Answer Key Sample Paper 3 AI Class 10

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Sample Paper 3
Artificial Intelligence Class 10
Max. Time: 2 Hours Max.Marks:50

Section A: Objective Type Questions

Q -1 Answer any 4 out of given 6 questions on Employability skills.
(1 x 4=4 marks)
i. Self-Management also referred as __________ 1
a) Self-Control c) Both
b) Self-Regulation d) None of them
ii. Which of the following is one of the qualities of self-motivated people? 1
a) Know what is important c) Always be stressed
b) Always Do hard work d) Don’t lose any game
iii. Identify the control keys from following: 1
a) F12 c) CAPS LOCK
b) Enter d) Delete
iv. Ravi attached a new hardware to his computer. But he not able to work with it.
His friend Ved suggest him to install a software for the same. Which software
he is talking about? 1
a) Text editor c) Utility
b) Browser d) Driver
v. ____________ understands the needs of market and build a product or service
for it. 1
a) Entrepreneur c) Customer

b) Student d) Scientist

vi. ________ is a way in which a person acts or behave. 1

a) Action c) Quality

b) Process d) Method

Q – 2 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. The intention of _______ is to enable machines to learn by themselves using
the provided data and make accurate Predictions/ Decisions. 1
a) Artificial Intelligence c) Deep Learning
b) Machine Learning d) Neural Network

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ii. The AI machine is made up of which of the following components 1
a) Program + Sensors c) Data + Algorithm
b) Algorithm + Message d) Commands + Instructions
iii. Choose the odd one out: 1
a) Alexa c) Siri
b) Cortana d) Sophia
iv. Assertion(A): Neural Networks are backbone of deep learning system
Reason(R): Neural Network uses very less amount of data 1
a) Both A and R are True c) Only R is True
b) Only A is True d) Both A and R are False
v. Major virtual assistants have a female voice. This is indicating ______ 1
a) AI Access c) AI Bias
b) AI Security d) AI Performance
vi. Which of the following is major and important to train AI machine? 1
a) Data c) Machine Language
b) Source Code d) Sensor
Q -3 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. AI project cycle includes ________ major steps 1
a) 5 c) 6
b) 4 d) 3
ii. Which of the following W is not important for problem scoping? 1
a) Who c) Which

b) Where d) Why

iii. If a machine has to predict the salary of any employee based on his previous
salaries based on previous salaries of employees into the machine. This is the
data with which the machine can be trained. Now, once it is ready, it will predict
his next salary efficiently. Here the next salary prediction data is ______ 1
a) Training Data c) Acquired Data
b) Testing Data d) Raw Data
iv. Type of data needs to be collected is known as _________ 1

a) Data Feature c) Data Mining

b) Data Science d) Data Acquisition

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v. Divya is working as data scientist. She has asked to identify the drawback of

rule-based approach. Help her to select appropriate option from the following: 1

a) Dynamic Learning c) Learning from mistakes

b) Static Learning d) Behavioural Learning

vi. Which of the following learning-based approach is working on random data

and a trainer does not have any information about it? 1
a) Supervised Learning c) Reinforcement Learning
b) Unsupervised Learning d) Deep Learning
Q – 4 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. Manisha has data retrieved from AI machine based on predefined categories
such as technology, sports and fashion. She got the information in an
organized way. Which of the following made this possible for her : 1
a) Sentiment Analysis c) Virtual Assistants
b) Text Classification d) Automatic Summarization
ii. Which of the following allows the AI machine to identify nouns, adverbs,
adjectives, and other grammatical rules ? 1
a) Part-of-speech tagging c) Perfect Syntax, No meaning
b) Multiple Meaning of words d) Different Syntax, same semantics
iii. Natural Languages refers to a language that 1
a) is very complex to understand and process for computers
b) is very easy to understand and process for computers
c) we speak easily and understand them well
d) None of these
iv. “Each sentence is taken as a different data so the whole corpus gets reduced
to sentences.” This process is 1
a) Bag of words c) Corpus breaking
b) Sentence Segmentation d) Tokenization
v. Reorder the given steps to implement bag of words in correct order: 1
i) Create document vectors
ii) Text Normalization
iii) Create dictionary
a) i->ii->iii c) iii->ii->i
b) ii->iii->i d) ii->i->iii

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vi. Putting 1 for the word occurs in the document and incrementing the value
when the same words repeated again as well as putting 0 if the word does
not occur in the document. Identify this step of implement bag words
algorithm: 1
a) Creating document vectors c) Text Normalization
b) Creating a dictionary d) TFIDF
Q – 5 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions ( 1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. The result of comparison between the prediction and reality can be recorded
in ____________ 1
a) Confusion Matrix c) Accuracy
b) F1-Score d) Precision
ii. Which of the following evaluation parameter considers true reality into
account majorly? 1
a) Accuracy c) F1 Score
b) Precision d) Recall
iii. What will be the F1 score, if precision and recall both are high? 1
a) High c) Unpredicted
b) Low d) None of these
iv. Which values will be considered as perfect value for F1 score? 1
a) 1 c) -1
b) 0 d) 100
v. If model predicts no fire but in reality, there is a 2% chance of forest fire
breaking out. In how many cases the model is right? 1
a) 98 c) 0
b) 2 d) 100
vi. Observe the following confusion matrix, and select the place where True

