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Opal Viewer Settings Manual - v1.0

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Your Practice. Your Preference.

Your Productivity Solution.

Administrative User Manual

for Opal VIEWER Settings Module
Opal Viewer 1
v 2.4 platform/v1.0
User Settings Module

This guide will offer an overview of the contents of each tab within the Settings Option of the Opal RAD
Image Viewer, as well as provide a detailed explanation into every option offered to you, as the user, by
definition and functionality, so that you may customize your viewer and maximize your workflow

Guide Contents:

Local Options……………………………………………3

User Options……………………………………………8

Modality Options……………………………………15

Annotations Options…………….………………..23

Chiropractic Options………………………………26

Overlay Config..………..……………………………27

Toolbox Options….…………………………………29

Opal Viewer User Settings Module

Administrative Options
April 2011

Tech Support: 800.366.5343

Opal Viewer 2
v 2.4 platform/v1.0
User Settings Module

Enter the Opal Image Viewer Module by double clicking any study from the worklist. From here, you
have the ability to change a variety of settings through the user SETTINGS option located at the top left
of your viewer screen, available by hovering over the Viztek icon in the top left of your screen.

1. Hover over the Viztek icon, then left click the icon and select SETTINGS >>EDIT from the
drop down menu.

2. Once clicked, the following Opal Viewer Settings window will pop up displaying 7 TABS:

Local Options
•Basic Systems or Local options set per workstation and user.

User Options
•Viewer Interface Options set per user account, Thumbnail Options, Record Control Options, Interface
Font Sizes, and AutoSave Options

Modality Options
•Control of Screen Layouts, Display management, Mouse Button Programming, Streaming Quality, W/L
•Other Options, by Modality and AutoSplit Rules

Annotation Options
•All Interface Options associated with Annotations, to include Color Settings

Chiropractic Options
•Upper Cervical calculation flips

Overlay Config
•List of Available DICOM tags; Ability to select right/left overlay display options

ToolBox Options
•All Options associated with ToolBox customization of icons by functionality; Manual customization of
toolbox display, orientation and button size
Opal Viewer 3
v 2.4 platform/v1.0
User Settings Module

1. First Tab: Local Options

These are Basic Systems or Local options set per workstation and user.

1.1 DISPLAY SETTINGS module: Allows you to calibrate each monitor. (See Figure 1.0)

(Figure 1.0)
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v 2.4 platform/v1.0
User Settings Module

1.1.1 Monitors on System tells you how many monitors are associated with the current
workstation in use.
1.1.2 Select the dropdown menu to select which monitor you want to work with.

1.1.3 Use Identify button to display which monitor corresponds to the selected
DISPLAY1/DISPLAY2. See example below.

1.1.4 The following screen shot (Figure 1.1) indicates DISPLAY2 settings.
NOTE: DISPLAY2 is identified as the Main Monitor

(Figure 1.1)

• Disabled (Do Not Use this Monitor), when checked, tells the software to NOT use
this monitor for displaying images when Opal Viewer is launched.
• Main Monitor, when checked, identifies this monitor as the main functioning
• Prior Monitor, when checked , designates this as the Priors monitor where the Prior
images/studies will display, only when Priors exist
• Gray- indicates images will display on this monitor if grayscale, but also color.
• GrayOnly- indicates images will only display on this monitor if grayscale. If color
exists, the monitor will not be active.
• Color- indicates images will display on this monitor if color exists, but also grayscale
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User Settings Module

• ColorOnly- indicates images will only display on this monitor if color. If grayscale
exists, the monitor will not be active.
1.1.5 Monitor Calibration allows you to calibrate each monitor, which in turn, activates
the True to Size function. To calibrate your monitor, measure the inside width and
height of your display. *You must use a positive integer when entering
Width/Height in mm.

1.2 INTERFACE OPTIONS module: Allows you to adjust default mouse settings and
magnification settings of viewer magnification tool.

