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Software Requirements Specification

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Financial data monitoring Version: <1.

Software Requirements Specification Date: <dd/mmm/yy>

<Project Name>
Software Requirements Specification

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Financial data monitoring Version: <1.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <dd/mmm/yy>

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
1.4 References

2. Overall Description

3. Specific Requirements
3.1 Functionality
3.2 Usability
3.3 Reliability
3.4 Performance
3.5 Supportability
3.6 Design Constraints
3.6.1 Design Constraint One 8
3.7 On-line User Documentation and Help System Requirements
3.8 Purchased Components
3.9 Interfaces
3.9.1 User Interfaces 8
3.9.2 Hardware Interfaces 8
3.9.3 Software Interfaces 9
3.9.4 Communications Interfaces 9

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Financial data monitoring Version: <1.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <dd/mmm/yy>

Software Requirements Specification

1. Introduction
People in order to track their expenses use traditional paper system to keep the record of their
income and expenditures. This type of traditional system is burdensome and takes more time. So,
there must be a management system which must help us to manage our daily earnings and
expenses easily, and also helps us to analyze records efficiently. So, I figured out a way to
eliminate the traditional system with digital, portable, easier and simple way to record these data
in just few clicks with our Web application.
1.1 Purpose

The main purpose of this is to determine, forecast and evaluate the best of economic conditions
and company’s performance in the future. The other purpose of this study is to analyze the
financial statement and then give information for financial managers to make through decisions
about their business. The financial statement applies tools, analytical techniques and required
methods for business analysis. It is a diagnostic tool for evaluating financing activities,
investment activities and operational activities as well as an assessment tool for management
decisions and other business decisions. The analysis of financial statements, respectively the
analysis of the financial reports is used by managers, shareholders, investors and all other
interested parties regarding the company's state. Managers use financial reports to see the
situation in which the company stands and then provide information to shareholders, to see how
reasonable are the investments made in the company.

1.2 Scope

The scope of this article is to provide basic knowledge about financial analysis ex-post and
subsequently to evaluate the business subject progress in an area of activity, liquidity
profitability and indebtedness, to reveal strengths and opportunities that the business subject
should rely on. Furthermore, it also aims to determine weaknesses and threats that could lead
them to difficult situations and based on the results to provide measures to improve the system of
financial economic analysis of the business subject.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

The document contains words and abbreviations related to computer science. The Terms and ab-
breviations are the following ones:
 Server: A program that awaits and fulfills requests from client programs in the same or other
 Deep Learning: A machine learning method that stimulates the neural network in Human
 Python: One of the most commonly used programming languages.
 MATLAB: An environment and its embedded programming language mostly used for

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Financial data monitoring Version: <1.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <dd/mmm/yy>

 Mathematical calculations or machine learning purposes.

 Classifier: An algorithm used in Statistics and Machine Learning areas to divide the Data in
two or more classes.
 API: Application Program Interface

1.4 References
Asllanaj, R. R. (2008). Financial Accounting, University of Pristina, Pristina, 50-68, 581-586.
Charles, H., Walter, H., & Thomas, W. (2012). Financial Accounting, 9th Edition, 2.

Helfert, E. A. (2001). financial analysis-tools and techniques, McGraw-Hill, United States, 107-
129. Retrieved from http://alqashi.com/book/book17.pdf

International Accounting Standards (IAS), 24-63.

Lewis, R., & Pendrill, D. (2004). Advanced Financial Accounting, seventh edition, 4-5, 96, 154,
547. Retrieved from http://ek-sk.com/files/Kontabiliteti_financiar_avancuar.pdf

Mayo, H. (2012). Principles of Finance, UET Press, Tirana, 251-276.Mustafa, I. (2005).

Financial Management, Pristina, 102-103. Shuli, I., & Perri, Rr. (2010).

Analysis of Financial Statements, albPAPER, Tirana, 275-338.Society of Certified Accountants

and Auditors in Kosovo (SCAAK) (2008).

Financial Accounting, Pristina, 464-465. Xhafa, H. (2005). Analysis of Financial Statements,

third edition, Pegi, Tirana, 52-225.

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Financial data monitoring Version: <1.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <dd/mmm/yy>

2. Overall Description
This section will provide the aspects of this system and the requirements. There will be below

2.1 Product Perspective

Tools, analytical techniques, and methodologies necessary to conduct business analysis are
applied in the financial statement. An assessment tool for management and other business
decisions, it is a diagnostic tool for analyzing financial activities, investment activities, and
operational activities. As a result of the study of financial reports and statements by management,
shareholders as well as investors, and any other interested parties, the company's current state
can be determined. Managers utilize financial reports to get a sense of the company's current
status, and then communicate that information with shareholders so they can assess if the
company's investments make sense.

2.2 Product Functions

 Minimize manual effort with daily record of expenditures and incomes.
 Immediate and easy retrieval of report.
 Secured and transparent data.
 Graphical overview of transactions.
 Help in decision making with related results.
 Help in preparing wish list for pre planning your expenses.

