Saliva Testing: Yncrometer Cience Aboratory Anual

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Methods: 1. Place the aluminum sample on one plate and the brain sample on the other plate.
2. Give the other person the handhold. You use the probe. Hold their finger steady in yours.
3. Probe the other person for resonance. The first probe is with only one plate in the circuit.
The second is with both plates in the circuit. Resonance implies there is aluminum in the other
person’s brain.

Saliva Testing
This may become your most useful test. The saliva has in it a bit of almost everything toxic
that is in you. But it is not the first tissue to carry the HIV virus or a bit of a tapeworm stage.
Nevertheless, Salmonella in your liver, mercury in your kidneys, aluminum in the brain all show up
in the saliva, too. And saliva can be sent by mail or stored in the refrigerator. Be sure to drench
with ethyl alcohol before shipping anywhere. It should be frozen for long storage to prevent mold
invasion. Or it may have grain alcohol added to preserve it. This test is not as sensitive as having
the person present in the circuit, though.
To make a saliva specimen, chew a piece of white, unfragranced paper towel and put in a
lightweight zippered plastic bag. Before testing, add enough water to wet the whole piece of paper.
Addition of water is essential to get correct results, since saliva has the resonant frequencies of the
person who made it. It will always test Positive unless you reduce their intensity by adding water.

Exp. 9 Organ-Specific Saliva Testing

Purpose: To detect toxins and pathogens in a specific organ using a saliva sample.
Method: Prepare a saliva sample by chewing on a piece of paper towel until it is thoroughly
damp. Spit it into a zippered plastic bag and add a squirt of water. (Add more than an equal amount
of straight ethyl alcohol when shipping, reaching at least 70% alcohol) Close and wait for five
minutes. Put your name on the plastic bag, together with a list of toxins you found in yourself earlier
at various tissues. Include some Negatives for a few tissues. Trade plastic bags with someone.
Place the saliva sample together with the tissue to be checked on the same plate; separate them as
widely as possible. Search for the toxins by placing them on the other plate. If you can verify the
list you were given, you can see how health problems may be analyzed at a distance, much the way
biopsies can be sent to a distant lab. You can add the WBC slide to the “saliva plus tissue” plate,
making three items on the plate. The same toxins should be present. If they are not, the WBCs are
inhibited from “eating” them. Search for immunity problems next. Alternatively, search for 6 or
more toxic substances in another person’s tissues. Request a saliva sample and immediately repeat
the tests on the sample.


Exp. 10 Searching The Body For Shingles Or

Purpose: To search for shingles or Herpes.
Materials: A saliva specimen from the person being tested; they may be thousands of miles
away. Also a specimen of the virus. This can be obtained from someone else's lesions; one droplet
is enough, picked up on a bit of paper towel. The whole thing, towel and all, can be pushed into a
glass bottle for preserving. Water and alcohol should be added. It can also be put on a slide,
labeled Herpes, homemade. A homeopathic preparation of the virus does not give accurate results
for this kind of testing, due to the additional frequency imposed on it by potentizing. (However,
homeopathic preparations can be used if the potency matches the tissue frequency where it resides.
Hopefully, some way of using homeopathic sources will soon be found.)
Methods: Place the saliva specimen in its unopened plastic bag on one plate. You may wish
to open it briefly, though, to add enough water to wet all the paper and add ¼ tsp. grain alcohol to
sterilize or preserve it.
Place the virus specimen on the other plate and test as usual (Exp. 6). A Positive result means
the person (their saliva) has active virus.

Exp. 11 Testing For Cancer

Purpose: To test for cancer.
Materials: Orthophosphotyrosine (OPTyr). Here are three ways to obtain some:
1. Order a pure sample from a chemical company (see Supplies Used For Testing, page
161). Place a few milligrams (it need not be weighed) in a small glass bottle; add 2 tsp. water and
¼ tsp. grain alcohol.
2. All persons with cancer have OPTyr in their urine as well as in the cancerous tissue. It is
seldom found in other body fluids. Obtain a urine specimen from a friend who has active cancer.
Add formalin (40% formaldehyde) in equal amount to urine. Freeze it if you can't prepare it
immediately. Keep such specimens well marked in an additional sealed plastic bag. Persons who
have recently been treated clinically for cancer are much less likely to have OPTyr in the urine.
Urine cannot be considered a chemical in the same way as a sugar or salt solution. Urine is a
tissue and has its own resonant frequency, as do our other tissues. If combined with another tissue
on the test plates, it will not resonate as if a solution of pure OPTyr were used. To use urine as an
OPTyr specimen, you must:
a) Pour a few drops of urine into your specimen bottle
b) Add about 2 tsp. of water
c) Add about 20 drops of grain alcohol or formalin
Gently mix, do not shake. Rinse and dry the outside of the bottle. Label it “urine/cancer”
3. There is still another way to prepare an orthophosphotyrosine test sample. Common snails
from a fish tank or outdoor snails are the natural hosts for Fasciolopsis buskii (human intestinal
fluke) stages. The stages will produce OPTyr when the snails are fed fish food polluted with
isopropyl alcohol. Over half the fish food cans I purchased had isopropyl alcohol pollution. Buy
several brands of fish food. Test them for isopropyl alcohol and benzene. Obtain some snails,


put them in a tank, and feed them isopropyl alcohol polluted fish food. (Feed a separate group of
snails benzene polluted fish food to obtain samples of HIV.) After two days put snails in a zipped
plastic bag, and test them individually against someone diagnosed with cancer or their saliva or
urine. The snails that the person tests Positive to have OPTyr. Put these snails in the freezer to kill
them humanely, then crush them and place in a specimen bottle with 50% grain alcohol to preserve.
The bottles can be kept sealed and at room temperature on testing days. On other days, refrigerate.
Similarly, your benzene snails can be tested against someone known to be HIV Positive. Any
snails that test Positive can be used to prepare an HIV test specimen in the same way. The fish food
must be tested for both benzene and isopropyl alcohol pollution, and separated accordingly, or you
run the risk of making specimens that have both OPTyr and HIV.
Methods: 1. Test for cancer by placing the test sample you just made (any of the three) on
one plate and a white blood cell sample on the other plate, or leave the other plate empty (whole
body test).
2. If you resonate with OPTyr in the circuit you have cancer. Immediately, search for your
cancer in your breast, prostate, skin, lungs, colon, and so forth.
3. To be more certain, repeat the test later. Save your own urine specimen in the freezer for
later comparison.
As you know by now cancer is acquired in stages. Malignancy occurs last. It should take only
one day to eliminate it. After this, a tumor, if found, and its associated toxins must be eliminated.

Exp. 12 Testing For HIV

Purpose: To test for HIV.
Part A Materials: Purchase a few milligrams of Protein 24 antigen (a piece of the HIV virus
core) or the complete HIV virus on a slide. You may use the vial unopened if only one test
specimen is needed. To make more specimens, use about 1 milligram per ½-oz. bottle. Add 2 tsp.
water and ¼ tsp. grain alcohol. Or prepare an HIV specimen from snails as described in the
previous experiment. A much easier way is to obtain an electronic copy made according to the Exp.
96 directions.
Methods: Search in the thymus (throat sweet breads), vagina and penis for the virus because
that is where it will reside almost exclusively for the first year or two. If you don't have those tissue
specimens, you could search in urine, blood, saliva, or white blood cells, but only a Positive result
can be trusted. Also search for the human intestinal fluke and benzene in thymus. Of course, a
Positive lest in these tissues is very significant. If you are Positive, kill parasites immediately. You
should test Negative in less than an hour. Remove benzene polluted items from your lifestyle. Also
test yourself to several varieties of popcorn, brown rice, and corn chips as an indication of
zearalenone, which must be eliminated in order to get well. Follow up on yourself every few days
to be sure your new found health is continuing.
Part B Other test substances that allow you to test more exhaustively for HIV viruses are
REV protein and reverse transcriptase enzyme, both produced by this virus.
These are in the form of peptides, namely, short pieces synthesized to be identical with a
portion of the native protein. Each is unique and easily distinguished by Syncrometer®. Of these,


reverse transcriptase is the most useful; even appearing in the urine long after the others can no
longer be detected.
Search in the reproductive organs for these since they clear out of the blood and other organs
first. The male reproductive organs are testes, vas deferens, epididymus, seminal vesicle, and
penis. In women, search at ovary, fallopian tube, fimbria, uterus, cervix, vagina. Such studies can
be done on a saliva sample, according to Exp. 9.
Always test in urine for reverse transcriptase.

Exp. 13 Testing For Diseases

Purpose: To test for diseases of all kinds.
Materials: Use slides and cultures of disease organisms. Homemade preparations of strep.
throat, acute mononucleosis, thrush (Candida), chicken pox, Herpes 1 and 2, eczema, shingles,
warts, measles, yeast, fungus, rashes, colds, sore throats, sinus problems, tobacco virus, and so
forth can all be made by swabbing or scraping the affected part. A plastic spoon or bit of paper
towel works well. Smear a small bit on a slide. Add a drop of balsam and a cover slip. Or put the
towel in a bottle; add water and alcohol as described previously. Microscope slides of pathogens
can greatly expand your test set (see Supplies Used For Testing, page 161).
Methods: Test yourself for a variety of diseases, using your white blood cell specimen first.
Then search in organs like the liver, pancreas, spleen. Notice how many of these common illnesses
don't “go away” at all. They are alive and well in some organ. They are merely not making you

Exp. 14 Testing For Aids

Purpose: To test for AIDS.
Materials: Benzene sample, slides of tissue samples like thymus, liver, pancreas, penis, and
vagina. Also a collection of disease specimens such as the ones used in the previous experiment.
Methods: Search in the thymus for benzene. If it is Positive throughout the day, you are at risk
for developing AIDS, although you may not be ill. Search other tissues for benzene. The more
tissues with benzene in them the more serious the situation. Immediately search all your body
products and foods for benzene. Eliminate them.

Stay off benzene polluted items forever.

Tally up the diseases you tested Positive for in Exp. 13. Test at least ten. If you had more than
half Positive you already have AIDS. (50% is my standard, you may set your own; an ideal
standard for defining a healthy person should be 0% Positive.)


