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Mule Interview Qus

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Hexa Ware:

1. Deployment/ on cloud, on premise, standalone (is mmc standalone or not)? also what is
runtime manager
2. Which applications /connectors can be deployed on cloud...and on premise.
3. How the same code is applicable to all environments?
4. For standalone/mmc do we run any server on our local environment?
5. Versioning Tools used?
6. Policies in mule, where do we configure and what policies we do generally have?
7. Version of RAML, Anypoint Studio, Runtime Manager, Mule version?
8. Unit Test cases, Junit, M-unit?
9. Oauth 2.0 policy?
10. Maven.
11. Does we use salesforce inbound or outbound.If outbound what tables we do use generally?
12. Who will provide token credentials for sfdc?
13. SAP connector for IDOC?
14. Do we use active JMS or any other JMS like rabbitmq in real time?
15. where do we change input and output folder paths for both file and ftp connector in cloud
hub and on premises.
16. Do we maintain any file for recording exceptions or errors in file?
17. same questions for db.
18. Any real time example for property place holder
19. about pom.xml for maven based(scenario)
20. Deployment process in jenkins and any other tools.


1) SAP,webservice, surf, anaplan,

2) Sap configuration, jenkins

3) webservice consumer

4) what is the annotation used for defining ws.

5) how do we catch the soap based exceptions when the service is down.

6) MEL for exception.


1) The ETL planned with mulesoft is that batch process or mule batch, how did you implemented,
what is the batch size and time frame scheduled, how much time will take for large batches?

2) What on-completion will do(in batch processing)?

3) Have you seen worker limitaion with batch?

4) How Load Balancer will happen in CloudHub?

5) When we gor for batch, will batch always work in 1 worker or maintain 2 workers?

6) If there is problem with worker i.e; stopped or suspended , then how it get restarted is it
automatically or manually we will need to restart?

7) Latest RAML version ?(1.0)

8) Once you develop RAML how you will sync up to AnypointStudio?

9) Policies?

10) Client_id and Client_secret are at business group level or customer application level?(Ans:
Business Group Level)

11) How business group level client_id and client_secret will populate in message flow in global

12) How the VPC build across the cloudhub?

13) IP sect Tunnel?

14) Jenkins?

15) Do you have any on-premises other than CloudHub?


1) How do you maintain Security when connecting to the server?

2) Do you have any idea on how Oauth works?

3) Have you designed the REST API calls?

4) What all the exceptions you have covered?

5) When catching the exceptions how you are showing it? are you sending any emails, like how the
end user or client come to know or the developer or the person who is supporting that application?
How the person come to know there is an error in my flows or how you make sure that the support
person or end user will become aware, okay. because the flow is gone because of this there is an
6) Have you done any kind of logging in your application, i mean how are you monitering the

7) What kind of variable you have used in mule?

8) What is the purpose of using Record Variable?

9) Difference b/w Flow and Record variables?

10) Why do we use Mule Batch?

11) How you are testing your code?

12) What tools have you used for testing?

13) Have you done deployments on the cloud hub? Can you explain me how to do that?

14) What do you mean by worker?

15) What is V core? Difference b/w Vcore and Worker?

16) What do you understand by Process scope?

17) What do you understand by Async and Sync?

18) How do you design the Asunc Pattern?

19) Difference b/w Async and Sync?

20) Which connectors have you worked on?

21) What are the HTTP connector what are the different parameters worked to configure?

22) What are the variables preffered in the batch process?

Wipro -1:

1) What do you define in RAML, Explain?

2) Where do you insert RAML file in Mule?

3) After inserting the RAML in studio. What you done after that?

4) How to connect to SAP? What all details you have entered in the configuration?

5) How did you get the file in SAP? Bapi or through Idoc?

6) What file did you get from SAP?

7) In which format the file was?

8) Explain polling of your project?

9) What exception did you get in SAP? Tell me the exception name which you got in SAP?

10) In which senerio you have Grovvy component in the project & why you have used it?

11) What is the use of RAML file?

12) Difference b/w flow variables and Session variables?

13) What kind data you are expecting from the SAP? (BAPI or Function Or Idoc)?

14) For BAPI? What kind of RFC you will do?

15) when you connect to SAP system what server you are using to connect to SAP infra (Madiger or

16) sRFC,tRFC, qRFC?

17) What design pattern you are using for integration?

18) FTP?

