Operational Art of War Manual EBOOK
Operational Art of War Manual EBOOK
Operational Art of War Manual EBOOK
1. welcome 5 7.12. Standard Unit Icons 31
1.1. Installation 5 7.13. Unit Icon Display (Advanced Rules) 32
1.2. Product Updates 5 7.14. Displayed Bombardment Range
1.3. Game Forums 6 (DBR) 33
1.4. Technical Support 6
8. Playing the Game 34
2. Introduction 7 8.1. Game Definitions 34
8.2. Unit Characteristics and Their
3. Starting the Game 8 Effects 35
3.1. Play New Game 8 8.3. Unit Special Capabilities 39
3.2. Resume Saved Game 9 8.4. Equipment 40
3.3. Set Game Options 10 8.5. Force 42
3.4. Edit Scenario 19 8.6. Formation 47
7.4. The Play Menu 27 10.5. Attack Menus and Attack Planning
(Advanced Rules) 69
7.5. The Game’s View Menu 28
7.6. The Editor’s View Menu 28 11. Movement 72
7.7. The Options Menu 29 11.1. Naval Movement 72
7.8. The Help Menu 30 11.2. Air Movement 72
7.9. The Sound Menu 30 11.3. Railroad Movement 72
7.10. The Mouse Cursor 30 11.4. Seaborne Movement 73
7.11. Unit Health Indicators 31 11.5. Airborne Movement 73
11.6. Airmobile Movement 73 13.17. Airborne Attacks 90
11.7. Embarked Status 74 13.18. Airmobile Attacks 90
11.8. Movement Costs and Allowances 75 13.19. Effects of Entraining Units 90
11.9. Land Unit Movement Costs 75 13.20. Assault Ratio Rules 90
11.10. Skipping the Unit Movement
Popup 77 14. Your Entire Force Movement
11.11. PO Assist 77 Allowances Are Adjusted 92
14.1. Battlefield Time Stamps 92
12. Engineering 79 14.2. Turn Over 93
12.1. Demolition / Bridge repair
14.3. The Turn Ends 94
(Advanced Rules) 79
12.2. Ferry Support 79 15. Victory 94
12.3. Major Ferry Support 79
16. Information and Player Aids 95
12.4. Fortification (Advanced Rules) 79
16.1. The Unit Report (Advanced Rules) 95
12.5. Railroad Repair (Advanced Rules) 80
16.2. The Formation Report
13. All Battles Are Resolved 80 (Advanced Rules) 97
13.1. Airbase Defense 82 16.3. The Air Unit Report 98
13.2. Air and Naval Units in Land 16.4. The Attack Planning Window
Combat 82 (Advanced Rules) 98
13.3. Naval Combat 83 16.5. Planned Combats 100
13.4. Naval Targeting 84 16.6. The Situation Briefing 101
13.5. Port Attacks 85 16.7. The Scenario Briefing 102
13.6. Nuclear Attacks 85 16.8. The Air Briefing 103
13.7. Airfield Attacks 85 16.9. The Weather Briefing
13.8. Bridge Attacks 85 (Advanced Rules) 103
13.9. Battlefield Reconnaissance 85 16.10. The Expected Reinforcements
13.10. Target Density (Advanced Rules) 86 Briefing 103
13.11. Long-Range Supporting Fire 86 16.11. The Recent Reinforcements
13.12. Environmental Effects on Combat Briefing 104
(Advanced Rules) 87 16.12. Inventory and Replacements
13.13. Flanks and Rear Areas 89 Briefing 104
13.14. Retreats 89 16.13. Recent News 105
13.15. Attack Complexity (Defined) 89 16.14. Group Composition 105
13.16. Amphibious Attacks 90 16.15. Order of Battle: Units Report 105
16.16. Order of Battle: Formations Scenarios 151
Report 106 18.4. The Event Engine 151
16.17. Theater Options Report 106 18.5. Make it Fit 151
16.18. Equipment Report 106 18.6. Maps 152
16.19. Detailed Combat Report 107 18.7. Unit Deployments and Air Unit
16.20. Loss Report 108 Missions 152
16.21. Combat Chart 108 18.8. Forces 152
16.22. Combat Chart Legend 110 18.9. Formations 152
16.23. Combat Review 110 18.10. Units 154
16.24. The Editor’s Edit Menu 111 18.11. Supply 157
Thank you for purchasing The Operational Art of Graphics Override folder. Also, scenarios can have
War IV (hereafter referred to as TOAW IV). This scenario-specific graphics provided by the designer.
all new, enhanced version of the classic Operational The exact folder hierarchy is as follows (highest
Art of War system includes all the Scenarios from to lowest priority):
the original versions of the game, along with all- Graphics Override\Scenario Name
new Scenarios for your wargaming pleasure. In Graphics\Scenario Name
addition, a powerful Scenario Editor is included, Graphics Override\Year the scenario occurs
allowing you to generate any campaign you wish (actually, it looks backwards for the first one
that spans the twentieth century! with that year, just like sounds)
Graphics\Year the scenario occurs
Graphics Override
1.1. Installation Graphics
Please ensure your system meets the minimum Other file types besides graphics (such as eqp files)
requirements listed below. To install the game, can be given priority in scenario-specific folders as
insert The Operational Art of War CD into your well.
CD-ROM drive. If you have disabled the Autorun
function on your CD-ROM or if you are installing 1.1.1. Minimum System Requirements
from a digital download, double-click on the OS: Windows 7 or better.
installation archive file, then double click on the Processor: Pentium 4 or better
file that is shown inside the archive. Follow all on- RAM: 512mb
screen prompts to complete installation. Sound Card: Any Windows compatible
One important new directory is your Documents CD-ROM: Only for physical version
or My Documents folder. Most user editable content Hard Drive: 450MB (600 MB recommended) of
including the scenarios are now located under the free, uncompressed disk space
Documents/My Games/The Operational Art of Microsoft .Net 4.0
War IV directory. The Game Window is limited to a minimum size
The installation installs TOAW IV Graphics. of 1024x768.
Earlier graphics packages from TOAW III and
before are no longer supported. 1.1.2. Uninstalling the Game
But those are just the officially supported Please use the Add/Remove Programs option from
graphics. TOAW employs “folder hierarchy” to the Windows Control Panel to uninstall the game.
locate graphical files. The Graphics Override
folder is higher in the hierarchy than the Graphics
folder and scenario-specific sub-folders within 1.2. Product Updates
the Graphics folder are higher still. Other, user- In order to maintain our product excellence, Matrix
designed graphics packages will eventually be Games releases updates containing new features,
available online that could be placed in the enhancements, and corrections to any known
welcome 5
issues. Keeping up with these updates is made latest news on that title). Also on this list is a
easy and is free by signing up for a Matrix Games Downloads hyperlink that takes you to a page that
Member account. When you’re signed up, you can has all the latest downloads, including patches, for
then register your Matrix Games products in order that particular title.
to receive access to these important game-related Remember, once you have signed up for a Matrix
materials. Doing so is a simple two step process: Games Member account, you do not have to sign
up again – at that point you are free to register for
§§ Sign Up for a Matrix Games Member account any Matrix Games product you purchase. Thank
– THIS IS A ONE TIME PROCEDURE; you and enjoy your game!
once you have signed up for a Matrix account,
you are in the system and will not need to sign
up again. Go to www.matrixgames.com and 1.3. Game Forums
click the Members hyperlink at the top. In the Our forums are one of the best things about
new window, select Register NOW and follow Matrix Games. Every game has its own forum
the on-screen instructions. When you’re with our designers, developers and the gamers
finished, click the Please Create My New playing the game. If you are experiencing a
Account button, and a confirmation email will problem, have a question or just an idea on how
be sent to your specified email account. to make the game better, post a message there.