Exp. 15 Testing For Aflatoxin

Purpose: To test for aflatoxin.
Materials: Do not try to purchase a pure sample of aflatoxin; it is one of the most potent
carcinogens known. Having it on hand would constitute unnecessary hazard, even though the bottle
would never need to be opened. Simply make specimens of beer, moldy bread, apple cider vinegar,
and any kind of peanuts using a very small amount and adding water and grain alcohol as usual. Or
purchase an electronic copy made as in Exp. 96.
Methods: Test yourself for these. If you have all of them in your white blood cells and the
liver then you very, very probably have aflatoxin built up. Next, test your daily foods for their
presence in your white blood cells. Those that test Positive must be further tested for aflatoxin.
Notice the effect of vitamin C on aflatoxin in your liver. Find a time when your liver is Positive to
aflatoxin (eat a few roasted peanuts from a health food store and wait ten minutes). Take 1 gram
vitamin C in a glass of water. Check yourself for aflatoxin every five minutes. Does it clear? If not,
take 5 or 10 grams vitamin C. How long does it take? Also, take glutathione. Compare

Exp. 16 Testing For Parasites

Purpose: To test for parasites.
Methods: If you test Positive to your pet's saliva, you have something in common - a
parasite, no doubt. You must search your muscles and liver for these, not saliva or white blood
cells, because they are seldom seen in these. Zap and kill parasites until you no longer test Positive
to your pets' saliva.
Tapeworms and tapeworm stages cannot (and should not) be killed with a regular frequency
generator. Each segment, and probably each scolex in a cysticercus, has its own frequency and
might disperse if your generator misses it. Only zapping kills all and is safe for tapeworms.
Combination zapping is also safe (see Exp. 118). But when PCBs saturate the tissues, only a
special form of zapping works (see Exp. 122).
Be sure to treat your pet on a daily basis with the pet parasite program.

Exp. 17 Testing For Fluke Disease

Purpose: To test for fluke disease.
A small number of intestinal flukes resident in the intestine may not give you any noticeable
symptoms. Similarly, sheep liver flukes resident in the liver and pancreatic flukes in the pancreas
may not cause noticeable symptoms. Their eggs are shed through the organ ducts to the intestine and
out with the bowel movement. They hatch and go through various stages of development outdoors
and in other animals. But if you become the total host so that various stages are developing in your
organs, you have what I term fluke disease. I have found that cancer, HIV, diabetes, endometriosis,
Hodgkin's disease, Alzheimer's disease, lupus, MS and “universal allergy syndrome” are examples
of fluke disease.


You can test for fluke disease in two ways: electronically and by
microscope observation.

Materials: Cultures or slides of flukes and fluke stages from a biological supply company
(see Supplies Used For Testing) including eggs, miracidia, redia, cercaria, metacercaria. Body
fluid specimens to help you locate them for observation under a microscope.
Methods: Test for fluke stages in your white blood cells first. If you have any fluke stages in
your white blood cells you may wish to see them with your own eyes. To do this, you must first
locate them. Place your body fluid samples on one plate, your parasite stages on the other plate, and
test for as many as you were able to procure, besides adults. After finding a stage electronically,
you stand a better chance of finding it physically with a microscope.
Note: Although I refer to fluke stages being in white blood cells, this does not imply that the
entire stage is inside the borders of the white blood cell, rather, very small bits may be inside.
Conversely thousands of white blood cells may have attached themselves to the outside of a
parasite that is too large to “eat”. The electrical effect would be the same.

Exp. 18 Sensitivity Of Syncrometer® Measurement

Purpose: To see how sensitive your measurements can be (how much of a substance must be
present for you to get a Positive result).
Materials: Water, salt, glass measuring cup, 13 new glass bottles that hold at least ¼-cup, 14
new plastic teaspoons, your skin tissue sample, paper towel.
Methods: Some of the best measurement systems available today are immunological (such as
an ELISA assay) and can detect as little as 100 fg/ml (femtograms per milliliter). A milliliter is
about as big as a pea, and a femtogram is 1/1,000,000,000,000,000th (10-15) of a gram!
1. Rinse the glass measuring cup with water and put ½-half teaspoon of table salt in it. Fill to
1 cup, stirring with a plastic spoon. What concentration is this? A teaspoon is about 5 grams, 1 cup
is about 230 ml (milliliters), therefore the starting concentration is about 2½(2.5) gm per 230 ml, or
.01 gm/ml (we will discuss the amount of error later).
2. Label one clean plastic spoon “water” and use it to put nine spoonfuls of water in a clean
glass bottle. Use another plastic spoon to transfer one spoonful of the .01 gm/ml salt solution in the
measuring cup to the glass bottle, stir, then discard the spoon. The glass bottle now has a 1-in-10
dilution, and its concentration is one tenth the original, or .001 gm/ml.
3. Use the “water” spoon to put nine spoonfuls of water in bottle #2. Use a new spoon to
transfer a spoonful of salt solution from bottle #1 to bottle #2 and stir briefly (never shake). Label
bottle #2 “.0001 gm/ml”.
4. Repeat with the remaining bottles. Bottle #13 would therefore be labeled
“.000000000000001 gm/ml." This is 10-15 gm/ml, or 1 femtogram/ml.
5. Do the skin test with water from bottle #13 as in Exp. 5. If you can detect this, you are one
hundred times as sensitive as an ELISA assay (and you should make a bottle #14 and


continue if you are curious how good your sensitivity can get). If you cannot, try to detect water
from bottle #12 (ten times as sensitive as ELISA). Continue until you reach a bottle you can detect.
Calculate the error for your experiment by assuming you could be off by as much as 10%
when measuring the salt and water adding up to 20% error in each of the 13 dilutions. This is a
total error in bottle #13 of 280%, or at most a factor of 3. So bottle #13 could be anywhere from
0.33 to 3 femtogram/ml. If you can detect water from bottle #13, you are definitely more sensitive
then an ELISA, in spite of your crude utensils and inexpensive equipment! Note that the starting
error of using 2.5 gm instead of 2.3 gm only adds another 10% error.
If you want to calculate how many salt molecules you can detect, select the concentration at
the limit of your detection, and put 2 drops on a square inch of paper towel and rub into your skin.
Assume one drop can be absorbed. If you can detect water from bottle #13, you have detected
510,000 molecules (10-15 gm/ml divided by 58.5 gm/M multiplied by 6.02x1023 molecules/M
divided by 20 drops/ml). Water in bottle #12 would therefore have 10 times as many molecules in
one drop, and so forth. Even if your error is as much as a factor of 2 (100%), you can still get a
good idea of what you can measure.
Atomic absorption standards start at exact concentrations; it is easy to make a more exact
dilution series with them. When testing for iridium chloride by this skin test method, I was able to
detect 3025 molecules!
Troubleshooting: Always extend your set until you get a Negative result (this should happen
by at least bottle #18). If you always “detect” salt, then you shook the bottle!
Never try to reuse a bottle if you spill when pouring into it. Get another new bottle.

Exp. 19 Searching For Parasites By Their

Purpose: To search for the intestinal fluke in your body by listening to its broadcast
frequency at 434 KHz.
Methods: Turn on the frequency generator, select a frequency a short distance above the one
you are interested in, like 438 KHz, turn the voltage (amplitude) down to less than one volt. Select
sine waves. The lead coming from the frequency generator will have two connections, usually red
and black (ground). We will not use the black (ground), just tape it out of the way. Pick up the
handhold and probe of the Syncrometer® in the usual way. Attach the red lead coming from the
generator to your handhold. This makes two wires attached to your handhold. Although there is
nothing on the test plates, they must be connected as usual with the switch at OFF (one plate is still
Turn the Syncrometer® ON. Probe yourself as usual. Your body’s waves are being sent to the
capacitor (plate) in the test plate box. The frequency from the Syncrometer® is sent there, too. And
now the 438 KHz waves from the generator are being sent there as well. Three different
frequencies are mingling on the plate! If the two from your body and the generator are the same, the
circuit will oscillate, and you will hear resonance. Turn the generator to 437 and probe again. Next,
Sometimes, you can hear the resonance start to build. Continue on. Next, try 435, then 434.


If your body is emitting a frequency of 434 KHz (coming from a live intestinal fluke inside
you) it will be reinforced by the generator's 434 KHz. The reinforcement will put oscillations or
resonance in the circuit, the same as you are accustomed to hearing with the Syncrometer®. If there
was none, you don’t have the intestinal fluke anywhere in your body. Confirm this by starting at 430
KHz and working your way up.
If you hear resonance, you do have it. You may wish to verify this independently using a
prepared slide of the fluke. Kill your flukes immediately as described in the next experiment.

Exp. 20 Killing Parasites With A Frequency

Purpose: Killing the intestinal fluke with a frequency generator.
Materials: A frequency generator, two handholds with alligator clip leads for them.
Methods: Wrap a single layer of paper towel over each of the two handholds. Wet them
under the tap; squeeze out excess water. Clip them to the red and black wires of the frequency
generator. (We use both wires for this purpose.) Dial up 434 KHz. Set the amplitude (voltage) at 10
volts. Set waveform to sine wave. Grasp the handholds in each hand and hold on for three minutes.
That is all. You have killed whatever tiny invader has a resonant frequency the same as the setting
on the generator. Remember to zap all the stages, too.
If your frequency generator has a Positive offset capability, you can use it like a zapper, and
a single session will kill all pathogens, provided it is 100% offset and can give at least 5 volts at
this setting. When using this technique, the generator can be set to any frequency from 2 KHz to 800
KHz, and you should go for seven minutes. But even a small percentage or a mere spike of Negative
voltage will ruin this effect and do more harm than good! To be certain your generator is set
correctly you should observe the output on an oscilloscope.
Experiment with other voltage settings. Notice that less than one volt is also effective. When
done, retest yourself as in Exp. 19; you should be Negative.

