Operational Art of War Manual EBOOK

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Game Manual

1. welcome 5 7.12. Standard Unit Icons 31
1.1. Installation 5 7.13. Unit Icon Display (Advanced Rules) 32
1.2. Product Updates 5 7.14. Displayed Bombardment Range
1.3. Game Forums 6 (DBR) 33
1.4. Technical Support 6
8. Playing the Game 34
2. Introduction 7 8.1. Game Definitions 34
8.2. Unit Characteristics and Their
3. Starting the Game 8 Effects 35
3.1. Play New Game 8 8.3. Unit Special Capabilities 39
3.2. Resume Saved Game 9 8.4. Equipment 40
3.3. Set Game Options 10 8.5. Force 42
3.4. Edit Scenario 19 8.6. Formation 47

4. Standard Rules 20 9. What Happens During a Game

Turn 49
5. Advanced Rules 20
9.1. Automatic Book keeping 50
6. Interface Conventions 21
10. You Issue Orders to Your Forces 63
6.1. General Usage 21
10.1. Variable Initiative 63
7. Game Displays 27 10.2. Using the Game Control Panel 64
7.1. The Menu 27 10.3. Selecting Theater Options
7.2. The Game’s File Menu 27 (Advanced Rules) 66
7.3. The Editor’s File Menu 27 10.4. Giving Orders to Your Units 66

7.4. The Play Menu 27 10.5. Attack Menus and Attack Planning
(Advanced Rules) 69
7.5. The Game’s View Menu 28
7.6. The Editor’s View Menu 28 11. Movement 72
7.7. The Options Menu 29 11.1. Naval Movement 72
7.8. The Help Menu 30 11.2. Air Movement 72
7.9. The Sound Menu 30 11.3. Railroad Movement 72
7.10. The Mouse Cursor 30 11.4. Seaborne Movement 73
7.11. Unit Health Indicators 31 11.5. Airborne Movement 73
11.6. Airmobile Movement 73 13.17. Airborne Attacks 90
11.7. Embarked Status 74 13.18. Airmobile Attacks 90
11.8. Movement Costs and Allowances 75 13.19. Effects of Entraining Units 90
11.9. Land Unit Movement Costs 75 13.20. Assault Ratio Rules 90
11.10. Skipping the Unit Movement
Popup 77 14. Your Entire Force Movement
11.11. PO Assist 77 Allowances Are Adjusted 92
14.1. Battlefield Time Stamps 92
12. Engineering 79 14.2. Turn Over 93
12.1. Demolition / Bridge repair
14.3. The Turn Ends 94
(Advanced Rules) 79
12.2. Ferry Support 79 15. Victory 94
12.3. Major Ferry Support 79
16. Information and Player Aids 95
12.4. Fortification (Advanced Rules) 79
16.1. The Unit Report (Advanced Rules) 95
12.5. Railroad Repair (Advanced Rules) 80
16.2. The Formation Report
13. All Battles Are Resolved 80 (Advanced Rules) 97
13.1. Airbase Defense 82 16.3. The Air Unit Report 98
13.2. Air and Naval Units in Land 16.4. The Attack Planning Window
Combat 82 (Advanced Rules) 98
13.3. Naval Combat 83 16.5. Planned Combats 100
13.4. Naval Targeting 84 16.6. The Situation Briefing 101
13.5. Port Attacks 85 16.7. The Scenario Briefing 102
13.6. Nuclear Attacks 85 16.8. The Air Briefing 103
13.7. Airfield Attacks 85 16.9. The Weather Briefing
13.8. Bridge Attacks 85 (Advanced Rules) 103
13.9. Battlefield Reconnaissance 85 16.10. The Expected Reinforcements
13.10. Target Density (Advanced Rules) 86 Briefing 103
13.11. Long-Range Supporting Fire 86 16.11. The Recent Reinforcements
13.12. Environmental Effects on Combat Briefing 104
(Advanced Rules) 87 16.12. Inventory and Replacements
13.13. Flanks and Rear Areas 89 Briefing 104
13.14. Retreats 89 16.13. Recent News 105
13.15. Attack Complexity (Defined) 89 16.14. Group Composition 105
13.16. Amphibious Attacks 90 16.15. Order of Battle: Units Report 105
16.16. Order of Battle: Formations Scenarios 151
Report 106 18.4. The Event Engine 151
16.17. Theater Options Report 106 18.5. Make it Fit 151
16.18. Equipment Report 106 18.6. Maps 152
16.19. Detailed Combat Report 107 18.7. Unit Deployments and Air Unit
16.20. Loss Report 108 Missions 152
16.21. Combat Chart 108 18.8. Forces 152
16.22. Combat Chart Legend 110 18.9. Formations 152
16.23. Combat Review 110 18.10. Units 154
16.24. The Editor’s Edit Menu 111 18.11. Supply 157

17. Creating Scenarios with the 19. Appendices 158

Scenario Editor 117 19.1. Calculations 158
17.1. The Scenario 117 19.2. Notes On Combat Resolution 159
17.2. The Map Editor 118 19.3. Seeing the Elephant 161
17.3. The Force Editor 122 19.4. Naval Combat Procedure 161
17.4. Advanced Force Editor Functions 129 19.5. Naval Repair Procedure 164
17.5. The Equipment Editor 129 19.6. Sea Interdiction Procedure 164
17.6. The Environment Editor 131 19.7. Naval Spotting Procedure 165
17.7. Weather Zones 132 19.8. Splitting TO&E Lines 166
17.8. The Calendar Editor 132 19.9. The Equipment.nqp File 168
17.9. The Event Editor 133 19.10. Opart4.ini File 169
17.10. The Replacement Editor 139 19.11. Opart4 Fonts.ini File 172
17.11. The Deployment Editor 141
17.12. Game Options Preferences Preset 149 20. Game Hints 173
20.1. Using Air Units 173
18. General Notes on Scenario 20.2. Combat Planning Considerations 173
Creation 150 20.3. Nuclear Weapons 174
18.1. Use the Scenario Dump Feature 150
20.4. Keeping Your Units Supplied 174
18.2. Talk to Other Scenario Designers 150
18.3. Study Dumps of the Existing 21. CREDITS 175

4 The Operational Art of War IV

1. welcome 1

Thank you for purchasing The Operational Art of Graphics Override folder. Also, scenarios can have
War IV (hereafter referred to as TOAW IV). This scenario-specific graphics provided by the designer.
all new, enhanced version of the classic Operational The exact folder hierarchy is as follows (highest
Art of War system includes all the Scenarios from to lowest priority):
the original versions of the game, along with all- Graphics Override\Scenario Name
new Scenarios for your wargaming pleasure. In Graphics\Scenario Name
addition, a powerful Scenario Editor is included, Graphics Override\Year the scenario occurs
allowing you to generate any campaign you wish (actually, it looks backwards for the first one
that spans the twentieth century! with that year, just like sounds)
Graphics\Year the scenario occurs
Graphics Override
1.1. Installation Graphics
Please ensure your system meets the minimum Other file types besides graphics (such as eqp files)
requirements listed below. To install the game, can be given priority in scenario-specific folders as
insert The Operational Art of War CD into your well.
CD-ROM drive. If you have disabled the Autorun
function on your CD-ROM or if you are installing 1.1.1. Minimum System Requirements
from a digital download, double-click on the OS: Windows 7 or better.
installation archive file, then double click on the Processor: Pentium 4 or better
file that is shown inside the archive. Follow all on- RAM: 512mb
screen prompts to complete installation. Sound Card: Any Windows compatible
One important new directory is your Documents CD-ROM: Only for physical version
or My Documents folder. Most user editable content Hard Drive: 450MB (600 MB recommended) of
including the scenarios are now located under the free, uncompressed disk space
Documents/My Games/The Operational Art of Microsoft .Net 4.0
War IV directory. The Game Window is limited to a minimum size
The installation installs TOAW IV Graphics. of 1024x768.
Earlier graphics packages from TOAW III and
before are no longer supported. 1.1.2. Uninstalling the Game
But those are just the officially supported Please use the Add/Remove Programs option from
graphics. TOAW employs “folder hierarchy” to the Windows Control Panel to uninstall the game.
locate graphical files. The Graphics Override
folder is higher in the hierarchy than the Graphics
folder and scenario-specific sub-folders within 1.2. Product Updates
the Graphics folder are higher still. Other, user- In order to maintain our product excellence, Matrix
designed graphics packages will eventually be Games releases updates containing new features,
available online that could be placed in the enhancements, and corrections to any known

welcome 5
issues. Keeping up with these updates is made latest news on that title). Also on this list is a
easy and is free by signing up for a Matrix Games Downloads hyperlink that takes you to a page that
Member account. When you’re signed up, you can has all the latest downloads, including patches, for
then register your Matrix Games products in order that particular title.
to receive access to these important game-related Remember, once you have signed up for a Matrix
materials. Doing so is a simple two step process: Games Member account, you do not have to sign
up again – at that point you are free to register for
§§ Sign Up for a Matrix Games Member account any Matrix Games product you purchase. Thank
– THIS IS A ONE TIME PROCEDURE; you and enjoy your game!
once you have signed up for a Matrix account,
you are in the system and will not need to sign
up again. Go to www.matrixgames.com and 1.3. Game Forums
click the Members hyperlink at the top. In the Our forums are one of the best things about
new window, select Register NOW and follow Matrix Games. Every game has its own forum
the on-screen instructions. When you’re with our designers, developers and the gamers
finished, click the Please Create My New playing the game. If you are experiencing a
Account button, and a confirmation email will problem, have a question or just an idea on how
be sent to your specified email account. to make the game better, post a message there.
§§ Register a New Game Purchase – Once you Go to http://www.matrixgames.com and click
have signed up for a Matrix Games Member on the Forums hyperlink.
account, you can then register any Matrix
Games title you own in your new account. To
do so, log into your account on the Matrix 1.4. Technical Support
Games website (www.matrixgames.com). Should you have a technical problem with the game,
Click Register Game near the top to register the best way to get help is to post a note in the
your new Matrix Games purchase. Technical Support sub-forum within the TOAW
IV forum at http://www.matrixgames.com. You’ll
Once you’ve registered your game, when you log then hear back from either Matrix or TOAW IV
in to the Members section you can view your list personnel, or from one of the many helpful players
of registered titles by clicking My Games. Each of the game. This is usually the fastest way to get
game title is a hyperlink that will take you to an help. Alternatively, you can email your problem to
information page on the game (including all the support@matrixgames.com.

6 The Operational Art of War IV

2. Introduction
TOAW IV is a combined simulation and Scenario primary focus is the battlefield, it isn’t strategy. If 2
editor covering military campaigns over the past you can’t smell the smoke, you aren’t really dealing
century. Our goal is to model these campaigns as with tactics. Think of the operational level as a
games, with a serious effort to represent some of view of the battlefield on a scale just exceeding
the real problems faced by commanders in the field. that at which differing ranges of various direct fire
Many things that are represented abstractly in weapons are significant.
other games are treated here in a relatively concrete The Operational Art of War is flexible enough
way. Your forces are not just a collection of icons on to represent units ranging in size and organizational
a map, differing primarily in graphic representation complexity from a few vehicles to an entire corps.
or a shallow set of numerical strengths. While you Map and time scales are flexible, with maps ranging
can play this game at that level, your armies are from 2.5km to 50km per map location (arranged
actually very complex organizations made up of in an invisible hexagonal grid) and Game Turns
individual vehicles, weapons, or squads. ranging from six hours to a full week. Air, land,
The troops who man your weapons may range and sea action are modeled, but the emphasis is on
from elite veterans to green conscript recruits who land and sea campaigns so air forces are not treated
can improve their performance with experience. quite as concretely as land forces.
They need food and fuel and ammunition, and they Different game situations are called Scenarios;
get tired if you push them too hard. They will not these can be created using the Scenario Editor. In
usually fight to the last drop of binary blood, and document processing terms a Scenario is essentially
they generally do not perform to their best potential just a complex document, and the Scenario Editor
if they have to coordinate with unfamiliar forces. If a document processor. Individual Scenarios can
you ask them to do something complicated, they cover anything from short operations to complete
might not do it in quite the way you expect. In campaigns, including significant events occurring
short, they act just a little bit like real troops. outside the Scenario’s theater. The editor includes
The title “Operational Art of War” is based on a large equipment database, full map drawing
a Soviet era military term meaning, essentially, capability, and programmed opponent (PO)
“the theory and practice of army level combat”. operational planning. It is the same tool used to
There isn’t really a hard definition of “operational create the Scenarios included with the game. If you
level” scale. The term is generally used to describe feel the urge to do a bit of historical research, the
anything in the gray area between strategy Scenarios you create can be as rich and interesting
(overall conduct of a war, including non-combat as ours are. In fact, our experience suggests that
factors such as industrial production) and tactics amateur designers will eventually create many of
(the details of the actions of small units). If your the best Scenarios for the game.

Introduction 7
3. Starting the Game
The installation will have placed a Window’s icon
on your desktop (you may also want to create
a direct shortcut to the Opart4.exe file on your
desktop). Double-click on that icon to bring up the
TOAW IV Game Menu. Depending upon your
system, click on the appropriate “Play” option.
The first time you run the game you will be
prompted to select a language. The options are
English, Chinese, Deutsch (German), Espanol
(Spanish), Francais (French), Italiana (Italian),
and Polski (Polish). After that, the language can
be changed from the File pulldown in the opening
screen. Select “Choose Language”.
The first control screen you see after the
introduction has five buttons: Play New Game,
Resume Saved Game, Play Online, Edit Scenario
and Quit.

3.1. Play New Game

Find a folder/timeframe that interests you,
highlight it, and click OK.
Clicking on the Play New Game button brings A Select New Game window will be displayed.
up the Select New Game Dialog. The first time If either pane has more information than space to
you play, the tutorial directory will be selected. display it, that pane will have a scrollbar on the side
You can select the Default Directory button to
bring up the Select Theater dialog which lists all
directories under the Documents/My Games/The
Operational Art of War IV/Scenarios directory.
Clicking on the Default Directory button again will
bring up the browse for folder dialog for Windows.
Expand the Scenarios folder to view all of the
included Scenarios within the game; TOAW IV has
broken them up according to timeframe and region
(NATO Warsaw Pact, Middle East, etc.) as well as a
Classic TOAW folder that includes all of the classic
Scenarios from previous versions of the game.

8 The Operational Art of War IV

of it. The Available Scenarios within the folder you Play / Exit – Starts the currently selected
selected are listed at left; highlighted Scenarios Scenario.
will have information regarding them in the pane Scenario Documents – Will launch the
at right. Select a Scenario you wish to play. Below appropriate reader program for any scenario
these two panes are buttons, as follows: documents that accompany the selected scenario.
Default Directory – Click to change the Documents can use any of the following file
default directory of your current Scenarios. extensions (.htm, .pdf, .doc, .txt, .xls) and the file
This will allow you to select a different folder from must be named exactly the same as the name
which to load Scenarios from other eras. appears in the TOAW IV Scenario Editor. This
The button to the right of the Default Directory button will appear blank if there is no associated
indicates the types of players that will be involved document, and as a printed page if there are any
in the game: associated documents.
Two Player (Hotseat) Game
3.2. Resume Saved Game
Play by EMail (PBEM) Game

Computer vs. Human Player Game.

Each Scenario has a “Player 1” and Clicking on the Resume Saved Game button
“Player 2,” set by the game. In this mode, the brings up a standard Load window. Select your
player selects to have the computer represent saved game and click “Open” to play.
Player 1 and the player to represent Player 2. Clicking on the Resume Saved Game button
For example, in the “Red Thunder 1988” can also be used for older (legacy) PBEM games.
Scenario, Player 1 is set to be NATO while Select your saved game and click “Open” to play.
Player 2 is set to be the Warsaw Pact. Having While we recommend the new PBEM++
this button displayed will set NATO as the system, we still support the older system for people
computer player and the Warsaw Pact as the with unstable internet connections. Note that only
human player. legacy PBEM can use the “Trusted PBEM” option.
Human vs. Computer Player Game. TOAW IV can optionally create/overwrite
Having this button displayed will set an Autosave.SAL file every five minutes in the
Player 1 as human and Player 2 as computer. For Saves folder of the Documents/My Games/The
example, in the “Red Thunder 1988” Scenario, Operational Art of War IV directory.
Player 1 (NATO) will be human while Player 2 If you choose to play by legacy by email, the game
(Warsaw Pact) will be run by the computer. will automatically prompt you to create PBEM
game files for your opponent at the appropriate
Computer vs. Computer Game
times. These files are similar to saved game files,
Set Game Options – Brings up the Game but they include some additional information and
Options Dialog. have a “PBL” file extension. Send the PBEM file to
your opponent when your Turn is finished. You may
Cancel / Exit – Exits to the Main Menu.
continue your Turn using the PBEM file he sends

Starting the Game 9

back in response. Another save file is simultaneously during PBEM games). The second dialog sets the
created when the PBL file is written; this file will Player Options, which apply only to you (and may
have the same file name that you gave the PBL file, be changed at any time, even during PBEM games).
but will have a “SAL” file extension instead. DO The Player Options dialog has two pages. The
NOT send this SAL file to your opponent, unless Player Options dialog also includes the Programmed
you want to give him some free intelligence. This Opponent Options.
file is for your use only, should you wish to view the
status of the battlefield at the conclusion of your 3.3.1. Game Parameters
Turn. You may load this file at any time by selecting
Resume Saved Game from the first control screen
displayed when TOAW IV is started.
When you begin the game you will be asked for
a password. You will need this password to continue
the game from the PBEM file returned by your
opponent. Keep your password secret from your
opponent to prevent him from viewing information
that should not be available to him. You will be
given an opportunity to view a playback of your
opponent’s Turn when you load a PBEM game.
There are certain restrictions on PBEM games.
Variable Initiative (see section 10.1) is locked out,
so the order of play will never change during a
Scenario. You will need your opponent’s password
if you decide to end the Scenario early, so it is only §§ Command and Control: Turning this off will
possible to end a Scenario if both players agree. cause your Formations and units to never
Finally, while the undo function is functional “reorganize.” They will always be available for
during PBEM games it does leave a record in the Move and Attack orders.
playback. If you undo an action in a PBEM game §§ Scenario Variability: Turning this off will
you should be prepared to explain your reasons to cause Scenarios to always end exactly on the
your opponent! historical ending Turn. Any events with a
50% or greater possibility will always occur,
and any events with less than 50% probability
3.3. Set Game Options will never occur.
Clicking on the Set Game Options button §§ Fog of War: Turning this off will always give
on the Start New Game dialog brings up you full information on the locations of all
the Set Advanced Game Options dialogs in enemy units.
sequence. There are two dialogs. The first dialog §§ Environment: Turning this off will cause
sets the Game Parameters, which apply to both Weather and Time of Day to have no effect.
players (Game Parameters may not be changed This includes Mud and Snow effects as well.

10 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Active Disengagement: Turning this off §§ New Turn Order Rules: If on, this option
allows all units to disengage from enemy units will better equalize the two player-turns. The
(see 10.4.10, Disengagement) automatically. details are listed in section 9.0.2.
In effect, Disengagement Attacks are not §§ New Supply Rules: If on, this option offers a
allowed. more realistic supply model. The details are
§§ No Borders: You can only see borders and listed in section
supply rates for hexes that your forces are §§ Trusted PBEM: If on, legacy PBEM games
adjacent to, or have occupied this Turn. This can export an XML file for loading into the
is an additional means of increasing Fog of editor. Also, Elmer Assist may be used by
War. players.
§§ High Supply: This gives a boost of 50% §§ New Bridge Rules: If on, bridges will only
to the resupply rate. Scenarios designed exist, and be subject to destruction, in
with earlier versions of TOAW often had locations where the road terrain graphically
drastically undersupplied forces due to a crosses the river/canal terrain. This will affect
misunderstanding of the total amount of both bridge-blowing by units and bridge-
supply that would be received by on-map attacks by aircraft.
units. Use this to counterbalance that effect Note that Game Options may be preset by the
and for games between very aggressive players. scenario designer. See section 17.12.
§§ New Flanking Rules: If on, when the defender Note that Game Options settings cannot be
has two non-adjacent hexes that he can’t be changed once set although different games may
attacked from (for example, one sea hex to the have different rules set..
NW and one friendly unit to the NE), then
attackers 120 degrees apart no longer cause 3.3.2. Player Options – Page 1
a flanking attack. Against such a defender,
it is only considered a flanking attack if the
attacker has units that are 180 degrees apart.
Previously, if you had a horizontal front
on the map, it would have multiple flanks
exposed because of the zigzag of the hexes
on that axis. This option is intended to make
sure that even though the line zigzags, it
won’t introduce cases where units are subject
to flanking, when they probably shouldn’t
be. Possible consequences include making it
easier to defend, and making map edges and
impassable terrain features more important.
§§ Advanced Rules: If on, Advanced Rules are
applied (see section 5). If off, Standard Rules
are applied (see section 4).

Starting the Game 11

§§ Air Staff Assistant: The Air Staff Assistant menu by holding down on the right mouse
can handle all of your Air unit orders for you. button.
The Air Staff Assistant will place all Air units §§ Detailed Combat Reports: Turning this off
under computer control. As in the Standard means the details of a battle normally displayed
Rules of the game, you may override specific after each combat will not appear. Disaster
Air unit orders for any given Turn; just select notifications will also not be displayed. You
any unit and Mission as you would normally. can still access the combat reports using the
The Air Staff Assistant can be toggled from combat summary that will appear at the end
the Advanced Game Options window as well of the turn instead. This option can be toggled
as from the Air Unit Management window. during play via the Play menu.
If you turn the Assistant on from the Air §§ Show PO Assist Buttons: If on, the four PO
Unit Management window, all Air units will Assist Buttons are shown at the bottom of the
immediately be assigned Air Missions by the Control Panel. This only applies if you are in
assistant. the classic view.
§§ Tool Tip Show (10 – 100000 msec): This sets §§ Double click opens planner: If on, a double
how long the cursor must remain stationary click on a target hex will open the Combat
over one spot before the Tool Tip appears. Planner for that hex. Note that, if enabled,
§§ Tool Tip Hide (1-100): This sets how long this is a method to avoid causing the defender
the Tool Tip remains shown, in seconds, to Retreat Before Combat, if that is desired.
before it is hidden. You can also hover over the hex and hit the P
§§ Menu Show Delay: This sets how long the key to open the combat planner.
right mouse button must be held down before §§ Double-click opens group composition
the Movement Popup appears. If set to 1, dialog. If on, a double click on a target hex
the Movement Popup automatically appears will open the group composition dialog for
without delay. that hex.
§§ Moving Selects Next Unit: If on, the next §§ Allow Huge Map View: If on, the Huge Map
unit becomes the active unit after the current View is available for viewing. (Turning this
unit completes its move. This has no effect if off can avoid frequent accidental map resizing
the Menu Show Delay is set to 1 (the current if your mouse is acting up.)
unit remains the active unit, regardless). §§ Support PNG Graphics: This parameter
§§ Note that default is to set the above two is now obsolete. The TOAW IV graphics
options to 1 and 0. if the above two are set package is always used. Only by physically
to 5 and 1 then you can make simple moves replacing it or overriding it in a higher priority
and attacks without popping up the menu folder can another package be accessed.
that includes the full options unless you hold §§ Movies: This option creates two BMP files in
down on the right mouse button. This can the Saves directory at the end of each player’s
help beginning players, people looking for Turn. One is of the entire map at the microview
a simpler experience and people on touch scale; the other is of the entire map zoomed
enabled tablets. You can still access the full out (small 2D mode) scale. This can be used

12 The Operational Art of War IV

for creating AARs and to keep track of your 3.3.3. Programmed Opponent (PO)
general campaign progress. You can link these Options
images together using second-party graphics §§ Intelligence: This sets the level of optimization
software and view your progress towards in the programmed opponent. In most cases,
victory (or defeat) as a snapshot movie. Keep the programmed opponent will search larger
in mind two things when using this option. areas, make multiple passes at problem
First, the time that it takes to write this file solutions, and optimize the order in which
depends on the speed of your machine and it does things more heavily at higher levels.
the size of the map. You will see the hourglass This results in more intelligent play at some
cursor to let you know the game is working cost in execution time.
on writing the image to a file. This may take §§ Handicap/Cheat: This sets the level of
a few minutes on slower machines, especially advantage for the human or programmed
when writing large maps. Second, BMP files opponent in human vs. computer games. There
can be very large in terms of file size. As with is no advantage if “None” is selected. Selecting
the SitRep logs, you should clean out those Human +1 or Human +2 gives increasing
you won’t be using for movies on a regular advantages (supplies, rest, strength modifiers,
basis. You can also use your favorite graphics etc.) to a human player; selecting Computer
software to convert these files to JPG format +1 or Computer +2 gives the same increasing
in order to save disk space. advantages to the programmed opponent.
§§ Auto Save Large Movies: In the above feature,
the save of the main map can be very time 3.3.4. Player Options – Page 2
consuming for large scenarios. This allows
that part of the above feature to be skipped. If
off, only the micromap part is saved.
§§ JPEG quality (1-100): This determines the
quality of the above saves. Lowering it can
save file size at the expense of quality.
§§ Brightness Percent (0-1000): Users can vary
the brightness to their preference with this
option. Most users will leave it at 0.
§§ Contrast Percent (0-1000): Users can vary the
contrast to their preference with this option.
Most users will leave it at 0.
§§ Background Volume (1-100): Users can vary
the background volume to their preference
with this option. Most users will leave it at 100.
§§ Effects Volume (1-100): Users can vary the
effects volume to their preference with this
option. Most users will leave it at 100.

Starting the Game 13

§§ Group Background Alpha: Dialog Groups generated from an algorithm. a seed of 103458
Elements Alpha Channel setting will always generate the same sequence of
§§ Inner Background Alpha: Dialog Around numbers. This means that if you make the
Elements Alpha Channel setting same attacks and moves in the same order,
§§ Outer Background Alpha: Dialog Outside you can get repeatable results which is great
Edge Alpha Channel setting for bug reports. -1 means use the seed from
§§ Background is Opaque Indicates: whether the save file, 0 means generate a new one, any
the background is opaque positive number means use that as the seed.
§§ SitRep Log: This creates a text file in the §§ Movement Animation TImer: How
Saves directory that contains news and many milliseconds between frames during
detailed combat reports. If playing a PBEM movement.
Turn, then the news and only the last two §§ Combat Animation TImer: How many
lines of the combat reports and their locations milliseconds between frames during combat.
are displayed. When using this option, players
should make a habit of deleting their old logs Additional Option Editors.
on a regular basis to save hard drive space. §§ PBEM++ Data Editor: Lets you edit the serial
This can be helpful for reviewing large maps. number, email and password for PBEM++
In a PBEM game the log is less detailed. games.
§§ TOAWLog: Generates a detailed log intended §§ DBR Color Editor: Edit the colors shown on
for Scenario design and bug reporting. the map and allows you change the displayed
§§ Uberdude: Generates messages intended for colors that show the various ranges and also
debugging and scenario design. It will show allows you to switch between a hexagonal and
things like whether or not an event was fired. a circular DBR display.
§§ Unit PO log: Detailed log intended for §§ Counter Display Editor: Allows you to edit
debugging the PO. what values are shown on the unit counter,
§§ PO log: Log intended to help optimize the This can include not only the ones you’d
PO for a scenario. expect but also a summary of the values for
§§ Allow mouse wheel zoom – can be turned off the stack and things like engineering and AA
if you have an over-sensitive mouse wheel. values.
§§ No Update: Meant for computer vs computer §§ Fonts Editor: Allows you to edit the fonts
play when trying to tune the PO. This should used in the game. Most dialogs should expand
only be set to that for that purpose, it can lead or contract to best fit the fonts you want to
to units not moving on the map and other use. There are a few dialogs which may not
issues. change size and the tooltip font must be a
§§ No Delay: This removes the animation delay, TrueType™ to display properly.
the Shift and Caps Lock key do the same
thing during play. PBEM++ Data Editor
§§ PO Random Seed: Random numbers in The three text input prompts are each 19 characters
the computer aren’t truly random, they are max.

14 The Operational Art of War IV

3 DBR Color Editor

options. The first strength option and the first

movement option are each always active.
The check boxes toggle whether each additional
option is active or inactive. Each strength option
has two values displayed on the counter. Each
movement option only shows one value on
the counter. Left clicking on a strength option
increments it to the next Strength Category in
sequence. Right-clicking on a strength option
pops up the Strength Category Menu. There are
22 Strength Categories. Each has both a normal
and a Stacked version, for a total of 44 options in
the menu. The Stacked version is that strength
The seven DBR categories each have a hexadecimal summed for all units in a stack.
value input prompt. Each color is illustrated via a
color swatch.
The check box selects whether the DBRs are
displayed in-game as hexagonal or circular. Counter Display Editor

A maximum of six options can be programmed
(the Unit Icon Display button on the Control The 22 Strength Categories are described in
Panel cycles through the programmed options in- section 7.13.2.
game). Each row on the dialog programs an option. The movement options are simple: The
Four are strength options, and two are movement Remaining Movement Allowance is always active,

Starting the Game 15

and the Unit Time Stamp is the only option. It can There are two columns of ten buttons and one check
be toggled on or off. box each. The first button on the first column is
There are two buttons at the bottom that will set unique in that a left-click allows entering the font
either Basic or Advanced Defaults. Basic Defaults name while a right-click calls up the Font Menu.
sets the same two options as under TOAW III and
before. Advanced Defaults presets a full set of six
options. Fonts Editor

The font names listed in the Font Menu are the

font names that are provided by Windows plus the
font names provided by TOAW IV (in the My
Fonts folder). But you may have more font names
available on your computer, especially if you have
MS Office installed. Such font names would have
There are 39 different fonts programmed in to be hand entered via the left-click option above.
TOAW IV. They are arranged in a menu of 13 There are five more buttons on each column that
rows x 3 columns in this editor. How each one is allow setting of various numerical font parameters.
used is shown in the Info Panel when the mouse There is one spare button that does nothing
is over each font button in this editor. Clicking on (included just to keep the rows aligned).
any of the 39 buttons launches the corresponding Finally, there are two check boxes. The first sets
individual Font Editor. whether Windows fonts are used instead of the
old TOAW III bitmapped fonts. If the bitmapped Font Editor fonts are selected, all other parameters are blanked
out to avoid confusion, since they then have no
effect. The other checkbox sets whether the font
has a background or not. If it is not checked, the
Background Color is disabled (since there then is
no background).
Once all individual fonts desired have been edited
and the Fonts Editor is exited, the font changes are
saved to disk in the Opart4 Fonts.ini file.
Note that the Player Options settings are stored
in an external file called Opart4.ini. This file also
includes a suite of other player parameters that

16 The Operational Art of War IV

aren’t available on the Player Options dialog. The Note that this guarantees that reloading can’t
file can be edited in a text editor if those parameters tamper with PBEM interturn calculation results
need to be changed. See Appendix 19.10 for details via the reloading cheat. It will also make it more
on this file. difficult to change PBEM combat results via the
There is another external file called Opart4 reloading cheat (but not render it impossible, of
Fonts.ini that stores the font choices. See Appendix course).
19.11 for details on this file. A read-only PBEM End of Turn file is generated
that allows their reviewing the state of your units.
3.3.5. Default Options
Note that the settings for “Tool Tip Show” and 3.3.7. PBEM++ (Online Play)
“Tool Tip Hide” can turn Tool Tips on and off (see TOAW IV fully supports Matrix’s online PBEM
3.4.2 above). And “Menu Show Delay” can turn system, PBEM++. Use of this system not only makes
the movement popup window on and off (see 3.4.2 it easy to obtain opponents, it comes with built-in
above). While players should not find effecting cheat prevention that detects all reload cheating.
their choices difficult, there is, nevertheless, an PBEM++ is a monitored, secure play against an
aide to assist with it. On the “Play” pulldown in opponent. You create and respond to Challenges
the game, note that there is an option of “Default (New games) and download your turns, upload
Options”. Selecting that calls up this dialog: them and can save them at any time to continue
Selecting “Updated Defaults” will set those three later. It is provided free of charge by Matrix.
values to use Tool Tips and skip the movement The PBEM++ system is entered via the
popup (TOAW will employ these two new PBEM++ button on the startup screen.
features). Selecting
“Classic Defaults” will
set those three values When you first enter the PBEM++ system, it
such to turn both will prompt you for your username and password.
features off (TOAW These should match the Matrix Games user
will function like account you used to register TOAW IV.
older versions did). There is an input box for your username and an
input box for your password. There is a checkbox to
3.3.6. Cheat Prevention save the password you enter.
There is now a PORandomSeed parameter in the
Opart4.ini file. If set to 0 (default) it will always use
the next random number. If set to -1, it will always
use the random number stored in the save file. If set
to a number it will use that number. PBEM games
are always treated as -1. This means that unedited
reloads of a .PBL PBEM or PBEM++ game will
always produce the same results. This also means On the Control Panel, there is a button to Exit
that Matrix will be able to reproduce bug reports. (this will proceed to the PBEM++ page) and a

Starting the Game 17

button to return to the start screen. Click the Exit The Control Bar has two buttons:
button. “Create a Challenge” Button – Create the
The PBEM++ screen has five tabs. Upon challenge (this opens the Select New Game
opening, it is in the Load Turn screen, but you can dialog, where the challenge is created upon
switch between screens by clicking on the desired starting the desired scenario).
tab: “Close” Button – Exit the PBEM++ screen.
Challenges screen – This is where you can Accept screen – This is where you will accept a
challenge other players and view the challenges you challenge. Note that accepting a challenge may
have out there. The first step is to create a challenge or may not start your turn depending on which
which will take you to the New Game screen. You player the scenario designer has specified as
can also cancel your challenge at this screen. player 1.

There are four headings: There are four headings:

Issued – date the challenge was issued. Issued – date the challenge was issued.
Game Name – scenario to be played. Game Name – scenario to be played.
Challenger – who issued the challenge. Challenger – who issued the challenge.
Side – the side that will be played by the Side – the side that will be played by the acceptor.
Challenger. Finally, there is an “Accept Challenge” button on

18 The Operational Art of War IV

the right of each challenge. Click to accept a challenge. Updated – last date a turn was uploaded.
The Control Bar has one button: Game Name – the scenario being played.
Close Button – Exit the PBEM++ screen. Turn – the current game turn.
Load Turn screen – This is where you will load Your Side – the side you are playing.
your current turn and proceed to play through Opponent – who you are playing.
it.You can also resign a game from this screen. The Control Bar has one button:

There are six headings: Close Button – Exit the PBEM++ screen.
Instance – a PBEM++ code that IDs the game Completed screen – Here you can gloat over the
in progress. games you have won.
Updated – last date a turn was uploaded. There are six headings:
Game Name – the scenario being played. Instance – a PBEM++ code that IDs the game
Turn – the current game turn. that was played.
Side – the side you are playing. Updated – last date a turn was uploaded.
Opponent – who you are playing. Game Name – the scenario that was played.
There are then two buttons with each line: Turn – the last game turn played.
“Start Turn” Button – click to enter a turn. Your Side – the side you played.
“Resign Game” Button – click to resign a game. Opponent – who you played.
The Control Bar has one button: The Control Bar has one button:
Close Button – Exit the PBEM++ screen. Close Button – Exit the PBEM++ screen.

Waiting screen – This is where you can see the

list of games that are waiting for your opponent 3.4. Edit Scenario
to play.
There are six headings:
Instance – a PBEM++ code that IDs the game Clicking on the Edit Scenario button will send you
in progress. to the Scenario Map Editor.

Starting the Game 19

4. Standard Rules
§§ Under Standard Rules, any sections described §§ All units are considered fully supplied.
in this manual as Advanced Rules will not §§ All locations are considered “seen”.
apply to your game. Under Standard Rules: §§ All friendly units are fully “cooperative”.
§§ All right mouse button popup game menus §§ All air unit missions are assigned by the
are eliminated. computer. You can override computer-
§§ Movement is always made by units assigned missions by using your air units to
individually and combat is always executed as bomb enemy targets if you wish. (Scenario
a group. The embarking and disembarking of designers should understand that missions
units is done using the small brass buttons in are assigned at the end of the Turn, so the
the Unit Panel. missions assigned in the Editor will be the
§§ The Unit Report window is unavailable. missions executed on the first Turn.)
§§ Unit Orders and Loss Tolerance settings §§ Bridge Blowing, Bridge Repair, and Bridge
are inaccessible. Graphics representing Loss Attacks are not available.
Tolerance, Orders, and Unit Health are not §§ Automatic damage to rail lines by units inside
shown on 2D unit icons. enemy territory will not occur.
§§ All environmental effects (Weather and Time §§ Unit division occurs only as a result of combat.
of Day) are treated as daytime / moderate Theater options are not available (Scenario
temperatures / fair weather. designers should keep this in mind and assign
§§ Target Density and Traffic Density rules are secondary activations for Theater Option events if
considered to be off. Map graphics associated they are necessary for the Scenario). Certain Menu
with these two rules are not displayed. options are meaningless and are grayed out.

5. Advanced Rules
All rules described in this manual are in effect Fog of War. Some of these options can also be set
unless you turn them off in the Advanced Game using the View / Game Options menu within the
option window. If you turn any options off, the game or Editor.
game will be simplified by removing them. Among
other things, you can set a programmed (computer) To help you identify Advanced Rules
opponent’s intelligence level and the handicap (a quickly, each section that applies will have a
strength cheat), and whether or not to play with Five-Star General insignia displayed next to it.

20 The Operational Art of War IV

6. Interface Conventions
6.1. General Usage always arranged vertically. The “1” key selects
the top button, “2” selects the next button, etc.
6.1.1. Using the Mouse §§ The <Esc> and <Enter> keys can be used 4
For the most part, the interface conforms to to exit any standard game dialog. <Enter>
Windowstm guidelines for windowed applications. accepts the dialog and <Esc> cancels it, they 5
Menus, file dialogs, and window controls work as will also exit from the small “message box”
you would expect. Left mouse clicks are used to style dialogs if there is only one possible 6
make selections, while right mouse clicks are used choice.
to issue orders or call up menus. §§ F1 brings up the help file.
The primary departure from Windowstm §§ F2 Opens the Group Composition Dialog
guidelines is in scrolling of lists or documents, these (same as C below).
act more like scrollbars on mobile devices, clicking §§ F3 Saves Map.
will attempt to go to that portion of the items. In §§ <Shift> and <Ctrl> and F4 Saves current
most cases a left click on a scroll control button player’s OOB.
will scroll the list by one item while a right mouse §§ F9 does a quick save.
button click on a scroll control button will scroll §§ The numerical keypad number keys can be
the list by an entire displayed page. Right-clicking used to scroll the map or center on the current
on a scroll arrow can thus be used to quickly scroll unit.
through large lists. 1 – Southwest
2 – South
6.1.2. Using the Keyboard 3 – Southeast
The game supports a number of hotkeys, which 4 – West
are not case sensitive. There is a text file, called 5 – Center on current unit
“KeyCommands.txt”, in the manuals folder that 6 – East
details all hot keys available. 7 – Northwest
§§ When referring to a unit that can act, we 8 – North
mean the next land unit in the owning 9 – Northeast
player’s Order of Battle (OOB) that is neither §§ The Arrow keys can be used to scroll the map.
selected for combat, Dug In, Entrenched, Use the <Shift> key along with an arrow key
Fortified, in either Local or Tactical Reserve, to scroll the microview map’s locator pane.
or out of Movement Points. Use the <Ctrl> key along with an arrow key
§§ Message window style dialogs now accept to scroll the microview map.
input from the number keys (either on the §§ Period < . > – Disembarks the selected unit, if
keypad or the main row at the top of the possible. If not, this will advance to the next
keyboard) to select from available options. unit that can disembark.
The options buttons in these dialogs are §§ Comma < , > – Recombines or splits units.

Interface Conventions 21
§§ F12 or Backslash < \ > – Toggles PO Assist including unit visibility.
Mode. §§ L – Cycles through the Loss Tolerance
§§ Slash < / > – Show the current formation settings for the selected unit.
path. §§ <Shift> and L – Cycles through the Loss
§§ Questionmark < ? > – Show all formation paths. Tolerance settings for the selected stack.
§§ <Shift> and F12 or Vertical Bar < | > – The §§ M – Toggles the standard unit icon display
PO moves your units that are under PO mode between Movement and Strengths.
Assist Control. §§ N – Selects the next unit that can act.
§§ Space < > – Hides units while held down. §§ O – Bring up the Order of Battle Report (in-
Also hides some dialogs. game only, not in the Editor).
§§ <Shift> or <Caps Lock> speeds up individual §§ P – If the current unit is able to attack the
battles and PO moves. location the cursor is over, this brings up the
§§ A – Bring up the air unit report. Attack Planning window (see 10.5). Note
§§ <Shift> and A – Brings up the Air Briefing. that this is a method to avoid causing the
§§ B – Find place defender to Retreat Before Combat, if that is
§§ <Ctrl> and B – Find next place. desired.
§§ C – Group Composition: The Group in §§ R – Refreshes the display of the current unit.
the map location currently under the mouse §§ T – Sets the selected unit to Tactical Reserve
cursor is displayed in a small window similar and advances to the next unit that can act.
to one of the location panes in the Attack §§ <Shift> and T – Brings up the list of available
Planning window. If the cursor is not over an Theater Options (see 10.3).
occupied location, the Group in the current §§ U – Brings up the Unit Report (see 16.1).
unit’s location will be displayed. This can be §§ W – Toggles the map pane weather view on
used to examine friendly or enemy occupied or off.
locations. If you click on a friendly unit in the §§ X – Saves a “scenario name.AI” file and Saves
window, it becomes the new current unit. The a “scenario name.col file.
Group Composition window is also available §§ Y – Graphically zooms in.
in the map panel right mouse button popup §§ <Shift> and Y – Graphically zooms out.
menu as “Show Group Composition”. §§ Z – Undo the last action.
§§ D – Orders the unit to Dig In and advances §§ Plus sign < + > – Selects the next unit.
to the next unit that can act. §§ <Shift> and < + > – Selects the next unit that
§§ E – Resolves all combats or ends the Turn. can act. This is the same as N, above.
§§ F – Brings up the Formation Report (see §§ Minus key < – > – Select the previous unit.
16.2). §§ <Shift> and < – > – Selects the previous unit
§§ G – Gets the next unit stacked with the that can act. This is similar to N, above.
current unit, brings it to the top of the group
stack, and makes it the current unit. 6.1.3. Force Editor Hotkeys
§§ H – Moves HQs to the top of stacks. §§ You can copy a unit’s equipment into a buffer
§§ I – Toggles through the range circles options, (using the G [Get] key in the Force Editor)

22 The Operational Art of War IV

and use it to replace the equipment in another window. When you first start the game, you may
unit (using the A [Assign] key in the Force find it helpful to slowly pass the mouse cursor
Editor). over the entire Game Window while keeping an
§§ F4 – Saves the current Order of Battle as a eye on the Information Panel near the bottom
specially formatted text file. of the display. As you play, keep an eye on the
§§ F5 – Loads a specially-formatted text file as Information Panel for prompts and information.
an order of battle.
6.1.5. Common Screen Elements
6.1.4. Scenario Editor Hotkeys Regardless of whether you are playing a Scenario
§§ F6 – Saves the current Scenario’s Event List or are working within the Scenario Editor, there 6
as a specially formatted text file. are several items that are common to all screens.
§§ F7 – Loads a specially-formatted text file as
the Event List of the current Scenario. 6.1.6. The Window Frame
§§ F8 – Saves the scenario in TOAW III version The Window Frame is a standard Windowstm style
3.4 format. window frame and menu. It can be sized, moved,
§§ <Shift> and F8 – Saves the scenario in maximized, minimized, etc.
TOAW III version 3.2 format.
§§ F11 – Regenerates the .eqp and .nqp files. 6.1.7. The Map Panel
This area displays a portion of the current Scenario
The effects of right or left mouse clicks are map. Click within this panel to issue orders or
usually different and are always described in the make selections from the map. Move your mouse
Information Panel at the bottom of the screen or cursor to the edge of the Map Panel to scroll the

Interface Conventions 23
display to other areas of the map. The map may
also be repositioned via Map Drag: Place the cursor
over an unoccupied hex, hold down the left mouse
button, and drag the mouse to a new location.
Release the left button and the map will be moved
to the new location
There are a total of five 2D zoom levels for this
display (and two 3D zoom levels). Place names
scale with the zoom level, too, if Windows fonts
are used for the place name fonts. scale as the Microview. Clicking on the jump map
Within each zoom level, the Y hotkey zooms anywhere will center the main map on the place
further in, while the <Shift>Y Hotkey zooms you click. Obviously, this is only of value for maps
further out. These zooms do not switch to a large enough to exceed the micromap limits.
different tile and counter set like the original
zooms. Instead, the set in use is graphically scaled. 6.1.10. Air War Panel
This is meant for people who want screenshots to By default, this is below the Unit Panel.
illustrate a certain point. Side – Ours or Theirs
AS – A number indicating the Air Superiority
6.1.8. The Information Panel level.
This area is shown along the bottom of the INT – The percent chance of an aircraft being
display. Prompts, help, and general text feedback intercepted.
appear here. Be sure to look here for prompts and LOST – Aircraft that have been lost.
information as you move your mouse cursor around Also known as the “bolted plate”.
and click within the game display. This area’s display is dependent
upon the screen resolution used. At
6.1.9. The Microview Panel larger screen resolutions (at least
This area in the lower left corner of the game 1024 x 768), a circlet of gold stars surrounds the
display shows most or all of the current map using TOAW IV logo. This circlet provides a graphical
very small-scale graphics. In some Scenarios, the approximation of the portion of the Turn that a
map is large enough that it won’t fit entirely within player has used. This feature is only present on the
the Microview Panel. To scroll the microview map Legacy Control Panel (see below).
to another area of a large Scenario map, move
your mouse cursor to the edge of the microview 6.1.11. The Legacy Control Panel
panel. Left (or right) click in the Microview This is an obsolete feature that is accessed via the
Panel to recenter the map panel on that portion Panels Control Panel (see below at 6.1.14). This
of the Scenario map. The micromap may also be area is shown along the right hand side of the
repositioned via Map Drag like the main map. game display. The appearance and functions of the
Double-clicking on the Microview will open up Control Panel vary depending on whether you are
the ‘jump map,’ a full screen map with the same playing the game or using the Editor.

24 The Operational Art of War IV

6.1.12. Legacy Turn Information The Unit Panel consists of five sections. The first
Panel section shows the date, the unit’s Force Roundel,
This is part of the obsolete Legacy Control Panel. and the unit’s Owning Force. The second section
This area will show information on the current shows the Unit Stack or Group Composition,
Turn, when the mouse cursor is anywhere other depending upon mode. If in Stack mode, it also
than the Map Panel. Note that TOAW IV uses shows the unit’s Parent Formation, Unit Name, and
the MM/DD/YYYY format for dates when using Deployment or Mission. The third section (only
English and other formats for other languages, visible in stack mode) shows the unit’s Health,
this is set in the current Language.xml file. If the Attack Strength, Defense Strength, and Original
mouse cursor is over a friendly unit, it shows the and Remaining Movement Allowance. The fourth 6
proficiency, readiness, and supply of that unit. section shows the unit’s Proficiency, Readiness, and
If it is over any blank space in the map panel, it Supply level both numerically and via a health pie
shows the proficiency, readiness, and supply of the chart. The fifth section shows the current round, and
currently selected unit. the progress pane – showing the rounds expended
so far and to be expended by planned combats.
6.1.13. The New Unit Panel A “stack” of unit icons appears in the second
This area is visible only in the game. There is a section of the Unit Panel (if the panel is in Stack
legacy Unit Panel that is visible when the Legacy mode). If you move your mouse cursor slowly along
Control Panel is used and in the Deployment the edge of the stack in the Unit Panel, you can
Editor. That is discussed in section 17.11.1. Left examine each unit grouped in the same location.
clicking on the Unit Panel centers the screen on Left click on any one of the stacked unit icons to
the unit. Right clicking on the Unit Stack (when make the indicated unit the new “current unit”
the Panel is that mode) brings up the Unit Report (thus bringing it to the top of the stack). When
window for the top unit shown in the panel. Right in Group Composition mode, mousing over the
clicking elsewhere in the panel toggles the view group allows similar examination of each unit. Note
mode between Stack and Group Composition. that, when in Group Composition mode, mousing
over stacks on the map reveals the compositions of
those stacks – making it easy to view the contents
of stacks around the map.
Several icons can be displayed along the center
of section 2 of the Unit Panel to show that the unit
can board or debark from ships, planes, or trains.
These icons also act as buttons. Clicking on them
will order the unit to attempt the indicated action:

Board Helicopter Board Train

Board Ship Board Plane


Interface Conventions 25
Various icons and numbers below the counters /not showing the rest of the panel.
of the Unit Panel indicate the general state of the The rest of the panel has six buttons that toggle
unit and the presence of other units also present in the showing of the parts of the Control Panel on
its location. From left to right, at bottom: and off:
§§ The Health Icon shows a color from green
Info Line Panel shown/not shown.
(very good Unit Supply, Readiness, and
Equipment levels) to red (very poor Supply, Buttons Panel shown/not shown.
Readiness, and Equipment levels).
Microview Panel shown/not shown.
§§ Numbers below the Attack Strength icon
indicate the unit’s Attack Strength. If the unit Air War Panel shown/not shown.
can fire long distances at enemy units, the
Unit View Panel shown/not shown.
range is shown next to the Attack Number,
otherwise the unit’s Anti-Personnel and Old Control Panel shown/not shown.
Anti-Armor Strengths are shown.
§§ A number below to the Defense Strength 6.1.15. Button Panel
icon indicates the unit’s Defense Strength. This panel is discussed in section 10.2.
§§ Finally, two numbers below the Movement
Allowance icon indicates the unit’s Current 6.1.16. Tool Tips
and Original Movement Allowances. For
example, “10 of 20” would mean the unit’s
Current Movement Allowance is 10 and the
Original Movement Allowance is 20.
§§ Below that in a row are the Proficiency,
Readiness and Supply, indicated by heath pie Includes an enlarged picture of the terrain.
icons which can range in color from red to The top line may include the unit name if the
green. unit is visible.
The Second line includes the various effects that
6.1.14. The Panels Control Panel terrain has on the hex, including Anti-Tank, Anti-
On the top left of the Map Panel is the Panels Personnel, Fortification Level and Supply.
Control Panel. This is a panel of buttons that toggle The Third line includes the Formation PO
the various Control Panel panels visible/invisible. Orders
The first part of this panel even toggles the display The Fourth line includes the location and terrain
of the rest of the panel. (So, once you’ve made your description.
choices as to which Control Panels to show, you The fifth line includes the prompt line which
can even make most of this panel invisible). describes some options available if you click in the
The first part of the panel shows two buttons: hex.
The first button sequences through Normal Note that setting the ToolTipShow very high
View , Review Battles , and PO Mode and the ToolTipHide very short (see the “Page
. The second button toggles between showing Two” display above) effectively turns ToolTips off.

