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Comparative Performance Analysis - SynRM - IM - Felipe Oliveira

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Comparative Performance Analysis of Induction & Synchronous Reluctance

Motors in Chiller Systems for Energy Efficient Buildings

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics · August 2019

DOI: 10.1109/TII.2018.2890270


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2 authors:

Felipe Oliveira Abhisek Ukil

University of Auckland University of Auckland


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Comparative Performance Analysis of Induction &

Synchronous Reluctance Motors in Chiller Systems
for Energy Efficient Buildings
Felipe Oliveira, Member, IEEE, Abhisek Ukil, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—A significant portion (ca. 40%) of the world’s the state-of-the-art high-efficiency IMs. Quantitative analysis
total energy is utilized in buildings. Cooling of large buildings of energy savings in this kind of application is also presented.
worldwide is done by centrifugal chiller systems, where the SimulationX [14] software is used to develop the system model
compressors, pumps, fans are driven by AC motors. These
motors are energy hungry parts of the chiller. All-variable of the all-variable speed centrifugal chiller system, along with
speed chillers, taking into account load variations, reduced the the building. Different building load profiles covering various
energy demand significantly, compared to the constant speed load utilization scenarios are selected for the energy consump-
ones. Induction motors (IMs) are commonly used in modern tion simulations, at different ambient conditions. Comparative
chillers. However, as the efficiency of the IM decreases with results for the IM and the SynRM are presented and analyzed.
speed, the overall efficiency drops, as the chiller operates most
of the time in part-load condition. In this paper, SimulationX
software is used to quantitatively investigate about the energy A. Contributions
efficiency improvement, by using synchronous reluctance motor
(SynRM) in all-variable speed centrifugal chillers. The system The paper has the following main contributions. Firstly,
was tested for three distinct building load profiles. The results we give an overview of the centrifugal chiller systems, and
are judged in comparison with the state-of-the-art IE2 IMs. The SynRM-based VSD, which is a promising new technological
results provide quantitative evidence that synchronous reluctance development, compared to the traditional IM. Secondly, we
motor can significantly increase the energy efficiency in the chiller
systems and has a big potential to substitute induction motors in show relevant case-studies of different energy consumption
these applications. scenarios in the centrifugal chiller systems, demonstrating that
the SynRM-based VSD can achieve significantly higher energy
Index Terms—Building energy efficiency, centrifugal chiller,
compressor, fan, HVAC, induction motor, pump, smart grid, efficiency than the traditional IM.
synchronous reluctance motor.
B. Organization
I. I NTRODUCTION The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes
WO-thirds of world’s electrical energy is utilized by the background information on the variable speed centrifugal
T electric motors [1]. A significant portion (ca. 40%) of
the world’s total energy is utilized in buildings [2]. Heat-
chiller, chiller efficiency, VSD, with other control methods,
and SynRM. Detailed modeling of the chiller systems along
ing, Ventillation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system is the with IM- and SynRM-based VSDs using the SimulationX [14]
highest eletrical load (ca. 30–50%) in the buildings [3]–[5]. software are described in section III. Results are presented
Components of the HVAC system, in particular the chillers, in section IV. Discussions on the result are presented in
namely, compressors, pumps, fans are motor driven. Therefore, section V. Finally, conclusions are provided in section VI.
improving the energy efficiency of the fans, compressors and
pumps in the HVAC system is of particular importance, with II. BACKGROUND I NFORMATION
worldwide increased focus on building energy management A. Variable Speed Centrifugal Chillers
[6]–[9]. In this paper, we focus on the variable-speed cen-
Cooling of large buildings worldwide is done by centrifugal
trifugal chiller part of the HVAC system.
chiller systems [11]. In brief, the heat from the buildings is
Modern chiller systems are typically driven by the induction transferred to the chilled water, which is pumped through the
motor (IM)-based variable speed drive (VSD) [10]–[12]. Syn- building, and then transferred to the refrigerant fluid in the
chronous reluctance motor (SynRM) is a relatively new high- chiller. The refrigerant fluid goes through a compression cycle,
efficiency motor technology. It is being proposed for HVAC and transfers the heat to the cooling water. The cooling water
and chiller applications [13]. In this paper, SynRM is exten- is finally pumped to a cooling tower, which blows atmospheric
sively investigated for chiller applications, in comparison with air to the cooling water, to be refrigerated and to enter in the
F. Oliveira was Masters student in the Dept. of ECE. Univ. of process again, as shown in Fig. 1.
Auckland, 20 Symonds Street, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand, (email: Large buildings have few chiller units installed, each chiller
foli382@aucklanduni.ac.nz). unit containing several pumps and fans. The chiller system is
A. Ukil (corresponding author) is Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of ECE,
Univ. of Auckland, 20 Symonds Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand, (email: typically designed to provide the maximum cooling demand
a.ukil@auckland.ac.nz). during the hottest summer times [17], which, however, take

Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of the centrifugal chiller system [?].

place only for a short duration. For majority of the time, the
chiller system does not run at full-load, rather in substantially
partial loading condition, especially during the winter. Effi-
cient control for dynamic operation of the chiller system can
significantly improve the energy efficiency, reducing energy
wastage due to over/under-cooling [10].
The flow control to achieve the required part-load conditions
can be implemented in different ways, e.g., with dampers,
throttles and bypasses, which can reduce the flow but do not
minimize the power consumption [15]. On/off cycle control,
using different devices to vary the chilled/cooling water flow
can to some extent reduce the electricity consumption [11].
The electrical power, the energy follows the affinity laws [16],
with a cubic relationship with the speed reduction (see Fig. 2).
Hence, the speed control is the most efficient way to control
the flow and reduce the energy consumption of pumps, fans
and compressors. A key point is that the motors should be
able to flexibly operate by reducing their speed in the part-
load condition, which is defined in the following section.
Fig. 2: Different controls for the variable-speed centrifugal
B. Efficiency of Variable Speed Centrifugal Chiller chiller system.
Coefficient of performance (COP), defined by the ratio of
the heat removed from the water by the evaporator (Qc ) over
the compressor mechanical work energy (W ), measures the
centrifugal chiller efficiency,
COP = . (1)
The ASHRAE COP [17] classification is shown in Fig. 3. An
excellent full-load COP value is considered to be over 5.0.
ARI standard 550/590 [18] defines the Integrated Part Load
Value (IPLV). IPLV is used to measure chiller performance in Fig. 3: ASHRAE COP classification.
the partial loading condition.
IP LV = 0.01A + 0.42B + 0.45C + 0.12D, (2) C. Variable Speed or Frequency Drive
where, the parameter A, B, C, D denote COP at 100%, 75%, The speed control of the electric motor is performed by the
50%, and 25% full-load condition respectively. From eq. (2), VSD, also known as, the variable frequency drive (VFD). 5%
it can be noticed that the calculation of the IPLV considers to 8% energy savings is reported for cooling fans using VSD
different weights for each part-load situation, the 75% and [19]. Applications of the VFD for controlling the primary-flow
50% being the most influencing ones. pumps resulted in overall energy savings ca. 2% and 5% [20].