§§ Register a New Game Purchase – Once you Go to http://www.matrixgames.com and click
have signed up for a Matrix Games Member on the Forums hyperlink.
account, you can then register any Matrix
Games title you own in your new account. To
do so, log into your account on the Matrix 1.4. Technical Support
Games website (www.matrixgames.com). Should you have a technical problem with the game,
Click Register Game near the top to register the best way to get help is to post a note in the
your new Matrix Games purchase. Technical Support sub-forum within the TOAW
IV forum at http://www.matrixgames.com. You’ll
Once you’ve registered your game, when you log then hear back from either Matrix or TOAW IV
in to the Members section you can view your list personnel, or from one of the many helpful players
of registered titles by clicking My Games. Each of the game. This is usually the fastest way to get
game title is a hyperlink that will take you to an help. Alternatively, you can email your problem to
information page on the game (including all the support@matrixgames.com.
Introduction 7
3. Starting the Game
The installation will have placed a Window’s icon
on your desktop (you may also want to create
a direct shortcut to the Opart4.exe file on your
desktop). Double-click on that icon to bring up the
TOAW IV Game Menu. Depending upon your
system, click on the appropriate “Play” option.
The first time you run the game you will be
prompted to select a language. The options are
English, Chinese, Deutsch (German), Espanol
(Spanish), Francais (French), Italiana (Italian),
and Polski (Polish). After that, the language can
be changed from the File pulldown in the opening
screen. Select “Choose Language”.
The first control screen you see after the
introduction has five buttons: Play New Game,
Resume Saved Game, Play Online, Edit Scenario
and Quit.
There are six headings: Close Button – Exit the PBEM++ screen.
Instance – a PBEM++ code that IDs the game Completed screen – Here you can gloat over the
in progress. games you have won.
Updated – last date a turn was uploaded. There are six headings:
Game Name – the scenario being played. Instance – a PBEM++ code that IDs the game
Turn – the current game turn. that was played.
Side – the side you are playing. Updated – last date a turn was uploaded.
Opponent – who you are playing. Game Name – the scenario that was played.
There are then two buttons with each line: Turn – the last game turn played.
“Start Turn” Button – click to enter a turn. Your Side – the side you played.
“Resign Game” Button – click to resign a game. Opponent – who you played.
The Control Bar has one button: The Control Bar has one button:
Close Button – Exit the PBEM++ screen. Close Button – Exit the PBEM++ screen.
5. Advanced Rules
All rules described in this manual are in effect Fog of War. Some of these options can also be set
unless you turn them off in the Advanced Game using the View / Game Options menu within the
option window. If you turn any options off, the game or Editor.
game will be simplified by removing them. Among
other things, you can set a programmed (computer) To help you identify Advanced Rules
opponent’s intelligence level and the handicap (a quickly, each section that applies will have a
strength cheat), and whether or not to play with Five-Star General insignia displayed next to it.
Interface Conventions 21
§§ F12 or Backslash < \ > – Toggles PO Assist including unit visibility.
Mode. §§ L – Cycles through the Loss Tolerance
§§ Slash < / > – Show the current formation settings for the selected unit.
path. §§ <Shift> and L – Cycles through the Loss
§§ Questionmark < ? > – Show all formation paths. Tolerance settings for the selected stack.
§§ <Shift> and F12 or Vertical Bar < | > – The §§ M – Toggles the standard unit icon display
PO moves your units that are under PO mode between Movement and Strengths.
Assist Control. §§ N – Selects the next unit that can act.
§§ Space < > – Hides units while held down. §§ O – Bring up the Order of Battle Report (in-
Also hides some dialogs. game only, not in the Editor).
§§ <Shift> or <Caps Lock> speeds up individual §§ P – If the current unit is able to attack the
battles and PO moves. location the cursor is over, this brings up the
§§ A – Bring up the air unit report. Attack Planning window (see 10.5). Note
§§ <Shift> and A – Brings up the Air Briefing. that this is a method to avoid causing the
§§ B – Find place defender to Retreat Before Combat, if that is
§§ <Ctrl> and B – Find next place. desired.
§§ C – Group Composition: The Group in §§ R – Refreshes the display of the current unit.
the map location currently under the mouse §§ T – Sets the selected unit to Tactical Reserve
cursor is displayed in a small window similar and advances to the next unit that can act.
to one of the location panes in the Attack §§ <Shift> and T – Brings up the list of available
Planning window. If the cursor is not over an Theater Options (see 10.3).
occupied location, the Group in the current §§ U – Brings up the Unit Report (see 16.1).
unit’s location will be displayed. This can be §§ W – Toggles the map pane weather view on
used to examine friendly or enemy occupied or off.
locations. If you click on a friendly unit in the §§ X – Saves a “scenario name.AI” file and Saves
window, it becomes the new current unit. The a “scenario name.col file.
Group Composition window is also available §§ Y – Graphically zooms in.
in the map panel right mouse button popup §§ <Shift> and Y – Graphically zooms out.
menu as “Show Group Composition”. §§ Z – Undo the last action.
§§ D – Orders the unit to Dig In and advances §§ Plus sign < + > – Selects the next unit.
to the next unit that can act. §§ <Shift> and < + > – Selects the next unit that
§§ E – Resolves all combats or ends the Turn. can act. This is the same as N, above.
§§ F – Brings up the Formation Report (see §§ Minus key < – > – Select the previous unit.
16.2). §§ <Shift> and < – > – Selects the previous unit
§§ G – Gets the next unit stacked with the that can act. This is similar to N, above.
current unit, brings it to the top of the group
stack, and makes it the current unit. 6.1.3. Force Editor Hotkeys
§§ H – Moves HQs to the top of stacks. §§ You can copy a unit’s equipment into a buffer
§§ I – Toggles through the range circles options, (using the G [Get] key in the Force Editor)
Interface Conventions 23
display to other areas of the map. The map may
also be repositioned via Map Drag: Place the cursor
over an unoccupied hex, hold down the left mouse
button, and drag the mouse to a new location.