26 The Operational Art of War IV

7. Game Displays
7.1. The Menu §§ Save Map As – Save the current Map.
Menu functions work according to Windowstm §§ Create Map Image (BMP) – Save the Map as a
conventions. Many game and Editor functions are single (usually very large – several MB) JPEG
only available through the Menu. file. You will need a good graphics program to
display or manipulate the JPEG file.
Not all of these menu items are available at any §§ Open Map (XML) – Loads a map that has
given time. been saved as an XML format text file. 6
§§ Save Map (XML) – Saves the map as an
XML format text file. 7
7.2. The Game’s File Menu §§ Open Game (XML) – Loads and entire
§§ Begin New Game – Load a new Scenario and scenario that has been saved as an XML
start a new game. format file.
§§ Resume Saved Game – Load an existing §§ Save Game (XML) – Saves the entire scenario
saved game file and resume that game. as an XML format text file.
§§ Save Game As… – Save the current game. §§ Save Equipment (XML) as... – Saves the
§§ Go to Editor – Exit the game and go to the Equipment.eqp file as an XML format text
Scenario Editor. file. (This is necessary for the Equipment
§§ Create Map Image ( JPG) – Create an image Editor).
of the current map. §§ Go to Game – Exit the Editor and play the
§§ Create Map Image (AVI) – Create an image game.
of the current map.
§§ Close – Close the application.
7.4. The Play Menu
§§ End Scenario – Ends the current Scenario.
7.3. The Editor’s File Menu Victory is determined normally, but may not
§§ New Scenario – Initialize a new Scenario and be historically valid.
go to the Map Editor. §§ End Turn – Resolve any planned Attacks,
§§ Open Scenario – Open an existing Scenario and possibly hand control over to the other
file. player. This has exactly the same effect as
§§ Close – Close the application the Resolve Battles / End Turn button in the
§§ Save Scenario As – Save the current Scenario. Control Panel.
§§ Dump Scenario As – Create a text file that §§ Computer Player – Change the computer
completely describes the current Scenario. player selection.
This text file is commonly referred to as a §§ Undo – Undo the previous action. This is the
“Scenario Dump”. same as clicking on the Undo button in the
§§ Open Map – Open an existing Map file. control panel.

Game Displays 27
§§ Game Options – This brings up the §§ Air Units – Show a list of all Air units, their
first page of the Set Advanced Game locations, and current Missions.
Options dialogs. These options affect both §§ Order of Battle – Show a list of all units
players and cannot be changed once a PBEM currently in-Theater (on the map).
game begins. See 3.3.1. §§ Recent News – Show a Report listing
§§ Player Options – This brings up the second significant events that have occurred both in
page of the Set Advanced Game Options and out of Theater.
dialogs. These options only affect the the §§ Expected Reinforcements – Show a list of all
computer in use and can be changed at any expected Reinforcements and Withdrawals.
time. See 3.3.2 & 3.3.3. §§ Recent Reinforcements – Show a list of
§§ Default Options – This brings up the Game any units received as Reinforcements or
Rules dialog. It allows you to choose between withdrawn from the Theater this Turn.
Updated Defaults (that use Tool Tips and allow §§ Inventory and Replacements – Show a list
skipping the Movement Popup) or Classic of all equipment assigned or available as
Defaults (that turn both those features off ). Replacements.
§§ Plan Moves (\) – This turns on PO Assist §§ Formation Path (/) – Shows the current
Mode. formation’s objective path via graphic lines
§§ Execute Moves (|) – This moves all your units between objectives.
that are under PO Assist control. §§ All Formation Paths (?) – Shows all
§§ Move One Formation – This moves only the formations’ objective paths via graphic lines
current formation if under PO Assist control. between objectives.
§§ Objective Tracks – This expands to show
Track 1 through Track 5 to allow the player
to choose which track to display on the map. 7.6. The Editor’s View Menu
§§ Properties – Show the completion status of
the current Scenario.
7.5. The Game’s View Menu §§ Order of Battle – Show a list of all units of
§§ Scenario Briefing – Show the Scenario’s the current side.
historical and special information article. §§ Place Names: Visible – Place names are shown
§§ Situation Briefing – Show the report detailing on the Map, below any visible unit icons.
the current game situation. §§ Place Names: Floating – Place names are
§§ Weather Briefing – Show a current Weather shown on the Map, above any visible unit
Briefing (see 16.9) with a forecast for the next icons.
Turn. §§ Place Names: Invisible – Place names are not
§§ Theater Options – Show the Theater shown on the Map.
Options window (see 10.3). §§ Location Grid: Visible – Use this to display a
§§ Air Briefing – Show a report giving aircraft hexagonal grid overlay on your map.
losses for the current Turn, as well as Theater §§ Location Grid: Invisible – Use this to remove
Air Superiority and Theater Interdiction Levels. the hexagonal grid overlay from the map.

28 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Unit Visibility: Visible – Units are shown on §§ Movement Paths: Visible – Show projected
the Map. Movement Paths.
§§ Unit Visibility: Invisible – No units are §§ Movement Paths: Invisible – Do not show
shown on the Map. projected Movement Paths.
§§ Units: Icons – Strength – Traditional, §§ Movement Paths: Floating – Show projected
standard NATO unit icons are shown on the Movement Paths above unit icons.
Map, with unit Strengths displayed at the §§ Formation Highlight: Visible – A “steel-
bottom of the icon. colored” highlight is placed in all locations
§§ Units: Icons – Movement – Traditional, where a unit of the current Formation is
standard NATO unit icons are shown on present.
the Map, with remaining unit Movement §§ Formation Highlight: Invisible – The “steel-
displayed at the bottom of the icon. colored” highlight is not shown around other 7
§§ Unit 3D Bases: 3D Figures Bases – 3D units belonging to the same Formation as the
figures are shown with bases. selected unit.
§§ Unit 3D Bases: 3D Figures No Bases – 3D §§ Place Names: Visible – Place names are
figures are shown without bases. shown on the Map, below any visible unit
§§ Text Contrast: Standard icons.
§§ Text Contrast: Highlight – Show most game §§ Place Names: Floating – Place names are
text against a shadowed background. shown on the Map, above any visible unit
§§ Text Contrast: Maximum – Show most game icons.
text against a dark gray background. §§ Place Names: Invisible – Place names are not
§§ Intro Cinematic: Do Not Play – Do not shown on the Map.
play the introductory movie when the game §§ Possession: Flags – Territorial ownership is
starts. indicated on the Map by national flags.
§§ Intro Cinematic: Play At Startup – Play the §§ Possession: Borders – Territorial ownership
introductory movie when the game starts. is indicated on the Map by colored borders
along the boundaries between the two Forces.
§§ Possession: Invisible – Possession of terrain is
7.7. The Options Menu not indicated on the Map.
§§ Options Pulldown – Most of these §§ Unit Visibility: Visible – Units are shown on
items are grouped as “radio buttons”, the Map.
and only one option is active within a group at §§ Unit Visibility: Invisible – No units are
any given time. Some of these options are not shown on the Map.
available unless you are playing under §§ Units: Icons – Strength – Traditional,
Advanced Rules. standard NATO unit icons are shown on the
§§ Location Grid: Visible – Use this to display a Map, with unit Strengths displayed at the
hexagonal grid overlay on your map. bottom of the icon.
§§ Location Grid: Invisible – Use this to remove §§ Units: Icons – Movement – Traditional,
the hexagonal grid overlay from the map. standard NATO unit icons are shown on

Game Displays 29
the Map, with remaining unit Movement 7.8. The Help Menu
displayed at the bottom of the icon. §§ Help Topics – Calls up a standard Windows
§§ Unit 3D Bases: 3D Figures Bases – 3D help file.
figures are shown with bases. §§ About The Operational Art of War – This
§§ Unit 3D Bases: 3D Figures No Bases – 3D shows credit and version info for the game.
figures are shown without bases.
§§ Map View: 2D Huge – Set the Map view to
the huge 2D mode. 7.9. The Sound Menu
§§ Map View: 2D Large – Set the Map view to
the large 2D mode. 7.9.1. Background
§§ Map View: 2D Small – Set the Map view to §§ Music – Turns the background music on and
the small 2D mode. the background battle sounds off.
§§ Map View: 2D Tiny – Set the Map view to §§ Battle Sounds – Turns the background battle
the tiny 2D mode. sounds on and the music off.
§§ Map View: 2D Ultra Tiny – Set the Map §§ Music & Battle Sounds – Turns background
view to the ultra tiny 2D mode. music and battle sounds on.
§§ Map View: 3D Large – Set the Map view to §§ No Background Sounds – Turns off all
the large 3D mode. background sounds.
§§ Map View: 3D Small – Set the Map view to
the small 3D mode. 7.9.2. Sound Effects
§§ Supply: Sources – Show Supply Sources in §§ Sound Effects On – Turns the foreground
the Map panel. sound effects on.
§§ Supply: Invisible – Do not show Supply §§ Sound Effects Off – Turns the foreground
Sources or levels in the Map Panel. sound effects off.
§§ Supply: Visible – Show the Supply Location
Values for all locations in the Map Panel.
§§ Weather: Visible – Show weather in the Map 7.10. The Mouse Cursor
and Microview Panels. The mouse cursor shape is significant. In addition
§§ Weather: Invisible – Do not show weather in to the standard Windows cursor shapes used to
the Map or Microview Panels. manage the Game Window, there are several
§§ Text Contrast – Standard game-defined shapes:
§§ Text Contrast: Highlight – Show most game The colored pointing finger shape generally
text against a shadowed background. indicates a button or control that can be
§§ Text Contrast: Maximum – Show most game pushed (clicked on) to cause some action.
text against a dark gray background. The black & white pointing finger shape is
§§ Intro Cinematic: Do Not Play – Do not play used where mouse clicks will have no effect.
the introductory movie when the game starts. The up-pointing finger shape is used to
§§ Intro Cinematic: Play At Startup – Play the indicate that a unit can move to a given map
introductory movie when the game starts. location.

30 The Operational Art of War IV

The crosshair is used to indicate a target for 100% – 86% Green
an attack or bombardment. In the map editor 85% – 71% Yellow-Green
it is used to indicate a target for a map editing 70% – 56% Yellow
operation. 55% – 41% Orange
The open box cursor is used to indicate the 40% – 0% Red
area to be centered if you click within the
Microview Panel. Note: If the unit is marked as Unsupplied, the
Various arrow cursors indicate scrolling Health Indicator is Black, for easier identification
directions for the Map and Microview. of Unsupplied units.
Custom animated cursors are available. There is
one for ground assault, one for artillery bombard,
and one for air bombard. They can’t be turned 7.12. Standard Unit Icons 7
off, but players can just move their files from the Regardless of the Map and unit display
Graphics folder to a graphically inaccessible folder mode you are using to play the game,
if they don’t desire to use them. the standard 2D unit icons are used in
the Unit Panel and Combat Planning Dialog. If
you are playing in 2D mode, they are also used on
7.11. Unit Health Indicators the map. There is a lot of information packed into
these icons.
7.11.1. Standard Rules The colors of the icons are a general guide to how
If for some reason you can’t move a unit, a red well your units can cooperate. Units of different
band will be shown across the bottom of its 2D Formations will tend to cooperate better in attacks
unit icon. This might occur as a result of a combat if they have similar colors. Generally speaking,
or because the unit is prevented from moving by units will cooperate best if their 2D counter colors
special Scenario rules. If the unit is scheduled to are identical.
participate in an Attack, a triangular red-colored A unit Health Indicator light appears in the
Attack Indicator will appear along the edge of upper right corner of the icon.
the icon, pointing in the direction of the Attack A symbol in the center of the icon shows the
Objective. unit Type.
A unit Size symbol appears above the Type
7.11.2. Advanced Rules symbol. Ground units only – not on air or naval
Unit Health is an average of the unit’s Supply, units.
Readiness, and a fraction of assigned vs. authorized If the unit is scheduled to participate in an
equipment. It is not actually used in any game Attack, a triangular brass attack indicator will
calculations, but it can be useful in keeping track appear along the edge of the icon, pointing in the
of how your units are doing. Health is shown as a direction of the Attack Objective.
colored light in the Health Indicator of the Unit Unit Attack and Defense Strengths or
Panel and on the standard unit icons. The colors Movement Allowance appears below the unit Type
stand for the following ranges: symbol.

Game Displays 31
7.13. Unit Icon Display latoon Regiment
P Corps Theater
(Advanced Rules) Company Brigade Army Supreme Command
The colors of icons are a general guide to how I X XXXX XXXXXXX
well your units can cooperate. Units of different
Formations will tend to cooperate better in attacks 7.13.2. Additional Unit Numbers
if they have similar colors. They will cooperate best Options
if the colors are identical. There are additional display options for the unit
Loss Tolerance pips appear to the left of the numbers beside just Attack and Defense. These
Type symbol. One pip if the unit is to Minimize are saved in the Opart 4.ini file and can be set
Losses, two indicates Limit Losses, and three if the using the Unit Icon editor in the Player Options.
unit is to Ignore Losses. Entering the M Key or pressing the Unit Icon
Deployment / Mission letters appear to the right Display button cycles through the options selected
of the Type symbol. For most units, this represents in that file. There can be up to six options to cycle
the unit’s Deployment. For Air units, it represents through (four strength and two movement). One
the unit’s Mission. of the options is always the MP display. The other
If the unit is not fully available for Orders, the had always been the AP & DF display. Now, there
numbers are shown in a colored band as follows: are the following parameters to set in the Opart
§§ Yellow: The units are in Garrison mode, 4.ini file:
which is the result of a special Scenario rule. The strength options are as follows:
§§ Orange: The unit or its parent Formation is §§ Anti-Armor
reorganizing. Otherwise, they are in Reserve §§ Anti-Personnel
as a result of a special Scenario rule. §§ Anti-Air High
§§ Red: The unit is Routed. §§ Anti-Air Low
If the unit is scheduled to participate in an Attack, §§ Defense – Total Defense (of soft and armored
a triangular red-colored attack indicator will appear equipment)
along the edge of the icon, pointing in the direction §§ Armor Defense – armored equipment only
of the Attack Objective. §§ Bombard
§§ Recon
§§ Engineering
§§ Rail Repair
§§ Anti-Air Intercept
§§ Minor Fording
§§ Major Fording
§§ Attack
§§ Anti-Air All
7.13.1. Unit Sizes §§ Airmobile Lift
S Battalion Division Army Group §§ Support
• • II XX XXXXX §§ Police

32 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Anti-Fortification bombardment ranges of your support units. This
§§ Bombardment Defense command now toggles between showing no units,
§§ Nuclear Bombard units but no DBR, the current unit’s DBR, and all
§§ Defending Terrain Check – Defense strength units DBR’s. Only the DBR’s for friendly units will
modified by terrain be shown. On the main map, all non-air, ranged units
There is one movement display option: should display the radius of their maximum range in
§§ Time Stamp – Fraction of unit’s movement one of three colors. In order of visibility, they are:
allowance expended, in tenths. (0 = not White = Unit currently selected.
moved; 10 = no movement left). Note how Black = A unit that is set to attack/bombard, or
useful this display can be for determining the is in any support deployment mode (D, E, F, L, or
impact adding such a unit to a combat will T), or has no remaining Movement Points (MP’s).
have on that combat’s start round. Red = A unit that has MP’s remaining, is not 7
set to attack, and is not in any support deployment
7.14. Displayed The DBR of air units is shown on the micro
map, along with the effective radii of AA units.
Bombardment Range (DBR) These are both displayed in blue.
This feature will allow the “I” key, or Unit Visibility The above colors can be edited via the DBR
button in the Control Panel, to display the Editor. (See section

Game Displays 33
Note that there is an option on the DBR Editor to choose whether DBRs are circular or hexagonal.

8. Playing the Game

8.1. Game Definitions in the Theater, and their potential effects may
strongly influence your in-Theater decisions.
8.1.1. The Map
The Map Edge Non Playable Areas
The map edge includes all locations adjacent to Some maps are partially obscured by black areas;
either an off-map or non-playable location. these areas are permanently non playable. Units
using Air and Airborne Movement may move
The Theater through Non Playable Areas, but they may not
This is everything contained in the entire playable stop there. No other unit may enter a Non Playable
map area. You have complete control in the Theater. Area. Air Strikes may be launched across Non
In some Scenarios, events can occur outside of the Playable Areas. Supply cannot be traced across
Theater. These events can have significant impact Non Playable Areas.

34 The Operational Art of War IV

Exclusion Zones Attack and Defense numbers for quick reference
In some Scenarios, part of the map may be purposes. The quick reference numbers are a
partially obscured by an overlay of diagonal lines. reasonably good indicator of a unit’s expected
These are Exclusion Zones, which are essentially performance, but they only tell part of the story.
non-playable areas. There may be as many as two If you examine a Full Unit Report (see 16.1), you
Exclusion Zones in any given Scenario. will see the Strengths broken down by category:
Friendly units within an Exclusion Zone may be §§ Airmobile Transport – This is the unit’s
examined. You can issue most kinds of orders to ability to provide Airmobile Transport to
them and they are considered normally supplied. Airmobile Units within 200 kilometers
No unit may enter any location in an Exclusion §§ Anti-Armor – This is the unit’s strength
Zone, although Air strikes may be launched into against enemy armored equipment. Anti-
Excluded locations. Supply may not be traced Armor strength is only used against enemy
through Exclusion Zones. Units in Exclusion armored equipment.
Zones will not interfere with the movement of §§ Anti-Personnel – This is the unit’s strength
enemy units outside the Zone, and will not “patrol” against enemy non-armored equipment.
outside of the Exclusion Zone. Units outside of §§ Anti-Air (high) – This is the unit’s strength
Exclusion Zones will not patrol locations inside of against aircraft operating at high altitude.
Exclusion Zones. Guerrilla activity has no effect This generally applies to Medium and Heavy
within an Exclusion Zone. Bombers, or aircraft performing Interdiction
Unlike Non-Playable Areas, Exclusion Zones Missions in the area.
may be removed during the course of a Scenario. §§ Anti-Air (low) – This is the unit’s strength
against aircraft operating at low altitude.
Unit This generally applies to smaller aircraft
A unit is the smallest organization of military performing Bombardment or Combat
force that can appear on a map. It is defined by the Support Missions, or launching Interdiction
equipment (see below) assigned and authorized, its Attacks against moving units.
Proficiency, Readiness, Supply, Icon Colors, Icon §§ Defense – This is the unit’s general ability to
Type, and Size symbol. defend itself.
§§ Reconnaissance – This is the unit’s chance to
perform exceptional feats of reconnaissance.
8.2. Unit Characteristics It also influences a unit’s Strength at the
and Their Effects beginning of an attack and its ability to move
near enemy forces.
8.2.1. Unit Strengths and §§ Engineering – This is the unit’s chance to
Capabilities rebuild bridges and aid other units in certain
A unit’s Strengths and Capabilities are based on combat engineering tasks.
the equipment assigned, Proficiency, Readiness, §§ Minor Ferry – This is the unit’s ability to reduce
and Supply Level. Various assigned equipment movement penalties for itself or others entering
strengths are scaled and combined into generic River or Canal terrain in the unit’s location.

Playing the Game 35

§§ Major Ferry – This is the unit’s ability to Every time a unit engages in combat, there is
allow other units to enter “Super River” or a chance that its Proficiency will increase. Less
“Suez Canal” terrain. proficient units will increase more rapidly than
§§ Rail Repair – This is the unit’s chance to more proficient units.
rebuild damaged Rail Lines.
§§ Artillery – This is the unit’s Bombardment 8.2.3. Unit Readiness
Strength. It includes that portion of the This represents the effects of wear and tear on
Anti-Personnel Strength that the unit can equipment and troop fatigue. A fully-rested
use in Bombardment Missions or in Combat unit has a Readiness of 100%, and a completely
Support. Typically, only Headquarters, Naval, exhausted unit has a Readiness of 33%.
Air, and Artillery units will have a non-zero
Artillery Strength, regardless of equipment 8.2.4. Unit Morale
assigned. This is a weighted average of a unit’s Proficiency,
These Strengths are simply the sums of the total Supply Level, and Readiness. Regardless of actual
Strengths in each category for all equipment assigned Proficiency, Supply Level or Readiness, Morale can
to the unit, multiplied by the unit’s Morale (see below), be no lower than 10% and no higher than 100%. This
scaled to fit the game displays. The unit’s actual value is multiplied by the raw equipment Strengths
internal Strengths, used for all game calculations but to calculate the actual effective Strengths of the unit.
not displayed, are much larger numbers. At the low
end (displayed unit strengths less than three), there 8.2.5. Unit Quality
can be quite a bit of real difference between units that This is a weighted average of a unit’s Proficiency and
show similar displayed Strengths. Readiness, expressed as a percentage. Regardless of
Some units have anti-aircraft fire ranges of up actual Proficiency and Readiness, Unit Quality can
to 50 kilometers against Air units participating in be no lower than 10% and no higher than 100%.
Combat Support or Bombardment Missions in the This is the chance that the unit will pass a Quality
area. Check. Quality Checks are made at numerous
points in the game to determine things like the
8.2.2. Unit Experience and unit’s ability to sustain an attack or hold ground in
Proficiency the face of a strong enemy attack.
The Proficiency of a Veteran unit (one that has
previously participated in a combat) is a known 8.2.6. Air Unit Combat Support and
quantity. This is not true of Untried units (those Air Superiority Reactions
with no combat experience). A unit’s actual (Advanced Rules)
Proficiency is determined when it first participates In order to provide combat support or intercept
in combat, and can vary by as much as 33% (relative) enemy Air units, air units must pass both a
from the originally projected Proficiency. Quality Check (see 9.1.10) and a Range Check.
If a Veteran unit receives large quantities of The chance of passing a Range Check decreases
replacement equipment, there is a chance that the with range to target as a proportion of the unit’s
unit will lose its Veteran status. Combat Range.

36 The Operational Art of War IV

8.2.7. Unit Weight moved this Turn. Units automatically deploy
This is the sum of the weight of all assigned to Moving Deployment if they move.
equipment, expressed in tons. This figure is used §§ Attack – The unit is scheduled to launch an
when determining whether the unit is eligible for attack later in the Turn. A unit enters Attack
transport by Aircraft, Helicopters, Ships, or Trains. Deployment as soon as it is ordered to attack
an enemy location.
8.2.8. Unit Deployment Orders §§ Limited Attack – The unit is scheduled to
(Advanced Rules) launch a limited attack later in the Turn. A
Units may be deployed in various ways within unit enters Limited Attack Deployment as
their location. This Deployment status reflects an soon as it is ordered to conduct a Limited
internal optimization for specific roles or missions: Attack on an enemy location.
§§ Defending – The unit is deployed to defend §§ Retreated – This is similar to a Mobile
the location. There are defensive and supply Deployment, except that the unit has recently
advantages for this deployment. retreated.
§§ Entrenched – This is an enhanced version §§ Routed – This is similar to a Mobile
of the Defending Deployment, with greater Deployment, except that the unit has recently
defensive advantages. routed. The unit may not move or attack.
§§ Fortified – This is the strongest possible defensive §§ Reorganizing – The unit is attempting to
deployment, with very great advantages. recover from recent combat, and may not
§§ Tactical Reserve – The unit will attempt to move or attack.
react to enemy attacks into adjacent locations. §§ Embarked – The unit is boarded on strategic
Headquarters and artillery units assigned to transports – Trains, Ships, or Aircraft. When
Tactical Reserve will not react (but will still the unit disembarks, it will automatically
support). This makes this a good deployment redeploy to Moving status.
for retaining both artillery mobility and §§ Interdiction Mission (Air & Helicopter units
supportability. only) – The unit will perform Interdiction
§§ Local Reserve – The unit will attempt to Missions.
react to enemy attacks into locations within §§ Air Superiority Mission (Air units only)
a movement radius defined by the unit’s – The unit will perform Air Superiority
remaining Movement Allowance. Regardless Missions and will do Sea Reconnaissance.
of the radius, the reaction movement is only §§ Combat Support Mission (Air & Helicopter
one hex per combat. units only) – The unit will support friendly
§§ Mobile – The unit is ready for movement. ground units during attacks.
Artillery units in this Deployment will not §§ Rest Mission (Air & Helicopter units only)
provide long range supporting fire. This is – The unit will perform no Missions. This
also the Deployment status of a unit that accelerates the unit’s ability to recover Readiness.
moved in the previous Turn. §§ Sea Interdiction Mission (Air & Helicopter units
§§ Moving – This is the same as a Mobile only) – The unit will perform Sea Interdiction
deployment, except that the unit has already Missions and will do Sea Reconnaissance.

Playing the Game 37

8.2.9. Changing Deployment Status 8.2.10. Unit Loss Tolerance Orders
(Advanced Rules) (Advanced Rules)
There are restrictions on your ability to change a Unit combat actions depend on the unit’s Orders
unit’s Deployment: Emphasis, which is a relative gauge of casualty
§§ A unit may only change to the Defending tolerance:
deployment from Tactical Reserve, Local §§ Ignore Losses – Units will attempt to either
Reserve, or Mobile Deployments. seize or defend locations in combat, regardless of
§§ A unit may change from Retreated losses.
Deployment to Mobile Deployment, if it has §§ Limit Losses – Units take losses into
sufficient Movement Points remaining to consideration in combat; they will either
position itself for an Attack or Bombardment break off attacks or retreat from a defense, if
against an enemy unit. No such Attack needs necessary, to preserve themselves.
to actually be executed, though; the unit may §§ Minimize Losses – Units will make only the
cancel the Attack order after its confirmation most superficial of efforts in combat. If the
of attack eligibility. enemy is very weak, they will press their attack
§§ A unit may only change to Entrenched or defense. If the enemy is strong enough to
Deployment from the Mobile, Tactical inflict significant losses, the unit will break off
Reserve, Local Reserve, or Defending or retreat.
Deployments. The unit must either pass a
Quality Check or a Local Engineering Check 8.2.11. Division into Sub-Units
(a measurement against the unit’s Engineering (Advanced Rules)
Capability). Regardless of whether the Units may divide and recombine. This is done using
unit passes either of these Checks, the unit the Divide / Recombine button in the Unit Report
expends its entire Movement Allowance in window (see 16.1), or from the popup menu you
the effort. get by right clicking on the unit icon in the Map
§§ A unit may only change to Fortified Panel. When you choose to divide a unit, it can be
Deployment from the Defending or divided into either two or three subunits at your
Entrenched Deployments. The unit must discretion. In order to recombine into the original
either pass a Quality Check or a Local unit, all sub-units must be present. If any subunit is
Engineering Check. Regardless of whether lost, the unit may not recombine until the subunit
the unit passes either of these Checks, the reappears as a reinforcement.
unit expends its entire Movement Allowance Sub-units will have only about 80% of the parent
in the effort. unit’s proficiency. If you recombine your units, the
§§ A unit may deploy to Mobile, Tactical newly recombined parent unit will have 125% of
Reserve, or Local Reserve Deployments the average sub-unit’s proficiency. This means that
from Defending, Entrenched, Fortified, the act of dividing a unit and recombining it will
Tactical Reserve, Local Reserve, or Mobile result in no permanent loss of the unit’s Proficiency.
Deployments. During the game, units are frequently subdivided

38 The Operational Art of War IV

automatically due to adverse combat results. §§ Bicycle Units – These units have enhanced
Also, an Airborne unit might be sub-divided movement capabilities along Roads.
during an Airborne Landing operation. To determine §§ Guerrilla Units – These units have special
if a unit has been subdivided, consult the Formation Movement and Attack capabilities.
Report. §§ Headquarters Units – These units aid in
Air, Naval, Coastal Artillery, Fixed Artillery, distribution of supplies to nearby Cooperative
Supply, and Headquarters units may not be divided. units. In some Scenarios, they also provide
Formations with a large number of divided units command functions.
are more likely to be forced into Reorganization as §§ Helicopter Transport Units – These units
a result of combat losses. can provide Airmobile Transport capacity for
Airmobile units within 200 kilometers.
§§ Mountain Units – These units have enhanced
8.3. Unit Special Capabilities movement and combat capabilities in hills,
Many units have special capabilities, based either mountains,and across major or minor escarpments.
on the equipment assigned or the Unit Icon symbol. §§ Naval Air Units – These are Air units with
The special capabilities of a unit (if any) are listed the additional capability to be based on
in the Special Abilities section of the Unit Report Aircraft Carriers.
for that unit (see 16.1), as well as from the unit’s §§ Naval Units – These units are only capable
2D icon. See the Unit Type Symbol Key (see 16.1) of movement through Anchorage or Deep
for information on unit 2D icon symbols. Water locations.
§§ Air Units – These units may only be based §§ Ski Units – These units have enhanced
on airfields. Movement is a transfer from one movement capability in Snowy locations.
airfield to another, while combat is normally §§ Special Forces – These units have large
handled as Bombardment or Combat Support Reconnaissance capabilities and a special
and does not actually require movement. capability to easily move near enemy units. They
§§ Airborne Units – These units are eligible for also have all of the capabilities of Airborne,
Air Transport and Airdrops. Airmobile, and Mountain units.
§§ Airmobile Units – These units are eligible for §§ Supply Units – Increases the Supply Level in
Airmobile Movement. each supplied location that can trace a path no
§§ Amphibious Units – These units are capable longer than the Supply Radius to the Supply
of independent Amphibious Movement. unit. Additionally, Supply units multiply supply
§§ Artillery and Headquarters Units – These distribution to adjacent Cooperative units by
units automatically support Cooperative 1.5. There is no effect on Unsupplied locations.
friendly units within their Bombardment Units with various types of engineering equipment
range. They are also better at disengaging from assigned can have an Engineering capability. Such
the enemy than most other units. units may be able to rebuild destroyed bridges, aid
§§ Attack Helicopter Units – These units act in Fortification efforts, or conduct Ferry operations
much like Air units, except that they may be (Land units crossing rivers). See Engineering
based in any friendly location. (section 12) for details.

Playing the Game 39

8.4. Equipment kilometers per week). It does this without
This is the generic term for all of the useful using Rail Transport capacity, and can only
weapons, transport vehicles, and other hardware move by rail.
that can be assigned to units. The equipment in §§ Slow Equipment: The equipment uses the Foot
the game is rated for a Weapon Range and Anti- Movement rate (280 kilometers per week).
Armor, Anti-Personnel, Anti-Air High, Anti-Air §§ Static Equipment: The equipment cannot
Low, and Defense strengths. Each piece can also move without transport.
have one or more of the following characteristics: §§ Fixed Equipment: The equipment cannot
8.4.1. Equipment Characteristics §§ Helicopter Movement: The equipment
and Their Effects moves at the helicopter rate.
§§ Agile: The equipment has a horsepower to Movement Related Characteristics weight ratio greater than 20 horsepower per
A unit’s Movement Allowance and cost to ton. This equipment is capable of moving off-
enter certain terrain types are both based on road and is slightly more difficult to hit on
the movement characteristics of the equipment the battlefield.
assigned to the unit. §§ Roadbound: The equipment moves poorly
§§ Riverine Equipment: This equipment uses off of Roads.
the Riverine Movement rate (2400 kilometers §§ Amphibious Equipment: The equipment
per week), and can only move along Rivers has an intrinsic Amphibious Movement
and through Shallow Water and Flooded capability.
Marsh terrain.
§§ Motor Equipment: The equipment uses the Combat Related Characteristics
Motorized Movement rate (560 kilometers Targeting
per week). §§ Targeting+: The equipment has enhanced
§§ Slow Motor Equipment: The equipment targeting capabilities. See the Appendix
uses the Slow Motorized Movement rate (19.0) for details.
(350 kilometers per week). §§ Targeting++: The equipment has enhanced
§§ Fast Motor Equipment: The equipment uses targeting capabilities. See the Appendix
the Fast Motorized Movement rate (660 (19.0) for details.
kilometers per week). §§ Targeting+++: The equipment has enhanced
§§ Horse Equipment: The equipment uses the targeting capabilities. See the Appendix
Horse (with wagons and other transports) (19.0) for details.
Movement Rate (340 kilometers per week). §§ Targeting++++: The equipment has enhanced
§§ Fast Horse Equipment: The equipment uses targeting capabilities. See the Appendix
the Fast Horse (Cavalry) Movement rate (19.0) for details.
(400 kilometers per week). §§ All Weather Equipment: The equipment has a
§§ Rail Move Equipment: The equipment Night / All Weather capability.This is primarily
always moves by Rail Movement (4200 used by aircraft. Naval equipment assigned this

40 The Operational Art of War IV

ability function as if they are equipped with Defensive Capabilities
radar for naval spotting purposes. §§ Armor Equipment: The equipment is armored.
§§ High Altitude AA Equipment: The §§ Active Defender Equipment: The equipment
equipment has an Anti-Aircraft capability actively contributes to a location’s defense and
designed primarily for use against high- is directly exposed to enemy action during
altitude aircraft. any combat.
§§ High/Low Altitude AA Equipment: The §§ NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical)
equipment has an Anti-Aircraft capability Equipment: The equipment is resistant to
designed for use against both high-altitude Nuclear and Chemical attacks.
and low-altitude aircraft.
§§ Long Range Equipment: The equipment has Anti-Armor
a Ranged fire capability. §§ Kinetic Weapons: The equipment is
§§ Extended Bombardment Range: The considered to be using kinetic weapons in
equipment can fire to 1.5 times its normal Anti-Armor combat.
Bombardment Range, at half strength. §§ HEAT Weapons: The equipment is considered
§§ Shock Cavalry: The equipment is shock cavalry. to be using some variation of High Explosive
§§ Standoff Weapons: The equipment fights at Anti-Tank (HEAT) weapons in anti-armor
a distance. combat. HEAT weapons have relatively poor
§§ Infantry: The equipment is infantry. performance against some kinds of armor.
§§ Torpedo Bomber: The equipment is a torpedo
bomber – very effective against naval targets. Special Weapons
§§ Dual Purpose Missiles: The equipment is a §§ Anti-Shipping Equipment: The equipment
missile that can be used against land or sea has a strong anti-shipping capability.
targets. §§ Anti-Shipping Only Equipment: The
§§ Poor Geometry: The equipment is very boxy equipment can only be used against naval or
– slope ratings are reduced significantly. embarked targets (coastal guns).
§§ Fair Geometry: The equipment is somewhat §§ Precision Guided Weapons: The equipment’s
boxy – slope ratings are somewhat reduced. Attack strengths increase if the owning force
has Precision Guided Weapons. Systems that
Exotic Armor always use Precision Guided Weapons do not
These types of armor provide improved resistance have this characteristic.
to HEAT anti-armor weapons. §§ Smoke: The equipment fires only smoke.
§§ Composite Armor: The equipment has §§ Atomic Armed Equipment: The equipment
Composite Armor. can make Atomic attacks if Atomic Weapons
§§ Laminate Armor: The equipment has are available.
Laminate Armor (for example, Chobham
armor). Transport Related Characteristics
§§ Reactive Armor: The equipment has Reactive §§ Transport Equipment: The equipment can
Armor. transport other equipment.

Playing the Game 41

§§ Light Transport Helicopter: The equipment §§ Rail Repair Equipment: The equipment can
can provide one ton of Airmobile transport. repair damaged Rails.
§§ Medium Transport Helicopter: The equipment
can provide three tons of Airmobile transport. Special Capabilities
§§ Heavy Transport Helicopter: The equipment §§ Recon Equipment: The equipment has a
can provide eight tons of Airmobile transport. Reconnaissance capability.
§§ Lightweight: The equipment does not add to §§ Support: The equipment provides Supply
the weight of a unit. functions for a Formation.
§§ Airborne: The equipment can be transported §§ Command: The equipment provides Command
by air. functions for a Formation.
§§ Police: The equipment reduces traffic congestion
Aircraft penalties at its location.
§§ Naval Air Equipment: The equipment is a Most unit Strengths and Capabilities are based
Naval Aircraft. on the total Strengths and Capabilities of all
§§ High Air Equipment: The equipment is an equipment assigned to the unit.
aircraft that attacks at high altitude.
§§ Low Air Equipment: The equipment is an 8.4.2. Authorized Equipment
aircraft that attacks at low altitude. A military unit is essentially an organization of
§§ In-Flight-Refueling Equipment: The troops and equipment. Real-world military units
equipment is an aircraft that can extend its usually have an “official” Table of Organization and
range via in-flight-refueling. Equipment (TO&E). This is the equipment that
the unit is authorized to control. In most cases,
Ships real units do not exactly match their authorized
§§ Heavy Naval Equipment: The equipment is a strength. If the assigned strength is less than the
heavy naval vessel. authorized strength, the unit is considered “under
§§ Medium Naval Equipment: The equipment strength” and will be eligible for replacements.
is a medium naval vessel.
§§ Light Naval Equipment: The equipment is a 8.4.3. Assigned Equipment
light naval vessel. The equipment actually under the control of a unit
§§ Carrier Naval Equipment: The equipment at any given time is considered “assigned”. Generally,
can base naval aircraft units. but not always, the amount of equipment assigned
to a unit is less than the amount authorized. The
Engineering Strengths and Capabilities of a unit are largely
§§ Engineer Equipment: The equipment has an determined by the equipment actually assigned.
Engineering capability.
§§ Major Ferry Equipment: The equipment can
enter Super River or Suez Canal locations 8.5. Force
and can assist other units in entering this A Force is a complete list of all units and Formations
terrain. assigned to one player’s side in a Scenario. It also

42 The Operational Art of War IV

includes a number of characteristics that affect just (1-100%) Force Night Combat Proficiency
about everything you do with units of that Force. Unit Proficiencies are averaged with this value
These characteristics are transparent; in other words, when determining Anti-Armor, Anti-Personnel,
they show up in your unit Strengths, etc., but you and Defense Strengths at night. This characteristic
don’t need to know about them. Scenario designers is only visible in the Editor or the Expanded
set them to achieve specific historical effects. Situation Report.

8.5.1. Force Characteristics and (1-100%) Force Electronic Support Level

Their Effects This represents the general electronic capability
These values reflect various Force-wide capabilities. of the force: Radar, Electronic Countermeasures,
Some are only directly visible in the Editor, but all Signal Intelligence, etc. This characteristic is only
have strong effects on your Force’s ability to fight. visible in the Editor or the Expanded Situation
Force Supply Stockpile
(1-100%) – This represents Supply stockpiles Electronic Support Checks
available to the entire Force. See Force Supply An electronic support check passes if a random
Stockpile (16.13.1) for more information. number from zero to the friendly Force Electronic
Support Level is higher than a random number
Force Proficiency from zero to the enemy Force Electronic Support
(1-100%) – This represents the overall Proficiency Level. Default value of 33% is treated as a value
of the Force. This characteristic is used to of zero for this purpose. Only if the values are
determine the length of your Turn. Reconstituted changed from the default level does the above take
unit Proficiencies are averaged with this value. place. (The feature was non-functional for years.
Force Air Refueling Range Multiplier Once fixed, this qualification had to be made to
This value can range from one to ten. Aircraft with avoid breaking existing scenarios).
inflight refueling capability will have their ranges
multiplied by this amount. Any Extended Ranges Electronic Support Effects
are shown in the game, but the characteristic Locations with HQ units, Air units, and units
itself is only visible in the Editor or the Expanded that move or fire are “noticed” at the beginning of
Situation Report. the following Turn if the enemy player makes an
Electronic Support Check for the location.
(0-100%) Force NBC Proficiency Combats involving large numbers of units are
Losses to chemical and atomic attacks are reduced affected by relative Electronic Support levels.
if this value is greater than zero. At the maximum Artillery, HQ, and Air units can only support
level of 100%, losses for all equipment are reduced combats if they pass a Communication Check.
as though they had an inherent NBC defense Attacks with a large fraction of units failing
capability (see 8.4, Equipment). This characteristic Communication Checks will take longer to resolve.
is only directly visible in the Editor or the Expanded Individual units and entire Formations may
Situation Report. be unavailable for orders (reorganizing) at the

Playing the Game 43

beginning of a Turn due to enemy Electronic appropriate. This characteristic is only visible in the
Warfare. Individual units may be unavailable if Editor or the Expanded Situation Report.
they fail Communication Checks, and Formations
are more likely to be unavailable if a significant Force Precision Guided Weapons Level
proportion of attached units fail Communication (1-999%) – Systems with precision guided weapons
Checks. capabilities (set in the equipment list – mostly aircraft)
have their Anti-Air, Anti-Armor, and Bombardment
Communications Checks Strengths multiplied by the following:
The chance for a unit to pass a Communication
100% + Force Guided Weapons Level %
Check is equal to the Force Communication Level.
It increases if the friendly Electronic Support If you set this value to the maximum value of 999%,
Level is higher than the enemy Electronic Support these systems will have their strengths multiplied by
Level, and decreases if the friendly Electronic almost 11 times. This characteristic is visible only
Support Level is lower than the Enemy Electronic in the Editor or the Expanded Situation Report.
Support Level. Unless the enemy Force has a much
higher Electronic Support Level, or the Force has a Force Loss Intolerance
very low Communication Level, a unit can usually (10-999%) – This value is used only for Victory
pass a Communication Check. Units that have not determination and does not affect the performance
moved this Turn have a higher chance of passing a of your Force in any way. It is a direct multiplier to
Communication Check. the Victory Point penalty you play for losses. This
Long range Anti-Aircraft units must pass a characteristic is only visible in the Editor or the
Communication Check to fire on aircraft at ranges Expanded Situation Report.
of 1 hex or more.
Force Pestilence
Force Communications Level (0-50%) – This value sets a percentage of equipment
(25-100%) – This value is checked against a lost to disease by every unit in the Force on every
random number from 0 to 100 whenever: Turn. Infantry, Horse Transport, and Cavalry
§§ Unit and Formation statuses are determined, equipment is lost at this rate, while all other types
§§ SAM units fire at long range, and/or of equipment are lost at half this rate. Within each
§§ Anti-Aircraft support or Artillery fires in individual location, the losses are multiplied by:
support of Attacks and Defenses. §§ Frozen, Not Snowy: 1.1
Failure prevents the unit from participating in §§ Frozen, Snowy: 1.25
combat or increases the chance that the unit or §§ Hot, not Mud or Marsh: 1.1
its parent Formation will be reorganizing at the §§ Hot, Mud, or Marsh: 1.25
beginning of a Turn. The default value is 100%. §§ Unsupplied: 1.25
The 100% value should be retained for most World §§ Seaborne Land Unit: 1.25
War II and later Scenarios. During the World These multipliers are cumulative. The worst cases
War I period, a value of 75% is recommended for are Unsupplied Frozen, Snowy, or Unsupplied
Scenarios. Prior to 1900, values of 50% or lower are Hot Muddy locations, which would make the

44 The Operational Art of War IV

multiplier 1.5625. If the overall Force Pestilence Force RFC Scalar
value were set at 3%, losses in the worst-case (0-100) – A default value of 10 can be lowered
situations would actually be 4.69% for Infantry, (making Retreat From Combats (Overruns) harder to
Cavalry, and Horse Transport equipment, and obtain), or increased (to make them easier to obtain).
2.34% for all other types of equipment. Half of
Infantry, Cavalry, and Horse Transport equipment 8.5.2. Force / Deployment Editor
lost by units in Supplied locations are sent to the Settings that Affect Both Players
Replacement Pool. All non-Infantry, non-Cavalry, (1-1000) The Attrition Divider
non-Horse Transport equipment lost by units in It is possible to set the Attrition Divider value for a
Supplied locations is sent to the Replacement Pool Scenario by using the Edit > Set Attrition Divider
as well. All other Pestilence losses are permanent. item in the Force and Deployment Editor menus.
This value should rarely be set above 5%, and in This value directly affects the lethality of most
most cases should be lower. The default is 0%. combat. Within the combat code, the effective
This value may be set from the OOB Editor (Edit losses for any item of equipment are divided by
> Modify Current Force menu), or by use of the this number before being applied to the unit. The
Force Pestilence (Pestilence 1 or Pestilence 2) default value is 10. Minimum is 1 and maximum is
Event effects. 100. The effect of setting this value is:
Divider Losses
Force Movement Bias 1 10x
(14-455%) – This is a multiplier for Movement 2 5x
Rates for all units of the Force. 5 2x
10 1x (default)
Force ZOC Cost 20 0.5x
(0-1000%) – Default of 100 applies the normal 50 0.2x
25% cost. A value of 50 halves the cost. A value of 100 0.1x
200 doubles it, etc. This does not affect chances of Other values’ effects are between those listed.
triggering disengagement attacks. This is the cost Scenario designers who change this from the
of moving away from an adjacent unfriendly unit. default should indicate the value used in their
Scenario Briefing.
Force Overextended Supply Threshold
(0-100) – A default value of 0 will not use the (1-99) Max Rounds Per Battle
Overextended feature. This is the location supply It is possible to set Max Rounds Per Battle
level below which a location is overextended (MRPB) value for a Scenario by using the Edit >
instead of supplied. Set Max Rounds Per Battle item in the Force and
Deployment Editor menus.
Force Naval Critical Hit Scalar This value sets the maximum number of rounds
(0-100) – A default value of 10 will make critical that the attacking forces will execute, for all battles,
hits occur about 5% of the times that a ship’s armor in each series of combats. The default value is 99.
is penetrated. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum is 99.

