Differences Between Male and Female in Buying Decisions: College of Business and Accountancy University of Batangas
Differences Between Male and Female in Buying Decisions: College of Business and Accountancy University of Batangas
Differences Between Male and Female in Buying Decisions: College of Business and Accountancy University of Batangas
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Customers have many needs and wants that they must fulfill in daily life. Male and
female have their own criteria for purchasing the products that they want, they both
have different decision making. The results showed significant difference between
male and female in the purchasing behaviour, like differences of products shows that
male and female are differently. In this study, total of 133 customers response to our
alternatives, and however it is not just a simple act of choosing among alternatives.
In the store without customers, there is no income to the store, customer satisfaction
like customers do not want to go through a complex decision process for every
purchase. This discussion about differences and similarities between women and
men is always a fashionable topic, both in the domain of scientific research and in the
public opinion, this will be the important component of customers identity and
There is a decade worth of scientific research in this study, which shows that there
are observable differences in how men and women behave as shoppers. It is clear,
men and women think differently about shopping and will approach the act of
tendencies is important for any business that sells to people and wants to do so more
effectively. Studies have shown that there are numerous physical differences
triggering their shopping behaviors, like men tend to follow utilitarian, more logic-
based approach, you need to tell them why they should buy your products and why it
makes sense for them to purchased it. Get to the point quickly, focus on the products
and use active statements that demonstrate value. While women are mostly hedonic
shoppers, to reach and to engage women, you will have to create emotive shopping
experiences that resonate with them, the purely functional approach can fall flat
pretty quickly, women want to know more about sellers brand, the lifestyle that sell
It also found that while female respondents were more likely to find purchasing
products and discounts, the shopping process of male and female counterparts was
more efficient and quicker. Women enjoy browsing and looking through products,
offer them a user friendly interface that supports these activities and include social
shopping functionalities, high quality visuals and the customers reviews. Once a
customer recognizes the need for a certain products or services, information needs
to be gathered and processed to evaluate alternatives, this research shows that men
and women differ dramatically in their strategies for information and decision making
as well.
This doesn’t mean that men don’t value the opinions and experiences of others, but
rather that their approach is different, while men use the experiences of others with a
product they’re interested in to form their own opinion, women would want to know
the reasons and motivations to understand why others purchased an item and
marketing to build a personal relationship with the female customers, while when
marketing to men you should high light the advantages and benefits of the products.
For men, good services mean helping them find the right item and helping them get
shop’s willingness to share expert advice. Privacy concerns are the major
impediments to consumers trusting, many studies have shown that in differences and
similarity framed situations, women perceive more risk than men. So, when designing
the strategies for increasing the trustworthiness, keep male and female in mind.
purchase a product. The perception of price explains information about a product and
provides a deep meaning for the consumers (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Hence, price
is an important factor in the purchasing decision, especially for products that are
frequently purchased, and in turn, influences the choices of which store, product, and
brand to patronize (Faith and Agwu, 2014). Consumers are very rational when it
comes to judging what benefits they wish to get from buying products or services
they pay for (Al-Mamun and Rahman, 2014).The price of a product is divided into
three dimensions: fair price, fixed price, and relative price. Fair price refers to the
a reasonable price (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Fixed price is a set price for all buyers
(Kotler and Keller, 2016). Relative price is the price set in accordance with the quality
and service provided by the seller (Kotler and Armstrong, 2014). Research by
Komaladewi and Indika (2017) indicated that most respondents consider price as an
Comparing with the traditional marketing-type social media marketers can reach
much more potential customers within different user channels (smartphone, laptop,
iPad). Also they have more interaction with the customer. Customers are becoming
more and more a value creator and not only a receiver (Berthon, Pitt, Plangger and
Shapiro, 2012). Customers with big influences attain to power to the best offer they
Impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty; while tangibility did not show
significant effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Also, perceived price, access,
satisfaction and loyalty. But post-benefit convenience did not have influence on
customer impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty; while tangibility did not show
significant effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Also, perceived price, access,
did not have influence on customer loyalty. In addition, customer satisfaction was
This study aimed to know the differences between male and female in buying
Specifically, the study attempted to answer the following question;
1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1. Age;
1.2. Sex;
1.3. Occupation;
2.How do the following factors affect the male and female in buying decisions;
2.2. Quality/Brand; and
2.3. Trends?
3. What male and female mostly preferred in buying? 3.1. Needs vs. Wants 3.2.
Online Shopping vs. Shopping in-store
1.Analyze the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, and occupation
Researchers used online research design, surveying the 133 customers through
online, social media. There are 21 questions in the survey under pricing,
quality/brand, and the trends, where the respondents needs to answer using through
checking those items. 1 being rated disagree while 4 denotes as strongly agree. The
This research paper, shows through conducting the survey research from the
customer respondent by the researcher. By analyzing and interprets the data, and
this tables illustrate the findings of the study according to the objectives of the study.
