A Review of Jet Grouting Practice and Development

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A review of jet grouting practice and development

Article  in  Arabian Journal of Geosciences · August 2018

DOI: 10.1007/s12517-018-3809-7


11 1,182

5 authors, including:

Pierre Guy Atangana Njock Jun Chen

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Vibracoustic


Giuseppe Modoni Arul Arulrajah

Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale Swinburne University of Technology


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Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2018) 11:459


A review of jet grouting practice and development

Pierre Guy Atangana Njock 1,2 & Jun Chen 1,2 & Giuseppe Modoni 3 & Arul Arulrajah 4 & Yong-Hyun Kim 5

Received: 26 April 2017 / Accepted: 9 August 2018

# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2018

The jet grouting technique was originally initiated in the UK and progressively developed following the needs for larger
geometries, ease of implementation, economic rationality, and better mechanical properties. This paper presents a comprehensive
review of the development and practice of jet grouting through some fundamental concepts and relevant case studies.
Subsequently, a laboratory testing program is performed to investigate the factors affecting the efficacy of the twin grouting
system. The principal objective of this study is to define the suitable conditions for the jet grouting efficacy regarding economic
rationality as well as quality control. For the first phase, a particular emphasis is placed on the properties of jet columns, site
geological conditions, implementation methods, and the justification of each selected treatment option, while the second phase
mainly focuses on the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests. It follows that the mono-fluid jet grouting system presents a
valuable flexibility in dealing with complex configurations; yet, the double- and triple-fluid systems are more indicated for cases
of mass treatments for which large portions of space must be treated and overlapping is fundamentally important for the reliability
of the treatment. Furthermore, it was established that the efficacy of the twin-jet method primarily relies on the proper adequacy
of some critical parameters, namely, the cement content, the water-cement ratio, and cement slurry-water glass ratio. In spite of
some uncertainties inherently related to the technique, the UCS test represents the quintessential laboratory index for evaluating
the mechanical properties of grouted elements, deriving jet grouting efficacy and the economics of jet grouts.

Keywords Jet grouting . Unconfined compressive strength . Diameter prediction . Twin-jet . Remediation method

Introduction construction of excavation waterproof barriers and slabs (Xu

et al. 2014, 2017; Wu et al. 2015a, b, c, 2017; Zhang et al.
Jet grouting has generated considerable recent research inter- 2015; Tan et al. 2016; Tan and Lu 2017a, b; Tan et al. 2017),
est in the realm of geotechnical engineering. It is a soil con- prevention of short- and long-term ground movements (Chai
solidation technique that has been adopted extensively world- et al. 2004, 2018; Shen and Xu 2011; Yin et al. 2011a, 2013a,
wide (Shibazaki 1996; Shen et al. 2012a, b; Yoshida 2012; 2014a; Shen et al. 2014b; Xu et al. 2012a, b, 2016), and
Wang et al. 2013a), for a wide variety of applications includ- protection against ground dewatering effects (Ma et al.
ing foundation reinforcement (Modoni and Bzòwka 2012), 2014; Shen et al. 2013d, 2015a, b, 2017b; Wu et al. 2015d),

* Jun Chen 1
State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering and Department of Civil
chen_jun@sjtu.edu.cn Engineering, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean, and Civil
Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dong Chuan Road,
Pierre Guy Atangana Njock Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China
Atangana@sjtu.edu.cn 2
Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea
Exploration (CISSE), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dong
Giuseppe Modoni Chuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 200240, China
modoni@unicas.it 3
Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of
Cassino and Southern Lazio, via di Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino, Italy
Arul Arulrajah 4
aarulrajah@swin.edu.au Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Swinburne
University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria 3122, Australia
Yong-Hyun Kim Korea Foundation Technology (KFT) Co., Ltd., Anyang City, South
kftenc@gmail.com Korea
459 Page 2 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

as well as solidification of contaminated soils (Du et al. 2012, result of the lack of awareness regarding jet grouting systems
2014a, b). The method consists of creating in situ rigid ele- and or the deficiencies in the implementation. Indeed for some
ments using a jet of fluid with high kinetic energy to disag- projects, it is essential to precisely define the most suitable jet
gregate the soil and mix it with cement slurry. The earliest grouting technology to be executed for given situations or
milestone of this high-pressure grouting technique dates back geological conditions. Furthermore, the determination of the
to the 1950s in the UK, with specialized applications in the oil quantities to be implemented represents another major hin-
industry (Essler and Yoshida 2004), though it is officially drance to the viability of jet grouting. The latter was found
patented in Japan as Chemical Churning Pile (CCP) in the late to have a substantial impact on the quality of the jet grouting
1960s (Yahiro and Yoshida 1973; Miki 1973). In its crudest treatment (Celma and Carrión 2003; Tornaghi and Pettinaroli
form, the jet grouting technique was exclusively executed 2004; Ni and Cheng 2014). This issue is particularly relevant
using chemicals; however, due to several concerns relating for the twin-jet grouting method due to the complexity of its
to the environment, the chemical binders used in CCP method mechanism (Shen et al. 2009a, 2013c). It is therefore believed
were almost immediately deputized for cement grouts. Since that the consideration (determination of optimal quantities,
then, the jet grouting technique has gradually become popular and the comprehensive description of the suitable conditions
around the world and coupled with new technological break- for each system) of the abovementioned attributes of jet
throughs (still ongoing), new variations have emerged grouting profitability will substantially contribute enhancing
(Xanthakos et al. 1994; Croce et al. 2014a; Shen et al. 2014b). the efficacy in jet grouting practice.
The field applications of jet grouting extend to a relatively This paper presents the state-of-the-art practice of the jet
wide range of soils. It is generally acknowledged that accept- grouting technology by reviewing some comprehensive stud-
able soil properties are achievable by grouted columns ies and projects selected from around the world that have
(Guatteri et al. 1988; Shen et al. 2009b, 2013a), with the focused on the application of jet grouting methods to solve
resistance and the final geometry influenced by the jet various geotechnical issues. The purpose behind this approach
grouting variation and the type of soil. However, different jet is, on one hand, to demonstrate the efficacy of jet grouting
grouting variations exhibit different effects and characteristics, technology in geotechnical engineering and, on the other
depending on the strata within which they are implemented. hand, highlight both the suitable conditions for implementing
For instance, investigating the impact of single-fluid jet each technological solution and the critical parameters for the
grouting on flow deposits, Croce and Flora (1998) established design and modeling of jet grouting. This review work is
that the jet action declines with the implementation depth and organized around seven sections including the following: (1)
the occurrence of thin layers of naturally cemented soil the general overview of the jet grouting method and the issues
substantially affects the geometry of the grouted element. related to its implementation, (2) the different features associ-
Following this, additional effects associated with the ated with the jet grouting technology, (3) the historical devel-
construction sequencing and the variables influencing the opment of the technique and experiences from around the
treatment result were also pointed out by Croce and Flora world, (4) some typical case histories of jet grouting practice,
(2000) and Shen et al. (2017a). As well, the uncertainties (5) an experimental study addressing the issue of optimum
related to the strength variability of grouted bodies (raised material quantities and aimed at improving the efficacy of
by the jet grouting routine) have been attracting many the twin-jet grouting, (6) a brief summary of jet grouting prac-
scholars’ interest in the recent years (Coulter and Martin tice and development, as well as a discussion on future devel-
2006; Modoni and Bzòwka 2012; Wanik et al. 2017; opments, and (7) concluding remarks are provided at the end
Toraldo et al. 2017). Hence, there is room for reappraising of the paper.
and comprehending the parameters that underpin the perfor-
mance of the jet grouting systems. A better understanding of
the aforementioned jet grouting variations is in fact crucial for Jet grouting technology
jet grouting design, especially, regarding the diameter of jet-
grouted columns (Croce and Flora 2000; Modoni et al. 2006; Basic concepts of jet grouting
Wang et al. 2012; Flora et al. 2013; Shen et al. 2013b;
Ochmański et al. 2015a; Ribeiro and Cardoso 2017) and their The jet grouting process involves the erosion of the in situ soil,
mechanical properties. Besides, an idea on the final geometry by a jet of fluid projected at very high velocity from a small
and properties of grouted elements is not only vital for defin- diameter nozzle mounted at a monitor (Fig. 1). The eroded soil
ing their effects in the soil, but also, to some extent, for reduc- is then mixed with a fluid (generally cement slurry) to form a
ing the construction costs. mixture, which after hardening is called grout element.
Moreover, while it is true that the jet grouting method is However, to efficiently implement this technique, it is imper-
advantageously versatile (Lunardi 1997; Burke 2004; Dhouib ative to carefully arrange the jet grouting equipment and me-
et al. 2004), its economical usage may be jeopardized as a thodically execute the process.
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 3 of 31 459

(a) (b)
Ground surface


Eroded soil

Valve Ejected grout

(cone of grout)

Fig. 1 a Schematic illustration of the jetting mechanism in the monitor (mono-fluid system). b Photograph of a monitor used for jet grouting

In practice, the grouted elements are executed vertically or Traditional jet grouting variations
in any inclination, including sub-horizontal columns which
are commonly used as a solution for tunneling problems. Based on the number of injected fluids and the injection meth-
Either for vertical or for sub-horizontal implementations, the od, the jet grouting technique can be classified into three major
equipment required to achieve the construction of grouted categories: the mono-fluid system, the bi-fluid system, and the
elements commonly include drilling and jetting devices tri-fluid system.
(Xanthakos et al. 1994; Croce et al. 2014a). The drilling sys- The mono-fluid system relies on the individual action of
tem consists of one or three inner pipes (depending on the jet high-pressure jet of grout to erode and mix soil, which makes
grouting variation) arranged inside a rod, which is connected this technique relatively simple. In this case, an essential part
to a drilling device at its lower end. The role of the drilling of the jet energy is dissipated, owing to friction and viscosity
device is to promote the creation of the borehole, even under effects within the soil mass subjected to the action of the fluid.
challenging conditions (geotechnical profile). Besides, the jet- The second system however corresponds to the coordinated
ting system mainly refers to a monitor on which one or more injection of compressed air shrouding a cone of grout at high
small diameter nozzles (depending on the jet grouting varia- velocity. The shrouded air significantly enhances the eroding
tion) are ordinarily installed. The objective of the nozzle is effect of the jet (since it considerably reduces the previously
mainly to convert the fluid which is inside the pipe into a mentioned exchanges of mass and energy) and therefore in-
conical stream of fluid at high speed. creases the cutting efficiency of the jet with respect to the
Subsequently, a precise methodological approach has to be distance from the injection point (Burke 2004). In the tri-
adopted to achieve an efficient jet grouting treatment (Fig. 2). fluid system, the soil is eroded by means of water jet shrouded
Firstly, a borehole is created up to the targeted depth by the by compressed air at high speed, and the quantity of grout
drill stem (a). Yet, to avoid disturbances in the surrounding required for the mixing is subsequently injected from a sepa-
throughout the jet grouting treatment, the borehole must be rate nozzle located beneath the former (air-water nozzle).
sufficiently large to ensure the spoil backflow (Croce et al. Cemented soil elements of different geometries and dimen-
2004; Shen et al. 2012c; Wang et al. 2013b, 2014; Atangana sions are normally achievable with these systems: (i) with a
et al. 2018). In the second step, the cement slurry is injected full rotation of the monitor, a quasi-cylindrical shape element
and mixed with the eroded soil, along with the slow and rota- is produced; (ii) when the drill rotates partially, segments of a
tional ascent of the drill stem (b). The procedure ends with the cylinder or elements in the form of Bpizza slides^ can be
complete removal of the drill stem from the borehole (c). obtained; (iii) also, without any rotation of the monitor, the
Nonetheless, for some applications, the jet grout columns are construction of linear elements of various thicknesses can be
frequently overlapped (d). achieved (e.g., cutoff walls). In some situations, the
459 Page 4 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Drilling Jetting and Grouting Completion of one Overlapping