(Figure 1.2)

1.2.1 Magnify Glass Size (default is Left Mouse button on CR/DR modality)
• For smaller monitors (<19”) = 325
• For larger monitors (>20”) = 375+
1.2.2 Zoom Factor 3x recommended
1.2.3 W/L Acceleration (default is Right Mouse button on ALL modalities)
• If user wants mouse to be more responsive/faster = increase to 90+
• If user wants mouse to be less responsive/slower = 45-50
1.2.4. Span Sensitivity refers to how fast you want your mouse to span through images
• Specific to CT/MR/US modalities.
• 0 = Auto
• 1 = Max speed
1.2.4 Ignore Windows Bar
• When CHECKED, maximizes the viewing space displayed by hiding the windows
tool bar
• When UNCHECKED, the windows tool bar is displayed.
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User Settings Module

1.2.5 Ask on Close: A pop up box that presents the user with optional settings before
closing the Viewer, specifically related to AutoSave settings from Tab 2: User
• When CHECKED, the following pop up box displays upon closing the viewer and
the user can manually select save options, as listed in Figure 1.3

(Figure 1.3)

• When UNCHECKED, pop up box does not display

1.3 Options

(Figure 1.4)

1.3.1 Cache Path

• Identifies path/ folder where OnCall/Prefetched studies are downloaded to.
1.3.2 Keep in Cache (Hours)
• Number of hours you want to keep the OnCall/Prefetched studies in the Cache
folder. Default = 72 hours
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User Settings Module

1.3.3 Check OnCall Every (Seconds)

• Number of seconds OnCall studies are checked for and downloaded. Please
note: OnCall will stop prefetching when user logs off. You will need to restart
OnCall process upon logging back in.
1.3.4 Hard Disk Swapping Occurs At (MB)
• Refers to how large of a memory you hold in MB in your temporary cache folder
on the hard drive.

1.4 External Tools/Integration

• Lists all external software that has been integrated into the Opal Viewer.

(Figure 1.5)
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User Settings Module

2. Second Tab: User Options

(Figure 2.1)

2.1 Interface Options

2.1.1 Show W/L on Toolbar
• W/L is commonly assigned to a default mouse button under Modality Options
• Recommended setting: OFF
2.1.2 Open Key Images As Single Image
• Allows user to display the highlighted key images as a separate set from the
series list
• Recommended setting: ON
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User Settings Module

2.1.3 Show Red/Blue Swap Button for Color Images

• Relates to PET/CT scans
• Recommended setting: OFF *user preference
2.1.4 Caliper Zoom
• When selected, adds a ruler to the right side of the viewer screen to enable
zoom of entire image.
• Recommended setting: ON
2.1.5 Focus-In on Zoom Point
• Draws screen to cursor when zooming
• Recommended setting: ON
2.1.6 Fill Empty DM Cells
• When selected, attempts to autofill empty windows (cells) with images
• Recommended setting: ON
2.1.7 High-Quality Interpolation*
• Recommended setting: OFF
2.1.8 Enable RGB/YBR Swap
• Off unless user video settings support it
• Recommended setting: OFF
2.1.9 Show Actual-Size On Toolbar
• Off unless Dr. performs transparency templating on screen and monitors have
been calibrated.
• Recommended setting: OFF
2.1.10 Pop-Up Mammography Layouts
• When selected, turns on the Pop-Up prompt that displays the pre-determined
mammography hanging protocols upon launching a mammogram study.
• Recommended setting: ON *user preference
2.1.11 Use Alternative Mammography Layouts
• When selected, offers an “alternative” set of mammography layout options that
pull DICOM tags to include implants, specifically (Imp) = Implants and (ID) =
Implant Displacement;
• Recommended setting: ON * user preference
2.1.12 Hide RAW Mammography Layouts If Processed Is Available
2.1.13 Swap Left/Right Breast Positions for Mammography
• Flip-flops the positions of the Left/Right breast images to display Right/Left
• Recommended setting: OFF* user preference
2.1.14 Ignore Mammography Layouts
• Turns off Mammo Preset Hanging Protocols Display
• Recommended Setting: user preference
2.1.15 Auto-Play Cine Loops
• When selected, will automatically begin cycling image slices
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User Settings Module

• Recommended setting: OFF

2.1.16 Skip Frames in Cine To Maintain Playback Speed
• When selected, attempts to maintain FPR by skipping image slices
• Recommended setting: OFF
2.1.17 Show Cutlines for First/Last Images
• Shows cutlines in BLUE for series by first and last image capture
2.1.18 Auto-Open Transcription
• When selected, will automatically open Transcription/Dictation Module anytime
a study is selected from the worklist by double-clicking on that study
• Recommended setting: OFF *Unless the user is using a pre-built template or the
Dragon 10/10.1 Speech Recognition software external tool is in use and running.

