Mental Health Care NBMH3913 - 870517295649001
Mental Health Care NBMH3913 - 870517295649001
Mental Health Care NBMH3913 - 870517295649001
Table of Contents
2.0 Cuurent status of mental health......................................................................................................3
2.1 Epidemiological incidence of schizo.............................................................................................3
4.2 Psychoeducation..........................................................................................................................6
6.0 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................11
7.0 References.....................................................................................................................................12
Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that affects a person's ability to think, feel,
act, and interact with others. The sickness affects both men and women, but men are
significantly more likely to develop it. Men are more likely than women to have their first
episode in their late teens to early twenties. The sickness might also strike people later in life.
Recovery from schizophrenia is a long and winding road that is unique to each
individual. Over time, the symptoms normally improve and become easier to manage, while
they do not always go away. The qualities of hope, empowerment, and optimism are
promoted in a recovery-oriented approach to schizophrenia treatment. A mix of drugs and
psychological supports, such as psychotherapy, education, and peer support, can usually be
used to effectively manage the illness. Schizophrenia patients can and do recover, leading
important and fulfilling lives.
In Malaysia, a study of Years Lived with Disability (YLD) and nonfatal burden found
that mental diseases constituted 21% of the burden in both men and women. Currently, there
are 680 health centres that provide steady follow-up, early identification, and treatment, as
well as 27 health centres that offer psychosocial rehabilitation (Brown & Lau, 2016).
In clinical practise, diagnosis and categorization are still crucial challenges, and
acquiring a diagnosis of schizophrenia has significant social and emotional ramifications for
the individual. The DSM IV-TR and ICD-10 are used to make the diagnosis (Keks et al.,
4.2 Psychoeducation
Psychoeducation teaches people how to deal with mental health issues, such as how to
manage symptoms and drug side effects, as well as how to avoid relapse. It also includes
advice on the rehabilitation process, such as how to retain a sense of well-being and how to
improve stress management and problem-solving skills. Psychoeducation can be given one-
on-one or in groups, and it can be personalised to the person with a mental illness as well as
family and friends (Orrico-Sánchez et al., 2020).
Support entails assisting everyone in the family in coming to grips with a potentially
stigmatising and disabling mental disease, as well as practical day-to-day aid with the added
obstacles that come with having a family member with a significant illness. Patient education
can take several forms, depending on the patient's and family's abilities and interests.
Education can take place in small groups or one-on-one dialogues, or through the use of
videotapes or brochures, or any mix of these methods (Whitehead, 2016).
occupational therapist, addiction specialist, and vocational specialist may all be members of
the team (Nor et al., 2020).
emphasises the importance of a small caseload (fewer than 20) and high-intensity input
(Adams et al., 2000).
6.0 Conclusion
7.0 References
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