Release the left button and the map will be moved
to the new location
There are a total of five 2D zoom levels for this
display (and two 3D zoom levels). Place names
scale with the zoom level, too, if Windows fonts
are used for the place name fonts. scale as the Microview. Clicking on the jump map
Within each zoom level, the Y hotkey zooms anywhere will center the main map on the place
further in, while the <Shift>Y Hotkey zooms you click. Obviously, this is only of value for maps
further out. These zooms do not switch to a large enough to exceed the micromap limits.
different tile and counter set like the original
zooms. Instead, the set in use is graphically scaled. 6.1.10. Air War Panel
This is meant for people who want screenshots to By default, this is below the Unit Panel.
illustrate a certain point. Side – Ours or Theirs
AS – A number indicating the Air Superiority
6.1.8. The Information Panel level.
This area is shown along the bottom of the INT – The percent chance of an aircraft being
display. Prompts, help, and general text feedback intercepted.
appear here. Be sure to look here for prompts and LOST – Aircraft that have been lost.
information as you move your mouse cursor around Also known as the “bolted plate”.
and click within the game display. This area’s display is dependent
upon the screen resolution used. At
6.1.9. The Microview Panel larger screen resolutions (at least
This area in the lower left corner of the game 1024 x 768), a circlet of gold stars surrounds the
display shows most or all of the current map using TOAW IV logo. This circlet provides a graphical
very small-scale graphics. In some Scenarios, the approximation of the portion of the Turn that a
map is large enough that it won’t fit entirely within player has used. This feature is only present on the
the Microview Panel. To scroll the microview map Legacy Control Panel (see below).
to another area of a large Scenario map, move
your mouse cursor to the edge of the microview 6.1.11. The Legacy Control Panel
panel. Left (or right) click in the Microview This is an obsolete feature that is accessed via the
Panel to recenter the map panel on that portion Panels Control Panel (see below at 6.1.14). This
of the Scenario map. The micromap may also be area is shown along the right hand side of the
repositioned via Map Drag like the main map. game display. The appearance and functions of the
Double-clicking on the Microview will open up Control Panel vary depending on whether you are
the ‘jump map,’ a full screen map with the same playing the game or using the Editor.
Interface Conventions 25
Various icons and numbers below the counters /not showing the rest of the panel.
of the Unit Panel indicate the general state of the The rest of the panel has six buttons that toggle
unit and the presence of other units also present in the showing of the parts of the Control Panel on
its location. From left to right, at bottom: and off:
§§ The Health Icon shows a color from green
Info Line Panel shown/not shown.
(very good Unit Supply, Readiness, and
Equipment levels) to red (very poor Supply, Buttons Panel shown/not shown.
Readiness, and Equipment levels).
Microview Panel shown/not shown.
§§ Numbers below the Attack Strength icon
indicate the unit’s Attack Strength. If the unit Air War Panel shown/not shown.
can fire long distances at enemy units, the
Unit View Panel shown/not shown.
range is shown next to the Attack Number,
otherwise the unit’s Anti-Personnel and Old Control Panel shown/not shown.
Anti-Armor Strengths are shown.
§§ A number below to the Defense Strength 6.1.15. Button Panel
icon indicates the unit’s Defense Strength. This panel is discussed in section 10.2.
§§ Finally, two numbers below the Movement
Allowance icon indicates the unit’s Current 6.1.16. Tool Tips
and Original Movement Allowances. For
example, “10 of 20” would mean the unit’s
Current Movement Allowance is 10 and the
Original Movement Allowance is 20.
§§ Below that in a row are the Proficiency,
Readiness and Supply, indicated by heath pie Includes an enlarged picture of the terrain.
icons which can range in color from red to The top line may include the unit name if the
green. unit is visible.
The Second line includes the various effects that
6.1.14. The Panels Control Panel terrain has on the hex, including Anti-Tank, Anti-
On the top left of the Map Panel is the Panels Personnel, Fortification Level and Supply.
Control Panel. This is a panel of buttons that toggle The Third line includes the Formation PO
the various Control Panel panels visible/invisible. Orders
The first part of this panel even toggles the display The Fourth line includes the location and terrain
of the rest of the panel. (So, once you’ve made your description.
choices as to which Control Panels to show, you The fifth line includes the prompt line which
can even make most of this panel invisible). describes some options available if you click in the
The first part of the panel shows two buttons: hex.
The first button sequences through Normal Note that setting the ToolTipShow very high
View , Review Battles , and PO Mode and the ToolTipHide very short (see the “Page
. The second button toggles between showing Two” display above) effectively turns ToolTips off.
Game Displays 27
§§ Game Options – This brings up the §§ Air Units – Show a list of all Air units, their
first page of the Set Advanced Game locations, and current Missions.
Options dialogs. These options affect both §§ Order of Battle – Show a list of all units
players and cannot be changed once a PBEM currently in-Theater (on the map).
game begins. See 3.3.1. §§ Recent News – Show a Report listing
§§ Player Options – This brings up the second significant events that have occurred both in
page of the Set Advanced Game Options and out of Theater.
dialogs. These options only affect the the §§ Expected Reinforcements – Show a list of all
computer in use and can be changed at any expected Reinforcements and Withdrawals.
time. See 3.3.2 & 3.3.3. §§ Recent Reinforcements – Show a list of
§§ Default Options – This brings up the Game any units received as Reinforcements or
Rules dialog. It allows you to choose between withdrawn from the Theater this Turn.
Updated Defaults (that use Tool Tips and allow §§ Inventory and Replacements – Show a list
skipping the Movement Popup) or Classic of all equipment assigned or available as
Defaults (that turn both those features off ). Replacements.
§§ Plan Moves (\) – This turns on PO Assist §§ Formation Path (/) – Shows the current
Mode. formation’s objective path via graphic lines
§§ Execute Moves (|) – This moves all your units between objectives.
that are under PO Assist control. §§ All Formation Paths (?) – Shows all
§§ Move One Formation – This moves only the formations’ objective paths via graphic lines
current formation if under PO Assist control. between objectives.
§§ Objective Tracks – This expands to show
Track 1 through Track 5 to allow the player
to choose which track to display on the map. 7.6. The Editor’s View Menu
§§ Properties – Show the completion status of
the current Scenario.
7.5. The Game’s View Menu §§ Order of Battle – Show a list of all units of
§§ Scenario Briefing – Show the Scenario’s the current side.
historical and special information article. §§ Place Names: Visible – Place names are shown
§§ Situation Briefing – Show the report detailing on the Map, below any visible unit icons.
the current game situation. §§ Place Names: Floating – Place names are
§§ Weather Briefing – Show a current Weather shown on the Map, above any visible unit
Briefing (see 16.9) with a forecast for the next icons.
Turn. §§ Place Names: Invisible – Place names are not
§§ Theater Options – Show the Theater shown on the Map.
Options window (see 10.3). §§ Location Grid: Visible – Use this to display a
§§ Air Briefing – Show a report giving aircraft hexagonal grid overlay on your map.
losses for the current Turn, as well as Theater §§ Location Grid: Invisible – Use this to remove
Air Superiority and Theater Interdiction Levels. the hexagonal grid overlay from the map.
Game Displays 29
the Map, with remaining unit Movement 7.8. The Help Menu
displayed at the bottom of the icon. §§ Help Topics – Calls up a standard Windows
§§ Unit 3D Bases: 3D Figures Bases – 3D help file.
figures are shown with bases. §§ About The Operational Art of War – This
§§ Unit 3D Bases: 3D Figures No Bases – 3D shows credit and version info for the game.
figures are shown without bases.
§§ Map View: 2D Huge – Set the Map view to
the huge 2D mode. 7.9. The Sound Menu
§§ Map View: 2D Large – Set the Map view to
the large 2D mode. 7.9.1. Background
§§ Map View: 2D Small – Set the Map view to §§ Music – Turns the background music on and
the small 2D mode. the background battle sounds off.
§§ Map View: 2D Tiny – Set the Map view to §§ Battle Sounds – Turns the background battle
the tiny 2D mode. sounds on and the music off.
§§ Map View: 2D Ultra Tiny – Set the Map §§ Music & Battle Sounds – Turns background
view to the ultra tiny 2D mode. music and battle sounds on.