2.2 Thumbnail Options

(Figure 2.2)
2.2.1 Column/Rows - Select from the dropdown menu the number of columns or rows
you would like to display your thumbnails. (Choose from : 1, 2, 3, or 4)
2.2.2 Bar Orientation – Select from the dropdown where you want your thumbnails to
display. (Choose from: Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
2.2.3 Toolbar Button Scale – Customize the size of the icons within your viewer by
indicating a size percentage.

2.3 Record Control Options

(Figure 2.3)

*This module of User Options refers to the dictation VIZMMC player and the associated
supported speechmikes .
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2.3.1 Attach Dictation To Bottom of Screen – By default the dictation player (also known
as VIZMMC player) will display at the top of your viewer screen. You may select to
display this VIZMMC player at the bottom of your screen by selecting this option.
2.3.2 Hold for record – When selected, the user must press the Record button on their
speechmike and hold the button down continuously while dictating.
2.3.3 Beep On Record – When selected, the speechmike will make a Beep sound when
the Record button is pressed to begin dictating.
2.3.4 Blink On Record Pause – When selected, the speechmike will Blink a red light when
the user presses pause on the speechmike during their dictation.
2.3.5 FFWD/RWD Factor (1-20) – Indicate a factor (1-20) to increase or decrease the fast-
forward and/rewind speed of the speechmike.
1 = Slowest and 20 = Fastest

2.4 AutoSave Options

*These options, when selected as identified by a checked box, turn the functionality ON.

(Figure 2.4)

2.4.1 AutoSave Image Properties on Close

• The adjustments/changes made to the image will save upon close
• Recommended setting: ON
2.4.2 AutoSave Image Annotations on Close
• Any annotations made to the images will save upon close
• Recommended setting: ON
2.4.3 Auto Mark Read Study on Close
• Automatically changes the status of the study to “READ”, upon close.
• Recommended Setting: ON, unless the physician prefers to change the
status manually.
• PLEASE NOTE: If the dictation module is in use and the facility workflow
includes DICTATION/TRANSCRIPTION/APPROVE options, then this autosave
“Mark READ” option is nullified and overridden.
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2.4.4 Auto Upload Dictation on Close

• Automatically saves the recorded dictation (.wav file) upon close.
• Recommended setting: ON
2.4.5 AutoSave Viewer Settings on Close
• Remembers the layout of the images and saves that layout upon close, to
include all changes made to Viewer User Settings.
• Recommended setting: ON
2.4.6 Auto Open Next Study
• Automatically opens the next study on the worklist upon close.
• Recommended setting: OFF

2.5 AutoSave DM
This module is used as an AutoSave option in conjunction with Section 3.4 Display
Management for automating the saving of hanging protocols, as opposed to a manual save
process done by using the icon from within the viewer.

(Figure 2.5)

2.5.1 If OFF is selected, AutoSave DM is turned off and no AutoSave options are enabled
for hanging protocols.
2.5.2 If STUDY is selected, then AutoSave DM will save the hanging protocol created
during the most recent open viewing session for THAT particular study. *Please
note: This option is NOT RECOMMENDED unless an identified workflow process
has been established with a Viztek representative that warrants this setting.
2.5.3 If DEFAULT is selected, then AutoSave DM will save the hanging protocol created
during the most recent open viewing session for all studies with that specific
MODALITY and additional criteria built as indicated in Section 3.4 Display
2.5.4 If Overwrite Existing is checked (usually in conjunction with DEFAULT AutoSave DM
turned ON), the logic would apply given the following circumstance:
If a hanging protocol has already been built and saved and the account user
changes any hanging protocol logic (ie: drags and drops another image into a
quadrant to replace the existing displayed image in that quadrant) then upon
closing the viewer, that most recent change made to the hanging protocol will
replace the previously saved DEFAULT hanging protocol.
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2.6 Advanced