Profile of the customers
Table 1 shows that 58 or 43.6 percent of the male customers sampled and
75 or 56.4 percent of the female are answering the survey in gender buying
Table 1
Male 58 43.6
Female 75 56.4
16-20 58 43.6
21-25 54 40.6
26-30 10 7.5
31-40 7 5.3
41-above 4 3
Educational Attainment
percent . 54 out of 133 or 40.6 percent were 21-25 years old. 10 or 7.5 percent are
age 26-30 ; 7 out of 133 customers equivalent to 5.3 percent are 31-40 years old. 41-
For the results of educational attainment most of the customers are high school
graduate with 36.8 percent followed by under graduate with 29.3 percent. College
graduate got 32 or 24.1 percent and for the post graduate with 14 or 10.5 percent got
The next table shows the assessment of the customers responding to male and
well. Pertain to all aspects in a business including product development, sales. The
term pricing usually defined as a cost or charges for products that we spent, how
much of the cost of product it is. Table 2 shows the importance of pricing or cost to
covers all marketing aspects like the item - goods or services mode of payment
methods of distribution, currency used, money that customers must pat for a
products or services. It can be noted that there is a recorded mean average or total
of 3.50 and interpreted as Strongly Agree. This means that the customers are looking
for affordable price, by saving money than spend for buying expensive price. Saving
and valuing money is very important, it’s not about purchasing expensive stuffs but
purchase a product. The perception of price explains information about a product and
provides a deep meaning for the consumers (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Hence, price
is an important factor in the purchasing decision, especially for products that are
frequently purchased, and in turn, influences the choices of which store, product, and
brand to patronize (Faith and Agwu, 2014). Consumers are very rational when it
comes to judging what benefits they wish to get from buying products or
services they pay for (Al-Mamun and Rahman, 2014). The price of a product is
divided into three dimensions: fair price, fixed price, and relative price. Fair price
refers to the adjustment of a price that offers a combination of quality and appropriate
services at a reasonable price (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Fixed price is a set price
for all buyers (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Relative price is the price set in accordance
with the quality and service provided by the seller (Kotler and Armstrong, 2014).
the finding of Djatmiko and Pradana (2015) and Termsnguanwong (2015). Based on
Table 2
price of products
low price
affordable products
Composite Mean 3.50 Strongly Agree
Table 3
of trends. This means that the customers are not always purchase of what is
trending, and not really addicted when it comes to trends. Average of the
respondents shows that they’re not agree with the buying and choosing trending
Day-by-day taste, preference and choices are varying regarding different factors
such as the Internet emergence. However, this development needs some more
identifies a general model of buying behavior that depicts the processes used by
Gender differences in buying decisions, men are likely to be specific looking only for
the product that they wish while women were generally comprehensive, looking for
plenty information like price, brand quality, and trends toward the product they need.
Table 5
Differences of gender to buying decisions and profile variables
From table 5, it can be seen the differences of gender to buying decisions and profile
variables. Respondent’s profile, price, brand/quality. And trends, all of them are
statistically not significant because they have the p value of greater than 0.05, the
value of t test for respondents profile is 0.373, for price is 0.565, for brand/quality is
product based on the overall quality and its comparability. (Weebmark 2018)
product it provides the amount that the customer will pay. These results may mean
preferred to choose good products, usually associated with the level of credibility,
4.0 Conclusions
1. Most of the respondents are female ages 16-20 and they are high school
2. Research study proven the prices quality and brand have a different answers
from customers opinion. It shows that the customer are choosing and looking for
affordable price and also the quality brand of the product that they would like to
Based on the findings in this research the following are highly recommended:
purchase a product.
2. The customers have many needs and wants that they must fulfill in daily lives.
3. Marketing want consumers to be happy and satisfied with the great service.
4. Male and female have their own criteria for purchasing products they both have
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Dear Respondents,
Yours truly
Marketing Researchers
Educational attainment:
Instructions: Answer the following statements that listed below through checking and
rate it using number 4 up to 1.
4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree
2 - Strongly Disagree
1 - Disagree
Price 4 3 2 1
I always look for the affordable price of
I prefer the price of products who is not too
I checked first the price of the products
before they buy it
I always compared the low and high price
before I choose the products
I always thought that the low price of
products are, the more customer attracted
to choose that low price
I am very familiar to the products having
affordable price
I know that most of the customers are
saving money, so they always looking for
the affordable products
Quality/Brand 4 3 2 1
I always looking for the quality and brand
of the products that i want to buy
I check first the quality of brand before I
I prefer the branded products than local
I like to purchase branded and quality
products any time
I buy only branded products
I am sure that if I choose the branded
products it is a quality
I will always be a loyal customer of the
branded products