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Name: - Score: - Grade & Section - Parent's Signature
Name: - Score: - Grade & Section - Parent's Signature
Directions: Multiple Choice: Read carefully and Write the letter of the correct answer before the number .
13. Which of the following term that sociology concentrates on society while anthropology focuses on
A. Culture B. Genetic make-up C. Politics D.Social Structures
14. Which of the following natural process of biological change occurring in a population across successive
A. Zoology B. Sociology C. Botany D. Evolution
15. Which of the following branch of knowledge which deals with the scientific study of man, his works, his body,
his behaviour and values, in time and space?
A. Anthropology B. Microbiology C. Political Science D. Zoology
16. Which of the following study of society and how people behave and influence the world around us?
A. Social Science B. Social Stratification C. Archaeology D. Psychology
17. Which of the following sciences studied in sociology except.
A. Anthropology B. Geography C. History D. Metallurgy
18. How the relationships focuses among humans and groups living together in societies?
A. Through Anthropology B. Through Sociology C. Through Psychology D. Through Biology
19. This is a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals laws, customs, and any other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society?
A. Culture B. Cultural variation C. Knowledge D. Beliefs
20. This is the differences in social behaviors that different cultures exhibit around the world?
A. Beliefs B. Knowledge C. Cultural variation D. Culture
21. An information received and perceived to be true?
A. Cultural variation B. Beliefs C. Culture D. Knowledge
22. The perception of accepted reality?
A. Knowledge B. Cultural variation C. Beliefs D. Culture
23. Established expectations of society as to how a person is supposed to act depending on the requirements of
the time, place, or situation?
A. Social norms B. Cultural relativism C. Ethnocentrism D.Cultural understanding
24. The attempt to judge behavior according to its cultural context?
A. Cultural understanding B. Ethnocentrism C. Social norms D. Cultural relativism
25. Judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one’s own culture?
A. Ethnocentrism B. Cultural relativism C. Ethnocentrism D. Social norms
26. Respecting, embracing and understanding one’s culture?
A. Cultural relativism B. Social norms C. Cultural understanding D. Ethnocentrism
27. Social system that is composed of people assigned to perform a definite task and function?
A. Society B. Knowledge C. Beliefs D. Cultural variation
28. What is the relation between sociology and anthropology?
A. The two focuses on studying the behavior of humans within the societies
B. Analyzes its cultural and genetic make-up
C. Studies relationships of people in the community and political sovereignty
D. All of the above
29. Our national anthem and literary creations are classified as?
A. Intangible heritage B. Tangible heritage C. Cultural heritage D. Social heritage
30. Which of the following best explains of the sociological perspective of culture, except?
A. Sociological perspective enables you to gain a new vision of social life
B. It provides a different way of looking at life’s social relationship
C. Provides a deeper understanding of how people interact in the community
D. Enables you to understand the origin of humanity through the evolution of man
31. The following are examples of material culture except?
A. Tools B. Dwelling Units C. Customs D. Weapons
32. How does anthropology differ from other social sciences such as sociology?
A. Anthropology is holistic and integrative in its approach.
B. The other social sciences are much more holistic and integrative in their approach.
C. Anthropology tends to specialize in the workings of specific systems.
D. Anthropology is more important than the other social sciences.
33. What does the sociological perspective teach us about whom to marry?
A. There is no explaining personal feelings like love
B. Peoples actions reflect the human free will
C. The operation of society guides many of our personal choices
D. In the case of love opposites attract
34. The field of anthropology concentrates on the ____________?
A. Human past B. Social Arts C. Clinical behavior D.Systems of government
35. Which of the following type of culture that is being learned and observed by humans such as religion, folk,
behavior, customs, etc.?
A. Material Culture B. Basic Culture C. Non-material Culture D. Commercial Culture
36. When does socialization begin?
A. at the time when an individual is conceived or within the first few weeks following conception birth or shortly thereafter
C. on entering nursery school or kindergarten
D. when children reach puberty and are able to understand the reasons for society's rules
37. Which of the following is TRUE of socialization?
A. Early childhood is the period of the most intense and the most crucial socialization.
B. Socialization continues until we are adults and then usually stops because we have learned our culture
by that time.
C. All cultures use the same techniques to socialize their children.
D. Socialization plays no part in personality formation in individuals
38. Which of the following is the general process of acquiring culture is referred to as _____________?
A. Socialization B. Acculturation C. Enculturation D. none of the above
39. Which of the following is normally learned during the socialization process?
A. the roles we are to play in life C. the language of the people around us
B. the culture's norms D. all of the above
40. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Unlike other animals, human infants are born with a culture.
B. Human infants come into the world ready to learn a culture but are not born with one.
C. Socialization is another word for acculturation. D. b and c
41. Which of the following is the process of learning how to live in a way acceptable to one’s own society,
especially young people?
A. socialization B. enculturation C. both A and B D. none of the above
42. Which of the following is the process by which an individual adapts the behavior patterns of the culture in
which he or she immersed?
A. transmission B. socialization C. enculturation D. none of the above
43. Which of the following is considered as “self-assessment” which makes a person realize the pervasive role of
culture plays in his/her life?
A. Learn about yourself B. Learn about others C. both A and B D. none of the
44. Which of the following defined by the duration of socialization, those involved, the methods used, and the
type of experience?
A. Results B. enculturation C. Socialization D. content and process
45. Which of the following is a process in which society molds the individual to conform to established social
norms and rules?