Exp. 21 Finding A Small Animal Bandwidth

Purpose: To find the bandwidth of a small living animal.
Materials: A fly, beetle or other insect, Syncrometer®, frequency generator.
Discussion: Persons using a Syncrometer® might have already tried putting a small insect on
one of the plates. The circuit always resonates when you join the circuit at the handhold and probe.
Even the tiniest ant placed in a glass bottle or plastic bag will resonate the circuit. Unless it is too
far away from the plate. If it has climbed up the side you will lose the resonance. At least one foot
must be touching the bottom of the bottle. If the animal is dead this ceases. Obviously the living
thing is affecting the circuit differently before and after death. Is it some kind of waveform energy?
To find its frequency you must add another frequency that will reinforce or interfere with the
frequency already on the plate. Adding the generator frequency does just that.
Methods: Use the same method as described in Exp. 19; however for an ant or fly, start at
1,000 KHz and proceed upward in big steps like 10 KHz. Use the right test plate which is


controlled by the ON-OFF switch. Always listen to the current with the switch OFF, first, then ON.
Move the frequency up and repeat. Continue until you hear resonance. Stop immediately. Rest your
skin and go back down to the nonresonant frequency region. Move up in smaller steps this time.
Repeat and repeat until you feel sure you know just where the resonance begins. But where does it
Start testing well above the suspected range taking big steps downward until you reach a
resonant frequency. Rest and repeat until you find the upper limit of resonant frequencies. Record
the bandwidth, for example, 1009-1112 KHz.

Exp. 22 Electrical Interference By Living Things

Purpose: To see if similar living things interfere with each other when put on the plate
Materials: Two identical living insects or very small living things.
Methods: Find the broadcast range of each one separately and then together on the plate.
Note: Identical living things do not interfere with each other’s frequencies.

Exp. 23 Interference By Dissimilar Living Things

Purpose: To see if different living things interfere with each other when put on the plate
Methods: Find the lower and upper end of the broadcast range of two different living things,
such as a fly and a beetle or 2 kinds of flies or beetles. Then put them on the plate together. Notice
there is no resonance in the accustomed range for either of them. They are interfering with each
other on the plate.
Now add the 2 lower ends, then the two upper ends. Also subtract the 2 lower ends, then the
two upper ends. For example imagine two insects, one with a spectrum of 1000 to 1090 KHz, the
other with a range of 1050 to 1190 KHz. Adding the lower ends gives us 2050 KHz. Subtracting the
lower ends gives us 50 KHz. Adding the upper ends gives 2280. Subtracting the upper ends gives
100. Now search for resonance at 50, 100, 2050, 2280 KHz. (These last two may be outside the
range of your frequency generator. Choose more primitive life forms, which have lower frequency
bandwidths to stay within your limit.)
Notice that you hear resonance at exactly these frequencies and not above or below them.
This is evidence for modulation of the frequencies: namely, fusing them together and “carrying”
each other.

Exp. 24 Finding Your Own Body Frequencies

Purpose: To find your own bandwidth of emitted frequencies.
Materials: A frequency generator that goes up to 10 MHz. If yours only goes to 2 MHz you
can still investigate the lower end of your band.


Methods: You do not need to put yourself on the plate, since you are already there by being
in the circuit at the handhold. However, if you are measuring someone else, they can simply touch
the plate with a finger. Attach the frequency generator to the circuit at the handhold as in Exp. 19.
Since human adults begin to emit at about 1560 KHz, start searching at 1550, going upward in
1 KHz steps until you hear resonance.
Younger or healthier humans start emitting at a lower frequency and sometimes end at a
higher frequency. In other words, they broadcast on a wider band.
Very young infants begin their band at about 1520 KHz. Could you ever regain this ability?
Most adults terminate at 9375 KHz.
By eliminating molds from my diet, killing as many parasites and removing as many toxins as
I became aware of, I have been able to expand my bandwidth from an initial 1562-9457 KHz in
1990 to 1520-9580 KHz in 1994! (Still 1562.5 to 9478 in the year 2000). I hope this challenges
you to accomplish a health improvement reflected in an even broader bandwidth for yourself.

Exp. 25 Variables Affecting Your Bandwidth

Purpose: To find the effect of a variety of things on the lower end of your spectrum, such as
body temperature, eating, time of day, rainy weather, feeling sick. Notice that you may not change
for weeks at a time, and then suddenly see a shrinking of your bandwidth. You may assume you
have eaten a mold. Search for mold frequencies from 75 KHz to 295 KHz. Or test in your liver with
mold samples. If this is Positive go on a mold free diet, watching carefully for mold in your white
blood cells. Even after removing the mold from your diet, so that no molds appear in your white
blood cells, notice that your bandwidth does not recover. It regularly took 2-3 weeks for mine to
Surely, this sheds light on the poisonous effect of eating bad food.

Exp. 26 Finding An Emission Spectrum In Saliva

Purpose: To find an emission spectrum using a saliva sample.
Materials: A regular frequency generator.
Methods: Search for the bottom of the resonant frequency band as in Exp. 24.
You may store it in the refrigerator for a few weeks without seeing a change. After that the
band begins to shrink.

Exp. 27 Effect Of Death On Bandwidth

Purpose: To observe the effect of dying on the bandwidth.
Methods: Part A. Freeze the insect you tested in Exp. 21 to kill it humanely. Repeat the
search for its bandwidth. Note the bandwidth has become very narrow.
Part B. Scrape the inside of your cheek with a dull knife. Deposit the scraping on a glass
slide. Find the bandwidth as soon as you can and repeat as quickly as you can for as often as you


can. Keep notes on the exact time for any frequency found. Graph your results. Also note the degree
of accuracy of your frequency generator.

Exp. 28 Finding Unknown Invaders Of Your Body

Purpose: To find unknown invaders of your body.
Methods: Start at 900 KHz and proceed down to 77 KHz in 1 KHz steps, to search for all
your pathogens. If you find a resonating frequency, go to the Pathogen Frequency Chart (page 561 in
The Cure For All Diseases) to identify likely candidates for it. Verify the identity of the invader by
using a slide or culture specimen. If your pathogen remains unidentified, add it to the chart. This
lets you determine whether a future illness is new or a recurrence of this one. Or just kill it.
Assuming you found several pathogens, use the frequency generator set at one pathogen’s
frequency to kill it. Wait ten minutes and retest all of the ones you found. Only that one will be
gone. Now zap, with a Positive offset, wait ten minutes, and test again for all of the ones you found.
Notice they are all gone. After one hour, search yet again for the pathogens you had. Any that are
back must have come from an internal source not reached by the zapper current, like from the bowel
or teeth.

Exp. 29 The Killing Effect Of Positive Offset

Square Waves At High Frequency
Purpose: To observe the action of a square wave Positive offset frequency on a very small
animal. Does the animal die or is it just incapacitated?
Materials: A slug or small earthworm.
Methods: Place the small animal in a plastic container like a cottage cheese carton. Add a
few tsp. of water to wet the bottom. Attach a metal teaspoon to each of the generator clips. Place
them on opposite sides in the carton so they reach the water and fasten with tape. Set the generator
to Positive offset at a frequency of about 30 KHz and 5 to 10 volts. Experiment with different
voltages and compare effectiveness. Measure the time it takes for the animal to seem lifeless. You
may try to revive it by keeping it for some time in the presence of food. Retest its emission band.
Note: It’s emission band shrinks slowly and never recovers even if the animal seems to

Exp. 30 Zapping Bacteria In Dairy Products

Purpose: To kill the bacteria in dairy products.
Materials: A glass of regular pasteurized milk, a carton of cottage cheese. A zapper.
Methods: Search for Salmonellas and Shigellas in the milk and cottage cheese. Search by
frequency, using the chart, or with slides of these bacteria. If you don't find any, search different
dairy foods until you find some bacteria. Attach metal teaspoons to the red and black leads of the


generator. Place them inside the milk glass or cottage cheese carton, across from each other. Secure
with masking tape. Attach the zapper. Zap them for seven minutes. Remove the electrodes and wait
five minutes. Test again for the same bacteria. They should be gone (but the food is not safe to eat
due to the metal released from the teaspoons).
These experiments point to some exciting possibilities. Perhaps water supplies as well as
foods and medicines could be sterilized this way. Perhaps sewage could be treated more
efficiently, electrically. Best of all, maybe you could protect yourself from unsanitary products. If
you do decide to explore this possibility, remember not to put metals in your mouth or food, nor to
use currents greater than 10 milliamps.
There are many commercially available function generators that can meet your needs. Order
them from mail order catalogs. But if you have no training in electronics, do not use them to treat
yourself or others. For this purpose use a commercially available zapper. Any zapper must,
however, pass the rigorous test of being 100% Positive offset.

Syncrometer Biochemistry
The next set of experiments lets you explore the common biochemical pathways, as in
glycolysis or the Krebs cycle. You may even discover some new ones.

Exp. 31 Ascaris Parasitism Affects Cholesterol

Purpose: To observe the influence of Ascaris parasitism on cholesterol metabolism.
Materials: 1. Four commonly available microscope slides of Ascaris: A. lumbricoides, A.
megalocephala, Ascaris (larval stage in lung), Ascaris eggs.
2. A set of cholesterol-related metabolites, commonly called bile acids, including both
conjugated (detoxified) and unconjugated (not detoxified) varieties. Complete sets can be
purchased from research chemical supply companies.

