Bulletin For 5-29-2011

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Franciscan Friars

PARISH INFORMATION “I will not leave you orphans;

(760) 757-3250 / Fax. (760) 757-3299 I will come to you…” - John 14
E-mail: mslrp@sanluisreyparish.org
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina: Tues./Sat.: 8 -4 pm
4070 Mission Ave., Oceanside CA 92057
Website: www.sanluisreyparish.org
Shirley Gonzalez
(760) 547-0706/ mslrp@sanluisreyparish.org
Allen Hartman-Business Manager May 29, 2011
(760) 547-0705 / bizmgr@sanluisreyparish.org
Malia Campbell-Bookkeeper 6th Sunday of Easter
(760) 547-0711 / finance@sanluisreyparish.org
Fr. Adrian Peelo, OFM Fr. Charles “Chuck” Talley, OFM - Pastor:
(760) 757-3250 x123 / fradrian@sanluisreyparish.org (760) 757-3250 x114/ pastor@sanluisreyparish.org
Fr. Adrian Peelo, OFM - Associate Pastor:
DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP/DIRECTOR DE ALABANZA (760) 757-3250 x123/ fradrian@sanluisreyparish.org
Guadalupe “Lupe” Rios Fr. Luis Guzman, OFM - Associate Pastor:
(760) 547-0709/ worship@sanluisreyparish.org (760) 757-3250 x107/ frluis@sanluisreyparish.org


(760) 547-0716 / resecretary@sanluisreyparish.org Old Mission - (760) 757-3651
Bill Bischoff - Director of Catechetical Ministry Fr. Laurence Dolan, OFM - Old Mission Guardian
(760) 547-0702/ religioused@sanluisreyparish.org Fr. David Gaa, OFM - Old Mission Executive Director
Fr. Andrés Rivero, OFM,
Carmen Parra - (760) 547-0708 MASS SCHEDULE
Monday – Saturday:
PARISH SCHOOL/ESCUELA PARROQUIAL Daily Mass Parish Chapel - 7:30 a.m.
Pre-K - 8th / (760) 757-3232 / www.omms.org  

Wanda King - Principal [Off. Hrs.: 7:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.] Saturday Masses/Misas:
Serra Center - 5:00 p.m., [7:00 p.m. Español]

Karen Willson (760) 547-0701/

Sunday Masses/Misas:
stewards@sanluisreyparish.org Old Mission: 7:00 a.m.
Serra Center: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.,
HISTORIC OLD MISSION/MISION ANTIGUA [12:00 p.m. Español], and 5:00 p.m.
(760) 757-3651 / www.sanluisrey.org
Terry Hawthorne - Cemetery x133
Sacrament of Reconciliation/Reconciliación
Saturdays/Sábados: Serra Center - 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Retreat Center - (760) 757-3659
(Except on Holiday Weekends/Excepto en los días festivos)
ANOINTING OF THE SICK/EMERGENCIAS Adoration/Adoración (1st Friday/1er Viernes)
(760) 583-3393 Parish Chapel: 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
From The Pastor’s Desk the name of Jesus. We, like St. Francis, ask God to make
us ‘instruments of Your Peace” in our lives and
in our time.
Dear Parish Family,
Peace and all good! Let’s start out with a Jeopardy Elsewhere in the Parish
category this weekend: Famous Last Words. Do you This year, we will commemorate Memorial Day with a
recall any ‘famous last words’ from history classes? “Et special Mass at 8 AM in the Serra Center on Monday, May
tu, Brute?” (Julius Caesar); “I regret that I have but one 30, in cooperation with the Old Mission Cemetery. We
life to give for my country.” (Nathan Hale?); “I’d rather be keep all of our loved ones—especially the deceased
in Philadelphia.” (humorist WC Fields). members of our Parish Family and of the Armed Forces—
in our hearts and prayers.
In this weekend’s Gospel reading (John 14:15-21), we
hear much more than just an historical sound byte. Earlier this month, we were able to award fifteen (15)
Instead of a few ‘famous last words,’ Jesus offers a full scholarships to students at our parish school, Old Mission
‘farewell speech’ to His disciples and to us. But this is Montessori, through the newly-established Tom and
unlike any other farewell speech or famous last words Adele E. Davis Scholarship Fund. Awards were made on
anyone else has ever spoken in human history. They are a lottery basis; tuition grants of $2,000 each will be
the words of the One who is not only about to die, but applied to student fees for the coming 2011-2012
Who also is to arise from the dead and return to us in school year….
glory. Jesus not only gives us His advice. He charges us to Since the distribution of these awards, the Davis family
keep his commandments—most especially, that we love has since proposed an additional $5,000 challenge grant
one another— with the understanding that we will be for the following school year (2012-2013). I am delighted
held accountable for our action/ inaction. to tell you that we have already matched the grant! We
now have $15,000 towards new scholarships and will
This love that Jesus expects and demands of us is not continue to solicit donations so that we can match this
like romantic love. It is more in the nature of a decision, a year’s awards!
commitment—to accept the responsibility of doing our
part. To be and bring the peace and justice of Christ to Many thanks!/ Fafetei! To our Samoan Community for
our broken world. And it takes a lot of work. Will the their generosity and tremendous hard work. Last week,
world truly be a better place because we were here? Will 30-40 members of our parish Samoan community bid on
there be less poverty? More justice? More harmony in a contract to provide setup, security, and tear-down for a
our families because of our decisions and actions? recent international soccer event at Oceanside beach.
Greater respect for human life? This ‘labor of love’ is For four days and nights, volunteer laborers toiled to
truly costly; it requires us to leave our comfort zones in complete the project. They have since decided to donate
order to participate in God’s work of bringing lasting a portion of the funds to the OLG Sports Court and to
healing, justice and peace to our broken world. youth ministry here at the Parish. Many many thanks!