Playing the Game 45

This value can have a wide variety of different AAA Lethality Level.
effects, particularly when coupled with Shock (0-999) – Default is 100, which leaves the lethality
events. Low MRPB values can minimize “Turn as it is now. For example, a value of 50 would halve
burn,” but at the cost of attacks not having AAA lethality, while a value of 200 would double
enough tactical rounds to retreat defenders. Low it. A value of 0 would eliminate all AAA lethality.
MRPB values can also yield better results from
using Tactical and Local Reserve Deployments. Engineering Build Rates.
You can more safely use progressively higher Loss (0-999) – Default is 100, where 100 engineer
Tolerance settings for Attacks, with low MRPB squads have the engineering of 100 squads now. A
values, since the number of tactical rounds that value of 50 would mean that 100 engineer squads
stubborn units continue attacks and defenses will would have the engineering of 50 squads now,
be attenuated. and a value of 200 would mean that 100 engineer
While some Scenarios will benefit from very squads would have the engineering of 200 squads
low MRPB values, it is generally not recommended now, etc. A value of 0 would eliminate engineering
to set it lower than 3, as this also attenuates the effects. Note that this also scales Rail Repair rates
number of rounds that Artillery, Naval, and and Major/Minor Fording rates.
Air units will bombard for, at their higher Loss
Tolerance settings, and may also adversely affect Enemy-Hex Conversion-Costs.
the net bonuses that positive shock values have in (0-999) – Default is 100, where each enemy hex
reducing the number of tactical rounds expended converted costs the moving friendly unit the original
during combat. It is recommended that Scenario 10% of its movement allowance (reducible by high
designers using Shock events generally set this recon levels, though). A value of 50 would mean each
value to be no less than the following: hex costs 5% of the unit’s movement allowance (same
effect of recon as above), and a value of 200 would
(Highest Value Shock – 70) / 10
mean that each hex converted would cost 20% of the
Your mileage may vary; playtest for overall effect unit’s movement allowance. A value of 0 would mean
throughout the campaign. that there wouldn’t be any cost of hex conversion, no
Another effect to keep in mind when setting matter what the unit’s movement allowance or recon
this value is that the chance for ending the Turn by level was. Actual cost to the unit is still rounded
a “Proficiency Check” is not affected. Thus, while down. And there is still a minimum cost of one, with
players may realize more sets of Attacks throughout the single exception for the setting of 0.
their Turn, with low MRPB values, they will
conversely be more likely to have the Turn ended Entrenchment Rates.
(eventually) by a failed Proficiency Check, since (0-999) – Default is 100, under which units dig
one is made at the end of each series of Attacks. in at the same rate as now. A value of 50 halves
See Turn Over (14.1) for details. the rate, and a value of 200 doubles the rate, etc. A
Scenario designers who change this from the value of 0 prevents any digging in at all, and (under
default should indicate the value used in their that special case) digging in attempts don’t zero
Scenario Briefing. remaining MPs.

46 The Operational Art of War IV

Density Combat Penalty Rates. doubles shots. A setting of 20 halves shots, etc.
(0-999) – (Density movement penalties due to Note that it also scales naval combat supply costs.
traffic jams are not affected.). Default is 100, which
leaves density penalties as they are now. A value
of 50 would halve density penalties, a value of 8.6. Formation
200 would double them, and a value of 0 would A Formation is an organization of units with a
eliminate them all together. common Headquarters. Units belonging to the
same Formation are shown on the map by a steel-
Supply Costs of Movement Rate. colored highlight ring around the appropriate
(0-999) – Default is 100, which works like now. A units. See Formation Reports (16.2) for more
value of 50 would halve supply costs of movement information.
(half a point for each MP expended, etc.). A value
of 200 would double costs (2 points for each MP 8.6.1. Formation Characteristics
expended, etc.). A value of 0 would mean there and Effects
was no cost for movement (like naval movement).
Fractional values are effected via random functions. Formation Support Scope Effects
(Advanced Rules)
Readiness Costs of Movement Rate. There are limits on the cooperation possible
(0-999) – Default is 100, which works like now. between units in your Force. In most cases, your
A value of 50 would halve readiness costs of units will only work well with others belonging
movement (half a point for each hex entered, etc.). to the same Formation, but there are special
A value of 200 would double costs (2 points for each cases where some cooperation with units of other
hex entered, etc.). A value of 0 would mean there Formations is possible, as follows.
was no cost for movement (like naval movement).
Fractional values are effected via random functions. Formation Support Scope
Divisor of Improved-Road Motorized-Movement §§ Internal Support: Units assigned to the
(1-10) – A default value of 1 will leave things like in Formation may only freely cooperate with others
TOAW version 3.4 and before. A setting of 2 will in the same Formation. Limited cooperation is
make movement on improved roads by motorized possible with units using the same icon color
units cost ½ movement point. A setting of 3 will scheme; no cooperation is possible with units
make movement on improved roads by motorized using a different icon color scheme.
units cost 1/3 movement point, etc. Maximum §§ Army Support: Units assigned to the
value is 10. Formation may only freely cooperate with
others in the same Formation, or those using
Naval Attrition Divider the same icon color scheme (icon and symbol
(1-1000) – This is the same as the normal Attrition color). Limited cooperation is possible with
Divider, but applies to naval combat only. The units using the same icon background color;
normal Attrition Divider does not affect naval no cooperation is possible with units using a
combat. A setting of 10 is neutral. A setting of 5 different basic icon color.

Playing the Game 47

§§ Force Support: Units assigned to the Cooperative Units
Formation may only freely cooperate with Any units capable of free cooperation are considered
others in the same Formation or others using cooperative. All other units are considered non-
the same basic icon color. Limited cooperation cooperative. Non-cooperative Support units will
is capable with all other units. not automatically support Attacks or Defenses.
§§ Free Support: Units assigned to the Formation Movement penalties may apply when moving units
may freely cooperate with any other units. through locations occupied by non-cooperative
units. Supply may be more difficult in locations
Unit Cooperation containing non-cooperative units. The proximity
§§ Free Cooperation: Units will coordinate of cooperative Headquarters units can make it
Attacks and Defenses. Reserve and combat easier for units to receive Supplies.
support units will attempt to respond to all See the Support & Cooperation Levels Chart
Attacks within range. Nearby Headquarters (18.9.2) for a matrix comparing the assigned
units will increase the likelihood of Resupply. Formation Support type and allowed Cooperation
This is shown with a gold-colored Flag icon Levels.
in the Combat Planning window.
§§ Limited Cooperation: Units will coordinate The Current Unit
Attacks and Defenses, but with penalties. At any given time, the information for one unit is
Reserve units will respond to all Attacks displayed in the Unit Panel. This is the current unit.
within range. Combat Support units will not Any unit-related changes (a new icon, equipment
respond to Attacks. This is shown with a steel- assignments, etc.) apply only to this unit.
colored Flag icon in the Combat Planning
window. This scales combat strengths by 83%. The Current Force
§§ No Cooperation: Units will not coordinate At any given time, only one Force (of the two
Attacks. Defense is coordinated, but with possible) is displayed. Any selections you make will
penalties. Reserve and Combat Support units affect only this Force.
will not respond to Attacks. This is shown
with a black Flag icon in the Combat Planning The Current Formation
window. This scales combat strengths by 67%. At any given time, only one Formation can be
The scaling due to Limited or No Cooperation displayed. Any changes you make will affect only
applies to both attackers and defenders. The scaling this Formation.
is applied to the entire attack or defense regardless of
how few or how inconsequential the uncooperative Order of Battle
units in the combat are, or whether they are ground- This is a complete list of all units and Formations
assaulters or ranged-supporters. Note that players comprising both forces in a Scenario.
can determine the cooperation level of an attack by
viewing the Attack Planner Flags. But the Attack Local Force Limits (“Grouping”)
Planner does not show the reduced combat strengths Up to nine units of all types may occupy any particular
– players have to figure that themselves. location. In most cases, it is best to limit the number

48 The Operational Art of War IV

of units in a location to a smaller number. The precise §§ Single Unit Orders Scope: Your orders apply
limit depends upon the equipment assigned to the only to the current unit.
units involved, but a good rule of thumb might be §§ Single Group Orders Scope: Your orders
to limit stacking to no more than three units of each apply to all units occupying the current unit’s
type (Land/Sea/Air) per location. location.
§§ All Units Orders Scope: Your orders apply to all
Orders Scope (Advanced Rules) units that can participate in a particular action
When you give orders to your Forces, the effects – typically an attack on an enemy position.
can apply to either a single unit, a group of units Note that this will add units regardless of their
in a single location, or all units that can possibly Formation, and may trigger non-cooperative
participate in a given action: unit penalties.

9. What Happens During a Game Turn 9

Each game is divided into a number of Turns, so the program determines the results. When both
things happen in a specific order during each Turn. players’ orders have been resolved, the Turn ends.
First, the game performs automatic bookkeeping,
then you and your opponent issue your orders, and 9.0.1 PBEM Playback

What Happens During a Game Turn 49

If you start a PBEM++ turn, you will be shown player-turn will be unsupplied in the immediately
the PBEM Playback screen. This will give you the following enemy player-turn regardless of side
opportunity to view the moves and battles that your (previously an unfair advantage for side-two).
opponent made during his previous player-turn. Also, note that movement recovery is done twice
The Info Panel will show the number of moves for each side (start of each player-turn). This
contained in the playback. There are five buttons will clear the “Retreated” condition for both
on the Control Panel: Rewind, Stop, Step, Play, sides during their own player-turn (previously
and Exit. The Step button advances one move if an unfair advantage for side-one). It may even
left-clicked. If right-clicked it will backup one step. make use of reserve deployments more palatable
Once the Exit button is selected the game will exit to players.
the playback and begin the Automatic Bookkeeping Furthermore, neither side is assumed to have
phase. Once that starts, you will not have another 100% visibility into their own territories during
opportunity to view the playback – without the enemy movement phase (previously an unfair
reloading the turn (which can trigger an indication advantage for side-two). Rather, detection of
that you reloaded the turn.) Furthermore, a bell enemy moves into friendly territory will now
will ring during your playback when your opponent depend upon the friendly Theater Recon Level
used the “undo” button. or friendly units. Therefore, enemy units will now
be better able to slip around either player without
Note: The system monitors how many times you’ve notice.
reloaded without saving. You can always reload a
file you’ve saved since the last time you opened it
without generating such a message. 9.1. Automatic Book keeping
§§ An End of Scenario check is made and the
9.0.2 Player-Turn Equalization (AKA calendar is adjusted.
“New Turn Order Rules”) (Optional) §§ Out of Theater events occur (including unit
There is now an Advanced Rules Option to use withdrawals).
equalized player-turns. The old pre-turn calculation §§ Weather is determined.
method used to do all the calculations for supply, §§ Theater Air Superiority and Interdiction
recovery, and other items at the start of the first strengths are determined.
player turn. This was a bit unfair (usually to the Under New Turn Order Rules, the following steps
second player). The new turn order splits that are split so that each side does them at the start of
processing into three parts. Air-Combat, Events, their respective player-turns:
and Weather effects still happen at the beginning §§ Intelligence is gathered.
of the game turn. But everything else now happens §§ Units and Security Forces conduct local
at the beginning of each respective player-turn patrols.
instead. Clouds even move between player-turns – §§ Your forces are resupplied, receive replacements,
just without weather effects. and prepare for the new Turn.
Note that equalization will mean that enemy §§ Reinforcements appear.
units cut off from communications in the friendly §§ Unit Command and Control levels are set.

50 The Operational Art of War IV

9.1.1. End of Scenario Check Canals, Shallow Water, etc.) in Very Cold locations
There are two ways for a Scenario to end may or may not be Frozen. Rivers and Canals freeze
automatically (at the discretion of the program): at the Frozen 2 Level. Super Rivers and Shallow
§§ A Scenario will end when it reaches its Water freeze at the Frozen 3 Level.
nominal final Turn. This nominal final Turn
can change during a Scenario, so keep an eye Weather Effects on Bicycle and Ski Units
on it to avoid surprises. Bicycle and Ski unit icons are displayed only if local
§§ A Scenario will end if there are no Land units conditions are appropriate. Ski units are displayed
of one Force on the map. as Infantry when in non-Snowy locations. Bicycle
units are displayed using Infantry icons when in
9.1.2. Out of Theater Events Very Cold locations.
Some Scenarios are heavily influenced by Out of
Theater Events. These Events may be triggered by Weather Effects on Chemical Weapons
your actions in the Theater. The most significant Chemicals are most lethal in Cool or Moderate
potential Events should be detailed in the Scenario temperatures, with no Rain, and with Overcast 9
Description. Military decisions can have political conditions. They are least effective in Hot
consequences; if an opportunity in the game looks temperatures and Heavy Rain or bright sunlight.
too good to be true, check the Scenario Description High temperatures, wind, and sunlight degrade
to make sure you won’t bring the sky crashing down chemical agents. Rain washes them away and
around your ears by taking advantage of it. impedes distribution. Chemicals can increase
The variety of potential Events is too great to Readiness losses in combat for both sides. They are
be fully described here. If you are curious about the most tiring (3x) at higher temperatures, and have
kinds of things Scenario designers might throw at little Readiness effect at low temperatures. (Actually,
you, check out the Event Editor (17.9). it’s not the chemicals. It’s the damned protective
suits that do the damage. You have to wear one of
9.1.3. Climate and Weather these things to believe how uncomfortable they are.)
(Advanced Rules)
Weather is determined on a location-by-location Weather Effects on Nuclear Weapons
basis, from Turn to Turn. Mountains are cooler. Nukes are most lethal in Hot temperatures, with
Locations adjacent to Shallow or Deep Water are no Rain, and Fair conditions. They are least
moderate. Cold and Warm weather fronts may effective in Cold temperatures, Heavy Rain, and
move across the Theater. Rain or Snow may result Overcast conditions. This is due to a combination
in some locations becoming Snowy or Muddy, with of exposure and atmospheric transparency.
significant effects on Movement.
While any location with sub-freezing temperatures 9.1.4. Air Superiority and
is labeled as Very Cold, there are actually three Interdiction
different levels of sub-freezing temperatures. The All of your air units perform Missions based on
average temperature of any Weather Zone is listed their Deployment status. See Unit Deployment
in the Weather Briefing. Water features (Rivers, Orders (8.2.8) for more information.

What Happens During a Game Turn 51

Air Superiority to supply his Force. Units performing Interdiction
Units assigned Air Superiority Missions attempt Missions are subject to Interdiction by enemy Air
to destroy enemy aircraft flying Missions and to units with Air Superiority missions and are protected
protect friendly aircraft and locations. They will by friendly units with Air Superiority missions.
engage your opponent’s Air units only if those Interdiction is less effective in poor weather and
enemy Air units attempt to fly Missions. All on night Turns.
Missions performed by Air units are affected by
the local Air Superiority Strengths of each Force. Sea Interdiction
Naval and embarked units moving in deep water
Local Air Superiority hexes are now subject to interdiction attacks as
Air units with Air Superiority Missions may or follows:
may not participate in any particular local Air §§ Air units that have an Anti-Naval strength
Superiority combat. The chance that a unit will can be set to a new deployment mode:
participate is based on the range to the unit’s base, “Sea Interdiction”. Such units will perform
its Force Electronic Support Level, and the unit’s interdiction of detected moving naval and
Quality. High Quality units and those nearby embarked units, just as air units set to
are more likely to participate than lower Quality “Interdiction” interdict detected moving land
units further from the location. A Force’s Local units. Such units have the “T” deployment
Air Superiority Strength is the sum of Anti-Air mode letter on them. They do not interdict
Strengths of all participating friendly Air units land unit movement, and have no impact on
with Air Superiority Missions. enemy Force Supply Levels. Only all-weather
Even if no other Missions are flown, opposing air units conduct sea interdict at night.
units with Air Superiority Missions may fight at §§ Surface ships and coastal guns also perform
the beginning of each Turn when the game sparks “Sea Interdiction” within their respective
a number of Air Superiority battles at random gunnery ranges. This is automatic, and no
locations on the map. deployment setting is necessary.
§§ Ship units and embarked units moving by
Theater Air Superiority “Group Movement” defend as a group if
The program keeps track of Air Superiority units interdicted by the above. Group Movement
and calculates a Theater Air Superiority Level for thus forms a “de facto” Task Force.
each Force. Theater Air Superiority is a general §§ Ship units interdicted or bombarded by other
indicator of Air Superiority in the theater. It is ships or coastal guns will fire counterbattery
presented solely for your information, and isn’t back at them, if in range.
used by the game. §§ Carrier ship units interdicted or bombarded
by aircraft from enemy carriers will launch
Interdiction counterstrikes against them, if in range and
Units assigned Interdiction Missions will attempt the attacking carriers have been detected.
to intercept enemy Land units when those Land §§ Moving groups that are interdicted stop their
units move and also impair your opponent’s ability movement to allow plan changes.

52 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Planes performing Sea Interdiction are, of Intelligence Updates
course, provided air cover by friendly in-range Intelligence information is updated at the
planes set to Air Superiority. beginning of every Turn. Each of your units gathers
information on nearby locations. Then your
9.1.5. Intelligence Gathering Internal Security assets gather information your
(Advanced Rules) rear areas and your Theater Reconnaissance assets
You will never have complete information on the gather information on enemy-held areas.
location of enemy Forces during a game. The Generally, units and Internal Security assets
amount of information you do have is based on the can only observe adjacent locations. If, however,
type and location of your Reconnaissance assets the unit or Internal Security asset is observing
and local environmental conditions. from a location with a mountain peak, observation
visibility can be as far as 40 kilometers. This
Levels of Information mountain view advantage deteriorates with
Your knowledge of any particular map location decreasing visibility and during night turns. Note
may be: that the mountain peak reconnaissance is received 9
§§ Unknown – You have no information dynamically: If the peak is entered during a player-
regarding the presence of enemy units. turn, the reconnaissance occurs immediately. You
§§ Observed – You know whether or not enemy don’t have to wait for the inter-turn calculations.
units are present, but their identity and Likewise, if an adjacent location is viewed
strengths are not evaluated. through an escarpment, the location is more likely
§§ Spotted – You know of any enemy units to be spotted by units “looking down” and less likely
that are present, as well as their identity and to be spotted by units “looking up”. Note that the
strengths. hex that contains the escarpment hexside is on the
high side of it. The hex on the other side of it is on
Reconnaissance Assets the low side.
§§ Units – All of your units have the ability Theater Reconnaissance is more likely to observe
to detect, and in some cases evaluate, the locations with Roads, Anchorage locations, Airbases,
strengths of enemy units in nearby locations. or large concentrations of Motorized equipment.
§§ Internal Security – All of the terrain you own Airfields with Air units will almost certainly be
is considered either Observed or Spotted. observed. Theater Reconnaissance is less likely to
Areas near dense Urban locations are more observe locations with Hills, Badlands, Mountains,
likely to be Spotted. Dense Urban, Light Woods, Jungle, or Forest terrain,
§§ Theater Reconnaissance – This represents as well as locations with hazy or (especially) overcast
everything from spies on the ground to visibility conditions. Theater Reconnaissance is also
Reconnaissance aircraft. The quality of less effective during night Turns.
Theater Reconnaissance depends heavily Previously spotted locations will remain spotted
on environmental conditions. Theater as long as they remain under observation by any
Reconnaissance is capable of observing of your Reconnaissance assets. Previously observed
locations, but cannot spot them. locations may become spotted if they remain under

What Happens During a Game Turn 53

observation. Locations no longer under observation §§ Note: If this means that a target anchorage
become unknown. hex remains “Unknown”, then the embarked
The level of Intelligence Information available units assigned to it will have to set up an
for any particular location is displayed with the assault on that hex. If the target hex turns out
location description in the Information Panel. to be empty, then the assaulters will just move
into it upon combat execution – without any Sea Spotting combat occurring.
In addition to normal recon methods, ships at sea §§ Note that naval units themselves can not
are revealed by spotters on ships or the coastline, enter enemy owned anchorage hexes. Such
and scout planes as follows: locations must first be captured by friendly
§§ Surface spotting is done by any naval unit ground forces before naval units can enter
(not embarked unit) at sea and any land unit them.
on a coastal hex. It extends 25 kms out on
a day turn and 10 kms out on a night turn. 9.1.6. Local Patrols and Guerrilla
However, naval equipment with the “All Effects
Weather” flag set sees 50km, day or night When a unit occupies a location, that location
(modeling radar). And if a force has any becomes “owned” by the unit’s Force. Unoccupied
aircraft with the “All Weather” flag set, then locations tend to remain owned by the last Force
all naval vessels are assumed to have radar and to occupy them. There are, however, times when
see 50km, day or night. a location can change ownership without being
§§ Carrier planes and land-based planes set to occupied by a unit.
“Sea Interdiction” or “Air Superiority” Sea- Guerrillas can cause a location’s ownership to
Spot out to a range limited by their max change. Guerrillas operate more effectively in Hills,
ranges and the number of effective planes Badlands, Mountains, Light Woods, Jungle, and
available. This is not done during night turns, Forest locations. Guerrillas operate less effectively
except by all-weather aircraft. in Anchorage or Road locations, and will not
§§ Spotting is dynamically updated as such units operate in Airbase or Urban locations. Guerrillas
move – like a land unit entering a Peak hex. are only present if the Scenario calls for them.
The exceptions are the land-based planes set Patrols also act as a “projection of force,” in
to “Sea Interdiction” or “Air Superiority” – that they can affect the ownership of surrounding
they only spot during the interturn periods. locations:
§§ Clouds over the surface spotter block its §§ A location adjacent to a Dense Urban
spotting. location becomes owned by the Force owning
§§ Sea Spotting does not spot units on land in that urban location.
any fashion. §§ A location adjacent to a unit of only one Force
§§ Ship/embarked units skirting the coastline becomes owned by the Force controlling that
no longer reveal units along that coast. (Of unit.
course, coastal gun units that fire at them are Scenario designers should keep these effects in
revealed). mind when setting objective victory values.

54 The Operational Art of War IV

9.1.7. Supply (Advanced Rules) for the new state. Therefore, only scenarios
Supply is a critical factor in The Operational Art specifically edited for it will employ this
of War IV. Individual units need supplies to operate feature.
effectively. As units move and fight they expend their §§ “Overextended” units receive supply normally.
internal supply stockpiles. In order to maintain your §§ However, they also suffer desertion losses (see
units’ effectivenesses, the expended supplies must be below) during the interturn calculations the
replaced. Replacement supplies flow through lines same as if they were “Unsupplied” – except
of communication from the force stockpile, through that those losses go to the “On Hand” pool,
Formations, to individual units. not the dead pile. To review, such losses start
when the unit supply-level drops below (100
Lines of Communication – unit proficiency). The percent loss per turn
A Line of Communication is a path from one is scaled by turn intervals per week and by
location to another. Lines of Communication how far below the threshold they are.
are blocked by enemy units, locations adjacent to §§ “Overextended”units only receive replacements
enemies and not occupied by friendly units, non- if they are not suffering desertions (their unit- 9
Road Badlands terrain, non-Road Dunes terrain, supply level is above (100 – unit proficiency)).
or terrain that cannot be entered by a normal Land §§ “Overextended” hexes have a different supply
unit. A unit without a line of communication is font color from the normal supply font color
marked as Unsupplied. in the location supply display, for information
purposes. Overextended Supply State
There is now a new supply state that falls Unit Supply
between “Supplied” and “Unsupplied”. It’s called Each unit has its own Supply Level, which is a
“Overextended”. If used, it will allow a designer to percentage value reflecting the unit’s own internal
realistically impede units from continuing to press Supply stockpile (food, bullets, gasoline, etc.).
on indefinitely at red unit-supply conditions. Units These supplies are actually in the hands of the
in this state will have to slow down enough to keep troops, available for immediate use. A unit’s Supply
their unit supply levels above their desertion levels Level strongly affects its Capabilities.
– or wither away. Each unit expends Supplies as it acts to
§§ A unit is “Overextended” if it has a line- follow your orders. When necessary, units draw
of-communications to a supply point but is new Supplies from their Force Supply stockpile,
far enough from any supply source to be in through their Formation supply system. Units
a hex with lower location supply level than may begin a Scenario with a level greater than
the designer-set “Overextended Supply 150%, but Supply Levels may not be increased
Threshold”. For example, if that threshold above 150% during the course of a Scenario. Any
were 6, then any hex with a supply level of 5 oversupplied unit (with a Supply Level greater
or lower would be “Overextended”. than 100%) will lose its excess supplies if it moves.
§§ The default setting for the threshold is 0 – (For this purpose, participation in combat is not
making it impossible for any hex to qualify considered movement.)

What Happens During a Game Turn 55

Unit readiness is limited to no more than the portion of their transport assets (equipment with a
unit’s Supply Level or the minimum Readiness transport capability, such as trucks, horse teams, etc.)
(33%), whichever is higher. to their parent Formation (and possibly to others
depending upon the Formation Support Level) to
Desertions aid in distributing Supply to other units. Any unused
Unsupplied units with very low Supply and Readiness Rail, Air, or Sea Transport Capacity also contributes
Levels are subject to Desertion effects. Deserting to resupply efforts. This results in a boost to the
troops and equipment are lost permanently and are Formation’s capacity to distribute supplies. Transport
not placed in the Replacement Pool. The number asset sharing has no negative effects.
of deserters increases as Supply and Readiness levels
decrease, and decreases with higher unit Proficiencies. Interdiction Effects
Desertions tend to start slowly (particularly in high Enemy Air units flying Interdiction Missions
Proficiency units) but will accelerate over time. impair Supply distribution. This is determined on a
Desertion starts when the unit supply-level drops location-by-location basis (Local Interdiction), but
below (100 – unit proficiency). Desertion amounts the average value over the entire Theater (Theater
are scaled proportional to the turn interval and to how Interdiction) is calculated for your planning use.
far below the above threshold the unit supply-level is. The Theater Interdiction Level is not used by the
Formation Supply Distribution Efficiency
Each Formation has a Supply Distribution Efficiency, HQ Bias Effects
which is a percentage value reflecting the Formation’s The level of resupply possible for a unit increases by
ability to distribute supplies from the Force Stockpile 50% if a cooperative Headquarters unit is located
to units in the Formation. This value is set for each with or adjacent to a unit. See Cooperative Units
Formation in a Scenario, and actually means different (8.6.1).
things for different types of Formations. It takes into If a Headquarters unit assigned to a Formation
account everything from dedicated organic transport is destroyed, or if any assigned Support squads
capability to the mindset of the troops responsible for have been eliminated, the Formation’s Supply
getting the goodies to the troops. Distribution Efficiency is reduced. You should
protect your Headquarters units to avoid these
Force Supply Stockpile serious disruptions to unit resupply.
Each Force has a Supply Stockpile Level. This
Level generally remains constant, but can vary in Supply Lines
some Scenarios. It represents supplies available for As a general case, in order to receive resupply, units
distribution to units through Formation Supply must be able to trace a Line of Communication
systems. back to a friendly Supply Source. If the unit cannot
trace this Line, its Supply Level will drop by an
Transport Asset Sharing amount equal to the number of half days in a Turn.
Units that do not move and are not assigned a Local Such units, again, are marked as Unsupplied. They
or Tactical Reserve status will temporarily lend a will also be subject to isolation effects in combat.

56 The Operational Art of War IV

The distribution of supply across the map created Supply lines are modeled via two different
by your supply lines can be viewed via the “Supply methods: Old Supply Rules and New Supply
View”. This view is accessible via the Supply Button Rules.
on the Control Panel and via the View pull-down.
Under this view each supplied location will have a Old Supply Rules
supply marker with a number on it (as shown below). In the old method, there are only four possible hex-
The colors of the markers tell which side can trace to location supply-levels (100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%
the location: Red markers mean only the Red Side can of the Force Supply Level), and off-road locations
trace; Blue markers mean only the Blue Side can trace; are penalized regardless of how far they are from a
And Gold markers mean both sides can trace. The supply source.
number in the marker is the location supply for that
hex for the current side. That number is the base value Full Supply (100%)
all units in that hex will use to calculate the supply they Supply is first traced from friendly controlled supply
will receive in their next supply replenishment phase. points through friendly controlled, undamaged,

Note the different font color used in the display Railroad hexes. Then, it must progress from each
for locations that are “Overextended” (less than 4 supplied, friendly controlled, undamaged Railroad
in this shot). Also note that the above view was hex to a distance equal to the Force Supply Radius
created with “No Borders” set to OFF. Had it been (set in the Editor) through friendly controlled,
ON, then only locations adjacent to friendly units improved Road, Unmuddied Road, Urban, Airfield,
would have shown markers in them. and Anchorage locations. All locations with an

What Happens During a Game Turn 57

unbroken Line of Communication through these New Supply Rules (Optional)
types of terrain to a friendly Supply Point are fully In this new method (selected via an Advanced
supplied and will provide the maximum possible Rule), to calculate location supply values we use a
amount of resupply for units. This is called the formula based on the movement points that would
Fully Supplied Net. be expended by a virtual “Supply Unit” (which has
motorized movement and a 50% unit density) to
Normal Supply (75%) get to the location.
Supply is then traced from the Fully Supplied Net Note that this will mean that very dense locations
through friendly cropland and open locations. Any will likely suffer some supply reduction due to added
location with an unbroken Line of Communication movement costs of that density condition (stacking
through these types of terrain to a friendly Supply limits, however, will not block supply). Supply beyond
Point is normally supplied and will provide 75% major rivers will depend upon bridge status or major
of the maximum possible amount of resupply for ferry ability. Major Escarpments now block supply.
units. Contiguous, unbroken Rail lines that connect back
to a supply source are still treated as if every hex on
Limited Supply (50%) the line was that supply point. If the line connects to
Locations not Fully or Normally Supplied, but able multiple supply points of variable values (see below)
to trace a Line of Communication no longer then then the strongest one is broadcast over the line.
the Force Supply Radius to any normally or fully Friendly units in flooded marsh, badlands, dunes, etc.
supplied location, are considered to have Limited locations that are unreachable by the virtual supply
Supply. Units in these locations receive 50% of the unit but that are nevertheless adjacent to a normally
maximum possible resupply. supplied location receive one-quarter the supply that
was in that adjacent location. And there’s a lot more
Minimal Supply (25%) complexity behind the scenes (beyond those factors)
Locations not otherwise supplied, but able to to get it all to come out right.
trace a Line of Communication of any length to Note that Naval, Air, and Helicopter units are still
any friendly Supply Point are considered to have supplied as they were under the Old Supply Rules.
Minimal Supply. Units in these locations receive The exact formula is: 1.10 / (1.375 ^ (Supply
25% of the maximum possible resupply. Distance / Supply Radius)). This is illustrated here:

Force Supply Radius

The default Force Supply Radius is four hexes, but
can vary from zero to 100, depending on Scenario

Local Terrain Effects

Some terrain types influence Resupply levels.
Resupply levels for units in Marsh, Flooded Marsh,
and Mountain terrain are reduced by 33%.

58 The Operational Art of War IV

Y-Axis is percent of Force Supply. X-Axis is For example, take the case of the supply radius
distance from the Supply Point in movement being five MPs, and the supply unit being ten MPs
points (MPs). The blue curve is the old way; the away from the supply point and the unit being four
red curve is the new way. Note that the example MPs further away from the supply point (therefore
supply radius was 25. This was what we considered four MPs from the supply unit). Because the unit
the “best fit” curve. Note that one consequence is is less than five MPs (the supply radius) away from
that the supply rises to 110%-of-full right on the the supply unit, we enhance its supply by treating
supply-point. That may seem strange at first, but it as if it were five MPs closer to the supply source
it’s part of the curve fitting process. Just think of (in other words, nine MPs away instead of fourteen
it as a bonus for being right on the supply point. MPs away).
Also, note that under this formula, the supply level The Improved-Road Motorized-Movement
will continue to attenuate – perhaps all the way to divisor (see 8.5.2) also affects the supply trace
zero at some point. It will still be “Supplied” at that when New Supply is in use. Supply traced over
level, though – but there can now be future effects other than improved road hexes will pay costs x
added that may further exploit this. divisor. So with a setting of 2, for example, inland 9
Supply Units still have their enhanced effect: they supply in the desert will attenuate at twice the rate
effectively treat a location as if it were one supply it previously did – making inland desert operations
radius closer to the supply point, provided that the more realistically difficult. The default value is 1,
location was within a supply radius of the supply unit. which gives no motorized benefit on improved
Again, this is illustrated here: roads – or supply effect (i.e. just like under 3.4 and
before). Variable Supply Points

Under these New Supply Rules, designers can also
set supply levels for supply points (either initially
or through events) to values between 1-250%-of-
full. Default is 100%, of course. This is somewhat
similar to the previous “kluge” of putting a supply
point in a distance hex – but without the impact
to ranges of the distance hex. When there are
multiple points of different values, locations trace
The blue and red curves are as in the previous back to the point that will give each location the
plot – the old and new ways without supply units. best supply value – even if further away.
The cyan curve is the old way with supply units.
The yellow curve is the new way with supply units. Airborne Resupply
Note that the yellow curve is clipped to no more If a unit cannot trace a Line of Communication
than 110%-of-full. Again, the example supply back to a friendly Supply Source, it may still be able
radius was 25. Note that at very long distances, the to receive resupply. The level of resupply available
impact of the new method is very pronounced. to any particular hex is based on the amount of

What Happens During a Game Turn 59

Air Transport Capacity left unused at the end of assigned to combat consume 10 supply points per
the previous Turn and the total size of the units combat round. Ranged units that cooperatively
in it requiring Airborne Resupply. Local Airborne support at half strength consume 5 supply points
Resupply levels are reduced by 33% if visibility in per combat round. Note that if the attacker fails
the location is Hazy, or 50% if the visibility in the any of the Assault Ratio checks (see 13.20) then
location is Overcast. Note that such units will still defender supply costs can drop significantly. Also,
be considered to be Unsupplied for desertion and the Naval Attrition Divider scales naval combat
isolation purposes. supply costs. Air units set to Air Superiority or
Interdiction missions pay no supply for combat.
Night Resupply
Resupply levels are reduced by 33% during night The Unit Supply Model
Turns. Note that no unit will drop below 1% Unit Supply
level, regardless of what the movement or combat
Other Supply Considerations cost would be otherwise. Yet they still continue to
If a unit moved (from one location to another) in conduct operations – albeit at reduced strengths
the previous Turn, its Resupply Level is reduced by and speeds. This may seem non-intuitive, but
33%. On the first Turn of a Scenario, units do not that’s because the Unit Supply value is not actually
draw resupply, but are still checked to determine a direct measure of the unit’s supply stockpile, as
whether they are Supplied or not. There is a “global many players assume.
handicap” or reduction of 33% for the net resupply If that were the case, the unit’s strengths and
available to units after all modifications take effect mobility would be independent of its supply
during the automatic bookkeeping phase. This level until that level reached zero – at which
can be offset, by using the High Supply option, in point their strengths and movement allowances
the Advanced Game options. In older versions of would plummet to zero themselves (a ridiculously
TOAW units could not increase their supply level unrealistic effect – real units are far more resilient
by more than 50% per turn. In TOAW IV that than that). Instead, they drop non-linearly with
restriction has been removed. A fully depleted unit the drop in supply level. In other words, the
can recover all the way to 150% in a single turn, if unit becomes more and more frugal with supply
its location is lush enough. the lower supply becomes. A flush unit may be
profligate with supply, while a depleted one would Supply Consumption Costs make every bullet and drop of gas count. However,
Land Movement consumes 1 supply point per the increase in strengths at flush supply is not
movement point expended (this is modified by the proportionate to the increase in Unit Supply Level.
Supply Costs of Movement Rate parameter (see This models the diminishing returns for more and
8.5.2)). However, Naval, Embarked, and Air Units more supply expenditure. So a fully depleted unit
do not expend supply when moving. retains a significant fraction of its flush strength.
Attacking consumes 10 supply points per And note that more of flush strength level is
combat round. Defending consumes 10 supply retained at depleted levels in high proficiency units
points per combat round. Ranged units directly than in low proficiency units. That is true in the

60 The Operational Art of War IV

real world as well – it’s called “fire discipline”. The Stockpiles will be replenished on a regular basis. In
better the unit the more fire discipline it has. So, some Scenarios, units may have different priorities
TOAW’s supply system cleverly models how real for receiving Replacements. This will usually be
world units perform. They don’t blow off all their mentioned in the Scenario Briefing.
supply oblivious of how much is left. If your Force is at full strength, Replacements
So a 1% unit supply state effectively represents will automatically appear in the form of
the state at which the unit has reached maximum reconstituted, previously-destroyed units built up
supply conservation. In other words, the unit from replacement equipment. Reconstituted units
would only be expending as much supply as it will appear “Untried” in an Urban location distant
was continuously receiving via its supply line, and from enemy units.
not further depleting its reserves. In fact, the Unit When units are Reconstituted, there is a one to
Supply Level value in general is more a measure of four week delay in their appearance. Reconstituted
the rate at which the unit is expending supply than Air units appear at Airfields. Other Reconstituted
a direct measure of its stockpile. units will appear at a Scenario-specific point (which
Of course, there is a point of supply delivery, should be mentioned in the Scenario Briefing) or 9
below which, that assumption falls apart. That’s near friendly Supply sources in Urban or Road
why the system has the new “Overextended Supply locations. If no friendly Supply sources are located
Threshold” feature. It allows the designer to set a in Urban or Road locations, or if the Scenario-
point at which red-lined units just have to stop and specific Reentry Point is not friendly-controlled,
wait for supplies to catch up to them. Land units will not be Reconstituted. Special
Can units actually run all the way out of supply Forces, Coastal Artillery, and Fixed Artillery units
in TOAW? Yes – via desertions. Desertions can are never Reconstituted. Reconstituted Airborne
represent troops abandoning the unit due to lack and Glider units will keep their special icons, but
of food and morale. But they can also represent are no longer eligible for Airborne Movement.
guns and vehicles running out of fuel and ammo Reconstituted units are listed as such in the
and being abandoned. So, a unit that has lost all Expected Reinforcements Briefing (16.9).
its equipment from desertions has, effectively, run
completely out of supply. (And its strength would Readiness Recovery (Advanced Rules)
finally be reduced to zero). Note that desertions only Your units’Readiness levels decline during movement
occur at Unsupplied or Overextended conditions. and combat. Unit readiness recovers at the beginning
of every Turn except the first. The amount recovered
9.1.8. Replacements is based on the Scenario’s time and distance scales,
Equipment losses are a fact of life on the battlefield. but will generally be approximately the amount
If these losses are not replaced, your units will needed to fully recover from a maximum movement.
become less useful over time. Your units are eligible Units recover Readiness more slowly if they have
to automatically receive Replacements from your moved in the previous Turn, occupy a contaminated
Force Equipment Stockpiles if they are under location, or if they are Unsupplied.
strength, in Supply, and not Embarked on Ships or Due to the highly technical nature of Air and
Trains. In most Scenarios, your Force Replacement Helicopter units, these units’ Readiness Recovery

What Happens During a Game Turn 61

is also strongly affected by unit Proficiency. Low Guerrilla Unit Reinforcements
Proficiency Air and Helicopter units will recover Guerrilla units scheduled to appear as
Readiness very slowly. Reinforcements may appear at any playable location
within three hexes of their scheduled Reinforcement
9.1.9. Reinforcements and location, if that location is enemy-occupied.
Withdrawals Unlike other units, Guerrilla units may appear
From time to time, new units may appear on the in enemy-owned locations, converting the location
map as Reinforcements. They generally appear at a to friendly ownership upon entry.
specific time and place, but there are differences in
the restrictions between different types of units and Naval Unit Reinforcements
different locations. Reinforcements may appear Naval units will appear in the nearest available
either on a specific Turn, or, if the Scenario calls for Deep Water map edge location.
it, as the result of some Event. You can check your
Expected Reinforcements Report for predictions of Air Unit Reinforcements
when a given unit will arrive, but units may arrive Air units will appear at the nearest available Airbase
either sooner or later than the predicted Turn. appropriate to the units’ equipment. Naval Air units
Reinforcements always enter at or near the location appear on available Aircraft Carriers or Airbases.
listed in the Report if that location is available. Other (non-Naval) Air units appear on Airbases.
Generally, a location is available if the unit could
move into it normally. In some cases there are Withdrawals
additional restrictions. You can check the Recent In some Scenarios, some units may be scheduled to
Reinforcements window (available from the View withdraw. The game will automatically withdraw
menu) for information on Reinforcements received the unit in the most appropriate manner. Be sure to
this Turn. check your Reinforcement Report for withdrawals
See 16.9 and 16.10 for more information on the when playing a Scenario, since it can be a rude
various Reinforcement windows available. surprise if your entire plan depends upon a unit that
is scheduled to be withdrawn. If a unit is withdrawn,
Land Units it will be listed in the Recent Reinforcements
Most Land units will always appear at the location window on the Turn of withdrawal.
given in the Formation Report, if that location is
available. A location is only considered to be available 9.1.10. Command and Control
if it is either friendly-controlled and not at the stacking (Advanced Rules)
limit or located on a map edge. If for some reason the You can usually, but not always, issue Movement or
location is not available, units scheduled to appear on Attack orders to any unit on the map of the Force
a map edge will instead appear at some other available you control. The exceptions are:
location along the same map edge, within two hexes.
Units scheduled to appear away from a map edge Unit Reorganization
will only enter when the location becomes friendly- Units failing multiple Quality Checks during
controlled and not at the stacking limit. combat, usually as the result of significant combat

62 The Operational Art of War IV

losses, can become so disorganized that they will non-combat orders. They will accept all other
no longer respond to your orders. When this orders, and they will Defend normally, but are not
happens, the unit is said to be “Reorganizing”. available for launching Attacks or Bombardments.
At the beginning of each Turn, all Reorganizing Formation Quality is the average of the
units are checked to see if they have finished their Formation’s Proficiency and average assigned
reorganization. Units must pass a modified Quality unit Quality. Formation Quality is reduced if
Check in order to complete Reorganization. This is many units are divided. The Formation passes the
more likely if they are Supplied, have not moved in Quality Check if this value is greater than a random
the previous Turn, and are located with or adjacent number from 1 to 100, or if the number of units that
to a cooperative Headquarters unit. experienced severe combat results in the previous
A Reorganizing unit (or any other unit that is Turn is smaller than a random number from 1 to
not allowed to move during the current Turn; e.g., the number of units in the Formation. This means
Reserves) has an orange “bar” printed behind its that Formations are subject to Reorganization on
combat (Attack – Defense) or Movement numbers Turns following heavy combat.
on its 2D icon. Formation Proficiency is reduced by 50% if any 9
assigned Headquarters unit is eliminated, or if all
Formation Attack Restrictions assigned Command Groups in the Headquarters 10
Units of Formations failing a Formation Quality have been eliminated. You should attempt to
Check at the beginning of a Turn are considered protect your Headquarters units to avoid this drop
to be Reorganizing and will only be available for in Proficiency.

10. You Issue Orders to Your Forces

A new Turn will start if the Scenario doesn’t end that, the first player is determined by an Initiative
during the Bookkeeping checks (section 8.0). Check. This means the order of players can change
During each Turn, you and your opponent will from Turn to Turn.
both be given an opportunity to issue Orders to The Initiative Level of a Force is partly
your forces. randomized, but is strongly influenced by the
average Movement Allowance of all friendly Land
units on the map not assigned to Formations with
10.1. Variable Initiative a Reserve status.
The Force defined in the Scenario as “the first PBEM and Hotseat Exceptions: In PBEM and
player” (usually the Attacking Force) will always Hotseat games, the Initiative remains fixed in the
move first on the first Turn of a Scenario. After order established on the first Turn of the game.

You Issue Orders to Your Forces 63

10.2. Using the Game §§ Next Formation – Focuses the game’s
Control Panel attention on the next Formation,
making its first unit the current unit.
10.2.1. Button Panel §§ Current Formation – Brings up the
The Button Panel shows sixteen buttons at a time in Current Formation Dialog, from
four rows of four buttons each. There are three tabs which you can examine the entire Formation
that toggle the display of three sets of sixteen buttons. and issue non-movement orders to units
The three tabs are Units, belonging to the Formation.
Map, and Reports. The §§ Undo – Undo the previous order.
functions of these buttons Again, the gold color indicates that
are described by prompts this button causes an action on the map – it is
in the Information Panel not just informational.
at the bottom of the Row 3:
window. §§ Unit OOB – Brings up the Unit OOB
report. This is a list of all friendly units
Under the Units tab: on the map.
Row 1: §§ Formation OOB – Brings up the
§§ Previous Unit – Focuses the game’s Formation OOB report. This is a list
attention on the previous unit in the of all friendly formations that have units on
force by making it the current unit. the map.
§§ Next Unit – Focuses the game’s §§ Air OOB – Brings up the Air OOB
attention on the next unit in the force report. This is a list of all the air units
by making it the current unit. on the map.
§§ Current Unit – Calls up the Unit §§ Unit Icon Display – Changes
Report for the current unit. the unit icon display preferences.
§§ Resolve Combats / End Turn In 2D mode, this selects between showing unit
– If you have any combats Strengths or Movement Allowances.
planned, this will resolve them. Depending Row 4:
upon the state of your forces after the combat §§ Planned Combats – Brings up the
your Turn may end or continue. If no combats Planned Combat Report. This shows
are planned, this simply ends your Turn. This all planned combats.
button switches to crossed swords if combats §§ Combat Review – Brings up the
are planned. Note that it is gold color, which Combat Review Report. This shows
indicates that it causes an action on the map all recent combats.
– it isn’t just informational. §§ Unit Visibility – Toggles between
Row 2: invisible, visible, visible & current
§§ Previous Formation – Focuses the DBR, and visible & all DBR. Left-click
game’s attention on the previous advances forward through those; right-click
Formation, making its first unit the current unit. advances backward through them.

64 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Help Topics – Brings up the Help Row 4:
Dialog. §§ Decrease Y-Zoom – Decreases the
Y-Zoom. (Ten scaled steps between
Under the Map Tab: the Map View sizes)
Row 1: §§ Increase Y-Zoom – Increase the
§§ Supply – Toggles between sources, Y-Zoom. (Ten scaled steps between
invisible, and visible. the Map View sizes)
§§ Weather – toggles between invisible §§ Decrease Map View – Decreases the
and visible. Map View size. (Five view sizes from
§§ Objectives – toggles between visible, Ultra Tiny to Huge)
floating, and invisible. §§ Increase Map View – Increase the
§§ Resolve Combats / End Turn Map View size. (Five view sizes from
– Repeated from this position Ultra Tiny to Huge)
on the Units Tab.
Row 2: Under the Reports Tab:
§§ Airfields – toggles between airfields Row 1:
floating above units and below units. §§ Situation Report – shows the Situation 10
§§ Anchorages – toggles between Report.
anchorages floating above units and §§ Scenario Description – shows the
below units. Scenario Description.
§§ Headquarters – first click brings head- §§ Weather Report – shows the Weather
quarters to the top of the stack. Second Report.
click brings artillery to the top of the stack. §§ Resolve Combats / End Turn
§§ Undo – Repeated from this position – Repeated from this position
on the Units Tab. on the Units Tab.
Row 3: Row 2:
§§ Location Grid – toggles between §§ Air Briefing – shows the Air Briefing.
visible and invisible.
§§ Place Names – toggles between visible, §§ Recent News Report – shows the
floating, and invisible. Recent News Report.
§§ Possession – toggles between flags, §§ Inventory and Replacements Report
borders, and invisible. – shows the Inventory and
§§ Battle Visibility – toggles on-map Replacements Report.
crossed swords for Planned Combats, §§ Undo – Repeated from this position
Combat Review, and Battlefield Timestamps on the Units Tab.
visible/invisible. The sequence is: none visible, Row 3:
Planned Combats visible (gold), Combat §§ Expected Reinforcements Report –
Review visible (silver), Battlefield Timestamps shows the Expected Reinforcements
visible (bronze), and all three visible. Report.

You Issue Orders to Your Forces 65

§§ Recent Reinforcements Report – 10.4. Giving Orders to
shows the Recent Reinforcements
Report. Your Units
§§ Theater Options Report – shows the You order normal Movement or combat by right-
Theater Options available. clicking on a map location. Select units by left-
§§ Unit Panel Display Mode – clicking on them.
Toggles the Unit Panel Display
between Stack view and Group Composition 10.4.1. Advanced Unit Orders Rules
view. (Advanced Rules)
Row 4: In most cases, you will be able to choose how many
§§ Formation PO Track – toggles units you wish to affect by an order. Depending
showing the PO Track for the current on your orders, one or more units will attempt
formation. to Attack or Move toward the selected location
§§ All PO Tracks – toggles showing all by the most effective route. If you right-click on
PO Tracks. your current unit, you can issue General Orders
§§ PO Mode – toggles PO Mode on/off. to it from the popup menu. Depending upon your
Advanced Rule setting for the Menu Show Delay
§§ Move PO – When gold, in (see 3.4.2) you may have to hold the right button
“hot” mode and starts the PO down for a short while to get the popup. Otherwise,
move. When not gold, in “safe” mode and the unit will skip the popup and automatically do
won’t start the PO move. PO Mode button the most obvious action.
toggles it between hot and safe modes. Again,
gold color indicates it will cause an action on 10.4.2. General Unit Orders Popup
the map. Menus (Advanced Rules)
You can use this menu to issue General Orders to
your units. Most of these Orders can also be issued
10.3. Selecting Theater from other windows, displays, etc., but this is the
most convenient place to see exactly what options
Options (Advanced Rules) you have for your units at any given time. General
In some Scenarios, you may have options to Orders are as follows:
request Out of Theater actions that can affect the
situation on the map. At the start of your Turn, Note that only General Orders that are available
you will be notified if you have any available will be displayed.
Theater Options. Use the View / Theater Options §§ Disband Unit – Disbanded units are removed
menu item to check your Theater Options. Click from the map and return their equipment
on an Option button in the window to select it. Its to your Supply Pool. It is not possible to
button will turn silver. Your selection will become disband units that are Routed, Reorganizing,
effective at the end of the Turn. Unsupplied, or “In Garrison.”

