2-CIASG 2017 BCF Framework Paper V7
2-CIASG 2017 BCF Framework Paper V7
2-CIASG 2017 BCF Framework Paper V7
Michael Mylrea, Sri Nikhil Gupta Gourisetti, Member, IEEE, Andrew Nicholls
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
michael.mylrea@pnnl.gov, srinikhil.gourisetti@pnnl.gov, andrew.nicholls@pnnl.gov
Abstract—This paper presents an introduction to the product of a collaborated effort between the U.S. Department
Buildings Cybersecurity Framework (BCF). The BCF provides of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and
the organizations with a set of cybersecurity best practices, EERE’s Building Technologies Office. BCF applies to six of
policies and procedures to improve their cybersecurity posture; the sixteen critical infrastructure sectors designated by the
defines structured methodologies to interact cybersecurity
Department of Homeland Security, including commercial
activities and outcomes from the executive to operations levels.
The foundation of the BCF core is based on five core elements facilities (e.g., public assembly, offices, lodging), financial
defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology services (e.g., banking and insurance), government facilities,
(NIST) Cybersecurity Framework: Identify, Protect, Detect, healthcare and public health, emergency services (e.g., fire
Respond and Recover. Those five core elements were crafted to and police stations), and information technology. Information
address evolving cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. With Technology (IT) is the backbone of all businesses and some of
the BCF, an organization will be able to: assess their target the critical IT applications include managing critical data,
cybersecurity state and current cybersecurity posture; identify controlling physical processes such as the power grid [2].
and prioritize improvement opportunities and necessary actions Therefore, securing the IT infrastructure and the (OT)
by continuous and repeatable process; assess progress towards
networked devices is imperative in securing the building.
the target state; and communicate cybersecurity risk among
internal and external stakeholders. This paper is a miniature of The Buildings Cybersecurity Framework (BCF) provides
the ~100-page Buildings Cybersecurity Framework, and the goal general guidance to building owners and operators to identify
of this paper is to explicate the applicability of BCF in different and implement a cybersecurity risk management strategy to
types of buildings such as Residential, Small Commercial, Large secure critical buildings Information Technology (IT) and
Commercial, and Federal buildings. Note that the framework Operational Technology (OT). To realize this goal, the
itself is a detailed version of the various aspects discussed in this framework provides insight into common vulnerabilities,
paper. threats, and potential impacts from cyber-attacks. Securing
buildings from emerging cyber threats is a process, not an end
Keywords—Buildings; Cybersecurity; Connected Buildings;
NIST; Identify; Protect; Detect; Respond; Recover
state. This process requires incorporating cybersecurity best
policies, practices, and procedures. The Framework provides
case studies and illustrations highlighting common cyber
I. INTRODUCTION threats, vulnerabilities, and mitigation recommendations to
Smart buildings are increasingly adopting automation and reduce these vulnerabilities, ensure service reliability, and
connecting to the Internet, creating an energy-internet-of- manage cyber risk.
things (EIOT) environment that converges operational The national opportunity and challenge to secure buildings
technology (OT) and information technology (IT). Today, from emerging cyber threats cannot be overstated. The recent
buildings increasingly weave together networked sensors and documented findings in government reports [3]–[9], indicate
cyber and physical systems that enable big data to be the growing threat of physical and cyber-based attacks on
collected, aggregated, exchanged, stored and monetized in electric grids and other critical infrastructure systems [10].
new ways. Building technological advances have created new Buildings technology is increasingly digitized and connected
energy technology, services, markets and value creation to cyberspace, enabling new opportunities to increase
opportunities (e.g. transactive energy, two-way grid interoperability, connectivity, and energy efficiency, and to
communications, machine learning, and increased use of use renewable energy. The nation’s 5.6 million commercial
renewable and distributed energy resources). But as larger data buildings use 19% and 36% of the nation’s primary energy
sets are being exchanged at faster speeds between an and electricity use, respectively; Department of Energy’s
increasing number of nodes, it becomes more difficult to (DOE’s) goal is to improve energy use per square foot in this
protect the security of the data life cycle. These challenges are sector by 30% by 2030, relative to 2010 [11]. Achieving this
especially difficult to overcome because the economic and goal requires the secure development, deployment, and
environmental gain (interoperability, big data, social networks management of advanced building technology that is
and ubiquitous information sharing) are driving these increasingly connected to the Internet and vulnerable to
prominent trends in the digital age—not cybersecurity. emerging cyber threats.
