BUS 1101 Unit 1 - Learning Journal

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Every one of us has a specific goal that wants to achieve it.

Most of the time, achieving your

goals may be very hard and requires a lot of effort, and you may just give up. There are many

ways and techniques you can use to achieve your goal. The best technique to achieve your

goals is to be SMART Yes, using the SMART technique is one of the best ways to achieve

your goals. SMART is an acronym for effective goals that satisfy certain characteristics,

which are specific, measurable, aggressive, realistic, and time-bound. I have a lot of goals

that I want to achieve. The main goal I’m focusing on right now is achieving success in

college. So, I need to make this goal SMART; or specific, measurable, aggressive, realistic,

and time-bound.

Specific: To make my goal specific, I need to answer the six “W” questions Who: Who is

involved? I’m the only one involved.

1. What: What do I want to accomplish? I want to achieve success in college.

2. Where: At what location? At college.

3. When: In what time frame? During the next 4 years.

4. Which: What are the requirements and constraints? I need to focus and dedicate

myself to studying.

5. Why: What specific reasons, purpose, or benefits are there to the accomplishment of

the goal? To build for me a great future and career and to have a happy life.

Measurable: My goal to reach success in Uop is measurable. This is because I’ll get to know

whether I reached my goal or not. If my goal wasn’t measurable, then I won’t exert effort on

it. Because achieving college success is specific to me, I’m going to exert high performance

on it by working and studying hard.

Aggressive: Being successful in college is not that easy because getting a diploma is very

challenging and requires a lot of work. “When goals are aggressive and when they require
people to work harder or smarter, performance tends to be dramatically higher. So, that’s why

I consider my goal aggressive!

Realistic: Since my goal of being successful in college is possible to reach, then my goal is

considered realistic. Although my goal is aggressive, I can still be motivated to make it real

by hard work and passion. “Only you can decide which goal is realistic and which is

impossible to achieve; just be sure that the goal you set, while it is aggressive, remains

grounded in reality.

Time-bound: To achieve college success, I have to be conscious of my time and deadlines. I

consider my goal time-bounded because each level at college has a deadline. “The goal

should contain a statement regarding when the proposed performance level will be reached.

This way, it provides the person with a sense of urgency. Overall, the time I need to reach

success at college must be in four years from now.

In conclusion, setting your goal using the SMART technique is a smart idea! The SMART

technique will help you to find whether the goal you chose worth working for or not. I used


SMART technique to find out if reaching success in college is possible. I can see from the

SMART components, which I wrote, that I will be able to reach my goal of finishing college


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