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ASIAN LITERATURE can expand one’s knowledge of the

 Asian literature encompasses the rich and world, of others, and of oneself
widely diverse cultural and ethnic heritages  Online literature
found in such countries as China, India, Japan, o In the new millennium, online literature
Vietnam, Korea, and more. in China plays a much more important
 By its technical term, it is basically the literary role than in the United States and the
products made in continent Asia throughout rest of the world.[47] Most books are
history. available online, where the most
 Asian American literature also shows the impact popular novels find millions of readers.
of immigrating to a new country, with the Asian  Translation
characters trying to retain their previous o Translated literature has long played an
cultures and adjust to new situations important role in modern China. Some
 It provides readers with opportunities to writers, such as Lu Xun, Yu Dafu, Ba Jin
explore various cultures through a wide variety and others were literary translators
of literary genres themselves, and many present day
writers in China, such as the Nobel
laureate Mo Yan, listed translated works
Philippine Literature - withstood time and periods and as sources of enlightenment and
has evolved through generations. For every period that inspiration.
passed, different genres appeared, and these literary
works rooted from all regions reflecting their culture, AUTHORS:
society and lifestyle
1. Pre-Colonial Period (--BC to1564) GE FEI - One of the first and most influential avant-garde

2. Spanish Colonization Period (1565 to 1897) writers of China. His most prominent works include the

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3. Nationalistic/Propaganda and Revolutionary Jiangnan Trilogy, for which he was awarded the Mao

Period (1864 to 1896) eH w Dun Literary Award, one of the most prestigious literary
4. American Colonial Period (1898 to 1945)
awards of China, and the novella The Invisibility Cloak,

5. Japanese Occupation Period (1946 to 1985)
for which he was awarded the Lu Xun Literary Prize and
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6. Contemporary/Modern Period (1960 to 1999)
Lao She Literary Award. His works has been translated
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7. 21st Century (2000 to Present)

into more than ten languages.
BI FEIYU - He started writing novels in the 1980s, and

 Creative Non-Fiction
 Hypertext Poetry his oeuvre already includes several short stories,
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 Mobile Phone Textula novellas, and novels. The novels The Moon Opera and
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 Chick Lit Three Sisters is considered to be amongst his most

 Speculative Fiction representative work.

 Flash Fiction
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 Blog YANG HONGYING - She is one of present-day China’s

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 Graphic Novels most influential writers of children’s literature, and has

written more than 80 fairy tales, children’s novels and
Chinese Literature - extends thousands of years, from essays in the course of her more than 30 year long
the earliest recorded dynastic court archives to the

career. Her popularity in China has given her the

mature vernacular fiction novels that arose during the
nickname “China’s J.K. Rowling”.

Ming dynasty to entertain the masses of literate

DONG XI - He has published several novels, some of
1. Pre-Classical (cult and lay musical practices
(Shijing), divination (Yi jing) which have been translated into English, such as Help,

2. Classical Our Father and Life Without Language, for which he was
3. Late Qing awarded the First Lu Xun Literary Prize in 1998. Several
4. Post-tiananmen pieces of his work has been adapted to movies and TV

 Campus literature
o There does not exist a clear definition of The Great Masque and More Stories of Life in the City
the genre of Chinese campus literature
o Both Wu Yanmei (吴艳梅) and Wei This volume includes twelve stories such as Confidences
Lanxiang (魏兰香) underline the in a Hair Salon by Wang Anyi, Say, Qiezi by Dai Lai and
importance of campus literature within The Great Masque by Wei Wei. The works of this
the education of students: writing can volume reflect the contemporary lives of Chinese living
increase one’s creativity and reading in the cities.
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How Far is Forever and More Stories by women writers They include virtually every field of human interest,
such as a multi volume high-school history of Japan and,
This volume includes twelve stories such as How Far is for the adult market, a manga introduction to
Forever? By Tie Ning, The Kitchen by Xu Kun, A Rose in economics, and pornography. At the end of the 1980s,
Full Bloom Overnight by Chi Li and The Surgery by Sheng manga represented between twenty and thirty percent
Keyi. The works of this volume reflect the lives and of total annual publications in Japan, representing sales
emotions of contemporary Chinese women by women of some four hundred billion yen annually. In
authors. contemporary Japan, there is a debate over whether the
Japanese Literature – were heavily influenced by rise in popular forms of entertainment such as manga
cultural contact with China and Chinese literature, often and anime has caused a decline in the quality of
written in Classical Chinese. Indian literature also had an literature in Japan.
influence through the separation of Buddhism in Japan. CELLPHONE LITERATURE - It appeared in the early 21st
Popular fiction, non-fiction, and children's literature all century. Written by and for cell phone users, the novels
flourished in urban Japan during the 1980s. – typically romances ready by young women – have
become very popular both online and in print. Some,
Many popular works fell between "pure literature" and such as Love Sky, have sold millions of print copies, and
pulp novels, including all sorts of historical serials, at the end of 2007 cell phone novels comprised four of
information-packed docudramas, science fiction, the top five fiction best sellers.
mysteries, detective fiction, business stories, war
journals, and animal stories. JAPANESE LITERATURE:

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Non-fiction covered everything from crime to politics.  Prominent writers were identified with

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Although factual journalism predominated, many of intellectual and moral issues in their attempts to
these works were interpretive, reflecting a high degree raise social and political consciousness.