2.3 User Characteristics

There are two types of actors in this system:
Admin can manage Users
Admin can manage financial data
Admin can manage Statements.
Can view the suggestions
Can add the statements and invoice details

2.4 Constraints

 Regularities Policy
 Regulatory Policies or mandates, limit the discretion of individual and agencies, or otherwise
compel certain types of behavior.
 These policies are generally thought to be best applied when good behavior can be easily de-
fined and bad behavior can be easily regulated and punished through fine and sanctions.

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Financial data monitoring Version: <1.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <dd/mmm/yy>

 Hardware Limitation
 The smooth functionality of the portal mainly depends on the speed of hardware and then on
speed of the internet.
 It is always advisable to be update as far as hardware is concerned. The hardware limitation
occurs if the user is still using a very low MHz processor or a RAM or less than 128Mb.This
will generally reduce the portal and also the use will waste a lot of useful time, energy and re-

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

 We assume the user has or has access to a computer or laptop
 We assume the user has an internet connection in order to navigate to the Current See website
and login
 We depend on the correct operation between Python, Django and SQLite with the Amazon Web
 We depend on Amazon Web Services to be running at all times

2.6 Requirements Subsets

 Hardware: -
 Minimum screen resolution: 1024*768
 Processor minimum: 500mhz Intel Core i5 workstation or equivalent
 Memory minimum :512mb recommended :2gb
 Disk space :850 MB of free disk space recommended: 1gb
 Software: -
 Front End Tool: - HTML, CSS Bootstrap4
 Back End Tool: - Python 3.8
 Frame work: Django Frame work 3.1
 Database – SQLite 3

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Financial data monitoring Version: <1.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <dd/mmm/yy>

3. Specific Requirements
3.1 Functionality
3.1.1 Functional Requirement
The SQLite server has to be able to collect green button data sets
The SQLite server has to be able to output data on demand
The SQLite server has to be able to update user information
Web Interface
The user must be able to interact with the software to determine the dataset he wishes to
The user must be able to log in and out of the system
3.2 Usability
The application must be easy enough to learn so that users know how to use the product entirely on
their first try. The application must be more efficient than similar products
3.3 Reliability
User-friendly, capable of performing all necessary tasks including safe data management as well
as working according to user requirements. System restarts in 5 seconds for invalid and malfunc-
tioning operation to prevent data loss and ensure safe operation. To make changes to the system,
you'll need a password.
3.4 Performance
 Clicking any link on the navigation bar should take less than 1 second
 Updating and saving any personal information should take less than 1 second
 Displaying a different scale on any graph should take less than 3 seconds
 Uploading a profile picture should take less than 5 seconds
 Retrieving new and updated energy data should take less than 30 seconds
 At least 1 GB Ram is used for store frequently used DATA
3.5 Supportability
The system shall allow the system administrator to add additional features. The system needs to
be cost-effective to maintain. There should be documents in requirements specification, design
and implementation and validation steps. Maintainability requirements may cover diverse levels
of documentation, such as system documentation, as well as test documentation, e.g. which test
cases and test plans will accompany the system.

3.6 to improve the understanding of stakeholders and developers. Design Constraints

 Must run on Google Chrome and Firefox 18
 User must authenticate himself at login

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Financial data monitoring Version: <1.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <dd/mmm/yy>

3.6.1 Design Constraint

 Language: Python with Django, HTML5, CSS3
 Database: SQLite

3.7 On-line User Documentation and Help System Requirements

Online Help:
 User can chat with financial specialist for financial suggestion.
Online User Documents:
 User view teams and condition.

3.8 Purchased Components

This project has not required any parched components.

3.9 Interfaces
3.9.1 User Interfaces
Login Page: The login page will allow users to log in to their account using their username or
email. The user will then be redirected to the home page upon successful login.
Registration Page: The registration page will provide a new user to create a CurrentSee account
so that he or she can start using the web application. The user must enter his or her name, email,
password, and power company, in order to register with the website. An error message will be

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Financial data monitoring Version: <1.0>
Software Requirements Specification Date: <dd/mmm/yy>

displayed if the user does not enter in one of the fields or if one of the form fields is filled out
FAQ Page: This page will provide a list of frequently asked questions that other users have
asked so that most solutions to problems can be found easily by users.
About Page: This page will provide information about the company

3.9.2 Hardware Interfaces

Laptop/Desktop: The user may also access our software through a web browser on their desktop or
laptop. Under the assumption that the user is using a traditional computing environment, the user
may interact via mouse clicks and keyboard inputs.
3.9.3 Software Interfaces
SQLite Studio: The SQLite Studio tool is a free GUI tool for managing SQLite databases. It is free,
portable, intuitive, and cross-platform. SQLite tool also provides some of the most important features
to work with SQLite databases such as importing, exporting data in various formats including CSV,
Windows/ Mac OS: Both Windows and Mac OS will interact with our web interface (via web
browser) to display the data to the user via a web browser.

3.9.4 Communications Interfaces

The communication will be through a network using an encrypted format. The user will be
accessing the web interface using HTTPS when accessing our software using a laptop/desktop on
a web browser. The user will interact with our system through our application.
Note: - This is the standard format of SRS whichever is applicable with your
project, you can include else just ignore.

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