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AI - Question Bank CLASS 9 2021-22 FINAL

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SESSION -2021-22

Unit 1: Unit 1: Introduction to
Communication Artificial Intelligence
Skills-I (AI)
Unit 2: Self- Unit 2: AI Project
Management Skills-I Cycle
3: ICT Skills-I
Unit 4: Unit 3:
Entrepreneurial Neural Network
Skills-I Unit 4:
Unit 5: Introduction to Python
Green Skills-I

Entrepreneurial Skills-I

Q.1- What is entrepreneurship ?

Ans. An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the
risks and enjoying most of the rewards.

Q.2- What are the 4 Types of Entrepreneurship?

Ans. 1. Small Business Entrepreneurship-

2. Scalable Start-up Entrepreneurship-
3. Large Company Entrepreneurship-
4. Social Entrepreneurship-

Q.3- What is the Characteristics of Entrepreneurship? Write any 4- 6 Characteristics .

Ans. Characteristics of Entrepreneurship:

1. Ability to take a risk..

2. Innovation.
3. Visionary and Leadership quality.
4. Open-Minded.
5. Flexible
6. Determination.

Q.4- Write any four Importance of Entrepreneurship?

Ans. Importance of Entrepreneurship:

1. Creation of Employment.
2. Impact on Society and Community Development.
3. Increase Standard of Living.
4. Supports research and development.

Q.5- Who is the father of entrepreneurship?

Ans. Joseph Alois Schumpeter is regarded as the father of entrepreneurship.

He introduced the concept of entrepreneurship.

Q.6- What are the two main types of entrepreneurship?

Ans. There are many types of entrepreneurship, two examples of such are:

1. Small business entrepreneurship

2. Large company entrepreneurship

Q.7- What are the key concepts of entrepreneurship?

Ans. The 4 key concepts of entrepreneurship are as follows:

1. Innovation
2. Risk taking
3. Vision
4. Organisation

Q.8 - What are entrepreneur traits?

Ans. Some of the most important entrepreneurial traits are:

1. Passion
2. Risk taking ability
3. Persisting nature
4. Innovative
5. Leading from the front
6. Ethical in nature
Q.9- A shopkeeper who introduces a new idea or method in the business is called…………
(Choose the correct answer)
1.) Businessman 2.) Entrepreneur

Ans. Entrepreneur

Q.10- The product can be seen and touched in…………………..

(Choose the correct answer)
1.)Product Business 2.) Service Business

Ans. Product Business.

Q.11- Do you think entrepreneurs thrive on risk? Give your opinion.

Ans. Yes , because they are having risk of getting loss or profit.

Q.12- What is the aim of entrepreneurship ?
(a) Earn a Profit (b) Solve customers' need innovatively
(c) Both of the above (d) None of the above

Ans. (c) Both of the above

Q.13- Who is entrepreneur? Give few important skills to become a successful entrepreneur.

Ans. An Entrepreneur is a designer or a creator who designs new businesses and

ideas according to its own passion but according to the requirements of market.
To become a successful entrepreneur following skills are required
1. An ambition
2. Willingness to learn
3. Creativity
4. Courage
5. Take risk

Q.14- What do you mean by „Whole sale price‟ and „Retail Price‟?

Ans. Whole sale price - Wholesale price is the price charged for goods that are sold
in bulk or large quantities to a businessman or a trader.
Retail price - Retail price is the price of goods or products when they are
sold to customers for consumption, and not for sale.

Q.15- Which of the following skills are required to be a successful entrepreneur?

i. Ambition
ii. Creativity
iii. Team management
iv. All of these

Ans. iv. All of these

Q.16- Give any two examples of manufacturing business activity.

Ans. automotive companies, bakeries, shoemakers, tailors etc...

Q.17- Write any four characteristics of entrepreneurship ?

Ans. 1. Innovation 2. growth 3. Confidence 4. Passion

Q.18- What is the difference between a start-up and a small business?

Ans. Startups want to grow with the goal of disrupting the market. on the other hand, Small
businesses, are created for the purpose of entrepreneurship and serving a local market.

Q.19- Business is a (an), activity .
1. Socio-economic
2. Charitable
3. Hazardous
4. Selling

Ans. Socio-economic

Q.20- What are the 3 types of business activities ?

Ans. There are three main types of business activities:

1. product Business
2. Service Business
3. Hybrid Business.

Q.21 - What is the meaning of manufacturing and trading based business.

Ans. Explanation: In manufacturing business you have to manufactured products for your
client and in trading business you need to purchase manufactured product from
manufacturing company and sell it to customer directly.