§§ Map View: 3D Large – Set the Map view to §§ No Background Sounds – Turns off all
the large 3D mode. background sounds.
§§ Map View: 3D Small – Set the Map view to
the small 3D mode. 7.9.2. Sound Effects
§§ Supply: Sources – Show Supply Sources in §§ Sound Effects On – Turns the foreground
the Map panel. sound effects on.
§§ Supply: Invisible – Do not show Supply §§ Sound Effects Off – Turns the foreground
Sources or levels in the Map Panel. sound effects off.
§§ Supply: Visible – Show the Supply Location
Values for all locations in the Map Panel.
§§ Weather: Visible – Show weather in the Map 7.10. The Mouse Cursor
and Microview Panels. The mouse cursor shape is significant. In addition
§§ Weather: Invisible – Do not show weather in to the standard Windows cursor shapes used to
the Map or Microview Panels. manage the Game Window, there are several
§§ Text Contrast – Standard game-defined shapes:
§§ Text Contrast: Highlight – Show most game The colored pointing finger shape generally
text against a shadowed background. indicates a button or control that can be
§§ Text Contrast: Maximum – Show most game pushed (clicked on) to cause some action.
text against a dark gray background. The black & white pointing finger shape is
§§ Intro Cinematic: Do Not Play – Do not play used where mouse clicks will have no effect.
the introductory movie when the game starts. The up-pointing finger shape is used to
§§ Intro Cinematic: Play At Startup – Play the indicate that a unit can move to a given map
introductory movie when the game starts. location.
Game Displays 31
7.13. Unit Icon Display latoon Regiment
P Corps Theater
(Advanced Rules) Company Brigade Army Supreme Command
The colors of icons are a general guide to how I X XXXX XXXXXXX
well your units can cooperate. Units of different
Formations will tend to cooperate better in attacks 7.13.2. Additional Unit Numbers
if they have similar colors. They will cooperate best Options
if the colors are identical. There are additional display options for the unit
Loss Tolerance pips appear to the left of the numbers beside just Attack and Defense. These
Type symbol. One pip if the unit is to Minimize are saved in the Opart 4.ini file and can be set
Losses, two indicates Limit Losses, and three if the using the Unit Icon editor in the Player Options.
unit is to Ignore Losses. Entering the M Key or pressing the Unit Icon
Deployment / Mission letters appear to the right Display button cycles through the options selected
of the Type symbol. For most units, this represents in that file. There can be up to six options to cycle
the unit’s Deployment. For Air units, it represents through (four strength and two movement). One
the unit’s Mission. of the options is always the MP display. The other
If the unit is not fully available for Orders, the had always been the AP & DF display. Now, there
numbers are shown in a colored band as follows: are the following parameters to set in the Opart
§§ Yellow: The units are in Garrison mode, 4.ini file:
which is the result of a special Scenario rule. The strength options are as follows:
§§ Orange: The unit or its parent Formation is §§ Anti-Armor
reorganizing. Otherwise, they are in Reserve §§ Anti-Personnel
as a result of a special Scenario rule. §§ Anti-Air High
§§ Red: The unit is Routed. §§ Anti-Air Low
If the unit is scheduled to participate in an Attack, §§ Defense – Total Defense (of soft and armored
a triangular red-colored attack indicator will appear equipment)
along the edge of the icon, pointing in the direction §§ Armor Defense – armored equipment only
of the Attack Objective. §§ Bombard
§§ Recon
§§ Engineering
§§ Rail Repair
§§ Anti-Air Intercept
§§ Minor Fording
§§ Major Fording
§§ Attack
§§ Anti-Air All
7.13.1. Unit Sizes §§ Airmobile Lift
S Battalion Division Army Group §§ Support
• • II XX XXXXX §§ Police
Game Displays 33
Note that there is an option on the DBR Editor to choose whether DBRs are circular or hexagonal.
Each game is divided into a number of Turns, so the program determines the results. When both
things happen in a specific order during each Turn. players’ orders have been resolved, the Turn ends.
First, the game performs automatic bookkeeping,
then you and your opponent issue your orders, and 9.0.1 PBEM Playback
Note the different font color used in the display Railroad hexes. Then, it must progress from each
for locations that are “Overextended” (less than 4 supplied, friendly controlled, undamaged Railroad
in this shot). Also note that the above view was hex to a distance equal to the Force Supply Radius
created with “No Borders” set to OFF. Had it been (set in the Editor) through friendly controlled,
ON, then only locations adjacent to friendly units improved Road, Unmuddied Road, Urban, Airfield,
would have shown markers in them. and Anchorage locations. All locations with an
11. Movement
11.1. Naval Movement with their range, their movement destinations are
This is the movement of Naval units through Deep strictly limited to friendly Airbases.
Water or Anchorage locations. Units conducting
naval movement are subject to interdiction attacks
by in-range air units set to Sea Interdiction 11.3. Railroad Movement
missions and by naval/coastal gun units within This is the movement of Land units by train, along
gunnery range of the movement. Rail lines. In order to use Railroad Movement, a
unit must begin its Turn in a Railroad location,
sufficient Rail Transport Capacity to lift the unit
11.2. Air Movement must be available, and the unit must be Entrained.
This is the movement of Air units from one Airbase A Train icon in the Unit Panel shows eligibility for
to another. While Air units may attack any enemy Rail Movement. Right-click on the icon to bring
Movement 73
Airmobile Transport Capacity to lift the entire another unit. Disembarked Airmobile units have ½
unit. It is not necessary to be in the same location their original Movement Allowance.
as a Helicopter Transport unit. An Airmobile If an Airmobile Assault goes badly, or if for some
Transport icon in the Unit Panel shows eligibility other reason the unit has to end its movement
for Airmobile Movement. Click on the icon to load without disembarking, the unit will be returned to
the unit on the Helicopter unit. Any Helicopter its original location. Depending upon the reason
units providing Airmobile Transport for a unit for the failure, the unit may suffer substantial
have their Movement Allowances reduced to zero losses – particularly to heavier weapons. In some
for the Turn. A unit may not provide Airmobile cases, it may be possible to pick the unit up and
Transport if it has moved. immediately launch another Airmobile Movement
It is important to note that assigning Transport and Assault, but this is usually not a good idea.
HH equipment to a unit will grant it the ability to Helicopters and Equipment transported by
lend its Airlift Capacity to any friendly units using helicopters now take less damage. You need an air
Airmobile Movement. This can have unintended superiority ratio (including local AA) of 4:1 to be
consequences if other units use Airmobile Movement safe. With lesser ratios, the casualties will mount
nearby, as this will immobilize the unit which provided quickly. Previous safe level was 10:1.
the Airlift Capacity. It is generally best to only assign Helicopters are treated differently from regular
Transport HH equipment to units with the Transport traffic. They are very durable, but prone to damage.
Helicopter unit icon, or to Headquarters that are Damaged helicopters, and equipment transported
expected to remain relatively stationary. by them, will go into the replacement pool instead
Helicopter units may only move to friendly- of being destroyed. Damage is based on Enemy
controlled locations. This restriction does not apply versus Friendly Air Superiority, and has enemy AA
to Airmobile units using Airmobile Movement, added if AA spotted them. Friendly and Enemy
which can even enter and pass through enemy- AA units don’t have a direct affect on casualties,
occupied locations. only on whether damage occurs.
