Written Assignment 7 Importance of Goal Setting
Written Assignment 7 Importance of Goal Setting
Written Assignment 7 Importance of Goal Setting
August 6, 2019
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The most relevant thing in my life at this juncture is finally attaining my degree in business. I
had always meant to get a degree, but the road was long and had many roadblocks. That road
seemed as if it was full of failure and goals set but not achieved. As time passed, I never really
considered that I would achieve that goal. That was the first time. Now for a second time, I am
My intention was always to go to school and get a degree. When I first started school, my
intent was to get a degree in English. Then, I wanted a degree in Liberal studies. I then moved
on to a degree in Child Development. Eventually I started my first job, and school took a back
seat to making money. As you can tell I wasn’t sure what the heck I wanted to do with my life
and that was the problem. The reason I had not achieved my intention aka “goal” was because
my goal was not clear. There are 5 components to having “S.M.A.R.T.” goals. The goal should
be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. (Mind Tools Content Team,
MindTools. 2018) I had never really taken the time to figure out what it was I wanted to do. I
did not set a clear goal with a clear objective. I figured if I went to school long enough, I would
figure out want I really wanted to do. I never gave myself a time of completion, so for the first
two years I never took anything seriously. By the third year, I was not going to class, working
full time, and on academic probation. I finally decided to join the workforce and that college
was not for me. I set myself up for failure from the beginning.
It has taken up to now for me to realize what it was I wanted to do and to figure out how to
achieve it. I finally sat down and created a list of the things that I wanted to achieve and in what
time frame. I was given the opportunity to try for a position that would be well suited to me and
that I enjoyed. I was not fully qualified because I did not have a degree but was encouraged to
finish it and try again. This gave me the boost and motivation I needed to come up with a plan.
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This time would be different because I had the drive and I had a clear objective. I began to set
much smaller goals, like researching good online schools. Researching how long it would take
to finish, what classes I have already taken, and if they could transfer. Working out mock
schedules of work, school, home, gym, etc. Even working out financial goals, small ways to
save and put towards school. These things are what I needed to succeed, they are what I carry
with me, and what I continue to work on to stay focused. Now, I am here writing this paper, one
Effective goal setting is imperative to achieving any objective. If we do not take the time to set
up the goal and make our intentions clear, the goal will not be a priority. If I had not written out
my goals and mapped out how to achieve each of them, I may have lost focus or worse, never
started. Large tasks seem daunting and overwhelming if they are not properly broken down into
small more manageable tasks and goals are the same. Make sure your goals have the
characteristic of the S.M.A.R.T goals mentioned above. (Mind Tools Content Team, Mindtools
2018) The goal or goals should always relate to the main result you want to achieve. They
should always be specific and measurable. They should always be realistic and relevant and
Based on what I have written the three goals I have set for myself again relate to school. I have
mentioned over and over how important it is to me to succeed and how important it is to my
career. The long-term goal that I have set relates to the final goal which is attaining the position
I referred to above within three to five years. My mid-term goal is to achieve my degree in two
years. I was able to transfer several units from the junior college I attended, that will allow me to
finish quicker with UoPeople. My short-term goal is to complete each class one at a time for the
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next three terms and adjust my schedule with more classes as I become comfortable. All of my
goals relating back to the main goal of achieving my desired job and receiving my degree.
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Mind Tools Staff. (2019). Golden Rules of Goal Setting: Five Rules to Set Yourself Up for Success.
Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_90.htm