Saliva Testing: Yncrometer Cience Aboratory Anual
Saliva Testing: Yncrometer Cience Aboratory Anual
Saliva Testing: Yncrometer Cience Aboratory Anual
Methods: 1. Place the aluminum sample on one plate and the brain sample on the other plate.
2. Give the other person the handhold. You use the probe. Hold their finger steady in yours.
3. Probe the other person for resonance. The first probe is with only one plate in the circuit.
The second is with both plates in the circuit. Resonance implies there is aluminum in the other
person’s brain.
Saliva Testing
This may become your most useful test. The saliva has in it a bit of almost everything toxic
that is in you. But it is not the first tissue to carry the HIV virus or a bit of a tapeworm stage.
Nevertheless, Salmonella in your liver, mercury in your kidneys, aluminum in the brain all show up
in the saliva, too. And saliva can be sent by mail or stored in the refrigerator. Be sure to drench
with ethyl alcohol before shipping anywhere. It should be frozen for long storage to prevent mold
invasion. Or it may have grain alcohol added to preserve it. This test is not as sensitive as having
the person present in the circuit, though.
To make a saliva specimen, chew a piece of white, unfragranced paper towel and put in a
lightweight zippered plastic bag. Before testing, add enough water to wet the whole piece of paper.
Addition of water is essential to get correct results, since saliva has the resonant frequencies of the
person who made it. It will always test Positive unless you reduce their intensity by adding water.
put them in a tank, and feed them isopropyl alcohol polluted fish food. (Feed a separate group of
snails benzene polluted fish food to obtain samples of HIV.) After two days put snails in a zipped
plastic bag, and test them individually against someone diagnosed with cancer or their saliva or
urine. The snails that the person tests Positive to have OPTyr. Put these snails in the freezer to kill
them humanely, then crush them and place in a specimen bottle with 50% grain alcohol to preserve.
The bottles can be kept sealed and at room temperature on testing days. On other days, refrigerate.
Similarly, your benzene snails can be tested against someone known to be HIV Positive. Any
snails that test Positive can be used to prepare an HIV test specimen in the same way. The fish food
must be tested for both benzene and isopropyl alcohol pollution, and separated accordingly, or you
run the risk of making specimens that have both OPTyr and HIV.
Methods: 1. Test for cancer by placing the test sample you just made (any of the three) on
one plate and a white blood cell sample on the other plate, or leave the other plate empty (whole
body test).
2. If you resonate with OPTyr in the circuit you have cancer. Immediately, search for your
cancer in your breast, prostate, skin, lungs, colon, and so forth.
3. To be more certain, repeat the test later. Save your own urine specimen in the freezer for
later comparison.
As you know by now cancer is acquired in stages. Malignancy occurs last. It should take only
one day to eliminate it. After this, a tumor, if found, and its associated toxins must be eliminated.
reverse transcriptase is the most useful; even appearing in the urine long after the others can no
longer be detected.
Search in the reproductive organs for these since they clear out of the blood and other organs
first. The male reproductive organs are testes, vas deferens, epididymus, seminal vesicle, and
penis. In women, search at ovary, fallopian tube, fimbria, uterus, cervix, vagina. Such studies can
be done on a saliva sample, according to Exp. 9.
Always test in urine for reverse transcriptase.
Tally up the diseases you tested Positive for in Exp. 13. Test at least ten. If you had more than
half Positive you already have AIDS. (50% is my standard, you may set your own; an ideal
standard for defining a healthy person should be 0% Positive.)
You can test for fluke disease in two ways: electronically and by
microscope observation.
Materials: Cultures or slides of flukes and fluke stages from a biological supply company
(see Supplies Used For Testing) including eggs, miracidia, redia, cercaria, metacercaria. Body
fluid specimens to help you locate them for observation under a microscope.
Methods: Test for fluke stages in your white blood cells first. If you have any fluke stages in
your white blood cells you may wish to see them with your own eyes. To do this, you must first
locate them. Place your body fluid samples on one plate, your parasite stages on the other plate, and
test for as many as you were able to procure, besides adults. After finding a stage electronically,
you stand a better chance of finding it physically with a microscope.
Note: Although I refer to fluke stages being in white blood cells, this does not imply that the
entire stage is inside the borders of the white blood cell, rather, very small bits may be inside.