 Japanese writers covered a wide variety of
of individualism.
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subjects, one particularly Japanese approach
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Children's works re-emerged in the 1950s, and the stressed their subject’s inner lives, widening the
newer entrants into this field, many of them younger earlier novel’s preoccupation with the narrator’s
women, brought new vitality to it in the 1980s. consciousness.

 In Japanese fiction, plot development and

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HISTORY: action have often been of secondary interest to

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emotional issues. in keeping with the general

 Ancient
Classical trend toward reaffirming national

 Medieval characteristics, many old themes re-emerged,
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 Modern and some author turned consciously to the

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Environmental concerns

 Intellectual and moral issues AFRICAN LITERATURE

 Raise social and political consciousness

African literature comprises of literary works of the
ELEMENTS: African continent, consisting of a body of work in

different languages and various genres, ranging from

 Plot development
 Action oral literature to literature written in colonial languages
(French, Portuguese, and English).
As George Joseph notes in his chapter on African
 Post-war literature literature in Understanding Contemporary Africa,
 Development of japan into an industrialized whereas European views of literature often stressed a
mass consumptions society separation of art and content, African awareness is
 Difficulties in understanding present-day inclusive:

"Literature" can also imply an artistic use of words for

MANGA - These are Japanese comic books) have the sake of art alone. ...traditionally, Africans do not
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penetrated almost every sector of the popular market. radically separate art from teaching. Rather than write
or sing for beauty in itself, African writers, taking their founded newspapers that served as vehicles
cue from oral literature, use beauty to help for expressing nascent nationalist feelings.
communicate important truths and information to • The Negritude Movement, a product of
society. Indeed, an object is considered beautiful black writers joining together through the
because of the truths it reveals and the communities it French language to assert their cultural
helps to build. " identity. Their poetry not only denounced
colonialism, it proudly asserted the validity
BASIC THEMES: of the cultures that the colonials had tried
to crush
1. The predominant African languages used are
Amharic, Zulu, Hausa, and Swahili. POST WORLD WAR
2. Includes oral and written literature from more
than 3000 ethnic African groups. • Africans began demanding their
3. During the colonization period, written slave independence, more African writers were
narratives documented European atrocities and published.
the horror of slavery. • Such writers as, in western Africa, Wole
4. Contemporary African literature often Soyinka , Chinua Achebe Ousmane
documents how corrupt, modern African Sembene , Kofi Awooner, and etc. produced
governments perpetuate the suffering of the poetry, short stories, novels, essays, and
Africa people. plays.

TRADITION: All were writing in European languages, and often they

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shared the same themes:
1. Including stories, dramas, riddles, histories,

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myths, songs, proverbs, and other expressions,
is frequently employed to educate and entertain
• the clash between indigenous and colonial

children. o condemnation of European subjugation
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2. Essential to oral literature is a concern for • pride in the African past
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presentation and oratory. Folktale tellers use o and hope for the continent's
call-response techniques. A griot (praise singer) independent future.

will accompany a narrative with music.

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• It is most characteristic of those sub-

Saharan cultures that have participated in

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the cultures of the Mediterranean. Most tells the story of a traditional tribesman
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notable are those created by the scholars of who clashes with British imperialists in a
what is now northern Nigeria, changing Africa.
• Somali people have produced a traditional
written literature. AFRICA’S TARNISHED NAME – Book

• There are also works written in Geʿez


(Ethiopic) and Amharic, two of the exposes the ridiculousness of some racist
languages of Ethiopia, which is the one part descriptions of African "savages".
of Africa.

The relationship between oral and written

traditions and in particular between oral and modern
written literatures is one of great complexity and not a tells the story of a splintered family reconciling
matter of simple evolution. Modern African literatures after being devastated by abandonment and
were born in the educational systems imposed by death.
colonialism, with models drawn from Europe rather
than existing African traditions. But the African oral
traditions exerted their own influence on these
Early 19th Century
discusses the rise of internationally mobile,
• Writers from western Africa have used
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of African descent, making their
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newspapers to air their views. Several
mark on the world and defying downtrodden SHORT STORY - A piece of prose fiction that typically
stereotypes can be read in one sitting and focuses on self contained
incident with the intent of evoking a single effect
WOMEN’S WRITING - Based on the notion that the
AZOTUS THE KINGDOM – Novel experience of women historically has been shaped by
a story about how Africa would be 500 years their gender
from now (AUTO)BIOGRAPHY - is a detailed description of a
person’s life. It involves more than just the basic facts
like education, work, relationships and death. It
EUROPEAN LITERATURE portrays a person’s experience of these life events

• Western Literature FACTION - Blurring the fact and fiction. Denotes literary
works that presents factual contents in the form of a
Important Classical and Medieval Traditions fictional novel. Historical novels

• Latin DETECTIVE NOVEL - a story that revolves around

• Ancient Greek investigation and solving a crime
• Old Norse
• Medieval French AUTHORS:
• Italian Tuscan

• Judith Ryan – The Novel After Theory

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Themes: • Gene Plunka – Holocaust Theater

eH w • Emma Forest – Damage Control
• Belief in God
• Storytelling

• The Relativity of Truth
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• Science and Religion
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• The novel and narrative theory

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• The short story of novella

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• Women’s writing
• (auto)biography
• Translation as a genre

• ‘faction’ (the blurring of fact and fiction)

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• The detective novel

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NOVEL - a fictitious prose narrative of book length


typically representing character and action with some


degree of realism

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