the contaminated territories, the result of which will permit the
observation of changes to reveal additional sources of contamination, as well as to predict further
development of the radiation-ecological situation. This forecast should be used as the basis for
formulating the policy of protective measures.



particularity of human thyroid system radiation exposure by radioactive iodine isotopes in Byelorussia
and Lithuania after the Chernobyl accident and analysis of possible medical diseases, Visuomenes
sveikata: abartis ir atitis Public health: present and future, Kaunas (1993) p. 79-81.


Radioactive Iodine-131 (reconstruction) in the Territory of the Republic of Belarus, evaluation of
Radiological Situation During the First Days after the Accident at ChNPP, Republican Conference
"Hygienic and Psychological-Social Aspects of Accident at ChNPP", Gomel (1993).

GERMENCHUK M.G., MATVEENKO I.I., ZHUKOVA O.M., Assessment of radiation situation

in the territory of the Republic of Belarus under conditions of pollution after the catastrophe in the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant with the use of GIS RECASS, The Canadian conference on GIS —
1994, Proceedings, vol. 2. Ottawa, Canada (1994) p. 1269-1280.

MATVEENKO, I.I., ZYUKOVA, O.M., GERMENCHUK, M.G., Dynamics of the radiation and
rehabilitation of the environment of the Republic of Belarus territory after the catastrophe in
Chernobyl NPP, Nuclear and hazardous waste management Spectrum'94, American Nuclear Society,
Inc., Atlanta,GA, Illions 60525 USA, (1994) p. 2419-2424.

prognosis of radiation situation in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, Belarus — Japan
Symposium "Acute and Late Consequences of Nuclear Catastrophes: Hiroshima — Nagasaki and
Chernobyl, 3-5 October, Minsk (1994) p. 173-183.

ZHUKOVA O.M., MATVEENKO I.I., GERMENCHUK M.G., Dynamics of radioactive pollution

of atmospheric air on the territory of Belarus after the Chernobyl catastrophe, Proceedings of the
Second International Meeting on Low-level Air Radioactivity Monitoring. 14-18 February 1994,
Warsaw (1995) p.83-91.



Polish Geological Institute,
Warsaw, Poland


The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant considered as one of the greatest ecological disasters in the 20th
century. It is responsible for a very negative public concern on the Polish nuclear power industry and became one
of the most important reasons for stopping the construction of the first Polish nuclear power plant located in
Zarno wiec near Gdansk (N Poland), although the construction has reached an advance stage. Never the less the feeling
of strong pollution over the territory of Poland with post-Chernobyl radioisotopes and their negative impact on the
environment and human health still dominates the country. Very few data have been released to the public up till the
year 1990, mostly in the form of result of measurements carried out by the Central Laboratory for Radiological
Protection that supported the population in their feeling of the negative impacts of the Chernobyl accident for the
environment. Polish Geological Institute proposed in 1990 to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural
Resources and Forestry starting of a big mapping programme in order to recognize the spatial distribution of Cesium-
and natural-radioisotopes using the equipment and work methodology previously applied in gamma-spectrometric
survey for uranium prospection. Upon acceptance by the Ministry and a period of experimental studies, the field
works have been started in 1992 and completed in 6 months period. The Cs distribution map at scale of 1:750 000
has been published in 1993. In 1994 more detailed studies have been carried over "anomalous" areas where besides
detailed mapping 10 000 measurements also geochemical profiles used for describing Cs distribution in the soil depth
profile and Cs bioaccumulation in the vegetation cover have been made. The above works are still in progress. Data
obtained from the above studies allowed the compilation of maps on the distribution of natural uranium, thorium and
potassium as well as maps of gamma-dose rate for the territory of the country.


Measurements were made applying the in situ methodology using the field gamma
spectrometer GS-256 produced by "Geofizyka" Brno, Czech Republic. The equipment was calibrated
based on the calibration pads in Bratkowice near Pfibram, Czech Republic. Detailed work
methodology applied for mapping has been presented in the IAEA Technical Committee meeting held
in Vienna in November 1993 [1].

About 20 000 measurements have been made for the whole territory of the country.
Measurement point have been located each 1000 m and the measurements have been made along N-S
oriented profile lines spaced each 15 (about 17 km). In the case of counting above 5500 impulses in
"Total Canal" the measurements have been made each 500 m.

In 1994 additional measurements have been made over areas characterised with Cs
concentration above 15 kBq/m2 what gave the density of observation equal to 1 point/1 km2.
Geochemical profiles of the soil and at the same points studies of Cs bioacumulation in the plant cover
have been made in the area of Opole (SW Poland) and Bialystok (NE Poland) regions. Analyses of
Cs distribution is soils and in plants have been performed by the Central Laboratory for Radiological
Protection, Warsaw using semiconductor detectors HPGE working together with Canberra-90
spectrometer. Soil analyses including granulometric composition, organic carbon content, pH in water
and In KCI, base saturation of soils, sorption capacity have been made in soil laboratory.


Average Cs content for the territory of Poland calculated on the basis of 19 528 measurements
is equal to 4.7 kBq/m2 with standard deviation of 5.5 kBq/m2. The maximum observed value was
equal to 96 kBq/m2.

The biggest as to the area and highest as to intensity of Cs pollution is reported from SW part
of Poland — East part of Sudetes Foreland and Silesia Lowland (Fig. 1 [2]). The above concentration
is lying within the zone of pollution running from SW direction towards NE from the area of Polish-
Czech border in the region of Klodzko Valley up to the Warsaw region. Few areas characterized with
higher level of pollution can be distinguished within this zone out of which the biggest anomaly is
described as Opole anomaly and is covering the area of 4000 km2 and showing the Cs concentration
up to 96 kBq/m2. Detailed studies carried within this anomaly showed presence of few smaller
anomalous fields. Taking as the basis Cs concentration of 37 kBq/m2 six separate anomalies can be
distinguished covering in total the surface of 620 km2 out of which the biggest one is located NE from
Opole in the region of Olesno town (Fig. 2).

Radomsko and Warsaw anomalies are covering smaller areas and are showing lower Cs
concentration. Increased Cs concentrations have been also reported from E part of the country - near
to Polish/Byelorussia border where over small area of about 3 km2 near Milejczyce village Cs
concentrations higher than 75 kBq/m2 and reaching even 112 kBq/m2 has been recognized. The above
anomaly is the part of long zone of pollution running from the area of Mazurian Lake District (N
Poland) up to Siedlce Highland (E Poland) characterised with irregular shape of anomalous fields with
dominating Cs concentration varying from 8-15 kBq/m2, only locally reaching 25-30 kBq/m2. Small
anomaly covering the area of about 5 km2 and showing Cs concentration of about 50 kBq/m2 has been
reported from NW Poland (W of Szczecin).


Analysis of Cs average concentration made respecting the applied administrative division of

the country — 49 voyevodships showed, that the highest Cs concentrations equal to 16.6 kBq/m2 are
reported from Opole voyevodship region (SW Poland), followed by Ostroleka voyevodship (NE
Poland) with Cs pollution value equal to 8.3 kBq/m2. In Cs concentration higher than average value
for the country equal to 4,7 kBq/m2 is observed on the territory of 20 voyevodships. Distribution of
frequency of Cs pollution over the territory of Poland is lognormal and does not show any significant
disturbances. Its modal class is in the range of 1.7-3.5 kBq/m2 (Fig. 3.A). More detailed where
analyses distribution of Cs pollution in each veyevodship has been studied showed, that the above
observed Cs distribution is the result of interference of few natural factors which impacted the spatial
diversification of Cs concentration in environment over the Polish territory. Detailed analyses were
based on data obtained from the voyevodships showing lowest pollution (Koszalin voyevodship) as
well as highest pollution (Opole and Ostroleka voyevodship) and from Warsaw voyevodship showing
increased concentrations.

The distribution of Cs concentration over the area of Koszalin voyevodship is bimodal and
slightly asymmetric (Fig. 3.B). Most probably it reflects the results of interference of 2 populations
of Cs pollution — one of distribution similar to the normal and with average concentration value near
to 0.6 kBq/m2 and second characterised with normal distribution but showing higher standard
deviation and of average value close to 3 kBq/m2. The first one corresponds to Cs pollution related
to pre-Chernobyl period and is the result of military nuclear weapon tests carried in the years
1959-1963 while the second one is the result of fall of radioactive dust migrating in the high
atmospheric strata. After compilation the above distribution becomes unimodal, close to normal and
showing slightly positive skewness (Fig. 3.C) with modal class of 1.2-2.2 kBq/m2. It reflects the
current Cs concentration background in Polish soil.

Cs frequency over the area of Warsaw voyevodship is quite different. It is bimodal and
slightly asymmetric but its modal classes are varying between 5.2-7 and 9.8-11.6 kBq/m2 (Fig. 3.D).
The above distribution is most probably the result of interference of 2 populations of Cs, both
showing distribution close to normal and average values dose to 3.5-4 and 12 kBq/m2 (average values
of the 2 populations are slightly shifted with respect to modal classes as in the case of interference
of 2 populations occurring of the middle class is responsible for increasing of observed frequencies
compared to real frequencies).

F/G. 7. Map of Caesium concentration in Poland.
FIG. 2. Map of Caesium concentration in Opole Region.

CO .- * rt O f
- D

80- p

60 -


20- -

<D CJ OD 4 O <0
"Trn ru^, kBq'm2
r~. **t <N O CD lO

ON A - in Poland; B,C - in Koszalin voivodship; D - in Warsaw voivoidship;

F/G. 3. Histograms of the distribution of ceasium concentrations. E - in Ostrol?ka voivodship; F - in Opole voivodship
Cs 134
2903 C org Humus pH(H20) pH(lnKCI) Sorption capacity
cm 100 290 390 Bq^ko 100 Bq/kg
• 788 '— 2 3 4 10 20 me; lOOg
0 rflK t?
ir v
V'YJ/ 22.42 |
[AO 3474
900 16.43

20 ——^ ———

B 3

40 , —>———1—1.


70 —,——

Cs 137 Cs 134
2903 A Corg Humus PH(H2O) pH(KCI) Sorption capacity
cm _____ _____ 100 200 300 8q/kg 100 Bqfkg
1 2 3 % 1 2 3 4 % 4 8 6 4 5 10 20 30 me/IOOg
n y y*y
J320 J
2D —————
., 4.36

30 -T ——^^ ———>



60 C


FIG. 4a. Distribution of Caesium radioisotopes in soil profiles.

Cs 137 Bq/kg Cs134 Bq/kg Cor Humus PH(H20) pHdnKCI) Sorption capacity

cm 100 200 100 4 5 10 20 me/lOOg
1 % 4 6 6
i Ad

". "'
30 3

50 B|
- ~ _

73O1 CS137 Bq/kg Cs134 Bq/kg Cor Humus pH(H 0) pHdnKCI) Sorption capacity

c •n 100 200 190 1 2 % 56 4 5 10 20 me/IOOfl

0 ///^w^/:
10 . ,"•* ."^ • b
20 • •• ' »• • •>•

30 —•————] "1* • ' ]"
40 B+C


FIG 4b Distribution of Caesium Radioisotopes in soil profiles.
It can be assumed that the first population was formed, similarly as over the area of Koszalin
voyevodship as the result of fallout of the radioactive dust migrating in high strata of atmosphere
while the second as the result of radioactive fallout of dust migrating from the Chernobyl area in low
atmospheric strata.

Distribution Cs concentration over the area of Ostroleka and Opole voyevodships are strongly
disturbed, bimodal and are showing strong positive skewness (Fig. 3.E and F).

The 3-4 kBq/m2 class is dominating over the area of the 2 mentioned voyevodships. Population of
average Cs concentration equal to 20 kBq/m2 is observed from the area of Ostroleka and Opole
voyevodships and additional small population of average value dose to 84 kBq/m2 is observed from
the territory of Opole voyevodship. Distribution of frequency of above population is not well
determined and it can be supposed, that it was formed as the result of rain fall containing radioactive
dust. Their concentration and distribution is depending from intensity of the rain fall.


Studies have been carried in the area of Opole anomaly — 12 profiles and 2 profiles in E
Poland (Milejczyce village). Besides one, all profiles were running across meadows and forests in the
soil cover not disturbed with agricultural activities. All the profiles (Figs 4a and 4b) are showing the
presence of 90 % of Cs isotopes in the near-surface 5-10 cm zone, despite 8 year period from the
date of Cs deposition. Cs concentration is dropping with the depth and below the humus zone Cs is
found only in trace amounts. No correlation is observed between Cs and morphogenetic type of soil
and its granulometric composition. Analysis of correlation indicator showed that pH H2O and pH in
KCI are showing negative correlation while significant correlation was observed between 137Cs and
CS content and organic carbon and humus content. The above high contents with small volumes
of silty-fractions are the main factors deciding on sorption capacity of the soil, showing significant
correlation with Cs. The above indicates the presence of adsorption process and immobilization of
considerable amount of Cs with humus and organic carbon. Only small part of Cs is transported into
deeper parts of the soil profile, most probably due to process of mechanical transportation by for
example migrating surface waters.

Sample collected from the uppermost 25 cm zone of the cropland is showing Cs concentration
of 400 Bq/kg. No Cs was found deeper what indicates mechanical mixing in the uppermost zone and
absence of geochemical migration.


Cs concentration studies carried by Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection for

vegetables, fruits, mushrooms in the period of 1986-1994 showed the highest Cs concentration in
mushrooms (Xerocomus badius) equal to 374 Bq/kg, average for the 1994, in blueberries — average
value for 1994-37 Bq/kg. The above values are average for the territory of the whole country and
can be not considered as average values for the anomalous areas.

Cs concentrations from samples collected from grass meadows (Poa pratensis, Festuca rubra,
Dactylis glomarata, Holocus lanatus, Deshapsia caespitosa) in November 1994 has been determined
from 11 samples and showed varying concentration of 137Cs from 14.8 to 2170 Bq/kg and 134CS from
0.6 to 77.8 Bq/kg. Generally relation between intensity of Cs concentration in soils and its
concentrations in the vegetation cover can be observed but due to small number of samples difference
of bioaccumulation by different plant species is difficult to determine.


Intensity of pollution of the territory of Poland with post-Chernobyl Cs isotopes is smaller

than supposed after preliminary studies. Over 90% of the territory Cs concentration is not higher than
8 kBq/m2. Concentration above 37 kBq/m2 has been recognized only on the surface of 700 km2. In
the soil profiles 8 years after the accident 90% of Cs is found in the uppermost 10 cm of the soil. The
migration is very slow and most probably related to mechanical transportation by precipitation waters.
Type of the soil and its granulometric composition does not impact the Cs distribution. Correlation
between Cs organic carbon and sorption volume has been recognized. Small geochemical migration
of Cs eliminates possibility of pollution of underground waters while possibility of Cs bioaccumulation
in plants with small roots is possible. Preliminary samples collected from grasses showed Cs
concentration up to 2170 Bq/kg. Further biogeochemistry studies will be conducted in order to
determine intensity of Cs bioaccumulation in different plants.


Spectrometric Survey for Radioecological Mapping in Poland", Application of uranium
exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827,
IAEA,Vienna (1995).
[2] STRZELECKI, R., WOLKOWICZ, S., LEWANDOWSKI, P., Radioecological Maps of
Poland, Part I (1993).

left BLANK



Commissariat a 1'Energie Atomique,
Centre d'etudes de Valduc/HELINUC,
Is/Tille, France

The French Atomic Energy Commission (C.E. A.) has developed an aerial gamma mapping system called
HELINUC. The acquisition of a gamma spectrum and at the same time the corresponding coordinates of the aircraft
is performed by the equipment aboard a light helicopter or an aeroplane. The data acquired in flight are processed
on the ground by a specialized computer data processing system. Within a few minutes the system can produce a map
with artificial colours showing the levels of natural or man-made activity and then superimpose it on a topographic
map. HELINUC can, within a few hours, elaborate a map of radioactivity of areas spread over several square
kilometres up to several tens of square kilmetres and identify the radioelements in the range from natural radioactivity
to a serious accidental situation. HELINUC has been operational for about 12 years and is part of the French nuclear
emergency preparedness in the event of a civil or military nuclear accident. In August 1995, the exercise RESUME
95 was arranged in Vesivehmaa, 150 kilometres north of Helsinki by the Nordic Nuclear Safety Project, EKO-3. The
main objective of thi$ exercise was to compare results from survey measurements from airborne, car-borne and in
situ measurements on the ground. Different areas and routes had been defined for survey purposes, and artificial point
sources had been hidden. The main results of this exercise, particularly those concerning the gamma mapping of the
area called II, contaminated by the Chenobyl's fallouts and the hidden sources are presented here. The cartography
of area II shows that the levels of 137Cs reaches 100 kBq/m2 in small spots and the average value more than
60 kBq/m2. In the research of hidden sources, we discovered a point-source of cobalt 60 the activity of which was
only 25 MBq (0.7 mCi). The results obtained with the HELINUC system during this exercise prove that the methods
using uranium exploration data and techniques are rapid, powerful and efficient techniques for measuring and
controlling the radioactivity in the environmental of industrial or nuclear sites.


The Commissariat a 1'Energie Atomique has developed an aerial gamma mapping system
called HELINUC. This system makes it possible to establish, within a few hours, a map of
radioactivity for areas (several dozen to several hundreds of hectares) by identifying the radioelements
present, in a range from level of natural radioactivity to that of man-made radioactivity resulting from
a large scale accident.

1.1. Experimental device

The helicopter borne device is composed of a Nal detector containing 16.8 litres which is
connected to a spectrometer for signal analysis, with 512 channels, ranging from 30 to 3000 keV. At
the end of sample time (1 to 3 seconds), a computer records the spectrum plus the average helicopter
position (X, Y, Z) during the measurement.

The helicopter's position (X,Y) is computed by a G.P.S. or a transponder system used in

Finland. The flight altitude is always accurately measured with a radio-altimeter.

Remarks: Since January 1996, the positioning has been achieved by a differential GPS.
The helicopter (AS-350/B1), belonging to the French company
"HELIFRANCE" came to Finland especially for the exercise.

1.2. Data collection

For a detailed site analysis, the following parameters are required: pattern size (length of
profiles and distance between profiles), altitude, flight velocity and sample time (two seconds in

1.3. Data processing

The data collected and stored on a Bernoulli disk are processed by a dedicated ground-based
computer. On the basis of the flight data records, colour maps are processed and overprinted on
topographic maps. Such maps provide, in a very short time, the positions of contaminated areas or
lost point-sources, the contamination levels and the nature of the radioelements. In the event of a
nuclear incident, this information could be handed over to competent authorities for use.


The following tasks were specified by the organisers:

• Mapping of area 2 (6 km per 3 km), localised between two villages: Vesijako and Auttoinen:
This area should be covered by 21 profiles of 6 kilometres, spacing of 150 metres.
• Mapping of area 3 (5 km per 1 km) and real time detection of hidden point sources.

Both areas had to be flown in one flight.

2.1. Hidden sources detection

During the survey of area 3,15 point sources were hidden, of different natures and activities.
Fly conditions were free but the time over the area restricted to only one hour. The detection of
"traces" averages that sources have been detected, but their contributions are too weak to conclude
about their attendance. The activity of the point source Co3 which has been detected on the road
between areas 2 and 3 was only 25 MBq. The following table (Table I) shows the detection results
for each source:


Nuclide Code Activity Results after detailed data
(mCi) processing
«>Co Col 1 yes
^Co Co2 9 traces
(strongly collimated)
"Co Co3 0.7 traces
"Co Co 1 a 2 mCi yes, detection of linearity
4a9 linear source
( ~ 200 metres)
Cs Csl 77 yes
Cs Cs2 50 no
(strongly collimated)
Cs Cs3 7.5 traces ?
Cs Cs4 14.6 traces
I 15000 yes
"Tc T 30 yes

The following figures presents some screen hard copies showing the detection of some
sources. The "Tcm source has been clearly detected on spectrum 764 by the 140 keV emission ray
(channel 25, Fig. 1).

The Cs3 and Col sources of close activities (7.5 and 7 mCi) were localised at the same place
(Fig. 2). The evolution of channel 190 (1173 keV) shows clearly the cobalt source. The attendance
of an anomaly can be seen at channel 110 (662 keV), but it is impossible to conclude about the
attendance of a caesium source because these photons should have been emitted by the cobalt source
and scattered by the atmosphere.

Co ope canal 25 Spictra paint n* TIM


7B7 0 CBSB! 255

FIG. 1. "Tcm source detection during survey of area 3.

Caupg canal (ID Spactra paint a* 2013

Cs3 Cs3




1732 ZD17 D Canal 255

Coupe canal 190


1792 2M7

FIG. 2. Cs3 and Col detection during survey of area 3.

The detection limit is function of the natural background of the spot. For a caesium source
the detection threshold was about 10 mCi on area 3, for a superficial concentration about 50 kBq/m2.
Therefore the Cs3 source was too little active for being detected with reliability. In France the 137Cs
background is about 1 to 2 kBq/m2 and the detection threshold for a source is less than 1 mCi
(40 MBq).

2.2. Isoactivity maps

2.2.7. Spectral analysis

Data processing is achieved by a new algorithm for spectral analysis, suitable AGRS
operational conditions. This algorithm can detect and calculate full absorption peaks area associated
to ground nuclides. The short sample time (2s. in Finland) and the detection altitude (about 50 m.)
generate a poor counting statistic and a low signal/noise ratio.

Classical processing software are unusable in these conditions, and a specific algorithm has
been developed by L. Guillot. The counting fluctuations are removed by the use of numerical filters
which take into account peaks characteristics (gaussian shape, variation of FWHM with energy...).
After filtering, peak detection is done by the study of first and second derivatives. Full absorption
peaks area is computed after calculation and subtraction of the background (Fig. 3).

Raw spectrum n° 130 recorded during the area 2 survey

File name fi!2 ACQ
Number of channels 512
Place Fmlande- area 2
Date 14/08/95
Time 17 26
10 Sample time (s) 2

500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Energy (k«V)


Full absorption peaks detected from the raw spectrum



S 30

S 20

1 10

500 1000 1500 2000 2500



FIG. 3. Calculation of full absorption peaks (B) by processing of a raw spectrum(A).

Nuclides are identified in a reference table. This list also contains variation laws of the
detector response with altitude, and energy to calculate activities to calculate ground contamination.
Data processing of the records produces the following results:

Area n '2: Source file: FIL2.ACQ

Sample time: 2 seconds
Number of measurements: 3100


Nuclides Energy Number of Average Experimental Statistical Average
(keV) detections activity precision precision detection
(%) (%) threshold
Pb 238 290 35 19
214p b
295 482 34 27
""Ac 338 11 32 29
214p b
352 515 36 28
Cs 662 3091 64.3 kBq/m 2
38 3 1.6 kBq/m2
Cs 795 2210 4.0 kBq/m2 36 17 0.5 kBq/m2
*>Ac 911 2147 12.0 kBq/m2 37 25 2.7 kBq/m2
1461 30% 380.1 Bq/kg 37 9 16.3 Bq/kg
Bi 1764 2826 24.9 Bq/kg 32 22 3.5 Bq/kg
232 Th
2615 3100 23.1 Bq/kg 33 17 1.4 Bq/kg

Area n '3: Source file: FIL3.ACQ

Sample time: 2 seconds
Number of measurements: 2600


Nuclides Energy Number of Average Experimental Statistical Average
(keV) detections activity precision precision detection
(%) (%) threshold
Pb 238 149 47 16
Pb 295 461 42 25
^Ac 338 187 42 26
2Up b
352 441 39 26
Cs 662 2562 51.5 kBq/m2 39 2 1.5 kBq/m2
Cs 795 1907 3.4 kBq/m 2
38 14 0.6 kBq/m2
^Ac 911 1956 8.7 kBq/m 41 22 2.3 kBq/m2
40J, 1461 2584 365.5 Bq/kg 41 7 19.2 Bq/kg
Bi 1764 2388 21.3 Bq/kg 34 22 3.7 Bq/kg
Th 2615 2590 25.4 Bq/kg 36 15 1.6 Bq/kg

Only nuclides which have peaks of energies higher than 662 keV are detected in a great
proportion of measurements. The high caesium concentration creates an important background at low
energies and the detection at these energies is disturbed.

The experimental precision of activities represents:

• Spatial variations of nuclides concentration on the area,

• Statistical fluctuations of counting (which depends on concentration).

The statistical precision represents the incertitude associated with the calculation of peaks area.
The detection threshold is computed for each nuclide and depends essentially on the scattering
background intensity.


3.1. Hidden sources

After a detailed processing of measurements, ten sources have been clearly pointed out. The
other sources were collimated or their activities were close or lower than the detection threshold of
the system because of the high level caesium background.

The trace of four other sources has also been detected with the knowledge of their positions
but their contributions are too weak to conclude about their attendance.

3.2. Radioactive fallout

Caesium fallout is always very active today. On area n'2,137Cs average concentration is about
65 kBq/m2, with some forest parts reaching 110 kBq/m2. For cultures areas or villages (Auttoinen
for example, at south-east of area n'2),137Cs contamination is between 30 and 40 kBq/m2. The
activity is approximately twice weaker in villages where the fall-out has been washed or in cultivated
areas where the soil has been turned over.

The area n'3 can be divided into two parts of different concentrations. At south-east 137Cs
concentration is comparable with area 2 (about 60 kBq/m2) and at north-west the concentration is
between 40 and 50 kBq/m2.
Cs concentration on both areas is proportional to 137Cs concentration with a ratio of about
thirty, in accordance with today's proportions of Chernobyl fallout. 134Cs maps show great variations
because of the great count rate fluctuations at these concentrations (1 a 8 kBq/m2). These fluctuations
are not significant.

3.3. Natural activity

The isoactivity maps of "°K, 214Bi et ^Th show activity levels which are comparable with
measurements recorded in France. Concentrations are rather homogeneous with some local increasing
on villages or cultures probably because there is an important attenuation by trees above forest areas.

In spite of restricting conditions (distance, reduce team, respect of time allowed), HELINUC
team have achieved all tasks defined by the organisers. This exercise, very close to an accidental
situation, has been a good test for equipment and has shown the ability of the team to operate in this

The new developments concerning spectral analysis and calibration of airborne measurements
were tested during this exercise for mapping caesium fallout and natural activity. Airborne results are
in good agreement with in situ measurements and confirms the performances of new airborne data
processing methods. For 137Cs fallout, the maximum concentration recorded reaches 100 to
110 kBq/m2 on area 2, for both airborne and in-situ measurements.

The detection of a great part of the hidden sources has confirmed the sensibility of our device
HELINUC and this exercise has confirmed the ability of airborne gamma spectrometry to evaluate

quickly man-made and natural radioactivity, and to perform lost sources searching. Our results are
in good agreement with other teams results but some differences show the necessity of an
harmonisation of processing methods.


We want to congratulate and to thank all the organisers for the remarkable arranging and
development of this exercise which has been a real evaluation of mobile radiological control means.


radiological measurements: contamination map", Recovery Operations in the Event of a
Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (Proc. Symp. Vienna, 1989), IAEA, Vienna
(1990) 347 (in French).
field test of mobile equipment for nuclear fallout monitoring, CEA/VA/HELINUC Report
(January 1996).
[3] GUILLOT, L., Ph. D. (previous 12/1996).
[4] WINKELMAN, I., BUCHRODER, H., THOMAS, M., Aerial measurements with
helicopters to determine accidental releases from nuclear facilities, IRPA9, Vienna, April 14-
[5] IAEA/MEL, A study of radioactivity in and around the lower Danube river, Contract IAEA-
FC-2-91, Monaco (1992).

left BLANK


Geological Survey of Austria,
Vienna, Austria


The Chernobyl reactor accident caused in Austria Cs-137 activities up to 180 kBq/m2. The following paper
explains how airborne NaJ-spectroscopy, originally designed for geological surveys, was used as an accurate method
to obtain the ground activity of Cs-137 in certain regions of Austria. To retrieve the net count rate in a Cs-137 window
it is necessary to subtract all background contributions from the peak, including the Compton continuum and the
contribution of overlapping peaks. Therefore the measurement of Cs-137 with a NaJ detector system must take into
account radioactive elements with gamma-ray lines near the peak energy of Cs-137 at 662 keV. In regions with higher
concentrations of the natural radioactive elements uranium and thorium a peak near 600 keV is found, containing the
609 keV line of Bi-214 and the 585 keV line of Tl-208. Additionally a Cs-134 line is located at 604 keV. Because
of the poor energy resolution of NaJ detectors it is not possible to find a clear separation between these peaks and
the Cs-137 peak. The following section describes the method that was used to obtain accurate quantified Cs-137
activity values.


Table I shows the different radioelements with gamma-ray lines near the Cs-137 peak at
662 keV.


Gamma ray energy Radioelement T1/2 Relative intensity
(keV) %
511 Tl-208 8.1
583 Tl-208 31.0
604 Cs-134 754.2 d 97.6
609 Bi-214 42.8
662 Cs-137 30 a 85.0
666 Bi-214 1.5
727 Bi-212 6.7
768 Bi-214 4.8
795 Cs-134 754.2 d 85.4

The different influences of this gamma-ray lines will be discussed and a new method will be
represented to achieve an accurate and quantitative determination of Cs-137. Figures 1 and 2 show
sample spectra measured during a calibration procedure with the Austrian calibration pads (IAEA
1989). As additional information the centroid peak energy of Cs-137 at 662 keV is shown in the
figures. From this samples it is obvious that the peak regions of Bi-214 and Tl-208 would partially
overlap with a Cs-137 peak. Cs-134 has a clear peak at 604 keV that would also overlap with the Cs-
137 peak. Fortunately, experience has shown that the ratio of Cs-134 to Cs-137 can be regarded as
constant if the duration of measurements is short compared to the half live of Cs-134. The Bi-214 line
at 666 keV will usually not lead to a peak because of its small relative intensity of only 1.5%.


0.80 —

Cs-137 centroKJ energy



0.00 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00

Energy [keV]

FIG. 1. Thorium spectrum obtained from Austrian airborne system on the thorium calibration pad
(normalized count rates); IAEA, 1989.

1 Uran


Cs-137 centroid energy



0.00 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00

Energy [keV]

FIG. 2. Uranium spectrum obtained from Austrian airborne system on the uranium calibration pad
(normalized count rates); IAEA, 1989.

Radon in air is another source of error in determining the Compton continuum in the Cs-137
window because of the overlapping 609 keV peak of Bi-214 with its high relative intensity of 42.8%.
Bi-214 count rates might origin from uranium in subsurface as well as from radon in the air, with a
different amount of absorption on the way from their source to the detector. Therefore the relation
of 609 keV to 1765 keV count rates varies with the amount of radon in the air and a reliable

calculation of the contribution of the 609 keV peak depends on a reliable radon estimation, using
either an upward looking detector or the method suggested by Minty 1992. Unfortunately the
procedure suggested by Minty using the 609 keV and the 1765 keV lines of Bi-124 cannot be applied
at the presence of Cs-137 and the use of the 1220 keV and 1760 keV Bi-214 peaks is less accurate
because the difference of the corresponding attenuation coefficients is too small. The use of upward
looking detectors might also lead to errors because they show some sensitiveness to the vertical
distribution of radon in the air.


To reduce the influence of the natural radioactive elements uranium and thorium on the Cs-
137 window a new method had to be developed. For K, U and Th-wmdows usually stripping factors
are used to determine the lower energy windows Compton background originating from higher energy
gamma-rays. We did not find this method to yield good results for low energy windows because the
stripping factors are rather high. The uncertainty of a measured count rate N is proportional to sqrt(N)
and therefore statistical variations in the high energy windows can lead to large variations in the
calculated Compton background.

So, while high count rates for the natural radioactive elements lead to overlapping peaks in
the Cs-137 window, low concentrations of natural radioelements would increase the statistical error
of a Compton background determined with stripping methods.

An alternative to the use of stripping factors is to determine the shape of the Compton
continuum by a least square fit of the entire spectrum or selected areas of the spectrum. Anyhow our
experience has shown that, if a small window is used, it is sufficient to describe the Compton
continuum with a trapezoid. The situation is shown in Fig. 3.

The start and end channels of the spectrum which determine the shape of the trapezoid were
obtained empirically from multiple spectra over different geological formations. It was proven that
the location and shape of the minima at the rising and falling flanks of the Cs-137 peak area are not
influenced by other peaks. Experience has shown that the chosen areas, shown in Table II, lead to
stable results and are therefore well suited to obtain the Compton continuum.

Bi-214, TI-208 and Cs-134 peaks

Cs-137 netto peak

Compton background

662 keV

FIG. 3 Different contributions to the background of the Cs-137 window and the Compton continuum
modelled by a trapezoid

Radionuclide _____Start Energy (keV) End Energy (keV)
Cs-137 648 732
Cs-134 744 864
U 1692 1884
Th 2448 2844
Compton Background_____________540_________________732______

Because of its relative intensity of 42.8% the dominating disturbing gamma line origins from
Bi-214 at 609 keV. The problems due to radon in the air and poor statistics have already been
mentioned above.

The only way to reduce the errors made by wrong estimated count rates due to the 609 keV
Bi-214 peak is to decrease the influence of this peak with a reasonable setting of the Cs-137 window
as far as possible off the 609 keV line. At the same time the influence of the Tl-208 and Cs-134 peaks
would be minimized too.

Choosing a Cs-137 window that does not include the peaks around 600 keV would also lead
to a lower (and better) limit of detection LLD for Cs-137, because it is proportional to sqrt(N+2B)
where B is the background count rate including all background contributions to the peak (Compton
continuum, overlapping peaks, equipment contamination) and N is the net count rate for Cs-137. On
the other hand using only a part of the Cs-137 window means a loss of counts and therefore a higher
uncertainty of the measured values.

The best compromise seemed to be to use only the high energy part of the Cs-137 peak
including of course the central energy line of 662 keV. The influence of unwanted sources of errors
is minimized, while on the other hand there is a higher statistical uncertainty in areas with low
uranium and thorium concentrations in the subsurface. A comparison in a region with low natural
radioactivity and with Cs-137 activities < 10 kBq/m2 has shown that the results using a wide and a
small peak are almost similar, especially when the measured data are filtered or interpolated onto a
grid as it is usually done for the data representation .

Table m. shows the quantitative influence of different peaks onto the chosen Cs-137 window
from 648 to 732 keV. The values are valid at ground level and were derived with the Austrian
standard calibration pads. At higher altitudes the factors would be smaller, because low energy
gamma-rays are more attenuated on their way from the ground to the detector. The very right row
in table 3 contains the ratio from the high energy count rate that can be seen in the chosen Cs-137
window. It is obvious that taking only the high energy part of the peak reduces the influence of
natural radioactive elements on the Cs-137 count rate drastically. Tl-208 could even be neglected.


Radionuclide Low energy peak High energy peak Net count Net count
found at conventionally used rate ratio rate ratio
Low/High Cs-137/High
Tl-208 583 keV (31.0%) 2615 keV (36.0%) 0.57 0.02
Cs-134 604 keV (97.6%) 796 keV (85.4%) 1.14 0.14
Bi-214 609 keV (42.8%) 1765 keV (15.9%) 1.86 0.23
666 keV( 1.49%) 0.07 0.07

The formula that was finally used for total background reduction includes the differences of
absorption in air for high and low energy peaks of the different radiolements. The used attenuation
coefficients where derived from calibration flights at low altitudes from 35 m up to 300 m above
ground. Fig. 4. shows the results for Cs-137.

At last the helicopter background was estimated by a calibration flight at high altitudes from
2000 m to 4000 m above ground and the conversion factor from cps to kBq/m2 was derived from an
intercalibration with a portable spectrometer over a homogenous contaminated area.

The formulas used for complete Cs-137 activity calculation are

N CS137 - CB - 0.23 U - 0.02 Th eH"»39*> - Rn


Cs137 [kBqlm2] = 0.48 NCsl37 e (-0.00967 h)

Cs-137 net count rate

Cs-137 total peak count rate
CB Compton background with trapezoid
U, Th net window count rates of high energy windows
Rn Radon count rate in Cs-137 window
h detector altitude in metres

The radon count rate is measured with an upward looking detector, the corresponding factors
to calculate the influence of the Bi-214 energy peak of the upward looking detector on the Cs-137
window were obtained from a calibration procedure with the uranium pad.

Cs-137 cps
400 00 ——

Altitude Correct/on

measured values

fltted curve Y=325.9"exp(-0 00295-H)

40000 60000

FIG. 4. Cs-137 attenuation coefficients obtained from calibration flight at low altitudes.

Cs-134 correction is not necessary because the peak ratios of Cs-134 to Cs-137 is thought to
be constant and therefore included in the sensitivity factor to convert the Cs-137 count rates into
activities. This assumption is of course only true if the calibration for the sensitivity factor is repeated
within a time that is short compared to the half live of Cs-134.


To test the described procedure gamma-ray data in the Hausruck area in Northern Austria
gamma ray data were made available by the Geological Survey of Austria (SEIBERL & PIRKL,
1991). The area was chosen because it shows a rather great variability in natural radioelement
concentrations. The areas of very low natural radioactivity are caused by hills of the so called
Hausruck Gravel reaching thicknesses of up to 150 m above the underlaying sediments, which show
higher activities due to minerals from the Bohemian Massif.

After background reduction the contrast of these geological structures should no longer be
visible in the Cs-137 count rates. Additionally ground measurements after the Chernobyl accident
have shown Cs-137 activities increasing from north to south (Umweltbundesamt 1996). The reason
for the gradient in the Cs-137 distribution is the varying rainfall during the pass of the radioactive
clouds. The rain clouds coming from the North were partly stopped by the high mountains of the
northern side of the Alps, causing more intensive rain with decreasing distance to the alps.

Figs 5 and 6 show the uranium and thorium plot of the Hausruck area, clearly indicating the
hills of Hausruck Gravel.

Fig. 7 shows a plot of the background radiation obtained with the described method. Because
of Comtpon scattering from uranium and thorium into the Cs-137 window the geological structures
are visible in this background plot. Finally the Cs-137 activity plot is shown in Fig. 8. The result
shows very good agreement with ground measurements (Umweltbundesamt 1996). The rather rough
anomaly pattern of the uranium plot cannot be found anymore in the Cs-137 plot. This is an evidence
that it was possible to eliminate the influence of the Bi-214 peak from the Cs-137 peak.


Because the influence of the overlapping peaks is minimized by using just the high energy part
of the Cs-137 peak, the described method will lead to reliable results, even if a calibration to obtain
the influence of the Tl-208 and Bi-214 peaks or radon measurement is not applied.

In addition it is not necessary to process a calibration to obtain Compton stripping factors if

a trapezoid is used to estimate the Compton background in the Cs-137 window. Of course this method
will only lead to reliable results if no peaks are influencing the areas of the spectrum that are used
to determine the shape of the trapezoid. Although usually a lot of radioelements are found in a
spectrum during the first time after a nuclear accident, there influence on the Cs-137 peak can be
neglected after several weeks because almost all of them have very short half live tune.

The results in certain areas of Austria proof that the described method is easy to apply and
represents a reliable procedure to achieve good quantitative results for Cs-137 activity distribution
from airborne gamma-ray measurements.

Geological Survey of Austria

Hausruck 1990

FIG. 5. Uranium plot of the Hausruck area.

Geological Survey of Austria

Hausruck 1990

FIG. 6. Thorium plot of the Hausruck area.

Geological Survey of Austria

Hausruck 1990
160 00
150 00
140 00
130 00
110 00
100 00
90 00
80 00
70 00
60 00

Scale 1100000

FIG. 7. Plot of the background radiation obtained with the described method.
Geological Survey of Austria

Haus ruck 1990




40 00

35 00

30 00

25 00

20 00

15 00

MO 00

Scale 1100000

FIG. 8. Cs-137 activity plot.


INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Construction and Use of Calibration Facilities

for Radiometric Field Equipment, Technical Reports Series No. 309, IAEA, Vienna (1989).

MINTY, B.R.S., Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometric Background Estimation Using Full Spectrum
Analysis, Geophysics 57/2, Tulsa (1992) 279-287.

SEBBERL, W., PIRKL, H., Aerogeophysikalische Vermessung imRaumHausruck, Proj.Ber. UELG-

20/90-l,Geol.B.-A., Wien (1991) (in German).

UMWELTBUNDESAMT, Casiumbelastung der Boden Osterreichs, Monographien Band 60, Wien

(1996) (in German).

left BLANK


Office de protection centre les rayonnements ionisants,
Le Vesinet, France
Josef Stefan Institute,
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Bessines sur Gartempe, France


We describe a new method based on differential gamma spectrometry for on site determination of some of
the parameters which are relevant for the production of radon 222 in soil gas and its transfer from soil to indoor and
outdoor atmospheres. This method is investigated in the context of a 3-year Slovenian-French cooperation programme,
the PROTEUS project. We are currently using a germanium detector of 100 cm3. The height of the 20° collimated
detector above the soil surface is from 1.5 to 3 m when using a tripod. This arrangement provides results which are
representative of soil areas ranging from 1 to 4 square metres. Routine measurements would require larger detector
volumes. The main objective is to provide technology and methodology for an efficient mapping of zones with
potential for being the source of a high level of indoor radon, eliminating the need for soil sampling followed by
laboratory analysis. The feasibility of an airborne mapping laboratory flying at low altitude will be investigated.
Another objective is the rapid measurement of radon profiles across covers used to reduce exhalation rates from the
surface of a pile of tailings, with characterisation of the influence of humidity content of the top layer. Airborne
survey would allow for measuring exhalations from surfaces of slurries not otherwise accessible.


We have identified two requirements for the measurement of radon in the environment which
appear to us to be poorly covered by current methods.

1.1. Requirements for mapping zones of high radon risk in premises

The Office de Protection contre les Rayonnements Ionisants (OPRI: the French Radiological
Protection Board) is a technical organisation set up two years ago under the Ministry of Health and
the Ministry of Labour. OPRI's sphere of competence includes the exposure of the general population
to ionising radiation of natural origin. The increase in these inescapable exposures of natural origin
may be caused by industrial practices, lifestyles or the type of dwelling. The management of such
humanly created increases in exposure to radiation of natural origin is a matter of paramount
importance to OPRI.

With the prospect of new European Union directives on radiological protection coming into
force in the near future, OPRI is at the stage of developing a strategy for identifying, monitoring and
decontaminating premises used professionally in which workers would be exposed to significant radon
levels. The annual effective dose equivalent for a worker exposed for 2000 hours to a radon
222 volume activity of 1500 Bq nr3 is of the order of 10 mSv.

The health risks associated with the exposure of the population in premises used as dwellings
are certainly not lower than those which will have to be managed within the rules laid down for
workers. The annual effective dose equivalent for a person exposed for 7000 hours to a radon 222
volume activity of 600 Bq nv3 is of the order of 10 mSv. For the sake of consistency, OPRI thus
envisages extending the strategy of radon risk management to all buildings in France. For some very
good reasons, the French health authorities have not so far been very active in the management of
potential health risks associated with high exposures to radon 222 of domestic origin.

The envisaged strategy is based on a set of laws which have existed in public health
regulations since 1971, and which aim at eliminating insalubrious dwellings. A new criterion of
insalubrity would be introduced into a list already containing 12 such criteria. The dwelling would
be declared insalubrious when the mean concentration of daughter products of radon 222 in living
rooms exceeds a statutory limit. The latent defect in such a dwelling would then be brought to light,
and it could no longer be sold without prior decontamination.

The value of the statutory limit is planned to be quite high (of the order of 1000 Bq m~3), so
that the proportion of buildings concerned is statistically an anomalous fraction of them. The levels
of concentration of domestic radon in a given region are generally distributed in a lognormal fashion,
the median being of the order of 50 Bq m'3, and the geometrical standard deviation being 2. The
fraction with levels above the limit is therefore not part of the general distribution. Maps currently
available that show the distribution of exposure levels in the French departements [1] describe only
the general distribution and do not allow this anomalous fraction to be geographically located with
sufficient precision, since there are not enough measurements. In the proposed strategy, it is
envisaged that the mechanism for declaring insalubrity would be initiated only in a limited number
of communes: those with the highest probability of finding insalubrious dwellings. From the
information provided by France's neighbours and from our own results, this probability could be
significantly greater than 1% in some communes with unfavourable geology.

With the proposed statutory limit, the only mechanism that could lead to insalubrity in the
legal sense would be an intake of radon through the aspiration of air from the soil due to a reduction
of pressure indoors. It is known that this mechanism occurs only for certain combinations of radon
222 concentration in the porous volume and the permeability of the soil under the foundations.
Various indices for characterising the soil according to its propensity to release radon have been
proposed using these two quantities. The parameters underlying them are those dependent on the
geology and the properties of the local soil.

Other mechanisms not related to the soil under dwellings, such as radon from walls or from
the water in showers, would not be sufficient to cause the 1000 Bq m"3 limit to be exceeded. It is
therefore quite possible to produce maps showing the radon potential of the soil. Such maps would
be useful for the management of both professional risk and domestic risk. The production of such
maps on a regional and then on a cadastral scale is a major feature of the strategy envisaged in
France. A map (not generally distributed) of the radon potential on a scale of about 1/1 000 000 and
with a 500 m x 500 m grid, mainly concerning land with crystalline geology, has been produced for
the Ministry of the Environment by BRGM [2].

A similar analysis has been carried out for Slovenia by the Josef Stefan Institute hi Ljubljana
(JSF) [3]. Maps of uranium and thorium concentrations in the soil based on radiometric and
geochemical measurements in Slovenia have been drawn up for Slovenia by the Ljubljana Institute
for Geological Research [4].

The production of maps showing the "potential radon risk" forms part of the proposals
recommended by ICRP Publication no 65. This recommendation is now applied in several countries
and many papers have been published on it. We quote here a leaflet intended to inform the general
public in the USA [5], which includes a selection of US publications.

1.2. Requirements for evaluating surface emissions of radon 222 from mines

Modelling the atmospheric transfer of the radon 222 emitted by radium-bearing surface
deposits is an essential step in evaluating the environmental radiological impact of projected mine
workings and that of mines not covered by an appropriate monitoring network. This exercise has been
carried out by JSF for the Zirovski mine in Slovenia [6, 7].

The ALGADE company, a service subsidiary of COGEMA, specialises in the radiological

monitoring of uranium ore workings, and is developing a numerical 3D program simulating the
transfer of radon 222 for complex mountainous terrain. This development has revealed the need for
the precise measurement of the global emission of radon from the surface of radium-bearing tailings
piles: the sampling procedure and the measuring equipment must lead to an accuracy in the value of
the "source" terms matching the sophistication of the numerical simulation.



2.1. In maps showing the potential radon risk in dwellings

The production of maps showing the propensity of the soil to release large quantities of radon
222 into houses depends on the procedures used for marking out the grid and on the measurement of
a certain number of soil parameters, either on site or on soil samples in the laboratory. In the US
Department of Commerce document [8], which we have used as a reference, these parameters are
identified and some observational techniques, procedures and methods of measurement are described.

We should point out that the cost of producing these maps is proportional to the fineness of
the grid used for them. Moreover, the area of soil covered by each measurement is very much less
than a square metre. As soon as the surface geology and the soil characteristics are variable,
therefore, it seems to us a risky undertaking to guarantee that the map will be a good representation
at an appropriate scale, with not too expensive a grid and with measurements made on relatively small
areas of the mapped region.

The geostatistical problems encountered in producing potential radon maps of the soil have
been studied in the case of the English Midlands [9]. The variogram drawn up using the method of
regionalised variables [10] for measurements of radon concentration of the soil with a 10 m grid over
distances from 10 to 10 000 m is one characterised by the "pure nugget" effect. In other words, no
spatial dependency occurs for measurements made over distances greater than 10 m.

The result of a measurement is valid for the point at which the measurement is made and for
a surrounding region with a diameter significantly less than 10 m. Standard kriging methods could
therefore not be applied to such terrain.

Evidently, to have a radon map that is representative and not too expensive to produce is not
an easily obtainable objective.

As a result, we considered using on-site gamma spectrometry. With a 20° collimated detector
at the top of a mast 3 metres above the soil, the area sampled is 3 m2, at 10 m it is 37 m2, on a
helicopter at 25 m it is 230 m2. This is the ground area of a dwelling.

A review of the methodological and practical aspects of on-site high resolution gamma
spectrometry was carried out by the Environmental Measurement Laboratory of the US DOE in 1994

The conclusion of this article supports the expectations of our Franco-Slovene team that on-
site gamma spectrometry will overcome the problems of cost and of the statistical representativeness
of the ground measurements required to produce a map and isointensity curves for the potential soil
radon. The article specifies that, for differential measurements of the intensities of the gamma lines
from emitters in the uranium chain for soils with a mean terrestrial background level, a Ge detector
of large volume and with an efficiency greater than 75 % would produce results in a counting time
of less than 30 minutes. A measurement can be made in a few minutes with a relatively small detector
if the soil activity is greater than 1 Bq g"1.



This is a matter of calculating the total emission by integrating the results of measurements
of the surface radon flux, using a representative grid, made in less than a day or, more precisely,
within a period of stable weather conditions.

The current method is based on measurements of diffusive radon flux by plenum chambers
covering at most a few tenths of a m2 over a grid which in practice cannot be smaller than the 20 m
x 20 m grid. The question arises of how statistically representative this is.

In addition, the method does not provide a result with a sufficiently short time constant,
bearing in mind the time variations of the flux if the weather is changeable.

Above all, however, it assumes that it is at least possible to go on foot over the surface of the
deposit. Now it is impossible to set foot on wet tailings without getting stuck in them. As a result,
the method cannot be used in many cases. The need for a method of measurement that could be
operated from a helicopter thus becomes evident.

The problems of the cost of the determination of the source term and the statistically
representative nature of the measurements here again justify the interest in on-site spectrometry.
Moreover, the inaccessibility of the surface of muddy piles of fine tailings necessitates the use of an
airborne laboratory, and high resolution gamma spectrometry has been tried and tested for such use.
In France, the helicopter method (Helinuc system) has been developed mainly at the Commissariat
a 1'Energie Atomique (CEA, Centre d'etudes de Valduc, 21120 Is/Tille, France) with a view to the
recovery of small radioactive sources. An application of this system to post-accident gamma
cartography is described in [12].


The Franco-Slovene programme (the PROTEUS project on the characterisation of the

propensity of soils to produce radon 222 anomalies in dwellings) was planned to last for three years
and started at the end of 1994. We now describe the progress made in the work.

3.1. Theoretical aspects

Fig. 1 illustrates the principle of the spectrometric method of measuring the rate at which
radon 222 is produced in the porous volume of soils and its diffusive transfer to the atmosphere. The
theoretical aspects of the method are dealt with in Annex 1. It is shown that, with an appropriate
processing of the line spectrum of gamma emitters in the uranium chain, it is possible to obtain
independently the activity of radon 226 per unit of mass (Bq g'1) , the emanation coefficient of radon
222 and the product of its diffusional relaxation length (m) in the porous volume and the soil density
(g cm"3). The diffusive flux is deduced from this. The theory assumes that the soil properties are

uniform over the volume of soil measured by the detector. The radon diffuses into the porous volume
vertically (one-dimensional assumption). Annex 1 also deals with the measurement of the flux emitted
by the covers on radium-bearing tailings piles. Theoretical support for the processing of the data
provided by the measurements on calibration blocks using 20° collimated detectors and for the
laboratory validation of the method is also described.

3.2. Programmes of measurement

3.2.1. Procedures

Some of the measurements were made in France on the crystalline terrain of Limousin and
in Slovenia on sedimentary land and on piles of mine tailings1 or fly ash.

20° collimated detectors of relatively small volume were used (an Ortec HPGe detector with
a height of 49.8 mm and a diameter of 53.7 mm with 17% efficiency, and a Canberra HPGe detector
with a height of 55.2 mm and a diameter of 54 mm with 36% efficiency). The detector was placed
on a mast 3 m above ground level.

Measurements were also made on calibration blocks. Four cylindrical blocks of diameter
48 cm and heights of 7 cm, 22 cm, 35 cm and 63 cm were made from metal drums fitted with a
watertight cover and a device for scavenging the porous volume. These heights cover the absorption
lengths of the gamma lines used. The height of 63 cm is of the same order of magnitude as the
expected value of the radon relaxation length. The drums were filled with finely crushed uranium ore.

When the covers are closed, and after radioactive equilibrium has been established between
the radon and its daughter products, intensity measurements on the various gamma lines give the
output from the collimated detector as a function of the energy of the chosen lines. The Ra^ line at
186.2 keV and that of Pa1"^ at 1001 keV serve as references for the other lines, using the known
uranium concentration of the ore for verification.

When the covers are withdrawn, and after establishing the profile of the radon diffusion, new
measurements lead to the calculation of the emanation coefficient and the relaxation length. The ore
in place has quite a low saturation level of less than 30% in the porous volume. The air in the porous
volume is then scavenged. The ratio of the gamma lines of the daughter products of radon to those
of the radium provides a new measurement of the emanation coefficient.

If necessary, these blocks could be used to produce experimental values of the gamma photon
absorption coefficient for samples of soils forming the basis of a gamma spectral mapping.

3.2.2. Results

The ground results are currently being analysed, as are those relating to the calibration blocks.

The method is illustrated using the results obtained on the piles of tailings from the treatment
of uranium ore from the Zirovski mine (BORST site) in Slovenia. The results presented in Annex 2
are those provided by the CARTOGER procedure from processing raw spectrometric data in Excel 5.

We should like to thank the management of Rudnik Zirovski Vrh who kindly allowed us access to their


A great deal of work remains to be done in analysing the ground measurements already made
and those now being made. The possibility of taking into account the saturation levels of the water
in the porous volume of the soil and its spectrometric determination is still to be studied.

Sy (photon cm"3 s"1)

Ddartfised at I
radium 226}

FIG. 1. Strength of emission Sv of g photons of radium 226, of lead 214 and of bismuth 214 as a
function of soil depth z.


The proposed method undoubtedly has potential applications, but we still have to define its
limitations, the conditions under which it can be used and its cost. As regards characterising the
propensity of the soil to produce radon 222 anomalies in premises, the method should be able to
provide the intensity of the production of radon in the porous volume and characterise its diffusion
to the soil-atmosphere interface. On the other hand, the method does not seem capable of providing
a characterisation of the soil permeability, which is the other factor involved in the problem of
domestic radon anomalies. As regards the measurement of flux at the surface of covered or uncovered
waste dumps, the method should lead to a good characterisation of the exhalation flux, which is of
diffusive origin.


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(1990) 347.


Theoretical Aspects

Auffargis, France




We describe a method of distance measuring the flux of radon 222 at the soil-atmosphere
interfaces, based on the use of a high resolution gamma spectograph. This method only functions for
diffusive flux. The radon atoms are transported under the effect of a gradient of the concentration of
the radon atoms in the pore spaces of the soil in the vicinity of its interface with the atmosphere. The
gas which fills the pore spaces is itself at rest, there is no convective flux. The method uses the values
of the intensities of the gamma radiation emitted during the radioactive decay of radium 226, parent
of radon 222, and of two of its short-lived daughter products, bismuth 214 and lead 214.

According to the energy of the different radiations, the measurement takes into account the
varying thicknesses of the soil. Since we know the characteristics of the soil for the absorption of
gamma radiation, we can deduce the value of the parameters which come into the calculation of the
diffusive exhalation flux, with a hypothesis of the uniformity of the physical properties of the soil.


This method is based on the measurement of the intensity of the radiation of the gamma
emitters in the U 238 chain of the soil obtained by a high resolution spectrometer. Exploitable gamma
emitters are to be found in table I.

We can distinguish the peak Ra 226 + U 238 at 184.08 KeV on the one hand, and all the
peaks of the daughter products Pb 214 and Bi 214 of Rn 222 on the other hand. That is 70 the
photons of the first peak and 7, those of the daughter products.

The number of photons per second received by a detector in a peak i coming from the layer
of soil between z and z + dz is:

i H'
dd = ccflir x Afr x Ri x e dz x yj x f (HD, E, z)xQx

H7, : Length of attenuation in the soil for 7i (cm)

" 0.693
If x' is the distance where half the photons have interacted ;

Ara : Soil activity concentration of Ra 226 per unit of volume (Bq.m"3)

f, : Number of photons per desintegration of emitter i
Ri : Efficiency of the detector for 7i

Table 1
List of the exploitable gamma emitters of the uranium 238 chain.
From A. Canet and R. Jacquemin, Methods for measuring radium isotopes : Gamma spectrometry. AIEA - TRS No. 310, The Environmental
Behaviour of radium, Vol. 1, Chap. 3-4

Emitters Lines Emission Remarks

(keV) fi (%)

Ra226 186.2 3.3 Interference with the line 385.7 keV of U235, emission of 2.5 % ', try to use the line
1001.03 keV of Pam 234 to calculate the concentration of U238, then of U 235.
There is no equilibrium between U 238 and Ra 226 in the soil.
Pb214 242.0 7.4
295.2 18.7
351.9 35.8 Interference with the line 351.0 keV of Bi 21 1, its contribution may be calculated
from line 270 keV of Ra 223.
Bi214 609 45 Reference line for the measurement of Ra 226, after placing at equilibrium.