I was touched, as many of you no doubt were, as well, Thank you, too, to everyone who has stepped forward
by the recent visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Ireland to offer support, financial assistance, and volunteer time
recently. It was the very first time a British monarch had to assist the Old Mission during this difficult time for
stepped on Irish soil in a century. This very courageous them as they restructure. The recent layoff of eleven
and humble gesture by the Queen touched many people employees has been painful for everyone. Despite this
in a country that has shared a tumultuous, often violent difficult financial news, however, we will keep working
history with its neighbor for more than 700 years. But together to maintain our “One Mission at the Mission.”
Queen Elizabeth’s journey and tokens of peace were pos-
sible only because of the many extraordinary “ordinary”
acts of reconciliation previously made by very ordinary God bless,
people in their daily lives over the past century. We, too,
are ordinary people called to do extraordinary deeds in Fr. Chuck


Mr. & Mrs. Ramiro and Alejandrina Valladares, Mrs. Vicki Steyn, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff and Lisa Plummer, Mr. & Mrs. Zurisadai and
Brittany Murillo, Mr. & Mrs. Randy and Melissa Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Enrique and Magali Bahena.

2 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California — May 29, 2011
Parish News & Happenings Stewardship of Treasure
With gratitude for the gifts they have received, parishioners and
visitors made a joyful return to the Lord of the following:
Balancing the Budget Collection for the weekend of 5/22/11:
The Federal government does not operate on a balanced Plate Collection: $4,714.86
budget and neither does the State of California. This week Envelope Collections: $10,948.00
we have all come to realize the pain that an organization like EFT Envelope Collection: $745.00
the Old Mission can go through in order to bring finances in
line and let me say that thanks to you, we have not had to
resort to such drastic measures. Thank you for that but
allow me to submit something for your consideration.
Our revenues have decreased over the years of the Come and be an important part of something awesome…
recession (not just plate collection but rentals as well). Next + Become an Altar Server +
year Casa de Amparo will vacate the spaces around the
Please join us at our next New Altar Server training session
McKeon Center reducing our rental income significantly
Saturday, June 4th from 9 am-10 am in the Serra Center.
(actually they are vacating some space next month). Can
you help us begin to address this shortfall and balance our Open to all parish kids from new 1st Communicants-Teens.
budget? If you are not currently giving to the operation of Leadership roles are available for older kids, especially after
the parish through a weekly offering can you start with just a training and some initial experience. Questions?
dollar or two? If you are currently giving 5 dollars can you Contact Laura Chun at 726-2486 / chun@pacbell.net
increase your gift by two or three dollars each week and if
you are a family giving at a higher level can you sacrifice to
add just a few dollars to your weekly gift? We are a very Las Madrinas Altar Society
large parish and it is through the participation of ALL of our
families that we are successful. Las Madrinas will not be meeting on Tuesday, June 7th.
Speaking of families, stewardship of treasure is one of the Instead, we will have a meeting in the second week of June.
lasting gifts that we as parents can pass on to our children. Please see future bulletins for more details.
Even if it is just a dollar or a few, the fact that you place that
money in an envelope and your children see it go into the
basket is an everlasting lesson. If you do not use envelopes Ministers to the Sick and Homebound
or contribute through EFT and would like to start please Meeting: Ministers, we will have our next ministry meeting
contact the office. We will be glad to help. Let’s kill two on Saturday, June 18th in Rm. #19 at 12 PM. The meeting
birds with one stone. We can teach our children a life-lesson will include our guest speaker, Bill Bischoff, followed by a
and help the parish balance its budget. luncheon. Join us!
Allen Hartman, Business Manager Volunteers needed: We are looking for volunteers to take
communion to Tri-City hospital and other locations, if you
are interested, please sign-in in the Sick and Homebound
MEMORIAL DAY MASS book located either in the Chapel or Serra Center Sacristy. If
Memorial Day Mass on Monday, May 30th you need training, please attend our training session after
at 8:00 a.m. in the Serra Center. our ministry meeting on June 18th. For more information,
call Walter/Dorothy Arney, (760) 722-5616.

Minister’s Appreciation Picnic

A Picnic in your honor! PARISH OFFICE VOLUNTEERS
The Parish Office is looking for volunteers for office
Ministers: come, join us and bring
support during our work week, specifically on Fridays. As a
your family for a fun filled day on volunteer, you would help answer phones and attend people
Sunday, June 5, 2011 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the Parish that come into the office. Bilingual is a plus but not
Front Lawn. necessary.
We will have food, live music and prizes. Please bring If you are interested, please contact the parish office at
a chair and/or blanket. RSVP ONLY to your primary 760-757-3250 or by email at mslrp@sanluisreyparish.org.
ministry before Sunday, May 29th. Your help is greatly appreciated.

