Liveschool - Course Information & Syllabus 2020

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Founded in 2006, Liveschool set out with the sole intention of changing how music and production are taught.
We filled what we saw as a gap between two old-world schools of education: the technical audio production
colleges and the traditional music theory institutes. By focusing on a unique blend of creative music skills and
technology, we’ve created an artist-development school for truly modern, self-sufficient music producers.

Our curriculum is unparalleled: by curating producers as teachers - artists who are currently touring, producing
and influencing the state of music locally and internationally - their proven and innovative techniques combine to
form the core of our year-long course curriculum. This knowledge-base evolves and updates ahead of the trends as
our trainers return from the field with fresh new techniques and discoveries to add to the courses. Some of these
trainers, like Flume, go on to achieve great things and their contributions throughout our courses remain. In this
way our students learn the most cutting-edge workflows combined with proven successful techniques.

Our teaching philosophy is also unique. We combine 4 elements of learning: real-time learning from producers and
peers, at-home online exercises created by our artists and trainers, defined creative projects with deadlines, and the
time and space to experiment.

It’s this 4th aspect that is so unique and, we feel, so critical. There is more space for experimentation and discovery
in the course schedule because the knowledge we provide means much more when you put your own personality
into it and allow your sound to develop and grow. It’s for this reason that our year-long Produce Music course is
punctuated with intense bursts of music-creation and mentorship.

In doing so, we hope that we can help you produce music to the best of your abilities. Our dedicated artist support
team is always on hand to help you along the way and our network of peers, graduates and industry friends should
mean that your time at Liveschool resonates long after your last class finishes.

Adam Maggs
School Principal, Liveschool
Ableton Certified Trainer
Our Courses

Produce Music Remix & Create

A comprehensive electronic music production The Remix & Create course provides a
course, taught by Ableton Certified Trainers comprehensive understanding of in Ableton
and award-winning artists, producers and Live and a primer on the 4 fundamentals of
industry professionals. Includes Remix electronic music production: drum production,
& Create, Sound Design, Music Theory, sound design, music theory and mixing.
Arrangements and Mixing & Mastering.

Perform Live Release Music

The Perform Live course covers turning your Release Music covers the ins and outs of
studio productions into a playable live show, releasing your productions into the world.
ready to tour. In this course you’ll develop a Create your brand, build your audience and
show that you love performing - one that’s assemble your team as you prepare and launch
deeply engaging for you, your audience and your release.
any other players involved.
SYDNEY STUDIO This course is only available to Produce Music

Many great artists and producers work with just their laptop and a minimum of extra gear, and at Liveschool we
encourage you to make the most with what you’ve got. It’s musical ideas, knowledge and skills that separate
great artists from the rest - not equipment.

That said, the learning facilities we provide are precision-audio environments and state-of-the-art professional
studios. This is so you hear precisely the techniques as they’re being taught and learn the principals of in-the-box
audio production from the hardware equipment it’s modelled on.

The Classroom The Studios

A one-of-a-kind music studio and learning space Sydney’s best-equipped recording studio is a part
described by Audio Technology Magazine as “a of the same facilities as the Liveschool classroom.
unique mixing environment that breaks new ground”. This is where our Mixing classes are held.
All classes, except Mixing and Mastering are taught
•  Two recording floors
here. Students have extra access to the room before
•  Control room with high-end outboard equipment
every class.
•  Production credits include:
•  Acoustically designed and treated for great •  The Presets
sound. •  Azealia Banks
•  Circular communal workbench for collaborative •  World class soundtracks:
learning and music making. •  Baz Luhrmann
•  Equipment: Ableton Push, vintage and modern •  George Miller
hardware synthesisers, drum machines and •  Elliot Wheeler
outboard effects.
“Couldn’t be happier with where I am with
my music today, how comfortable I am with
it and with Live’s interface. If it wasn’t for
Liveschool I would be absolutely nowhere!”