19) Headers and properties? what is the scope or inbound properties in mule?

20) Flow and sub flow? what are diffrence you see in the sub flow?

21) Can i call flow variables and session variables in an sub flow?( yes) why?


1) Difference b/w SOAP and REST?

2) Mule msg Structure?

3) Difference b/w insights and Analytics?

4) Different types of properties?

5) What is the inbound property and outbound property?


1) you got BAPI from SAP without any issues? or have you faced any exceptions?

2) When you are inserting the data into the salesforce and when the salesforce is down what you will

3) Difference b/w flow, sub-flow and private flow?

4) If any issue is occurred in the production env? how you will handle?

5) Deployment process in cloud hub?

6) How you maintain properties when you are deploying in the cloud hub?

7) Explain Batch and how it works?

8) If i want to make the batch synchronous what we have to do?

9) How many threads needs to be in the batch? suppose i have 10 threads needs to created for a
particular batch how you will achieve that?

10) If any issue occur in production? how you will debug the issue?

11) What exceptions you have faced in your project? how did you handled that?


1) I have 3 sources xml,csv, file and one destination. how do you process?

2) where do you do logging?


1) You have exposed the API, suppose if you 1000 requests at a time, how you will handle?

2) I have one flow and i need to call the other flow which is in different project, how will you do that?

3) i have First Name, Last name, and Middle Name. If i give the Middle Name then only it should
populate in the output otherwise No, How will you do that?

4) How to transform simple json to Xml?

5) How to call the flow with Dataweave? Syntax

L & T -1:

1) In Mulesoft what are the components you have used?

2) HTTP connector?

3) FTP connector?

4) Flow and Sub flow?

5) GET, PUT are which components?

6) When you take flow component form the mule pallate, what are the components you will get by
default ( You will get the source type and one more thing)


8) What are the examples you have used in the RAML?

10) What are the securities you have done for secure the REST API's?

11) API Kit router?

12) How API kit Router will validate each end point details, if there are many?

Suppose i have 3 GET methods, GET-1, GET-2, GET-3 are defined in RAML, so how API Kit router
will validate these end points when customer is giving request to API Kit router, How it will redirect
to the corresponding flow?

13) How can we define the URI's in RAML? In general, what idealogy we will follow?

14) What is the use of query parameter?

15) What is the advantage of key and value?

16) Can we use query parameter for POST method or only for GET?

17) Suppose if we have one REST API? We have to test within the mulesoft then how will you test it?

What component you will be dragging in the canvas to do this task? explain step by step?

18) Have you worked on JMS, WMQ in mule soft?

19) Flow and Session variable and how can we define it?

20) Different b/w Inbound and Outbound parameters?

21) What are inbound parameters and when they become outbound parameters?

22) Suppose i am sending one query parameter? which will it come under inbound or
Outbound?(where can i access this in muleflow)

23) What is the Message in mulesoft and what is payload?

24) Have you worked on Dataweave? Have you written any expressions?

L & T-2:

1) Why do we use RAML?

2) How do we use RAML?

3) During the execution of an API what is the point where RAML got executed?

4) Have you used Jenkins? for what purpose do we use it?

5) When you develop an API? What all things you will like to have in documentation?

6) Where do we define the structure of the response in API?

7) What is the purpose of using Anypoint platform?


1) Apart from mule what all tools you are aware of?

2) Current domain mulesoft?

3) Soap and REST?

4) RAML?

5) HTTP status code 201?

6) Any understanding on Messaging Layer in mulesoft?

7) Features of ESB tool?

8) Design pattern in Mule ESB?

9) Exception Handing in Mulesoft?

10) How do you test an API in mulesoft? Munit, automated test?

Value Momentum:

1) What is RAML?

2) If there is a situation where you have to pass query parameter in RAML, and one need to have a
parameter as Mandatory and other as Optional, how can you write in RAML?

3) Do we have any other instead of required=false? can i write some othing thing?

4) How you have imported RAML in your current project?

5) Suppose there are any changes to the RAML, i have to reflect those chnages in the Any Point
Studio? How you will do that?

6) Can we use same port n.o for different applications? I have used one port n.o for the previous
project and i want to use same port n.o for some other projects? what is the procedure?

7) What is the domain project in mule?

8) Can we deploy multiple application at a time? and how? and will it give any error?

9) Explain Batch?

10) Is Batch is global Element or Local element?