May 29, 2011 — Sixth Sunday of Easter | 3

Advertising in the Bulletin Faith Formation Office
Why Advertise in a Church Bulletin?
It is localized advertising; it’s in the area that you serve. Tel. 760-547-0716
Advertising helps promote your business throughout E-mail: resecretary@sanluisreyparish.org
the community and with your fellow parishioners.
Parishioners feel secure dealing with bulletin sponsors.
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
If you are interested in advertising, see Bob Hahn,
Advertising Sales Consultant, after Mass next weekend, June Sat.: 9:00 am.- 4:00 p.m.
4/5, 2011 or call him at 858-688-5029. Closed Days: Mon.

Audio/Visual Ministry:
We need your help with the Audio/Visual
Ministry. No experience needed we will train and For any questions or more information please contact the
support you. If you can use a TV remote control coordinators of the programs.
you can volunteer with the A/V Ministry. Teens Elementary (English); 7th - 9th: Larry LaGrasta 760-547-0712
are encouraged to volunteer. Elementary (Spanish): Elena Zavala 760-547-0715
For more information call Jackie Bickford at 760.522.7358. Confirmation - 12th: Bill Bischoff 760-547-0702


Parish Offices Closed
The Parish Offices will be closed on Thursday, June - Have you considered becoming a Catholic?
- Are you interested in what Catholics believe?
16th, 2011. We will return on Friday, June 17th, 2011. If
- Have you been away for a while and want to know what
you have an emergency funeral or Sacrament of
has changed?
Anointing of the Sick, please call (760) 583-3393.
- Are you Catholic and have questions or want to find out
more about your faith?

God is Good.. and so are YOU LESSONS OF FAITH:

We wanted to take a moment to update you all of the Understanding the New Missal:
latest in the case with our son-in-law Paulino Rivera .As Beginning Tuesday, May 31st through June 28th there will
many of you know Paulino has been on a long journey. He be a five week study on the revised Roman Missal. IN this
has been battling immigration issues and deportation for study we review:
almost ten years now.
The importance and meaning of the new words we hear
Well, we are so happy to tell the world that on and say at Mass
Wednesday May 18, Paulino was sworn in as an American
The reason and process for translating the prayers of
citizen! All his battles for the right to live here are over. This the Mass
was a great day for Paulino and our entire family! We are
very much aware of the important place our Parish family For our study we will be using Understanding the Revised
played in this successful fight. We could not have had the Mass Text by Fr. Paul Turner. The cost of the book is $1.50.
same results without your help. YOU gave the thousands of The class will be in Rm. #1 from 11 AM to 12:30 PM.
signatures we submitted to the Judge. YOU wrote the letters
of recommendation. YOU were there at the Court to show WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY:
support. YOU were there to give our family your support and Wednesdays from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM; Thursday mornings
prayers when things weren’t looking so good. When we from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM and afternoons 1:30 PM to 3:00
started this journey we were told that there was only a two PM in Rm. #1.
percent chance of succeeding. We want everyone to see the
We will be using Little Rock Bible Study as the format for
incredible power of Faith, Family, and Friends! Nothing is
study and discussion. Join us at any time!
For more information on any of these programs, contact
Thank you from the center of our hearts, Bill Bischoff at 760-547-0702.
The Bickford & Rivera Family