The Buildings Cybersecurity Framework (BCF) [1] is a As the National Academies recently observed: “These
systems provide critical services that allow a building to meet
This study has been conducted at the Pacific Northwest National the functional and operational needs of building occupants, but
Laboratory is operated for the U. S. Department of Energy by the Battelle
Memorial Institute under Contract DE-AC05-75RL01830.
they can also be easy targets for hackers and people with owners and operators to manage their cyber risk through
malicious intent. As these systems are becoming more adoption of The Framework for Improving Critical
connected, so is their vulnerability to potential cyber-attacks.” Infrastructure Cybersecurity (EO 13636) developed by the
Connectivity offers a tremendous opportunity for realizing our National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in
nation’s energy efficiency and renewable energy goals, but at February 2014 [19].
the cost of increased cyber risk to our buildings. Cyber threats BCF provides a voluntary risk-based Cybersecurity
and vulnerabilities, or even the perception of the increased risk Framework—a set of industry standards and best practices to
they present, could hinder the adoption of smart, connected help building owners and operators better manage
technology in buildings. For example, converting an electric cybersecurity risks. BCF provides a common taxonomy and
grid into smart grid incorporates smart metering and load mechanism for buildings stakeholders to
management, which leads to high risk of user and corporate
privacy by making things easily accessible and available to • describe their current cybersecurity posture,
anyone; may motivate an attack on the power grid [12]-[16] • describe their target state for cybersecurity,
(an attacker reducing electricity bill). While increasing
cybersecurity awareness and risk management is essential, • identify and prioritize opportunities for improvement
buildings vary greatly in the technology they deploy and the within the context of a continuous and repeatable process,
resources available to protect it. • assess progress toward the target state, and
In response, DOE’s Building Technologies Office
developed the Framework to provide easy to follow general • communicate among internal and external stakeholders
guidance, drawn from the National Institute of Standards and about cybersecurity risk
Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework and a wide
B. BCF Features
variety of industry best practices and guidance documents
(i.e., NIST 800 series, DoD United Facilities Criteria) [17]. • Practices, policies, procedures to guide cybersecurity
The Framework will facilitate buildings cybersecurity risk activities & an organization’s risk management processes.
management efforts and help increase an organization’s
cybersecurity posture by identifying security gaps and • Detailed cybersecurity activities, outcomes, and
providing energy managers and buildings personnel actionable informative references, providing detailed guidance for
guidance to help secure their buildings from various developing individual organizational risk profiles.
cybersecurity vulnerabilities and evolving cyber threats. The
• Checklists and use cases to help building stakeholders
BCF is not a one-size-fits-all approach to managing
align their cybersecurity activities with their business
cybersecurity risk for buildings. Buildings will continue to
requirements, risk tolerances, and resources.
have unique cyber risks—different threats, vulnerabilities, and
risk tolerances. While resources will help determine how users • Case studies providing real world examples of how to
implement the BCF, it will help organizations determine implement the best practices found in each chapter.
activities that are important to critical service delivery and
prioritize investments to maximize the effectiveness of C. BCF Applications
security investments. The Buildings Cybersecurity Framework complements,
but does not replace, an organization’s existing risk
II. BUILDINGS CYBERSECURITY FRAMEWORK management process and cybersecurity program. Building
owners and operators can use their current processes and
A. BCF Overview leverage the Framework to identify opportunities to strengthen
The BCF (also available as a web tool at cf.pnnl.gov) their cybersecurity risk management and adopt industry best
provides five concurrent and continuous functions (which can practices. Alternatively, an organization without an existing
also be referred as Domains) to Identify, Protect, Detect, cybersecurity program can use the Framework as a reference
Respond, and Recover from cyber threats and vulnerabilities to establish one.
to buildings. When considered together, these functions
provide a high-level, strategic view of the lifecycle of an III. CRITICAL DOMAINS OF BCF
organization’s cybersecurity risk management. The Following the core approach of the NIST Cybersecurity
Framework, provides an easy to follow set of cybersecurity Framework, the BCF provides actionable functions that can be
best practices, policies, and procedures to improve the easily adopted by an organization operator to enhance the
cybersecurity posture of our nation’s buildings. The organization security. The essence is captured in a set of
Framework is also designed to facilitate communication of “how-to” instructions for organization operators to adopt,
cybersecurity activities and outcomes across the organization adapt, and apply to their respective organizations. BCF Core
from the executive to operations levels. Functions are defined in Fig. 1.
