Block Plan 2

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Daily Teaching Schedule

Week of February 14th to February 18th

Student’s Name: Kaylee McCall Student’s Phone: (716)969-6228

Cooperating Teacher: Sara York Grade/Subject: Kindergarten

Room Number School Building: College Square Elementary

Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

Date: 2-16 Date: 2-17 Date: 2-18 Date: 2-14 Date: 2-15
9:30-9:50 9:30-9:50 9:30-9:50 9:30-9:50 9:30-9:50
Morning Morning Morning Morning Morning Meeting
Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting
10:35-11:15 10:35-11:15 10:35-11:15 9:50-11:15 Heggerty
Heggerty Heggerty Heggerty Heggerty Standard - CC.1.1.K.C
Demonstrate understanding of spoken words,
Standard - CC.1.1.K.C Standard - CC.1.1.K.C Standard - CC.1.1.K.C Standard - CC.1.1.K.C
syllables, and sounds (phonemes). • Recognize and
Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate understanding
produce rhyming words. • Count, pronounce, blend,
spoken words, syllables, and understanding of spoken understanding of spoken of spoken words, syllables,
and segment syllables in spoken words. • Blend and
words, syllables, and words, syllables, and and sounds (phonemes). •
sounds (phonemes). • segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken
sounds (phonemes). • sounds (phonemes). • Recognize and produce
words. • Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial
Recognize and produce Recognize and produce Recognize and produce rhyming words. • Count,
vowel, and final sound (phonemes) in the
rhyming words. • Count, rhyming words. • Count, rhyming words. • Count, pronounce, blend, and
three-phoneme (CVC) words.
pronounce, blend, and pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken
pronounce, blend, and
segment syllables in segment syllables in words. • Blend and segment
segment syllables in spoken spoken words. • Blend and spoken words. • Blend and onsets and rimes of
words. • Blend and segment segment onsets and rimes segment onsets and rimes single-syllable spoken
of single-syllable spoken of single-syllable spoken words. • Isolate and
onsets and rimes of
words. • Isolate and words. • Isolate and pronounce the initial, Language Arts
single-syllable spoken words. pronounce the initial, pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final
• Isolate and pronounce the medial vowel, and final medial vowel, and final sound (phonemes) in the Week 4, Unit 3, Day 2
initial, medial vowel, and final sound (phonemes) in the sound (phonemes) in the three-phoneme (CVC)
three-phoneme (CVC) three-phoneme (CVC) words.
sound (phonemes) in the Standard - CC.1.1.K.D
words. words.
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis
three-phoneme (CVC) words.
skills in decoding words. • Demonstrate basic
knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondence. •
Associate the long and short sounds with common
Language Arts spellings for the five major vowels. • Read grade-level
Week 4, Unit 3, Language Arts Language Arts high-frequency sight words with automaticity. •
Language Arts Distinguish between similarly spelled words by
Day 3 Week 4, Unit 3, Week 4, Unit 3, identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Week 4, Unit 3,
Day 4 Day 5 Day 1 ● Drill sounds/
Standard - CC.1.1.K.D
Know and apply grade-level warm-up
Standard - CC.1.1.K.D Standard - CC.1.1.K.D ● Word Play (cvc words)
phonics and word analysis Standard - CC.1.1.K.D
Know and apply grade-level Know and apply
skills in decoding words. • Know and apply ● Listen for sounds
phonics and word analysis grade-level phonics and
grade-level phonics and
Demonstrate basic knowledge skills in decoding words. • word analysis skills in Long (made) and short (mad) vowels
word analysis skills in
Demonstrate basic decoding words. •
decoding words. •
of one-to-one letter-sound knowledge of one-to-one Demonstrate basic Demonstrate basic (lead, led, lit, light, fit, fight, cop,
correspondence. • Associate letter-sound correspondence. knowledge of one-to-one knowledge of one-to-one
• Associate the long and letter-sound letter-sound cope)
the long and short sounds with
short sounds with common correspondence. • correspondence. • Associate ● Echo/find Letters & words
common spellings for the five spellings for the five major Associate the long and the long and short sounds
major vowels. • Read vowels. • Read grade-level short sounds with common with common spellings for (tax, dot, pal, fox)
high-frequency sight words spellings for the five major the five major vowels. • ● Introduce new sight words:
grade-level high-frequency
with automaticity. • vowels. • Read grade-level Read grade-level
sight words with automaticity. Distinguish between high-frequency sight high-frequency sight words up & go
• Distinguish between similarly spelled words by words with automaticity. • with automaticity. • ● Valentine CVC words
identifying the sounds of the Distinguish between Distinguish between
similarly spelled words by
letters that differ. similarly spelled words by similarly spelled words by Handout - practicing short e
identifying the sounds of the identifying the sounds of identifying the sounds of
letters that differ. the letters that differ. the letters that differ.
● Drill Read Aloud:
sounds/ ● Drill Happy Valentine’s Day, Little Critter
● Drill
warm-up ● Drill sounds/
● Word Play sounds/ warm-up
Standard - CC.1.3.K.K
warm-up Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose
(nonsense warm-up ● Word Play and understanding.
● Word Play
words) ● Word Play (cvc words)
(cvc Writing: Sight word practice
(nex, vit, pix, boz, (cvc words) ● Alphabet
tup) (beg, led, fig, cop review
● Teach Standard - CC.1.4.K.B
● Valentine ten, bet) ● Echo/find Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to
Trick focus on one specific topic.
Letters ● Valentine Letters &
Words (is,
Handout - Letters words
his) Read Aloud:
practicing Handout - (wax, fix, yet, jug)
● Echo/ Happy Valentine’s Day, Little Critter
short a practicing
● Introduce short e ● Valentine
Formation Standard - CC.1.3.K.K
new sight ● Introduce CVC words Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose
(white and understanding.
word: they new sight Handout -
(wax, bib,tug, vet) word: for practicing
short a
Read Aloud:
● Introduce Read Aloud: Froggy’s First Kiss ● Introduce
new sight Try A Little new sight
word: here Kindness Standard - CC.1.3.K.K word: soon
Actively engage in group
reading activities with purpose
Read Aloud:
● Valentine Standard - CC.1.3.K.K The Night Before
and understanding.
Actively engage in group
CVC reading activities with purpose
Valentine’s Day
words and understanding. Writing: Gumball
Handout - Standard - CC.1.3.K.K
machine heart Actively engage in group
practicing Writing: Sight reading activities with purpose
short u Word practice and understanding.
Standard - CC.1.4.K.B
Use a combination of
Read Aloud: drawing, dictating, and Writing: Sight
writing to focus on one
Penguins In Love Standard - CC.1.4.K.B
specific topic. word practice
Standard - CC.1.3.K.K Use a combination of
Actively engage in group drawing, dictating, and
writing to focus on one
reading activities with
specific topic. Standard - CC.1.4.K.B
purpose and understanding. Use a combination of drawing,
dictating, and writing to focus

Writing on one specific topic.

“Things I Love”

Standard - CC.1.4.K.B
Use a combination of
drawing, dictating, and
writing to focus on one
specific topic.

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