11) In my main flow i am trying to consume a file and pick a file where it has 1000 records, within the
same flow i want to use batch scope to make it into chunks and i want to pass those records as a
individual records into pieces, can i use batch in the main flow?

12) Suppose we have implemented the batch and i want to call this batch to one of the main flow,
how can call this batch to the main flow?

13) What is the use of the batch executive?

14) What is the use of batch commit?

15) If i have 10,000 records at a time it is going to process and i want to divide those records into 100
records in each, so it has to process 100 records at a time?

16) Can we use poll component to pick up the file?

17) What is the difference b/w poll and Quartz?

18) In Inbound i have a query parameter, how will i write a expression? and how to access the

19) Assume that there are 100 records, in 100 records there might be some successful records and
some failure records, how you handle those successful and failure records in batch? and what is the
MEL expression for that and want to print the failure records on console?


1) Why should i use RAML and why should i go for the RAML?

2) Message Enricher?

3) What is Mule Requester and Why it is used?

4) Difference b/w Splitter and Scatter Gather?

5) In Scatter Gather you are having 3 sub flows, in one of the flow you are getting the exception,
weather the program will continue or the program is stoped due to the hault?

6) Explain batch?

7) Difference b/w sub flow and private flow?

8) Exception handling in private and sub flow?

9) What is JMS Queue and Topic?

10) In source we are having the DB and has the employee details of 10,000 records and the target
system is Salesforce and it can accept only 200 records at a time, what will be your approach to
process these 10000 records?

11) How can we call a flow from the dataweave?

12) Have you used reduce method method in dataweave?

13) How can we access property in a flow and in a dataweave?

suppose you have defined salesforce and username and you want to access that salesforce and
username in the application how will you access?

14) How collections internally work in Java?


1) What is an API?

2) What are types of API's available?

3) How can we create an API without doing manually?

4) Explain mule message structure?

5) I have a flow can we access multiple sources at a time? If that is the case what type of component
you use?

6) Exception strategies you have used?

7) Difference b/w HTTP, REST, SOAP?

8) CXF component?

9) If there are huge volumes coming what will you do to improve your performance? can you name
few best methods which you will consider the flow which you have?

10) Suppose i have 10 files in the FTP and i want only one file, based on the file name that should be

11) In Resume you have mentioned that solution gathering and analysis. can you plz tell few senerios
with the current project?

12) Batching?

13) Difference b/w process API and Experience API?

14) Have you involved in estimates to client or have you only involved only in the design part?

15) Explain SDLC?

16) Difference b/w On premises and cloud hub?

17) M unit?

18) Difference b/w Synchrous and Asynchrous flow?

19) Threading in Asyncrous queue?

20) How many threads will be working for the default?

21) N.o of threads for default Asynchrous flow?

22) In case of synchrous thread how many threads will be available?

23) How can you ensure that an API is reusable for multiple sources? what are the key parameters
you will consider for creating an API?

(Suppose i have an API that can be reused for 3 patners).

24) What are the basic authentications available in the mule soft?

25) What do you understand by client id and Client secret?

Oak North:

1) What is the role in you current project?

2) Have you created the REST service? How did you do start?

3) Explain me how REST works?

4) Difference b/w Flow and private flow?

5) If i want to retrieve the some properties in the inbound, how do i write the expression?

6) What exactly the dataweave does?

7) I have a message coming in the form of json and i want to convert that in the java object and i
have defined a class, in Dataweave what should i write if you remember the exact syntax?

8) What is the composite source?

9) I have a service(REST) which returns some records of the customer and service has a problem it
returns only 100 records, the functionality is like it cannot retrieve more than 100 records at a time.
Suppose if a customer has 900 records then we need to execute the service 9 times and fetch the
records like 0-100,101-200,201-300 every time when we hit the service we need to change the query
parameter get the result into an ArrayList. After executing everything i want the 900 records into the
Array List. Tell me how do you design the flow?

(One customer it could be 100 records or for some customers it could be 250 records, it depends)

10) Splitter and Aggregator?

11) Collection Splitter?

12) Exception handlings?

13) Object store?

14) I have got two flows in my project; i need to do something the 2nd flow is the poll and 1st flow is
like getting the records from Database. There are some values in the database i need to fetch those
values and built my cache and then only the polling should start (2nd flow), it should start the
polling once the cache is completed.

15) Have you worked with Mule context?

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