Following load-driven control methods and equal marginal this means that motor efficiency will decrease, resulting in
performance principle (EMPP), Hartman [17] demonstrated unwanted energy losses. Motor technology that can improve
28% energy savings for all-variable speed chillers. Reduction the efficiency under part-load condition, would be a huge
in annual electricity and water usage by ca. 19%, and 16% benefit to improve the energy efficiency at industrial scale.
could be achieved by adopting load-specific control of speed IEC 60034-30-1:2014 standard [21] defines the AC motor
in the chillers [16]. Energy savings of 30% could be achieved efficiency class. Fig. 4 shows the different classes, IE1–IE4,
in Taiwan’s industrial buildings by using VSDs [10]. which are known as ‘Standard,’ ‘High-efficiency,’ ‘Premium,’
‘Super Premium,’ and ‘Ultra Premium’. Standard IMs are
D. Comparison of Different Control Methods classified in IE2 or IE3, while, SynRM comes with higher
efficiency, IE4. With no permanent magnet, reduced torque
Following the discussion on the VSD, a quantitative com-
and current ripples, SynRM is aimed to replace in near future
parison of the different control methods (see Fig. 2) are
most of the AC motors [21].
described in this section. Referring to the Fig. 2, using curve-
fitting, we compute the input power requirements (Pinp in %)
for the different control methods, at the four loading conditions
in the IPLV definition (see eq. (2)). The values are shown in
Table I. For 25% loading condition, the values are calculated
by extrapolation of the fitted curves.
Considering the pump load requirement as the required
output, and using the values from Table I, we compute the
efficiency (η) of the different control methods at the four
loading conditions in the IPLV definition. The values are
shown in Table II. For example, at 25% load, VSD η =
Pinp (P ump)/Pinp (V SD) = 6.9/10 = 69%.
From Table II, it can be seen that most of the control
methods have relatively high efficiency at high load. How-
ever, except the VSD, all other control methods have poor
performance in terms of efficiency at low loading conditions, Fig. 4: IE efficiency classes for 4 pole motors at 50 Hz [21].
especially below 75%. At extremely low load like 25%, the
Specially designed rotor provides the maximum reluctance
drop in efficiency is significant. This demonstrates that VSD is
path in the SynRM between the direct (d) and the quadrature
the most optimal control method for variable speed centrifugal
(q) axes. The stator design is similar to standard IM. Based on
chiller loads.
the maximum reluctance, the mechanical torque is generated.
TABLE I: Different Control Methods: Input Power Compari-
With no rotor windings, SynRM has no rotor losses, compared
to other AC motors [22], [23]. This makes the SynRM
% of Pump VSD Mag. ON/ Throttle By- inherently more efficient than same rated IM [24], [25].
Full Coup. OFF pass
Speed Pinp Pinp Pinp Pinp Pinp Pinp
IM is a mature technology, developing over last 100 years,
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) while SynRM is commercially available from 2011 [26].
25 6.9 10 17 25 60 101 Being a new technology, feasibility of the SynRM in energy
50 13 18 34 50 79 101 efficiency applications, designs, control strategies, are not fully
75 43 47 63 75 95 101
100 100 105 103 100 104 101 proven, notwithstanding its huge potential from the theory.
Comparative views of the constructional details and losses of
the IM and SynRM are shown in Fig. 5 [26].
TABLE II: Different Control Methods: Comparison of Effi-
Increasing research works are being reported for SynRM.
Foo and Zhang [27] presented robust field-weakening algo-
% of VSD Mag. ON/ Throttle By- rithm for directly controlling the torque in SynRM. Bierhoff
Full Coup. OFF pass
Speed η η η η η
presented simple phase-locked loop (PLL) type algorithm for
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) controlling the SynRM in [28]. Trancho et. al. [29] presented
25 69.00 40.59 27.60 11.50 6.83 sliding mode control and hybrid field weakening control for
50 72.22 38.24 26.00 16.46 12.87 the SynRM. Hadla and Cruz [30] used model predictive
75 91.49 68.25 57.33 45.26 42.57
100 95.24 97.09 100.0 96.15 99.01 control (MPC) strategy for SynRM.


E. Synchronous Reluctance Motors A. Modeling of Variable Speed Centrifugal Chiller
High-efficiency induction motors are the workhorses in the Fig. 6 shows a variable speed centrifugal chiller system,
chiller systems. However, the short-comings of the IMs is simulated using the SimulationX [14] software. We have con-
that the efficiency decreases significantly as the speed drops. sidered single chiller system. Detailed system specifications
As chillers will run most of the time in part-load condition, are provided in Table III. Fig. 7 shows the actual viewing of