4 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California — May 29, 2011
Reading Resources OMMS School Notes
Christmas In July Artisan Fair & Carnival
We still need volunteers for our library. If
you would enjoy a friendly, peaceful place to July 8-10
share organizational skills & feed your love for Handmade crafts, fun & food, rides, games!!
reading, please call us. We need an assistant on Thursdays
between 12 noon and 2 PM. Advance tickets for carnival rides on sale now!
Buy Now & Save 66 to 75% 8 Rides for just $10.00!
The library is open Sundays (8 AM to 1:30 PM) and Thurs-
days (10 AM to 2 PM)--first floor of the Parish Center, Rm. 2. Savings average* $20.00 to $30.00
For further information or to volunteer, please call Pat Without advance order tickets-
Thompson at 760-433-8433. Ride Price Average* $3.75 to $5.00 each.
ONLY with advance order tickets – one ride per ticket
On sale at OMMS Office or Parish Office
Defecting in Place Questions: Contact Laura or Amy at
Women Claiming Responsibilty for their own Spiritual Lives christmasinjuly@yahoo.com or call (760) 757-3232
by Miriam Winter, et. al.
Based on a nationwide survey of more than 7,000 women Opportunities at the Old Mission
who spoke out and bared their souls, this book of 1994 is still
unfolding in a long standing debate about the role of women
in the Church. Volunteer Opportunities at
“I think women should not ask for permission but simply Old Mission San Luis Rey
do. Whatever it is the Holy Spirit calls you to do, do it! I am
a priest by my baptism into Jesus and grace of the Holy Spirit. Do you have an interest in early California
We don’t need women in Roman collars and robes, titled, history and enjoy talking with people? Then
working to be bishop, cardinal, and politicizing to be Pope. this may be the volunteer job for you. Old
We need women filled with the Holy Spirit to be Jesus where Mission San Luis Rey is looking for a few
we are.” Woman in her 30’s (then) good volunteers to help in various depart-
“We may be on the cusp of a real change---God transform- ments on the weekends. Shifts vary from 2 to 4 hours and
ing. It is a complex but exciting time. We are literally being include placement in the historic museum, Mission church
asked to choose oppression or liberation. The feminist voice and Welcome Center.
has mixed itself amid the warring theological voices and will Old Mission San Luis Rey depends on the support of its
not be lost. Truly God is blessing the church.” Woman in her volunteers in order to serve the public, so please consider
40’s (then) spending a few spare hours at the Old Mission, 4050 Mission
“There’s no doubt in my mind that a new age is dawning. Avenue, Oceanside. Stop by, or call the Museum Department
I’ve decided to wait actively, living as freely and fully as pos- for more information on volunteering, 760-757-3651 x 148.
sible, trusting that my personal actions will help move us
toward this new awareness. Patriarchy is dead, but the
death struggle is causing much pain.” Woman over 60
Twilight Retreat
(then) Discovering our True Identity in Christ
Here is a path-breaking book that reveals how American Based on the story “The Ugly Duckling”
women—Catholic and Protestant—are redefining church and by Hans Christian Andersen
spirituality on their own terms!
Thursday, June 16, 2011, 5:30 pm
OUR PARISH SUNDAY BOOKSTORE: The familiar children’s tale, The Ugly Duckling is really a
Come and see what’s new! The bookstore is available after story about the human heart and its search for self-identity.
the 8:00 am & 10:00 am Masses on Sunday. Join Barbara Hughes as we gradually discover our identity in
Gifts for First Communions and Christ as a beloved child of God.
Confirmations : This Evening Twilight Retreat begins at 5:30 pm with Mass
Bibles, Children’s & Adults, Rosaries, Statues of many of in the Old Mission Church followed by dinner and the
our favorite Saints (different sizes & styles), Books, and presentation. Please pre-register by calling 760-757-3659 or
much more! visit our website at www.sanluisrey.org. Cost: $20 per
For more information call Bill Bischoff 760-547-0702. person.

May 29, 2011 — Sixth Sunday of Easter | 5

Prayer Makes All The Difference
Happy Birthday To:
[If you’d like a name to be added to the list of birthdays please call the Parish Off.] Silvia Navarro 5/28, Patricia Sanders 5/28, Andrea
Camacho 5/30, Elizabeth Muszynski 5/30, Michael Visco 5/31, David Chun 6/1
Our Parishioners Asking For Prayers:
[Please contact the Parish Off. to add or remove a parishioner’s name from the list.] Vincent Abate, Afasene Family, Linda Allen, José
Ameli-García, Cathy Archuleta, Sylvia V. Bagon, Ernesto Bazua, Richard Becker, John & Mary Fran Blankemeier, Geraldine Braun, Sarah
Buzan, Candelaria Castellón, Christian Chavez, Gregory Chávez, Jim Clifford, Rosie Concepcion, Marge Dealy, Marie DeDonno, Dee
Dismuke, Agnes Douglas, Einar Dyblie, Gunnery Sgt. Richard Grant Estudillo (Deployed 4/3/2010 to Afghanistan) Jean Feehan, Jack
Flatau, Fr. Jerry Frister, Mary Gallé, Francisco & María García, Efrain Gastelum, Virginia Gies, Clare Giska, Alice Greffly, Gonzalo Gonzalez,
Jonathan Guerra, Amelia Guerrero, Jane Guinn, Genevieve Haase, Carlos Harrison, Jane Heim, Christine Harms, Beatrice Hoyt, Donald Hunt,
Mary Jackson, Lorene Kimbrel, Eva Koenig, Jeanne Kopp, Robert Kremer, Jim Long, Marilyn Macken, Angelina Manalo, Deborah McLeod,
John McGervey, Cullen McGovern-in Iraq, Albert J. Middlesworth, Patrice Miller, Luz Mora, Herman Mosqueda, Christian Navarro
(deployed to Afghanistan Nov. 2010), Jazmin Navarro, Sylvester Nwizu, Shirley O’Neil, Alesio & Elsie Pele, Sheila, & Anastasia Pele,
Imeleta Pele, Maria Pele, Gabriel Pele, Bro. Mo Peltier, Gina Ponce, Thelma Poorman, Julia Prendergast, Samuel Ramirez, Rose Marie Reno,
Max & Eva Ruiz, Anita Saldaña, Irene Sarrazin, Ruth Schneider, Joseph F. Schwartz, Patricia Sherwin, Cele Suminski, Dorothy Sweeney,
Elizabeth Sweeney, Patrick Sweeney, Pauline Tanguay, Petra Terlage, Roy Timerman, Stella Thil, Sally Thomas, Angel Tirona, Andrew Toma,
Leticia Villanueva, Vincent Vitale, George Weaver, Tim Weber, Patti Wiley, Joe Zagata.
Family & Friends of Parishioners:
[Unless an update is given to the Parish Office, names will be kept on the list for a month only.] Melba Bishop 5/3, Hannah Casey 5/3,
Suzanne Cosio 5/3, Howard Desforges 5/24, Alex Doyle 5/3, Margo Etzler 5/18, Rosette Feghali 5/18, Dave Flatau 5/3, Peter Gallé 5/11,
Robert & Carol Geldert 5/18, Olga Ghirardelli 5/3, Michael Giannelli 5/11, Rita Gore 5/3, Brian Keith 5/11, William Keith 5/11, Larry Krumwiede
5/18, Theda Lewis 5/18, Chris Marsh (wounded in Afghanistan), Specialist John Mensor, US Army [Afghanistan], Petra & Aurora
Mendez 5/11, Shane Murphey 5/18, Corporal Jason Pacheco, Olivete Parness 5/18, David Ramos [deployed to Afghanistan], Abelino
Rebollar 5/24, Dustin Reno 5/24, Reece Richardson 5/18, Sgt. Walter Sanderson [deployed 5/2010], Don Sandling 5/18, Joan Sigafoos 5/3,
Master Sgt. Mike Shelmadine [deployed to Afghanistan 2/2011], Jan Spires 5/11, Nick Timerman 5/18, Janice Vance 5/18, Beti Villanueva
5/24, Mimi Wallace 5/18.
Hospital: Katiuscia Iccabella, Ivan Escobar, Dennis Salas
Hospice: DeLourice Varrichio Solomine, Eleanor L. Young, Sarah Buzan, Irene Underwood.
Death: Flora Guzman, Maria Guadalupe Rivas, Herminia Amacio, Josemaria Braun

