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ICT-LAB Activity Sheet Template

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Republic of the Philippines


1000 Ayala Boulevard cor. San Marcelino St., Ermita, Manila

Tel.: (301) 3001; Local: 306

Website: http://www.tup.edu.ph
ICT Essentials Laboratory

Activity no. 12


I. Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, the learners are expected to;
a. Learn the techniques in creating CIE-ICT Logo manually using various software application.
b. Make a logo using Canva application.
c. Identify the features of Canva application to easily create CIE-ICT logo.
d. Know the things that needs to be considered in creating CIE-ICT logo.

II. Description:

What is logo?

A logo is a combination of text and visual imagery that serves two purposes. First, it tells people
the name and second, it creates a visual symbol that represents a certain company or

Why do we need a logo?

Just like an Identification picture, a logo is intended to be the face or identity of an organization.
It visually speaks its purpose using the colors and symbols. A professional looking and well-
designed logo can easily capture the attention of potential clients which builds the trust of

What are the things that we should consider in logo making particularly in TUP’s CIE-ICT Logo?

 Make a basis from the existing logo of TUP and CIE Department
 Clear and readable
 Use appropriate colors
 Have something memorable and easy to distinguish
 Be consistent

Prepared by: Date submitted:

Submitted to: Jovylon B. Canencia Page Number Page 1 of 4
Various software application enables the user to do the following:

 To create a professional and well-designed CIE-ICT logo

 Save it with transparent background or in PNG file type
 Store it conveniently in software drafts, flash drive or electronic devices
 Display it on screen

III. Requirements:
a. Laptop/Desktop/Phone
b. Software application/Canva Application

IV. Procedure:
1. Prepare your chosen device.
2. Open the software application/Canva Application.
3. Click on the search tab and type “Logo”.
4. Select the “Create a blank logo”.
5. Browse the elements and select symbols that you prefer based on the TUP and CIE
Department Seal.
6. Manually adjust the size dimensions of the elements to create spaces for text input.
7. Click on the top left portion and select the “Color” to change the existing colors and add
more range of shades in the selected elements.
8. Chosen elements can be adjusted by clicking the “Edit Image”, “Crop”, “Flip”, or
9. Input the name of the logo by clicking the “Text”. Type the name and change the format
of the text by clicking the “Fonts”, “Font size”, and “Effects” section.
10. Observe if the chosen elements, colors, fonts, sizes, and positions are well-balanced and
11. Type in the chosen file name. Click on download symbol and select the “PNG” file type
and mark the transparent background.
12. Click the “Download” to automatically save your edited logo in the “Home drafts” and
also in your used device.

V. Activity

 Create your own CIE-ICT Logo using the Canva Application for much convenience.
 Download your logo in a PNG file type with transparent background.
 For the legitimacy of your own work, record your screen while creating CIE-ICT Logo
in Canva Application. (Use timelapse)
 Also, screenshot the steps that you’ve done at least 6 pictures and attach it in the
MS word file (the last picture must show your downloaded output).
 Have some brief explanation from your constructed logo.
 Save your work only in Word File not PDF.
 Upload your recordings and word file in Class Google Drive carrying the file name
“Activity 12”.
 You will be given 3 days to accomplish this activity.

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Submitted to: Jovylon B. Canencia Page Number Page 2 of 4
Rubrics in evaluation the activity

Making a Logo

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Use of Class Time Used time well Used time well Used some of the Did not use time to
during the duration during the duration time well during focus on the
of the submission. of the submission. the duration of the project OR often
Focused on getting Usually focused on submission. There distracted others.
the project done. getting the project was some focus on
Never distracted done and never getting the project
others. distracted others. done but
distracted others.
Content - Accuracy At least 7 accurate 5-6 accurate facts 3-4 accurate facts Less than 3
facts are displayed are displayed on are displayed on accurate facts are
on the logo. the logo. the logo. displayed on the

Graphics - Several of the One or two of the The graphics are No graphics made
Originality graphics used on graphics used on made by the by the student are
the logo reflect a the logo reflect student, but are included.
exceptional degree student creativity based on the
of student in their creation designs or ideas of
creativity in their and/or display. others.
creation and/or
Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate Graphics do not
Relevance related to the topic related to the topic to the topic. Most relate to the topic
and make it easier and most make it borrowed graphics OR several
to understand. All easier to have a source borrowed graphics
borrowed graphics understand. All citation. do not have a
have a source borrowed graphics source citation.
citation. have a source
Labels All items of Almost all items of Several items of Labels are too
importance on the importance on the importance on the small to view OR
logo are clearly logo are clearly logo are clearly no important items
labeled with labels labeled with labels labeled with labels were labeled.
that can be read that can be read that can be read
from at least 3 ft. from at least 3 ft. from at least 3 ft.
away. away. away.

Prepared by: Date submitted:

Submitted to: Jovylon B. Canencia Page Number Page 3 of 4
VI. Learnings:

Logo has been part of our lives to distinguish different groups, companies, organizations, or
even the educational institutions that we are living in. It speaks its sole purpose by its color,
symbols and names without even telling people. Making a logo seems to be simple and easy, but
it takes intensive ideas of signifying and consideration of elements and trend to represent or
give identification specifically in CIE-ICT LOGO. It may consume lots of time in revision but surely
everyone will recognize your work that gives identity even at a distance.

VII. References:


Prepared by: Date submitted:

Submitted to: Jovylon B. Canencia Page Number Page 4 of 4

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