Negative cases will be written? 1

Reality(T) Reality(F)

Prediction(T) i ii

Prediction(F) iii iv

a) i b) ii c) iii d) iv

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Section B: Subjective Type Questions
Q – 6 What are the benefits of stress management? Write any four. 2
• Improves mood
• Boosts immune system
• Promotes longevity
• Leads to burst of physical strength, which is vital for reaching goal
• Complete mental and physical engagement for task accomplishment
• Increases efficiency and effectiveness
• Prevents psychological disorders and behavioural problems
Q – 7 What are the benefits of working independently? 2
• Ensures greater learning.
• Individuals feel more empowered and responsible.
• It provides flexibility to choose and define working hours and working
• Failure and success of the task assigned are accounted by individuals.
• Individuals become assets to organizations, groups and nations at large.
• It ensures creativity and satisfaction amongst individuals.
Q – 8 What is recycle bin? How to empty recycle bin? 2
Ans.: Recycle bin is a tool that stores the deleted files and folders. User can
restore them back from recycle bin whenever they need.
Follow these steps to empty recycle bin:
1. Right click on Recycle bin icon on desktop.
2. Choose Empty Recycle Bin option.
Q – 9 What are the general precautions to be taken while cleaning
computers? Write any four precautions. 2
Ans.: Precautions to be taken while cleaning computers are as follows:
1. Always power off the computer system before cleaning.
2. Never spray cleaning fluid directly on the computer components. Spray liquid
on the cloth and then wipe it on component.
3. Do not allow the cleaning liquid to drip near the circuit board.
4. Preferably use antic-static wrist band which helps to prevent building up of
static electricity near electronic device.

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Q – 10 Write short note on social entrepreneurship. 2
Social entrepreneurship can be understood as creation of sustainable solutions for
social problems that leads to social change by employing entrepreneurial mindset,
processes and operations. In social entrepreneurship research is conducted to
completely define a specific and core social problem. Many social problems are
tackled by social entrepreneurs such as low reach of quality education, health and
sanitation, unemployment, child labour etc.
Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each
(2 x 4 = 8 Marks)
Q – 11 Differentiate between mathematical and linguistic intelligence. 2
Mathematical Intelligence Linguistic Intelligence
A person’s ability to regulate, measure, A person’s ability to language
and understand numerical symbols, processing skills both in terms of
abstraction and logic. understanding or implementation in
writing or verbally.
It helps to solve a new problem, It helps to understand speech, written
planning and making decisions notes etc.
Q – 12 Name some price comparison websites. 2
Ans.: PriceGrabber, PriceRunner, Junglee, Shopzilla, DealTime are some
examples of price comparison websites.
Q – 13 What is neural network? Write their features. 2
Ans.: Neural networks are loosely modelled after how neurons in the human
brain behave. The key advantage of neural networks is that they are able to
extract data features automatically without needing the input of the
programmer. A neural network is essentially a system of organizing machine
learning algorithms to perform certain tasks. It is a fast and efficient way to
solve problems for which the dataset is very large, such as in images.
Q – 14 Differentiate between stemming and lemmatization. 2
Stemming Lemmatization
Stemming is the process in which the In lemmatization, the word we get
affixes of words are removed and the after affix removal (also known as
words are converted to their base lemma) is a meaningful one.
Stemming just removes the affixes, Lemmatization removes affixes and
sometimes the stemmed words are extract meaningful words
It is faster than lemmatization It is slower than stemming
Sometimes it is not taken into account It is always taken into account

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Q – 15 In model predicting win or lose for a game what is true negative

and false negative? 2
Ans.: True negative refers to the condition where model has predicted False and
reality is also False such as win or lose. Suppose machine predicted Lose
and team loss the match it is True Negative. Similarly, machine predicted
win but in reality team loss the game is considered as false negative.
Q – 16 Why training data is avoided during evaluation? 2
Ans.: Training data supports the input for evaluation. In evaluation testing data
is more relevant rather than training data because it predicts the final output.
Training data is avoided in evaluation because it is mostly used for processing
not for the result orientation.
Answer any 3 out of given 5 questions in 50-80 words each:
(4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q – 17 Differentiate between what is AI and what is not AI with the help of an
AI Machine Not AI machine
AI machines are trained with data and Smart machines which are not AI, do
algorithm. not require training data, they work
on algorithms only.