• cholic acid • dehydrocholic acid

• deoxycholic acid • lithocholic acid
• chenodeoxycholic acid • 3,4-cholestadiene
• cholic acid methyl ester
• glycocholic (cholic acid detoxified by adding glycine)
• glycochenodeoxycholic acid (chenodeoxycholic acid detoxified by adding glycine)
• taurocholic acid (cholic acid detoxified by adding taurine)
• taurodeoxycholic acid (deoxycholic acid detoxified by adding taurine)
• taurochenodeoxycholic acid (chenodeoxycholic acid detoxified by adding taurine)

3. A set of carcinogen/mutagens: hydroxyurea, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, 1,10-

phenanthroline, ferroin, chrysene, beta-propiolactone, 20-methylcholanthrene, 1,2:5,6 dibenzanth-
4. A set of tissue slides, including spleen, bone marrow, gall bladder, bile duct, and liver.
Methods: Test yourself for the presence of Ascaris (all four slides) at your gallbladder, bile
duct, spleen, and bone marrow. If you test Negative everywhere, you can conclude that you are not
hosting Ascaris at the present time. The gallbladder and bile ducts are the most common sites for
their presence but there may be hidden colonies in the spinal cord!
5. Test yourself for all the bile acids at the liver and bone marrow, at time intervals such as
thirty minutes or one hour. If you did not host Ascaris, repeat the tests on someone who is Positive
for an Ascaris stage and vice versa. This is to compare the infected and non-infected states.
6. Test yourself for the carcinogens at several organs. If you did not host Ascaris, test
someone who is parasitized. Note that most of the carcinogens are present in many organs although
Ascaris stages themselves may only be present in a few. Is there a relationship between bile acids
found and carcinogens present? Evidently, the abnormal chemicals become widely


distributed in the body. It was conjectured in the early part of the 20th century that our cholesterol
metabolism might go astray in some persons, allowing these powerful carcinogens to be made. Why
were these not found at that time in history?
7. If you do host Ascaris eliminate them all by taking one teaspoon (4000 mg) cysteine stirred
into 1 cup fruit juice or other beverage. This is a one dose definitive treatment. But you may not kill
all Mycobacterium that accompanies Ascaris, so 1 tablespoon of ozonated oil is also required.
Take it at least four hours later than the cysteine. You may have euphoric or dysphoric side effects.
Be prepared for these to last an hour. You may divide the dose in half by drinking only one half of it
at first and the other half within thirty minutes. Don’t drive a car after this treatment. Retest yourself
every five to ten minutes. Note: All evidence of Ascaris should be gone within one hour. If not,
repeat. You could, of course, re-infect from a dish of strawberries or a cheese sandwich! (See Exp.
32.) Repeat the carcinogen test after your next meal.
Conclusion: Ascaris parasitism causes derailed cholesterol metabolism resulting in
formation of numerous carcinogens.

Exp. 32 Finding Sources Of Ascaris Parasites

Purpose: To find the source of Ascaris parasites.
Methods: Make samples of the dust in your home (bedroom). Collect a dust sample from
bedroom furniture with a damp piece of paper towel, 2x2 inches and placed in a zippered plastic
bag. Collect a dust sample off carpets. Sample the food in your refrigerator. Prepare samples of
lettuce, cabbage, strawberries, and other raw foods.
Search each sample for all four Ascaris slides. Note that Ascaris is present in the dust or
carpet only when a pet lives there or a pet once lived there. Note that Ascaris is always present in
raw foods, even after thorough washing.
Compare the effectiveness of plain washing, HCl-soak, cysteine-salt soak and iodine in
treatment of vegetables. Use one drop Lugol’s iodine in a quart of soak water. Test after one
minute. Soak raw foods in a solution of ¼ teaspoon cysteine powder plus ¼ tsp. salt in one quart of
water for five minutes. Soak other raw foods in HCl-water (1 drop per cup water).
Try to sanitize the carpet and clear the dust of Ascaris eggs. Use povidone iodine in the wash
or rinse water while shampooing the carpet. (Test carpet for staining first). Sample the carpet dust
again, later.
Conclusion: We are daily exposed to Ascaris parasitism by eating raw foods, probably
because they are fertilized with live animal manure, and from our pets. Note that cysteine alone
does not kill Toxoplasma or Leishmania. These are also present in dirt. To kill these add ¼ tsp.
table salt to the same quart of water as holds the cysteine. Lugol’s solution kills all, as does HCl-

Exp. 33 Finding One Of Your Body’s Detoxification

Purpose: To find the body’s detoxification system for 20-methylcholanthrene.


Materials: Rhodanese (enzyme), malonic acid, benzaldehyde, sodium thiocyanate, 20-

Methods: Test a person who is hosting Ascaris for the above substances at the infected organ
as well as at other organs. Repeat at thirty-minute intervals. Note that 20-methylcholanthrene is not
consistently Positive where you observe it. It may “flicker” its presence in a specific organ. It will
be Positive when rhodanese is Negative and vice versa, suggesting a relationship. Notice that
rhodanese, a very common enzyme, may be Negative for several minutes at a time allowing
methylcholanthrene to exist equally long. Then ask the next question: Could the presence of
rhodanese be influenced by food intake? Eat a banana and retest. Try other foods including
cauliflower and cabbage. Note that the “cabbage family” is especially effective at inducing
rhodanese. Benzaldehyde and thiocyanate tend to go with rhodanese suggesting that they work
together. Note that malonic acid, if present, precludes the presence of rhodanese. And cholic acid is
only absent when rhodanese is absent. Rhodanese is also absent when glutathione is absent.
Glutathione is absent under three circumstances:
1. When heavy metals are present.
2. When the M-family is present. (malonic acid, methyl malonate, maleic acid, maleic
anhydride, D-malic acid).
3. When bacteria are present.
Conclusion: Rhodanese, a common detoxifying enzyme, seems to be the detoxifier of
methylcholanthrene, but numerous influences affect rhodanese. A stronger conclusion would be
possible if the thiocyanate derivative of methylcholanthrene could be located for purchase and
found to be part of this picture. Note that Mother Nature seems to have anticipated the
methylcholanthrene problem that develops with Ascaris parasitism by providing a detoxifying
mechanism. But she could not anticipate that we would stop eating cabbage-family foods
(preferring sugars!).

Exp. 34 Ascaris And Vitamin C Relationship

Purpose: To explore the relationship between Ascaris parasites and ascorbic acid (vitamin
C) metabolism.
Vitamin C is manufactured synthetically in a very complex way, often using nickel or
platinum catalysts and various solvents including benzene. What assurance does the consumer have
that the traces remaining are truly negligible? Or are even being monitored? Since new processes
have been developed that use fermentation by bacteria for some steps1; these should be investigated
and the contamination level of the final products compared. Making mineral ascorbates adds more
risks of pollution. It is especially important that the oxidized form, dehydroascorbate, not be
consumed. It leads directly to vitamin C breakdown products. The oxidized forms of vitamin C as
well as breakdown products are never seen in healthy organs. It does not make sense to eat them.
Test your brand of vitamin C for contamination with these. Although the antiscorbutic function of
vitamin C is well known, and is even accomplished by dehydroascorbate, there are about a dozen
other lesser-known vital functions for vitamin C. In

The Reichstein process is the most popular. See “Encyclopedia of Manufactured Products” by Ullman found in Chemistry libraries of


fact, some scientists believe we haven’t found the real purpose of vitamin C yet. In view of this it
behooves us to be wary of accepting an analog or derivative of any kind as a substitute. Children
especially, should be protected from unnatural “relatives” of the real vitamin.
Materials: L-ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid, vitamin C breakdown products: D-
xylose, L-xylose, D-threose, L-threose, D-lyxose, set of Ascaris slides, slides of tissue samples,
Mycobacterium avium, and Rhizobium leguminosarum.
Methods: Search for all the above chemicals, and Ascaris stages at several organs. The most
probable places to find evidence of Ascaris are the gallbladder, bile ducts, and spinal cord. But
search for vitamin C oxidation products at other organs. Here is an example of results taken from
the file of a patient with seizures. The parents were also tested.
Name: Mother of seizure patient.
Ascaris lumb Positive at bile duct.
Ascaris eggs Positive at gallbladder.
N stands for Negative, P for Positive in the following table.

bone marrow parathyroid spleen thymus liver

ascorbic acid N N P N P
dehydroascorbate P P N P N

Note: Each organ has either the reduced or oxidized form of vitamin C, not both. This
suggests a low level, so that it is all affected rather easily. Some organs show the oxidized form
while others do not, although she has the Ascaris parasite. The spleen and liver seem more capable
of maintaining the correct form.

D-xylose P P N P N
L-xylose P P N P N
D-threose P P N P N
L-threose P P N P N
D-lyxose P P N P N

Note: The vitamin C breakdown products are present when the oxidized form is present.
Name: Father of patient (also Positive for Ascaris)

Ascaris megalo --- --- N N P

Ascaris eggs --- --- N N ---
Ascaris (larvae in lung) --- --- N N ---
20-methyl-cholanthrene P P P P P
ascorbic acid N P N P P
dehydroascorbate P N P N N
1,10-phenanthroline P P P P P
hydroxyurea P P P P P
4-DAB2 P P P P P
beta propiolactone P P P P P
phorbol P P P P P
1,2: 5,6 DBA3 P P P P
Ascaris lumb P P N N ---

Diethyl amino azobenzene is a former food dye popularly called “butter yellow”. It was included for monitoring in the experiment to see
if the presence of ascorbic acid would detoxify it. It didn’t.
The presence of dibenzanthracene implies additional tapeworm stage infection.


Note: Dashes mean the tests were not done.

Note: The Ascaris stages were not themselves present at spleen and thymus, although the
carcinogens were present.
Conclusion: Ascaris parasitism causes oxidation of vitamin C and further production of
breakdown products. Individuals vary as to which organs are affected. Carcinogens are very
pervasive, probably due to slow detoxification.

Exp. 35 Ascorbic Acid and Iron Relationship

Purpose: To explore the relationship between ascorbic acid and the two forms of iron:
ferrous and ferric.
Materials: Iron salts, including ferrous gluconate and ferric phosphate; L-ascorbic acid,
dehydroascorbic acid; tissue slides.
Methods: Search for ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbate in various tissues. Find some of
each. Then search for the two forms of iron.
These data are taken from the previous cases.

bone marrow parathyroid spleen thymus liver

ascorbate N N P N P
dehydroascorbate P P N P N
ferrous gluconate N N P N P
ferric phosphate P P N P N

Note: Ascorbic acid is associated with the presence of ferrous iron. When vitamin C
becomes oxidized, ferrous iron becomes oxidized also, to the less soluble ferric form.
Conclusion: Ascaris parasitism causes a true iron deficiency, unrelated to the presence or
absence of iron in the diet. In addition, a modern scurvy, “neoscurvy”, could be induced by the
dehydroascorbic acid or other oxidation products of vitamin C, involving the less known functions
of vitamin C.