Parish Mass Intentions Nourishment for the Soul

June 4– June 11, 2011 (A Week Ahead)
5:00 p.m. SC +Rosann Cuoto First Reading -- The people of Samaria accepted the word of
7:00 p.m. SC +Manuel Plasencia God preached by Philip; they received the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:5-
Sun., June 5: 8, 14-17).
7:00 a.m. OM +Howard Melfi Psalm -- Let all the earth cry out to God with joy (Psalm 66).
8:00 a.m. SC +Gloria Orofino Second Reading -- Act with gentleness and reverence toward
10:00 a.m. SC +Frank Kiser all, so that when you are maligned those who defame you will
12:00 p.m. SC Luz Mora be the ones put to shame (1 Peter 3:15-18) or 1 Peter 4:13-16.
5:00 p.m. SC +Nancy Reinhardt Gospel -- I will not leave you orphans, but will come to you
Mon., June 6: (John 14:15-21) or John 17:1-11a.
8:00 a.m. SC +Rosalinda Magadia
7:30 a.m. PC +Agnes Ryan Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Jn 15:26 -- 16:4a
Wed., June 8: Tuesday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Lk 1:39-56
7:30 a.m. PC +Erminia Gizzi Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 -- 18:1; Jn 16:12-15
Thurs., June 9: Thursday: Acts 18:1-8; Jn 16:16-20
7:30 a.m. PC +Edward Cosgrovet Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Jn 16:20-23
Fri., June 10: Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Jn 16:23b-28
7:30 a.m. PC +Catherine Vanderbeek Sunday: Acts 1:12-14; Ps 27; 1 Pt 4:13-16;
Sat., June 11: Jn 17:1-11a; or (for Ascension)
7:30 a.m. PC +Bernie Gardner Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47; Eph 1:17- 23;
SC - Serra Center; OM - Old Mission; PC - Parish Chapel Mt 28:16-20

6 | MISSION SAN LUIS REY PARISH, Oceanside, California — May 29, 2011
Sunday, May 29 through Saturday, June 4, 2011
Domingo 29 de mayo hasta el sábado 4 de junio del 2011
SUNDAY, May 29, 2011 - Sixth Sunday of Easter DOMINGO, 29 de mayo del 2011 - Sexto
(White) Domingo de Pascua de Resurrección (Blanco)
Sunday Masses: Old Mission - 7:00 a.m. | Serra Ctr. - 8:00 a.m., MISAS: Misión Antigua - 7:00 a.m. (inglés),
10:00 a.m., [12:00 p.m. Spanish] and 5:00 p.m. Centro Serra - 8:00 a.m. (inglés), 10:00 a.m. (inglés),
Library Open: 8:00-12:00 noon: Parish Center 12:00 m.d. Primeras Comuniones (español), 5:00 p.m. (inglés)
Bookstore: before and after 8/10 a.m. Masses - Serra Ctr. Foyer Librería: entrada principal del Centro Serra - después
de la Misa
MONDAY, May 30, 2011 - Parish Offices Closed -
Memorial Day LUNES, 30 de mayo del 2011 - Oficinas Cerradas
[For “Anointing of the Sick” emergencies and/or Día Memorial (EE.UU.)
funerals, call (760) 583-3393] [Para hablar con un Sacerdote en caso de emergencia, “unción
Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m. para los enfermos” o funerales llame al
TUESDAY, May 31, 2011 Misa diaria (inglés): Capilla - 7:30 a.m.
Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m.
Charismatic Prayer Mtg.: Old Mission Clare Room - 10:30 a.m. MARTES, 31 de mayo del 2011
Lessons of Faith Bible Study (New Misal): Room #1 - 11:00 a.m. Misa diaria (inglés) Capilla - 7:30 a.m.
Spanish Intercessory Prayer: Parish Chapel - 5:00 p.m. Oración de Intercesión: Capilla - 5:00 p.m.
Ensayo del Coro de Grupo de Oración: Centro Parroquial -
WEDNESDAY, June 1, 2011 - Parish Day of 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m.
Prayer for Vocations Reunión de Ministros de Eucaristía: Salón #1 - 7:00 p.m.
Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m. Clase de Música (Lupe 760-547-0709): Salón de Música -
BINGO (x145): McKeon Center open at 9:00 a.m., starts 11:30 am 7:30 p.m.
Bible Study (Bill Bischoff): PC Rm. #1 - 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
What Catholics Believe: McKeon Ctr. Rm. #20 - 6:30 p.m. MIERCOLES, 1 de junio del 2011 - Día de Oración
KofC Council Mtg.: KofC Hall - 7:00 p.m.
Parroquial por Vocaciones
RCIA: McKeon Ctr. Rm. #21 - 7:00 p.m.
Día de: San Justino
Centering Prayer: McKeon Center Rm. #12 - 7:00 p.m.
Misa diaria (inglés): Capilla - 7:30 a.m.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion: Chapel - 7:00 p.m.

