Phys 824

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In each culture province the Indians studied the heavenly

He taught that local diseases were frequently the results

ACROBAT (Gr. akrobatein, to walk on tiptoe), originally a

ACENAPHTHENE, C12H10, a hydrocarbon isolated from

without artificial heat is markedly beneficial as compared

survival in Egypt of such Lord's suppers as were love-feasts

to that of Seti, formerly stood here; but the fragments were

of a revolt under Arabi Pasha, which England accomplished

for the efficiency of the service, he would recognize

(1814; ed. 2, 1815); A Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy

Potash alum is the common alum of commerce, although both

alpinus, Azalea procumbens, M. yosotis alpestris, Polygonum

of less than one tondekarthorn increased from 24,800 to

Birnbaumerwald (Laibach to Gorz), carriage road (J) . . . . . . . . . .2,897

French, and in 1665 canonized Francis of Sales. His pontificate

Venice. In March 1179 Alexander held the third Lateran synod,

born in Kothen in 1725, and died on the 20th of June 1787 in

man who was impressionable enough to be deeply influenced by

acid mixture to isovaleryl-aldehyde; and it forms crystalline

Acetaldehyde. Methyl ethyl carbinol.

of his patriotism there can be no doubt. He lived in the most

and a good conversational knowledge of English, French and

neatness of expression. Of kindred character were the

larger group (see ROMAN LAW). When the stage of individual

liberated. Attempts to naturalize that well-known Australian

keeping a large quantity of troops near the German frontier,

Molise. The total area is 6567 sq. m. and the population

Maxwell's mind, in the early stages of his theoretical views, was

surface. Coal (perhaps lignite) is said to be found in Zurmat

Indian women, and formed a mixed race known as the bois

devoted herself entirely to works of charity. She entered into

1822, and a visitation of cholera in the following year. More

Nicolai's Tractatus de Sigils Veterum; Mommsen's Corpus

their jurisdiction extended till the senate existed only in

contains much valuable matter on the nature of humour in

serving some of the richer students. He was nineteen when he

Soc., liii. 184; Observatory, xv. 174; Nature, xxxiv.

animals, while the specific diagnoses depend upon minor

prepared by reducing trimethylene cyanide in ether solution by

swarm in summer in the interior in vast numbers; sea fowl,

before the reign of Queen Mary, but has since been revived.

of silicon in the reduced metal. The Amfreville works

Maces, the Nasamones in the regions of the S.E., the Misulani

Baringo and Victoria Nyanza, shedding the first clear light

Virginia, which for three years carried the Confederacy on its

have to give on their stock to a moneylender, or bear, who

The government is not committed to any fixed policy or

Sicily, the Almogavares formed the most effective element

of both sexes, and a model agricultural farm: The public

Ammon; his proper animal having early become extinct, Ammon

those imposed by limited space, weight and vibration. The

exceedingly difficult to establish beyond doubt whether any

| Verona | 502 1/2| 403 | 248 | 145 1/2 |

for twelve years, till August 1870. During all that period
and around the northern tributaries of the St Lawrence.

computed at 5487 sq. m. Pop. (1895) 113,165; (1902, official

connecting together a pair of rings CC. The rings and the

South America was done by the engineer A. Wertheman. He fitted

basilica. Adrian restored the ancient aqueducts of Rome,

ALEXANDER II. (1198-1249), king of Scotland, son of William

was liable to be quickly disproved by the appearance of new

of the Pontifex Maximus, the annual edicts of the praetor,

on which we have indicated a doubt, viz. as to the situation

salts with acids; now, however, it is usual to restrict

residence was reduced to five years. When the interests

Instead of making df vanish, a certain value can be assigned

Mauretania. A network of military routes, constructed and

K. Wood-house.

ALLON, HENRY (1818-1892), English Nonconformist divine,


thin layers of great extent. Coarser accumulations gather

parodies and satirical poems, of which the best examples

careful finish, and for close study of nature. The most

chain. Thence to the St Gotthard the divide runs north-east,

separate khanates fell back under the independent rule of

Boston, his mother a pleasing English actress and his father

Britain, another system has been generally preferred, namely,

designed to prevent the whole of the best land falling to one

she was sold to the comte de Ferriol, the French ambassador at

and An-at by the scribe of Assur-nasir-pal (879 B.C.),

movements, known to Greek tradition as the Ionian Migration

carcases hung up for exhibition, with details of live and dead

them from power and put an end to the pension. Indeed Addison

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