Exp. 36 Finding Ascaris-Associated Bacteria

Purpose: To find Ascaris-associated bacteria and viruses.
Materials: Four Ascaris slides, a set of pathogens including Rhizobium leguminosarum,
Rhizobium meliloti, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Mycobacterium avium/
cellulare, Adenovirus, Coxsackie virus B1, Coxsackie virus B4.
Methods: Find a person hosting Ascaris. Search for all the pathogens for which you have
specimens, besides the ones listed, in the organ parasitized. Repeat in several other organs.
Note that Rhizobium leg and Mycobacterium avium/cell are always present when Ascaris is
present. In fact, they pervade the whole body, although Ascaris is only present in a few places. Q1:
Does this suggest a short cut for testing for Ascaris? Note also that whenever Ascaris is found in an
organ, it is also found in the gallbladder or bile duct. Q2: Does this suggest a further short


cut when testing for Ascaris? Q3: Does killing Ascaris necessarily kill Rhizobium leg and
Mycobacterium avium/cell? A1: Simply testing for Mycobacterium and Rhizobium is equivalent to
testing for the presence of Ascaris somewhere in the body. A2: Search for these at the gallbladder
first. A3: No. Continue testing for Mycobacterium and Rhizobium for several days. Another
shortcut is given in Exp. 77.

Exp. 37 Tapeworm Stages and Malonic Acid

Purpose: To search for tapeworm stages in yourself; to find associated malonic acid.
Materials: A set of tapeworm varieties and stages on microscope slides. A set of tissue
slides. Malonic acid, methyl malonate, maleic acid, maleic anhydride, D-malic acid.
Methods: Search through the entire tapeworm set at your pancreas, liver, and bone marrow.
Repeat in a few days. Note that some varieties are now different. Does this suggest new infection?
Test the dairy products you have been eating, as well as raw vegetables. Note that the bone marrow
frequently harbors Echinococcus multilocularis and E. granulosus. Does this suggest hydatid
sand? Search for malonic acid and derivatives at the site of the tapeworm stages. Compare with
other locations. Does this suggest that the tapeworm stage makes them? Search the actual slides for
malonic acid and derivatives. It may have been introduced during slide making. But what other
explanations are there for its presence in you?
Kill tapeworm stages with cysteine and ozonated oil as in Exp. 31 or by square wave
frequency zapping (see Exp. 133). Retest for malonic acid. It will now be gone.

Exp. 38 Tapeworm Stage-Associated Bacteria

Purpose: To find tapeworm stage-associated bacteria.
Materials: A set of tapeworm varieties and stages on microscope slides. A set of pathogen
slides or cultures, including Streptomyces griseus, S. albus, and S. venezuelae. A set of organ
Methods: First identify tapeworm stages in one of your organs. Follow this by searching
through the entire pathogen set at that organ. Note that Streptomyces griseus, S. albus, and S.
venezuelae are always present, regardless of the tapeworm variety. Could these three
Streptomyces varieties be used as a short cut in testing for tapeworms? Could these bacteria
actually be responsible for production of malonic acid? Note: These bacteria were once classified
as fungi because they produce filamentous growth.

Exp. 39 What Streptomyces Bacteria Produce

Purpose: To answer the question, do the tapeworm associated Streptomyces bacteria
produce the typical products for which they are known?
Materials: Purchase mitomycin-C, actinomycin D, 1,2:5,6 dibenzanthracene (DBA),
cycloheximide, protease (from Streptomyces species) and streptomycin sulfate.


Methods: Search for these products in the organ that harbors the tapeworm stage and in other
Note: Streptomyces produce all these recognized products in our bodies, and possibly more.
What are their effects? Answer: They inhibit protein formation. Could cycloheximide and DBA be
attributed to Streptomyces species? A: Yes. Could you use streptomycin and protease, for example,
as a short cut for identifying the presence of tapeworm stages? A: Yes.

Exp. 40 Finding A Growing Tumor

Purpose: To find a growing tumor.
Materials: DNA, RNA, a set of tissue slides.
Methods: Search in all your organs for the presence of RNA and DNA.
Note: RNA is omnipresent though Negative at bladder and kidneys. DNA is continuously
present only in ovaries or testes. DNA may also be present in a healing tissue such as bone after a
tooth extraction or the tongue after you burned it accidentally with hot food. Note that it disappears
in a few days from these “healing” locations.
If you find DNA Positive in an organ like your liver, breast, or colon, you can infer that some
part of this organ is growing much too rapidly. What is your next step? If you find RNA Negative in
an organ, what are possible explanations? A1: An enzyme that destroys RNA, like RNAse, is
present excessively. A2: Transcription is reduced or blocked so almost no RNA is made. A3:
RNA polymerase is missing. Search for clostridium bacteria next.

Exp. 41 Evidence Of Parasitism in Growing

Purpose: To find evidence of parasitism in a growing tumor.
Materials: RNA, DNA, RNAse (ribonuclease-A), RNAse inhibitor, ribonucleoside vanadyl
complexes, vanadium (atomic absorption standard), 1-10 phenanthroline, ferroin, set of amino
acids, four Ascaris slides, tapeworm set (or Streptomycin plus protease).
Methods: After finding DNA at an organ site, search for RNA. If it is still present, the organ
is not yet severely damaged. Also search for all the amino acids; it would seem advisable to
supplement the missing ones until the problem is conquered. (Or to take shark cartilage which
increases all of them together).
If RNA is missing, you may infer that protein is not being made correctly or adequately. You
could also supplement the diet with sardines, which supply RNA. Search for the presence of
ribonuclease-A (RNAse). This is a very common enzyme; it is not detected by the Syncrometer® in
normal tissues, though. If your test for RNAse is Positive, search for RNAse inhibitor. It will be
absent. It may be present everywhere except at this abnormal tissue site. Next, search for
ribonucleoside vanadyl complexes (this abolishes your normal RNAse inhibitor). If this test is
Positive, search for a source of vanadium. Search in dust from your living space, teeth (use “tooth
in situ” slide from Wards, otherwise the test is specific for the tooth used), eyeglasses’ plastic
frames, and other sources you might imagine. Also search the organ site for ferroin and 1,10


phenanthroline, which may be responsible for the vanadium sequestering action. This could explain
why it is not promptly excreted. Since phenanthroline is an Ascaris-dependent metabolite, search
for Ascaris next, followed by tapeworm stages. Is your plan of action clear? (Remove vanadium
sources; this clears vanadyl complexes. This allows RNAse inhibitor to appear, provided
tapeworm stages are gone. With the inhibitor present, RNAse will disappear. This is the RNA
destroying enzyme. Now RNA will have a longer half-life, so you can detect it). Note that we
omitted the test for malignancy (OPTyr) in the tumor, which was discussed earlier, in Exp. 11. You
should add this now. Then kill parasites immediately.

Exp. 42 Common Denominators in Tumors

Purpose: To verify the common denominators in tumors.
Materials: Copper, cobalt, vanadium, and germanium as atomic absorption standards.
Malonic acid, methyl malonate, maleic acid, maleic anhydride, and D-malic acid. Tapeworm
slides, Ascaris slides, Clostridium slides, Streptomyces slides or cultures, mycotoxins, including
aflatoxin and patulin. Assorted carcinogen/mutagens, urethane, dyes, such as Sudan IV, DAB, Sudan
Black B, and anything else you might wish to test.
Methods: Search for these in cases of fibrocystic disease, hypertrophied prostate, uterine
wall mass, ovarian cyst as examples of benign tumors. When would you conclude they are not
benign? A: When the OPTyr test is Positive.

Exp. 43 Tumor-Related Mutations

Purpose: To search for tumor-related mutations.
Materials: p53 probe, bcl-2 probe, bax probe, c-myc probe, nucleoside vanadyl complexes,
vanadium (atomic absorption standard), Ascaris slides, tapeworm slides.
Methods: Search for the presence of p53 using all your tissue slides. If one is Positive,
search for vanadyl complexes, vanadium, 1,10-phenanthroline, Ascaris, tapeworm stages. Also
search for an imbalance between bcl-2 and bax gene products. Bcl-2 and bax should be ON (that is,
Positive) for equal time periods. Search for c-myc.
After killing Ascaris and tapeworm stages (with 1 tsp. cysteine, as in Exp. 31) and testing
Negative for both at gallbladder, spinal cord and urine does vanadium still accumulate in this
organ? Search for vanadium in kidney and urinary bladder now. Are vanadyl complexes and p53
mutations still present here? Would you risk keeping your tooth prostheses that shed vanadium? Is
c-myc still Positive? A: YES, it must have a different origin.

Exp. 44 Testing For RNAse inhibitor

Purpose: To search for RNAse inhibitor in food. It is a desirable factor.
Materials: RNAse inhibitor, several brands of shark or bovine cartilage (be sure to include
Seagate brand shark cartilage, not encapsulated), chicken soup and bones, some containing


cartilage, pickled pig’s feet, beef bone and cartilage as in soup, goat milk, coconut (both meat and
oil), set of amino acids, raw beet, several brands of canned pickled beets.
Methods: Note which brands of shark cartilage have RNAse inhibitor. Next, find a
disadvantaged organ that shows few amino acids present and no RNAse inhibitor. Supplement the
diet with shark cartilage: one to three tablespoons daily, sterilized with HCl (4 drops per cup of
liquid recipe). Repeat the amino acid test every two or three days, or until you can come to a
conclusion on its effectiveness in raising amino acid levels.
Question: Is the RNAse inhibitor the active ingredient responsible for improving the amino
acid picture? Go off your supplement until you have your former poor condition. Then supplement
with a brand you found did not possess RNAse inhibitor. Compare results. Does heating, ozonation,
or HCl sterilization destroy RNAse inhibitor? Test the foods listed for RNAse inhibitor.