Q.22- How is entrepreneurship different from business?

Ans. Businessmen invest energy, resources and time to run the business based on an already
existing model. On the other hand, an entrepreneur is someone who invests energy,
resources and time to build a model that is original and has been evolved from scratch.

Q.23- How entrepreneurs positively contribute to society?

Ans. New and improved products, services or technology from entrepreneurs enable new
markets to be developed and new wealth to be created. Additionally, increased
employment and higher earnings contribute to better national income in the form of
higher tax revenue and higher government spending.

Q.24- What is difference between cooperative and corporation

Ans. A cooperative is a group of people who come together and voluntarily cooperate for
their mutual, social, economic, and cultural benefit. A corporation is a separate legal
entity, which is owned by shareholders.

Q.25 List any 4 essential business activities

Ans.  marketing. finance. customer services .human resources. accounting.


Green Skills-I
Q.26. What are green skills?

Ans. Green skills are those skills needed to adapt processes, services and products to
climate change and the environmental regulations and requirements related to it.

Q.27- Give two examples of green skills that you can start learning from now.

Ans. 1)Use of solar energy

2)Use of hydro electricity

Q.28- Who launched Green Skill Development Program (GSDP)?

Ans. It is an initiative of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change


Q.29- What is sustainable development?

Ans. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Q.30- What is goal and principles of green economy?

Ans. Well-being:
Planetary boundaries
Efficiency & sufficiency
Good governance

Q.31- Which of the following options do not conserve our health and environment?
(a) Grow organic crops (b) Use natural fertilizers
(c) Manage waste water (d) Use more air conditioning
Ans. ( d) Use more air conditioning
Q.32- Math the Column 'A' with Column "B"
Column A Column B
(i) Biomass energy Non- renewable energy
(ii) Fossil fuel oil Renewable energy
(iii) Trees Reuse
(iv) 3'Rs Natural Resources

Ans. Column A Column B
(i) Biomass energy Renewable energy
(ii) Fossil fuel oil Non- Renewable energy
(iii) Trees Natural Resources
(iv) 3'Rs Reuse

Q.33- What should we do to save the environment ? Write any four step.
Ans. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. ...
Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. ..
Conserve water. ...
Choose sustainable. ...
Shop wisely. ...
Use long-lasting light bulbs. ...
Plant a tree.
Q.34- Why conservation of environment is important?
Ans. Ans: To reduce air, water and land pollution
To facilitate the conservation of natural resources for our future generations
To ensure the protection of biodiversity
To implement sustainable development
To restore the ecological balance
To save our planet from harmful repercussions of global warming
Q.35- List any three human activities that affect the environment.
Ans. Ans : 1. Overuse Of Harmful Pesticides And Fertilizers
2. Deforestation, Air Pollution, Water pollution
3. Over population
4. Use of plastics
5. Destruction of fresh water
Q.36- Match the entries of column „A‟ with column „B‟
Column A Column B
Environment Sun
Natural Environment Recycle, Reuse, Reduce
Paper Bag Surrounding
3 „R‟s Recycle
Ans. Column A Column B
Environment Surrounding
Natural Environment Sun
Paper Bag Recycle
3 „R‟s Recycle, Reuse, Reduce
Q.37- What do you understand by overexploitation of Natural Resources?
Ans. Ans : Over Consumption and wastage- it means there is an excessive and
unnecessary use of resources.
- Deforestation, and the destruction of the ecosystem leading to a loss of biodiversity.
- Excessive mining for minerals and oil.
- Technological and industrial development.
- Widespread erosion.

Q.38- What are the man made disruption that causes ecological imbalance?

Ans. The human-induced disturbances such as Deforestation, Degradation of Land and Soil
Erosion, Overexploitation of Resources, Industrial and Atmospheric Pollution, Faulty
Mining Practices

Q.39- Explain the importance of “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”.

Ans. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched by the Government of India to solve the
problems of sanitation and waste management in India by ensuring hygiene across the
country. The main aim of the project is to create sanitation facilities for all and provide
every rural family with a toilet by 2019.

Q.40- Explain what you can do to help a Green Economy.

Ans. In a green economy, growth in employment and income are driven by public and
private investment into such economic activities, infrastructure and assets that allow
reduced carbon emissions and pollution, enhanced energy and resource efficiency, and
prevention of the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

3. Neural Network
Q.1- What do you understand by Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs)?

Ans. An ANN is a computational network based on biological neural networks that

construct the structure of human brain.