(ii) (iii)
Fig. 2 i Illustration of the jet grouting procedure. ii Photograph of field implementation of jet grouting (source: http://www.chemicalgrout.co.jp/en/). iii
Photograph of overlapped jet columns in sandy soil obtained from field trials (source: http://www.kftco.com/)

characteristics of grouted elements obtained with these varia- geometries, good mixing uniformity, and satisfactory strength
tions are generally acceptable. Yet, a number of parameters characteristics. Ensuring the performance of jet grouting treat-
have to be considered when reviewing the performance of jet ments thus imply, beforehand, the achievement of a suitable
grouting systems. jet grouting design.

Fundamental features of jet grouting design Diameter of jet grout columns

The jet grouting technique has the advantage of being very The diameter of the column can be defined as the maximum
versatile, as it can be operated in all types of soils (Yin et al. distance achievable by the erosive action of the injected fluid
2010, 2011b, 2013b, 2014b, 2016a, b, 2017, 2018a, b). To a in the soil. As such, it is principally governed by the injection
large extent, the performance of jet grouting systems depends parameters (jetting energy) and the soil erodibility. The former
on their capacity to provide grouted elements with adequate is not only function of the injected fluid properties, but also
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 5 of 31 459

depends on parameters such as the fluid pressure, the injection are relatively more uniform in clayey soils than granular soils.
flow rate, and the withdrawal speed of the monitor, as well as As discussed later in this paper (BField trial tests: application
the number, shape, and diameter of the nozzles (Shibazaki of RJP in Shanghai^), good mixing uniformity can ensure
2003; Arson and Juge 2012). On the other side, the soil sus- advantageous mechanical properties.
ceptibility to fluid erosion also plays a decisive role in the
production of grouted columns: cohesive soils are typically
less erodible by high-velocity fluid streams than cohesionless Strength and deformation properties of jet-grouted bodies
soils (Shibazaki 2003; Brill et al. 2003; Burke 2004; Shen et
al. 2009b). For instance, as illustrated in Fig. 3, different soils The strength and deformability characteristics of grouted ele-
exhibit different erodibility characteristics, appreciable in this ments play a decisive role in the design of jet-grouted struc-
case through the expected column diameters. With the mono- tures, as they defined their performance at the service ability
fluid system, for example, the cutting efficiency of the jet stage. In reality, the behavior of hardened jet grouting bodies
tends to be more effective for sands than other types of soils. can be assimilated to that of cement concrete, as for both, the
The variation of the diameter of grout columns tends to de- stress-strain relationship is characterized by non-linear elastic
crease as the soil particles gain cohesion. Henceforth, it is responses followed by brittle failure. However, laboratory in-
clear that the jet grouting column diameter can be controlled vestigations on cement-treated sand revealed that the overall
by regulating the injection power with respect to the native failure of the treated body does not directly stem from the
soil properties. initiation of partial failures, so that the partial failure can def-
However, in practice, controlling the diameter of jet initely be adopted in the ultimate limit state design of jet
grouting columns appears to be a formidable task, given the grouting in sandy soils (Namikaya and Koseki 2007; Jin et
complexity of the construction process, and so, field trials are al. 2017, 2018a, b). Furthermore, given the aforementioned
as rule required for tuning the treatment parameters. The arbi- behavior characteristics of jet-grouted bodies, a linear elasto-
trary nature of this approach has notably triggered the devel- plastic model (e.g., Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion) is in
opment of various approaches for predicting of column diam- practice sufficient to express the strength of these cemented
eter. This aspect is discussed in detail in BPrediction of jet elements, and yet, these deformation characteristics, as well as
grouting column diameter.^ the strength parameters of jet-grouted materials, can be readily
approximated using traditional testing methods. Following
this logic, Gladkov et al. (2011) demonstrated the clear corre-
Mixing uniformity
lation existing between the cement consumption and the de-
formation modulus of jet-grouted bodies, which in turn can be
Generally speaking, the influence of soil typology is also valid
correlated with the compressive strength of the cemented bod-
for the uniformity of the mixture. But, given the complexity of
ies using the relationship given in Eq. 1 (Modoni and Bzòwka
the mixing mechanism carried out in the ground during the jet
2012). The correlation coefficient β used in this equation is
grouting process (e.g., infiltration of the injected fluid through
generally taken within the range of 300–400; σc and Ec are
the inter-particle spaces), the evaluation of mixing uniformity
respectively the strength and the Young modulus obtained
is merely based upon visual observations. Grouted elements
from the uniaxial compression test. Similarly, Wanik et al.
2.0 2.0 (2017) proposed the following chart (Fig. 4) for a direct as-
1.85 1 Mono fluid system sessment of the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of jet
2 2 Tri fluid system grout elements.
1.5 1.5
E c ¼ β σc ð1Þ
Column Diameter (m)


0.95 Even though numerous studies and field applications (re-
ported in BCase histories of the practice of jet grouting^) have
0.7 established that the jet grouting technique can guarantee
0.7 0.6 0.65
0.5 0.5 grouted elements with satisfactory strengths and stiffness, still,
0.45 0.4 the reliability of the jet grouting technique is strongly influ-
enced by uncertainties related to the strength variability of the
0.0 grouted bodies (Toraldo et al. 2017). These uncertainties are
Gravel Sandy Silty Clayey
Gravel Sand Silt commonly associated with the jet grouting implementation
Soil Type conditions, including the composition of the jet grout, type
Fig. 3 Variation of column diameter with soil type for mono-fluid and tri- of soils, and curing time. To illustrate this aspect, Modoni
fluid systems (recreated after Morey and Bachy 1992) and Bzòwka (2012) and Toraldo et al. (2017) investigated
459 Page 6 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

properties and diameter of jet columns. Nonetheless, in
some cases, the grouted structures tend to perform
25 sand-gravel
UCS of jet grouted material (MPa)

unreliably as a result of poor mechanical properties and

or construction imperfections (untreated zones) among ad-
20 jacent columns. Although the deviation of the drill during
silty sand
the execution process can account as a reason of these
15 defects, the principal cause remains the geometry variabil-
silt ity (Morey and Campo 1999; Wu et al. 2018). Indeed, it is
10 well acknowledged that an efficient treatment is achieved
when a beneficial compromise is found between the in-
silty clay
jection parameters and the properties of the soil, which
task is rather difficult. Several studies have thus looked
clay into this question and attempted providing a reliable base
0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 for the prediction of jet grouting column diameters. The
Weight of cement per unit volume of columns (kN/m3) available methods can be grouped into two categories, the
Fig. 4 Relationship between the strength of jet-grouted materials, the soil first including the empirical, conceptual, theoretical, and
properties, and the quantity of injected cement (recreated after Wanik et semi-theoretical models (Table 1), and the second
al. 2017) regrouping the models based on advanced statistics anal-
ysis also known as data mining (DM) approach. A recent
strength data collected from various literatures and found un- paper by Ribeiro and Cardoso (2017) proposes a review
usual disparities for soils having minor variations in their com- of the models constituting this first category. The latter
positions, as well as apparent discrepancy of strength param- however does not include the approaches based in super-
eters for similar soils. It comes that consecutive columns con- vised DM algorithms and only focused on the injection
structed within the same soil may yield different strength and mechanism to explain the correlation between final geom-
deformation properties. An evident conclusion is therefore etry and equipment used. Hence, this part in addition shed
that irrespective of the soil type, the jet grouting method pro- a light on the prominent variables in the prediction of
duces completely different materials with random strength. geometrical and mechanical properties of jet grout col-
Given the relevance of strength variability as a hurdle to the umns, determined via using the DM approach.
reliability of jet grouting at the design stage, specific strategies In the first category, the empirical models are those
must be envisaged. A possible alternative could be to link the established on the basis of various jet grouting implementation
timing and sequencing of the construction to the strength and schemes, defined with respect to the injection settings, jet
deformability characteristics of the mixture (Coulter and grouting systems, and type of soils. As such, the analytical
Martin 2006). In particular, for the cases of mass treatment formulas that characterize these models are derived from the
(e.g., the creation of jet grouting canopies; also see BLinear observed behavior of grouted elements and the connectivity
treatment: construction of the Hurtiere tunnel (Rhone-Alpes, between these parameters. However, a problem related to
France)^), an adequate curing time must be observed between these models is that they cannot be extrapolated or extended
the installations of two consecutive columns to ensure a spe- to new problem evolutions. This limitation stems principally
cific mechanical performance, particularly, given that the from the reduced amount of field data used for building these
hardness of the grouted bodies is quasi-linearly dependent models. In contrast, the conceptual models are adjustable cor-
on the curing time (Yao et al. 2008a, b; Yao et al. 2009; Yao relations that integrate both the conditions of mass and energy
and Zhou 2013; Wang et al. 2015, 2018; Liu et al. 2018). exchanges and the volumes involved in the production of a
In summary, the performance of high-pressure grouting column. Still, a major shortfall related to these models is that
systems involves a number of parameters that are intrinsically the described phenomena lack a strong theoretical meaning.
characterized by complex interactions. Furthermore, the com- The theoretical and semi-theoretical models are therefore
plexity of the mechanism associated with the creation of jet- more suitable approaches, as they are based on verified laws
grouted columns is not only the origin of diameter and and notions that can describe the fluid-soil interaction mech-
strength variabilities, but also that of uncertainties related to anism (Ho 2007; Modoni et al. 2006).
the prediction of the column diameter. On the other hand, owing to their flexibility and high learn-
ing capabilities, the support vector machines (SVMs), artifi-
Prediction of jet grouting column diameter cial neural networks (ANNs), and multiple regression analysis
(MR) are the commonly used DM algorithms. These methods
As previously mentioned, the performance of jet grouting are clearly efficient in dealing with the high dimensionality of
structures is strongly dependent upon the mechanical problems encountered in geotechnical engineering (Tinoco et
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 7 of 31 459