AI machines learn from mistakes and Smart machines work on fixed

experience. They try to improvise on algorithms and they always work with
their next iterations. the same level of efficiency, which is
programmed into them.
AI machines can analyses the Machines which are not AI cannot
situation and can take decisions take decisions on their own.

AI based drones capture the real-time An automatic door in a shopping mall,

data during the flight, processes it in seems to be AI-enabled, but it is built
real-time, and makes a human- with only sensor technology.
independent decision based on the
processed data.
Q – 18 How can AI be integrated with non-AI technologies? Explain with the
help of an example.
Ans.: Today’s world is changing with the adoption of IOT (Internet of Things).
IOT is helping in prominently capturing a tremendous amount of data
from multiple sources. The convergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and
IOT can redefine the way industries, business, and economies function.

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AI enabled IoT creates intelligent machines that simulate smart behavior
and supports decision making with little or no human interference.
While IOT provides data, artificial intelligence acquires the power to unlock
responses, offering both creativity and context to drive smart actions.
Here are some examples:
Ex. 1: Self-driving Cars: Tesla’s self-driving cars are the best example of IoT and
AI working together. With the power of AI, self-driving cars predict the
behavior of pedestrians and cards in various circumstances. For example,
they can determine road conditions, optimal speed, weather and getting
smarter with each trip.
Ex. 2: Robots in Manufacturing: Manufacturing is one of the industries that
already embraced new technologies like IoT, artificial intelligence, facial
recognition, deep learning, Robots and many more. Robots employed in
factories are turning smarter with the support of implanted sensors,
which facilitates data transmission. Moreover, as the robots are
provisioned with artificial intelligence algorithms, they can learn from
newer data. This approach not only saves time and cost but also makes
the manufacturing process better over time.
Ex.3: Weather forecasting System: In a weather forecasting system, where IOT
temperature sensor and humidity sensors collect data from the physical
world, AI tries to figure out patterns from previous data collected and
tries to interpret and give accurate predictions of upcoming day weather.
Ex.4: Smart Drones: Initially drones were only able to capture photographs,
these were not AI drones. As the scientist used to analyze the data
captured through drones. Now the drones are incorporated with AI,
which helps them to make decisions also on the basis of the picture they
*Any one example from above or any other matching example can be given
Q – 19 Krunal is working on web development project. His boss asked him
to collect data from the different websites and make a report for
his website. He has to make a list of HTML commands and Python
libraries used to develop a website. Help him to answer the
following questions:
i. Define the problem.

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Ans.: The problem is to visit the various websites and look at the
structure of websites and individual components. Make a
comprehensive report to be used for the same.
ii. Write methods he can collect data for this problem.
Ans.: To collect data surveys and web scrapping can be used.
iii. Which type of model will help him to get the solution out of Rule based
or learning based?
Ans.: Learning based model will help him to get the solution for the
iv. Suggest the data exploration tools which can visualize the data for
HTML commands and python libraries used for web development.
Ans.: The matplotlib.pyplot and ms excel charts are best tools which
can be used to visualize the data.
Q – 20 Raj is working on a chatbot. This bot handles hundreds of clients a day.
This chatbot is doing conversation in English but clients understand only
Hindi. This leaves clients confused. This leads to a different experience.
As an AI expert answer the following:
i. Do you think AI can provide a solution?
Ans.: Yes, AI can provide a solution easily for this problem.
ii. Which domain of AI is capable to provide a solution?
Ans.: NLP (Natural Language Processing)
iii. Which type of chatbot is more suitable to handle this?
Ans.: scriptbot
iv. How computer language and human language interact with each
Ans.: Computer languages uses binary language in form of 0s and 1s.
Everything that is sent to the machine has to be converted to
numbers. And while typing, if a single mistake is made, the computer
throws an error and does not process that part. The communications
made by the machines are very basic and simple.
Q – 21 An AI model analysed data for 500 students and predicts their result.
The prediction are as follows:
i. Model predicted Pass students and student passed 230
ii. Model predicted Pass and students failed 70
iii. Model predicted fail and students failed 110

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iv. Model predicted failed and student passed 90
Create a confusion matrix using above information. Also calculate accuracy and
By given the facts the total cases for various conditions are as follows:
1. True Positive: 230
2. True Negative:110
3. False Positive: 70
4. False Negative: 90
The confusion matrix for given situation is as follows:
Reality(T) Reality(F)
Prediction(T) 230 90
Prediction(F) 70 110
It is defined as the percentage of correct predictions out of all the
➔ Accuracy = (Correct Predictions / Total Cases) X 100% = ((TP + TN) / (TP
+ TN + FP + FN)) x 100%
= ((230 + 110) / (230 + 110 + 70 + 90) ) x 100%
= (340 / 500)x100% = 0.68
b) Precision: It is defined as the percentage of true positive cases versus all
the cases where the prediction is true.
Precision = (True Positive / All predicted positives) X 100% = TP / (TP + FP)
x 100%
= 230 / (230 + 70) = 230/300 = 0.77

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