DSTR Assignment Question APU
DSTR Assignment Question APU
DSTR Assignment Question APU
This project requires you to develop an Ordering System to handle all the primary
information of the customer orders. A computer application is needed for their customer
service personnel to process purchases that require delivery to their customers. The
system must have the following functionalities:
b) The following data is required when creating a new order: order number, item
code(s), item type(s) (ie. burger, spaghetti, coke, and etc.), quantity, cost per item,
delivery information (see part c) for more information), fulfilled order (assigned
‘N’ by default and denotes that the order has not been fulfilled), and total cost of
the purchase (including delivery charges). Note that a single purchase may
contain multiple items.
c) The delivery information for a new order should contains the following
information: recipient name, address, telephone number, and delivery charges.
The delivery charge is 5% of the total cost of the item(s) purchased.
d) The customer service personnel should be able to search for a particular order by:
Order number
Recipient name
Once the order is found, the customer service personnel should be given the
option to modify the data for a particular attribute (data field), or to delete an
order. Note that only the recipient name, address and/or telephone number
attributes may be modified.
e) When viewing orders, the most recent order (based on order number) must be
displayed first. The customer service personnel should then fulfill the orders (in
sequence starting from the most recent order) by updating the fulfilled order field
to ‘F’. Note that the customer service personnel should not be allowed to skip any
order when fulfilling the orders. The fulfilled order will then be sent to the
delivery list and automatically removed from the orders list.
f) Include all validations required for the system and use good programming
practices (eg. indentation, meaningful identifier names, comments, and etc.).
Assignment Requirements
You are required to submit a hardcopy as well as a softcopy of assignment report and
source code. The report should contain:
- Detailed explanation of the data structures and classes created, with proper
justification on your decisions (include source code defining classes, data members,
and method headers only).
- Brief explanation about the algorithms used to implement the functionalities stated
above (include code snippets of important parts of implementation).
- Source code of the main function, with screenshots showing program’s input and
output interactions.
You have to present your assignment solution and answers to the lecturer during a
Q&A session that will be conducted after the hand-in date.
If you use some code which has been taken or adapted from another source (book,
magazine, internet, forum, etc.) then this must be cited and referenced using Harvard
Referencing Style within your source code, and this must be mentioned explicitly in the
report. Failure to reference code properly will be treated as plagiarism. Automated tools
for checking code similarities among submissions will be used, and all detected cases will
be treated as cheating.
2. The attached CD should include a softcopy of the report, in addition to the C++
files of the programs. The organization of files and folders must adhere to the
following instructions precisely:
A folder named “StudentFirstName-StudentID” should contain the report
file (Microsoft Word), and the C++ (*.cpp / *.h) files ONLY. All additional
project files (especially if you use Visual Studio) should be removed.
Make sure to DELETE all non-source-code files, including executables
4. You have to submit your assignment with Coursework Submission and Feedback
Form (CSFF) attached.
Marking Criteria:
The program submitted will be evaluated according to the following performance criteria: