Cse4022 Natural-Language-Processing Eth 1.0 37 Cse4022
Cse4022 Natural-Language-Processing Eth 1.0 37 Cse4022
Cse4022 Natural-Language-Processing Eth 1.0 37 Cse4022
3 0 0 4 4
Pre-requisite Nil Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the fundamental concepts and techniques of Natural language Processing for
analyzing words based on Morphology and CORPUS.
2. To examine the NLP models and interpret algorithms for classification of NLP sentences by
using both the traditional, symbolic and the more recent statistical approach.
3. To get acquainted with the algorithmic description of the main language levels that includes
morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics for information retrieval and machine
translation applications.
Text Book(s)
1. Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin “Speech and Language Processing”, 3rd edition,
Prentice Hall, 2009.
Reference Books
1. Chris Manning and HinrichSchütze, “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language
Processing”, 2nd edition, MITPress Cambridge, MA, 2003.
2. NitinIndurkhya, Fred J. Damerau “Handbook of Natural Language Processing”, Second
Edition, CRC Press, 2010.
3. James Allen “Natural Language Understanding”, Pearson Publication 8th Edition. 2012.
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Assessment Test –I (CAT-I), Continuous Assessment Test –II
(CAT-II), Digital Assignments/ Quiz / Completion of MOOC, Final Assessment Test (FAT).
Recommended by Board of Studies 04-04-2014
Approved by Academic Council No. 37 Date 16-06-2015