Table 1 Some available models for the prediction of jet grouting column diameter (modified after Ribeiro and Cardoso 2017)

Categories Models Applications Comments

Empirical Covil and Skinner (1994) Single- and double-fluid More indicated for pre-designing purposes
Conceptual Mosiici (1994) – Adapted for the assessment of geometry and quality
Croce and Flora (2000) Single-fluid
Arson and Juge (2012)
Theoretical Modoni et al. (2006) Single-fluid •Relatively straightforward
Wang et al. (2012) •Advantageous in modeling and predicting column
Shen et al. (2013b) Single-, double-, and triple-fluid diameters
Semi-theoretical Flora et al. (2013) Single-, double-, and triple-fluid
Artificial intelligence Tinoco et al. (2016); Single-, double-, and triple-fluid Efficient in describing relationships among the jet
Ochmański et al. (2015a) grouting variables as well as their effects
Tinoco et al. 2014 UCS

al. 2011, 2014, 2016; Ochmański et al. 2015a; Xu et al. 2018). Furthermore, the selection of the input variables is achieved
Basically, these nonlinear statistical data modeling tools at- with regard to previous literatures and the mechanism in-
tempt to explain complex relationships among a system’s var- volves in the creation of jet columns, i.e., considering the
iables (inputs and outputs) via training it with an appropriate injection parameters and the soil properties, as discussed ear-
data set. Ultimately, these relationships are used to predict the lier in BDiameter of jet grout columns.^ As a matter of illus-
future occurrences of a given phenomenon. Yet, for achieving tration, Fig. 5 shows the ANN structure adopted by
this purpose, several steps are usually necessary. In the first Ochmański et al. (2015a), where the four variables (labeled
step (model selection), the parameter settings of the algorithm (1) to (4)) composing the input layer can be readily discerned.
are suitably selected. Subsequently, specific metrics are used At this stage, to optimize the learning ability of the network
to assess the model accuracy as well as its predictive capacity; and thus the performance of the model, a sufficient number of
this step is referred to as model assessment and performance. observation data are processed during the training phase
The final step of this procedure is the model interpretability, (Ochmański et al. 2015a; Tinoco et al. 2016).
which consists of extracting relevant knowledges from the
trained model. Indeed, one of the main limitations of the Model assessment and performance For assessing the predic-
DM algorithms is their inability to facilely provide interpret- tion quality of the trained network, two approaches can be
able outputs, which drawback can be compensated via oper- considered: (i) the first method (Ochmański et al. 2015a) in-
ating a sensitivity analysis (SA) after the training phase volves evaluating the predictive ability of the model using the
(Cortez and Embrechts 2013). mean square error (MSE) (defined in Eq. 2) and quantified its
reliability via using the mean absolute percentage error
Models based on artificial neural network (MAPE), which have the advantage (over the MSE) of giving
an approximation of the average percentage error achieved by
The models based on ANN were proposed by Ochmański et the network (see Eq. 3).
al. (2015a) and Tinoco et al. (2016) to overcome some limi-
1 n  2  2 
tations of the theoretical methods (Shen et al. 2013b; Flora et MSE ¼ ∑ Di predicted −Di measured m ð2Þ
al. 2013; Modoni et al. 2006), such as their practicability or the n i¼1

arbitrariness of assumptions considered in certain situations 100 Di predicted −Di measured j
(prediction of large columns). A detailed presentation of MAPE ¼ ∑ ð% Þ ð3Þ
n n Di measured
ANN approach and some practical case studies can be found
in Haykin (1998). (ii) The second approach suggested by Tinoco et al. (2016)
consists of adopting the three metrics frequently used for re-
Model selection In the proposed models (Ochmański et al. gression analysis, namely, the mean absolute deviation
2015a; Tinoco et al. 2016), a feed-forward ANN with a con- (MAD), root mean square error (RMSE), and the square cor-
nected multilayer perceptron involving one hidden layer is relation coefficient (R2) given respectively by the following
considered given the inherent independence between the var- Eqs. 4, 5, and 6. In this case, the high predictive capacity of the
iables involved (inputs). Tinoco et al. (2016) even suggest a model is achieved for low values of MAD and RMSE, as well
hidden layer with H processing units, multiple bias connec- as for values of R2 close to the value unity. For instance, the
tions, and logistic activation functions 1/(1 + e (−x) ). model proposed by Tinoco et al. (2016) yielded a high
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Jet grouting injection system Σ ϕ(·)

(Single, Double ,Triple fluid)
Number of nozzles (M) 1
1) Jet grouting injection system (S-D-T)
Diameter of nozzles (d) b2
Outlet velocity of cutting fluid (v o) 2) Specific energy at the nozzle
Outlet velocity of air (See Flora et al. 2013)
2 Σ ϕ(·)
Monitor lifting speed (v r) b0
Monitor rotational speed
Composition of the cutting fluid b3 COLUMN
(grout/water) Σ ϕ(·)
Σ ϕ(·)
3) Soil Type (fine, coarse, coarse+fine)
4 b4
4) Number of blows in standard
Resistance to erosion
penetration (NSPT)
Σ ϕ(·)

Synaptic weigths (wih) Synaptic weigths (who)

Fig. 5 Structure of the ANN-based model (recreated after Ochmański et al. 2015a)

predictive capacity with R2 = 1. Interestingly, the desired ac- fraction of the soil has a significant effect on the diameter of jet
curacy once achieved, it is necessary to extract the fundamen- column. These results are in good agreement with Ochmański
tal knowledges among the model variables. et al. (2015a) that observed the reducing effect of high finer
material content on the diameter of jet grouting columns, as
∑ jyk −^
^yk j well as the beneficial role of high energies against soil
i¼1 resistance.
MAD ¼ ð4Þ
u ∑ ðyk −^ ^yk Þ2 Models based on support vector machines
t i¼1
RMSE ¼ ð5Þ
The suitability to the support vector machine (SVM) algo-
0 12
N    rithm to the field of geotechnical engineering relies principally
B ∑ yk −yk ⋅ ^yk −^ ^yk C on its capability to reliably carry out prediction in multiple
B i¼1 C
R2 ¼ B s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
B N  ffi C ð6Þ regression tasks and classification (Cortes and Vapnik 1995).
@ 2 N  2 C A This section discusses the SVM-based approach proposed by
∑ yk −yk ⋅ ∑ ^yk −^ ^yk
i¼1 i¼1 Tinoco et al. (2014, 2016) respectively for predicting the uni-
axial compressive strength (UCS) and the diameter of jet
grouting columns. However, since the procedures of Bmodel
Model interpretability This step is very crucial as it allows assessment and performance^ and Bmodel interpretability^
measuring the model responses along with the variation of discussed in the previous section are also applicable to the
inputs to discretely quantify their importance and effects on SVM-based models, this section simply presents the SVM
the target variable. Tinoco et al. (2016) proposed using one- approach for Bmodel selection.^ Moreover, as the data used
dimensional SA (1-D) and two-dimensional SA (2-D). The and the approach adopted by Tinoco et al. (2016) for the
first is used for ranging the importance of the different input prediction of column diameter using ANN and SVM are rath-
variables, whereas the 2-D is performed on the Bimportant^ er identical, this section puts more emphasis on the SVM-
variables to evaluate their effects. based UCS prediction (Tinoco et al. 2014).
Following this approach, it was found that the withdrawal To improve the learning efficiency of the algorithm, Tinoco
rate of the rod, the flow rate of the cement slurry, and the jet et al. (2014, 2016) propose using the Gaussian kernel function
grouting system respectively are the most prominent factor defined by Eq. 7 and adopting the following
affecting the diameter of jet-grouted column (Tinoco et al. Bhyperparameters^ adjusted considering the heuristics sug-
2016). In addition, it was found that the decrease in the clay gested by Cherkassky and Ma (2004): penalty parameter
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 9 of 31 459

C = 3 (as a standardized output was considered), width of a ϵ- y

intensive zone ϵ = σ
^ = N (where σ ^ ¼ 1:5=N ⋅∑Ni¼1 ðyi −^yi Þ 2 ),
and the kernel parameter γ was appropriately optimized.
 0   0 2 
k x; x ¼ exp −γ⋅x−x  ; γ > 0 ð7Þ

Regarding the prediction of jet grout column for example v(r,x)

(Tinoco et al. 2016), the proposed model achieved a satisfac-
tory accuracy level with R2 = 1. On the contrary, rather low d0 v0 vmax x
accuracy results (R2 = 0.51) were obtained for the prediction
of UCS of jet columns (Tinoco et al. 2014). Nevertheless, r
Tinoco et al. (2014) contented that the applicability of the
proposed model is an important step towards the assessment
of UCS in jet grouting and even implemented a sensitivity
analysis to interpret the output data. It was found that the
mixture porosity and volumetric content of cement, the jet
grouting system, the mixture curing time, and the percentage Fig. 6 Illustration of the turbulent submerged free jet concept (recreated
of clay are the prominent variables in the prediction of UCS of after Abramovich 1963)
jet-grouted elements. Ultimately, it was demonstrated that the
curing time has the greatest influence on UCS of jet columns the fluid edges. Since the jet velocity conforms to the condi-
when the latter is constructed with the single-jet system. This tions of momentum conservation and the law of similarity, it is
again emphasizes the importance of jet grouting modeling. entirely legitimate to have Eq. 8 (Ho 2007). In this equation, v0
represents the exit velocity, and v (x,r) is the velocity at a given
Jet grouting modeling downstream distance x from the injection point (Eq. 9). The
significance of this theory for assessing the diameter of jet
A proper modeling of the phenomena associated with jet grout column is simply that it allows approximating the max-
grouting treatments is crucial as it can ensure a reliable pre- imum velocity and distance of a jet in a soil mass, as well as
diction of their effects on and or around the constructed struc- the excavated volumes. More details about this theory can be
tures. Two approaches are commonly used for achieving these found in a paper by Ho (2007).
purposes: analytical and numerical methods. vmax x0
¼ ð8Þ
v0 x