1120 14.9
1764 16.07 Reduction in the effectiveness of the detectors.
2448 1.57

The value 2.5 % takes into account the isotopic composition or natural uranium, 99.28 % of U 238 and 0.72 % of U 235.

fl : Solid non-collimated angle
ff : Surface of the detector
f (HD, E, z) : A function which takes into account the disappearance of radon 222
by emanation and diffusion (description of the divergence at the
equilibrium between Ran 222 and Ra 226 in the vicinity of the soil)
HD, E : Length of diffusional relaxation of radon in the pore space and
emanation factor of radon
a^ : Attenuation in the air over the soil-detector surface

For the peak of radon 226, we have :

0 HT
dCo = a^. x Ajfr x Ri x e dz x f0

We suppose that the radium concentration is uniform ;

We have :

Ci = f" dCi for the peak i


Co = f dCi for the peak readium 226


With the help of measurements carried out on a large enough number of peaks, we can, with
a hypothesis on the form of the function f(H D , E, z), determine the parameters HDand E, taking into
account the lengths of attenuation for the peaks considered.


A soil includes heterogeneities of a more or less random nature, large stones, roots, tunnels
dug by burrowing animals. If we place ourselves on a large enough scale, the three-dimensional
aspect introduced by these heterogeneities finishes by disappearing.

We can then consider that the physical properties of the soil depend only on the depth z.
Pedologists differentiate in a soil several types of "horizons", or layers parallel to the surface, situated
between the surface and the non-modified rock situated at the base of the soil, called "horizon R".
These layers, horizons A, B, C, and their subdivisions, are of variable importance depending on the
type of soil. Briefly, the A layers, the most superficial, contain a notable proportion of organic matter
and are impoverished in clays. The C layers, above the horizon R, correspond to the alteration of the
subjacent rock, but the constituents do not derive from the pedogenetic processes which individualise
the horizons above. The B layers make the transition between the A layers and the C layers, and are
richer in clay. Organic matter and clays are capable of absorbing radon and slowing its migration.

If the physical properties of the soil according to these different horizons are known according
to depth, we may establish the equations which describe at each depth z the emanation of radon and
its diffusion in the pore space. We may deduce from that the concentration profile N(z) in radon and
therefore the flux according to the equation :


0 : exhalation flux, atom.m^.s"1

e : porosity
D : coefficient of diffusion in the pore space, m2.s"'
T : torruousness, to take into account the lengthening of the migration lines
in relation to the vertical
N(z) : concentration of the atom radon 222 in the pore space

If the soil is an artificial soil placed as a cover over a stock of solid radium-containing
residues, we know the physical properties and the thickness of the layers making it up, we know how
to calculate N(z) and therefore the flux according to equation (1).

In what follows, we suppose, both as an example and as a first approximation, that the
properties of the soil are uniform. In particular, that the activity concentration of radium 226 A^e
(Bq.nr3), porosity , the coefficient of diffusion D and torruousness T are constant.

In the pore space, diffusion is described by :

V^-W+EA,. /e=0 (2)

T dz *"

We calculate that the concentration profile is described by :

A/(z) =A/.(l-e^)

The flux being equivalent to :

E X H (4)
4>« = ^226 * D


ftf»r = ————
atome.m -3

\V2= the decay constant of radon 222, 2,1 x lO'6 s4

——, length of relaxation (m)


This formula is valid for a stock of non-covered uranium milling wastes.

If the wastes are covered, we may consider that, in the pore space of the covering, atoms of
radon 222 coming from the wastes are far more numerous than those emanating from the traces of
radium 226 in the materials opf the covering.

In the covering, the equation (2) is reduced then to :

=0 (2bis)
T dz2

The solution is of the form :

N(z) = N* h z/HD, N* being a value of the concentration such that the continuity of the real flux of
radon be ensured at the interface waste-covering z = He, that is the continuity of :

(equation 1)

The indices R and C designating the waste and the covering, we



- . C
— (from equation 2)
NR(z) = N oo- (Nm -N*) e

Nc = N* Sh —^— (from equation 2bis)



that is:

e* HDR (^- - ^*) = e

c -^DC ^* CA

H (6)


We shall use the following gamma lines:

the line of Ra 226, at 186.2 keV. In the vicinity, we also find the line of U 235.

the lines of Pb 214 and Bi 214, those that provide the most easily readable peaks being those
of Pb 214 at 242 keV, 295.2 keV, and 351.9 keV, and those of Bi 214 at 609 keV, 1120
keV, 1764 keV and 2448 keV.

According to the hypotheses above, we know that:

A.Ra226 not depend on z and is equivalent to zero in a covering ;

e, HD, E, are constants specific to the soil ;

N" is a constant specific to the respective thickness of the stocks and the covering and of
their physical properties.

The emission constants f0, f, of the gamma lines of the radium 226, bismuth 214 and lead 214
emitters are to be found in Standards (see Table I).

In the case of soils or non-covered stocks, the activity concentrations of radon and its daughter
products in the pore space on the one hand, in the mineral space on the other, are at equilibrium. The
activity concentration of radon is evaluated in relation to the activity concentration of radium by :

AZE = A^ x f (z, E,

f(z,E,HD) = (1 - E + \1 - e H<


In the case of a covering, the activity concentrations of radon and its descendants are at
equilibrium and are given by :

= A.222 N(z) = \^ AT* Sh-1- (6bis)

We are in fact neglecting the radium 226 activity of the materials of the covering.

The number of disintegrations per second and per unit of volume of each emitter is, by
definition, equal to its activity concentration.

The number of photons per disintegration, according to the different energies, fj is provided
in Table I.


The flux of gamma photons 4> (number of photons per cm2 and per second) received by a
target at a point P situated at a distance R from a source S (photon s'), is such that
4 TI R2

Let us consider a detector situated at P at a distance a from the soil. Either all the emitters
of the annulus dV situated at the distance R from P between the depths z and z + dz and of rays
between r and r + dr, or between R sm 6 and R (sin 0 + d0) (see Fig 1)

The volume of this element is (2 x R sin 6) (R d ) dR, with

cos 9* cos 6'

cos 6

That is S'v, the number of photons of energy i emitted per unit of volume and per second in
the plane z

The flux of photons received at P, coming from dV is, according to (7), and neglecting air
gamma absorbtion:

. _
<t>- = -Ji. sine dQdz (8)
2 cosO


H.onzontal section at elevation z

FIG 1 Diagram showing integration of the flux of photons received by the detector

Here we have introduced the term :

cos 8

which represents the fraction of photons reamining in the direct flux between dV and P after
passing through the thickness:
cos 9
in the soil.

Us, characterises the soil's properties of absorption for the photons of energy and the quantity :

represents the fraction of photons which have undergone an interaction with the matter and
which have left their initial path.

Moreover, is equivalent to A^ fi, A^ being provided according to z by equations (6) or

(6b), fi emission constant.

As far as radium 226 is concerned, which has only one line which is can be exploited, at 186
keV, it will be given the exponent or the index zero.

We have

A.2X does not depend on z.

The values of fo and of the fi's for the most easily exploitable lines of bismuth 214 and lead
214 are given in Table I.

We can write then, according to the problem,

In the case of soils and non-covered wastes (6)

~* dQ dz
cos Q

In the case of a covering (6bis)

N- n z_}^ sine a^dQdz (8bis)

iDy cose
N* is given by (5).

For the photons from radium 226, we have :

2 cos 0

We suppose that the gamma photons coming from wastes are absorbed in the covering if there
is one d2 <A° is then of no use.

5.1. Radium 226 gammas

The equation (8ter) is immediately integrated, the limits of integration being, for z, zero and
infinite, and for 6, 0 and 0,, 0, being the collimating angle of the receiver (opening 2 0,).

Let us integrate d2 <t>° at z then at 6.

This gives rise to :

= r d2 <|>« = i s i n 6 dQ
*** (9)
= f"' d 4>' = ™&.(\ - cose,)
J O r\_ 0

We note that 0° is independant of the distance a. For a small enough 0,,

•o 226f°a2
<P = ————61
4 tf

In so far as the distance a is over 10m (spectograph on board an aircraft), we must however
take account of the absorption of the photons by the molecules of the air, characterised by, for the
photons of radium 226. We have :

4,0 =

If 0! is small enough, we have, to within the second order in 6 :

Q, = 226f° e i g -(n>) (9ter)
4 \JLS°

We can see that half the photons of the line 200 keV is absorbed over 25 metres and half the
photons of the line 2,5 MeV is absorbed over 110 metres.

5.2. Bismuth 214 and lead 214 gammas, on a stock of covered waste

We obtain :

/.o COS0
o COS0
dQ dz

The first integral is equivalent to

sin 6 dQ

The second integral is equivalent, putting down :

Z = X
cos0 Hr

sin 6 dQ
cos 0
J o
sin 6 dQ
cos 6
cos e

From which, for d 01 :

sin 6
cos 0

From which for

re d
J 0

*' = d - cos (£ u; log

COS i' H

If 0] is small enough, we may write, to within the second order :

A 9
., 226 fi 1

5.3. Coverings

We suppose that the ground noise due to the radium 226 of the covering is negligible.

Equation (8bis) gives, by integrating only over the thickness of the covering for the ranges
of Bi 214 and Pb 214, which correspond to the radon 222 of the wastes which have diffused into the
covering :

A.222 N* fi Q .Hc -v-f-

-e "* e dQ dz
cos e
cos 6 o

There are no difficulties in the calculation of the two integrals, but the expression obtained
for is less concise after integration than after, and we did not carry it out.


6.1. Soils and non-covered wastes

The method leads to the calculation of the exhalation flux of radon 222.

The spectograph gives, after taking into account the Ri and Ro detection efficiency for the
energies of index i and zero, the counting rates C1 and C/ which are in the ratio :

fo Ro Hr

We introduce :

which are lengths such that after having covered them, the direct flux of photons is divided
by e = 2.718. By covering 0.693 H7 the flux is divided by 2.

We write, supposing that 0, is small enough :

£L fi Ri h
C° fo Ro H°

Let us introduce the soil mass absorbtion coefficient <7Tl (cm2 g). p\ is given by the product
OT, x psoil , p^ being the soil mass density (g cm'3). The software associated with the spectrograph
allows us to introduce, on lign, the parameters fi, Ri, fo, Ro so that we obtain directly the ratio :

A, _ C> I f i R i =
1- (10)
C° I fo Ro

In this formula, E and the product (pMa x HD ) are the two unknown quantities to be
determined, the CTT] being given by Standards, see for instance British Standards Institution, B. S. 4094
Part 1, 1966.

By exploiting the various peaks i, we obtain i equations of type (10) for the two unknowns
which allows us, by using an appropriate process, to improve the precision of their calculations.

Moreover, the spectograph gives, as an absolute value, after taking into account f0 and the
detection efficiency for the peak Ro, the quantity :

(1 - cos 6,)

We deduce A1"^ , which is the soil activity concentration per unit of mass (Bq g'1), by:

A226 . --.....
" ~ i - cos e,
which, associated to p^ HD and to E, allows us to calculate, according to (4), the flux of
radon 222 by

<k = A226 xExHD=A£6xEx (Pwa H) dD

Construction of a calculation chart to determine E and HD (assuming p^ = 7.56 g cm'3)

Let us consider, among all the possible lines, the 2 lines :

7l : Pb 214 : 242 keV

78 : Bi 214 : 2448 keV

with as a reference 70 : Ra 226 : 186 keV.

In Table II we give the mass absorption coefficients for these 3 lines, and we calculated the
corresponding H/ values assuming p^ = 1.56 g cm'3.

With the enclosed calculation graph, Figure 2, we obtain values of HD and E corresponding
to a given couple of A1 and A8 , according to equation (10) and the values of Table 2 for the Hr

The calculations are made with p^ — 1,56 g.cm"3 , which is obtained in a standard soil with
porosity 0.4.

To be noted is that the subsequent calculation of the radon 222 flux is not dependant of the
here assumed value for pMi, that is p^ = 1,56 g.cm"3, as indicated by equation (11).

6.2. Coverings

We are dealing with the case of the single layer covering with uniform properties.

What we are looking for here is the value HDC, which characterises the covering. The factor





0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1.2

A1 (Line 242 Line 186)
E0: 186 keV
E,: 238 keV
E8 2448 keV
The 7 Hd values in this graph are: 5 cm; 10 cm; 20 cm; 30 cm; 50 cm; 75 cm; 100 cm.

FIG. 2. Chart for determination of E and HD using the 7 most exploitable gamma emitters and
assuming psoil= 1.56g.cm'3.


of reduction of the flux of radon is approximately equal to

Supposing that cos Bl = 1 et sin 0t == 0,, we have from (8bis)

2 2 o

The ratios are are functions of HDC tabulatable according to Hc ^, p>. The
measurement of anyone of these by the spectograph allows us to calculate HDC, knowing Hc, /xs', jtsj.

We can then calculate N*. We deduce from that the exhalation flux of radon by

At the same time we have a value close to the coefficient of reduction of the flux due to the covering,
that is

6.3. Calibration pads

These pads are made up of a cylindrical bed of ore in the form of a homogenous powder of
thickness Hp with a measured uniform density pnua , the length of diffusional relaxation being HDP.
The bottom section of the pad is seen under the angle 0! by the detector placed in the axis of the

The concentration profile of radon 222 is obtained by the resolution of equation (2). We

(z) = 1-

which allows us to respect
N(Q)=Oet\—£\ =0

We have (see above),

1- £———2L

H Dp

S1 = Fi A•222

2 cos6

e1 a, Ch-
H- sine
l-E———SL e'^ dZ
o o cos e
H Dp J

2 JQ J cos 6

From these countings on the radium line, we obtain (see above) the value of A^ (or of A1

From the 7 ratios up to (see Table II), we may then determine
E and HDP for the ore.

Moreover, the experimental set-up allows :

either the scanning of the pore space of the bed by fresh air, which gives :

Am = A^(l - E)

over all the thickness of the bed, and allows for an independant determination of E,

or the putting into place of an airtight lid which gives, when the radioactive equilibrium
between radium 226 and radon 222 is obtained,

which comes down to considering E = 0.

We have then :
e H
*.-j«-f// A^ftf)

!2 * /• sin 9
cos 6
cos 6
dQ dz

The ratios obtained are leading to the experimental determination of the values of n* and
therefore of the products ffTi x pmm

Table 2
Values of HY for the 7 most easily exploitable gamma emitters, assuming psoi| = 1.56 g.cm*3

N° of line Emitter Energy (keV) CTT (g cm' ) HY (cm)

0 Ra226 186 0,134 4,78
i Pb214 242 0,120 5,36
2 Pb214 295 0,109 5,38
3 Pb214 352 0,098 6,54
4 BI214 609 0,083 7,72
5(1) Pam 234 1001 0,067 9,57
6 BJ214 1120 0,062 10,33
7 B1214 1764 0,050 12,82
8 B1214 2448 0,040 16,03
This line is not used for E and HD determination but for checking the U 238 concentration.

Programmes of Ground Measurements: Application of the

CARTOGER procedure to the Treatment of Results
Obtained at the BORST Site in Slovenia

Geological Survey Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Institute of Occupational Safety, 61000 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia

Algade, R & D Dept., Bessines sur Gartempe, France

Office de Protection contre les Rayonnements lonisants, Le Vesinet, France

We illustrate the application of the theory of measuring diffusive radon 222 flux in Annex 1
by presenting the results obtained on the pile of tailings remaining from the treatment of ores at the
Zirovski Vrh mine in Slovenia. At the time when the measurements were made, the tailings had not
been covered. The specific activity of the radium 226 expected from the tailings was of the order of
10 Bq g"1. This relatively high value for the specific activity compensated for the relatively small
volume of the detector. The assumptions that the medium has uniform properties and that the radon
diffusion is a one-dimensional process are acceptable for this type of deposit.

The spectral data provided by spectrometry are processed using the CARTOGER procedure,
which is an application of the theory given in Annex 1 and which runs in Excel 5 on a portable

The characteristics of the gamma lines involved and of the detector (geometry, efficiency)
together with the mass absorption cross-section of the soil aTi for the ith gamma line are introduced
using data from the table in Plate 1.

The calculated values of the specific activity (Bq/g) for the 8 gamma lines used appear in
Plate 2.

The specific activities of radium 226 and uranium 238 are derived from measurements on
lines of energy 185.7 keV and 1001 keV. We find:

Specific activity of radium 226 AmRa = 12.34 Bq/g

Activity of uranium 238 A^ = 0.41 Bq/g

The efficiency of the plant's extraction treatment calculated from this is 97%.

These results, altrough optimistic as far as the plant's efficiency is concerned, are not in
conflict with the data from the operator.

The values of the apparent specific activity for the different gamma lines emitted by the
daughter products of radon 222 are plotted in the graph of Plate 2. These activities show a shortfall
in activity compared with that of radium 226. This is explained by the fact that a fraction of the radon
222 has emanated from the solid phase and diffused towards the atmosphere. We introduce the ratio
U, between the activity of line i time aTl and the activity of line 0 relative to radium 226 time a^. For
the line with the lowest energy, the spectrometric examination concerns only a layer of the tailings
with a thickness of the order of a few cm. To a first approximation, the ratio U, for this line is
(1 - E). As the energy of the gamma lines used increases, regions at increasing depths are probed.
The concentration of radon 222 and therefore that of its daughter products increase in the porous

The concentration profile is characterised by an exponential law whose characteristic length

is the diffusional relaxation length for radon 222. This length can be obtained from the rate at which
the apparent specific activities increase with energy, knowing the soil density.

More precisely, the theory presented in Annex 1 showed that, with the assumptions made,
U, is given by:

U, = 1 - EX/a/a-n + X)

where X = pM11HD (g/cm2), p^ (pwaste in fact for this measurement) is the apparent density
of the waste in situ, and HD is the relaxation length.

Having selected 6 lines relating to the daughter products of radon 222 for this analysis, we
have 6 values of U, for the two unknowns X and E. This overdetermination can be used to improve
the accuracy of the results.

In the CARTOGER procedure, we note that the 5 ratios (l-U.VOU,) involve only the
unknown X. Using tables providing values of <TT, for the minerals in the tailings in question, we can
establish the law governing the variation of these ratios with the photon energy 7,.

A least squares method is applied to find the value of X that minimises the difference between
the theoretical and measured profiles. This is illustrated by Plates 3 and 4. For the measurements
made at Borst, this gives X = 35 g/cm2. If we take pvnsxc = 1.56 g/cm3, which corresponds to tailings
with a 40% porosity, we deduce that HD = 22.4 cm. This is a very likely value for wet tailings.

Having found the best value for X, we now have to find the best value for E. We have 6
determinations. A least squares method is once again used and gives E = 0.58 (see Plate 5). Such
values have been measured in the tailings from the processing of ore.

The radon 222 exhalation rate can then be calculated. It is:

A"^ x E x (pwaaeHD) (atom s'1 cm'2)

We thus have FR^ = 12.34 x 0.58 x 35 = 251 x 104 atoms per sec per m2, or a radon
222 activity flux of 5.27 Bq s'1 nr2.

Figure A. 2.1 can be used to compare the measured values of U, with those obtained
theoretically for the above values adopted for X and E.


Activity of radium 226 12.34 Bq/g

Activity of uranium 238 0.41 Bq/g
X = Pwaac X HD 35 g/cm2
Relaxation length 22.4 cm (for pwa = 1.56 g/cm3)
Emanation coefficient E 0.58
Radon 222 activity flux 5.27 Bq s-' nr2

A 1:123 Plate 1

Procedure Cartoger
Treatment of soil measurements
Input data in italics

Surface of detector (cm1) 22,65

Angle teta (°) radian 0,349
(1 - cos(teta)) 0,0602
Density (g/cm3)
Data Gamma emission Efficiency Absorb ti on 1,56
c 2 j
N of Line Energy (keV) f, Ri (ajusted) on (g/cm ) 1 /OT, (cm /g) Depth H, (cm)

0 185,7 0,033 0,972 0,134 7,46 4,78

1 238 0,074 0,855 0,120 8,36 5,36
2 295,4 0,19 0,715 0,109 9,17 5,88
3 352 0,3586 0,58 0,098 10,20 6,54
4 609,4 0,45 0,342 0,083 12,04 7,72
5 1001 0,015 0,21 0,067 14,93 9,57
6 1120,4 0,148 0,189 0,062 16,12 10,33
7 1764,7 0,166 0,118 0,050 20,00 12,82
8 2448 0,02 not used 0,040 25,00 16,03

J1:R47 Plate 2

Procedure Cartoger Site: BORST

Counting rates in italics Date: June 1995
Calculation of specific activities Identification: 001
X = p. H0 (g/cm )
Ui = 1 - E X/d/aTi+X)
Measurements Calculation " " '

SITE: | [source | [A™^/! 2 OT.)]X U, Figure 1

BORST Counting (VIR, f, dO) (AVI 2 P. "TI)] x Ui Am» x U,
N°o f Line cps cps/cm* photon/I* cm1) Bq/cm1 Bq/g
3 2.015 0,089 radium 226 46,04 46,04 12.34 <U, = 1)
1 2,37 0,105 27,45 27,45 6,57
2 5,677 0,251 30.62 30,62 6.68
3 9,844 0,435 34,68 34,68 6,80
t* 8,868 0,392 42,23 42,23 7,01
5 O.O13 0,001 uranium 238 3,02 3,02 0,41 (U, = 1)
5 2,252 0,099 59,00 59,00 7.32
7 1,995 0.088 74,64 74,64 7,46

Mass activrtyof radium 226

AmR.IBq/g) 12,34
Mass activit6 of uranium 238

Amu (Bq/Bl 0,41

Uranium extraction efficiency
% 97
Figure 1

Calculated activities according to energy

1 . \

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Enargy (k«V)

U1.-AI31 Plate 3

Procedure Cartoger
Finding X optimal value in view of the 5 values for 8/8 1
Ui = 1 - EX/(1/<rTi+X) j
I 2 unknowns, E and X (g/cm*) 1 Date: june 1995
1 j f\f\-t
X - M.lll PY/M/»T,, +•Y\ Identification:

from measures 8|-EX/(1/tJTi + X) Try for X

U, 1 -U, 32 33 34 35 36
Mesure k«V 5, 8,/8, Si/Si Calculated with OT ajusted
1 0 0 186 0 measured 32 33 34 35 36
0,532 0.468 1 242 0,46771456 1 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000
0,541 0,459 2 295,4 0.45888932 0,981 0,980 0.981 0.9810.982 0,982
0,551 0.449 3 352 0,44876916 0,959 0.956 0,957 0,958 0,959 0,960
0,569 0,431 4 609,4 O.43146012 O.922 0,916 0,918 0,920 0.922 0.923
1 0 6 1 1 20,4 0,407 0,870 0,860 O.863 0,866 0,868 0.871
0,593 0,407 7 1764.7 0.395 0,845 0,839 0,842 0,845 0,848 0.851
0,605 0,395
Squares of differences measured and theoretical values
Try for X
X fg/oin') 32 33 34 35 36

2/1 0.00000 0,00000 0,00000 0,00000 O.OOOOO

3/1 O.OOO01 0,00000 0,00000 o.ooooo 0,00000

4/1 0.00004 0,00002 0,00001 0,00000 0,00000

6/1 0,00009 0,00004 0,00001 0,00000 0,00000
Optimal X value 7/1 0,00003 0,00001 o.ooooo 0,00001 0.00004
35 g/cm2 r 0,00017 0,00007 0,00002 0,00001 0,00005
Plate 4


Procedure Cartoger Date: June 1995

Looking for the optimal E value Identification: 001
X optimal: 35 g/cm
optimal X «ec irdlng to U, valua*

iTry lor E 0,4 0,5 0,55 0,56 0.6 0,«5 |

X optimal 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Calculating: EX/(1«n»X)
Try (or E 0,4 0,5 0,55 0,58 0,8 0,65
1 0,324 0,405 0,446 0.470 0,487 0.527
2 0,319 0,398 0,438 0,462 0.478 0,518
3 0,314 0.392 0.431 O.45S 0,471 0,510
4 0,297 0,371 0.4O9 O.431 0,448 0.483
6 0.278 0,348 0,380 0,401 0,415 0,449
7 0,280 0,324 0,357 0,378 0.389 0,422

Calculated values
Try for E
MwtlHicnion En«rgy Measures 0,4 O.5 0,55 0,58 0.6 0,85
1 238 0,488 0,324 0.4OS 0,446 0,470 0,487 O.527

2 295,4 0,459 0,319 0,398 0,438 0,462 0,478 0,518

3 352 0.449 0,314 0,392 0,431 0,455 0.471 0,510

4 809,4 0,431 0.297 0,371 0,409 0,431 0,446 0,483

8 1120,4 0,407 0,278 0,346 0,380 0,4010,415 0.449
7 1784,7 0,395 0,280 0.324 0,357 0,376 0,389 0,422

Squares of differences measured and theoretical values

Try for E
IdvnlrficBiion 0,4 0,5 0,55 O,58 O,6 0,65

1 0.0206 0,0039 O.OOO5 O.OOOO O.OO04 O.OO35

2 0.0197 0.0037 O.OOO4 O.OOOO O.OOO4 O.OO35
3 0,0182 0,0032 O.OOO3 O.OOOO O.OOO5 O.OO37
4 0.0180 0,0036 O.OOO5 O.OOOO O.OOO2 O.O026
6 0.0170 0,0037 O.OOO7 O.OOOO 0.0001 0.0018
7 0.0184 0,0050 0.0015 0,0003 0,0000 0,0007
£ 0,1118 0,0231 O.OO39 O.OOO4 O.OO15 O.O159

Optimal E

left BLANK


Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Menai, Australia


The paper presents a review of principles and operational parameters of the latest instrumental development
in sensitive and high sensitive radon detectors at Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO).
The focus is on advances in measurement technology of radon concentration in air and radon flux density. Two areas
in which ANSTO is actively involved are discussed. The first area concerns radon in air monitoring at Cape Grim
Baseline Air Pollution Station. Results recorded at the Station with a supersensitive radon detector characterised by
lower limit of detection down to few mBq m"3 with time resolution better dian 90 minutes are presented to illustrate
importance of the technique in global monitoring of airborne pollution. The second area concerns estimates of radon
and dioron fluxes from large geographical areas. This is illustrated by results obtained during an Australia-wide
survey of radon fluxes and from thoron flux measurements around the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. The radon
flux estimates from Australia come from a coarse net of spot measurements combined with data from aerial gamma
surveys. It is argued that as radon global flux and air concentration estimates improve, the data will provide
progressively more stringent tests of global air transport models.


It is now widely accepted that anthropogenic atmospheric pollution is strongly linked with global
climate change. There are limits to the amount of pollution which can be injected into the atmosphere
without causing climate change or serious deterioration of the human environment. It is therefore very
important to know how much of what gases can be safely injected into the atmosphere. A precise
answer to this question is of major economic and political significance. An essential component of
the answer comes from air transport modelling. With modern computers one can take any available
pressure, temperature, wind speed and direction, and other data to estimate air transport with a
horizontal resolution of the order of a hundred kilometres, and vertical resolution better than a
thousand meters.

Despite these achievements the problem of the models' accuracy and precision needs to be
addressed at each new step in improvement. Inevitably, a question arises of an independent validation
of the atmospheric transport models.

One way to monitor polluting gases on the global scale is to establish a set of baseline air
monitoring stations. This is done to monitor pollution far away from its source. In such a way
background changes in concentration of polluting gases are recorded and the data can be compared
with predictions calculated by models. Transport and dispersion components of global models can be
verified using suitable tracers. Radon is a naturally available tracer which can be successfully used
for verification of transport models. Radon can also be used in establishing the baseline condition.
Measurements of radon concentration in baseline air impose very demanding requirements on
instrumentation. A description of the latest in the series in radon detectors for baseline research
deployed by ANSTO will be given in Section 2.

Section 3 will elaborate on two related problems concerning the mapping of the distant and
local radon source. The distant radon source term is a crucial parameter in global transport models.

In this context, it will be demonstrated how one can use radon flux measurements and radiometric
data to evaluate average fluxes from large continental areas. A detailed mapping of the local radon
and thoron source term is valuable as a quantitative measure in evaluation of both local and distant
air analysed at a baseline air monitoring station.


Figure 1 shows locations where ANSTO radon detectors have been deployed. At the moment
ANSTO records radon in three baseline stations. The first one is located at Cape Grim in the north-
western Tasmania, the second station is at Macquarie Island, and the third radon detector is installed
at the Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO) in Hawaii. The map shows other places where ANSTO
supplied radon detectors and run radon projects together with other organizations.

2.1. Validation of global atmospheric transport models based on radon concentration


Imagine a distant continent which is a source of pollution (and also a source of radon) and
a small island away from major pollution sources where a baseline pollution station is located
(Fig. 2). Once radon is injected to the atmosphere on the continent it might travel over the ocean and
be detected on the island. While over the ocean, there will be no further radon injection since the flux
from the ocean is about two orders of magnitude smaller than that from land. Because of radon half-
life there is no radon build-up in the atmosphere. On the other hand, the half-life is long enough to
allow radon to move over large distances. Also, being a noble gas, radon does not interact chemically
with other species. These features make radon a very good tracer [1]. In fact, there is no other tracer
as good as radon for global transport on a time scale of a week, except for gases released in
occasional special events such a volcanic eruption.

Overall characteristics of radon concentrations in baseline air, such as the range and rate of
change following the change in meteorological conditions do not differ much in baseline air from
station to station. Results will be given of observations at Cape Grim baseline pollution station. The
definitions of wind sectors at the station are given in Fig. 3: the baseline sector with westerly winds
coming from the Southern Ocean, the Tasmanian Sector covering the island of Tasmania and the
Australian Sector where most pollution comes from. Melbourne is about 500 km to the north.

A typical weekly data sheet is shown in Fig. 4. Important meteorological data are at the top.
They include wind speed and sector. The sector indicators are given by letters T, A and B, for
Tasmanian, Australian (continental) and Tasmanian wind sectors, respectively. Radon concentrations
are shown at the bottom. All data points are hourly averages. Such weekly data sheets are used for
quality control. Ozone and condensation nuclei (CN) concentrations are usually included since they
provide further useful information. There are two observations to be made here. First, the radon
range is from few tens of mBq m~3 to few Bq m~3. Second, the time scale at which meteorological
conditions can cause significant changes in radon concentration is an hour. This is well illustrated in
an event at the beginning of day 106, when a relatively brief period of the change in wind direction
from Baseline to Tasmanian resulted in about 5 times higher radon concentrations. Both the radon
range and expected rate of change impose demanding conditions on radon detection.

2.2. Radon as a baseline criterion

Baseline atmospheric observations aim at monitoring long term trends in concentrations of

trace constituents of the atmosphere. It is very important to distinguish between air masses which are

C^ £1 ^<f"

X 1%


Mauna Loa

iLucas Heights
Cape Grim •«
Macquarie Is. •

FIG. 1. Deployment ofANSTO's baseline radon detectors.

Cape Grim 90,o



FIG. 2. Radon in boundary layer, sources and sinks.

Sea Land
Flux (mBq m'V ) 0.16 20
Concentration (Bq m ) 0.1 10

radon radioactive decay

FIG. 3. Sector definition at Cape Grim.

Wind speed (km h'1) Wind sector .

Ozone (ppbv)




Rn (mBq m"3)


102 9
i i

105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112

Day of year 1990

FIG. 4. Typical weekly data recorded at Cape Grim.

baseline from those which have been subject to recent pollution. This requirement is very important,
especially for those analytical methods which rely on long sampling periods or when air is collected
for archiving purposes.

Table I shows a list of measurable quantities which are the most generally applicable as
baseline selection criteria because of the reliability and low cost of the instruments involved and the
ease of interpretation of the data.


Criterion Distance of pollution source from sampling point (km) Timing

<10 10-1000 >1000 1 minute
Wind direction yes yes no 1 minute
Condensation yes yes no 1 minute
Nuclei (CN)
Lead-212 yes yes no 1 hour
Radon-222 no yes yes 1 hour
Air Trajectories yes yes yes hours-days

Radon concentration is the only practicable baseline criterion for air parcels coming from
distances over 1000 km. In fact, because of the negligible radon flux from the ocean and 3.8 days
radon half-life, the low radon signal always indicates that the sampled air parcel has not been with
a significant contact with land for two-to three weeks. This can correspond to distances far exceeding
1000 km distance which is the limit for other baseline criteria. It might be argued that for distances
lower than 1000 km the wind direction can be a universal baseline criterion. Some case studies
revealed, though, that it is radon rather than the wind direction which provides a better criterion for
the baseline condition at such distances [2]. The radon baseline threshold can be easily established by
examining a sufficient amount of hourly observations. In case of Cape Grim it is equal to
100 mBq m"3.

2.3. Principles and practice of radon detection in baseline air

The principle of operation of ANSTO's high-sensitivity radon detector is based on two filter
detector: air is drawn continuously through one filter which removes all radon and thoron decay
products (daughters), then through a delay chamber in which some daughters are produced [3].
Finally air passes through a second filter which collects the daughters at a rate proportional to the
radon and thoron concentration. The larger the delay chamber volume, the more sensitive the detector
will be since more daughters are formed in the chamber. Unfortunately, there are some difficulties
when one attempts to scale-up the instrument. A major challenge in the design of high sensitive two
filter detectors is to prevent the daughters from being plated out on the walls of the delay chamber.

Most two filter detectors use a high flow rate to ensure that the air passes from the inlet to
the outlet filters in a time short compared to the mean plate-out time. In a detector with a volume of
one or two cubic metres, the plate-out time is a few minutes. This means that flow rates of about a
cubic metre per minute are necessary. As a result, pumping power and the second filter are have to
be unacceptably large.

One can solve this problem by injecting and maintaining a constant concentration of sub-
micron particles in the delay chamber [4]. With particles in the chamber, the daughters become
attached to the particles, which have a mean plate-out time of many hours in delay chambers of a
volume greater than about 2 m3. This solution delivers excellent results as far as lower limit of
detection is concerned but it requires a certain level of maintenance and too high a standard of
housing to work unattended at remote sites.

A new ANSTO detector design addresses the above problem by introducing a division of the
air flow into the low rate external and high rate internal components and the use of the wire screens

as the second filter [5]. The first measure separates the function of supplying filtered air to the
detector from that of preventing plate-out of daughters. The former needs only a low flow rate. The
latter requires very high flow rate.

The second measure utilizes the high diffusivity of radon or thoron daughters. Inside the delay
chamber there are no aerosols, so the daughters remain as either atoms or small clusters of atoms no
more than a few manometers in diameter. Therefore a wire screen is able to remove the daughters
with high efficiency and very low flow impedance. Since the major power consumption in these
detectors is by the air pump, use of screens makes it possible to dramatically reduce system power

Figure 5 illustrates schematically the principle of operation of this new dual flow loop two
filter radon detector. The low flow loop takes ambient air through a delay volume to remove thoron
and a first filter into the delay chamber. The high flow loop circulates air within the chamber forcing
the air to go through a wire screen which acts as the second filter. The screen is mounted as close
as possible to a scintillator which emits flashes of light when hit by alpha particles from the decay
of the trapped daughters. Also indicated in the figure is a diffuser fitted across the chamber at the
outlet of the internal blower. The diffuser makes airflow in the chamber close to laminar thus
preventing excessive plate-out of daughters. The ratio of the internal to external flow rates is about
6 to 1.

The lower limit of detection of a 750 L detector is about 30 mBq m~ 3 . The detector can be
a cost-effective basis for a global network of high sensitivity radon detectors.

Signal to data logger Air inlet

Photomultiplier mesh wire
ZnS screen screen

Large volume Delay

delay chamber to remove
\ thoron

Air flow filter


Internal flow External flow

loop blower loop blower

FIG. 5. Diagram of dual loop radon detector.


3.1. Radon global source

Figure 6 shows an example of a simulation of radon concentration in air using a global

atmospheric transport model. The radon data were in 1990 at Macquarie Island (solid line) using an
ANSTO radon detector. The simulation (dashed line), based on a global air transport model, have
been performed by Michel Ramonet of CNRS, France.

Although there is a measure of agreement between the experiment and calculations, there is
a number of discrepancies, too. One reason for the discrepancies may be uncertainties in the radon
source term. In the calculations shown, it has been assumed that all land emanates radon at the rate
of 1 atom cm"2 s"1 (approximately 21 mBq m~2 s"1). The assumption is an obvious simplification.
An improved estimate of radon flux from every 5 x 40° grid has been done for Australia.

Australia has a good regional radon flux survey [6] and an extensive aerial gamma survey.
Figure 7 shows a summary of the flux survey. In the figure some arrows are reduced to dots. This
is a consequence of the radon scale (0 to 50 mBq m~2 s"1). Results obtained around uranium mines
have not been included in the figure. Rectangular grids indicate areas where airborne gamma data
and/or radon flux measurements are available. A simple procedure was adopted to find the average
radon flux from spot flux measurements and aerial gamma surveys (Fig. 8). The first step was to
select maps covering an area of 100 x 120 km for which both radon fluxes and airborne gamma data
were available. A relationship was found between the two by selecting six points from each gamma
map according to a strict rule, so the selections were unbiased. The six values were averaged to give
an estimate of the average gamma count which was converted to a map average radon flux. The maps
were then matched as well as possible to the 5 x 4 ° grid, and grid averages obtained.

/ i
Experiment i i
800 - - - - - Model


c 400
K 200

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Hour of July 1990

FIG. 6. Radon concentrations at Maquarie Island in July 1990; experiment and model calculations.





FIG. 7. Radon flux measurements in Australia.



Aerial gamma contours ycount

and radon flux measurements

Generate average flux for map

Extrapolate from map averages
to 5°x 4° grid
Pick 6 points by rule to obtain an
unbiassed average gamma count for map

FIG. 8. Procedure for finding map average radon flux from spot flux measurements and airborne
gamma survey.

The results of the flux evaluation procedure is shown in Fig. 9. The grids shown are the same
as in Fig. 7. The top number in a cell is derived from spot radon measurements and the bottom from
airborne gamma data. The two values, when both are available for a cell, agree quite well. It is also
clear that the 1 atom cm"2 s~l assumption is very inaccurate even on the 5 x 4 ° grid basis. From
the bottom half of Australia, the average is 1.1, but for the upper, northern half it is 1.8. The whole
data set gives 1.4 atom cm"2 s"1. The extrapolation procedure can be improved in many ways starting
with the use of more representative averages from digital airborne gamma maps.

. , . , , , , , , , , , . . . . .
-12 -

Flux average from spot measurements

Flux average from gamma maps

110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155

FIG. 9. Average radon fluxes from 5° x 4° grid boxes (one atom cm2 s~' corresponds to about
21 mBq m~2 s~').

3.2. Fast measurements of radon environmental fluxes

A radon flux survey aimed at covering large, frequently remote areas needs specific
instrumentation. The main requirement, besides the lower limit of detection matching expected flux
levels, is an adequate sampling frequency.

Figure 10 shows the essential features of a fast radon and thoron emanometer used in the
survey summarized in Fig. 7. The principle of operation of the emanometer is as follows [7]. At the
start of the measurement the accumulation chamber (A) is placed over the ground. Air is drawn from
the chamber into the first scintillation cell (SCI) which records counts from both radon and thoron.
From here, the air passes via a 6 minute delay tube in which 99% of the thoron decays, into the
second cell (SC2) which records essentially counts from radon. The computer controlling the device
stores the counts and resets the counts each 6 minutes. After 3-4 counting cycles it switches the inlet
of the scintillation cells to ambient air. There is a small fan to ensure that thoron is well mixed in the
emanometer chamber.

inlet t2
(ambient air) -^
S C I -^ Delay line -^ SC2

Zj •t


FIG. 10. Diagram of fast radon and thoron emanometer.

In practice, one can perform one measurement per hour providing that the next destination
is within 30 minutes drive from the previous one. Table II shows the emanometer's sensitivity and
Table HI its lower limit of detection. It is clear that the 24 min count is adequate for a fast and
precise evaluation of most naturally occurring radon and thoron fluxes. The sampling frequency per
day of field work is typically less or equal to 10 sites, depending on site preparation time and distance
between adjacent sites.

3.3. Local radon and thoron sources

Pb-212 is a decay product of thoron (Rn-220) which, like Rn-222, emanates from all land
surfaces. Thoron is inert, but its very short half life of 55.6 s prevents it from being used as a tracer
of air masses over distances more than a kilometre. Pb-212, with a half life of 10.64 h, can become
attached to aerosol particles, and remain in air less than about 1000 km away from the thoron's
source. The tracer would detect periods when air samples have been influenced by passage close to
Hawaiian land. This complements radon measurements which do not distinguish between local and
distant land contact.

In baseline air monitoring stations located at island or coastal sites with continental land
masses being away more than 1000 km, only air trajectories close to local land will contain lead-212.
The baseline air pollution station at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii is an example of such a
station [8].

Meteorological data will indicate that an air parcel has approached local land, but lead-212
may gives a quantitative measure of the degree of contact. This can be done providing that a detailed
mapping of the local thoron source is available. Two conditions have to be fulfilled. First, thoron
fluxes are to be measured over as wide a range of soils as possible. Second, a selection of sites has
to take into account all major air trajectories over Hawaiian land to the MLO.

A survey aimed at measuring the thoron source term to evaluate the use of Pb-212 as an
atmospheric tracer was done on Hawaii. Figure lla shows the measurement sites and the height
contours. Fig.lib includes average rainfall isopleths and the measured thoron fluxes which are
quantified by a subdivision into values below and above 300 mBq m"2 s~'.A detailed discussion [9]
of the survey reveals that the observed fluxes are strongly dependent on rainfall, soil depth, soil


Flux sensitivity (counts/mBq m~2 s-1)

24 min count 60 min count 180 min count
Radon Thoron Radon Thoron Radon Thoron
8 0.8 39 2.1 188 6.5

.... «30 INCHES/YEAR






1000tt CONTOURS • thoron > 300 mBq m !s '
- - 5000 ft CONTOURS - • thoron <300
60 40 20 0 60 40 20 0
LONGITUDE 155°W + minutes LONGITUDE 155°W + minutes

FIG. 11. Map of Hawaii showing thoron flux, measurement sites.

particle size and land use. While the soil depth and particle size are not greatly different between the
east and west sides of the island, the rainfall is much greater on the east side, resulting in distinctively
different average fluxes. The estimated average fluxes from the dry western side of the island were
a factor 5 higher than those from the wet eastern side.

3.4 High sensitivity thoron emanometer

Most of the thoron fluxes shown in Fig. 11 were determined by the fast emanometer described
above. Fluxes from barren lava, ranging from 5 to 50 mBq m~2 s"1, located above and immediately
below the MLO were measured with a high sensitivity thoron emanometer which was assembled
specifically for the survey [5,8] The principle of operation is shown in Fig. 12. A large sampling
area was obtained by taking a 2.7 x 3m tarpaulin and spacing the central 6 m2 a distance of 9 cm
from the ground with rows of plastic cups. Air from the centre of the chamber was drawn at
400 L/min through a filter to a 400 L delay chamber where about half of the thoron decayed. The
resulting lead-212 was collected on a nylon mesh.

Delay chamber, 400 L
Nylon mesh Pleated membrane
second filter absolute filter

Return air to
four corners of
inner tarpaulin

Flow meter

1 kg sand bag
Plastic cup

FIG. 12. High sensitivity thoron emanometer.

Air from the delay chamber was recycled to the four corners of the chamber. The
concentration of thoron in the volume under the tarpaulin is inversely proportional to the height of
the spacers. It is therefore possible to improve the sensitivity of the measurement by lowering the
spacing as far as possible. On the other hand, the accuracy of the measurement is dependent on how
well the volume is defined. On rough ground, a height greater than the roughness is needed. It is
clear that at least some constructional parameters depend strongly on measurement sites.

Calibration of the instrument was performed by making side-by-side measurements with the
fast emanometer which resulted in an agreement within 30% of a calculated value. It was estimated
that the high sensitivity emanometer was able to detect thoron flux down to 1 mBq m -22 s-.-1



Lower level of detection (mBq m~2 s"1)

24 min count 60 min count 180 min count
Radon Thoron Radon Thoron Radon Thoron
4.0 40 1.0 20 0.35 10


Radon-222 and lead-212 recorded at baseline air monitoring stations are effective indicators
of contact of the air with distant and local land, respectively. Radon-222 concentrations measured at
baseline stations can be modelled using global atmospheric transport codes. Hence the radon record
enables an independent validation of global atmospheric transport models. The validation can be done
for the response of the models to radon concentration changes on time scales as short as 1 hour. The
use of radon as a tracer requires a better knowledge of the radon global source term if such
comparisons are to become more precise.

It is possible to construct a map of radon flux averages from large land masses based on radon
flux spot measurements and airborne gamma maps. Unique radon instrumentation had to be developed
to measure baseline radon concentrations and radon and thoron fluxes to meet the requirements for
the lower limit of detection and response in time.


[1] POLIAN, G., LAMBERT, G., ARDOUIN, B., JEGOU, A., Long-range transport of
continental radon in subantarctic and antarctic areas, Tellus 38B (1986) 178-189.
radon at Cape Grim: A study of their interdependence, in Baseline Atmospheric Program
(Australia) 1992, eds. Francey, R. J., Chad, A.L, Derek, N., Bureau of Meteorology in
cooperation with CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Melbourne (1996) 30-37.
[3] Thomas, J.W., LeClare, P.C., A study of the two-filter method for radon-222, Health
Physics 18(1970) 113-122.
[4] WHITTLESTONE, S., ZAHOROWSKI, W., The Cape Grim huge radon detector, in
Baseline Atmospheric Program (Australia) 1992, eds. Dick, A.L. and Eraser, P.J., Bureau
of Meteorology in cooperation with CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Melbourne
(1995) 26-30.
[5] WHITTLESTONE, S., ZAHOROWSKI, W., WASIOLEK, P., High sensitivity two filter
radon/ thoron detectors with a wire or nylon screen as the second filter, ANSTO/E718 (1994)
[6] SCHERY, S.D., WHITTLESTONE, S., HART, K.P., HILL, S.E., The flux of radon and
thoron from Australian soils, J. Geophys. Res. 94 (1989) 8567-8576.
[7] ZAHOROWSKI, W., WHITTLESTONE, S., A fast portable emanometer for field
measurement of radon and thoron flux, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 1996, in press.
[8] Whittlestone, S., Schery, S.D., Li, Y., Thoron and radon fluxes from the island of Hawaii,
J.Geophys.Res-Atmos. 101 (1996) 14787-14794.
[9] SCHERY, S.D., WHITTLESTONE, S., LI, Y., Pb-212 as a tracer for local influence on air
samples at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, J.Geophys.Res-Atmos. 101 (1996)


Swedish Radiation Protection Institute,
Geological Survey of Sweden,

The domestic use of water with elevated radon concentration may represent a public health hazard, partly
due to the release of radon to the indoor air, but also due to the radiation dose caused by radon and its progeny upon
intake. While only a limited number of countries have implemented regulations with respect to radon in water, many
more are considering doing so. The compulsory limits proposed by Swedish authorities are 100 Bq/1 for public water,
while water from private wells is not to exceed 1000 Bq/1. Furthermore, it is recommended that water with a radon
content above 500 Bq/1 should not be given to children under five years of age. In Sweden, the estimated number of
wells with radon levels above 1000 Bq/1 exceeds 10 000, with a considerable amount in excess of 10 000 Bq/1. The
highest radon concentration in a well supplying drinking water encountered so far is 57 000 Bq/1. Radon levels
exceeding 500 Bq/1 are almost exclusively found in wells drilled into bedrock and in springs with intramontaneous
water. Elevated ground water radon levels require that the water has passed through bedrock with elevated
concentration of uranium, or through fractures with coatings of minerals containing enhanced concentrations of
radium-226. Intramontaneous water from areas with uranium-bearing rock types (e.g. uranium-rich granites,
pegmatites and vulcanites) often manifests elevated radon levels. The implementation of compulsory radon limits has
led to a demand from Society regarding regional information on ground water radon risk. Routines for the
establishment of risk maps focusing on water are currently under development. The backbone of the process is the
access to high spatial resolution radiometric information together with bedrock and soil information on a detailed scale
(1:50 000). This information is available from the Geological Survey of Sweden, which is routinely carrying out
airborne measurements at an altitude of 30 m and a line spacing of 200 m. While some 60% of Sweden is covered
up to now, 75% is expected to be covered within the next ten years. Moreover, an increasing part of Sweden is
covered by digital geologic information on an appropriate scale. Other available databases utilized in the risk mapping
process include radon measurements in wells, geochemical data from ground- and biogeochemical sampling, ground
radiometric measurements on outcrops and soils, and the information gathered during the former Swedish programme
for uranium resource evaluation.


Radon in water may be a cause of cancer. Given the radon concentrations normally found in
ground water, health risks are small. However, the radon dose may be important if ground water
containing a high concentration of radon is consumed by infants and young children regularly as
drinking water or if radon gas is released into an indoor environment. Elevated radon concentrations
in ground water are most common in areas where the crystalline bedrock contains elevated
concentrations of uranium. Geological, geophysical and geochemical data from uranium exploration
and other surveys of natural radiation are used to indicate and delimit areas of varying risk of elevated
radon concentration in ground water in Sweden. This information is utilised by local authorities in
an effort to discover which wells may have unsuitably high radon concentrations.


Radon in water may constitute a health risk, partly due to inhalation of the radon gas released
from water and partly due to ingestion of the water. When water containing radon is used, 10-90%
of the radon is released into the air. The release is greater the more the water is atomised, processed

or heated. For example, showering causes the release of 50-70% of the radon in water [1]. If the
release occurs indoors and the water radon concentration is elevated, the radon concentration in the
indoor air could be high. How high depends upon the water's radon concentration, how much water
is used and how the water is used. In Sweden, a very rough rule of thumb is used to estimate the
concentration which a household is subjected to: residential radon concentration is 2 x 10"4 of the
water radon concentration (e.g. if the concentration of radon in the water is 1000 Bq/1, then the
concentration of radon in the indoor air of the home will be 200 Bq/m3). In air, radon gas decays into
its progeny which are inhaled along with air and whose radiation may cause lung cancer.

When water containing radon is ingested, a dose of radiation is imparted to the digestive
system by the radon gas and its progeny. The greater portion of the radon is absorbed through the
intestinal walls, transported throughout the body and, for the most part, released upon exhalation. The
radon which decays in the body and the continued decay of radon's short- and long-lived progeny
impart radiation to the various organs of the body. Because radon is quite soluble in fat, the radon
progeny may concentrate in organs rich in fat. The greatest risk associated with the ingestion of water
containing radon and radon progeny is considered to be that the radiation could cause stomach-colon
cancer [2] and other organ cancers. Radon as a cause of leukaemia has also been discussed [3].

Earlier, it was calculated that the greatest radiation dose from radon in water would be
derived from the contribution of radon to the air and that the ingestion of water containing radon
would give a considerably lower radiation dose. That calculation is still accurate for adults. However,
in recent years, it has been shown that young children, especially infants, receive a greater dose of
radiation from ingesting water containing radon than do adults [4, 5]. This is because the ingestion
of water is great in comparison to body weight and because young children drink more unprocessed
water than do adults. Table I shows radiation doses calculated for Swedish adults, children and infants
for various radon concentrations in water [6]. The calculation of the radiation dose received from
indoor air assumed that an average household used 200 1 of water per day. The calculation of the
radiation dose due to ingestion of water is based upon the assumption that adults ingest 50 1 of
unheated or otherwise unprocessed water per year, children 75 1/y and infants 100 1/y [7]. In
comparison, consider that the highest radiation dose allowed for persons exposed to radiation in the
workplace is 50 millisievert per year (mSv/y) during one year and at most 20 mSv/y as an average
for five consecutive years. Individuals within the most exposed group of the general public, but who


Radon Inhalation Ingestion Rounded Sum

in water Approximate effective Approximate effective Approximate effective dose
(Bq/1) dose dose (mSv/y)
(mSv/y) (mSv/y)
100 0.4 0.05 0.45
(0.15)° 0.55
(0.7)b 1.1

1000 4 0.5 4.5

(1.5)" 5.5
(7)b 11
Children aged 10 years Infants aged 1 year

do not work with radiation, must not be exposed to a dose in excess of 5 mSv/y resulting from human
activity involving radiation. This is according to the European Union suggestion for Directive on basic
safety standards (BSS) for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the
dangers arising from ionising radiation [8].
Radiation doses from radon in water can be very high. In Sweden, households have been
discovered in which the children daily ingest water with radon concentrations of 55 000 Bq/1. Every
day approximately 60 000 Swedes (population of Sweden 8.8 million) consume water having radon
concentrations higher than 1000 Bq/1.

Radon gas released from household water into the indoor air is calculated to cause
approximately 50 cases of lung cancer per year. Ingestion of water containing radon is calculated to
cause 13-20 cases of cancer per year [9].

After consultation with the Swedish Radiation Protection Institute and the Swedish National
Board of Health & Welfare, the Swedish National Food Administration proposed limits for radon in
drinking water in 1995 (Table n) [10]. These will be compulsory limits. None of Sweden's large
public water works deliver water with radon concentrations above 100 Bq/m3. On the other hand,
Sweden has 20 000-30 000 drilled wells in which the water contains radon concentrations above
500 Bq/1, and approximately 10 000 drilled wells with more than 10 000 Bq/1. In total, there are
approximately 200 000 drilled wells in Sweden which are utilised year round by permanent residents
and 200 000-300 000 drilled wells which are utilised irregularly by non-permanent recreation
residents. The latter will not be subject to the proposed limits for radon in water.



Concentration Subject to limits Comments

100 Bq/1 Public water supply Compulsory limit. Concerns
concentrations in water delivered by
public water works.

500 Bq/1 Private water supply Recommended limit. Concerns the

maximum concentration in water given to
children under 5 years of age.

1000 Bq/1 All drinking water Unfit for human consumption.

Finland since 1993 has a compulsory limit of 300 Bq/1 for public water supplies [11]; the
Czech Republic has a compulsory limit of 50 Bq/1 for public water supplies and a compulsory limit
of 1000 Bq/1 for all water supplied to dwellings [12].


Radon in water is primarily a problem for water supplies which extract water from drill holes
in rock or from springs flowing through areas with crystalline rocks, which have somewhat higher
uranium concentrations than the average bedrock. Examples of rock types which often have enhanced
uranium concentrations, >5 ppm U (approx. 60 Bq/kg), include the following: granites, syenites,
pegmatites, acid volcanic rocks, and acid gneisses. Wells in areas with these rock types commonly
contain intramontaneous ground water with radon concentrations of 50-500 Bq/1 or considerably
higher. Intramontaneous waters from sedimentary rocks such as limestone, sandstone, and shales, as

well as igneous, volcanic intermediate and basic rocks usually have radon concentrations of
5-70 Bq/1, which is to be expected since these rock types generally have low uranium concentrations.
Exceptions do exist, however rare. Well waters with elevated radon concentrations from wells in
bedrock with low uranium concentrations are known. In such instances, the water has been in contact
with uranium mineralizations, e.g. in sandstone and basic rocks, or the ground water has passed
through sedimentary layers of bedrock with high uranium concentrations and then travelled long
distances, e.g. artesian water in contact with underlying granites. In the latter case, the reason for the
high radon concentration in the well water or spring is that uranium and radium have leached from
the underlying bedrock, been transported by water and precipitated out along the path of
transportation, but relatively near the well or spring.

Ground water in soil layers has considerably lower radon concentrations, as a rule, than does
water occurring in cracks in the bedrock. Normal radon concentrations are 5-100 Bq/1 in water from
dug wells, which receive water from the surrounding soil layers. Factors which determine the radon
concentration in the ground water of soil layers are as follows: radon concentration in the soil, the
emanation coefficient of the soil (how much of the radon formed is released from the mineral grains
into the water in the soil pores), and the soil porosity. Radon concentration in pore water in soil is
governed by Formula 1 :

= A - r a - e - b . (D

^wmax. pore — radon concentration in the pore space water
Ara = activity of radium-226 (Bq/kg)1
e - emanation coefficient (emitted radon / formed radon)
5 = compact density (kg/m3), normal rock material 2700 kg/m3
p = porosity (pore volume/total volume)
1 ppm uranium is equivalent to 12.3 Bq/kg Ra-226 assuming equilibrium in the decay series

Normal emanation, e, for soils is 0.2-0.4, and may for certain clays reach 0.6. Porosity, p,
is normally 0.25-0.45. The radium concentration, Am, is 5-25 Bq/kg for silts, sands and soils with
origins in rocks with low uranium concentrations, e.g. limestone. Soils originating from rocks with
normal uranium concentrations have radium concentrations of 10-50 Bq/kg. These values correspond
to radon concentrations of 5-50 Bq/1 for ground water in soils with low uranium concentrations, and
10-100 Bq/1 in soils with normal uranium concentrations.

In water from surface water reserves, the radon concentration is low, <2 Bq/1, mainly
because the radon has had time to decay during the long holding period in the surface reserve, among
other reasons.

Radon concentrations in intramontaneous water are normally considerably higher and often
much higher than in ground water in soil layers. Water arising from uranium-rich rocks, e.g.
uranium-rich granites and pegmatites, commonly have radon concentrations in excess of 500 Bq/1,
with maximum concentrations of 20 000-60 000 Bq/1. This concentration is 2-100 times higher than
the radon concentration of the surrounding bedrock, calculated per kg rock. One explanation for the
elevated radon concentration in intramontaneous ground water is that 6-valence uranium is relatively
easily dissolvable and is leached out of the rocks by the ground water. Dissolved uranium and its
decay products precipitate onto the surface of fractures, partly because they react chemically with
fracture minerals on the surfaces of the cracks, and partly because the decay products are sparingly
soluble, thus precipitating out [13]. Landstrom and Tullborg [14] found that uranium concentrations
in fracture coatings are often 3-20 times higher than in the surrounding rock. Consequently, a coating
of radium-rich material builds up on the surfaces of cracks and fissures, from which radon emanates
directly into the water in the crack. Figure 1 illustrates the process. Another possible reason for

increased radon in ground water is that in any particular grain of uranium, the radon concentration
is many times greater than that of the surrounding rock and water, thus it diffuses from the grain of
uranium into the water phase. Since the rock porosity is very low, conditions exist for the water radon
concentration to be 10-100 times greater than the rock matrix radon concentration (Formula 1).