Conversely thousands of white blood cells may have attached themselves to the outside of a
parasite that is too large to “eat”. The electrical effect would be the same.
continue if you are curious how good your sensitivity can get). If you cannot, try to detect water
from bottle #12 (ten times as sensitive as ELISA). Continue until you reach a bottle you can detect.
Calculate the error for your experiment by assuming you could be off by as much as 10%
when measuring the salt and water adding up to 20% error in each of the 13 dilutions. This is a
total error in bottle #13 of 280%, or at most a factor of 3. So bottle #13 could be anywhere from
0.33 to 3 femtogram/ml. If you can detect water from bottle #13, you are definitely more sensitive
then an ELISA, in spite of your crude utensils and inexpensive equipment! Note that the starting
error of using 2.5 gm instead of 2.3 gm only adds another 10% error.
If you want to calculate how many salt molecules you can detect, select the concentration at
the limit of your detection, and put 2 drops on a square inch of paper towel and rub into your skin.
Assume one drop can be absorbed. If you can detect water from bottle #13, you have detected
510,000 molecules (10-15 gm/ml divided by 58.5 gm/M multiplied by 6.02x1023 molecules/M
divided by 20 drops/ml). Water in bottle #12 would therefore have 10 times as many molecules in
one drop, and so forth. Even if your error is as much as a factor of 2 (100%), you can still get a
good idea of what you can measure.
Atomic absorption standards start at exact concentrations; it is easy to make a more exact
dilution series with them. When testing for iridium chloride by this skin test method, I was able to
detect 3025 molecules!
Troubleshooting: Always extend your set until you get a Negative result (this should happen
by at least bottle #18). If you always “detect” salt, then you shook the bottle!
Never try to reuse a bottle if you spill when pouring into it. Get another new bottle.
If your body is emitting a frequency of 434 KHz (coming from a live intestinal fluke inside
you) it will be reinforced by the generator's 434 KHz. The reinforcement will put oscillations or
resonance in the circuit, the same as you are accustomed to hearing with the Syncrometer®. If there
was none, you don’t have the intestinal fluke anywhere in your body. Confirm this by starting at 430
KHz and working your way up.
If you hear resonance, you do have it. You may wish to verify this independently using a
prepared slide of the fluke. Kill your flukes immediately as described in the next experiment.
controlled by the ON-OFF switch. Always listen to the current with the switch OFF, first, then ON.
Move the frequency up and repeat. Continue until you hear resonance. Stop immediately. Rest your
skin and go back down to the nonresonant frequency region. Move up in smaller steps this time.
Repeat and repeat until you feel sure you know just where the resonance begins. But where does it
Start testing well above the suspected range taking big steps downward until you reach a
resonant frequency. Rest and repeat until you find the upper limit of resonant frequencies. Record
the bandwidth, for example, 1009-1112 KHz.
Methods: You do not need to put yourself on the plate, since you are already there by being
in the circuit at the handhold. However, if you are measuring someone else, they can simply touch
the plate with a finger. Attach the frequency generator to the circuit at the handhold as in Exp. 19.
Since human adults begin to emit at about 1560 KHz, start searching at 1550, going upward in
1 KHz steps until you hear resonance.
Younger or healthier humans start emitting at a lower frequency and sometimes end at a
higher frequency. In other words, they broadcast on a wider band.
Very young infants begin their band at about 1520 KHz. Could you ever regain this ability?
Most adults terminate at 9375 KHz.
By eliminating molds from my diet, killing as many parasites and removing as many toxins as
I became aware of, I have been able to expand my bandwidth from an initial 1562-9457 KHz in
1990 to 1520-9580 KHz in 1994! (Still 1562.5 to 9478 in the year 2000). I hope this challenges
you to accomplish a health improvement reflected in an even broader bandwidth for yourself.
can. Keep notes on the exact time for any frequency found. Graph your results. Also note the degree
of accuracy of your frequency generator.
generator. Place them inside the milk glass or cottage cheese carton, across from each other. Secure
with masking tape. Attach the zapper. Zap them for seven minutes. Remove the electrodes and wait
five minutes. Test again for the same bacteria. They should be gone (but the food is not safe to eat
due to the metal released from the teaspoons).