Analytical modeling 1 r2
vðx; rÞ ¼ vmax exp − ð9Þ
2 ri 2
This mathematical modeling technique aimed at explaining
and making predictions about the mechanisms involved in
jet grouting. Its implementation has mainly focused on the where r represents the cross-jet radial distance from the
prediction of the jet grout column diameter on one hand and centerline, ri is the radial distance at any point of the exponen-
the effect of high-pressure jet on the surrounding soil on the tial curve, and vmax is the maximum velocity at the centerline.
other hand. In point of fact, these two phenomena can account Moreover, for predicting the effect of high-pressure jet on
as the most critical in jet grouting practice from a technical the surrounding soil, the analytical modeling approaches
viewpoint. For deriving the equations of jet grout column adopted by various literatures (Chai et al. 2005, 2009; Wang
diameter (theoretical and semi-theoretical models discussed et al. 2013b; Wu et al. 2016a, b; Liu et al. 2017; Shen et al.
in the previous section), the modeling has been established 2017a) nearly unanimously involved another important con-
on the concept of turbulent submerged free jet illustrated in cept: the cavity expansion theory. Fundamentally, the theory
Fig. 6. This theory attempts to describe the phenomenon of a of soil cavity expansion tries to elucidate the behavior of a
fluid jet penetrating a quiescent body (in this case a soil mass). cavity in a geomaterial submitted to an expansion in the sur-
It is assumed that the radius of the jet is proportional to the rounding mass (see Fig. 7). The Vesic (1972) approach is the
downstream distance from the injection point, and also that most widely used method, as it allows the consideration of
the velocity decreases linearly with the distance from the dis- volume variations in the plastic range for elastic-plastic soil
charge location. This decline can be ascribed to the reduction constitutive models. In this approach, the soil mass is assumed
of jet energy and the resistance offered by the sol: the jet homogeneous under isotropic effective stress. The soil behav-
velocity is altered by tangential stresses that developed along ior in the elastic zone is defined by its Poisson’s ratio υ and
459 Page 10 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

approaches like discrete element method (DEM) or smoothed

particle hydrodynamics (SPH) tend to be promising due to
Plastic Zone several attractive characteristics (Jiang et al. 2003, 2004,
c, o 2011; Liu and Liu 2010).

Ri Ru Historical development and experiences

Elastic Zone
E, v from around the world
On the basis of experimental works that started in 1965, the
first version of mono-fluid jet grouting system also known as
the Chemical Churning Pile (CCP) method was developed
and patented in Japan in the early 1970s (Shibazaki 2003).
According to Xanthakos et al. (1994), the same period has
Fig. 7 Illustration of the Vesic model for cavity expansion (recreated after seen the development of the Jumbo Special Pile (JSP) in
Vesic 1972) 1972, which can be considered as the precursor of the current
bi-fluid systems. Interestingly, although the advancements in
Young’s modulus E, whereas in the plastic range, it is charac- jet grouting technology took off in the early 1970s, its imple-
terized by the Mohr-Coulomb parameters. It is also supposed mentation in other countries was not effective until the late
that as the cavity expands under uniform pressure, the sur- 1970s. For instance, countries such as the USA, China, Italy,
rounding medium goes into the plastic range. The limits of or France to name a few adopted this technique along with its
this plastic range are defined by the radius Ru (corresponding development to cope with challenging geotechnical problems.
to a pressure Pu) and Rp (beyond which corresponds the plas- The following Fig. 8 gives an illustration of the historical
tic zone). If the radius Ru is known, Rp can be calculated using development of jet grouting from the CCP to more recent
the following relationship Eq. 10. The cavity pressure Pu in technologies.
Eq. 11 is obtained from the bearing capacity theory (Chai et al.
2005). Mono-fluid system
Rp pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
¼ I rr secφ ð10Þ The earliest use of the mono-fluid jet grouting method in
Chinese soil (which corresponds to the first implementation
Pu ¼ cN c þ qN q ð11Þ
of jet grouting technology in China) dates back to the late
1970s (Shen et al. 2012a); this method was operated in
In the above formulas, Irr is the reduced rigidity index; ϕ is Shanghai for the construction of a retaining structure intended
the internal friction angle, c is the cohesion, and q is the initial to support excavation works. During the same period in the
mean normal stress. Nc and Nq are called bearing capacity USA, the mono-fluid jet method was frequently used for the
factors. stabilization of an existing railroad tunnel to minimize impact
from new tunnel construction beneath in Washington, or for a
riverwalk reconstruction project in Texas (Brill et al. 2003).
Numerical modeling Croce and Flora (2000) have also reported some applications
of the mono-fluid jet variation in Italy. These applications
This approach is increasingly adopted for explaining the include viaduct, riverwalk, and tunnel construction projects.
mechanisms associated with jet grouting. Its applications in- With regard to the application of the mono-fluid jet
clude the analysis of submerged flow (Modoni et al. 2014; grouting system, other few cases, which are not specified in
Evangelista et al. 2015), investigation of jet grouting column this paper, have also shown the importance of this variation for
response to axial load (Modoni et al. 2010), or the perfor- stabilizing soft ground. Actually, due to its simplicity, this
mance evaluation of grouted structures (Ochmański et al. technique has proven to be efficient for sealing vertical joints.
2015b). The principal characteristic of these analyses is the In addition, the mono-fluid jet grouting system was found to
application of commonly utilized computational techniques be very effective in coarse-grained soil. This aspect was also
such as finite volume method (FVM) or finite element method demonstrated by Flora et al. (2013) who have established the
(FEM). The former plays an important role in solving fluid evident influence of soil gradation on the energetic efficiency
flow problems, while the FEM is more appropriate for solid for single-fluid jet grouting. Due to the impossibility of using
mechanics applications. Apart from these methods, particle compressed air in closed underground spaces, the mono-fluid
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 11 of 31 459

1985 Super Soil stabilization 2010 Twin-horizontal jet

management grouting
2000 Super jet grouting
1980 Jet grout column 2005 Horizontal jet grouting
Bi-fluid system Specification for
Jumbo special jet
grout pile 1990 hydropower and water
Tri fluid system
1975 Jumbo special pile 2000
( JSP)

1980 system Rojin jet pile (RJP)
Chemical churning
1970 pile (CCP) 1995 TSG (Triple special
Original jet
grouting patent JSP
Fundamental CCP
1965 experiments 1990

Historical development in Japan Historical development in USA Historical development in China

(After Xanthakos et al., 1994) (After Brill et al., 2003) (After Shen et al., 2012)
Fig. 8 Historical development of jet grouting in different countries

jet grouting is also used to provide temporary support for Indeed, both the RJP and the X-jetting methods have been
tunnels (Russo and Modoni 2005). dedicated to the production of large cemented soil geometries
In spite of this, with its increasing popularity in the late (see Fig. 10), when compared to the conventional techniques.
1980s, the mono-fluid jet grouting routine has raised some However, in the X-jetting method, the soil is disaggregated
related to the variability of column diameters and their effect under the action of cross-water jets at high pressure
in the soils, as reported by Croce and Flora (2000). The re- (40 MPa)and enveloped by compressed air (0.6–1.05 MPa).
ported difficulties in controlling quality in cohesive soils, and Then the previously eroded soil is mixed with grout injected at
more importantly the relatively small diameter of jet grout a low pressure from another nozzle (see Fig. 9b). From a
column produced by the mono-fluid jet method, have initiated general point of view, the principle of this technology is
the development of a more performant variation, the tri-fluid underlined by the control of the erosion with respect to the
system that produces larger geometries. range of soils, which bring about more confidence in the final
body geometry (Burke 2004).
The UJS is an ultra-high-pressure injection method with
Tri-fluid system
innovative improvements, developed by Yong-Hyun Kim
(Shen et al. 2012a, 2013c). The method involves pre-jetting
Since the development of the tri-fluid jet grouting system in
by water and air at high pressure, as well as the injection of
the late 1980s, four typical variations have been inventoried so
cement grout mixing with soil to form columns. Indeed, the
far: the X-jetting method, the Rodin Jet Pile (RJP) method, the
monitor used in the UJS is composed of three nozzles as
ultra-jetting system (UJS), and recently the twin-jet method.
illustrated in Fig. 11. The bottom nozzle is used for the pre-
These methods have been implemented mostly in China,
jetting of water and air at high pressure when the drill rod
which, since 1990, is considered as the principal world cus-
reaches the required depth. Also, the injection of cement grout
tomer of the jet grouting technology, owing to the importance
is achieved from the lateral nozzles when the drill string is
of extensive construction projects that have been implemented
rotated upwardly. The principal characteristic of the UJS is
since then (Wang et al. 2013a).
the inclined injection operated in the pre-jetting phase, which
The Rodin Jet Pile method (see Fig. 9a) was first intro-
duced to the public by Tsujita in 1996 (Wang et al. 2013a). allows minimizing disturbance to surrounding soil. The jet
Its principal characteristic is the double erosion process car- column diameters obtained with this method vary from
ried out in the monitor. The first erosion is achieved by a high- 80 cm (cohesive soil) to 2500 mm (sandy soils). As a matter
pressurized jet of water shrouded by air, while in a lower of fact, for the reinforcement work for Mangwoo Railway
nozzle, the second involves compressed air wrapping a cone Bridge (South Korea) in 2003, jet columns of 200 cm diameter
of cement slurry at high pressure (Shen et al. 2009a, 2012b). and design strength of 8 MPa were achieved in sandy soil.
459 Page 12 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

(a) (b)
Ground surface Ground surface

Air pipe
Air pipe Water pipe Water pipe

High pressure
Grout pipe
Water jet

High pressure
High pressure
water jet
(40 MPa)
Grout pipe

Low pressure
Compressed air grout jet

Fig. 9 Schematics illustrating the general principle of a RJP and b X-jetting methods

As far as the twin-jet method is concerned, its development of the traditional jet grouting techniques is accompanied by
was also initiated by Yong-Hyun Kim in 2004 (Shen et al. harmful consequences owing to ground movements such as
2012a). This technique is characterized by a rapid set injection protuberance, upheaval (Russo and Modoni 2005; Ochmański
system on one hand and an instant solidification mechanism et al. 2015b), and subsidence (Eramo et al. 2012) in the sur-
on the other. For the latter for example, a catalyst (sodium rounding ground. The development of this new technology
silicate or water glass) is employed to speed up the gelling has thus improved the implementation of underground works
and so better the uniformity of the mixture. The creation of such as tunneling (Shen et al. 2014a; Wu et al. 2015e) and
the twin-jet technique, in fact, took place in a context where structural foundations in densely urbanized areas. Moreover,
the existing jet grouting methods were no longer sufficient to one of the earliest applications of this technology has been
overcome particular challenges such as loss of stabilizers or reported by Wang et al. (2013a); in this case, the twin-jet
ground movements. Indeed, in some situations, the execution technique was used to improve the stability (by strengthening