The ambient temperature was kept at 25◦ C, which is typical

average value in Auckland, New Zealand. Besides the official
weather data [31],[32], this particular ambient temperature was
chosen following discussion with practicing authorities, e.g.,
building facility managers. We have also considered a higher
ambient temperature (35◦ C) for completeness of the results.
However, the change in the power required by the IM and the
SynRM would expectedly happen in similar fashion, our work
being focused on comparative analysis of the energy efficiency.
Fig. 5: Comparison of construction and losses of IM and
SynRM [26]. B. Modeling of Motors
Based on ABB Company data sheets [26], IE2 IMs and
the whole system, controls, and models implemented in the
IE4 SynRMs are modeled, considering the power and speed
requirements for the required specifications. For both types of
The complete cooling system usually includes more than
motors, ABB efficiency figures (includes motor and VFD) are
one set of cooling tower, chiller and pumps. In fact, most of
used for uniform comparison.
the large systems contain two or more individual sets operating
Instantaneous torque and speed dictate the efficiency for
in parallel to achieve the maximum load. In a system with three
both the IE2 IM and SynRM. Fig. 8 shows the considered
chillers operating in parallel, when the load is lower than 66%
measurement points to assess the efficiency. Fig. 9 shows
of the maximum capacity, one set is switched off, while the
the efficiency of IM and SynRM and IM in pump and fan
other two feed the load. If the load goes lower than 33%, one
applications (200 kW). From Fig. 9, we can notice that the
more set is switched off, with just the last one feeding the
pump/fan power varies cubically with the speed, and SynRM
remaining load [17].
has better efficiency profile than the IM, especially in the low
However, the main objective of our work is to comparatively
load regime. Fig.10 shows the example of SynRM efficiency
analyze the performances of the IE2 IM against the SynRM for
map for any load characteristic, showing a rather uniform
centrifugal chiller application. Therefore, we have considered
profile, across different load torque and speed regions.
single chiller system, with different motor configurations,
focusing on the comparative energy efficiency analysis. With
multiple chiller systems, the energy analysis figures will be
C. Motor Control Methods
TABLE III: System Details for Simulation A signal (0 to 1) is sent to the chiller sub-systems (compres-
sor, pump, fan). This signal is multiplied by the rated speed,
Chiller Parameters Full-load Values which allows to vary the speed proportionally to the full speed
Cooling Capacity (kW) 1183.69
Compressor Power (kW) 200 simultaneously for the three sub-systems. For ensuring the
Compressor Speed (RPM) 4000 adequeate flow of water into the heat exchangers, the pump
COP (full-load) 5.92 speed must attain 50% of full speed, which is a minimum
Refrigerant type R410a
Cooling Pump Parameters Full-load Values constraint [11]. Fig. 11 shows almost linear correlation be-
Cooling Pump Power (kW) 30 tween the control signal and the cooling capacity. However,at
Cooling Pump Speed (RPM) 1500 low-load region, there is some variations.
Cooling Water Volume Flow (l/s) 60
Cooling Water Mass Flow (kg/s) 62.17 For the VSD of the IM and SynRM, sensorless vector
Entering Cooling Water Temperature (◦ C) 35.18 control method is applied, namely direct torque control (DTC).
Leaving Cooling Water Temperature (◦ C) 40.96 DTC is well-established universal method to control the torque
Cooling Tower Parameters Full-load Values
Cooling Tower Heat Rejection (kW) 1407.23 and the speed of the IM [33], [34], as well as the SynRM
Fan Power (kW) 30 [27]. In DTC scheme, the motor voltage and current are
Fan Speed (RPM) 3000 measured. These values areused to estimate the torque and
Air Volume Flow (m3 /s) 78.96
Air Water Mass Flow (kg/s) 87.86
the magnetic flux. The estimated values are then compared
Chiller Water Parameters Full-load Values with the reference values. Based on the deviation of the flux
Chilled Water Volume Flow (l/s) 45 and torque, the transistors in the VSD are turned on or off,
Chilled Water Mass Flow (kg/s) 45
Entering Chilled Water Temperature (◦ C) 12.66
typically using the pulse width modulation (PWM) technique.
Leaving Chilled Water Temperature (◦ C) 6.38 A switching table is used for the flux and torque control in
DTC. Fig. 12 shows the algorithm.
The simulated chiller system has centrifugal compressor DTC is very fast-acting control method for torque and flux.
with VSD, one condenser unit with expansion valve, and an In commercial DTC-based VSD, the control cycle is in the
evaporator with shell and tube heat exchangers. Variable speed order of 10-30 µs. The switching losses are very low, as the
pump drives the cooling water loop through the condenser transistors are turned only when needed to keep the torque and
to the cross-flow type cooling tower. A constant speed pump flux within the hysteresis bands. The switching frequency of
drives the chilling water loop on the evaporator side. the transistors is not constant.

Fig. 6: Simulated variable speed centrifugal chiller system.

Fig. 7: SimulationX model.

Fig. 8: Efficiency measurement points.

