Prof. Girish Kumar: Electrical Engineering Department IIT Bombay

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Power Dividers and Combiners

Prof. Girish Kumar

Electrical Engineering Department
IIT Bombay
(022) 2576 7436
2-Way Equal Power Divider
For a lossless network: 𝑍1 2

|S11 |2 + |S21 |2 + |S31 |2 = 1 𝒁𝐢𝐧𝟏 λ/4

|S12 |2 + |S22 |2 + |S32 |2 = 1 2 1

|S13 |2 + |S23 |2 + |S33 |2 = 1 3 𝒁𝐢𝐧𝟐 λ/4

For |S11 | = 0, Zin = Z0 = 50Ω 𝑍1 3
|𝐙𝟏 |𝟐
𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟏 = 𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟐 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝛀 ; 𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟏 = |𝐙𝟏 |𝟐 = 𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟏 * 𝐙𝐋  |𝐙𝟏 | = 𝟕𝟎. 𝟕𝛀

For equal power division and loss-less network:

S21 = S31 = − = S12 = S13 4
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 2
2-Way Power Divider (contd.)
100 𝒁𝐢𝐧𝟏𝟐
ZL12 = 10050 = Ω
3 𝒁𝑳𝟏𝟐
2 2
|Z1|2 50 2 𝑍1
Zin12 = = = 150Ω λ/4
ZL12 100/3
Zin12 − Zo 1 1
S22 = Γ2 = =
Zin12 + Zo 2 𝑍1
S22 = S33 = 1/2 j j
0 − −
2 2
Using eqs. (2) and (4) j 1 1
S = − −
 S32 = 1/2 = S23 2 2 2
j 1 1
− −
 S32 = −1/2 = S23 2 2 2
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 3
3-Way Equal Power Divider
𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟐 Z1
2 𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟐 Z1 λ/4
λ/4 2
𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟏 𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟏
λ/4 Z2 λ/4
1 3
1 Z2 3
𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟑 λ/4 Z3
4 𝐙𝐢𝐧𝟑 λ/4
Zin1 = Zin2 = Zin3 = 150Ω
|Z1 |2
Zin1 = Z1 = Z2 = Z3
= 50 3Ω = 86.6Ω
|Z1 |2 = Zin1 *ZL ⟹ Z1 = 50 3
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 4
4-Way Power Divider
Configuration-1 Configuration-2
Z1 Z3 2
2 λ/4
λ/4 Z1
Z2 λ/4
3 λ/4
λ/4 Z4 3
1 Z3 1
Z5 4
λ/4 λ/4
Z4 λ/4
5 λ/4
λ/4 Z6 5

𝐙𝟏 = 𝐙𝟐 = 𝐙𝟑 = 𝐙𝟒 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝛀 𝐙𝟏 = 𝐙𝟐 = 𝐙𝟑 = 𝐙𝟒 = 𝐙𝟓 = 𝐙𝟔 = 𝐙
Theoretically any value of Z can be chosen but best
choice of Z is 50 2Ω = 70.7 Ω for broad bandwidth.
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 5
2-Way Equal Power Divider with Resistor
Z1 2
Use of isolation resistor makes
1 𝐑
S22 = S33 = S23 = S32 = 0
3 j j
0 − −
Z1 = Z2 = 50 2 Ω 2 2
R is isolation resistor and its value is S = − 0 0
calculated using even and odd mode j
analysis. − 0 0
R = 2Z0 = 100Ω
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 6
Power Divider/Combiner

Two – way
Power Divider Two – way Power
Four – way Power Divider/Combiner
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 7
2-Way Power Divider at 900 MHz
FR4 Substrate: εr = 4.4, h = 0.8mm and tanδ = 0.02
57.5 mm

Isolation Resistor between

Ports 4 and 5 is 100Ω

|S21| = |S31| = - 3.2 dB

|S11| ≤ -20 dB from 746 to 1074 MHz (36%)
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 8
2-Way Ring Power Divider at 900 MHz
FR4 Substrate: εr = 4.4, h = 0.8mm and tanδ = 0.02
36.6 mm

|S21| = |S31| = - 3.17 dB

|S22| ≈ |S32| ≈ - 6 dB
|S11| ≤ -20 dB from 758 to 1080 MHz (35%)
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 9
2-Way Ring Power Divider at 900 MHz
FR4 Substrate: εr = 4.4, h = 0.8 mm and tanδ = 0.02
36.6 mm