(Figure 2.6)

2.6.1 Allow Quick-Decode for 2+MP Images When checked, this option allows the user
to display thumbnails very quickly and eliminates the “long” download process of
multiple images
• Mostly in reference to MG modality
2.6.2 Reset W/L For Individual Images Usually every image that is sent to the PACS has
its own W/L setting. By default, Opal PACS displays the first W/L setting sent by the
modality. When this option is selected, Opal PACS will reset the W/L to its original
• Mostly in reference to each image for NM/MRI modality
2.6.3 Delay Image Decoding (Experimental)
2.6.4 Background Image Processing (Experimental)
2.6.5 Enable New DM System – When selected, enables Display Management manager
module, which is launchable from the viewer under the icon (See Figure 2.7)

(Figure 2.7)
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2.7 Interface Font Sizes

(Figure 2.8)

2.7.1 Normal (less than 2 megapixel)

• Recommended default font size = 14
2.7.2 Large (2-4 megapixel)
• Recommended default font size = 20
2.7.3 Huge (more than 4 megapixel)
• Recommended default font size = 26

2.8 Re-Sort Images

(Figure 2.9)

2.8.1 Re-Sort Images

• DoNot - Will reset and re-sort images upon opening. RECOMMENDED: ON
• Slice Location – Will attempt to sort the images based on slice location.
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User Settings Module

3. Third Tab: Modality Options

(Figure 3.0)
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User Settings Module

3.1 Modalities – This is a list of all the available modalities supported by Opal RAD.
CR Computed Radiography
CT Computed Tomography
DR Digital Radiography

DS Digital Subtraction Angiography (Retired)

DX Diagnostic Exam

MG Mammography
MR Magnetic Resonance

NM Nuclear Medicine

OT Other

PT Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

RF Radio Fluoroscopy

RG Radiographic Imaging (conventional film)

SC Secondary Capture

US Ultrasound

XA Xray Angiography

3.2 Layout
3.2.1 Screen Layout Select from the dropdown menu the desired screen layout display.
3.2.2 Series Layout Select from the dropdown menu the desired series layout display.

3.3 Mouse Buttons Allows the user to program his mouse buttons to a variety of basic
viewer functionality, as listed in the dropdown menu for Left/Right/Middle/Left + Right
buttons. *Please note: THIS IS PER MODALITY and PER USER
If you select:
3.3.1 None No functionality assigned this button

3.3.2 Magnify Magnification tool assigned to this button when pressed and held
down. Gives the user a magnification lens to maneuver.
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User Settings Module

3.3.3 Pan Pan tool assigned to this button when pressed and held down. Gives the
user the ability to “grab” the image and pan it around within the viewer window.
3.3.4 Zoom Zoom tool assigned to this button when pressed and held down. Gives
user ability to zoom into and out of the image within the viewer window.
3.3.5 Window/Level Gives user Windows/Level functionality when button is assigned.
3.3.6 Span When this button is pressed and held down, gives user the ability to span
through the images within a series.
3.3.7 Context Allows user to apply a context reference for linked images on MR/CT
3.3.8 Hounsfield Allows user to identify the Hounsfield unit for any given point on an
image – Commonly used for CT modality *See Table1.0 below for a reference
guide to the Hu of common substances.

(Table 1.0)

3.4 Display Management

It is here, within the Display Management Module, that a user can build their hanging protocols
by modality.