66 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Divide Unit – Divide the unit into two or §§ Mission: Rest – For Air and Helicopter units
three smaller units. only; the unit will assume a Rest Mission.
§§ Recombine Unit – Recombine a number of §§ Orders: Minimize Losses – Set Loss
smaller units into a single larger unit. Tolerance to minimize losses.
§§ Board Train – Board a Train to use Rail §§ Orders: Limit Losses – Set Loss Tolerance to
Movement. limit losses.
§§ Board Aircraft – Board an Aircraft to use Air §§ Orders: Ignore Losses – Set Loss Tolerance
Movement or Airborne Movement. to ignore losses.
§§ Board Helicopters – Board Helicopters to §§ Show Unit Report – Show the Unit Report
use Airmobile Movement. window (16.1).
§§ Board Ship – Board a Ship to use Seaborne §§ Show Formation Report – Show the
Movement. Formation Report window (16.2).
§§ Disembark – Disembark from Trains, §§ Show Group Composition – Show the
Aircraft, Helicopters, or Ships. Group Composition window (see 6.1.2 for
§§ Repair Railroad – Attempt to repair damaged details).
Railroads in the current location.
§§ Destroy Bridges – Destroy bridges in the 10.4.3. Bombardment of or from 10
current location. Distant Locations
§§ Repair Bridges – Attempt to repair bridges in
the current location.
§§ Deploy: Dig In – Assume or increase Defensive
Deployment, to Defending, Entrenched, or
§§ Deploy: Tactical Reserve – Unit assumes a
Tactical Reserve Order.
§§ Deploy: Local Reserve – Assume a Local
Reserve Order.
§§ Deploy: Mobile – Assume a Mobile Deployment. In some Scenarios, some locations may be
§§ Mission: Air Superiority – For Air units only; “Distant.” These locations are usually used to
the unit will assume an Air Superiority Mission. represent off-map Anchorages and/or Airfields
§§ Mission: Interdiction – For Air and and are frequently surrounded by Non-Playable or
Helicopter units only; the unit will assume an Deep Water locations. The distance of a Distant
Interdiction Mission. location is included when determining attack
§§ Mission: Combat Support – For Air and ranges. Distant hex values have no effect on
Helicopter units only; the unit will assume a movement, however.
Combat Support Mission.
§§ Mission: Sea Interdiction – For Air and 10.4.4. Land Movement
Helicopter units only; the unit will assume a This is the normal movement of Land units
Sea Interdiction Mission. through certain allowed types of terrain.

You Issue Orders to Your Forces 67

10.4.5. Change of Ownership of these losses represent simple straggling or small
When a non-Guerrilla Land unit enters an enemy- details left behind for route security duties and are
controlled location, that location becomes friendly- not permanent. The “lost” equipment is assigned
controlled. Entering an enemy-controlled location to your Replacement Pool for later redistribution,
incurs additional Movement Point penalties; see provided that the moving unit is not marked as
Enemy-Controlled Terrain (11.9.3) for details. Unsupplied. If a unit is marked Unsupplied, its
Guerrilla units have a special ability to choose Transit Attrition losses are permanently lost.
between two different methods of Movement. By
default, these units will not change the ownership 10.4.8. Interdiction Missions
of hexes that they pass through. After Movement is If your opponent has any Air units flying
concluded for the unit, and another unit is selected, Interdiction Missions, it is possible that your unit
then the hex that the Guerrilla unit occupies becomes may come under Air Attack during Movement. The
friendly-controlled. This mode plays to their combat chance for this is proportional to your opponent’s
advantages (see 16.1.2) in attacking from hexes Local Interdiction Level. Units on Roads or using
that were previously enemy-controlled during the Rail Movement are particularly vulnerable to
Turn, by retaining more enemy-controlled terrain Interdiction Missions. Enemy Air units striking
from which to gain the bonus on subsequent Turns. your units might be intercepted by your Local Air
Guerrilla units may also operate more openly by Superiority effort, which in Turn are subject to
choosing to convert hexes that they move through. attack by your opponent’s Local Air Superiority.
This will make their Movement paths more visible Reminder: Interdiction only affects over-
after playback and reduce the number of hexes land movement of ground units. Similarly, Sea
that they can operate with a combat advantage Interdiction (see only affects sea movement
from on subsequent Turns. To convert a hex during of naval and embarked units.
Movement, stop the Guerrilla unit in the hex to be
converted and select another unit. This will convert 10.4.9. Supply Consumption
the hex that the Guerrilla unit stopped in. Then, you Your units will consume part of their internal
may continue moving, repeating this procedure as supplies and will suffer a reduced Readiness with
necessary, to convert any other hexes. every Movement Point expended.

10.4.6. Railroad Damage 10.4.10. Disengagement

Any Railroads in an enemy-controlled location (Advanced Rules)
may be damaged when a friendly unit enters In the real world, it can be quite difficult to break
the location. The chance that this will happen is contact with enemy units. When you order a unit
dependent on the Scenario. Damaged (broken) to move out of a location adjacent to an enemy
Railroads may not be used for Railroad Movement. unit, that unit will attempt to disengage. Successful
disengagement results in a normal ordered Movement.
10.4.7. Transit Attrition Disengagement is automatic if:
Even in the best of cases your units will suffer §§ Your unit is a Commando unit,
minor equipment losses during Movement. Most §§ Your unit is either a Headquarters or Artillery

68 The Operational Art of War IV

unit, and the destination location is occupied supporting fire from eligible air and artillery units.
by a friendly unit, and/or Only the moving unit will take losses, which may
§§ Your unit is moving to a destination not force it to retreat, divide into sub units, or (in the
adjacent to an enemy unit, and there is a worst case) disband.
friendly unit in the location being vacated. If the units attempting to disengage are much
§§ Your Disengagement chance is improved if: weaker than adjacent enemy units there is an
§§ Your unit has a large Reconnaissance capability, additional movement cost – up to 3x the normal
§§ Your unit began the Turn with a very high cost to move out of the location. Relatively strong
Movement Allowance relative to the enemy units will see no additional movement costs.
units it is adjacent to, and/or If you wish to avoid the effects of disengagement
§§ Your unit is heavily equipped with armored in your games, you can turn “active disengagement”
equipment. off using the game options dialog.
§§ Your Disengagement chance is reduced if:
§§ The enemy units have a large Reconnaissance
capability, 10.5. Attack Menus and
§§ Your unit began the Turn with a low Movement Attack Planning (Advanced
Allowance relative to the enemy units. 10
§§ Terrain modifies the Disengaging unit’s Rules)
Reconnaissance Capability: When you order your units to move into an enemy-
§§ Badlands, Forests, Super Rivers, and Suez occupied location, you are actually creating a plan
Canal locations offer the best cover for for an attack on that position at some later point
Disengagement (3x Recon). in the Turn. In rare cases, the would-be defenders
§§ Bocage, Dense Urban, River, Canal, and may decide to retreat rather than weather your
Fortified Line locations (2.5x Recon). Attack (see section 10.5.2, Retreat Before Combat,
§§ Mountains, Urban (2x Recon). below). If this happens, your units may advance
§§ Cropland, Hills (1.5x Recon). into the vacant location. If the defender does not
Terrain modifications for disengagement regarding retreat before combat, a popup menu will allow
Reconnaissance Strength are not cumulative. Only you to set up an Attack. You can quickly select the
the best (highest value) terrain type is considered. number of units to attack with and set their Loss
For disengagement purposes, unit Reconnaissance Tolerance directly from the popup menu. If you
Capabilities are multiplied by an additional 0.5 on wish to plan the battle in detail, you can choose the
night Turns or if there is Heavy Rain or Snow in Attack Planning window.
the location (which is cumulative).
Should your unit fail to disengage from the 10.5.1. Attack Deployment
enemy, it will be subject to a Disengagement (Advanced Rules)
Attack. This is a short, one-sided shot at your unit You may set up as many Attacks as you wish. The
as it attempts to move. The attack is based on the Orders emphasis you select determines how hard
attack strengths of all enemy units involved, and your units will fight for their objectives. If more
the defense strength of your moving unit plus any than one unit is scheduled to Attack any particular

You Issue Orders to Your Forces 69

location, all involved units are combined into a single to the Attack. Bombardments are generally much
Attack. Units may be ordered to Attack, conduct a less effective than Attacks, but they can be useful
Limited Attack, or (if at a distance) Bombard the for damaging enemy units out of reach of a normal
defender. When setting Attack Deployments for Attack. Bombardments are subject to counterbattery
units participating in an Attack, each unit can be fire if the target hex contains in-range ranged units.
given individual Attack Deployments orders; i.e., Counterbattery occurs after the bombardment that
one unit can be ordered to “Ignore Losses”, one can triggers it (instead of before, as in older versions of
be told to conduct a “Limited Attack”, while still TOAW). Artillery that supports a ground assault
another can be given orders to “Minimize Losses”. is not subject to counterbattery – regardless of the
Attacking units participate fully, and may presence of ranged defenders in the target hex.
advance into the location if the enemy retreats.
Units conducting a Limited Attack add half their 10.5.2. Retreat Before Combat
Strength to the Attack, suffer only half the losses (RBC)
they would in a normal Attack, and will not advance The first time you order a unit to Attack any particular
into the location after combat. enemy location in any given Turn, there is a chance
Bombardment Attacks may be set up against that the defenders will retreat before combat. If there
enemy units within range of your Air and Long is a large difference between the combined Attack
Range Artillery units by clicking on any non- Strengths of your current unit when the Attack is
adjacent enemy target location within range. ordered and the combined Defense Strengths of the
Adjacent ranged units may also bombard if they enemy units in the defending location, the computer
have more that 50% of their combat strength will check to see if the defending units immediately
coming from ranged equipment or if their range retreat rather than face your assault.
has been changed from nominal. Players can tell When checking for retreats before combat, a
if an adjacent unit is going to bombard instead of Flanking Check is made, which is based on the
assault by the resulting movement path over the quantity of “active defender” equipment in the
target hex. If it is the “arrow” path it will assault. If defending and attacking units relative the Scenario
it is the “crosshair” path it will bombard. Map scale. If the defender has less than the amount
of equipment necessary to fully cover his frontage
in the Scenario Scale, the Attacker has more
equipment, and the Attacker passes a Unit Quality
Check, the chance for a retreat before combat is
increased by a random fraction between one and:

Attacker Equipment Density / Defender

Bombarding units and units conducting a Equipment Density
Limited Attack will not advance after combat. This makes is much more likely that “small” units
Attacks take precedence over Bombardments. If will retreat before combat with “large” units because
any Attacks are plotted against a location scheduled the large unit has succeeded in turning the flank of
to be bombarded, any Bombarding units are added the smaller unit.

70 The Operational Art of War IV

There are two types of retreat before combat. If incorporate the defender’s deployment / terrain
the defending units fail a Quality Check, they will multiples.
simply retreat. They are subject to the same types RBC code allows only one RBC attempt against a
of losses and penalties as in normal after-combat combined stack – if successful, the entire stack retreats.
retreats. Depending upon their Loss Tolerance RBC code requires the defender to have 15% of
Orders, units passing their Quality Check may the density penalty threshold to avoid the flanked
still retreat before combat in order to avoid likely penalty during any RBC attempt.
destruction during your assault. This is more likely if
you have given the unit orders to Minimize Losses. 10.5.3. Attack Options
Units retreating after a passed Quality Check are (Advanced Rules)
treated more favorably than those retreating after a If the defending force does not retreat before
failed Quality Check. combat, you will be asked for your General Attack
In many cases, retreats before combat will result Orders. Depending on circumstances, you may be
in the destruction of the defending units during given the following options:
your Movement, leaving their location open for §§ Single Unit Attack: The current unit will
occupation by your units. Headquarters and Artillery attack the enemy position.
units, as well as units with Minimize Losses Orders, §§ Single Unit Limited Attack: The current unit 10
are more likely to retreat before combat. A unit with will conduct a Limited Attack on the enemy
Ignore Losses orders is less likely to retreat. position.
Units advancing into locations vacated by enemy §§ Single Group Attack: All units grouped with
units retreating before combat pay the additional the current unit will attack the enemy position.
cost of entering enemy terrain, although they §§ Single Group Limited Attack: All units
are exempt from the costs of moving adjacent to grouped with the current unit will conduct a
enemy units. Limited Attack on the enemy position.
Note that the P hot-key and the “Double click §§ Atomic Attack: The unit will launch an
opens planner” option provide methods to avoid Atomic Attack. The strength of the attack is
causing a Retreat Before Combat, if desired. shown on the menu.
RBC chances are adjusted for faster units §§ Bridge Attack: The unit will attack bridges in
(proportionate to their speed advantage) to a max the location. The chance of success is shown
of a 2:1 additional advantage. This doesn’t apply to on the menu.
fixed defenders, though. §§ All Units Attack: All units (regardless of
RBC stands flag will be cleared when a combat Formation; Non-Cooperative Attack penalty
phase inflicts over 50% losses to the defenders – may apply; see 8.6.1) that can possibly
allowing such defenders to then be subject to more participate will attack the enemy position.
RBC attempts in that same turn. §§ All Units Limited Attack: All units (regardless
RBC at greater than 8:1 odds now proportionately of Formation; Non-Cooperative Attack
decrease the chance of the unit standing. So, if the penalty may apply; see 8.6.1) that can
odds are, say, 100:1, then the defender will be very possibly participate will conduct a Limited
likely to be RBC’d. But, note that those odds still Attack on the enemy position.

You Issue Orders to Your Forces 71

§§ Minimize Losses: If determined enemy enemy strength information. Units using Air or
opposition is encountered, the attack will not Airborne Movement have a greatly reduced chance of
be pressed, so that losses are minimized as gaining information on enemy units. These units can
much as possible. actually fly over enemy units without spotting them.
§§ Limit Losses: The attack will be pressed, even
in the face of significant casualties. This is the 10.5.5. Deployment Recovery
usual Attack Order emphasis. Ranged units (artillery, aircraft, etc.) now retain
§§ Ignore Losses: The attack will be pressed their deployment states after combat. Furthermore,
regardless of casualties. Due to excessive even assaulting units can recover their previous
casualties, this type of attack should be used deployment states if the attack is canceled before
rarely and with caution. execution. This means that it is now safe to directly
assign bombarding units to attacks even if it is likely
10.5.4. Reconnaissance that the turn will end before another movement
(Advanced Rules) round – they will still be in a support deployment
As your units approach or enter enemy territory, if they had been in one prior to the assignment to
they will discover previously unknown enemy units the attack. Also, you can assign dug-in units to an
in or adjacent to their path. Normally, only the attack, cancel the attack, and find them still dug-in.
number and type of enemy units will be uncovered This especially helps the PO, since it previously dis-
during movement. If your moving unit has a large entrenched most of its force just testing whether
Reconnaissance Capability, you may also discover attacks with them were plausible.

11. Movement
11.1. Naval Movement with their range, their movement destinations are
This is the movement of Naval units through Deep strictly limited to friendly Airbases.
Water or Anchorage locations. Units conducting
naval movement are subject to interdiction attacks
by in-range air units set to Sea Interdiction 11.3. Railroad Movement
missions and by naval/coastal gun units within This is the movement of Land units by train, along
gunnery range of the movement. Rail lines. In order to use Railroad Movement, a
unit must begin its Turn in a Railroad location,
sufficient Rail Transport Capacity to lift the unit
11.2. Air Movement must be available, and the unit must be Entrained.
This is the movement of Air units from one Airbase A Train icon in the Unit Panel shows eligibility for
to another. While Air units may attack any enemy Rail Movement. Right-click on the icon to bring

72 The Operational Art of War IV

up the Unit Report and load the unit. See also 11.7, An Airborne unit may disembark without ill
Embarked Status. effects on any friendly-controlled Airbase, or it
Units may move very large distances by Rail may conduct an Airdrop on any other location
with no Movement Attrition or loss of Supplies that it could normally enter or attack. Often, the
and Readiness; however, they are very vulnerable contents of the location will be unknown. If enemy
to enemy attacks. units are discovered to be present at the time of the
drop, your Airdropped unit will be destroyed unless
the enemy units opt to retreat before combat.
11.4. Seaborne Movement Some equipment is too heavy to be moved by
This is the movement of Land units through Deep Transport Aircraft during the time period covered
Water or Anchorage locations. In most cases, by the game. All non-Airborne-capable armored
Land units must be Embarked on Ships to move vehicles and Transport in excess of the bare
by sea. In order to use Seaborne Movement, your minimum required by the unit for normal Land
unit must begin its Turn in an Anchorage location movement will be stripped from the unit and added
and you must have sufficient Sealift Capacity to to your Replacement Pool for later redistribution.
lift the unit. A Ship icon in the Unit Panel shows Headquarters units may Airdrop only into
eligibility for Seaborne Movement. Click on the friendly-controlled territory. 10
icon to bring up the Unit Report and load the unit Airborne units are subject to equipment losses
on Ships. and possible arbitrary division into sub-units 11
In some Scenarios, some units may have an during Airdrops, and may be scattered outside
independent Amphibious Capability and can their intended destination location in smaller (five
always move using Seaborne Movement. to ten kilometers) scale Scenarios. Poor terrain
Units conducting seaborne movement are subject (Forests, Jungle, Badlands, Mountains, Urban, etc.)
to interdiction attacks by in-range air units set to and environmental factors (bad weather, night) can
Sea Interdiction missions and by naval/coastal gun have a strong negative effect on Airdropped units.
units within gunnery range of the movement. If the enemy has Air units with Air Superiority
missions, your units may also suffer Attrition
from enemy Interception. It is usually best to
11.5. Airborne Movement avoid Airdrops in the face of significant enemy air
This is the movement of Airborne-capable Land opposition.
units while Embarked on Air Transports. In order
to use Airborne Movement, your unit must begin
its Turn in an Airbase location and you must have 11.6. Airmobile Movement
sufficient Airlift Capacity to lift the unit. Units may This is the movement of Helicopter and
only board Aircraft if there is another unit present at Airmobile-capable Land units while embarked on
the location, or if there are no enemy units in adjacent Helicopters. In order to use Airmobile Movement,
locations. An Air Transport icon in the Unit Panel your unit must either be a Helicopter unit itself
shows eligibility for Airborne Movement. Click on or it must begin its Turn within 200 kilometers of
the icon to load the unit on an Aircraft. Helicopter Transport units with enough combined

Movement 73
Airmobile Transport Capacity to lift the entire another unit. Disembarked Airmobile units have ½
unit. It is not necessary to be in the same location their original Movement Allowance.
as a Helicopter Transport unit. An Airmobile If an Airmobile Assault goes badly, or if for some
Transport icon in the Unit Panel shows eligibility other reason the unit has to end its movement
for Airmobile Movement. Click on the icon to load without disembarking, the unit will be returned to
the unit on the Helicopter unit. Any Helicopter its original location. Depending upon the reason
units providing Airmobile Transport for a unit for the failure, the unit may suffer substantial
have their Movement Allowances reduced to zero losses – particularly to heavier weapons. In some
for the Turn. A unit may not provide Airmobile cases, it may be possible to pick the unit up and
Transport if it has moved. immediately launch another Airmobile Movement
It is important to note that assigning Transport and Assault, but this is usually not a good idea.
HH equipment to a unit will grant it the ability to Helicopters and Equipment transported by
lend its Airlift Capacity to any friendly units using helicopters now take less damage. You need an air
Airmobile Movement. This can have unintended superiority ratio (including local AA) of 4:1 to be
consequences if other units use Airmobile Movement safe. With lesser ratios, the casualties will mount
nearby, as this will immobilize the unit which provided quickly. Previous safe level was 10:1.
the Airlift Capacity. It is generally best to only assign Helicopters are treated differently from regular
Transport HH equipment to units with the Transport traffic. They are very durable, but prone to damage.
Helicopter unit icon, or to Headquarters that are Damaged helicopters, and equipment transported
expected to remain relatively stationary. by them, will go into the replacement pool instead
Helicopter units may only move to friendly- of being destroyed. Damage is based on Enemy
controlled locations. This restriction does not apply versus Friendly Air Superiority, and has enemy AA
to Airmobile units using Airmobile Movement, added if AA spotted them. Friendly and Enemy
which can even enter and pass through enemy- AA units don’t have a direct affect on casualties,
occupied locations. only on whether damage occurs.
Units using Airmobile Movement are subject Whether an attack occurs depends on whether
to Interception by enemy aircraft flying Air the Enemy has noticed the hex, an electronic
Superiority missions, and to anti-aircraft fire from support check, how much Low AA Fire they
enemy units that they fly over. might be subject to, and the unit density in the hex.
An Airmobile unit may disembark without any This means that you should fly over jungles and
ill effects in any playable location not occupied by wilderness, not the enemy concentrations!
enemy units. If it disembarks onto an enemy unit,
an Airmobile assault is immediately conducted.
Unlike Airborne units, Airmobile units are not 11.7. Embarked Status
subject to Scattering or Drop Attrition when An embarked unit (regardless of transport mode;
disembarking in enemy territory. Units using e.g., Train, Ship, or Plane) displays an embarked
Airmobile Movement automatically disembark “stairstep” button icon in the Unit Panel. In
when they reach the end of their Movement most cases, you can disembark by clicking in the
Allowance, if you end your Turn, or if you select embarked button, or from the General Unit Orders

74 The Operational Art of War IV

popup menu. Additionally, a special “embarked” movement category, as follows:
2D icon replaces the unit’s normal 2D unit symbol §§ Minimum Standard Cost (foot or mixed
icon in the Unit Panel (the actual icon displayed movement): 1
depends on the Transport mode; see the 2D icon §§ Minimum Standard Cost (motorized
symbol chart later in this manual). movement): 2
Once a unit has expended Movement Points using (Advanced Rules) Even the presence of
an embarked type of Transport Mode, it is usually friendly units in a location can increase the
restricted in its ability to move by normal Land standard cost for entering that location. The
movement on the Turn that it disembarks. See 11.4 exact amount of the cost increase is dependent
(Seaborne Movement), 11.6 (Airmobile Movement), on the number of Vehicles and Horse Teams
and 13.16 (Amphibious Attacks) for more information already there, and affects Motorized units
on attacking, and attacks by, Embarked units. more strongly than other types. Units with
Military Police can reduce these movement
cost increases. If there are already nine units
11.8. Movement Costs and in the location, or if there are any enemy
units there, the movement is not allowed. If
Allowances there are fewer than nine friendly units in the
In order for a unit to enter a location, it must have location, the maximum standard cost for entry
sufficient remaining Movement Allowance. If a is based on the unit’s movement category: 11
unit has not moved or attacked previously in the §§ (Advanced Rules) Maximum Standard
Turn, it can always move at least once into any Cost (foot or mixed movement): 3
allowed location regardless of cost. Unit Movement §§ (Advanced Rules) Maximum Standard
Allowances are based on the Supply levels and Cost (motorized movement): 6
equipment assigned, and the Scenario physical and
time scales. 11.9.3. Additional Land Movement
Some terrain types prohibit movement or impose
11.9. Land Unit Movement additional costs for entry, as follows:
Costs §§ Alpine: Not allowed, except along a Road or
Improved Road
11.9.1. Road §§ Any Forest: +2
Movement costs along roads vary from 1 to 3, §§ Arid: No effect
depending upon the number of Vehicles and Horse §§ Badlands: Mixed or Motorized movement
Teams already in the location. Mud increases not allowed; Mountain units +2, all others x3
movement costs along unimproved roads by 1. §§ Bocage/Hedgerow: +2
§§ Broken Railroad: No effect; may not be used
11.9.2. Off-Road for Rail Movement
The minimum standard cost for a Land unit to §§ Contaminated Terrain: Adds 50% to the
enter most allowed locations is based on the unit’s total Movement Point cost of moving into

Movement 75
the hex. This will prevent the unit from if possible. If there is no adjacent location to which
moving through more than one contaminated the unit could be moved, it will instead evaporate
hex per Turn. – and all equipment assigned to the unit is lost.
§§ Cropland: +1
§§ Dunes: Mixed or Motorized movement not You need to keep an eye on your Weather Report as
allowed; Mountain units +2, all others x3 Spring approaches to avoid losing units deployed
§§ Across Escarpment: Mountain units +1, all on Frozen Shallow Water or frozen Super River
others +2 locations.
§§ Across Major Escarpment: Mountain units
+2, all others not allowed §§ Hills: Mountain units no effect, Mixed and
§§ Deep Water: Not allowed, except along a Motorized movement +2, all others +1
Road or Improved Road §§ Jungle: +3
§§ Dense Urban/Ruined Dense Urban: +1 §§ Light Woods: +1
§§ Enemy Adjacent: 12.5% to 25% of the §§ Marsh: +2
original Movement Allowance. This depends §§ Mountain: Mountain units +1, all others +2
on the unit’s Reconnaissance Capability. This §§ Mud: Foot movement + 2, all others +3
penalty is doubled if the unit is moving from §§ Non-Playable: Not allowed [exception: Air
one such location to another. The cost is units]
assessed upon leaving a hex adjacent to the §§ Railroad: No effect, unless using Rail
enemy, not upon entering it. This amount is Movement
scaled by the Force ZOC scalar in the Editor. §§ Rocky: Foot movement + 1, all others +2
§§ Enemy-Controlled Terrain: Up to 10% of §§ Sand: +1
original Movement Allowance. This depends §§ Snow: Motorized Movement+3, ski no effect,
on the unit’s Reconnaissance Capability. This all others +2
cost also applies throughout the entire Turn §§ Unfrozen River or Canal: Amphibious units,
in which a location first becomes friendly- no effect. All others +2 (usually; see section
controlled. This amount is scaled by the 11.9.4, River Movement Costs)
Enemy Hex Conversion Costs scalar in the §§ Unfrozen Shallow Water: Not allowed
Editor. §§ Unfrozen Super River or Suez Canal:
§§ Flooded Marsh: Amphibious units +2, all Amphibious units cost is 2, all others not
others not allowed allowed
(Advanced Rules) Frozen River, Super §§ Urban: No effect
River, Canal, or Shallow Water: No effect. §§ Wadi: Mountain units no effect, Motorized
Land units may move into Frozen Shallow Water and Mixed movement +2, all others +1
locations. Supply may be traced through Frozen
Shallow Water locations as if they were Open 11.9.4. River Movement Costs
terrain. If a unit is on a Frozen Shallow Water or a Rivers and Canals (as opposed to super rivers or
Super River location when the location thaws, the Suez Canal) normally add 2 to the cost of entering
unit will automatically move to an adjacent location a location. There are exceptions, as follows:

76 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Amphibious units are exempt from River – skipping the popup. If the player wants to use the
Movement costs popup instead, he can hold the right button down
§§ If the total minor ferry capability in the until the delay expires, then make his selection.
location (including that of the moving unit) is Note that setting the delay to one turns the feature
greater than 20%, the moving unit is exempt off – the popup will always appear. Note that to
from River Movement costs. expedite this feature, formerly “grayed out” items
§§ If the total minor ferry capability in the on the popup have now been removed instead.
location (including that of the moving unit) Typically, this means that clicking the right
is greater than 10%, the River adds only one mouse button will move the unit to the location or
point to the Movement Cost. Total Ferry set it to attack, if there is an adjacent enemy unit in
Strengths less than 10% have no effect on the target location. To move a group, entrain, plan
River Movement. the attack, etc., just hold the right mouse button
down until the delay expires.
11.9.5. Naval Unit Movement Costs After completing the move, the active unit is
Naval units, and Land units using Sea Transport, automatically advanced to the next unit in the stack
may enter any Anchorage or Deep Water location – unless the Page Two “Moving Selects Next Unit”
at a cost of 1. No other locations are allowed. option has been turned off. This option has no
effect if the “Menu Show Delay” feature is turned
11.9.6. Airborne Movement Costs off (the moved unit always remains the active unit, 11
Units using Air Transport may enter any location like in older versions of TOAW).
at a cost of 1. If the Page Two “Menu Show Delay” option is
set to one, this feature is turned off.
11.9.7. Railroad Movement Costs
Units using Rail Transport may enter any friendly-
owned connected Rail Location at a cost of 1. 11.11. PO Assist
This feature allows the PO to take control of as many
11.9.8. Airmobile Movement Costs friendly formations as the player desires. Formations
Units using Airmobile Transport may enter any that he wants to control himself can be set to
location not occupied by enemy units at a cost of 1. “Manual” orders (the old “Fixed” orders renamed).
Locations occupied by enemy units cost 3. Note the four new
Control Panel Buttons
above. These are shown
11.10. Skipping the Unit on the bottom row of the Reports Tab of the
Button Panel. If the legacy Control Panel is active,
Movement Popup they are only shown if the eighth option on Page 2
The “Menu Show Delay” (see “Page Two” display of the Advanced Rules Options (see above) is “On”.
above) allow players to skip the popup when they The first is the “Formation PO Tracks” Button. It
move units. If it is set to a value greater than one, will show the PO Tracks for the current formation.
the most likely task will be executed automatically Note: this is a graphical display of the track.

Movement 77
The second is the “all PO Tracks” Button. It will Note that there is an “Elmer Assist Primer” document
show the PO Tracks for all formations. Again, note available in the Manuals folder that gives more detail
that this is a graphical display of the tracks. on using this feature.
The third is the “PO Mode” Button. It will With TOAW IV, several additional features
switch the program to place objectives mode. This have been added to further help with the use of
will show the current formation’s objectives as x, this feature:
y points. Objectives can be changed in this mode. The Formation OOB dialog lists all friendly
The fourth is the “move PO” Button. It will formations and how they are programmed. There
cause the PO to move units. are checkboxes to easily toggle whether each
Pressing F12 or clicking on the ‘start circle’ or formation is PO controlled or not.
Pressing \ or clicking the “PO Mode” Button also When PO Mode is active, units of PO controlled
causes the program to switch to the deployment formations have a purple band on them – to easily
place objectives mode. identify which units will be PO controlled.
Pressing F in this mode brings up the formation While PO Mode is active, double clicking on
dialog allowing you to set the states, including any unit will toggle that unit’s formation in and out
letting the human have control of a formation. of PO control.
<shift>-F12 or Pressing | or clicking the “move While in PO Mode, PO Objectives can be
PO” Button causes the PO to move and set up repositioned by dragging.
attacks, but not execute them.
11.11.1. AI File
A typical sequence would be: The X hotkey saves a “scenario name.AI” file. Note
Press \, press F12, click on the circle, or click the that use of the PO Assist feature can enable the
“PO Mode” button to switch to the objectives player to optimize the formation objectives (in a sort
mode. of “survival of the fittest” fashion). This optimization
Press / or the “Formation PO Tracks” button could be useful to the scenario design itself. This file
(alternate: ? or the “all PO Tracks” button) to see contains the AI objective paths, thereby enabling
the current objectives graphically. their import into the scenario in the Editor. If saved
Select various formations and Change or Update to any folder in the graphical hierarchy for the
the objectives as desired. scenario, it will be reloaded whenever the scenario
Press F to change the formation orders. Set is run or loaded into the editor (be careful about
formations you want to control yourself to this, designers). It also contains three settings for
“Manual”. PO attack-odds limits as follows:
Press \, click on the circle or the “PO Mode” §§ Threshold1: This is the odds (x10) required
button to switch out of objectives mode. for the PO to prosecute an attack with at least
Press | or the “move PO” button to have Elmer 7 rounds completed or if the Max Rounds per
move. Battle is set. The default is 10 (1:1)
Move the units you want to move. §§ Threshold2: This is the odds (x10) required
Hit E followed by 1 to execute the attacks/end for Elmer to prosecute an attack with at least
the turn. 5 rounds completed. The default is 20 (2:1)

78 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Threshold3: This is the odds (x10) required allow players or designers to fine-tune the PO
for Elmer to prosecute an attack with at least in their scenario a bit more. But the file has to
0 rounds completed. The default is 30 (3:1) be edited in an XML editor (like XmlPad). See
There is also a separate set of thresholds for the the “Red Thunder 1988” folder for an example
Berserk Strategic Bias. These settings would of an .AI file.

12. Engineering
12.1. Demolition / Bridge 12.3. Major Ferry Support
Land units cannot usually enter Super River or
repair (Advanced Rules) Suez Canal locations. Units that have a Major
Any unit can blow bridges. This can be done at any Ferry Capacity of greater than 10% have the ability
time and at no cost. to enter these locations and create temporary
If the “New Bridge Rules” Advanced Rule crossing points for other units. If the hex contains
option is ON then bridges may only be blown on a blown bridge, a unit with engineering equipment 11
locations that have a road/railroad that graphically can move into, or through, the hex and even
crosses a river/canal. Otherwise, any location with attempt to make repairs. If a Scenario designer 12
both a road//railroad and a river/canal, even if they has placed an Anchorage (port) in the hex, this
don’t graphically cross, is eligible to be blown. will allow Land (and Naval) Movement into and
Only units with an Engineering Capability can out of the hex as well.
build bridges, however. The attempt will consume
the unit’s entire Movement Allowance for a
Turn. The chance of success is equal to the unit’s 12.4. Fortification
Engineering Capability.
(Advanced Rules)
All Land units may deploy into defensive
12.2. Ferry Support positions. The presence of units with an
All Land units can cross Canals and Rivers at an Engineering Capability increases the chance of
additional Movement Cost. The presence of units successfully Entrenching or Fortifying. Even if a
with an Engineering Capability can reduce this unit fails to Entrench or Fortify, it will increase
cost, based on their corresponding Minor Ferry the local Entrenchment Level, making it easier
Capacity. See 11.9.4, River Movement Costs, for for that unit and others to Entrench or Fortify
more information. in the future. Once created, Field Fortifications
are permanent. As the Entrenchment Level of
a location increases, units in the location will

Engineering 79
find it easier to enter Entrenched or Fortified 12.5. Railroad Repair
Deployments. When a location changes hands,
the Entrenchment Level is automatically reduced (Advanced Rules)
by 25%. Once ordered to dig in, units will continue Units with a Rail Repair Capability can repair broken
to dig until their location is Fortified or you give railroads. The attempt will consume the unit’s entire
them other orders. movement allowance. The chance of success is equal
The current Fortification Level of a hex can to the unit’s rail repair capability. Units with a Rail
be checked by positioning the mouse cursor over Repair Capability will automatically attempt to
the location and observing the Fortification Level repair damaged Railroads in their location at the end
reported in the Information Panel. A Fortification of their Turn, if they have not been given orders to
Level of 33% or less will only be reported in the do anything else.
Information Panel. Once the Fortification Level Automatic Railroad Repair: In most Scenarios,
exceeds 33% a graphic is shown in the hex to both forces have an Automatic Railroad Repair
indicate the presence of significant fortifications. Capability. The default value is 1 location per
Once the Fortification Level exceeds 66% the Turn, which is repaired when the game performs
symbol is slightly thickened. Automatic Bookkeeping. This is in addition to the
Fortified Line terrain is a special case. The Railroad Repair Capability of any units on the map.
Entrenchment Level of a Fortified Line location is The Automatic Rail Repair function is reasonably
always set to 100% at the start of a Scenario. intelligent; it attempts to recreate destroyed supply
nets from supply sources, and will tend to occur near
Supply Points and deployed Railroad Repair units.

13. All Battles Are Resolved

Whenever you wish during your Turn, you may units may participate in more than one battle (if
request that attacks and bombardments planned so, they attack using half their Attack Factors). If
during your movement be resolved. Click on the a Support unit instead is assigned to exclusively
Switch Sides / Combat Resolution button to make support one battle (by left-clicking on it), it attacks
the request. The battles are resolved before control at full strength, but cannot be used in other battles
of the game is returned either to you or your during this round of combat; see sections 13.16
opponent. (Amphibious Attacks), 13.17 (Airborne Attacks),
The battle for each location is fought separately. and 13.18 (Airmobile Attacks) for details.
Computer-controlled units scheduled to Attack Attacks are resolved in order of complexity, with
any given location are combined into a single simpler Attacks occurring before more complex
Attack, and all available Support units on both Attacks. See 13.15, Attack Complexity, for more
sides are automatically added to the battle. Support details.

80 The Operational Art of War IV

Individual battles are resolved in a series of Supply and Readiness Levels are reduced in each
Tactical Rounds. Each player Turn is divided into round of combat. Readiness Losses are increased if
ten Tactical Rounds, and individual battles begin chemicals are in use. Air units involved in combat
on the Round that most closely corresponds to are subject to more Quality Checks than other
the proportion of the attacking units’ Movement units. Air units failing these additional Quality
Allowance expended before the combat. Checks attack with lower Strengths.
Example: A unit with a remaining Movement
Allowance of 12 and an initial Movement Retreat From Combat Determination
Allowance of 18 begins its Attack on Round 3. §§ At the end of each combat round, units
These rounds are used only for combat purposes that have not dropped out of the attack or
and have no direct effect on your game play. retreated from the defense will be used to
On each Tactical Round, combat is resolved determine the current Assault Strength Ratio.
in the order of Local Bombardment, then Anti- This ratio is then further modified by terrain
Armor combat, and then Anti-Personnel combat. and deployment scalars of the defender’s
During Local Bombardment, all supporting units position appropriate to the equipment types
fire their Bombardment Strengths at the enemy. Air in that defense.
units are subject to Interception and Anti-Aircraft §§ This final ratio then scales the quality of each
fire. Then, enemy armored equipment is fired on by defender for purposes of Retreat from Combat
the combined friendly Anti-Armor strength and (RFC). So, the higher the ratio, the greater
all enemy equipment is fired on by the combined the chance of RFC, and vice-versa. Units
friendly Anti-Personnel strength. Generally, only set to Minimize or Limit Losses must face 12
actively defending equipment is subject to losses further tests due to any losses they suffered.
during Anti-Armor and Anti-Personnel fire. This scaling is split between a check for
Much of the equipment “lost” during combat whether the net adjusted odds are > 1 (favors
is not actually destroyed. Instead, it is considered the attacker) or < 1 (favors the defender). In
damaged or temporarily unserviceable. This the first case, the defender’s quality is directly
damaged equipment goes to the Replacement scaled down by the adjustment. In the second
Pool unless the owning unit is Out of Supply. In case, the defender’s headroom over his quality
the case of Air equipment, the fraction of damaged is scaled down by it. In other words:
equipment going to the Replacement Pool is §§ IF (Adjusted Odds > 1) THEN
proportional to the owning unit’s Proficiency. Naval §§ Defender Quality = Defender Quality /
equipment never goes to the Replacement Pool. Adjusted Odds
After each Round, all involved units check for §§ ELSE (Adjusted Odds < 1) THEN
“break off ”. The chance that a unit will break off §§ Defender Quality = 100 – (100 – Defender
depends on losses, Orders emphasis, coordination Quality) * Adjusted Odds
difficulty, and the duration of the individual Attack. §§ A ratio of 3 invokes the unmodified quality of
Attacking units that break off simply cease their the defenders for the quality check (Adjusted
participation in the Attack. Defending units that Odds = 1). So a ratio of 6 would halve the
break off attempt to disengage and retreat. Unit quality while a ratio of 1.5 would halve its

All Battles Are Resolved 81

headroom, etc. For example, if the defender Turn Used (20%) and Planned Combats (40%)
had a quality of 70 (headroom of 30) and means that your previous series of combats left you
the radio was 1.5, the check would use an with 20% of your Turn remaining, and at least one
adjusted quality of 100 – 30 * 0.5 = 85. If the combat that you have currently planned will begin
ratio was 6 it would use an adjusted quality of on Tactical Round 4. The Combat Planner’s “Time
70 / 2 = 35. Expended” pane can show which of your combats
§§ Note that there is a Game Parameter (Force may be starting late. This can also be easily seen on the
RFC Scalar) (see 8.5.1) that scales the ratio Planned Combats dialog.
needed for the quality to be unmodified. 3 is When using larger
the default value. So the scenario designer can screen resolutions (at least
adjust how easy or hard it is to gain ground. 1152 x 864), there is also a graphical approximation
§§ Remember that the ratio takes into shown in the proportion of gold and silver stars
consideration to what extent the defenders are remaining displayed in the circlet around the TOAW
armored or not and the assaulter’s AP vs. AT IV logo in the bolted plate. Gold stars represent the
strengths. The net effect is that terrain effects proportion of the Turn left at the commencement of
and combat odds scale the Quality check. the current series of battles, while Gold plus Silver
This means that terrain affects RFC odds yet stars represent the proportion of the Turn left from
even fortified locations can be overcome via the end of the previous series of battles. The above
employment of heavy combat odds. only applies if the Legacy Control Panel is in use.
After the “break off ” check, any defending Reserve If not, the Progress Pane at the bottom of the new
units that can respond will move toward or into the Unit Panel shows the same via gold and gray cells
location of the attack. It is possible for these units (shown above).
to arrive as other defenders are retreating.
Battles continue until all units of one side have
broken off, but not beyond Tactical Round 10. 13.1. Airbase Defense
Individual attacks will tend to last longer and cause Air units with a High Altitude Anti-Air capability
greater losses if both sides are evenly matched or will automatically join in local Air Superiority
have aggressive (Ignore Losses) Orders emphasis. combat regardless of Mission if their base is attacked
You can determine how much of your Turn by enemy Air units. They will also rise to intercept
currently remains and when the last planned attacks airborne units launching assaults on their airbase.
will begin by looking in the Information Panel at the
bottom of the screen while your mouse cursor is on
the Progress Pane at the 13.2. Air and Naval Units
bottom of the Unit Panel.
Turn Used refers to in Land Combat
the amount of the Turn Air and Naval units can only participate in Land
that was already used, while Planned Combats refers combat in their role as long-range Artillery supporting
to the Turn Used percentage at the commencement Attacks or Defenses. They do not contribute to the
of the current series of planned attacks. For example, defense of their own location when attacked by

82 The Operational Art of War IV

Land units. If an Air or Naval unit is the only §§ The amount of damage a hit inflicts on a
occupant of a location under attack by enemy land target ship depends upon shell weights of the
units, it will immediately attempt to retreat (air ordinance hitting them, their armor thickness,
units will relocate to a friendly airbase). If no retreat and their durability.
is possible, the unit is immediately destroyed. §§ Ship armor and durability are derived from
the ship’s defense strength, unless the designer
has explicitly specified them using the new
13.3. Naval Combat naval equipment add-on to the scenario’s
Naval combat in older versions of TOAW had been equipment file. That file also allows ship
very crudely modeled. Ships were literally treated agility, accuracy, and speed to be explicitly
as if they were a single piece of equipment – like a specified.
single squad. Any AP hit killed them. Their defense §§ Embarked units’ armor, durability, agility,
strengths weren’t used in that determination, by and AAA are fixed at 0, 25, 18, and 0,
the way. This meant that it was as easy to sink respectively. This means that the strengths of
a Battleship as it was to sink a Destroyer. AP the embarked equipment are no longer used
strengths were combined for hit determination to resolve attacks on embarked units.
– making a bunch of DDs as powerful as BBs. §§ Ships that accumulate 100 or more damage
Whether hit ships were permanently destroyed or points are eliminated – sent to the dead pile.
just sent to the “On Hand” pool bizarrely depended §§ Ship damage levels less than 100 are saved
upon a check against their proficiency. Fleet units in the unit on each TO&E line. Those
could “evaporate” like a land unit that had lost levels debilitate the ship’s AP, AAA, Speed,
cohesion. Embarked units employed their various Nuclear Strength, and Agility accordingly.
strengths when attacked. The whole thing had They do not affect Defense Strength, Armor,
to be overhauled if there was to be any hope of or Durability levels. Damage levels of 50 or
realistic naval warfare. It has been. The TOAW IV more turn the ship’s TO&E button red (for a
combat model has the following features: bit of chrome).
§§ Ships now have damage levels, and take §§ If a TO&E line contains more than one ship
damage in combat, if hit by the attacking all damage on that line is applied to only a
ordinance. Those levels are displayed in the single ship until the damage totals 100 – at
unit report (see below). which point one ship is sunk and the damage
§§ Attacking equipment Anti-ship factors are level of the TO&E line drops back to zero.
evaluated as individual shots/planes so that Call it the “lead” ship in that line. Other
each warhead can be evaluated for armor ships in that TO&E line remain undamaged
penetration. (and invulnerable) – until they become the
§§ Hit chances depend on a number of checks “lead” ship due to the sinking of the previous
made involving various factors such as the one. Note that there is a technique available
visibility, attacker proficiency, target agility, to designers to split such multiple-ship lines
aircraft anti-naval strength, gunnery range, up into single ship lines, if desired. (See
and shock levels. section 19.8)

All Battles Are Resolved 83

§§ Naval units cannot be disbanded by players or damage. The lead DD on the fourth TO&E line
evaporated by combat short of all ships in the has 50% damage (the other three are undamaged).
unit being sunk. Combat never sends ships to Finally, the first individual DD has 70% damage,
the “On Hand” pool. the second is undamaged, the third has 18%
§§ Aircraft Carriers with more than 66 damage damage, and the last has 3% damage. So the values
points cease to function as aircraft carriers. If are actually displayed as (100 – damage). The two
that means that there are then fewer aircraft lines with 50% and 70% damage have red buttons.
carrier bases than air units in the hex, one air Note that the two BBs have been split into two
unit will be eliminated. separate lines in the TO&E, as have the second
§§ Carrier-based air units are exempt from set of four DDs. Clearly, the second set of four
combat reorganization. DDs can have their combat better modeled than
§§ Damage points incurred by embarked units the first set.
destroy a weight of equipment equal to those
damage points.
§§ There is limited ability to repair some damage 13.4. Naval Targeting
while at sea, and significantly more while at Previously, ships in a target hex had the same
port. priority as a single squad. This allowed players to
This new combat procedure only affects combat unrealistically protect the ships with embarked land
where the target is a ship or embarked. Bombardment units – whose huge equipment counts swamped
of land units by naval forces is still resolved just the enemy shots. Now, target priorities are based
as it has always been resolved. There is a detailed realistically on the true values of the units. Priorities
discussion of these factors for the benefit of players are by unit and based upon the unit icon as follows:
and designers in the appendices at the end of this §§ Carrier Naval: 1500
document. §§ Heavy Naval or Task Force Naval: 150
§§ Medium Naval: 50
§§ Light Naval or Riverine Naval: 10
§§ 100 weight of embarked: 40
So, for example, if a group contained a CV, a BB, a
CA, a CL, some DDs in a TF unit, and 250 weight
of embarked, the total value in the hex would be
2000. Then the CV unit would have 75% priority,
and the BB, CA, CL, DDs, and embarked units
would have 7.5%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 7.5%, and 5%,
respectively. That will mean that 75% of all planes
and shots will target the CV unit.
If any target unit has multiple ships in it, then
This illustrates how damage is displayed in the there is further targeting priority within the unit
Unit Report. Note that one BB has 10% damage, using the same weights but based upon the naval
while one is undamaged. The CA has 30% equipment flags.