Radon in water is a relatively great problem in Sweden. As discussed earlier, many Swedes
drink water containing high concentrations of radon, and approximately 40% of the population obtain
their water from drilled wells. The reason for the pervading relatively high radon concentrations is
that a major portion of the bedrock in Sweden is made up of Precambrian rocks, which consist mainly
of granites, acid gneisses, and acid volcanics. In regions of gneiss, pegmatites and aplites are
abundant. Table HI presents normal concentration variations for radon, as well as radon
concentrations for various types of water reserves and bedrock in Sweden. Figure 2 shows the
distribution of water radon concentrations of some 1200 drilled wells in Southern and Central
Sweden, and Fig. 3 areas with uranium-rich rock types. The wells were randomly selected for radon
analysis during hydrogeological surveys carried out by the Geological Survey of Sweden and a
national survey of water radon concentration performed by the Swedish Radiation Protection Institute
[15]. It is evident from the map that there is a cluster of wells with enhanced radon concentrations
in the central portion of the map, at Bergslagen, where the bedrock consists primarily of acid
gneisses, granites, and acid vulcanites containing numerous pegmatites. Another area with numerous
radon wells is the northeast coast of Sweden, with geology similar to that of Bergslagen. In Scania,
Southern Sweden, where the bedrock mainly consists of non-metamorphic Cambrian-Tertiary
sediments, the radon concentration in water is low. These conditions are also applicable to Southwest
Sweden which primarily exhibits intermediate and acid gneisses, and intrusives low in uranium.


Radon-222 (Bq/1) Radium-226 (Bq/1)

Lake and sea -water <2 0.005-0.007

Wells dug in soil:

normal in Sweden 10-300 0.001-0.09
in granite areas 40-400

Wells bored in sedimentary rocks:

Eocambrian -Tertiary 10-50

Wells bored in crystalline

Precambrian bedrock:
normal bedrock 50-500 0.01-0.25
uranium-rich granites 300-4000, max. 57 000
uranium-rich pegmatites max. 30 000 max. 2.5

Uranium ores:
Lilljuthatten, Stenfj alien 2000-100 000 max. 6
Pleutajokk, Arjeplog 18 000-55 000 0.1-0.17

Bohus granite is generally uranium-rich, 5-40 ppm U, and occurs m a large contiguous area
along the northwest coast of Sweden, where wells with high radon concentrations are frequent The
Municipality of Sotenas lies in that region and 60% of the drilled wells have radon concentrations in
excess of 500 Bq/1 and 30% in excess of 1000 Bq/1 Wells with much higher radon concentrations,
> 5000 Bq/1, are primarily located within uranium-rich granite regions A campaign to measure radon
in Sweden's drinking water is currently underway and several wells with more than 20 000 Bq/1 have
been discovered So far, the well found with the highest radon concentration, 57 000 Bq/1, was drilled
in Blomskogs granite, a uranium-rich granite

Precipitation of
^U and ^U

Leaching of

Emanation of 222Rn

Content of
in the rock 10 ppm Concentration of radon
5 mill Bq/m3 in water

Concentration of radon
330 000 Bq/m3 in the bedrock


FIG. 1 Formation of radon gas in a water-filled crack [13]

Radon (Bq/I)
A >1000
* 500-1000
O 250-500


ns coopo^jos wsshsjsc

FIG.2. Radon concentrations in randomly selected bedrock wells in Southern Sweden



Alum shale

Known areas with large

or small occurrences of
radioactive granites and
pegmatites >25 *R/h

Scattered alum shale

occurrences along the
Caledonian front

Uranium deposit


FIG. 3. Distribution of uranium-rich bedrock in Sweden.


5.1. Airborne radiometry

The Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) is routinely carrying out airborne gamma
spectrometric measurements over the Swedish territory since the late 60's. Details on the airborne
equipment can be found in [16]. Today, the measurements are carried out at an altitude of 30-60 m
with a line spacing of 200 m and a sampling frequency of 4 Hz, implying a sampling distance of 16
m along the flight line. These measurements are generally reprocessed to generate a 40 m sampling
distance along the flight line to achieve sufficient counting statistics. While some 60% of Sweden's
410 934 km2 is covered with digital radiometric information up to now, 75% is expected to be
covered within the next ten years.

While the only airborne radiometric surveys carried out today are performed by SGU, some
other surveys have been conducted by ore prospecting companies over specific regions in Sweden.
Until 1984, when the Swedish programme for uranium exploration was brought to an end, most
surveys were carried out for the purpose of uranium exploration. Today, the measurements are
conducted within the national airborne geophysical mapping programme. The system used today is
based upon a 256-channel Exploranium GR-820 with a 1024 cuin downward looking crystal package
and a 256 cuin upward looking detector.

Swedish authorities have recognised airborne radiometric mapping as an important tool for
the detection of radon prone areas; thus, the Survey has obtained a general permission to fly at an
altitude of 50 m over urban areas provided that the information is used for predicting radon risk.
After two serious accidents in recent years, it has been decided to increase the altitude to 60 m over
rural areas, while the altitude over urban areas is decided upon at the pilot's discretion.

The spatial resolution of the airborne measurements enables the detection of even relatively
minor geological objects with elevated levels of radioactivity, such as radioactive springs and
pegmatites [17]. Moreover, a number of anomalies of anthropogenic origin are generally seen on the
resulting maps. This includes roads and squares paved with material with elevated content of
radioactive isotopes, arenas covered with ashes of burnt alum shale and buildings made up of radiating
building material. Between the years 1929 and 1975, a type of light-concrete made from uranium-rich
alum shale was produced and extensively used as building material. Today, it is estimated that one
inhabitant out of ten is living in a dwelling partly made up of this material, something which
significantly has increased the radiation exposure to the Swedish population, both through the direct
exposure to gamma radiation emitted from the material and from radon being released to the indoor

There is evidence that, under favourable circumstances, even single buildings made up of
uranium-rich alum shale-based light concrete may be identified from the airborne radiometric

5.2. Bedrock and quaternary geology

The Geological Survey has continuously been mapping the geology of Sweden since 1858.
It is, however, not until recently that the Survey has moved to the production of geological
information in digital form. The Swedish territory is covered as a whole with digital bedrock and
quaternary geologic information, but only in the scale of 1:1 000 000, which is not sufficient for
radon prognostics. Quaternary information in the scale 1:50 000 is rapidly becoming available, while
the process of converting bedrock information to digital form is still somewhat in its infancy.

5.3. Geochemistry

Within the framework of the programmes for ground geochemical and biogeochemical
mapping, samples are being analysed with respect to uranium among other elements. The former
programme samples a silt and clay fraction of till from the undisturbed C-horizon, while the latter
samples roots from stream plants. Both programmes provide information on uranium concentrations,
the former on till and the latter on bioaccessible uranium in streams.

More research is needed to illuminate to what extent the results from geochemistry may be
considered to be representative of the uranium/radium content of the underlying bedrock.

5.4. Ground radiometry

During the national uranium prospecting, extensive work were carried out to identify possible
sites of interest for uranium mining. A large number of outcrops were visited and radiometrically
investigated, although only to a lesser extent with the help of gamma spectrometry. These results are,
however, not readily available in digital form.

Today, ground follow-up of anomalies identified from the airborne radiometry are performed
to a limited extent, the principal aim being the detection of possible radon prone areas.

5.5. Hydrogeology

In Sweden there exists no obligation to report analyses of radon in water to the Survey. To
get a general overview of the regional trends in the distribution of wells with elevated radon levels,
the Survey in co-operation with the Radiation Protection Institute has collected a data set based upon
analyses of radon in some 1200 wells drilled into the bedrock, randomly selected in the south and
central part of Sweden as described above. Moreover, within the framework of the regional
hydrogeological mapping programme, some selected wells are being analysed with respect to radon
among other parameters.

5.6. Other sources of information

It is not until recently that local authorities have initiated ground water radon mapping
programmes. The major part of analyses of radon in water, however, resides in databases maintained
by these authorities. While some municipalities only measure upon request, others have chosen to
analyse all known drilled wells within the municipality, thus providing an unbiased material of great
value for correlation with geology.

Juridical obstacles have so far hampered the access to this information, since the individual
measurements are considered to be the property of the customer and not as information available to
the public. It is, however, believed that the measurements in the near future may become accessible
to the Survey for the purpose of radon prognostics.


Following the forthcoming implementation of compulsory limits for radon in water, local
authorities, charged with the tracing and identification of possible public health hazards, have
manifested an increasing interest in material showing the spatial distribution of ground water radon
risk. In analogy with traditional radon risk maps, used in the urban planning process to delimit areas
where special building construction protocols should be followed to prevent the occurrence of elevated
indoor radon levels originating from the ground, there is a demand for maps where ground water
radon prone areas may be identified. To meet this demand, the established Swedish practice for the
compilation of radon risk maps must be enlarged to allow for the focusing upon features of relevance
for the problem of radon in water, which essentially is a problem related to the bedrock.

6.1. National risk maps

To meet the demand, essentially from the public, when the problem of radon in water first
was invoked, the Survey in co-operation with the Radiation Protection Institute decided to compile
a map showing the main trends of occurrence of wells with elevated radon content. The first version
of this map was presented in August 1994, and was based upon airborne radiometry, the limited data
set of direct measurements of radon in drilled wells described above, along with the knowledge
gathered during the Swedish programme for uranium exploration. The public debate following the
publication of the map, including the possible health hazard that radon in water may represent, put
a considerably pressure upon national as well as local authorities to delineate ground water radon
prone areas in more detail. A second version of the national map is presented in Fig. 4.

6.2. Regional risk maps

Although of public interest, national overviews as described above are of limited interest to
local authorities involved in the detection and prevention of radon hazards. Maps on a regional scale
with a correspondingly higher spatial resolution are therefore needed.

Preliminary map showing areas with elevated
risk for radon in water from wells drilled into
The classification is based on airborne gamma
radiometric measurements conducted by the
Geological Survey of Sweden (SOU), measurements
of radon in water conducted by SGU in co-
operation with the Swedish Radiation Protection
Institute (SSI), and data on bedrock with elevated
uranium content collected within the framework of
the former Swedish programme for uranium resources

More general nsk for radon ra voter.
Bedrock with frequent occurrences of uramum-
nch granites, pegmatites and aphtes

More sporadic nsk for radon in waier.

Bedrock in which uramum-nch granites, pegmatites
and aphtes occur to some extent.

Relatively low nsk for radon m waser

Bedrock with low content of uranium


m co-operaaon woh the
Apn! 1996

FIG. 4. Preliminary ground water radon risk map of Sweden.

At the Survey, ongoing research are currently addressing the question to what extent existing
digital geoscientific information, in particular high spatial resolution airborne data, can be used to
delineate risk areas with respect to ground radon. The work is being carried out within the framework
of a geographical information system, and aims at the compilation of radon prognosis maps in the
scale 1:50 000, suited to meet the demands from local authorities in the urban planning process, and
in particular to serve as baseline information for the compilation of radon risk maps. Reflecting the
current focusing upon radon in water, the aim of the research has been extended to incorporate the
prognostics of ground water radon prone areas.

To develop the methodology, a 25 x 25 km test area in Central Sweden has been chosen
(Fig. 5). The northern part of the area is mainly covered with postglacial clays, slightly enhanced in
thorium, while the southern part is dominated by till. As the whole area is situated below the highest
shoreline, the till in large areas is wave-washed and especially in the highest parts redeposited as
beach sediments. Crossing the area from north to south is the esker1 Kopingsasen, which can be
clearly identified on the topographic map in Fig. 5.

The bedrock of the area belongs to the Svecofennides of Central Sweden and was developed
1700-2100 millions of years ago. The principal rocks are metamorphosed volcanics and sediments,
synorogenic granitoides, most frequently gneissic, migmatites, serorogenic granites and associated

The area is well covered with geoscientific information in digital form, and is known to
comprise areas with serious ground and ground water radon problems. In particular, several bedrock
units within the area manifest elevated uranium levels.

The quaternary and bedrock maps of the area are shown in Figs. 6 and 7 [18, 19], while the
uranium component of the airborne radiometric measurements is shown in Fig. 8. When addressing
the problem of radon in ground water, one needs to establish a map showing the uranium (radium)
content of the bedrock. This is achieved as follows:

the quaternary map is reclassified into two classes, the first comprising outcropping bedrock
and till, and the second containing all other quaternary units

the reclassified quaternary map is applied as a logical mask to the uranium component of the
airborne radiometric data, retaining measurements over outcrops and till only, thus rejecting
all other data

the remaining radiometric data are processed together with the bedrock data to yield estimates
of the mean radiometric signal over the individual bedrock units

In such a way, a uranium map of the bedrock is compiled, bearing information on all units
that are exposed, either directly through outcrops or indirectly through overlying tills, assumed to be
representative of the underlying bedrock. To yield a smoother map, radiometric means are calculated
rather than cell-by-cell values. This approach also allows the information to be extrapolated beneath
the quaternary cover.

The resulting radiometric map of the bedrock, presented as a ground water radon risk map,
is shown in Fig. 9. Note that features and trends appear which are not readily visible on the raw
radiometric map due to signals originating from the quaternary overburden.

Shown also in Fig. 9 are the limited number of wells that have been sampled so far within
the study area. As for the wells above 500 Bq/1, they fall into two distinct classes: (1) situated in

glacial ridge formation comprised of gravel and coarse sand


FIG. 5. Study area for regional ground radon prognostics with topographic map.


Till, sandy

Postglacial clay
A rgile fine, poitglaciaire
Fine ami
Alluvial deposit. clay and till
Dfptt it plain 4 •inondatim, argile el till
Alluvial deposit, sand
Dtp* dt plain d'inaadarion, table fn n taklt
Oalflt tie ptage
Till, low boulder frequency

Coxx lill
Silt grouitr
Till, high boulder frequency
7Wt fr/ocr nombrtux
Argilt t (ytlja
Artificial fill
Rmtla omficul
Till, high frequency of large boulders
Till with wave-washed surface layer
7UI. coudtt aipfritur Jtlmagt
Postglacial silly cliy
Argil* imuiire poaglodoitt
Glacial clay
ArgiJr glaciain
Varved lilt with thin layers of clay
5Hf varvf,eoucheffineiJ'argile
Glaciofluvial deposit, unspecified; esker
DtpSl gladafluvial m gtnlral
Glaciofluviat fine sand
Silt fluviogtaciain
Glaciofluvial sand
Sable fluviagtadaire
Cobble Held on glaciofluvial deposit
Champ, de galeti de plage air <Up6l glaaofuvial
Terrain marecagtux,par aumenu inonde

FIG. 6. Quaternary map Eskilstuna 10G NW.


Younger granite red
Orantte rtcent rouge
Younger granite grey
Orantte recent gns
Granodtoriie augenuructure
Oranodiontf, ttrvcture oellUt
Gneiuic granite augen structure
Orantte tiniaure onlUe
Older graniw mostly gneiuic
Vieux granite gntuttc
Granodtonle mosllygneiuK
Qranodwntt, en gtntral gneuitque
Quaru-diorile mostly gneissic
DtonU quarttiqut, en gentral gneutiqe
Greywacke gneiss transforrred
Orauwadu, trantformee gneuitque
Greywacke, mica schist transformed
Grauwadu, trantformte mctuchutiqve
Quanziie. quanziuc gneiss
Quorttite, gneist qwtrtttc
Carbonate rock, mainly dolomittc marbk
Kttche atfbcnatte, en general marbn dotommc
Hftlleflinta tnd tepllte. TTIK* schist transformed
N&Utflinta et kptite, trmtfurmte mtoucMififue
Hjfllentnu. lepuu and leptitic gneiu mostly alkali jniermcduiie
HAtUfliMa, Uptut et lepau tneisrvptt en general a
Agglomeralic leptite
Leptae agglomiranque
Leptiie and teptKic gneiss with hornblende
Leptite el gneiu leptitic owe hornblende
HSItefltnia and fcpwe potassium dominant
fiaCUjbnta el tepnie, potastupt*
HalJenfffla and leptiie albtie dominant
H&llt/Unta et Uptite, attnnque


FIG. 7. Bedrock map Eskilstuna 10G AW.


Uranium Component

< I (X (X.K At SlfKVI Y Of SWMX.N l«lfi

F/G. 5. Airborne radiometric map (uranium component) Eskilstuna IOG NW.

Mil! 1996 ________________________HADON IN GROUND WATER ESKILSTUNA NW

Huh risk
ftuftf important
Low risk
FothU naqu*

Radon (Bq/l)

SCO -1000

2W -W

100 -2W


I II I 1


(j\CO F/G. 9. Ground water radon prognosis map Eskilstuna 10G NW. Shown also on the map are wells
drilled in bedrock analysed with respect to radon.
uranium-rich bedrock, or (2) situated in bedrock where the bulk rock manifests no elevated uranium
content, but where there is an abundance of pegmatitic intrusions (not seen on the simplified bedrock
map shown in Fig. 7). These pegmatites are known often to be fairly radioactive, but they seem not
to appear to a sufficient extent to have any major influence on the airborne radiometric measurements
and/or not to be enough exposed as outcrops.

The limited control obtained so far regarding the validity of the prognosis thus indicate that
it is possible to predict to some extent areas where the relative probability of encountering radon
problems is higher. A prognosis based upon airborne information should, however, be modified to
include areas where the bedrock information suggest that uranium-rich intrusions may be present,
even if they do not have an impact on the airborne radiometric signal.

Future research will incorporate the sampling of outcrops with the help of ground gamma
spectrometry as well as the evaluation of the geochemical information over the area.


The implementation of compulsory limits for radon in drinking water will probably trigger
an avalanche of measurements of public and private water in Sweden, leading to a better
understanding of the distribution of wells with elevated levels. The medical implications of the
radiation doses caused by radon in water have already drawn a considerable amount of attention from
the public, forcing governmental as well as local authorities to put priority to the problem.

The occurrence of drilled wells with elevated radon content is well correlated with geological
conditions. Any attempt to identify areas with ground water radon problems should therefore
incorporate all available geoscientific information of relevance to the occurrence of radon, and in
particular high spatial resolution airborne radiometry.

It is the definite conviction of the authors that ground water radon prognostics, based upon
available geological, geophysical and geochemical information in connection with ground water radon
mapping programmes will play an increasingly important role in the regional and municipal planning
process with respect to radon risk.


[1] NAZAROFF, W.W., DOYLE, S.M., NERO, A.V., SEXTO, R.G., Portable water as a
source of airborne ^Rn in US dwellings: A review and assessment, Health Physics, 52, 3
(1987) 281-296.
[2] VON DOBELN, W., LINDELL, B., Some aspects of Rn-222 contamination following
ingestion, Arkiv for fysik, Band 27 No. 32, Stockholm (1964) 531-572.
[3] RICHARDSON, R.B., EATOUGH, J.P., HENSSHAW D.L., Dose to red bone marrow
from natural radon and thoron exposure, Br. J. Radiology Vol. 64, No. 763 (1991) 608-624.
[4] KENDALL, G.M., FELL, T.P., PHIPPS, A.W., A model for evaluating doses from radon
in drinking water, NRPB Radiological Protection Bulletin, 1988:97 (1988).
[5] UNSCEAR 1993, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation.
Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. Report to the General Assembly, with scientific
annexes, New York, United Nations 54, ISBN 92-1-142200-0 (1993).
[6] SWEDJEMARK, G.A., Radon and radium in water. Baseline information for regulations,
Rep. Swedish Radiation Protection Institute 93-34 1-3, ISSN 0282-4434 (1993) (In Swedish).
[7] ICRP 23, Report on the Task Group on Reference Man, The International Commission on
Radiological Protection, ICRP (1974) 1-480.

[8] EUROPEAN UNION, THE COUNCIL, Proposal for Council Directive 96/ Euratom of
laying down basic safety standards (BSS) for the protection of the health of workers and the
general public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation, Doc. 12733/95 Brussels,
28 February (1996) 1-74.
[9] SWEDISH RADIATION PROTECTION INSTITUTE, Radon - Risk - Dose. Dwellings and
places of work, SSI i94-06 (1994) 1-17 (in Swedish).
[10] SWEDISH NATIONAL FOOD ADMINISTRATION, Proposal for limits for radon in
drinking water. Letter to the Swedish Ministry of Agriculture, National Food Administration,
Dnr 4049/95 (December 1995) (in Swedish).
Household Water, ST Guide 12.3, 1-8, ISBN 951-47-8651-3 (9 August 1993).
[12] THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC, Decree 76 on requirements
for limiting radiation exposure due to radon and other natural radionuclides, Acts Collection,
Part 16, February 12 (1991) 365-366.
[13] AKERBLOM, G., PETTERSSON, B., ROSEN, B., Radon from the ground - Handbook on
investigation of the radon situation in areas before building, The Swedish Council for
Building Research and the Swedish National Board for Housing, Building and Planning.
Report R88:(1988), New revised edition (1990) 1-159, ISBN 91-540-4937-7 (in Swedish).
[14] LANDSTROM, O., TULLBORG, E-L., The influence of fracture mineral/groundwater
interaction on the mobility of U, Th, REE and other trace elements, Swedish Nuclear Fuel
and Waste Management Company, Technical report 90-37 1-71, ISSN 0284-3757 (1990)
[15] KULICH, J., MORE, H., SWEDJEMARK, G.A., Radon and radium in household water.
Rep. Swedish Radiation Protection Institute 88-11 (1988) 1-74 (in Swedish).
[ 16] MELLANDER, H., Airborne gamma spectrometric measurements of the fall-out over Sweden
after the nuclear reactor accident at Chernobyl, USSR, IAEA/NENF/NM-89-1 (1989).
[17] LINDEN, A., AKERBLOM, G., Method of detecting small or indistinct radioactive sources
by airborne gamma ray spectrometry, In: Geology, mining and extractive processing of
uranium (JONES, M. J., Ed.) (1976) 111-120.
[18] MAGNUSSON, E., Description to the quaternary map Eskilstuna NV, SOU Ae 18 (1975)
(in Swedish with summary in English).
[19] LUNDEGARDH, P. H., Description to the map of solid rocks Eskilstuna NV, SOU Af 111
(1974) (in Swedish with summary in English).

toft BLANK


Natural Environment Research Council,
Key worth, Nottingham,
United Kingdom


Because radon levels vary widely between apparently identical buildings on the same geological unit, no map
can predict the radon level in an individual building. Maps can, however, give the probability that a building in a
particular locality is above a threshold of radon concentration such as a reference or action level. The probability may
be calculated for a particular building type or for a mixture of building types. In the latter case the probability is in
effect an estimate of the proportion of buildings above the threshold level. Alternatively maps can provide estimates
of the mean radon levels in buildings by area. Maps showing the geographical variation hi probability that new or
existing buildings will exceed a radon reference level are used to prevent excessive exposures to radon. The
information may be used in various ways, such as to target information campaigns encouraging measurement of radon
levels in homes or to modify regulations for new buildings. The data which are used to provide the estimates of the
proportion of buildings above a threshold may be radon measurement results from a sample of buildings, or may be
indirect indicators such as ground radium concentrations, emanation coefficients and permeability measurements.
Consistency in radon measurement protocols and detailed positional information are prerequisites for mapping radon
prone areas based upon house data. Testing the radon in house data indicates that the data is usually lognormally
distributed and from such a distribution probabilities may be calculated for small data sets. Probabilities may then be
assigned to mapping areas. Geological maps comprise juxtaposed irregular polygons and the data for these are mostly
distributed lognormally, with rare exceptions. Grouping building radon measurements by geological formation and
superficial cover can produce radon potential maps which are more spatially accurate than grid square maps and more
accurate in estimating numbers of homes affected than mapping based only on measuring geological and pedological


Radon potential mapping is a means of summarising data so that attention can be drawn to
areas with differing radon emanation characteristics. The result usually divides the area into sub-areas
each of which is classified according to the probability of typical houses being affected by radon. The
probability may be expressed as a percentage of the housing stock that is above a threshold (reference
or action level) or as a mean radon level for whichever class is represented. The map ideally shows
the potential of the ground to generate a radon problem but whether this potential is realised depends
upon the construction and maintenance of the house and the life style of the occupants.

Such maps are particularly useful for directing action to prevent excessive exposures to radon,
for example, to target information campaigns encouraging measurement of radon levels in existing
homes or for construction control regulations for new buildings.

The data used to provide the estimate of the proportion of buildings above a threshold include
measurements from a sample of buildings, or indirect indicators such as the uranium or radium
concentrations of rocks and soils, emanation coefficients, permeability, and ground gas radon

Various different types of boundary are used in the analysis of data and presentation of maps,
such as administrative boundaries, geological boundaries or arbitrary divisions such as 5 or 10 km
squares. Use of administrative areas has the advantage of simplifying subsequent administrative
action, and it is usually easier to determine the administrative area in which a building falls than its
map coordinates. However, it has the disadvantages that the areas have shapes and sizes which may
obscure the underlying pattern of variation in radon levels. Use of grid squares allows an appropriate

size of area to be chosen and simplifies the analysis, but can make it difficult to apply administrative
action. Geological boundaries delineate differences in radon potential much more closely than other
types of boundary, but are often complex and, unless well mapped prior to the radon investigations,
may be difficult to determine

Generally any radon potential map is multi-sourced. The major controls on labile radon
distributions are the uranium or radium content, the mineralogy and the permeability of the ground.
A limited number of carefully sited field geochemical measurements can be used to assess an area
with good accuracy. However since radon is mostly a problem when it gets into houses this inevitably
means that after provisional geologically or geographically based maps have been produced, the
emphasis changes and measurements in houses have priority. House measurements are required, in
any case, for purposes other than radon potential mapping. The emphasis inevitably given to house
measurements means that such data-sets frequently are more abundant and available for many more
areas than are relevant geochemical data.

Since the main purpose of maps of radon potential is to indicate high radon levels in
buildings, maps based on actual measurements in buildings are preferable to those based on other
data. In such cases, the extent of the problem, assuming that the sampling is truly representative of
the housing stock, is exactly indicated by the results.


When a parameter depends on the sum of a number of independent factors, the measured
values of that parameter will follow the normal distribution. In the case of radon in buildings, there
are many independent factors, but they are multiplicative rather than additive. The radon
concentration indoors can be represented by the equation of the kind:
Rnt = Rn0 + A x B x C ... (1)

where Rn, is the annual average radon level indoors, Rrio the annual background level of
radon in the atmosphere, A, B, C,... are factors such as radium concentration in the ground,
permeability of the ground, number and size of entry routes, underpressure in the building and
ventilation of the building etc. These factors determine how much of the radon from the source enters
the building and how long it remains. This model assumes that these factors are largely independent
and are multiplicative. The equation can be rewritten using natural logarithms as:
In (Rn( - Rn0 = ln(A) + ln(B) ln(Q +... (2)

This equation now conforms to the requirements for normal distributions since it is still a sum
of independent terms: hence if there are a number of independent terms, each randomly distributed,
then ln(Rn, - Rrio) should be normally distributed or Rn, - Rrio is lognormally distributed.

The lognormal distribution has been widely observed in practice hi surveys of radon levels
in buildings when whole countries are considered [3]. Results grouped by US county also conformed
to the lognormal distribution [6]. Miles [4] showed that the same applied to UK radon results grouped
by 5 km grid square. Given data which conform in this way, it is simple to estimate the proportion
of the distribution above a threshold from the geometric mean (GM) and geometric standard deviation
(GSD) for each area by subtracting average outdoor radon concentration, taking natural logarithms
and calculating mean and standard deviation.

Statistical testing of the data in terms of geological polygons shows that in the vast majority
of cases the data are distributed lognormally [5]. In a small number of cases the situation is more
complex but even in those cases, the data can usually be resolved into a small number of lognormally
distributed populations. In a very small number of cases the data are not distributed obviously

according to the lognormal rule and sometimes are closer to being normally distributed. These latter
cases are most common where houses are built over unconsolidated overburden on top of thicker
bed-rock units.


The requirements for mapping radon-prone areas using the results of radon measurements in
buildings are:

1. accurate and representative radon measurements made using a consistent protocol

2. centralised or easily accessible data holding
3. sufficient data evenly spread
4. precise location of addresses of measurements

The first three requirements depend on financing and organising a survey of radon levels.
Making a survey properly representative of the building stock is a point that is often neglected.

It is clear that houses of different design and floor area, have different average susceptibilities
for radon ingress. Bungalows are worse than detached houses which in turn are worse than
semi-detached and then terrace houses and flats and so on. Terrace houses and flats are more common
in towns and detached houses in rural areas. For map sheets with large urban areas it is likely that
there will be bias from these sources which may invalidate extrapolation to rural areas of similar

Given sufficient data however correction factors can be determined to reduce the variation
from this source. The data can thus be normalised to a convenient standard. In the UK a normal two
storey, three bedroomed house with single glazing has been selected as the norm. This is the most
common type of dwelling. Correction factors for houses of different basic design can then be applied.


In the UK there have been two basic approaches to the production of radon potential maps.
Maps produced by analysis of house radon data gained by sampling the housing stock on a grid square
basis enables an accurate prediction of the radon statistics for existing dwellings. However it is clear
from some areas that each square may have a number of rock formations within it, each of which may
result in different amounts of radon in the ground gas and unless the house sampling takes this into
account the areally weighted statistical validity may be compromised.

The geological approach, has been to determine or estimate the amount of radon passing into
ground gas and, in conjunction with permeability considerations, to map areas according to broad
classes. Calibration was by house radon data and divisions between the classes were based upon
existing legislation, which relates to the proportion of homes exceeding the Action Level of
200Bq/m3. The groups used to date are of the form: High (over 10% of houses affected), Moderate
(3-10% of houses affected), Low/Moderate (1-3%) and Low (<1%). Further classes have been
introduced according to the local geological conditions [1]. Although the spatial accuracy was good,
there were uncertainties in the class limits necessitating the choice of broad categories.

A combination of both approaches enables the merging of the best features: the spatial
accuracy of the geologically based information with the numerical/statistical accuracy of the house
data [5]. The application of house radon measurements to the production of radon potential maps at
many scales is described, from the country wide to the use of the data for the production of detailed
maps at scales of about 1:10 000.

4.1. Small scale maps

The relationship between the house information and geology on a small scale is illustrated for
England and Wales (Figs 1 and 2). Especially high levels for the geometric mean radon concentration
in houses are observed over the intrusive Hercynian granitic rocks and over their metamorphic
aureoles in Cornwall and Devon and for the Caledonian Cheviot Granite on the Scottish Border. The
lower Paleozoic rocks have moderate levels of affected houses, especially the shelf facies rocks from
the Silurian period.

Carboniferous limestones form large massifs in Somerset, Derbyshire, southern and North
Wales and northern England and have high levels of radon in houses. The major Carboniferous
coalfields have variable levels ranging from high in North Wales, moderate in the East Midlands of
England to low in South Wales and Northern England. Permian dolomitic limestones in northern
England have moderate levels of radon in houses.

A broad sinuous band of high values extends from the south coast across Somerset through
Northamptonshire and on to the NE coast, and is a zone underlain by the Lower Jurassic. The high
radon emanating lithologies are dominated by limestones and associated calcareous sedimentary

The Cretaceous beds in England are mostly Chalk, a soft homogenous limestone, and are
characterised by an irregular but nevertheless perceptible incidence of houses exceeding the action
level. With the exception of minor areas the red beds of the Permo-Trias (the New Red Sandstone)
and the Tertiary rocks have a low incidence of affected houses.

The effect of overburden can be great. The major source of superficial deposits is from the
glaciations which were common in the Pleistocene. Ice sheets extended as far south as north Somerset
(Fig. 1). The deposits are thickest over low ground in the north, the upland areas were usually
glacially eroded. The main till deposit was Boulder Clay, usually a stiff tenacious clay containing
sub-angular blocks of various sizes. It forms a mantle of centimetres to several metres thick. The
deposit is usually locally derived and, not unexpectedly because of its high clay content, it reduces
the flow of gas which is reflected in the marked reduction in the numbers of affected houses compared
with bed-rock. Glacial Lake Deposits are usually clay rich and similarly reduce the radon levels. The
effect of Fluvio-glacial Sands and Gravels is dependent upon the nature of the substrate, enhancing
the radon levels over permeable rocks and rocks which weather in a brittle manner, whilst reducing
the radon levels over relatively impermeable rocks. Coastal estuarine and marine alluvium generally
reduce the radon fluxes. The combined properties of drift and bed-rock should always be assessed
because of the complex interplay of permeabilities and radiochemistry.

4.2. Medium scale maps

Small scale maps may show different geological features to those on a larger scale. They are
usually based upon stratigraphical limits whereas on the larger scale both stratigraphic and lithological
properties are recorded. Maps such as those based upon the 1:50 000 scale are particularly useful.
It is at this or larger scale that the modifying effect of the superficial deposits can best be assessed.

The relationship between the geological map and the assessment of house data for each
geological unit for Derbyshire is shown in Fig. 3. Examples of such relationship on log-probability
plots are given in Fig. 4. The oldest rocks are the heavily karstified Carboniferous Limestones. These
generally have low uranium levels (commonly l-2ppm) but the uranium bearing minerals are often
widely disseminated or are in low density components of the rocks. The specific surface area of the
uranium bearing phases is often large and radon can be released from the mineral host with great
efficiency. Some of the marginal reef limestones, are uranium mineralised [1]).

MRS New Red Sdst.
lU Silurian

1. Cornwall
2. Devon
3. Somerset
4. Northamptonshire
5. Derbyshire

FIG. 1. Simplified geological map of England and Wales showing the location of the major
stratigraphical systems. The approximate southerly limit of Pleistocene glaciation is also denoted.

Estimated geometric mean radon level

in each 5 km grid square of England and Wales.

GM (Bq/m3)

FIG. 2. Estimated geometric mean radon levels in each 5 km gnd square of England and Wales,
based on lognormal modelling of radon measurements in houses.

D Permo-Trias Red Beds Radon Potential (Houses exceeding AL)
H Permian Mg Limestones
11 Upper Coal Measures • High (>10%) 1(1 Moderate (5-10%)
H L&M Coal Measures Moderate (1-5%) jj Low (Isolated Highs)
D Millstone Grit
ffl Limestone

FIG. 3. Simplified geological map of Derbyshire and the surrounding area used as a basis for the
Radon Potential Map.
Sherwood Sandstone Group Millers Dale Limestone

House survey
data, Bq/cum.

- 3 - 2 - 1 0 ' 2 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3

Standard Deviation Standard Deviation

Upper Namurian Shale Boulder Clay on

Edale Shale

loo -
House survey
data, Bq/cum.

- 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3 - 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3

Standard Deviation Standard Deviation

FIG. 4. Log-probability plots for house data underlain by the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group
arenaceous red-beds (199 houses). Millers Dale Limestone (40 houses) and Upper Namurian shales
(136 houses) from the Carboniferous. House survey data for Boulder Clay on the uraniferous Edale
Shales (Lower Namurian, 53 houses) is shown as a normal probability plot.

The limestones are overlain by Namurian rocks, the basal members of which are highly
radioactive black shales. The main part of the succession however comprises a sequence of thick
shales and sandstones with average uranium concentrations. These are overlain in turn by the Coal
Measures (= Westphalian): a cyclothemic sequence of sandstones, shales, seat-earths and coals. In
places, especially in the Lower Coal Measures, the sandstone units are thick and abundant. Highly
radioactive "Marine Bands" occur sparsely within the Namurian and Westphalian Strata.

The rocks were folded uplifted and eroded prior to the deposition of Permo-Triassic rocks.
In the east the first representative of these periods is a dolomitic limestone. Elsewhere the lower beds
belong to the Sherwood Sandstone Group (= Bunter Sandstones) and are overlain by marls of the
Mercia Mudstone Group (= Keuper Marl).

The whole region was glaciated during the Pleistocene. Since the area is largely upland the
main part underwent glacial erosion, with deposition on the lower ground, which is mostly underlain
by the Permo-Triassic rocks. In the high ground glacial deposits are mostly valley-confined and
fluvio-glacial, comprising sands, gravels and terrace deposits.

Limestones are the most important radon generators in the region. The Permian limestone,
which is karstified but to a smaller extent than the Carboniferous, shows lower levels of radon
emanation, and this is also reflected in houses. The clay rich rocks in the south of the area have little
radon potential except for small-area sub-environments.

The sandstones in the Namurian and Westphalian are fractured rock aquifers and despite
having low levels of uranium, much of this is disseminated in the cement surrounding the individual
sand-grains. They are consistent moderate generators of radon.

Radon from the shales of the Namurian and Westphalian correlates with their uranium
concentrations. The highest levels occur over uraniferous black shales (Edale Shales) in the lowermost
part of the Namurian and over marine incursion horizons higher in the Namurian and the

4.3. Large scale maps

Whereas the smaller scale maps are most useful in focussing attention on areas where further
investigation is required, they are of limited value where controls on new building may be necessary.
A larger scale map is often required for this.

Several thousands of house surveys were available for the Northampton area and as a result
very fine details of the house radon surveys can be related to various combinations of drift and solid
geology. Relatively low values are found over clay rich rocks, either bed-rock or combinations of
bed-rock and glacial drift, mostly boulder clay and glacial sands and gravels. The broad zone of high
values (8% > Action Level) corresponds with higher ground and is underlain by the Northampton
Sand Formation, a sedimentary calcareous and phosphatic iron ore, at one time extensively mined.
It is laterally variable and in the Northampton area the upper part is well indurated with lower radon
generation and transmission characteristics. Elsewhere this feature is not so apparent and the
percentage of affected houses increases. Near the lower contact the formation becomes more
uraniferous, and more permeable.

The nature of the ground and the presence of soft plastic clays underlying the Northampton
Sand Formation, has resulted in slumping of disaggregated, and hence highly permeable, uraniferous
material from the lower part of the Northampton Sand Formation onto the underlying Upper Lias
Clay. The result is that there is a zone of higher house values which overlaps the contact between the
Northampton Sand Formation and the Upper Lias Clays (Figs 5 and 6).


Basing radon potential maps on geological boundaries in which information on bed-rock and
drift geology is combined, and in conjunction with house data, provides an useful tool for the
environmental geochemist. Analysis of this type is possible only where there are sufficient results of
measurements in homes for each combination of geological formation and superficial cover. In areas
where there are insufficient house surveys (either because the population density is too low or because
the geological variation is too great) other information such as radon in soil gas assists in estimating
radon potential. This data requires careful interpretation and may only provide a provisional estimate.
By grouping building radon surveys by geological formation and superficial cover, radon
potential maps can be produced that are more detailed than grid square maps and more accurate in
estimating numbers of homes affected than mapping based only on geological/geochemical
measurements. However, lateral facies variations in some geological formations mean that conclusions
drawn for one area cannot necessarily be extrapolated to adjoining areas. Futhermore the mapped
stratigraphical boundaries may not accord with the radio-geochemical stratigraphy. Where large data
sets are available these more subtle variations in response can be mapped with great precision.


74 75 76 77 78 79
Outline of zone with Zone with about 8% <3% of
> 10% of Houses Affected of Houses Affected Affected Houses

FIG. 5. Estimated percentage of houses above 200 Bq/m3 in Northampton, United Kingdom, based
on lognormal modelling of radon measurements in homes grouped by geological formation. Each
square shown is 1 km2.
0 8 % 0 10 %
Up. Estuarine Series
Lr.. Estuarine Series I
Marl stone •••fex:

Silts &


FIG. 6. Estimated percentage of houses exceeding 200 Bq/m3 for the stratigraphical column in the
Northampton area. The Upper Lias Clay is about 50m thick.

[1] BALL T.K., CAMERON D.G., COLMAN T.B. ROBERTS P.O., "The use of uranium
exploration data for mapping radon potential in the UK — Advantages and Pitfalls,
Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, TECDOC-
827, IAEA, Vienna (1995).
[2] BALL, T.K., MILES, J.C.H., Geological and geochemical factors affecting the radon
concentration in homes in Cornwall and Devon, UK, Environmental Geochemistry and Health
15 (1993) 27-36.
[3] GUNBY, J.A., DARBY, S.C., MILES, J.C.H., GREEN, B.M.R., COX, D.R., Factors
affecting indoor radon concentrations in the United Kingdom. Health Physics 64 (1993) 2-12.
[4] MILES, J.C.H., Mapping the proportion of the housing stock exceeding a radon reference
level. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 56 (1994) 207-210.
[5] MILES, J.C.H., BALL, T.K., Mapping radon-prone areas using house radon data and
geological boundaries. Presented at the Sixth International Symposium on the Natural
Radiation Environment, Montreal, 1995 June 5-9 (1995).
H.R., WOLLENBERG.H.R., GADGIL, A.J., Statistically based methodologies for mapping
of radon "actual" concentrations: the case of Minnesota. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 56
(1994) 215-219.


Picodas Group Inc.,
Richmond Hill, Ontario,
World Geoscience Corporation Limited,
Perth, Australia
Picodas Prague s.r.o.,
Prague, Czech Republic

The paper discusses the use of advanced Airborne Gamma Ray Spectrometer for environmental assessment
of nuclear radiation in areas exposed to radioactive materials. The use of high capacity real time processors operating
in parallel mode packaged into one mechanical enclosure together with navigation, allows implementation of highly
sophisticated proprietary algorithms to produce results in absolute physical units. Airborne footprinting provides rapid,
well defined spatial images of natural and manmade radioactive contamination. Integrated GPS guidance systems
provides instant position information related to the internal geographical data base. Short time span of data acquisition
provides consistent data. Airborne acquisition of data guarantees good spatial resolution. Airborne measurements are
calculated via special algorithms in absolute units and related to the individual radioactive nuclei on the ground in real
time. Full raw and calculated data recording is provided including the position coordinates. More precise results may
be achieved via post flight processing. Principles of ground contamination estimates measured from the air and the
sensitivities for different radioactive nuclei are also discussed. Results from an Ontario Hydro (Canada) test over a
nuclear power plant, an Atom bomb blast measurements in Maralinga (Australia), after 40 years, and a Nuclear power
plant in Slovakia and Uranium mining area in Germany are presented and discussed.


The general lack of natural sensors to detect and monitor radioactive hazards, particularly in
this technologically advanced society has necessitated the development of new instrumentation and
processing techniques that can rapidly produce visual images of areas exposed to radiation. Protecting
the health of the population in case of a nuclear accident is essential and a social priority.

Monitoring of existing levels of natural and manmade radioactive sources, in and around
nuclear installations and nuclear materials handling facilities becomes a valuable reference data source
"footprint" that quickly determines the current levels of contamination and can assist hi directing
future emergency planning.

Fast deployment of airborne radiation monitoring systems in the case of nuclear accidents is
essential. The portability of the new range of instrumentation with accurate navigation, data
acquisition and real time processing can provide fast and low cost surveys that produce almost instant
maps indicating the radiation distribution over the surveyed area.

Repeated surveys, once or twice per year, over nuclear facilities, including active and non-
active uranium mines provide a history of the radioactive background and contamination of these
areas. This information will become a part of the ISO 14000 environmental documentation. At the
same time it provides important information for public education and information that can address
early remedies and avoid potentially serious problems. Also the proper documentation of the long
term radiation levels may reduce liability risks to companies handling nuclear materials.


There are two techniques on how to produce radiation images over nuclear handling facilities
and surrounding areas.

Ground survey
Data can be collected on foot or by a survey vehicle.
Very detailed image depending only on the selected grid size or speed of the vehicle.
Different measurements such as Alpha, Beta and Gamma can be obtained.
Limited or restricted access (buildings, terrain).
Time consuming, takes long time to cover suitable area.
Geographically non consistent data.
Dangerous in case of high radiation levels.

Airborne survey
Fast, with no access limitation.
Almost instant classification of the area.
Efficient and large coverage per time unit.
Integral view of the area, with resolution of the measurements related to the altitude
and speed of the aircraft.
Low cost per surveyed line km.
Geographically consistent data.
With proper safety procedures, limited potential to dangerous exposure.
Initial cost of renting/using aircraft or helicopter.
Somewhat limited spatial resolution.
Only Gamma measurements can be recorded.

When comparing the total cost and time required to collect and process the data to obtain a
global image and assessment of the surveyed area, it is apparent that an airborne survey is the
practical answer. With the new technology, particularly with the advanced navigation system, it is
possible to collect adequate information flying at the altitude of 50 to 80 metres with the flight line
separation as close as 50 metres or less. To survey an area of 10 by 10 kilometres at an altitude of
70 metres with a line separation of 70 m, the total line kilometres flown is approximately 1 400 km.
While taking into consideration the necessary turns and the average speed of the airplane (helicopter)
at about 120 km/hr, the required time to fly this area is about 16 flight hours or approximately 3
working days. Preliminary maps can be processed within hours after the flight and final images of
the area can be ready in a couple of days. To acquire similar volume of data on the ground would
take a considerably longer time at a much greater cost.


In order to be able to interpret airborne survey data properly, the data must be recalculated
into absolute (physical) units. This can be achieved in two ways. In real time and in postflight
processing. In case of emergency response the real time processing is a must. Health authorities need
processed information as soon as possible (in real time) in order to activate emergency procedures.
Picodas Group Inc. together with the Technical University of Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Engineering,
developed modeling techniques to provide the required results.

A complex mathematical model of air to ground data conversion was developed. There are
two models, both based on an infinite ground plane of radioactive contamination. A surface model

for deposits of manmade radioactive materials and a spatial, homogenous, model for natural elements.
Both models are theoretical and in most cases depending upon time, the distribution of manmade
contamination is somewhere in between. The time factor in determining a homogenous environment
is weather dependent. Longer in dry areas, shorter under wet conditions.

Surface contamination produces a hemisphere distribution of the Gamma flux above the
ground and is measured in activity per area (square metre). The homogenous (isotropic) contamination
produces the Lambertian (cosine) distribution and is measured in activity per volume (kg, cubic metre
etc.). Activity of radiation is measured in Bq. One Bq is a unit for one disintegration.

Airborne equipment flown at altitudes over 10 metres can only measure the Gamma content
of disintegrations. Any disintegration of a radioactive element is characterized in relation to the
Gamma radiation by the "Peak Energy Intensity" expressed in percent of Gamma particles emitted
by one disintegration.

Altitude of the aircraft is the next variable in the process relating airborne data to the ground
level (see Fig. 1). The attenuation of the Gamma particles going through the air layer is dependent
upon the energy of the particle and thickness of the air layer.

Detector size and shape are other factors of the model. A Gamma particle on its way from
its origin to the detector faces many obstacles and only a small number of the particles are detected
with its original energy by the airborne detector. The number of these particles is further reduced by
the inadequate stopping efficiency of the detector.

To properly detect the lower energy emitting elements, the deconvolution of the higher energy
elements from collected spectra, called stripping, must be applied. To be able to classify the elements,
the "Net peaks" (e.g. peaks stripped of the attenuated content from higher energies and not properly
detected particles) in the collected spectrum must be properly determined.

Speed of the aircraft only defines the spatial resolution of the detection.

The air to ground model can be expressed as a function:

Model = Function( Distribution of contamination, Detector shape and size, Detector

efficiency, Altitude of the aircraft, Energy of the radioactive element, Peak energy intensity,


To define the system sensitivity for individual radioactive elements we have to consider the
Spectral Energy Resolution of the system and statistical character of the Gamma detection process.
Since the sensitivity of the detector is directly proportional to the detection area of the detector, for
non emergency airborne footprinting, a larger size of detectors is desirable. The NalTl crystal (10
x 10 x 40 cm) is a generally accepted detector size. An array of these detectors (usually 4) are
mounted in a single detector package forming a detection surface area of 40 x 40 cm.

Statistical character of the measurement limits the sensitivity related to the unit of time
(usually 1 second). Resolution of the detector limits the detectability of the neighboring energy peaks.
Even though the model of air to ground is quite complex and the statistical nature of the detection
process further complicates the issue, a relatively simple sensitivity formula for each element can be
For instance for K-40 (1.4612 MeV) with a detector size of 40 x 40 x 10 cm the estimated
number of detected Gamma particles for one Bq of homogeneously saturated layer with the density
of 1.66 g/cm3 in relation to the altitude of the detector are:

Altitude Distribution Gamma/Bq Bq/Gamma
30m lambertian 0.4121 2.430
60m lambertian 0.3221 3.104
90m lambertian 0.2333 4.286
120m lambertian 0.1621 6.169
150m lambertian 0.0965 10.36

Statistically the results vary within ± 3 standard deviations. In other words ten detected Gamma
particles in the K-40 Net peak energy window in a time unit will give ±90% reliability of the

At the altitude of 90 metres the described detector can theoretically detect 1 647 Bq for
isotropic and 1 250 Bq for lambertian distribution with the reliability of ±30%. The reality is not as
good since the stripping is introducing additional statistical noise. For Potassium we should consider
the lambertian model only. The Gamma events detected in the Net K-40 window are related to the
emanation from one metre square. Should we assume that the K-40 is dispersed homogeneously in
a saturated layer (density of 1.6 g/cm3) then the detectable contamination of K-40 is 16.5 Bq/kg. This
level is well below the normal natural radiation level (approx 250 Bq) and therefore this method
provides reliable measuring results.

Element Cs-137 Co-60 K-40 Bi-214 Tl-208

2 2
Bq/m Bq/m Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg
Normal (area related)
Background 7000 1000 250 30 40

±50%@90m6200 3320 214 112 50

We conclude that the above discussed detector package can, with the exception of Co-60, and
Bi-214 quite reliably measure levels of the background radiation and anomalies exceeding twice the
background levels. Since a secondary peak of Bi-214 may be measured, the reliability of Bi-214
increases to the level of the other elements. It is to be noted that the higher measured radiation levels
provide better statistics and therefore better reliability of the measurements.


Picodas Group Inc., Picodas Prague s.r.o., both part of the World Geoscience Corporation
Limited, together with the Faculty of Nuclear Engineering of the Technical University of Prague
developed the above mentioned models for use in practical applications. Picodas Group Inc. has
developed the portable, fully integrated instrumentation ENMOS 2001 for this application comprising
of a fully digital Gamma Spectrometer, Data Acquisition, Differential GPS Navigation, Pilot Guidance
system and Geographical Data Base with flight and ground support software, as well as having
developed a processing model to be used on board of the aircraft in real time. A complete data set
(raw and processed) are recorded in the aircraft and may be reprocessed on the ground to higher
resolutions. An integrated data processing package, including modelling and map making software
has been developed to provide preliminary and final dosage and contamination maps soon after survey


, * so aoo i »o i oo so




FIG 1 Altitude attenuation and energy distribution for Cs-137, Co-60, K-40, Bi-214, TL-208


6.1. Ontario Hydro BRUCE Nuclear Power Plant

The Bruce NPP is a large complex with eight nuclear reactors, each in the range of 900 MW
capacity.The site is located on the shore of Lake Huron, 150 km northeast of Toronto.
In October 1995 Ontario Hydro and Picodas Group Inc. conducted a joint test to overfly and
document the Bruce NPP and surrounding area.

Equipment: ENMOS 2001 (256 channel spectrometer)

GPS real time differential navigation system
Radar Altimeter TRA 3000
Measured Energy range: 200 keV to 3 MeV in 256 channels
above 3 MeV one channel
Altitude: 80 m above ground
Ground speed: 35 m/second
Aircraft: Hydro Bell 206 Jet Ranger Helicopter
Line spacing: inside NPP perimeter 75 m
outside perimeter 150 m

Survey Procedures and Methodology

Due to bad weather conditions the survey was carried out in two time periods requiring two
separate equipment installations. Each installation took approximately 1 to 2 hours and 30 minutes
to remove the equipment.

The total survey time was about three working days with 16 hours of helicopter flight tune
to cover an area approximately 10 x 20 km or 200 km2 with 1800 km of survey lines.

The survey area may be divided into three main parts.

a) Inside perimeter of the NPP.

b) Swampy belt approximately 1 to 2 km wide close to the lake shore.
c) Agricultural inland area outside of the perimeter of the NPP.


a) The inside perimeter of the Bruce NPP shows relatively low natural radiation. However there
are small localities showing distinctive anomalies of man made radionuclides such as Cs-137
and Co-60. Some of those localities are exhibiting anomalies of natural radionuclides of U-

b) Because of the water content, the swampy belt shows substantially suppressed radiation levels
and no anomalies are detected in this area.

c) The agricultural (inland) area does not indicate any radiation generated from man made
products. Natural radiation is affected mostly by the surface of the ground (plowed),
vegetation and humidity. The highest "natural contamination" seen is the K-40. Observed
variations of the K-40 contamination are caused by changes of ground moisture, vegetation
and by fertilization of the fields.

Low energy (up to 3 MeV) radiation exposure (dosage rate) reaches maximum of 250 nSv/hr
in the locality of the strongest anomaly inside the perimeter of the NPP. Most of the inside perimeter
and all of the outside perimeter indicate the low levels of radiation reaching only approximately 40 nSv/hr.

The highest anomalies within the inside perimeter are composed approximately of:

Cs-137 29%
Co-60 26%
K-40 4%
U-238 30%
Th-232 11%.
Collected data sets indicate that there is an increase of the high energy radiation (above
3 MeV) over the active nuclear reactors. This is caused by the N16 in the energy range of 4 and 6
MeV. It is estimated that the dosage rate related to the normal cosmic radiation is approximately
30-40 nSv/hr. Estimation of the additional dosage due to the high energy radiation above the reactors
is the ratio of measured "cosmic rays" over normal terrain and the reactors. Additional dosage
produced by the high energy radiation is in the order of 250 nSv/hr.

Relation of units
Absorbed dose 1 Gy = 1 Sv (dose equivalent) for quality factor Q = 1
Quality factor Q characterizes specific radiation. Further we assume the Q = 1.

Dose equivalent

1 Sv = 100 rem
1 uR/hr = 2.4139 pG/s
1 pG/s = 31.536uG/year
IpG/s = 3.6nG/hr
1 uR/hr = 8.7 nG/hr = 0.0087 uG/hr
Natural exposure measured in dose equivalent is 3 to 10 jiR/hr (25 to 87 nSv/hr or 2.5 to
8.7 urem/hr), therefore all of the areas except for the anomalous locations are well within the normal
natural radiation levels of less than 5 /zR/hr (45 nSv/hr or 4.5 urem/hr).

Normal limitation of absorbed dosage for humans is about 273 nSv/hr (2.4 mSv/year or
240 mrem/year).

List of anomalous locations

There are six detected locations with noticeable elevated Dose Rates:

three small locations (A-south, B, C-north) on south west shore of the N.P.D., one larger one
(D) on the north shore of the N.P.D., one in the middle of the N.P.D. (E) and one in the south
central location (F).

Notes: L.E.D. low energy dosage — up to 3 MeV

H.E.D. high energy dosage — above 3 MeV
backg = background
Location L.E.D. H.E.D. Cs-137 Co-60 K-40 U214 Tl-208
nS/hr nS/hr Bq/m2 Bq/m2 Bq/kg Bq/kg Bq/kg
approximate (area specific)
background 35 35 7000 1000 300 30 40
A <40 >200 backg <2000 backg backg backg
B 45 > 200 backg >2300 backg backg >30
C 54 backg <6000 > 1000 backg >40 backg
D 72 >200 > 10000 >4500 backg >50 >30
E 250 backg > 22000 > 8000 backg > 150 >80
F 105 backg > 31000 >2400 backg backg backg

Relatively large contributions of H.E.D. to the total dosage may not be noticed at the ground
level since the immediate dosage levels depend upon the heavy shielding of the reactor. Upwards
shielding above the reactors is considerably less. The contribution to the ground dosage from the
H.E.D. would be mostly through radiation scattering.

The Co-60 map exhibits substantial level of noise in the area of the outside perimeter. This
corresponds to the model sensitivities calculated for Co-60. This could be considered an indirect
verification of the air to ground model assumptions. All images of the data were overlaid on the aerial
WGS84 calibrated photography.

6.2. Atom bomb blast measurements in Maralinga - Australia

World Geoscience Corporation Limited has recently flown the nuclear bomb test site last used
in the 1950s. From images collected over this area it is obvious that the levels of radioactive
contamination are still very high. It indicates that after forty years the isotropic model is becoming
lambertian with a relaxation depth to about 15 cm. All data was overlaid on Spot satellite imagery.

6.3. Nuclear power plant in Slovakia

In 1992 a series of tests flights over a Slovakian Nuclear Power Plant were carried out. One
area of the power plant shows substantial increased levels of radiation. To better delineate areas of
interest the data was overlaid on Spot satellite imagery.

6.4. Uranium mining area in Germany

In 1994 a pilot project was conducted over an old uranium mining area near Gera in
Germany. Increased Uranium contamination was detected and it is directly related to previously
known mining activities.


Detection sensitivities of the demonstrated system are adequate for the altitudes of operation
under 90 m. Portability allows for rapid engagement and disengagement of the system. It is
possible that the system may be used not only for new measurements, but also for calibration
of older, regionally collected data by other airborne multichannel instruments to recalculate
the pulses per second or ppms to absolute physical units.

