CE5519-CE5560 Assignment Brief (2021-22) 2

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CE5519-CE5660 Infrastructure Management – Assignment brief

CE5519-CE5660 Infrastructure Management

Assessment brief

Submission deadline: 16/03/2022

The module is assessed in two parts:
Assessment type Weighting
Assignment (5000 words equivalent) 50%
Exam (2 hours) 50%

The exam focuses on bridge management and the assignment on bridge inspection.

The assignment is a practical task that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the
bridge inspection process and associated health and safety issues.
You need to identify two highway bridges to inspect near where you live. The two bridges need
to be built of different materials (concrete, steel masonry, timber or composite).
Carry out a general inspection for both bridges and submit the two inspection sheets together
with a report.

Health and safety

Your health and safety is our number one propriety. Demonstrating awareness of health and
safety regulations and safe operation form part of the assessment.
- To inspect the bridges you need to follow the relevant Government Covid-19 guidelines
where you live. These can include travel restriction. If you cannot identify two bridges near
where you live to inspect and get to, you can do the inspections online - please get in touch
with the module leader if this is the case for you.
- Prepare a risk assessment form and upload it into Blackboard BEFORE you inspect the
bridges (risk assessment form and instructions will be provided)
- You can ONLY carry out bridge inspection from public footpath or safe locations. If there is
any indication in your assignment that you were not inspecting the bridges safely, your
marks will be reduced
- You must be aware of and comply with the relevant Health and Safety guidance – these will
be discussed in the lectures. See also the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges CS450
‘Inspection of highway structures’.

Desk study
Once you selected two bridges, you will first carry out a desktop study to prepare for the
inspection visit. This includes gathering information on their history, construction, materials,
traffic they are carrying, public access, restrictions, protected species, identifying their key
structural elements and preparing the inspection sheets.

CE5519-CE5660 Infrastructure Management – Assignment brief

Site visit
When you go on site:
a) fill in the bridge inspection sheet (for general inspection) and take (hand-written) notes.
b) take photographs and make short videos of the bridge (this is optional and does not
need to be high quality). (You can use these to include an optional video presentation in
the assignment.)

Create a website using https://sites.google.com and upload the details of your assignment onto
it. Please identify your student ID on your website and make sure the website is accessible for
anyone with the link or provide us with access.
Please DO NOT identify the exact location of the bridges on the website as it can be mistaken
as an official inspection report for the viewers. Bridge owners do not allow the condition of
their bridges published without their consent – bear in mind that your assessment may not be
accurate and could cause unnecessary concern.
Your website needs to have two pages, Bridge 1 and Bridge 2. The recommended sections for
the two pages are (max 5000 words in total):
Bridge 1
Bridge photos (2-4 photos)
Video presentation (optional)
1) Background
2) Construction form and materials
3) Inspection, H&S, risk assessment form (as pdf)
4) Bridge inspection form (as pdf)
5) Bridge condition and defects
6) Causes of defects, structural behaviour
7) Recommendations for testing and monitoring
8) Recommendations for maintenance, repair or strengthening
9) Summary
Bridge 2
Bridge inspection form

You can present some of the sections (e.g. 1-2, 5-8) as a video. This is optional. If you choose to
make a video it should be no longer than 5 minutes. If you make a video you can reduce the
word count for your report accordingly.
An easy tool for making a video presentation using short videos and photos is Microsoft Photos
App (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30s-vPccI8A).
Please upload the video both into your website and into Wiseflow (as attachment).

CE5519-CE5660 Infrastructure Management – Assignment brief

Save the website as a PDF for both pages Bridge 1, Bridge 2 and upload them with the website
address (https://...) into Wiseflow. If you made a video please upload it as an attachment into
Wiseflow submission format:
- PDF of your Bridge 1 webpage - Main report
- PDF of your Bridge 2 webpage - Attachment
- Video - Attachment (optional)

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