Endless Harvest
Endless Harvest
Endless Harvest
More than two hundred years ago, Russian explorers and fur TRUE if the statement agrees with the
hunters landed on the Aleutian Islands, a volcanic
FALSE if the statement contradicts the
archipelago (quần đảo núi lửa) in the North Pacific, and information
learned of a land mass that lay farther to the north. The NOT GIVEN if there is no information on
islands' native inhabitants called this land mass Aleyska - this
the 'Great Land'; today, we know it as Alaska. 14. The inhabitants of the Aleutian islands
renamed their islands ‘Aleyska’ FALSE
The forty-ninth state to join the United States of America 15. Alaska's fisheries are owned by some of
(in 1959), Alaska is fully one-fifth the size of the mainland the world's largest companies. NOT
48 states combined. It shares, with Canada, the second GIVEN
longest river system in North America and has over half the 16. Life in Alaska is dependent on salmon.
coastline of the United States. The rivers feed into the TRUE
Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska - cold, nutrient-rich waters 17. Ninety per cent of all Pacific salmon
caught are sockeye or pink salmon. NOT
which support tens of millions of seabirds, and over 400
species of fish, shellfish, crustaceans (loài giáp xác), and
mollusks (đv thân mềm). Taking advantage of this rich
bounty (tặng phẩm), Alaska's commercial fisheries have
developed into some of the largest in the world.
Catches have not always been so healthy. Between 1940 18. More than 320,000 tonnes of salmon
and 1959, over-fishing led to crashes (sự sụt giảm mạnh) in were caught in Alaska in 2000. TRUE
salmon populations so severe that in 1953 Alaska was 19. Between 1940 and 1959, there was a
declared a federal (liên bang) disaster area. With the onset sharp decrease in Alaska's salmon
(sự ra đời) of statehood, however, the State of Alaska took population. TRUE
over (tiếp quản) management of its own fisheries, guided by 20. During the 1990s, the average number of
a state constitution (hiến pháp) which mandates (bbuộc, quy salmon caught each year was 100 million.
định) that Alaska's natural resources be managed on a
sustainable basis. At that time, statewide harvests (sản Questions 21-26
lượng thu hoạch toàn tiểu bang) totaled around 25 million Complete each sentence with the correct
salmon. Over the next few decades average catches steadily ending, A-K. below.
increased as a result of this policy of sustainable Write the correct letter, A-K. in boxes 21-26
management, until, during the 1990s, annual harvests were on your answer sheet.
well in excess of 100 million, and on several occasions over
200 million fish.
The primary reason for such increases is what is known as 21 In Alaska, biologists keep a check on
In-Season Abundance-Based Management'. There are adult fish G
biologists throughout the state constantly monitoring (giám 22 Biologists have the authority E
sát) adult fish as they show up to spawn. The biologists sit 23 In-Season Abundance-Based
in streamside counting towers, study sonar, watch from Management has allowed the Alaska
aeroplanes, and talk to fishermen. The salmon season in salmon fisheries B
Alaska is not pre-set (ko có dấu hiệu báo trước). The
fishermen know the approximate time of year when they
will be allowed to fish, but on any given day, one or more
field biologists (nhà svh thực địa) in a particular area can
put a halt (tạm dừng) to fishing. Even sport fishing can be
brought to a halt. It is this management mechanism that has
allowed Alaska salmon stocks - and, accordingly, Alaska
salmon fisheries - to prosper, even as salmon populations in
the rest of the United States are increasingly considered
threatened or even endangered.
In 1999, the Marine Stewardship Council (Hội đồng quản lý 24 The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
hàng hải) (MSC)*** commissioned a review of the Alaska was established A
salmon fishery. The Council, which was founded in 1996,
certifies (chứng nhận) fisheries that meet high
environmental standards, enabling them to use a label that
recognises their environmental responsibility. The MSC has
established a set of criteria (tchuẩn) by which commercial
fisheries can be judged. Recognising the potential benefits
of being identified as environmentally responsible, fisheries
approach the Council requesting to undergo the certification
process (quá trình chứng nhận). The MSC then appoints a
certification committee, composed of a panel (bang) of
fisheries experts, which gathers information and opinions
from fishermen, biologists, government officials, industry
representatives, non-governmental organisations and others.