- The team performed CPR on a 65-year-old woman found unresponsive with epigastric and back discomfort. She was in sinus bradycardia without a pulse.
- During the resuscitation attempt, the team delivered shocks, epinephrine, amiodarone, and vasopressin. The patient regained a weak pulse.
- After return of spontaneous circulation, the team initiated post-cardiac arrest care including hypothermia protocol, blood pressure monitoring, 12-lead ECG, and consideration of PCI for STEMI.
- The team performed CPR on a 65-year-old woman found unresponsive with epigastric and back discomfort. She was in sinus bradycardia without a pulse.
- During the resuscitation attempt, the team delivered shocks, epinephrine, amiodarone, and vasopressin. The patient regained a weak pulse.
- After return of spontaneous circulation, the team initiated post-cardiac arrest care including hypothermia protocol, blood pressure monitoring, 12-lead ECG, and consideration of PCI for STEMI.
- The team performed CPR on a 65-year-old woman found unresponsive with epigastric and back discomfort. She was in sinus bradycardia without a pulse.
- During the resuscitation attempt, the team delivered shocks, epinephrine, amiodarone, and vasopressin. The patient regained a weak pulse.
- After return of spontaneous circulation, the team initiated post-cardiac arrest care including hypothermia protocol, blood pressure monitoring, 12-lead ECG, and consideration of PCI for STEMI.
- The team performed CPR on a 65-year-old woman found unresponsive with epigastric and back discomfort. She was in sinus bradycardia without a pulse.
- During the resuscitation attempt, the team delivered shocks, epinephrine, amiodarone, and vasopressin. The patient regained a weak pulse.
- After return of spontaneous circulation, the team initiated post-cardiac arrest care including hypothermia protocol, blood pressure monitoring, 12-lead ECG, and consideration of PCI for STEMI.
MegaCode and Team management okay let's go ahead and start her on 2
- ACLS AHA liters of o2 miss Fernandez we've got
you hooked up to a monitor so we can team dynamics are critical during a take a look at your heart rhythm okay resuscitation attempt the interaction and we've started you on oxygen so you among team members has a profound can breathe a little easier if pulse ox impact reading is 95% with 2 liters of o2 on the effectiveness of each individual dr. right okay it looks like we have as well as the patient's overall sinus bradycardia Dana let's go ahead survival the better you work as a team and get an IV started right now miss the better the potential outcome for Fernandez mrs. Fernandez can you hear your patient that's why it's so me important that you understand not just mrs. Fernandez she's unresponsive you what to do in a resuscitation attempt feel a pulse okay let's call a code the but how to communicate and perform as an patient's gone into v-fib start chest effective team regardless of your role compressions three compressions Mandell as team member or team leader welcome to you'll be on defibrillator Shelley the American Heart Association's you'll be recording recording Sam you'll megacode and team resuscitation video in manage the airway Dana have you been this video we're going to demonstrate able to establish an IV access yet I've and model an effective resuscitation tried several times but it's failed okay team in a case scenario our simulation let's move on to IO access please let me will have six team members you may have try oh access six twenty seven twenty fewer members depending on the situation eight twenty nine thirty one two three so be prepared to adjust your roles four five six seven eight nine ten accordingly our case study begins in a charging at 200 joules shock Witte clear local emergency department where a 65 the patient shocking on three one two year old woman has been brought in three shocking shock delivered complaining of epigastric and back I have IO access now great we'll discomfort hello I'm dr. Jackson what's continue CPR for two minutes and bothering you today doctor I don't feel evaluate the need for additional good I feel really bad I'm dizzy and I'm defibrillation Shelley I'll rely on you sick of my stomach my son was really to monitor the quality of the chest worried about me what me in ok are you compressions Dana you'll need to draw having chest pain right now the drugs up before each rhythm check so no but I'm party started in my stomach if the arrest persists we can move and now it's in my back okay we're gonna quickly to drug therapy let's begin with see if we can find out what's going on one milligram of epinephrine all right okay one milligram epinephrine three two joette do we have a set of vitals from minutes this Fernandez yeah blood pressure is 70 okay let's analyze switch roles over 40 heart rate is 45 beats per okay the patient remains in v-fib the minute respiratory rate is 16 breasts protocol for this biphasic device is for a minute and pulse ox is 92 percent escalated dosing let's shock again at 300 joules shocking at 300 joules Cold NSS is used charging clear the patient shocking on Check vital signs during ROSC three ECG is STEMI PCI will be done one two three shocking shock delivered Team debriefing continue CPR continue compressions one Offer affirmation two Dana please give one milligram of Supra glottic airway epinephrine Alternative to ET tube as advanced airway one milligram epinephrine and the Iowa Confusion at the start squished great Good communication skills like a closed we've given two shocks and given one loop communication milligram of epinephrine the next No horsing around during a code medication to consider is amiodarone Assigning roles again they know please prepare 300 milligrams IO is intraosseous of amiodarone trying 300 milligrams of Location of IO is at the left tibia amiodarone Sam are you getting good Biphasic devise 200 chest rise yes Epinephrine 1 mg and I'm being careful not to deliver Shock delivered then ventilations too quickly or porcelain Anti arrhythmic given okay great let's continue there two Vasopressin is only given inlace of the first Minutes or second epinephrine From Peter Quilala to Everyone 10:19 AM Q- Roles have been specified 5H and 6Ts Perform BLS The role of the Chinese girl is the Patient is V fib pharmacist’s role Shocked defibrillated ET inserted Dana is the medication Nurse Hooked to BV and ventilation resumed 2 shocks delivered Post Cardiac Care Algorithm after ROSC Epinephrine given 1 mg Amiodarone 300mg prepared Epinephrine given 1 mg okay let's analyze switch roles okay the Amiodarone 300mg prepared patient is in persistent VF let's shock 2 minutes switch roles, analyze rhythm still again at 360 joules charging at 360 at Vfib joules shock ready clear the patient Amiodarione given shocking on three one two three shocking Reversible cause of cardiac arrest consider shock delivered 6H and 5Ts continue CPR continuing CPR f1 shoot we Sinus Bradycardia without pulse continue can't give amiodarone now thanks Shelley compressions Dana please give 300 milligrams of In the 2021 guidelines Vasopressin is NO amiodarone hey senator milligrams of LONGER advised amiodarone given and the IO is flushed Rapi weak pulse ROSC or return of we've given three shocks after the spontaneous circulation second shock we administered one Therapeutic hypothermia protects the brain milligram of epinephrine and we've just after ROSC given 300 milligrams of amiodarone our next drug will be vasopressin Dana patient's blood pressure is 82 over 40 please prepare 40 units of vasopressin with a heart rate of 130 and a rhythm of trying 40 units of vasopressin signs tachycardia okay the patient is let's review any reversible causes by hypotensive let's start with a liter of considering the hsm TS saline since we've started with what about hypervolemia that's a good hypothermia let's use cold saline for thought we have IO access established the bolus yeah we'll switch out for cold but no obvious signs of internal or saline tubes in external bleeding anybody else have any oK we've got good breath sounds let's other suggestions have we considered establish waveform capnography the o2 hypoxia is the airway still patent still saturation is 96% here's a 12-lead okay getting good test ride she came in with she has a STEMI Mandel please call the epigastric discomfort and symptomatic cath lab and tell them that we have a bradycardia have we considered coronary STEMI patient PCI and hypothermia can be thrombosis that's a great point safely combined after cardiac arrest the everything seems to suggest a STEMI two return of spontaneous circulation or minutes okay let's analyze switch roles roske is no longer the end of the okay the monitor shows sinus bradycardia cardiac arrest protocol more scientific do we have a pulse I don't feel a pulse studies show that survival rates improve continue chest compressions dictate you significantly with the comprehensive a taste compressions one two three system of post cardiac arrest care it is Shelly how long has it been since our important to know your local systems last dose of epinephrine three minutes plan for the management of post cardiac okay arrest patients hypothermia is the only Dana let's go ahead and give 40 units of intervention that has been shown to vasopressin 40 units of vasopressin improve neurologic recovery the given and the IO is flushed Mandel your resuscitation team should consider compressions are slowing down can you inducing hypothermia for any patient who pick up the pace of it two minutes remains comatose after Ross several let's analyze switch roles studies show improved outcomes for okay the monitor shows sinus tachycardia patients whose bodies were cooled to 32 Sam do we have a pulse to 34 degrees Celsius for 12 to 24 hours I can feel a rapid weak pulse okay great a new recommendation in the 2010 let's initiate immediate post cardiac guidelines is the introduction of a arrest care Dana let's get a blood structured team debriefing studies show pressure a complete set of vital signs teams who debrief together perform pulse ox and labs Mandel let's start a better on subsequent codes here's how 12-lead ECG please can we check to see team debriefing differs from simple if this patient is breathing and feedback feedback is geared toward responsive ma'am can you squeeze my correcting actions effective debriefing fingers she's still unresponsive still focuses on correcting the thought not breathing process that leads to the action while okay let's insert an advanced airway and debriefing takes longer than simple prepare for therapeutic hypothermia your feedback it results in deeper understanding the hallmark of structured especially if ventilations became too debriefing is a learner centered self difficult one benefit of using a analysis and active participation in bag-mask ventilation is that discussion the goal is to gather ventilations are at regular intervals information on how the code progressed and it kept me from ventilating too much to analyze the information to create an however because she wasn't intubated we accurate record and to summarize the didn't have in tidal co2 readings to goals for future improvement monitor CPR quality or detector Oscar thanks team nice job I made a few notes yeah that's a good observation it is a during my evaluation so let's talk about trade-off when to consider inserting an what went well and why you made the advanced airway Dana how did you feel decisions that you made well from my about your treatment especially moving perspective I thought the code went very to IO access early in the code IO access well Shelly did a good job monitoring and adults is new to me but I found that the quality of chest compressions Shelly it was easy to push drugs through so did we have any prolonged pauses or what are the take-home messages I interruptions in the chest compressions thought it was great that we assigned no Joette Mandel both switched positions code team roles early in the day because quickly and resume compressions when the code was called I knew exactly even as the defibrillator was charging what I supposed to do yeah because Mandel did you get tired or have any before we did that we'd walk into a room trouble with the pace of compressions at and there'd be some confusion good the end of the code I was starting to anything else okay again nice job slow down but Shelly was able to correct successful teams not only have medical the rate of compression so I was able to expertise and mastery of resuscitation pick up the pace it is easy to lose skills they also practice good track of how fast you should be communication skills and adhere to the compressing so having someone pacing key elements of effective team dynamics you these elements help teams work together through the code is helpful yeah maybe in the most efficient way possible let's we should use a metronome to help keep review those now closed loop pace or make it standard practice to do communication this is important for both compression checks at points during the the team leader and team members when code that's a good idea let's try that the team leader gives an order the team next time Sam what do you think of member should confirm that he or she managing the arrest without an advanced heard and understood the order the team airway we were getting good chest rising leader should make sure the team entire time so we didn't need to member understood the order before interrupt chest compressions to insert assigning additional tasks clear messages an endotracheal tube you know we could Using concise clear language helps prevent have inserted a supraglottic airway that misunderstandings speaking in a tone of could have been done without voice that is loud enough to understand interrupting the chest compressions you but also calm and confident helps keep know that could have been an option all team members focused on the task at hand clear roles and responsibilities as a team during the code reviewing how when everyone knows their job and a code went not only helps individual responsibilities during a code the team team members perform better and functions smoothly the team leader subsequent codes but may also bring should clearly define and delegate tasks system deficiencies to light now we'll according to each team members area of play the mega code resuscitation case competence know your limitations every study again this time as you watch look member on the team should know his or for the key elements of effective team her limitations and the team leader dynamics closed loop communication: should be aware of them ask for clear messages, clear roles and assistance and advice early not when the responsibilities, knowing one's situation deteriorates knowledge sharing limitations, knowledge sharing, this is a critical component of constructive intervention, summarizing effective team performance team leaders and re-evaluation, and mutual respect should ask for good ideas for a the differential diagnosis and frequently patient's gone into v-fib start chest ask for observations from team members compressions any compressions about possible oversights constructive Mandell you'll be on defibrillator intervention sometimes a team member or shellie you'll be recording recording the team leader may correct actions that Sam you'll manage the airway Dana have are incorrect or inappropriate it's you been able to establish an IV access important to be tactful especially if yet I've tried several times but it's you have to correct a colleague who is failed okay let's move on to IO access about to make a mistake whether it's a please let me tayo access 6 27 28 29 30 drug dosage or intervention summarizing two three four five six seven eight nine and re-evaluation summarizing ten information out loud is a good way to charging at 200 joules shock ready clear maintain an ongoing record of treatment the patient shocking on three one two and acts as a way to reevaluate the three shocking shock delivered patient's status the interventions I have i/o access now great we'll performed and where the team is within continue CPR for two minutes and the algorithm of care this technique can evaluate the need for additional also help team members respond to defibrillation Shelly I'll rely on you the patient's changing condition finally to monitor the quality of the chest all team members should display mutual compressions Dana you'll need to draw respect in a professional attitude to the drugs up before each rhythm check so other team members regardless of their if the arrest persists we can move personal expertise or training it's quickly to drug therapy let's begin with important that the team leaders speak in one milligram of epinephrine all right a friendly controlled voice avoiding one milligram epinephrine three two shouting or unnecessary aggression not minutes only is it important to know what to do okay let's analyze switch roles okay the during a megacode event it's as patient remains in v-fib the protocol important to know how to work together for this biphasic device is escalated dosing let's shock again at 300 joules other suggestions have we considered shocking at 300 joules charging clear hypoxia is the airway still patent still the patient shocking on three one two good and good test ride three she came in with epigastric discomfort shocking shock delivered continue CPR and symptomatic bradycardia probably configure compressions one Dana please considered a coronary thrombosis that's give one milligram of epinephrine one a great point everything seems to milligram epinephrine and the iowa's suggest a STEMI two minutes pushed okay let's analyze switch roles okay the great we've given two shocks and given monitor shows sinus bradycardia do we one milligram of epinephrine the next have a pulse I don't feel a pulse medication to consider is amiodarone continue chest compressions picked on they know please prepare 300 milligrams you at chest compressions one two three of amiodarone trying 300 milligrams of Shelly how long has it been since our amiodarone Sam are you getting good last dose of epinephrine three minutes chest rise yes okay Dana let's go ahead and give 40 and I'm being careful not to deliver units of vasopressin 40 units of ventilations too quickly or forcefully vasopressin given and the IO is flushed okay great let's continue there two Mandel your compressions are slowing minutes down can you pick up the pace a bit two okay let's analyze switch roles okay the minutes patient is in persistent VF let's shock let's analyze switch roles again at 360 joules charging at 360 okay the monitor shows sinus tachycardia joules shock ready clear the patient Sam do we have a pulse shocking on three one two three shocking I can feel a rapid weak pulse okay great shock delivered let's initiate immediate post cardiac continue CPR continuing CPR one two arrest care Dana let's get a blood three we can give amiodarone now thanks pressure a complete set of vital signs Shelley Dana please give 300 milligrams pulse ox and labs Mandel let's start a of amiodarone Hey Center milligrams of 12-lead ECG please can we check to see amiodarone given and the IO is flushed if this patient is breathing and we've given three shocks after the unresponsive ma'am can you squeeze my second shock we administered one fingers she's still unresponsive milligram of epinephrine and we've just still not breathing okay let's insert an given 300 milligrams of amiodarone our advanced airway and prepare for next drug will be vasopressin Dana therapeutic hypothermia the patient's please prepare 40 units of vasopressin blood pressure has 82 over 40 with a on 40 units of vasopressin heart rate of 130 in a rhythm of science let's review any reversible causes by tech a cardio okay the patient is considering the hsm TS hypotensive let's start with a liter of what about hypervolemia that's a good saline thought we have IO access established since we've started with hypothermia but no obvious signs of internal or let's use cold saline for the bolus yeah external bleeding anybody else have any we'll switch out for cold saline tubes in oK we've got good breath sounds let's establish waveform capnography the o2 saturation is 96% here's a 12-lead okay she has a STEMI Mandel please call the cath lab and tell them that we have a STEMI patient PCI and hypothermia can be safely combined after cardiac arrest in this section of the course we've shown you the key steps involved in the adult cardiac arrest algorithm as well as the post cardiac care algorithm to promote a positive patient outcome in the event of the return of spontaneous circulation you've also evaluated the megacode scenario with the key elements of effective team dynamics and structured team debriefing combining your knowledge of essential arrest skills with effective team dynamics can give your team a better chance of success with every resuscitation attempt