As is evident from the observed results, a reliable dosage based map (footprint) over any
nuclear facility can now be produced rapidly and at a reasonable cost.

There is a considerable value in having a comprehensive regional background radiation

footprint, which provides the basis for environmental assessment and can assist in directing
future emergency planning.


Picodas Group would like to express thanks to Ontario Hydro for the support and help to test
this new monitoring technology in North America. At the same tune we would like to express our
thanks and appreciation to all government agencies and private companies who helped and allowed
us to acquire extremely valuable data sets worldwide.


CECHAK, T., KLUSON, J., MALUSEK, A., Spectra Processing in Airborne Gamma-Ray
Spectrometry Using the ENMOS Detection System, Technical University of Prague, Faculty of
nuclear Engineering, Department of Dosimetry (May 1994).

DEPT. OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES AND ENERGY, Rehabilitation of Former Nuclear Test Sites
in Australia, IRAP-M Report, REF 0-4399-M-15

KLUSON, J., Calculation of the field spectrometer response and calibration for the operational and
accidental monitoring of nuclear power plant neighbourhood, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.24

KRTEN, O.J., Relating Airborne Detector Response to Ground Gamma Activity, Report for Picodas
Group 9 (1993).

KRTEN, O.J., Relating Airborne Detector to Ground Gamma Activity, Report for Picodas Group
2 (1996).

PAVLDC, B., New Instrumentation for Airborne or Truckborne nuclear pollution surveillance

left BLANK


Geoinstitut, Beograd,
Belgrade, Yugoslavia

The continuous hazard of nuclear reactor failures, which may exceed in consequences that of the Chernobyl
accident on 26 April 1986, makes it imperative for us to develop and introduce soil, water and air contamination control
systems to protect the environment. A most efficient means of the contamination control at the artificial radioactive radiation
sources is the complex MONITORING SYSTEM controlled from a centre by competent and recognised experts. Such
systems have been used for years now many western world countries (USA, Canada, Sweden, etc.). The modest purpose
of this paper is at least to leave a trace of the efforts, both individual and of the institute, made in developing a component
of the monitoring system — airborne gamma-ray contamination control, which in western systems is a principal technique
of remote detection.


For the control and protection of a state against the artificial fission products, three equally
important control systems should be established.

First, the system is based on the operation of automatic radioactivity level recorders. This
system includes a number of instruments installed in the expected directions of radiodebris cloud
approach. The information is radiotransmitted automatically to the main control centre.

Second, the control system is operated on analytical airborne survey data of soil radioactivity,
during or immediately after contamination of large areas of the national territory. The purpose of the
survey is to establish soonest possible the regional, provincial or national contamination data. At this
stage of monitoring, the use of a multichannel gamma spectrometer is necessary which analyses the
gamma-ray energy within the interval from 0 to 3000 KeV.

Third, the control system is organised on ground with the direction clearly defined on the
former two system results. The direction is always to be the highest-hazard region with the greatest
human, animal and vegetative populations.

In order to test the airborne survey techniques, a survey to determine the level of soil
contamination, size, type, nature and amount of decay radionuclides was carried out. The results will
be presented in this paper. The pilot area was 200 km2 in size,. Surveying was carried out on a
parallel grid with a total length of 1000 km of flight lines. The aircraft used was an AN-2. The flight
altitude was 100-150 m above the ground.

The specific area was selected for the announced possible fallout of artificial fission isotopes,
not only of Chernobyl origin. The expected "surface" contamination in the area was by cesium-137
and —134. The only expected point sources were europium 152/154 and cobalt 60, which are
incorporated in radioactive lightning conductors.



The possible detection of artificial radioactive isotopes on the surface is based, for the
explorers, on suitable characteristics of their energy gamma radiation. Almost all radionuclides

produced in fission reactions are characterised by emissions of gamma photon energies up to 1000
KeV. In a registered 256-channel spectrum they are in the group of "low" energies. On this fact are
based many methodological techniques for detecting the presence of artificial gamma-ray emitters.
The physical aspect will be explained through the analysis of Fig. 1.

If an aircraft, equipped with an airborne gamma-ray spectrometer, flies the path ABC (Fig.
la), and if the gamma radiation emitted from the ground is measured each second from a height of
150 m, a spectrum would be recorded in points A, B and C. Let points A and C be granitic rocks,
which naturally possess an increased concentration of naturally radioactive potassium, uranium and
thorium or their decay products, and let point B contain artificial radioactive isotopes produced by
fission in a nuclear reactor. The radiation spectrum measurement results, already on the analog record
(Fig. Ib), will show the presence of three anomalies, or increased intensities of gamma radiation, in
points A, B and C.

The nature of an increased radiation emitter can be determined in general terms by analysis
of the digital record of the gamma-ray energy spectrum and design of the spectrum (Fig. Id). A
natural source of gamma radiation will give a spectrum as those shown for points A and C. The
spectrum for point B is distorted by the presence of an artificial gamma-ray emitter of "low" energies
between 0 and 1000 KeV.

This step of the data analysis alone allows, by drawing each spectrum, to pinpoint
qualitatively the discrete points where sources of artificial gamma radiation are manifested. This,
however, is a time-consuming technique for the computer. Therefore a more elegant data analysis was
used, reduced to the calculation of ratio of "low" and "high" energy sums for each singly recorded
gamma-ray spectrum.

The idea is essentially the following: Both theoretically and empirically it was determined that
for natural gamma-ray spectra without the effect of artificial isotopes, the ration "low"
(300-900 KeV) and "high" (900-1500 KeV) energy sums is a value between 3 and 3.3. Any added
artificial source of fission gamma radiation disturbs the ratio, causes its anomaly from the increased
gamma radiation intensity within the "low" energy domain (Fig. le). The described technique was
one of the departing points for construction algorithm "Ecology".


The algorithm named Ecology (Fig. 2) served as a guide to develop all procedures under The
Project of Developing AGS Application Methods in Environmental Control. It is designed on the basis
of the available theoretical knowledge, data from the available literature on identical systems in the
United States [2], Canada [1] and Sweden [5] and represents the approach in this country to the

The algorithm clearly defines each information to be registered in AGS for the set goal, which
is the nonambiguous answers to the following questions:

Is there any artificial radioactive source?

How large an area has been contaminated?
What is the contamination level?

An one-second digital record was designed that contained a series of relevant data. The record
of 751 bytes included information on time, date, flight line number, fiducial number, ordinal number
of the record, aircraft altitude, gamma radiation from the ground, and from the air, etc. Additional
data planned for use included analog records, photographs, topographic and geological maps.

It has been established, and algorithm designed, that the minimum required data could be
fitted into a record of 512 bytes, which formed the initial GAMMASPEC file, now on a large
computer disk (VAX-9000).

GAMMASPEC is a data file for analysis of nature, type and intensity of gamma radiation.
From it two files are formed. One, comprising data on intensity of gamma radiation from natural
elements (potassium, uranium and thorium), is named NATURAL GAMMA RADIATION (NGR),
composed of records, each of 51 bytes. This file will not be considered here as it does not involve
the selected subject of the study. Another file, named ARTIFICIAL GAMMA RADIATION (AGR),
contains information on artificial radioactive isotope gamma radiation intensities. The length of the
AGR record is 108 bytes

3.1 Artificial Gamma Radiation File Analysis

Environmental studies of contamination from artificial radioactive sources require a reliable

definition of two kinds of information. One information is the clearly identified parameters indicating
the presence of point, or individual, sources of artificial gamma radiation. The other will serve to
determine the surface distribution of artificial radioactive sources

Fission products

1d ®

FIG. 1 Airborne detection of artificial gamma ray emitter.


9 -channel Field Analoque Geologic
751 byte record F ield magnetic tc >pographicb Photographs 6-channel maps
4recordblock tapes njj ps 1:2500
density 1600bpi records 1:25000
V •» V >r
Conversion Aircraft i Film Preparation
751into512 position J development
, , . Recording
° of geologic
characters id cntification maps

i T \'
Data entry
Dead-time Digitalizatk>n from
correction of tics terminal

T| T

1 . Specur file 512 bytes

DISC —* Data file GAMMASPEC 2. Dig. prof, file
3. Input file

10 8 Artif cal Gamma Rad ation Natural 51
by*BS ,, ———————* Gamma bytes
file Radiation file
,, i

, Calculator! ol 1 J Qualitative QvanWative

litjiohl corrcuon™
"ormuia i data analysis data analysis
Calculation ot uj
—, ; T
>L • .«' amcl'H«|h-
yama radiation r*~^ Points ource i 1j; Csand ' M Cs
attenuation \ Lneiqv Ratio , fi|e
T y T
Koniouval ol Rerhouval ol
Calculation c
radraoon r« Tr/Th
file backqrnund
radiation '
Calculation o
(i/s) into (Bo/m
conversion form :r Anomah
spectra n e
Reduction to
Reduction to
level 120 m

DeflnWon isf ' H/V ratio Conversion into
•wc»,1s%u,*Co. profiling quantitative data
T ,_ Y T
Preparation ot 1 M J
profiles and maps ot rVapuuicL.H/V and
C s ^c'^
gamma radiation - 'Ca/'^Cs r«,Lon ' a c^s
point sources j

T t


Profiles, maps, histogrems

FIG. 2. Algorithm "Ecology".

From the above information, two more types of analytical data can be derived. One is
qualitative analysis which gives answer to the question: Is there any artificial source of radioactivity?
The other is quantitative which answers the questions: How large is the contaminated area? and What
is the activity of deposited radioactive sources that contaminated the areas?

For the purpose of both analyses, the algorithm anticipates three separate data files: POINT
sources, RATIO, and CESIUM 137 and 134. The former two are used to identify the presence of
POINT artificial radiation sources.

Point or individual sources have been known to occur by specific accidents which have not
resulted in large-scale contamination. An example is the fall of the Soviet nuclear-powered satellite
KOSMOS 954 [1]. This required development of specific detection techniques for numerous artificial
point radiation sources, as has been earlier explained.

Figure 3 shows all windows for calculation of (L/H) ratios of "low" and "high" energy sums
necessary for location of discrete gamma radiation anomalies caused by the artificial sources. The
"L/H" ratio is not appreciable for urban centres in Serbia because of the high presence of europium
152, incorporated in lightning conductors.

Any presence of artificial radioactive sources is always recorded in the energy range
200-3000 KeV and never in the energy range 2400-3000 KeV. For this reason, the Algorithm
anticipated calculation of TC (200-3000 KeV) and Th (2400-2000 KeV) energy sum ratio (TC/Th).

The following step in the Algorithm development was identification of gamma energy spectra
for each anomalous TC/Th ratio. The cause of the anomaly was found visually on the monitor or
drawn on the plotter, as in Figs. 4, 5 and 6; The identified causes were Eu-152, Co-60, Cs-137 and

In the described way, on a qualitative level, the presence was identified of discrete artificial
gamma radiation anomalies, their causes and, additionally, coordinates of their position on the ground
were determined. Qualitative information may suffice to attain some of the goals, This particularly
refers to detection of a single artificial point radioactive source, its location and identification in the

For environmental control and protection of the population, the data must be quantitatively
analysed. The Algorithm Ecology includes a data file of records from Cs-137 and Cs-134 energy
windows (Fig. 3). The most delicate step in this stage of ACS data analysis is the conversion of

Gamma-ray energy spectrum

TERRAIN 1 - 17
Z (E 0 900- 1 iOOMcV] ANOMALY N°



N°of o rL-^-^r^^uroyvi^^-iOilr^_>vvx.
channel' so 310
cncigv o «i 2BS5
: (fivi

FIG. 3. Gamma, ray energy spectrum.

Gamma-ray energy spectrum ACCUMllLAltOK TIME I*
irorcuriALi i »
TBAR. 1990

channel ;• ft
•norgy^ '» •»

F/G. 4. Gamma ray energy spectrum, Eu-152.

Gamma-ray energy spectrum WBTR17M Gk . IflO D



>T of fl_
channel :•
«n crgy o-J3*
( M«V )

FIG. 5. Gamma ray energy spectrum, Co-60.

corrected gamma radiation recorded in Cs-137 and Cs-134 energy windows, expressed in the number
of counts measured per second (cps), into deposited Cs-137 and Cs-134 activities, expressed in
becquerel per square metre (Bq/m2).

Conversion factors are determined on diagrams of AGS data conversion (Fig. 7), with the
abscissas showing plotted values of recorded Cs-137 and Cs-134 gamma-ray intensities reduced to the
level of 120 m above the control profile surfaces, and the ordinates values of deposited Cs-137 and
Cs-134 activities in soil samples from the same control profiles.

The relation between the deposited Cs-137 and Cs-134 activities and the number of recorded
counts is linear and it is not difficult to develop analytical relation of the line expressing the

Gamma-ray energy
' J
»m™ <* «co
M*OFCX13TAie I 2

F/G. 6. Gamma ray energy spectrum, Cs-137 and Cs-134.

correlation of gamma radiation activity and intensity in a point. Constants for Cs-137 and Cs-134
allow the conversion of data into the deposited activity and the preparation of maps showing
qualitative analytical results.

The concept of Algorithm Ecology and the package of computer was tested over an area of
the Bor District. The test results will be presented in the following text section.



A problem in routine procedure of using airborne gamma spectrometry results to detect

ground contamination by radioactive isotopes — artificial gamma-ray emitters — is separating the
components of man-made and natural gamma-ray spectrum. Two mathematical procedures have been
developed. One is named the correlation technique and the other factor analysis. Both techniques
are based on experimental results obtained on concrete slabs at Grand Junction in 1981 [4 and 6].

Experimental studies, in laboratory, and field surveys, from airplane or helicopter, have
shown that a natural gamma-ray spectrum, recorded by Nal (TI) detectors, varies in shape with
altitude from which it was recorded. The spectral variations were determined in the function of the
amount of absorbing material (air) between the gamma-ray emitter and the detector. Practically, the
variations were established by flying at different altitudes over three different areas with the prevailing
concentration of uranium or thorium or potassium. Identical results, even representative ones, were
acquired using concrete calibration slabs.

Because calibration slabs eliminate many effects normally present in the field, such as from
artificial gamma-ray emitters, inaccurate attitude of aircraft, airborne radioactive gas around the
aircraft, etc., specialists decided to develop a technique of separating natural and man-made spectral
components using calibration slabs for spectral measurements. The material used in the experiment
were 2.4 x 2.4 m plywood sheets each an inch (2.54 cm) thick to simulate by their number the air
density (from 0 to 112 m) between the flying aircraft and ground surface. It is worth mentioning to

the reader that the author of this article, while specializing in Canada, was a part of the team which
conducted a similar experiment where a helicopter (Hudson Bay Oil and Gas) ACS system was used
at the Calgary University Center.

Radioactivity rates of a terrain contaminated by artificial isotopes recorded in Cs-137 and Cs-
134 energy windows are burdened by the effects of natural gamma-ray emitters. If measurement
results are to be used in the control of the entire human, vegetative and animal environment, accurate
information is required separately on the natural and the artificial radioactivity components.

This was the purpose of the mentioned experiment which resulted in nine gamma-ray spectra
for altitudes from 0 to 112 m for each calibration pad, with altitude increments of 14 m (Fig. 8). The
fourth calibration pad was used for the background radiation.

AGS data conversion into deposited


Cs-137 Cs-134
Cs-137<Bq/.') -C.-134C8<j/Pi l )


2000 200

•f ISO


= 9.29? x- 10 y = -J.72X-3

SO 100 ISO 200 2SO 300 350 0 10 20 30 4O 90 SO 70

counts in a "window" Ct-i37(CPS) counts in a "window" Ct-U4(CPS)

calibration measured activity calibration measured activity

area icre) IS,/.-) area ICPSI (l«/.tf
KALE* 1C 105 127 KAIEHIC 2! 120
8UKUUA 225 2083 IUKW.JA S3 2*«
BOR 241 22SJ tot. (0 280

FIG. 7. AGS data conversion for Cs-137 and Cs-134.


K Spectnim

_ «•

fc I

i.o us 20

U Spectrum

( bl
10 15 20

Th Spectnim

(c )

Grasty at nil

FIG. 8. Gama ray spectra for deposited K, U, Th.

Digital record of counts provided for calculation of the factor of natural gamma-ray
contribution in each spectral channel (a^ a2; a3) by correlation or linear regression procedure, based
on a matrix for a system of three linear equations with three unknowns. Assume that records from
Cs-137 and Cs-134 windows, with the detector on potassium, uranium or thorium pad, are designated
(RCsk, RCsu, RCs,) respectively, and records from potassium, uranium and thorium windows (Kk, Uk,
Tt), (K,,, Uu, TJ and (K,, Ut, T,), the relations can be written as:

RCsk = a^k + a2Uk + a3Tk + BR (1)

RCSU = a,!^ + a2Uu + a3Tu + BR (2)
RCS, = a,K, + a2U, + a3Tt + BR (3)
where BR is background radiation subtracted from each spectral channel data.

The presented relation can be written as a matrix, assuming preliminary elimination of
background radiation (BR):

RCsk Kk Uk Tk
RCsu K U T
RCs, Kt U, T, (4)

The general form of the matrix is the following:


where from follows:

| X | = | B | '' *|A | (6)

Developing matrix from equation (6) it follows:

»1 Kk Uk Tk
a2 = Ku Uu Tu RCsu
a3 K, U, T, RCst (7)

because the inverse matrix (B)'1 reads:

•i AH A21 A3,
I| R
BI | - Aj2 A22 A 32

33 (8)

and matrix , or from:

bu 0 an 0 0
f\ = b21 0 ; and = a2l 0
0 0
bji 0 a» 0 0

Terms b,2, bI3, b22, b^,, b32, b33, a12, a13, a^, a23, a32, and a33 are equal to zero, and the
solutions are reduced to the general formulas:


where from follows the problem solutions:

a! = AuRCsk + A12RCsu + A,3RCst (10)

a2 = A21RCsk + A^RCSu + A^RCs/ll)
a3 = A31RCsk + A32RCsu + A33RCst(12)

Relations (10, 11,12) give final solutions for factors (a,, a2, a3) which provide for assessment
of natural radioactive emitter contributions (K, U, Th) in CS-137 and Cs-134 energy windows.

Since there are no concrete calibration pads in Yugoslavia, and because the described
experiment was performed with gamma radiation detectors and a spectrometer of identical
characteristics as those used in all surveys in Yugoslavia, the experimentally obtained spectra were
used to calculate constants of the type (a,, a2, a3) applied in the survey of a part of Timok magmatic

complex (TMC). The technique was tested first on one spectrum anomaly A-64, and then on all
recorded spectra.

The procedure to determine coefficients expressing the natural gamma-ray emitter

contributions recorded in potassium, uranium and thorium energy windows to the "low" energy
(250-1000 KeV) spectral components, has been developed in Geoinstitut on the ALGORITHM named

The algorithm was based on preceding digitalization of nine spectral diagrams of gamma
radiation recorded on potassium, uranium and thorium pads [4 and 6]. Spectra were recorded for
simulated altitudes, on the principle described in the preceding section, of 0 m, 14 m, 28 m, 42 m,
56 m, 70 m, 84 m, 98 m, and 112 m. Only summarized K-40, U-238, and Th-232 gamma-ray
window records from these spectra's are presented in Fig. 9. The data, however, were used to
graphically relate sums of gamma radiation records in the mentioned windows to simulated altitudes.
Gamma radiation values were read from the graphs, for selected altitude, and used to develop the
matrix by equations (1-12).

In the analysis of anomaly A-64 (Fig. 6), mathematical operations were preceded by
subtraction of the background radiation (BR) recorded during a flight over the river Danube at an
altitude of 20 m. In this case we handled data representing the sum of natural and artificial gamma
radiation for the selected altitude. As mentioned, it was decided to take altitude 112 m for the
measuring data reduction level because it was closest to the actual aircraft altitude during the
experiment in TMS, that is an area of the Bor District.



K energy window

Simulated altitudes (H)

Tli energy window

Sirmiblcd altitude* (H)

FIG. 9. Gamma ray intensity in K, Th and U energy windows.

The procedure is presented in this paper for estimation of the artificial gamma radiation
contribution by the correlation technique is based on separation of two gamma ray spectral
components, one natural recorded in AGS survey and the other caused by artificial radioactive isotope
produced by fission. The described correlation technique, on the principle of natural radioactive
sources of gamma rays (potassium, uranium, thorium) determined in each channel of the measured
gamma-ray spectra in low-energy region (0-1000 KeV), gives the component, or spectrum, of natural
emitters which is subtracted from the measured spectral values. Thus, the subtraction difference is
the component caused by artificial isotopes, of fission derivation, which primarily originate from the
Chernobyl accident.


The background knowledge for the experiment were international experiences, the Chernobyl
accident, and AGS geological exploration results from 1982-1988 for the Timok magmatic rock
complex. It was presumed that all radioactive lightning conductors, with europium-152, were a good
example of point artificial gamma radiation sources.

For analysis of the recorded gamma energy spectra a VAX-9000 computer was used. Single
anomaly points which indicated the presence of gamma radiation from artificial emitters were located
from TC/Th ratios. A total of 412 anomalous points were identified in the survey area, all artificial
(Fig. 11).

Graphical presentation of all 412 spectra revealed two types of emitters, one europium-152
(Fig. 4) and the other cesium-137 and cesium-134 (Fig. 6). Particularly important for development
of the methodological procedure of AGS application in environmental control and protection was the
recorded spectrum 64 (Fig. 6).

Size of the area contaminated from artificial sources was determined from a map of ratios of
"low" and "high" energies of gamma radiation (Fig. 12).

Mapping Cs-137 and Cs-134 activities (Figs. 13 and 14) indicated surface contamination
spreading from Bor westward, on which the magnitude and direction of contamination were identified.
The map of Cs-134 contamination (Fig. 14) clearly shows locations of lightning conductors with Eu-
152/154, where the 779 KeV peak falls within the Cs-134 energy window.

The time of contamination and the origin of the gamma radiation source could be deduced
from the map of Cs-137/Cs-134 ratios of gamma radiation intensity sums (Fig. 15) using also Fig.
16. From the calculated values, given in Fig. 16, and values Cs-137/Cs-134 = 7 to 9 we have
concluded that the identified contamination Northwest of Bor, 100 km2 in size, occurred four years
earlier, at the time of the Chernobyl accident.

Our analyses led to two likely explanations on the origin of the radioactive material that
contaminated the area. The first possibility is contamination by radioactive material from Kozlodui,
which occurred two or three years before the survey of 1990, and not more than one year after the
Chernobyl accident. In this case, the radioactive material must have had the initial Cs-137/Cs-134
ratio equal to 1.7 to 2, and the area Southeast of Bor was not preliminary contaminated.

The other explanation is an almost synchronous contamination with that related to Chernobyl
reactor failure. It affected the entire survey area, and was emitted by artificial radioactive isotopes
from a nuclear-fuel which was used full time in nuclear reactors; the Cs-137/Cs-134 ratio was 1 at
the end of the firing cycle in those reactors. In this case, four years after the likely contamination by
such a fuel, the ratio would reach a value of about 4 (Fig. 16). The explanation is obviously non-
unique. The available information only suggests new questions which can be answered through
accurate analysis of samples from the contaminated ground, but this is beyond the scope of the

objective of developing the airborne environmental control of contamination from artificial fission
gamma-ray emitters.

The following stage of data processing was selection of quantitative data necessary for final
estimates of the contamination hazard of a threatened area. Laboratory assays were used in drawing


ANOM/VLYfTtoTli^OO) No €4




channel <

4 « * *« fr



... " / ,
'1 |

/ M i [i.
— *
* i

en , ; »»* *?*-» tj

«—— =* —— *• •

a. » n i j / » 5 5 F

. V J L
? i ?


_ a. A
°— ^— "

'o (••^
K°of - o ——— "~«3 inc
channel"* IMI i"i ,1 '«,

F/G. 70. Correction for spectral energy region 0-1000 KeV for natural gamma radiaation

dependence diagrams of recorded, or corrected and processed, data on the content of natural and
artificial radioactive elements in the ground. It was assumed that the dependence could be analytically
expressed by a linear equation.

The map of deposited Cs-137 activity (Fig. 13) reflects the fact that a large part (about 100
km ) of the survey area is contaminated mainly with cesium-137. The quantity of the amounts
deposited varies from 1500 Bq/m2 to 3000 Bq/m2. The contaminated area is a part of the surveyed
surface located NW of the town of Bor and extending to Crni Vrh hill in the same direction. It is
clearly separated by the Brestovacka Banja-Bor-Krivelj limit from the south-eastern part of the
explored area where the deposited activity level is lower, below 500 Bq/m2.


FIG. 11. Map showing locations of artificial point radioactive emitters — TC/Th > 100 anomalies.



FIG. 12. "L"fH" ratio map showing sums of "low" and "high" gamma energy spectra.

The map of deposited cesium-134 activity (Fig. 14) shows up to eight times lower Cs-134 in
the area. Slightly increased deposition from 200 to 350 Bq/m2 or more also covers the same
contaminated area of about 100 km2, which indicates a synchronous contamination from the same

Ratios of Cs-137/Cs-134 gamma radiation intensities of 6-8 for the north-western part of the
area (Fig. 15) indicate that the radioactive fuel, which could have been the source of contamination,
had this ratios between 1.7 and 2. The Cs-137/Cs-134 ratios for south-eastern part of the area of 4-
5 indicate that this ratio of the radioactive fuel was 1, which means that it was exhausted.

Having established that the area north and Northwest of Bor, about 100 km2 in size, was
contaminated by Cs-137 several times more than that south and Southeast of Bor, the question was
when the contamination occurred. The answer to this question was more an information toward
learning how the contamination happened.



FIG. 13. Map showing deposited Cs-137 (Bq/m2).

In some cases of ground contamination it is easy to detect the increased radioactivity in air
by a system of fixed points. There are cases, however, in which the increased radiation has not been
generally established, only registered on ground surface. In such a case, ratios of Cs-137 and Cs-134
sums recorded in energy windows are used.

These ratios indicate some important facts. One is the degree of nuclear fuel utilisation in the
reactor, and the other is the length of time since the fuel was removed from the reactor. Both facts
are important in finding the truth when there are some indications of various contamination sources.


The development of the method has three critical stages, each liable to errors which may
significantly affect the interpretation of results and the conclusions.



FIG. 14. Map showing deposited Cs-134 (Bq/m2).

The first of the three stages includes development and planning of AGS exploration. The
difficulties of this stage are believed to have been overcome, and that both theoretical and practical
requirements were satisfied.

The second stage of AGS use in environmental examinations is the organisation of

experimental surveys after the designed algorithm. It is more open to errors. One possible error is
the selection of aircraft. It has been learned from experience that an fixed wing aircraft is satisfactory
for surveys of flat and large areas. Another possible error concerned calibration of instruments and
sampling for conversion of measurements into concentration or activity of natural or artificial
radioactive isotopes. The conversion of the measured qualitative into a quantitative information is
particularly important and vary sensitive, as it is liable to errors that may lead to significant even
contrary conclusions on the field situation. The use of a helicopter would have resulted in a far higher
consistency of the gamma radiation measurements and the laboratory radiometric analyses. A most
important addition to the design will certainly be the definition of the relationship, in the form of a
mathematical relation, between radioactive elements of artificial origin and gamma radiation intensity
caused by them.


/ CS-137/CS-134

FIG. 15. Map showing deposited Cs-137/Cs-l34 gamma ray energy ratios.

The third stage in the development of AGS application in the environmental control refers to
the organisation of data processing procedures. It also involves corrections for the background
radiation, for effects of aircraft and of cosmic radiation. Of some importance for the data quality is
also correction for the effect of Compton scattering. We believe that the computer programme
package supporting the Algorithm Ecology has largely satisfied the method requirements and that its
complementation and extension are desirable.


The results of the developed procedures for airborne control of ground contamination from
artificial gamma radiation sources have confirmed the thesis that an area contaminated from
radioactive sources, type, nature and size of the contamination can be defined with gamma radiation
measurements from the air. It has also been shown that the presented procedure of the airborne
gamma-ray spectrometry must be included in any complex gamma radiation monitoring system on
a national scale.

The constructed Algorithm, named ECOLOGY, defines the form of data presentation, modes
of processing, analysis and presentation of results. The main algorithm test, over an area of the Bor
District, 200 km2 in size, detected a significant contamination, Northwest of Bor, by cesium 137 and
134, in the deposited activity of over 3000 Bq/m2. The south-eastern part of the study area had 4-5
times lower deposited Cs-137 activity.

The conclusion based on all the available data and experimental results is that the airborne
control of ground contamination by artificial radioactive isotopes should be used as one of the
methods within complex monitoring systems of any country.

C* -M7 0-134 Ratio
(V.I ® e
(years) (V.I ((.I'M IV. ) (CPS) *"1%-i«
« L 0 100 1000 100 $00 2
* 2 95 9SO
2$0 38

o •4V.
4 90 1» 7J
1 « >6 860 T2.U 62.5 13 76
r k «V.
1 ! ML Jlf. 62S
8 62 820 31.2$ 26.24
CO k »•'• 10 78 780 3 US K62 4*.*]
•7 70- 1
V) 12 74 740 1«2 7 81 94 7S
1 \
O 1
14 71 710 0 76 390 182 OS
"5 60- 11 1 \\

;i V

\ w/.^ Radioactive Cs-137 decay curve

>> 4Q. i \^
1 i \ I

Radioactive Cs-134 decay curve

1i i \
- 20- 1 !i! I ^*a/
!1 '1 iI
'«• i
. iiii'
: ^^CTT; ._ i mv.

0 . 21 3T 4T ST 6T 7T
0) > <0 » !0 > t 01 101 170 1 IU Y 110 ^ 2'OY
0 1 N 1 t V t t 10 •, ,j ^ uv

Samples analysed in Swedish Radioactivity

Protection Institute
""SSKS""' C»-137 Cf -IX Ratio
(years) C/.l (IPM (V.) (CM Ci-nv 1
'U' ?*
0 100 1000 100 S»» 17
2 95 950 SO 294 J.24
4 SO 900 25 U7 6 12
6 S6 860 12 S •" 5 11 70
I 12 «20 6 25 '5 22.11
10 it 780 3«5 It )* 42 4J
11 U 740 1 562 9 18 SO S2
u 71 710 0 78 4 it lit 6k

Compleately exhausted nuclear reactor fuel

F**od Cl-137 e» - m Ratio
(years) 1 el 1 -) (V. ) C«-iJ1X
IV. 1 [CTM 't.-m
0 100 1000 100 1000 1
2 9S 9SO so 500 1 9
t 90 900 25 2SO } 6
6 88 860 12 S 12S 6 81
8 12 820 6 2S 62 S 13 12
10 71 780 3 12S 11 2S 24 96
12 74 740 1S62 IS 82 4» S9
U 71 710 0 7» 7 »0 91 02

FIG. 16. Analyses of samples carried out at Institute "Dr. Dragomir Karajovic' and Swedish
Radioactivity Protection Institute.


[1] BRISTOW, Q., The application of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry in the search for
radioactive debris from the Russian satellite "Cosmos-954" operation "MORNING LIGHT"
GSC, Ottawa (1987) p 78-lb.
[2] JOBST, E.J., The Aerial Measuring Systems Program, Nuclear Safety vol 2 N° 2
March-April 1979.
[3] DICKSON, B.H., Analytic methods for multichannel airborne radiometrics M. Sc thesis
University of Toronto, Canada (1980).
[4] DICKSON, B.H. & BAILEY C.R., GRASTY, R.L., Utilising multichannel airborne gamma-
ray spectra, Canadian Journal of earth science vol. 18. (1981) p 1793-1801.
[5] LINDEN, A & MELLANDER, H, 1986: Airborne measurement in Sweden of the radioactive
fall out after the nuclear reactor accident in Chernobyl, USSR (1986) preliminary report.
[6] GRASTY, R.L. & MULT ALA, J., A correlation technique for separating natural and man-
made airborne gamma-ray spectra, GSC paper 901D (1991).
[7] MILOJEVIC, M.M., Report on the results of the project "Development of the monitoring
system for environmental protection", Geoinstitut, Belgrade (1990) file 39-90.
[8] MILOJEVIC, M.M., Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry exploration natural and artificial
gamma radioactivity and ecogeological aspect of application, Ph D thesis University of
Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1992).
[9] MILOJEVIC, M.M., Airborne environmental control of contamination by artificial gamma-
ray emitters, Proceedings of Geoinstitute vol 29. (1994) p 36-54.



Airborne Geophysical Surveys Limited,
Sofia, Bulgaria


The concentration of uranium (by radium), thorium and potassium (by the isotope K-40) in the 50 cm surface
layer can be defined with relative high precision by the airborne gamma spectrometric surveys. It is well known that
certain ore mining and extraction of non-radioactive ores create polluted areas. Pollution can generate from
geochemical migration of uranium (radium) and its transport by surface or underground waters. Considerable pollution
can be obtained with the so-called "geochemical barriers", generated from the change of physical-chemical properties
in the surface layer. Accumulations of uranium are formed close to such barriers. There are, of course, other
mechanism of radioactive pollution, from mechanical carriage of rock masses, with uranium concentration, to settling
of uranium from radioactive waters in the flooded plains. Bulgaria is rich in geological formations of various uranium
concentrations, sometimes very high, and we should accept it as variations of the natural radioactive background. This
paper explains one of the methods used for eliminating the natural radioactive background when mapping the pollution
from the ore mining industry. The example is the Buhovo area and the method described is the airborne gamma ray
spectrometry. Information is also provided on the spectrometer KS 16, developed with Bulgarian and Canadian

Modern airborne gamma ray spectrometry determines with relatively high precision the
concentration of uranium (Bi-214), Thorium (Th-208) and Potassium (K-40) in the 50-80 cm. layer.
It is known that in the mining of some uranium ore and some non radioactive ore with relatively
increased concentrations of uranium, radioactive pollution can form, with an undefined configuration
and an area that is difficult to predict. The genesis of the pollution can be different. There is the
geochemical migration of uranium (radium), transformed to a geochemical mobile form, due to taking
the uranium (radium) out of its natural environment as an undestroyed ore body. The transportation
of uranium (radium) can also happen through surface waters. In both cases more significant pollution
occurs in the areas, where in the change of the physical and chemical properties in the subsurface area
"geochemical barriers" exist in the vicinity of which, uranium is accumulated. The other mechanisms
of radioactive pollution are from mechanical transportation of rock masses, enriched in uranium, to
sedimentation of the uranium from radioactive waters in the flooded terraces of rivers and streams.
Together with the above, Bulgaria is abundant with geological formations with different concentrations
of uranium, sometimes very high, which have to be accepted as variations in the natural radioactive

Airborne gamma ray spectrometry surveys have been carried out in Bulgaria since 1963. The
surveys have been flown systematically until 1989 as an aid to geological mapping and as an aid to
the exploration for oil, gas, rare earth elements, gold, silver, lanthanum, lead, tungsten, copper, zinc,
boxites, and others.

Through the years different equipment has been used — from 6 channel crystals with a
volume of 4 litres with analogue registration of the data to 256 channel differential analyzers with a
crystal volume up to 52 litres and digital registration of the data. Light airplanes and light to heavy
helicopters have been used with a line spacing of 250 m to 500 m. In the above mentioned years
airborne gamma ray spectrometry has been used twice for the detection and control of radioactive
pollution — in 1972 for the finding of a powerful point Iridium source from a gamma ray tester and
in 1986 for the control of fallout from Chernobyl. (256-channel spectrometer with about 52 litres.)

Since 1967 the compilation and interpretation of the airborne gamma ray spectrometry data
is being done by computers. Since 1990, airborne gamma ray spectrometry in Bulgaria, is used for
detection and mapping of pollution with natural and artificial radionuclides and determining the
background level of specific areas — the area of the nuclear power station "Kozludoi", and N-E
Bulgaria, which is closest to the new Romanian nuclear power station.

Since 1993 the airborne gamma ray spectrometry surveys in Bulgaria are carried out by the
Bulgarian-Canadian joint venture Airborne Geophysical Surveys Ltd. with a 50% Bulgarian
government participation and 50% Canadian participation of the company UDL using a spectrometer
with 256 channels and different combinations of crystals — from 16 litres to 52 litres.

We established through mathematical modeling and experimental flights that the detection and
mapping of artificial radioactive elements depends largely on the quality of the crystals, the number
of channels in the spectrometer and the respective software. For the pollution of natural radioactive
elements there are other basic problems and the success depends largely on considering a series of
geological factors in the interpretation of the data, and naturally on the sensitivity of the equipment.

The uranium mines and the respective technogenic pollution from the mines in the area of
Buhovo are located in a non-homogeneous, relatively complicated, geological, radio geochemical
environment. Most of the mines, the ore dumps and areas with possible technogenic pollution are
found in granites with high radioactivity. The radioactivity is determined from the high concentrations
of U, Th and K. Judging by the map of U, there are signs of pollution as well, of the quaternary
sediments in the Sofia field, which are characterized with relatively low background content of U,
Th and K. The problem is to establish the contours of the areas with a technogenic accumulation of
U from these background concentrations. For this purpose an airborne gamma ray survey was carried
out in 1990. A MADACS gamma ray spectrometry system with 256-channels spectrometer, and total
volume of crystals 52 litres was mounted on a helicopter MI-8.

The flying was made at parallel routes with line spacing 250 m, with 80 m altitude and speed
of about 80 km/h. In this way an almost complete coverage of the area was achieved according to the
zone of effective detection of the crystals, which is about 3 times the height of the flight.

From the airborne gamma ray spectrometry data maps were built and Figure 1 and 2 show
the maps of U (Bi-214) and potassium (K-40) distribution. On them the contours of the highly
radioactive granites are clear, as well as a linear zone with increased content of uranium and a patch
with an increased concentration of uranium, which by area coincides with the tailing of the ore-
dressing factory (Fig. 1). From this map, viewed independently, the following conclusions can be
made: possibly there is a technogenic pollution, coinciding with the tailing and the viewed linear zone.
It is not clear, however, if and where, there is pollution with U in the of the borders of the highly
radioactive granites.

The analysis of these maps (Figs 1 and 2), as well as samples from the soil and granites, have
shown, that in the background systems of both the granites and the low radioactive soil of the Sofia
field, the ratio U/K. remains almost unchanged. Therefore a map of U/K will contour the technogenic
pollution with uranium.

On this map (Fig. 3) the above described areas with technogenic pollution are clearly
contoured, and a series of new polluted areas, are established, both in the borders of the granite
massif (where the ore dumps are seen), as well as in other places.

All these areas have undergone ground verification and the existence of technogenic pollution
is proved. For example, the "newly" polluted patch in the S-W part of the area is a result of the ashes
from the burned coal in "Kremikovzi", which are stored there.

10 1 2 3
Airborne Geophysical Surveys Ltd.

FIG. 1. Uranium (Bi-214) map of the Buhovo area.

A similar methodology, with small variations, is used successfully in other areas of the
country as well, for example in a part of the UpperTrackia crest. There, however, variations of the
trend analysis had to be applied.

The main conclusion is that, in the surveying of pollution with natural radioactive elements
for every concrete case in the geological structure and radio geochemical characteristics of different
type of rocks the methodology for interpretation of the data has to be chosen carefully.


0 1 2 3
Airborne Geophysical Surveys Ltd.

FIG. 2. Potassium (K-40) map of the Buhovo area.

For the development of the methodology for mapping of pollution with natural and artificial
radionuclides, in respect to the new capacity of the PC equipment and experience gained, Airborne
Geophysical Surveys Ltd. Ltd. together with the Canadian partner High-Sense Geophysics Ltd. has
completed the development of a principally new universal airborne gamma ray spectrometry system
with a code name KS16 together with the respective software for survey of all radioactive pollution
and for purely geological purposes.

The software for graduation, applying of corrections and computer compilation has been
developed according to the standard set by the International Atomic Agency [1].

1 0 1 2
Airborne Geophysical Surveys Ltd.

FIG. 3. Map of the ratio U/K of the Buhovo area.

The main original parameters of the KS-16 and the data acquisition system are:

2048 channels analyzer. Through the analyzer the concentrations of up to 16 radioactive

elements can be measured simultaneously with a synchronized applying of all corrections.
This is due to the circumstance that the energy resolution in this number of channels
drastically increases the possibility for using fully the energy resolution of the Nal(TI) crystals
especially in the area of the high and low energies. For example in the standard 256-512
channels spectrometers, in the existence of intense pollution with Cs-137 it is practically
impossible to measure the photopeak of Rn with energy 609 KeV and respective corrections
for Rn.

On the contrary, in the case of an intense pollution with U, the determination of Cs-137 is
a problem. There is a similar situation with the photopeaks of K-40 and Ba-140.

KS 16 can control simultaneously up to 16 photocrystals.

With the software the system makes a linear energy scale of every separate crystal, so that
at the exit a linear energy spectrum is received. Again with the software, during the flying
period a possible energy drift of every separate crystal and of the system as a whole is
eliminated with chosen by the specialists bench-mark photopeaks.

The system is designed, so that after a preflight semiautomatic calibration the system works
automatically, and on board of the aircraft an operator is not needed.
At the moment several systems are working for geological purposes. A specialized software
for artificial radioactive elements is being tested.


[1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Airborne Gamma Ray Spectrometry

Surveying, Technical Reports Series No. 323, Vienna (1991) (out of print).
[2] KOGAN, NAZAROV, FRIDMAN, Fundamentals of gamma spectrometry of Natural Media,
Atomizdat, Moscow (1976) (in Russian).


Uranerzbergbau GmbH,
Wismut GmbH, Chemnitz


In 1982, an airborne gamma spectrometer survey was undertaken by SDAG WISMUT which was directed
at the detection of further uranium mineralization in Saxony and Thuringia. Anomalies outlined along the Elbe river
near the existing Konigstein uranium mine were attributed to one or a combination of the following causes: radioactive
residues from uranium processing facilities located upstream, temporary accumulation of Rn-decay products attached
to dust particles in the atmosphere at the time of the survey, and radioactive waters emerging from uraniferous rocks
along tectonic structures. In 1994, WISMUT GmbH re-evaluated the survey to determine the need for implementing
cleanup measures. Subsequent to the verification of the original airborne data, ground surveys were undertaken that
included gamma spectrometry, percussion probing and river sediment sampling. The new results did not confirm the
magnitude of most of the 1982 airborne anomalies. The general decline of the radioactivity pointed out by the 1994
ground measurements is interpreted to be a result of the partial erosion and dilution of radionuclides in fluvial
sediments as well as burial by additional river sediments since. Additional anomalous copper and zinc concentrations
are attributed to sources other than mining. The ground follow-up delineated a new anomalous zone that is caused
by radionuclides discharged with treated process and mine water. It is the only area, which may require further
investigations and possible remedial action.


In Saxony and Thuringia, exploration for uranium started under the supervision of the Soviet
military in 1945 and was initially focused on the historic mining districts in Saxony. Successful
exploration lead to production of uranium ore in 1946. In 1947, all mining activities in the Soviet
occupation zone were transferred into Soviet ownership as part of the reparation payments after World
War II. Uranium exploration and mining was carried by the company SAG Wismut until 1954. Then,
the hitherto purely Soviet company was converted into the bi-national Soviet-German
Aktiengesellschaft (SDAG) Wismut with the East German and the Soviet government holding 50%
each. SDAG Wismut continued mining under a Soviet-German agreement renewed in 1962 and 1975.
Production ceased by the end of 1990 as result of an agreement between Germany and the Soviet
Union dated October 9, 1990. The produced uranium ore and the yellowcake were shipped to the
Soviet Union for further processing.

By the end of 1990, Wismut had produced a total of 216 000 tonnes of uranium. Most of this
production originated from the black schists-type ore in the Ronneburg district and the world largest
uranium vein deposit Schlema-Alberoda in the Aue district. Minor contributions to the total
production came from sediment-type ores of Permian and Cretaceous age at Culmitzsch, Gittersee and
Konigstein (Fig. 1). This puts Germany after USA. and Canada in third place with regard to total
post-war world uranium production [la, lb].

In 1991, the Soviet-held shares were absorbed by the German government. At the end of
1991, Wismut-GmbH was created as a company wholly owned by the German government. The
business objective of Wismut-GmbH is to close down all mining and to rehabilitate the uranium
mining and milling facilities in Saxony and Thuringia, which had not been abandoned by 1962.

The rehabilitation of the areas affected by the mining activities encompasses a wide variety
of measures including assessing the present site conditions and establishing the need for rehabilitation
activities, cleaning up the underground workings, i.e. removal of hazardous and toxic materials and
backfilling as required by the hydrological or geomechanical conditions, flooding of the mines and
treatment of contaminated waters that discharge into surface waters, demolition of contaminated
surface structures and disposal of contaminated materials, stabilization of tailings ponds including the
removal of supernatant and pore water as well as the construction of covers, rehabilitation of waste
rock piles entailing the contouring of slopes where required and installation of covers, environmental
monitoring of radiological and chemical parameters in order to take corrective measures during the
rehabilitation activities and to document the success of the restoration efforts.

In order to support the environmental assessment of the Konigstein mine site, a portion of a
regional airborne gamma spectrometer survey originally directed at the expansion of uranium ore
reserves during the mining phase was re-evaluated.

The present account deals with the results of the original survey and its re-evaluation. It is
based on the compilation of Wismut data and investigations undertaken by Geophysik GGD, Leipzig
[2] commissioned by Wismut-GmbH in 1994. Similar investigations were carried out by the
Bundesamt fur Strahlenschutz [3] within a regional assessment program.


The survey area is located near the Konigstein mine where the Elbe river valley cuts into the
"Elbsandsteingebirge" — plateau to a depth of approximately 150 m. The valley is 300 to 500 m
wide. The river itself has a width of about 100 m. The river banks are used mostly as pastures. A
number of towns and settlements are located on both sides of the river. A road and railway track pass
along the river connecting Dresden in the west with Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, in the
southeast (Fig. 2).

The uranium ore at Konigstein had been discovered in 1961 and exploited from 1966 to 1990.
The orebody extends over an area of 10 km by 4 km. The underground mine covers an area of up
to 5 km by 3 km. Average grades were in order of 0.08% U. A total of 19 500 tonnes of uranium
was produced initially by conventional methods and from 1984 onward exclusively by underground
leaching [4].

The structural geology of the Konigstein area is characterized by the presence of the
tectonically controlled northwest — southeast trending Elbe River Valley trough. Accordingly, the
major structures trend northwesterly. A conjugate system of structures strikes in northeasterly
direction. In addition, east-west as well as north-south trending joints have developed of which the
"Nordstorung" is of major significance for the Konigstein mine (Fig. 2).

The oldest rock units are Paleozoic granites and granodiorites. Within the Elbe trough, Upper
Cretaceous sediments with a thickness of up to 800 meters overlie the partially eroded paleoweathered
crystalline rocks (Fig. 3). The sedimentary sequence consists from bottom to top of a Cenomanian
series of basal terrestrial sandstones passing into younger marine silt and mudstones, which in turn,
are overlain by Turonian marlstone and sandstone. The series is discontinuously developed due to
synsedimentary tectonic activity. It dips northeast at one to three degrees. The youngest rock units
are Tertiary basalt dykes and sills cutting through the Cretaceous sedimentary sequence.

The Konigstein deposit belongs to the peneconcordant, stacked [5] or "tabular/

peneconcordant sandstone" uranium deposit type [6]. Mineralization is present in two horizons of the
terrestrial basal Cenomanian sediments and in one horizon of the transitional terrestrial/marine
sediments. The principal ore mineral is pitchblende. The ore is spatially associated with clay stone
and organic material and often paragenetically combined with iron sulfides. Elevated concentrations


Uranium Deposit

approx. southern extension of

Cenomanian sandstone [8]

I:::::::::::::: i:: •:: [ iplTri: rt*;:::::::: Tr:::::



Fig. 7. Uranium deposits in Thuringia and Saxony.

K&rogstein Area Fig 2 / ^Schonaji
H Town Site
(Beographical and km />
5Structural Setting H Mill Area .———.———.———, //
[j Orebody 0 1 2 3 /
// /
Date 0602/95 C-Ru/ES

Fig. 2. Geographical and structural setting.

of lead and zinc are commonly associated with the ore. Fractures filled with pitchblende are also
present. In that case, the ore is associated with sulfides, hematite and barite [2]. The structural and
stratigraphic setting is similar to that of the North Bohemian ore bodies of Hamr-Stra in the Czech
Republic [7].


The helicopter-borne survey had been flown during the time period from September 16 to 19,
1982 after calibration over test pads with known eU concentrations. The flight lines were oriented in
north-south direction at a spacing of approximately 250 m. The flight altitude was 100 m (Fig. 4).

The results showed that most anomalies are located in the Elbe valley (Fig. 5). They form
part of a broad anomalous zone straddling the Elbe river and side valleys. The geographic situation,
which is characterized by the pronounced relief, gave rise to the assumption that atmospheric
conditions were causing at times higher radioactivity in the deep valley. It was speculated that the
anomalies had been partially the result either of a wash-out of radon decay products, particularly 214Bi,
or of decay product particles adhering to suspended water droplets shortly before the survey had been

The strongest anomaly was detected in some distance from the Elbe river valley. This
anomaly is in the order of 10 tunes background (10 x BG) and is located over the mill facilities at
Konigstein including a portion of the cable conveyor that transported ore to a railway terminal. The
airborne data indicated otherwise eU-anomalies in the order of 2 x BG mostly confined to the Elbe
river valley. Some anomalies could be allocated to certain geographic features. For instance, the
anomaly located close to the center of Bad Schandau is caused by the pavement at the market square.

ssw NNE


. . .
. \ % % \ \ \ ' o r e blocks, minedout . . .
» . . . » » . , . . . . . . . . * . I
\^^^^*' b a s e l n e l "'»''^*»*-^*^.*\
>»>»Y.*^*^*<*^* ^ » » « « * « « * * » * . 1 .

geol l.iiill

ig. 3. Schematic cross section of the Konigstein Mine.

53525150494847464544434?., 24232221201918 14131211 10 9 8 7 6

59 ..5554 i j I i I , r 40

Town Site
[j Orebody

. 4. Survey area - Jfrg/zr /


> 6 ppm eU
Mil Area
G Orebody

F/g. 5. Major airborne anomalies.

Here, slag from the smelters that processed uraniferous copper ore from the Mansfeld area in Saxony-
Anhalt was used as construction material. The anomaly over the protruding table mountain of
Lilienstein is most likely caused by reduced flying altitude (mass effect). Similarly, the valley
geometry may have contributed to a mass effect resulting in the broad anomaly along the river. Then,
atmospheric processes need not be invoked for its explanation.

The better defined anomalies along the river were attributed to contamination from ore
processing facilities. Upstream from the Konigstein mine, contamination of the fluvial sediments could
have been related to the uranium ore processing facilities at Hamr-Stra in the former Czech-Slovak
Federal Republic. These facilities are located within the catchment area of the Elbe river. Ore
processing residues may have been released some time before the survey had been flown.

Alternatively, anomalies were thought to be caused by radioactive waters and their precipitates
emerging from mineralized rock along tectonic structures. A definite relationship between airborne
anomalies and tectonic structures could, however, not be established.

Ground follow-up investigations were undertaken on several anomalies as part of the

WISMUT site assessment in 1991-1992. The ground measurements yielded puzzling results since the
airborne anomalies could not be reproduced. It was speculated that the radioactive material in the
alluvial beach sediments had been either diluted, covered by younger non-radioactive river sediments
or altogether eroded. In order to explain the disappearance of the anomalies, an investigation on all
anomalies delineated by the 1982 survey was initiated in 1994.


On the basis of a regional background of 4 to 5 ppm eU, a total of 12 anomalous areas

exceeding two times background were identified for ground follow-up. In these areas, gamma
spectrometric measurements were centered on the airborne anomalies. A hand-held Scintrex GAD-6
with a 20 cubic inch sodium iodide crystal was used. Data from four channels (potassium %, eU
ppm, eTh ppm and total count - 0.8 to 2.77 MeV) were recorded on a grid with 50 m spaced stations.
Atmospheric background was established daily by taking three control readings (integrating over 1000
seconds) in the middle of the Elbe river.

The ground data confirmed the lack of correlation between airborne anomalies and follow-up
measurements as already indicated by the initial radiometric test survey undertaken by WISMUT in
1991/92. Exceptions were the market place of Bad Schandau and the area of the Konigstein mine that
both could be clearly confirmed by the ground follow-up measurements.

As the airborne survey had been successful in detecting obvious anomalies like the mine site
and the market square of Bad Schandau, it remained unclear why the other anomalies did not have
a ground spectrometer expression.

In order to identify the source of the airborne gamma anomalies, soil samples were collected
from 11 locations centered on the original anomalies and one anomalous location identified by the
recent ground spectrometric survey. Percussion probing was employed to recover sub-surface material
from a depth of between 10 cm and 1.7 m (39 samples). In addition, 11 surface and river sediment
samples were taken from near-shore zones, ox-bow lakes and river harbors using a rubber dinghy.
All 50 samples were analyzed for radionuclides, lead, zinc, copper, nickel, arsenic and aluminum.
The radionuclide analyses included "°K (4 Bq/kg - detection limit), ^Ra (1 Bq/kg), ^Ra (3 Bq/kg),
Pb (8 Bq/kg), m\J (8 Bq/kg), ^h (1 Bq/kg) and 137Cs (1 Bq/kg). These were determined by
spectrometry of gamma radiation emitting nuclides or their long-lived daughter products. For instance,
uranium concentrations were determined by the activity of "^h (half-life of 24.1 days) which
produces values comparable to chemical assays.

The soil samples collected from the upper zone (0.1 to 0.3 m) and the river sediment samples
display equivalent uranium concentrations in the range of 27 Bq/kg (2.2 ppm) to 260 Bq/kg (21 ppm).
The highest concentrations are located close to the discharge point of the "Elbe-Leitung" in agreement
with the ground spectrometer anomaly discovered by the latest survey (Fig. 6). Similarly, the ^Ra
activity concentrations in sub-surface soil range from 58 Bq/kg to 230 Bq/kg. The highest value of
1800 Bq/kg is also related to the discharge point of the "Elbe-Leitung"(Fig. 7). Since the
accumulation of radionuclides near the discharge point of the "Elbe-Leitung" must have occurred
mostly after the survey was flown (1982), the values from this location are not considered in the
following attempt to correlate the soil anomalies with the airborne anomalies.

The concentrations of up to 9.6 ppm eU encountered in the 0.1 to 0.3 m layer in the centers
of the airborne anomalies indicate that radionuclides are still present. Hence, a complete erosion of
the radioactive material has not occurred but the material is rather shielded by soil of background
radioactivity. This soil was deposited most likely from flood waters of the Elbe river.

In order to test whether the eU concentration in the 0.1-0.3 m layer would produce an
airborne anomaly if it was at the surface, the respective eU concentrations were calculated taking into
account any disequilibrium. Fig. 8 shows that the adjusted eU concentrations in the 0.1-0.3 m depth
zone match the airborne data fairly well. It shows also that the majority of the samples produces a
lower eU concentration than was measured 12 years before. This points to a partial removal of the
radioactive particles since then.

The activity concentrations of the radionuclides show that in addition to erosional and
sedimentary processes uranium was mobilized chemically. The profile of activity concentrations shows


Sub-Surface Soil Sample (0.1 -0.3 m)

Sediment Sample



5433000 5435000 5437000 5439000 5441000 5443000

Fig. 6. Uranium in soil and sediment samples (Bq/kg).

Sub-Surface Soil Sample (0.1 -0.3 m)
Sediment Sample

5644000 Bad Schandau


5433000 5435000 5437000 5439000 5441000 5443000

Fig. 7. Radium in soil and sediment samples (Bq/kg).

that radium is relatively enriched near the surface and uranium at depth (Fig. 9). This points to a
mobilization of uranium from the oxidizing near surface zone to a more reducing environment at
greater depth by percolating rain or meltwater. It is therefore unlikely that radium was mobilized

4 3 11
Drill Hole Number

no Subsurface (0.1-0.3m)-adjusted for disequilibrium Ground Spectrometer

* Airborne Gamma Spectrometer

Fig. 8. Comparison of airborne spectrometer with ground spectrometer and soil measurements.

The overall near-equilibrium state of the radionuclides (Fig. 10) in combination with the
systematic change of disequilibrium with depth suggests that the radioactive material represents natural
mineralization introduced into the river sediments by mine water rather than by uranium-depleted
tailings. Accordingly, the widely varying U/Ra ratios along the Elbe river (Fig. 11) suggest that a
fractionation of the radionuclides occurred locally subject to the respective chemical conditions.

The concentrations of both radionuclides and base metals decrease toward depth. The ratios
of the concentration at the upper level (0.1 to 0.3 m) and at greater depth (1.0 to 1.2 m) range from
1.5 for uranium to 9.5 for Zn (Table I). This could be explained by either increasing load with time
or segregation of finer mineralized particles from coarser unmineralized sand grains during the
deposition process. The second explanation is supported by the presence of silty material in the upper
portion of the soil profiles versus predominant sandy material at depth.

While the maximum concentrations of uranium, radium and arsenic are present in the soil at
shallow depth, nickel, lead, zinc and copper attain even higher concentrations in surface sediment
samples, particularly in harbor sediments (Fig. 12). The increased concentration of nickel, lead, zinc
and copper, which is not accompanied by corresponding radionuclide activities points to another
source of contamination than mining residues. It is assumed that the use of the Elbe river as shipping
route contributes significantly to the base metal pollution.