Exp. 45 The immune Problems Caused By

Purpose: To find the immune problem caused by benzene. Although benzene is the AIDS-
specific solvent, it is very often a problem for cancer patients, too. Benzene destroys your
germanium conformation. The Syncrometer® detects that our white blood cells normally contain
germanium in a special organic complex, called carboxy-ethyl-germanium-sesquioxide. Benzene
removes the carboxy-ethyl portion, leaving only the germanium-sesquioxide and sometimes only
elemental germanium (the plain metal or germanium oxide). Without the whole carboxy-ethyl
complex, our cells cannot make two special anti-viral substances. They are peptides and can be
purchased for research.
His-Cys-Lys-Phe-Trp-Trp-OH (called Hiss-Siss) is a very important peptide that locks the
door to your genes when viruses approach and wish to enter (“integrate”). In technical language,
this peptide inhibits the integrase, which permits viral integration as well as disintegration when
the virus decides to leave your genes to invade other cells.
The second peptide, Ac-muramyl-Ala-D-isoglutamine-OH (called ack-muramyl) is a viral
replication inhibitor. Evidently carboxy-ethyl-germanium-sesquioxide holds the master key to the
presence of both these peptides. As soon as benzene is gone both peptides reappear, as does the
special germanium compound. Garlic has the germanium-sesquioxide variety; our bodies can make
the carboxy-ethyl type from the garlic variety. Both are sold as supplements, although I would
consider the carboxy-ethyl variety superior. Unfortunately, we found no variety of carboxy-ethyl
that wasn’t contaminated with the metal. It is much more important to protect your body from
benzene than to take extra germanium. And since germanium is plentiful in certain foods, it would
be safer to eat these.
Materials: Benzene, phenol, germanium (as atomic absorption standard), germanium
sesquioxide (pure test substance), carboxy-ethyl germanium sesquioxide (this is available in a
capsule in health food stores as Ge 132, see Supplies Used For Testing), His-Cys peptide, Ac-
muramyl peptide, slides of white blood cells or lymph node, zearalenone, vitamin B2.
Methods: Search for the 3 varieties of germanium in a person who tests Negative for
benzene. Search at spleen, liver, WBCs. Note the form of germanium. Also search for the two


peptides in these organs. Repeat the tests in a person who tests Positive for benzene. Note the
absence of the two peptides. Administer a dose of 600 mg vitamin B2. Ten minutes later repeat the
tests. Note that benzene is now gone (if not, take more vitamin B2) and phenol is present. Vitamin
B2 can change benzene to phenol but no further. This is enough, though, to switch the form of
germanium back to the carboxy-ethyl form. Our best natural source for vitamin B2 is milk. In fact,
our shift away from milk as a beverage may have played a role in our vulnerability to benzene by
reducing our vitamin B2 consumption. On the other hand, increased dye exposure from milk
products would consume the little vitamin B2 that people eat. Drinking milk that is contaminated
with food dyes is a risky situation. Phenol is very toxic in its own right. It has the odor of a
mortuary where it is much used. It is also used by scientists to extract nucleic acid! Detoxify phenol
with a magnesium oxide capsule or beet juice and vinegar.
Although pesticide and gasoline have polluted our air, zearalenone in food is largely
responsible for the bioaccumulation of benzene in our bodies. If you test Positive for this
mycotoxin, search diligently for the food that is bringing it to you. Test your potatoes, brown rice,
rice cakes, and popcorn for zearalenone. Exposing these foods to full spectrum light at close range
(3 or 4 inches) for five minutes detoxifies zearalenone as does sonication of food.

Exp. 46 Metabolic Effects Of Isopropyl Alcohol

Purpose: To find the metabolic effects of isopropyl alcohol.
Materials: 5,6-isopropylidene-L-ascorbic acid, 2’,3’-o-isopropylidene-guanosine, 2’,3’-o-
isopropylidene-cytidine, 2’,3’-o-isopropylidene-adenosine, 2’,3’-o-isopropylidene-inosine, human
chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), acetone, isopropyl alcohol.
Methods: Search for these compounds in your tissues. They should not be present. Find a
person who has just eaten a “fast-food” item and is Positive for isopropyl alcohol. Repeat all tests.
Conclusion: We have been taught that isopropyl alcohol is detoxified by the body into
acetone. No doubt this does happen but not before isopropyl alcohol has done a lot of damage. In
just a few minutes after accidentally eating a trace of this antiseptic in food or beverages it has
already combined with some of our most important body compounds. Vitamin C is one of them. I
see 5,6-isopropylidene-L-ascorbate formed almost instantly. This would be consistent with vitamin
C’s role as detoxifier but should we be consuming our precious vitamin in this way? Would this not
give us a novel kind of scurvy in spite of taking large amounts of vitamin C as a supplement?
Consider, also, the possible toxicity of this new compound.
I also detect combinations with our nucleosides, forming 2’,3’-o-isopropylidene-guanosine,
2’,3’-o-isopropylidene cytidine, 2’,3’-o-isopropylidene adenosine, 2’,3’-o-isopropylidene inosine.
Surely, this could cause a flurry of mutations. Perhaps such a mutation could result in the excessive
production of human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG. The Syncrometer® detects hCG widespread in
the body when isopropyl alcohol is present. hCG has been implicated in cancer for decades. In fact,
it was formerly used as a cancer marker. Perhaps, if we consumed a lot more vitamin C, our
nucleic acids would be protected from isopropyl alcohol. What becomes of the nucleoside
adducts? Are they toxic?


Exp. 47 Watching Formation Of A Nitroso

Purpose: To observe the formation of a nitroso compound.
Materials: Nitrate reductase (cytochrome), enzyme; nitric oxide synthetase, enzyme;
1-methyl-3-nitro-1 nitrosoguanidine (a carcinogen); slides of Ascaris, colon, gallbladder,
bile duct and any other intestinal locations, Rhizobium leguminosarum.
Methods: Search for Ascaris and Rhizobium leguminosarum in gallbladder and spinal cord.
If you test Positive for Ascaris, search for the nitroso compound and enzymes. After you have
eliminated Ascaris infection, repeat the test.
Note: Rhizobium leguminosarum can be found growing in the colon but only if Ascaris is
present. When all evidence of Ascaris is gone (including eggs), Rhizobium leguminosarum
disappears, as does the nitroso compound and enzymes. This suggests that these bacteria may be the
cause of mutations resulting from nitrosylation of guanine, our most mutation-susceptible nucleic
acid base.

Exp. 48 Carcinogens Made By Tapeworm Stages;

Cysteine As Tapeworm Killer
Purpose: 1. To find which mutagens/carcinogens are made by tapeworm stages. 2. To test
effectiveness of cysteine as tapeworm-killer.
Materials: Set of tapeworm slides, set of four Ascaris slides, hydroxyurea, beta
propiolactone, diamine oxidase (enzyme), 1,10-phenanthroline, ferroin, 20-methyl-cholanthrene,
1,2:5,6 dibenzanthracene, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, histamine, D-histidine, RNAse
inhibitor, vanadium, nucleoside vanadyl complexes, p53 gene, liver slide, L-cysteine.
Methods: Search for a person who is hosting tapeworm stages but not Ascaris. You may use
the shortcut of searching for Mycobacterium avium plus Rhizobium leg in the gallbladder and bile
duct instead of searching for Ascaris itself. You may search for Streptomyces or Streptomycin plus
protease instead of the tapeworm set.
Compare your results with mine.
Name: K.G.
at Gallbladder at bile duct
Rhizobium leguminosarum N N
Mycobacterium avium/cellulare N N
Streptomycin sulfate (antibiotic) P P
protease (from S. griseus) P P
(From this I concluded, KG hosted tapeworm stages, not Ascaris).
At liver At liver, after 1 tsp.
cysteine, 1 hour later
Streptomycin sulfate P N
Protease P N
Hydroxyurea N N
Betapropiolactone N N
1,10-phenanthroline N N
Ferroin N N
20-methyl cholanthrene N N


1,2:5,6-dibenzanthracene P N
phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate P N
Histamine P N
D-histidine P N
RNAse inhibitor P P
Vanadium N ---
nucleoside vanadyl complexes N ---
p53 gene (mutation) P N
diamine oxidase P N

Conclusions: 1. p53 mutations are produced in presence of tapeworm stages, although no

vanadyl complexes are present and RNAse inhibitor is intact. Also, Rhizobium is absent so nitroso
compounds should be absent, therefore not causing these p53 mutations. The mechanism is not
clear. It is also possible that the cysteine treatment had an effect different from killing tapeworm.
2. D-histidine, the wrong form of an amino acid is produced in the presence of tapeworms,
possibly inducing enzymes, resulting in histamine production. Diamine oxidase is also induced,
perhaps by histamine.
3. Two well-studied carcinogens (DBA and phorbol) are “made” by tapeworm stages.
4. A single dose of cysteine, one teaspoon, can eliminate tapeworm stages with astonishing
speed. Remember, that the parasite-killing program and coenzyme Q10 can also kill them.

Exp. 49 Tapeworm Stages Oxidize Cysteine

Purpose: To determine if tapeworm stages oxidize vitamin C as Ascaris does.
Materials: Tapeworm slide set, four Ascaris slides, L-ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid,
D-xylose, L-xylose, D-threose, L-threose, D-lyxose, cysteine, cystine, glutathione (reduced),
glutathione (oxidized), liver, gallbladder, bile duct slides. (Cystine is the oxidized form of cysteine;
it is quite insoluble and is abundant in hair).
Methods: Find a subject who is hosting tapeworm stages but not Ascaris. Search in liver or
other organs for metabolites. Compare your results with these.
Name: K.G. (Positive for tapeworm stages, not Ascaris)
At liver At liver, after 1 tsp. cysteine
L-ascorbic acid P P
dehydroascorbate N N
D-xylose P N
D-lyxose P N
D-threose P N
L-threose P N
cysteine P P
cystine P N

If your subject is willing to take one teaspoon cysteine, dissolved in 1 cup broth or fruit juice,
over a ½-hour period, you will be able to observe the effect of killing tapeworm stages.
Conclusions: Parasitism by tapeworm stages does not result in formation of
dehydroascorbate but does produce copious amounts and varieties of vitamin C breakdown
products. Tapeworm infection causes oxidation of cysteine to cystine. This could promote fibrous
tissue formation as in a cyst or tumor. It would be difficult to dissolve again later. Evidently
cysteine is oxidized to a greater extent than ascorbic acid. It is easily reversed by killing the


parasite. This suggests the production by the parasite of a strong oxidizer or a compound that
inhibits the reduction of cysteine. On the other hand, bacteria co-existing with tapeworm larvae
could be responsible.

