Intro To Chemistry Class Syllabus: Teacher: Mrs. Tara Goble Tara - Goble@carter -

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Intro to Chemistry Class Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Tara Goble

A. This class is an introduction to chemistry.
B. This class frequently utilizes paired or group work.
C. This class does not have a textbook that is assigned to you.


Grades will be given for participation, homework, projects, quizzes, tests and the final
exam. Each will count as a different percentage of your grade.
1. NOTEBOOKS and PARTICIPATION (15%)- Class work will include individual
assignments, lab data sheets, group work, reflections, etc. These will all go into your
notebook, and be reviewed randomly. Following class procedures, paying attention to
class discussions, being prepared for class, and remaining on-task are all components
of participation.
2. PROJECTS and HOMEWORK (20%)- Both individual and partner projects will be
assigned. Work on projects may be done in class and/or at home. Homework will be
assigned for out of class completion.
3. QUIZZES and TESTS (55%)- Quizzes will be given on a random basis. Tests will be
given at the end of each unit. Tests will include multiple choice and open response
4. FINAL EXAM (10%)- A final exam will be given at the end of the term. It will be
cumulative, and cover all material from the entire term.


A. Come to class prepared with paper, pencil and notebook.
B. When the tardy bell rings, all students should be in their assigned seat and
consciously working on the bellwork.
C. After the bellwork, the teacher will explain the daily learning goals and review any
necessary material from previous days.
D. "Teacher-centered" time will then begin, with notes, demonstrations, and/or
E. "Student-centered" time will be next, with students actively engaging in assignments,
team/group work or activities. Work will be placed in science notebook.
F. Students will participate in reflection and/or review at the end of class. This may be
done verbally or on paper. Written reflections will be placed in science notebook.
G. Students will remain seated until the bell rings.


A. Absences
1. Only students with excused absences may make up points, in accordance with
school policy.
2. You have the same number of days to make-up work as excused days absent.
Absent 1 day, you have 1 day to submit work. Absent 2 days, you have 2 days to
submit work.
3. Participation points cannot be made up, even with an excused absence. However, if
the absence is excused the missed points will be dropped from grade calculation.
4. If you miss a lab or activity, you will be required to complete an alternate
assignment on the same topic.
5. If you miss a quiz or exam, you must take it the day you return to school. You may
be given an alternate test that covers the same content in a different format.
6. It is your responsibility to gather work missed and turn it in to teacher within
required time frame.
B. Tardies
1. Only excused tardies will be able to receive full participation points, and will
receive no points for daily bellwork.
2. Multiple tardies will be handled according to school policy.
C. Leaving the room
1. All students will be able to leave the class only 6 times for the entire term. This
includes going to the restroom, your locker and other errands. After that, you will
forfeit your participation points and bellwork points to leave class. This does not
include when you are called out of class by the office, another teacher, school
activities, etc.
2. The only exception to this is students who have a documented medical condition or
a physician’s note.

A. Pencil and paper are required daily.
B. Notebooks must be brought to class daily. This will hold the materials for each unit.


A. Be respectful of yourself, your teacher, your peers and your school.
B. Be responsible by bringing materials needed and acting maturely.
C. Be resourceful by searching for knowledge or answers to your questions.

I have read and understand the syllabus for Chemistry. I agree to follow
the included rules and procedures.

_______________________________________ ______________________
Student signature Date
I have read and understand the syllabus for my child’s Chemistry class. I
agree to encourage my child to follow the included rules and procedures.

_______________________________________ ______________________
Parent/Guardian signature Date

_______________________________________ ______________________
Parent/Guardian email address Contact number

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