Q.2- Define (i) Deep Learning (ii) Machine Learning.

Ans. (i) In Deep learning the machine is trained with huge amount of data which helps it to
train itself around the data.
(ii) Machine learning enables machines to improve at tasks with experience

Q.3- What is the key advantage of neural network?

Ans. Neural Network- able to extract data features automatically without needing the input
of the programmer.

Q.4- A neural network is a machine learning algorithm based on the model of a human
(i) True
(ii) False

Ans. (i) True

Q.5- Define any Two (i) Input Layer (ii) Hidden Layer (iii) Output Layer

Ans. Role of Input Layer- acquire date and feed it to neural network
Role of Hidden Layers- Whole processing occurs in hidden layers
Role of Output Layer – Accepts final processed data from hidden layer.

Q.6- Which approach is commonly used when we have a known dataset or labeled dataset?
a) Supervised b) unsupervised c) Rule based d) Learning based

Ans. c) Rule based

Q.7- Which approach is commonly used when the data is unknown/random or unlabeled?
a) Supervised b) unsupervised c) Rule based d) Learning based

Ans. d) Learning based

Q.8- Which learning involves training the machine using data?

a) Supervised b) unsupervised c) Rule based d) Learning based

Ans. a) Supervised

Q.9- in which learning machine is restricted to find the hidden structure in unlabeled data
by itself

a) Supervised b) unsupervised c) Rule based d) Learning based

Ans. b) unsupervised

Q.10- which learning is also known as machine learning method

Ans. a) Supervised b) unsupervised c) Reinforcement d) Classification

Q.11- Write the full form of the following organizations.

i. ANN ii. BNN

Ans. Ans : 1. ANN Artificial Neural Network

2. BNN Biological Neural Network

Q.12- Define the following terms

i. Deep Learning
ii. Neural Network
Ans. i) Deep Learning : It is an Artificial Intelligence function that imitates the workings
of the human brain in processing data and creating patterns for use in decision making.
It is a subset of machine learning which helps the machine to take decisions and learn
from large datasets
ii) Neural Network : A neural network is defined as a combination of
algorithms to understand the relationship between various sets of data to process
and then takes out some meaningful information from it.
Q.13- What is the need of neural networks in Artificial Intelligence?
Ans. They are used to solve real-life complex problems. These networks can learn and
create the relationships between all the inputs and gives the result. They can handle
non linear and complex problems very effectively. The main advantage of neural
networks is that they are able to extract data features automatically without needing
any input from the programmer.
Q.14- Sketch2Code is a Microsoft web-based solution to transform any handmade designs
into HTML code using Artificial Intelligence. 1
i. True
ii. False

Ans. Ans : True

Q.15- What are the three methods or techniques used for identifying, processing and
classifying data in deep learning systems?

Ans. Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP)

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

Q.16- What is Artificial Neural Network?

Ans. The term "Artificial Neural Network" is derived from Biological neural networks that
develop the structure of a human brain. Similar to the human brain that has neurons
interconnected to one another, artificial neural networks also have neurons that are
interconnected to one another in various layers of the networks.
Q.17- ANNs are made up of .............................. nodes which imitate biological neurons of
the human brain.

Ans. Input Nodes.

Q.18- In general, a neural network consists of an input and output layer with one or multiple
________ layers within..

Ans. Hidden Layer.

Q.19- Write any two similarities between Biological Neural Networks and Artificial Neural

Ans. 1. The presence of neurons as the most basic unit of the nervous system.
2. The input is directly passed to a neuron and output is also directly taken from the
Q.20- Write any two advantages of Artificial Neural Network?

Ans. 1. A neural network can implement tasks that a linear program cannot.
2. A neural network determines and does not require to be reprogrammed.

Q.21- Write any 3 Attributes of Artificial Neural Networks.

Ans. 1. Faster in processing information. Response time is in nanoseconds.

2. Serial processing.
3. Less size & complexity. It does not perform complex pattern recognition tasks.

Q.22- Write any 3 Applications of Artificial Neural Networks.

Ans. 1. Facial Recognition.

2. Stock Market Prediction.
3. Social Media.
4. Aerospace.
5. Defence.

Q.23- Neural Network is an instance of deep learning technology.


Ans. True

Q.24- Explain the difference between Neural networks and Conventional computing.

Ans. Neural Network-More Probabilistic, No Central Processor, Respond in parallel

Conventional Computing- works on serial processing logic, Computational steps are
deterministic, sequential and logical, Uses Central Processor.
Conventional computers have to learn by rules, while artificial neural networks learn
by example, by doing something and then learning from it.

