Expt. 1 Preparation and Use of Buret

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1 Preparation and Use of Buret


A. Familiarization with Glassware/Apparatus

Glassware/Apparatus Function/Usage
Graduated cylinder A tall narrow container with a volume scale
used to accurately measure volume of a liquid.
Also known as the conical flask, has a wide
Erlenmeyer flask base with a flat bottom and an inverted
cylindrical neck used to mix different
chemicals or to contain titrate of a solution.
Has a bulb shape, long neck, and rounded
Volumetric flask bottoms used to prepare and measure
chemical solutions. It is used to make up a
solution to a known volume.
Often called a bulb pipette because of their
Pipette shape, has a long tube-like shaft at the bottom
and top. This is used to transfer a single,
predetermined volume of liquid.
Beaker A cylindrical container used to store, mix, and
heat liquids.
A graduated glass tube with a stopcock at the
Burette end, it is used to accurately dispense small
volumes of liquid called aliquots, or sometimes
gas, with high accuracy.

B. Familiarization with Laboratory Techniques

Laboratory Technique Effect on the concentration of analyte
Assure that the stopcock is in close To assure that the titrant will not sink
Record your starting volume every trial One should know the volume every trial in
during the experiment order to complete the estimated volume of the
titrants needed in titration
Check the column for air bubbles and The air bubbles may affect the reading of the
gently tap to free them from the volume if not removed.
Note that the liquid forms a concave The water pulls itself up the sidewalls of the
meniscus glass.
Read the volume from the bottom of the To achieve accurate results, one must read at
meniscus at eye level the bottom of the meniscus at eye level and if
not, errors or inaccurate results might occur.
C. Experimental Data

1. Using a 25-mL glass stoppered burette filled with distilled water and with an initial
reading (IR) of 0.00 mL, if about 1/3 of the content is run down record the final reading
(FR) for Trial 1. For trial 2 run down another 1/3 of the content. Record the IR and FR of
the second trial.

2. Using a 25-mL rubber stopper burette filled with distilled water and with an initial
reading (IR) of 0.00 mL, if about 1/4 of the content is run down record the final reading
(FR) for Trial 1. For trial 2 run down another 1/4 of the content. Record the IR and FR of
the second trial.

3. Complete the table.

1. Burette with Glass Stopper

Final reading 8.33 mL 13.88 mL
Initial reading 0.0 mL 8.33 mL
Volume Used 8.33 mL 5.55 mL

2. Burette with Rubber Stopper

Final reading 6.25 mL 10.9 mL
Initial reading 0.0 mL 6.25 mL
Volume Used 6.25 mL 4.7mL

D. Guide Questions

1. Basically, when is glass stoppered burette used?

A glass stopper is basically used in quantitative analysis to measure the volume of a
liquid or gas.

When is rubber stoppered burette used?

It is used to prevent the contamination of samples by protecting sample from air.

When is a PTFE burette used?

Used for accurate dispensing of variable, and for measuring the volume of a liquid,
especially of one of the reagents in a titration.
2. Describe the recommended method for the manipulation of a burette stopcock
during titration.
As the burette if filled with the solution, the stopper is opened which allows the valve
and dropper to fill with the liquid. If adding a solution from the burette to the Erlenmeyer
flask, one must ensure to transfer it carefully by dropping one at a time. Once the end
point is reached, carefully add the acid or base.

3. Why is it necessary to completely fill the rubber tubing of the stopcock with the
solution before titration?
The air bubbles must be removed in order to achieve accurate results, if not errors or
inaccurate results might occur which will affect the reading of the volume.

4. Describe the proper way of cleaning burette.

With the stopcock closed, add a small amount of distilled water to the burette by rolling
and tipping it. Open the stopcock to drain the water and repeat this process two to three

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