THURSDAY, June 2, 2011 - The Ascension of the JUEVES, 2 de junio del 2011 - Ascensión Del
Lord Señor
Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m. Misa diaria (ingles): Capilla - 7:30 a.m.
Bible Study (Bill Bischoff): PC Rm. #1 - 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Grupo de Oración (Alabanza y Hora Santa): Capilla
Library Open: Library Rm. - 10:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m. Parroquial - 7:00 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.
Youth Ministry Meeting: Youth Center - 6:15 p.m.
OMMS Spring Program: Serra Center - 6:30 p.m. VIERNES, 3 de junio del 2011 - Primer Viernes
Choir Rehearsal: Music Room - 7:00 p.m. Día de: San Carlos Lwanga y Compañeros
Advisory Board Mtg.: PC Rm. #1 - 7:00 p.m. Misa diaria (ingles): Capilla - 7:30 a.m.
Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento: Capilla - 8:00 a.m.
FRIDAY, June 3, 2011 - First Friday a 10:00 a.m.
Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Chapel- 8:00-10:00 a.m. SABADO, 4 de junio del 2011
Misa diaria (inglés): Capilla - 7:30 a.m.
SATURDAY, June 4, 2011 Sacramento de Reconciliación (Confesiones):
Daily Parish Chapel Mass: 7:30 a.m. Centro Serra - 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Serra Center - 10:00-11:00 a.m. Encuentro Matrimonial: Misión Antigua
Samoan Choir Rehearsal: Music Room - 8:00 a.m. Reunión de Ministros de la Palabra: Salón # 1 - 9:00 a.m.
Intercessory Prayer (Beverly): Rm. #209 - 8:15 a.m. Visitadores Por Cristo: Salón #1 - 3:00 p.m.
BINGO (x145): McKeon Center open at 9:00 a.m., starts 11:30 am Misas: 5:00 p.m. (inglés - Padre Chuck) y
MASSES: Serra Ctr. - 5:00 p.m. English & 7:00 p.m. Spanish. 7:00 p.m. (español - Padre Andres/Padre Chuck)