Exp. 50 Comparing Purity Of Vitamin C Brands

Purpose: To compare the purity of different brands of vitamin C.
Materials: Several brands of ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, ascorbyl palmitate,
dehydroascorbate, D-xylose, L-xylose, D-threose, L-threose, D-lyxose, selenium, copper, nickel,
Methods: Search for the oxidation products of vitamin C as well as heavy metals in the
different brands of vitamin C. To get quantitative results from your findings, send your samples to
labs listed at the end of this manual. To review current scientific literature on harmful effects of
thulium, get titles from the Internet.

Exp. 51 Comparing Wart With Tumor Tissue

Purpose: To compare wart tissue with tumor tissue.
Materials: A shred of wart, RNA, DNA, Streptomyces species, tapeworm slide set, bcl-2,
bax, c-myc, p53 genes (probes).
Methods: Peel a shred off a wart, being careful not to cause bleeding. Place the shred in a
small glass bottle; add water and ethyl alcohol (about 50%). Or place the shred directly on the test
plate. Alternatively, a slide can be made of it, using Canada balsam.
Search for all the tapeworms and other entities in the wart.
Compare your results with the following study of 14 warts (8 slides, 6 in bottles) taken from
my notes.
1. All slides Negative for bcl-2. All bottles Negative for bcl-2.
2. All bottles Positive for bax. All slides Positive for bax.
3. All slides Positive for c-myc. Five out of six bottles Positive for c-myc.
4. Four out of eight slides Positive for p53. Five out of six bottles Positive for p53.
5. All slides Positive for RNA. Five out of six bottles Positive for RNA.
6. All slides Negative for Streptomyces species and protease, (normally indicative of
tapeworm presence). Five out of six bottles Negative for Streptomyces. One bottle Positive for
Question: Were tapeworm stages not present in these warts since Streptomyces was absent?
A tapeworm test was done next.
Sample results of tapeworm study (in Wart MRF).
Hymenolepis diminuta cysticercus Positive
Hymenolepis nana eggs Positive
Moniezia expansa eggs Positive
Dipylidium caninum Positive


Remainder (of 30-slide set) Negative. Note: Tapeworm stages are present in spite of
Streptomyces absence.
Note: A wart study is not as reproducible as other studies. The same wart at a later time may
give a few different results. There is only about 90% agreement between tests. The design of the
circuit is now different. We are not using the tissue specimen as a “crystal” to screen out all other
frequencies. We are using it as part of the body, skin. It could represent your other warts.
Nevertheless, certain features stand out:
1. Warts seldom show Streptomyces species although all show tapeworm stages.
2. All warts retain their RNA, while a small fraction also has DNA.
3. All warts are Negative for bcl-2 and Positive for bax, although carrying p53 mutations and
c-myc oncogene expression.
Conclusion: Several questions are raised by these results: Is Streptomyces unable to grow in
the skin for some special reason? Does their absence control tumor growth somehow? Does
retaining the capacity to make RNA make warts unique as tumors? Does this protect the bcl-2 and
bax genes? If bcl-2 and bax genes are normal, why is there any overgrowth of skin at all? Although
the difference between warts and tumors stands out, the interpretation is not yet clear.

Exp. 52 Toxic Amines Made By Bacteria

Purpose: To find the toxic amines made by bacteria.
Materials: 1,5-diaminopentane, tyramine, diaminopropane, agmatine, guanidine, ethylene
diamine, cysteamine, set of Clostridium slides, Streptomyces set, Mycobacterium avium,
Rhizobium leg, pyruvic aldehyde, thiourea.
Methods: Search for bacteria in an organ that is severely handicapped such as underactive or
overactive thyroid, ovary with cyst, breast with lump, prostate with hypertrophy, etc.
Search for amines in organs with and without bacteria. Then compare length of time pyruvic
aldehyde is present (resonant) with time thiourea is present.
Note: Clostridium causes all amines to be present while other bacteria cause some to be
present. A few are present even without bacteria there. Note that pyruvic aldehyde may be “on” for
its normal time (one minute) while thiourea is “on” for many minutes (should be one minute). After
getting rid of bacteria, repeat search for amines and find new times for pyruvic aldehyde and

Exp. 53 Purine And Pyrimidine Bases Are

Disregulated in Tumors
Purpose: To compare purine and pyrimidine bases in normal and tumorous organs.
Materials: Four purines (guanosine, adenine hydrochloride, xanthine monosodium salt,
inosine), three pyrimidines (cytidine, uridine anhydrous, thymidine), Clostridium slides, tissue
Methods: Test for all bases at a normal, handicapped, or tumorous organ. Note that inosine
is often missing in a distressed organ even though others are all present. When Clostridium is


present, all four purines are absent while pyrimidines sound exceptionally high. (Remember,
though, the Syncrometer® cannot make quantity measurements). When clostridium species are gone,
all seven bases are present again, although inosine may be missing for unknown reasons. Try taking
inosine as a supplement; it still only tests Positive for a few hours. Try bee pollen and other
supplements to restore it as well as further toxin removal. Review DNA and RNA structure to see
the significance of your results.

Exp. 54 Phenol Is Produced By Liver

Purpose: To find the phenol produced by the liver after eating; to observe its over-oxidizing
Materials: Phenol, L-ascorbate, dehydroascorbate, ascorbate oxidation products (L-threose,
D-threose, L-xylose, D-xylose, lyxose), cysteine, cystine, glutathione (reduced), glutathione
(oxidized), ferrous gluconate, ferric phosphate, iron sulfide FeS, iron sulfide FeS2, set of tissue
Methods: Test yourself for phenol in various organs including liver, before a meal. List
organs that are Negative. Search these organs for ascorbate oxidation products, sulfur and iron
compounds and vitamin C. Then eat a meal or portion of food. After twenty minutes repeat the
above tests.
Note: In the absence of phenol (and absence of Ascaris parasitism) vitamin C is totally
reduced and no oxidation products are seen. Both sulfur compounds and iron compounds are in
reduced form. Note also that the liver is the most likely organ to have phenol (when all others
don’t) suggesting it is the seat of phenol formation.
In the presence of phenol, all the ascorbate oxidation products appear as well as oxidized
sulfur and iron compounds. But ascorbate itself remains in reduced form.

Exp. 55 Beets and Vinegar Inhibit Phenol

Purpose: To observe the action of beets and vinegar on phenol formation by the liver.
Materials: Raw red beet (juiced or blended), white distilled vinegar, phenol (test
substance), tissue slides.
Methods: Search for phenol in your organs, at a time between meals. Drink 1 tsp. to 1 tbs.
vinegar diluted in water. Ten minutes later, test for phenol again. Do some organs escape
correction? Drink the beet juice five minutes before a meal as well as 1 tsp. to 1 tbs. vinegar. After
the meal, test again for phenol. Was its formation prevented?
Conclusion: Phenol is either quickly detoxified or not formed in the presence of beet juice
and vinegar taken before eating.


Exp. 56 Destruction Of Vitamins By Phenol

Purpose: To observe the effect of phenol on our beta-carotene and vitamin A status.
Materials: Phenol, white distilled vinegar, red beet juice, beta-carotene, vitamin A (all-t-
retinoic acid), 9-cis isomer of vitamin A (retinoic acid or retinol), 13-cis isomer.
Methods: 1. Search for the presence of phenol in various organs. Also search for beta-
carotene and vitamin A.
Discussion: It is known that beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A by the liver if zinc is
available. Note that beta-carotene is absent when phenol is present. And vitamin A is also absent
unless it is being taken as a supplement. Taking a dose of beet juice and vinegar instantly reinstates
them both suggesting they were nearby but in an over-oxidized state. Could some of these oxidized
vitamins be toxic as well as useless?
2. Search for the 9-cis and 13-cis isomers of vitamin A in organs when vitamin A itself is
absent. Note that 13-cis isomer appears when vitamin A is absent. 9-cis is present along with
vitamin A.
Discussion: 13-cis isomer is known as accutane. It has medicinal value but is also toxic
(causing malformations in the fetus).
Conclusion: Phenol production causes lack of beta-carotene and lack of vitamin A, a growth
regulator. Could this be a mechanism of birth defect occurrence? Recall that azo dyes also disturb
vitamin A metabolism, possibly by causing mutations. Should the practice of drinking vinegar water
with meals be encouraged?

Exp. 57 Phenol Is Associated With Streptococcus

Purpose: To observe the occurrence of phenol in the presence of streptococcus varieties of
Materials: Phenol, six streptococcus slides, tissue slides.
Methods: Search for streptococcus bacteria at various organs, particularly a painful or
weakened one. Next, search for phenol at these and other organs. After finding your phenol
distribution, check for over oxidation of vitamin C, producing oxidation products, as well as
oxidized cysteine, GSH, and iron compounds.
Discussion: It appears that Streptococcus gains a foothold in the human body at an early age,
producing phenol and causing a kind of “neoscurvy” at these locations. Taking extra vitamin C may
not protect against this. Q: Could Streptococcus be the real cause of aging and scurvy in humans?

Exp. 58 Cayenne Eliminates Streptococcus

Purpose: To see if cayenne pepper can eliminate streptococcus infection.
Materials: six streptococcus slides, cayenne capsules, tissue slides.


Methods: Search for the streptococcus bacteria at your parotid gland, teeth, gallbladder,
small intestine, coronary artery, joints, and any other location of pain or disability. Verify the
presence of phenol and oxidation products of vitamin C as well as the oxidized sulfur compounds
as in Exp. 54.
Take one cayenne capsule with a piece of bread; ½ hour later, test for phenol and
Streptococcus again. Note that some Streptococcus is missing. Increase dosage of cayenne from 1
with each meal, to 2 with each meal, continuing up to 6 with each meal. After three days at this
peak dose, streptococcus should be eliminated from all body locations. No more phenol should be
produced from this source. Be sure to take the parasite-killing recipe during this week and sterilize
food to prevent reinfection from a parasite. Note: This is a heroic way to control pain or
streptococcus. A more fundamental way is to restore acid and pepsin to the stomach. So far this has
not been highly successful either. Success would open the door to pain free living.