A. Socialization B. Results C. content and process D. enculturatio
46. Which of the following is the consequences of socialization which refer to the way one reasons and acts after
going through the process?
A. content and process B. enculturation C. . Results D. Socialization
47. Which of the following includes culture, language, social structures, the ranks and roles that people have
A. Context B. Results C. Socialization D. content and process
48. Which of the following that occurs when cultural knowledge is passed on to the next bearer who will
perpetuate and ensure the continuation of culture?
A. Results B. Socialization C. Context D. enculturation
49. Which of the following is define what is morally right and morally wrong?
A. Mores B. Folkways C. Laws D. Role
50. Which of the following is a repetitive or typical habits and patterns of expected behavior followed within a
group or community?
A. Laws B. Role C. Folkways D. Mores
1.C 26.C
2.A 27.A
3.D 28.A
4.B 29.A
5.D 30.D
6.D 31.C
7.D 32.A
8.B 33.C
9.A 34.A
10.C 35.C
11.A 36.B
12.A 37.A
13.A 38.A
14.D 39.D
15.A 40.B
16.A 41.A
17.D 42.C
18.D 43.A
19.A 44.D
20.C 45.A
21.D 46.C
22.C 47.A
23.A 48.D
24.D 49.A
25.A 50.C
Long Quiz in Understanding Culture Society and Politics-First Quarter (S.Y. 2020-2021)
Directions: Multiple Choice: Read carefully and Write the letter of the correct answer before the number .
1. Which of the following is a financial institution that lends money both to public and private
a. trade unions b. labor union c. corporations d. banks
2. Which of the following refers to a broad category of non-state organizations representing a company or
group of people that engage in a lawful activity about a public function, such as the provision of a good or
service to the larger society?
a. corporation b. bank c. cooperative d. financial organization
3. Which of the following refers to an autonomous association whose membership is voluntary toward the
attainment of shared economic, social and, cultural needs or aspirations?
a. bank b. cooperative c. NGO d. labor union
4. How do you call a term used to an organization of workers whose main objective is to protect the welfare
of its members?
a. labor union b. NGO c. cooperative d. INGO
5. Which of the following are the funders and donors?
a. Government Organizations c. Global organizations
b. People’s Organizations d. Religious organizations
6.The following is an example of formal education except for?
a. primary schooling b. senior high school c. adult night classes d. doctorate program
7. Which of the following term explains a social institution that formally socializes members of society?
a. school b. non-formal education c. formal education d. education
8. Which of the following is an intentional, organized and, structured form of learning, imparted in
educational institutions like school, college or, university to modify the behavior of an individual?
a. school b. non-formal education c. formal education d. education
9. Which of the following learning that goes on in daily life and can be received through daily
experiences such as from family, peer group, the media and, other influences in a person’s environment?
a. education b. non-formal education c. formal education d. informal education
10. How do you call the term that refers to the education of persons who are physically, mentally, emotionally,
socially or, culturally different from so-called “normal” individuals?
a. special education b. secondary education c. primary education d tertiary education
11. Which of the following Is consists of the elite or wealthy families?
a. lower class b. upper class c. ascribed status d. achieved status
12. Which of the following is one in which people are born into their social standing and will remain in it their
whole lives?
a. caste and closed-class system b. open class system c. middle class d. lower class
13. Which of the following individual’s position is in the social structure?
a. upper class b. middle class c. status d. statuses
14.Which of the following society’s category of people into socioeconomic strata/layer, based on their
occupation and income, wealth and social status, or derived power?
a. vertical mobility b. horizontal mobility c. political stratification d. social stratification
15. Which of the following Status earned by the individual?
a. status b. achieved status c. ascribed status d. statuses
16. Which of the following is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social
positions or statuses within a group or society?
a. socialization b. environment c. social inequality d. political
17. Which of the following is an act on expanding the benefits and privileges on person with disability
a. RA 10458 b. RA 16114 c. RA 10754 d. RA 61425
18. Which of the following is an act of providing for the Rehabilitation, Self-Development and Self Reliance of
Disabled person?
a. RA 7277 b. RA 7728 c. RA2777 d. RA 6778
19. How do you call a situation that exists where poor is powerless and rich is powerful?
a. global inequality b. social inequality c. uncertainty d.society
20. Which of the following is The effects of global inequality?
a. Health effects, social tensions, and increased probability for conflicts
b. United nation cooperation on the law of safety
c. Education, church and convention
d. Hospital, malls and airports
Long Quiz in Understanding Culture Society and Politics-Second Quarter (S.Y. 2020-2021)
Directions: Multiple Choice: Read carefully and Write the letter of the correct answer before the number .
19. Which of the following is occurs when non-state actors use violence against civilians to achieve
their political goals?
a. crime b. revolution c. civil war d. terrorism
20. The following are causes of social change except for?
a. social institutions b. innovation c. modernization d. gender issues
Answer key Long Quiz in Understanding Culture Society and Politics-Second Quarter (S.Y. 2020-
Table of Specification in Understanding Culture Society and Politics (50 items)
(S.Y. 2020-2021)
No. Of % of
Minutes Number of
in of item Item
Teaching of
teaching Item
30 15 5
time Item Number Item Number Number
(S.Y. 2020-2021)
No. Of % of
Minutes Number of
Teaching of
teaching Item Item
12 6 2
time Number Item Number Number
4 Government Programs And Initiative 240 25 5 5 2.5 2.5 16-18 1.5 1.5 19 1 1 20
On Local, National And Global In
Addressing Social Inequalities