Fig. 10 Field trial column

diameters achievable with a RJP,
b super jet methods (source:
en/), and c UJS (source: http://
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 13 of 31 459

Ground surface

Air pipe Water pipe

High pressure
grout High pressure

High pressure
Water jet

Fig. 11 Schematic representation of the UJS principle (picture source: http://www.kftco.com/)

the piers) of the historical Nam Ji-Kyo Bridge in Korea. Yet, of the BXiao Langdi Dam project^ in the vicinity of the Yellow
the method was found effective within a challenging profile River (Shen et al. 2012a). Moreover, exported from Japan in
principally composed of cohesionless soil layers among four. the early 2000s, the first application of this technology in the
In spite of enhancing the erosive capability, the triple-fluid USA came as a part of a tunneling project in Atlantic City in
system suffers the main disadvantages of producing a larger New Jersey (Burke et al. 2000). The super jet technique was
amount of spoil that needs to be collected and conveyed to also used to carry out a cut-and-cover tunnel at the
disposal plants. Re-use of the spoil would be particularly ad- Minneapolis Airport, and Brill et al. (2003) even reported that
vantageous both from the economic and environmental the cost of this project was considerably lower than previously
viewpoints. experienced. The cases of studies related to the use of super jet
fluid method presented in this part are non-exhaustive and
Bi-fluid system circumscribed to China and the USA.
From a general standpoint, although presenting some dis-
The popularity of the bi-fluid jet grouting system reached its advantages (unsuitable for underpinning, difficulty in dealing
apex in the 1990s (Brill et al. 2003), due to the considerable with spoil, heave control in cohesive soil, etc.), the double
cost saving gained from its use on one hand and the expanded fluid allows achieving good-quality geometries.
range of applications it offered, including mass ground stabi- Additionally, compared with the other jet grouting systems,
lization, dam renovations, and horizontal bottom seal, on the the super jet technology allows important cost saving.
other hand. Furthermore, several studies agree in that the super jet
However, in the late 1990s, a new variation of the bi-fluid grouting technology achieves the largest column diameter
system has emerged in Japan: the super jet grouting technol- (Burke 2004; Brill et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2013a) and exhibits
ogy. The purpose of its development was to create larger col- the best mixing ability (Burke 2004). In point of fact, the
umns of good quality and at a reduced cost. The difference eroding effect of the jet is significantly improved by the
with the conventional bi-fluid system was therefore the injec- shrouded air that reduces the friction effects on one hand
tion of a higher volume of grout on one hand and the reduction and further enhances the spoil backflow (thanks to an uplifting
of the jet grout stream at the nozzles on the other hand (Burke effect) on the other hand.
et al. 2000; Brill et al. 2003). As illustrated in Fig. 12, this
approach involves the use of compressed air (0.7–1.05 MPa)
shrouding a cone of high-pressurized grout (30 MPa) and Case histories of the practice of jet grouting
injected simultaneously from two different nozzles arranged
oppositely. This section depicts the practice of jet grouting as adopted
One of the first applications of super jet grouting technol- around the world and throughout its evolution. In addition, it
ogy in China dates back to the year of 1995. This method was intends to highlight the suitable conditions for executing each
implemented for the construction of diaphragm walls, as part system as well as the principal factors that underpin the
459 Page 14 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

(a) Ground surface


Air pipe
Grout pipe

High pressure High pressure

grout (30 Mpa) grout (30 MPa)

Compressed air Compressed air

(0.7-1.05 MPa) (0.7-1.05 MPa)

Fig. 12 a Schematic of the super jet fluid technology. b Photograph of super jet technology (picture source: http://www.sdssytgc.com/RiZhao-ytgcxq/

modeling of jet grouting. Therefore, to strengthen the rele- approach was thus required to ensure the integrity of the
vance of our approach, two important aspects were consid- Bbeing constructed^ tunnel. After a comparative study of var-
ered. Firstly, recent and relatively old case studies and projects ious solutions, the engineers agreed on remedying this col-
are discussed herein. Then, different types of jet grouting treat- lapse with the force of a jet grouting treatment. It was decided
ments such as inclusions, liquefaction mitigation, linear and to cross the center of furrow by the single-fluid jet grouting
massive treatments are covered. The description of these pro- technique, specifically, by creating an umbrella arch of sub-
cedures is not presented in this part, but some of them can be horizontal jet grout columns along with the advancement of
found in Croce et al. (2014b). the excavation (see Fig. 14).
The construction works required intensive treatment for
crossing the furrow of 70–80 m deep and located entirely in
Linear treatment: construction of the Hurtiere tunnel the rock as shown in Fig. 13 (Bienfait et al. 1996). Also, a
(Rhone-Alpes, France) treatment involving vertical columns of cemented soil carried
out by jet grouting was also used to consolidate the alluvial
This case history focuses on the application of the single-fluid soils (consisting of sand, gravel, and silt) below the tunnel.
jet grouting for the construction of the Hurtiere tunnel, located During excavation, it was possible to verify that the actual
on the A43 motorway (Rhône-Alpes, France). Indeed, in the diameters of the columns corresponding to the theoretical val-
section Aiton-Sainte-Marie-de-Cuisne, the motorway A43 al- ue of 60 cm and that contact zones between rock and alluvial
so called Maurienne motorway had to cross two adjacent tun- materials were well treated. Furthermore, treatment effects,
nels located at the foot of a cavernous valley. On one hand, for assessed in particular by unconfined compressive strength
the West section of the tunnel (see profile A), geological sur- tests, have shown excellent results. Indeed, the UCS ranging
veys and numerous soundings allowed identifying the com- from 10 to 77 MPa were obtained, with an average value of
plex configuration in plan and the irregular depth of a subgla- 30 MPa. Such resistances in strata essentially composed of
cial furrow filled with deposits conveyed by the floods of the sand-gravel tend to be close to that of the cement concrete,
Seine. It was therefore possible to adjust the tunnel alignment but testifies, however, of a poor mixing uniformity (Shen et al.
in such a way as to remain at a sufficient distance away from 2009b).
the furrow, as shown by the Bprofile A^ Fig. 13. On the other Croce et al. (2004) have reported a case in Italy analogous
hand, the geological surveys had not detected the presence of to that of the Hurtieres tunnel. In their study, the issue of
the subglacial furrow at the right of the second tunnel section failure mechanisms during tunneling projects (Shen et al.
(profile B). In other words, the surveys could not establish that 2016) has been addressed, with a particular emphasis on the
the eastern tube would encounter the subglacial furrow about determinant role of jet grouting in the realization of grouted
50 m farther from the previous location. As a result, during the canopies (Cheng et al. 2017a, b). What is more, the efficacy of
excavation of the East tube of the Hurtières tunnel, two sud- jet grouting in controlling settlement in challenging geological
den collapses of loose materials (sand, gravel, and silt) oc- conditions was also demonstrated.
curred within the tunnel. A rapid and effective remediation
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 15 of 31 459



450 450


400 400



350 350

Fig. 13 Tunnel of Hurtieres: cross-sections at the right of the West tube (profile A) and the East tubes (profile B) (recreated after Bienfait et al. 1996)

Inclusions: rehabilitation of the RER C (subway strata to be improved were essentially composed of deposits
connecting Versailles to the heart of Paris) in France transported by the floods of the Seine, predominantly silty-
clay of low consistency. In order to minimize the harmful
This case history discusses the rehabilitation of the BRER C^ effect of ground movement to the structure, the latter was
in Paris (in 1996), located on the left bank of the Seine. The strengthened by the mean of sub-vertical jet grouting columns
project consisted of reinforcing the piers and foundation slab (see Fig. 15). However, before this treatment, trial tests were
of a trench that were subjected to some disorders. These dis- implemented to calibrate the processing parameters with re-
orders were purely the result of excessive subsidence arising spect to the expected performance. Figure 16 shows a view of
in particular from a delicate geological profile. Indeed, the the site where the traditional field trials were performed. As

Fig. 14 Typical section of

treatment by single-fluid jet
grouting in the East tube Horizontal Jet Grouting
(recreated after Bienfait et al. Columns
1996) Ø=0.6 m

7 Jet Grouting
Ø=0.6 m

foundation slab

Jet Grouting Column

Ø=0.6 m (L10 m)

Jet Grouting Columns

Ø=0.6 m (L4 and 6 m)
459 Page 16 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

Ground surface


Silty Clay

jet column
Sandy Gravel

Bi- fluid Limestone
jet column

Fig. 15 Illustration of the RER C project (Tranchee Saint Bernard) in Paris, France (1996) (source: http://www.soletanche-bachy.com)

for Fig. 17, it illustrates the results obtained by varying the less influenced by the jet grouting variation. The compressive
main jet grouting parameters: single or double jet, energy used strength of jet grout columns increased along with the in-
(flow rates, pressures), cement content. creased of cement content and depending on the type of
It was observed that the diameter of the jet grout columns soils. It varied approximately from 3 to 6 MPa for single
was of the order of 80 cm for low energies (10 to 25 MJ/m3). fluid, and from 5 to 9.5 MPa for double fluid. A similar
Moreover, for the single-jet technique, it was necessary to result is shown by Wanik et al. (2017) who observed largely
increase the jetting energy (to approximately 300 MJ/m3) to different values of the uniaxial compressive strength of sand
achieve a diameter of 180 cm, whereas with the double-jet treated with single- and double-fluid jet grouting. Figure 18
system, the same diameter was reached nearly from 50 MJ/ shows two micrographs obtained with scanning electron mi-
m3. These results notably show the advantage of the double jet croscope of samples treated with (a) single or (b) double fluid.
when it comes to producing large geometries. It was also Together with micrometric grains of quartz, present in both
concluded that the compressive strength of the columns was figures, the former scan presents plate-like aggregates of

Fig. 16 View of the on-site trial and the grouted columns obtained from the trial test (source: http://www.soletanche-bachy.com)
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 17 of 31 459

(a) (b)
Mono-fluid jet grouting Bi-fluid jet grouting
Bi-fluid jet grouting Mono-fluid jet grouting

Compressive strength (MPa)

Jet Energy (Mj/ml)



0 2
80 100 120 140 160 180 450 500 550 600 650
Column Diameter (Cm) Cement dosage (Kg/m )

