Health and Wellness Definition of Health

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Health and Wellness

Definition of Health
"State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity." Health is a destination that we reach to help us become productive in life.”

World Health Organization (WHO)

Health is:

 Specific to person’s life -- it is personal

 Dynamic, ever-changing process
 Holistic, not simply the absence of disease
 Related to quality of someone’s life
 Multidimensional
 Related to person’s ability to cope with the challenge of change

Dimensions of Health
Health is multidimensional. These dimensions are interdependent. They interact and overlap with
each other to produce health. As these dimensions interact, they produce a unique health and
wellness profile for each individual. Following are the dimensions of health:

 Social
 Environmental
 Spiritual
 emotional
 physical
 mental

1. Physical health means

perfect functioning of the body in which each organ is working in harmony with the maximum capacity.
Physical health is achieved by the exercise, healthy diet, adequate rest and sleep and no smoking or
alcohol intake. To maintain proper physical health there is need for taking safety precautions, and regular
follow up with the health care providers.
Signs of physical health :

 A good complexion.
 A clean skin.
 Bright eyes.
 Not too fatty.
 A sweet breath.

2. Mental health is a state of balance between body and mind . Earlier the body and mind were
considered two separate entities.  But these are interrelated as physical illness can result mental
illness and vice versa.

3. An individual is socially healthy if he is able to maintain harmonious relationship with other

members of society in which he lives. Social health rooted in “positive material environment” and
“positive human environment” which is concerned with the social network of the individual.

The social dimensions of health includes;

 Communication
 Intimacy
 Respect
 Equality
 Social functioning
4. Spirituality means in touch with deeper self and exploration the purpose of life, as people believe
in some force that transcend physiology and psychology of human beings.

It includes love , charity, purpose , principles , ethics, intigrity,hope of life,Meditations ,prayers, or

spiritual gatherings are organized to maintain spiritual health.

5. Emotional health is closely related to the mental health and is considered as an important element
of health. Mental and emotional aspects of health are now viewed as two separate entities for
human life. Cognition is related to the mental health whereas emotional health is related to the
feelings of a person.
Health and wellness are related to person’s ability to cope with the many interactions and
transitions that are occurring in his/her life. transitions specific to adolescence include:

 Increase in autonomy and individuality

 Increase in responsibilities
 Increase industry
 Intensification of relationships
 Changes in body structure

Approaches to health and wellness

Reactive or Curative approach

In general, reactive people tend to deal with things as they come. These people are often referred to as
firefighters, because everything for them is done in the last minute. Reactive people are often surprised by
situations such as:

 Worrying about your health only when sick. Not asserting control over your health in the
absence of disease.
 “if you’re sick, take a few pills; otherwise, have fun and enjoy yourself! I’ll quit smoking

Proactive approach
What is proactive? Proactive people are very organized and they project themselves into the future rather
than focusing only on what’s happening in front of them. So, you must strive to be proactive.

 adopting lifestyle habits that, in the long run, will enable you to lead a healthier life.
 “I am building for the future. What i do for my body today lays the foundation for a
lifetime of involvement in healthy activities.”
Wellness is

Reflected in a way a person chooses to live his or her life – Making informed choices and taking
responsibilities for the way we live our lives.


constant stay of health, which means the ability to keep on striving to improve ourselves to
maintain our health status.

Sense of wellness is influenced by the following factors:

 Family
 Culture
 Peers
 Media

Wellness is a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential. Wellness is multi-
dimensional and holistic, encompassing lifestyle, mental and spiritual well-being, and the environment.

There are six Dimensions of Wellness,

 Emotional
 Intellectual
 Physical
 Spiritual
 Social
 Occupational
Key Areas of Wellness

Wellness is being in good physical and mental health. Improving your physical health may improve your
mental health, and vice versa. Similarly, issues in one sector can have an effect on the other. You must
make good decisions for both your mind and your body to gain wellness.

Making the Eight Dimensions of Wellness aspect of daily life can enhance mental and physical health for
people with mental health diseases and/or drug use illnesses.

The eight dimensions of wellness are as follows:

 Emotional

 Spiritual

 Intellectual

 Physical

 Environmental

 Financial

 Occupational

 Social

Analyzing the Four of Dimensions which is mentioned above.

(1) Emotional
Emotional health is an ability to deal efficiently with life and to create positive relationships
with others. People with good emotional health feel comfortable, in charge of their emotions
and behaviors, and are prepared to cope with life difficulties. Working through life
difficulties can create resilience as we discover that setbacks can be achieved. Emotional
health can be retained or enhanced by participating in frequent leisure and
recreational exercises. Do activities that require each one of your senses: smell, taste, touch,
sight, and sound. Listen to songs, eat your favorite dishes, light your favorite candle, play
with your pet, and watch your favorite film or sunset.
Just follow these steps to have Emotional Health:

 Keep your attitudes positive.

 Be sensitive to other people's feelings and your feelings.

 Learn how to deal with stress.

 Be serious about your hopes and your time.

(2) Environmental

Environmental wellness is linked to the environments you occupy. This dimension of wellness
combines your general well-being with the wellness of your surroundings. Your environment, both
your personal and natural environment, can have a great effect on how you feel. It can be difficult to
feel good if you are encircled by clutter and disorganization, or if you feel uncomfortable in your
surroundings. Pollution, violence, garbage collection and water conservation are some of the
variables that affect the well-being of the environment.

Ways to handle environmental wellness:

 Developing neighborhood watches,

 Recycling,
 Establishing private or community gardens,
 Buying products with minimal packaging,
 Preventing littering
 Conserving energy and water by switching off lamps and water when not in use.
 Take the moves you need to feel secure in your environment

(3) Financial

Financial wellness is a feeling of satisfied with your financial position. Finance is a frequent stressor
for individuals, so being willing to minimize your concern about this part of your lives can improve
your general wellness.

Financial wellness management options include:

 Creating a household budget

 Beginning a bank plan and contributing to it every month, even if it's a small amount

 Saving some of your earnings on an emergency account

 Reducing away or reducing excessive costs,

 Preventing credit card debt,

 Donating to a significant charity,

 Shopping in the thrift shops,

 Using the library for free comics and DVDs,

 Cook your own dishes instead of eating out.

 Try to track your expenditure for a month to see where your cash is heading and put
objectives depending on what you're looking for.

In short it can minimize into just three sentences as follows,

 Make it a stage for you to know your funds.

 Set up healthy economic practices.

 Plan for the tomorrow

(4) Social

Social well-being is the skill to relate to others and to preserve beneficial interactions with relatives,
friends and colleagues.

It involves the use of excellent communication skills, significant interactions, respect for yourself and
others, and the creation of a help scheme that includes household groups and colleagues.
Building a healthy personal dimension may require:

 Requesting a classmate or associate for dinner

 Entering a group or organization

 Establishing healthy limits

 Using excellent communication skills that are assertive rather than passive or violent

 Being real and authentic with others

 Handling others in a polite manner

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