Please note: Before you begin building the hanging protocol logic, you must select your
AutoSave DM options, as indicated in Section 2.4 AutoSave Options
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User Settings Module

To begin,
1. Select the modality you wish to build the hanging protocol for.
2. Under Identify Study By, indicate what field you would like to build the second step of logic
for. Select None, Body Part or Description from the drop down menu. Where:

None = Select None if no hanging protocol logic is to be applied

Body Part = Select Body Part if you would like to apply the Body Part field to the hanging
protocol logic. *Recommended for CR/DR/DX modalities
Description = Select Description if you would like to apply the Study Description field to the
hanging protocol logic. *Recommended for CT/MR modalities

3. Under Identify Series By, indicate what field you would like to build the third step of logic
for. Select Description, Protocol Name, View Position, or Laterality from the dropdown
menu. Where:

Description = Select Description if you would like to apply the Study Description field to the
hanging protocol logic.
Protocol Name = Select Protocol Name if you would like to apply a Procedure Code
Mapping to the hanging protocol logic. *Used for CR/MR modalities but not
View Position/Laterality= Select View Position or Laterality if you would like to apply a
Position label (left/right) Direction tag to your hanging protocol logic. *Not recommended
Opal Viewer 19
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User Settings Module


The above hanging protocol logic does not apply to the Mammography modality. For MG
modality there are a preset series of offered mammography layouts that display dependent
upon the Study Description and/or if Priors exists for the study. Therefore, there is no option
for customizing layouts for this modality.

 If you would like additional instruction on building your hanging protocols, please contact a
Viztek Tech Support Representative at 1-800-366-5343, option 1.

3.5 Streaming Quality/Speed

3.5.1 From dropdown, user can choose their customized streaming quality and speed. By
default = No Additional Loss 9Best Quality/Slowest is usually selected.

3.6 Presets
Refers to the creation of “hotkeys” (numbers) associated with a predetermined window and
level (contrast and brightness) setting, by modality.
*Please note: CT modality already has pre-built Presets. ( See Figure 3.1 - CT Presets below)

(Figure 3.1 – CT Presets)

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v 2.4 platform/v1.0
User Settings Module

3.7 Options

 PLEASE NOTE: All the listed functionality below is BY MODALITY, meaning each of these
features will need to be addressed as either active/inactive for each modality selected.
3.7.1 Allow Auto Linking
• When selected, will automatically NUMERICALLY link the alternate angles
(Sagittal, Coronal, Axial) with one another in the study
3.7.2 Auto Next Series
• When selected, will automatically allow the user to scroll through the
different images within a series using the scroll mouse button
3.7.3 Auto Next Study
• When selected, will automatically open the next study (as listed in the
studylist) within the viewer as opposed to closing out the study and
returning to the studylist.
3.7.4 Auto-Invert SC Images
• When selected, this functionality will invert the contrast of a scanned
document, often a prior patient report. Used primarily to eliminate the
glare and brightness of a document on the reading physician’s eyes
• SC = Secondary capture
3.7.5 Auto-Show DICOM Overlays
• When selected, will automatically display the white DICOM overlays on the
right/left side of the images upon opening them within the viewer.
• You can also toggle this feature ON/OFF by pressing the “O” key on your
keyboard. *Please see also “Hot Keys Chart” found under ABOUT>>Hot Keys
3.7.6 Auto Open Prior
• When selected, this feature will automatically open the patient prior studies
based on the hierarchy of Modality>>Body Part>>Series Description
3.7.7 Sort Thumbnails by Date/Time
• When selected, this feature will organize the thumbnail images based on
the time stamp generated by the modality at the moment their images scan
into PACS.
3.7.8 Show “Unsharp” on Toolbar
• When selected, the = Unsharp Masking icon tool will display in the
toolbar for selection.
• Specific to CR modality
3.7.9 Show 3D Spine Labels
• When selected, the = 3D Spine Labels icon tool will display in the
toolbar for selection.
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3.7.10 Show Spine Labels