50 100 150 200

T *


£ 1 if
Q *

U-238 e Ra-226 * Total (U+Ra)

Fig. 9. Average activity versus depth.


ffl 1000




10 100 1000 10000
Bq/kg U-238

. Radium-226 (soil) * Lead-210 (soil)

r Radium-226 (sediment) Lead-210 (sediment)

Fig. 10 Ra-226 and Pb-210 versus U-238.

Sub-Surface Soil Sample (0.1 -0.3 m)
Sediment Sample

- ——
1.90 137 1.31
0.42 Bad Schandau
5644000 - |~ 0^0.76
r-~. Mill
••m-: area 0,82

5642000 Kdnigslem

5433000 5435000 5437000 5439000 5441000 5443000

Fig. 11. U-238/Ra-226 ratios in soil (0.1-0.3 m) and sediment samples.


U ^Ra A Ni Pb Cu Zn
Bq/kg Bq/kg ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
minimum at 0. 1-0.3 m depth 27 58 12 31 57 28 97
maximum at 0. 1-0.3 m depth 260 230 54 63 148 119 696
average at 0.1-0.3 m depth 77 103.5 31 44 96 75 411
minimum at 1.0-1.2 m depth 24 31 8 5 14 3 10
maximum at 1.0-1.2 m depth 160 85 17 27 57 29 150
average at 1.0-1.2 m depth 54 50 12 18 30 16 66
average of concentration ratios 1.5 2.1 2.5 3.1 3.7 6.0 9.5
avg(conc.@0. l-0.3m/conc.@l .0-1. 2m)
harbor sediment maximum 130 206 75 134 216 244 1347

-Start! 696 Sub-Surface Soil Sample (0.1 -0.3 m)
Sediment Sample

5644000 Bad Schandau


5642000 iliii

5433000 5435000 5437000 5439000 5441000 5443000

Fig. 12. Zinc in soil (0.1-0.3 m) and sediment samples (ppm).


Historical exploration data represent a source of valuable information for the environmental
assessment of sites near former uranium mine and mill facilities. The value of airborne spectrometric
data in connection with mine and mill remediation is, thereby, mainly in outlining large areas with
potentially contaminated sites. The characterization and definition of such sites requires detailed
ground investigation. Although the anomalies detected by the airborne survey in the Konigstein area
did not delineate locations requiring remediation, the data resulting from ground follow-up
investigations provided an explanation for the change of radionuclide concentrations in river bank
soils. In particular, the following results were obtained:

flooding events resulted in dispersion, dilution and burial of radionuclides,

as far as anomalies upstream of the Konigstein mine are concerned, a source in the Czech
republic must be considered, and
the ground follow-up delineated a new anomalous zone that is caused by radionuclides
discharged with treated process and mine water. It is the only area, which may require further
investigations and possible remedial action.

In addition, the follow-up data show that the radionuclide source causing the airborne
radiometric anomalies was related to mine water discharge rather than the release of residue from
uranium ore processing, after deposition, uranium has been chemically mobilized, and additional base
metal contamination is possibly related to the use of the Elbe river as shipping route.


The authors thank Wismut-GmbH for permission to publish the data on the airborne and
ground surveys. Dr. H. Schubert of Geophysik GGD is thanked for helpful discussion of radiometric
data and their interpretation.


[la] BMWi, Wismut — State of Decommissioning and Remediation, BUNDESMINISTERIUM

FUR WIRTSCHAFT, Federal Ministry of Economics; Documentation No. 335.
[Ib] BMWi, Wismut — Fortschritte der Stillegung und Sanierung, BUNDESMINISTERIUM FUR
WIRTSCHAFT, Federal Ministry of Economics; Documentation No. 370.
[2] SCHUBERT, H. HESSE, R., Studie zur Untersuchung der durch Aerogammaspektrometrie
markierten Gammaanomalien in der Elbtalaue zwischen Pirnaund Schrnilka, Geophysik GGD
Leipzig (1994).
Erfassung, Untersuchung und Bewertung bergbaulicher Altlasten in den neuen
Bundeslandern", Altlastensanierung '93, (ARENDT, F., ANNOKKEE, G.J., BOSMAN, R.,
VAN DEN BRINK, Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers (1993) 807-814.
[4] BARTHEL, F. H., Die Urangewinnung auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR von 1945 bis
1990, Geol. Jb., A142, 335-346, 1993.
[5] LANGE, G., MUHLSTEDT, P., FREYHOFF, G., SCHRODER, B., Der Uranerz- Bergbau
in Thuringen und Sachsen — ein geologisch-bergmannischer Uberblick, Erzmetall 44 Nr. 3
(1991) 162-171.
[6] DAHLKAMP, F. J., Uranium Ore Deposits, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1993).
[7] LANGE, G., "Technical rehabilitation options for former mining and milling facilities of
Wismut GmbH", Planning and Management of Uranium Mine and Mill Closures, TECDOC-
824, IAEA, Vienna (1995).
[8] ZIEGLER, P.A., Geological Atlas of Western and Central Europe, Shell Internationale
Petroleum Maatschappij B.V., Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam (1982).
[9] MAGER, D. VELS, B., Wismut: An example for the uranium industry in Eastern Europe?
(Proc. Seventh Int. Symp. Uranium Institute, London, 9-11 September 1992).


Federation Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resources,
Federal Institute for Radiation Protection,


After the Chernobyl accident the Federal Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resources carried out a
scintillometer and soil sampling survey to monitor the terrestrial gamma radiation in the states of Lower Saxony
(1987-1988), Thuringia (1991) and Saxony (1992). The results of the single surveys in Lower Saxony, Thuringia and
Saxony have been described in former reports (BECKMANN, FAAS, 1992; BORSDORF, MALINOWSKI, 1995;
BARTHEL, BORSDORF, MALINOWSKI, THOSTE, 1996). Within the scope of terrestrial radiation assessment the
main interest was to differentiate gamma radiation caused by geogene radionuclides from that caused by fallout
nuclides or contamination from uranium mining and milling. The field readings of the scintillometers were correlated
against readings of calibrated instruments and the values were corrected for cosmic radiation and background radiation
from the instruments. The final data were expressed as exposure rate to terrestrial gamma radiation (nGy/h) and
ambient energy dose rate (nSv/h). The calibration work was done by the Federal Institute for Radiological Protection,
Berlin. To demonstrate the distribution of terrestrial gamma radiation in Lower Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony, the
field data (3487 measurements, 4 by 4 km grid) were processed by UNIRAS software and printed as isoline maps.
Additionally at 334 sites soil samples were collected and analysed with a pure Ge-detector. The isoline maps show
anomalous exposure rates of 100 to < 140 nGy/h over the southeastern pan of the Harz Mountains, the Thuringian
Mountains, the western part of the Erzgebirge and the Vogtland. Within the low land regions of Lower Saxony, the
Thuringian basin and regions in Saxony north of the Erzgebirge moderate values of 50 to 90 nGy/h dominate. The
high regional exposure rates correlated with high concentrations of K-40, Ac-228 (Th-232 decay chain) and Ra-226
(U-238 decay chain) in the soils. In the same areas Cs-137 reaches the highest concentrations of 40 to >60 Bq/kg
in soil samples. In Thuringia and Saxony it is difficult to detect eight years after the Chernobyl accident any
correlation of the regional distribution pattern of Cs-137 fallout with heavy rainfalls in May 1986. Only one anomaly
in the western Erzgebirge shows the well known NNW trend, which was recognized from fallout measurements
directly after the accident in Lower Saxony. No anomalous contaminations were detected around the uranium mining
areas of the former WISMUT SDAG in the Ronneburger and Aue districts. The environmental exposure rates fall
in the range of <200 nGy/h. The general results indicate, that today there is no large scale contamination existent,
either from fallout or from uranium mining, which could cause radiological health hazards to the population.


The external radioactivity of the human environment exists of radiation of cosmic and
terrestrial origin. The cosmic component originates from the reaction of cosmic radiation with the
atoms of the upper atmosphere. It varies with elevation above the ground. The sources of terrestrial
radiation are concentrations of geogene radionuclides in the rocks, the soil, the water and the
atmosphere near the ground. Near the ground some gaseous radionuclides such as radon are very

Since the introduction of nuclear energy, artificial radionuclides too contribute to the external
radiation. The sources of artificial radionuclides are nuclear explosions, escape from nuclear reactors
or from their use as tracers or radiation sources in medicine. By far the most radioactive
contamination of the environment originates from nuclear bomb tests in the atmosphere (1945-1991)
and accidents in nuclear power stations.

After the Chernobyl reactor accident, the environmental radioactivity in several areas in
Europe rose by a factor of ten, depending on the rate and direction of radionuclide transport under
atmospheric conditions. The degree of contamination was closely connected to the intensity of fallout
and washout during rainfalls in the period 1 to 4 May 1986. Especially the southern part of Germany
was contaminated with the radionuclides Iodine-131, Ruthenium-103, Cesium-137 and Cesium 134.
In Fig. 1 the readings of a Nal-scintillometer uranium prospecting survey show how much the fallout
sources contributed to the total terrestrial radioactivity in the days directly after the fallout.

In 1986 the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover (Germany)
started detailed investigations in Lower Saxony to prove how much the radiation from the artificial
radionuclides contributed to the terrestrial radiation. After German reunification, the survey was
extended to the states of Thuringia and Saxony. An important problem which these investigations
were designed to resolve was whether additional contamination from uranium mining and milling was
present. In Thuringia and Saxony uranium mining and milling was carried out between 1946 and 1990
by the former WISMUT SDAG. After reunification, uranium production was stopped because it was
uneconomic under international market conditions. Over the years, mining and milling produced large
amounts of waste, much of it as fine grained residues, of which the tailings of the Ronneburger and
Aue mining districts produce the largest environmental impact. Much of the waste from underground
mining and open pits was used for road making and other purposes. Because of this, it was expected
that much contamination could exist in the area surrounding the mines and mills. To detect and
analyse the type of contamination, the Federal Institute for Radioprotection is carrying out an
extensive project entitled "Radiological survey to investigate and evaluate abandoned mining sites in
Saxony and Thuringia". An initial evaluation yielded 5000 contamination points in an area of about
1500 km2. In the second phase of the project a contaminated area of 250 km2 was selected for


2.1. Measurement of Terrestrial Gamma Radiation

To monitor environmental radioactivity levels after the Chernobyl accident, the BGR carried
out scintillometer surveys during 1991 and 1992 on grassland in Thuringia and Saxony.

The density of the grid was six to eight points/100 km2, thus allowing washout areas, which
are normally about 4 km wide and several tens of kilometres long, to be detected. Each measuring
point is representative of one ha (100 x 100 m = 10 000 m2). When counts rates clearly over the
normal background were obtained, the grid was narrowed in order to detect the source. The program
excluded active mining areas, industrial centres and residential areas. A total of 2164 measurements
were taken (see Fig. 2), of which 1138 are located in Thuringia and 1026 in Saxony.

Two types of portable Nal scintillometer were used to measure the gamma radiation in the
field; one Nal scintillometer (Type SPP 2 Saphymo Stel) to record the gamma rays with energies
> 30 keV and a 3-channel scintillometer to record the count rates in channel A > 300 keV, channel
B > 900 keV and channel C > 1400 keV. The gamma radioactivity with these instruments is
expressed in counts per second (cps). The detectors were put on the ground. In view of the fact that
clayey soil absorbs gamma rays from geogene radionuclides (maximum energy Tl-208 = 2.62 MeV,
half-thickness X l/i = 7.82 cm), it was calculated that nearly all gamma rays detected originated from
a spherical volume with a radius of 108 cm (DURRANCE 1986).

The count rates of the SPP 2 scintillometer were correlated against a calibrated dose-meter
using the following formula:

x = y 0.814 + 22.7 ( x = reading in nGy/h, y = reading in cps).

Fig 1. Radiometric effects of Chernobyl Fallout to terrestrial gamma radiation
Anomaly 6/1 Ruppertsgrun
O1985 -4-16 May 1986 +9 June 1986 + Sept 19891


profile 1
K) Fig. 1. Radiometric effects of Chernobyl fallout to terrestrial gamma radiation.

Fig. 2. Regional distribution of gamma ray mesurement and soil sampling localities.
The correlation diagram is shown in Fig. 3 a. Then the regional distribution of energy dose
rates was calculated using a contour program and plotted on maps at a scale of 1: 100 000. At the

Fig. 3 a Correlation cps / nSv/h (SPP2/ BfS Ref.)

1200 -i—————————i—————————i————————r————————•————————•
j y«[.1646x+TS,lOr

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Fig. 3a Correlation of scintittometer (cps) and dose meter units (nGy/h).

Fig. 3 b Correlation (A-B) / (B)

350 - *

300 -

R2 = 0.9666

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

channel B (>900 keV) in cps
Fig. 3b Correlation of count rates in channel A-B (300-900 keV) and count rates in channel B
basis of the contour maps it was possible to eliminate areas with anomalous gamma energy dose rates
and to calculate exposure rates (of the population) with respect to natural gamma radiation.

2.2. Conversion to External Gamma Ray Dose Rates (nSv/h)

The Federal Institute for Radiation Protection (BfS), Berlin-Karlshorst, is conducting

measurements of the ambient gamma dose rate on a 4 x 4 km grid in eastern Germany. The program
should be completed by the end of 1996. The field measurements are carried out with a portable
calibrated gamma ray dose-meter. The field measurements are corrected for internal radiation and
cosmic radiation. The instruments were calibrated for terrestrial gamma rays at the calibration
facilities of the BfS in Berlin-Friedrichshagen, for cosmic radiation on a lake near Berlin and for
internal radiation in a laboratory in the Asse salt mine (WILL, MIELCAREK & SARENIO, 1994).

The results of the BGR investigations from Saxony and Thuringia are incorporated in the
background radiation measuring programme of the BfS. Correlation factors were established for the
readings of the BGR scintillometers using special field calibration pads. After correction of the BGR
records, it was possible to introduce the 2164 scintillometer readings into the new ODL programme
(regional distribution of ambient gamma energy dose rate), hi which terrestrial exposure is expressed
in Nsv/h.

2.3. Regional Distribution of Gamma Ray Dose Rates

The dose rates vary in Saxony and Thuringia between 10.4 and 226.8 nSv/h (0.09-2 mSv/a,
exposure time 365 days). The mean is 62 nSv/h with a standard deviation of 19.7. All readings are
under the national recommended intervention value of 300 nSv/h. Only eight readings are higher than
160 nSv/h.

Fig. 4 displays the regional distribution of the ambient dose rate, which in some areas reflects
the different geological units. Remarkable is the local occurrence of the main anomalies, which
coincide with the highest elevations of the Thuringian Forest, the Vogtland and the Ore Mountains.
The lowlands of eastern Saxony are characterized by values of 40-60 nSv/h. The radioactivity of the
uranium- and thorium-rich granitic rocks of the Gorlitz massif and that of the monzonites,
syenodiorites and biotite granites of the Meissen intrusive complex is masked by the local soil. The
soils consist mainly of clay and are often over 10 m thick. Clear elevated values of > 100 nSv/h
occur over the of Kirchberg and Eibenstock intrusions, in the contact zone with Paleozoic rocks, in
the Teplitz quarz porphyry and over acid and intermediate dyke rocks.

The uranium deposits of the Aue mining district, the Poehla-Globenstein district and the
Freital area are inside these anomalies. The mining districts of Ronneburg, the middle part of the Ore
Mountains and of Konigstein do not display elevated dose rates. North of Zwickau, elevated values
show up contamination derived from the mill at Crossen and contamination in the river valley of the
Zwickau basin from uranium mining

2.4. Gamma Radiation from Chernobyl Fallout and Washout

In the context of the assessment of exposure to external radiation, it is important to investigate

the degree of contamination of the soil in view of the fact that, during the first year after the
Chernobyl accident, external soil radiation accounted for approximately 29% of the total dose for
adults in Germany. A three-channel scintillometer was used to obtain an initial estimate of the
artificial portion of the terrestrial radiation. This instrument divides the count rates into three
channels: channel A >300 keV, channel B > 900 keV, and channel C > 1400 keV. By subtracting
the count rates of channel B from channel A, the counts in the energy range 300-900 keV are

obtained. In this channel the counts originating from the decay of Cs-137 (specific energy 661.6 keV,
half-life 30.17 years) and Cs-134 (specific energy 795.8 keV, half-life 2.06 years) are collected. One
problem is that, in the channel 300-600 keV, the Compton electrons generated by high energy decay
of Bi-214, Tl-208 and K-40 are also counted. This fact is regarded of relatively little importance
because the Compton-electron decay rate shows a fixed ratio to the photo-electrons and for the
estimate of the artificial decay rate only the additional decay rate from the artificial nuclides in the
channel 300-900 keV is important. This means that the higher the ratio of channel A-B/B is, the
higher the count rate in the range 300-900 keV. The method was first successfully tested by the
Geological Survey of Canada to search for debris from the Russian satellite cosmos (BRISTOW Q.,
1978). BGR tested the same method directly after the Chernobyl accident in Lower Saxony. A
combined soil sampling program proved that even concentrations of 40 Bq Cs-137 + Cs-134/kg soil
are detectable. This was the reason for using the same method six years after the deposition of the
nuclides in Saxony and Thuringia.

For the investigation of the count rates from geogene sources, measurements were carried out
in open pits on fresh rocks with different radioactivity. The results show a good correlation of the
ratio A-B/B (see Fig. 3b). The mean of the ratio of 34 measurements in Thuringia was 2.25 with a
standard deviation of 0.36, in Saxony 55 measurements gave a mean of 2.19 with standard deviation
of 0.27. The regional distribution of the ratio of count rates in channel A-B versus channel B is shown
in Fig. 3b.

In Thuringia 1146 soil measurements gave a mean of the ratio of 2.29 (standard deviation
0.27) and in Saxony 905 soil measurements 2.27 (standard deviation 0.33). In comparison to
Thuringia, the total count rate in Saxony is generally higher because of the elevated natural
radioactivity of the granitic rocks.

In Saxony and Thuringia the regional distribution of the ratio (contour maps) does not show
clear anomalies. Weak anomalies (A-B/B >2.9) are visible over the highest elevations of the
mountains. In the east of Saxony one anomaly near the border to Poland is clearly visible. This
anomaly proves the sensitiveness of the method, because scintillometer readings are only 35 to 60 cps
and the specific radioactivity of Cs-137 is 31-40 Bq/kg. The high ratio contains almost no rock
radioactivity component although small concentrations of the fallout nuclide Cs-137 are present.

Based on the results of the radiometric survey of Lower Saxony directly after the Chernobyl
fallout ( BECKMANN C. & FAAS C., 1992), it can be stated that in 1991/92 only relics of fallout
anomalies are existent in Saxony and Thuringia. The relics are the remainder from the washout from
rainfalls in May 1986. The washout was concentrated to three rainfall areas that strike NNW-SSE and
are still present on the highest elevations of the Thuringian Forest, the Vogtland and western Ore
Mountains. A small anomaly at the border to Poland is part of another fallout region.


3.1. Soil Sampling and Measurement of Activity Concentrations

Soil samples were taken at 259 different localities (138 in Thuringia and 121 in Saxony) to
determine their specific radioactivity. In Thuringia soil sampling was carried out at the intersections
of grid lines with a spacing of 10 x 10 km. At each grid point four samples were taken on flat
ground from undisturbed grassland along one diagonal of a 100 x 100 m square. In Saxony the same
method was applied; however, the sampling density was increased in areas of elevated radioactivity.
Plant material, roots and rock fragments > 1 cm were removed from the individual samples. Then
the samples were mixed to obtain a composite sample representative of a sampling area of 10 000 m2.
To calculate the bulk density, the mass of the soil with a given volume was determined in both wet
and dry condition. Each composite sample was dried at 106°C for 24 h and then crushed in a mortar.
After sieving, the <2 mm fraction was stored in a gas-proof container for 20 days before gamma


- 20 21-40 4HW 6I-«0

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Fig. 4. Regional distribution of ambient energy dose rates.

spectrometry measurements were carried out (Ge detector, volume 126 cm3). The detection time for
each sample was 1000 to 2000 seconds, depending on their relative radioactivity. The total error of
the gamma activity measurements, comprising the sampling error and the experimental error, was
about 25 %. The specific activities were expressed in concentration of nuclides Bq per kg dry mass
of soil. Table I shows the radionuclides and the specific energies at which they were determined.


Radionuclide Energy in keV Land

K-40 1460.8 Saxony, Thuringia
Ac-228 911.0 Saxony, Thuringia
Th-232 via Ac-228, Pb-212, Tl-208 Saxony
Th-234 (U-238) 63.3 Thuringia
Ra-226 (U-235) via Pb-214, Bi-214 186 Saxony
Pb-210 46.5 Saxony
U-235 185.7 Saxony
Cs-137 661.6 Saxony, Thuringia
Cs-134 795.8, 605 Saxony,Thuringia

The concentrations of Th-234 (U-238 decay chain), Ac-228 (Th-232 decay chain) and K-40
were used as reference nuclides for the concentrations of natural radioelements in Thuringia, whereas
Ra-226 was determined in addition in the samples from Saxony (BORSDORF et al. 1995). For
reference purposes the activities of the artificial nuclides from the Chernobyl fallout were recalculated
to the 1 July 1991.

3.2. Concentrations and Regional Distribution of Naturally Occurring Nuclides

Potassium-40 (Fig.6)

Natural potassium contains 0.012 % K-40. K-40 decays with the emission of gamma and beta
radiation and has an extremely long half-life of 1280 million years. The specific radioactivity of IC^
is 30.9 Bq/kg K. Therefore it is possible to determine the natural potassium content from the
concentrations of the specific radioactivity of K-40.

The soil samples investigated in our study show a range of specific radioactivities of K-40
between 114 and 1480 Bq/kg, mean 645 Bq/kg. In 75% of the samples investigated, the specific
radioactivity varies between 400 and 800 Bq/kg. Of all the naturally occurring nuclides, K-40
contributes the highest amount of gamma radiation to the terrestrial radioactivity. The regional
distribution of K-40 concentrations shows some relationship to the petrography of the underlying
rocks, especially to porphyritic K-feldspar granites and contact rocks. Anthropogenic input due to
fertilizers may influence the pattern to a minor degree.

The regional distribution of K-40 concentrations is shown in Fig. 6. The lowest concentrations
were obtained in the sandy regions of the lowlands in NE Saxony and northern Thuringia. The
moutainous regions of the Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge) and the Thuringian Forest generally show
enhanced concentrations. Anomalous concentrations with > 1000 Bq K-40/kg were observed in soils
over the granites of the Western Ore Mountains and on granites and porphyries of the Eastern Ore
Mountains. In the Thuringian Forest enhanced K-40 concentrations are due to soils on acidic volcanic
rocks of Permian age. In the lowlands of Saxony and Thuringia, only those regions show elevated
concentrations, where the Permian rocks are covered by loess and brown podsolic soils.


-10 - uo - leo - IK - MO _jso

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Fig. 5. Regional distribution of ratio of count rates in channel A-B (300-900 keV) and channel B
. 6. Regional distribution of K-40 concentrations in the upper sod horizons of Thuringia and
K) Saxony.
Actinium-228, Thorium-232 decay chain (fig. 7)

Ac-228 is the second daughter of the Th-232 decay chain. Its half-life is 6.13 h and it is easily
recognizable from several energy peaks. The 911 keV peak was used for measurement of the specific
radioactivity of the soil samples. Under normal natural conditions, thorium and its immediate decay
products are generally immobile.

The distribution of Ac-228 concentrations are shown in Fig. 7. The average of all samples
is 40.3 Bq/kg (standard deviation 15.8). Enhanced concentrations of Ac-228 (>100 Bq/kg) are
strictly related to the Kirchberg Granite in the western Ore Mountains and to rhyolites in the
Zinnwald area in Saxony. In Thuringia, enhanced values of Ac-228 (>60 Bq/kg) occur in soils over
Permian rhyolites of the Zella-Mehlis and Ilmenau areas. The thoriferous minerals in the underlying
rocks seems to be the source of the specific radioactivity.

Radium-226 and Thorium-234, U-238 decay chain (fig. 8)

Ra-226 (alpha and beta decay) has a half-life of 1600 years. Its geochemical behaviour is
different from the behaviour of its parent U-238. This is the reason why it can be separated from
U-238 during weathering or hydrothermal processes. Both enrichment and depletion of Ra-226 in
relationship to U-238 was observed. As Ra-226 is followed in the decay chain by radon-222 its
concentration is important for the calculation of the radon exhalation rate of a soil. The distribution
of Ra-226 concentrations were investigated in Saxony to detect the impact of previous uranium or
silver/cobalt mining activities.

In Saxony the concentration of Ra-226 varies between 30 and 70 Bq/kg (mean 46 Bq Ra-226/kg,
standard deviation 25 Bq/kg). The lowest value measured was 5, and the highest 151 Bq Ra-226/kg.
From the regional distribution, it can be concluded that the Ra-226 content is mainly due to its natural
occurrence in the rocks; however, enhanced values along the crest of the Ore Mountains could
indicate some artificial input due to fallout from combustion of lignite hi northern Bohemia. The
anomalies over the Eibenstock and Kirchberg Granites (HHM granites) in the Ore Mountains are clear
indicators of geogenic sources.

For Thuringia the analysis of Th-234 was chosen to determine the concentration of uranium-238
in the soil. The main concentrations vary from 80 to 400 Bq Th-234/kg, some anomalous values
above 700 Bq/kg were obtained from samples of soils (brown podsolic soil) over rhyolites of
Carboniferous age from the Thuringian Forest. Loess and brown podsolic soil samples from the
Triassic of the Thuringian basin show the lowest activities (<200 Bq Th-234/kg).

3.3. Concentration and Regional Distribution of Fallout and Washout Radionuclides

Cesium-137, Cesium-134 (Fig. 9)

The artificial radionuclides Cs-137 and Cs-134 were transported by clouds from the Chernobyl
reactor site to Saxony and Thuringia at the beginning of May 1986. The radionuclides were deposited
by washout on to the surface of the vegetation and soils. On account of the short half-life of most of
the radionuclides, only cesium-137 and cesium-134 are detectable 10 years after the deposition.
Besides Chernobyl cesium, a small concentration of cesium from nuclear weapon tests carried out in
the 1960s is also present in the soil samples.

In 1994 only cesium-137 was detectable in measurable quantities in the soil samples from Saxony
and Thuringia. Owing to its short half-life of 2.06 years, Cs-134 was only detectable in few samples.
In most of the samples the concentrations were below the detection limit.

Fig. 7 distribution of Ac-228 concentrations in the upper soil horizons of Thuringia and
Fig. 8a Regional distribution ofTh-234 concentrations in Thuringia.

Fig. 8b Regional distribution ofRa-226 concentrations in the upper soil horizons of Saxony.

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- 1» U-W 11-30 JV-W 4I-S« Sl-SO , to
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Fig. 9. Regional distribution of Cs-137 concentrations in the upper soil horizons of Thuringia and
The majority of the samples have cesium-137 concentrations between 10 and 30 Bq/kg (mean
Thuringia 20.3 Bq/kg, standard deviation 11 Bq/kg). Maximum values of >50 Bq/kg have been
measured in soil samples from sampling localities in the upper part (600-1000 m above m.s.l.) of the
Thuringian Forest, the Vogtland and the Ore Mountains. The northern Thuringian Basin and the
lowlands of Saxony (150-250 m above m.s.l.) are characterized by low concentrations (< 10 Bq/kg).

Fig. 8 shows the regional distribution of the concentrations of Cs-137 in the upper soil horizons
in Thuringia and Saxony.

3.4. Interpretation of Regional Radionuclide Distribution

According to DURRANCE (1986) and SARENIO (1994), the concentration of radkmuclides in

the upper 30 cm of the soil are responsible for most of the gamma rays reaching the detector. The
measurements of the ambient dose rate are therefore closely related to radionuclide concentrations in
this part of the soil profile. As the spectrometric results show, nearly all fallout and washout
radionuclides are enriched in the upper soil horizons. Generally the soil is a open geochemical system,
where the decay series of U-238 and Th-232 may not be in equilibrium. As shown in the study, the
method which was applied — measurement of terrestrial radioactivity at energies between 30 and
3000 keV and dividing the energy range into three channels A, B and C — can be used for detection
of natural and artificial radionuclides in the upper soil horizons. Also the Nal scintillometer can be
converted by calibration with dose meters to obtain dose rates.

One striking result is that the highest concentrations of natural radionuclides and artificial
radionuclides are limited to the same areas. These areas are the highest elevations of the Ore
Mountains, the Vogtland and the Thuringian Forest. In these areas rocks with elevated enrichment
of natural radioactivity (granites and rhyolites) also show enhanced Cs-137 concentrations. It can be
assumed that the Cs-137 accumulation from washout was best preserved in these undisturbed regions
by natural processes such as absorption.


No concentrations above the radiological safety limit have been observed. The study area excluded
areas of ongoing rehabilitation of uranium mining. Although uranium mining was undertaken in the
study area from the late 1940s to the late 1960s, no significant impact could be found during the
measurements of the ambient dose rate nor in the soil samples. Only few samples of low grade ore
were found along roads used for transport or in road gravel. The reason for not detecting a significant
number of these pieces of ore may be due to use of the 10 x 10 km grid, however our results are
in good agreement with the results of investigations carried out by the Federal Institute for Radiation
Protection and other organizations. In general the exposure rate in the areas outside the uranium
mining facilities does not exceed 200 nGy/h.


Regions with the highest terrestrial radioactivity (exposure rates 100-140 nSv/h) are located on
the most elevated parts of the Thuringian Forest, the Vogtland and the Ore Mountains. The basins
in the forelands of the mountains show moderate to low values (40-80 nSv/h). The lowest rates were
measured over sand of Holocene age in the Niederlausitz, eastern Saxony.

Remarkable is the spatial correlation of anomalous concentrations of artificial radionuclides with

high concentrations of geogenic radionuclides (K-40, Ac-228, Ra-226) in the mountainous regions.
In these regions, concentrations of 40- >60 Bq Cs-137/kg soil are typical. The isoline plot
interpretation of the soil sample measurements correlates very well with the Nal-radiometric field

measurements (three-channel method). Eight years after the Chernobyl accident, there is not a very
close correlation of the fallout anomalies with rainfall areas from May 1986, although directly after
the fallout there was a strong correlation in Lower Saxony. Only one anomaly trending NNW from
the Eibenstatter Massif to the Kirchberger Granite Massif remains. Fallout concentrations appear to
be preferentially preserved in undisturbed grassland or forests, where minimal erosion takes place.

Terrestrial radioactivity can be measured with Nal scintillometers as used in uranium prospecting.
The scintillometers have to be calibrated against a dose meter. It is very important that the dose
meters are calibrated in the range from around 30 to > 3000 keV, not only to 1300 keV as is normal
in the nuclear industry. Field measurements with scintillometers with energy discrimination (channel
A = > 300 keV, channel B = > 900 keV, channel C = > 1400 keV) and calculation of count ratios
give very good indications of fallout concentrations.


BACHHUBER, H., BUNZL, K., SCHIMMACK, W., Spatial variability of fallout 137-Cs in the soil
of a cultivated field.in: Env. Monitoring and Assessment 8 (1987) 93-101.

BARTHEL, F.H., MAGER, D., Uranium Mining and Rehabilitation: International Aspects and
Examples from Germany, Technical Committee Meeting on Recent Changes and Events in Uranium
Deposit Development,Exploration, Resources, Production and the World Supply/Demand
Relationship, IAEA, Kiev, Ukraine (in press).

Radionukliden in den oberflachennahen Boden in Sachsen und Thiiringen, Ztsch. Geol. Wiss., Berlin
(in press).

BECKMANN, CHR., FAAS, CHR., Radioactive contamination of soils in Lower Saxony, Germany,
after the Chernobyl Accident.- Analyst, 117 (1992) 525-527.

BORSDORF, K.H., MALINOWSKI, D., NAUMANN, M., Radiologische Belastung von Boden in
Sachsen.- Z. angew. Geol., 41(2) (1995) 111-117.

BMWI (1993), Dokumentation Nr. 335, 370: WISMUT, BMWi, Bonn, August 1993, Mai 1995

BRISTOW, Q., The application of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry in the search for radioactive
debris from the Russian satellite Cosmos 954 (Operation "Morning Light"), Current Research, Part
B, Geol. Survey Can., Paper 78-1B, p. 151-162, Ottawa (1978).

DURRANCE, E. M., Radioactivity in geology, Chichester (1986).

SARENIO, O., MeBanleitung OrtsdosisleistungsmeBung fur naturliche Gammastrahlung,

Radiologische Erfassung, Untersuchung und Bewertung bergbaulicher Altlasten , BfS (1993).


assessment of external photon dose rate in the vicinity of nuclear power stations; an intercomparison
of different monitoring systems, EG Briissel, Dec. 1992

WILL, W., MIELCAREK, J., SARENIO, 0., Flachendeckende Messung der natiirlichen
Gamma-Ortsdosisleistung in den neuen Bundeslandern — Mefimethoden, BfS-Jahresbericht fur 1995,
Salzgitter (1996). _____JJMIIIIII__mamm mmlL
left BLANK

Office de protection contre les rayonnements lonisants,
Le Vesinet
Bessines sur Gartempe


In France, uranium ores have been exploited in rural areas with a low population density. The critical
population group which is identified for radiological impact studies lives close to the uranium facilities, at distances
from a few hundred metres to 1 kilometre. Within this range, the radioactivity of the environment is still detectable
amongst the natural background. Mining companies manage surveillance networks according to strict specifications
laid down by the government authorities. For active mining operations it is the exposure to daughter products of radon
222 that forms the bulk of the total effective dose. After closure of a mine and rehabilitation of the site, products such
as uranium 238 and radium 226 in the water can become the major components of the total effective dose.
Surveillance networks are built to allow direct measurement of the radon daughter products critical to the alpha energy
and measurements of the water activities for uranium 238 and radium 226. Annual limits for the effective individual
doses are given and determined by the authorities. The industry must manage effective annual doses of the order of
1 mSv. The natural exposure which is not part of the regulation is of the same order (1 mSv) as the exposure created
by the industry. The results given are therefore lacking in clarity for the public. The Office de Protection contre les
Rayonnements lonisants (OPRI) and ALGADE are developing methods which allow differentiation between natural
phenomena and man-made phenomena. It has been recognised that for a region where mining activities have taken
place, the isotopic signature of uranium, radium and radon can clearly be recognised from the same product of natural
origin. In the case of radon, for example, the industry produces only radon 222 while natural emanations are
composed of radon 220 and radon 222.



1.1. Historical background

In France, the legal document specifically covering environmental protection around uranium
mines, ore treatment plants, storage plants for mining waste and solid waste from treatment is Decree
no 90-222 of 9 March 1990. The decree was published in the Official Journal of the French Republic
of 13 March 1990, and was introduced into the general regulations governing the extractive industries
brought into force by Decree no 80-331 of 7 May 1980.

Arrangements for monitoring waste disposal and measuring the exposure of the general
population to ionising radiation were progressively put into place by the producers from the beginning
of the 1970s under their own initiative, the design of these arrangements being based on the
recommendations of international organisations in force at the time. For the most part, the above
document ratifies these arrangements.

Among the documents used as reference material by those drafting Decree no 90-222 were
AIEA SS no 43 of 1975 [1] (which laid down the objectives of surveillance networks) and ICRP
Publication no 43 [2] of 1984. The latter publication confirmed that the objectives of document SS

no 43 were sound, clarified a few important concepts, among them that of "critical population
groups" already introduced in ICRP Publication no 26 [3], and endorsed two types of monitoring
strategy: those aimed at qualifying environmental impact via a determination of sources and transfers,
and those aimed at direct estimates of the exposure of populations.

1.2 The key points in Decree no 90-222

Decree no 90-222 is based on the concept of "critical population groups". Its objective is to
limit the fraction of their annual exposure attributable to the "industrial" discharges of mining
companies and plants that depend on them.

The "critical population groups" are identified during the radiological study of the site carried
out prior to the establishment of the surveillance network, taking into account the sources and critical
transfer routes of the radionuclides significant for radiological protection. Specific Prefectorial Orders
specify the frequency and siting of the sampling points in the environment and the methods of
measurement to be used.

As regards the radioactivity contained in drainage water discharged from mines and in liquid
effluent from industrial plants, the decree introduces the principle of optimising radiological
protection. The limits for discharge are fairly severe as regards both the dilution provided by the
waterway receiving it and the possible transfer routes. If there is a demand that a radium or uranium
purification station is necessary, the operator must use the best available technology leading to the
smallest possible discharge.

1.3. Annual dose limits introduced in the circulaire d'application (memorandum of application)

A circulaire d'application lays down the limits to be complied with as regards the effective
dose equivalent added by industry to that of natural origin for the same radionuclides and the same
exposure routes. Except for special cases, the effective dose is determined by taking into account the
exposure to gamma radiation, the inhalation of short-lived daughter products of radon isotopes and
of long-lived alpha emitters in radioactive dust, the consumption of water at the site and the local food

At present (May 1996), the annual limit for the effective dose equivalent for people belonging
to the critical population group is 5 mSv. It is assumed in the calculation that 5 mSv corresponds to
the inhalation of a potential alpha energy (PAE) of 2 ml due to the daughter products of radon 222,
6 ml due to those of radon 220, 170 Bq due to ore dust, and to the ingestion of 7000 Bq of radium
226 and 2 g of natural uranium.

In the near future, the circulaire d'application will in all probability have to legalise a limit
on the effective dose equivalent of 1 mSv per year averaged over 5 years, a limit that the EU is
preparing to introduce officially into its directives. The value of 1 mSv will correspond in particular
to the ingestion of a PAE of 0.73 mJ from radon 222 daughter products. This quantity is inhaled by
a person exposed for a year to an equilibrium radon 222 concentration of 18 Bq m'3, the concentration
expressed as a PAE being about 100 nJ m"3.

DECREE NO 90-222

2.1. Current situation

After discussion, operators have accepted and implemented the arrangements included in the
Prefectorial Orders for the monitoring of discharges and the surveillance networks. It turns out that
the value of the effective dose equivalent corresponding to the combination of "industrial" and
"natural" exposures is in general less than the annual limit of 5 mSv. Everything is thus fine, and
there are no problems still to be solved.

In order to recover the contribution of "industrial" origin, the operator subtracts a fixed value
for the "natural background" from the total. Since even the total dose falls within the legal limit, the
operator is not very particular about the way in which this natural background is determined. To ease
matters, he adopts values measured relatively distant from the industrial sources, which are more
representative of the regional background than of the local background at the mine workings being
monitored and thus possibly too low. This could lead to an overestimate of the industrial component.

2.2. The current annual limit of 1 mSv

The total exposure at mines leads in general to an effective dose for populations of more than
1 mSv per year. With the present arrangements for monitoring discharges and the release of solid
waste by containment facilities, it might be impossible at some sites to comply with a limit on the
industry-related annual effective dose equivalent of 1 mSv (with the above-mentioned corresponding
value for radon 222) for all critical groups.

The operator should clearly improve his containment facilities, and he is in fact quite prepared
to do this provided, however, he is convinced that in his case the limit is not complied with. The
operator sees that the natural background is of the same order as the statutory limit and is often
greater than the legal industrial contribution. He will have to produce sound arguments for the natural
background values that, at the moment, he will have calculated at most just before subtracting them
from the total values.

The introduction of a stricter limit reveals a problem which has not existed so far: that of
discriminating between contributions from natural sources and those from industrial sources in the
total effective doses. In the case of mines, using the regional background is not in general adequate.
This is because the radioactive atmospheric load of radon 222 due to its exhalation from local soils
varies considerably on a local scale, depending as it does on the ventilation capacity and the weather
conditions. High values obtained at a station do not necessarily indicate that it is marked by radon of
industrial origin. It could simply be a case of a station installed in a poorly ventilated location.

Similarly, the radioactive load of natural origin in underground and surface waters, observed
in the catchment area of the mine, corresponds to a geological formation which contained an
anomalously high uranium concentration. Such a radioactive load of natural origin may be very
different from that observed in another catchment area nearby having the same geology but never
having contained a uranium deposit. It is therefore essential to find a method of discriminating
between the two contributions which is based on measurements made on the scale of the site being
monitored and not on any measurements made elsewhere.


The Office de Protection contre les Rayonnements lonisants (OPRI) is a technical organisation
under the Ministry of Health and one whose main task is the measurement of exposures of populations

whether of natural, industrial or medical origin. It is currently concerned, in collaboration with the
ALGADE company, a service subsidiary of COGEMA specialising in the monitoring of mines, with
the development of a method for making a rigorous measurement of each of these two components.

3.1. Principle of the method of isotopic signatures

We examine the possibility of discriminating between the environmental load due to

radionuclides of natural origin and those of industrial origin from their isotopic signature. The
principle of the method is simple. Assume that, on the scale of the area being monitored and in the
various physical compartments covered by the measurement network (atmosphere, surface water,
underground water, soils and sediments), the isotopic signature of naturally occurring radionuclides
in the relevant medium is always the same. This means that the atomic concentrations of the different
isotopes may vary from one point to another over the area but that the ratios of these concentrations
remain constant. It will be appreciated that this situation can occur if the uranium and thorium
concentrations in the local soil and geological formations on the one hand, and the processes leading
to the release and transport of radionuclides in the receiving media on the other hand, vary little on
the scale of the area being monitored.

If the area being monitored is large enough for there to be some zones where it is certain that
no industry-related contamination exists, then the isotopic signature of the natural radioactivity may
be established there for all the media sampled. It is then assumed that this signature is the same in
those zones of the area which are marked by industrial waste. The industrial component can then
legitimately be constructed from the measurement of the distortion it has produced in the signature
of the natural component.

3.2. Progress made in validating the method

Our intention is to examine to what extent the isotopic signature method can solve the problem
raised, and to investigate the conditions under which the associated assumptions are valid, for the case
of French mines. Where the terrain is uncomplicated, as in the sandy clay and calcareous clay plains
of the Paris basin, the method works. However, the concentrations of radionuclides of natural origin
are almost constant over the whole area, and simply subtracting the uniform background recovers the
industrial component quite easily. In fact, in most French mines, the situation as regards natural
radioactivity is less simple, the background varying at least in absolute value from one end of the area
to the other. It is our objective to identify those sites for which the method of recovering the industrial
component from isotopic signatures is valid.

We describe the research in progress and the results obtained. As regards the impact of
atmospheric discharges of radon 222, the method appears to us to be valid for at least three sites
characterised by very pronounced relief (differences in height above sea level of a few hundred
metres, existence of several waterways, variable soil roughness). As regards the impact of the
discharges and releases of radium and uranium into aquifers, our research has only just started.



The networks used by ALGADE for measuring the radiological impact of atmospheric radon
222 have the special feature that they measure not only the atomic concentrations of radon 222 and
its daughter products but also those of lead 212, a daughter product of radon 220. It is thus possible,
for each station in the network, to calculate the ratio A between the concentrations of radon 222 and
lead 212 of natural origin. Lead 212 atoms replace equal numbers of radon 220 atoms exhaled by the
soil a few minutes earlier. The ratio A is therefore interpreted below as giving the ratio of exhalations

of radon 222 and radon 220, such exhalations having been weighted on the regional or continental
scale according to the case.

Reference [4] examines the theoretical conditions under which we might hope to obtain a
constant value for A, the ratio of the atomic concentrations of radon 222 and lead 2121 in the air
sampled by all the stations in the surveillance network.

In practice, our confidence that it is valid to apply the method was based on the small
dispersion in the values of A measured for a sufficient number of background stations covering the
monitored area adequately, including both poorly ventilated stations with high radon loads and well
ventilated stations with low radon loads.

Table I shows the values of the ratio < A > we have obtained over several sites in France and
in a few African countries. For the sedimentary areas in the table, it can be seen that values of < A >
lie in the range 280 - 300 except for Languedoc, which is outside the range with < A> = 860. For
crystalline terrain, the values of < A> extend from 500 to 5200. The ratio of the atomic flux of
radon 222 to that of radon 220, in a simplified scheme, is given by:

[Ra226j t-222 H[)222'[R^224J ^220 HD220

HD222, HD220 are the diffusional relaxation lengths of the radon isotopes.

The central value of the ratio of relaxation lengths is of the order of 80 for a profile showing
a uniform saturation of the porous volume, but higher and lower values are to be expected according
to whether the soil is dry or wet. The ratio of the emanation coefficients is of the order of 1, except
for special mineralogical features. On the average over the whole earth's crust (but not necessarily
in soils), the activities of the radium in the two radioactive series are of the same order. The mean
expected terrestrial value is thus of the order of 100. The values of < A> in Table 1, which are for
sites where uranium ore is extracted, are 3 to 50 times as great.

4.1. Results for the Limousin network

COGEMA has been mining uranium ores in the Nord-Limousin region for 45 years and
treating them on site. There are several radon 222 sources, including heaps of mining waste and
residues from treatment. The radiological impact of radon 222 emissions is monitored by a network
of 44 operational stations equipped with the exposimeters described in the Introduction.

The region covered by the Nord-Limousin "radon" surveillance network (50 km2) has a relief
consisting of small rounded tree-covered hills, with fairly deep valleys and many lakes. Stations along
hill tops have low exposures because of the large atmospheric dispersion at such sites. Stations in
valleys or protected by an obstacle have high exposures because of the poor air circulation.

The region is characterised geologically by granitic formations (binary granites and biotite
granites) with metamorphic series at the boundaries (mica schists and paragneiss). A geological survey
of Nord-Limousin showed that the uranium content of the soils associated with the granites in the
region covered by the network was significantly higher than that observed on the average for more
distant formations. A programme of airborne gamma-spectrometry enabled a map to be drawn up of

More precisely, the sum of the atomic concentrations of lead 212 and bismuth 212 in view of the decay
chain of radon 220. A is therefore the ratio of the sum of the atomic concentrations of the radon 222
series to the sum of those of the radon 220 series as measured by the surveillance network stations at


Network Geology Radon 222 Atomic Atomic Ratio

volume concentration concentration <A>
activity Bq m"3 for members for members
of the radon of the radon
222 series 220 series
103 atom m'3 103 atom nr3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) = (4)/(5)
Paris Basin, calcareous
France 1990- clay or sandy 11.2 5340 16.5 324
1995 clay soil
France granites 20 9520 6.8 1400
Charentes, limestone,
France 1992- marine 6.5 3100 9.2 285
1993 sediments
Vendee, metamorphic
France and granitic 13 6200 12 5170
1993 series
France granites 11 5240 10.4 504
Morvan, granites
France 17.5 8330 14.4 578
Languedoc, sedimentary
France and volcanic 15 7140 8.3 860
1991 permian
Mounana, sandstone and
Haut products of 14 6670 18.4 363
Ogooue, weathering
Southern sands, 33 15700 41 383
Sahara, sandstone
Kanyemba, sands,
Zimbabwe sandstone 8.5 4050 13.6 298

If such a small dispersion demonstrates that the method is valid, a mean ratio < A > is
calculated by averaging the values of A obtained over the unmarked stations in the area. Since lead
212 concentrations are also measured in stations marked by industrial radon 222, the concentrations
of radon 222 of natural origin can be recovered from this by applying the factor < A > to it.

the surface concentrations of uranium and thorium in the soil, concentrations which appear to be
roughly proportional to each other.

Programmes involving local measurements of radon 222 flux have enabled a map of radon
222 fluxes to be produced from the map of uranium concentrations. These programmes showed that
the local fluxes are about 5 times higher than those obtained for soils associated with more distant
sedimentary formations. These conditions favour the introduction of values for the ratio A that are
relatively constant over the area.

Table II contains the results obtained over the Limousin (France) network in 1993. Thirteen
stations were identified as representative of the background. The table gives for each station the
annual mean value of the atomic concentration of radon 222 and lead 212, the ratio A of these two
values, the potential alpha energy (PAE) and the mean volume activity Av of the radon 222 and its
equilibrium factor F. The means are calculated from the 12 monthly values measured in 1993 by
alpha spectral active dosimeters installed by ALGADE in the stations monitoring mine workings.



Station Rn222 Pb212 A PAE222 A.222 F

No 106 103 103 nJ/m3 Bq/m3
atom/m3 atom/m3
8 8.5 6 .42 50 17.85 0.50
9 8.8 6.5 .35 54 18.48 0.52
16 7.1 6.8 .04 41 14.91 0.49
19 8.3 6.2 .34 56 17.43 0.57
20 5.7 4.4 .30 43 11.97 0.64
23 12 10 .20 57 25.2 0.40
27 6 4.6 .30 33 12.6 0.47
30 6.1 4.9 ][.24 38 12.81 0.53
31 11 8.1 1[.36 61 23.1 0.47
35 15 9.9 1[.52 94 31.5 0.53
40 6.2 3.5 ][.77 34 13.02 0.46
42 13 7.8 ]1.67 68 27.3 0.44
43 15 9.4 11.60 92 31.5 0.52
<Rn <Pb212> < A> <PAE <Av <F>
222 > 222 > 222 >
mean over 9.4 6.8 1.39 55.5 19.8 0.5

It can be seen that the mean annual values of the background volume activities of radon 222
measured by the 13 stations vary considerably, by a factor of 2.6 between the highest value
(31.5 Bq m'3 at station 35) and the lowest value (12 Bq m'3 at station 20). The method of recovering
industrial exposures by subtraction of a uniform background exposure would be inadequate here.

As regards the monthly means of the activities obtained in 1993 by each "background" station,
the variation is still greater. See reference [4] for more information. The mean value of A over all
the background stations is 1.39 . 103, the highest value being 1.77 . 103 and the lowest 1.04 . 103.
The standard deviation for the distribution of A values is 0.14.

The isotopic dilution method is validated for the Nord-Limousin network
by the fact that the ratio A is relatively constant over all the
background stations of the network
Icotoplc ilgnatur* method





••'•' B:-K£S£:-£5 .v

N 1 N 12 N 13 N 14 N 22 N 24 N 25 N 26 N 28 N 32 N 37 N 39

FIG. 1. Recovery of the PAEs of industrial radon 222 by the isotopic signature method. The Nord-
Limousin network: 12 stations marked by industrial radon 222. Mean values for 1993.

Since these results are for land showing only a small variation in A, it was assumed that the
criterion for the applicability of the procedure is satisfied. We therefore continued to use the technique
in processing the data for the network.

The Pb 212 concentrations for stations subjected to the effect of COGEMA radon 222 sources
were used to calculate the Rn 222 concentrations of natural origin for these stations by multiplying
by the factor < A > , i.e. 1.39 . 103.

The industry-related radon 222 concentrations could be obtained by subtraction.

Supplementary processing enabled the PAE 222 of its daughter products to be recovered. Here, the
mean value of the equilibrium factor for the "background" stations, 0.5, is used (see Table II).

Figure 1 summarises the results of the recovery procedure by giving the annual mean values
of PAE 222 concentrations of industrial and natural origin for stations located outside the perimeter
of COGEMA plants. Some of these stations are located near critical population groups. It can be seen
that almost all the industry-related values remain lower than the derived limit of 100 nJ m"3, which
over a year corresponds to an effective dose of 1 mSv.

Figure 2 shows the results of a recovery procedure based on the subtraction of a uniform
background over the whole area. It can be seen here that this method falsely identifies 4 stations
where the mean annual industry-related exposure exceeds the derived limit of 100 nJ m"3.

4.2. Selection of stations representative of the regional background of natural origin

It is clear that, in the case of a recovery procedure based on the subtraction of a uniform
background over the whole area, the mean PAE concentrations in the Nord-Limousin network are
underestimated for poorly ventilated stations and overestimated for well ventilated stations. This may

The variability hi the PAE concentrations measured over the background stations
invalidates the method using subtraction of a uniform background in the case of the Nord-
Limousin network
M thod using th» substruction of • uniform background vilu«






; SjSSS §MiB888i^pss<SS$8S$sB^KSS^


N 1 N 12 N 13 N 14 N 22 N 24 N 25 N 26 N 28 N 32 N 37 N 39

FIG. 2. Recovery of the PAEs of industrial radon 222 by the uniform background method. The Nord-
Limousin network: 12 stations marked by industrial radon 222. Mean values for 1993.

result in disputes between the operator, the authorities and the local environmental associations, a
situation that is all the more likely in that some background values will exceed the derived limit if the
basis for this is a value of 100 nJ m"3. There is no satisfactory scientific solution in the context of this
method if the background is variable.

The isotopic signature method may provide the solution to the problem of the correct recovery
of industrial values if the ratio A remains constant over the background stations of the network. It
should be pointed out, however, that the operation of selecting a subset of stations to be taken as
background stations of the network is a crucial and delicate operation. Such a subset on the one hand
should be selected to represent all the ventilation conditions in the area and on the other hand should
include only those stations truly unmarked by industrial sources or by local anomalies in radon 220
or radon 222 exhalations.

We select the background stations over a network assumed to be dense enough in comparison
with the orographic and geological complexity of the area, using two indicators: the ventilation index
and the isotopic signature of short-lived polonium, a daughter product of radon 222.

For each background station, the relative ventilation index is defined as the ratio of the local
atomic concentration of lead 212 to the mean atomic concentration of lead 212 over the network. In
the case of Nord-Limousin, for example, we ended up with the set of ventilation indexes shown in
Figure 3, which seemed representative of the orographic variability of the area.

We then use the fact that the alpha spectral dosimeter separately measures the potential alpha
energies emitted during the decay of polonium 218 atoms (energy of 6 MeV) and polonium 214 atoms
(energy of 7.7 MeV) trapped or formed on the sampling filter. The ratio R of the number of alpha
tracks recorded in the channels for these two energies is then calculated, i.e. the isotopic signature
of the short-lived polonium resulting from the decay of radon 222.

When the radon 222 load of the air masses passing over the network originates only from
exhalations from soils that the same air masses have previously scavenged, the isotopic signature of
the short-lived polonium from the decay of radon 222 is that of the natural background and is well
characterised. An elementary simulation (see [4]) shows that the ratio R varies with the age of the first
load of the air mass according to the law shown graphically in Figure 4. Apart from air masses of
recent oceanic origin, continental air masses have been over the region for more than 2 hours, and
we expect the ratio R to be less than 0.12, the equilibrium factor F being greater than 0.4.

On the other hand, if the air mass has just been loaded by exhalations from a waste heap, the
later evolution of the ratio R to be associated with this radon 222 of industrial origin varies with time
according to the law shown in Figure 5. The air mass reaches the critical groups quite quickly, a time
of less than 40 minutes being a realistic assessment. We should expect R values greater than 0.2 with
F less than 0.2.


N42 N43

FIG. 3. Ventilation index of the 13 background stations in the Nord-Limousin network.

Variation In R it F with the aga of Iht tint txhalitlon


FIG. 4. Evolution of the isotopic signature of polonium R and of the equilibrium factor F for the
radon 222 load of natural origin.

In practice, the stations for which the value of R is on average less than 0.12 are kept as
candidates for selection as background stations; those for which the value of R is on average greater
than 0.2 are identified as stations marked by a local radon 222 anomaly. This may be due either to
an industrial source or an as yet unmined uranium-bearing outcrop.

4.3. Application of the isotopic signature method to other networks

The method works only if there are sufficient stations and if their locations satisfy the
requirements listed above. In the light of this, some networks need to have a higher density.

The mine surveillance networks with a high density of stations will be incorporated into
networks which are less dense but representative on a regional scale and which will be equipped with
the same active alpha spectral dosimetry equipment.

As an example, Figure 6 shows the recovery of the industry-related radon 222 PAE for the
surveillance network of the mine workings run by COGEMA at Lodeve5 (Languedoc network). In
1991, this network comprised 14 environmental stations, eight of which were adopted as background
stations with <A> = 860, the relative standard deviation of the A values being 22%.



As part of its general task of protecting the population against ionising radiation, OPRI has
long been concerned with the radioactivity of mineral waters. The results of systematic programmes
for analysing the radioactivity of French mineral waters were published in 1968 [6]. A new collection

Variation of R at de F with the 19* of the burst

FIG. 5. Evolution of the isotopic signature of polonium R and of the equilibrium factor Ffor a burst
of radon 22 of industrial origin.

FIG. 6. Recovery of the PAEs of industrial radon 222 by the uniform background method. Languedoc
network: 6 stations marked by industrial radon 222. Mean values for 1991 . Isotopic signature method.

of results, mainly concerning the relative abundance of the radium isotopes ^Ra and ^Ra and the
disequilibrium of the uranium isotopes, together with a description of OPRI's physical and
radiochemical methods of analysis, was published in 1990 [7]. The physico-chemical and geochemical
processes capable of explaining the relative abundances and the radioactive disequilibria of the
isotopes of the radionuclides in the uranium and thorium chains dissolved in mineral waters were the
subject of publication [8], while note [9] concerned the disequilibrium states of ^U and 238U.

Between 1950 and 1980, in the granite massif of Forez in France, COGEMA extracted and
treated uranium ores with uranium concentrations of a few kg per tonne, providing about 15000
tonnes of metal. The waste from the treatment is stored at the surface under water upstream from a
retaining dam, the most granular fractions sometimes being used as pack for the mining works. A
considerable rehabilitation of this deposit is under consideration. A prior study of the radiological
impact of the rehabilitation is planned. If the isotopic signature method is applicable to the case of
environmental transfers of industrial uranium and radium by underground and surface waters, it will
render great service to this complex site from the radiological and ecological points of view, because
the ingestion of uranium and radium through the local food chain will then be taken into account for
certain critical groups around this site.