R1 = 100Ω

|S21| = |S31| ≈ - 3.17 dB

|S32| ≤ -20 dB, |S22| ≤ -30 dB
|S11| ≤ -20 dB, from 758 to 1080 MHz (35%)
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 10
2-Way Broadband Power Divider
FR4 Substrate: εr = 4.4, h = 0.8 mm and tanδ = 0.02
70.9 mm

Two λ/4 Section

Ring Power R1 = 200Ω
Divider/Combiner R2 = 70Ω
|S21| = |S31| = - 3.3 dB, |S11| ≤ -20 dB
|S32| ≤ -20 dB and |S22| ≤ -25 dB
from 618 to 1068 MHz (53%)
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 11
2-Way Power Divider at 2.8 GHz
Duroid Substrate: εr = 2.33, h = 0.8 mm and tanδ = 0.001
23.6 mm

Isolation Resistor between

Ports 4 and 5 is 100Ω
|S21| = |S31| = - 3.06 dB
|S11| ≤ -20 dB, |S32| ≤ -20 dB,
|S22| ≤ -25 dB from 2.36 to 3.25 GHz (32%)
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 12
Power Divider using Lumped L and C

4.5 mm
L1 = 5nH between P4 and P5.
L2 = 5nH between P4 and P6.
C = 2.1 pF between P4 and
|S21| = |S31| = - 3 dB and |S22| = |S32| = - 6 dB at 1.53 GHz
|S11| ≤ -20 dB from 1.3 to 1.73 GHz (28%)
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 13
Compact Power Divider at 900 MHz
FR4 Substrate: εr = 4.4, h = 0.8 mm and tanδ = 0.02
21 mm

w = 1.6 mm for Z0 = 50Ω

Series Inductor is realized
with width w = 0.4 mm.
Shunt Capacitor is realized |S21| = |S31| = - 3.12 dB, |S22| ≈ |S32| ≈ - 6 dB
with width w = 2 mm. |S11| ≤ -20 dB from 756 to 1030 MHz (31%)
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 14
2-Way Unequal Power Divider
For |S11 | = 0, Zin = Z0 = 50Ω = Zin1 || Zin2 𝑍1 2
|Z1 |2 |Z2 |2 𝒁𝐢𝐧𝟏 λ/4 P2 =𝑥P1
Zin1 = and Zin2 =
Z0 Z0
P1 1 V0
 Z1 = Zin1 × Z0 and Z2 = Zin2 × Z0
V02 V02 V02 𝒁𝐢𝐧𝟐 λ/4
P1 = ; P2 = = 𝑥 P1 = 𝑥
2Z0 2Zin1 2Z0 𝑍2 3

Z0 Z21 𝐙𝟎
P3 =(1-𝑥)P1
⟹ Zin1 = = ⟹ 𝐙𝟏 =
𝑥 Z0 𝒙
V20 Z0 Z22 𝐙𝟎
P3 = = 1 − 𝑥 P1 ⟹ Zin2 = = ⟹ 𝐙𝟐 =
2Zin2 1−𝑥 Z0 𝟏−𝒙
For P2 = 1/4P1 and P3 = 3/4P1 ⟹ Z1 = 100 Ω and Z2 = 57.7 Ω
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 15
Unequal Power Divider at 950 MHz
FR4 Substrate: εr = 4.4, h = 0.8 mm and tanδ = 0.02
57.5 mm

w = 1.6 mm for Z0 = 50Ω

For Unequal Power (1/4 and 3/4):
Z1 = 100Ω w1 = 0.4 mm and
Z2 = 57.7Ω w2 = 1.2 mm
|S21| ≈ - 6.0 dB, |S31| ≈ - 1.5 dB,
|S22| ≈ - 2.6 dB, |S32| ≈ - 7.5 dB,
|S33| ≈ - 11.3 dB
|S11| ≤ -20 dB from 744 to 1141MHz (42%)
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 16
Broadband Tapered Line Power Divider
FR4 Substrate: εr = 4.4, h = 0.8 mm and tanδ = 0.02

61 mm
w = 1.6 mm for Z0 = 50Ω
tapered to w = 0.4 mm
for Z0 = 100Ω
|S21| = |S31| = - 3.2 dB, which
decreases to -5 dB at 10 GHz
|S22| ≈ |S32| = - 6 dB to -10 dB
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 17
Broadband 2-Resistor Power Divider
FR4 Substrate: εr = 4.4, h = 0.8 mm and tanδ = 0.02


4.5 mm
R1 = R2 = 50Ω
|S21| = |S31| = - 6 dB
|S22| ≈ |S32| ≈ -12 dB
Microwave Theory and Techniques | Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT Bombay 18

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