Q.25- What is need of neural network in artificial intelligence ?

Ans. They are used to solve real-life complex problems. These networks can learn and
create the relationships between all the inputs and gives the result. They can handle
non linear and complex problems very effectively. The main advantage of neural
networks is that they are able to extract data features automatically without needing
any input from the programmer.

4. Introduction to Python

Q.26- What is the role of Python Interpreter ?

Ans. Python Interpreter- It is a computer program that executes code written in python.
Python interpreter takes an interactive command and executes it.

Q.27- Why we use python in AI ?

Ans. Python has rich library, it is also object oriented, easy to program. It can be also used
as frontend language. That's why it is used in artificial intelligence.

Q.28- Write any 4 features of Python.

Ans. Features-
1)No Declaration required (2) Inbuilt OOP support/Library (3)Less Code
(4)Ease of learning (5)Platform independent (6) Non restrictive syntax.

Q.29- What is Python and its applications?

Ans. Python is a widely-used, interpreted, object-oriented, and high-level programming

language with dynamic semantics, used for general-purpose programming.
Applications for Python
Web Development.
Game Development.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Data Science and Data Visualization.
Desktop GUI.
Web Scraping Applications.
Q.30- What do you understand by data types? Explain numeric data types in brief.

Ans. Data type- Data type is an attribute associated with a piece of data that tells a
computer system how to interpret its value.
Numeric data types are numbers stored in database columns. These data types are
typically grouped by: Exact numeric types, values where the precision and scale need
to be preserved. The exact numeric types are INTEGER , BIGINT , DECIMAL ,

Q.31- Who was created Python programme?

Ans. Guido van Rossum.

Q.32- What is Variable in Python? Give example.

Ans. A Python variable is a reserved memory location to store values. In other words, a
variable in a python program gives data to the computer for processing.
Numbers, List, Tuple, Strings, Dictionary, etc.

Q.33- How to run Python Shell?

Ans. To run a python shell, follow the given steps below.

1. Open the power shell or command prompt on windows, and terminal window on
2. Write python there and then press enter.
3. A python prompt consisting of three greater than symbols i.e., “>>>” appears.
Now, just enter the single statement and see the results accordingly.

Q.34- Explain String in Python with the help of example.

Ans. A string is a series of characters. In Python, anything inside quotes is a string. And
you can use either single quotes or double quotes.
For example: message = 'This is a string in Python' message = "This is also a string"

Q.35- Write any four standard data types of python .

Ans.  1. Numeric 2. String. 3. List. 4.Tuple 5. Set.6. Dictionary.

Q.36- What are comments in python ? List down the various types of comments.

Ans. Comments in Python are the lines in the code that are ignored by the compiler during
the execution of the program. Comments are non-executable statements in Python. It
means neither the python compiler nor the PVM will execute them.
There are three types of comments in Python –
1. Single line Comments
2.Multiline Comments
3. Docstring Comments
Q.37- What are the different modes for coding in python?
Ans. n the Python programming language, there are two ways in which we can run our
1. Interactive mode
2. Script mode
Q.38- What is the use of Arithmetic Operators in Python? Write any four arithmetic
Ans. Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.

Q.39- Why is python the preferred programming language for AI?

Ans. Because of its features like:

1. Standard built in Library, Less Code,
2. Ease of learning,
3. Platform independent,
4. Massive Community Support,
5. Data Generation,
6. More effective algorithm,
7. Interpretive run time support
Q.40- What are data types in python. Give some example of data types.

Ans. Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. It represents the kind
of value that tells what operations can be performed on a particular data.
1. Example of data types
2. Numeric
3. Sequence Type
4. Boolean
5. Set
6. Dictionary
Q.41- Write a Python Code to find multiplication of two numbers. Display the result.
Ans. a=4
print(multi) Result - 8
Q.42- Sh. Suresh has written following python code. This code is showing error,help Sh.
Suresh to rectify the error. Underline the error and rewrite the code.
show (sum)
Ans. Correct Code-
Q.43- Write the output of the following python statements.
(i) print('Good Morning, India')
(ii) print(0.25*0.5*2.5)
(iii) print (250+350*2//5)
Ans. (i) Good Morning, India
(ii) 0.3125
(iii) 390

Q.44- Identify the data type.
(i) dob = [19,"January",1990]
(ii) t = (5,'program',2.5)
(iii) a = {1,2,2,3,3,3}