84 The Operational Art of War IV

13.5. Port Attacks times the attack radius from the actual attack
This allows players to target only the naval units in location – generally to the east. Once contaminated,
an anchorage hex – like an “Airfield Attack” targets locations remain contaminated until the radioactivity
only the planes in a hex. This can be done even if the decays. Units in Contaminated locations will suffer
hex is “unknown”. Again, this counters attempts by reductions in Readiness each Turn.
players to divert the targeting of their ships in port Nuclear attacks now receive the flanking bonus,
with land units. But note that any normal (non- causing more collateral damage.
“port”) attack on an anchorage hex now targets
everything in it except the naval units, for when
that is desired. So, if ships are in an anchorage hex, 13.7. Airfield Attacks
the player must select “Port Attack” to target them, Artillery and Aircraft units ordered to attack
even if there is nothing else in the hex. Airfields will concentrate their attacks on Air units
in the attacked location, ignoring the presence of
enemy Land units.
13.6. Nuclear Attacks
Nuclear Attack Strengths range from 0.01kT
(kilotons of TNT) to 4mT (megatons of TNT), and 13.8. Bridge Attacks
their lethality is based on the physical scale of the Unlike all other kinds of Attacks, Bridge Attacks
Scenario. Effects may not be limited to the target can be ordered on locations with no known enemy
location. The estimated Effective Strength of the units. Only enemy owned bridges may be attacked.
attack is shown on the popup menu. This weather- The chance of success for a single unit launching a
dependent Strength may vary from what you would Bridge Attack is shown on the popup menu. If more
expect by examination of the unit’s equipment. If a than one unit participates, all Attack Strengths
radius is given, the Attack effect will extend outside are added and the Bridge Attack is conducted as
of the target location. The Attack Strength drops a single Bombardment (so the chances become
off rapidly outside of the target, but can in some cumulative).
cases still be quite deadly even several hexes away. If the “New Bridge Rules” Advanced Rule option
Unless you are really desperate, it is best to avoid is ON then bridge attacks may only be made on
launching Nuclear Attacks if friendly units are locations that have a road/railroad that graphically
within the Attack Radius. crosses a river/canal. Otherwise, any location with
Armored equipment is much more resistant to both a road//railroad and a river/canal, even if they
Nuclear Attacks than Non-Armored equipment. don’t graphically cross, is eligible for a bridge attack.
You generally won’t take out many tanks with a
Nuclear Attack unless the cumulative Attack Total
is several hundred kT or more. 13.9. Battlefield
After a Nuclear Attack, the target and nearby
locations may become Contaminated (11.9.3). Reconnaissance
The path of contamination outside the target is All unit Strengths are increased by the unit’s
somewhat randomized, but can extend up to three Reconnaissance Capability on the first round of

All Battles Are Resolved 85

combat. Reconnaissance Capability has no effect §§ A red indicator is a very strong warning; the
on subsequent Rounds. excessive target density will result in a combat
Example: If a unit has an Anti-Personnel losses being multiplied by at least 2.0.
Strength of 15 and a Reconnaissance Capability of
30%, its effective Anti-Personnel Strength on the
first round of combat would be 19. 13.11. Long-Range
Supporting Fire
13.10. Target Density All cooperative Air units with Combat Support
orders, Artillery, and Naval units may automatically
(Advanced Rules) add one-half of their Bombardment Strengths to
Normal Combat Loss calculations assume target each Attack within range. Artillery units will not
densities below a certain value based on the support combats if they have Mobile, Retreated,
physical scale of the Scenario. In many cases you or Routed deployments. Units must pass a
can exceed this target density by piling units into Communication Check (8.5.1) in order to provide
a location. This may be the only way to effectively Combat Support. Air units may fail to react if the
concentrate for an attack in some Scenarios, but range is long compared to their combat radius.
there is a cost. If you present the other Force There is no supporting fire for Bombardments.
with a dense concentration of equipment, so that Air units may suffer losses to Anti-Aircraft fire
he can’t help but hit something with every shot, and Interception by enemy Air units with Air
you may take excessive losses. Locations with Superiority missions.
excessive target densities are indicated on the Air units with multiple range air equipment
map by a small colored light in the west corner in them assigned to attack a target will only take
of the location. These indicator lights range from losses on the equipment with the range to actually
yellow-green to red. reach the target.
§§ As a rule of thumb, you should avoid piling Note that both air equipment and anti-air
units into a location if you see a colored light, equipment are rated as either high or low (some
as follows: anti-air is high/low). Low air is affected by both
§§ No indicator means the target density is at or high and low anti-air. High air is affected by high
below the limit for the Scenario. anti-air and, only a small proportion of low air. Just
§§ A yellow-green indicator is a caution; the because the plane is rated high-altitude doesn’t
target density limits have been exceeded, and mean that it necessarily carries out its mission at
combat losses are multiplied by 1.0 to 1.4. high altitude – especially combat support.
§§ A yellow indicator is a warning; the excessive Air units with 0 AP strength but with non-zero
target density will result in combat losses AT or Anti-Naval strengths can now be assigned
being multiplied by 1.4 to 1.7. Combat Support or Sea Interdiction missions
§§ An orange indicator is a strong warning; the respectively.
excessive target density will result in combat Entrained, embarked, and retreated artillery no
losses being multiplied by 1.7 to 2.0. longer provide support.

86 The Operational Art of War IV

13.12. Environmental §§ Mountains (any Deployment), or Defending
Deployment: x1.5
Effects on Combat
(Advanced Rules) 13.12.3. Defensive Strengths of
Terrain and environmental conditions have a Vehicles
strong effect on combat. Terrain primarily benefits Vehicles in defending units benefit from
defending Land units and sometimes penalizes increased Defensive Strengths in some terrain
attacking Land units. Visibility and time of day and Deployments. Defense Multipliers combine
affect Air unit Strengths. as detailed in 13.12.6. Otherwise effects are not
Some rules only pertain when Advanced Rules are cumulative. Only the strongest modifier is in effect:
being utilized; these are noted below. §§ In a Fortified Line hex (any Deployment) or
Fortified Deployment (any terrain): x3
13.12.1. Defensive Anti-Armor §§ Dense Urban or Dense Urban Ruin (any
Strengths Deployment) or Entrenched Deployment
Defending units benefit from increased Anti- (any terrain): x1.5
Armor Strengths in some terrain or Deployments.
Defense Multipliers combine as detailed in 13.12.6. 13.12.4. Defensive Strengths of
Otherwise effects are not cumulative. Only the Infantry
strongest modifier is in effect: Infantry and non-static weapons in defending
§§ In a Fortified Line hex (any Deployment), or units benefit from increased Defensive Strengths in
Fortified Deployment (any terrain): x5 some terrain or Deployments. Defense Multipliers
§§ Dense Urban, Dense Urban Ruin, or combine as detailed in 13.12.6. Otherwise effects
Mountains (any Deployment), or Entrenched are not cumulative. Only the strongest modifier is
Deployment (any terrain): x3.5 in effect:
§§ Urban, Urban Ruin, Bocage, or Marsh (any §§ In a Fortified Line hex (any Deployment) or
Deployment), or Defending Deployment Fortified Deployment (any terrain): x8
(any terrain): x2 §§ Dense Urban, Dense Urban Ruin, or Badlands
(any Deployment): x4
13.12.2. Defensive Anti-Personnel §§ Urban, Urban Ruin, Bocage, Dunes, or
Strengths Mountain (any Deployment): or Entrenched
Defending units benefit from increased Anti- Deployment (any terrain): x3
Personnel Attack Strengths in some terrain or §§ Forest, Jungle, Hills, or Wadi (any Deployment),
Deployments. Defense Multipliers combine as or Defending Deployment (any terrain): x2.0
detailed in 13.12.6. Otherwise effects are not
cumulative. Only the strongest modifier is in effect: 13.12.5. Defensive Strengths of
§§ In a Fortified Line hex (any Deployment), or Static Equipment
Fortified Deployment (any terrain): x4.5 Static equipment (equipment that requires Transport
§§ Bocage (any Deployment) or Entrenched in order to move) benefits from increased Defensive
Deployment (any terrain): x3 Strengths in some terrain or Deployments. Defense

All Battles Are Resolved 87

Multipliers combine as detailed in 13.12.6. a major escarpment via a road). Their losses will
Otherwise effects are not cumulative. Only the be three times the normal for the attack. Combat
strongest modifier is in effect: across Minor Escarpments results in twice the
§§ In a Fortified Line hex (any deployment), or losses for the Attacker. Artillery and Headquarters
Fortified Deployment (any terrain): x6 are not as affected; Artillery attacks at 150%
§§ Badlands (any Deployment): x3 Strength if it is “looking down” on the target across
§§ Dense Urban, Dense Urban Ruin, Dunes, or a Major Escarpment. This is defined as an artillery
Mountains (any Deployment), or Entrenched unit, in the hex that contains the escarpment
Deployment (any terrain): x2.0 terrain feature, firing across that hexside feature at
§§ Urban, Urban Ruin, Forest, Jungle, Hills, an adjacent unit.
Bocage, or Wadi (any Deployment), or
Defending Deployment (any terrain): x1.5 13.12.9. Visibility
(Advanced Rules)
13.12.6. Combination of Terrain and Visibility affects Air unit Attack and Defense
Deployment Defense Modifiers Strengths, as follows:
Terrain Defense Multipliers combine with §§ Fair: 100% – Fair locations are locations that
Deployment Defense Multipliers as the square root have no clouds in them.
of the sum of the squares. However, no multiplier §§ Hazy: 100% for all weather equipment, 66%
can be greater than the fortified benefit. This is otherwise – Hazy locations are locations
shown here: that have flat clouds in them (regardless of
§§ Overcast: 66% for all weather equipment, 33%
otherwise – Overcast locations are locations
that have puffy clouds in them (regardless of

13.12.10. Night and Day

(Advanced Rules)
13.12.7. Unit Strengths in Water In six hour and half-day Turn Scenarios, time of
Assaults day affects Air unit Attack and Defense Strengths,
Non-Marine Land units attacking from River, as follows:
Super River, Canal, Suez Canal, or Deep Water §§ AM Turn: 100%
(Amphibious Assaults) have all Strengths §§ PM Turn: 66% for all weather equipment,
multiplied by 0.7. 33% otherwise.

13.12.8. Escarpments 13.12.11. Night Attenuation

Since only Mountain units can move across Major If Turns are Full Days or longer, Air unit Attack
Escarpments, they are the only units that can attack and Defense Strengths are multiplied by 83% for
across them (exception: any unit can attack across All Weather equipment, 66% otherwise.

88 The Operational Art of War IV

13.13. Flanks and Rear The facing of the 3D unit icon graphics on the
map is not significant for this purpose.
Areas Note that, if optioned, “New Flanking Rules”
Most units are assigned a mix of actively- revises this somewhat. See 3.3.1.
defending equipment (such as Infantry or Tanks)
and passively-defending equipment (such as
Artillery). Usually, passively-defending equipment 13.14. Retreats
is significantly shielded from losses in combat. If a defending unit attempts to break off, it will look
The theory is that units like Artillery are deployed for a safe location in the direction of the nearest
in rear areas and generally are out of harm’s way. friendly cooperative Headquarters or Supply Source.
Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. The unit will attempt to disengage and retreat into
In units attacked from any two, or more, that safe location. If such a location is not available,
non-adjacent hexes in the same Turn, passively- the unit will instead have its Readiness reduced
defending equipment (such as Artillery) will to 33% and it will refuse further orders until it
be forced to participate directly in combat. The Reorganizes. In practical terms, this reduces the unit
attacks need not be combined. One unit can “pin” to a milling mob of uncoordinated troops, which
from one direction, while another executes the will offer little resistance if attacked again. Entrained
“Flanking” Attack. If a unit that attacked earlier units forced to retreat will be dis-entrained and lose
in the Turn is itself later attacked, the original their entrained movement allowance.
Attack is considered a “defense” for this purpose.
This means that if a unit attacks to the south, but 13.14.1. RBC Escape from blocked
is itself later attacked from the north, it will suffer retreat path
the Flank Attack penalty. Likewise, a unit that Surrounded defending units that are forced to retreat
attacks into two, or more, non-adjacent hexes will from combat and have no other path of retreat will
suffer a Flank Attack from the defensive fire of get to attempt to breakout via RBCing any of the
the defending units. Units that split into sub-units surrounding enemy units. All qualifying defenders
and attack into two or more non-adjacent hexes get to attempt the RBCs until a path is cleared or
will cause the parent unit (and any subsequently all have failed against all blockers. Note that this will
re-split sub-units) to be subject to Flank Attacks require the use of substantial forces in all possible
if the sub-units recombine afterwards on the same paths around the defender if that defender is to be
Turn that the sub-unit Attacks are made. Once a denied a retreat path. “Ants” won’t work.
unit has its flank “turned,” all further attacks in that
Turn against it, or by it (in the case of Defensive
Fire against Attacking units), will be a Flank 13.15. Attack Complexity
Attack until it retreats (defenders) or advances
(attackers). Units are not subject to the Flank (Defined)
Attack penalty immediately after any movement Attack Complexity increases with the number of
out of the hex from which they were attacked, or attacking units, the distance those units move before
attacked out of. launching their Attack, the Cooperation Level

All Battles Are Resolved 89

necessary for coordination between units of differing attacker will have to commit comparable frontline
Formations, and inclement weather or difficult forces. And bombardment will no longer benefit
terrain in and around the location of the Attack. from inclusion of a “throwaway” ground attacker
(an “ant” unit).
The benefits to the attacker artillery strength, the
13.16. Amphibious Attacks defender supply cost per round, and the prevention
Any Attack launched from a Deep Water location of counterbattery fire from a ranged defender are no
is considered an Amphibious Attack. Such an longer guaranteed just because there is any ground-
Attack is resolved normally, except that if the attacking unit, regardless of the size or composition
Attacker is unsuccessful his units will re-embark of that unit. Rather, receipt of these benefits is now
on their Transports. Note that a non-Marine dependent upon a new attack parameter called the
unit attacking from a Deep Water location has “Assault Ratio” (AR for short).
its Attack Strength multiplied by 0.7 (see section The AR is 100 times the ratio between the
13.12.7, Unit Strengths in Water Assaults). Attacker Assault Strength to the Defender
Defense Strength. The Defender Defense
Strength is determined just as it always has been
13.17. Airborne Attacks – total defense strength of all defenders in the
Airborne Attacks are resolved during Movement. target hex (but without support). But the Attacker
See 11.9.6, Airborne Movement. Assault Strength is new, and sort of complicated
to explain. First, it only includes direct ground
attackers – no support. Second, it only includes
13.18. Airmobile Attacks the active equipment of those attackers. Finally, of
Airmobile Attacks are resolved during Movement. that equipment, it totals the AP and AT strengths
See 11.9.8, Airmobile Movement. in proportion to the contribution of armored and
soft equipment to the Defender Defense Strength.
So, if the defender is all armored equipment, only
13.19. Effects of the attacker’s AT strengths would be totaled. If the
defender is all soft equipment, only the attacker’s
Entraining Units AP strengths would be totaled. If half the defender’s
Units on board Trains have their Attack and defense strength is from soft equipment and half
Defense strengths reduced to 25% of normal. They armored, then half the attacker’s AP would be
may defend, but may not launch Attacks. totaled with half his AT, etc.
Once determined, the AR of the attack is
displayed in the Attack Planning Dialog (subject
13.20. Assault Ratio Rules to Fog-of-War) as shown below:
This feature is intended to render the gamey
“Supply Sucking” and “Bombard to Victory” tactics
so common in older versions of TOAW obsolete.
Now, to “suck” supply from a defending stack, the

90 The Operational Art of War IV

Then, the AR is used to determine the level of
benefit to those three assault factors above. If the
AR is 100 or greater (Attacker Assault Strength is If it says “weakly attack” then partial benefits
at least equal to Defender Defense Strength) then were received:
all the benefits are automatically received – just like
for all attacks before. But, if it is less, the chances
increase proportionately that the benefit level will
decrease from Full to Partial. (For example, at an If it says “bombard”then no benefits were received
AR of 50, there is a 50% chance of that). At less (or the attack actually was a bombardment):
than 10, the chances increase proportionately that
the attack could even be treated the way a pure
bombardment was effected before (provided it has
any directly-assigned support). (For example, at an Finally, if the message says “very weakly attack”,
AR of 5, there is a 50% chance of that). At 0, it then no benefits were received and the attack had
is guaranteed to be treated like a bombardment – no directly assigned artillery support:
again, if it has directly-assigned support.
The three benefit levels are shown here:

While this probably sounds very confusing,

(and there is a great deal of complexity behind the
scenes that has been omitted from this description)
all players need to understand is that to ensure full
benefits, keep the effective strengths of the forces
actually assigned to ground-assault the defenders
Red items are where this feature differs from the at least equal to the size of the defenders’ defense
old way. “Artillery” applies to any supporting ranged strengths. (That means keeping the AR equal
unit (including air units). Note that the Full column to 100 or above). The farther below 100 the AR
is identical to the way assaults were always resolved is, the more risk that less and less of the above
before. The None/With Spt column is the same as benefits will be received. Note that defender
the way bombardments were always resolved before. terrain and deployment enhancements are
The Partial column is sort of in-between. Note ignored for purposes of this effect (we’re just sort
that there are two random checks made against the of comparing relative effective unit sizes). But
AR that determine which benefit level is received. entrainment/embarkment, etc. are not ignored.
Finally, note that the 0.5 supply cost is effected via a Be aware that support Loss Tolerances will now
random check (randomly 0 or 1 @ 50% each). determine the number of rounds expended if the
The benefit level received is displayed in the assault becomes a bombardment (like in a normal
Combat Report as shown below: bombardment).
If the message says “attack”, then full benefits Note that, other than determining the above
were received: effects, the AR and Attacker Assault Strength

All Battles Are Resolved 91

values are not used in the resolution of the actual assault is pure passive (AR will equal 0). Note that
combat. Passive equipment still participates if there is a situation where players want a pure
as before, provided the AR is otherwise not passive or otherwise very tiny attack to actually
rendered small enough to convert the attack into assault, then they should not provide it any directly
a bombardment. But that will be the case if the assigned support, and then it will do so.

14. Your Entire Force Movement

Allowances Are Adjusted
After combat, all of your units will have their the MRPB feature, but even that only addressed the
remaining Movement Allowances adjusted to battle length of the combat itself, not the delaying
reflect the Median Tactical Round needed to effect of late units – and only for scenarios that had
resolve all Normal Attacks. Note that this omits seen designer attention regarding it. Beginners,
bombardments, unless the round only included especially, still watched helplessly as their turns
bombardments – then the round advances to the ended far too early – souring them on the game.
median-length bombardment. This is a new feature that (hopefully) will finally
Example: If the Median Tactical Round was resolve the issue to the enjoyment of everyone.
Round 7, all of your units will have their Movement Under TOAW IV, after all combats are resolved,
Allowances limited to no more than 30% [(10- the player-turn will advance to the combat round
7)*10%] of their full Movement Allowance. of the MEDIAN length combat. In other words, if
there were seven combats that lasted 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3,
& 6 rounds respectively then the player turn would
14.1. Battlefield Time advance only two rounds, instead of the six rounds
of before. Note that this means that three combats
Stamps lasted longer than the round of the new combat
Note that the above is a change from older versions phase. This will be accounted for by placing a
of TOAW. In those versions, after all combats were TIME STAMP in those three hexes that will equal
resolved, the player-turn advanced to the combat their actual ending round.
round of the longest lasting combat. So, a single TIME STAMP definition: The fraction of the
long-lasting combat could burn up most or all of player-turn, in tenths, that has been expended.
the player-turn. This factor (often referred to as This applies to the Player-Turn itself, to Units (the
“turn burn”) made very large scenarios especially fraction of their MPs that they have expended),
vulnerable since the more combats a phase resolved, and now to battlefield hexes.
the more likely one of them would suffer from being Movement effects of Battlefield Time Stamps:
very long-lasting. This was somewhat addressed by Any unit that enters a hex with a Battlefield Time

92 The Operational Art of War IV

Stamp will have its movement points reduced until and shown in the unit panel. Note below that there
its unit time stamp is at least equal to that of the hex. is now an option to display the unit’s time stamp
Combat effects of Battlefield Time Stamps: on its counter.
Combats planned for a hex with a Battlefield
Time Stamp will start on a combat round as
if the player-turn is the same as the hex’s time
stamp. All units that participate in a combat that
results in a Battlefield Time Stamp have their time
stamps increased to the resulting time stamp of the
Combat creation of Battlefield Time Stamps: If
a combat lasts longer than one round, it creates a
Battlefield Time Stamp equal to the last round that
combat expended.
In addition, if a defender was prevented from After all combats are resolved and the combat
retreating from a combat by non-participating phase has been advanced, all Battlefield Time
adjacent enemy units then the combat’s Battlefield Stamps on the map that are either less than or
Time Stamp is the greater of the time stamps of equal to the new time stamp of the player-turn are
the blocking units and the time stamp of the last erased. So all Battlefield Time Stamps are erased
round of the combat. So, if the combat ended by the end of the player-turn.
on round five, but there was a blocking unit that Note that by advancing to the MEDIAN
prevented the defenders from retreating and it had instead of the MINIMUM combat length the
a time stamp of seven, then the Battlefield Time game retains a requirement for a level of skill in
Stamp would be set to seven (and all participating marshalling the player’s combats. Players still need 14
units would have their time stamps increased to to try to minimize the number of combats that last
seven). Note that this ends the time-machine effect multiple rounds to get the best amount of combat
of blocking units that the game had endured up to exploitation. But now a single slip-up or bad break
this point. won’t ruin an entire player-turn.
RBC creation of Battlefield Time Stamps:
Whenever a defender is forced to retreat-before-
combat (RBC, also referred to as Overrun) by a 14.2. Turn Over
unit with a Time Stamp greater than the Player- Your Turn will end if any of the following conditions
Turn’s Time Stamp, there is a Battlefield Time apply:
Stamp created in the hex equal to the time stamp §§ You have launched no Attacks.
of the overrunning unit. Note that this ends the §§ The mean remaining Movement Allowance
time-machine effect of overrunning units. of your entire Force is too small to allow for
Battlefield Time Stamps are shown on the map successful exploitation of your Attacks; i.e.,
by a dedicated graphic (see below) and their effect an average of less than 20% of the Movement
on movement is incorporated into the path feature Points remaining among the units involved

Your Entire Force Movement Allowances Are Adjusted 93

in the last series of Attacks. Effectively, whether it ended because of a Force Proficiency
this means that the player-turn ends if you Check failure or because there is too little of
have no more than one unexpended combat your turn left. So, if you get an early turn ending
round left. you should be able to determine whether it was
§§ Your Force fails a Proficiency Check. This is due to bad luck or mismanagement. Hopefully,
the primary use of the Force Proficiency value, this will enable beginners to improve their
though it should be noted that the Force gameplay from such knowledge. If you end the
Proficiency value is not the exact probability turn manually, with no combats planned, there is
that the Turn will continue after each series no such message.
of Attacks. To fail the check, a random check
against the Force Proficiency value must fail,
AND a random check against the number 14.3. The Turn Ends
of rounds remaining must also fail. So the When both players have had an opportunity to issue
chance of failing the check increases as more Orders to their Forces and all combats are resolved,
and more of the turn is expended. the Turn ends. A new Turn begins with Automatic
If your turn ends after your combats have been Bookkeeping. This process then continues until the
executed, there will be a message dialog telling end of the Scenario.

15. Victory
Victory in the game is based on control of that your losses and awards can completely negate
Objectives, Victory Point awards by event, and any advantage for holding a particular chunk of
penalties for combat losses. If you control more real estate. Values for Objectives controlled, VP
Objective Points while taking fewer losses, and/ awards, and penalties for losses taken are tracked
or more VP awards, than your opponent, you win. in the Victory pane of the Situation Briefing. This
Otherwise, you lose. To some extent, losses and briefing pops up at the beginning of every Turn, so
awards offset Objective Values. It is entirely possible keep an eye on it.

94 The Operational Art of War IV

16. Information and Player Aids
16.1. The Unit Report The data pane at the top of the window shows
the unit’s current Status, Capabilities, Transport
(Advanced Rules) Weight in tons, and other characteristics.
The Strength pane shows
the unit’s various Strengths,
including anti-armor, anti-
air, and other factors.
The Special Abilities
pane lists any special abili-
ties the unit has, such as
Engineering, Ferry Support,
or Reconnaissance.
The Transport Options
pane lists any transport lift
options available to the unit,
such as Board Train, Board
Ship, Board Aircraft, and
Board Helicopter. Any such
available will be shown on a
button. Clicking the button
will cause the unit to be 14
embarked on that transport.
The Range Limit pane 15
shows the unit’s Range, if it
You can bring up a detailed Unit Report by is a ranged unit. The button 16
clicking the Unit Report button on the Button allows the player to change the range value. Non-
Panel, right clicking on the Stack in the Unit ranged units have no such pane.
Panel (see 6.1.13), or by right-clicking on a unit
in the Map Panel and selecting the Show Unit Range Limits
Report option from the resulting popup menu. All ranged units now can have their nominal ranges
The Unit Report window shows all available player-limited. The choice is made within the Unit
information for the current unit. Report. A setting of -1 restores the value to the
nominal value. A setting of 0 makes the unit non-
ranged – this can allow the unit to assault when
adjacent. A setting of any positive range allows the
unit to bombard when adjacent. The -1 setting still

Information and Player Aids 95

applies the 50% test when adjacent. These settings a scrollbar appears, it can be used to scroll through
can be preselected by the designer in the editor the equipment pane.
(default is -1). Note that the intent of this feature There is additional information available in the
is to allow players to tailor their bomber ranges so Scenario Editor. The unit’s Transport requirement
as to stay within air cover of their fighters – but is available in the Unit Data pane, and a Veteran/
note that it applies to ships and artillery, too. It can Untried toggle button is available in the Control
also benefit units with multiple equipment types bar.
in their TO&E to operate with the range of the
shortest-ranged equipment type. The DBR display
(“Crop-circles”), will reflect the modified range.
The Unit Icon pane in the right top corner
shows the unit’s icon. If the unit has a secondary
icon, that will be shown below the primary icon.
(See 17.3.1)
T h e
Pane shows a
complete list of
all equipment
authorized for
the unit. You
can click on
the Equipment
buttons for additional information on any piece of
equipment authorized for the unit.

The Control Bar Buttons allow you to change

the unit’s Deployment and Loss Tolerance, switch
to view the next or previous unit in your Force, cycle
through the units grouped in the same location,
exit the window, view the unit’s parent Formation,
view the OOB, or subdivide/recombine the unit. If

96 The Operational Art of War IV

* Embarked unit: These symbols are used to
mark units currently Embarked (not available
in the Editor).

16.1.2. Guerrilla Unit Notes

§§ Guerrilla units always Disengage without
cost, as Special Forces units do.
16.1.1. Unit Notes §§ Guerrilla units are very difficult to spot,
A Airborne Capability: These units can move particularly by Air or Helicopter units.
by air if sufficient Air Transport Capacity §§ Guerrilla units will not change the ownership
is available. See 16.1.4 for more notes on of locations while moving. Only after
Airborne units.. Movement will Guerrilla units change the
B Artillery Capability: These units are capable of ownership of the location they occupy.
supporting attacks with long-range fire. §§ Guerrilla unit Attack and Defense strengths
C Coast Defense Capability: These units may are doubled when attacking from locations that
only fire on enemy units in Deep Water and were enemy-owned at the beginning of the Turn.
Anchorage locations. Guerrilla units always draw at least “normal”
G Guerrilla Capability: See section 16.1.2, supply, regardless of whether their location
Guerrilla Unit Notes. is friendly-supplied or not. If a higher level of
H Headquarters Capability: These units provide Supply is available, the unit benefits normally.
Headquarters benefits to other units in their
Formation. 16.1.3. Airmobile Unit Notes
L Airmobile Capability: See 16.1.3, below. These units are capable of Airmobile Movement if
M Mountain Capability: These units have reduced sufficient Airmobile Transport Capacity (provided
Movement Costs in certain types of terrain. by Helicopter Transport units) is available within
N Naval Movement Capability: These units 200 kilometers of their location.
can only enter Deep Water and Anchorage
Locations. 16.1.4. Airborne Unit Notes 16
P Amphibious Capability: These units are These units are capable of Airborne Movement if
capable of limited Amphibious Movement. sufficient Air Transport Capacity is available. They
R Riverine Movement Capability: These units are also capable of Airmobile Movement.
can only enter Rivers, Canals, Shallow Water,
and Flooded Marsh locations.
S Special Forces Capability: These units have 16.2. The Formation Report
Disengagement advantages.
U Supply Unit Capability: These units extend (Advanced Rules)
supply by a supply radius. This window shows all available information
X Air Movement Capability: These units are capable for one Formation. You can access this Report
of long-range Airbase-to-Airbase transfers. by clicking the Formation Button on the Button

Information and Player Aids 97

Panel, via the Unit or OOB reports, or by right- assigned to the Formation. The Force button will
clicking on a unit in the Map Panel and selecting open the Unit OOB report. The Formation OOB
Show Formation Report. button will open the Formation OOB report.

16.3. The Air Unit Report

To access this Report, click View and select Air Units.

The Air Unit Report shows all of your Air units,

their Missions, locations, and essential information.
It effectively gathers all of your Air units into a
virtual Formation so you don’t have to hunt for
The data pane at the top of the window shows them all over the Map (Theater). If you click on
the Formation’s current Status, Support Scope a unit name button, the map will center on that
(how well its units cooperate with units of other unit. You can use the Mission button to change
Formations), Proficiency, and Supply Distribution the unit’s Mission. The scrollbar is used to scroll
Efficiency. through your Air units if there are more than will
The Unit List pane below shows all units fit in the display area and the Exit button closes
assigned to the Formation, their locations, and the window. The Air Staff Assistant button can be
other essential information. Clicking on a Unit used to turn the Air Staff Assistant on or off.
Name button will center the Map display on At the top are the list headings (Unit, Mission,
that unit. You can change a unit’s Deployment or Location, and Unit Info). Clicking on each will
Mission by clicking on its Deployment button. sort the list by that column. To un-sort the list, the
The Move PO button will move the current dialog must be exited and then re-entered.
formation under PO control if it is displayed in
“Hot” (gold) mode (PO Mode must be ON). If
in “Safe” (white) mode it does nothing. The Next 16.4. The Attack Planning
and Previous Formation buttons in the control bar
are used to view your other Formations, and the Window (Advanced Rules)
Exit button exits the window. If a scrollbar appears, The Attack Planning Dialog gives all the
it can be used to scroll through additional units information necessary to plan an Attack in detail.

98 The Operational Art of War IV

Attack. Such a unit automatically
supports that combat if you make
no selections; i.e., you do not
left-click on it to place a brass-
colored triangular symbol on it.
When such a unit automatically
supports an attack, it attacks with half of its
attack strength, and supports all attacks within its
range. If, however, you wish to exclusively assign
a Support unit to a specific Attack, it will support
that Attack (only) with its full Attack Factor, but
that unit cannot then be used to support any other
Attacks during that Round of combat. Support
In most cases, it is not necessary to use this units that are in range to support but are not in a
feature to plan your attacks, but it can be helpful support deployment will still be shown, but with
if you want to fine tune an Attack and is useful a red “X” through them. They can be added to the
for learning how to play the game. To access, move attack manually while in that condition. The same
units to attack an enemy unit or units, hover the red “X” shows on ground units that lack the MPs
mouse cursor over the enemy units until the cursor to join the attack.
changes to a crosshairs symbol, and right click and The Cooperation pane, at top
select Plan an Attack. left, shows the overall cooperation
The Objective pane in the level the attack will experience.
center of the window shows the Below the flag for this level is a numerical value
Objective of the Attack, and all showing the amount the attackers will be scaled
information available regarding by this cooperation level. Note that a gold flag is
enemy units in the Objective. The six surrounding full cooperation (x1 factor), a silver flag is limited
panes show all terrain and units in the locations cooperation (x0.87 factor), and a black flag is no
surrounding the Objective. Left-clicking on a cooperation (x 0.67 factor). 16
friendly unit in the surrounding panes commits The Time Expended pane, at
or un-commits that unit to the Attack with its top right, shows how much of your
current Loss-Tolerance setting. Right-clicking on a Turn will be used after the Attack
friendly unit in the Plan An Attack window brings is executed, assuming all goes well. If the Attack
up a list of options for changing the Attack Plan, is not overwhelming and one or both sides in the
including settings for Loss Tolerances. Individual Attack have high Loss Tolerances, much more time
unit flags show the cooperation that unit has with may be expended. Grey tinted rounds have already
the other participating units. (See the Cooperation been expended in previous combat phases or will
pane, below, for the meaning of the flag colors). be in other combats already set up for this phase.
The Support pane, at right in this window, Gold tinted rounds are going to be expended by
displays all long-range units available to support the the combat shown in the planner.

Information and Player Aids 99

The Loss Multiple pane, at ((Attacker AP + Support)/(Defender Soft DF)
bottom left, shows the effects of x (1 – Defender hardFraction) + (Attacker AT)/
escarpments, if any are across any of the possible (Defender Hard DF) x Defender hardFraction +
lines of attack. The top line shows where major (Attacker Soft DF)/(Defender AP + Support)
escarpments (x3) are, and the bottom line shows x (1 – Attacker hardFraction) + (Attacker Hard
where any minor escarpments (x2) are. Hexsides DF)/(Defender AT) x Attacker hardFraction) / 2
are identified by number as follows: 0 = top, 1 = The Prediction pane,
upper right, 2 = lower right, 3 = bottom, 4 = lower below the Odds pane,
left, and 5 = upper left. shows the predictions
The Defender Support pane, at for losses and success, as in older versions of TOAW.
bottom right, allows the player to As in those previous versions, such predictions
enter his estimate of expected defender support. don’t consider terrain or defender support.
This estimate is then incorporated into the Odds
pane, below. Note that the game could provide the
exact support that the defender will receive, but The Control Bar buttons are used to switch
that would be a serious breach of fog-of-war. The the unit icon display between Strengths and
friendly player cannot know the cooperation and Movement Allowances, and the Exit button is used
ranges of nearby enemy support, or what support to exit the window. The up and down buttons will
might be hidden in unknown hexes. But he can cycle the planner through all planned combats. If
have an idea, from experience, of what support the the <Shift> key is held down, those buttons will
defense can expect, especially if the target hex has cycle the planner through all potential combats.
been recently attacked (via the Combat Report). Total Attack and Defense Strength information
is available in the Strength panes flanking the
Control Bar. These values are as they were under
The Odds pane, below the Objective pane, older versions of TOAW – they don’t include the
calculates the odds of the attack. Note that, unlike impact of terrain.
the strength information flanking the Control Bar,
this estimate includes the effect of terrain, making
it more useful. It also addresses the defender’s 16.5. Planned Combats
soft vs. armored defense: It amalgamates the AP The Planned Combats dialog lists all the combats
vs. Soft odds proportionately with the AT vs. planned for the current combat phase.
Armored odds. It also allows the player to include Use the scrollbar to scroll through the list if
an estimate of defender support as explained necessary. It can be accessed through the Control
above. However, it still does not include the effect Panel or from the Attack Planner. There is one
of cooperation (defender cooperation is unknown, button (Exit), the force flag, and a count of battles
so including attacker cooperation alone would be planned. This is a new dialog intended to assist
misleading). with combat planning.
The amalgamation above is achieved via this At the top are the list headings (Location, Success
formula: Prediction, Loss Prediction, AR, Cooperation, and

100 The Operational Art of War IV

the most pertinent parameters are shown on a
single page (these are actually the parameters that
were shown in previous versions of TOAW). In
Expanded Mode, all parameters are shown, but in
three pages. The Control Bar has buttons to toggle
between modes.
The report is displayed on a single page in
Condensed Mode, and displayed on three pages in
Expanded Mode.
Information is arranged in seven panes, as
§§ The Calendar pane shows the current player
Time Expended). Clicking on each will sort the and date, the most likely end date for the
list by that column. To un-sort the list, the dialog Scenario, the approximate number of Turns
must be exited and then re-entered. Clicking on remaining, and (Expanded Mode only) the
any Location button will open the Attack Planner Turn Interval.
for that planned attack. §§ The Game pane (Expanded Mode only)
shows the following game parameters:
Hexscale, Climate Area, Attrition Divider,
16.6. The Situation Briefing Max Rounds Per Battle, AAA Lethality
The Situation Briefing gives an overall evaluation Scalar, Engineering Build Rate Scalar, Hex
of the current game situation. It can be accessed Conversion Rate Scalar, Entrenchment
by clicking View and selecting Situation Briefing. Rate Scalar, Combat Density Penalty
This briefing can be displayed in two modes: Scalar, Readiness Cost of Movement Scalar,
Condensed and Expanded. In Condensed Mode, Supply Cost of Movement Scalar, Divisor
- Condensed Mode -

--------- Expanded Mode --------- 16

Information and Player Aids 101

of Improved Road Movement Cost, Naval Note that when the listed parameters are set
Attrition Divider, and Event Variable Value. to their default setting then they are shown in a
§§ The Force pane gives information on the smaller font size than when they are not at the
following Force Parameters: Force Proficiency default setting. This makes it somewhat easier to
and Supply Stockpile Level (including spot parameters that are non-default (and most in
figuring the effective supply capability), need of notice) from the defaults.
(Expanded Mode only: Force Supply Radius, The Control Bar in Condensed Mode consists of:
Force Precision Guided Weapons Level, §§ The Exit button exits the window.
Force Air Refueling Multiplier, Force NBC §§ The Expand button switches to Expanded
Combat Proficiency, Force Night Combat Mode.
Proficiency, Force Electronic Support Level, §§ The Control Bar in Expanded Mode, Page 1,
Force Communication Level, Force Pestilence consists of:
Level, Force Loss Intolerance Level, Force §§ The Previous Page button opens the Previous
Movement Bias Level, Force ZOC Cost, Page.
Force Overextended Supply Threshold, Force §§ The Exit button exits the window.
Naval Critical Hit Scalar, and Force RFC §§ The Condense button switches to Condensed
Scalar.) Mode.
§§ The Special Weapons pane shows who is §§ The Next Page button opens the Next Page.
using Chemical or Atomic weapons. The Control Bar in Expanded Mode, Pages 2 &
§§ The Theater pane lists your Force’s 3, consists of the same as Page 1, except there is no
Reconnaissance and Transport Capacities. It Condense button.
also (Expanded Mode only) lists the following
Theater Parameters: Rail Destruction
Chance, Auto Rail Repair Chance, Guerrilla 16.7. The Scenario Briefing
Percentage, Friendly Air Shock Level, Enemy The Scenario Briefing gives a lengthy description
Air Shock Level, Friendly Shock Level, and of a Scenario, including scale, environmental
Enemy Shock Level. information, special considerations and a brief
§§ The Victory pane shows who is currently history of the battle or campaign portrayed by the
winning the Scenario. This is determined by Scenario.
summing the Friendly Held Objectives value,
minus the Enemy Held Objectives value, plus
the Enemy Loss Penalty, minus the Friendly
Loss Penalty, plus the Net Victory Point
§§ The Victory Level Boundaries pane
(Expanded Mode only) lists the Total On-
Map Objectives, the Draw Level, the Marginal
Victory Level, the Significant Victory Level,
and the Overwhelming Victory Level.

102 The Operational Art of War IV

This Briefing can be accessed by clicking View this briefing over and over will no longer reveal
and selecting Scenario Briefing. Scroll down the that factor, as was possible in previous versions of
left display pane via the scrollbar to read about the TOAW.
current Scenario. If the scenario has any associated Use the Control Bar Exit button to exit the
documents, then a document button will be shown. window.
That button will open all the scenario’s documents.
A blank button will be shown if the scenario has no
associated documents. 16.9. The Weather Briefing
(Advanced Rules)
16.8. The Air Briefing The Weather Briefing shows a microview scale
The Air Briefing gives a brief rundown of the Map of the entire Theater with a visibility and
current situation in the air over the Theater. It can precipitation overlay. It can be accessed by clicking
be accessed by clicking View and selecting Air View and selecting Weather Briefing.
Briefing. Note that the Air War Panel contains this Above the Weather Map is a description of
same information. current and forecast
Current Turn weather in each
aircraft losses are Weather Zone. If
listed in the Aircraft there is more than
Losses pane. Only one Weather Zone,
aircraft actually the breakpoints are
destroyed are listed. indicated at the edge
You will always know of the Weather Map.
your own losses Use the Control Bar
exactly, but enemy Exit button to exit
losses are subject to the window.
misinformation. Pilots are notorious for inflating
and double-reporting enemy planes shot down. 16
Damaged aircraft (those sent to the Replacement 16.10. The Expected
Pool) are not included in the Loss Report.
The Air Superiority pane shows the Theater Reinforcements Briefing
Air Superiority levels, a general indicator of who The Expected Reinforcements Briefing lists all
controls the air over the Theater. expected Reinforcements and Withdrawals, their
The Interdiction pane shows both Forces’ projected entry or exit Turns and locations, and
Theater Interdiction Levels, a general gauge of each unit Types. It can be accessed by clicking View and
Force’s efforts to impair enemy supply distribution selecting Expected Reinforcements.
and land unit movement. At the top are the list headings (Turn, Date,
Note that the Enemy Loss value’s misinformation Location, Unit, Formation, Icon Type, and Unit
factor is fixed at the start of the turn. So, opening Info). Clicking on each will sort the list by that

Information and Player Aids 103

column. To un-sort the list, the dialog must be The Recent Reinforcements Briefing lists all
exited and then re-entered. Note that the date is Reinforcements and Withdrawals for this Turn, their
in MM/DD/YYYY format. The unit health and locations, and unit Types. It can be accessed by clicking
icon are displayed between the Formation and View and selecting Expected Reinforcements.
Icon Type columns. The Unit Info is enclosed in Use the scrollbar to scroll through the list if
brackets if the unit is a future reinforcement (as necessary. The Exit button in the Control Bar exits
opposed to a Withdrawal). the window.
At the top are the list headings (Unit, Mission,
Location, Icon Type, and Unit Info). Clicking on
each will sort the list by that column. To un-sort
the list, the dialog must be exited and then re-

16.12. Inventory and

Replacements Briefing
The Inventory and Replacements Briefing lists all
available Replacements, the number of items on
Use the scrollbar to scroll through the list if hand (available for immediate distribution), rate of
necessary. The Exit button in the Control Bar exits appearance, beginning Turn, end Turn, the current
the window. total number of items assigned to units in the
Theater, and the permanent loss totals. It can be
accessed by clicking View and selecting Inventory
16.11. The Recent and Replacements.

Reinforcements Briefing

104 The Operational Art of War IV

Use the scrollbar to scroll through the list if Use the scrollbar to scroll through the list if
necessary. The Exit button in the Control Bar exits necessary. The Exit button in the Control Bar exits
the window. the window.
The Editor version of this window differs from
the game version. Rate of appearance, beginning
Turn, and end Turn are all represented by buttons; 16.14. Group Composition
you use these buttons to change the values. The The Group Composition displays all the units in
assigned equipment totals in the Editor include all the unit stack. Clicking on any unit will move that
assigned equipment regardless of whether the units unit to the top of the stack.
are deployed on the Map (in Theater). Note that the Unit Panel
At the top are the list headings (Available can be placed in Group
Systems, On Hand, Rate, Turns, Assigned, and Composition mode – with
Lost). Clicking on each will sort the list by that the same display. Then
column. To un-sort the list, the dialog must be mousing over the map can
exited and then re-entered. quickly reveal the contents
of any observed hex.

16.13. Recent News

The Recent News Briefing lists significant 16.15. Order of Battle:
occurrences since the beginning of the Scenario.
It can be accessed by clicking View and selecting Units Report
Recent News. The Order of Battle (OOB): Units Report lists all
of your units, their formations, locations Icon Type,
and Unit Info as well as health icon and unit icon.
On the Control Panel are the Force Roundel, Exit
Button, and Units in Theater pane.


Information and Player Aids 105

Use the scrollbar to scroll through the list if Use the scrollbar to scroll through the list if
necessary. It can be accessed through the View necessary. It can be accessed through the Control
Menu. Panel.
At the top are the list headings (Unit, Formation, At the top are the list headings (Formation,
Location, Icon Type, and Unit Info). Clicking on Location, Activation Turn, PO?, General Orders,
each will sort the list by that column. To un-sort and Orders Emphasis). Clicking on each will sort
the list, the dialog must be exited and then re- the list by that column. To un-sort the list, the
entered. dialog must be exited and then re-entered.
This is a new dialog intended to make PO Mode
operations easier. Note that right-clicking on the
16.16. Order of Battle: General Orders button will change it to “Manual”
– making that option easier to invoke. (Toggling
Formations Report the checkbox to “checked” has the same effect).
The Order of Battle (OOB): Formations Report
lists all of your formations, locations, and
Formation Info such as Activation Turn, General 16.17. Theater Options
Orders, and Orders Emphasis. On the Control
Panel are the PO Move Button, Exit Button, and Report
Formations in Theater pane. When PO Move is The Theater Options Report lists any theater
invoked, the units of the current formation will be options you may have. To option a theater option,
moved by the PO, provided that button had been click on its button. The button will turn silver. That
in “Hot” mode. means that it will execute in the next inter-turn
There are also a column of checkboxes that toggle phase. To cancel that, click the button again and it
each formation in and out of PO control. Checked will turn back
formations are under PO control. Unchecked ones to normal.
are under Manual control. Use the
scrollbar to
scroll through
the list if
necessary. It
can be accessed
through the
View Menu.

16.18. Equipment Report

The Equipment Report details the parameters of
an equipment item. The equipment’s strengths
(AT, AP, DF, AA (High and Low), and Anti-

106 The Operational Art of War IV

Shipping) and range (in km and hexes) are deciphered by players themselves, if desired (note
specified. If it is naval equipment, its Durability, that it is not necessary to do so to understand the
Armor, Agility, Accuracy, and Speed (in km/wk report, however). For the record, the first line is
and knots) are also specified. Any special abilities followed by such a code that has info on the overall
of the equipment are listed. combat: Contained in the brackets are the combat
This report is accessed by clicking on any timestamp, attacker color, attacker cooperation,
equipment and defender cooperation. Cooperation codes are
button (present in FC = full cooperation, LC = limited cooperation,
the Unit Report, and NC = no cooperation. There are then code info
Inventory Report, on each unit’s line in the report: Each attacker has
Force Editor and its cooperation and timestamp. Each defender has
Loss Report). its cooperation.
Note that if Also for the benefit of the Combat Chart, a
the Report is number of unit purposes have been refined: Ranged
accessed from the support directly assigned to an assault is listed
Equipment Panel as “Bombardment Attacks” to distinguish them
of the Force from ground attackers and cooperative support.
Editor, there is an Ground attackers ordered to Limited Attack are
extra button next to the Exit button: A button to now so identified in the report to distinguish them
enter the Equipment Editor. from cooperative support. Air units that intercept
bombers are now listed as” intercept supports”. Air
units that defend bombers from such interception
16.19. Detailed Combat are now listed as “escort supports”.
If the Detailed Combat Reports Advanced Rules
Option is turned ON then a Detailed Combat
Report will be delivered after each combat 16
resolution. The report is divided into two panes.
The top pane reports the results of the combat,
who won the contested hex, what the percent losses
were, what rounds were expended, and what caused
the combat to end. The second pane details what
units of both sides participated, on which round
they broke off the attack, and which units retreat
or evaporate
There are also coded info inclosed in brackets
in the report details. This info is included to
be used by the new Combat Chart, but can be

Information and Player Aids 107

The report’s Control Panel has four buttons:
Defender Loss Report, Attacker Loss Report,
Combat Chart, and Exit. Use the scrollbars to
scroll through the panes if necessary.
Like many dialogs, pressing the spacebar will
make this report invisible. But this dialog is also
made invisible by clicking anywhere on the report
or by holding the left mouse button down. If the
combat is off-screen, then when either of these
actions is taken, the map re-centers on the combat
hex. While the report is up, the combat location
hex is indicated by a white circle.
Damage, and Replacements). Clicking on each will
sort the list by that column. To un-sort the list, the
16.20. Loss Report dialog must be exited and then re-entered.
Each Detailed Combat Report includes two Loss There are a number of files (Sitrep Log, .csv file,
Reports: One for the Defender and one for the TOAW Log) that store combat result information.
Attacker. The title of the report includes the Force There is a user-made program available that
Name, while the Control Panel includes the Force processes the .csv information.
Flag Roundel. The Control Panel also contains
three buttons: The button for the other Loss Report,
the button for the Combat Report, the button for 16.21. Combat Chart
the Combat Chart, and the Exit button. The info The Combat Chart is accessed from the Detailed
panel of the report lists the equipment employed Combat Report. This new chart has the intention
and figures for each equipment item about how of making combat results easier to understand,
many were Engaged, Disabled, Destroyed and Total by translating the bewildering mass of text
Losses (Disabled means they are returned to the On generated by the Combat Report into a graphical
Hand pools, Destroyed means they are permanently representation that can be quickly understood.
lost, and Total Losses is the sum of those two). There
is also a Damage column to report damage incurred
by naval equipment. This is the cumulative damage
inflicted on the class of naval equipment on each
row (if any) during the combat. Note that the totals
include the damage inflicted on ships that sank in
the combat in addition to that on ships that are just
damaged. Finally, it reports whether replacements
are available for the equipment.
At the top are the list headings (Icon, Equipment,
Engaged, Disabled, Destroyed, Total Losses,

108 The Operational Art of War IV

Over the chart is the Attack Location line, page shown above. It is immediately clear that the
listing the attacking side, the location, and the battle started on round three (two rounds had been
type of combat that took place. Below that is the expended in previous combat phases and are shown
chart. Below the chart is a line detailing the attack in very dark gray). It was delayed three rounds due
duration, a line reporting which side (if any) won, to a late unit. And it consumed one round of actual
and two lines detailing both sides’ loss percentages. battle. The attackers had limited cooperation.
Back to the Chart: The chart is in the form of There are up and down buttons to view the other
a table with columns and rows. The top row is the pages of the chart.
headings row, listing Coop (cooperation), Unit, and
R1 through R10, with one extra column.
The Coop title covers two columns. The first
is the overall cooperation. The second is each
individual unit’s cooperation. The cooperation is
shown by cell color: Gold = Full, Silver = Limited,
and Black = None.
The Unit column lists the formation and unit
names of all units involved in the combat. Cell colors
match each side’s microview color (blue or red).
Finally, there are ten columns for the ten combat
rounds that make up a player-turn. Coded info is
printed in those columns, along with the cell colors, Paging down to page seven reveals the unit that
to detail what happened during the combat. Those caused the delay. The dark gray cells show that the
codes (both for the text and for the cell colors) 36th Mech Rgt was three rounds late, delaying the
are detailed in the Legend dialog, In effect, these battle. This also shows a number of attackers that
cells should show clearly when and how each unit broke off after one round of combat.
participated in the combat. Units that assaulted or
defended are identified. Units that supported in
various ways are so identified. When units broke 16
off, retreated, or advanced is noted. Units that were
late or joined by reserve movement are identified.
Units that subdivided during the combat are
identified along with their subunits.
The example above is derived from the battle
described in the Combat Report display in section
16.19. That report contained nine pages of text (this
battle involved 146 attackers and 20 defenders).
Trying to decipher what happened in that battle
from that report is a real challenge. The Combat Paging down one more page reveals the units
Chart from that battle is in ten pages, with the first that caused the limited cooperation. Four UK

Information and Player Aids 109

units were added to the battle – they weren’t fully Naval Damage incurred during the combat is
cooperative. This shot also shows more attackers also detailed in the chart. (This chart was created
that broke off, but also several that advanced. from a different battle from a different scenario.)
(Breaking off is in red, while advancing is in The Control Bar has seven buttons: Line/Page
green text). Up, Line/Page Down, Defender Losses, Attacker
Losses, Combat Report, Exit, and Combat Chart
Legend. The first two buttons are only shown if the
total lines in the report exceed 17.