5.1. Disequilibrium states of ^U and 23SU

Since the publications of Cherdyntsev et al [10,11], we know that the activities of the ^U
and ^U uranium isotopes dissolved in underground waters are rarely in equilibrium. Results
published in the literature [12,13] show that the ratio of the activities AR = ^U/^U is in general
greater than 1 and can reach values of 4 or 5, in Vichy water for example (see [7] and [8]).

Several mechanisms are suggested in the literature to explain this disequilibrium. The
difference in mass does not explain the fractionation. A theoretical model of the variation in the ratio
AR with the time of contact between the water and the rock is proposed in [14]. This is repeated for
Stripa granites in [15]. The model takes two mechanisms into account:
the difference in the leaching rate of the two isotopes, due to their different radioactive,
mineralogical and physico-chemical histories,

the ability of 234Th atoms to escape from the crystalline matrices of the host rock. These
atoms descend from ^U by alpha decay and have a recoil energy sufficient to travel a few
tens of nanometres in the crystal lattice16. They are therefore able to pass into the aqueous
phase if they are close enough to the surface of the uranium-bearing grain

The reference time for the period of contact is the radioactive half-life of ^U: 2.45 x 10s
years. For short times, AR is equal to the ratio of the leaching rates. It is only for long times and for
uranium-rich mineralisation in veins that the escape mechanism of the ^h atoms through their recoil
energy can predominate. A survey of the published attempts of groundwater dating by uranium
isotopes is made in [17].

The aim of note [9] was to explain the disequilibrium of the B4U and ^U isotopes by the fact
that U can change from a valency of 4 to one of 6 by radiochemical processes during the radioactive
decay which convert the uranium ion of mass 238 into one of mass 234 in three stages (1 alpha
emission, 2 beta emissions). Uranium with a valency of 6 is more soluble than uranium with a
valency of 4. This note was based on the results of measurements made on underground water in
granitic terrain in the Forez region of France. The ratio of the dissolved activities AR = ^U/238!!
was 2.09 with a relative error of 5%, the water-bearing granite being in equilibrium.

It is known that waste from the mining of uranium ores may contain pyrites which, in an
oxygenated medium, leads to the possibility of acid drainage from waste heaps and the in situ
dissolving of traces of uranium. This process can also take place in the residues from treatment stored
in wet conditions, and very often at the surface in lixiviation plants using low-grade ores, which might
well leak in the long term.

An increase in soluble uranium is sometimes observed in the water from boreholes or rivers
located downstream from these deposits, but it is difficult to distinguish between that generated by
natural leaching from undisturbed geological formations already in place and any that may be due to
leakage from industrial plants.

Attempting to discriminate between the industrial and natural components of the radiological
impact on the ingestion of uranium implies that we can measure the marking of an underground
aquifer by any leaks that may occur from the bedrock of a surface deposit containing uranium in

We make the following two points in favour of using the isotopic signature method for the
marking of underground water by industrial uranium:

(a) The water of underground aquifers has an activity ratio AR = ^U/^U generally greater than
1, which can be measured very accurately in a specialist laboratory.

(b) The isotopes of uranium are in equilibrium in the ores and in the liquid effluent from
industrial plants.

This may be a difficult undertaking, because the water which has percolated from the surface
installations of the mine or plant is also loaded with mineral salts, such as chlorides and sulphates,
with extraordinary pH values. Complex geochemical processes can make the quantitative
interpretation of changes in the isotopic signatures of natural waters very difficult. The chemical load
of underground drainage waters from surface deposits may itself lead to an increase in the natural
leaching of uranium from the water-bearing rocks. One of die key points in our research programme
is to assess the importance of this difficulty.

5.2. Relative abundance of the radium isotopes

The mineralogical, radiochemical, geochemical and adsorption processes accounting for the
relative abundance of radium isotopes in underground and surface waters have been satisfactorily
identified by uranium prospectors and specialists in isotopic dating methods. The effects of the anion
content of the water (chlorides, carbonates, sulphates) and the redox potential are brought out in [8].

We make the following two points in favour of using the isotopic signature method for the
marking of underground water by industrial radium:

On the scale of a catchment area, the underground and surface waters each have a radium
isotopic signature (^Ra, ^Ra and ^Ra) which can be accurately identified with the
analytical resources at the disposal of OPRI.

Liquid effluent from mines and industrial plants, and the water percolating from radium-
bearing surface deposits discharge only ^Ra into the environment.


[I] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Objectives and Design of Environmental

Monitoring Programmes for Radioactive Contaminants, Safety Series No. 41, IAEA, Vienna
(out of print).
[2] ICRP, Principles of Monitoring for the Radiation Protection of the Population, ICRP
Publication No.43, Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Frankfurt (1984).
[3] ICRP, Recommendations of the ICRP, ICRP Publication No. 26, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
New York, Frankfurt (1977).
[4] BERNHARD, S., VAUZELLE, Y., ZETTWOOG., P., "Measurement of the Radiological
Impact of Environmental Radon 222 Releases from Heaps of Solid Wastes from the Mining
Industry", IRPA endorsed Int. Conf. on Radioprotection and Radioactive Waste Management
in the Mining and Mineral Industries, Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-24 February 1995.
[5] BERNHARD, S., GOUX, M., ZETTWOOG., P., "Dosimetric Monitoring of the Radon
Risk to Populations Near Mines", Int. Conf. on Radiation Protection in Uranium Mines,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 25-68 May 1992.
[6] REMY, M.L., PELLERIN, Pr.P., "Radioactivite naturelle de 250 sources hydrominerales
francaises" (Natural radioactivity of 250 sources of mineral water in France), SCPRI Report
No. 117, Bull. INSERM, 23 No.l (1990) 23-62.
[7] REMY, M.L., LEMAITRE, N., "Eaux minerales et radioactivite", (Mineral waters and
radioactivity), Hydrogeologie No. 4 (1990) 267-278.
[8] MAISONNEUVE, J., REMY, M.L., "Les el6ments radioactifs naturels et les eaux thermo-
minerales" (Natural radioactive elements and thermal mineral waters), Conference on current
data on natural radioactivity, SFRP, Monte Carlo, 5-7 November (1984).
[9] CLANET, F., LECLERC, J., REMY, M.L., MORONI, J.P., "Mise en evidence
experimentale du role de 1'absorption differentielle du thorium at de I'uranium sur les roches
silicatees dans 1'etat d'equilibre entre les activites ^U et a8U dans la nature" (Experimental
observation of the part played by the differential absorption of thorium and uranium by
silicate rocks in the state of equilibrium between the ^U and ^U activities in nature).
(1955)p 175.
[12] ASKAINEN, M., "State of disequilibrium between 238U, 234U, ^Ra and mRn in
groundwater from bedrock", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 45, Pergamon Press
Ltd. (1981)201-206.
[13] COTHERN C.R., LAPPENBUSCH, W.L., "Occurrence of uranium in drinking water hi the
US", Health Physics, Vol. 45, no 1 (July), (1983) 89-99.
[14] ANDREWS J.N., KAY, R.L.F., "The evolution of enhanced ^'WU ratio for dissolved
uranium and groundwater dating", Fourth Int. Conf. Geochronology and Isotope Geology,
Denver, USA, US Geol. Surv. Open File Report (1978) 78-701, p 11.

[15] ANDREWS, J.N., GILES, I.S., KAY R.L.F., LEE, D.J., "Radioelements, radiogenic
helium and age relationship for groundwaters from the granites at Stripa, Sweden",
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol 46, Pergamon Press Ltd, USA (1982) 1513-1543.
[16] HONGBIN SUN, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Radon Emanation from dry building
Materials", Health Physics, April 1995, Vol 68, no 4.
[17] FROHLICH K., GELLERMAN, R., "On the potential use of uranium isotopes for
groundwater dating"*, Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience section), Elsevier Science
Publishers B. V. (1987) 65-77.



DIAMO s.p.,
Straz pod Ralskem,
Czech Republic


Uranium is exploited in the deposit Strli pod Ralskem-Hamr since 1968. During all the time two mining
methods have existed side by side — the deep mining and the "in situ leaching" technology using the sulphuric acid.
The uranium mining culminated in the second half of 1980s in the deposit. Higher concentrations of radon is expected
in the uranium mining area. It is caused for one thing by higher content of the mother elements in the crust of the
earth, for another by the various mining and reprocessing processes. To evaluate a radon exposure in the Straz-Hamr
area an analysis of radon distribution was worked out. The analysis was prepared in 1986 in the mining company
Uranove doly Hamr (now DIAMO s.p.) and it described dispersion of radon emitted to the air in connection with the
mining activities. The sources of radon could be divided into two groups — area sources (leaching fields, ore depots,
water basins) and point sources (stacks, ventilation boreholes, ventilators). This paper describes the methodology of
the radon dispersion calculation, based on the stationary Gaussian model of dispersion of the gaseous contaminants
from the point source. Modification of the methodology for the area sources and extension for the radioactive decay
are also presented. Results of the calculations are represented graphically in the contour maps of the ground-level
concentrations of radon and an assessment of the doses for the critical group is presented.


Relating to the development of the uranium mining in the North Bohemia (Fig. 1) and to the
construction of necessary technological facilities the demand for an evaluation of radon emission in
Straz-Hamr mining area was formed in the half of the 80s. At that time there were neither sufficient
measurement devices for measurement of radon emission from surface unit of the area sources nor
the methodology of calculation of radon dispersion from the different types of sources.

For evaluation of radon emission a methodology was developed. The methodology with small
changes, resulting from greater performance of the used computers and high precision of the
measurement, is still used. This methodology was used in our company for the first time in 1986. The
results showed, that in the area the limits for population are not exceeded. An evaluation of the
individual sources influence gave the possibility to improve a situation and the possibilities were
realized in sequence. During the next period a radiation impact on population was slightly decreasing,
even though the area of the leaching fields was still enlarging and the volume of cleaned mining water
was increasing. Presented situation is the state of maximum impact on the atmosphere in the region
by radon emission from the uranium mining.


An intensity of radon emission from technological sources is usually many times higher then
natural emanation from soil or water. High number of the sources was in the uranium mining area
Hamr-Straz in tune of the most intensive mining activity, i.e. in the second half of the 80's.
Calculation of the radon distribution using measured values in the sources seemed to be an optimum
possibility how to get information on impact of radon and daughters in the area.

From the point of view of distribution calculations it is possible to split these sources into two
classes — point sources and area sources. In the first class there were ventilating stations of the deep

mines, individual ventilating boreholes, the chemical recovery plant ventilation and ventilating flue
of the central decontamination station (CDS). In the class of the area sources there were the uranium
ore depots, the tailing dumps, the sedimentation reservoirs of the mining water cleaning system and
the waste pond of the chemical recovery plant. System of the production wells of the chemical
leaching plant was considered as an area source — about 2400 of wells were replaced by system of
the area sources (Fig.2). The point sources were the elevated sources with forced flow of the air only,
the area sources were on the one hand the elevated sources on the other hand the sources with zero
height (water reservoirs).

The chemical leaching mine has specific position among the radon sources. In 1986, when
the radon distribution was evaluated, the chemical mine had an area of 3.63 km2 and very broken
shape. The area was covered with circular sources so that the shape would be respect as much as
possible. It means to cover it completely, with minimum duplicity and with uniform density of
measured wells. Result values of radon emission from these sources were calculated from several
hundreds of measured wells.

A complete list of radon emission in the Hamr-Straz area is shown in Table I and in map
(Fig.3). In calculation there were used 7 point sources, 10 real area sources and 9 circular area
sources, which represented the production wells of chemical leaching mine. A region of interest had
an area of 240 km2, about 40 km2 was lying above the uranium deposits. Table I shows, that radon
emission from technological sources was more then two times higher then from natural sources. Total
emission of radon in the region was 12.9.106 Bq/s, i.e. 4.1.1014 Bq/year.

There are two towns in the area of interest — Straz pod Ralskem, where the head office of
the mining company is located and where in the second half of the 80s lived about 4 thousands, of
inhabitants and almost 2.5 thousands, of uranium workers, and Mimon with 7.5 thousands, of
inhabitants. Several small villages are situated in the centre of the uranium mining area (Hamr na


The dispersion of radon from the point and area sources is solved by different way, although
the basic dispersion function is the same in both cases.

For calculation of radon dispersion from technological sources the well-known Sutton's
method was used. This method is used in Czech republic officially by the Czech hydrometeorological
institute [1]. This method comes from the diffusion equation based on application of the statistical
theory of the turbulent diffusion, describing dispersion of a pollutant from a continual source in
homogenous stationary atmosphere. The equation for pollutant dispersion is based on the Gaussian
normal distribution, where in the downwind direction a transport predominates a diffusion. The
methodology is relevant for computing of air pollution with gaseous exhalations from the continual
elevated point sources.

For the receptor with coordinates (x,y,x) and for the source with coordinates (x',y',z') the
dispersion function R is

R (x-x', y-y', z-z1) -• exp (i)

where MIS wind speed (m.s'1), oy, crzare dispersion coefficients dependent on the distance from
the source and on the atmosphere stability. Regarding to the relatively flat surface, comparing with

DIAMO s.p. Strdz pod Ralskem
Czech republic

Localization of the Strd2 Block

in Czech republic

>mlan Crolucoous lublo

FIG. 1. Localization of the Strdz Block in the Czech Republic.

distances of the sources and the settlements in the area, the flat terrain was used in calculation. The
z' coordinate was replaced by the effective height of the source, the ground-level activity was
calculated (z = 0) and the term describing a reflect was added to the dispersion function.

The dispersion function is then given by

R (x-x1, y-y', z-z1) = • exp exp .*!2 (2)

Scale 1:20000

FIG. 2. Substitution of the chemical leaching mine wells system with 9 circular area sources of a
radius of 500m.

For calculation of the radon dispersion the decay term fR (t) = with the decay constant X
2.006.10"6 s~'was added to the general function.


Source Emission of radon

immediate total
106 Bq/s 10U Bq/y
1. ventilation of the mine DH1 2,184
2. ventilation of the mine DK 0,406
3. ventilating well W-2 0,189
4. ventilating well W-8 0,320
5. ventilating well W-13 0,015
6. ventilating system of CHRP 1,875
7. Central Decontamin. Station 1,319
sum of the point sources 6,308 1,989
8. ore depot DH1 0,559
9. ore depot DK1 0.333
10. ore depot CHRP 0.266
11. tail dump DH1/1 0,004
12. tail dump DH1/3 0,007
13. tail dump DK1 0,005
14. waste pond CHP 0,109
15. reservoir Pusty 0,042
16. reservoir DK1 0,002
17. reservoir Jestedka 0,010
18. -26. chemical mine 1,162
sum of the area sources 2,99 0,788
sum of the technocal sources 8,807 2,77
background above the deposit 1,120 0,353
background the Straz block 2,960 0,933
sum of the natural sources 4,080 1,286
TOTAL 12,887 4,063


Scale 1:50000

(7-7j and area sources (8-26) of radon.

In general the volume activity of radon at point (x,y,z) is given by

<*v(x, y, z) = V (*', y', z1) R (*-*', y-y1, z-z1) fR dx'dy', (3)

where V is emission rate at the point (x',y',z') of the source (Bq/m2/s), R is dispersion
function and/R is decay function.

For circular source with radius r, with constant area intensity of emission V, with the
dispersion function (2) and with the origin of the coordinate system at the centre of the source the
volume activity is given by

2V 1 y-yf

/ 12-n •••/»„
• exp -

exp fRdy'dxij~i

where ay, az were replaced by fc, . 2m . (x-x')l~na +

™ for /= y,z. The constants klt n, m, are
dependent on atmosphere stability.

If the substitution a=l-n/2-¥my, b=l-n/2+mz is used, then

ajx, y) = F (x, y) , (5)


<t> («) = — f exp (-t2) dt (7)

is probability function.

-, *
F(x, y) = / (6)

The integral F(x,y) is possible to solve only numerically and for the computer calculation the
algorithm for numerical integration have been prepared.

5. Results of calculations

As a receptors for calculation of expected volume activities were chosen both the nearest
residences where greater emission of radon could be expected, and the nearest larger residential zones
(Mimon). These points were chosen with consideration of locations of the radon sources in the area
and of the character of the settlement of the area. Greater attention was then given to villages Hamr
n.J. and Straz p.R., which are situated in the centre of the observed area. The background value was
not included into calculation and therefore all calculated values represent an increase of volume
activity of radon from technological sources.

There is a brief list of the results shown in Table II. It is only a summary of the most
important results of the large set of output files. Seeming clash between columns 1 and 4 in Table n
is caused by different meaning of both values - the maximum value vs the most unfavourable
situation, which could happen in the given place regardless of its probability. Number of hours of
exceeding of certain value is calculated from real wind rose for given area and therefore it
corresponds with relative frequency of the direction and the speed of wind during the different
atmospheric situations.
Watching results, we can see that the highest values were reached in Hamr n.J. whose
population can be therefore considered as a critical group of population. In 1986 there lived 110
inhabitants in Hamr n.J., 26 children and 84 adults.

The average volume activity from technological sources in Hamr n.J. (5.73 Bq/m3) was of
the same order as presupposed values of the background level — average worldwide ground-level
volume activity of radon on surface is 7.4 Bq/m3 [2], in Czech Republic it is 5.5 Bq/m3 [3] — and
it was here influenced by the fact, that Hamr n.J. is situated right above the deposit. Total exposure
per year of the population of Hamr n.J. is calculated from this average volume activity. The value
1.45 x 109 MeV represents 18 per cent of the year limit of inhalation per individual. This outcome
is actually slightly lower, because except the case of the atmospherical inversion there is never
reached the balance of radon and its decay products in the location of inhalation because of short
transport distance between the source and the receptor.


The maximum and average volume activity of radon per year, the numbers of the sources with
maximum addition to the maximum activity and numbers of hours per year with activity in the
different classes.

Town/ 1 2 3 4 5
village max. a avr.a no. of hours hours
Bq/m3 Bq/m3 source > 29 Bq/m3 < 1 Bq/m3
Hamr n.J. 111.7 5.73 8 401 4963
Utechovice 71.7 2.78 8 141 5529
Bfevniste 82.9 3.62 8 278 6183
Dubnice 83.2 1.89 8 55 6409
Zibfidice 54.8 1.11 1 18 7158
Straz p. R. 52.4 3.25 10 95 5353
L. Kundratice 50.0 1.05 1 0 6995
Mimon 26.0 0.56 6 0 7805

The value of cca 29 Bq/m3 would correspond with the limit income per year (according to
the regulations of former CSSR). Although maximum reachable value was 111.7 Bq/m3 in Hamr,
value 29 Bq/m3 would be exceeded only during 401 hours per year. In the other hand, volume activity
during 4960 hours would be lower than 1 Bq/m3.

Despite the fact that point sources with high emission values (ventilation stations, ventilation
system of CDS, ventilating wells) were to be found in close range of Hamr, from the emission point
of view the influence of ore depot DH1 was the greatest. The most decisive factor against the point
sources was low elevation of this area source over terrain.

The area sources (especially ore depot DH1) were the most decisive within the area. The point
sources with higher emission values and greater height were manifested more on the boundary
(Zibridice, Mimon, L. Kundratice). Result volume activities of radon were much lower in these cases
than presupposed background and were so low that calculations of dispersion for larger and more
distant (more than 30 km) residential areas as Liberec or C.Lipa proved as useless.

Figures 4 and 5 show the isolines maps of average and of maximum volume activity of
emitted radon from the technological sources.


The supply of exploited and non-processed ore was gradually decreased to unnecessary
technological minimum because of the results of these calculations. Area of the leaching fields was
increasing at the same time until it reached final 6.2 km2. This happened with the low increase of
circulated volume of solutions. The cleaning station of acid mining waters was also built. This plant
is as well the source of radon. Total emissions of radon therefore stayed on the same level in years
1986-1991, but impact on population was decreased as a result of the reduction of the most risk

The radical decrease of the uranium mining in the area was started in 1992. The deep mine
Krizany is already liquidated and technological emissions of radon (except the unimportant addition
of tail dump) are completely over. There is only a cementation of the shaft and corridors in the deep
mine Hamr. As a result of the reduction of the ventilated area of the mining field the emissions from
the mine were decreased. Emissions from the cleaning of the mining waters are still without changes.
Supply of the exploited ore were processed and the chemical recovery plant finished its work. The
number of the active wells and the amount of the circulated solutions and therefore amount of the
emissions was lessened in the chemical mining. The total level of the technological emissions of radon
till year 1995 was decreased by 50%.

The next important change will take place around year 2000 when liquidation and flooding
of the mine Hamr stop. Only remediation works will be done in the area — covering of the waste
pond of the chemical recovery plant and liquidation of the remaining technological solutions in the
Straz deposit. Remediation of the Straz deposit will last around 30 years. The solutions will be
pumped out onto surface, where contaminants would be separated. It is important to count with
emissions of radon in the range from 0.5 to 1.5 x 106 Bq/s in dependence on changing volume of
pumped out solutions during all this time.


Scale 1:50000

FIG. 4. Isolines of average (per year) volume activity of emitted radon from the technological sources
in Bq/m3.

FIG 5 Isolmes of maximum volume activity of emitted radon from the technological sources in

1. The technological emissions of radon were cca 8 times greater than the natural background
above the area of the deposit in the period of the maximum progress of the uranium mining
in the area of Straz and Hamr.

2. The limits of the allowed impact on the population were not exceeded in the area. The impact
on the critical group of the population of Hamr n.J. reached 30% of the limit.

3. Emissions of radon from the chemical mining represented only 20% of the emissions from
the deep mining with the comparable production of uranium.

4. In these days the liquidation of the mining takes place. Emissions of radon are roughly the
half of the presented maximum state and are still decreasing.

5. Technical emissions will be lessened to the level of the background above the deposit after
the liquidation of the deep mine hi the period of remediation of the chemical mine (years
2000-2030) is finished.


[1] BUBNK J., The calculation of the air pollution from the point sources (hi Czech), MLVH
Praha (1979).
[2] COHEN B.L., Radon: Characteristic, Natural Occurrence, Technological Enhancement and
Health Effects, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.4, Pergamon Press (1979) 1-24.
[3] Ionising Radiation hi the Environment (in Czech), SNTL Praha (1988).


Picodas Prague Ltd,
Prague, Czech Republic

Picodas Group Inc.,
Toronto, Canada

The use of remote sensing methods in the monitoring of an environment is increasing. The best results are
obtained when various types of exploration methods are available. This paper presents the use of airborne gamma ray
methods, which can be included in a wide scope of works related to environmental problems. It may concern uranium
mining areas, areas surrounding various nuclear facilities or areas of Chernoby 1 fallout. Gamma ray spectrometry data
can be combined with airborne magnetic, surface gravity and satellite imagery data to obtain maximum information
in data output. Airborne geophysics is able to detect and delineate radioactive contamination and to find important
geological trends defining the geological structure of the monitored area. Our company PICODAS Prague Ltd.
introduces new sophisticated airborne instrumentation as well as up-to-date data processing and data presentation
techniques. In the Czech Cretaceous, a long term project, "The Structurally-tectonic Survey of the South-West
Foreland of the Strai Deposit" has been undertaken, concerning the ecological load on the environment, especially
the pollution of the underground water level horizons due to uranium mining in that area. The major interest is the
complicated tectonic structure which interferes heavily with the hydrogeoiogical situation of the region. The paper
presents the results of airborne surveys and the interpretation of other geophysical data from the surroundings of Straz
pod Ralskem and from Karlovy Vary.


The paper refers to airborne gamma ray spectrometry as a useful tool that can be included
in the scope of remote sensing methods while monitoring an environment. In the past this method was
developed for the purpose of geological survey, today it finds numerous applications in monitoring
of radioactive pollution associated with uranium mining, radioactive waste disposal sites, nuclear
processing plants, nuclear power plants and heavy industry. Collected data are used as a special layer
for GIS applications.

For the data acquisition we use new sophisticated instrumentation ENMOS (Environmental
Monitoring System). This system was manufactured by PICODAS Group Inc. and was specially
developed with the intention to speed up survey mobilisation. In the case of emergency the response
is available in the aircraft with the use of real time processing and smart data output. The in house
developed software that controls data acquisition system utilizes GPS navigation and GIS or satellite
image data as a geographical data base for collected data.

The data presented at this conference was processed by PICODAS Prague and World
Geoscience Corporation in Perth. For graphic representation of results we use the software Geosoft
and ER-Mapper. In the next text we will present some part of the data that was collected in Czech
Republic in the years 1992-1996 by Picodas Prague.


This year we performed measurements in the surroundings of the spa Karlovy Vary and we
found that the sediments of the river Rolava are polluted (exposure rate is higher then 15 mR/h) with
radioactive nuclei. This can also be seen in Fig. 1 (illustrating the distribution of 238U). This pollution
must be caused by man made activities.


- thorium



FIG. 1. Ternary map. Surrounding area of the spa Karlovy Vary.

Very interesting is also the distribution of U, Th and K (ternary map) of this area (Fig. 2).
This indicates the geology and can help us to understand the relatively complicated tectonic structure
of this area. These structures are typical not only for uranium mineralisation but also for wells of
mineral water.


The results of airborne magnetic and radiometrics in combination with airborne thermometry
and surface gravity prospecting allowed the construction of the structural and tectonic scheme of the
area. The second result was the map of risk zones (Fig. 3). We interpreted three kinds of zones [1]:

type indicates surface pollution of soils caused by uranium mining activity,

type indicates areas of possible communication of polluted water along the tectonic structures,
type is interpreted in the area of relatively deep structures that can involve the communication
of underground polluted water.

The artificial pollution (river Plouenice, mine Hamr, setting pit) is very clear in the BS U
distribution map and in the map of exposure rate (Fig. 4). The thorium anomalies are natural and are
caused by neovolcanic bodies. Combination of residual gravity anomalies together with the first
vertical derivatives of the magnetic field show the third dimension of geological structures.


The above mentioned examples show the capability of ENMOS system for monitoring the
environment. The methodology for the calculation of exposure rate, developed by Picodas and the
Technical university in Prague [2], helps to present the data in the units useful for hygienic review.
The combination of magnetics and radiometrics measurements with additional geophysical methods
allows us to determine both: the risk assessment of the area and to complete the knowledge of the
geological structures.






FIG. 2. Distribution map of U. The anomaly around the river Rolava was caused by uranium
Map of risk zones (surface soil pollution and pollution of undergroud
water caused by uranium mining activity). Backround: LANDSAT™

FIG. 3. Map of risk zones: 1 (red) — surface pollution; 2 (magenta) —possible communication of
polluted water along the tectonic structures; 3 (blue) — the area of relatively deep structures can
involve the communication of underground polluted water.



FIG. 4. Distribution map of U. StrdZpod Ralskem ~ area of uranium mine; Czech Republic.



Area Karlovy Vary Strai___________

project objectives tectonic mapping environmental monitoring
key methods magnetics radiometrics
associated methods radiometrics magnetics
gravity gravity
deposits BRAWN coal uranium
kaolin building stone
resources mineral water water
geology sedimentary basins sedimentary basin
crystalline complex neovolcanic bodies
industrial noise high low
results tectonic scheme interpretation of risk zones
pollution caused by mining activity, uranium mining activity


Area____________________Karlovy Vary_____________Straz_______
Line spacing 100 M 250 m
Tie lines 500 M 1000 M
Line direction N-S N-S
Ground speed 30 m/s
Sampling interval radiometrics (30 M), MAG (3 M)
Data acquisition system ENMOS 2001
Radiometric sensor Na I (Tl) crystal box, volume 20 1
Magnetometer Caesium sensor, Scintrex CS-2
Sensor height 80-100 M 80-100 M
Navigation differential GPS
When flow 1996 1992, 1993
Aircraft MI - 8 MI - 17, Shirke Commander
Data processing Picodas Prague


We would like to acknowledge the authorization for publication of the Straz data by Diamo
s.p. and the Karlovy Vary data by Geokonzult. The geological interpretation of geophysical data of
deposit Straz was done in close co-operation with the geologists from DIAMO s.p. and BGC a.s.


[1] HOSCHL V., JURZA P., Interpretation of remote sensing method (final report in Czech),
DIAMO s.p., Straz pod Ralskem (1996) 40 p.
[2] EECHAK J., KLUSOO P., MALUSEK I., Spectra Processing in Airborne Gamma-Ray
Spectrometry Using the ENMOS Detection System. Technical Report, Faculty of Nuclear
Science and Physical Engineering, Prague (1994).

left BLANK


Committee of Energy,
Sofia, Bulgaria

The uranium deposit "Eleshnitza", located within the palaeogenic sandstones, was discovered 40 years ago
when an airborne X ray picture at 1:100 000 was taken. The deposit is located in the south west of Bulgaria, around
150 km south of Sofia. Around 20% of the total amount of uranium originates from that deposit. A processing plant
has been in operation for 30 years on the territory of the deposit. Production has been developed with shafts and
galleries on an area of 153 decares, and 43 dumps with a mining capacity of 1 750 00 m3 (around 3 million tonnes).
The processing plant along with the tailings pond cover an area of 900 000 m2 with 8.5 million tonnes of waste. The
radioactive estimate conducted on the territory of the deposit, after production phase-out in 1992, demonstrates quite
a contrasting picture of proliferation (exceeding the radioactive background values) of natural radionuclides. The high
value of radon, "soil" gas, and airborne gas (60-65 Bq/m3) is due to the increased emanation potential of the uranium
ore left in the deposit. The natural (geogenic) and technogenic radioactive pollution were defined. The average night
value of the potential energy in the summer months measured in the area of the settlement is 350 nJ/m3 (at morning's
level 710 nJ/m3). These values characterize the region as a radiological phenomenon. The geophysical methods applied
in studying and operating the uranium ores — emanation picture, gamma spectrometering, radiometering were
successfully applied in making a radioactive assessment of the whole area of the deposit after the production phase-


The uranium deposit "Eleshnitza" is located in the south-west part of Bulgaria, around
150 km to Sofia. The deposit was discovered during the parallel conduction of ground radiometric
works and the taking of an airborne X ray picture in 1954-1956. The intensive explorative and
geological works on an area of 16 km2 drilling and horizon and upward mining led to finding a
surface uranium ore deposit at a depth of 600-650 m.

The area of the "Eleshnitza" deposit is located in the north-east part of the Razlog valley at
700 to 900 m above sea level. The deposit region itself represents a local fold basin surrounded by
heights. The climate within the region is moderately continental with an average annual temperature
of the air 9°C, average annual minimal temperature 3.6°C and average annual maximal temperature
14.8°C. The studies that have been carried out on the wind potential (windrose) show that annually
77% of the tune the weather is quiet and the winds are mainly western (66%) and north-western
(22.3%). The average annual rainfalls fluctuate from 658 to 747 mm, as the maximal rainfalls occur
in December and the minimal in August. The river Mesta is the main river in the region. The river
Zlataritza is the main river draining the entire area. The village of Zlataritza is located on the territory
of the uranium deposit along the Zlataritza river.


The uranium deposit "Eleshnitza" is located in the Northern part of the Mesta Tertiary
volcanic-tectonic depression. The foundation and the surrounding heights are made up of pre-
Cambrian metamorphites and later granitoides. The depression is filled up with sand-conglomerated
molasses of the Oligocene period. During the time of its packing an acid, effusive and volcanic,
activity occurred.

During the time of the sedimentation and the volcanic activity as well as later in the Neogene
period, as a result of an intensive elevation of the neighboring blocks the depression took on a clearly

defined graben aspect. This aspect is most clearly defined in the Mesta and Osenovo-Ribnovo north-
west fault-lines. The subsequent movements have caused the development of north-east and east-north
tectonic zones. In the deposit region these zones represent clearly defined fissures along which the
subsequent distribution of the uranium ore has occurred.

The "Eleshnitza" deposit is a sandstone type and of average scale. The uranium ore is located
among monowedge-like pointing north-east sandstones, alevrolites and conglomerates. The ore is
predominantly made up of seam-lens-shaped particles and is located within the perimeter of the
fissures and the transversal "vein" bodies. The more cohesive ore is tied into sandstones and
alevrolites and has the following measures: length: 20-30 to 200 m, width: 20-100 and capacity: 1.0
to 3-5 m. The average content of uranium therein is around 0.05%.

The uranium mineralization is made up of — nasturanium, coffinite and uranium mica —

autunite, torbernite, uranophane and zippeit. As a matter of fact these are ore combined with iron
sulfides — pyrite and marcasite and non-ore minerals represented by zeolites, (heylandite, desmin and
limontite) and calcites. The uranium ore is most often accompanied by carbonaceaous substances.
There are no other accompanying elements. The uranium ore dates back to the Oligocene period.

During the operation period (1956-1992) 66 adits were driven, 6 shafts and 4 large quarries.
Since 1965 a processing plant has been in operation on the mine's territory (its southern part). The
operation activity with 43 tailing ponds covered 153 000 m2 representing some 1 750 000 m3. The
sanitary protection zone of the processing plant together with the tailings pond is located on a
900 000 m2 with 8.5 million tonnes of waste.


The good outcroping of the rocks in the area of the uranium deposit "Eleshnitza" represents
an extremely favourable factor for the finding and exploration of both surface and aerogeophysical
works. As a result of the aerogeophysical gamma-picture one of Bulgaria's largest (about 16 km2)
aerogamma anomaly was discovered with a radioactive dose amounting to 350 nGy/h in sandstones
and in 70 nGy/h conglomerates.

The radioactive anomalies are associated mainly with the layers of sandstones and
conglomerates and range from 700 to 7100 nGy/h. In alevrolites and tuffaceous sandstones the dose
reaches 13 300 nGy/h. The exploration and working of the deposit has indicated the tabular character
of the ore-mineralization along stratigraphic levels.

The gamma and emanation maps of the area show development of ore-bearing horizons and
the orebodies in the immediate vicinity of the village Zlataritza.

The sudden closure of the production and processing activities greatly disrupted the planning
of preparatory estimation activities in the region with vertical and horizontal uranium ore-bodies,
refuse dumps, ore mass for heap surface extraction, etc.

The radiological estimate of the soils and air performed by means of geophysical methods
used so far for exploration and production includes: radiometry, gamma-ray spectrometry, track
method with solid body detectors, thermoluminescent detectors, aerosol measuring and laboratory


Explorations and conditions of the soils

The radioactive pollution of the surface is caused mainly by the uranium ores extracted during
mining operations. Measures of the flow of a and /3 particles and 7emission taken along profiles over
the mine area indicated several polluted zones. The most serious radioactive pollution has been
registered over the dumps of the adits and the quarries, the heap leaching complexes and around the
roads leading to them. The measurings were carried out with a radiometer CPI 68-07 and dosimeter
MKC-01 P-01. The values over the polluted areas range from 500 to 1000 nGy/h.

At specific points the absorbed dose of 7-emissions reaches 2600 nGy/h, and the surface a
and /3-pollution 2 and 350 cm~2.min~', respectively.

For the purposes of radiation control and reclamation of the mine co-relational dependence
between specific activity of Ra226 and the 7-emissions was calculated in samples. It has the following

AX7/AA(Ra226) = 0.0016

with co-relation co-efficient v = 0.83.

The equation allows to differentiate the material which needs to be treated for reclamation.

The average specific activities established in the substratum of the dumps in front of the mine
workings for U238, Ra226' Th232 and K"° are 540 Bq/kg, 750 Bq/kg, 55 Bq/kg and 850 Bq/kg,
respectively. In the gardens, in the vicinity of the dumps, these activities are: for U238 344 Bq/kg and
for Ra226 178 Bq/kg. The established reverse dependence in the distribution of the activities of the two
radionuclides is due to the bigger migration capability of U238. It is even more clearly expressed in
the samples from the bottom sediments of the gullies and small rivers.

Explorations and conditions of the air

The Ra222 content in the air depends both on the availability of significant sources and the
location of the site and the conditions of the atmosphere. This applies particularly to closed valleys
like the one in which the mining area is located where temperature inversions appear.

Periodical studies on the air condition have been carried out after 1990 and point out a high
radon concentration threatening the village [1]. Several measurements have been made regarding the
above — with an aerosoloscope type PB-4 of the derivatives of Rn222 in two sectors of the village;
cumulative measurements of Rn222 in the air (at a height of 1-2 m, in 13 sectors of the village and 14
outside its perimeter by means of track detectors LR — 115 (Kodak Pathe type); cumulative
measurements in 54 sectors around the village of Rn222 in "soil" gas by means of thin dosimetrical
thermoluminiscent detectors Ca SO4 ; Dy + B4C.

The average night value of the potential energy is 368 nJ/m3. The observations during 24
hours of the fluctuation of the concentrations show that the increase of Rn222 and its decomposed
matter down to 716 nJ/m3 starts immediately upon abatement of the air flows in the valley, i.e. after
20-22 p.m.

Thus, the average balance time factor for the period 10 a.m. to 22 p.m. is F = 0.84, whereas
for the period 22 p.m. to 10 a.m. it is F = 1.03. The latter is basically a total balance between the
Radon and its derivatives and is due precisely to a considerable abatement of air flows and probably
to temperature inversions too. Thus, we define an area of 15-25 km2 with a high concentration of

The tailings pond of the processing plant located on one side of the village covering an area
of 4.2 ha is a substantial local source of Rn222 in the region. The average density of the exhalation flow
of the surface is around 1 Bq. m"2, S1. For the whole area the flow changes from 210 to 2100 or an
average of 420 kBq. S'1.

The problem of accumulation and transportation of Radon in the Eleshnitza valley appears as
a complex task, which will require further efforts. The population in the region is exposed to a serious
radiological risk resulting from inhaling derivatives of Rn222.

The periodical measurements and studies using the mentioned geophysical methods and
equipment and especially after completion of the technical liquidation and land reclamation, would be
most useful. This is especially relevant to a more detailed study of the atmospheric conditions and the
natural radioactivity within the region.


[1] DIMITROV, M., TOSEV, I., PRESSYANOV, D., Oijeinca Ha paflHoaKTHBHOTo

saMtpcaBane Ha BbSflyxa c pa#OH H pasnaftHH npoflyKTH B HHKOH paiioHH Ha
crpaHara. CBHTBK flOKJiaflH XV KOH^epennna "<t>H3HKara H onasBaneTo na MoseKa
H oKOJiHaTa My cpefla", Sofia (1990) p. 135 (in Bulgarian).
[2] GEORGIA, K., ypanoBbie MecxopoHCfleHHH EjiemHHiQKoro 6aceiiHa B K)3 Bojirapna.
flncepTamiH sa KFMH, (1974), p. 284 (in Bulgarian).
[3] ICRP, Publications 50 (1988).
[4] PRESSYANOV, D. Radiation, Protection Dosimetry, 38 (1991) p.315.
[5] PRESSYANOV, D., GUELEVM., KVITIDISP., Integrated measurement of Rn222 in soil-gas
by combination of SSNTD and TLD, Environment International (1996), (in press).


Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear CNEN/COMAP,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The selection of a candidate site for the disposal of wastes containing Cesium-137 originated by the Goiania
accident followed a sequence of studies where specific exploratory techniques in the field of geoscience were applied
through geophysical, geochemical, hydrological, hydrogeological and pedological investigations and subsurface
drillings. This programme has been aimed at characterizing in detail the selected site, in order to obtain parameters
for the conceptual engineering design and also to elaborate the Environmental Impact Report. Among the different
options encountered, the site which presented the best characteristics to store those wastes is located about 300 m west
of the provisional repository.


To identify sites with favorable characteristics for the choice of a final repository to the
disposal of radioactive wastes arising from the accident occurred in Goiania, a site selection study
was carried out beginning in 1988 and ending with the selection of three candidate sites.

The selected area is located in the district of Abadia de Goia (Fig. 1), about 20 km southwest
of the city of Goiania. The selection of the site and determination of its characteristics are considered
important factors for the analysis and evaluation of the engineering design. Through the construction
of an engineering barrier system, the repository should allow a long term and safe confinement.

Taking into account he basic requirements for the site selection, it should present natural
barriers to maintain the radionuclides isolated in order to avoid effects which should be harmful to
the environment. Therefore, the choice of the site was mainly conditioned to the minimization of a
feasible groundwater radionuclide migration.


In the evaluation of sites intended for the settlement of repositories at surface of low and mean
radiation level wastes, it is important to consider the basic requirements for the site selection, aiming
the choice of sites with natural barriers capable of maintaining the release of radionuclides to the
environment as low as reasonably achievable. Natural barriers play an important role to minimize the
harmful effects of future generations.

For final surface repositories of low and mean radiation level wastes the site selection process
considers the criteria of a sequential and selected technical analysis consisting of several levels, in
detail, of data and information. Therefore, during each phase of investigation, fundamental criteria
of site selection such as: geology, socio-economy, ecology and photography should be taken into

The consideration of these criteria aims to determine restraint factors which should restrain
or avoid the use of a specific site. Consequently, the site selection of the repository and the
determination of its characteristics are considered important factors for the analysis, evaluation and
design of the disposal system.

FIG. 1. Situation area.


The studies were carried out considering a sequence of works involving several stages in
accordance to the scale under investigation. Therefore, in the beginning, a Region of Interest was
defined, in which technical restraint criteria were applied without using details, aiming to define
Preliminary Areas was performed by means of restraint factors, using a semi-detailed scale and also
the analysis of aerial photographs. For the selection of candidate sites, field reconnaissance of all
Potential Areas defined in the previous step has been made, showing their specific characteristics
recorded in field registers. Based on this information and using classification and consideration of
their characteristics, the Potential Areas were chosen resulting in the selection of three candidate sites.

For the selection of Preliminary Areas, Goias State was divided in four regions, using a basic
cartography on a scale of 1:1000000. Afterwards, a series of restraint factors was applied
considering the following selection criteria:

1) Socio-Economical Criteria
Restraint Factors: Demography, Mineralized Areas.

2) Physiographic Criteria
Restraint Factors: Relief, Hydrology.

3) Ecological Criteria
Restraint Factors: Areas of Protection to the Ecosystem, Indian Areas, Biological Reserves,
National and State Parks.

In this scale of observation, the Geology was not considered as a restraint factor. In addition,
a complete seismological survey of the State of Goias was made.

In a second step, using a basic cartography on a scale of 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 and
through the analysis of aerial photographs and applying restraint factors in the field of Geology
(lithology, tectonics, hydroecology and geomorphology) was possible to restrain the area to 18
potential areas.

In a third step, candidate sites were selected due the verification "in loco "of potential areas
through a detail reconnaissance and using technical restraint criteria.

Then, a methodology of candidate sites selection was established, making possible the
comparison of 18 Potential Areas using the punctuation methodology. For the use of punctuation
methodology, the following aspects were selected: geology, use of the land, waterground depth, soil
thickness, access and distance of means of transport. For each of these aspects, weighing and
classification factors were applied. The sum of the product of the weighing factor by the classification
factor for each selected aspect results in a punctuation for each area considered.



For the selected candidate site, a program of geological studies was set up to define
the stratigraphic and structural framework in order to obtain the parameters necessary for the
engineering conceptual design. The studies were carried out in several phases according to a pre-
established programming.

Phase I (1989)

• Planialtimetric survey of 100 ha, according to NS direction baseline, using the tracing of level
curve from meter to meter.

• Geological detailed mapping on a scale of 1:1000, of an area of 100 ha, using geological

Geophysical Studies

Scintillometric survey of an area of 100 ha, in a grid of 20 m x 20 m, using a scintillometer

Survey of water table depth of nine water-tanks distributed in the area.
18 electric drillings with 15 m to 50 m in depth.
Electromagnetic survey (VLF-EM) of 9 km of lines along EW profiles.

Phase II (1991)

Geochemical survey of 100 ha, through the collection of soil samples at each 100 m for
analysis and characterization of U, Th, K contents and determination of the activities in 230
samples (fractions < 2mm and >2mm).

Phase III (1991/1993)

Geological Studies

Photogeological survey comprising an area of 172 km2, on a scale of 1:20 000.

Geological drillings of 300 m.
Geological description of seven survey pits.
Assay of 20 petrographic flakes.

Pedological Survey comprising an area of 100 ha and the description of soil profiles; collection of 20
samples for the analysis of the fertility content; collection of 33 samples for determining chemical,
physical and mineralogical characteristics.

Geotechnical Studies
15 Percussion drillings.
7 survey pits.
Collection of 181 samples for geotechnical laboratory assays.

Hydrogeological Studies

Drilling of 4 production wells pits for pumping tests.

Drilling of 16 piezometers nearby the pumping wells.
Drilling of 18 piezometers for monitoring water level variation.
Determination of "in situ"permeability in boreholes for geotechnical studies.

Hydrological Studies

Excavation of creeks at Quati and Dourado's rivers.

Setting of level rods (rulers) at Quati's river bank.
Construction of a meteorological station with pluviometers, lisimeters and two evaporation

Radiometric Survey

Gamma spectrometric survey of an area of 4000 m of profiles following EW direction.

Gamma and Gamma spectrometric profile of 45 boreholes.
Gamma spectrometric survey of 7 geotechnical survey pits.


Geomorphologically speaking, the area of concern is located in a morpho-structure designated

as "Goiana's Peripherie Depression", comprising a sequence of metasedimentary rocks belonging to
the Medium Pre/Cambrian Araxa Group.

The area was following a structural-tectonic single scattering regime and presenting NE and
NW fractures strikes and NE foliation strikes and a 20° NW dip (Fig. 2).

0 100 200 300 400 500m


500 E

100 E


100 W

500 W
900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0







FIG. 2. Area ofAbadia de Gold; geological sketch.

The fresh rock is located nearly 28 m imderground. The soil of the area has the following

yellow-red lathosoils;
petroplintic soils;
petroplintic soils;
areas degraded by men.

The quantities of uranium, thorium and potassium reflect concentrations associated with the
existing residual soils, particularly with the potassium concentration which reflects higher
concentrations of clay soils of potassium nature The anomalous quantities of uranium and thorium
reflect concentration in more laterised and clay areas.

The geochemical maps and the graphical sections show the dispersions of the analyzed
dispersed elements, where it is concluded a much more reasonable correlation between the activities
variations and the contents of uranium, thorium and potassium and the corresponding geological
context. This identity, between the obtained values and the soil geological nature, show the existence
of a contribution of radionuclides of uranium, thorium and potassium families existing in the rocks
of the area, which interfere in the Cs-137 channel (Fig. 3).


- 080

- 070

UTh r~ 050

20 —
- 040
- 030
- 020

- 010

i i 00
I I I I I r
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000m







FIG 3 Area of Abadia de Gold, geochemical cross section. Profile L 300.

The 18 electrical drillings have revealed several resistivity levels whose levels decrease with
the depth under consideration, reflecting the subsurface rocks behavior.

The geophysical sections show from three to four resistivity levels, with an upper level of
great resistance (> 10 000 Ohm/m ) represented by a petroplintic soil cover, rich in iron and
aluminum oxides: an intermediate zone represented by rocks formed by residual soils of schist rocks,
with resistivity values from 500 to 5000 Ohm/m and a lower zone constituted by unaltered schist
rocks, belonging to the Medium Pre-Cambrian Araxa Group, with a mineralogical composition
formed by quartz-feldspar-garnet-sericite schists, and a resistivity varying from 50 to 200 Ohm/m

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100m
I I I I I H——h
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50m
SE.14 SE.8
fioTooo RoTooo

SE.16 SE.13 SE.10

SE.12 SE.7


1000 RESISTIVITY ohm / m



FIG. 4. Area of Abadia de Goid; geophysical cross section

The 18 electrical drillings have allowed to determinate watertable levels from which the
preliminary piezometric map has been elaborated.

The electromagnetic survey (VLF-EM) has allowed to characterize a tectonic framework with
a single scattering system and alignments following NW and NE directions, presenting mainly vertical
dips and secondarily dips of 50° to NE and NW. The alignments defined through VLF-EM survey
can be associated to a low conductivity fracture system with values from 5 to 15 khz.

The scintillometric survey in the grid of 20 m x 20 m has shown, a radioactive zoning,

arising from a nucleus where landing-places (platforms) containing radioactive wastes are located with
radiometric values up to 80 000 cps, decreasing to the surrounding until achieving normal radiation
levels of 100 cps (Fig. 5).


- 400

900m 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
100 250 630 1600 3900 >13.000 CPS


I - Actual Repository
I! - Proposed Repository
FIG. 5. Area of Abadia de Goid; radiometric map.

The Gamma spectrometric survey conducted in three profiles following EW direction,
crossing the temporary repository, shows a gradual increasing of the radiation levels, as the site where
the wastes are stored comes near

The radiometric profiles conducted in boreholes show normal radiation levels related with the
nature of the perforated rocks: gamma profiles show values of 25 cps (Fig. 6), while the boreholes
gamma spectrometry shows values between 22 and 45 cps for the total counting channel, from 1 to
9 cps for K channel, from 1 to 6 cps for U channel and from 1 to 3 cps for thorium channel
(Table I).

50x10' 0 CPS_____ SO





FIG 6 Area of Abadm de Gold; composed profile; drill F-l.


Depth GAD-6 (TIME 10") -M.SOPRIS-

metres T.C. K U Th CPS
13.00 223 2 4 1 24
14.00 297 1 1 1 24
15.00 327 2 6 1 25
16.00 379 4 5 1 29
17.00 374 4 5 1 25
18.00 357 4 5 1 29
19.00 396 6 2 1 29
20.00 441 7 2 2 27
21.00 347 5 4 1 27
22.00 306 3 1 1 26
23.00 319 2 4 1 23
24.00 291 1 1 1 23
25.00 347 5 8 1 23
26.00 313 4 2 1 25

The geotechnical studies show that:

The superficial horizon presents SPT values greater than 40 strokes.

SPT values increase with depth.
The permeabilities obtained up to 4 m in depth are between 2.2 x 10"4 cm/s and lower than
4 meters are of 7.7 x 10'6 cm/s.

The studies performed in laboratories show:

Prevailing of siltic-clay fraction.

Prevailing of clays with low and mean plasticity.
Materials resistant to low compressibility.
Moisture of the investigated material between 10 to 20%.
Specific weight of the dry material varies between 1.6 to 2.0 t/m3.


The activities measured in the soil samples from the Candidate Site and from the external area
(2.5 kilometres) show values compatible with the local rocks. These measured activities include the
participation of energy due to the Compton Effect related to other radionuclides (Bi-214, Tl-208 and
K-40), as it could be seen in the presented graphs and maps.

The average concentration of uranium in the soils in the area is around 3.5 ppm, which is
equivalent to 28 Bq/kg of activity, due to the Bi-214 produced energy. The average potassium
concentration in the soils of the investigated area is about 0.52% and 150 ppm of K-40, which
participate with energy in the final obtained spectrum. The potassium content in the soil presents one
direct relationship with the clay concentration of these soils and with the measured activities. The
activity values should consider an error tolerance, of 20%, due to the analytical method.

The absence of anomalies in the drill holes gamma profiles of the area confirms that there is
no contamination of cesium in the soil, originated from the radioactive waste disposal. The obtained
results using geophysical techniques are considered satisfactory concerning low costs involved and
the quick answer obtained. The electric drillings have allowed to characterize three main lithological
unities, confirmed lately, through mechanical drillings.

The scintillometric survey has demonstrated several radiation levels, with a more active
nucleus, located in the center of the repository, and decreasing levels to the surroundings. The defined
pattern is directly associated with the distribution of the radioactive sources stored.

The radiometric map will be used as the basis for future area monitorings and for
environmental control. The subsurface investigations show a constant pattern related with the
"background" of the investigated rocks not indicating any contamination through the underground
water table.

The pre-operational radiometric monitoring was considered very important to show that there
is any possible contamination as consequence of radionuclide migration from the stored wastes. MF
EM geophysical survey has shown tectonic system of single scattering, of low conductibility reflecting
a Medium Pre-Cambrian tectonics of low intensity level. The obtained benefits using exploratory
techniques were very significant, considering the low costs involved and the fast answers achieved.

The subsurface mechanical drillings have confirmed the levels detected by electric drillings
and have shown the tectonic stability of the area, as previously demonstrated through the VLF-EM
electromagnetic survey.

The geological survey has shown the main geomorphological, structural and lithological
features, with the leveling rocks presenting low scattering degree, foliation with low angle and smooth
folding. There is no evidence of neotectonic movements showing that the selected are is located in
a zone of structural stability and a descending slope between 0 and 5%.

Regionally speaking, Abadia's area is located in a morpho-structural range denominated

"Goiania's Peripherie Depression", constituted by rocks belonging to Araxa's Group and presenting
a dry morphogenesis formed in semi-aridity climatic conditions.

The hydrogeological studies considered as being of fundamental importance for design

approval have shown the behaviour of the "aquifer" based on the underground flow and its directions
indicating low permeability values.

The future surface and subsurface monitoring should be based on the geochemical and
radiometric pattern obtained by the studies carried out during the pre-operational phase. The
exploratory investigations performed by means of geotechnical, hydrogeological and geological works
permit to choose the selected area as the most suitable site to store Cs-137 radioactive wastes. The
studies carried out in several fields of actuation should be used as support to the elaboration of the
Environmental Impact Report.


FRASER.D.C., Contouring of VLF-EM data,Geophysics 34.6 (1969) 958-957.

INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Site Investigations for Repositories for Solid
Radioactive Wastes in Shallow Ground, Technical Reports Series No. 216, IAEA, Vienna (1982).

KOEFOED,O., Resistivity sounding on an earth model containing transition layers with linear change
of resistivity with depth. Geophys Prospect (1979).

SAAD, S. et al., Relatorio Tecnico Avaliacao de Local Candidate, Abadia de Goias-Estudos

Preliminares-CNEN (1989).



Nuclear Materials Authority of Egypt,
El Maadi, Cairo
Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science,
Ain Shams University,


Laboratory gamma-ray spectrometric measurements carried out on the surficial black sand beach deposits
of Abu Khashaba radioactive prospect located 5km east of Rosetta, north Nile Delta, as a part of the comprehensive
exploration and assessment program of these radioactive placer deposits has generated a vast amount of radiometric
data. These data, initially used for radioelement exploration, provided valuable baseline information necessary for
environmental studies and monitoring the impact of any potential environmental radioactive pollution that might occur
as a result of nuclear activities in the surrounding regions. Analysis of the acquired spectrometric measurements
indicated that both thorium and uranium are the two radioelements that significantly contributed to the measured total
natural gamma-ray flux, rather than potassium. This is mainly attributed to the nature of the mineralogical
composition of these beach deposits. On the other hand, qualitative interpretation of the produced maps of the three
radioelements: potassium, uranium and rnorium, supplemented by the examination of their frequency distributions
and application of the homogeneity statistical chi-squared test has shown pronouned uranium and thorium comparable
zonal distribution patterns that are consistent with the spatial distribution of the heavy mineral concentrations in the
studied black-sand deposits. In contrary, these deposits showed uniformally distributed potassium concentrations all
over the studied area of Abu Khashaba beach. The two identified radiometric zones displayed a normally distributed
uranium and thorium concentration distributions and a contrasting mean background concentration values for these
two elements. Concentrations of natural radioelements: potassium, uranium and thorium in the investigated radioactive
black-sand deposits were used in producing the environmental total gamma radiation exposure rate map of the studied
Abu Khashaba beach and estimation of the mean background levels of the total gamma radiation dose rates.Two zones
of contrasting average gamma exosure rates were outlined over the studied Abu Khashaba beach. The first zone
displayed an average exposure rate of 13.9 /*R/h (average dose rate 115.6 millirem/year) whereas, the second zone
displayed a relatively lower average exposure rate of 3.9 fiR/h (average dose rate 32.1 millirem/year). The estimated
average total gamma dose rates remain in the safe side and within the maximum permissible safe radiation dose
without harm to the individual. However in order to have better information about the actual levels of radiations, the
contributions from other radionuclides that have not been taken into account should be considered.


1.1. Genesis, Mineralogy and Distribution of the Egyptian Black-Sand Deposits

The Egyptian black-sands are beach placer deposits formed by the mechanical concentration
of resistant minerals released by weathering of the Precambrian igneous and metamorphic source
rocks of the upper reaches of the River Nile. These erosional products have been carried down
through the course of the Nile, and were subjected to natural physical and chemical separation and
sorting during transportation. By normal surface processes, mainly the combined effect of waves and
wind, these transported weathering products were accumulated to form huge deposits, intermittently
and in variable proportions, occupying the beach of the Mediterranean Sea of Egypt along a stretch
of about 350 km long, extend from El Arish eastwards to Abu Qir westwards. The geology of these

deposits along the Mediterranean coast is directly related to the development of the Nile Delta and
the past configuration of the Nile branches [1]. The Egyptian black-sands has drawn an increasing
interest since they contain different concentrations of potentially economic heavy minerals that are
considered as nuclear raw materials as well as their importance in many of the metallurgical

The Egyptian black-sand deposits are loose fine sands consisting a complex mineral
associations of light and heavy fractions. The light mineral fraction is mainly consists of quartz which
is the principal constituent (average 95%) and felspars which constitute about 5% of this fraction. The
percentage of the heavy mineral fraction varies from 8% up to 97% of the total mineral constituents
of the black sands. This fraction is mainly formed of a complex association of minerals characterized
by their dark color and high specific gravity. The most abundant of these minerals are: ilmenite,
magnetite, zircon, garnet, rutile and monazite. Other minerals are also present, but in trace amount
such as chromite, cassiterite, wolframite, corundum, beryle, uranothorite and gold [1 and 2].

