2.SDM UC2F1902 Exam
2.SDM UC2F1902 Exam
2.SDM UC2F1902 Exam
b. This methodology was popularly used in the late 1980’s and was describe to be very rigid and
document-led approach to system design. Which methodology is being referred to and explain
the methodology phases and deliverables. You can illustrate the phases with the aid of a
(11 marks)
c. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a known as a fast methodology for urgent project to
be completed within days / weeks. Discuss RAD techniques that encourages fast system
(6 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
a. Agile Methods such as SCRUM, XP and Kanban are few examples of modern Information
Systems Methodologies which believes in the application of the Agile Principles. Identify and
explain any suitable THREE (3) agile principles that your company should apply for the
recently assigned project to develop online job placement system.
(15 marks)
b. Briefly explain any TWO (2) usages of Unified Modeling Language (UML).
(10 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
You have been assigned to developed online job placement system for Asia Pacific University.
Discuss the following consideration that your team needs to understand and apply during the
systems development of the system.
a. Resource Planning is important to estimate time and cost of the project. It is normally done at
the early stage of planning. Explain TWO (2) popular tools in resource planning that can help
you to plan the project resources well.
(6 marks)
b. Explain THREE (3) popular systems analysis techniques which you can suggest to your team.
Give relevant examples to each of your techniques. Justify which techniques you would suggest
for the above system.
(11 marks)
c. Identify and describe the TWO (2) differences between qualitative and quantitative analysis.
(8 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
You are a member of a project team that is developing a new online job placement system. Assume
that your team has completed the programming tasks and you are now ready to test the completed
software as part of your quality control procedure.
a. Describe the THREE(3) objectives of conducting Software Testing. Explain how each
objectives could be achieved.
(9 marks)
b. State any THREE(3) possible problems that a developer would face when conducting Software
(6 marks)
c. Identify and explain FOUR(4) standard types of testing that you would conduct for the above
system. Give relevent examples for each.
(10 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
Pal Software Limited Software Company currently just completed the development of the online
job placement system. Now, the company is in the midst of selecting and adopting a single, suitable
deployment and changeover strategy amongst the many diverse strategies currently available and
practiced in the industry.
a. Suggest and explain a suitable deployment strategy that the company can adopt.
(10 marks)
b. Explain the problems that probably will face during deploying Web-based software.
(8 marks)
c. Suggest the best changeover method for this system. Briefly explain how it would be
carried out
(7 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)