These experiments point to some exciting possibilities. Perhaps water supplies as well as
foods and medicines could be sterilized this way. Perhaps sewage could be treated more
efficiently, electrically. Best of all, maybe you could protect yourself from unsanitary products. If
you do decide to explore this possibility, remember not to put metals in your mouth or food, nor to
use currents greater than 10 milliamps.
There are many commercially available function generators that can meet your needs. Order
them from mail order catalogs. But if you have no training in electronics, do not use them to treat
yourself or others. For this purpose use a commercially available zapper. Any zapper must,
however, pass the rigorous test of being 100% Positive offset.
Syncrometer Biochemistry
The next set of experiments lets you explore the common biochemical pathways, as in
glycolysis or the Krebs cycle. You may even discover some new ones.
distributed in the body. It was conjectured in the early part of the 20th century that our cholesterol
metabolism might go astray in some persons, allowing these powerful carcinogens to be made. Why
were these not found at that time in history?
7. If you do host Ascaris eliminate them all by taking one teaspoon (4000 mg) cysteine stirred
into 1 cup fruit juice or other beverage. This is a one dose definitive treatment. But you may not kill
all Mycobacterium that accompanies Ascaris, so 1 tablespoon of ozonated oil is also required.
Take it at least four hours later than the cysteine. You may have euphoric or dysphoric side effects.
Be prepared for these to last an hour. You may divide the dose in half by drinking only one half of it
at first and the other half within thirty minutes. Don’t drive a car after this treatment. Retest yourself
every five to ten minutes. Note: All evidence of Ascaris should be gone within one hour. If not,
repeat. You could, of course, re-infect from a dish of strawberries or a cheese sandwich! (See Exp.
32.) Repeat the carcinogen test after your next meal.
Conclusion: Ascaris parasitism causes derailed cholesterol metabolism resulting in
formation of numerous carcinogens.
The Reichstein process is the most popular. See “Encyclopedia of Manufactured Products” by Ullman found in Chemistry libraries of
fact, some scientists believe we haven’t found the real purpose of vitamin C yet. In view of this it
behooves us to be wary of accepting an analog or derivative of any kind as a substitute. Children
especially, should be protected from unnatural “relatives” of the real vitamin.
Materials: L-ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid, vitamin C breakdown products: D-
xylose, L-xylose, D-threose, L-threose, D-lyxose, set of Ascaris slides, slides of tissue samples,
Mycobacterium avium, and Rhizobium leguminosarum.
Methods: Search for all the above chemicals, and Ascaris stages at several organs. The most
probable places to find evidence of Ascaris are the gallbladder, bile ducts, and spinal cord. But
search for vitamin C oxidation products at other organs. Here is an example of results taken from
the file of a patient with seizures. The parents were also tested.
Name: Mother of seizure patient.
Ascaris lumb Positive at bile duct.
Ascaris eggs Positive at gallbladder.
N stands for Negative, P for Positive in the following table.
Note: Each organ has either the reduced or oxidized form of vitamin C, not both. This
suggests a low level, so that it is all affected rather easily. Some organs show the oxidized form
while others do not, although she has the Ascaris parasite. The spleen and liver seem more capable
of maintaining the correct form.
D-xylose P P N P N
L-xylose P P N P N
D-threose P P N P N
L-threose P P N P N
D-lyxose P P N P N
Note: The vitamin C breakdown products are present when the oxidized form is present.
Name: Father of patient (also Positive for Ascaris)
Diethyl amino azobenzene is a former food dye popularly called “butter yellow”. It was included for monitoring in the experiment to see
if the presence of ascorbic acid would detoxify it. It didn’t.
The presence of dibenzanthracene implies additional tapeworm stage infection.
Note: Ascorbic acid is associated with the presence of ferrous iron. When vitamin C
becomes oxidized, ferrous iron becomes oxidized also, to the less soluble ferric form.
Conclusion: Ascaris parasitism causes a true iron deficiency, unrelated to the presence or
absence of iron in the diet. In addition, a modern scurvy, “neoscurvy”, could be induced by the
dehydroascorbic acid or other oxidation products of vitamin C, involving the less known functions
of vitamin C.
cut when testing for Ascaris? Q3: Does killing Ascaris necessarily kill Rhizobium leg and
Mycobacterium avium/cell? A1: Simply testing for Mycobacterium and Rhizobium is equivalent to
testing for the presence of Ascaris somewhere in the body. A2: Search for these at the gallbladder
first. A3: No. Continue testing for Mycobacterium and Rhizobium for several days. Another
shortcut is given in Exp. 77.