Rupert (aka Perto), Artist & Liveschool Graduate

Trainers &
Course Contributors

Josh Molony Doug Wright Nina Wilson Thomas McAlister

Setwun Fishing / Body Promise / HED Ninajirachi Big Ever
Ableton Certified Trainer Ardennes / Ten Brains Ableton Certified Trainer

Sam Sakr Katie Campbell Dylan Martin Paris Forscutt

Sakr Roza Terenzi Royalston Made in Paris

George Nicholas Laura Jane Lowther Tim Watt Adam Maggs

Seekae Kucka Mix Engineer / Vocal Producer Ableton Certified Trainer
Ableton Certified Trainer

Course Contributors

Michael Di Francesco Bill Day Harley Streten Anthony Garvin

Touch Sensitive Mr. Bill Flume Ableton Certified Trainer


Alumni Hub Personal Mentor

Our Student Community Portal is a space for At various points throughout our courses, you have
Liveschool students and alumni to connect, the opportunity to send in music you have been
collaborate, find inspiration and get things done - working on, which we will provide personalised
online and in the real world. feedback and advice on.

Produce Music students have lifetime access Your personal mentor will help with breakthroughs
to learning materials, exclusive masterclasses, directly in your own music projects to increase your
collaboration events, and the alumni / industry fluency in completing tracks.

Alumni Events Discounts and Special Offers

Beyond our regular classes, we host a range of events All Liveschool students are eligible for student pricing
in person and streamed online from our Sydney, Los on Ableton Live, special offers on Ableton Push 2 and
Angeles and Berlin locations for our students and many exclusive deals from our industry friends on
graduates. This is a lifetime benefit as a Produce equipment we use professionally and personally.
Music graduate.
Offers change, but you’ll find deals on things like
Connect and collaborate with other students and studio equipment, studio hire and production
alumni. Attend specialised masterclasses, guest talks, services.
listening and feedback sessions.
“Liveschool gave me the tools to optimise my
workflow in a way that suited me. It helped
me translate my tracks in to a live set. Now I
feel confident using my live setup to loop and
sample on the fly.”

Olympia (aka Mookhi), Artist & Liveschool

Past Graduates & Alumni

We couldn’t be more proud of the achievements of our graduates. With our close industry ties, we always
endeavour to get our students heard by some of the best A&R people in the business.

The work, effort and talent are all theirs - we’re just glad to have been able to play our small part in helping them
on their way.

Here’s a small sample of what they’ve been up to.

Released on labels such as

Played on stages like

Notable Graduates

monthly listeners
monthly listeners
monthly listeners
monthly listeners
monthly listeners

monthly listeners
monthly listeners
monthly listeners
monthly listeners
monthly listeners

monthly listeners
monthly listeners
monthly listeners
monthly listeners
monthly listeners
Produce Music

A comprehensive electronic music

production course, taught by Ableton
Certified Trainers and award-winning artists,
producers and industry professionals.
Produce Music is available as a year-long
paced course, or a 6 week intensive course
followed by 6 months mentorship.
Produce Music is made up of 6 individual
modules; Begin, Remix & Create, Sound
Design, Music Theory, Arrangements and
Mixing & Mastering.

training with Ableton

Begin Remix & Create

The essential workflows and features to get you Get a comprehensive understanding of writing
started with producing your music in Ableton original music in Ableton Live 11 and a primer
Live 11. Create your first beats, get hands- on the 4 fundamentals of electronic music
on with controllers, work with effects and production: drum production, sound design,
get comfortable with Live’s workspaces and music theory and mixing.
primary workflows.
Create and discover
your sound.

Sound Design
The Sound Design module teaches you how to
harness the power of all the instruments built
into Ableton Live Suite.
Music Theory Create your own drum sounds, basses, voices,
pads, effects and much more, and learn how
The Music Theory module will dramatically
to use these parts in the context of creating a
speed up your writing process, open up your
whole song.
musical capabilities and give you a better
understanding of what other artists are doing
in their music.
Unlike formal music theory study, our
methods are completely hands-on, and
focuses on techniques specific to writing in
modern music styles, genres and moods.

