Factsheet: Why Should We Care About Our Salt Consumption?

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High blood pressure (also called hypertension) is a leading Reducing salt intake lowers blood pressure and reduces the
cause of disease, death and disability, both globally and in risk of heart disease and stroke.
the South-East Asia Region. Reduction in salt intake is a proven cost–effective
Excess salt or sodium consumption increases the risk of intervention to improve population health.
developing hypertension, heart disease and stroke.

Consuming too much salt causes high blood Why should we care about our salt consumption?

High blood pressure is a leading preventable risk factor for heart disease and stroke, death and
disability globally, and is responsible for 9 million deaths each year.
One in four adults in the South-East Asia Region suffers from high blood pressure.

One in four adults has high blood pressure Excess dietary salt or sodium consumption is an important and avoidable cause of high blood pressure.
The average daily consumption of salt in countries of the South-East Asia Region ranges between 9 to
12 g—approximately twice the level recommended by the World Health Organization(WHO).
Reduction in salt intake is essential to achieve the global target of 25% reduction in premature
mortality due to noncommunicable diseases by 2025.

Salt comprises 40% sodium Salt or sodium?

Sodium Sodium chloride is the chemical name for salt.

(NaCl) The words salt and sodium are often used synonymously, although on a weight basis, salt comprises
40% sodium and 60% chloride.
Most of the sodium we consume is in the form of salt. Sodium glutamate, commonly used as a food
1g 400 mg additive, is an additional source of sodium in some countries.
Salt Sodium 1 g of salt is equivalent to 400 mg of sodium; 1 g of sodium is equivalent to 2.5 g of salt.

Reduce daily salt intake to less than How much salt do we need?
5 g per person per day

Humans need very little salt for normal body functions.

WHO recommends reducing salt intake to less than 5 g/day per person, which is equal to about a
<5g teaspoon of salt.

Use less but only Is salt reduction compatible with iodine supplementation efforts?
iodized salt

Countries should harmonize salt reduction and salt iodization efforts.
It is possible to reduce salt consumption, while ensuring that iodine requirements are met.
Levels of iodine in salt can be adjusted, based on regular monitoring of population intake.
Use less salt while cooking What are the major dietary sources of salt?

Salt added while cooking

Salt added to food at the table
Salt present in snacks, sauces, pickles, chutneys, cheese, bread and similar foods
Salt present in many other processed foods (so-called “hidden salt”), baked products, fast food, street
food and restaurant food

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables What can individuals do to reduce their salt intake?
every day

Use less salt while cooking.

Use fresh herbs and spices to enhance flavour and taste.
Avoid adding salt to food at the table.
Limit consumption of processed foods, fast food, baked products, sauces, pickles, chutneys and salty snacks.
Select low-salt options (read labels) while eating out of home or buying prepared/processed foods.
Ask for food with less salt at canteens, restaurants, and other food outlets.
Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium, which
helps to reduce blood pressure.
Consume less salt but only salt that is iodized.

Promote salt reduction and implement What can policy-makers do to reduce salt intake at the population level?
proven policies

Implement salt reduction policies and programmes to reduce population salt consumption.
Implement public awareness and education programmes about the adverse health effects of excess intake
Nutrition Facts of salt.
calories 25 Regulate the food industry to reduce salt in their products, reformulate processed foods, and implement
total fat 0g consumer-friendly food labelling.
sodium 10mg
1% Educate and support street vendors and restaurant owners to reduce salt in food.
Implement polices to increase access to and availability of low-salt foods and fruits and vegetables.
Establish joint surveillance to monitor salt and iodine intake.

Educate the community What can health professionals do to reduce salt consumption?

Educate the community to reduce salt intake.

Help hypertensive patients and families manage their salt intake and blood pressure.
Engage and advocate with policy-makers to implement salt reduction policies.
Advocate for salt reduction at health facility/workplace menus.

Guideline: sodium intake for adults and children. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2012.
Global status report on noncommunicable diseases. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014.
Expert Meeting on Population Sodium Strategies for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases in the South-East Asia Region, 11–13 December 2012. New Delhi: World Health
Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia; 2013.

Design: Infonauts, www.infonauts.in

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