1.2. Location and General Topography of Abu Khashaba Beach

Abu Khashaba beach occurs in the extreme northwestern corner of the Nile Delta, on the
Mediterranean Sea coast (Fig 1). It is situated 5 km to the north of Rosetta (Rashid) City and lies
on the eastern side of Rosetta branch of the River Nile, about 7.5 km from the estuary. This area
represents the most wider coastal plain, extends for about 2.5 km in the back beach. The present

31 30
. 30 00 30 30 31 00
32 00 I—— I 32* OC


31 30

31 00 2-3' X
30 00 30 30 31 00

Scale 1 : IpOO.OOO ...... :

FIG. 1. Map of north Nile Delta, Egypt. The arrow points to location of the studied part of Abu
Khashaba beach, east of Rosetta (Rashid) city.

study is only restricted to the western part of Abu Khashaba beach (Fig. 1) and covers a total surface
area of 2.4 km2. The altitude of Abu Khashaba area is slightly higher than the sea level, and the
topography is almost flat where the coastal plain occupies most of the surface except the southern part
where accumulations from eolian sands occur as small dune belts and sand bars. The highest
concentration of the heavy minerals along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt is found along Abu
Khashaba beach where these extend eastward for a distance of about 40 km along the coast (Fig. 2).
These conditions favour the area of Abu Khashaba beach as a good prospect for radioactive raw

1.3. Scope and Objectives of the Study

Environmental monitoring and meaningful interpretation of man-mad radioactive pollution is

impossible without knowledg about the natural abundance of the radioelements and the natural
background radioactivity leveles in the environment [3]. In that regard comperhensive assessment
program of the mineral potentials of the radioactive black sand deposits of Abu Khashaba prospect,
carried out by the Egyptian Nuclear Materials Authority, provided a vast amount of potassium,
uranium and thorium concentration measurements acquired from the systematic aerial, ground and
laboratory gamma-ray spectrometric measurements conducted over these beach placer deposits. The
present research work aims essentially to make use of the laboratory spectral gamma-ray
measurements, in establishing the environmental natural gamma radiation levels along the suveyed
Abu Khashaba beach. This will provide baseline information necessary for the detection and
determination the amount and extent of potential environmental changes in the terrestrial background
radiation that might result from nuclear testing or accidents involving release of nuclear radiations and
accompanied radioactive contamination of the ground.

FIG. 2. Photomap of north Nile Delta, Egypt produced by the processing of the digital data acquired
with the Landsat Satellite Multtspectral Scanner (MSS) of resolution 82 x 57m, restored to
50 x 50 m. This map has been produced by the Egyptian Remote Sensing Center, Cairo. Black-sand
deposits (white to light blue colored zones) extend along andparrallel to the Mediterranean shoreline,
east of Rosetta (Rashid).


A total of 272 samples, representing the upper 50 cm of the black-sand depoists at the eastern
part of Abu Khashaba beach (2.4 km2), were collected on a quadrate grid pattern using 100 m
sampling interval. The regular grid pattern of sampling was designed to overcome the variability in
the heavy mineral content of these black-sand deposits. These samples were taken by forcing a
cylindrical rigid plastic tubes, 50 cm length and 2.5 cm diameter, vertically into the ground at the
sampled location. In this way continous core samples from the sampled locations were obtained.
Tubes were then sealed and labeled.


3.1. Sample Preparation

Preparatory processes were carried out on the collected black-sand samples as a necessary step
prior to the execution of the laboratory spectral radiometric measurements. In that regard each sample
was thoroughly rubbed and mixed well in order to avoid the non-homogeneity in the distribution of
its mineral constituents. Then a proper weight (300-350 gm) of each sample was placed in standard-
size cylindrical plastic container 9.5 cm in diameter and 3 cm height. These containers were carefully
sealed to prevent contamination. Samples in the sealed containers were stored for three weeks where
the radon buildup is back to the normal state and attains radioactive equilibrium.

3.2. Instrument and Methodology

Laboratory determination of the total gamma-ray activity (TC) and absolute concentration of
the naturally occurring three radioelements thorium (Th), uranium (U) and potassium (K) in the
investigated black-sand samples have been performed with a Bicron multichannel analyzer of a
calibrated gamma-ray spectrometer with 285 cm3 Nal (Tl) crysta. Thorium and uranium were
measured from the gamma-ray photons emitted by Pb-212 (at 238.6 keV) and Pb-214 (at 52 keV)
respectively in their decay chain, whereas, potassium was measured directly from the gamma-ray
photons emitted by K-40 at 1460.8 keV. The utilized energy regions (windows) for eTh, eU and K
were determined on indicated energy lines of the spectra, generated by means of laboratory thorium,
uranium and potassium reference standared samples provided by the IAEA [4]. Assaying of the black-
sand samples was carried out using long period counts, 1000 second for each, in a shielded
environment to determine the gross counts for the total gamma-ray activity and the gross counts of
the three radioelements Th, U, and K.

3.2. Data Processing and Presentation

The measured spectrometric data for the analysed 272 black sand samples were processed by
computer program "ANALYSIS" [5]. Background corrected and stripped count rates were converted
to ground concentrations of potassium (K in percent), uranium and thorium (U and Th in ppm), in
addition to the integral gamma-ray activity expressed in units of counts/second/gram, using the
sensitivity constants of the used spectrometer determined from the calibration procedure. Estimated
absolute concentrations of the three radioelements K, U and Th, as well as the integral gamma-ray
activity were finally displayed in the form of colored contour maps (Figs 3-6) using the the Geosoft
Graphics System.


Laboratory spectral gamma-ray measurements have been subjected to conventional statistical

methods of analysis, in order to facilitate the manipulation of the large volume of the data and to

reach valid conclusions and reasonable predictions concerning the nature of concentration distributions
of the naturally occuring radioelements potassium, uranium and thorium. Hereafter is the procedure
steps followed throughout this statistical treatment:

1. Data sets for the individual laboratory spectrometric variables that were monitored over the
investigated black-sand deposits were displayed in the form of frequency histograms in order
to recognize potential natural grouping within each data set, that consequently might assist
the delineation of the spatial distribution of the heavy mineral concentrations in the
investigated black sand deposits.

FIG. 3. Map showing spatial distribution of Potassium concentration (K in %) in the black-sand

deposits of Abu Khashaba beach, east ofRosetta.

FIG. 4. Map showing spatial distribution of uranium concentration (U in ppm) in the black-sand
deposits of Abu Khashaba beach, east ofRosetta.

2. State of homogeneity of the data distribution of the individual four measured spectral
radiometric variables has been mathematically tested through the application of the statistical
chi-squared Test (Tables I and II).

3. Correlation analysis has been applied, as a bivariate statistical analysis, in order to explore
the mutual relations and strength of association between each pair of the four measured
radiometric variables, through calculation of the linear Person product moment correlation
coeeficient (Table III).

4. Calculation of simple statistics that describe the characterstics of the distributions of the data
aquired for the four spectral radiometric variables. These included the range (maximum-
minimum), the mean (x), standard deviation (Sd) and coefficient of variability (CV). These
computed statistics are listed in Tables I and II.

FIG 5. Map showing spatial distribution of thorium concentration CTh in ppm) in the black-sand
deposits of Abu Khashaba beach, east ofRosetta.


5.1. Qualitative interpretation

Visual examination of the three colored contour maps namely TC, Th and U (Figs. 3-6)
revealed a remarkable consistency in the spatial distribution features of the concentration of these
variables over the studied black sand deposits at Abu Khashaba beach The most striking gross feature
of these spatial distributions is the pattern of repetitional zones of high and low concentration levels,
striking approximately in the east-west direction more or less parallel to the present shore line The
well-defined sharp boundaries between these zones reflect an abrupt change in the magnitude of the
spectrometric responses and imply that there is an abrupt lateral mmeralogical variations between
these zones in the area under consideration This distinct zonation pattern is in good agreement with
the know sedimentary history of these deposits [1,6 and 7] and can be observed in the field as
alternating dark and light coloured bands that reflect heavy and light mineral concentrations On the

other hand, the radioactive potassium contour map (Fig.3) revealed independent features with respect
to its distribution pattern. It does not display much variations with respect to the whole area Zonation
is less obvious and trends are difficult to define. However the central area of the map, show a
remarkable local elevation in tthe potassium content Field obseravtion revealed that this is spatially
restricted to a zone of high clay and evaporite contents.

The measured spectrometric responses of the studied black-sands are considered as operative
physical properties that reflect valuable information about the main causative to such properties.
Accordingly, these responses can be interpreted on the basis of general geological considerations,
particularly the mineralogical composition of these placer beach deposits.

As inferred from the spectral gamma-radiation response of the investigated black-sand

deposits, both thorium and uranium are the two elements that significantly contributed to the observed
total gamma-radiation response, as indicated from their highly comparable spatial distribution pattern,
rather than potassium. The three heavy minerals zircon, monazite and uranothorite are the major

FIG. 6. Map showing spatial distribution of the natural total gamma radiation (TC in c/s/gm) of the
black sand deposits at Abu Khashaba beach, east ofRosetta

c/s/gm), THORIUM (Th in ppm), URANIUM (U in ppm) AND POTASSIUM (K)
Variable N Range X Sd CV(%) X^-test values Type of
Min. Max. obs. crit.

TC 272 5.10 29.9 14 7.5 54 63 18 Not normal

Th 272 1.10 72.5 24 13.9 58 55 22 Not normal
U 272 0.61 15.0 5.2 3.1 60 52 24 Not normal
K 272 0.01 1.43 0.49 0.25 51 22 27 Normal


IN c/s/gm), THORIUM (Th in ppm), URANIUM (U in ppm) AND POTASSIUM (K)
Unit Variable N Range X Sd CV (%) x2-test values Type of
Min. Max. obs. crit.

TC 204 9.5 29.9 16.4 3.7 22.2 19.5 27.6 Nrmal

I eTh 190 10.1 72.5 29 10.1 33.7 12.5 21 Normal

eU 208 2.5 15.0 6.6 2.3 33.3 8.6 22.4 Normal
TC 75 5.1 10.8 7.8 1.4 17.9 7.3 12.6 Normal

n eTh 70 1.1 12.6 6.6 2.9 44 3 11.1 Normal

eU 61 0.61 3.1 1.7 0.68 40 2.9 7.8 Normal

N.B. Units I and II are the high and low radiation units shown in black and grey on Fig. 9.


Rad. Variable Total gamma Thorium Uranium Potassium
Total gamma 1.000
Thorium 0.975 1.000
Uranium 0.962 0.915 1.000
Potassium -0.401 -0.399 -0.451 1.000

contributors to thorium and uranium in the Egyptian black-sands [8]. Zircon and monazite minerals
showed strongly direct correlation with each other at Rosetta area [9]. Accordingly, both uranium,
thorium and the total gamma radiation colored maps (Figs. 4-6) discriminate and outline alternating
zones that contrast in their content of the radioactive heavy minerals especially zircon and monazite
in the investigated Abu Khashaba area. On the other hand, potassium did not display any response
that could be related to the heavy mineral concentrations. [10] attributed the main occurrence of
radioactive potassium in the Egyptian beach deposits to the light fraction, mainly represented by the
clay minerals and feldspars.

5.2. Quantitative interpretation

The area of Abu Khashaba beach consists mainly of black-sand sediments. The whole area
under study, therefor, can be considered to comprise a single lithological unit. With this
approximation, data sets for the individual laboratory spectrometric variables that were monitored
over the investigated black-sand deposits were displayed in the form of frequency histograms. This
step aimed to recognize the potential natural grouping within each data set, that consequently might
assist the delineation of the spatial distribution of the heavy mineral concentrations within the studied

Examination of the frequency distribution histograms of the variables namely; TC, Th and
U revealed a bimodal distributions and consequently two levels of responses with respect to these
variables. This means that these radiometric variables possess heterogeneous distributions allover the
investigated area. This has been confirmed quantitatively through application of the numerical x2-test,
[11] as shown on Table I. On the bases of these information, supplemented by the aforementioned
qualitative interpretation of the maps, the whole investigated area has been statistically treated and
discussed in terms of two geographical areas or zones (Fig. 8) of different radiometric responses.
These zones are approximately outlined on the interpreted zonation map (Fig.8). Table II summarizes
the computed statistics of the distributions of the four spectral radiometric in these interpreted zones.

Analysis of the frequency distributions and application of the x-test, (Table II) revealed that
the TC, Th, and U are normally distributed within the two outlined low radiation and high radiation
zones of the black sand deposits of Abu Khashaba beach (Fig. 8). This consequently reflects the
homogeneity of the distribution of the radioactive heavy minerals, monazite zircon and uranothorite
within these zones.

The frequency histogram of potassium measurements, revealed a unimodal distribution. This

implies that there is no much variations in the radioactive potassium content within the whole area.
This result has been quantified through application of the x2-test (Table I) which revealed that the
radioactive potassium concentration is normally distributed all over the studied area, with mean
background (X) of 0.49%. Consequently, the entire black-sand deposits in the area can be considered
to represent a uniform radiometric unit with respect to its radioactive potassium content.



6.1. Conversion of Radioelement Concentration Measurements

to Total Gamma Exposure and Dose Rates

Concentrations of natural radioelements: potassium, uranium and thorium in the investigated

radioactive black-sand deposits were used in producing the environmental total gamma radiation
exposure rate map of the studied Abu Khashaba beach (Fig. 8) and estimation of the mean background
levels of the total gamma radiation dose rates (Table IV). Conversion factors recommended by Grasty
[12] were used. Two zones of contrasting average gamma exosure rates were outlined over the studied

FIG. 7. Photograph, facing south, showing zonal distribution of the heavy mineral concentrations
in the black sand deposits of Abu Khashaba beach. Dark colour in this photo indicates zones of high
concentration while light colour indicates low concentration zones.

FIG. 8. Map showing spatial distribution of the terrestrial total gamma radiation exposure rate (in
\iRlh) over the black sand deposits of Abu Khashaba beach.


Rad. Unit Potassium Uranium Thorium Exposure rate Dose rate

(%) (ppm) (ppm) foR/h) (millirem/y)
High 0.49 6.6 29 13.9 115.6
Low 0.49 1.7 6.6 3.9 32.1

Exposure rate (in /*R/h) = %K x 1.505 + ppmU x 0.625 + ppmTh x 0.310

Dose rate (in millirem/y) = Exposure rate x 8.33

Abu Khashaba beach. The first zone (shown in black) displayed an average exposure rate of 13.9
jiR/h (average dose rate 115.6 millirem/year) whereas, the second zone (shown in grey) displayed
a relatively lower average exposure rate of 3.9 jtR/h (average dose rate 32.1 millirem/year).

The radiation doses received by people are frequently measured in "rems". For gamma-
radiation, the conversion from exposure rate to dose rate is: 1 /*R/h = 8.33 millirems/year. The
International Commission of Radiological Protection (ICRP) has recommended that no individual
should receive more than 5000 millirems/year from all natural and artificial radiation sources in his
or her environment [13].

Concerning the studied Abu Khashaba area, the mean natural dose rates from the terrestrial
gamma-radiation, to which individuals are exposed in the two outlined natural radiation zones
(Fig. 8), was computed as 115.6 and 32.1 millirems/year. These values remain in the safe side and
within the maximum permissible safe radiation dose without harm to the individual, with continuous
external irradiation of the whole body. But, on the other hand, people in the area of Abu Khashaba
beach are exposed to other irradiation sources. These include other potenial terrestruial man-made
radionuclides that have not been taken into account (e.g Cs-137), radiation in the atmosphere and
cosmic radiation. Hence, in order to reach more precise estimation for the total gamma dose rate
levels in the study area, contributions of the aforementioned radiation sources should be considered.
In that regard in-door radon survey in the populated areas in the surroundings of Abu Khashaba beach
is highly recommended, since it was noticed from the field observations that the people in this area
frequently use the beach black sands as a building material.


FIG. 9. Environmental natural total gamma radiation unit map of the studied Abu Khashaba beach,
as inferred from the qualitative interpretation of the exposure rate map (Fig. 7) supplemented by
quantitative statistical analysis of the measured concentrations of the three radioelements.-potassium,
uranium and thorium.


• potassium (%)
20 nuranium (ppm)
rathorium (ppm)
^exposure rate (uR/ h)

radiation unit low radiation unit

FIG. 10. Bar chart showing mean background concentration of the three radioelements potassium,
uranium and thorium as well as average natural gamma radiation exposure rates of the two
radiometric units identified over the black-sand deposits at Abu Khashaba beach.


[I] HAMMOUD, N. S., Concentration of monazite from Egyptian black sands, employing
industrial techniques, M.Sc.Thesis, Faculty of Science, Cairo University (1966).
[2] EL GIMMIZI, M. A., Note on the occurence of gold and cassiterite in the Egyptian beach
placer deposits, Internal Report, Nuclear Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt (1984).
[3] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Application of uranium exploration data
and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, Vienna (1995).
[4] MATOLIN, M., Construction and use of spectrometric calibration pads for laboratory
gamma-ray spectrometry, Nuclear Materials Authority (NMA) of Egypt, Report to the
Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Project EGY/4/030-03, IAEA (1990).
[5] SRP, P., MATOLIN, M., Computer program "ANALYSIS" for calibration of the laboratory
gamma-ray spectrometer and analysis of the radioactive elements in rock samples, Charles
University, Prague, Czechoslovakia (1990).
[6] HAMMOUD, N. S., Physical and chemical properties of some Egyptian beach economic
minerals in relation to their concentration problems, Ph.D Thesis, Faculty of Science, Cairo
University (1973).
[7] DABBOUR, G. A., Geological and mineralogical studies on rutile in the black sand deposits
from the Egypyian Mediterranean coast, Ph.D Thesis, Faculty of Science, Cairo University
[8] ZAGHLOUL, Z.M., Note on the occurrence of uranothorite and radioactive zircon in the
black sands of Rosetta* Egyptian J. Geology, V.4 (1960) 89-91.
Remote, surface and laboratory detection of radioactive minerals of Rosetta black sand beach
deposits, Egypt, INT. J. Remote Sensing, V. 4, No. 4, P. 739-754 (1983).
[10] ALY, M. M., WASSEF, S. N., YANNI, N. N., HATHOUT, M. H., Natural field
radioactivity correlated with thorium, uraium and radioactive potassium in beach sands of east
Rosetta, Egypt, Egyptian Desert Institute Bull., No. 1-2, P. 1-12 (1982).
[II] CLARK, G. M., COOKE, D., A basic course in statistics, English Language Socity/Edward
Arnold (Pulishers) Ltd., London (1983).
[12] GRASTY, R. L., GARSON, J.M., CHARBONNEAU, B. W., HOLMAN, P. B., Natural
background radiation in Canada, Bulletin 360, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa (1984).
[13] INTERNATIONA ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Gamma-ray surveys in uranium
exploration, Technical Reports Series No. 186, IAEA, Vienna (1979).


Creteil, France


Airborne survey for radioactive minerals started around 1945. The limited sensitivity of the tools used, the
difficulties found for the topographic and training effect corrections, made difficult the evaluation of the results. The
technical progresses realized in the recent past years in electronic and computer sciences allowed to overcome these
difficulties and gave to the method all its potentialities. With the aerial spectrometric survey, a new step was made,
because this method can be used for other topics than radioactive prospection such as geological survey and mining
prospection for metallic and industrial minerals. The spectrometric method is based on the possibility to measure
photopeak energies (gamma radiation) emitted by radioactive minerals and discreminate between them those emitted
by U238, Tl 208 and K40 respectively daughter products of uranium, thorium and potassium. For airborne survey,
one consider that measuring instruments will allow to pick-up 80% of the radioactive emission concerning the first
15 to 30 centimetres of ground (1 metre maximum). The use of this method for geological and mineral exploration
is based on the assumption that different rock types or ore bearing rock types are composed of certain amounts of
rock forming minerals which comprise specific quantities of radioactive elements such as potassium, uranium and
thorium (cf: Gabelman 77). To be able to evaluate the results of the spectrometric survey it will be necessary to know
roughly the behaviour of the different radioactive elements through a complete geological cycle.


1.1. Igneous rocks

Igneous rocks are relatively rich in uranium therefore both plutonic and effusive rocks have
been considered many times as a uranium source for most of the deposits in an igneous and volcano-
sedimentary environment and some sedimentary one.

During the set-up of granitic rocks, uranium, thorium, REE, because of theirs
hygromagmaphile characters, will separate very early from the magma and according to it chemical
composition (calcium content, SiO2 activity), physical parameters as pressure, temperature and fO2
and the importance of the deuteric phase, will give several type of accessory minerals paragenesis.

To illustrate the former remarks, concerning the logic crystallization of accessory minerals,
we will consider the three common types of U and Th enriched granitic rocks:

Low calcium peraluminous granites

High calcium metaluminous granites
Peralkaline granites

1.1.1. Low calcium peraluminous granites

During the set-up of this type of granite, monazite which has a low solubility in peraluminous
melt will fractionate very early. Most of the REE and Thorium content of the rock is incorporated
in monazite. Uranium does not fractionate significantly in the main granitic forming minerals and
rarely exceeds 1 wt% in monazite. Thus a major proportion of uranium will cristallize as low Th
uraninite which should be able to allow concentration of uranium.

1.1.2. High calcium metaluminous granites

This granitic type of rock contains calcic minerals (amphibole, sphene, pyroxene) which
incorporate significant amounts of REE. Exceeding REE are incorporated in allanite because monazite
is not stable. Allanite does not accept important Th and U substitutions. Exceeding Th in granitic
rocks with high Th/REE ratios forms thorite which is able to incorporate up to 40 mole % uranium
in it structure. Therefore uraninite crystallization is limited and only occurs for high U/Th ratios.
Uranium will be locked-up in thorite and will not be able to concentrate.

1.1.3. Peralkaline granites

In peralkaline magmas Zr, REE, Th, P possess a very high solubility and therefore have the
same strong hygromagmaphile behaviour as U, F, Nb, Ta. Thus large amounts of a wide variety of
accessory minerals crystallize more or less simultaneously in the most differentiated and frequently
apical part of such granitic complexes. Uranium will be distributed in abundant accessory minerals
and cannot crystallize in significant amounts as uraninite.

This type of granite will be characterized by a very abundant and very complex accessory
mineral paragenesis in the most differentiated facies. U is not easily leached and remains strongly
bounded to the structure of these minerals. However several processes may alter sometimes the
structure of these minerals and lead to the release of uranium:

Tectonic crushing
Hydrothermal alteration
• Ca rich fluids
• High temperature sodium metasomatism.

Therefore, depending of the type of granitic rock, the spectrometric responses will be

1.2. Volcanic rocks

In the volcanic equivalents of the three types of uranium rich granites described above, such
as peraluminous rhyolites, metaluminous and peralkaline tuffs, uranium is mostly located in the glassy
or finely crystallized matrix. To release the uranium from glassy or finely cristallized matrix, the
volcanic rocks must undergoes an alteration process which can be subdivided in two ways:

High temperature process

Low temperature process

Therefore, all these rocks represent excellent sources for uranium concentration during
supergene, diagenetic, hydrothermal or metamorphic events.

The spectrometric survey will allow very often, -through the dispersion of the radioactive
elements, to study these rocks and differentiate granitic intrusive rocks from the acid volcanic ones.
The problem which remains concern the basic volcanic rocks because they do not have or have a very
weak radiometric expression. Magnetic airborne survey will allow to overpass this difficulty.

1.3. Sedimentary rocks

Sedimentary rocks resulting of a long geological cycle with rocks weathering, transport,

deposition and diagenesis do not have the same normal ability than igneous rocks to content
radioactive minerals. The radioactive expression will depend of the nature of the source rock and the
amount of stages these sediments went through before to be deposited.

Conglomerate, sandstone,have some chance to be radioactive if the source was an igneous

rock. Clays and marls have some radioactivity because the high potassium content . Limestones have
sometimes a very low radiometric expression due to the presence of clay or volcanic clasts but
normally are completely depleted.

1.4. Metamorphic rocks

The radioactivity of metamorphic rocks usually increases with their degree of metamorphism
and will depend of the original petrographic composition. Schists are less radioactive than gneiss.
Marble will have a very low radioactivity.


The impact of the weathering have to be considered for the evaluation of the airborne
spectrometric survey. More important than forest covering in tropical areas for the influence on
uranium reading, is the strong alteration process of rocks. Primary minerals are destroyed with
neoformation of clay and ferralytisation. In acidic environment and important water movement a
strong leaching of the uranium could be expected. The thorium don't follows the same leaching
process and don't seems to accumulate in organic matter as uranium does.

Therefore, these few remarks concerning the behaviour of the radioactive elements through
different geological cycle show the difficulties to evaluate properly the spectrometric results. The
person doing the interpretation must be aware about these facts and should be a geologist.


The first step will be to delineate on the airborne map all the different geological
environments :

Sedimentary formations
Volcanic rocks or volcano-sedimentary formations
Crystalline rocks
Metamorphic rocks

A geological map will give that type of information but the spectrometric survey will permit
to confirm the different units, to correct the limits of the major petrographic formations and complete
the mapping.

The methodology to be used is as follows:

3.1. Geology

3.1.1. Limits of acid intrusives and volcanic formations

As the thorium content is characteristic of each intrusives and is not very sensitive to
hydrothermal or meteoric alteration, the eTh airborne gamma-ray spectrometric survey map will be
used first. The contour of the thorium content who seems to fit the best with the geological contour

could be considered with confidence as the limit of the granite or volcanic formation. One way to
differentiate between granitic and acid volcanic rocks will be the shape of the contour. Elongate
contour seems more appropriate with volcanic formations, especially when they are associated with
sedimentary formations.

Inside the limits of the intrusives formations, some detailed mapping could be carried out
using different methods. The use of eTh contours could be one way. The second way will be to
consider the eTh/K ratios. The potassium variation could give significant differences in the chemical
composition of the granite. The third way will be to consider the repartition of the magnetite, using
the magnetic airborne survey.

All these methods will allowed to differentiate multi-intrusives inside the limit of the granite.
The same methodology could be used with acid volcanic rocks.

3.1.3. Limits of the sedimentary formations

The way to work out the limits of the sedimentary basin, is to use a ternary map, showing
eU, eTh and K contents.

Limestones will be represented by the lack of radioactive activity except for areas with karst
formation which can show in some places weak U anomaly. Quartzite, sandstone or other detritic
formations will show sometimes eTh concentration. U is not frequent in that type of environment. K
concentration will depend of the petrographic composition of the rock but also of the presence of
clays. The K repartition will show the most argillaceous places.

3.1.3 Limits of basic rocks

The limits of intrusive or effusive basic rocks are more difficult to delineate. The use of the
airborne magnetic survey could give some answers. Magnetic anomalies showing a low potassium and
sometimes a low eU and eTh could be the expression of igneous basic rocks.

3.1.4. Tectonic

Consideration of any other map like eTh, eU, K, ratio K/eTh will give most of the structural

3.2. Selection of potential areas for mining exploration

The spectrometric data which have been used essentially for uranium exploration could also
be used for the research of other mineral concentrations. The selection of areas for mining exploration
will depend of the mineral searched for, the type of deposit, the geological environment and the
different controls of the mineralization.

3.2.1. Minerals associated with igneous rocks

Selection of potential areas for the prospection of minerals associated with igneous rocks will
be easy to do because the radiometric variations will permit to choose between different types of
intrusive rocks the one which seems to fit the best with the mineral searched for. The structural
controls which are always very important for the position of the mineralization will be also found on

the spectrometric results. Hydrothermalism and potassic alteration will show up on the potassium map

So most of the information necessary to select areas of interest for mining prospection will
be available through the evaluation of the spectrometric data.

3.2.2. Minerals associated with sedimentary rocks

Except for placer type deposits which presents sometimes spectrometric anomalies, the
determination of potential areas for sedimentary type deposits is difficult to do. However the airborne
radiometric survey could be used by defining the radioactive characters of the known mineralization
and searching for the areas of the same radiometric characters. Priority will be given to the areas
according to the similarity of radiometric and geological characters.


The knowledge of the behaviour of the radioactive minerals (eU, eTh, K) through different
geological cycles allows to use the natural repartition of these elements for geological mapping but
also for mineral prospection.


The ideas concerning the behaviour of the radioactive elements presented in this paper are
coming from several papers published by the CREGU (Centre de Recherche Geologique sur
rUranium, BP 23, F-54501 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex, France).

left BLANK I



United States Geological Survey,
Reston, Virginia,
United States of America

Titanium, Zr, Hf, rare-earth element (REE), Th, and U data from the Hydrogeochemical Stream Sediment
Reconnaissance (HSSR) database, and Th and U from the airborne spectral gamma-ray radiation data base of the
National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) program are diagnostic of, and may predict the presence of,
commercially important concentrations of industrial heavy minerals. An analysis of these data from the Mississippi
embayment region shows that regionally anomalous concentrations of these elements in sediment samples and
intensities in airborne radiation surveys can indicate the presence and relative abundance of important industrial heavy
minerals such as ilmenite, rutile, zircon, and monazite. Plots of samples with statistically anomalous concentrations
of these elements coincide with known placer deposits of industrial heavy minerals. Cretaceous and younger sediments
are indicated as likely hosts to undiscovered economic deposits. Volcanic, plutonic, and metamorphic rocks are the
sources of the minerals found in these sediments, and thus valley-fill sediments within the crystalline terranes may
also host concentrations of placer minerals. Fe/Ti ratios <1.17 in sediment samples are shown to be sensitive
indicators of weathered ilmenite (> 52.7 wt% TiO^; locations of such samples are coincident with Cretaceous and
younger sediments in the study area. The data outline large areas suitable for Ti-Hf-REE-bearing placer exploration.
Evidence for potential Ti-Hf-REE placer deposits is given for unconsolidated sediments in the floodplain of the
Mississippi River. Good correlations between the abundances of Ce and La, Ce and Th, and Th and U in the sediment
samples show how the geographically more extensive NURE airborne spectral gamma-ray data base can be used to
outline areas favorable for monazite-bearing placer exploration.


Deposits of heavy minerals in modern and ancient beach-complex sediments are important
sources for a number of Ti-bearing minerals and are presently the almost exclusive sources for the
industrial minerals ilmenite (52.7 wt% TiOj), weathered ilmenite (containing up to 90 wt% TiOj),
rutile (93-100 wt% TiOj), zircon (zirconium-hafnium silicate), and monazite (a thorium-rich
rare-earth phosphate mineral). Other industrial heavy minerals such as staurolite, garnet, and
tourmaline, which are used as abrasives, are common byproducts of such placer mining operations.

The principal variables needed for placer formation are (1) one or more source areas for
heavy minerals in particular types of igneous and (or) metamorphic highland terranes [1, 2], (2) a
fluvial drainage system that captures, transports, and hydraulically sorts the heavy minerals [for
example, 3, 4], (3) a concentrating mechanism consisting of wave, tidal, and eolian action [for
example, 5], and (4) the heavy-mineral budget within the depositional environment itself. These
variables, coupled with ambient climatic conditions [6], influence the location, quality, grade, and size
of the heavy-mineral concentrations.

An economic beach-complex titanium placer may be up to tens of kilometers in length, up

to 2 km in width, and 10 m or more in thickness [7]. Grades of ores are highly variable, averaging
3-6 wt% total heavy-minerals, of which typically about 50 percent is economically valuable. The TiO2
content of ilmenite (including altered ilmenite) in economic deposits ranges from about 50 to 55 wt%
in slightly weathered assemblages to about 90 wt% in strongly altered assemblages. Stoichiometric
ilmenite contains 52.66 wt% TiO2. The weathering processes that remove labile components of heavy-
mineral assemblages (for example, pyroxenes, amphiboles, garnet, and sulfides) also remove iron
from ilmenite, and as a result the TiO2 is concentrated.

Modern placer mining methods favor deposits that can be recovered using simple processes.
Any large accumulation of sand can be of interest when seeking ilmenite deposits. Loose sands that
can be dredged are preferable because dredging is the most economical method of delivering sand to
large gravity concentrating units.

Exploration for industrial polymineralic placers traditionally has relied upon geomorphologic
and geologic methods. Exploration commonly consists of preliminary field sampling of surficial
sediments followed by drill sampling of geomorphologically defined targets. Most commonly these
targets are Quaternary beach ridges and associated foredunes or their older equivalents in coastal plain

Airborne gamma-ray and high-resolution magnetic surveys are also useful in outlining targets
for sampling [8, 9, 10, 11]. Induced polarization has been shown to be a promising technique for
onshore and offshore placer exploration [12] as well. More recently, Grosz [13, 14, 15] and Grosz
and Schruben [16] documented the use of MURE HSSR and spectral airborne radiation data in
selecting prospective terranes for placer exploration in the United States.

This report demonstrates the use of national-scale uranium exploration data for delimiting
prospective placer areas in the Mississippi embayment region (Fig. 1). The Mississippi embayment
is the broad lobe of the Gulf Coastal Plain that extends northward up the Mississippi Valley as far
as southern Illinois. Twenty-six areas (encompassing 35 740 km2) having anomalous concentrations
of rare-earth elements (REE), 65 areas (encompassing 20 538 km2) having anomalous concentrations
of Ti, and 60 areas (encompassing 49 143 km2) having anomalous concentrations of Hf or Zr are
delineated. Twenty-five areas (encompassing 5781 km2) having anomalous concentrations of REE,
Ti, and Hf and (or) Zr are also delineated. Of these 25 areas, those associated with Cretaceous and
younger unconsolidated sediments are most favorable for polymineralic placer exploration. An
additional 51 areas (encompassing 80 124 km2) exhibiting anomalous Th aeroradioactivity are
delineated and are also permissive for placer exploration.

These areas are delineated by use of NURE HSSR geochemical data and adjunct airborne
spectral gamma-ray radiation data. In conjunction with regional geologic information and mineral
occurrence data from the Mineral Resource Data System [17] these data are shown to be powerful
predictors of industrial placer mineral resource potential.


The NURE program gathered data to evaluate uranium resources for the United States and
to identify areas favorable for uranium deposits [18]. Between 1975 and 1983, this U.S. Department
of Energy program acquired geochemical and airborne spectral gamma-ray data for the conterminous
48 States and Alaska.

The HSSR, one component of the NURE program, entailed collection and analysis of samples
of sediment (stream, soil, talus, playa, and others), ground water, surface water, and vegetation to
determine concentrations of uranium and other selected elements [19]. These data helped to outline
geochemical provinces and to show favorable areas for more detailed investigation.

Another component of the NURE program was aerial gamma-ray surveying. These NURE
data compose the only nationwide data set on natural radiation in the environment. The U.S.
Geological Survey has reprocessed the aerial gamma-ray data to produce maps showing surface
concentrations of K, U, and Th for the conterminous United States [20, 21, 22].

HSSR data reports were issued for 330 of the 468 1° x 2° quadrangles in the 48
conterminous States and for 104 of the 153 quadrangles in Alaska. Thus, about 70% of the Nation
has such geochemical coverage. Almost all samples were analysed for uranium, and most were

FIG. 1. Map showing the location of the study area.
analysed also for as many as 59 elements [18]. Data used for this study were measured primarily by
instrumental neutron activation analysis, and the precision for all elements except U and Th was

The HSSR data base for each quadrangle contains information on sample types, location
coordinates, various descriptive fields, and analytical data. For this study, we did not evaluate the
quality of the data or normalize it. We searched the data in the 42 1° x 2° quadrangles in the study
area for stream-sediment samples (149-micrometer sieve fraction) analysed for Ce, Dy (dysprosium),
Eu (europium), Hf, La, Lu (lutetium), Sm (samarium), Th, Ti, Fe, U, Y (yttrium), or Yb
(ytterbium); Zr and (or) Hf data are not available for all samples in these quadrangles.

For the area of this study, 57 046 samples (from 19 396 sample sites; most samples were split
and analysed for various suites of elements separately) met the search criteria. For each sample,
elemental data were originally reported as (1) a positive number (expressed as parts per billion, ppb),
(2) zero, or no value (meaning "not analysed"), or (3) a negative number (below the detection limit
of the analytical method; that is, -2000 ppb = <2000 ppb). For this study only positive numbers
were used; data are discussed in percent format. Ti values were reported for all samples; however,
not all the REE's were analysed in every sample. For most samples, Hf but not Zr was analysed; for
the rest of the samples, Zr but not Hf was analysed. Thus, locations of samples with either Hf or Zr
anomalies were plotted.

Sample density for the study area varied. As shown on Fig. 2, large segments of central and
western Tennessee, Missouri, northern and eastern Arkansas, northern and southern Louisiana,
southern Alabama and Georgia, and all of Mississippi were not sampled for stream sediments.
Airborne radiation surveys, however, provide coverage for Th, U, and K for regions not sampled for
stream sediments.


Russell [23], Olson and Adams [24], Overstreet [25], Sullivan and Browning [26], Mertie
[27], Force [4], and Flohr [28], among numerous others, have shown that titanium minerals,
monazite, and zircon are present in the Mississippi embayment region. Further, they showed that
some sediments and rocks have undergone extensive weathering and (or) other low-temperature
alteration that removed much of the labile mineral component (amphiboles and pyroxenes, for
example), a process that also concentrates TiO2 as ilmenite and other Ti-bearing oxide minerals are
altered. Recently, Force and others [9], Grosz and others [11], and Owens and others [29] have also
documented that radioactive monazite and, to a lesser extent, zircon control the gamma-ray
aeroradiometric signature of surficially exposed industrial placer heavy-mineral concentrations.

Olson and Adams [24] show locations of Th and REE deposits in the conterminous United
States. Their map shows some of the districts and locations defined as geochemically and (or)
aeroradiometrically anomalous by this study. Guild [30, 31] gives additional data on the locations of
known deposits and districts in the Mississippi embayment region. Rogers and Jaster [32] and Tooker
and Force [33] show locations of Ti deposits and occurrences in the conterminous United States.
Their maps also show some of the districts and locations defined as geochemically anomalous by this


The method utilized in this study is given by Grosz [13, 14] and Grosz and Schruben [16]
where it is demonstrated to give reliable results. A brief description of the method is given here for
clarity. The method is based on the hypothesis that elements such as Ti, and Hf or Zr, in stream-
sediment samples indicate the presence of industrial heavy minerals such as ilmenite and rutile, in the

case of Ti, and zircon, in the case of Hf and Zr [34]. The REE are generally assumed to be associated
with Y, Th, and U in heavy minerals such as monazite, xenotime, and allanite. Although other
commonly occurring heavy and light mineral species can carry these elements as well (for example,
Ti, Hf, and Zr in amphiboles and pyroxenes, and REE, U, and Th in apatite), they typically contain
only trace-to-minor abundances of these elements.

We attempted to identify anomalous samples by using several statistical methods. Initial

attempts to analyse the whole data set (42 1 ° x 2° quadrangles) resulted in cutoff thresholds that were
too high to generate meaningful distribution patterns. This result occurred because high elemental
values associated with crystalline terranes produced cutoff thresholds that masked significant variations
on the sediment terranes that have generally lower overall abundances. To overcome the controlling
effect of the underlying geology, the statistical analysis of data was done on a 1° x 2° quadrangle
basis. This approach eliminated some, but not all, of the problems related to changes in thresholds.

Three different methods of defining anomalous values all produced similar geographic
distribution patterns. These methods were (1) using two standard deviations above the mean, (2) using
curve inflections in cumulative frequency plots to define high-value subpopulations, and (3) isolating
the upper 5th, 7th, and 10th percentile values. Although producing similar geographic distribution
patterns, the three methods result in different frequencies of anomalous points (that is, the size of the
cluster) in a given geographic area. For this study, the upper 10th percentile for each element was
found as the most effective for defining anomalies.

For the 42 1° x 2° quadrangles in the study area the upper 10th percentile for individual
elements resulted in 1929 samples with REE ranging from 0.001 to 1.43 wt%, 1791 samples having
Ti ranging from 0.049 to 9.92 wt%, 1855 samples having Hf ranging from 0.0002 to 0.4806 wt%,
and 497 samples with Zr ranging from 0.0072 to 0.0539 wt% as anomalous. These data sets locally
define source rocks for possible placer deposits rather than anomalous concentrations of industrial
heavy minerals in sediments that may indicate potentially commercial deposits.

Figure 3 displays the relation between Ce and La concentrations for 1,854 samples from the
study area having anomalous REE. The r2 (correlation coefficient) is 0.92. Excluding 6 samples with
Ce/La ratios in excess of 85, the average Ce/La ratio of this population is about 2.2 in a range from
0.1 to 14.1. Overstreet [25] states that the monazite in the southeastern United States has a Ce/La
ratio of about 2.1. These data suggest that monazite is the dominant carrier of REE in the study area.
The minor scatter shown on the diagram may be a function of compositional variability in monazite
[25], the presence of apatite (known to occur in the area), and the presence of low-Th, REE-bearing
phosphorite in the Cason Shale of northern Arkansas [35].

The relation between Ce and Th for the 1854 samples having anomalous REE is shown in
figure 4. The r2 is 0.96 and indicates that the distribution of Th is very closely associated with that
of Ce; Th is also most likely contained in monazite. Figure 5 displays the relation between Th and
U for these samples. An r2 of 0.81 suggests that monazite may also be an important contributor of
U. Monazite, therefore, is an important contributor to the radioactivity of the sediments in the study
area. Supporting evidence for this interpretation is given by NURE spectral aeroradiometric data [20,
21, 22], which show anomalous REE areas identified hi this study to be anomalous in Th and U


A generalized lithologic map (shown on Fig. 6) provides the backdrop for the geochemical
and aeroradiometric data. Compiled from King and Beikman [36,37], the map shows the general
distribution of: 1) crystalline (volcanic, plutonic and intrusive, and metamorphic) and indurated
sedimentary (mostly marine) rocks, 2) sediments of Cretaceous age, and 3) sediments of Tertiary and
younger age.

88 c 86' 84'

32° ^

F/G. 2. Map showing stream-sediment sample density in the study area.

Ce (percent)
FIG. 3. Relationship between cerium and lanthanum in samples having greater than 0.001 % REE.


-x- -X-
,c -X-


.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0

Ce (percent)
FIG. 4. Relationship between cerium and thorium in samples having greater than 0.001 % REE.



D *


0.0 .1 .2

Th (percent)

FIG. 5. Relationship between thorium and uranium in samples having greater than 0.001 % REE.

Locations of HSSR samples having anomalous Ti, Hf or Zr, and REE concentrations are also
shown on Fig. 6. Geochemical anomalies to the east of the Mississippi River are more sharply defined
by clustering of samples and have larger absolute values than anomalies to the west. The lower levels
of concentration in HSSR anomalies to the west of the Mississippi River are probably a function of
source terrane types and distances of sediment transport in samples from these terranes. The lower
elemental concentrations in anomalies probably reflect smaller concentrations of industrial placer
heavy minerals in these sediments.

Prominent Ti anomalies are associated with crystalline and indurated rocks (henceforth, rocks)
as well as with sediments of primary interest in this study. Fe/Ti ratios (discussed in a later section)
suggest that most of the Ti anomalies associated with rocks are related to magnetite and
titanomagnetite rather than ilmenite, altered ilmenite, or rutile. In western Tennessee, some Ti
anomalies (see Fig. 7) are associated with known titaniferous placer deposits of Cretaceous age [32].
Additional known placer deposits in Cretaceous sediments are not shown by the HSSR data because
of lack of sample coverage; however, NURE airborne gamma-ray radioactivity data (discussed in a
later section) show these areas to be anomalously radioactive in Th because of monazite.

Prominent clusters of anomalous Hf or Zr are associated primarily with crystalline rocks. This
association shows these rock types to be important sources of zircon in the study area. Unconsolidated
Cretaceous and younger sediments in the Mississippi embayment region have significant and areally
extensive clusters of Hf and Zr anomalies.

Most of the large concentrations of REE (>0.1 wt%) are associated with metamorphic,
plutonic, and intrusive rocks. Many of the anomalous locations associated with rocks in the eastern
portion of the study area are approximately coincident with Mertie's [27] monazite belts.

>}< known deposits
— REE F | Torti*ry and younger —
L „ ,__1 »ediment*
Hf or Zr
j v | Crclftccout *edimenl»
Th aero radiome trie Crystalline and indur-
ated sedimentary rock*


FIG. 6. Map showing the general distribution of rocks and sediments, and locations of samples
having anomalous Ti, Hf or Zr, and REE concentrations in the study area.

J———————t ~^r- -i_______.

• HforZr Tertiary and

|____penury ». younger sediments

+ REE j___Z]
9—————] Cretaceous —
O 'J'j fiKTKl«»WI
^^^^j Crystalline and indurated sedimentary rocks
J _j.
__ L _ I _ _ _ J_ ___I___ I 30°
88° """
"86° 84°

FIG. 7. Map showing locations of Ti, Hf and/or Zr, REE anomalous areas, known prospects,
occurrences, and deposits of placer- and rock-hosted industrial minerals [17], and anomalous Th
aeroradioactivity in areas not sampled by HSSR.
Unconsolidated Cretaceous sediments host tightly clustered anomalies of varying levels of REE
concentration, including some of the largest values in the study area. Some of these anomalies are
associated with known deposits of industrial placer minerals.

The principal anomalous clusters and trends of Ti, Hf and (or) Zr, and REE in the Mississippi
embayment region are shown on Fig. 7. The clusters (comprising of 5 or more individual HSSR
anomalies) encompass surface areas ranging from about 15 km2 to over 2500 km2. Anomalies for the
different elements occur individually, paired, or all together in overlapping element clusters. There
are large numbers of individual HSSR anomalies and combinations of anomalies that are not portrayed
on Fig. 7; these may indicate areas prospective for industrial polymineralic placer deposits as well.

The best prospects for important concentrations of industrial polymineralic placers are in areas
where the three element groups overlap. Such overlap indicates that titanium minerals, zircon, and
monazite are probably present. Anomalies associated with rocks have a lower potential for large-
volume deposits of industrial mineral placers than anomalies associated with unconsolidated sediments.
It is likely, however, that workable fluvial placers of primarily monazite and zircon exist in valley
fills within the crystalline terranes, particularly where tightly clustered large-value geochemical
anomalies are suggestive of heavy-mineral-rich source rocks.

Although a large number of areally extensive individual and overlapping anomalous clusters
are associated with rocks, the best prospects for industrial polymineralic placers are where the clusters
are coincident with sediments of Cretaceous and younger age. Evidence for this interpretation is given
by the association of Ti, REE, and Hf or Zr anomalous clusters with locations of known deposits,
prospects, and occurrences of industrial polymineralic placers (Fig. 7). In Cretaceous sediments of
western Tennessee, HSSR anomalies correspond to known deposits of industrial heavy minerals [32,
33, 38, 39]. This association occurs locally over Cretaceous and younger sediments elsewhere in the
area of this study.

Aeroradioactivity data [20, 21, 22] show anomalous U and Th signatures over many areas
outlined as geochemically anomalous in the study area, because of Th in monazite, and provide guides
for locating prospective targets for sampling in Mississippi and in other areas lacking HSSR coverage.
Aeroradioactivity anomalies in regions not covered by HSSR are also shown on Figure 7. Numerous
analyses of sediment samples from the Mississippi River and from adjacent sediments show the
presence of monazite, ilmenite, rutile, and zircon [for example, 23, 25, 40, 41]. Their presence is
consistent with the occurrence of aeroradioactivity anomalies as well as with Cretaceous sediments
sequences being, at least hi part, sources for these sediments. As there are few geomorphic and
geologic indicators for selecting placer exploration targets in this region, the combination of
geochemical and geophysical data can be used as an alternate tool for exploration.

An important and particularly useful criterion for selecting areas prospective for high-Ti
minerals (altered ilmenite and rutile) is the Fe/Ti ratio. This ratio is about 1.17 for stoichiometric
ilmenite [42; Fe=36.8 wt%, Ti=31.6 wt%, O=31.6 wt%], and is lower for weathered ilmenite that
has had Fe removed.

Of the 1791 HSSR samples with Ti > 0.049 wt%, 1740 samples have data for both Fe and
Ti. The Fe/Ti ratio for these samples ranges from 0.16 to 28.6. Clusters of samples with anomalous
Ti that also have Fe/Ti ratios <1.17 (297 samples) are closely associated with Cretaceous and
younger sediments (Fig. 8). The implication is that Cretaceous sediments have undergone extensive
weathering, a process that removes Fe and thereby concentrates TiO2 during alteration of ilmenite.
Fe/Ti ratios smaller than 1.17 could be used to highlight terranes with rutile enrichment, the TiO2
mineral preferred by mineral producers. It is important to note, however, that sphene can also impart
Fe/Ti ratios <1.17 to sediment samples. Locations of samples having Fe/Ti ratios >1.17 (1443
samples) are typically associated with rocks, suggesting that magnetite and titanomagnetite, rather that
ilmenite, altered ilmenite, rutile, or sphene, are the principal Ti-bearing minerals.

I___j Tertiary and younger sediments
I I Cretaceous sediments
Crystalline and indurated sedimentary rocks
I I —'30°
88° 86 C 84°

FIG. 8 Map showing locations of samples having Fe/Ti ratios <1 17


NURE HSSR geochemical and spectral airborne gamma-ray radiometric data for the
Mississippi embayment region are well suited for outlining prospective areas for industrial
polymineralic placer deposits. In combination with regional geologic and mineral-resource occurrence
information, these data are powerful predictive tools for mineral-resource assessment and exploration
activities. Data for Ti, Zr or Hf, and REE in the NURE HSSR data base for the United States, are
reliable indicators of ilmenite (and other Ti-bearing oxides), zircon, and monazite (and other REE-
bearing minerals) in rocks and in unconsolidated sediments.

Ti, Hf, Zr, and REE anomalies occur in a broad spectrum of geologic settings. Unusually
high and areally extensive concentrations of Ti, REE, and Hf or Zr are associated with Cretaceous
and younger sediments. Rocks in the area of this study also host Ti, Zr, and REE concentrations.
Valley fills next to these anomalous rocks could contain commercial accumulations of industrial heavy

The geochemical data clearly outline areas of known Ti-Zr-REE-bearing industrial

polymineralic placer deposits in the Mississippi embayment region; spectral gamma-ray surveys
provide supporting evidence for the presence of monazite and associated Th in these deposits. The
use of low (<1.17) Fe/Ti ratios enables the selection of areas where weathered ilmenite and (or)
rutile are likely the principal Ti minerals present.

Examination of anomalous samples for any given element, as done in this study, excludes
much valuable information on potential large-volume, low-grade deposits of industrial mineral placer
deposits, particularly in sediments in which geochemical expression is comparatively subdued.
However, results of this study suggest that the potential for Ti-Hf-REE-U-Th-bearing industrial
polymineralic placer deposits in sediments and sedimentary rocks of the Mississippi embayment region
may be much greater than previously recognized.
Regional geochemical and geophysical data bases collected by other nations may also lend
themselves to similar interpretation and application to industrial placer mineral resource exploration.


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in Geology and resources of titanium: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 959-A
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[9] FORCE, E.R., GROSZ, A.E., LOFERSKI, P.J., and MAYBIN, A.H., Aeroradioactivity
maps in heavy-mineral exploration, Charleston, South Carolina, area: U.S. Geological Survey
Professional Paper 1218 (1982) 19 p.
[10] GROSZ, A.E., Application of total-count aeroradiometric maps to the exploration for heavy-
mineral deposits in the Coastal Plain of Virginia, with a section on Field-spectrometer-data
reduction, by K.L. Kosanke: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1263 (1983) 20 p.
and SCOTT, T. M., Geologic interpretation of the gamma-ray aeroradiometric maps of central
and northern Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1461 (1989) 48 p.
[12] WYNN, J.C., GROSZ, A.E., and CARLSON-FOSCZ, V.L., Induced polarization response
of some titanium-bearing placer deposits in the southeastern United States, in Fink, J.B., ed.,
Induced polarization—application and case histories: Tulsa, Society of Exploration
Geophysicists, Investigations in geophysics v.4 (1990) p. 280-303.
[13] GROSZ, A. E., Mineralogy and heavy-mineral resource potential of surficial sediments on the
Atlantic Continental Shelf offshore of Georgia: Georgia Geologic Survey Project Report 19
(1993) 31 p.
[14] GROSZ, A.E., NURE stream sediment geochemical data indicative of prospective terranes
for Ti-Zr-REE placer exploration in selected regions of the United States: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 93-240-A (1993) 158 p. (paper copy).
[15] GROSZ, A.E., NURE stream sediment geochemical data indicative of prospective terranes
for Ti-Zr-REE placer exploration in selected regions of the United States: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 93-240-B (1993) (diskette, includes manuscript text and data).
[16] GROSZ, A.E., and SCHRUBEN, P.G., NURE geochemical and geophysical surveys-
Defining prospective terranes for United States placer exploration: U.S. Geological Survey
Bulletin 2097 (1994) 9 p.
[17] MINERAL RESOURCES DATA SYSTEM (MRDS), A data base compiled by the Branch
of Resource Analysis , U.S. Geological Survey. [Available from USGS, EMRST, MS 954,
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 22092].
[18] AVERETT, W.R., National uranium resource evaluation guide to data reports of the
hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance: U.S. Department of Energy, GJBX-
5(84) (1984) 119 p.
[19] ARENDT, J.W., BUTZ, T.R., CAGLE, G.W., KANE, V.E., and NICHOLS, C.E.,
Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance procedures of the uranium resource
evaluation project: U.S. Department of Energy, GJBX-32(80) (1980) 53 p.
[20] DUVAL, J.S., JONES, W.J., RIGGLE, F.R., and PITKIN, J.A., Equivalent uranium map
of the conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report of 89-478,
(1989) 10 p., scale 1:2 500 000.
[21] DUVAL, J.S., JONES, W.J., RIGGLE, F.R., and PITKIN, J.A., Potassium and thorium
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[22] PHILLIPS, J.D., DUVAL, J.S., and AMBROSIAK, R.A., National Geophysical Data Grids:
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[23] RUSSELL, R.D., Mineral composition of Mississippi river sands: Geological Society of
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with explanatory pamphlet (1962) scale 1:3 168 000.
[25] OVERSTREET, W.C., The geologic occurrence of monazite: U.S. Geological Survey
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[26] SULLIVAN, G.V., and BROWNING, J.S., Recovery of heavy minerals from Alabama sand
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[27] MERTIE, J.B., Jr., Monazite placers in the southeastern Atlantic States: U.S. Geological
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[28] FLOHR, M.J.K., Titanium, vanadium, and niobium mineralization and alkali metasomatism
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[30] GUILD, P.W., Preliminary metallogenic map of North America-A numerical listing of
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[32] ROGERS, C. L., and J ASTER, M. C., Titanium in the United States (exclusive of Alaska and
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[42] HURLBUT, C.S., Jr., Dana's manual of mineralogy, 18th ed.: New York, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc. (1971) 579 p.

left BLANK


IWACO Consultants for Water and Environment, XA9745965
Rotterdam, Netherlands

In many areas where uranium has been or is explored, an enormous amount of data on geology and
hydrogeology is available. When these uranium exploration data are stored in a structured way, they can be made
useful for other purposes than uranium exploration only. For instance, in case of environmental pollution, which is
often a side-effect of uranium activities such as mining and leaching, the data can be used to develop a computer
model of the environment. With such a model impacts can be calculated of different scenarios for cleaning up or
isolation of the pollution. A GIS can be used to store the data, to visualize the data (map production) and to analyse
the data, but also to calculate input for the models. The advantages of using GIS and models as tools for decision
support are explained with the Contaminant Transport Information System (CTIS) as a case study. The CTIS has been
developed for remediation operations in the uranium mining area Striz pod Ralskem and Hamr in the Czech Republic.
The CTIS consists of a GIS database, a regional groundwater flow model and a local contaminant transport model
as well as interfaces for data transfer between the components of the information system. The power of the CTIS lies
in the fact that the modelling necessary for the design of a remediation operation can be carried out efficiently by
using one of the two models, depending on the specific question. Thus alternative remediation scenarios can be judged
easily and fairly on their consequences and effectiveness.


In many areas where uranium has been or is explored, an enormous amount of data is
available. Initially the data concentrated on the existence and distribution of uranium as well as the
uranium contents of layers. However environmental pollution caused by uranium exploration and
exploitation requires more and more attention. Therefore data are coming available on the quality of
the air, soil, groundwater and surface water.

Environmental pollution due to uranium activities can be caused in several ways:

mining and milling;

leaching: chemical leaching, underground leaching or heap leaching;
tailing ponds and waste dumps of ore or waste rock.
Due to these uranium activities the air, soil, groundwater and surface water will be
contaminated to a certain extent. To determine the amount of environmental pollution all kind of data
are measured and collected. In some cases a monitoring system is set up to be able to monitor the
environmental pollution.

The available data can be very diverse, such as:

geological data: depth, thickness and contents of geological layers, including uranium content;
hydrogeological data: depth and thickness of aquifers and aquitards, groundwater levels,
groundwater quality data;
surface water data: surface water levels, discharge and quality;
meteorological data: precipitation and evaporation;
air data: wind directions and velocity, air quality.


When these data are stored in a structured way, they can be made useful for other purposes
then uranium exploration only. For instance in case of environmental pollution the data can be used
to determine the hazards for public health and to develop strategies for cleaning up the environment
or prevent distribution of the pollution.