Complete your tracks

to a release-ready

Arrangements Mixing & Mastering

One of the hardest aspects of producing Get the skills and knowledge you need to
original music is knowing how to turn a great transform your rough mixes and demos into
idea or section of music into a completed, release-ready tracks.
fully-developed piece of music.
Grasp the concepts behind creating
The Arrangements module tackles this very professional mixes and commercial grade
problem, helping you move past the creative masters, as well as how to effectively use EQ,
blocks that can result in songs never being compression, stereo image, saturation and
finished. more to make your music shine when mixing
in Ableton Live.
Perform Live

Take your music to the stage. Your studio

productions as a playable live show,
ready to tour.
Perform Live is an 12 week course and
coaching program taught by Ableton
Certified Trainers at our Sydney studios.

Structure to deliver and

freedom to express.

Structured Performance Techniques

The essential workflows to give you
confidence on-stage. Proper preparation
to nail each show and land each peak,
knowing your songs and setup will deliver
every time.

Improvised Performance Techniques Course Requirements

That riveting, captivating magic spark Perform Live has a prior-knowledge
that makes every show a one-of-a-kind, requirement equivalent to our Remix
doesn’t happen by accident. It’s freedom & Create module, and that you already
by design. These workflows are the essence have a collection of original music you
of responding to your surroundings and can work with during class and in your
connecting with your audience. end-of-course performances.
Designed by you, for
your audience.

Workflow design
In the design phase we’ll work together on
your show from the inside and out.
Transforming your songs and projects for
Ableton Live at the heart performance, as well as defining how you’ll
connect with it physically. Equipment options,
Ableton Live connects you to your music,
interaction workflows, and how it all comes
your equipment and the venue. And it’s
together to form one seamless unit.
essential to make the most of what it can
do for your show. But screen-time on stage
can disconnect you from your audience.
We’ll be working with you to configure your
set to go beyond the qwerty keyboard.
With so many possible set-ups, what works
for you? Our incredible array of gear is at your
disposal and we’ll guide you on what to try
out so you can decide.

Countdown to your
first sound on stage

Coaching and troubleshooting

Coaching sessions are the crucial weeks
where your show comes together,
honing it until it’s expressive and bullet-
proof. Under expert guidance and advice Show time is go time
you’ll develop, troubleshoot and refine
A show date is a deadline that hears no
your set so it’s ready for launch.
excuses or accepts no delays. And it’s also
pure exhilaration for the well-prepared. At the
final session everyone plays their set live, in a
closed-door performance.
Course pricing


Sections Sections Sections Sections

Creative and Technical Song

Remix Remix -
and Set Prep

Create Create - Solo and Band Performance

Focus On: Sound Design Focus On: Sound Design
Video and Streaming
Focus On: Music Theory Focus On: Music Theory
Live Stage Performance
Focus On: Arrangements Focus On: Arrangements
Lighting and visuals
Focus On: Mixing & Mastering Focus On: Mixing & Mastering

Duration Duration Duration Duration

12 Months (Standard) or 8 Weeks (Standard) or 32 Weeks (Standard) or 12 weeks

6 Weeks (Intensive) 2 Weeks (Intensive) 4 Weeks (Intensive)


Standard Workload Standard Workload Standard Workload 8 x 3 hour class weekly classes +
set prep
1 x 3 hour class p/week 1 x 3 hour class p/week 1 x 3 hour class p/week

3 hour online learning p/week 3 hour online learning p/week 3 hour online learning p/week 4 x performance weeks

Location Location Location Location

Sydney Studio

Pricing Pricing Pricing Pricing

AUD $6,774.00 AUD $2,412.00 AUD $5,576.00 AUD $2,915.00

USD $6,097.00 USD $2,171.00 USD $5,018.00

EUR €4,945.00 EUR €1,761.00 EUR €4,070.00

* Instalment plan available * Instalment plan available

“The fact that I could learn from artists whose
music I had actually heard on the radio,
whose opinion I respected and that I could
get feedback from in a matter of minutes was

Douglas (aka Donatachi), Artist & Liveschool

Application process

The application is simple!

You fill out the form, we get in touch with you
for a brief interview and successful applicants
receive a placement offer to enrol.

Apply online at

Book a meeting with our artist support
team to discuss course options

Receive a placement offer to enrol

Fee payment to secure your seat
+61 2 8065 6913
Sydney | Los Angeles | Berlin

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