Methods: Search for these products in the organ that harbors the tapeworm stage and in other
Note: Streptomyces produce all these recognized products in our bodies, and possibly more.
What are their effects? Answer: They inhibit protein formation. Could cycloheximide and DBA be
attributed to Streptomyces species? A: Yes. Could you use streptomycin and protease, for example,
as a short cut for identifying the presence of tapeworm stages? A: Yes.
phenanthroline, which may be responsible for the vanadium sequestering action. This could explain
why it is not promptly excreted. Since phenanthroline is an Ascaris-dependent metabolite, search
for Ascaris next, followed by tapeworm stages. Is your plan of action clear? (Remove vanadium
sources; this clears vanadyl complexes. This allows RNAse inhibitor to appear, provided
tapeworm stages are gone. With the inhibitor present, RNAse will disappear. This is the RNA
destroying enzyme. Now RNA will have a longer half-life, so you can detect it). Note that we
omitted the test for malignancy (OPTyr) in the tumor, which was discussed earlier, in Exp. 11. You
should add this now. Then kill parasites immediately.
cartilage, pickled pig’s feet, beef bone and cartilage as in soup, goat milk, coconut (both meat and
oil), set of amino acids, raw beet, several brands of canned pickled beets.
Methods: Note which brands of shark cartilage have RNAse inhibitor. Next, find a
disadvantaged organ that shows few amino acids present and no RNAse inhibitor. Supplement the
diet with shark cartilage: one to three tablespoons daily, sterilized with HCl (4 drops per cup of
liquid recipe). Repeat the amino acid test every two or three days, or until you can come to a
conclusion on its effectiveness in raising amino acid levels.
Question: Is the RNAse inhibitor the active ingredient responsible for improving the amino
acid picture? Go off your supplement until you have your former poor condition. Then supplement
with a brand you found did not possess RNAse inhibitor. Compare results. Does heating, ozonation,
or HCl sterilization destroy RNAse inhibitor? Test the foods listed for RNAse inhibitor.
peptides in these organs. Repeat the tests in a person who tests Positive for benzene. Note the
absence of the two peptides. Administer a dose of 600 mg vitamin B2. Ten minutes later repeat the
tests. Note that benzene is now gone (if not, take more vitamin B2) and phenol is present. Vitamin
B2 can change benzene to phenol but no further. This is enough, though, to switch the form of
germanium back to the carboxy-ethyl form. Our best natural source for vitamin B2 is milk. In fact,
our shift away from milk as a beverage may have played a role in our vulnerability to benzene by
reducing our vitamin B2 consumption. On the other hand, increased dye exposure from milk
products would consume the little vitamin B2 that people eat. Drinking milk that is contaminated
with food dyes is a risky situation. Phenol is very toxic in its own right. It has the odor of a
mortuary where it is much used. It is also used by scientists to extract nucleic acid! Detoxify phenol
with a magnesium oxide capsule or beet juice and vinegar.
Although pesticide and gasoline have polluted our air, zearalenone in food is largely
responsible for the bioaccumulation of benzene in our bodies. If you test Positive for this
mycotoxin, search diligently for the food that is bringing it to you. Test your potatoes, brown rice,
rice cakes, and popcorn for zearalenone. Exposing these foods to full spectrum light at close range
(3 or 4 inches) for five minutes detoxifies zearalenone as does sonication of food.
1,2:5,6-dibenzanthracene P N
phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate P N
Histamine P N
D-histidine P N
RNAse inhibitor P P
Vanadium N ---
nucleoside vanadyl complexes N ---
p53 gene (mutation) P N
diamine oxidase P N
If your subject is willing to take one teaspoon cysteine, dissolved in 1 cup broth or fruit juice,
over a ½-hour period, you will be able to observe the effect of killing tapeworm stages.
Conclusions: Parasitism by tapeworm stages does not result in formation of
dehydroascorbate but does produce copious amounts and varieties of vitamin C breakdown
products. Tapeworm infection causes oxidation of cysteine to cystine. This could promote fibrous
tissue formation as in a cyst or tumor. It would be difficult to dissolve again later. Evidently
cysteine is oxidized to a greater extent than ascorbic acid. It is easily reversed by killing the
parasite. This suggests the production by the parasite of a strong oxidizer or a compound that
inhibits the reduction of cysteine. On the other hand, bacteria co-existing with tapeworm larvae
could be responsible.
