STS Environment
STS Environment
STS Environment
The environment is very important for us. It provides us with our basic needs. We can get food,
shelter and many other things from the environment. Because of this, it is only normal for us to
give the environment the care it needs. We should have a give and take relationship with it.
However, nowadays , we seem to forget about the importance of our natural resources. Pope
Francis talked about some of these problems on the first chapter of Laudato Si. Pollution,
intensive climate change, deforestation, depletion of natural resources and loss of biodiversity
are just some of the problems that we are now facing. Despite these, why do people still continue
to ignore these problems?
The result of my carbon footprint makes me feel happy because it is lower than the average and
sad at the same time because it made me realize that I am one of the people who is contributing
to the depletion of our environment. I am proud to say that I care for the environment and I am
doing my best to help in solving some of the problems. We segregate our trash in our home . I
use reusable containers and utensils for my food and drinks. I don’t use excessive electricity and
water. I even participate in some environmental organizations and activities. I also share my
knowledge to my family and friends. However, I realized that I am lucky because I am aware of
these things and I had the resources to respond to these problems. According to Pope Francis,
many people do not care about the environment because they are not aware. It is because we live
our lives far from the realities that are happening in our surroundings. We have the throw away
culture , it is very easy for us to just throw away everything instead of thinking of ways to
eliminate our wastes. The inventions and innovations that people are making today are useful for
our everyday lives but may also destroy what is really given to us by God , we seem to forget our
limitations because we are getting blinded by the profit we get from it.We are not asked to go
back to stone age but our technology should have an ethical framework, a spiritual culture and a
vision of the purpose of life according to chapter 3 of Laudato Si.
Everything is connected, our environment is not only for us but also for the future generations after us.
We should not force our nature to give us more when we don’t even give her anything in return.
There are many laws and institutions that is made to protect the environment. The 17 Sustainable
Development Goals of the UN has 6 goals that are addressed for the environment: 6th Clean water
and sanitation; 7th Affordable and clean energy; 12th responsible consumption and production ;13 th
climate action ;14th life below water; and 15th Life on land. In the Philippines, we have the DENR. These
laws play a vital role for our nature and it is important to choose leaders who will continue to implement
them and truly cares for the environment. According to chapter 6 of Laudato Si, what we need the most
is Ecological conversion. This conversion should start within ourselves. Every individual should also do
their part for the environment. Every small thing that we do, when put together can make a big