Embedding Audio and Video Files
Embedding Audio and Video Files
Embedding Audio and Video Files
Audio and video have been utilized in the teaching-learning process for over a decade now. Kids and
teens are more likely to retain the information they learn from what they have seen and listened to.
Young minds are looking for something other than the traditional ways of learning, and so they like
watching and listening.
21st-century learners are visual and auditory learners, and that is why teachers are currently
practicing a technique with which students will appreciate and learn through videos. Previously,
lesson 2 let you familiarize yourself with and explore Google Slides, as well as add animation to your
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
own presentation. In this lesson, you will learn how to embed audio and video to present your
thoughts and ideas on a certain topic.
How do you think embedding audio and video would help you to present topics from your
specialization? How would you utilize it to influence people around you? How would the skills you
acquired from this lesson help you in your future?
In this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
● Identify the different audio and video formats.
● Grasp the steps in embedding audio and video to the presentation.
● Practice embedding audio and video in the slides.
● Produce a slideshow presentation with audio and video.
DepEd Competency
Use common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques. (CS_ICT11/12-
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
10 minutes
Have you ever played tableau? Tableau presentation is a game in which a group of people will
motionlessly show a scene and a representative will guess what is depicted. The first representative who
guesses correctly within 1 to 2 minutes will be declared the winner.
In this activity, you need to have 7 members in a group. You will play tableau with the category of Movies.
The teacher will give each group a movie title and the group should come up with a still representation of
the given movie through the frozen poses of each member. A representative from each group will guess
the title. The first group with the most guesses in 2 minutes will be declared the winner.
Guide Questions
1. What did you observe while playing tableau?
3. If you will choose between still images and moving objects with sounds, which would you prefer?
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
Audio refers to the sound you hear from a recording. It can be music, radio announcements, storytelling,
or even sound effects. It is usually played on radios, laptops, computers, televisions, and smartphones.
There are plenty of audio formats to choose from, but not all audio formats are compatible with
presentation software. Google Slides only supports two audio formats: MP3 and WAV.
Moving Picture Experts Group-I Audio Layer 3 ( MP3) is an audio format
commonly used for music. Files of this format (marked by their .mp3 extension)
are used to store data in digital devices like personal computers and smartphones.
It is a file format in which a sound sequence is compressed into a small-scale file
that can be used in other software such as Google Slides.
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
Microsoft and IBM standard audio format used to store audio bitstreams on computers. Short sound
effects such as nature and animal sounds are commonly stored in this file format. Sounds saved in this
manner do not lose much quality from recording, and so these sound much like their original sources.
Thus, WAV files can be used to add beauty and emotion to videos and presentations. Fig. 4. WAV icon.
A video on its own can be a means of presenting and delivering a topic. Adding videos to a presentation
emphasizes the ideas. It adds meaning to the topic and accentuates the parts that should be stressed out.
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
Watching videos often adds excitement for people viewing the presentation; it catches the attention of
the audience.
MPEG 4 (.mp4)
MPEG4, commonly known as mp4, is the most convenient video file format
supported by all digital devices. This format is different from mp3 because it supports both video and
audio, but they are similar in terms of compression. Although it shows lower visual quality than the
other file formats, it still has the average rendering for all digital devices.
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
created for and played with Adobe Flash Player, but nowadays the FLV format is compatible with
other devices such as DVD players, computers, and cloud-based software like Google Slides. It has a
smaller file size than AVI and MP4, making it load faster. Fig. 7. FLV icon.
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
3. A dialog box will appear after clicking Video. Look for the file you want to add from
YouTube, other websites, or from your Google Drive.
Fig. 10. Pop-up box for selecting the source of the video.
4. If you are going to add video into Google Slides, you have the option to search for it from your
Personal Drive, Shared Files, or Recent Files. Then, just click the Select button.
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
5. You can modify the properties of the video from the Format options panel that will show on the
right side of your workspace.
Fig. 12. Format options panel will show on the right side when you click the video.
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
Activity 1
In activity 1 of lesson 2, you were asked to create a slideshow of your images from last year up to the
present. In this activity, you are going to embed a suitable background music into the slide show. Describe
your experience below and how embedding music into the slideshow makes it more beautiful.
Activity 2
In line with activity 1, embed a video in which you can show a moment that you want to reminisce. Below,
describe your experience and how embedding video into the slideshow makes it more meaningful.
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
3. Where can you find the properties of the inserted audio and video?
1. Why do you think people cannot embed audio or video from their computer storage when using
Google Slides?
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
2. What do you think is the difference between adding files and embedding files?
3. How are you going to hide the audio icon while it is playing on the slide in Google Slides?
4. How will you play a video from a slide while having external background music in Google Slides?
5. What do you think is the essence of embedding audio or video files in a presentation?
Wrap Up
● Audio refers to the sounds being recorded in digital form, and video refers to the digital motion
pictures with sounds.
● Google Slides supports two types of audio files: MP3 and WAV.
● Google Slides supports several types of video files: AVI, FLV, MP4, WebM, etc.
● There are several steps to embed audio and video in your presentation.
● Embedding audios and videos in your slides results in a meaningful and beautiful presentation.
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
Photo Credits
AVI icon is licensed under Microsoft via Rocketium.
WAV logo is licensed under Creative Commons Deed CC0 via Public Domain Vectors.
Speaker, headphones and musical note with neon style over purple Free Vector by
gstudioimagen is licensed under Freepik license via Freepik.
“Add or Change Animations and Transitions - Computer - Docs Editors Help.” Google. Google.
https://support.google.com/docs/answer/1689475?co=GENIE.Platform=Desktop&hl= en
(accessed April 8 2020).
Agarwal, Amit, and Amit Agarwal. “How to Embed Music in Your Google Slides Presentation.” Digital
Inspiration. January 2, 2018.
https://www.labnol.org/internet/audio-in-google-slides/30903/ (accessed April 15 2020).
“How to Add and Edit Audio or Music in Google Slides Presentation.” Tutorial. April 14, 2020.
https://slidesgo.com/slidesgo-school/google-slides-tutorials/how-to-add-and-edit-aud io-or-music-
Unit 5: Digital Presentation Software Skills
“Sustainability of Digital Formats: Planning for Library of Congress Collections.” AVI (Audio Video
Interleaved) File Format. March 9, 2016.
theFIVE10.com. 2017. “MP3 File Format To Discontinue.” theFIVE10.Com. May 15, 2017.