Units using Airmobile Movement are subject Whether an attack occurs depends on whether
to Interception by enemy aircraft flying Air the Enemy has noticed the hex, an electronic
Superiority missions, and to anti-aircraft fire from support check, how much Low AA Fire they
enemy units that they fly over. might be subject to, and the unit density in the hex.
An Airmobile unit may disembark without any This means that you should fly over jungles and
ill effects in any playable location not occupied by wilderness, not the enemy concentrations!
enemy units. If it disembarks onto an enemy unit,
an Airmobile assault is immediately conducted.
Unlike Airborne units, Airmobile units are not 11.7. Embarked Status
subject to Scattering or Drop Attrition when An embarked unit (regardless of transport mode;
disembarking in enemy territory. Units using e.g., Train, Ship, or Plane) displays an embarked
Airmobile Movement automatically disembark “stairstep” button icon in the Unit Panel. In
when they reach the end of their Movement most cases, you can disembark by clicking in the
Allowance, if you end your Turn, or if you select embarked button, or from the General Unit Orders
Movement 75
the hex. This will prevent the unit from if possible. If there is no adjacent location to which
moving through more than one contaminated the unit could be moved, it will instead evaporate
hex per Turn. – and all equipment assigned to the unit is lost.
§§ Cropland: +1
§§ Dunes: Mixed or Motorized movement not You need to keep an eye on your Weather Report as
allowed; Mountain units +2, all others x3 Spring approaches to avoid losing units deployed
§§ Across Escarpment: Mountain units +1, all on Frozen Shallow Water or frozen Super River
others +2 locations.
§§ Across Major Escarpment: Mountain units
+2, all others not allowed §§ Hills: Mountain units no effect, Mixed and
§§ Deep Water: Not allowed, except along a Motorized movement +2, all others +1
Road or Improved Road §§ Jungle: +3
§§ Dense Urban/Ruined Dense Urban: +1 §§ Light Woods: +1
§§ Enemy Adjacent: 12.5% to 25% of the §§ Marsh: +2
original Movement Allowance. This depends §§ Mountain: Mountain units +1, all others +2
on the unit’s Reconnaissance Capability. This §§ Mud: Foot movement + 2, all others +3
penalty is doubled if the unit is moving from §§ Non-Playable: Not allowed [exception: Air
one such location to another. The cost is units]
assessed upon leaving a hex adjacent to the §§ Railroad: No effect, unless using Rail
enemy, not upon entering it. This amount is Movement
scaled by the Force ZOC scalar in the Editor. §§ Rocky: Foot movement + 1, all others +2
§§ Enemy-Controlled Terrain: Up to 10% of §§ Sand: +1
original Movement Allowance. This depends §§ Snow: Motorized Movement+3, ski no effect,
on the unit’s Reconnaissance Capability. This all others +2
cost also applies throughout the entire Turn §§ Unfrozen River or Canal: Amphibious units,
in which a location first becomes friendly- no effect. All others +2 (usually; see section
controlled. This amount is scaled by the 11.9.4, River Movement Costs)
Enemy Hex Conversion Costs scalar in the §§ Unfrozen Shallow Water: Not allowed
Editor. §§ Unfrozen Super River or Suez Canal:
§§ Flooded Marsh: Amphibious units +2, all Amphibious units cost is 2, all others not
others not allowed allowed
(Advanced Rules) Frozen River, Super §§ Urban: No effect
River, Canal, or Shallow Water: No effect. §§ Wadi: Mountain units no effect, Motorized
Land units may move into Frozen Shallow Water and Mixed movement +2, all others +1
locations. Supply may be traced through Frozen
Shallow Water locations as if they were Open 11.9.4. River Movement Costs
terrain. If a unit is on a Frozen Shallow Water or a Rivers and Canals (as opposed to super rivers or
Super River location when the location thaws, the Suez Canal) normally add 2 to the cost of entering
unit will automatically move to an adjacent location a location. There are exceptions, as follows:
Movement 77
The second is the “all PO Tracks” Button. It will Note that there is an “Elmer Assist Primer” document
show the PO Tracks for all formations. Again, note available in the Manuals folder that gives more detail
that this is a graphical display of the tracks. on using this feature.
The third is the “PO Mode” Button. It will With TOAW IV, several additional features
switch the program to place objectives mode. This have been added to further help with the use of
will show the current formation’s objectives as x, this feature:
y points. Objectives can be changed in this mode. The Formation OOB dialog lists all friendly
The fourth is the “move PO” Button. It will formations and how they are programmed. There
cause the PO to move units. are checkboxes to easily toggle whether each
Pressing F12 or clicking on the ‘start circle’ or formation is PO controlled or not.
Pressing \ or clicking the “PO Mode” Button also When PO Mode is active, units of PO controlled
causes the program to switch to the deployment formations have a purple band on them – to easily
place objectives mode. identify which units will be PO controlled.
Pressing F in this mode brings up the formation While PO Mode is active, double clicking on
dialog allowing you to set the states, including any unit will toggle that unit’s formation in and out
letting the human have control of a formation. of PO control.
<shift>-F12 or Pressing | or clicking the “move While in PO Mode, PO Objectives can be
PO” Button causes the PO to move and set up repositioned by dragging.
attacks, but not execute them.
11.11.1. AI File
A typical sequence would be: The X hotkey saves a “scenario name.AI” file. Note
Press \, press F12, click on the circle, or click the that use of the PO Assist feature can enable the
“PO Mode” button to switch to the objectives player to optimize the formation objectives (in a sort
mode. of “survival of the fittest” fashion). This optimization
Press / or the “Formation PO Tracks” button could be useful to the scenario design itself. This file
(alternate: ? or the “all PO Tracks” button) to see contains the AI objective paths, thereby enabling
the current objectives graphically. their import into the scenario in the Editor. If saved
Select various formations and Change or Update to any folder in the graphical hierarchy for the
the objectives as desired. scenario, it will be reloaded whenever the scenario
Press F to change the formation orders. Set is run or loaded into the editor (be careful about
formations you want to control yourself to this, designers). It also contains three settings for
“Manual”. PO attack-odds limits as follows:
Press \, click on the circle or the “PO Mode” §§ Threshold1: This is the odds (x10) required
button to switch out of objectives mode. for the PO to prosecute an attack with at least
Press | or the “move PO” button to have Elmer 7 rounds completed or if the Max Rounds per
move. Battle is set. The default is 10 (1:1)
Move the units you want to move. §§ Threshold2: This is the odds (x10) required
Hit E followed by 1 to execute the attacks/end for Elmer to prosecute an attack with at least
the turn. 5 rounds completed. The default is 20 (2:1)
12. Engineering
12.1. Demolition / Bridge 12.3. Major Ferry Support
Land units cannot usually enter Super River or
repair (Advanced Rules) Suez Canal locations. Units that have a Major
Any unit can blow bridges. This can be done at any Ferry Capacity of greater than 10% have the ability
time and at no cost. to enter these locations and create temporary
If the “New Bridge Rules” Advanced Rule crossing points for other units. If the hex contains
option is ON then bridges may only be blown on a blown bridge, a unit with engineering equipment 11
locations that have a road/railroad that graphically can move into, or through, the hex and even
crosses a river/canal. Otherwise, any location with attempt to make repairs. If a Scenario designer 12
both a road//railroad and a river/canal, even if they has placed an Anchorage (port) in the hex, this
don’t graphically cross, is eligible to be blown. will allow Land (and Naval) Movement into and
Only units with an Engineering Capability can out of the hex as well.
build bridges, however. The attempt will consume
the unit’s entire Movement Allowance for a
Turn. The chance of success is equal to the unit’s 12.4. Fortification
Engineering Capability.