16.22. Combat Chart Legend

The Combat Chart Legend is accessed via the
Combat Chart. It explains what the text and cell
colors in the Combat Chart mean. The only button
is the Exit button.

Finally we get to the defenders. Note that the

defense had full cooperation, but all defenders that
were actually in the target hex (not supporting in
some fashion) either retreated or were eliminated.
Retreating and Elimination are shown in red
(holding would be shown in green). It should be
clear that the final four rounds – shown in gray –
were not used in this combat.
So it should be clear that rounds that had already
been expended, rounds that were skipped due to
late units, rounds that were expended in combat
during this specific attack, and rounds that were
not reached in this specific attack are identified by
cell color.

16.23. Combat Review

Detailed combat results are now stored in the
.sav and .pbl files. This allows for review of those

110 The Operational Art of War IV

combat details throughout the player-turn AND §§ Forces – Create an organized list of units for
by the opposing player in his player-turn. They are use in the Scenario. While the Force Editor
accessed via this dialog. The most recent two turns panel is open, selecting the Edit Menu will
of combats are retained. open several nested sub-menus to adjust
settings for the Forces. See 16.13.1, Force
Editor Sub-Menus, starting with “Copy
Current Formation.”
§§ Replacements – Set up the Replacement
Rates for all equipment types available in the
§§ Replacements Editor – Start the
Replacement Editor window to fine tune
The report’s Control Panel has three buttons: Replacements for a Scenario.
Switch Turn, Switch Sides, and Exit. Use the §§ Default 1% Replacements – Set the
scrollbars to scroll through the list of combats if Replacement Rate for all equipment in
necessary. There is also the force flag and a count the current Scenario to 1% of the total
of battles stored. assigned equipment base on each Turn.
At the top are the list headings (Combat, Location, §§ Default 2% Replacements – Set the
Type, Round, News, Battlefield Possession, Friendly Replacement Rate for all equipment in
Loss %, Enemy Loss %). Clicking on each will sort the current Scenario to 2% of the total
the list by that column. Clicking on the Combat assigned equipment base on each Turn.
column restores the original sort sequence. Clicking §§ Unit Replacements Priorities – Set
on the Location button opens the Combat Report Replacement priorities and eligibility for
for that battle. reconstitution for specific units.
§§ Deployment – Deploy the units in the OOB
and assign Formation objectives
16.24. The Editor’s Edit
Upon selecting Deployment Mode the following 16
Menu are added to the Edit Menu:
The Edit Menu is only available in the Editor. You §§ Set Microview Icons – Units are shown as
may ignore this section if you do not intend to either blue or red icons in the Microview
design Scenarios. display. You use this option to set which
§§ Undo – Undo the previous action. This is the Forces the colors should be assigned to. This
same as clicking on the Undo button in the is available in the Force Editor, as well.
Control Bar. §§ Set 3D Icon Tint – Equipment graphics are
§§ Environment – Set the Scenario’s shown in the 3D map display using one of
environmental conditions. four possible “tints”. You use this option to set
§§ Calendar – Set the Scenario Calendar. which tint is to be used by each Force. This is
§§ Events – Set the Scenario’s events. available in the Force Editor, as well.

Information and Player Aids 111

§§ Remove All Units – Remove all Deployed §§ Set Enemy Hex Conversion Costs – Adjusts
units from the map. the cost of enemy hex conversion. This is
§§ Automatic Ownership – Calculate, from the available in the Force Editor, as well.
positions of Deployed units, the ownership of §§ Set Entrenchment Rates – Adjusts how
each location on the Scenario Map. quickly units can dig in. This is available in
§§ Objective Tracks the Force Editor, as well.
§§ Track 1: Select to edit Track 1 Formation §§ Set Density Combat Penalty Rates – Adjusts
Objectives (default). the combat penalty for exceeding density
§§ Track 2: Select to edit Track 2 Formation limits. This is available in the Force Editor,
Objectives. as well.
§§ Track 3: Select to edit Track 3 Formation §§ Set Supply Costs of Movement Rates –
Objectives. Adjusts what the cost in supply will be for
§§ Track 4: Select to edit Track 4 Formation movement. This is available in the Force
Objectives. Editor, as well.
§§ Track 5: Select to edit Track 5 Formation §§ Set Readiness Costs of Movement Rates
Objectives. – Adjusts what the cost in readiness will be
§§ Copy Track 1 to Track 2: Copy all Track 1 for movement. This is available in the Force
Formation Objectives to Track 2. Editor, as well.
§§ Copy Track 1 to Track 3: Copy all Track 1 §§ Set Divisor of Improved-Road Motorized-
Formation Objectives to Track 3. Movement – Adjusts the cost of motorized
§§ Copy Track 1 to Track 4: Copy all Track 1 movement along improved roads. This is
Formation Objectives to Track 4. available in the Force Editor, as well.
§§ Copy Track 1 to Track 5: Copy all Track 1 §§ Set Naval Attrition Divider – Scales the
Formation Objectives to Track 5. number of shots in naval combat resolution.
§§ Clear All Objective Values: Sets all This is available in the Force Editor, as well.
Objective Values to zero.
§§ Set Attrition Divider – Adjusts the amount Map – Create a Map for the Scenario.
of casualties taken in combat. This is available Upon selecting Map Mode the following are added
in the Force Editor, as well. to the Edit Menu:
§§ Set Max Rounds Per Battle – Adjusts how §§ Map Boundaries – Settings for adjusting the
long combats will last. This is available in the size of the Map.
Force Editor, as well. §§ Set Map Boundaries – Start the Set
§§ Set AAA Lethality Level – Adjusts how Boundary window to set the boundaries of
deadly AAA combat will be. This is available the current Scenario Map. A Map must be
in the Force Editor, as well. at least 20 x 20 and no larger than 300 x
§§ Set Engineering Build Rates – Adjusts 300.
the engineering level for a given amount of §§ Increase Top Margin – Add cells to the
engineer equipment. This is available in the top of the Map.
Force Editor, as well.

112 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Increase Right Margin – Add cells to the 16.24.1. Force Editor Sub-Menus
right side of the Map. Upon opening the Force Editor the following are
§§ Increase Left Margin – Add cells to the added to the Edit Menu:
left side of the Map. §§ Copy Current Formation – Make a copy of
§§ Increase Bottom Margin – Add cells to the current Formation and insert it into the
the bottom of the Map. Order of Battle.
§§ Clip Top Margin – Remove cells from the §§ Cut Current Formation – Cut the current
top of the Map. Formation from the Order of Battle and place
§§ Clip Right Margin – Remove cells from it in the clipboard.
the right side of the Map. §§ Paste Formation – Paste the most recently
§§ Clip Left Margin – Remove cells from the cut Formation from the clipboard into the
left side of the Map. Order of Battle.
§§ Clip Bottom Margin – Remove cells from §§ Modify Current Force – Modify the entire
the bottom of the Map. current Force. Suggested values for some of
§§ Clear Map – Remove all terrain from the these characteristics are available in the Help
current Map and replace it with open terrain. File, under the topic of General Organization.
§§ Auto Contouring – Settings for contouring §§ Force Overall Proficiency – Set the Force
the terrain features. Proficiency. (1-100)
§§ On – Contours terrain for a more smooth §§ Force Supply Stockpile Level – Set the
and rounded look inside of hexes. Force Stockpile Level. (1-100)
§§ Off – Terrain features are fully painted to §§ Force Precision Guided Weapons Level –
the hex sides. Set the Force Precision Guided Weapons
Level. (1-999)
Briefings – Enter a text description or Scenario §§ Force Air Refueling Range Multiplier –
result reports for the current Scenario. Set the Force Air Refueling Multiplier.
§§ Scenario Briefing – Edit the Scenario (1-10)
Briefing. §§ Force NBC Proficiency – Set the Force
§§ Force 1 Victory Briefing – Edit the Briefing Atomic, Biological, and Chemical 16
that appears after a Victory by the first Force Proficiency. (0-100)
in the Order of Battle. §§ Force Night Combat Proficiency – Set the
§§ Force 2 Victory Briefing – Edit the Briefing Force Night Combat Proficiency. (1-100)
that appears after a Victory by the second §§ Electronic Support Level – Set the Force
Force in the Order of battle. Electronic Support Level. (1-100)
§§ No Victory (draw) Briefing – Edit the §§ Force Communication Level – Set the
briefing that appears when a Scenario ends Force Communication Level. (25-100)
in a draw. §§ Force Pestilence Level – Set the Force
Pestilence Level. (0-50)
First Force – Set the Force that will move first on §§ Force Loss Intolerance – Set the Force
the first Turn of the Scenario. Loss Intolerance. (10-999)

Information and Player Aids 113

§§ Force Movement Bias – Set the Force §§ Randomize Proficiency – Randomize
Movement Bias. (14-455) the Proficiency Levels for all units of the
§§ Force ZOC Cost – Set the Force ZOC current Force.
Cost. (0-1000) §§ Unit Readiness – Modify Readiness Levels
§§ Force Overextended Supply Threshold for all units of the current Force.
– Set the Force Overextended Supply §§ Add Readiness – Add to the Readiness
Threshold. (0-100) Levels for will units of the current Force.
§§ Force Naval Critical Hit Scalar – Set the §§ Subtract Readiness – Subtract from the
Force Naval Critical Hit Scalar. (0-100) Readiness Levels for all units of the current
§§ Force RFC Scalar – Set the Force RFC Force.
Scalar. (0-100) §§ Set Readiness – Set the Readiness Levels
§§ Unit Assigned Equipment – Modify assigned for all units of the current Force.
equipment levels for all units of the current §§ Randomize Readiness – Randomize the
force. Readiness Levels for all units of the current
§§ Add Equipment – Add a relative percentage Force.
to the currently assigned equipment levels §§ Unit Supply – Modify the Supply Levels for
of all units of the current Force. all units of the current Force.
§§ Subtract Equipment – Subtract a relative §§ Add Supply – Add to the Supply Levels
percentage to the currently assigned for all units of the current Force.
equipment levels of all units of the current §§ Subtract Supply – Subtract from the
Force. Supply Levels for will units of the current
§§ Set Equipment – Set assigned equipment Force.
levels to a fixed percentage of the §§ Set Supply – Set the Supply Levels for all
authorized levels of all units of the current units of the current Force.
Force. §§ Randomize Supply – Randomize the
§§ Randomize Equipment – Randomize the Supply Levels for all units of the current
currently assigned equipment levels of Force.
all units of the current force by a relative §§ Unit Rename – Search and replace substrings
percentage. in names of all units of the current Force.
§§ Unit Proficiency – Modify Proficiency Levels §§ Unit Recolor 2D Icons – Replace the color
for all units of the current Force. scheme of the 2D icons for all units of the
§§ Add Proficiency – Add to the Proficiency current Force.
Levels for all units of the current Force. §§ Formation Proficiency – Modify the
§§ Subtract Proficiency – Subtract from Proficiency Levels for all Formations of the
the Proficiency Levels for all units of the current Force.
current Force. §§ Add Proficiency – Add to the Proficiency
§§ Set Proficiency – Set the Proficiency Level Levels for all Formations of the current
for all units of the current Force. Force.

114 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Subtract Proficiency – Subtract from the §§ Randomize Equipment – Randomize the
Proficiency Levels for all Formations of currently assigned equipment levels of all
the current Force. units of the current Formation by a relative
§§ Set Proficiency – Set the Proficiency Levels percentage.
for all Formations of the current Force. §§ Unit Proficiency – Modify Proficiency Levels
§§ Randomize Proficiency – Randomize the for all units of the current Formation.
Proficiency Levels for all Formations of §§ Add Proficiency – Add to the Proficiency
the current Force. Levels for will units of the current
§§ Formation Supply – Modify the Supply Formation.
Levels for all Formations of the current Force. §§ Subtract Proficiency – Subtract from
§§ Add Supply – Add to the Supply Levels the Proficiency Levels for all units of the
for all Formations of the current Force. current Formation.
§§ Subtract Supply – Subtract from the §§ Set Proficiency – Set the Proficiency Level
Supply Levels for all Formations of the for all units of the current Formation.
current Force. §§ Randomize Proficiency – Randomize
§§ Set Supply – Set the Supply Levels for all the Proficiency Levels for all units of the
Formations of the current Force. current Formation.
§§ Randomize Supply – Randomize the §§ Unit Readiness – Modify Readiness Levels
Supply Levels for all Formations of the for all units of the current Formation.
current Force. §§ Add Readiness – Add to the Readiness
§§ Formation Rename – Search and replace Levels for all units of the current
substrings in names of all Formations of the Formation.
current Force. §§ Subtract Readiness – Subtract from the
§§ Modify Current Formation – Modify the Readiness Levels for all units of the current
entire current Formation. Formation.
§§ Unit Assigned Equipment – Modify assigned §§ Set Readiness – Set the Readiness Levels
equipment levels for all units of the current for all units of the current Formation.
Formation. §§ Randomize Readiness – Randomize the 16
§§ Add Equipment – Add a relative percentage Readiness Levels for all units of the current
to the currently assigned equipment levels Force.
of all units of the current Formation. §§ Unit Supply – Modify Supply Levels for all
§§ Subtract Equipment – Subtract a relative units of the current Formation.
percentage from the currently assigned §§ Add Supply – Add to the Supply Levels
equipment levels of all units of the current for all units of the current Formation.
Formation. §§ Subtract Supply – Subtract from the
§§ Set Equipment – Set assigned equipment Supply Levels for all units of the current
levels to a fixed percentage of the Formation.
authorized levels of all units of the current §§ Set Supply – Set the Supply Levels for all
Formation. units of the current Formation.

Information and Player Aids 115

§§ Randomize Supply – Randomize the §§ Unit Proficiency – Modify the Proficiency of
Supply Levels for will units of the current the current unit.
Formation. §§ Set Proficiency – Set the Proficiency Level
§§ Unit Rename – Search and replace sub of the current unit.
-strings in names of all units of the current §§ Randomize Proficiency – Randomize the
Formation. Proficiency Level of the current unit.
§§ Unit Recolor 2D Icons – Replace the color §§ Unit Readiness – Modify the Readiness Level
scheme of the 2D icons for all units of the of the current unit.
current Formation. §§ Set Readiness – Set the Readiness Level of
§§ Formation Proficiency – Modify the the current unit.
Proficiency Level of the current Formation. §§ Randomize Readiness – Randomize the
§§ Set Proficiency – Set the Proficiency Level Readiness Level of the current unit.
of the current Formation. §§ Unit Supply – Modify the Supply Level of
§§ Randomize Proficiency – Randomize the the current unit.
Proficiency Level of the current Formation. §§ Set Supply – Set the Supply Level of the
§§ Formation Supply – Modify the Supply current unit.
Level of the current Formation. §§ Randomize Supply – Randomize the
§§ Set Supply – Set the Supply Level of the Supply Level of the current unit.
current Formation. §§ Unit Rename – Rename the current unit.
§§ Randomize Supply – Randomize the §§ Set Microview Icons – Units are shown as
Supply Level of the current Formation. either blue or red icons in the Microview
§§ Formation Rename – Rename the current display. You use this option to set which
Formation. forces the colors should be assigned to. This
§§ Modify Current Unit – Modify the current is available in the deployment editor, as well.
unit only. §§ Set 3d Icon Tint – Equipment graphics are
§§ Unit Assigned Equipment – Modify assigned shown in the 3D map display using one of
equipment for the unit. four possible “tints.” You use this option to
§§ Add Equipment – Add a relative percentage set which tint is to be used by each Force.
to the currently assigned equipment levels This is available in the Deployment Editor,
of the current unit. as well.
§§ Subtract Equipment – Subtract a relative §§ Set Attrition Divider – Adjusts the amount
percentage to the currently assigned of casualties taken in combat. This is available
equipment levels of the current unit. in the Deployment Editor, as well.
§§ Set Equipment – Set assigned equipment §§ Set Max Rounds Per Battle – Adjusts how
levels of the current unit to a fixed long combats will last. This is available in the
percentage of the authorized levels. Deployment Editor, as well.
§§ Randomize Equipment – Randomize the §§ Set AAA Lethality Level – Adjusts how
currently assigned equipment levels of the deadly AAA combat will be. This is available
current unit by a relative percentage. in the Force Editor, as well.

116 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Set Engineering Build Rates – Adjusts §§ Set Supply Costs of Movement Rates –
the engineering level for a given amount of Adjusts what the cost in supply will be for
engineer equipment. This is available in the movement. This is available in the Force
Force Editor, as well. Editor, as well.
§§ Set Enemy Hex Conversion Costs – Adjusts §§ Set Readiness Costs of Movement Rates
the cost of enemy hex conversion. This is – Adjusts what the cost in readiness will be
available in the Force Editor, as well. for movement. This is available in the Force
§§ Set Entrenchment Rates – Adjusts how Editor, as well.
quickly units can dig in. This is available in §§ Set Divisor of Improved-Road Motorized-
the Force Editor, as well. Movement – Adjusts the cost of motorized
§§ Set Density Combat Penalty Rates – Adjusts movement along improved roads. This is
the combat penalty for exceeding density available in the Force Editor, as well.
limits. This is available in the Force Editor, §§ Set Naval Attrition Divider – Scales the
as well. number of shots in naval combat resolution.
This is available in the Force Editor, as well.

17. Creating Scenarios with

the Scenario Editor
The standard game Scenarios were all created using with up to 4,000 named locations. See 17.2.
the Scenario Editor included with the program. §§ An Order of Battle describing the two
Designing all but the simplest of Scenarios is actually opposing Forces: This is created using the
quite a bit of work, but if you have the historical Force Editor. Each Force may have up
references and inclination, there is no reason why to10,000 units (sub-units count against this 16
your Scenarios can’t be as thorough as ours. All Editor total) in 1,000 Formations. See 17.3.
functions are available through the Edit Menu. Only §§ Deployments of the opposing Forces: These 17
the “large 2D” Map display is supported by the Editor. are defined using the Deployment Editor. See
§§ A Calendar: This is defined using the
17.1. The Scenario Calendar Editor. See 17.8.
The Scenario is a complete description of a §§ An Environment: This is defined using the
historical battle or campaign, comprising the Environment Editor. See 17.6.
following elements: §§ Replacements: Use the Replacement Editor
§§ A Map: This is created using the Map Editor. to set equipment stockpiles and Replacement
Maps may be up to 700x700 locations in extent, Rates. See 17.10.

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 117

§§ Optionally, a Scenario may also include: 17.2.1. The Map Editor Control Panel
§§ An Event list: This is created using the Event This panel is shown along the right side of the
Editor. See 17.9. display. It is divided into three areas: the Current
§§ A Scenario Briefing & Victory Briefings: See Terrain Display, the Control Bar, and the Terrain
17.11.18. Palette. The current terrain is shown in the Current
Terrain pane. The four buttons in the Control Bar
are Undo, Scroll Terrain Palette Back, Scroll Terrain
17.2. The Map Editor Palette Forward, and Editor Draw Mode Select:

The Map Editor display is divided into several The Undo button is used to undo the
areas: the window pane, scroll panel, Map Panel, previous action.
Information Panel, and the Control Panel (with The Terrain Palette Scroll Buttons are
the Current Terrain Display, Control Bar, Terrain used to change the portion of the Terrain
Palette, etc.). If your window is large enough, Palette available for selection as the current terrain.
there will also be Microview Panel. The Editor Draw Mode Select is used to
specify the action to be performed if you
select a location in the Map Panel.

118 The Operational Art of War IV

17.2.2. Map Editor Definitions §§ Distance (available only from popup menu):
The Current Terrain You can set a Distance Value for the location.
The current terrain is shown in the upper right Bombardment missions against or from
corner of the display. It is used to modify selected distant hexes adds the distance value to the
Map locations according to the Map Editor Draw bombardment range. The maximum distance
Mode (see below). You select the current terrain by is 254, and the minimum (and default) is 0.
clicking within the Terrain Palette. §§ Blow/Repair Bridges (available only from
popup menu): You can repair or blow bridges
The Map Editor Draw Mode in the location.
You select most Editor Draw Modes by clicking §§ Set Entrenchment (available only from
on the Draw Mode button in the Control Bar. The popup menu): You can set the Entrenchment
Draw Mode determines what actually happens Level of the location to a value ranging from
when you left-click in the Map Panel. You can 0 to 100.
also right-click in the Map Panel to select a one- §§ Set Exclusion Zone 1 or 2 (available only
time draw mode from a popup menu for just that from popup menu): You can set an Exclusion
location. The popup menu has options as follows: Zone. The area is effectively non-playable in
Point Draw: Any single location selected in the game, but may be removed by an Event.
the map will be modified. If the location
already contains the current terrain, your click will 17.2.3. How to Edit a Map
manually make or break a terrain connection to the Creating a Map is simply a matter of selecting
nearest location side. If the location does not terrain types and clicking within the Map Panel
contain the current terrain, the current terrain will to paint the terrain onto the Map. As you draw,
be added and all possible location side connections the Map’s features are automatically contoured or
will automatically be established. connected. You can override the automatically-
Blob Draw: Any single location and its selected contour or connections in Point Draw
surrounding six locations will be filled with mode by clicking within the location to make or
the current terrain. break new connections.
Line Draw: A line of locations from the last
selected location to the most recently selected A Sample Map Editing Session
location will be filled with the current terrain. Maximize the window. Move your mouse 17
Fill Draw: An area bounded by the current cursor over the Map Editor Draw Mode button
terrain will be filled with the current terrain. and make sure it is set to the Point Draw mode.
Erase Draw: If the location contains the Click on the Scroll Terrain Palette Forward
current terrain, it will be removed. button in the Control Bar to see all available
Place Name: You can enter a name for the tiles in the Terrain Palette. Repeated clicks will
selected location. continue to scroll through the available terrain types.
Draw Border: You can draw a permanent Select a terrain type from the Terrain Palette.
border graphic on the map. It can be helpful Left-click within the Map Panel. You will see the
to turn the hex grid overlay off when placing borders. selected location fill with the current terrain. Now

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 119

left-click on an adjacent location; that location will You may also right-click on
also fill with the current terrain and connections Map locations. The effect is
will automatically be established between the similar to left-clicking, except
two locations. Now, left-click near a hexagonal that you may select a drawing
boundary between two connected locations. The action from a popup menu.
connection will be broken. Left-click again and the This is more flexible than
connection will be reestablished. left-clicking, but depending
Left-click on an empty location. Now, click on the kind of editing you
the Undo button. The location you filled will are doing at the time, it can
be restored to its original condition. require more mouse clicks to
Now, click on the Editor Draw Mode button do the same job.
in the Control Bar; it will change to the Blob You should have a simple Map on screen now.
Draw mode. Left-click on an empty area of the Move your mouse cursor to the Scroll Frame to
Map. A seven-location area centered on the scroll the map.
location you selected will fill with the current Generally, you should “rough in” your Map first,
terrain. clicking to drop terrain on the Map and allowing
Click on the Editor Draw Mode button to the automatic terrain linking function to connect
select the Line Draw mode. Now, left-click the tiles for the best display. Draw coastlines first,
on any location in the Map Panel. A line of followed by isolated major terrain features. Once
locations from the last selected location will be you have the basic terrain drawn, you can return
filled with the current terrain. Draw a few more to the point draw mode to click within locations
lines until they completely enclose an area of the (near edges) to manually make and break terrain
map. connections. This will generally be necessary for
Click on the Editor Draw Mode button to linear features such as Roads, Rivers, and Railroads.
select the Fill Draw mode. Now, left-click Once your Map is fully defined, you can use
on an empty location within the area you outlined Edit Map Boundaries to fix its size. These Map
previously. The region will fill with the current Boundary functions can also clip margins or insert
terrain [exception: you cannot fill with “Clear” additional space along edges if you need it.
Be sure to save your work frequently!
The terrain being used to “fill” must be the same
terrain type used to create the enclosed area 17.2.4. Alternate Place Name
(otherwise the entire map area will be “filled” and Fonts and Bitmaps
you will want to quickly “undo”). “#1”-“#3” in a placename selects the alternate
Placename font 1-3. There are three optional
Click on the Editor Draw Mode button to placename fonts in addition to the standard
change to the Erase Draw mode. Now, left-click placename font. The actual fonts are set in the
on a location containing the current terrain. The “Opart 3 fonts.ini” file or in the Fonts Editor
terrain will be removed from the location. Dialog (see

120 The Operational Art of War IV

“<1”-“<9” in a placename selects the They are situated within the hexes so that some
mapOptional1-9 bitmap. You can select multiple can be combined on the same hex without overlap.
bitmaps. (There are nine placename bitmaps Again, designers can create their own bitmaps to
provided in the Graphics folder – designers can substitute for any of the above. Note that, like any
make their own if they prefer). other graphical file, they follow the folder hierarchy
Examples: The four canned placename fonts vary as follows
“#1Font1” will display “Font1” on the map in the (all are Cambria Italic with a drop shadow):
PlacenameFont1 style. 1. Standard – 10 size, gold (perhaps for normal
“<1bitmap1” will display mapOptional1.bmp cities)
and “bitmap1” on the map in the standard font. 2. Font1 – 20 size, gold (perhaps for big cities)
“#2<1<3Manpower Factory” will display 3. Font2 – Standard size (10) but blue (perhaps
mapOptional1.bmp, mapOptional3.bmp, and for terrain features)
“Manpower Factory” on the map in PlacenameFont2 4. Font3 – 7 size, gold (perhaps for tiny cities)
style. Here’s a shot illustrating the use of these features: Again, anyone may revise these fonts however they
desire within their own “Opart 4 fonts.ini” file to
suit their own tastes.
Finally, note that the “Opart 4 fonts.ini” file now
has a suite of fonts as follows:
1. Document Font
2. Medium Font
3. Dialog Medium Font
4. Equipment Dialog Medium Font
5. Small Font
6. Objective Font
7. ToolTip Font
8. Supply Font
9. Small Supply Font
10. Huge Supply Font
Note that the canned bitmaps are: 11. Map Font 17
1. Factory 12. Small Map Font
2. Refinery 13 Huge Map Font
3. Manpower Center 14. Placename Font
4. Oil Field 15. Placename1 Font
5. Mineral site 16. Placename2 Font
6. Reforger site 17. Placename3 Font
7. Yellow Diamond 18. Small Placename Font
8. Red Star 19. Small Placename1 Font
9. Stop Sign 20. Small Placename2 Font

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 121

21. Small Placename3 Font The Force Editor display is implemented as a
22. Huge Placename Font fixed size window. It is divided into four regions:
23. Huge Placename1 Font the Window Frame, the Unit Control Panel, the
24. Huge Placename2 Font General Control Panel, and the Information Panel.
25. Huge Placename3 Font The information and displays within the General
26. Button Tab Font Control Panel change depending upon your
27. Unit Info Small Font general editing focus. Many special-purpose global
28. Unit Info Medium Font Force modification functions are available in the
29. Unit Info Value Font Edit menu.
30. Unit Info Fixed Font This setting affects the General Control Panel
31. Status Bar Font display on the right side of the Force Editor.
32. Fixed Status Bar Font Be aware that if a force contains any subdivided
33. Title Screen Font units its OOB can’t be modified. That means you
34. Title Font can’t insert, cut, paste, copy, move, or delete any units
35. Subtitle Font within the OOB.To restore that ability all subdivided
36. Wide Button Font units must be recombined. Moral: Don’t subdivide
37. Text Button Font any units until you have the OOB finished.
38. Editor Font The strength values displayed on the Unit Icons,
39. Editor Equipment Font while based upon the cumulative strengths of the
equipment the units are composed of, are relative
17.2.5. Simple Map Import/Export values.They are scaled relative to the largest strength
(partial maps) of any unit of either side in the game. That strength
You can edit a map’s exported xml file to enable it is scaled so that it equals 31 and all other strengths
to export a part of the map – then import that part are scaled relative to that. There is an exception in
to a location in a different map. It’s recommended that strengths of naval units are ignored for this
to use even steps (2, 4, 6, 8) for the X and Y axes to purpose. (Fleet units often swamped this scalar in
avoid artifacts. Min and max define the map size of early scenario designs, making all other units in
the area to import. There is an article on the Matrix the game have very small displayed strengths). The
TOAW board that describes how to do partial map scaling value is saved in the scenario file and does
export/import here: not vary during the game.
http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/ Designers should be aware of this factor. If
tm.asp?m=1797874 most of your units appear to have very small
displayed strengths then you probably have some
disproportionately large unit in one of the forces.
17.3. The Force Editor To rectify that situation, that unit should be split
The Force Editor is used to create a complete up in some fashion.
Order of Battle (an organized list of all units and
Formations) for a Scenario and can be reached by 17.3.1. Force Editor Definitions
clicking Edit and selecting Forces. The Force Editor Editing Focus

122 The Operational Art of War IV

Available Systems: This shows a list of all Support Level (see 18.9.2), as the command and
available weapon systems in the game’s database. control rules key on the color selections you make
Current Force: This shows a complete list of for your units . Click on any of these buttons to
all units in the current Force. bring up a self-explanatory selection dialog.
Current Formation: This shows all information
for the current Formation. Alternate Icon
You can change the Editing Focus by clicking on A unit can be assigned an alternate icon type, in
the buttons at the bottom of the General Control addition to its primary icon type. The two icons
Panel. combine their properties. So, for example, designers
can create a Marine unit that is heliportable or an
airborne mountain unit. Also, if a parachute unit has
an alternate icon that is also a parachute icon, it will
retain airborne ability after being rebuilt. Click just
to the left of the primary icon and the icon dialog
will pop up. Select the alternate icon from that
dialog. It will be displayed next to the primary icon.
To remove the alternate icon, pop up the dialog the
same way again and hit <esc>. The primary icon is
the one that will be displayed on the map counter in
the game. But both are displayed in the Unit Report.

The Unit Control Panel

This is the square area to the left of the Force
Editor display. It always shows a description of the
current unit.
At the top of the Panel you
will find the Unit Name
button. Click here to change the unit’s name. This is a shot of the Unit Report for a unit with
Just below are the Unit Size Symbol button, the an alternate icon. The primary icon is the Special
Unit Icon Colors button, and the Unit Icon Type Forces icon. That is displayed on the counter on 17
button. All of these buttons control the graphic the map. The alternate icon is the Amphibious
appearance of the unit icon on the map, and can icon. So this unit combines the Special Forces and
have an effect on play. The size symbol and icon type Amphibious abilities.
buttons are used to set NATO standard military Within the row of buttons along the top of the
symbols for the unit’s map appearance. Some icon panel is a short text description of the current unit.
types confer specific abilities on the unit. See 16.1 These numbers show the unit’s current Strengths and
for additional information on unit icons available Movement Allowance. Unit-displayed Strengths are
and their effects. The selection of unit icon colors scaled on the fly as you make changes to units. This
can also have an effect on play depending on the means that you may see fluctuations in the displayed

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 123

Strengths of your units as you create the first few Available Systems Control Panel
units in a Force. This is normal, and will not occur in This shows a list of
the game since the scaling constant is fixed when a all weapon systems
Scenario is loaded. available in the
In the center of the panel game’s database.
is a list of all equipment To aid in rapid
currently assigned or location of specific
authorized for the unit. In systems, the list
some cases, the assigned is organized into
and authorized numbers the following
may not match. Right- categories:
click on the equipment
buttons for information about the particular type
of equipment. Left-click to change the amount of §§ Infantry & Support Troops
equipment assigned to the unit. There are slots for §§ Guns & Mortars
a maximum of 24 equipment systems per unit. §§ Self Propelled Guns & Mortars
At the bottom of the Unit Control Panel is a §§ Rockets & Missiles
row of buttons. From left to right, these are: §§ Anti-Aircraft Weapons
§§ Reconnaissance Vehicles
§§ Transports
§§ APC’s & IFV’s
§§ Previous unit §§ Anti-Tank Vehicles
§§ Next unit §§ Tanks
§§ Scroll Equipment List Up and Down §§ Ships
§§ Current Unit Characteristics: Used to set §§ Helicopters
the unit Proficiency, Readiness, and Supply §§ Fixed Wing Aircraft
Levels, and preset the Range to some value §§ New Equipment
other than nominal.
§§ Copy current unit: Makes a copy of the Equipment Modification
current unit and makes the copy the new The list of Available Equipment is contained in
current unit. the Equipment.eqp file in the Graphics folder. The
§§ Delete current unit: Removes the current unit Equipment Database stored in the Equipment.
from the Force. eqp file can be edited via any of a number of user-
made editors (example: BioEd) to customize the
17.3.2. The General Control Panel Available Systems for specific scenarios. The edited
This is the square area to the right of the Force file should be saved in the scenario’s sub-folder in
Editor display. Depending upon the Editor scope, the Graphics folder. There is a “How to” document
it always shows a list of available systems, current in the Manuals folder that details how to use the
Force, or current Formation. BioEd to revise the database.

124 The Operational Art of War IV

New to TOAW IV is a build-in Equipment which may be more or fewer than the authorized
Editor. This Equipment Editor is discussed in quantity. As in the Unit Control Panel, a right-click
section 17.5. on a system button will bring up an information
The number of Available Equipment items in display for the selected equipment type.
the existing database is 5000 items. Well over half Note: To remove an equipment item from the
of those are Spare Equipment and thus ready for unit’s TO&E, you must set the Authorized value
editing. to zero from within the Available Systems Panel.
In addition, there is an Equipment.nqp file Setting the Assigned value to zero within the Unit
that stores a suite of new naval parameters for Control Panel will leave the equipment in the unit,
the database as well. This file can also be designer just with zero assigned.
edited and stored in the scenario’s sub-folder. How At the bottom of the Available Systems panel is
to edit this file is described in Appendix 19.9. a row of buttons. From left to right, these are:
The contents of both of those files are now stored
in the scenario file (.sce), the save file (.sal), and the
PBEM file (.pbl). This means that the files don’t
actually have to be provided by the designer to the §§ Scroll to Previous Weapon
players. But if anyone desires to edit the scenario, §§ Scroll to Next Weapon
they will need the files. Therefore, the F11 key in §§ Display Current Force: Switch the Editor
the Editor will regenerate both files to the main scope to Current Force.
menu, if they aren’t otherwise available. §§ Display Current Formation: Switch the
You can quickly jump to the start of any editor scope to Current Formation.
particular category by clicking anywhere to the §§ Switch Forces: Change the current Force
right of the system buttons. from one side to the other.
Left click on a system to authorize and assign it §§ Exit Force Editor: Return to the Map Editor.
to the current unit. A window will pop up asking
you how many of the systems you wish to authorize Current Force Control Panel
for the unit. This shows a
list of all units
When you make this selection you are actually defined for
setting the authorized level of equipment for the the current 17
unit. This represents a normal maximum number force.
of the systems in the unit rather than the current At the top
assigned number. of the panel
is the Force
Since in most cases the assigned and authorized Name button.
quantities will be closely matched during Scenario Click here to
design, the Editor automatically assigns the authorized change the
quantity of equipment to the unit. A similar button name of the
in the Unit Control Panel sets the assigned quantity, current Force.

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 125

Below the Force Name button is a list of units §§ Switch Forces: Change the current Force
in the current Force. The current unit is indicated from one side to the other.
by white text. To the left of each unit button is an §§ Exit Force Editor: Return to the Map Editor.
assignment button showing either “unassigned” or
the name of the Formation the unit is assigned to. Current Formation Control Panel
Left-click on any unit name button to make it This shows
the current unit. all available
Right-click on a unit name button to cut it from information
the Force for later pasting. To paste the cut unit, for the current
move the mouse to where you wish to insert it and Formation.
right-click again. If you accidentally cut a unit, At the top
you can drop it back in its proper place by right- of the panel
clicking again without moving the mouse. you will find
Left-click on an Assignment button to change the Formation
a unit’s Formation Assignment. The effects will Name and
vary. If the unit is currently assigned, it and all S uppor t
following units of the same Formation will become Level buttons.
unassigned. If the unit is unassigned, it and all Click on the
following unassigned units will be either attached Formation Name button to change the name of the
to an existing Formation or assigned to a new current Formation. Click on the Formation Support
Formation (your choice). Level button to change the Formation’s Support
Right-click on an Assignment button to cut that Level (see 18.9.2).
Formation from the Force. To paste the just-cut Below the Name and Support buttons is the list
Formation back into the Force, move the cursor to of units assigned to the current Formation. Click
where you want to insert it and right-click again. on any Unit Name button to make that unit the
At the bottom of the Current Force Control current unit. To the right of each unit name is an
Panel is a row of buttons. From left to right, these abbreviated list of unit Strengths and Movement
are: Allowances. There may be more units than will fit
within the display area. If so, you can scroll the unit
list using the scroll buttons to the right of the unit
list. There is space for a maximum of 32 units per
§§ Force Characteristics: Looks like a flag. Use it formation. Sub-units count against this total, so if
to change the national flag of the Force. you fill the formation with 32 units, those units will
§§ Scroll to Previous Unit not be able to subdivide. Best to keep far less than
§§ Scroll to Next Unit 32 units in the formation to allow some room for
§§ Display Weapons: Switch the Editor scope to units to subdivide.
Available Systems. At the bottom of the Current Formation Control
§§ Display Current Formation: Switch the Panel is a row of buttons. From left to right, these
editor scope to Current Formation. are:

126 The Operational Art of War IV

Select the Tanks
button. This will
§§ Previous Formation quickly drop to
§§ Next Formation that part of the
§§ Display Current Force: Switch the editor database.
scope to Current Force.
§§ Display Weapons: Switch the editor scope to
Available Systems.
§§ Formation Proficiency Now, move your mouse cursor down to the
§§ Formation Supply Distribution Efficiency Scroll to Next Weapon System button and
§§ Exit Force Editor: Return to the map editor. right-click to scroll by an entire page. You should
The Previous and Next Formation buttons are used be looking at a list of French and German armored
to flip through your formations one at a time. Use equipment. If not, scroll around using the Next /
the display weapons button to switch the editor Previous buttons until you see a button labeled
scope to Available Systems. The Display Current PzKpfw 35t. Click on this button.
Force button will switch the Editor scope to A “How Many”
Current Force. Click on the Switch Forces button window will appear. Using
to change the current force from one side to the your keyboard, enter the
other. And select the exit force editor button to number 39. Now, use the
return to the map editor. same procedure to add 30 PzKpfw IIB, 13 PzKpfw
I, and 6 PzKpfw IVd. You have just authorized
17.3.3. How to Edit a Force the equipment for a typical 1940 mixed German
From the Edit menu, select the Forces menu item Panzer battalion.
to access the Force Editor window. When you are done, the Unit Control Panel
should like this:


Now, click on the

Name button at the top of
Let’s create a unit. Move your mouse cursor the Unit Control Panel to
over to the Available Systems Control Panel and change the name of the unit to “1st Panzer”.
click within the panel to the right of the Weapon Click on the Unit Size Symbol button and select
System buttons. the Battalion symbol ( II ).

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 127

Click on This will automatically assign all Unassigned units
the Unit Icon directly below that unit to the same Formation.
Colors button Note that if you click instead on the Unassigned
to select a Unit button for the bottom unit in the list, only
medium gray that unit will be assigned to a Formation. To undo a
icon with light Formation assignment (to “Unassign” a unit), you can
gray interior. left-click on the button listing the Formation name;
If the Icon Type button to the right does not show a to delete the unit, right-click on the same button.
NATO standard armor symbol, click on it and select If you clicked on the top “Unassigned” button, as
the symbol from the window that appears. instructed, all units should now be listed in the “1st
Move your mouse to the rows of buttons at Formation”, as
the bottom of the Unit Control Panel and shown in the
click on the Proficiency, Readiness, or Supply illustration
button to set those values for the unit. left.
That’s it! The 1st Panzer Battalion is now fully
defined. If you wish, you can click on the Flag button
If you click on the Copy Unit button at the at bottom left to assign the appropriate
bottom of the display, copies of the unit will National Flag for the Force.
be created. Their name will be appended with a Click on the Display Current Formation
plus sign (+) at the end. button at the bottom of the display to change
Click on the Display Current Force Button to the Formation Control Panel, as shown below.
at the bottom of the Available Systems Click on the Formation Name button to change
panel. The Force Control Panel will be displayed the name to
and you should see three units, as shown below. 1st Panzer
These are your original “1st Panzer” Battalion, and Rgt, and then
the copies you made (as mentioned, copies are click on the
indicated by a “+” sign). For mation
You can Support Level button just to the right until it
select each shows “Army Support”. Units of the Formation
in turn (click will now be free to act in concert with other units
on the name using the same icon colors, regardless of their
on the Force parent Formations. This might be typical of an
Panel; a selected unit’s name is shown in white; non- independent corps-level Panzer Regiment.
selected units’ are printed in yellow). This unit will You can also use the Formation
become ‘active’ in the left-hand Unit Control Panel; Proficiency and Supply Distribution
from here you can click the Name button and rename Efficiency buttons to enter appropriate values for
your unit. Do this with each copy you created. the Formation as a whole.
Now, click on the top Unassigned button, next Click on the Display Weapons button to change
to your 1st Panzer unit, in the Force Control Panel. the Editor Scope back to Available Systems.

128 The Operational Art of War IV

Then click on the Switch Sides button. You description of the Edit menu for a brief description
can now define an opposing force (say of these functions.
French, 1940) in the same way.
Once all units for both sides have been fully
defined and assigned to Formations, you are 17.5. The Equipment Editor
ready to deploy your Forces to the Map using the This editor is accessed (only) from the Available
Deployment function. Systems Control Panel in the Force Editor. Right-
The preceding example was set up to show how clicking on any Equipment Icon button there will
to create a simple Force. If you are creating a larger bring up the Equipment Report for that item. At
Force, it is usually most efficient to create several the bottom of that report is a button to launch the
prototype units and make multiple copies of those Equipment Editor (only present if invoked from
to create all the units for your Force. For example, that Panel).
you might create one typical Infantry unit, a typical
Armor unit, a typical Artillery unit, etc. Then, use
the Unit Cut/Paste feature to create enough copies
of your prototype units to flesh out your Force. It
will ease your task if you arrange the units so that
they are ready for organization into Formations.
Group the units so that all you want assigned to
the first Formation are at the top of the list, units
of the second Formation next, etc. Then make
any modifications necessary to individual units
to customize them as needed for your Scenario –
names, variations in equipment and Strengths, etc.
Finally, after all your units are created, assign them
to Formations. Do one Force at a time.

Be sure to save your work frequently!

Click on that button. The Equipment Editor (with
a copy of that equipment item loaded) is launched: 17
17.4. Advanced Force At the top of the Equipment Editor are two
buttons that allow the Equipment Name and
Editor Functions Country – Date to be edited. Below that there is
A large number of Advanced Editor features are a column of buttons on the left that allow all the
available from the Edit Modify Current Force, Equipment Parameters to be edited. To the right
Modify Current Formation, and Modify Current of that are three columns of checkboxes that allow
Unit menu items. It is possible to modify all or the 64 Equipment Flags to be toggled. Note that
part of a Force, including global search and replace the Invalid flag can’t be edited. (The Invalid flag
unit and Formation renaming. Please see the identifies the equipment category titles).

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 129

Clicking on the very first parameter button the image shows its description in the Info Panel.
invokes the Silhouette Selection dialog. This shows When the desired image is displayed, clicking the
all the silhouettes. The info panel has a description exit button selects it.
of each silhouette as the mouse passes over them. The Control Bar at the bottom has six standard
Clicking on a silhouette selects it. buttons and one wide text button as follows:
§§ Save Button: This saves the current equipment
item to the Equipment List (memory only –
saving to disk is further down). Forget this
step and the edit is lost once you proceed on
to another equipment item.
§§ Decrement Button: Loads a copy of the
equipment item one lower in the equipment
Clicking on the second parameter button invokes list than the current item. This will erase the
the 3D Image Selection dialog. The current 3D current edit (so save it first if you want to
Image is displayed. There are buttons to decrement keep it).
and increment the image number, and a button to §§ Exit: This exits the Equipment Editor. This
enter the image number. Putting the mouse over will erase the current edit (so save it first if
you want to keep it). Note that, while there is
some ability to move around in the equipment
list within the Editor, temporarily returning
to the Force Editor may give more control
over that.

130 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Increment Button: Loads a copy of the 17.6. The Environment Editor
equipment item one higher in the equipment The Environment Editor
list than the current item. This will erase the is accessed from the Edit
current edit (so save it first if you want to menu. It is used to set
keep it). the Scenario Environment,
§§ Copy Button: This copies the current which includes the following
equipment to the Paste Buffer. It stays there elements:
till the Force Editor is exited or the copy §§ Map Scale: Each
button is clicked again. Map location can
§§ Paste Button: This pastes the contents of the be 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20,
Paste Buffer to the current equipment. 25, or 50 kilometers
§§ Equipment Number Button: This displays across. This affects game movement and the
the equipment number, and allows it to be Map Size calculation used to determine the
edited. number and location of Weather Zones.
To save the edits to disk, you must first exit the §§ Climate Area: If the Map is large enough,
Equipment Editor. Then, on the File pull-down, it will be divided into as many as three
there is the “Save Equipment(XML) As…” option. Weather Zones. Set this value to select the
Click on that option. The File Save dialog is direction from which warm and cold fronts
invoked. Note that the file name is already correct arrive. Unless you wish to include weather
with the scenario name and .eqp suffix. But you systems (cold or warm fronts) in your
will most likely have to change the folder first. That Scenario, the equatorial setting should be
is accomplished within the folder path listing at the used. Other than specifying weather front
top of the dialog. directions, this setting is not directly visible
within the game, and has no direct bearing
on game play.
§§ Precipitation: Precipitation may be Heavy,
Moderate, Light, Occasional, or None. This is
a global likelihood value, and can be modified
by terrain.
§§ Temperature: The temperature in any 17
particular Weather Zone may be Frozen
(levels 1 through 3), Cold, Cool, Moderate,
Warm, or Hot. If your Map is zonal, this
Once the .eqp file has been saved, it must then selection will be for the most extreme Zone
be incorporated into the scenario file. That is (North for northern, South for southern, All
achieved by putting the .eqp file in the scenario- for equatorial) with less extreme Zones being
specific named folder and saving the scenario. progressively warmer.
Climate Area is an advanced feature, and need
not be used in most cases. It is intended for use

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 131

by advanced Scenario designers who wish to model 17.8. The Calendar Editor
things like cold and warm fronts, seasonal weather The Calendar Editor is
changes, etc. Proper use of Zone Polarity requires accessed from the Edit
use of the Event Editor. menu. It is used to set
the Scenario Calendar,
which includes the
17.7. Weather Zones following elements:
If the Climate Area is set to Northern or Southern,
and the Map is at least 600 kilometers from north
to south, the Map will be divided into Weather §§ Turn Length: Turn length can be six hours,
Zones. The most extreme Zone in a Northern map half day, full day, half week, or full week. This
is the Northern Zone, and the least extreme zone affects Movement, Weather progression, and
is the Southern Zone. The opposite is true for a the availability of day/night effects.
Southern Map. To avoid Zonal effects, select an §§ Start Hour: This value is meaningful only if
Equatorial Climate area. the Turn length setting is less than “Full Day.”
On Zonal Maps, weather effects (triggered by AM Turns are daylight Turns for half-day turn
Events – see 17.8, Event Editor) will progress intervals. PM Turns are night Turns for half-
from Zone to Zone. Cool fronts progress from day turn intervals. For 6-hour turn intervals,
the most extreme Zone to the least extreme Zone. the hours are Pre-dawn, Morning, Afternoon,
Warm fronts progress from the least extreme and Night. Note that these descriptions are
Zone to the most extreme zone. Depending upon only shown in the Info Panel. The Predawn
the precipitation likelihood, storms may occur in and Morning hours both show as AM on the
one or more (possibly not all) zones as fronts pass Start Hour button. The Afternoon and Night
through. hours both show as PM on the Start Hour
button. Morning and Afternoon hours are
17.7.1. Table 1: Weather Zones Day. Night and Predawn hours are Night.
(Northern or Southern Climate §§ Start Day: This is the date of the first Turn of
Areas) the Scenario. You can set any valid day, but if the
North to South Zones Turn length is half week or full week subsequent
0-599 km 1 dates will be rounded to appropriate values.
600-1199 km 2 §§ Start Month: This is the first month of the
1200+ km 3 Scenario.
§§ Start Year: This is the first year of the Scenario.
17.7.2. Weather Zone Panes §§ Last Turn: This is the nominal last Turn of
If your Scenario has more than one Weather Zone, the Scenario. Normally, a Scenario will not
you can set separate starting values for precipitation end before this Turn. It is possible that the
(Rain or Snow), visibility (Cloudiness), and Scenario can be longer. This value can be
temperatures for each Zone. modified during play by the Event Editor.