Fig. 17 Result of the jet grouting trial tests of the RER C project. a Variation of column diameter with jet energy. b UCS of jet columns against cement
content (recreated after Dhouib et al. 2004)

portlandite crystals and very small particles of calcium silicate or during a seismic event, the liquefaction of loose granular
hydrate (CSH). Portlandite and CSH phases, that represent the soils may result in ground displacements and or local subsi-
typical hydration phases of cement, are absent in the micro- dence in the vicinity of the constructed structures (under-
graph of the sample treated with double fluid (b) prevalently ground stations, tunnels, pipes, etc.). To reduce their vulnera-
characterized by micrometric quartz particles. bility against these liquefaction-induced geotechnical hazards,
One of the advantages of the jet grouting method as an adequate preconstruction and or post-construction measures
inclusion technique is therefore its capability to reinforce the must be undertaken. Moreover, it is necessary to assess the
soil under and or through constructed structures. Another case effectiveness of ground consolidation techniques in reducing
of treatment by inclusion has been reported by Wang et al. the liquefaction-induced ground displacements and permanent
(2013a), about the strengthening of a historical bridge in ground deformations on the construction site. The mitigation
South Korea. approaches usually adopted in these cases involves (i) the
consolidation of liquefiable soils to prevent them from lique-
Jet grouting for liquefaction mitigation in Turkey faction and (ii) the strengthening of the relevant structures to
avoid their collapse in case of soil liquefaction. Interestingly,
The liquefaction of loose medium sands is a major concern in the jet grouting technique belongs to the second category.
the construction of underground structures, especially, in seis- The present case history summarizes the application of the
mic regions. It is widely accepted that, under seismic loading jet grouting as remediation method against liquefaction for the

Fig. 18 SEM micrographs of samples treated with a mono- and b bi-fluid sytems (after Wanik et al. 2017)
459 Page 18 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

Table 2 Geotechnical profile of the construction site (after Durgunoglu et al. 2003)

Strata Thickness (cm) Depth to the base of layer (cm) Predominant types of soils

Uncontrolled fill 0–150 0–150 Medium dense sandy silt

Alluvium 300–800 300–1000 Loose sandy silt interbedded with loose silty sand and soft clay
Colluvium (residual soil) 200–500 700–1400 Firm to stiff clay
Bedrock – – Very weak fractured micashist

construction of a cigarette factory in Turkey (Durgunoglu et the treatment process, a number of load tests confirmed the
al. 2003). The site was located in the coastal city of Izmir, effectiveness of the method. Martin II and Olgun (2006) have
which is known as a high-risk earthquake zone. The ground also reported another case where jet grout columns were suc-
investigations revealed that the stratigraphy of the site was cessfully used for liquefaction mitigation after the Kocaeli
mainly composed of alluvial deposits ranging from micaceous (Turkey) earthquake in 1999.
silt to stiff clay (see Table 2). In view of the fact that alluvial
soils have a rather high tendency for liquefaction during earth-
quake shaking, a soil improvement was required to minimize Mass treatment: tunnel excavation in Barcelona
their stiffness degradation and increase their shear resistance. (Spain)
Various improvement options were evaluated in terms of their
effectiveness, costs, applicability, and the soil conditions. This part reports the case of massive jet grout treatment that
Subsequently, the jet grouting treatment was adopted as the was undertaken for a tunnel excavation during the construc-
final implementation scheme given the relatively high com- tion of a high-speed railway link section in Barcelona (Arroyo
pressibility of the sandy silt soil in the alluvium stratum. This et al. 2012). This project was carried out following the
approach was indeed aimed at improving the soil bearing ca- partitioned section procedure and adopting two construction
pacity and reducing its liquefaction potential. approaches for the tunnel excavation: (i) the Earth pressure
The proposed jet grouting implementation scheme as- balance (EPB) shield tunneling when shafts for EPB were
sumed an area replacement ratio of Ar = 0.23, i.e., with jet readily accessible and (ii) the traditional mined excavation
columns of 80 cm diameter and spacing of 210 cm from the procedure when the opposite situation was encountered.
center of columns. In addition, the design and technical spec- Only the latter construction scheme is discussed herein. The
ifications required the production of grouted columns with principal concern during the tunnel construction was to avoid
strength values higher than 0.6 MPa. As such, a preliminary the risk of any geotechnical hazards. Indeed, the tunnel was
trial testing program was carried out for calibrating the differ- sited on the alluvial plain of Barcelona, which predominantly
ent design parameters. These field trials involved the imple- consists of quaternary deposits overlying a Tertiary substra-
mentation of the mono- and double-fluid methods for the con- tum. Figure 20 depicts the geological profile alongside the
struction of 10 grout columns (among which three were pro- concerned tunnel section.
duced using the mono-fluid system). At the completion of the Importantly, with the construction ongoing, specific inves-
testing program, the grout columns were excavated, core sam- tigations established not only a potential risk of ground flows
ples were tested for UCS, and the following results were towards the excavation at the central and most profound por-
observed. tion of the tunnel, but also the existence of granular deposits
Following the trial testing program, it was observed that the (QPAr and QR) coinciding with the water table just above the
best combination for satisfying the design requirements was tunnel head. However, as the surrounding natural ground of-
the double-fluid jet method. Indeed, the jet grout column di- fered subsequent resistance and stiffness to withstand the tun-
ameters obtained with this variation varied from 95 to 120 cm, nel construction without much deformation, the principal
while the ones obtained with the mono-fluid system were function of the jet grouting treatment was thus that of a water-
relatively smaller (55 to 60 cm) as shown in Fig. 19a. proof barrier. Hence, for the treatment of zones accessible to
Besides, value of UCS greater than 1.0 MPa was achieved the EPB shaft, double- and tri-fluid jet grout (vertical and sub-
for jet column diameters larger than 90 cm; the UCS of the vertical) columns with a design diameter of 250 cm were
columns however varied from 0.3 to 3.4 MPa. It is also note- envisaged, with the guarantee of an efficient spoil evacuation.
worthy that the increase of jet grout column diameter caused As can be seen in Fig. 21, the layout of the treatment included
by ground condition (variability of diameter) led to the de- sections simply surrounded by jet columns and sections with
crease in cement content, which at its turn contributed to the the entire tunnel face fully covered by overlapped jet grout
reduction of UCS values (see Fig. 19b). Furthermore, during columns. The primary function of these full-face sections was
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 19 of 31 459

(a) (b)
double fluid system
mono fluid system

Compressive strength (Mpa)

Compressive strength (MPa)

2 2

1 1

double fluid jet system

mono fluid jet system
0 0
50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 100 200 300 400 500 600
Jet grout column diameter (cm) Cement dosage (kg/m )
Fig. 19 a, b Results of the preliminary trial testing program (recreated after Durgunoglu et al. 2003)

to minimize the extension of hypothetic failures, by creating regarding the relationship between jetting energy and cement
longitudinally isolated zones. content of jet column diameters. Also, it was made clear that,
Furthermore, to ascertain the effectiveness of this treat- although larger amounts of water in the mixture contributed to
ment, preliminary field trials were performed prior to the ex- improving the erosive action of the jet (i.e., larger diameters),
ecution of the jet grout technique. It should be noted that as the it adversely affects the mechanical properties of the grouted
treatment addressed the problem of impermeability, the conti- elements.
nuity of the overlapped jet columns required particular atten-
tion. However, the field testing program was achieved through Field trial tests: application of RJP in Shanghai
the production of mono-fluid jet grout columns within inter-
mediate deep access ramps to the tunnel (typically clay-like The field trial tests of Rodin Jet Pile (tri-fluid system) on the
consistency). Their properties assessed by field observations Shanghai soft soils came as part of the reparation of the col-
and laboratory testing were in agreement with the results lapsed tunnel on the Metro Line No. 4 Fig. 22. Indeed in June
discussed in BInclusions: rehabilitation of the RER C (subway 2003, an anthropic-induced hazard occurred in the portion of
connecting Versailles to the heart of Paris) in France,^ Shanghai metro line located between the South Pudong Road

Fig. 20 Subsoil geological profile

(recreated after Arroyo et al. QANT
2012) QR
QANT Backfill
Water table
QR Gravel-dominated
quaternary deposit

QPA QPA Medium stiff

quaternary deposit
PM Stiff tertiary marl
Tunnel excavation
QPAr QPAr Sand-dominated
PM quaternary deposit

0 10m
Vertical scale
459 Page 20 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

Fig. 21 Illustration of the jet Full section treatment Localised treatment

grouting treatments envisaged for
the zones accessible to EPB shaft 25 Ground surface 25 Ground surface

(recreated after Arroyo et al.

15 15

Depth (m)
5 5
Tunnel section Tunnel section

-5 -5

-15 -15
-20 0 20 -20 0 20
Coordinates (m)

and the Nanpu Road station (Xu et al. 2009). The investiga- It was reported that the diameters of grouted columns
tions revealed that the severe damages to the tunnel were were influenced by the soil characteristics. In fact, the di-
principally arising from infiltrations inside the tunnel, which ameters vary with the degree of cohesion of the soil. For
caused ground loss and ground subsidence. More importantly, instance, the diameters obtained in clayey silt layer were
the company in charge of remediating was required to perform greater than those obtained in stiff silt clay. This agrees well
jet grouting in situ tests, to assess the efficacy of the RJP with the idea according to which the diameter of the col-
technology. umns is affected by the soil’s susceptibility to fluid jet. This
The construction site is adjacent to the Huangpu River, conclusion was consistent with the erodibility scale for dif-
with a particular stratigraphy distributed as follows: backfill ferent types of soils established by Burke (2004). Then
(7.6 m), clayey silt (8 m), soft clay (9.8 m), stiff clay (4.2 m), again, the mixing uniformity assessed by in situ observa-
sandy silt (9.9 m), and silty sand underlying the latter layer. tions pointed out the importance of considering the soil
Moreover, three columns (C1, C2, and C3) of 40 m long were properties during the jet grouting procedure. Indeed, as far
constructed within this problematic geological profile, using as the above-described trial tests are concerned, a satisfac-
the Rodin Jet Pile technique. More details regarding the site tory mixing was most effective in the clayey soil layer than
conditions, as well as the construction parameters of this pro- in sandy soil layer. Besides, it was demonstrated that the
ject, can be found in Shen et al. (2009a, 2012b). Also, as compressive strength of RJP columns was significantly af-
depicted in the following Table 3, the diameters of the RJP fected by mixing uniformity: more uniform was the mixing,
cylindrical grouted elements were measured at different higher was the UCS of the grouted columns (Shen et al.
depths of the implementation zone. 2009a).

