Chemistry Syllabus

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Chemistry The Science of Everything

Course Syllabus: 2019-2020

I. Instructor Information
Teacher: Mr. Brian Martin
Contact Information: Please feel free to call, text, or e-mail me about any questions. If you call or
text before 10:00 pm I will try to respond that evening.
1. Phone: 484-645-6193
2. E-mail:
3. Website:

II. Course Description

This course studies the composition and properties of matter. It includes topics like
measurement, atomic structure, chemical bonds, chemical composition and reactions, gases, solids,
liquids, solutions, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, acids, bases, oxidation and reduction,
organic chemistry, biochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. A scientific calculator is required. Students will
participate in weekly laboratory assignments. Students will also complete a long term chemistry project
that will count for a large portion of their grade. This will culminate with a presentation at the science
fair/grandparents day.

III. Goals and Aims

A. Appreciate the law and order that governs the universe
B. Be prepared for college level science classes
C. Develop general problem solving abilities
D. Encourage interest in scientific and chemistry related fields.

IV. Objectives
A. Understanding varying fields within chemistry and its application
B. Demonstrate the factor label method
C. Calculate accurately and precisely
D. Diagram various theories on matter composition
E. Classify elements
F. Memorize element properties
G. Apply stoichiometry
H. Balance chemical equations
I. Apply laws of energy and heat
J. Fill electron orbitals
K. Utilize the design process and a variety of resources (educational technology, information,
materials, tools, machines) to safely and efficiently develop solutions to problems that require
integration of concepts and skills from STEM disciplines.
L. Apply the Laws of Thermodynamics
M. Apply mathematical and scientific formulas, principles, reasoning, and precise language to predict
outcomes and solve technological and engineering problems
N. Apply course concepts by successfully completing lab demonstrations
O. Complete a chemistry related research project
V. Textbooks and Instructional Recourses
A. Chemistry: Precision and Design – Abeka
B. Chemistry Laboratory Manual – Abeka
D. Material Safety Data Sheets
E. Crash course chemistry videos
F. Tyler DeWitt chemistry videos
G. Chemsurvival Enterprises videos

VI. Equipment and materials

A. Scientific calculator: chemistry involves a great deal of math so you should bring a calculator to
class every day.
B. Notebook (This can be paper kept in your 3-ring binder)
C. Three ring binder
E. Pen and pencil

VII. Course Requirements

The prerequisites to this course are a …
1. 70% or higher in Physical Science
2. 70% or higher in Algebra I
3. Basic computer and research skills
(Exceptions will be considered on an individual basis)

VIII. Logistics
A. Procedures and Expectations
1. Student should record assignments.
2. Daily participation in chemistry is expected. We do a lot of calculations and problems
together as a class.
3. Keep a binder to organize all the course materials. (homework, class notes, pre-lab
assignments, lab reports, quizzes, and tests)
4. Attend class three days a week. I should be notified ahead of time if you will be absent.
5. Absent students are responsible for all catch-up work.
6. Students should be in their seats by the time the bell rings.
7. Test and quizzes should be overturned and placed on the corner of one’s desk or handed
in when finished.
8. During instructional time students are expected to remain quite (except for relevant
questions), take notes, and pay attentions. Students who engage in disruptive behavior
will receive a verbal warning. A second offense may require that you stay for a chat at the
end of class.
9. When given in class work time collaboration among students is allowed. Communication
is generally restricted to course material. Voices should stay at a whisper.
10. All work should be done neatly and in an organized manner. Sloppy work may have to be
11. Pay attention when other people are speaking.
B. Rules
1. School rules will be upheld in my classroom
2. Students who have to leave class after the bell to retrieve classroom materials, get drinks,
or use the restroom will receive an irresponsibility.
3. Late homework will be penalized according to PVMS policy.
(I will overlook one late assignment and one irresponsibility point per quarter. (Late homework must still be
4. Respect school property, the teacher, co-students, and other’s time and resources.
5. Maintain a positive attitude about life and learning.
6. Laboratory rules are located on the student safety contract.

C. Class Logistics
1. Homework: Students will be given homework assignments to practice their skills. These
assignments are crucial for students to expand their understanding, and will give both the
teacher and student an opportunity to check comprehension of the material before
moving on. Homework assignments will be discussed and checked the next day in class,
giving students the opportunity to ask questions to further increase their understanding.
Homework is due at the start of the class period. Each paper must contain a headings
which include the student’s name and lesson/assignment/page numbers. All homework
must be done in pencil.

2. Quizzes: Quizzes help you and me determine how well you are mastering the material
and what parts aren’t clearly understood. To receive full credit all work must be shown
when applicable. Most quizzes will be announced, but some may be unannounced.

3. Notes Quizzes: Every chapter will have a notes quiz near the end. They will include
important concepts from the chapter. Student may use any notes taken in class to
complete the quiz. You may not use your textbook.

4. Tests: There are 12 tests throughout the year. They will be closed books, notes, and
friends unless told otherwise. Test fix-ups: After a test has been returned and you would
like to improve your score, you may ask me for a test make-up plan. If you follow the plan
you can earn full credit for the fix-up. Plans may vary by test. Intermediate work, if
needed, must always be shown to get full credit, even if you use a calculator. I generally
give partial credit on tests for correct work even if the final answer is incorrect.
5. Projects: This course requires the completions of a research project. More details will be
given in the future.

D. Lab Logistics
1. Chemistry is a lab course, you will participate/complete one lab activity per week. Most
lab activities have a pre-lab assignment and a post-lab report.
2. Because of safety issues, I am extremely particular about students’ knowledge related to
safety. We will go into detail about proper procedures. These must be followed with
great care. A lab safety exam will be administered at the beginning of the year and a
score of 100% is required to participate in labs.
3. Labs need to be cleaned up before the end of class. No lab materials should be left on the
floor or counters. Equipment should be cleaned and returned to the proper place.
4. Pre-Laboratory Activity
Each prelab assignment must be completed before the weekly lab activity. It needs to
include the following five components: 1) appropriate heading, 2) title, and purpose, 3)
equipment and supplies (this includes PPE which you must ascertain from the MSDS sheets),
4) Risks associated with the equipment and supplies, 5) Pre-Lab assignment answers and/or
solutions located in your lab manual.

5. Post-Laboratory Report
Each lab report should be completed, torn out of your laboratory manual, and handed in
by the following Monday at the end of the day.

IX. Methods
A. Teaching Methods
1. Lectures 2. Demonstrations 3. Cooperative learning
4. Projects 5. Multimedia 6. Discussions
7. Field Trips

B. Assessment
1. Exams 2. Quizzes 3. Review 4. Homework
5. Projects 6. Presentations 7. Laboratory activities

X. Grading Policies
A. Tests 50% B. Homework 10% C. Projects 5%
D. Notes Quizzes 5% E. Quizzes 15% F. Pre-lab Assignments 5%
G. Lab Reports 10%

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