D. Modeling of Load Profiles Fig. 9: 200 kW package efficiency curves in pump/fan duty
To run the comparisons, three different annual load profiles [13].
were selected, namely commercial building in Hawaii (see Fig.
13) [35], office building 1 in Hongkong, China (see Fig. 14)
[36], and office building 2 in Hongkong, China (see Fig. 15)
a kind of ‘bell shaped curve’ distribution, with more medium
[16]. The load profiles were selected to incorporate the part-
loads and less extreme loads.
load conditions, as described in eq. (2).
These three different load profiles are very interesting for In order to achieve the component-wise energy consump-
this analysis because they have completely distinct charac- tion, we first multiply the efficiency curve with the motor
teristics from each other. Load profile 2 (see Fig. 14) is power curve, followed by a time-integral of the result. The
predominantly high loads, and load profile 3 (see Fig. 15) is energy consumptions are calculated at two different ambient
predominantly low loads, while load profile 1 (see Fig. 13) is temperature conditions, namely at 25◦ C and 35◦ C.

TABLE IV: Energy Performance Result for Load Profile-1 (at 25◦ C ambient temperature)
Load Profile-1 IE2 IM SynRM Difference (%) SynRM Difference (%)
(All equipments) (Compressor only) (Col. 3 & 2) (All equipments) (Col. 5 & 2)
Annual 1653.19 1601.67 -3.12% 1592.66 -3.66%
Consumption (MWh)
Average 88.95% 91.81% +3.22% 92.33% +3.80%
Annual 182.71 131.19 -28.20% 122.18 -33.13%
Lossess (MWh)

TABLE V: Energy Performance Result for Load Profile-2 (at 25◦ C ambient temperature)
Load Profile-2 IE2 IM SynRM Difference (%) SynRM Difference (%)
(All equipments) (Compressor only) (Col. 3 & 2) (All equipments) (Col. 5 & 2)
Annual 624.95 609.13 -2.53% 605.71 -3.08%
Consumption (MWh)
Average 90.39% 92.74% +2.60% 93.26% +3.18%
Annual 60.05 44.22 -26.36% 40.80 -32.06%
Lossess (MWh)

TABLE VI: Energy Performance Result for Load Profile-3 (at 25◦ C ambient temperature)
Load Profile-3 IE2 IM SynRM Difference (%) SynRM Difference (%)
(All equipments) (Compressor only) (Col. 3 & 2) (All equipments) (Col. 5 & 2)
Annual 381.37 365.98 -4.04% 363.70 -4.63%
Consumption (MWh)
Average 86.44% 90.08% +4.21% 90.65% +4.87%
Annual 51.69 36.30 -29.77% 34.02 -34.18%
Lossess (MWh)

TABLE VII: Energy Performance Result for Load Profile-1 (at 35◦ C ambient temperature)
Load Profile-1 IE2 IM SynRM Difference (%) SynRM Difference (%)
(All equipments) (Compressor only) (Col. 3 & 2) (All equipments) (Col. 5 & 2)
Annual 3185.7 3102.43 -2.61% 3080.2 -3.31%
Consumption (MWh)
Average 87.17% 90.89% +4.27% 91.41% +4.86%
Annual 352.1 254.11 -27.83% 236.29 -32.89%
Lossess (MWh)

TABLE VIII: Energy Performance Result for Load Profile-2 (at 35◦ C ambient temperature)
Load Profile-2 IE2 IM SynRM Difference (%) SynRM Difference (%)
(All equipments) (Compressor only) (Col. 3 & 2) (All equipments) (Col. 5 & 2)
Annual 1204.28 1179.88 -2.03% 1171.44 -2.73%
Consumption (MWh)
Average 88.58% 91.81% +3.65% 92.33% +4.23%
Annual 115.72 85.65 -25.99% 78.91 -31.81%
Lossess (MWh)

TABLE IX: Energy Performance Result for Load Profile-3 (at 35◦ C ambient temperature)
Load Profile-3 IE2 IM SynRM Difference (%) SynRM Difference (%)
(All equipments) (Compressor only) (Col. 3 & 2) (All equipments) (Col. 5 & 2)
Annual 734.9 707.81 -3.69% 703.4 -4.29%
Consumption (MWh)
Average 84.71% 89.18% +5.28% 89.74% +5.94%
Annual 99.61 70.20 -29.53% 65.79 -33.95%
Lossess (MWh)

Fig. 12: Direct torque control algorithm for IM and SynRM.

Fig. 10: 200 kW SynRM efficiency map for all applications.

Fig. 13: Load profile 1 for commercial building in Honululu,

Hawaii [17].

Fig. 11: Speed control curve.