The BCF helps to realize the goals of the Presidential Those Functions are not intended to form a serial path, or
Executive Order (EO) on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of lead to a static desired end state. Rather, the functions can be
Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure (May 2017) [18], performed concurrently and continuously to form an
which calls on Federal agencies and critical infrastructure operational culture to address the dynamic cybersecurity risk.
3) Governance: The policies, procedures, and processes to
manage and monitor the organization’s regulatory, legal, risk,
environmental and opeartional requirements are understood
and inform the management of cybersecurity risk.
4) Risk Assessment: The organization understands the
cybersecurity risk to organizational operations (including
mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational
Fig. 1. Outline of Buildings Cybersecurity Framework assets, and individuals.
5) Risk Management Strategy: The organization’s
A. Identify priorities, constraints, risk tolerances, and asumptions are
The goal of this function is to identify cyber risks and established and used to support operational risk decisions.
vulnerabilities and to then develop the organizational capacity 6) Supply Chain Risk Management: The organization’s
to manage cybersecurity risk to systems, assets, data, and priorities, constraints, risk tolerances, and assumptions are
capabilities. In other word, the objective is to identify and established and used to support risk decisions associated with
inventory critical cyber assets (CCAs) and develop the managing supply chain risk. The organization has in place the
organizational capacity to manage cybersecurity risk to processes to identify, assess and manage supply chain risks.
systems, assets, data and capabilities. CCAs (an illustration is
shown in Fig. 2) are distinctively defined as Information B. Protect
Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) that are The goal of this function is to protect assets by introducing
connected to the operation of the organization and associated building operators to cyber protection techniques, as shown in
organizational goals. To realize the goal, various risk framing Fig. 3, that enable risk control through risk avoidance. Protect
techniques are described to develop a risk characterization will help operators develop and implement the appropriate
matrix. Activities in the Identify domain help building safeguards to increase a building’s cybersecurity posture. The
operators focus and prioritize efforts, consistent with its risk Protect Function supports the ability to limit or contain the
management strategy and business needs. The six key impact of a potential cybersecurity event. The six core
elements of this function are: Asset Management, Business elements of this function are: Identify Management Access
Environment, Governance, Risk Assessment, Risk
Control, Awareness and Training, Data Security, Information
Management Strategy and Supply Chain Risk Management.
Protection Processes and Procedures, Maintenance, and
Protective Technology.
1) Identify Management and Access Control: Access to
physical and logical assets and associated facilities is limited
to authorize users, processes, and devices, and is managed
consistent with the assessed risk of unauthorized access.
2) Awareness and Training: The organization’s personnel
and partners are provided cybersecurity awareness education
and are adequately trained to perform their information
security-related duties and responsibilities consistent with
related policies, procedures and agreements.
3) Data Security: Information and records (data) are
managed consistent with the organization’s risk strategy to
protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
4) Information Protection Processes and Procedures:
Security policies (that address purpose, scope, roles,
responsibilities, management commitment, and coordination
among organizational entities), processes, and procedures are
Fig. 2. Illustration of Common Critical Cyber Asssets Found in Buildings maintained and used to manage protection of information
1) Asset Management: The data, personnel, devices, systems and assets.
systems, and facilities that enable the organization to achieve 5) Maintenance: Maintenance and repairs of industrial
business purposes are identified and managed consistent with control and information system components is performed
their relative importance to business objectives and the consistent with policies and procedures.
organization’s risk strategy. 6) Protective Technology: Technical security solutions are
2) Business Environment: The oganization’s mission, managed to ensure the security and resilience of systems and
objectives, stakeholders, and activities are understood and assets, consistent with related policies, procedures and
prioritized; this information is used to inform cybersecurity agreements.
roles, responsibilities, and risk management decisions.
This function defines the path towards concluding an anomaly
as a cyber-attack as depicted in Fig. 4.