Exp. 59 Origin Of Clostridium and Streptococcus

Purpose: To find the true origin of clostridium and streptococcus bacteria.
Materials: Sets of slides for Ascaris, tapeworm, Clostridium, Streptococcus. Slides of
Hasstilesia tricolor (rabbit fluke), Plasmodium malariae, Besnoitia. (Note: Hasstilesia was not
available at time of writing.) Slides of esophagus, gallbladder, colon, tooth. Samples of canned
vegetables, meats, fish, roasted chicken or turkey.
Methods: 1. Search for rabbit fluke, Plasmodium, and Besnoitia at your esophagus,
gallbladder, and other organs. Also search for Clostridium and Streptococcus. Search in several
other persons. Note: All adults carry these three parasites together; they do not occur separately. In
view of this and of the unavailability of rabbit fluke slides, you may substitute the Plasmodium and
Besnoitia parasite slides until it becomes available.
2. Kill them with a dose of parasite-killing black walnut herb. Do not eat or drink anything
until you have re-tested yourself for the rabbit fluke. They should be gone, although clostridium and
streptococcus bacteria may remain.
3. Test food that you might have considered safe from parasites because it has been cooked or
baked, such as boiled milk, pressure-cooked chicken, roast turkey, canned salmon, cooked
vegetables. Note that many are Positive for rabbit fluke. Evidently, boiling or baking kills
tapeworm stages but does not reach a high enough temperature to kill the rabbit fluke.
4. Test all your foods, before eating, for the rabbit fluke. (You may test without opening a
can.) Try to stay free of reinfection for 24-hours at first.
5. Treat your food with hydrochloric acid and re-test yourself for the rabbit fluke every day.
6. Test at colon and tooth for Clostridium invasion, and pain-sites or joints for Streptococcus
invasion. These invaded sites must be cleared of bacteria separately. Try brushing your teeth with
oregano oil (1 drop mixed in 1 tsp. baking soda) and taking betaine to clear the bowel of
clostridium. Use cayenne to clear streptococcus.
7. Try to stay free of the rabbit fluke by adopting new food preparation methods.


Exp. 60 Vitamin C and Rhodizonate Are Formed In

The Body
Purpose: To observe vitamin C and rhodizonate being formed in the body after eating
Materials: L-ascorbic acid, rhodizonic acid (potassium salt), inositol, dehydroascorbate, set
of tissue slides.
Methods: Find an organ, possibly your handicapped organ that has neither ascorbic acid nor
dehydroascorbic acid and is Negative for inositol and rhodizonate also. Eat ½ tsp. inositol
dissolved in ½-cup water. Immediately search for ascorbate, dehydroascorbate and rhodizonate
again. Continue testing for five minutes. Note that all three appear simultaneously, while inositol
soon disappears.

Exp. 61 Some Benzene Is Made In The Body

Purpose: To observe benzene being formed in your body from the common mycotoxin,
Materials: Pure test substances: benzene, zearalenone; tissue slide set including adipose
(fat), skin, liver, kidney, bladder; a white potato, a red potato, a Russet potato.
Methods: Search your tissues for benzene as well as your “whole body” where no tissue
slide is used at all. After searching a tissue, e.g. kidney, add the adipose slide on the same plate as
kidney slide, putting them “in parallel”. Place them about 2 inches apart. You are now searching at
the fatty portion of the kidney. If no benzene can be found (to resonate), search at the fatty portion of
other organs. Make a list of Positive and Negative findings.
Peel the potatoes, cutting away any moldy spots. Test each for zearalenone and benzene. Find
potatoes that do have zearalenone. Cut a slice. Nibble the zearalenone-containing slice for half a
minute, spitting out the pulp later.
Retest your tissues for zearalenone and benzene. Are your tissues now Positive for both
zearalenone and benzene? See how long it takes each tissue to clear itself of both. When clear,
nibble the red potato, free of zearalenone. Repeat the tests.
Conclusions: 1. Since zearalenone precedes benzene, it seems probable that benzene is
formed from zearalenone and that it is detoxified by our tissues. 2. Zearalenone and benzene have a
preference for our fatty tissues, especially skin-adipose.
Recall that benzene is detoxified to phenol, which oxidizes vitamin C to “oxidation-products”
that cause aging, cataracts, and bone and tooth disease. But before benzene is detoxified, it banishes
2 viral inhibitors, allowing HIV virus, if present, as well as others to integrate with our genes
(Exp. 45).

Exp. 62 Identifying Azo Dyes In Body and Food

Purpose: To identify azo dyes in your body, clothing, food and common bleach.


Materials: Germanium (atomic absorption standard), a set of azo dyes including Sudan IV
(Scarlet Red), DAB (Butter yellow), and Sudan Black B; pure sodium hypochlorite (bleach)
ordered from a chemical supply company, regular chlorine bleach from grocery store; set of tissue
slides including adipose, human skin and others.
Methods: Search for the presence of each azo dye in spleen, liver, kidneys, bladder, bone
marrow, your handicapped organs, and then in the adipose portion of these by placing the adipose
slide on the same test plate.
Search for these dyes in your clothing before and after washing in borax.
Note: Only DAB sticks tightly to clothing after washing. Repeat washing of clothing, this
time using bleach according to the label. Also, try adding ethyl alcohol to a bowl of water with the
clothing item. Also compare different fabrics in their ease of releasing the dyes.
Search for azo dyes in food, especially dairy products. Notice that the dyes appear together
(or are absent together) suggesting they were not added individually. Notice that foods containing
azo dyes also test Positive for sodium hypochlorite. Foods that are Negative for dyes also are
Negative for hypochlorite. Check hypochlorite for dyes, first.
Search bleach from grocery store for azo dyes. Note the presence of all the azo dyes. Q:
Could regular household bleach, used in manufacturing, be the source of widespread pollution with
azo dyes? Note: Chlorine bleach is regulated in a very complex way by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and FDA. But their concern is that labeling be correct for the claims
made regarding antiseptic action. No agency tests for pollution!

Exp. 63 Removing Azo Dyes

Purpose: To remove azo dyes from your body.
Materials: Set of azo dyes; set of tissue slides; supply of vitamin B2, glutathione, niacin,
kidney herbs, test substances: aflatoxin, zearalenone, benzene.
Methods: After locating your body’s depots of azo dyes, try to remove them with the vitamin
program. Test for aflatoxin, zearalenone and benzene at the tissues harboring the dyes, noting that
these substances tend to stay together in the body fat. The vitamin B2 will remove the dyes.
Somehow the aflatoxin and other toxins will be liberated also, causing stress for your liver, in
particular. For this reason glutathione and niacin (just a pinch) are given, too. The kidney herb
program draws the team of toxins into the bladder for excretion. Be sure to drink enough fluid to
urinate one gallon in 24 hours for a few days while removing your dyes.
3-Day Dye-Removing Recipe: 40 capsules vitamin B2 (300 mg each)
40 capsules glutathione (500 mg each)
/16 tsp. niacin
1¼ cups kidney herb tea
The vitamin B2 is taken in a single dose on an empty stomach. The capsules may be opened
and powder mixed in honey or maple syrup. Bits of bread may be eaten with it to prevent stomach
upset. The glutathione is taken 1/2 to one hour after the vitamin B2 in the same way. Niacin may be
taken later, as well as any other supplement. Expect diarrhea.
After three days, retest your tissues for azo dyes. Perhaps they will be gone; perhaps they will
still be lingering in the kidneys, bladder, pineal gland, and any tumor you may have.


If they are not gone on the fourth day, search for an unbleached garment or other ongoing
source, such as plastic teeth, hair chemicals, wig, or processed food.

Exp. 64 Testing Your Artificial Teeth For Toxins

Purpose: To test your artificial teeth (caps, fillings) for carcinogenic dyes and other
Materials: Test substances, copper, cobalt, vanadium, germanium, lead, mercury, thulium,
malonic acid, maleic acid, maleic anhydride, methyl malonate, D-malic acid, urethane, Sudan
Black B, Sudan IV, DAB; emory boards or emory cloth, zippered plastic bags.
Methods: Brush your teeth very thoroughly with plain water. Make a saliva sample by
chewing a piece of paper towel and placing it in a zippered plastic bag. Add 1 tsp. water to it. Set
aside. Cut the emory board or cloth into small pieces about ½-inch square. Rub an artificial tooth
with the emory board being careful not to touch the neighboring tooth. Place it in another zippered
plastic bag, add 1 tsp. water. Label the bag with the tooth number. Test both samples for the test
Note: If the saliva tests Positive for any of the test substances, it is possible that the tooth
rubbing merely represents saliva that adheres to the tooth. On the other hand, when saliva tests
Positive for mercury in the presence of mercury fillings, the pollution of saliva by teeth seems more
logical. To be able to distinguish more clearly which is cause and which is effect, wait until the
saliva tests Negative to the test substances. You may need to repeat the tooth brushing. Then repeat
tooth testing.
If you decide to have certain fillings or teeth removed, ask the dentist to give them to you.
You may wish to have them tested by conventional labs using the latest technology.

Exp. 65 Locating and Identifying Tumor Cell

Purpose: To locate and identify your tumor cell types.
Materials: Set of slides of tumor tissue types (see Supplies Used For Testing), test
substances: copper, cobalt, vanadium, germanium, malonic acid, urethane, bisphenol, Sudan Black
B, DAB, aflatoxin, zearalenone, benzene, patulin, asbestos, silicone (as silicon atomic absorption
standard), p53 (gene probe), hydrangea herb, fresh aloe stem (both representative of organic
germanium), H-ferritin, L-ferritin or simply horse ferritin, DNA, tissue slide set.
Methods: First locate a growing tumor using DNA as in Exp. 40; test in all your tissue
slides. Suppose you find DNA Positive in prostate. Next, search in the prostate for tumor cell types.
Notice that very many tumor types are present, even though the diagnosis is for a single “cancer
variety.” This reflects on the numerous kinds of mutations and metabolic disturbances contributing
to this cancer, although the clinical marker used is PSA, and only one cancer is named. Perhaps
there are additional interpretations.
Next, select one of the tumor tissue types that are present in the prostate. Remove the prostate
slide and use only the tumor slide to search for the test substances. Search in your other


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