132 The Operational Art of War IV

17.9. The Event Editor trigger can only be used with certain effects.
Warning: the Event Engine is very complex! It was §§ Other Event activated: The Event is activated
designed for optional use by advanced Scenario after another specified Event is activated.
designers. An Event List is essentially a computer §§ Other Event cancelled: The Event is activated
program designed to be executed by an interpreter after another specified Event is cancelled.
called the Event Engine. You need not use the Note that this only applies to cancellation
Event Editor for your Scenarios, and its use is not due to Probability check failure (see below).
recommended for first time Scenario Designers. Cancellation by the Cancel Event effect will
not cause this to trigger.
17.9.1. Introduction to the Event §§ Player 1 or 2 uses Chemical Weapons: ...
Engine anywhere on the Map.
The Event Editor is used to define the Event List §§ Player 1 or 2 uses Nuclear Weapons: ...
for a Scenario. Any Scenario may have a maximum anywhere on the Map.
of 10,000 events defined in the Event list. The §§ Force 1 Attacks and Force 2 Attacks: These
Event Engine is a very powerful feature, allowing triggers are similar to the “Force 1 Occupies”
the inclusion of scripted historical detail ranging and “Force 2 Occupies” triggers. The Event is
from simple news strings to complex probability triggered if there is an Attack by the indicated
controlled branching. Force within the Event Check Radius, or
if any terrain becomes controlled by the
17.9.2. The Structure of an Event Force within the radius. This means that
An Event is defined by the following elements: a the “Attack” trigger includes the “Occupied”
Trigger, an Effect, a Location, a Value or Radius, trigger in addition to Attack detection. This
a Chance of Occurrence, a Turn Range, a News trigger can only be used with certain effects.
String, and a Status. Except for one exception, §§ Variable value: Event triggers when the Event
explained below, all events can only be activated Engine variable reaches a specific value. This
one time. trigger can only be used with certain effects.
§§ Unit destroyed: Event triggers when
17.9.3. Event Triggers the specified unit has been destroyed or
An Event is set into motion by a trigger. Allowed disbanded (not withdrawn). If the unit has
triggers: been subdivided, the event triggers upon 17
§§ Force 1 or 2 occupies a location: Occupation destruction of all subunits of the unit. This
of any location within the given radius will trigger can only be used with certain effects.
serve as a trigger. This trigger can only be Each Event has a chance to have an effect. In
used with certain effects. most cases, this will be 100%. If an effect does not
§§ Timer: The Event activates on a specified occur because it fails this check, it is considered
Turn. “cancelled”. If the Event passes the check, it is
§§ Player 1 or 2 winning (victory differential): considered “activated”. This can in turn cause other
The Event is activated if the Victory Events to be activated or cancelled. Each Event has
Differential reaches the specified Value. This a Turn Range. In most cases, this will be one Turn.

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 133

If a larger Range is specified, the actual occurrence is too small to be Zonal, or Zone Polarity is
of the Event can activate (with equal chance) in equatorial, the entire Map will be affected as
any Turn from the Turn of triggering to that Turn a one-time Event.
plus the Turn Range. The check for activation of §§ Cool Front: The most extreme Weather
an Event with less than 100% chance to occur only Zone (see The Environment Editor) cools
happens once, regardless of the Turn range. The by one Level. Storms may occur, depending
Activation Check is made first, and the actual Turn upon the Global Precipitation likelihood.
of Occurrence is calculated after it is determined On subsequent Turns, the cooling trend will
that the Event is to occur. affect less extreme Weather Zones. If a Map
Example: An Event scheduled to be triggered is too small to be Zonal, or Zone Polarity is
on Turn 5, with a Turn Range of 4 and a chance of equatorial, the entire Map will be affected as
activation of 75%. There is a 75% chance (one-time a one-time Event.
check) that the Event will occur. If it does occur, it §§ Force 1 or 2 Wins Instantly: Unless another
will actually be activated on Turn 5, 6, 7, or 8. Event overrides this one, the indicated Force
wins at the end of the Turn.
17.9.4. Event Effects §§ End Scenario with Normal Victory Tally:
When an Event is set into motion, it has an effect. Unless another Event overrides this one, the
Allowed effects are: Scenario ends with a normal Victory Tally.
§§ Force 1 or 2 Increase Victory Level: The §§ News Only: Other than placing a news string
specified value (see below) is added to the in the News display, this Event has no direct
Victory Level for the indicated Force. effect. Other events may use this one as a
§§ Force 1 or 2 Experiences Refugee Effects: trigger.
The indicated Force suffers Refugee Effects §§ Withdraw a Unit: The indicated unit will
within a radius (see below) of the specified be withdrawn beginning with the Event
location. The activation or cancellation of activation.
another Event, typically an Occupation §§ Force 1 or 2 Is Granted Chemical Release:
Event, should be the trigger this for type of Subsequent Attacks by the Force’s Artillery
Event. The effect is one additional movement and Aircraft equipment are enhanced by
point when moving via a road. The effect lasts chemicals.
one turn. §§ Force 1 or 2 Is Granted Nuclear Weapons
§§ Storms: Inclement weather occurs. This Release: The Force may attempt a given
affects Air units, Land unit Movement, and number of Nuclear Attacks per Turn with his
some terrain types. long-range Air units.
§§ Warm Front: The least extreme Weather Zone §§ Nuclear Attack: A nuclear attack is performed
(see 17.5, The Environment Editor) warms on the specified hex at the specified strength.
by one Level. Storms may occur, depending §§ Force 1 or 2 Replacement Rates Are Multiplied:
upon the global Precipitation likelihood. On ... by a given percentage (1% to 999%).
subsequent Turns, the warming trend will §§ Force 1 or 2 Force Supply Stockpile Level Is
affect more extreme Weather Zones. If a Map Increased: ... by a given percentage.

134 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Force 1 or 2 Force Supply Stockpile Level Is decreased if the moving Force has a Shock
Decreased: ... by a given percentage. Level greater than the non-moving Force,
§§ Activate Event: Use this to activate another and costs may be increased if the moving
Event. This is most commonly used to use Force has a Shock Level less than the non-
one complex Event to trigger another. This moving Force. Time expended in combat
will activate the target event even if it has may be reduced if the Attacker has a Shock
already been activated. No Enable Event Level above 100 and may be increased if the
effect is necessary to re-enable the event. Attacker has a handicap level below 100. At
§§ Cancel Event: Use this to cancel another levels below 100, Formations may arbitrarily
Event. This will not cause Event Canceled reorganize (becoming unavailable for your
triggers to fire. orders). At Shock Levels below 70%, Air units
§§ Enable Event: All other Events can only be will not defend their Airbases if attacked.
activated once. You can use this effect to set a §§ Force 1 or Force 2 Rail Repair Capacity: This
previously activated or triggered Event to be is the greatest number of Rail locations that
eligible for another occurrence. will automatically be repaired by the Force in
§§ Force 1 or 2 Theater Reconnaissance any given Turn. This ability is in addition to
Capability: ... is increased by a positive value any Railroad Repair Engineering units.
or decreased by a negative value. Minimum §§ Force 1 or Force 2 Rail Destruction Chance:
value is zero. This is the chance that units of the Force will
§§ Force 1 or 2 Guerrilla Capability: ... is set to destroy enemy Rail lines when advancing
a certain percentage. into enemy-controlled territory. The default
§§ Force 1 or 2 Air Transport Capacity: ... is set is 100% (as hard-coded in earlier versions of
to a certain Level. the game).
§§ Force 1 or 2 Sealift Capacity: ... is set to a §§ Force 1 Air Shock Level and Force 2 Air
certain Level. Shock Level: As with the Force Shock Level,
§§ Force 1 or 2 Rail Transport Capacity: ... is set this is used to model surprise or sudden drops
to a certain Level. of morale for Air units. It is a direct percentage
§§ Withdraw an Army: All units with exactly multiplier to Air unit Strengths. If the Shock
the same icon color scheme (foreground Level is less than 70%, Air units will not rise
and background) as a selected unit will be to defend their air bases (interception) when 17
withdrawn from the Theater. This includes under attack. The default is 100%. The effect
Reinforcements not yet on the Map. is permanent, so you need to remember to
§§ Force 1 or Force 2 Shock Level: This is restore to 100% when you want the Surprise
typically used to model surprise. Shock levels Effect to expire. This also affects Unit Quality
can range from one to 200, but should in most Checks, so be careful with it. Air units are no
cases be limited to the 50-150 range. The longer directly affected by the (non-air) Force
default is 100. Unit strengths are multiplied by Shock Level.
the Shock Level (as a percentage). Movement §§ Supply Radius 1 and Supply Radius 2 are
costs for moving near enemy forces may be used to set the Road Supply Radius of Force

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 135

1 or Force 2: This is the distance to which Note: If control is ever transferred to Human
Roads extend the fully supplied net from Control – including starting the scenario
Supply Sources or Railroads leading to under Human Control – all such events are
Supply Sources. The default is 4 hexes. Any canceled. Resuming PO Control will not
value from 0 (Full Supply, only available along revive them.
Rail lines and at Supply Sources) to 100 (Full §§ Force 2 PO Activate: If Force 2 is PO
Supply, can run from Supply Points along Controlled, the specified event is activated.
Rail lines and up to 10 hexes along Roads) Note: If control is ever transferred to Human
can be set. Control – including starting the scenario
§§ Force 1 or 2 ZOC Cost: Adjusts the scalar for under Human Control – all such events are
the cost of moving from one enemy ZOC to canceled. Resuming PO Control will not
another. revive them.
§§ Force 1 or 2 Movement Bias: Adjusts the §§ Set ownership 1: Set ownership of a location
Force Movement Bias parameter. to Force 1. No effect if location is occupied.
§§ Cease Fire and Open Fire: When a Cease §§ Set ownership 2: Set ownership of a location
Fire is in effect, units may not enter enemy to Force 2. No effect if location is occupied.
territory or Attack enemy units, there is no §§ Variable +: Adds a value to the Event Engine
Interdiction or Air Superiority combat, and variable.
Air units will not intercept enemy units using §§ Variable –: Subtracts a value from the Event
Air movement. Once called, a Cease Fire is Engine variable.
permanent. To cancel a Cease Fire, issue an §§ Theater Option 1: Places a Theater option in
Open Fire Event effect. the Force 1 Strategic Option window.
§§ Supply Point 1: Place or remove a Force §§ Theater Option 2: Places a Theater option in
1 Supply Point. This also sets the Variable the Force 2 Strategic Option window.
Supply level. A level of 0 removes the point. §§ Force 1 Track: Switch programmed opponent
§§ Supply Point 2: Place or remove a Force 2 Objective tracks for Force 1.
Supply Point. This also sets the Variable §§ Force 2 Track: Switch programmed opponent
Supply level. A level of 0 removes the point. Objective tracks for Force 2.
§§ Form’n Orders: Set Formation orders and §§ Disband unit: Similar to Withdraw Unit, but
emphasis. Only orders and emphasis can be disbands the unit with its equipment entering
modified. Objective tracks are unaffected. the Replacement Pool. The unit need not be
§§ Remove Zone 1: Remove Exclusion Zone 1. on the map to be Disbanded. This can be
§§ Remove Zone 2: Remove Exclusion Zone 2. used to dump an equipment bonus into the
§§ Strategic Bias 1: Set P.O. Force 1 Strategic Replacement Pool. Units disbanded by this
Bias. method (as opposed to disbanded by the
§§ Strategic Bias 2: Set P.O. Force 2 Strategic player in-game) are permanently removed
Bias. from the Force’s OOB and never rebuild.
§§ Force 1 PO Activate: If Force 1 is PO §§ An Event Can Have a Value: Depending
Controlled, the specified event is activated. upon context, the value can be a trigger (the

136 The Operational Art of War IV

Victory Differential necessary to trigger a the player’s option list. If you wish to remove an
player-winning triggered Event) or an Effect option, place a second option with exactly the
Value (the Victory Award for an increase same News string and set an “Event to Activate”
Victory Level effect Event). of 9999 or 10000.
§§ An Event Can Have a Radius: Depending The limit is 64 Theater Options active at any
upon context, the Radius can control either given time. Adding an Option after that limit is
the trigger (as in the case of an occupation- reached will have no effect. The added Option will
triggered Event) or the Effect (as in the case never show up in the list. Of course, a scenario can
of a Refugee Effect Event). Radius limit is have more than that overall, but would have to
now 99. ensure that any excess are used or removed before
§§ Withdraw Unit/Army and Disband Unit any more are activated.
Events: ... require a unit specification.
§§ Formation Orders Events: … require a 17.9.7. Using the Event Editor to
Force number (1 or 2) and then a formation Create an Event List
specification. The Event Editor shows three events at a time, in
separate panes. Below the Event panes is a Control
17.9.5. The Event Engine Variable Bar with Event List scroll buttons, sorting buttons,
The Event Engine variable is used to track some and an Exit Event Editor button.
value. You can add to it or subtract from it by Event
Effects (see below). The value can’t go lower than
0, so if you have any doubt about the Level the
variable may have and you want to be sure to set
it to zero, just subtract some large value from the

For an example of many valid Event types used in

a Scenario, use the “Dump” feature in the Korea
50-51 Scenario and examine the file it creates for
an example of a functional Event List.
17.9.6. Theater Options
You can use Theater Option Effects to give
players control over specific Events. The News
string for the option will show up in the Theater Event Editor Control Buttons
Option window next to the Option button, not §§ Scroll Buttons: Use this to scroll through the
in the Recent News window. When a player Event list.
selects an option, it is converted into a Timed §§ Sort Buttons: Use this to sort events by Turn,
Event (timer trigger) for activation in the Trigger, or Effect.
current Turn. The option is then removed from §§ Exit Button: Use this to exit the Event Editor.

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 137

Event Panes §§ Chance of Occurrence: Sets the chance that the
Each Event pane has up to nine buttons, as well as Event will occur if the trigger condition is met.
a News string entry field immediately below the §§ Location x: Sets the x map coordinate of the
buttons. Click within the News string entry field affected or checked location.
to change the string to be displayed in the Recent §§ Location y: Sets the y map coordinate of the
News report if the Event is activated. You do not affected or checked location.
have to specify a News string, and in some cases §§ Value, Radius, Affected Event, or Unit
you will want to leave the News string blank. Note Name: Selects the item indicated by the
that if you precede the News string with “Debug” it context prompt in the Information panel.
will not show in the Recent News when the event is To the right of the Event Pane are two or three
triggered. This, therefore, allows the News string to buttons:
serve as an Editor comment to remind the designer §§ Copy Button: Copies the associated event
what the event is about when doing scenario edits pane to the Paste Buffer. After this is done, a
at some future date. Many events do not use all nine third button is added: The Insert Button.
buttons, and buttons will only appear as needed. §§ Delete Button: Deletes the associated event
Different buttons can have different meanings in pane.
different Event types. Watch the context prompt §§ Insert Button: Inserts the contents of the
in the Event Editor Information panel for further Paste Buffer above the associated event
explanation. From left to right, top to bottom, the pane. This button is only shown if the Copy
buttons are: operation has been performed.
§§ Trigger: Sets the trigger type. Left-clicking Note that these buttons are new for TOAW IV,
increments to the next trigger. Right-clicking and are a huge improvement over the way events
results in a popup menu from which you can were copied in earlier versions of TOAW. Before,
select the trigger. It is usually more efficient clicking anywhere in the event pane that was not
to use the popup menu to select the trigger directly on a button or within the News String area
type. caused the event to be copied and inserted – often
§§ Effect: Selects the effect type. Left-clicking done accidentally without the designer even being
increments to the next effect. Right-clicking aware of it happening. That is no longer the case.
results in a popup menu from which you Events are only copied and inserted by the Copy
can select the effect type. It is usually more and Insert buttons. There is another advantage:
efficient to use the popup menu to select the Once copied, the paste buffer’s contents can be
Event type. inserted over and over as often as desired.
§§ Triggering Event: Allows you to choose the The Control Bar has five buttons:
Event to use for a trigger for the current §§ Insert Button: Inserts the contents of the
Event. This is only used if you are setting up Paste Buffer above the current event pane.
an Event triggered by another Event. §§ Sort by Trigger Button: Sorts the events by
§§ Turn or Delay: Sets the Turn of occurrence trigger value.
§§ Turn Range: Sets the range of Turns over §§ Sort by Effect Button: Sorts the events by
which an Event may occur. effect value.

138 The Operational Art of War IV

§§ Sort by ID Button: Sorts the events by ID 17.9.9. Default Events
value. When a named Urban location is taken or
§§ Exit Button: Exits the Event Editor. successfully defended, the program automatically
Last, there is a “Go to event #” Input Box. Entering places a News item in the Recent News report.
a number in the box will go to that event in the You do not need to set up separate Events solely
event list. to report these occurrences. But note that if the
Finally, note that there is now a scrollbar, named location is not Urban (or Dense Urban) no
allowing scrolling to the desired event area. such automatic news items are generated for it.

17.9.8. The New Scenario Event

Template 17.10. The Replacement
When you first open the Event Editor for a new
Scenario, you will find several standard “blank” Editor
Events ready to be filled in. The first of these is a
Turn 1 News Event. You can fill in the News string
to create the first News item you want to appear
in the Recent News report when the Scenario
begins. Below this are blank Turn 1 Events for
setting the Air, Sea, and Rail Transport and Global
Reconnaissance levels for each Force. In most cases,
you will want to leave the Sea and Air Transport
levels at 0, but there should almost always be some
Rail Transport or Global Reconnaissance Level for
each Force.
To calculate the amount of Transport needed, You set the Rate of Replacement for each type of
determine how many units you wish to be able equipment in the inventory of each Force using the
to move. In a truly historical Scenario, this will Replacement Editor.
be based on the actual maximum levels used by This window is very similar to the Inventory
each Force in the original campaign. Add up the and Replacements Report available in the game.
transport requirements available in the Deployment It lists the complete equipment inventory for a 17
Editor Unit Reports. given Force, indicated by the National Flag near
For example, if your research indicates that the Control Panel.
a Force apparently had the ability to ship three The Control Bar at the bottom of the
regiments per Turn by Rail, and the Transport dialog has two buttons: Exit, and
requirement of three typical regiments adds up to Switch Sides. The Exit button is used to leave the
150, set the Force Rail Transport Capacity to 150. Replacement Editor and the Switch Sides button
Do the same for Air and Sea transport capacities if is used to toggle from one Force inventory to the
you want to be able to move units by Air or Sea in other. There is now a scrollbar, which replaces the
your Scenario. function of the previous scroll up/down buttons.

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 139

Each item in the inventory has several buttons, and finally Pattons. If you authorize different types
as follows: of equipment in your units while assigning different
§§ Information Button: Click for equipment starting Levels, you will find that the unit slowly
information. transitions from one type of equipment to another
§§ Name: This is the name of the equipment as the types of Replacements available change over
type. time. Since it is possible to authorize equipment
§§ On Hand Button: This is the quantity of without actually assigning it, a unit could conceivably
Replacement equipment currently stockpiled go from being equipped solely with one type of
and available for distribution to understrength equipment at the beginning of a Scenario, to being
units. equipped solely with another type of equipment by
§§ Replacement Rate Button: This is the rate the end of the Scenario. Sudden transitions can be
at which the equipment is added to the achieved by withdrawing a unit and entering another
“On Hand” stockpile of Replacements. In unit of the same name, but different equipment as a
most cases, this should be woefully short of Replacement at a later date.
requirements. Be aware that unit reconstitution is only triggered
§§ Begin Button: This is the first Turn in which by having sufficient replacement equipment for the
the equipment will be added to the stockpile. top item in the unit’s TO&E. So, such transitioned
§§ End Button: This is the last Turn in which units may not reconstitute well.
the equipment will be added to the stockpile.
§§ Assigned Equipment Tally: This is the total 17.10.3. Unit Replacement Priorities
quantity of equipment assigned to all units
defined in the Force’s Order of Battle. The
total includes units that may, depending upon
Scenario design, never actually enter the Map.
Note that the list is sortable via the header items,
just like the in-game Inventory Report.

17.10.1. Default Replacements

If you choose, you can set 1% or 2% Replacements
from the Edit / Set Replacements menu item. If
you do this, 1% or 2% of your total starting Force
inventory of each item will be replaced each Turn.

17.10.2. Equipment Transitions

You can model equipment transitions by using You can use the Specific Unit Replacement Priorities
the Begin and End buttons to set the arrival time window to set unit Replacement priorities and
frames for different types of equipment. For eligibility for Reconstitution. The unit list can be
example, in the Korea 50-51 Scenario, the U.N. scrolled up and down, and the Switch Sides button
player initially receives Shermans, then Pershings, switches from one Force to the other. All units are

140 The Operational Art of War IV

displayed, along with their Formation assignments, consist of British, US, French, and Soviet units. You
Replacement Priority, and Reconstitution don’t want your Soviets to reconstitute in Britain
Eligibility. Select a Replacement Priority button to or your British to reconstitute in Russia. But, with
change the associated unit’s Replacement Priority. only one Re-entry Point all units will reconstitute
Select a Reconstitution button to toggle the unit’s in the same place – so some must reconstitute in
eligibility for Reconstitution. the wrong place. Omitting the Reconstitution
Replacement priorities affect the likelihood and Point will cede control of where to reconstitute to
amounts of Replacements for units if there isn’t the computer – which may put them anywhere,
enough replacement equipment to fill all requests. randomly.
Fortunately, this column has a third choice:
17.10.4. Replacement Priority Fixed x, y. If that is opted for the unit, the unit will
Very High – 100% reconstitute in the x, y location. That location is
High – 80% set by the first objective of Track One of the unit’s
Normal – 60% formation. So, by controlling where that objective
Low – 40% is set, you can control exactly where the units of
Very Low – 20% each formation reconstitute. There can be as many
None – 0 reentry points in the game as there are formations.
Units with a Replacement Priority of none will
never receive Replacements during a Scenario.
Units ineligible for Reconstitution will not be 17.11. The Deployment Editor
Reconstituted if destroyed during a Scenario. The Deployment Editor is used to deploy Forces on
If you use this window to set unit Replacement the map; set Supply Points, Reinforcement Entry
Priorities or eligibility for Reconstitution, you Sites, and plot programmed opponent Orders and
should probably mention the fact in your Scenario Objectives. The main displays in the Deployment
Briefing, otherwise players may be confused when Editor are very similar to those used in the game.
their units do not receive Replacements or are not

17.10.5. Reconstitution? Fixed x, y

This column hides a very powerful feature that, up 17
to this point, has been sadly undocumented. There
are two obvious options: No and Yes. If set to No
the unit will not reconstitute. If set to Yes it will
reconstitute. It will do so to the Reentry Point if
that has been set. If it hasn’t, it will reconstitute as
described in section 9.1.8.
The problem with this is that a force may consist
of units needing to reconstitute in very different
locations. For example, a WW II Allied force may

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 141

Forces for both sides must be validly defined before Number, otherwise the unit’s Anti-Personnel
the Deployment Editor can be entered. That means and Anti-Armor Strengths are shown.
that at least one unit, assigned to a formation, must §§ A number next to the Defense Strength icon
be created for each side. indicates the unit’s Defense Strength.
§§ Finally, two numbers next to the Movement
17.11.1. The Legacy Unit Panel Allowance icon indicates the unit’s Current
This area is visible only in the Editor’s Deployment and Original Movement Allowances. For
Editor and in the Legacy Control Panel. Left example, “10 of 20” would mean the unit’s
clicking on the Unit Panel centers the screen on Current Movement Allowance is 10 and the
the unit. Right clicking on the Unit Panel brings Original Movement Allowance is 20.
up the Unit Report window for the top unit shown A “stack” of unit icons appears in the middle of the
in the panel. Unit Panel. If you move your mouse cursor slowly
along the edge of the stack in the Unit Panel,
you can examine each unit grouped in the same
location. Left click on any one of the stacked unit
icons to make the indicated unit the new “current
unit” (thus bringing it to the top of the stack).

17.11.2. The Deployment Editor

Control Panel
The eight buttons in the
The Unit Panel shows the unit’s Owning control panel are, from left
Force, Parent Formation, Unit Name, and to right/top to bottom, as
Deployment or Mission. A graphic of the most follows:
significant equipment type assigned to the unit is §§ Previous Unit: Select the previous unit.
superimposed on a background showing the terrain §§ Next Unit: Select the next unit.
in the unit’s location. §§ Unit Icon Display: Changes the unit icon
Various icons and numbers along the left side of display preferences. This selects between
the Unit Panel indicate the general state of the unit showing unit strengths or movement
and the presence of other units also present in its allowances.
location. From top to bottom, at left: §§ Switch Sides: Switch from one Force to the
§§ The Health Icon shows a color from green other.
(very good Unit Supply, Readiness, and §§ Previous Formation: Select the previous
Equipment levels) to red (very poor Supply, Formation and its first unit.
Readiness, and Equipment levels). §§ Next Formation: Select the next Formation
§§ Numbers to the right of the Attack Strength and its first unit.
icon indicate the unit’s Attack Strength. §§ Current Formation Info: Display a full
If the unit can fire long distances at enemy Report on the current Formation.
units, the range is shown next to the Attack §§ Undo: Undo the previous action.

142 The Operational Art of War IV

A ninth button is situated under these eight: §§ Objective Value: You can set the value for any
Deployment Mode Select: The final Objective in the location.
Deployment mode select is §§ Reentry Point: You can set a reentry point for
used to specify the action to be performed if you Reconstituted Land units. Each side may have
select a location in the Map panel. The different one Reentry Point defined. It is not necessary
modes available are Place Unit, Remove Unit, for a Reentry Point to be set for each Force,
Place Supply, Place Objective, Objective Value, but if it is set all Reconstituted Land units
Reentry Point, and Toggle Ownership. Left belonging to the Force will attempt to enter
clicking on the button moves through the list at or near the Reentry Point as long as it is
forward. Right clicking on it moves through the friendly-controlled.
list backwards. §§ Toggle Ownership: You can change the
ownership of an unoccupied location.
17.11.3. The Deployment Modes
You place units, Supply Points, etc. by right- 17.11.4. The Order Of Battle (OOB)
clicking in the Map panel. The effects of a right- Report
click depend on the Deployment mode. The
Deployment mode is selected by clicking on the
Deployment Mode button, or by left-clicking on
an empty Map location. If you left-click on a Map
location containing a unit, that unit will become
the current unit.
§§ Place Unit: The current unit, if off map, will
be placed in the selected location. If you
right-click on the current unit (i.e., the one
with the brass-colored highlight around it), a
popup menu will give you a choice of actions.
§§ Remove Unit: The top unit (and possibly
others) in the selected location will be This report is almost the same as the one used in
removed from the Map. the game. But note that it has buttons to change
§§ Place Supply: If no Supply Point is in the the Force Name, Force Flag, Force Proficiency, 17
location, one will be placed. If a Supply Point and Force Supply Stockpile. Those operations are
is already present, it will be removed. There also available when using the Force Editor. They
will be a prompt for the Variable Value for appear on the OOB Report as part of an effort
the point. If set to zero, the point is removed. to replace the Force Editor by incorporating its
There is a limit of 399 Supply Points per side. functions onto the OOB, Formation, and Unit
§§ Place Objective: If no current Formation Reports. That effort was not fully completed
Objective is in the location, one will be before the Release of TOAW IV. It is still planned
placed. If there is already a current Formation to be completed in a future update.
Objective in the location, it will be removed.

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 143

17.11.5. Unit Report

This report has a lot of differences with the one in The main Force Editor feature that is missing
the game. It has a lot of similarities to the Force from these three reports is the ability to create units
Editor, in fact. You can set the Unit Name, Size, and formations from scratch or to move units within
Color scheme, Icon, Secondary Icon, Add/Remove the OOB. For that you still have to go to the original
Equipment, change the amounts of Assigned/ Force Editor. It’s also not as easy to move between the
Authorized Equipment, and set the Unit Supply, three reports as it is between the three states in the
Readiness, and Proficiency. You also change the Force Editor. And these reports are not available if
Untried/Veteran status here, as you always did. the forces are still not fully defined. Finally, the Edit
Note that this report has the Available Systems pulldown options when the Force Editor is active are
pane from the Force Editor. It works a little not available with these reports. These are the issues
differently than the Force Editor’s, however. The that are planned to be addressed in a future update.
two buttons at the top are the “collapse all” and
“expand all” buttons. You can, alternately, expand 17.11.6. The Formation Report
or collapse a single category by clicking on its This window is almost identical to the one used in
category. Once expanded, the scrollbar allows quick the game. The primary difference is the presence of
access to the equipment. Formation Orders and Emphasis buttons, used to

144 The Operational Art of War IV

the Formation orders automatically switch to
Attack orders and follows Attack Order logic.
If allowed, units belonging to the Formation
will attempt to dig in. Formations with Defend
orders will remain more concentrated than
Formations with Screen orders.
§§ Attack: The Formation will advance toward
the highest-numbered enemy controlled
Objective. Once all Formation Objectives are
friendly-controlled, the Formation switches
to Defend orders and follows Defend Order
logic. Formations with Attack Orders will
remain more concentrated than Formations
with Secure orders.
§§ Secure: This is similar to an Attack Order.
define the behavior of the Formation when it is under The only difference is that a Formation with a
computer control. You will have to use these buttons to Secure Order switches over to a Screen Order
set the Orders and Loss Tolerance for your Formations. (rather than Defend) when all Formation
But note that it has buttons to change the Formation objectives are under friendly control.
Name, Formation Proficiency, and Formation Supply §§ Screen: Units belonging to a Formation with a
Distribution Efficiency. Again, this is part of the Force Screen Order will divide, split up, and attempt
Editor re-design, yet to be completed. to bring all nearby territory under friendly
control. They will fall back to the highest-
17.11.7. Formation Orders numbered Objective if strongly approached by
Formation orders are primarily designed for use in the enemy. If any Formation objective becomes
fine-tuning the programmed opponent. Except for enemy-controlled, the Formation switches to a
the Static and Delay orders, they have no effect on Secure order.
a human player. §§ Static: Units belonging to the Formation are
§§ Defend: The Formation will defend its not available for Orders until the Formation
Objectives, with higher priority given to is activated. Activation occurs on a specific 17
higher-numbered Objectives. As long as all Turn (set in the Editor) or when the enemy
Objectives are under friendly control, most Attacks or moves adjacent to any unit of the
units will remain in place. If all Objectives are Formation. When activated, the Formation
under friendly control, but some are threatened, assumes a Defend order.
some units will migrate in a high efficiency, safe, §§ Wait: Affects the programmed opponent as
low-speed mode toward the most threatened a Delay order. There is no effect on a human
Objective. Movement will generally be along player.
the line of intermediate Objectives, if any. If §§ Hold: Affects the programmed opponent as a
any Objective becomes enemy-controlled, Static order. There is no effect on a human player.

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 145

§§ Delay: Units belonging to the Formation are and all units of the Formation assume a
not available for Orders until the Formation Garrison status. Units in Garrison are treated
is activated. Activation occurs on a specific much like units in Reserve Formations.
Turn (set in the Editor) or when the enemy Individual units lose their Garrison status
Attacks or moves adjacent to any unit of the when they are retreated or eliminated. Once
Formation. When activated, the Formation a unit loses its Garrison status, it may be used
assumes an Attack order. normally. Garrison units are shown with a
§§ Independent: Units belonging to the yellow band across the bottom of their 2D
Formation will attempt to do what they do unit icon.
best in support of other Formations along
the axis running from lowest-numbered 17.11.8. Formation Loss Tolerance
Objective to highest-numbered Objective. Formation Loss Tolerances have much the same
This is a “catch all” order, intended primarily effect as Unit Loss Tolerances have in the game.
for very high-level Formations. Formations ordered minimize losses will behave
§§ Manual: The “Manual” Formation order is cautiously under programmed opponent control.
identical to the “Hold” Formation Order Formations ordered to ignore losses will behave
except for one thing – the Formation very aggressively under programmed opponent
can only be activated by either an Event control.
or Turn. Enemy actions will not activate
the Formation. This order is intended for 17.11.9. Formation Objectives
Formations in Static or Fortified positions,
where the Scenario designer wishes to force
the Formation to remain in place, regardless
of enemy action. This order has no effect on a
human player. Note that this means that such
formations are not moved by the PO Assist
feature – thus the name.
§§ Advance: This order has no effect on a human
player. The PO effect is similar to the Attack
Order, except that the Formation will ignore
threats to its rear areas. The Formation will
only react to rear area threats if all Formation
Objectives become enemy-controlled.
§§ Garrison: This order affects both human and
computer players. Garrison orders are very
similar to Reserve orders, except that units are Each Formation may have up to ninety-nine
individually activated if pushed out of their Objectives. Formations will attempt to advance up
original positions. The Order is converted to the line of Objectives from the lowest numbered
a Defend Order when the game is first loaded, Objective to the highest numbered Objective when

146 The Operational Art of War IV

on the offensive. They will fall back in the opposite ownership before deploying your units. The
direction when defending. At least one Objective quickest way to do this is to temporarily deploy a
must be set for the Formation in order for units to few units from each force within the territory to
be assigned as reinforcements. As a Formation is be controlled by the force at the beginning of the
assigned Objectives, the Microview panel displays Scenario.
the numbered Objective for that Formation. Select the Place Unit
In addition to the numbered tracks, objective deployment mode. Move the
tracks can now be displayed graphically on the map mouse cursor into the map view and right click to
panel. In Deployment Mode, the View pull down deploy a unit. Place a few more units in the same
has two options: Formation Path (/) – displays the way to outline the territory owned by that Force.
current formation’s path and Formation Paths (?) Now, click on the Switch Sides button and
– displays all formations’ paths. Red arrowed lines deploy a few units from the second Force.
indicate the currently selected unit’s first objective, Once the rough outlines of the territories are
while blue arrowed lines show the path from lowest outlined, select the Edit Automatic Ownership
to highest numbered objectives for the formation. menu item to calculate terrain ownership over the
entire Map. It is best to place at least half a dozen
17.11.10. Deployment for units per side since the Ownership Calculation
Airborne Ops takes more time if units are sparsely placed.
The programmed opponent is much more likely to Select the Edit Remove All Units menu item
use Airborne units in Airborne Attacks if you deploy to pick up the temporarily deployed units. Select
the units in locations with airbases. Remember to View Flags: Visible or View Flags: Borders so you
give the Force enough Air Transport Capacity to can see the boundaries between the Forces.
transport all the units you want involved. To fine tune the territorial
ownership, select the Toggle
17.11.11. Deployment for Ownership deployment mode and click on the
Amphibious Ops locations you wish to change from ownership by
The programmed opponent is much more likely one Force to the other.
to use units for Amphibious operations if you Once you have your borders
deploy the units in a friendly Anchorage, with the defined, it is time to start
lowest-numbered Objective reachable only by Sea placing your Forces on the map. Select the Place 17
Transport. Remember to give the Force enough Unit deployment mode. Move the mouse cursor
Sea Transport Capacity to transport all the units back into the map view and begin placing units by
you want involved in any invasions. right-clicking on map locations. As you place units,
the Editor will keep cycling to the next undeployed
17.11.12. How to Deploy Your Forces unit. Once you have placed all the units you wish
Undeployed units may be deployed by placing them on the map, the remainder can be set as
on the map, or by assigning them as Reinforcements. Reinforcements.
You will only be able to deploy units in allowed You can divide units in the Deployment Editor.
locations. It is probably best to set up territorial Be cautious about this. Once units are divided,

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 147

they cannot be modified in the Force Editor. Try Value. To remove a placed Supply Point, change
to avoid dividing units in the Deployment Editor the Variable Value to zero.
until after you are certain that there will be no more
significant changes to your Order of Battle. 17.11.15. Set Formation Orders
Set the
17.11.13. Setting Reinforcements Formation
In order to set Reinforcements, you will have to Orders and Orders Emphasis for each Formation using
assign at least one Objective for the units’ parent the buttons at the bottom of the Formation report.
Formation. Select the Place Objective deployment
mode and right-click within the Map Panel. The 17.11.16. Place Formation
selected location will become the default entry point Objectives
for all Reinforcements assigned to the Formation. Select the Place Objective deployment mode. Set
Click on the Current Formation button in Objectives for the current Formation by right-
the Control Panel to bring up the Formation clicking within the Map Panel. If you wish to
Report. Notice that all undeployed units assigned remove an Objective, right-click again. Objectives
to the Formation are scheduled to appear on the for the current Formation are shown as numbers in
first Turn at the location selected for the first the Map and Microview Panels. If a location has
Formation objective. You can change the entry an Objective for any Formation of either Force, it
Turn or entry (appearance) location by clicking on is shown as a national flag indicating the current
the corresponding buttons next to the unit‘s name. owner of the location. Note that only objectives
You can also change the entry hex by temporarily that are given a positive Victory Point value will be
placing the unit on the map in the desired entry visible when you play the game.
location and then removing it. This tends to be If you click on an existing objective while placing
safer than entering an x, y, location, since you can objectives in the deployment editor you are offered
see exactly where the unit will enter. three choices, as follows:
The location buttons are also now available §§ Remove Objective: Removes the Objective
for units that are already on the map. They can from the map.
be moved via editing the button values without §§ Insert Objective: Renumbers all Objectives
needing to remove them from the map first. to allow placement of a new Objective within
an existing Objective path.
17.11.14. Placing Supply Sources §§ Compress Objectives: Removes any “holes”
Once all Reinforcements are in the Formation’s Objective path.
set, you need to place Supply
Sources. Select the Place Supply deployment mode. 17.11.17. Set the Microview Icon
Click within the Map view to place Supply Points Colors and 3D Icon Tints
for the current Force. Switch sides to place the One of the last things you need to do when
other Force’s Supply Points. Upon placement (or designing a Scenario is to decide which sides should
upon clicking on an existing Supply Point), the be represented by which colors in the Microview
program will prompt for the Supply Point’s Variable and in the 3D Map displays. Use the Edit Set

148 The Operational Art of War IV

Microview Icons menu item to set Microview Icon The Briefing Editor
colors, and the Edit Set 3D Icon Tint menu item The included Briefing Editor is a simple Windows
to set 3D icon colors. text editor. It can be used to create briefings, but
if you really want to do a professional job (spell
17.11.18. Create Scenario and checking, etc.) you might wish to create your
Victory Briefings briefings in a full functioned word processor (e.g.
The Scenario Briefing Microsoft WordTM). Once you are satisfied with
This shows up when the Scenario is selected in the the briefing, just cut it from your word processor
Scenario select dialog as well as within the game and paste it into the Briefing Editor.
from the Scenario briefing display. You have 16k of
text space. You should try to include the following
in your Scenario briefings: 17.12. Game Options
§§ Physical Description: Scale, Climate, Map
Size. Preferences Preset
§§ History: Date, Location, General Context. This is a new option that allows the designer to
Keep this fairly short, or make sure that there pre-set his preferences for the Advanced Game
is a concise introductory paragraph. Options for his scenario. The first player will have
§§ Basic Mission Guidelines for Players: Let the option to accept or override these preferences.
them know what they need to try to do to If he overrides them, his opponent will receive an
win the game. alert message to that effect.
§§ Formation Support Level Effects: Be sure The dialog is invoked via the Edit pull-down.
to let players know if you have used the There is a menu item “Advanced Rules Preset” on
Formation support scope feature to impose that pull-down. Click on it. The dialog is launched.
restrictions on force cooperation.
§§ Special Features / Events: You should
point out strong Event features, such as
the possibility of Chinese intervention in
Vietnam. This really is a critical point. You
will confuse the hell out of players with things
like guerrilla and theater reconnaissance 17
effects if you don’t mention them in the
Scenario description.

Victory Briefings
Consequences and Speculation – Players will see
one of three results texts at the end of a Scenario, Note that there are 13 rows listing the 13 Advanced
depending upon the outcome. This text should give Rules Game Options. To the right of each are three
the player a sense of the consequences of the game columns of checkboxes. There is an ON column, and
result, including a reference to the historical result. OFF column, and a DO NOT CARE column.

Creating Scenarios with the Scenario Editor 149

Initially, all Game Options are set to “DO NOT On this dialog, each Advanced Rule Game
CARE”. The designer can then set as many or Option that the designer set a preference for is
as few options as he desires to the ON or OFF listed with that preference shown. To the right of
preferences. After saving the scenario file, those each item is an Override checkbox. The first player
preferences are stored with that file. then has the option to override as many or as few
Now, whenever anyone starts the scenario, after of those preferences as he desires, by toggling the
the Turn 1 message is exited, he will be alerted to appropriate checkbox. But he is warned that such
the preferences that the designer set, in the Game overriding will be reported to his opponent. After
Options Preferences Override dialog. the dialog is exited, the Advanced Rules Game
Options are set as the preferences and overrides
During his first turn, the opposing player
receives an alert dialog that shows any overrides
that the first player made, if any.

18. General Notes on Scenario Creation

Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing Scenario validation check as a list of Warnings and
a Scenario. suggestions. In order to load into the game without
Warnings, your Scenario must pass this Scenario
Validation Check.
18.1. Use the Scenario
Dump Feature 18.2. Talk to Other
Scenario Dumps are an invaluable aid in Scenario
design. A tremendous amount of information is Scenario Designers
available in the Scenario Dump. Among other This Editor is only going to become more complex
things, the Dump includes the results of the as the game develops. If you don’t understand

150 The Operational Art of War IV

something, or if you can’t figure out how to model Be sure to set Theater Recon, theater Guerrilla,
some Event, check with other Scenario designers. Rail Transport, Sea Transport, and Air Transport
There are several excellent websites that have links levels for each Force. Set this up as a simple timer
to resources (web sites and email addresses) for trigger for Turn 1. Remember to modify the
Scenario designers, including collections of user- values with later Events if they should be changed.
created Scenarios as they are developed. Theater Recon abstractly represents your long
range and “humint” resources. A value of 10% is
probably sufficient for most cases, perhaps higher
18.3. Study Dumps of the in smaller physical scales. Theater Guerrilla
levels represent things like partisan activity. Set
Existing Scenarios this level if you want locations behind friendly
Load some of the standard Scenarios and use lines to have a chance to spontaneously revert to
the Scenario Dump feature to create text dumps. enemy control.
Studying these dumps will give some idea of the
level of situation detail possible in TOAW IV.
If you decide to print a Scenario Dump out, you 18.5. Make it Fit
might wish to reformat it in a word processing Think about the games you have played. Do you
program. It is not uncommon for Scenario Dumps remember any that didn’t work because the unit
to run over 150 printed pages with the usual printer scale or density were wrong? We do. This is a
defaults. Scenario Dumps are also a critical aid in subjective judgment, and there are special cases.
developing your own Scenarios, particularly if you But try to avoid huge, sparsely-populated Maps.
make heavy use of Reinforcements or the Event You should also try to avoid Maps clogged with
engine. large groups of units unless you want to give players
a case of virtual trench foot. Some situations are
too large, and some are too small, to fit well with
18.4. The Event Engine this game system. TOAW IV is designed to handle
You can go nuts with this thing, but be cautious. classic military campaigns; it won’t do well with
We opted for power over bulletproofing. If you are things like island-hopping, although it can handle
working on a short, straightforward Scenario, you may something like Operation Sealion or Operation
not need to worry about the Event List at all. Default Chromite. 17
News items will be generated when significant battles Naval combat is no longer weakly modeled.
are fought or named cities are taken or ruined. On the However, there are still many facets of naval
other hand, if your Scenario is longer than a couple of warfare that have yet to be modeled (transporting/
months – particularly if weather is important – expect interdicting supply by sea, for example). If you
to get your frontal lobes dirty. really need to handle Naval Campaigns (i.e. WWII
Regardless of whether you wish to be creative in the Mediterranean or Pacific), resolve them
with the Event Engine, there are a few standard using the Event Engine and a series of dependent
Events that should be set for most Scenarios. Reinforcement or Withdrawal Events.