(Advanced Rules)
All Land units may deploy into defensive
12.2. Ferry Support positions. The presence of units with an
All Land units can cross Canals and Rivers at an Engineering Capability increases the chance of
additional Movement Cost. The presence of units successfully Entrenching or Fortifying. Even if a
with an Engineering Capability can reduce this unit fails to Entrench or Fortify, it will increase
cost, based on their corresponding Minor Ferry the local Entrenchment Level, making it easier
Capacity. See 11.9.4, River Movement Costs, for for that unit and others to Entrench or Fortify
more information. in the future. Once created, Field Fortifications
are permanent. As the Entrenchment Level of
a location increases, units in the location will
Engineering 79
find it easier to enter Entrenched or Fortified 12.5. Railroad Repair
Deployments. When a location changes hands,
the Entrenchment Level is automatically reduced (Advanced Rules)
by 25%. Once ordered to dig in, units will continue Units with a Rail Repair Capability can repair broken
to dig until their location is Fortified or you give railroads. The attempt will consume the unit’s entire
them other orders. movement allowance. The chance of success is equal
The current Fortification Level of a hex can to the unit’s rail repair capability. Units with a Rail
be checked by positioning the mouse cursor over Repair Capability will automatically attempt to
the location and observing the Fortification Level repair damaged Railroads in their location at the end
reported in the Information Panel. A Fortification of their Turn, if they have not been given orders to
Level of 33% or less will only be reported in the do anything else.
Information Panel. Once the Fortification Level Automatic Railroad Repair: In most Scenarios,
exceeds 33% a graphic is shown in the hex to both forces have an Automatic Railroad Repair
indicate the presence of significant fortifications. Capability. The default value is 1 location per
Once the Fortification Level exceeds 66% the Turn, which is repaired when the game performs
symbol is slightly thickened. Automatic Bookkeeping. This is in addition to the
Fortified Line terrain is a special case. The Railroad Repair Capability of any units on the map.
Entrenchment Level of a Fortified Line location is The Automatic Rail Repair function is reasonably
always set to 100% at the start of a Scenario. intelligent; it attempts to recreate destroyed supply
nets from supply sources, and will tend to occur near
Supply Points and deployed Railroad Repair units.
15. Victory
Victory in the game is based on control of that your losses and awards can completely negate
Objectives, Victory Point awards by event, and any advantage for holding a particular chunk of
penalties for combat losses. If you control more real estate. Values for Objectives controlled, VP
Objective Points while taking fewer losses, and/ awards, and penalties for losses taken are tracked
or more VP awards, than your opponent, you win. in the Victory pane of the Situation Briefing. This
Otherwise, you lose. To some extent, losses and briefing pops up at the beginning of every Turn, so
awards offset Objective Values. It is entirely possible keep an eye on it.
Reinforcements Briefing
The Map Editor display is divided into several The Undo button is used to undo the
areas: the window pane, scroll panel, Map Panel, previous action.
Information Panel, and the Control Panel (with The Terrain Palette Scroll Buttons are
the Current Terrain Display, Control Bar, Terrain used to change the portion of the Terrain
Palette, etc.). If your window is large enough, Palette available for selection as the current terrain.
there will also be Microview Panel. The Editor Draw Mode Select is used to
specify the action to be performed if you
select a location in the Map Panel.
This report has a lot of differences with the one in The main Force Editor feature that is missing
the game. It has a lot of similarities to the Force from these three reports is the ability to create units
Editor, in fact. You can set the Unit Name, Size, and formations from scratch or to move units within
Color scheme, Icon, Secondary Icon, Add/Remove the OOB. For that you still have to go to the original
Equipment, change the amounts of Assigned/ Force Editor. It’s also not as easy to move between the
Authorized Equipment, and set the Unit Supply, three reports as it is between the three states in the
Readiness, and Proficiency. You also change the Force Editor. And these reports are not available if
Untried/Veteran status here, as you always did. the forces are still not fully defined. Finally, the Edit
Note that this report has the Available Systems pulldown options when the Force Editor is active are
pane from the Force Editor. It works a little not available with these reports. These are the issues
differently than the Force Editor’s, however. The that are planned to be addressed in a future update.
two buttons at the top are the “collapse all” and
“expand all” buttons. You can, alternately, expand 17.11.6. The Formation Report
or collapse a single category by clicking on its This window is almost identical to the one used in
category. Once expanded, the scrollbar allows quick the game. The primary difference is the presence of
access to the equipment. Formation Orders and Emphasis buttons, used to
Victory Briefings
Consequences and Speculation – Players will see
one of three results texts at the end of a Scenario, Note that there are 13 rows listing the 13 Advanced
depending upon the outcome. This text should give Rules Game Options. To the right of each are three
the player a sense of the consequences of the game columns of checkboxes. There is an ON column, and
result, including a reference to the historical result. OFF column, and a DO NOT CARE column.
19. Appendices
19.1. Calculations 10km/hex 250
15km/hex 500
19.1.1. Equipment Density 20km/hex 850
Up to nine units may be grouped in any particular 25km/hex 1300
location, but in many cases this is a bad idea. Each 50km/hex 5050
location has a specific allowed Equipment Density:
Any location with more than the allowed number
50 + 2 x Scenario physical scale2 of Vehicles or Horse Teams suffers from traffic
jams (increased movement costs to enter). Any
Scale Allowed Density location with more than the allowed number of
2.5km/hex 68 “active defender” equipment suffers from increased
5km/hex 100 losses in the Event of combat.
Appendices 159
Anti-Armor Chance to Defeat Armor, per hit: of heavy Artillery and is tied to the weight of
pq = 100xAnti-Armor/Defensive Armor Chance to Kill individual shells. Heavier pieces are much more
100+ 100% effective than lighter pieces. MRL’s (Multiple
99...25 ((pq^2)/100)% Rocket Launchers) generally do not receive this
24- 0% advantage. While the Anti-Personnel strengths of
heavy Artillery may seem weak (due to very low
This means there is no chance to kill armor unless rates of fire), weapons of 150mm or larger can be
the firing weapon has at least 25% of the nominal very effective against entrenched enemies.
penetration necessary to defeat the target’s armor.
Because of the square involved, the chance to kill 19.2.3. Armored Troop Transports
declines rapidly with decreasing pq (penetration The contribution of Armored Troop Transports
quotient). Defensive armor values are divided by three (APC, MICV, etc.) to unit strength is based upon
during penetration checks when attacked by aircraft. unit Loss Tolerance.
At higher Loss Tolerances, more of these vehicles
Examples: Chances to Kill are assumed to be directly involved in combat.
pq Chance They contribute directly to unit Strengths. Infantry
99 98% assigned to the unit receives less protection from
90 81% enemy Artillery fire and has a tendency to be lost
80 64% when Troop Transports are hit by Anti-Armor fire.
