WiF RaW 7 Aug 04
WiF RaW 7 Aug 04
WiF RaW 7 Aug 04
Alignment [minor countries that join your side] 9.8, 19.1 Breakthroughs 11.16.5
All sea hexsides [see Hexsides] invasions 11.14
Allied friction 11.16.5 Britain [aka the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nth.
Allied support 13.7.2
conquest 9.4
Allies [USA, Commonwealth, USSR, France, China and their
controlled minor countries] enemy units in 13.6.3
AMPH units 22.4.12 Build points [= your production points multiplied by your
production multiple]
Anti-aircraft fire 11.5.9 calculating 13.6.3
anti-aircraft units 22.4.2 lend lease 5., 13.6.4
pilot deaths 14.6.4 saving 13.6.8
surprise 15.1 search & seizure 13.6.1
Anti-aircraft units 22.4.2 spending 13.6.5
Anti-tank units 22.4.2
transporting 8.2.10, 13.6.4
land combat 11.16.5
Building ahead 13.6.5
overrun 11.11.6 Bulgaria
Archangel alignment 19.6.2
naval movement 8.2.10
Burma road 13.3.2, 13.3.3
ARM units closing 13.3.3
Commonwealth special 11.14, 22.4.1
opening 13.3.2
land combat 11.16.5
resources 13.3.2, 13.6.1
overrun 11.11.6
Canal hexsides [see Hexsides] Construction pool
Carpet bombing 11.8 reinforcements 4.2
carrier planes 14.4 Control 2.5
pilot deaths 14.6.4 alignment 19.1
Entry pool [see US entry] Friendly [a major power or minor country on your side]
Escort, air mission 14.2.1 Frogmen 22.4.3
activity limits 10.2, 14.2 FTR units
Escorts [see also ASW] range as bombers 14.1.1
US 13.3.2 Garrison value
Estonia [see Baltic states] conquest, tied 13.7.1
Factories 13.6.2 entry markers 13.2
build points, lending 5. neutrality pacts 9.5
build points, saved 13.6.8 partisans 13.1
construction 22.2 Gearing limits 13.6.6
destruction 11.7, 22.2 Germany
1939 land action 9.1 lake
co-operation 18.1 melting 8.2.9
declaring war 9.3 paradrops 11.15
entry markers 13.2 weather 8.2.7
Ukraine, The 19.12 mountain
US entry 13.3 land combat 11.16.1
USSR, neutrality pact with 9.5, 13.7.1, 19.5 land movement 11.11.2
Gibraltar 11.4.4 shore bombardment 11.16.2
Greenland 13.3.2 territorial units 22.4.5
Ground strike 11.9 off map 2.1.3
artillery 22.4.2 stacking 2.3.1
surprise 15.1 USA 2.1.4
Ground support 11.16.4 swamp
activity limits 10.2, 14.2
aircraft factors 14.5
artillery 22.4.2
land combat 11.16.1
surprise 15.1
shore bombardment 11.16.2
Vichy units 17.5
ski troops 22.4.1
Guam 13.3.2
Guards Banner Armies 22.4.14 weather 8.2.7
Heavy weapons 22.4.18 Hexsides
Hex dots all sea
aircraft movement 2.1.1, 11.3 land combat 11.16.1
large 2.1.1, 2.1.4 land movement 11.11.2
Hexes supply paths 2.4.2, 11.11.2
adjacent 2.1.1 ZOCs 2.2
coastal [a hex which contains both land and sea] alpine
conquest, islands of 13.7.1 ART units 22.4.2
debarking 11.13 land combat 11.16.1
invading 11.14 land movement 11.11.2
Kiel 11.4.2 supply paths 2.4.2, 11.11.2
resources 13.6.1 ZOCs 2.2
shore bombardment 11.16.2 canal
Suez 11.4.2, 13.8 ART units 22.4.2
TRS supply 11.18.3 engineer units 22.4.1
desert Kiel canal 11.4.4
land combat 11.16.5 land combat 11.16.1
supply 2.4.2 naval movement 11.4.4
weather 8.2.1 overrun 11.11.6
desert mountain Panama 11.4.2, 11.4.4, 13.3.2
supply 2.4.2 Suez canal 11.4.4
weather 8.2.1 surprise 15.1
forest fortified
aircraft factors 14.5 ART units 22.4.2
land combat 11.16.5, 13.1 engineer units 22.4.1
overrun 11.11.6 land combat 11.16.1, 11.16.5
partisans 13.1 overrun 11.11.6
shore bombardment 11.16.2 lake
ski troops 22.4.1 land combat 11.16.1
territorial units 22.4.5 land movement 11.11.2
jungle supply paths 2.4.2
aircraft factors 14.5 weather 8.2.9
land combat 11.16.1 ZOCs 2.2
land movement 11.11.2 river
shore bombardment 11.16.2 ART units 22.4.2
territorial units 22.4.5 engineer units 22.4.1
land combat 11.16.1 Interception, air mission 14.2.1
overrun 11.11.6 activity limits 10.2, 14.2
Range [see naval movement, aircraft movement, supply] 2.8 SCS transport 11.4.5
Rebase, aircraft invasions 11.14
carrier planes 14.4.1 Sea areas
mission 11.17, 14.2 adjacent 2.1.2
partisans 13.1 Siberia [all hexes in the USSR on the Asian and Pacific maps]
enemy units in 13.6.3
factories 13.6.3 embarking 11.4.5
Siberian units 22.4.7 invasions 11.14
Side [there are two sides in World in Flames, the Axis and the land combat 11.16.1
Sides, choosing 24.1.2 land movement 11.11.1