A Geographical Information System (GIS) can be used to store the data in a structured way.
Setting up the structure of the GIS database and filling the database is often a labour-intensive job,
but the use of the GIS database has a lot of advantages. The main advantages are that maps can be
produced in a quick and cheap way, maps can be easily updated, geometrical data are automatically
calculated by the GIS (lengths, areas, volumes), statistical data can be generated from the data
(minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation), new data can be derived of existing data without
changing the original data and selections or generalisations of maps can be explicitly defined.
Moreover maps of different scales can be easily overlain and compared in a GIS and it is easy to
experiment with different layouts of maps.

The main functions of a GIS can be characterized as follows (Fig. 1):

data input: a GIS has many tools to enter data into the digital database, eg. by digitizer,
scanner, mouse or keyboard;
data storage and database management: the data can be stored in a structured way in the GIS
by means of the (relational) database management system (DBMS);
data output and presentation: the GIS can be used to visualize the data in maps, tables, charts
or 3D-surfaces. All kind of data layers can be combined into one map, such as measured data
(boreholes) and interpreted data (eg. distribution of a parameter);
data transformation: data transformation can be divided into three different functions:
• maintenance: tools for updating the data or remove errors;
• interpolation: data can be interpreted or new data layers can be generated by
calculating contour lines, 3D surfaces, Thiessen polygons or by kriging the data;
• analysis: maps can be analyzed by using overlay techniques. The result of the overlay
becomes available as a map. In case a map with the distribution of the environmental
pollution is overlain with a land use map, the resulting map will show for instance
which agricultural areas are located within the polluted area.


Computer models are a simulation of the reality. Models are set up with a certain purpose,
namely to calculate an existing or future situation. In case of environmental pollution possible
computer calculations can be:

existing situation: to calculate an existing situation is necessary to calibrate the model as well
as to generate a reference situation in case of scenario calculations. Models are usually
calibrated by comparing measured data with calculated data;
zero scenario: to calculate a future situation in case no measures are taken to improve the
pollution situation;
stabilize scenarios: to calculate the impact of scenarios to prevent the distribution of pollution;
cleanup scenarios: to calculate the impact of scenarios to clean-up the pollution.


The data that are stored in the GIS can be used as input parameters for the modelling of the
environment. By coupling the GIS with one or more models a powerful tool becomes available for

FIG. 1. The main functions of a CIS [1].

environmental management. The GIS can be used for the data management and the presentation of
data into maps, while the models can be applied to calculate the impact of scenarios. A decision
support system (DSS) is one step ahead of the coupling of GIS and models. In a decision support
system the user (decision maker) can develop strategies for improvement of the environment. The data
necessary to calculate the impact are retrieved by the DSS from the GIS and the models calculate the
impact, the output of the models is redirected to the GIS and displayed to the user. The user has the
possibility to compare several scenarios, which will lead to a better understanding of the impacts of
potential measures to improve the environment. Therefore the DSS will help to generate useful
scenarios as well as facilitates the process of making a decision.


The advantages of using GIS and models as tools for decision support are explained with the
Contaminant Transport Information System (CTIS) as a case study. The CTIS has been developed for
remediation operations in the uranium mining area Straz pod Ralskem - Hamr (see fig. 2) in the
Czech Republic [2]. The Contaminant Transport Information System has been set up for the Czech
uranium mining company Diamo s.p. in the frame work of the bilateral Programme for Cooperation
with Eastern Europe (PSO) of the government of The Netherlands.

The CTIS consists of a GIS database, a regional groundwater flow model and a local
contaminant transport model as well as interfaces for data transfer between the components of the
information system. The power of the CTIS lies in the fact that the modelling necessary for the design
of a remediation operation can be carried out efficiently, based on a GIS database coupled with two
models. Thus alternative remediation scenarios can be judged easily and fairly on their consequences
and effectiveness.

5.1. Background

A large uranium deposit is found in the northern part of the Czech Republic near Straz pod
Ralskem (see fig. 2). The uranium is present approximately 200 meters below the ground surface.
The exploitation started in 1967 with the excavation of conventional underground mines. Later in-situ
hydrochemical leaching was introduced. A large number of injection and extraction wells has been


FIG. 2. Location of area of interest.

implemented in some 30 so-called 'leaching fields'. An hydraulic barrier has been installed in between
the mines and the leaching fields. The barrier consists of about 200 wells that inject water and
prevents the migration of the leaching fluid away from the leaching fields towards the mines. The
hydrogeological scheme is shown in fig. 3 and described in more detail in [2, 3].

The leaching of the uranium ore has caused a major groundwater contamination extending
over ±20 km2. Huge quantities of the strongly oxidizing and acidic leaching fluid have been injected
and a large volume of this fluid is still present. Near the surface the groundwater has been
contaminated by spills and leakage from processing plants and transport pipe lines as well as defective
casings of the injection and abstraction wells of the leaching fields. The major constituents of the
contamination, both near the surface and at depth, are heavy metals (mainly aluminum) and sulphate.
The average density of the leaching fluid is about 1050 kg/m3, so that density differences have a
significant influence on the groundwater flow. The deep contamination poses a long term threat to
the groundwater in a large part of the Czech Republic. The shallow contamination is of immediate
concern for the local drinking water supply.

5.2. Why developing an Information System?

Remediation of the aquifers is considered necessary, but it will be a very large, expensive and
time consuming operation. A detailed investigation of the present situation and of possible remediation
scenarios is of paramount importance. The costs invested in the investigation will save expenses in
the actual remediation. For this investigation a Contaminant Transport Information System has been
built (CTIS).
The extend and severity of the contamination in the Straz pod Ralskem area require a
thorough investigation prior to the design of any remediation operation. Numerical modelling of the
groundwater flow provides a powerful tool in predicting the effectiveness of various remediation
scenarios. The modelling has been based on the large amount of data that is available and on new data
that have been collected. The data have been stored in a database that is easily accessible and that also
allows new data to be added.

5.3. The Contaminant Transport Information System (CTIS)

The entire Straz Block (180 km2) had to be covered by a numerical model because of the large
influence of the uranium exploitation operations on the groundwater flow and the lack of natural
boundaries within the block. On the other hand, the density differences in the area of the leaching
fields and the intricate geology required a large amount of detail and hence a large model resolution.
These conflicting demands can not be met by one single numerical model. Therefore, the various
aspects of the contamination and possible remediation scenarios have been investigated using different
models (regional and local).

Consequently a large amount of information had to be transferred between the database and
the models and mutually between the models. To ensure efficient data transfer and to avoid the
introduction of errors, the Contaminant Transport Information System (CTIS) was constructed,
combining the models and the database.

The information system consists of the following components (fig. 4):

a database, set up in the Geographical Information System ARC/INFO;

a regional groundwater flow model using TRIWACO;
a local groundwater flow and contaminant transport model using METROPOL;
a GIS-model interface between ARC/INFO, TRIWACO and METROPOL.

To get an idea of the density of information and the accuracy of the calculations, some
characteristics are given here:

ARC/INFO 15.000 boreholes 1.000 observation wells

TRIWACO quasi-3D 2537 nodes 4925 elements 3 layers
METROPOL fully 3D 6944 nodes 5670 elements 8 layers

In figure 5 an example is given of piezometric heads calculated by TRIWACO for the upper
Turonian aquifer and for the lower Cenomanian aquifer.

massive sandstones
morty-slty sandstones


silts-tones oqmtord

fucofd sandstones Cenomanian


poorty cohesive sandstones

aystalme schists

FIG. 3. (Hydro)geology of Strdz Block.


regional model local model

FIG. 4. Contaminant Transport Information System (CTIS).

FIG. 5. Calculated piezometric heads (TRIWACO) of the upper Turanian aquifer (top) and lower
Cenomanian aquifer (bottom).


The case study shows that the Contamination Transport Information System ensures a solid
base for risk analysis of remediation strategies that will have to be carried out for the Straz pod
Ralskem uranium mining area. Combination of model results with other data in the GIS database
allows one to judge alternative remediation scenarios easily and fairly on their consequences and
effectiveness. Thus intercomparison of such scenarios has become possible.

The necessity of environmental management in uranium mining and milling areas is also clear
from the EC financed project 'Remediation concepts for the uranium mining operations in CEEC' [4].
Involved are nine countries in Central and Eastern Europe that carry out (or have carried out) mining
and/or milling activities. The project is carried by URANERZ, C&E and IWACO. In the first year
of the project an inventory of the existing situation will be carried out, the data will be stored in a

Conclusion: The integration of uranium exploration data in GIS and models creates a powerful
tool for facilitating the decision support process, not only for uranium exploration purposes, but also
for environmental management.


[1] BURROUGH, P.A., Principles of Geographical Information Systems for Land Resources
Assessment. Clarendon press, Oxford (1986).
[2] IWACO B.V., Development of a validated computer-based information system for aquifer
rehabilitation at the uranium mining area "Straz pod Ralskem-Hamr", North-East Bohemia,
Czech Republic. Final report. Rotterdam, The Netherlands (October, 1994).
regional and local modelling for aquifer remediation at an uranium mining site in the Czech
Republic. Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection (Proceedings of the Prague
conference, May 1995), pp 391-400. IAH Publications No. 225 (May, 1995).
[4] EC-PHARE. Remediation Concepts for the Uranium Mining Operations in CEEC, Terms of
Reference, PA12, Revision 3 (December 1995).

left BLANK


Faculty of Mining and Geology
Belgrade, Yugoslavia

During a period of over 40 years an enormous amount of U exploration data has been accumulated. If
specific requirements are met, this data can be reprocessed and used very efficiently for environmental purposes.
Many IAEA Member States, where U exploration was carried out, are interested in using the data they possess for
such purposes. The major difference is that the data is now intended for institutions that are engaged in environmental
studies and not in uranium exploration. Moreover, the general interest of the public cannot be neglected. Therefore
the data has to be presented with great care where different types of maps are probably one of the most significant
forms. An important segment of the whole process is certainly computer data processing. Many countries have already
carried out this process with the use of specialized software and modern hardware. Unfortunately many IAEA
Member States — government institutions engaged in uranium exploration - are not equipped with the adequate
(expensive) hardware and software and very often do not have the funds for this. The presented paper deals with some
practical aspects of computer data processing from the initial data input (database) phase to the production of maps
but with "general purpose" software that can be acquired with a minimum of expenses. It is worth mentioning that
the IAEA has supplied many Member States with software and hardware that can be used immediately for this
purpose. Preliminary processing and presentation of uranium exploration data for environmental purposes, with the
available hardware and software, would certainly be of great benefit to the corresponding institutions and the whole


Some activities of IAEA in the last few years have been focused on the application of the
existing uranium exploration data in environmental studies [1]. Papers published from the Technical
Committee Meeting held in Vienna [2] presented many cases of how uranium exploration data can
be successfully reprocessed and used for environmental purposes. Among other things, several papers
[3,4,5,6,7] include very sophisticated colour maps. All these maps were produced with the use of
specialized software. This paper deals with the possibilities of computer processing of data with
"general" purpose software which is less expensive. Emphasis is on the production of maps. The
main intention is to present different possibilities and not advertise commercial software/hardware.
Therefore no producers or brands are cited. The only exemptions are DOS and Windows, operating
systems and some software that can be obtained for the price of a diskette.


Many countries throughout the world where uranium exploration was carried out are
interested in reprocessing the data and using it for environmental purposes. Beside selection and
reprocessing of the data for environmental purposes, each country in the end will be faced with the
problem of computer processing. If it possesses the adequate hardware and software then this is a
relatively easy process. However, if it does not have these possibilities it will face a problem that can
be solved in several ways:

Purchase all the necessary hardware and software and train the staff to use it. Unfortunately
many countries or government organizations and institutions do not have the adequate funds

for such purposes. This is, beside being expensive in the short run, a process that can last
several years.

Give the data to some other country or institution to process it for them. It should be pointed
out that many countries or institutions will be unwilling to give the data to some other party
to process. There are two basic reasons:

a) In some countries the data is still considered as confidential;

b) financial reasons.

Request assistance from the IAEA; which is not always successful.

Do nothing ! The worst solution.

Process the data with the available software and hardware and eventual minimal purchase of

During the last decade IAEA has equipped many Member States with hardware (PC
computers, printers, plotters, digitizers, etc.) and software (database, mapping, digitizing, etc.) for
computer processing of uranium exploration data. What is more essential it has trained the local staff
to use it efficiently. The hardware, software and very valuable knowledge can be used for the (initial)
reprocessing of the uranium exploration data for environmental purposes. It can be presumed that
once these results are presented it would be much easier to obtain funds for further work in the field
of environmental protection.

In general, the necessary steps for the use of uranium exploration data for environmental
purposes can be divided into two phases:

1st phase: preparation of the data, which includes:

selection of the data suitable for further processing

standardization, back-calibration, e.g. carry out all the necessary
steps to make the radiometric data suitable for environmental

2nd phase: computer data processing:

database management
statistical data analysis
production of different "environmental" maps with or without a base


The corner stone of any serious computer data processing is a well organized database. Beside
coordinates, radiometric and geochemical data, other relevant information (such as Rn in soil,
geology, soil type, etc.) should be included.

In general the following steps are required:

formation of a new database, or

upgrading of the existing database to meet the current demands
input of the data, very often accompanied with digitizing of the coordinates,
import of data from other sources (data files on diskettes, tapes, etc.)

A large variety of database software for mini — mainframe and PC computers is available
on the market. The prices for the two former are many magnitudes higher than for the PCs. The
complexity of database software for large computers will not be elaborated here. Today's database
software for Windows is much more powerful then the DOS versions from just a few years ago. One
of the main advantages is the enormous difference in speed. This means that much larger sets (with
the adequate hard disk capacity) of data can be processed, such as airborne survey data. Beside being
faster, Windows software is much more flexible and "user-friendly", enabling relatively easy
formation of a complex database. One additional advantage is that the data can be transferred directly
to other software (spreadsheet, statistical, mapping, etc.) for further processing. This software can
also be used to perform all the necessary mathematical transformation to convert the radiometric data
(cps, ppm, etc.) into the adequate radiation units.


One of the crucial steps in the formation of a database is the measurement and input of
coordinate data. Digitizing of the coordinates is important in cases of random sampling —
measurements, like regional gamma-ray spectrometry, etc. Software that can be used for digitizing
the coordinates is numerous and in most cases inexpensive. Prices range from the price of a diskette1
to several hundred dollars for commercial software. Several techniques of digitizing — data input can
be used. This will depend on whether the data is to be transferred to a database or used directly for
further processing. If the resulting ASCII data file is well organized the data can be converted —
(imported) into a database file and linked with the main database that contains the rest of the
(analytical, geological, etc.) data.


This phase represents an important segment of the whole process. Software for statistical data
analysis is numerous and ranges from share-ware to commercial software costing up to approximately
US $1000. However, one very important fact has to be emphasized. Some of the very "sophisticated"
commercial software can process only a limited amount of data (approximately in the range of several
thousand rows). If matrix operations are needed (for correlation matrices, etc.) the situation is even
worse. This automatically excludes processing larger data sets such as car-borne and airborne. As a
substitute, database software can be used to determine the basic statistical parameters such as the
mean, standard deviation, etc.


Maps containing information on the radioactivity levels, content-distribution of (toxic)

elements, etc. in certain regions are probably the ultimate goal in this whole procedure. Uranium
exploration geologists have been engaged in studying the behavior, distribution and migration of
uranium, thorium and other elements in nature and representing these phenomena in the form of
maps. It is not to pretentious to claim that geologists are the most qualified in this field. Physicist,
chemists and other scientists generally engaged in laboratory work (or better to say constricted to a
laboratory environment) simply lack the experience for this.

It should be made clear that now these maps and data in general are not intended (only) for
geologists. The major difference is that the data will also be used by institutions that are engaged in
environmental studies and not uranium (geological) exploration. Also, these maps are now of general
public interest and if not prepared and interpreted adequately they can cause considerable

The USGS program GSDXY [8] can be obtained very easily for the price of a diskette and is quite
sufficient for this purpose.

misunderstandings or even problems. The impact (social, economical, etc.) of these maps has to be
taken into account. This is not directly the problem of the geologist, it is more an obligation that the
maps are correct in all aspects and understandable even to the layman..

Most of the software for drawing maps uses a gridding technique. Gridding produces a
regularly spaced array of Z values from (in most cases) irregularly spaced XYZ data. Contour map
plots require the regular distribution of data points in grid files. The term "irregularly spaced"
implies that the points are randomly distributed over the extent of the map area meaning that the
distance between data points is not consistent over the map. When the XYZ data is randomly spaced
over the map area, there are many "holes" in the distribution of data points. Gridding fills in the
holes by extrapolating or interpolating Z values in those locations where no data exists. Large areas
without data can be excluded with the use of blanking files. These files can be prepared with a

The filling of holes can create considerable problems. Special care has to be taken for large
scale maps covering areas where the geology, contents of U, Th, K and other elements vary
considerably. A hypothetical case is presented on figures 1 and 2. The area is represented with two
different rock units that have a considerable difference in the U, Th and K content, resulting in a
significant difference in the total radioactivity. This fact is well known to all geologist, but is this
clear to other scientists and to the public? A map created without the intervention of a geologist is
shown in Fig. 1

Because of the random and insufficient sampling density the high level contours "protrude"
into the area with low radioactivity. This phenomenon of poor "resolution" of the computer
techniques is something normal to the geologists. Rarely did he bother to carry out further surveying
in the (contour) zones over a rock unit for which he knows that is not uranium bearing. However in
the case of environmental maps this problem is important. The map in Fig. 2 is based on the same
data but with the intervention of a geologist. The data was processes two times: once for the high
radioactivity rock and the second time for the low one. The maps were then joined and printed or
plotted as one. Clearly the map in Fig. 2 is a much more realistic presentation of the radioactivity of
the region.

Figure 1. Map created without the Figure 2. Map created with the intervention
intervention of a geologist Units arbitrary of a geologist. Units arbitrary

A very important detail of all "ecological" maps is a base map with different geographical
details such as roads, rivers, buildings, etc. A base map can be prepared with a digitizer and CAD
software. The price of commercial software ranges form several hundred to several thousand dollars.
The less expensive ones are quite sufficient. A base map can also be prepared with the use of a
scanner. In general this will be limited to size A4 because of the high price of larger scanners.

Once the contour and base map have been prepared they can be exported and combined
together with graphical processing software. The price of this software is in the range of several
hundred dollars. In this phase different details can be added, such as text, symbols, etc. Depending
on the mode of output (printer or plotter) the whole preparation procedure will be somewhat different.

The final process — a hard copy of the map — can be produced in two ways: printing (with
a BAV or colour printer) or plotting (single to multi pen plotter). When using a BAV printer the
contour zones can be "coloured" in different shades of gray. Tests have shown that gray shading with
a dot matrix printer is not very applicable because of the small number of shades (zones) that can be
distinguished by the human eye. Additionally, a large part of the base map details can be lost
(overprinted). Also this type of map is not very pleasing to the observer. The use of a BAV ink-jet,
bubble-jet or laser printers somewhat increases the quality of the map and the possible number of gray
tones. Best results are achieved with a (fairly inexpensive) colour ink-jet printer. The contours can
be coloured without a loss of the base map information. When using a printer the maximum size that
can be printed is A3. If larger maps are needed it is possible to print the map in segments and join
them together.

Beside printing the maps can be plotted. In case of multi pen plotters the contour lines can
be in different colours. Filling of the contours is possible but an enormous amount of plotting time
and pens is needed. The size of the plotted maps will depend on the size (and price) of the plotter
which varies from A4 to AO. If the (combined) map is prepared for plotting then the base map of the
area can be included by plotting in two phases: first the contour map and then, without removing the
paper, the base map (or vice versa). The shift of the plotter is so small (generally less then 0.5 mm)
that it is not noticeable.


A volcanic massif in Serbia was covered with a regional gamma ray spectrometric and
geochemical survey. The surveyed area was approximately 200 km2. A total of 110 gamma-ray
spectrometric measurements were made. For the geochemical survey 390 stream sediment samples
and 380 heavy mineral samples were collected and spectrochemically analyzed for 30 elements. All
the data was already available in ASCII format but without coordinates. This data was chosen as
suitable for further processing.

The procedures for all three maps were practically the same:

Database software was used to prepare the database which consisted of tables for the
coordinate data, gamma-ray spectrometry measurements, analytical data for the stream
sediments and a table for the heavy mineral analyses. All the analytical data was imported
into the database files. The eU, eTh and K content were converted into exposure rate [1].

The coordinates of the sampling points were digitized. The resulting ASCII file was imported
into the database file for coordinates and linked with the adequate table(s) in the database. The
sample number was used as the key field for linking.

The base map (major streams and roads) was digitized with the use of a CAD program. The
USGS program GSDRAW [9] could also have been used for this purpose.

The borders of the area were digitized with GSDXY [8] and prepared as a "blanking file".

The selected data (with a query) was transferred from the database to an ASCII file.

With mapping software three different versions (files) were prepared:

a. contour (B/W) map for a dot matrix printer

b. colour contour map for plotting
c. filled contour map for a colour ink-jet printer.

Statistical data analysis was carried out and a distribution histogram was prepared.

All three maps and the histogram file were exported into a graphical program and combined
with the base map.

Adjustments of the colour scale were carried out on the colour contour map and histogram.
The maps were printed — plotted.

Three versions of the resulting maps are presented in Figs 3, 4 and 5. All maps were
produced with the same PC computer and software, only the hard copy device was changed.

Beograd Exposure rates In pR/h

FIG 3. Map printed with a nine pin dot matrix printer.

> 19

FIG. 4. Map plotted with a multi pen plotter.


FIG. 5. Map printed with an ink jet colour printer.

For the map in Fig. 3 a nine pin dot matrix printer was used to produce a contour map. It
is obvious that the map is of poor quality. For the geologist this is often more than sufficient, but
certainly not for public presentation.

The map in Fig. 4 was plotted with a multi pen plotter. It is obvious that the quality of the
map is much better for public and other purposes.

Finally, the map in Fig. 5 was produced with a colour ink-jet printer. Evidently this map is,
considering the quality, esthetics impact and clearness, very close to the maps produced with much
more expensive software and hardware2.


As demonstrated, it is possible to process uranium exploration data for environmental

purposes with software and hardware that is relatively inexpensive and easy to use. What is more
important many IAEA Member States already posses most of the necessary hardware and software.
The speed of processing will depend on the hardware, the complexity of data processing and map
drawing on the software, but the final quality of the maps will depend on the type (price) of the
printer or plotter. It should be pointed out that in most cases the only additional investment for
producing colour maps is a relatively inexpensive ink-jet colour printer.

This is why the IAEA should encourage Member States — government organizations — who
are not sufficiently equipped with "modern" computer data processing to start this process with the
available hardware and software. Preliminary processing and presentation of uranium exploration data
for environmental purposes would certainly be of great benefit for the corresponding institutions and
the whole country.


[1] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, The use of gamma ray data to define
the natural radiation environment, IAEA-TECDOC-566, IAEA, Vienna (1990).
[2] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Application of uranium exploration data
and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna, (1995).
[3] DARNLEY A.G., Uranium exploration data, International Geochemical Mapping and the
Environment, Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental
studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995).
[4] GRASTY R.L. Environmental monitoring by airborne gamma ray spectrometry, experience
at the Geological Survey of Canada, Application of uranium exploration data and techniques
in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995).
[5] TORRES L.M., GRASTY R.L., The natural radioactivity map of Portugal, Application of
uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827,
IAEA, Vienna (1995).

Note: the exposure rate map and the corresponding scale in [5] is from 1 to 25, at the same time the
map and colour scale in [6] is from 0.4 to 14.8 jiR/h. The problem here is that the colour scale in
these two maps do not correspond to the same exposure rate values. As an example in the first map
the yellow tones represent exposure rates from 11 to 14 and in the second map from 6 to 7.2 ^iR/h.
This makes comparison of different maps difficult and could be misleading if the observer does not pay
attention to the colour scale. A basic recommendation here is that IAEA should consider introduction
of a standard colour scale for exposure rates (and other measurements, units) which would be used by
all member states.

[6] ANDJELOV, M., TOMSIC, J., PECNIK.M., Natural background radioactivities and
geochemical map of Slovenia, Application of uranium exploration data and techniques in
environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827, IAEA, Vienna (1995).
gamma ray spectrometric survey for radioecological mapping in Poland, Application of
uranium exploration data and techniques in environmental studies, IAEA-TECDOC-827,
IAEA, Vienna (1995).
[8] SELNER, G.I., SMITH, C.L.JAYOR, R.B., GSDIG Version 2.0, a program to determine
latitude/longitude coordinates, and GSDXY version 1.0, a computer program to determine
X, Y coordinates using a microcomputer (IBM PC or compatible) and digitizer, United States
Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Open file report 88-0428-A and 88-0428-B.
[9] SELNER, G.I., TAYOR, R.B., GSDRAW and GSMAP system version 6.0-Graphics
programs and utility programs for the IBM PC and compatible microcomputers to assist in
compilation and publication of geological maps and illustrations. United States Department
of the Interior, Geological Survey, Open file report 89-0307-A and 89-0373-B.



National Centre for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control,
Atomic Energy Authority,
Nasr City, Cairo,

Chemistry Unit,
IAEA Laboratories,


Within a radiological survey of the building materials used in the urban dwellings in the central region of
Egypt, the uranium concentration in 80 representative samples of raw and fabricated building materials are determined
using laser fluorimetry technique. For 40 samples from the studied raw building materials of sand, gravel, gypsum,
lime-stone, granite and marble the determined uranium concentration values range between 0.3 and 3.6 ppm for all
these samples except for one type of granite having the corresponding value of 7.8 ppm. For 37 samples from studied
fabricated building materials of normal cement, clay brick, sand brick, tiles and ceramic plates the determined
uranium concentration values range from 0.5 to 3.4 ppm. The corresponding values for three types of iron cement
are 3.1, 6.1 and 9.3 ppm. The radium-226 content (of the uranium-238 series) in the same samples was determined
using high resolution gamma-ray spectrometers based on HP Ge-detectors. The data obtained by the two techniques
are in good agreement for the majority of the studied samples.


A significant part of the total dose rate exposure of the public is due to the indoor exposure
which is mainly originated from the radioactive nuclides of the building materials. The radiation
exposure of the public can be noticeably increased by using building materials with above normal
levels of specific radioactivity. 84% of the annual effective dose to the world population is due to
natural radiation and 57% of this exposure is due lom\J series [1].

For the Central Cairo region, where there are more than 20 millions of habitants
corresponding to about 33 % of the whole population of Egypt, a detailed study of building materials
used in the urban dwellings is carried out in the Central Laboratory for Environmental Radiation
Measurements, Intercomparison and Training (CLERMIT) of the National Centre of Nuclear Safety
and Radiation Control (NCNSRC), Atomic Energy Authority (AEA). 177 of raw and fabricated
building materials used in the central region of Egypt were prepared and analysed using
7-spectroscopy technique [2]. The map of this region is given in Fig. 1, where the symbols in frames
correspond to the sampling locations of raw building materials (for coding legend see Tables I and

In this work, the uranium concentration in some of the same samples were determined using
laser fluorimetry (LF). For uranium concentration measurements, laser fluorimetry is quick, simple,
reliable and accurate. Under ultraviolet excitation uranyl salts emit a green luminescence. The
emission spectrum is quiet characteristic with three peeks at 414, 516 and 540 nm. The luminescence
can be measured quantitatively by a suitable photodetector. A more complete description of the
principles of LF technique and its applications is given [3-5].

Eighty samples of the above mentioned 177 samples covering all types of raw and fabricated
building materials were analysed using LF technique for direct determination of the total uranium
concentrations in these samples.


Sample Collection

Fourty samples of raw building materials were collected from different quarries in the Cairo
region (Fig. 1) and commercial companies. Also, 40 samples of building products were collected from
the largest Egyptian factories. The classification of these raw materials and industrial building
products are given in Tables I and II.

EL-Khanka Asher of Ramadan

T he High 0
0 200Km ^ff E-gypl

FIG. 1. Map of central region of Egypt.

Sample preparation for laser fluorimetry

Samples of 200-250 mg were ashed in a computerized oven in which the temperature is

adjusted to rise from 24°C (room temp.) in 120 min. to 350°C then in 90 min. to 600°C. The
residue, after fuming with hydrofluoric acid and nitric acid were taken up in Ca(NO3)2 salting
solution, and the uranium was extracted with methyl-isobutyl-ketone (MIBK). After the stripping of
uranium from MIBK solution into 0.001 M HNO3, it is ready for analysis. This chemical procedure
is done according to that developed by Ghods [3-5] and shown in Fig. 2.

200-250 mg ashed sample
lOmL conc.(40%) HF

Dissolve the sample

Fume to dryness

5mL conc.(40%) HF
5mL conc.( 65%) HNO3

Fume to dryness

5 mL conc.(65%) HNO3

Fume to dryness

5 mL 8% HNO,

Fume to dryness

2 mL 8% HNO3
10 mL Ca (NO3)2 / Na2 EDTA

Redissolve residue

Discard filter
Filterate + 4 mL (MIBK)

Extract uranium

Discard aqueous phase

Add 10 mL 0.001M HNO3

Back extract uranium

Discard (MIBK)
Measure uranium by laser fluorimeter

FIG. 2. Chemical procedure for uranium separation.

Laser fluorimetry measurement

The Scintrex UA-3 uranium analyser was used to measure the uranium concentration in the
samples. It has a lower detection limit of 0.05 ppb uranium, measurement accuracy +15% at 1 ppb.
The UA-3 procedure involves the addition of a buffered agent called Fluran (sodium pyrophosphate,
sodium dihydrogen phosphate).

The instrument is calibrated using O.OlmL of uranium standard (1 mg/mL) combining it with
4.99 mL of 0.001 M HNO3 in the vial. The sample size was 5 to 6 ml of aqueous solution per

The uranium content is determined by measuring the fluoriscent yield from the standard Dst
and the sample D; and the uranium concentration in the sample U is obtained as:

where Usl is the uranium concentration in the standard.


In Tables IH-XIV the uranium concentration, obtained by Laser Fluorimetry technique, LF,
(in ppm and Bq.kg"1) compared with those obtained by Gamma Spectroscopy technique, GS, (in
Bq.kg"1'), for the building material samples are given. The maximum and minimum values of
concentrations are printed in bold type. The average values for the samples are given. The difference
between the two techniques indicates an overall average of 1.2 expressed in terms of the discrepancy
of GS analysis from LF analysis.

The uranium concentrations for raw building materials range between 0.1-0.8 ppm
(1.7-21.7 Bq.kg"1 dry weight) except in granite samples; it ranges between 0.4-7.8 ppm
(4.4-96.3 Bq.kg"1 dry weight); while for industrial building products, the uranium concentrations
range between 0.53.4 ppm (5.6-42.1 Bq.kg"1 dry weight).

The data obtained by the two techniques are in good agreement within the experimental error
for most of the samples except for ceramic. This agreement satisfies the assumption of secular
equilibrium between B8U, ^Ra and their further progenies. For the case of ceramic the difference
in uranium concentration values obtained by the two techniques may be related to the disequilibrium
between B8U and ^Ra appeared during the thermal and chemical treatment of the technological
processes of ceramic fabrication. This aspect has to be subject of further investigations.

The obtained, in this work, values of uranium concentration are all in the range of typical
world values adapted for building materials [1] which is 50 Bq.kg"1 (about 4 ppm) for the uranium
concentrations. The exceptions are one type of granite (with uranium concentration 7.8 ppm), two
types of iron cement (6.1 and 9.3 ppm) and one type of brick (4.2 ppm).


Sample Code Description

SSul-4,11 Sand samples collected from different quarries around the Suez way at distances up to
30 km from Cairo.
SNC2 Sand sample from a quarry in the north-east region of Nasr-City.
SBe3 Sand sample from a quarry 25-35 km from Cairo around Belbees way.
SIsl Sand sample from a quarry near the 50 km mark of the Ismaelia way.
SFyl Sand sample from a quarry in Abu-Dahshoor at 20 km on Fayoom way.
SA11 Sand from a quarry on desert Alexandria way near the Pyramids. __
GAS6.8 Gravel samples collected from different quarries arround Ain-El-Soukhna way 37-120
km from Cairo.
GSu2 Gravel sample from a quarry around Suez way at distances up to 30 km from Cairo.
GBel Gravel from a quarry around Belbees way 25-35 km from Cairo.
GFy3,4 Gravel samples from different quarries 35-45 km from Cairo around Fayoom way.
GA11 Gravel sample from a quarry on Alexandria way 100 km from Giza. _____
GM1 Samples of Normal gypsum from Misr-Kwait company (Jepsa).
GD2,3 Samples of Balah and Star of Sinai gypsum respectively, from the "Distribution Centre
of GypsunTcompany.
GJ ____ Sample of gypsum packed in Jamco factory. __ ___
LS2,4,5,6 Samples of lime-stone collected from different workshops from distribution centre of
lime-stone in Gayara at the south-east of Cairo.
Grl-8 Samples of granite (from quarries located at the south and north-east regions of Egypt)
collected from different companies of granite in Cairo.
Ma2>3,5)8,9, Samples of maritle (from quarries located at the south and north-east regions of Egypt)
13,14 collected from different companies of marble in Cairo.


Sample Code Description

CH1-3 Samples of Ordinary, Kamak and White cement respectively, from Helwan factory.
CT1 Sample of Ordinary cement from Torah factory.
CS1 Sample of Ordinary cement from Suez factory.
CKO Sample of Ordinary cement from Kawmia factory.
CKt Sample of Ordinary cement from Katamia factory.
CHI,CTI,CKI Samples of Iron cement from Helwan, Torah and Kawmia factories.
C1B 1,5,8,10, Samples of clay bricks samples from different factories in Cairo, Helwan, Giza, Banha,
11,16 Asher of Ramadan, Six October and El-Sadat.
C1B20 Sample of a special kind of clay brick for decoration called Sornaga brick fabricated
from soil transfered from Aswan region, collected from El-Haram factory in Giza.
C1B21 Sample of a special kind of clay brick called LECA fabricated from light weight
expanded clay aggregates.
CeB 1,2,7 Samples of cement bricks from different factories in Cairo, Helwan, Giza, Asher of
Ramadan, Six October and El-Sadat.
SB1 Sample of sand brick collected from Nasr City factory.
SB4 Sample of sand brick from Six October factory (Senohy).
SB6 Sample of sand brick from Arabia factory.
SB8 __ _________Sample of sand brick from Asher of Ramadan factory.

TH5.TH6 Samples of tiles from Hassan Alaam factory under the names: Breshia and Asmanty
(cement) respectively.

TS4.TS5 Samples of tiles from El-Shark El-Awsat factory under the names: White Alaay and
Asmanty (cement) respectively.
TNC1.TNC2 Samples of tiles from Nasr-City factory under the names: Petchinoand Alabaster 1
TR5 Sample of tile from Asher of Ramadan factory under the name Zaafran.
THG Sample of tile from Hassan Alaam factory prepared from waste granite.
CrG,CrC,CrL,Cr Samples of ceramic tiles from factories of: El-Gawhra, Cleopatra, Lecico, Aracemco,
A,CrM, Misr, El-Ahlya and El-Faraana respectively.
CrAh and CrF


Sample U-conc in U-conc.in U-activity in

Code ppm(mg/g)c Bq.kg 1 Bq.kg 1 U GS /U LF
using LF using LF using GSC
technique technique technique
SSul 0.3 ± 0.03 3.7 ± 0.4 4 .3 ± 0.2 1.2
SSu3 0.4 ± 0.08 5.0 ±1.0 6.3 ± 0.3 1.3
SSu4 0.5 ± 0.08 6.2 ± 1.0 6.7 ± 0.3 1.7
SSull 0.5 ± 0.09 6.2 ± 1.1 9.4 ± 0.4 1.5
SNC2 0.7 ± 0.1 8.7 ± 1.3 6.5 ± 0.3 0.8
SBe3 0.4 ± 0.08 5.0 ±1.0 4.4 ± 0.3 0.9
SIsl 0.3 ± 0.06 3.7 ±0.8 4.8 ± 0.2 1.3
SFyl 0.3 ± 0.06 3.7 ± 0.8 8.3 ± 0.4 2.2
SA11 0.4 ± 0.08 5.0 + 1.0 8.0 ± 0.3 1.6
Average 0.4 5.0 5.8 1.3
a c
Laser Fluorimetry Gamma Spectrometry Ippm = 12.4 Bq.kg"



Sample U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg-1 U-activity in

Code (mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg using GS UGS / ULF
technique technique technique
GAS6 0.8 ± 0.2 9.9 ±2.1 13.5 ± 0.5 1.4
GAS8 0.8 ±0.1 9.9 ± 1.4 13.3 ±0.5 1.3
GSu2 0.4 ±0.1 5.0 ± 1.0 12.4 ± 0.4 2.5
GBel 0.1 ±0.04 1.2 ± 0.5 2.6 ± 0.2 2.2
GFy3 0.7 ±0.1 8.7 ± 1.3 10.4 ± 0.4 1.2
GFy4 0.8 ±0.1 9.9 ± 1.5 9.9 ± 0.4
GA11 0.3 ± 0.06 3.7 ±0.7 4.9 ± 0.3 1.3
Average 0.6 7.4 9.6 1.3


Sample U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg"1 U-activity in

Code (mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg-1 using GS U G S /U L F
technique technique technique
GD2 0.2 ± 0.03 2.5 ± 0.4 2.0 ± 0.2 0.8
GD3 0.3 ±0.1 3.7 ± 1.8 3.5 + 0.2 1.0
GM1 0.1 ±0.05 1.2 ± 0.6 3.0 ± 0.2 2.5
GJ 0.3 ± 0.07 3.7 ± 0.9 4.3 ±03 1.2
Average 0.2 2.5 3.2 1.3
GK2 1.1 +0.2 13.6 + 2.5 12.8 + 0.4 0.9



Sample U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg"1 U-activity in

Code (mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg0 using GS U G S /U L F
technique technique technique
LS2 1.5 ±0.2 18.6 ±2.9 13.3 ± 0.5 0.7
LS4 1.2 +0.2 14.9 ±2.5 18.5 ± 0.6 1.2
LS5 1.8 ±0.3 22.3 ± 3.0 17.3 ± 0.7 0.8
LS6 0.6 ± 0.2 7.4 ± 1.8 9.5 ± 0.4 1.3
Average 18.3 16.1 14.7 0.9



sample U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg'1 U-activity in

(mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg'1 using GS UGS / ULF
technique technique technique
C1B1 1.3 +0.2 16.1 ±2.5 17.5 ± 0.8 1.1
C1B5 1.7 ±0.2 21.1 ±3.0 23.0 ± 0.9 1.1
C1B8 1.9 ±0.3 23.6 ± 3.6 21.3 ±0.9 0.9
C1B10 1.3 ±0.2 16.1 ±2.7 23.7 ± 0.9 1.5
C1B11 1.4 ±0.2 17.4 ±2.7 23.4 ± 0.8 1.3
C1B16 2.1 ±0.3 26.0 ± 3.3 30.7 ± 1.0 1.2
Average 1.6 19.8 23.3 1.2
C1B20 1.6 ±0.3 19.8 ±3.2 19.8 ± 1.1 1.0
C1B21 4.2 ± 0.6 52.1 ±7.4 54.8 ± 1.6 1.1


Samples U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg"1 U-activity in

Code (mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg'1 using GS UGS / ULF
technique technique technique
Ma2 0.4 ± 0.1 5.0 ± 0.9 3. 5 ±0.1 0.7
Ma3 0.3 ±0.1 3. 7 ±0.8 3.0 ±0.1 0.8
Ma5 0.1 ±0.04 1.2 ± 0.6 2.9 ± 0.2 2.4
Ma8 0.9 ± 0.1 11.2 ± 1.5 10.5 ± 0.3 0.9
Ma9 1.2 ±0.1 14.9 ± 1.8 7.3 ± 0.3 0.5
Average 0.6 7.4 5.4 0.7
Mal3 2.4 ± 0.3 29.8 ± 3.2 29.2 ± 0.8 1.0
Mal4 2.6 ± 0.3 32.2 ± 4.0 37.0 ± 1.1 1.2



Sample U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg"1 U-activity in

Code (mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg-1 using GS U G S /U L F
technique technique technique
CH1 1.4 ±0.3 17.4 ±4.2 15.3 ± 0.5 0.9
CH2 2.1 ±0.4 26.0 ± 4.9 24.3 ± 0.8 0.9
CH3 1.8 ±0.4 22.3 ± 4.4 25.1 ± 0.8 1.1
CT1 2.1 ±0.4 26.0 ± 4.8 29.9 ± 1.0 1.2
CS1 1.3 ±0.3 16.1 ± 3.7 22.3 ± 0.7 1.4
CKO 1.7 + 0.3 21.1 ±4.1 25.0 ± 0.8 1.2
CKt 2.2 ± 0.4 27 .3 ± 4.8 33.2 ± 1.0 1.2
Average 1.8 22.3 25.0 1.1
CKI 3.1 ±0.5 38.4 ± 5.7 42.7 ± 1.3 1.1
CTI 6.1 ±0.9 75.6 ± 10.9 103 ± 2.8 1.4
Cffl 9.3 ±1.1 115 ± 13.2 150 ±4.0 1.3


sample U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg"1 U-activity in

(mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg"1 using GS U G S /U L F
technique technique technique
C1B1 1.3 ±0.2 16.1 ± 2.5 17.5 ± 0.8 1.1
C1B5 1.7 ±0.2 21.1 ±3.0 23.0 ± 0.9 1.1
C1B8 1.9 ± 0.3 23.6 ±3.6 21.3 ±0.9 0.9
C1B10 1.3 ±0.2 16.1 ±2.7 23.7 ± 0.9 1.5
C1B11 1.4 ±0.2 17.4 ±2.7 23.4 ± 0.8 1.3
C1B16 2.1 ± 0.3 26.0 ± 3.3 30.7 ± 1.0 1.2
Average 1.6 19.8 23.3 1.2
C1B20 1.6 ±0.3 19.8 ±3.2 19.8 ±1.1 1.0
C1B21 4.2 ± 0.6 52.1 ±7.4 54.8 ± 1.6 1.1



Sample U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg'1 U-activity in

Code (mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg1 using GS U G S /U L F
technique technique technique
CeBl 1.2 ±0.2 14.9 ± 2.8 15.0 ± 0.5 1.0
CeB2 0.5 ±0.1 6.2 ± 1.5 9.6 ± 0.5 1.6
CeB7 0.8 ± 0.2 9.9 ± 2.0 10.2 ± 0.4 1.0
Average 0.8 9.9 11.6 1.2



Name U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg"1 U-activity in

of (mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg"1 using GS U G S /U L F
factory technique technique technique
SB1 0.7 ±0.1 8.7 + 1.2 10.1 ± 0.4 1.2
SB4 0.5 ±0.1 6.2 ± 1.1 6.8 ± 0.4 1.1
SB6 0.6 ±0.1 7.4 ± 1.3 7.8 ± 0.4 1.1
SB 8 0.6 ±0.1 7.4 ±1.1 9.4 ± 0.5 1.3
Average 0.6 7.4 8.5 1.2


Sample U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg"1 U-activity in

Code (mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg 1 using GS UGS / ULF
technique technique technique
TNC1 0.7 ±0.1 8.7 ±1.5 7.8 ± 0.3 0.9
TNC2 0.7 ± 0.1 8.7 ± 1.4 8.0 ± 0.4 0.9
TR5 0.9 + 0.1 11.2 ± 1.6 10.1 ±0.4 0.9
TS4 0.8 ±0.1 9.9 ± 1.5 10.2 ± 0.5 1.0
TS5 0.5 ±0.1 6.2 ± 1.1 7.7 ± 0.4 1.2
TH5 1.0 ±0.1 12.4 ± 1.7 10.8 ± 0.4 0.9
TH6 1.3 ± 0.2 16.1 ± 1.9 15.3 ± 0.6 1.0
THG 1.1 ±0.1 13.6 ±1.7 12.0 ± 0.6 0.9
Average 0.9 11.2 10.2 0.9



Name U-conc.in ppm U-conc.in Bq.kg"1 U-activity in

of (mg/g) using LF using LF Bq.kg'1 using GS UGS / ULF
ceramic technique technique technique
CrG 2.3 ± 0.4 28.5 ± 5.1 44.0 ± 1.6 1.5
CrC 2.2 ± 0.3 27.3 ± 3.4 41.7 ± 1.6 1.5
CrL 2.6 ± 0.4 32.2 ± 5.4 53.0 ± 1.5 1.6
CrA 3.4 + 0.5 42.2 ± 6.0 60.7 ± 1.9 1.4
CrM 3.2 ± 0.5 39.7 ±6.1 54.1 ± 1.9 1.4
CrAh 2.7 ± 0.4 33.5 ±5.4 53.5 ± 1.8 1.6
CrF 2.7 ± 0 . 5 33.5 ±6.4 58.4 ± 2.0 1.7
Average 2.7 33.5 52.2 1.6


This work was partially supported by the IAEA through the Research Contract 7/29/RB. The
authors are appreciated to the chairman of NCNSRC and the members of CLERMIT for their


[1] UNSCEAR, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation,
Exposures from Natural Sources of Radiation, Forty-second session of UNSCEAR Vienna,
17 to 28 May (1993).
[2] EL-TAHAWY, M. S. et al., Radioactive Analysis of Building Materials in Central Region of
Egypt, Nuclear Science Journal 32, No.4 (1995) 322-329.
[3] A. GHODS, et al., Determination of Uranium in Biological Materials by Laser Fluorimetry,
Radiochimica Acta 50 (1990) 155-158.
[4] MUKHTAR, O.M., GHODS A., KHANGI, F.A., Determination of Uranium in Soil and
Biological Material in Sudan by Laser Fluorimetry, and Comparison with 7- Spectrometric
Results for Ra-226, Radiochemica Acta 54 (1991) 201-203.
[5] HIGGY, R.H., Measurement and Analysis of Natural Radioactivity in Building Materials and
Evaluation of its Environmental Impact, PhD Thesis, Ain Shams University, Cairo (1995).


Institute of Gelogy and Mineral Exploration,
Athens, Greece


The UNDP/IAEA Uranium Exploration project in Northern Greece which started back in 1971, was the first
source of the referred data. This car-borne survey (CBS) project covered 2/10 of the country. It was followed by a
similar project of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) that covered the remaining 8/10. The whole country
coverage took more than 12 years to be completed and the data collected were used for the delineation of potential
areas for uranium exploration. After the completion of the Uranium Research project, data and personnel were
transferred from GAEC to the Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploration (IGME). During the last years there was
an increasing environmental awareness concerning the risks from radon emanation in buildings. Research results
indicated that the referred data combined with relative geological and environmental records could be used as a good
predictive tool for the definition of high radon areas. Therefore it is used for the preparation of a geologic radon
potential map of Greece. The preliminary results of this effort are presented here. Furthermore additional data
obtained from the follow up phases of the initial uranium exploration project are used by IGME today as a guide to
specific environmental studies conducted in various parts of Greece. The most recent example is the case of uranium
hydro geochemistry of the Serres basin area (northern Greece).


The first and largest task is the establishment of radon maps using the radiometric data
obtained during the Uranium Exploration Programme of Greece. The collection of data started with
the UNDP-IAEA programme and was completed and financed by the Greek government.

The project started in 1971 and its aim was to delineate areas presenting a potential for
uranium exploration in northern Greece. Radiometric data were collected through a car-borne survey.
41 000 km were surveyed with a car running at an average speed of 10 km/h. This corresponds to
one measurement per square kilometre.

Prior to the car-borne survey (in 1980-81) attempts were also made to use airborne surveys
instead of car-borne surveying. However, the results were poor due to mountainous terrains that did
not allow to maintain a constant flight height.

Right from the beginning computer systems were used to express the results. The results were
rather coarse with regard to current standards but then they looked great. Presenting the anomalies
found, remained the goals for many years.


Regional radiometric maps were compiled. The major problem encountered in this compilation
was the co-ordination system used for the initial data.

The first instrument used for the car-borne survey was the French scintillometer SPP-2 with
a two inches crystal. Later it was replaced by a spectrometer equipped with a 6 inches crystal. Both
instruments gave cps (count per second) values.

An area of 80 km2 was surveyed with both instruments used simultaneously to allow
correlation and calibration. Data were compared statistically and the results of this comparison

indicated that the two crystals represent a good correlation. When a regression with an exponential
model is used, the correlation coefficient is 0.919.

An attempt has also been made to convert the CBS data into SI units. The reason for this is
to be able to produce maps with the same units as those used in neighbouring countries.

The major goal of the compilation of CBS data is to produce radon maps. For this purpose
additional information is needed such as geochemical information obtained through stream sediments
sampling. The stream sediments were analysed for uranium and nine other elements. A radiometric
reading was also taken for each sample. The number of sediments collected did not exceed 20 000.
Radon samples in soils were also collected and so far amount to 1440 over the entire country.

For the compilation of the radon maps the rules which will be applied follow the general co-
evaluation of four parameters:

existing radon measurements

radiometric data
soil permeability and
foundation type

A confidence index matrix similar to the one used by the USGS in the relevant US project
will be applied.


In the course of the project many measurements of water samples were made. Their aim then
was to determine the pathway of uranium transporting agents. No evidence was given to the
environmental value of these measurements. No maximum concentration limit for uranium or radon
in water were known. After adoption by the EPA in 1992 of a MCL of 20 ppb for uranium in water,
all these studies are really useful for public health issues. Considering that many of the sampled wells
are used also for pumping drinking water, any high values measured then must be seen today in a
different light. This is the case in the Serres basin.

The Serres basin has often been referred to in this context because it was considered a model
project from many points of view. The hydrogeochemistry of uranium performed in this area shows
that there are many wells with water containing 30-90 ppb U. Subsequently high values were obtained
for the radon contents of the water.

It must be mentioned that large parts of the areas of high radioactivity were excluded from
the hydrogeochemistry sampling. Today a programme aiming at the reduction of uranium and radon
contents in drinking water has been initiated.

It must be mentioned further that parts of the pilot plant used for the initial experimental
treatment of uranium ore will be used today for the uranium removal from household waters of the


Akerblom, G. Division of Ionizing Radiation,

Swedish Radiation Protection Institute,
P.O. Box 60204, S-104 01 Stockholm, Sweden

Ammar, A.A. Nuclear Materials Authority of Egypt,

P.O. Box 530, El Maadi, Cairo, Egpt

Angsuwathana, P. Department of Mineral Resources,

Ministry of Industry,
Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400,Thailand

Ball, T.K. Kingsley Dunham Centre Keyworth,

British Geological Survey,
Nottingham NG12 5GG, United Kingdom

Barakat, M.B.F. Arab Atomic Energy Agency,

P.O. Box 402 Almenzah, 1004 Tunis, Tunisia

Barthel, F. Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe,

Postfach 510153, D-30631 Hannover, Germany

Bashir, S.S. Jordan Phosphate Mines Co.,

P.O. Box 30, Amman, Jordan

Bertel, E. Nuclear Development Division, OECD/NEA,

Le Seine St. Germain, 12 Boulevard des lies,
F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

Bojkov, I. Committee of Energy,

8, Triadiza Str., 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria

Bourgeois, C. CEA Valduc, Service de protection centre les rayonnements,

F-21120-Is-sur-Tille, France

Cambon, R. GME,
11 Square Esquirol, F-94000 Creteil, France

Camus, H. CEA/B3 DAM/DDS,

Bp. No. 12, F-91680 Bruyere-le-Chatel, France

Cernik, M. AQUATEST,
Jablonecka 8, 46001 Liberec, Czech Republic

Chatagnon, B. ARPE Logging Systems,

70 Avenue des Martyres, F-3800 Grenoble, France

Chotikanatis, P. Dept. of Mineral Resources, Economic Geology Division,

Rama VI Rd.. Bangkok 10400, Thailand

Dahlkamp, F.-J. OlbergstraBe 10, Lissen,
D-53343 Wachtberg/Bonn, Germany
Daoud, M.N. Natural Resources Authority,
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,
P.O. Box 140027, Amman, Jordan

Darnley, A.G. Geological Survey of Canada,

601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OE8, Canada

El-Tahawy, M.S. National Centre for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control,
P.O. Box 7551, 11762 Cairo, Egypt

Elsirafy, A.M. Nuclear Materials Authority of Egypt,

P.O. Box 530, El Maadi, Cairo, Egypt

Fernandez Amigot, J.A. ENUSAS.A.,

Santiago Rusinol, 12, E-28040 Madrid, Spain

Fohse, H.M. Dahlienstrafise 4, D-53359 Rheinbach, Germany

Grosz, A.E. United States Geological Survey,

National Center, Mail Stop 954,
Res ton, VA 22092, United States of America

Guermentchuk, M.G. Committee for Hydrometeorology,

Centre of Radiation and Environment Monitoring,
16, Komsomolskay St., Minsk, 220050, Belarus

Hoschl, V. PICODAS Praha Ltd.,

Geologicka 2, 152 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic

Jubeili, Y. Syrian Atomic Energy Commission, SAEC ,

P.O. Box 6091, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic

Kancheva, A.R. Airborne Geophysical Survey,

23, Sytnyakove Blvd., 1505 Sofia, Bulgaria

Karistineos, N. Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, GME,

70 Messogion Str., Athens 115-27, Greece

Kazakov, A. All-Russian Research Institute of Chemical Technology,

Kashirskoe shosse 33, 115409, Moscow, Russian Federation

Kerbelov, L. Airborne Geophysical Surveys Limited,

23, Sytnyakovo Blvd., 1505 Sofia, Bulgaria

Likar, B. Mine Zirovski VRH,

Todraz 1, SLO-64 224 Gorenja Vas, Slovenia

Logar, Z. Mine Zirovski VRH,
Todraz 1,
SLO-64 224 Gorenja Vas, Slovenia

Lokobauer, N. Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health,

Ksaverska cesta 2, HR-100001 Zagreb, Croatia

Mamont-Ciesla, K.A. Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection,

ul. Konwaliowa 7, PO-03-194 Warsaw, Poland

Matolin, M. Department of Applied Geophysics,

Faculty of Science, Charles University,
Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic

Medici, F. Institute of Geophysics, ETH Hoenggerberg,

CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Milojevic, M. Geoinstitut,
Rovinjska 12, YU-11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Moupic, Z. DIAMO, s.p.,

Machova 201, Straz pod Ralskem 471 27, Czech Republic

Munnink, J.O. IWACOB.V.,

Hoofdweg 490, P.O. Box 8520,
NL-3009 AM Rotterdam, Netherlands

Nath Kak, S. Atomic Minerals Division,

Department of Atomic Energy,
1-10-153/156 Begumpet, Hyderabad 500 016, India

Nicolet, J.-P. Division of Nuclear Power and the Fuel Cycle,

International Atomic Energy Agency,
Wagramerstrasse 5, P.O. Box 100,
A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Novak, J. DIAMO, s.p.,

Machova 201, Straz pod Ralskem 471 27, Czech Republic

Oberlerchner, G. Geological Suervey of Austria,

Rasumofskygasse 23,
A-1031 Vienna, Austria

Oppon, O.C. National Nuclear Research Institute,

P.O. Box 80, Legon Ghana

Pavlik, B. PICODAS GROUP Inc.,

100 West Beaver Creed Rd., Unit 8,
Richmong Hill, Ontario, L4B 1H4, Canada

Peccnik, M. Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration,
Vojkova 59, SLO-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Pushkarev, A.V. State Scientific Center of Environmental Radiogeochemistry,

IGMOF, NAS Ukraine,
34 Paladina av., Kiev, Ukraine

Renner, J. Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute of Hungary,

Columbus u. 17-23, H-1147 Budapest, Hungary

Ruhrmann, G. Uranerzbergbau GmbH,

Kolner Strasse 38-44, D-50389 Wesseling, Germany

Saad, S. Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear CNEN/COMAP,

Rua General Severiano, 90, Botafogo 22290-040, Brazil

Shirav-Schwartz, M. Geological Survey of Israel,

30 Malkhei Israel St., Jerusalem 955501, Israel

Siehl, A. Geologisches Institut, Umversitat Bonn,

NuBallee 8, D-53115 Bonn, Germany

Smetana, J. DIAMO, s.p.,

Machova 201, Straz pod Ralskem 471 27, Czech Republic

Stoje, V. DIAMO, s.p.,

Machova 201, Straz pod Ralskem 471 27, Czech Republic

Strezelecki, R. Panstwowy Instytut Geologiczny,

Polish Geological Institute,
4, Rakowiecka, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland

Strumberger, V. Geoinstitut,
Rovinjska 12, YU-11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Torres de Mendonca, L.M. Institute Geologico e Mineiro,

Estrada da Portela, P-2720 Alfragide, Portugal

Tusveld, M.C.L. IWACO B.V.,

Hoofdweg 490, P.O. Box 8520,
NL-3009 AM Rotterdam, Netherlands

Underbill, D.H. Division of Nuclear Power and the Fuel Cycle,

International Atomic Energy Agency,
Wagramerstrasse 5, P.O. Box 100,
A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Urquhart, W.E. High-Sense Geophysics Ltd.,

47 Jefferson Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6K 1Y3, Canada

Vulkan, U. Soreq Nuclear Research Center, Yavne 81800, Israel

Wardaszko, T. Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection,

ul. Konwaliowa 7, 03-194 Warsaw, Poland

Yegani, F.-S. Exploration Division, Atomic Energy Organization,

North Kargar Ave, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Zahorowski, W. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology ANSTO,

New Illawarra RD, Menai 2234, Australia

Zettwoog, P. Office de protection contre les rayonnements ionisants,

31, rue de 1'ecluse, F-78110 Le Vesinet, France


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