Failure of the Excessive

pavement ground surface
structure distortion

Fig. 22 Damages caused by the collapse of the tunnel of the Shanghai Metro Line 4 (after Xu et al. 2009)
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 21 of 31 459

Table 3 Measured column

diameters after tests (after Shen et Soil layer Depth (m) Column diameters (m) Uniformity of column
al. 2009a)
Backfill < 7.5 2.0~3.0 Uniform
Clayey silt 7.5~16 1.6~2.6 Uniform
Very soft clay 16~25 1.8~3.3 Uniform
Stiff silt clay 25~30 0.8~1.2 Uniform
Sandy silt 30~38 1.9~2.3 Non-uniform
Silty sand > 38 ~ 2.0 Non-uniform

Implementation of the innovative elliptical jet grout column mixing uniformity, the loss of admixture, difficulties
columns for installation bottom plugs in the USA in horizontal implementation, and slow gelling (Shen et al.
2009b). In addition, this technique has demonstrated the valu-
Initially developed in Italy, the elliptical jet grouting technol- able ability to be achievable horizontally or vertically, with in
ogy relies on the alternation of slow and rapid rotational rates most cases, the insurance of satisfactory effects (Shen et al.
to produce elliptical columns. The present case history has 2012c, 2013a, c; Yuan et al. 2016). However, the effectiveness
been reported by Leoni and Pianezze (2017). It presents the of this method is frequently undermined during field construc-
application of elliptical bi-fluid system for the construction of tion, in particular when it comes determining the optimum
bottom plugs as part of a drainage project carried out in New proportions to be implemented. It is therefore believed that
Orleans in 2014. Specifically, the portion of the project the efficacy of twin-jet method can be substantially improved
discussed herein stretches (within a densely urbanized area) in terms of construction control and quality as well as eco-
from Jefferson Avenue to Prytania Street. In this case, the nomic rationality if the parameters that underpin this tech-
consolidation of the ground was an imperative requirement nique are well comprehended. Hence, an experimental study
owing to the delicate geological profile of the construction site was carried out to determine the optimum construction param-
located in the vicinity of the Mississippi River, and, in major- eters for the twin-jet method, notably, the cement content,
ity composed of very soft sensitive clays, and silty sands. The cement type, cement-water glass ratio, and water glass
choice of the bottom plug treatment was thus aimed at elimi- concentration.
nating under-seepage. The design of the treatment targeted the
full coverage of the volume sandwiched between two parallel Experimental approach
rows of sheet piles. Thus, a net improvement volume of nearly
46,000 m3 (on nearly 57,000 m3 total) was achieved by pro- This experiment was conducted on the basis of field imple-
ducing 2400 columns. These columns were however con- mentation of horizontal double-fluid jet grouting system in
structed following the two different layouts shown in Fig. 23a. Shanghai. The silt-clay suitably collected from the drilling
The traditional preconstruction trials carried out in this case was used for test specimens. Besides, the ordinary portland
allowed for the quality control and calibration of the best cement and water glass were meticulously mixed into certain
implementation scheme. The results showed that the average proportions so as to define various samples. For instance, the
compressive strengths of the elliptical columns varied from concentration of water glass was defined following a rather
2.49 to 2.21 kPa, according to the location (Jefferson Av.– simple but effective principle: in jet grouting practice, the
Prytania St.). This observation was also true for the average concentration of water glass usually varies from 10 to 70%
values of hydraulic conductivity of that varied from 5.45E − by volume, depending on the type of soil and the expected
07 to 2.67E − 07 cm/s. From a general stand point, and com- performances. Interestingly, this concentration is proportional
pared with the traditional high-pressure jetting techniques, the to the viscosity of liquid glass, which at its turn is closely
elliptical jet grouting technology is more flexible when it related to the induction time. Considering these aspects, and
comes to produce specific geometry and avoid excessive over- in order to reliably simulate different field conditions, the fol-
lapping (Fig. 23b). Accordingly, it is the recommended tech- lowing concentrations were adopted: 1:1, 2:1, and 4:1. All the
nique for enhancing productivity, reducing material waste and samples were then subjected to unconfined compressive
even construction cost (Leoni and Pianezze 2017). strength and constantly investigated after 7, 14, and 28 days
curing respectively. Also, the materials used for this experi-
ment included ordinary portland cement no. 325 and no. 425,
Improvement efficacy of twin-jet method water glass (30.4 Baume degree, modulus 2.6), silty clay (see
Table 4), and water.
The twin-jet method has overcome pressing challenges in jet The principal objectives of this approach were to investi-
grouting practice in recent year, among them the grouted gate the effects of cement content, cement type, cement-water
459 Page 22 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

Sheet piles


3.4m 7.6m



3.6m 1.1m
2.6m 1.1m


3.5m 6.1m
Layout used around the layout adopted around
Prytania St the Jefferson Av.


Elliptical columns layout Traditional columns

Fig. 23 a, b Comparison of jet grouting arrangements for the construction of bottom plugs (recreated after Leoni and Pianezze 2017)

glass ratio, and water glass concentration on compressive Tests results

strength. In point of fact, the unconfined compressive strength
(UCS) is considered as the basic mechanical index of jet- The different tests of this laboratory program were labeled as
grouted elements and used to quantitatively characterize a nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, for the effect of cement
material (Basu and Aydin 2006). In this study, the loading content, the influence of water-cement ratio, the influence of
steps and loading rates of unconfined compressive strength water-cement ratio, the effect of cement-water glass ratio, and
and compressive deformation tests were in essence based on the effect of cement type on compressive strength.
the test method for the strength of low-grade concrete speci- Moreover, the conditions of each test are summarized in
mens (Institute of Geotechnical engineering 2003). Table 5. For example, for the test no. 1 (effect of cement

Table 4 Chemical and physical mechanical parameters of mucky clay

Unit weight γ Water content w Liquid limit Plastic limit Compression modulus ES1–2 Internal friction angle Cohesion c UCS qu
(kN/m3) (%) wL/% wP/% (MPa−1) Φ (°) (kPa) (kPa)

17.1 32.65 46.82 29.98 2.23 12 14 41.3

Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 23 of 31 459

Table 5 Summary of the conditions adopted for the laboratory program

Test no. Portland cement (no.) Water glass ratio Cement content (%) Water cement ratio Water glass concentration (°Be′)

325 425 1:1 2:1 4:1 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.6:1 0.8:1 1:1 1.2:1 1.4:1 14 17 20

1 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
2 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
3 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
4 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
5 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

content on compressive strength), the ordinary portland ce- specimen was relatively higher. Plastic damage was frequently
ment (no. 325) was used, and the following cement content observed for small cement content (less than 10%).
was considered 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%. The ratio of water
to cement was taken as 1:1, while the ratio of cement to water
glass was 4:1. As for the curing period, three increments of Effect of water glass concentration on compressive strength
7 days were adopted through the duration of the test.
As depicted by Fig. 26, the compressive strength progressive-
ly decreases with the increase of the water glass concentration
Effect of cement content on compressive strength after 7 days curing. Conversely, after 14 and 28 days curing,
the compressive strengths of water samples at 14 and 28 so-
As illustrated in Fig. 24, the strength of the reinforced soil dium silicate concentrations were respectively 85.9%, and
regularly increased with the increase of cement content. In 95.8% of the specimen. It was observed that for the curing
the first stage of hardening (0–14 days), the sample strength times of 14 and 28 days, the strength of the specimen increases
increased rapidly, and yet after 28 days curing, the strength of gradually with the increase of the water glass concentration,
the specimen was still increasing. Interestingly, it was ob- until to reach a peak, then decreases progressively. The opti-
served that at low cement content (5%), the effect of the curing mum value of the water glass concentration seems to be 17°;
time on the strength of the reinforced soil was not significant. in fact, any larger value tends to reduce the strength of the
Moreover, the stress-strain relationship showed in Fig. 25 was specimen. Figure 27 shows the stress-strain relationship for
mainly in accordance with Hooke’s law for small values of different water glass concentrations, and it can be observed
stress. Conversely, at high cement content (more than 10%), that at the beginning of the force application, this relationship
and under the same magnitude of strain, the stress of the is basically consistent with Hooke’s law.

Curing time:7d 1.2 aw=30%
1.2 Curing time:14d
#325 Ordinary Portland Cement
Curing time:28d aw=25%
1.0 Water glass concentration:17 Be'
1.0 Curing period:28d
σ (MPa)

W:C 1:1
0.8 C:S 4:1


0.6 aw=15%
0.4 aw=10%

0.2 aw=5%

0.0 0.0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
5 10 15 20 25 30
ε (%)
Cement content aw(%)
Fig. 25 Stress-strain relationship of the mixed soil for different cement
Fig. 24 Unconfined compressive strength versus cement content contents
459 Page 24 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

360 600 #325 Ordinary Portland Cement

17 Be'
320 500 C:S 4:1

U C S (K P a )
U C S (k P a )

280 400 28d

240 #325 Ordinary Portland Cement 300

aw=10% 7d
C:S 4:1 14d
200 W:C 1:1 28d 200

14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Water glass concentration Be'
Water Cement Ratio
Fig. 26 Unconfined compressive strength versus concentration of water
glass Fig. 28 Unconfined compression strength versus ratio of water and

Influence of water-cement ratio on unconfined compressive

strength failure of the specimen were 0.6, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, and 1.2%,
respectively, for the following water-cement ratios 0.6:1;
Figure 28 shows the variation of unconfined compressive 0.8:1; 1:1; 1.2:1; and 1.4:1.
strength for different water-cement ratios. The compressive
strength substantially decreases as the water-cement ratio in-
creases. This can be ascribed to the increase of water-cement Effect of cement-water glass ratio on compressive strength
ratio along with the increase of water content of the specimen.
Thus, the water-cement ratio can be considered as a major Figures 30 and 31 are respectively the effect of CS ratio on the
factor affecting the strength of reinforced soil. Besides, for unconfined compressive strength and the stress-strain relation-
the different water-cement ratios, the stress-strain relationship ship after 28 days curing. It can be seen that the compressive
after 28 days curing was obtained (Fig. 29). It is shown that strength of specimens with CS ratio of 4:1 is significantly
the stress-strain relationship satisfies Hooke’s law at the be- higher than that of CS of 2:1 and 1:1. To be more specific,
ginning of the force application, and the plastic strain becomes CS ratio has a substantial effect on the strength of the speci-
obvious as the water-cement increases. Conversely, there is no men. From Fig. 31, it can be concluded that the stress-strain
noticeable plastic deformation when the water-cement is rela- curve of the specimen with CS ratio of 4:1 develops quickly.
tively small. What is more, the axial strain at the time of Besides, there is no obvious plastic deformation, and failure
specimen failure increased with the increase of water-cement
Water glass concentration :17Be'
ratio. As a matter of fact, the values of axial strain after the 0.6
#325 Ordinary Portland Cement 0.6:1
a w=10%
0.5 C:S 4:1
0.35 17 Be' 0.8:1
σ (MPa)