Ans. (i) Lists

(ii) Tuple
(iii) Sets
Q.45- Write a python program to print weather the given number is prime or not (With
Ans. number = int(input("Enter any number: "))
# prime number is always greater than 1
if number > 1:
for i in range(2, number):
if (number % i) == 0:
print(number, "is not a prime number")
print(number, "is a prime number")
# if the entered number is less than or equal to 1
# then it is not prime number
print(number, "is not a prime number")

Output - Enter any number : 13

13 is a prime number

Q.46- Match the Column 'A' with Column 'B'

Column A Column B
(i) + (Addition ) (i) Comparison operators
(ii) = = (ii) Logical operators
(iii) NOT (iii) Arithmetic operators
(iv) + = (Add AND) (iv) Assignments Operators

Ans. Column A Column B

(i) + (Addition ) (i) Arithmetic operators
(ii) = = (ii) Comparison operators
(iii) NOT (iii) Logical operators
(iv) + = (Add AND) (iv) Assignments Operators

Q.47- Write the Boolean value ( True or False) by the following relational expression in
(i) print(10!=23) (ii) print ( 10 == 23)
(iii) print ( 10 >= 23) (iv) print ( 10 >23)

Ans. (i) True (ii) False (iii) False (iv) False
Q.48- What output given by the following python code?
(i) var = "India"
(ii) list1 =("Hindi", "Maths" , " Science")
(iii) print("Good"\

Ans. (i) 5
(ii) ('Hindi', 'Maths', ' Science')
(iii) Good Moring India
Q.49- Write a program in Python to find the largest of two numbers.

Ans. number1 = int(input('Enter any number '))

number2 = int(input('Enter second number '))
if number1>number2:
print(number1,' is largest')
print(number2,' is largest ')

Q.50- Write the output of the following python statements 5

i) print('Sunday' + 'Monday' + 'Holiday')
ii) print(16 * 4)
iii) print(1998 - 1964)
iv) print(100 // 25)
v) print(390 + 27 + 63 + 71)

Ans. i. SundayMondayHoliday
ii. 64
iii. 34
iv. 4
v. 551
Q.51- Write the Boolean value („True‟ or „False‟) returned by the following relational
expression in Python 3
a. 10140 > 10104
b. 356 < 78
c. 'Lion'=='Leon'

Ans. a) True
b) False
c) False

Q.52- Match the entries of Column „A‟ with Column „B‟
Column A Column B
len() mylist.append(245)
append() to return no of times an element found in list
sort() to calculate the number of elements in a list
count() arrange the items in the ascending order in list

Ans. Column A Column B

len( ) to calculate the number of elements in a list
append( ) mylist.append (245)
sort arrange the items in the ascending order in list
count( ) to return no of times an element found in list

Q.53- What output given by the following Python code?

SP = 3126
CP = 2500
x = SP - CP
if x > 0:
print('Profit gain')
print('Loss suffer')

Ans. Ans : Profit gain

Q.54- Identify and write the name of variables used in the following python program .
player_name = 'Sachin'
century = 51
runs = 15000
print('Players name is ', player_name)
print('He made',century,'centuries')
print(runs,' Runs is the world record')
book = 'Autobiography'
price = 450
print('lets purchase the book', book)
print('Its cost only ', price,' Rs')

Ans. player_name, century, runs, book, price

Q.55- Python Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even.

Ans. num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if (num % 2) == 0:
print("{0} is Even number".format(num))
print("{0} is Odd number".format(num))

Q.56- Python Program to check if a Number is Positive, Negative or Zero
Ans. def NumberCheck(a):
if a > 0:
print("Number given by you is Positive")

elif a < 0:
print("Number given by you is Negative")

print("Number given by you is zero")

a = float(input("Enter a number as input value: "))


Q.57- Write a program to add two number in python.

Ans. num1 = input('Enter first number: ')

num2 = input('Enter second number: ')
sum = (num1) + (num2)

Q.58- Write a Python program to display calendar.

Ans. import calendar
# Enter the month and year
yy = int(input("Enter year: "))
mm = int(input("Enter month: "))

# display the calendar

Q.59- What is python IDEs. Write some Python IDEs.
Ans. It is specially designed for software development that consists of several tools which
is used for developing and testing the software.
There are some Python IDEs
Microsoft Visual StudioJupyter Notebook
Q.60- Find the output of given program.
(1) L1 = ["John", 102, "USA"]
(2) T2 = ("Apple", "Banana", "Orange")
Ans. <class 'list'>, <class 'Tuple'>


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