General Notes on Scenario Creation 151

18.6. Maps 18.9. Formations
In some cases, you will have to simplify things
like road networks. When you do, try to keep 18.9.1. General Organization
the programmed opponent code in mind. The You have 32 unit slots in each Formation. Please
pathfinding algorithms are pretty good, but they will DO NOT use them all. Open slots must exist for
have an easier time of “looking smart” if you don’t go units to break down. If you fill up your Formation
out of your way to design crooked roads or railroads unit list the units of the Formation will not be able
with lots of switchbacks. Blow bridges in the Map to break down. In most cases, limit the number of
Editor if necessary. Note: The above is now obsolete line combat units (things like infantry regiments)
advice. The pathfinding algorithm is close to perfect. in a Formation to no more than 12; any more
and the programmed opponent code will not use
all of the units efficiently in some situations. You
18.7. Unit Deployments and may actually want this effect in some situations.
Overloaded Formations may tend to use Soviet-
Air Unit Missions style echelon attacks.
When you get around to final polish on your
Scenarios, be sure to give reasonable starting 18.9.2. Support Levels
Missions for Air units. Remember that if Air This is a critical game feature, so information
units are “resting” they will not respond to enemy available elsewhere in this manual bears repeating
air action. (Actually, you can use this to model here. You can set a Formation Support Level to
surprise to some extent, although the units will still Internal Support, Army Support, Force Support, or
rise to their own defense if their base is attacked.) Free Support. The degree of cooperation is based
No player wants to cycle through 20 Air units on the best possible Cooperation Level between
putting all the fighters on Air Superiority and all two units.
the bombers on Interdiction at the start of every
Scenario. Put Land units in defensive positions Internal Support
or Reserve deployments. Set appropriate Loss Units belonging to Formations with Internal
Tolerances for all units. If air units are deployed Support levels will only cooperate fully with other
to remote “distant” hexes separated from the main units of the same Formation. Limited cooperation is
theater via impassable terrain, be sure to provide possible with units belonging to other Formations,
supply points to those locations. as long as those units use exactly the same 2D icon
color scheme. No cooperation is possible with
other units.
18.8. Forces
The Force you set as the first Force on Turn 1 is Army Support
guaranteed to move first on Turn 1 only (except in In this context the term “Army” means units
PBEM and Hotseat games). All bets are off after with identical 2D icon colors. Units belonging
that, with initiative set according to the relative to Formations with Army Support levels will
Strengths and positions of the opposing forces. cooperate fully with other units of the same

152 The Operational Art of War IV

Formation, as well as those using an identical The same is true to a lesser extent for units with
2D icon color scheme and belonging to other Limited Cooperation.
Formations. Limited cooperation is possible with
units of other Formations using the same 2D 18.9.3. Formation Objectives
icon background color and a different foreground Intermediate Objectives
(symbol) color. No cooperation is possible with The programmed opponent will do a pretty good
other units. job of finding a path from a Formation’s current
location to its Objectives. There may be times,
Force Support however, when you wish to fine tune the likely
In this context the term “Force” means units path that a Formation will take from one point to
with similar 2D icon background colors. Units another.
belonging to Formations with Army Support This is particularly true if the terrain in your
levels will cooperate fully with other units of the Scenario has a strong channelizing effect on
same Formation, as well as those using the same movement. You may find that in this case many
2D icon background color and belonging to other Formations will jam up at low Movement Cost
Formations. Limited cooperation is possible all choke points. If this happens, you might wish to
other units. set intermediate Objectives to guide some or all
Formations through specific points. It can also
Free Support be helpful to specify intermediate Objectives at
Units belonging to Formations with Free Support places like bridges if the terrain is difficult. This
cooperate fully with all friendly units. This may simplify the programmed opponent’s task in
should generally be used only for very high-level finding “good” paths.
Formations. Intermediate Objectives can also be used to set up
reserve reaction situations. By setting an Objective
to some otherwise unimportant location, you can
trigger an Attack by the affected Formation when
the enemy Force passes through the “tripwire”
Objective. In some cases, this is a matter of timing.
You can, for example, set up a likely meeting
engagement by setting a zero value tripwire
Objective on a Road just before the Objective you
actually wish to protect. Your Formation will react,
advancing through the actual Objective on its way
to the front as soon as the enemy hits the tripwire.
The penalty for using Non-Cooperative or
Limited Cooperative units varies. The strongest Values and Victory
effect is in combat. Non-Cooperative units are It is only possible to assign Victory Point values
more likely to pull out of Attacks early, and increase to Objectives assigned to Formations. This should
the chance that combats will take longer to resolve. keep you from forgetting to assign someone to guard

General Notes on Scenario Creation 153

or seize an important Victory Point Objective. You 18.10.2. Untried vs. Veteran Status
should still be careful in assigning Objectives and You can set your units to Veteran status, fixing their
Victory Values, though. The programmed opponent Proficiency, by use of the Veteran / Untried toggle
logic is strongly Formation-based. Within certain button in the Unit Report. This can have a strong
limits, the internal movement logic will ignore effect on how your Scenario will play. Most units
valued Objectives not specifically assigned to a should be Veterans in mid-war Scenarios. Many
particular Formation. Be sure to assign sufficient units should be Untried in Scenarios beginning
forces to secure valuable Objectives. major campaigns. Newly-raised units arriving as
Victory in the game is based on the values you Reinforcements should generally be Untried (the
assign to your Objectives. Loss penalties are scaled default).
to be equal to total Objective Values. Total loss
of both Forces will result in loss penalties exactly 18.10.3. Supply Levels
equal to the value of all Objectives on the map. It is common for one or both sides to have very
large stockpiles of Supplies available for their units
Multiple Objective Tracks in the opening hours or days of a war. You should
You can set up as many as five different sets of consider this if your Scenario is set at the beginning
Objectives for each Formation. Only the values of a war. We do not recommend over-supplying
assigned to Objectives in Track One have any Victory forces in mid-conflict Scenarios. Be aware that an
effect. If you use this feature be sure to set up multiple oversupplied unit’s Supply Level will immediately
Objective tracks for all Formations, otherwise the drop to 100% or less if it moves.
programmed opponent may become confused if you
select alternate Objective tracks. Use a Force Track 18.10.4. Deployment Status
Event to switch tracks during a Scenario. If the situation modeled in your Scenario calls for
This is a very advanced feature. It imposes units in defensive positions, be sure to remember to
significant additional testing requirements on your set the units to Defending, Entrenched, or Fortified
Scenario. Do not feel that you must use it. Most of deployment status. Remember to set a Local or
the official Scenarios only use Track One objectives. Tactical Reserve order for any units that historically
reacted to enemy movements. This could be critical
for some Scenarios where the attacker will move
18.10. Units before the defender gets a chance to set his unit
18.10.1. Authorized and Assigned
Equipment 18.10.5. Headquarters Units
In many cases, you should consider assigning Depending upon the effect you are trying to achieve,
your units less than their authorized equipment Headquarters units can either be simple Formation
strengths, particularly if your Scenario is not set at focal points and holding units for assets typically
the very beginning of a conflict. In some rare cases, attached to larger Formations, or they can be carefully
units can begin with more than their authorized modeled providers of command and supply for units
equipment level. in their Formation. Some armies have very informal

154 The Operational Art of War IV

decentralized Command and Supply systems. Others authorized or still has its full complement of
are arranged in rigid, formal hierarchies. Support Squads assigned, the usual Formation
You can see this difference in the Middle East Supply distribution efficiency is used. If an assigned
1973 Scenario; the Israelis do not even have Headquarters has been destroyed, or if fewer than half
Headquarters units and the Arabs have very formal of the authorized Support Squads are assigned, the
HQ units. This is an advantage for the Israelis, Formation Supply distribution efficiency is 50% of its
as they are not subject to the negative effects of “best” level (the one you set in the Editor). At Support
damage to HQ units. Squad levels between 50% and 100% of authorized,
the Formation Supply distribution efficiency is tied to
18.10.6. Command Groups the fraction of assigned / authorized Support Squads.
Command Groups provide command functions for If you don’t want these effects, don’t assign Support
a Formation. Headquarters units do not need to have Squads to your HQ units. We strongly recommend
command groups authorized, but if they do, their against using Support Squads in Headquarters units
Formations Are likely to be forced to reorganize if all below Regimental level.
assigned command groups in the Headquarters are How many support squads should you put in a
eliminated. In game terms, use of command groups Headquarters? The number is tied to the size of
allows a Scenario designer to build a vulnerability the Formation:
into a Force’s Formations. We recommend taking
advantage of this feature, so go ahead and assign two HQ Size Symbol Support Squads for 100%
command groups (this will probably work better than Supply Distribution Efficiency
one unless you really want your command structure to Section 1
be fragile) to each Headquarters unit. Platoon 1
Company 3
18.10.7. Support Squads Battalion 5
Support Squads provide supply distribution Regiment 15
functions for a Formation. Headquarters units do Brigade 20
not need to have Support Squads authorized, but Division 40
if they do, units of the associated Formation will Corps 80
suffer reduced resupply rates should some or all Army 120
authorized Support Squads be eliminated. In game Army Group 400
terms, use of Support Squads allows a Scenario Theater 1200
designer to build vulnerability into a Force’s Supreme Command 3600
Formation Supply distribution efficiency.
Whenever the game checks Formation Supply Now, do you need to remember these numbers? No.
distribution efficiency (usually when supplying units), Just assign any number of Support Squads to your
it looks to see if the Formation has a Headquarters Headquarters units. When you set the Formation
unit assigned. If no Headquarters unit is assigned, or Supply distribution efficiency for the Formation
the assigned Headquarters has not been eliminated (including use of the global change functions in the
and either never had Support Squad equipment Editor), the Editor will automatically recalculate

General Notes on Scenario Creation 155

the proper number of Support Squads for all schemes will add a degree of separation in unit
Headquarters units affected by the change. Note cooperation. Maximum cooperation is possible
that since the Supply Level is tied to the number between units with identical icon color schemes.
of Support Squads assigned, there may be slight Less cooperation is available between icons with
rounding errors, particularly in Brigade and lower- similar background colors and different foreground
level headquarters. (symbol) colors. Very little cooperation is possible
between units with different icon base colors.
18.10.8. Protecting Headquarters
Units 18.10.10. Replacements
With the increased importance of Headquarters In many cases, you can get away with one of the
units using command groups or Support Squads, default Replacement settings, either 1% or 2%. See
you really need to be sure to include things like the Edit / Replacements menu item. The default
divisional Anti-Aircraft equipment in your Orders settings will provide reasonable, if uninspired
of Battle, otherwise your Formations will be very Replacements beginning on the first Turn and
vulnerable to enemy Air attacks. running through the end of the Scenario.

18.10.9. Significance of Unit Icons Equipment Transitions

Unit Type Symbols In long Scenarios,you might wish to model equipment
Some, but not all, Unit Icon type symbols carry transitions. You have 24 slots for equipment in each
with them special Capabilities. In some cases, unit – generally more than enough. Reserve two or
special equipment variants or modifications are three slots for equipment to be received by the unit
implied. Use these symbols carefully. Symbols are at different times. For example, some of the armored
listed by name in the Unit Types appendix which units in the Korea Scenario start with a number of
follows. Also see the Unit Symbol identification M-24’s or Shermans. If you examine them closely in
chart in section 16.1 of this manual. the Editor, you will see that they have authorizations
for Pershings and Pattons, but no assigned equipment
Guerrilla Units in these slots. Check the U.N. Replacements for that
You should use Guerrilla units only in Scenarios Scenario and you will see that Shermans are replaced
where Guerrillas have a historical reputation for early, tailing off to be followed by Pershings, and
special capabilities beyond those of Light Infantry. finally by Pattons. Each equipment replacement
In many cases, it is more appropriate to use the schedule overlaps, but the result is that U.N. units
Irregular unit type to simulate simple armed mobs. will slowly transition from Shermans to Pershings to
It is recommended that the guerrilla Event engine Pattons over the course of the Scenario.
effect be used in conjunction with Guerrilla units
in order to maximize enemy player confusion. Event Replacement Multiplier Effects
If a major belligerent enters the fray during a
Unit Standard Icon Colors Scenario, you should probably use the Event Engine
Icon colors are significant. Remember that each to increase the gaining Force’s Replacements at the
degree of separation you select in your icon color point of entry.

156 The Operational Art of War IV

18.11. Supply Consider the story of the quartermaster at
Isandlwana (1879). As legend has it, the British
18.11.1. Supply Points troops had plenty of ammunition available, but the
A Supply Point should be placed for any location quartermaster refused to distribute it more rapidly
that has the ability to supply a large portion of a than the official rate of replacement for British
Force. In long campaigns, this generally means the troops in the field. Good Force Supply Stockpile.
point through which supplies arrive in Theater. poor Formation Supply Distribution Efficiency.
In shorter Scenarios, Supply Points can represent Initially, good Unit Supply levels.
local stockpiles. If you want Supplies to flow in Imperial Japanese forces in the Pacific had
through an Anchorage, you need to put a Supply to account for every round fired from the very
Point there. Supply Points are placed for each beginning of the Pacific War. Pilots could receive
player. One player’s Supply Point will not supply a reprimand if commanders decided they had
the other player. If you want a single location to be expended too much ammunition during a mission.
able to supply either player, you should place one Poor Force Supply Stockpile. Moderate Formation
Point for each player in the location. Supply Distribution Efficiencies. Initially, moderate
Unit Supply levels.
18.11.2. Differing Supply Levels: Over the last half-century, an intermittent
Forces vs. Formations vs. Units controversy has flared from time to time over the
Remember, units have organic supply levels issue of “tail to teeth” in combat units. Western
reflecting actual beans, bullets, etc. These levels units have traditionally had very large Support
should frequently be set high at the beginnings services relative to communist units. In theory (and
of wars to reflect oversupply conditions common generally in practice), this has meant that western
in attacking forces at the beginnings of wars. For units could resupply from Force Stockpiles much
mid-conflict campaigns, try not to set them above more rapidly than their opponents. The Soviets, for
100% since oversupply really is intended to reflect example, had very large Supply Stockpiles from 1943
the kind of forward stockpiling that is difficult to on, but their offensives usually stalled after a short
achieve once the fighting begins. The Formation advance because they lacked the ability to rapidly
Supply distribution efficiency is actually a measure distribute Supplies to the troops needing them.
of the Formation’s ability as an organization to This is in fact the primary driving force behind the
distribute any available Supplies from the Force Soviet practice of attack by echelon. West: Good
Stockpile to units in their command. It does not Force Supply Stockpiles. Good Formation Supply
represent a Stockpile. Distribution Efficiencies. Good Unit Supply levels.
Finally, the Force Stockpile is intended to represent Communist: Good Force Supply Stockpile levels.
the global availability of Supplies for one side. It Poor Formation Supply Distribution Efficiencies.
represents actual Stockpiles, Production Capability, Situation-dependent Unit Supply levels.
outside aid, etc. It is possible to have a very large
Force Stockpile while individual units starve because 18.11.3. Transport Asset Sharing
of a poor supply distribution system, reflected by Don’t ignore the “boring” equipment assigned to
poor Formation Supply distribution efficiencies. units. Excess Trucks and Horse Teams may not have

General Notes on Scenario Creation 157

an effect on a unit’s Movement capability, but they this partly by assigning different Supply Points
can have a very strong effect on Supply Distribution. for different ports of entry, then using the Event
U.S. forces, in particular, are well-known for their Engine to set the overall Supply Level depending
practice of temporarily stripping Transport assets upon who occupies different locations.
from units that don’t need them and forming ad-
hoc “Redball Express” units to aid in rapid resupply. 18.11.5. Scenario Briefing
This is modeled in the game as “Transport Asset Illustration
Sharing”. On the other hand, remember that some If you place a bitmap illustration (a standard windows
Forces (particularly “third world” countries) should BMP file) with the same name as your Scenario file
be chronically understrength in Transport assets. in the Graphics directory, your bitmap image will
show up in the Scenario Briefing screen during
18.11.4. Event Supply Modifier game loads and when players examine the Scenario
Effects briefing within the game. For example, the bitmap
Even in simple Scenarios, you may wish to modify for the “Korea 50-51” Scenario is named “Korea 50-
Force Supply Stockpile levels. Consider the case of 51”. There is an included document in the Manuals
Allied forces in France, 1944. Loss of any of the folder that gives a “how to” explanation of how to
ports bringing in Supplies would have had a severe properly create a scenario bitmap. Once created, the
impact on the overall Supply availability. In Korea, scenario bitmap should be placed in either the same
1950, loss of Pusan would have been devastating folder as the scenario file or in the scenario-specific
to the U.N. Supply Stockpile. You can model graphics subfolder for the scenario.

19. Appendices
19.1. Calculations 10km/hex 250
15km/hex 500
19.1.1. Equipment Density 20km/hex 850
Up to nine units may be grouped in any particular 25km/hex 1300
location, but in many cases this is a bad idea. Each 50km/hex 5050
location has a specific allowed Equipment Density:
Any location with more than the allowed number
50 + 2 x Scenario physical scale2 of Vehicles or Horse Teams suffers from traffic
jams (increased movement costs to enter). Any
Scale Allowed Density location with more than the allowed number of
2.5km/hex 68 “active defender” equipment suffers from increased
5km/hex 100 losses in the Event of combat.

158 The Operational Art of War IV

19.1.2. Unit Quality Calculation will not exceed the theoretical maximum sum
Quality = (2 x proficiency + readiness) / 3 expected for all weapons based on the table above.
All shots actually fired by Anti-Personnel weapons
19.1.3. Unit Combat Strength are assumed to be lethal. In most cases, this will
Calculation give results very similar to those expected in the
Strength = equipment strength x (2 x proficiency + original version of TOAW.
readiness + supply) / 4 Anti-Armor fire is quite different. In order to
be lethal, any given Anti-Armor shot must first
hit the target (see Targeting, below). Each hit
19.2. Notes On Combat must then be able to defeat the armor protection
of the target equipment. Each armored target has
Resolution one Strength vs. HEAT weapons and another
Combat resolution in TOAW Volume I was based vs. Kinetic weapons (also includes Top-Attack
on cumulative mass fire. This is still true of Artillery weapons), although the two values are identical for
fire in Century of Warfare, and later versions, almost all early period armored vehicles. See the
but Anti-Tank and Anti-Personnel fire are now “Equipment List.doc” file in the “Docs” folder for
handled at the level of individual weapons firing effective armor values.
at individual targets. Each item has a maximum of
from one to three shots on any given round: Anti-Armor Chance to Hit, per shot:
Equipment Restricted Normal Open
Maximum Rate of Fire, per Round of Combat: Characteristics Vision Vision

Equipment Characteristics Attacking Defending Targeting++++ 85% 100% 100%

Targeting+++ 85% 85% 72%
Motorized, Long Range, Helicopter 3 shots 3 shots
Targeting++ 85% 75% 56%
Static, Fixed, or Infantry 1 shots 2 shots
Targeting+ 75% 50% 25%
Everything Else 2 shots 3 shots
Everything Else 50% 33% 11%
Individual weapons try to engage appropriate
targets. There is some randomization, but the Note that Restricted Vision locations actually
toughest targets will tend to draw fire from the benefit simpler weapon systems while reducing
most lethal enemy systems. the capability of more advanced systems. On the
Note that this has numerous side effects. other hand, Open Vision rewards more advanced
Among them: Large towed Anti-Tank weapons systems (nominal chances to hit are squared).
are now much less effective on the attack than Open Vision locations have no precipitation and 19
before. AFV’s are relatively more lethal than no terrain other than Open, Arid, Roads, Rivers,
before. Losses to very large forces attacking very Rocky, Escarpments, Canals, or Sandy. Restricted
small forces will be smaller than under the original Vision locations have Heavy Precipitation, Heavy
TOAW system. The actual number of shots fired Cultivated, Urban, Urban Ruin, or Forest terrain.
by Engaged units is dependent upon relative overall Very few early-period weapons have enhanced
Engaged Strength in each individual combat, but targeting capabilities.

Appendices 159
Anti-Armor Chance to Defeat Armor, per hit: of heavy Artillery and is tied to the weight of
pq = 100xAnti-Armor/Defensive Armor Chance to Kill individual shells. Heavier pieces are much more
100+ 100% effective than lighter pieces. MRL’s (Multiple
99...25 ((pq^2)/100)% Rocket Launchers) generally do not receive this
24- 0% advantage. While the Anti-Personnel strengths of
heavy Artillery may seem weak (due to very low
This means there is no chance to kill armor unless rates of fire), weapons of 150mm or larger can be
the firing weapon has at least 25% of the nominal very effective against entrenched enemies.
penetration necessary to defeat the target’s armor.
Because of the square involved, the chance to kill 19.2.3. Armored Troop Transports
declines rapidly with decreasing pq (penetration The contribution of Armored Troop Transports
quotient). Defensive armor values are divided by three (APC, MICV, etc.) to unit strength is based upon
during penetration checks when attacked by aircraft. unit Loss Tolerance.
At higher Loss Tolerances, more of these vehicles
Examples: Chances to Kill are assumed to be directly involved in combat.
pq Chance They contribute directly to unit Strengths. Infantry
99 98% assigned to the unit receives less protection from
90 81% enemy Artillery fire and has a tendency to be lost
80 64% when Troop Transports are hit by Anti-Armor fire.
70 49% At lower Loss Tolerances, fewer of these Vehicles
50 25% are on the front lines. They do not contribute
40 16% directly to unit Strengths, but they do provide
30 9% more protection to Infantry during Artillery fire.
25 6% Infantry is generally assumed to be dismounted if
the Transport is hit by Anti-Armor fire and will
19.2.1. Example Calculation not be affected by Transport losses.
T-34/76 (late) Anti-Armor 7 (kinetic), fires When an APC class item of equipment is destroyed
on PzKpfw V Panther armor 13 under normal in combat, there is a chance (based on loss tolerance
conditions: and the proportion of Infantry and Transports in the
Chance to hit = 33% unit) that an Infantry squad of some kind belonging
pq = 100 x 7 / 13 = 54. to the same unit will also be destroyed.
Chance to kill if hit = ((54 ^ 2) / 100)% = 29%
Overall chance to kill = 33% x 29% = 10%. 19.2.4. Nuclear Weapon Yields
Atomic-capable systems are individually rated for
19.2.2. Artillery vs. a Nuclear Attack Strength. The following values
Entrenchments are defined for various equipment. These values
Artillery can lower the effectiveness of prepared are added to a unit’s conventional Attack Strength.
defensive positions during combat. The effect is At sub-kiloton levels, the addition may not be
intended to model the earth-churning tendencies particularly significant.

160 The Operational Art of War IV

Conventional For Carrier Naval:
Yield Equivalent Durability = 0.2251 x DF
0.1kT 25 Armor = 0.203395 x DF
0.2kT 50 Agility = 93 x (1-damage%)
0.5kT 125
1kT 250 For Heavy Naval:
2kT 500 Durability = 0.159445 x DF
5kT 1250 Armor = 0.334704 x DF
10kT 2500 Agility = 75 x (1-damage%))
20kT 5000
25kT 6250 For Medium Naval:
40kT 10000 Durability = 0.114241 x DF
50kT 12500 Armor = 0.248594 x DF
60kT 15000 Agility = 160 x (1-damage%))
100kT 25000
200kT 50000 For Light or Riverine Naval:
300kT 75000 Durability = 0.082939 x DF
500kT 125000 Armor = 0.051987x DF
1mT 250000 Agility = 210 x (1-damage%))
4mT 1000000
For Embarked Units:
Durability = 25
19.3. Seeing the Elephant Armor = 0
When a unit’s actual Proficiency is determined Agility = 18
upon conversion from Untried to Veteran status, its
Proficiency can vary by ± 33% the original value. However, these values are superseded by any
Veteran values will tend to fall near the expected explicit values the designer may have coded for the
Proficiency. ship class in the scenario’s Equipment.nqp file.
If the ship is in port, divide Agility by 2.
Note that if the attacker is a ship, then its
19.4. Naval Combat durability will have to be determined too, for the
second hit check, below.
19.4.1. Step 1: Determine the 19.4.2. Step 2: Determine the
Target Ship’s Durability, Armor, Number of Shots/Attacking
and Agility Factors Planes
Use the equipment’s (not unit icon) naval flag as Note that this is where the Naval Attrition Divider
follows: is applied – scaling the number of shots.

Appendices 161
Number of attacking planes = Assigned x (2 x Attacking Unit Proficiency x Attacker Shock Level
Proficiency + Readiness + Supply) / 4 / (Naval Attrition > Random (Target Ship Agility Rating) x Defender
Divider/10) Shock Level

Fractions from this are evaluated as the percent Note that this is where shock, for both sides, is
chance of one more plane. Each resulting plane applied.
attacks individually and is evaluated for hit/miss, Second hit check for airplanes passes if:
penetration/damage individually. This is done for
Attacking plane’s Anti-Naval Value x Visibility >
each type of plane in the unit.
Random (Target Ship Agility Rating) x Defender
Number of shots per attacking coastal battery = Shock Level
(102.922 x Gun’s Anti-Naval Value x Assigned x ((2
There is an exception for torpedo bombers (any
x Proficiency + Readiness + Supply) / 4)/ Shell Weight)
plane with the Torpedo flag), where the Anti-
/ (Naval Attrition Divider/10)
Naval Value is divided by 4 first.
Fractions from this are evaluated as the percent Visibility is a value based upon the combination
chance of one more shot. Each resulting individual of weather x lighting: clear/hazy/overcast x day/
shot is evaluated for hit/miss, penetration/damage mixed/night. Clear is 1, hazy is .66, and overcast is
individually. This is done for each type of gun in .33. Day is 1, mixed is .66, and night is .33. Note
the unit. that the square root of this product is used for
surface naval combat. Weather value is the average
Number of shots from each attacking ship TO&E
of the target hex and attacker hex values.
line = ((#Ships-Damage%) x 102.922 x Ship’s Anti-
Naval Value x ((2 x Proficiency + Readiness + Supply)
Second hit check for guns (including surface ships)
/ 4) / Shell Weight) / (Naval Attrition Divider/10)
passes if:
Fractions from this are evaluated as the percent
100 x SQRT(Visibility) / ((1 + (0.002 + .13 /
chance of one more shot. Each individual shot
Attacking Ship’s Durability) x Range x Range) >
resulting is evaluated for hit/miss, penetration/
Random (100)
damage individually. Note that the formula evaluates
as 10 salvos. Here is where the Attacking Ship’s Durability will
be needed. For Coastal Guns, a value of 100,000 is
19.4.3. Step 3: For each Individual used for durability. Note that the actual parameter
used is the Accuracy – but this is identical to
Attacking Airplane or each Shot
the Durability though, unless the designer has
from each Gun of each Ship/
specified a different value in the .nqp file. See the
Coastal Battery, Determine if curve below for how this equation plots out.
a Hit Occurs Note that Range is the number of hexes between
There are two checks: the attacker and defender – not including their
First hit check passes if: hexes – times the hex scale in kms. So adjacent

162 The Operational Art of War IV

combat would be point-blank range (=0). However, torpedo, but if you do…the damage is underwater,
in that adjacent case, there is a random check as making it much more severe).
follows: There is then a chance that the additional
damage is a critical hit:
Range = random (minimum (max range of all units
involved, hexscale/2) 5% x (Attacker Shell Weight / (Defender Durability *
6.25)) * (Defender Force Critical Hit Scalar / 10)
This is only determined once per naval unit per
combat round. Note that there is a new Force parameter for scaling
Both checks must pass for a hit to occur. the chance of critical hits as the designer desires.
Also note that if the shell weight is the same as the
19.4.4. Step 4: Determine the weighted durability and the scalar is left at the default
Damage any Hit may have caused value of 10, then the equation reduces to a 5% chance.
If a hit occurred, it causes 1 damage point if: If a critical hit occurs, additional damage
is incurred due to the target ship’s magazine
(Attacking Weapon’s Shell Weight > Random
detonating. This additional damage is:
(Defending Ship’s Durability / 10)) AND (Target
ship’s damage < 20) The result of a normal distribution centered at 50 with
a standard deviation of about 13.5.
(This is intended to be automatic unless the shell
weight is trivially small. But note that there is a So, it will average about 50 additional damage, +/-
limit to the damage that can be inflicted by such a little.
superficial hits: 5 max for Heavy Naval, 10 max for
Medium Naval, 15 max for Carrier Naval, and 20 19.4.5. Step 5: Finally, Determine
max for all others.) what Defending Equipment has
Then, it must be determined if the hit penetrated been Destroyed
the ship’s armor and what additional damage it A ship that accumulates 100 or more damage
may have caused: points sinks (goes to the dead pile). If the ship has
Penetration occurs if: accumulated less than 100 damage points, that
value is stored in the ship’s TO&E line, and affects
Random (Attacking Weapon’s Shell Weight /2) >
a number of ship abilities. If that line has more than
Random (Defending Ship’s Armor Value)
one ship in it, only the “lead” ship has accumulated
If this check passes: that damage and is affected by it.
If an embarked unit suffers damage points, a
Additional damage points = Random (Attacking
randomly selected weight of equipment equal to 19
Weapon’s Shell Weight / 10) x Random (50) /
those points is destroyed as follows. Each TO&E
Defending Ship’s Durability Value
item in the embarked unit loses:
There is an exception for torpedo Bombers, whose
Assigned x damage accumulated / Unit Weight
Shell Weight is quadrupled for the above checks.
(So, there is a /4 effect for the hit check, followed Fractions of this are evaluated as the chance of one
by a x4 effect for the damage – harder to hit with a more kill.

Appendices 163
If an aircraft carrier suffers more than 66 19.5. Naval Repair
damage points it ceases to function as an aircraft
carrier. This will cause an air unit to be eliminated Procedure
if there are then more air units in the hex than During the interturn calculation period, all damaged
aircraft carrier bases. The air unit to be eliminated ships get the following checks for damage repair:
is selected randomly. Otherwise, the planes on IF the ship’s unit is in a supplied anchorage hex
the carrier are not targeted or included in target AND it did not move in the previous turn THEN
calculations. (But they do engage in AS combat).
# of damage points repaired = 1500 / ((Durability +
The following curve shot shows how the gunnery
Armor + AP + AAA) x # of turns per week).
range equation plots out for various Durability values:
Fractions of this are evaluated as the chance of one
more point repaired.


# of damage points repaired = 150 / ((Durability +

Armor + AP + AAA) x # of turns per week).
Fractions of this are evaluated as the chance of one
more point repaired

AP and AAA values are the ship class’s intrinsic

values. They are not the damage-adjusted values.
Note that repair is 10x faster in port than at sea.
The top curve is for a coastal gun. The next is for a These figures will typically allow about the
130-Durability BB. The next is for a 50-Durability following weekly rates of repair in port:
CA. Then next is for a 30-Durability CL. And the Carrier – 5 points.
last is for a 10-Durability DD. Vertical lines are Battleship – 1 point.
every 20%; Horizontal range is out to 50 kms. Heavy Cruiser – 3 points.
For example, at 30km, a coastal gun has a 36% Light Cruiser – 5 points.
hit chance, a BB has a 27% chance, a CA has a 19% Destroyer – 14 points.
chance, a CL has a 15% chance, and a DD has a Note that a true port repair simulation would
7% chance. require modeling port and shipyard capacities.
Note that these values assume a stationary target, But adding such features will have to wait. The
a perfect crew, and perfect visibility. The agility of simplistic version above will have to do for now.
the target vs. the proficiency of the crew is tested
in the first hit check, and the visibility factor scales
these values. 19.6. Sea Interdiction
Note that the square root of the visibility factor Procedure
is used for gunnery. This is to account for the fact
that gunnery enjoys better optics, radar, starshells, Chance of surface interdiction per in-range surface
searchlights, etc. that planes normally don’t have. interdictor:

164 The Operational Art of War IV

units for recon purposes. Within the limit of the
Target Value of Moving Unit or Stack / Target Value of
horizon, subject to visibility, they should be detected.
all detected in-range Units.

Note that if the moving stack is the only one detected, 19.7.1. Surface Recon
then the chance of interdiction is 100%. Also, if This models the observation of the seas from the
there are 100 friendly ships and 100 enemy ships in coastline or from the conning towers of ships.
spotting range, the chance of interdiction will be 1% The daytime observation range is 25km and the
per ship, averaging 1 interdiction per moving enemy nighttime observation range is 10km. Whenever a
ship – it pairs off both side’s ships (on average). land unit moves into a coastal hex, it reveals Deep-
Chance of air interdiction per in-range air Water hexes out to the appropriate range – just as
interdictor: if it had entered a peak hex. And note that, like
for peak hexes, if the observer is under a cloud,
Target Value of moving Unit or Stack * (Naval
it can’t observe. As a naval unit moves, it reveals
Attrition Divider / 10) / Target Value of all detected
Deep-Water hexes around it out to the appropriate
in-range Units / (interdictor’s spotting range / 2).
range – just as if it had entered a peak hex (same
This will tend to limit air interdiction to no more comment about clouds).
than once or twice as the fleet passes through its The range of hexes revealed at the various hex
scouting range. The point is to limit planes to scales is, therefore, as follows:
realistic mission rates. There is an exception for A range of 1 means only
carrier movement, though. If the moving carrier adjacent hexes are revealed.
hasn’t been attacked in the turn, it is automatically Note that the range to
interdicted in the first detected in-range hex it the target doesn’t include
enters. (Who gets the first shot really matters in the firing or target hexes.
carrier-vs.-carrier combat.) That’s why there may seem to be an extra hex
Both of these formulae pose a tactic for the included in some of the above. For example, eleven
phasing player: bring the entire fleet to be moved 2.5km hexes out from an observing naval unit
through the interdictor’s range into its detection would be a target naval unit that was ten 2.5km
before moving through. The more in-range targets hexes (25km) from that observing naval unit.
detected the less interdiction there will be per Note that radar is modeled as well: Any ship with
individual move. the “All Weather” flag set will see out to 50km, day
or night. Furthermore, if a force has any aircraft on
map with the “All Weather” flag set, then all ships
19.7. Naval Spotting are assumed to have radar and see accordingly. 19
(This is needed for existing modern scenarios that
Procedure won’t see futher designer attention).
First, understand the necessity for this feature: Naval
units, unlike ground units, can’t hide – due to their 19.7.2. Air Recon
great size – and operate in a terrain that has no cover. This models the observation of the seas by air
They have to be handled separately from ground units committed to sea operations. That includes

Appendices 165
ground-based air units assigned to Sea Interdiction Note that there is now a crop circle designed to
or Air Superiority and Carrier-based air units show naval spotting range (since this can be less
assigned to Sea Interdiction or Air Superiority. than the nominal range of the aircraft onboard
The range that can be fully searched for a given the carrier). It is distinguished by a dashed line as
number of planes = shown here:
Note that in the above case, the carrier spots
Minimum (50Km x Square Root (# planes available
out to three hexes (150km). But the planes on the
for search), max range of planes)
carrier have ranges of 12 (600km). So the dashed
Fractions of this are evaluated as the chance of one line is critical for players to know how far their
more hex in the range. carriers can see.
So, for example, if the total ready planes/2 Note that if the range was extended one hex
assigned to Sea Interdiction/Air Superiority in a by chance evaluation of any fractional value, that
hex total 9, then the max range that can be searched extra hex is not reflected in the circle. So, players
will be 150km. If the planes had an assigned range will not know if they got the extra hex or not –
of 200, then the range of 150 will be substituted for adding a little risk to carrier recon. This is true
it for search purposes. If the planes had an assigned for non-phasing and phasing unit’s ranges. The
range of 100, then 100 will, of course, still be used phasing unit’s range varies randomly with each
instead. Note that the “max range of planes” is the hex entered.
average max range of all the planes in the hex. Note that hazy and overcast locations affect the
So, for 2.5km hexes, that 150km range would be chances of spotting. If the weather is in the phasing
60 hexes. For 5km, 30 hexes. For 10km, 15 hexes, unit’s hex, it affects all the unknown hexes in range
for 15km, 10 hexes. For 20km, 8 hexes. For 25km, of the unit. If in the target unit’s hex, it only affects
6 hexes. For 50km, 3 hexes. Within these ranges, all the chances of detecting that specific hex. Hazy
enemy Deep-Water hexes would be spotted. locations reduce spotting chances by 15%. Overcast
Note that the number of planes available for locations reduce it by 30%.
search = Assigned x readiness / 2. So, if the hex had
75% readiness they would have needed 24 planes
in it to have 9 planes available to search. Also note 19.8. Splitting TO&E Lines
that only all-weather aircraft can search at night. Here’s a shot of the Baltic Fleet from “Soviet Union
1941”. Note the 40 DDs on one TO&E line and
the 2 BBs on one other TO&E line. Since there is
only one damage value stored per TO&E line, only
one ship per line can incur and store damage as
this unit is configured. Clearly, it would be better to
have an individual line for each ship in the unit, if
possible. But the TOAW Editor does not support
that. There is no way to split up the 40 DDs or the
2 BBs within the TOAW Editor. However, you can
do it from within an XML editor.

166 The Operational Art of War IV

Note that there are now two lines for the BBs
(one in each), and 20 lines for the DDs (two in
each). Note that there is still a limit of 24 equipment
slots per unit.
Now, again with the Force Editor Dialog open,
hit F5 and upload the edited OOB file.
The following shot shows the resulting unit:

The first step is to dump the OOB as an XML

file. With the Force Editor Dialog open, hit F4.
Save the OOB file.
The second step is to open that OOB file in an
XML editor (for example: XMLPad).
Then, find the fleet unit in the file.
Then, edit each equipment line – editing, copying
and pasting as needed – until the equipment lines
have been split up as desired.
Save the edited OOB file.
The following shot shows a possible such edit of
the fleet shown above:

Designers may also want to “pre-set” damage on 19

some ships. Again, this is not supported within the
TOAW Editor, but can be done via an XML editor.
The above shot shows how to add damage values
to ship TO&E lines. The key word DAMAGE is
added to the line and the damage value is put in

Appendices 167
19.9. The Equipment.nqp File Now Light Naval has a speed equivalent to 35
The Equipment.nqp file allows designers to edit knots, Medium Naval has a speed equivalent to 32
the naval scale factors of the base naval equipment knots, Heavy Naval has a speed equivalent to 25
flag classes. It also allows designers to explicitly knots, and Carrier Naval has a speed equivalent to
specify the naval parameters for individual ship 30 knots. If this .nqp file is opened in the Graphics
classes. Here’s how: Override sub-folder, these speeds will be applied to
these naval classes in scenarios that have not been
designer edited. Players can decide for themselves
which of the two .nqp file choices they wish to
have open in that folder. Copies of each are in their
own zip files within that folder.
However, designers can make a scenario-
The vanilla version of the Equipment.nqp file specific version of the .nqp file for their individual
is shown above – displayed in XMLPad. It can scenarios. Note the seventh line (“Equipment6”)
be found in the Graphics Override sub-folder. in the above shots. While not used in the above
Note that there are seven lines of data. The first versions, that line (and up to 100 copies of it)
six lines specify the scale factors used for the can be used to explicitly specify the values for an
various naval equipment flags, and embarked individual naval equipment item (the item must
units. These values are used if the designer has have a naval flag set). The file just needs to be
not specified explicit values for these in a scenario in the scenario-specific graphics folder, like the
specific version of this file (this will be discussed scenario’s scenario-specific Equipment.eqp file. It
further down). Durability, Armor, and Accuracy follows folder hierarchy rules just like that earlier
factors are scaled by a factor of 1,000,000. (These file. The following section will illustrate the format
numbers are the same as the ones in the first step for such a scenario-specific .nqp file.
of Appendix One.)
Note that all speed values for these six lines are
the same as the original nominal MPs for naval
and embarked units (4200km/week). This speed is
equivalent to about 13.5 knots. That’s fine for the
ships used to embark land units, but naval units will
usually be faster. An alternate version of the file is
also available in the Graphics Override sub-folder.
It is shown here:

Shown above is part of the Okinawa 1945

v.3.0.nqp file. Note that the “Equipment6” line has
been replaced by a suite of lines explicitly specifying

168 The Operational Art of War IV

the various values for individual ship classes. The file? Answer: you use the “Weight” parameter.
first six lines are unchanged. Note the format of Since that had never been used by naval equipment,
the new lines: There is a name – for information the .nqp file now uses it to index the equipment
purposes only (it is not required to resemble the to its proper line in the .nqp file. For example, the
ship class it relates to, but it helps the designer keep Yamato’s data is on line 25 of the .nqp file, so its
things straight). Next, the Durability, Armor, Agility, “Weight” parameter must be set to 25. This can be
Accuracy, and Speed values (not scale factors like in done using the BioEd as shown:
the first six lines) are explicitly specified. Note that the new lines start numbering from 6
So, the Yamato has a durability of 265, armor of (the first six lines are 0 through 5) and increment
401, Agility of 81, Accuracy of 265, and Speed of from there. If the Weight is left at 0, then the values
8401 km/week (27 knots). Note that the Accuracy are calculated from the ship’s Defense Strength
is the same as the Durability. This is typical. Note using the scale factors in the first six lines of the
that the larger the Durability value the more .nqp file.
accurate the ship is. The theory is that the bigger The data used for the explicit values came, in
and heavier a ship the better a gun platform it is. this case, from War in the Pacific. Designers can
The only case shown where Durability is different use their own sources, of course – including the
from Accuracy is for the Essex. To allow three air web. This subject has been extensively discussed
groups on it, that Fleet Carrier has been split into on the TOAW board. Designers needing help can
three parts. So, each part has 1/3 the durability seek it there if they wish.
of the whole, but the Accuracy is based upon the Note that the first six lines will still affect any
whole, so is three times the size of the Durability. ship class that has its weight value left at zero.
So, the main purpose of the Accuracy parameter is Designers may want to customize those values for
to facilitate component ship modeling. that reason. In particular, designers can customize
But, how do you link the new lines with the the parameters for embarked units via the sixth
equipment items in the original Equipment.eqp line.
Note that the agility factors used were based
upon Pacific War evasion ratings. Those ratings
used the following formulae:
For Carrier or Battleship: 3 x speed.
For Cruiser: 5 x speed.
For Destroyer: 6 x speed.
For Transport: 1 x speed.
19.10. Opart4.ini File
This file stores the Player Parameters. Those
parameters are as follows:

Appendices 169
GroupBackgroundAlpha=180 Dialog Groups Elements Alpha Channel setting
InnerBackgroundAlpha=180 Dialog Around Elements Alpha Channel setting
OuterBackgroundAlpha=180 Dialog Outside Edge Alpha Channel setting
ComplexBlowsBridges=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
BackgroundIsOpaque=Y N=Transparent Dialogs
email= PBEM++ Parameter
password= PBEM++ Parameter
serialNumber= PBEM++ Parameter
AllFormationLines=N Graphical Objective lines
oneGame=N For Automated Scenario Testing
oneTurn=N For Automated Scenario Testing
oneRound=N For Automated Scenario Testing
p3=N Both sides PO Controlled
userIcon5=Y Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon42=9 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon41=8 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon32=4 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon31=1 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon22=4 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon21=1 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon12=4 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon11=1 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
circleColorMaxRange=0xFFFFFE DBR Color
circleColorNavalSpotting=0x00FF00 DBR Color
circleColorAA=0x00FFFF DBR Color
circleColorAir=0xFFFF00 DBR Color
circleColorInactiveArtillery=0x000001 DBR Color
circleColorArtillery=0xFF0000 DBR Color
circleColorCurrentUnit=0xFFFFFF DBR Color
animationMovementTimer=10 Animated Cursor Parameter
animationCombatTimer=25 Animated Cursor Parameter
toolTipPosition=-1 Specifies a corner for the ToolTip instead of by Mouse
nextUsesOOBOrder=N Y = by OOB; N = by left to right, top to bottom.
autosave=N Autosaves game every 5 minutes.
MaxScreenY=0 Sets maximum screen height
MaxScreenX=0 Sets maximum screen width
ElmerHandicap=2 Advanced Rule Parameter
ElmerIntelligence=2 Advanced Rule Parameter
AllFormationLiness=N Graphical Objective lines

170 The Operational Art of War IV

OneFormationLine=N Graphical Objective lines
AllCropCircles=N DBR Display
OneCropCircle=N DBR Display
p2=N Player 2 PO Controlled
p1=N Player 1 PO Controlled
p0=N No PO Controlled Player
ChangeScreenResolution=N Y=Alternate Screen Resolution
ScreenY=768 Alternate Screen Resolution Parameter
ScreenX=1024 Alternate Screen Resolution Parameter
visibleAI=N If Y, then <CTRL> key shows additional AI info
experimentalAIP2=Y For Ralph to do AI testing
experimentalAIP1=Y For Ralph to do AI testing
uberdude=N Y=uberdude feature active
nointro=Y Y=Intro Cinematic doesn’t play upon start
stringdump=N Probably obsolete
toawlog=Y Y=TOAW Log recorded
unitpolog=N Y=Unit PO Log recorded
polog=N Y=PO Log recorded
PORandomSeed=0 0=Use next random number (reloading will vary results).
-1=Use random number stored in .sal file (cheat prevention).
PBEM always uses -1. Reloading gets the same results.
allowMouseWheelZoom=Y N=no mousewheel zoom (useful for some mousewheels).
nosound=N Used to debug the sound system
multicpu=N Used to debug the sound system
oldsound=N Used to debug the sound system
noupdate=N Y=Map doesn’t reposition with each combat report.
slowAnimation=N Slows movement and combat animations
nodelay=N Y=Skips the movement animation.
doubleClickComposition=N Y=Doubleclick opens Unit Composition dialog
doubleclickplanner=N Advanced Rule Parameter
contrast=0 Advanced Rule Parameter
brightness=0 Advanced Rule Parameter 19
menuDelay=1 Advanced Rule Parameter
toolTipHideDelay=1 Advanced Rule Parameter
toolTipShowDelay=100000 Advanced Rule Parameter
effectsVolume=100 Advanced Rule Parameter
backgroundVolume=100 Advanced Rule Parameter
JPegQuality=100 Advanced Rule Parameter

Appendices 171
movingSelectsNextUnit=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
showPOOptions=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
PNGSupport=N Advanced Rule Parameter
hugeMapEnabled=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
autoSaveLargeMovies=N Advanced Rule Parameter
movies=N Advanced Rule Parameter
sitrepLogs=N Advanced Rule Parameter
airAssistant=N Advanced Rule Parameter
combatReporting=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
hexagonalCropCircles=N Sets whether crop circles are circular or hexagonal
condensedSituationReport=N Sets Situation Report to 1 or 3 pages.

19.11. Opart4 Fonts.ini File HugePlaceNameFont

This file stores the Font choices. HugePlaceNameFont1
Note that there are 39 fonts in the game as follows: HugePlaceNameFont2
DocumentFont HugPlaceNameFont3
MediumFont UnitInfoSmallFont
DialogMediumFont UnitInfoMediumFont
EquipmentDialogMediumFont UnitInfoValueFont
SmallFont UnitInfoFixedFont
ObjectiveFont StatusBarFont
ToolTipFont FixedStatusBarFont
SupplyFont TitleScreenFont
SmallSupplyFont TitleFont
HugeSupplyFont SubtitleFont
MapFont WideButtonFont
SmallMapFont TextButtonFont
HugeMapFont EditorFont
PlaceNameFont EditorEquipmentFont
PlaceNameFont2 There’s also a Unicode font that is used for Arabic,
PlaceNameFont3 Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. characters.
SmallPlaceNameFont Font parameters are (not all fonts have all):
SmallPlaceNameFont1 Selection Name of the font
SmallPlaceNameFont2 Size Font size
SmallPlaceNameFont3 Weight Font thickness

172 The Operational Art of War IV

Spacing Space between characters AlternateTextColor Not used on all fonts.
Line Spacing Space between lines Supply font alternate is for
Drop Shadow Size Size of the Drop Shadow Overextended hexes.
Red Color Red BackColor Text background color
Silver Color Silver OutlineColor Text outline color
Gold Color Gold windowsFont Y = Use the windows font;
Drop Shadow Color Color of the Drop Shadow N = Use the bitmapped
offsetYOverride Fine tune fonts Y position font.*
offsetXOverride Fine tune fonts X position Background Y = Text has a background
WidthOverride Fine tune fonts width of the background color
HeightOverride Fine tune fonts height
Outline Width Outline the text in the *Note that if the bitmapped font is used instead
outline color of the windows font, all other parameters are
TextColor Text color irrelevant and ignored.

20. Game Hints

20.1. Using Air Units missions. Few things wear the bad guys down as
The long-term effectiveness of your air units is quickly as empty fuel tanks, magazines, and mess
inversely proportional to their apparent visibility kits, and the inability to move near Roads and
over the battlefield. Sad perhaps, but true. While it Railroads can be a real nuisance. If the enemy air
may be fun to launch an Air Strike on a particular force is much stronger than yours, keep your air
location, this is the least effective way to use your units on Air Superiority Missions and hope for
Air units. Sometimes, however, you really need the the best. Consider keeping your best ground attack
immediate firepower. If so, go for it. Remember that units out of the action. They may be more effective
there is a cost though. Combat Support Missions are as a threat, forcing your opponent to maintain a
moderately efficient, and again, sometimes you can’t strong Air Superiority effort at the expense of his
do without them. Unfortunately, they also grind your Interdiction and Combat Support efforts.
Air units down more quickly than any other Mission. 19
They are also a dandy way to draw enemy fighters
into the fray, which may or may not be a good thing 20.2. Combat Planning 20
depending on the local Air Superiority equation.
If you have Air Supremacy (the enemy can’t Considerations
effectively contest your Air Superiority Strength), All units will have their Movement Allowances
your units will be most effective on Interdiction reduced to reflect the amount of time necessary to

Game Hints 173

resolve all attacks. This means you should move most 20.4. Keeping Your Units
of your units before resolving any attacks. If you
believe all attacks will be resolved quickly, you should Supplied
hold back a few high Movement Allowance units for There are a few things you can do to maximize the
use as an exploitation reserve. If you wish to exploit amount of supplies flowing to your units:
any breakthroughs before your opponent can react, §§ Make sure to keep your Lines of Communication
consider holding off on the kinds of Attacks that are open. Don’t let the bad guys cut in behind you.
likely to take a long time to resolve – those involving §§ Don’t move your units unless necessary.
units that have expended most of their Movement §§ Keep your units near a cooperative headquarters
Allowance and fixed Attacks on defensive positions unit.
with probable Ignore Losses orders emphasis. §§ Avoid “boondocks” deployments. Try to
keep your units in urban locations, on Roads,
Anchorage locations, or Airbases.
20.3. Nuclear Weapons §§ If your opponent has a strong Interdiction
If you find that you have the option to use Nuclear capability (lots of Air units capable of
Weapons, be sure to check the Scenario briefing. In performing Interdiction Missions), keep
almost all cases, there are significant potential costs some of your air units on Air Superiority duty.
associated with these weapons.

174 The Operational Art of War IV

Trickeysoft Joao Lima
Project Manager Don Maddox
Bob Cross Jason Mallette
Trey Marshall
Lead Programmer
James A Mathews ( JAMiAM)
Ralph Trickey
Daniel McBride
Assistant Programmer Tim McBride
Bob Cross Mauro Medina
TOAW IV GUI Artwork Stephane Moutin-Luyat (Boonierat)
Marc von Martial Sam Mudd
Erik Nygaard
Scenario Designers
Steve Oliver
Alexander Andreev
Barlomiej Osuch
Maurizio Andreoli
Haris Riris
Guillaume Aubrée
Erik Rutins
Jean-Luc Betin
Igor Rzaunek
Curt Chambers
Al Sandrik
Bob Cross
Steve Sill
Mark Dabbs
Mark Stevens
Peter Daniel
Steven E. Stevens
Silvain Domen
Nick Dowling
Peter Szabo
Maciek Dudkiwicz
Brian Topp
S. Erdelac (Rhinobones)
Ben Turner
Piero Falotti
Grant Whitley
Jarek Flis
Yi Yue Zhou
Larry Fulkerson
Soren Gaun
Stefan Göhring MATRIX GAMES
Fabio Governato CHAIRMAN
Inaki Harrizabalagatar JD McNeil
Pelle Holmén (panzerpelle) Iain McNeil
Rick Kesler
Todd Klemme
Philip Veale
Chuck Kotraba 20
Kristian Kristensen CREATIVE DIRECTOR
Stefan O. Kristensen Richard Evans 21
Sakari Lahti Marco A. Minoli

Tamas Kiss Myriam Bell
David Sharrock Matthew Davis
Erik Rutins Lucas Young, Sam O’Neill
Alberto Casulini Dean Walker
Daniele Meneghini Liz Stoltz


Paulo Costa
Ciro Acanfora
Joseph Miller
Kevin Buster
Valery Vidershpan
Adriana Bienati Fernando Turi

176 The Operational Art of War IV

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