0.30 14 Be'
0.25 20 Be' 0.3
σ (MPa)

0.20 1.4:1
#325 Ordinary Portland Cement
a w=10%
Curing period: 28d
0.10 C:S 4:1 0.1
W:C 1:1
0.00 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 ε (%)
ε (%)
Fig. 29 Stress-strain curves of test samples in different ratios of water and
Fig. 27 Stress-strain relationship cement
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 25 of 31 459

Water glass concentration:17 Be'
#325 Ordinary Portland Cement 0.8 W:C 1:1
350 aw=10% 7d C:S 4:1
17 Be' 14d
300 28d
W:C 1:1 0.7

U C S (M P a )
UCS (kPa)

200 0.6
150 425 aw=20£¥
0.5 #
100 325 aw=20£¥
425 aw=15£¥
50 0.4 #
325 aw=15£¥
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 7 14 21 28
Cement slurry C:S Curing time for different cement grades (days)
Fig. 30 UCS versus different ratios of C:S Fig. 32 UCS versus curing time of samples with different types of
strain value is small, only 1.3%. On the other hand, for the CS
ratio of 2:1 and 1:1, specimen stress-strain curve is character- compressions increased significantly after 28 days of curing.
ized by a slower growth and a relatively larger value of failure Therefore, the cement varieties can also be considered as one
strain (2 and 4% respectively). What is more, with a CS ratio of the main factors influencing the strength of the reinforced
of 4:1, the strength is only 7.6 and 22.5% of the compressive soil. From the analysis of Fig. 33, we can see that with the
strength of the specimen. Therefore, the excessive use of water increase of cement content and labeling, the stress increases
glass considerably affects the quality of the constructed ele- with strain.
ment, in addition to be an economic loss. This aspect is thus
crucial in the determination of the reasonable proportion to be Discussion
Based on investigation described above, it appears that the
water glass concentration, water-cement ratio, cement variety,
Effect of cement type on compressive strength and CS ratio are the chief factors that affect the unconfined
compressive strength of the twin-jet-grouted element.
It can be seen in Fig. 32 that the UCS of the high-grade cement However, the effect of some factors is more pronounced than
specimen is higher than that of the low-grade cement rein- that of the others. For instance, it was found that along with the
forced soil under the same cement content. In the case of high increase of the cement content, the strength of the specimen
cement content, the compressive strength of unconfined rapidly increased with the curing time. Although this effect
0.4 0.9
425 aw=20%
C:S 4:1 0.8 #
325 aw=20%

0.7 #
0.3 425 aw=15%
#325 Ordinary Portland Cement
aw=10% #
325 aw=15%
σ ( M P a)
σ ( M P a)

Water glass concentration: 17 Be' 0.5

0.2 Curing period: 28d
W:C 1:1 0.4

Water glass concentration:17Be'
0.1 0.2 Curing period:28d
C:S 2:1 W:C 1:1
0.1 C:S 4:1
C:S 1:1
0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
0 1 2 3 4 ε (%)
ε (%)
Fig. 33 Stress-strain curves of test samples mixed with different grades of
Fig. 31 Stress-strain relationship for different ratios of C:S cement
459 Page 26 of 31 Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459

was not obvious for small cement content (5%), a substantial criteria, such as the mechanical performance, geometrical
escalation (five to six times higher) of the UCS was noticed characteristics, economic criterion, and ease of implementa-
for three times the previous value of cement content, respec- tion. Interestingly, the most significant difference between the
tively, after 14 and 15 days of curing. In addition for higher above-discussed jet grouting variations is the diameters of
values of the cement content, the UCS barely doubled from column obtained in each case and for the similar soil condi-
one curing period to another one; this may indicate the possi- tions. As a matter of illustration, it was observed that at equal
bility to obtain the targeted compressive strength by correlat- energy, the radius of columns performed with the bi-fluid
ing the cement content with the curing time. Furthermore, it system was approximately two times the one obtained with
was observed that the smaller the water-cement ratio, the the mono-fluid system. From an economic point of view, the
higher the compressive strength of the specimen. Therefore, mono-fluid method is advantageous when it comes to produc-
the inadequate increase of the cement-water content is detri- ing small diameter columns, whereas the multi-fluid systems
mental to the economics of the twin-jet method in terms of (bi- and tri-fluid systems) can easily accomplish bigger geom-
quality and control. In particular, the disproportionate pre- etries, generally up to 3 m. Moreover, to the extent that the bi-
scription of water-cement ratio may result in a poor mixing fluid and the tri-fluid systems significantly reduce the number
quality of the grouted element. Nonetheless, as discussed by of inclusions (number of operation), these two methods sig-
Eskisar (2015), increase of the cement content can result in the nificantly improved the construction speed. This aspect is par-
increase of the mixture workability. On the other hand, the ticularly relevant for cases of mass treatment, where the over-
influence of the ratio of the cement slurry (CS) and water glass lapping of grouted columns is prevalent. Furthermore, the tri-
on the compressive strength of the reinforced specimen was fluid system is the best underpinning system and the system
also demonstrated. It was noticed that the UCS increase sharp- that gives the highest quality under challenging soils (Burke
ly with the increase of cement slurry-water glass ratio. Then 2004).
again, it is believed that in addition to be an economic loss, the On the other hand, even if the jet grouting technology is
excessive use of water glass may result in the increase of soil continuously ameliorated (Atangana et al. 2018), further de-
moisture content and so affect the mixture compressive velopments must be concerned about three fundamental is-
strength throughout its gelling. Also, as highlighted above, sues: technology, environment, and modeling. Regarding the
in such conditions, the quality of the construction may be first point, improving the functionality, the flexibility, and the
jeopardized. In the same perspective, the effects of water glass reliability of the jet grouting equipment may positively affect
concentration and cement variety on the UCS were found to the implementation conditions. In particular, the heaviness,
be less significant. Indeed, by varying different varieties of the shape, and the functioning of the monitor (and or the drill
cement at different water contents, a very slight increase in stem) can be considered for optimization, as they significantly
the resistance to compression was observed. After a period of influence the construction process. For instance, recently de-
14 days, it was noticed that with the aging of the specimen, the veloped (innovative) solutions have focused on the production
resistance to compression tended to be constant. Yet, in spite of multifan-shaped or elliptical jet grouting columns that are
of the fact that the UCS of the high-grade cement specimen more viable and economic. They are particularly integral
was found higher than that of the low-grade cement reinforced when it comes to constructing bottom plugs or retaining struc-
soil, based on Fig. 22, the adoption of ordinary portland ce- tures (Shinsaka et al. 2017; Leoni and Pianezze 2017).
ment no. 325 with a 20% content arguably seems to be the best Ensuring the spoil backflow and more importantly manag-
scheme, from an economical and mechanical points of view. ing it is a formidable task in jet grouting practice. At this stage,
Using a similar approach, it was also possible to establish the a sustainable development approach is necessary and should
optimum value of the concentration of water (see the corre- integrate the recycling and reuse of the soil-cement mixture
sponding section). that returns at the surface. For this purpose, setting up a special
treatment station is thus conceivable.
Finally, performed new advances in jet grouting also in-
Synopsis and future perspectives volve developing new modeling techniques. Although the
available analytical and numerical models performed satisfac-
On one hand, as demonstrated by the previous sections, the jet torily so far, new realms should be explored, particularly when
grouting technology has considerably evolved from the the latter seem promising and tend to simulate the jet grouting
Chemical Churning Pile (CCP) to more innovative and effi- phenomena better. The smoothed particle hydrodynamics
cient technologies. As a matter of fact, the field challenges and (SPH) belongs to the set of methods possessing attractive
the quest for grouted columns more and more efficient have features. It is a meshfree Lagrangian computational technique
triggered the development of new jet grouting systems. initially developed for astrophysical applications (Gingold
However, the choice of an appropriate treatment method and Monaghan 1977; Lucy 1977) and subsequently extended
(mono-fluid, bi-fluid, tri-fluid) usually considers several to fluid dynamics and solid mechanics. The SPH is in fact
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11:459 Page 27 of 31 459

believed to be suitable for simulating specific behaviors of influence on the UCS. It follows that, at the same ce-
soils arising from its particulate nature, which is not the case ment content, the UCS of high-grade cement specimen
with traditional methods. Another example is its capacity to is higher than that of the low-grade cement reinforced
model the erosion mechanism of the soil by hydraulic jet (Bui soil. Comparably, the strength of the specimen in-
et al. 2007). Additionally, regarding the prediction of jet creases: sharply along with the increase cement slurry-
grouting column diameter, the application of artificial intelli- water glass ratio and rapidly along with that of the ce-
gence was found promising (Ochmański et al. 2015a; Tinoco ment content. Conversely, the UCS substantially de-
et al. 2016) and has paved the road for new approaches such as creases as the water-cement ratio increases.
analytic hierarchy process (AHP) (Lyu et al. 2018a, b, c) and (v) The unconfined compressive test is the quintessential
deep learning technique. It should be noted that the different laboratory approach for the quantitative evaluation of
perspectives of jet grouting development highlighted above the mechanical properties of jet grout elements, as well
are not exhaustive, given its versatility and continuous as the description of some crucial jet grouting concepts
practice. such as jet grouting efficacy and the economical usage of
jet grouting.
(vi) In terms of construction control and quality, as well as
Conclusions economic rationality, the efficacy of the twin-jet
grouting method primarily depends on the proper ade-
The present paper has systematically reviewed the develop- quacy of the key parameters used in the mixtures. These
ment and practice of jet grouting technology through some parameters are principally the cement content, the water
fundamental concepts and relevant case studies. cement ratio, and cement slurry-water glass ratio. The
Additionally, the issue of the twin-jet grouting efficacy was inadequate increase of the cement-water content is det-
discussed on the basis of laboratory experiment reported here- rimental to the economics of the twin-jet method. Yet
in. The following conclusions can be made: the excessive prescription of cement slurry-water glass
ratio may affect the mixture quality and to some extent
(i) Jet grouting was originally initiated in the UK and pro- result in economic losses.
gressively developed following the needs of wider geom-
etry, ease of implementation, economic rationality, and Acknowledgements This work was conducted under the guidance of
Prof. Shui-Long Shen from the Department of Civil Engineering,
better mechanical properties. Although its use was initial-
Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The authors would like to express their
ly circumscribed in Japan, the jet grouting technique was sincere thanks to Prof. Shen.
later gradually spread throughout China, the USA, and
Europe. This method has demonstrated a reliable ability Funding information The research work described herein was funded by
in coping (horizontally or vertically) with the most prob- the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant No.
41372283). These financial supports are gratefully recognized.
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