Remainder (of 30-slide set) Negative. Note: Tapeworm stages are present in spite of
Streptomyces absence.
Note: A wart study is not as reproducible as other studies. The same wart at a later time may
give a few different results. There is only about 90% agreement between tests. The design of the
circuit is now different. We are not using the tissue specimen as a “crystal” to screen out all other
frequencies. We are using it as part of the body, skin. It could represent your other warts.
Nevertheless, certain features stand out:
1. Warts seldom show Streptomyces species although all show tapeworm stages.
2. All warts retain their RNA, while a small fraction also has DNA.
3. All warts are Negative for bcl-2 and Positive for bax, although carrying p53 mutations and
c-myc oncogene expression.
Conclusion: Several questions are raised by these results: Is Streptomyces unable to grow in
the skin for some special reason? Does their absence control tumor growth somehow? Does
retaining the capacity to make RNA make warts unique as tumors? Does this protect the bcl-2 and
bax genes? If bcl-2 and bax genes are normal, why is there any overgrowth of skin at all? Although
the difference between warts and tumors stands out, the interpretation is not yet clear.
present, all four purines are absent while pyrimidines sound exceptionally high. (Remember,
though, the Syncrometer® cannot make quantity measurements). When clostridium species are gone,
all seven bases are present again, although inosine may be missing for unknown reasons. Try taking
inosine as a supplement; it still only tests Positive for a few hours. Try bee pollen and other
supplements to restore it as well as further toxin removal. Review DNA and RNA structure to see
the significance of your results.
Methods: Search for the streptococcus bacteria at your parotid gland, teeth, gallbladder,
small intestine, coronary artery, joints, and any other location of pain or disability. Verify the
presence of phenol and oxidation products of vitamin C as well as the oxidized sulfur compounds
as in Exp. 54.
Take one cayenne capsule with a piece of bread; ½ hour later, test for phenol and
Streptococcus again. Note that some Streptococcus is missing. Increase dosage of cayenne from 1
with each meal, to 2 with each meal, continuing up to 6 with each meal. After three days at this
peak dose, streptococcus should be eliminated from all body locations. No more phenol should be
produced from this source. Be sure to take the parasite-killing recipe during this week and sterilize
food to prevent reinfection from a parasite. Note: This is a heroic way to control pain or
streptococcus. A more fundamental way is to restore acid and pepsin to the stomach. So far this has
not been highly successful either. Success would open the door to pain free living.
Materials: Germanium (atomic absorption standard), a set of azo dyes including Sudan IV
(Scarlet Red), DAB (Butter yellow), and Sudan Black B; pure sodium hypochlorite (bleach)
ordered from a chemical supply company, regular chlorine bleach from grocery store; set of tissue
slides including adipose, human skin and others.
Methods: Search for the presence of each azo dye in spleen, liver, kidneys, bladder, bone
marrow, your handicapped organs, and then in the adipose portion of these by placing the adipose
slide on the same test plate.
Search for these dyes in your clothing before and after washing in borax.
Note: Only DAB sticks tightly to clothing after washing. Repeat washing of clothing, this
time using bleach according to the label. Also, try adding ethyl alcohol to a bowl of water with the
clothing item. Also compare different fabrics in their ease of releasing the dyes.
Search for azo dyes in food, especially dairy products. Notice that the dyes appear together
(or are absent together) suggesting they were not added individually. Notice that foods containing
azo dyes also test Positive for sodium hypochlorite. Foods that are Negative for dyes also are
Negative for hypochlorite. Check hypochlorite for dyes, first.
Search bleach from grocery store for azo dyes. Note the presence of all the azo dyes. Q:
Could regular household bleach, used in manufacturing, be the source of widespread pollution with
azo dyes? Note: Chlorine bleach is regulated in a very complex way by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and FDA. But their concern is that labeling be correct for the claims
made regarding antiseptic action. No agency tests for pollution!
If they are not gone on the fourth day, search for an unbleached garment or other ongoing
source, such as plastic teeth, hair chemicals, wig, or processed food.