May 29, 2011 — Sixth Sunday of Easter | 7

Del Escritorio del Párroco
A Través de la Parroquia
Querida Familia Parroquial, Este año, nosotros recodaremos el Día Memorial con una
¡Paz y todo bien! Vamos a comenzar con una categoría de Misa especial a las 8:00 AM en el Centro Serra el lunes, 30 de
“Jeorpardy” este fin de semana: Palabras Famosas Finales. mayo en cooperación con el cementerio de la Misión
¿Recuerdas tú algunas “palabras famosas finales” de la clase Antigua. Nosotros conservamos a todos nuestros seres
de historia? “¿Tú también, Brutus?” (Julio Cesar). “Yo queridos – especialmente los miembros fallecidos de
lamento tener solo una vida para darle a mi patria.” (Nathan Nuestra Familia Parroquial y de Las Fuerzas Armadas -- en
Hale). “Yo debería de estar en Filadelfia” (WC Fields, nuestros corazones y en nuestras oraciones.
humorista). Temprano este mes, tuvimos el placer de entregar quince
(15) becas a estudiantes de nuestra Escuela Parroquial
En la lectura del Evangelio de este fin de semana (Juan 14:
Montessori de la Misión Antigua a través del Fondo de
15-21), escuchamos mucho más que un sonido histórico
Becas, Tom and Adele E. Davis Scholarship Fund. Las becas
solamente. En vez de unas pocas “palabras famosas finales”,
fueron otorgadas en una base de lotería; las donaciones de
Jesús ofrece un “discurso de despedida” completo a sus
$2,000 cada una se les aplicarán a los costos de matrículas
discípulos y a nosotros. Pero éste es diferente a cualquier
escolares de los estudiantes para el año escolar, 2011-
otro discurso de despedida o de palabras finales famosas
que cualquier persona haya dicho en la historia humana.
Estos son las palabras de Aquel que no solo va a morir sino Al comienzo de la distribución de estos donativos, la
Del que va a resucitar de entre los muertos y a volver a Familia Davis ha propuesto un donativo para retar por valor
nosotros en Su Gloria. Jesús no solo nos da Su consejo, El de $5,000 para el año escolar próximo (2012-2013). ¡Me
nos responsabiliza a cumplir sus mandamientos – place comunicarles que ya nosotros hemos logrado igualar
especialmente a que nos amemos unos a otros—con el esa cantidad! ¡Ahora tenemos $15,000 hacia becas de
conocimiento de que se nos va a responsabilizar por nues- matrículas nuevas y continuaremos solicitando donativos
tros actos y por la falta de acción. para que podamos igualar los premios de este año!
¡Muchas gracias! ¡Fafetei! A nuestra Comunidad Samoana
Este amor que Jesús espera de nosotros no es como el por su generosidad y su trabajo tremendo y duro. La semana
amor romántico. Es algo más en la naturaleza de una pasada, 30 a 40 miembros de nuestra Comunidad Samoana
decisión, de un compromiso – de aceptar la responsabilidad se comprometieron a proveer el montaje, la seguridad y la
de hacer nuestra parte para traer la paz y la justicia de Cristo limpieza final de un evento de fútbol en la playa de
a nuestro mundo destruído. Esto requiere mucho trabajo. Oceanside. Durante cuatro días y cuatro noches los obreros
¿Será el mundo un lugar verdaderamente mejor porque voluntarios trabajaron para completar el proyecto. Ellos han
nosotros hemos estado aquí? ¿Habrá menos pobreza? ¿Más decidido donar una porción de los fondos hacia la Cancha
justicia? ¿Más armonía en nuestras familias debido a Deportiva (NSG) y hacia el ministerio juvenil de la Parroquia.
nuestras decisiones y nuestras acciones? ¿Mayor respeto a ¡Muchas, Muchas gracias!
la vida humana? Esta “labor de amor” es verdaderamente
Muchas gracias también a todos los que se han acercado a
costosa; ella requiere que nosotros dejemos la zona de
ofrecer apoyo, ayuda financiera y tiempo voluntario para
comodidad para participar en el trabajo de Dios de traer
ayudar a la Misión Antigua durante este tiempo difícil suyo
sanación duradera, justicia y paz a nuestro mundo
de reestructuración. La eliminación reciente de plazas de
trabajo de once empleados ha sido bien dolorosa para
A mí me conmovió, como probablemente a ustedes todos. A pesar de las noticias de dificultad financiera,
también, la visita reciente de la Reina Isabel II a Irlanda. Esta nosotros continuaremos juntos manteniendo “Una Misión
fue la primera vez en un siglo que un monarca británico se en la Misión”.
paraba en tierra irlandesa. Este gesto tan valiente y tan
humilde de la Reina tocó a muchas personas en un país que Dios los Bendiga,
había compartido una historia tumultuosa, a veces violenta,
con su vecino por más de 700 años. Pero la jornada y los Padre Chuck
gestos de paz de la Reina Isabel fueron posibles solamente
debido a los muchos actos extraordinariamente “ordinarios” ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL
de reconciliación realizados previamente por gente ordinaria 4 y 5 de junio
en sus vidas diarias durante el siglo pasado. Nosotros Parejas, los invitamos a vivir una experiencia matrimonial los
también somos gente ordinaria o común llamados a hacer días 4 y 5 de junio del 2011. Estará con nosotros el Padre Luis
actos extraordinarios en nombre de Jesús. Nosotros, al igual Guzmán. El encuentro tomará lugar en la Misión San Luis Rey—
que San Francisco, le pedimos a Dios que nos haga El costo es de $170 por pareja e incluye alimentos y hospedaje.
instrumentos de Su Paz” en nuestras vidas y en nuestro Para más información, llamen al Carmelo al 760-859-7805 o a
tiempo. Socorro al 760-859-7804, coordinadores.