• When selected, the = Spine Labels icon tool will display in the toolbar
for selection.
• Specific to CR, DR, CT, MR modalities
3.7.11 Stretch Across Monitors
• When selected and if multiple monitors exist in the viewer display setup,
Opal will stretch the images across all the active display screens
3.7.12 Lay Across Monitors (if Stretch)
• When selected (and if Stretch Across Monitors is selected), this will break
each image slice into its own image and display them across the multi-
monitor display.
3.7.13 Assume Color Study
• When selected, can be used to force a chosen modality (ie: PET or US with
contrast) to the default color monitor based on your viewer display settings
3.7.14 Auto Red/Blue Swap
• When selected, gives the user an alternate contrast in Color Studies, by
3.7.15 Ignore LUT
• Recommended setting: OFF
• By default, Opal PACS processes images based on the LUT values. If, for
some reason, these LUT values are corrupted. When this option is selected,
Opal PACS will ignore the LUT values to attempt to produce a better image,
if necessary for troubleshooting.
• Specific to MG modality in most cases, but can troubleshoot for all
• LUT = Look Up Tables
3.7.16 Select Last Contrast Entry
• Modalities usually send multiple W/L settings for an image. Opal PACS, by
default will pick up the first W/L setting sent.
• When selected and the specific modality sends multiple W/L setting, OPAL
PACS will pick up the LAST W/L setting. *This setting is usually facility
specific based on how their individual modality send over the W/L setting
3.7.17 Pregenerate BitMaps
• When selected, if the occurrence of .bit image are imported into PACS, then
Opal will autogenerate them.
3.7.18 Pixel Padding as Background
• Recommended setting: ON
3.7.19 Detect Pixel Padding
• Recommended setting: ON
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3.7.20 Auto Unsharp Indicate 0% - 100% for automatic application of Unsharp Masking to
that specific modality for every image opened at the percentage assigned in the
dropdown menu. *Please note this UM setting will be applied to the image upon

3.8 Auto-Split Rules

3.8.1 Always
• When selected, will ALWAYS split a multi-slice image up into separate series
3.8.2 Isolate MPEG
• If selected, will divide MPEG images/videos around the screen if MPEG
images are indeed detected
3.8.3 Isolate Multiframe
• If selected, will extract Cine Loops into multiple image thumbnails
3.8.4 Differing Echo Time
• Refers to the echo time of the different frames within an echo grouping that
determines when to split the images
3.8.5 Differing Series Number
• Refers to the series number that determines where to split the series
3.8.6 Differing Series Time
• Refers to the time stamp associated with the series that determines when
to split the images

3.9 Premium View

3.9.1 Unsharp
• Enter an Unsharp Masking value (0-100%) in the field provided. (See Figure 3.2)

Figure 3.2

This will now allow the user to toggle the indicated UnSharp Masking setting
ON/OFF on all images for that modality when using the HotKey = F11.

*Please note this UM feature will not automatically be applied upon opening but
offers a preset “toggle” of a desired Unsharp Masking percentage.
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4. Fourth Tab: Annotations Options

(Figure 4.0)

4.1 Interface Options

4.1.1 Show Annotations
• When selected, this function displays all annotations made on the image
upon opening the study within the viewer.
• You can also toggle this feature ON/OFF by pressing the “A” key on your
keyboard. *Please see also “Hot Keys Chart” found under ABOUT>>Hot Keys
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4.1.2 One Click Annotations

• When selected, allows the user to create annotations with a “one-click
placement” functionality.

4.1.3 Show One Click Annotation Button

• When selected, will display the One Click Annotation Button in the Image
Viewer Tool Bar, as shown below:

• If not selected, the button will not display in the Image Viewer Tool bar.

4.1.4 Annotation Edit Mode

• When selected, will highlight/activate the Edit Annotations Tool icon

4.1.5 Use Dot Cursor

• When selected, will display your cursor as a dot as opposed to an arrow.
4.1.6 Show Annotations On Thumbnails
• When selected, will display all annotations placed on that particular image
in the thumbnail view.
4.1.7 Show Measurements in Inches
• When selected, will display all measurement annotations in “inches” units.
4.1.8 Allow Annotation Edit while Create
• When selected, allows user to edit a previously created annotation even
though the software is set to create annotation. This is an override feature.
• Only functional if One Click Edit (4.1.2) is turned OFF!
4.1.9 Allow Drag Create
• When selected, will allow user to click – drag – click to apply an annotation
versus a click – click – click to apply
4.1.10 Don’t Fully Draw on Edit
• When selected, this will only apply a dot to the first point when drawing an
annotation, then pauses and waits for the other dot to be plotted before a
line is drawn between the two.
4.1.11 ROI Show Size
• When selected, displays additional length measurement to ROI display.
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4.2 Color Settings