70 49% At lower Loss Tolerances, fewer of these Vehicles
50 25% are on the front lines. They do not contribute
40 16% directly to unit Strengths, but they do provide
30 9% more protection to Infantry during Artillery fire.
25 6% Infantry is generally assumed to be dismounted if
the Transport is hit by Anti-Armor fire and will
19.2.1. Example Calculation not be affected by Transport losses.
T-34/76 (late) Anti-Armor 7 (kinetic), fires When an APC class item of equipment is destroyed
on PzKpfw V Panther armor 13 under normal in combat, there is a chance (based on loss tolerance
conditions: and the proportion of Infantry and Transports in the
Chance to hit = 33% unit) that an Infantry squad of some kind belonging
pq = 100 x 7 / 13 = 54. to the same unit will also be destroyed.
Chance to kill if hit = ((54 ^ 2) / 100)% = 29%
Overall chance to kill = 33% x 29% = 10%. 19.2.4. Nuclear Weapon Yields
Atomic-capable systems are individually rated for
19.2.2. Artillery vs. a Nuclear Attack Strength. The following values
Entrenchments are defined for various equipment. These values
Artillery can lower the effectiveness of prepared are added to a unit’s conventional Attack Strength.
defensive positions during combat. The effect is At sub-kiloton levels, the addition may not be
intended to model the earth-churning tendencies particularly significant.
Appendices 161
Number of attacking planes = Assigned x (2 x Attacking Unit Proficiency x Attacker Shock Level
Proficiency + Readiness + Supply) / 4 / (Naval Attrition > Random (Target Ship Agility Rating) x Defender
Divider/10) Shock Level
Fractions from this are evaluated as the percent Note that this is where shock, for both sides, is
chance of one more plane. Each resulting plane applied.
attacks individually and is evaluated for hit/miss, Second hit check for airplanes passes if:
penetration/damage individually. This is done for
Attacking plane’s Anti-Naval Value x Visibility >
each type of plane in the unit.
Random (Target Ship Agility Rating) x Defender
Number of shots per attacking coastal battery = Shock Level
(102.922 x Gun’s Anti-Naval Value x Assigned x ((2
There is an exception for torpedo bombers (any
x Proficiency + Readiness + Supply) / 4)/ Shell Weight)
plane with the Torpedo flag), where the Anti-
/ (Naval Attrition Divider/10)
Naval Value is divided by 4 first.
Fractions from this are evaluated as the percent Visibility is a value based upon the combination
chance of one more shot. Each resulting individual of weather x lighting: clear/hazy/overcast x day/
shot is evaluated for hit/miss, penetration/damage mixed/night. Clear is 1, hazy is .66, and overcast is
individually. This is done for each type of gun in .33. Day is 1, mixed is .66, and night is .33. Note
the unit. that the square root of this product is used for
surface naval combat. Weather value is the average
Number of shots from each attacking ship TO&E
of the target hex and attacker hex values.
line = ((#Ships-Damage%) x 102.922 x Ship’s Anti-
Naval Value x ((2 x Proficiency + Readiness + Supply)
Second hit check for guns (including surface ships)
/ 4) / Shell Weight) / (Naval Attrition Divider/10)
passes if:
Fractions from this are evaluated as the percent
100 x SQRT(Visibility) / ((1 + (0.002 + .13 /
chance of one more shot. Each individual shot
Attacking Ship’s Durability) x Range x Range) >
resulting is evaluated for hit/miss, penetration/
Random (100)
damage individually. Note that the formula evaluates
as 10 salvos. Here is where the Attacking Ship’s Durability will
be needed. For Coastal Guns, a value of 100,000 is
19.4.3. Step 3: For each Individual used for durability. Note that the actual parameter
used is the Accuracy – but this is identical to
Attacking Airplane or each Shot
the Durability though, unless the designer has
from each Gun of each Ship/
specified a different value in the .nqp file. See the
Coastal Battery, Determine if curve below for how this equation plots out.
a Hit Occurs Note that Range is the number of hexes between
There are two checks: the attacker and defender – not including their
First hit check passes if: hexes – times the hex scale in kms. So adjacent
Appendices 163
If an aircraft carrier suffers more than 66 19.5. Naval Repair
damage points it ceases to function as an aircraft
carrier. This will cause an air unit to be eliminated Procedure
if there are then more air units in the hex than During the interturn calculation period, all damaged
aircraft carrier bases. The air unit to be eliminated ships get the following checks for damage repair:
is selected randomly. Otherwise, the planes on IF the ship’s unit is in a supplied anchorage hex
the carrier are not targeted or included in target AND it did not move in the previous turn THEN
calculations. (But they do engage in AS combat).
# of damage points repaired = 1500 / ((Durability +
The following curve shot shows how the gunnery
Armor + AP + AAA) x # of turns per week).
range equation plots out for various Durability values:
Fractions of this are evaluated as the chance of one
more point repaired.
Note that if the moving stack is the only one detected, 19.7.1. Surface Recon
then the chance of interdiction is 100%. Also, if This models the observation of the seas from the
there are 100 friendly ships and 100 enemy ships in coastline or from the conning towers of ships.
spotting range, the chance of interdiction will be 1% The daytime observation range is 25km and the
per ship, averaging 1 interdiction per moving enemy nighttime observation range is 10km. Whenever a
ship – it pairs off both side’s ships (on average). land unit moves into a coastal hex, it reveals Deep-
Chance of air interdiction per in-range air Water hexes out to the appropriate range – just as
interdictor: if it had entered a peak hex. And note that, like
for peak hexes, if the observer is under a cloud,
Target Value of moving Unit or Stack * (Naval
it can’t observe. As a naval unit moves, it reveals
Attrition Divider / 10) / Target Value of all detected
Deep-Water hexes around it out to the appropriate
in-range Units / (interdictor’s spotting range / 2).
range – just as if it had entered a peak hex (same
This will tend to limit air interdiction to no more comment about clouds).
than once or twice as the fleet passes through its The range of hexes revealed at the various hex
scouting range. The point is to limit planes to scales is, therefore, as follows:
realistic mission rates. There is an exception for A range of 1 means only
carrier movement, though. If the moving carrier adjacent hexes are revealed.
hasn’t been attacked in the turn, it is automatically Note that the range to
interdicted in the first detected in-range hex it the target doesn’t include
enters. (Who gets the first shot really matters in the firing or target hexes.
carrier-vs.-carrier combat.) That’s why there may seem to be an extra hex
Both of these formulae pose a tactic for the included in some of the above. For example, eleven
phasing player: bring the entire fleet to be moved 2.5km hexes out from an observing naval unit
through the interdictor’s range into its detection would be a target naval unit that was ten 2.5km
before moving through. The more in-range targets hexes (25km) from that observing naval unit.
detected the less interdiction there will be per Note that radar is modeled as well: Any ship with
individual move. the “All Weather” flag set will see out to 50km, day
or night. Furthermore, if a force has any aircraft on
map with the “All Weather” flag set, then all ships
19.7. Naval Spotting are assumed to have radar and see accordingly. 19
(This is needed for existing modern scenarios that
Procedure won’t see futher designer attention).
