Results and Discussion: 4.1 Descriptive Statistics and Correlations

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4.1 Descriptive statistics and Correlations

Descriptive statistics and correlations among variable is shown in Table1. In table 1 mean and

standard deviation is also shown. Correlation analysis shows support for hypothesis. The mean

for (variable name) was XX (S.D = .XX), mean for XX was xx (S.D = .xx). ZZ have positive

significant relationship with AA (r = .XX, p < .XX). Data used in this study is normally

distributed as normality is checked through frequencies.

Table1 (Mean, Standard Deviation, Correlation and Reliabilities)

Mean S.D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1.Gender .00 00
2.Age 00 00 00

3.ZZ 00
.0 .0** .0**

4.XX 00 .00 .0** 0** 0**

5. XX 00
.0 0 .0 .0 .0 (.0)

6. XX 00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 (.0)
7.ZZ 00 .0 .0 .0 .0** .0** 0 .0** (.0)
8. CC 00 .0 .0** .0 .0 .0 -0 .0** .0** (.0)
9.DD 00 .0 .0 .0 .0* .0* .0 .0** .0** .0** (.0)

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Reliabilities (α) given in bold along the diagonal
4.2 Regression Analysis: The results of regression analysis are shown in table2 and table3.


Predictors Β R² ∆R² Β R² ∆R²
Main effects
Step 1
Control Variables .0 .0
Step 2

.*** .0 .0*** .0*** .04 .00***

.*** .0 .0*** .0* .00 .00*

.*** .0 .0*** .0*** .00 .00***

.*** .0 .0***

was controlled in analysis and used as control variables

***Correlation is significant at the .00 level (2-tailed)
** Correlation is significant at the .01 level (2-tailed)
* Correlation is significant at the .05 level (2-tailed)

4.3 ZZ: The results of the hypothesis are shown in table 2 which shows regression results

of AA. The impact of AA and SS is controlled by putting these variables in the first step of

regression and in the second step JJ are placed. AA shows significant results with BB (ß = .0, p <
.00), it showed variance of (R² =.XX) with (∆ R² =.AA, p < .AA), this shows that A% of the

variance in ZZis accounted for ZZ. So hypothesis W was confirmed which predicts that there is

positive relationship between AA and BB.

Table 3
Results of Mediator Analyses
Predictors Β R² ∆R²
Main effects of Big Five
Step 1
Control Variables .0
Step 2
A . *** .0 .0***
C . *** .0 .0 ***
N . *** . 00 .0 ***


Step 1
Control Variables .0
Step 2
P . *** .0 . ***
Step 3
A . .0 .0
C .0 .0 .0
N .0 .0 .0

AA was controlled in analysis and used as control variables

***Correlation is significant at the .001 level (2-tailed)
** Correlation is significant at the .01 level (2-tailed)
* Correlation is significant at the .05 level (2-tailed)

4.6 Mediator Analysis: In this study hypothesis 11 which states the mediation ofAA & BB.

Regression technique was used to test these hypotheses as recommended by Barron and Kenny

(1986). Following conditions are necessary to test the mediation effect. (1) the relationship

between independent variable and mediator variable (i.e. path a) must be significant. (2) the

relationship between mediator variable and dependent variable (i.e. path b) must be significant.
(3) the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable (i.e. path c) must be

significant. Already significant main effect between independent and dependent variable should

reach about to zero, when path a and path b is controlled, for full mediation (Barron and Kenny,

1986). While applying this technique in this study, for path (a) hypotheses AA is checked and

for path (b) hypothesis 0 is checked and for path (c) hypotheses ZZis checked. All three pre-

requisites are fulfilled, now to test mediator in the first step, control variables are entered. In the

second step, AAwhich is the mediator variable is entered and at the third step SS. The results

shows full mediation as the main effect reduces as (ß = .0, p < .0 to ß = .0 , ns) while variance

shows (∆ R² =.0 , p < .00 to ∆ R² =.00, ns) as explained by Barron & Kenny (1986). Hence

hypothesesAA is proved which propose that ZZ mediate the relationship between

--------------------. In case of ______________________ mediate the relationship between _____

and ___________is checked. The results shows full mediation as the main effect reduces as (ß

= .__, p < .__ to ß = .__, ns) while variance shows (∆ R² =.__, p < .__ to ∆ R² =.__, ns) as

explained by Barron & Kenny (1986).

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