(Figure 4.1)

4.2.1 Color Set (1-5)

• Allows you to customize the color that displays when an annotation is
applied to an image (SET).
4.2.2 Color Edit
• Allows you to customize the color that displays when an annotation is
highlighted for editing (EDIT).
4.2.3 Color Hover
• Allows you to customize the color that displays when a user hovers over the
annotation (HOVER).

4.3 Misc Options

4.3.1 Scale is Pixel Size

• Check this box if font size should be determined by Pixel Size
4.3.2 Annotation Font Scale by: _____
• Allows you to customize the font size of an applied annotation
• Default is approximately 1 or 1.5 when Scale is Pixel Size IS NOT checked
• Default is approximately 10 is when Scale Pixel Size IS checked.
4.3.3 Annotation Point Scale by: _____
• Allows you to customize the point scale (size) of the annotation “end
• Enter a number between 0.1 – 5
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5. Fifth Tab: Chiropractic Options

(Figure 5.0)

5.1 Upper Cervical Options These options switch the assumptions of right/left sides of the image
(patient) for either Nasium or Vertex calculations. The application of either of these functions
eliminates the need for the user to flip the calculations. The software will automatically create
that flip.
5.1.1 Auto Nasium Calc Flip
5.1.2 Auto Vertex Calc Flip
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6. Sixth Tab: Overlay Config

(Figure 6.0)

6.1 Available Tags List of all possible DICOM tags available to display as overlays on individual
images or series of images .
6.2 Custom DICOM Tag Allows you to create a customized DICOM tag by entering the Group #
and Bement value in the fields provided.
6.3 Left Overlay Indicates all DICOM tags to be displayed on the left side of the image.
Right Overlay Indicates all DICOM tags to be displayed on the right side of the image.
Opal Viewer 28
v 2.4 platform/v1.0
User Settings Module

To Display Left & Right Overlays:

Highlight the DICOM tag you wish to display on the image overlay.
Hit the ADD button on either Left/Right Overlay column, depending on the desired location of
the displayed overlay.
Then click SAVE.

To remove a Left or Right Overlay:

Highlight the DICOM tag you wish to remove from the overlay display.
Hit the REMOVE button.
Then click SAVE.

6.4 Visible Calipers

• Select WHERE you would like the Visible Calipers to display on the image. You may
choose Left-Top-Right-and/or Bottom, as shown in the examples in Figure 6.1 and
Figure 6.2 below:

Visible Calipers “LEFT” Visible Calipers “RIGHT”

Figure 6.1 Figure 6.2

Opal Viewer 29
v 2.4 platform/v1.0
User Settings Module

7. Seventh Tab: ToolBox Options

(Figure 7.0)

This is where you can create your own personal “TOOLBOX” of icons for the Annotation, Tools,
Image and Layout functionality. Click on the expansion icons to “open” the list of available
tools/icons that can be selected and displayed in your customized toolbox. Highlight with a
single left click which icon you would like to display in your toolbox and the select the
arrow icon to move that functionality over to the selected list. Then you may customize the
display of your toolbox as indicated below:
Opal Viewer 30
v 2.4 platform/v1.0
User Settings Module

7.1 Number of visible rows

• Select the number of rows you would like to have in your toolbox.
7.2 Button Size
• Select the desired size of the toolbox buttons you would like to display in your
7.3 Button Separation
• Select the desired size of separation between the various icons in your toolbox.
7.4 Orientation
• Select whether you would like your personalized toolbox to be displayed Above
Thumbnails or Below Thumbnails.

An example of a personalized toolbox is shown below in Figure 7.1 where the Actual Size, Zoom, Pan
and Magnify tools have been selected to display, as instructed above.

(Figure 7.1)

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