8 | PARROQUIA MISION SAN LUIS REY, Oceanside, California — 29 de mayo del 2011
Equilibrando el Presupuesto
El gobierno Federal no opera con un presupuesto
balanceado y tampoco el Estado de California. Esta semana
todos nos hemos dado cuenta del dolor que una organización
como la Misión Antigua puede pasar para traer las finanzas en
línea y déjenme decirles que gracias a ustedes, nosotros no LECTURAS DE HOY
hemos tenido que recurrir a medidas tan drásticas. Gracias por Primera lectura -- Pedro y Juan les impusieron las manos, y
eso y permítanme presentarles algo para su consideración. recibieron el Espíritu Santo (Hechos 8:5-8, 14-17).
Nuestros ingresos han disminuído durante los años de Salmo -- Que aclame a Dios con alegría toda la tierra (Salmo
recesión (no solo la colecta en efectivo pero también en otras 66 [65]).
áreas.) El próximo año, Casa de Amparo dejará vacante los Segunda lectura --Cristo murió en la carne, y luego resucitó
espacios alrededor del Centro McKeon reduciendo nuestro por el Espíritu (1 Pedro 3:15-18) o 1 Pedro 4:13-16.
ingreso significativamente (en realidad ellos comenzarán a
Evangelio -- Yo rogaré al Padre y les dará otro Protector. No
desalojar algunos espacios el mes próximo.) ¿Pueden ustedes
los dejaré huérfanos (Juan 14:15-21) o Jn 17:1-11a.
ayudarnos a dirigir este déficit y equilibrar nuestro
presupuesto? Si tu no estas contribuyendo actualmente a la LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
operación de la parroquia por medio de tu ofrenda semanal Lunes: Hch 16:11-15; Jn 15:26 -- 16:4a
¿podrías comenzar con solo un dólar o dos? Si actualmente Martes: Sof 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16; Lc 1:39-56
estas donando cinco dólares, podrías incrementar tu regalo por
Miércoles: Hch 17:15, 22 -- 18:1; Jn 16:12-15
dos o tres dólares más cada semana y si tu eres una familia que
Jueves: Hch 1:1-11; Sal 47 (46); Ef 1:17-23;
está dando en un nivel más alto ¿podrías hacer el sacrificio y
agregar un poco más en tu regalo semanal? Nosotros somos
Mt 28:16-20 (para la Ascensión); o
una parroquia grande y es por medio de la participación de Hch 18:1-8; Jn 16:16-20
TODAS las familias que nosotros podemos tener éxito. Viernes: Hch 18:9-18; Jn 16:20-23
Hablando de familias, la corresponsabilidad es uno de los Sábado: Hch 18:23-28; Jn 16:23b-28
tesoros perdurables que nosotros como padres podemos Domingo: Hch 1:12-14; Sal 27 (26); 1 Pe 4:13-16;
dejarles a nuestros hijos. Aunque sea un dólar o más, el hecho Jn 17:1-11a; o para la Ascensión, Hch 1:1-
de que coloques el dinero en el sobre y tus hijos vean que lo 11; Sal 47 (46); Ef 1:17- 23; Mt 28:16-20
colocas en la canasta de la colecta en una lección de por vida. Si
tu no usas los sobres o contribuyes por medio del Traslado PREGUNTA DE LA SEMANA
Electrónico de Fondos y te gustaría comenzar por favor, ¿Cuáles son las razones de esperanza que tienes? ¿Cómo
comunícate con la oficina parroquial, con gusto te ayudaremos.
comparte la esperanza?
Nosotros podemos enseñarles a nuestros hijos una lección
de-por-vida y a la vez ayudar a la parroquia a equilibrar el
presupuesto. ¡Navidad en Julio, Feria y Artesanías - del 8 al 10 de
Allen Hartman, julio! Habrá comida, diversión, juegos, artesanías y feria. Compra
tus boletos para la feria por adelantado y ahorra hasta un 75%. Los
Director de Negocios
boletos están ala venta en la oficina parroquial. Más detalles la se-
mana próxima

Celebraremos una Misa especial el lunes, 30 Oficinas Parroquiales Cerradas
de mayo a las 8:00 a.m. en el Centro Serra Las Oficinas Parroquiales estarán cerradas el jueves, 16 de
en honor al Día Memorial de los EE.UU. junio, 2011. Regresaremos el viernes, 17 de junio, 2011. Si
tiene un funeral o Unción de los Enfermos de emergencia
llama al (760) 583-3393.
“Picnic” de Apreciación a los Ministros
Ministros: Vengan a acompañarnos y La Oficina Parroquial está buscando voluntarios para
traigan a sus familias para que disfruten de apoyar a la oficina durante la semana de trabajo,
un día lleno de diversión, el domingo 5 de especialmente los viernes. Como un voluntario, ayudarías
junio de 1:00 a 4:00 p.m. en el Jardín frente contestar los teléfonos y atender a las personas que entran a
al Centro Parroquial. Habrá comida, música la oficina. Se necesita ser bilingüe.
en vivo y premios. Por favor traer una silla y/o algo para Si estas interesado o deseas más información, por favor
sentarse. Avísale SOLAMENTE al coordinador de tu ministe- comunícate con la oficina parroquial al 760-757-3250 o por
rio principal antes del domingo 29 de mayo si podrás asistir. email al mslrp@sanluisreyparish.org.

29 de mayo del 2011 — Sexto Domingo de Pascua | 9

Come and be an important part of something awesome…
Ven y forma parte de algo importante y maravilloso…

Please join us at our next New

Altar Server training session
Saturday, June 4th
from 9:00 am-10:00 am
in the Serra Center.
Open to all parish kids from
new 1st Communicants
through Teens. Leadership
roles are available for older
kids, especially after training
and some initial experience.

Questions? Contact Laura Chun

at 726-2486 / chun@pacbell.net

Únete a nosotros en nuestra próxima

Sesión de Entrenamiento para Acólitos el
sábado, 4 de junio de 9:00 am–10:00 am
en el Centro Serra
Abierto a todos los niños/jóvenes de la
parroquia desde primera comunión a los
adolescentes. Puestos de literato están
disponibles para aquellos niños/jóvenes
más maduros, especialmente después
de entrenamiento y de alguna
experiencia inicial.
¿Preguntas? Lucila Marez al 529-0828

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