3 yields the highest energy savings, 4.63%, and on the load
profile 1 giving 3.66% of savings, w.r.t. using the IE2 IM.
IV. R ESULTS Load profile 2 yields 2.53% (compressor only) and 3.08% (all
Due to the different load profiles and to the fact that they equipments) of energy savings, the lowest savings among the
were scaled to fit the maximum capacity of the designed three profiles. These differences were expected, and they hap-
simulation system, the result analysis consists of comparisons pen because the difference in efficiency between the SynRM
of the percentage of the electricity consumed using SynRM and the IE2 IM tends to increase, as the speed decreases.
with respect to (w.r.t) the IE2 IM. Firstly, simulations are done Therefore, systems that are operating highly concentrated on
for all equipments using IM and SynRM in a comparative low cooling loads tend to present higher energy savings, as is
manner. Besides, simulations are performed, using the SynRM the case of load profile 3. On the other hand, the load profile
only to run the compressor, since it is the component with the 2 presented the lowest energy savings, because it runs over
highest power in a centrifugal chiller system, while using the
IE2 IM on the other devices, to compare the energy savings
with the previous case.
Tables IV–VI, show the detailed figures for the annual
energy consumption (in MWh), average efficiency and annual
losses (in MWh) for the load profiles 1–3, at 25◦ C ambient
temperature, and Tables VII–IX, show the similar figures for
the load profiles 1–3, at 35◦ C ambient temperature. The annual
energy consumption for each of the load profiles at 25◦ C
and 35◦ C ambient temperatures are presented graphically
in Figs. 16 and 17 respectively, considering 100% of the
energy consumed by the IE2 IM (subplot i), and the relative
consumption when using SynRM applied to only compressor
(subplot ii), and all speed-controlled machines (subplot iii).
The results in the three different profiles are very significant. Fig. 14: Load profile 2 for office building in Hongkong, China
At 25◦ C ambient temperature, using SynRM in load profile [17].

Fig. 15: Load profile 3 for office building in Hongkong, China Fig. 17: Comparison of annual energy consumption at 35◦ C
[17]. using (i) IE2 IM vs. SynRM in the (ii) compressor only, and
(iii) all machines.
80% of the total cooling load more than 50% of the year.
Similar trend can be observed at 35◦ C ambient temperature, a chiller system. Therefore, any improvements that increase
load profile 3 giving highest energy savings of 4.29%, while the efficiency of the compressor drive system is expected to
load profile 1 and 2 result in 3.31% and 2.73% respectively. significantly influence the overall energy consumption.
Despite the differences in the load profiles, simulating For all the load profiles, using the SynRM, annual losses
various operating conditions, energy savings between 2.53% are highly reduced as well. The annual losses are reduced
and 4.63% are quite significant. For the designed system of between 32%–34%, when SynRM is used in all equipments,
these simulations, operating with the selected load profiles, the and between 26%–29%, when SynRM is used only in the
calculated energy savings can be as high as 60,530 kWh/year compressor. This is inherently due to the high-efficiency of
(e.g., for load profile-1). the SynRM compared to the IE2 IM, as discussed in section
II-E. Figs. 18 and 19 show the efficiencies of the different
motors on common X-Y axes for easy comparison, for IE2 IM
(all equipments), SymRM (in compressor) with IE2 IM (other
equipments), and SynRM (all equipments), at 25◦ C and 35◦ C

Fig. 16: Comparison of annual energy consumption at 25◦ C

using (i) IE2 IM vs. SynRM in the (ii) compressor only, and
(iii) all machines.

With the use of SynRM only in the compressor, the total

energy savings reduced a little when compared to using
SynRM in all machines. The savings, in this case, are 3.12%
for load profile 1, 2.53% for load profile 2, 4.04% for load
profile 3, at 25◦ C ambient temperature. At 35◦ C ambient
temperature, the savings are 2.61% for load profile 1, 2.03% Fig. 18: Comparison of motor efficiency at 25◦ C: (i) IE2
for load profile 2, 3.69% for load profile 3. The ranking of Induction Motor (ii) SynRM & IE2 IM , and (iii) Only SynRM.
the savings remained the same among the three profiles, and
the difference in the savings can be explained likewise the
previous case. V. D ISCUSSIONS
Even if the SynRM is used only in the compressor, the Discussion on the results are provided as follows.
total energy savings are still relevant. The compressor is 1) Relative to the time in which this paper is written, the
the machine that consumes the highest amount of power in comparison of costs (in US$) of the SynRM and the

