RIFTY VALLEY University Gada Campus Departement of Accounting
RIFTY VALLEY University Gada Campus Departement of Accounting
RIFTY VALLEY University Gada Campus Departement of Accounting
Assignment of Basic statistics
Name of Student: Meskelu Gelan …………….ID Number: 0058
X̄ =
X 1+ X 2 +…+ X n ∑ Xi
n ⇒ X̄=
∑ f i Xi 36
X̄ = = =5.15
∑ fi
2.Calculate the mean, median and mode for the following age distribution.
Class 6 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20 21 – 25 26 – 30 31 – 35
Frequency 35 23 15 12 9 6
First find the class marks
Find the product of frequency and class marks
Find mean using the formula.
Class fi Xi Xifi
6- 10 35 8 280
11- 15 23 13 299 k
16- 20 15 18 270 ∑ f i Xi
21- 25 12 23 276 X̄ = i =1k ,Where
26- 30 9 28 252 ∑fi
31- 35 6 33 198 i=1 Xi =the class mark of the ith class
Total 100 1575 and fi = the frequency of the ith class
∑ f i Xi 1575
X̄ = i=16 = =15.75
∑ fi
n 100
= =5035 ist h efirstcumulative frequency ¿ be greatert h an∨equal ¿ 50
2 2
⇒6−10 ist h e medianc lass
Lmed =5.5 w=5n=100 , c=0 , f med =35
X=Lmed +
f med
( n2 −c )
⥂=5.5+ ( 50−0 ) ¿ 12.64
^ =Lmo +w
( Δ1
Δ1 + Δ2 )
X^ =the mod e of the distribution
L mo =lower class limit of the modal class
w=the size of the mod al class
Δ 1=f mo −f 1
Δ 2=f mo −f 2
f mo=frequency of the mod al class
f 1 =frequency of the class preceeding the mod al class
f 2=frequency of the class following the mod al class
6−10 ist h e mod a lclass ,sin c eitisaclasswit h t h e hig h estfrequency . Lmo=6 w=5
Δ 1=f mo−f 1=0Δ 2=f mo−f 2=12f mo=35f 1=0f 2=23
X =6+5 ( 0+23
)¿ 6
3.Marks of 75 students are summarized in the following frequency distribution:
Marks 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 – 69 70 – 74
No. of students 7 10 22 F4 F5 6 3
20% of all 75 students have marks between 55 and 59.
20% of 75 = 0.20*75 = 15
The number 15 replaces F4
Let x be the value of F5
The items in the frequency column must add to 75
7 + 10 + 22 + 15 + F5 + 6 + 3 = 75
F5+63 = 75
F5 = 75-63
F5 = 12
The number 12 replaces F5
Marks 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 – 69 70 – 74
No. of students 7 10 22 15 12 6 3
The class interval 40 to 44 has the midpoint (A+B)/2 = (40+44)/2 = 84/2 = 42
Through similar calculations, the midpoint of the interval 45 to 49 is 47.
This process is carried out until you address each interval.
The midpoints in order from left to right are: 42, 47, 52, 57, 62, 67, 72
The midpoints are increasing by 5 each time, which is exactly the gap from each
left endpoint of adjacent classes (same goes for the right endpoints as well).
Marks 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 – 69 70 – 74
No. of students 7 10 22 15 12 6 3
Midpoints 42 47 52 57 62 67 72
For each column, we'll multiply the frequency value f with its corresponding midpoint M
; the first column has 7*42 = 294
Marks 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74
No. of students (f) 7 10 22 15 12 6 3
Midpoint (M) 42 47 52 57 62 67 72
f*M 294 470 1144 855 744 402 216
Adding up the values in that bottom row gets us
294 + 470 + 1144 + 855 + 744 + 402 + 216 = 4125
Divide that over the total number of students (75)
4125/75 = 55
The mean is 55
There are an odd number of students (75)
75/2 = 37.5 this round to 38
The median is in slot 38. The first 37 items are below it, the upper 37 items are above the
That gives 37+1+37 = 75 scores total.
Clearly the median is not in class 40-44 since we only have 7 students here.
The median is also not in the 45-49 class because 7+10 = 17 is too small also
7+10+22 = 39 is now too large since we want to land on 38.
The median mark is somewhere between 50 and 54.
We don't have enough info to determine its exact value because of the grouped nature of the
The mode is the most frequent score.
The largest frequency is 22 and it occurs for the 50-54 class.
Like with the median, we can't pinpoint its exact value.
It's possible that the median = mode, but it's not a guarantee.
Mean = 55
Median = somewhere between 50 and 54.
Mode = somewhere between 50 and 54.
First find the class marks
Find the product of frequency and class marks
Find mean using the formula.
class fi xi fixi
40-44 7 42 229
45-49 10 47 470
50-54 22 52 1144
55-59 15 57 855
60-64 12 62 744
65-69 6 67 402
70-75 3 72 216
Total 75 4125
∑ f i Xi
X̄ = i =1k ,Where
i=1 Xi =the class mark of the ith class and fi = the frequency of the ith class
∑ f i Xi 4125
X̄ = = =55
∑ fi
n 75
= =37.522 ist h efirstcumulative frequency ¿ be greatert h an∨equal ¿ 50
2 2
⇒50−54 is t h e medianc lass
Lmed =45.5 w=5n=75 , c=17 , f med =22
⇒ X=Lmed +
w n
f med 2( ) 5
−c ⥂=45.5+ ( 37.5−17 ) ¿ 54 .16
^ =Lmo +w
( Δ1
Δ1 + Δ2 )
X^ =the mod e of the distribution
L mo =lower class limit of the modal class
w=the size of the mod al class
Δ 1=f mo −f 1
Δ 2=f mo −f 2
f mo=frequency of the mod al class
f 1 =frequency of the class preceeding the mod al class
f 2=frequency of the class following the mod al class
X =50+5 ( 10+15
)¿ 52
4.In a class there are 30 females and 70 males. If females averaged 60 in an examination and
boys averaged 72, find the mean for the entire class.
Number of females=30
Average marks of females =60
Total marks scored by female=30*60
Number of males=70
Average of marks of males =72
Total marks scored by males=72*70
Total number of students=30+70=100
Total marks scored by the class=1,800+5,040
total marks scored by the class 6,840
Mean = = =68.4 marks
total numbers of students 100
5.A student obtained the following percentage in an examination:
English 60, Biology 75, Mathematics 63, Physics 59, and chemistry 55. Find the students
weighted arithmetic mean if weights 1, 2, 1, 3, 3 respectively are allotted to the subjects.
6.Find the variance and standard deviation of the following sample data
5, 17, 12, 10. 2.
Variance (σ2) is the average of squared difference from mean.
2+5+ 10+12+ 17
Variance(σ) = ∑
√ ( xi−ẍ ¿¿)2
Σ ( xi−x ) 2
standard deviation =
Frequency 6 12 17 10 8 5 2
Find the mean, median and mode of the above frequency distribution
∑ f i Xi 3,246
X̄ = i=140 = =54.1
∑ fi
Solutions: median
First find the less than cumulative frequency.
Identify the median class.
Find median using formula.
n 60
= =3035 ist h efirstcumulativefrequencytobegreatert h anorequalto
2 2
⇒ 50−54 ist h emedianclass .
Lmed =49.5 , w=5n=60 , c=18 , f med =12
X=Lmed +
f med ( n2 −c )⥂=49.5+ 125 (30−18)
¿ 54.5
X =45+ 4 ( 4+417 )¿ 46.33