First, understand the necessity for this feature: Naval
units, unlike ground units, can’t hide – due to their 19.7.2. Air Recon
great size – and operate in a terrain that has no cover. This models the observation of the seas by air
They have to be handled separately from ground units committed to sea operations. That includes
Appendices 165
ground-based air units assigned to Sea Interdiction Note that there is now a crop circle designed to
or Air Superiority and Carrier-based air units show naval spotting range (since this can be less
assigned to Sea Interdiction or Air Superiority. than the nominal range of the aircraft onboard
The range that can be fully searched for a given the carrier). It is distinguished by a dashed line as
number of planes = shown here:
Note that in the above case, the carrier spots
Minimum (50Km x Square Root (# planes available
out to three hexes (150km). But the planes on the
for search), max range of planes)
carrier have ranges of 12 (600km). So the dashed
Fractions of this are evaluated as the chance of one line is critical for players to know how far their
more hex in the range. carriers can see.
So, for example, if the total ready planes/2 Note that if the range was extended one hex
assigned to Sea Interdiction/Air Superiority in a by chance evaluation of any fractional value, that
hex total 9, then the max range that can be searched extra hex is not reflected in the circle. So, players
will be 150km. If the planes had an assigned range will not know if they got the extra hex or not –
of 200, then the range of 150 will be substituted for adding a little risk to carrier recon. This is true
it for search purposes. If the planes had an assigned for non-phasing and phasing unit’s ranges. The
range of 100, then 100 will, of course, still be used phasing unit’s range varies randomly with each
instead. Note that the “max range of planes” is the hex entered.
average max range of all the planes in the hex. Note that hazy and overcast locations affect the
So, for 2.5km hexes, that 150km range would be chances of spotting. If the weather is in the phasing
60 hexes. For 5km, 30 hexes. For 10km, 15 hexes, unit’s hex, it affects all the unknown hexes in range
for 15km, 10 hexes. For 20km, 8 hexes. For 25km, of the unit. If in the target unit’s hex, it only affects
6 hexes. For 50km, 3 hexes. Within these ranges, all the chances of detecting that specific hex. Hazy
enemy Deep-Water hexes would be spotted. locations reduce spotting chances by 15%. Overcast
Note that the number of planes available for locations reduce it by 30%.
search = Assigned x readiness / 2. So, if the hex had
75% readiness they would have needed 24 planes
in it to have 9 planes available to search. Also note 19.8. Splitting TO&E Lines
that only all-weather aircraft can search at night. Here’s a shot of the Baltic Fleet from “Soviet Union
1941”. Note the 40 DDs on one TO&E line and
the 2 BBs on one other TO&E line. Since there is
only one damage value stored per TO&E line, only
one ship per line can incur and store damage as
this unit is configured. Clearly, it would be better to
have an individual line for each ship in the unit, if
possible. But the TOAW Editor does not support
that. There is no way to split up the 40 DDs or the
2 BBs within the TOAW Editor. However, you can
do it from within an XML editor.
Appendices 167
19.9. The Equipment.nqp File Now Light Naval has a speed equivalent to 35
The Equipment.nqp file allows designers to edit knots, Medium Naval has a speed equivalent to 32
the naval scale factors of the base naval equipment knots, Heavy Naval has a speed equivalent to 25
flag classes. It also allows designers to explicitly knots, and Carrier Naval has a speed equivalent to
specify the naval parameters for individual ship 30 knots. If this .nqp file is opened in the Graphics
classes. Here’s how: Override sub-folder, these speeds will be applied to
these naval classes in scenarios that have not been
designer edited. Players can decide for themselves
which of the two .nqp file choices they wish to
have open in that folder. Copies of each are in their
own zip files within that folder.
However, designers can make a scenario-
The vanilla version of the Equipment.nqp file specific version of the .nqp file for their individual
is shown above – displayed in XMLPad. It can scenarios. Note the seventh line (“Equipment6”)
be found in the Graphics Override sub-folder. in the above shots. While not used in the above
Note that there are seven lines of data. The first versions, that line (and up to 100 copies of it)
six lines specify the scale factors used for the can be used to explicitly specify the values for an
various naval equipment flags, and embarked individual naval equipment item (the item must
units. These values are used if the designer has have a naval flag set). The file just needs to be
not specified explicit values for these in a scenario in the scenario-specific graphics folder, like the
specific version of this file (this will be discussed scenario’s scenario-specific Equipment.eqp file. It
further down). Durability, Armor, and Accuracy follows folder hierarchy rules just like that earlier
factors are scaled by a factor of 1,000,000. (These file. The following section will illustrate the format
numbers are the same as the ones in the first step for such a scenario-specific .nqp file.
of Appendix One.)
Note that all speed values for these six lines are
the same as the original nominal MPs for naval
and embarked units (4200km/week). This speed is
equivalent to about 13.5 knots. That’s fine for the
ships used to embark land units, but naval units will
usually be faster. An alternate version of the file is
also available in the Graphics Override sub-folder.
It is shown here:
Appendices 169
GroupBackgroundAlpha=180 Dialog Groups Elements Alpha Channel setting
InnerBackgroundAlpha=180 Dialog Around Elements Alpha Channel setting
OuterBackgroundAlpha=180 Dialog Outside Edge Alpha Channel setting
ComplexBlowsBridges=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
BackgroundIsOpaque=Y N=Transparent Dialogs
email= PBEM++ Parameter
password= PBEM++ Parameter
serialNumber= PBEM++ Parameter
AllFormationLines=N Graphical Objective lines
oneGame=N For Automated Scenario Testing
oneTurn=N For Automated Scenario Testing
oneRound=N For Automated Scenario Testing
p3=N Both sides PO Controlled
userIcon5=Y Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon42=9 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon41=8 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon32=4 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon31=1 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon22=4 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon21=1 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon12=4 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
userIcon11=1 Alternate Strength Display Parameter
circleColorMaxRange=0xFFFFFE DBR Color
circleColorNavalSpotting=0x00FF00 DBR Color
circleColorAA=0x00FFFF DBR Color
circleColorAir=0xFFFF00 DBR Color
circleColorInactiveArtillery=0x000001 DBR Color
circleColorArtillery=0xFF0000 DBR Color
circleColorCurrentUnit=0xFFFFFF DBR Color
animationMovementTimer=10 Animated Cursor Parameter
animationCombatTimer=25 Animated Cursor Parameter
toolTipPosition=-1 Specifies a corner for the ToolTip instead of by Mouse
nextUsesOOBOrder=N Y = by OOB; N = by left to right, top to bottom.
autosave=N Autosaves game every 5 minutes.
MaxScreenY=0 Sets maximum screen height
MaxScreenX=0 Sets maximum screen width
ElmerHandicap=2 Advanced Rule Parameter
ElmerIntelligence=2 Advanced Rule Parameter
AllFormationLiness=N Graphical Objective lines
Appendices 171
movingSelectsNextUnit=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
showPOOptions=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
PNGSupport=N Advanced Rule Parameter
hugeMapEnabled=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
autoSaveLargeMovies=N Advanced Rule Parameter
movies=N Advanced Rule Parameter
sitrepLogs=N Advanced Rule Parameter
airAssistant=N Advanced Rule Parameter
combatReporting=Y Advanced Rule Parameter
hexagonalCropCircles=N Sets whether crop circles are circular or hexagonal
condensedSituationReport=N Sets Situation Report to 1 or 3 pages.
Tamas Kiss Myriam Bell
David Sharrock Matthew Davis
Erik Rutins Lucas Young, Sam O’Neill
Alberto Casulini Dean Walker
Daniele Meneghini Liz Stoltz