scale, e.g., big industrial plants, district cooling in big

shopping malls, buildings, datacentres, etc. Attaining en-
ergy efficiency at larger scale is often the interest for
the industry, city council, and government authorities for
significant cost-benefit analysis.
3) As discussed is section II-D, speed control using VSD
is most optimal for centrifugal chiller applications. And
accordingly, as discussed in section III-C, for the VSD
of the IM and SynRM, sensorless vector control method
is applied, implementing the DTC. Therefore, the control
performance of the VSD remains identical for IE2 IM
and SynRM, for a fair comparison.
4) Besides implementing the SynRM technology, advanced
dynamic control methods would be helpful. For example,
advanced multi-sensor approach [37], taking care of dy-
namic occupancy and ambient conditions, together with
multi-variable (e.g., temperature, air-flow rate) control
methods [8], [9], [38] could also be incorporated in future
Fig. 19: Comparison of motor efficiency at 35◦ C: (i) IE2 works. In conjunction with the SynRM, these dynamic
Induction Motor (ii) SynRM & IE2 IM, and (iii) Only SynRM. optimizations would further increase the energy savings
in the chiller applications.
TABLE X: Comparison of Costs: SynRM vs IM
5) New Zealand has a strong focus on green energy and
Application Power SynRM IE2 IM a sustainable low carbon future. Over 180 countries
Type Rating Approx. Cost Approx. Cost
(US$) (US$)
haven undertaken responsibility for carbon emission con-
Compressor 200 kW 11,500 8,850 trol, following The Paris agreement [39]. Buildings with
Cooling Tower Fan 30 kW 1,980 1,840 chiller and HVAC systems, has a significant share of
Pump 30 kW 1,930 1,320 world’s total energy. Thus, it is a great sector to optimize
for larger energy efficiency. The quantitative results re-
ported in this work, should promote adopting more energy
IE2 IM for applications in the different parts of the efficient solutions like the SynRM in coming days.
chiller are presented in Table X. The figures shown in
Table X are average figures from Europe and Asian
markets, and do not signify any relative measure for any
manufacturers. From Table X, it can be observed that for VI. C ONCLUSION
the compressor, which is the highest power consuming
part in a centrifugal chiller system, the SynRM cost is Cooling of large buildings worldwide is done by centrifugal
approximately US$ 2650 more than the IM. On the other chiller systems, consuming about 30–50% of energy. In this
hand, for parts with lower energy consumptions, e.g., the paper, SimulationX [14] software is used to quantitatively
cooling tower fan and pump, the SynRM is slightly more investigate about the energy efficiency improvement, by using
expensive than the IM, in the range of US$ 150-600. IE2 SynRM in all-variable speed centrifugal chillers. The system
IM is commonly used in pumps, which makes it rather was tested for three distinct building load profiles. The results
cheap. Currently, IM has a larger market share in the are judged in comparison with the state-of-the-art IE2 IMs.
chiller applications. However, the cost comparison shows The load profiles represent normalized distribution, from high
that there is not significant difference in the costs of the to low loads. SynRM reduces the motor-drive loss on average
two types of motors, especially when SynRM can result by 33%, which significantly increases the energy efficiency.
in greater energy savings, as demonstrated in this paper. This reduces the total annual energy consumption by 3.08%
With increased applications and market share, the costs to 4.63%, for the different load profiles. If SynRM is used
of SynRM would expectedly reduce in near future, as only in the compressor, which consumes the highest amount
often the manufacturing costs depend on the volume of of energy in the chiller, still the energy savings occur in
production. the range of 2.53% to 4.04%. SynRM usage in the variable
2) The energy savings results are based on single chiller speed centrifugal chillers require changes at the drive level,
system in this work. In practice, professional cooling which is easy to achieve. The difference of costs of SynRM
system usually includes more than one set of cooling and IM for different parts of the centrifugal chiller are not
tower, chiller and pumps, as discussed in section III. too high. SynRM is slightly more expensive, which can be
Therefore, based on the reported promising energy sav- well-justified for the resulting energy savings. Therefore, it
ings, the energy savings figures will be multiplicative could be a rather easily implementable and cost-effective
in nature with multiple chiller systems. This is of great energy efficiency solution for future smart and energy efficient
promise to improve the overall energy efficiency at larger buildings.

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